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Module 2 My family

Unit 1 Is this your mum?

Ⅰ.Teaching model

Team-work and communication approach Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To understand conversations on family members 2.To talk about one's family.Ⅲ.Teaching aids Tape recorder,PPT Ⅳ.Teaching Steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 2)Step 1:Warming-up

1.Ask students to listen to the song I Love My Family.2.Ask students questions about the song.(1)What is the song about? About family.(2)What can you remember about the song? Mother,father,brother…

3.Ask students to look at some pictures about families and ask students to read the words loudly.aunt/ɑ:nt/

4.Teach students the meaning of family:“Family means:father and mother I love you.” 5.Ask students to introduce their families with the following sentence structures.(1)There are…people in my family.(2)They are my father,my mother…(3)I've got…His/Her name is…(4)Their names are… Step 2: Look and say

1.Ask students to read the family tree:

2.Ask students to make dialogues about family members with their partners,and sing the following sentence structures.(1)How many people are there in your family?(2)I have…

(3)She/He is…years old.3.Ask the students to look at the picture and talk about Tony's family.This is a photo of Tony's family.This is Tony's…

4.Listen and check(√)in Activity 1 the people Tony mentions.Step 3:Homework

1.Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2.Write a brief introduction about your family with these new words and expressions.Blackboard Design

Unit 1 Is this your mum?(Activity 1-Activity 2)family,father,mother,daughter,son This is a photo of Tony's family.This is Tony's…


Unit 2 These are my parents.Ⅰ.Teaching model Reading and writing Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To learn and understand the words about jobs 2.To talk about family members' jobs Ⅲ.Teaching aids

Tape recorder,multi-media Ⅳ.Teaching steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 3)Step 1:Warming up and lead-in 1.Show a picture of a family or a family tree,each family member wearing a different working uniform.2.Ask students to introduce the family by using the expressions in Unit 1.3.Ask students some questions about family members' jobs.What does he/she do? Jobs :doctor,nurse,hotel manager,teacher,driver,actor…

4.Show the pictures of different jobs and working places and ask students to match.Places:hospital,hotel,school,bus station,theatre… Step 2:Pre-reading

1.Ask students to read the words and expressions in Activity 1.2.Ask students to label the places with words and expressions.3.Check the answers.Keys:a-hospital;b-bus station;c-theatre;d-school; e-police station;f-hotel 4.Have the students read the words and expressions in Activity 2 and look at the pictures,and then label the people with the words and expressions in Activity 1.5.Check the answers.Keys:a-nurses b-bus driver c-actor d-teacher e-policeman f-manager Step 3:Reading

1.Play the recording of Activity 3 and let students listen to the tape carefully.2.Play the tape,ask students to listen and repeat.Pay attention to the pause and intonation.3.Ask students to read the passage,work in pairs and find out the difficulties.4.Explain the difficulties to the students.5.Ask students to read through the passage.6.Read and answer:

(1)Betty's parents work in a ________.(2)Lingling's mother and Daming's mother are________.(3)Tony's father is a ________,his mother is a ________.(4)Daming's father is a ________.(5)Lingling's father is a ________.Keys:(1)theatre(2)nurses(3)manager(4)teacher(5)policeman(6)bus driver 7.Let students write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1 to finish Activity 3.8.Check the answers:

(1)These are Betty's parents.________(2)These are Lingling's mother and Daming's mother.________(3)This is Tony's father.________

(4)This is Tony's mother.________(5)This is Daming's father.________(6)This is Lingling's father.________ Keys:c a f d e b Step 4:Homework

1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Read the passage in groups.3.Finish off the workbook exercises.Blackboard Design

Unit 2 These are my parents.(Activity 1-Activity 3)hospital(doctor,nurse)hotel(manager)theatre(actor)school(teacher)bus station(bus driver)police station(policeman)


Unit 2 Can you help me,please? Ⅰ.Teaching model Reading and writing Ⅱ.Teaching aims

To ask and answer “How to spell„” Ⅲ.Teaching aids Tape recorder,PPT Ⅳ.Teaching steps

Step 1:Warming-up and lead-in

Point at some objects in the classroom and ask the students:What's this in English? Let them answer.Step 2:Listening and reading

1.Play the recording and ask students to listen and read the conversation in Activity 1.2.Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3.Ask the student to mark the language points that they can't understand.4.Encourage students to raise questions.5.Explain the main points to the students and solve the problems.6.Ask them to read the conversation aloud.7.Let students act it out.Step 3:Listen and point.1.Ask students to look at the pictures in Activity 2.2.Listen,then ask and answer like this: —What's this in English? —It's a monkey.„

3.Work in pairs.Step 4:Listening practice

1.Read and match the sentences of Activity 3.1 Can you help me,please? 2 How do you spell “desk”? Can you say that again,please? 4 Thank you.a)You're welcome.b)Yes,D-E-S-K.c)It's D-E-S-K.d)Yes.Of course.2.Play the recording,listen and say.3.Listen again and check.4.Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Keys:1-d;2-c;3-b;4-a 5.Listen again and say.6.Listen and point.Step 5:Work in pairs

1.Ask the students to read the conversation of Activity 5.A:Can you help me,please? B:Yes,of course.A:What's this in English? B:It's a„

A:How do you spell it? B:„

A:Thank you.B:You're welcome.2.Ask and answer in pairs.Step 6:Writing

1.Ask students to read through the sentences in Activity 6.2.Ask them to complete the conversation.3.Listen and check.Keys:Can;of course;you,desk;Can you;D-E-S-K;Thank;welcome 4.Read together.Step 7:Homework

1.Copy the new words and expressions.2.Recite the text of the Unit 2.3.Finish the workbook.4.Recite the notes and exercise points.Blackboard Design

Unit 2 Can you help me,please?

—How do you spell “classroom”? —I'm sorry.I don't know.—It's C-L-A-S-S-R-O-O-M.—Can you say that again,please? —Yes.It's C-L-A-S-S-R-O-O-M.


Module 1 My classmates(共5课时)

Unit 1 Nice to meet you(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


2.能够运用所学动词be的基本句型进行简单的自我介绍。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型,正确运用be动词的各种形式造句。难点:能够用英语进行自我介绍。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up 播放英文歌曲或视频“Days of the week”来活跃课堂气氛,同时为接下来的教学内容作好准备。当学生能熟练地唱出这首歌时,英语教学就变得容易多了。Step 2 Listening and reading 1.Listen and read.(Activity 1)


— 1 — 读、模仿。③学生两人一组练习对话。④教师让不同的小组展示对话,关注学生的发音。

2.Listen and repeat.Now point,ask and answer.(Activity 2)①教师放录音,学生听录音。


环节说明:本活动以日历的形式让学生学习表示星期一至星期日的 7个词汇,然后指着日历上的具体日期来询问星期几,进而练习相关句型“What day is it today?” 教师向学生说明在西方国家Sunday is the first day of the week,让学生了解这种文化差异。Step 3 Practice 1.Read and match.Now listen and check.(Activity 3)①学生个体活动,完成匹配。


环节说明:本活动考査学生阅读理解的能力,需要学生了解问句中表示星期几的单词和“tomorrow” 之后完成匹配。2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.(Activity 4)①教师讲明活动要求。②学生两人一组练习对话。③学生展示对话,教师给出评价。3.Listen and write.(Activity 5)


②如果学生拼写有困难,教师可以板书这些单词,然后带领学生总结这些单词的拼写规律及如何按照拼读规则来记这些单词。4.Write.Now listen and check.(Activity 6)教师可以让学生听录音,然后模仿。

— 2 — 5.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.(Activity 7)


(C)— ________today?—It's Monday.A.When is it B.How is it C.What day is it D.What time is Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)1.你最喜欢星期几?

What day is your favourite day? 2.请把它写在书上。

Please write it in your book.Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up T:假如今天是开学的第一天,我是你们的新老师,你们和我需要互相了解。S1:My name is Wei lin.I'm 13 years old.I'm from Luyang.Where are you from? T: I'm Ms Zhang.I'm from America.Ss:Welcome to Class 2 Grade 7.T:What about you? S2:„


Step 2完成教材Activities 4,5的任务

1.Work in pairs.Choose the correct answer.(Activity 4)建议:本活动可以分成两个步骤来进行。第一步:回答问题。教师可以采用学生个体活动的形式,让学生再读一遍对话,然后选出正确的答案。第二步:问答练习。教师可以采用以下操作方案开展活动。

方案1:链条式活动,A同学提问,B同学回答,B同学提问,C同学回答„„(Answers:1.Yes,he is.2.Yes,she is.3.No,he isn't.4.No,she isn't.— 4 — 5.Yes,I am.)方案2:如果学生水平较高,可以让学生按照一般现在时的一般疑问句的句式结构,组织新的问题进行提问并回答。如:“Is Daming from Wuhan?”这样能够更好地激发学生参与的热情。

环节说明: 本活动主要是通过问答的形式进一步检査学生对对话内容的理解,同时学习“be动词”的一般现在时的一般疑问句。

2.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.(Activity 5)教师领读单词并询问学生有没有不认识的单词,然后学生个体活动完成短文,教师带领全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.students 2.Grade 3.America 4.England 5.Chinese)环节说明:本活动要求学生运用对话中出现的重点词汇完成小短文,一方面考査学生对对话中的重点词语和信息的掌握,另一方面也考査学生对短文的理解能力。小结训练

(C)1.Sam is English._______? A.What's your name B.How old are you C.What about you(A)2.Ms Li is _______.A.Chinese B.England C.America(B)3.—Are you from China?— _______.A.Yes,I'm B.No,I'm not C.Yes,I'm not Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking

1.Listen and repeat.(Activity 6)学生朗读,教师纠正不正确发音,最后听录音跟读。学生回顾学过的单词,每个读音后补充两个例词。

— 5 — 2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer.(Activity 7)方案1 :教师可以邀请一名学生和自己一起为其他同学做示范。然后让学生两人一组互相对话。

方案2 :学生在展示阶段可以看着书上的句型结构进行问答,如果学生准备充分的话,教师可以要求学生尽量不看书,彼此面向对方。Step 4 Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)1.—你是美国人吗?—是的,我是。

—Are you American?Yes,I am.2.欢迎来我家。Welcome to my home.3.她在七(6)班。

She is in Class Six Grade Seven.Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 6 — Unit 2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m 13 years old.(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够正确使用and和but,掌握中西方在姓名拼写方面的差异。2.能够运用所学动词be的基本句型进行简单的自我介绍。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)


难点:正确运用连词and和but,熟练运用be动词的各种形式造句。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第3课时(Activity 1—2)Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up T:Are you from Shanghai,Lingling? S1:Yes,I am.T:Is Shanghai a big city?(用动作让学生理解)S1:Yes.T:What about Jim?

— 7 — S2:I'm from Beijing.T:It's the capital of China.(用图片帮助学生理解)

环节说明:此活动的目的是复习“be动词”的用法,同时激起学生的学习兴趣。输入一些本单元的重点词汇。为后面的学习作铺垫。Step 2完成教材Activity 1的任务

Put the sentences in the correct order.Now work in pairs.Ask and answer.①教师提问,学生回答,复习上一节课所学内容。②学生个体活动,把这5句话排序,形成一个小对话。③同桌之间相互核对答案。④全班核对答案。


⑥几个小组到教室前面进行对话展示。Step 3 Reading Read the passage and check(√)the true sentences.Now correct the false sentences.(Activity 2)建议:本题分为两个步骤来进行。第一步判断正误,第二步改错。第一步:判断正误 ①学生个体阅读。②判断正误。

(Answers:1.×2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.× 6.×)

③放录音,让学生自己核对答案。教师检査答案时可以采用下列方式: 反馈方式a:由一名学生宣读答案,然后鼓励其他学生发表不同意见。反馈方式b:在学生阅读过程中,教师如果发现学生的答案出入比较大,可以将学生组成两人小组后再提问。


(Answers:1.David is Daming's English name.2.Lingling's English name

— 8 — is Lucy.4.Wang Hui is from Shanghai.5.Tony is 13 years old.6.Tony is from Cambridge,a small city in England.)环节说明:本部分活动的目的是训练学生在阅读中获取具体信息的能力。小结训练

1.Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong.2.Everyone(每人)is in the classroom.3.Tony is my good friend,but he isn't in China.Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)1.我们班上的每一个人都来自中国。Everyone in our class is from China.2.南京是江苏的省会吗?

Is Nanjing the capital of Jiangsu? 3.大明不在七(6)班。

Daming isn't in Class 6 Grade 7.4.我十二岁,但是她不是。

I'm twelve years old,but she isn't.5.他的英文名字叫Tom.His English name is Tom.Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 9 — 第4课时(Activity 3—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Step 1 情境导入

T: Is everyone from China? Ss: Yes.T: Where are you from in China? S1: I'm from Beijing,the capital of China.S2:„


Step 2 完成教材Activities 3,4的任务

1.Underline the correct words.(Activity 3)①学生在个体活动之后进行自査,然后同伴之间核对答案。②教师统一核对答案,并及时表扬完成得好的学生。

(Answers:1.last 2.first 3.Daming 4.twelve 5.friend)2.Read and complete the table.(Activity 4)建议:本活动仍为阅读后的活动,教师最好不要只停留在让学生填写表格的层面上,而应该在填写的基础上开展说的活动,组织学生根据图表的内容介绍大明、玲玲、王辉和托尼的情况。小结训练

1.In our class, everyone is(be)from China.— 10 — 2.This is Mike's(Mike)friend.He is American too.3.Is Lingling your first(one)name,Wang Lingling? Step 3 Writing 1.Look at the pictures and write sentences.(Activity 5)建议:本活动要求学生模仿例句写句子。教师可根据学生的具体情况,在让学生写之前先组织学生进行口头表达,然后再过渡到写。①教师向学生说明活动要求。②学生个体完成活动。

③ 同伴相互检査,或小组内相互检査。教师对于学生在写的过程中出现的错误及时给予更正。对于集中出现的问题,可以统一解决。2.Write sentences about yourself.(Activity 6)①学生两人一组,完成练习。

(Possible answers:1.My name is Sarah.2.I'm from China.3.I'm Chinese.4.I'm 11 years old.5.I'm in Class 2.)②学生根据同伴所写来对他/她进行介绍。如果教师经常安排学生左右两人一组活动的话,这次不妨换为前后两人。这样经常有所变化,会使学生保持新鲜感。


3.Join the sentences in Activity 6 with and.(Activity 7)

①展示“and” 的连句功能。教师给出:“My name is Lingling;I am Chinese.”→ My name is Lingling and I am Chinese.②连句训练。学生将活动6中所写的句子用“and”连接起来。


Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)

(1)His name is Tom Brown.Brown is his _______.A.first name B.last name C.given name Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

— 11 — Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 12 — Unit 3 Language in use(1课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.巩固介绍自己和他人的句型,就所给信息写出介绍自己和他人的文章。2.了解中西方人姓名写法上的不同。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)


难点:能够用所给信息写出介绍自己和他人的文章。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件 Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1 Language practice 1.Look at the pictures and introduce the three people to your class.(Activity 1)学生两人一组进行活动。其中一名学生把图片中的人物介绍给同伴听,同伴在听的过程中注意发现并纠正错误,然后两名学生互换角色。这样学生在全班发言之前有一个比较充分的准备,可以增强回答问题的信心。

2.Look at the pictures in Activity 1 and complete the sentences.(Activity 2)核对答案,并及时表扬完成得好的学生。


— 13 —(Answers: 1.Sam;is twelve;is;England;is 2.is;is not;is;is;in 3.Is;isn't;is;China 4.Is;she is)3.Complete the conversation.(Activity 3)

学生先个体活动,然后两人一组互相帮助完成对话内容,最后全班核对答案。(Answers:1.I'm 2.from 3.Where are you from 4.How old 5.thirteen 6.4)4.Complete the table.(Activity 4)当学生完成本活动后,教师可以根据学生的情况,对本活动进行扩展和延伸。教师可以让学生用这些词来复述一下玲玲、大明、贝蒂和托尼的国籍,或者写出几个学生感兴趣的名人,让学生就他们“从哪里来”和“是哪国人”等进行问答练习。


1.Her English(英语的)name is Lucy.2.Emma is from America(美国).3.In China(中国),the given name is last(最后的).Step 2 Around the world 建议:教师可以多举几个外国人名的例子,让学生辨别其姓和名。教师板书“Yang Liwei”和“Bill Gates”,并对比讲解中英文姓名顺序的区别。然后让学生写下自己的名字和一个最喜欢的外国人的名字,并试着用英文讲解。Step 3 Module task 1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about a friend.(Activity 5)全班活动,教师提问部分学生,学生回答,然后学生两人一组互相问答。2.Work in pairs.Introduce yourself.Ask and answer.(Activity 6)建议:教师应给学生充分的展示时间,并特别关注在前面几节课中比较沉默的学生,让学生从起始阶段就能体验成功,强化学生对英语学习的兴趣。因为本活动内容比较简单,教师要采用多种方式来调动学生参与的热情。环节说明:这是要求学生向教师和同学展示自己学习成果的活动。学生应

— 14 — 能够向同学作自我介绍,能够听懂别人的自我介绍并能询问对方的个人信息。Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)

1.王明来自哪里? Where is Wang Ming from? 2.他十二岁了。He is twelve years old.3.我和莉莉在三班。Lily and I are in Class 3.Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在让学生能够用英语表达姓名、年龄、来自于什么地方、在几年级几班等。学生完成任务较好。但要注意学生对“be 动词”的使用。

— 15 — Module 2 My family(共5课时)

Unit 1 Is this your mum ?(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


3.继续学习使用人称代词(主格)和形容词性物主代词。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:介绍自己或他人的家庭构成及成员。难点:运用指示代词和名词所有格。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.教师展示一张照片并用英语介绍: S1: Is this your family? T: Yes,it is.S1:It's a big family!T:This is my parents.This is my son and that is my daughter.S2:Is this your mom? T:No,that is my aunt.— 16 — 环节说明:本活动旨在激活学生的背景知识,引出模块的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用,为后面的学习打基础。Step 2 Activities 1,2 1.Look at the picture.Talk about Tony's family.(Activity 1)①教师领读方框中的单词。



2.Listen and check(√)in Activity 1 the people Tony mentions.(Activity 2)方案1: ①教师讲明活动要求。②学生个体活动,然后全班核对。方案2 :如果学生水平较高,在完成方案1之后,教师还可以再给学生提几个细节理解的问题,让学生再听一遍录音,然后回答问题。环节说明:本活动检査学生识别听力语段中单词的能力。Step 3 Practice 瞧一瞧,Bob的一家子,你能看出他们的身份吗?请根据图片和家谱中的字母代号写出表示人物身份的单词。

— 17 — 1.grandfather 2.grandmother 3.father 4.mother 5.aunt 6.sister 7.brother Step 4 Other activities 1.There is a picture ______ my family on the wall(墙).A.to B.of C.with D.for 2.Wang Hua is very short(矮的).So she sits ______ the classroom.A.next to B.on the right C.on the left D.in the front of Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up T: Show your photos to me and tell me your family.S1:This is my family.My parents are in front of me.The woman next to me is my aunt.The boy on my left is my brother.S2:„

环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学词汇、短语及重点句型。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。Step 2 Listening 1.Listen and read.Now choose the correct answer.(Activity 3)建议:完成练习后,教师可以让学生跟读录音,并模仿,然后两人一组朗读对话。在学生熟悉对话内容之后,试着合上书本,借助手势表演出对话的内容。教师在此阶段可以教给学生一些听力的策略,如先读题进行预测等。①学生读句子,预测答案。

②个体活动,听录音,选出正确答案。③两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。(Answers:1.sister 2.aunt 3.uncle 4.cousin)2.Underline the correct words.(Activity 4)

— 19 — 建议:如果学生水平较高,教师可以把它作为一个听后活动,让学生在听完对话后完成;如果学生感觉困难,教师也可以让学生读后再完成本活动。①学生个体活动,听录音,选出正确的单词,完成短文。②两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.right 2.left 3.in front of 4.brother)环节说明:本部分听力目的在于训练学生从听力材料中获取有关信息的能力。小结训练

1.The woman is Tom's aunt.2.—Who is the girl next to you? —It's my sister.3.This is my family photo(照片).4.Jack is on the right(右边)in the photo.Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.(Activity 5)建议:在完成本活动之后,可以让学生补充一些他们熟悉的词汇,以旧带新,增加学生的词汇量。



2.Work in pairs.Show each other your family photo.Ask and answer questions about your family.(Activity 6)建议:教师需要提前布置任务,让学生把全家福照片带来,而且最好选择家庭成员比较多的照片。提醒学生在谈论过程中使用目标语言“Is this„?” / “Are these„?” Step 4 Other activities 1.吉姆在我的前面。Jim is in front of me.2.在简旁边的那个男孩是谁?

— 20 — Who is the boy next to Jane?

Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 21 — Unit 2 These are my parents.(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


2.能够运用所学知识介绍自己和家人的职业。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)


Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第3课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up 利用多媒体展示一些场所的图片,教师边展示图片边说英语单词,让学生熟悉词汇,为下面的阅读活动作准备。 Step 2 Activities 1,2

1.Label the places in the pictures with the words and expressions from

— 22 — the box.(Activity 1)

①教师领读方框中的单词,学生跟读,注意学生的读音。 ②学生个体活动,把单词和图片进行匹配。

③两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对答案。鼓励学生以句子的形式呈现答案,如“Picture A is a hospital.”

(Answers :a.hospital b.bus station c.theatre d.school e.police station f.hotel)

2.Label the people in Activity 1 with the words and expression from the box.(Activity 2)

环节说明:本活动为下面的阅读从词汇上和话题上作准备,解决阅读中可能出现的有关职业和场所的词汇问题,同时建立场所与职业之间的联系。 Answers:a.nurses b.bus driver c.actor d.teacher e.policeman f.manager) 小结训练

1.My father works in a hotel(宾馆). 2.Tom’s uncle is a doctor in a hospital. 3.There is a theatre(剧院)near our school. 4.Cheng Long is an actor. 5.Is this a bus station(车站)? Step 3 Reading Read the passage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1.(Activity 3)





— 23 — ④两人一组核对答案,然后教师点名检査。

环节说明:本活动是活动2的延伸,不同的是,这里的信息应该从文章中获取,而不是职业与场所的直接联系,是训练获取细节信息的能力。 小结训练

(B)1.Ge You is actor and I like him very much. A.a B.an C.the D./

(D)2.are my new classmates,Mike and Jim. A.it B.This C.that D.These 3.These are Betty’s(Betty)parents.

4.These women are nurses(nurse)in this hospital. 5.My father and my uncle are policemen(policeman). Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)


1.your,job,what, brother’s,is What is your brother’s job?

2.Tom,the,of,is, manager,theatre,the Tom is the manager of the theatre.

3.an,teacher,Sam,is,English,school,at,a Sam is an English teacher at a school. Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


第4课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up T:Who can talk about your family?

S1:I can.My name is Wang Peng.I'm Chinese.My mother is a nurse.My father's job is a policeman.

S2:My name is Fan Lan.This is my mother.She’s an English teacher at a school.This is my father.He’s a driver.环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学词汇、短语及重点句型。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。 Step 2 Activity 4 Complete the table.(Activity 4) ①学生个体活动,完成图表。




— 25 — 小结训练

(C)1.My brother and I are at school. A.same B.different C.the same D.difference(A)2.— ?—I am a nurse. A.What’s your job B.How are you C.How old are you D.Where are you from(C)3.My sister is teacher and my brother is actor. A.a;a B.an;a C.a;an D.an;an Step 3 Writing 1.Look at this sentence.Now underline capital letters and full stops.(Activity 5)

建议:本活动最好采用个体活动的方式,教师要关注每一位学生的落实情况,从英语学习的早期阶段就开始培养学生良好的学习习惯。 ①让学生观察例句中的标点和大小写。 ②在教师的帮助下,学生总结何时使用大写。

③学生个体活动,教师可以点名让几个学生到黑板上作答。 ④两人一组核对答案,然后全班核对。

⑤当天最好留一项类似的作业,继续巩固大小写和标点符号的使用。 2.Answer the questions.Write sentences.Now check capital letters and full stops.(Activity 6)

①学生两人一组,进行口头问答。 ②学生个体活动,写下答案。



— 26 — Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)


My uncle is the manager of a theatre. 2.我的工作是在警察局。 My job is at a police station.3.托尼的妈妈是个英语老师。

Tony’s mother is an English teacher. Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


Unit 3 Language in use(1课时)第5课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够正确使用指示代词。2.掌握本单元的重要词汇和短语。3.能够进行家庭成员介绍。4.了解不同国家的家庭成员结构。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型。难点:能够准确使用人称代词和物主代词。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件 Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up 本模块重点展示了指示代词、人称代词、形容词性物主代词及名词所有格的用法。教师应逐项引导学生进行归纳总结。

1.Look at the pictures and talk about the families.〖JP〗Now write sentences about them.(Activity 1)



— 28 — ③学生两人一组描述另外两幅图片。

④教师选几组学生在全班展示,及时纠正错误。 ⑤学生个体活动,写下对第二、三幅图的描述。 ⑥小组内相互检査,教师巡视,提供指导和帮助。

2.Look at the picture and complete the sentences with this,that,these or those.(Activity 2)

①教师示范“this”和“these”以及“that”和“those”的区别。 ②学生个体活动,完成句子。

③全班核对答案,教师点名让学生说出选择答案的理由。(Answers:1.These;This 2.That 3.that 4.Those) 3.Write sentences.(Activity 3)

①教师指导学生看例句,让学生理解活动要求。 ②学生个体写句子。 ③教师点名检査,核对答案。

4.Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B.(Activity 4) 5.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.(Activity 5)

①学生个体活动,完成短文。 ②小组内核对答案,全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.my 2.Their 3.His 4.our 5.Her 6.He 7.She 8.We)

环节说明:活动1-5旨在检查本模块的重点词汇的使用,复习巩固指示代词的用法。归纳总结人称代词的主格形式和形容词性物主代词的用法及形容词性物主代词与名词所有格之间的转换。 小结训练

(B)1.—Is man a policeman? —Yes,he is.

A.a B.this C.those D.these(A)2.mother is a hotel manager.— 29 — A.Her B She C.He D.You Step 2 Around the world 教师要充分利用“around the world”来拓宽学生的国际视野,不可把这部分内容作为知识点来处理。 Step 3 Module task

1.Draw your family tree.Work in pairs.Talk about each other's family.(Activity 6)

学生拿出自己的家谱,按照本活动的要求,开展两人一组的问答活动。 2.Write about your family.(Activity 7) ①学生独立完成写作任务。

②两人一组互相阅读并修改对方的作品,给出意见。 ③小组内交流,推荐优秀作品在全班汇报展示。 Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)

1.I am a doctor.(对画线部分提问)What’s your job?

2.These men are policemen.(改为单数句子)This man is a policeman. Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 30 — Module 3 My school(共5课时)

Unit 1 There are 30students in my class.(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)


2.能够运用There be句式介绍自己的班级和学校。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型。难点:学习和运用There be句式。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.T:Do you like our school? Ss:Yes.T:Tell me about our school.S1:It’s very big.T:What’s our classroom like? S2:It’s big.— 31 — T:How many students are there in our class? S3:There are 50 students.环节说明:本活动旨在激起学生的学习兴趣,引出模块的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。为后面的听力作准备。Step 2 完成教材Activity 1的任务




⑤教师请几组学生在全班展示,并提醒学生尽量用完整的句子来描述图片。Step 3 Listening

1.Listen and choose the correct picture in Activity 1.(Activity 2)2.Listen and read.Now complete the table.(Activity 3)建议:学生先听,听完之后完成填表的练习,之后再跟读课文。①教师要求学生把活动3的对话部分用笔记本盖住,把注意力集中在听上,养成良好的听力习惯。




(Answers:Linda’s class—30—at the front of the classroom—a map of England Daming’s class—40—There aren’t any pictures—a map of the world)小结训练

(B)1.How many are there in your room? A.furniture B.pictures C.chair D.desk

— 32 —(B)2.There isn’t water in that glass.A.many B.a lot of C.some(C)3.—Is there a computer on Miss Zhang’s desk?

—No,.A.there aren’t B.there is C.there isn’t D.there are Step 4 Other activities 1.This is my computer(电脑).2.There is a new television(电视机)in my home.3.There are forty students in my class,22 boys and 18 girls.Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.老师展示图片,学生之间用there be 结构问答 S1:Is there a computer in your home? S2:Yes, there is.Are there any pictures in the classroom? S3:No,there aren’t.S4:Are there trees in front of your home? S5:Yes, there are.What’s in the classroom? S6:There is a map on the wall„

环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学词汇、短语及重点句型。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。Step 2 Listening

Listen and repeat.(Activity 4)




1.Listen and repeat the numbers.(Activity 5)

— 34 — 本活动的目的是帮助学生学习数字的发音及拼写。教师除了让学生听读这些数字外,还可以带领学生总结一下这些数字的拼写特点。2.Match the words with the numbers.(Activity 6)方案1:①学生个体活动,把单词和数字连线匹配。


方案2:①教师读英文的数字,学生按照教师读的顺序为阿拉伯数字排序。②全班核对答案。③学生在教师的引领下总结两位数数词的构成规律。(Answers:twenty one—21;seventy—70;sixty—60;forty six—46;ninety—90;eighty—80;fifty—50;twenty—20;thirty—30;forty—40)

Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking

Work in pairs.Write about your classroom.Use numbers.(Activity 7)①两人一组一起找出教室内设施的数量并做记录。


5.Work in pairs.Talk about your ideal classroom.(Activity 8)





1.— ?—There are two maps.A.What’s on the wall B.What’s this C.What are these D.What are those 2.— girls are there in your class? —There are twenty.A.How much B.How any

— 35 — C.How many D.What Step 4 Other activities —你的书包里有什么? —有一些书和一支钢笔。—What’s in your bag? —There are some books and a pen.Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在巩固本单元的部分重点词汇,练习there be 句式及数词的运用。学生对“How many„?” 的句式及答句掌握得不是很好。教师布置作业让学生就家里或学校的物品进行问答。

— 36 — Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够描述、判断物体之间的位置关系。2.掌握本单元的重要词汇和短语。3.培养热爱学校热爱家园意识。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的基本词汇和句型。难点:能够描述、判断物体之间的位置关系。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第3课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up

教师展示本校的建筑结构图并提问。T:Where is the library? S1:It’s on the left of the gate.T:Where is the science lab? S2:It’s next to the classroom.„

— 37 — 环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学的介词及介词短语,接触一些新的介词及介词短语,引出单元的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。同时通过对话来提高学生的语言表达能力。Step 2 Activity 1

Label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box.(Activity 1)




(Answers:2.gate 3.building 4.sports hall5.science lab 6.library 7.office 8.playground)

环节说明:本活动为下一步的阅读作词汇方面的铺垫,同时有助于培养学生的联想能力。Step 3 Reading Read Betty's words,and write her classmates’ names on their desks.(Activity 2)

①教师以班级学生的位置为例来说明方框中的4个方位词或词组。②教师就班级学生的位置进行提问,检査学生对方位词的理解。 ③学生个体活动。 ④两人一组核对答案。



1.There are many books in the library.

2.There is a ball behind the door.You can’t see it. 3.The pictures are on the wall.

4.Our classroom is next to the teacher’s office. 5.It is a map of the world. Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)

1.What’s in this building(建筑物)? 2.Where is the dining hall?

3.There is a shop at the school gate(大门).4.The hospital is near the hotel.(对画线部分提问) Where is the hospital?(D)5.—Where are the boys? — in the science lab. A.It’s B.There’s C There are D.They’re Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思

本节课活动旨在使学生能根据图片认识单词,通过阅读理解掌握“behind”“between”“in front of”“on the right”这4个方位词或词组,并为下一课时的阅读理解作好准备。但学生对此单元生词的记忆和运用上存在问题。

第4课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.教师展示图片让学生说出物体的名称及位置,以巩固所学单词及短语。为下面的阅读做准备。

Step 2 完成教材Activities 3,4的任务

1.Read the passage and label the map of the school.(Activity 3)


①教师向学生说明活动要求,并让学生默读课文。 ②学生个体活动,根据文章内容,填写各建筑物的名称。

(Answers:1.library 2.school offices 4.dining hall 5.sports hall 6.science building) ③学生听录音核对答案。 ④全班核对答案。

2.Answer the questions.(Activity 4)


— 40 — 答什么,提取的信息要准确。

①学生个体阅读,寻找问题的答案。 ②两人一组问答。

③教师点名几组学生回答问题,全班核对答案。 ④如果时间允许,教师可以要求学生把答案写下来。

〖CS%0,100,0,0〗环节说明:本阶段的活动旨在训练学生阅读有关方位的文章,并要求学生能根据文章内容识别简单的地图。(Answers: 1.There are six buildings. 2.It’s the playground.

3.There are many books,maps and computers. 4.There are 24 classrooms.

5.They are in the science building.)


(A)1.The classroom building is the school. A.in the middle of B.in middle of  C.next to D.behind(B)2.This building is  science. A.to B.for C.at D.on(C)3.—Is there a big playground in your school?


A.it is B.they are C.there is D.there isn’t Step 3 Writing 1.Look at the sentences.Now answer the questions.Use short forms.(Activity 5)


(Answers:1.It’s 2.They’re 3.it isn’t)

2.Answer the questions about your school in Activity

— 41 — 5.Now write answers to the questions.(Activity 6) ①教师明确活动要求及活动目的。

②根据本学校的特点,教师给出学校的几个建筑物的英文表达方式,如 “classroom building”等,让学生就其方位与同伴进行问答。做好关键词或词组的记录。

③学生笔头描述自己的学校。Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)

1.—教室在科学实验室前面吗?—不,不在。 —Is the classroom in front of the science lab? —No, it isn’t.

2.—你们的电脑室在哪儿?—它们在科学楼里。 —Where are your computer rooms? —They are in the science building.3.图书馆左边有什么?

What’s on the left of the library? Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 42 — Unit 3 Language in use(1课时)第5课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够正确运用Tere be 句式。2.掌握本单元的重要词汇和短语。3.灵活运用本模块的方位介词。4.了解不同国家的学校教育。

Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:Tere be 句式的基本用法小结。难点:能够准确运用方位介词。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件 Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.①教师让学生在第一、二单元中找出含有“there be”句式的肯定句、否定句、疑问句,教师帮助学生总结“there be”句式的特点。


1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions about your

— 43 — school.(Activity 1)

①学生两人一组进行问答。 ②教师点名小组展示。

环节说明: 本活动以问答的形式谈论学校的情况,复习“there be”句式。

2.Look at the picture and answer the questions.Now complete the passage.(Activity 2)


②两人一组进行问答,核对答案。 ③全班核对答案。

(Answers:1.It’s on the right of the gate.2.It’s behind the science building.3.It’s in the middle of the school.4.It’s on the left of the gate./It’s in front of the science building.5.It’s between the dining hall and the sports hall.) ④学生个体活动,完成短文。 ⑤教师提问,核对答案。 ⑥学生朗读短文。

(Answers:1.On the right of 2.classroom building 3.Behind 4.between 5.sports hall 6.trees)

3.Complete the word map with the words and expressions from the box.(Activity 3)

①学生独立完成词汇图。②全班检査。③ 3-4人一组,组内合作,丰富词汇图。④学生展示新补充的词汇。⑤教师向学生介绍通过“word map”来记忆单词的学习策略,并鼓励学生课下积极尝试。


(D)1.He is at home 7 p.m.9 p.m.

A.from;at B.between;to

— 44 — C.from;and D.between;and(B)2.Are there books on the desk? A.some; teacher B.any;teacher’s C.many; teachers D.much; teachers’ Step 2 Around the world 建议:教师可以上网搜索有关英国、美国、德国、日本等国家的学校的信息,来开阔学生的视野。 Step3 Module task

1.Draw a map of your school.(Activity 4)

2.Decide what to describe with the help of the words from the box.(Activity 5)

建议:教师应引导学生根据单词的提示确定描述的对象应该是学校。如果校园的设施比较简单的话,教师还可以建议学生重点介绍教室内的设施。 3.Write about your school.(Activity 6)

建议:在班内集体口头汇报后,教师可以要求学生在课下完善自己的学校介绍,然后结合所画的学校的地图,做一个海报,在班内展示。 Step 4 Other activities(问题探究)

1.The offices are behind the library.(对画线部分提问) Where are the offices?

2.There are three desks in my room.(对画线部分提问)

What’s in your room? Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)

本节课活动旨在通过各种练习巩固本模块的词汇、短语,复习“there be”句式,同时训练学生的读图能力。从学生练习的反馈来看学生对“there be”句式的特殊疑问句掌握不好。课下要继续巩固。

— 45 — Module 4 Healthy food(共5课时)

Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples.(2课时)

Ⅰ.Teaching goals(教学目标)

1.能够掌握本课关于食物和饮料的词组。2.能够运用have got句式谈论要购买什么食物。Ⅱ.Teaching difficulties(教学重难点)

重点:掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型。难点:学习和运用have got句式。Ⅲ.Teaching aids:(教学辅助)PPT课件

第1课时(Activity 1—3)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.由于这部分的单词多是生词,教师需要安排一定的时间展示这些食品和饮料,展示的方式是以实物、图片或幻灯片来进行的。展示可以按照教材中的3个活动的顺序来进行,也可以先展示活动3中的词汇,然后再进行分类活动。活动结束后帮助学生列出分类示意图:

— 46 —

Step 2 完成教材Activities 1~3的任务

1.Work in pairs.Look at the pictures,talk about them.(Activity 1)

2.Label the food in the pictures with the words in Activity 2. 学生需要在标号1—4的方框中分别填写“candy”“fruit”“meat”“vegetables”这几个单词。即使学生刚开始不知道这些词的含义,但在给具体食品和饮料归类时也会明白。活动中应如何介绍这几个单词,教师可根据学生的具体情况而定。(Answers:1.fruit 2.candy 3.meat 4.vegetables)

3.Label the food and drink in the pictures with the words from the box.(Activity 3)

①学生个体活动,标注自己熟悉的单词。 ②两人一组,相互帮助,完成对其余单词的标注。 ③全班核对答案,然后教师领读单词。

(Answers:a.apple b.orange c.carrot d.potato e.beans f.tomato g.chocolate h.beef i.chicken j.tea k.Juice l.coffee m.water n.milk o.cola)

环节说明:本阶段活动是为下面的听力作准备,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。同时教师可以在词汇学习中介绍词汇分类记忆的策略,帮助学生培养上义词与下义词的概念。Step 3 Listening

Listen and check(√)the food and drink Betty and her mother have

— 47 — got.(Activity 4)

教师说明活动要求,学生听录音,分别找出贝蒂家里已有的食物和需买的食物,然后帮助贝蒂列出购物清单。 小结训练

(B)1.Look!Some chicken on the table. And some apples in the basket. A.is;is B.is; are C.are; are D.are;is(A)2.I want to drink some. A.milk B.milks C.coffees D.waters (B)3.—What are your favourite vegetables? —.

A.Potato B.Carrots C.Chocolate D.Chicken Step 4 Other activities

1.How many tomatoes(tomato)have you got? 2.Don’t eat too much chocolate(chocolate).3.Have we got any(some)potatoes in the bag? Step 5 Practice.作业课件(略)

Step 6.Summary.Sum up the unit briefly.Step 7.Homework:完成《学案》中相关练习。Ⅵ Blankboard designing.(板书设计略)Ⅶ.Teaching reflection.(教学反思)


— 48 —

第2课时(Activity 4—7)

Ⅳ Teaching contents(教学内容)

Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming-up.T:Do you like vegetables? S1:Yes,I do.T:What kind of vegetables do you like? S1:Beans,carrots„ T:Do you like fruit? S1:Yes.T:What kind of fruit? S2:Apples„

环节说明:此活动的目的是巩固上课时所学的有关食物的名词,接触一些新的语言知识。引出单元的中心话题,起导入话题和展示词汇的作用。Step 2 完成教材Activities 5,6的任务

1.Listen and read.Now complete the table.(Activity 5)

建议:教师可以根据学生的具体情况决定放几遍录音。对于学生容易出错的地方可以反复听,然后请做对的学生讲解理由。 ①教师向学生简单介绍听力内容。

— 49 — ②学生自己默读题,或者教师让学生读题。




2.Talk about Tony’s shopping.(Activity 6) ①教师讲明活动要求。

②教师向一名学生提问,为其他学生做示范。 ③学生两人一组活动,进行问答。 ④教师点名多组学生进行反馈。 小结训练

(A)1.There are oranges in the bag,so we don't need any more.A.too many B.too much C.many too D.much too(C)2.Milk us.A.is bad to B.is good to C.is bad for D.is good for 环节说明:本阶段的活动旨在训练学生从听力材料中获取细节信息的能力。让学生掌握“have/has got”句式的功能和用法。Step 3 Pronunciation and speaking 1.Listen and repeat.(Activity 7)

建议:为了帮助学生更好地掌握语音,同时提高学生对语音学习的兴趣,教师还可以给学生提供一些绕口令、韵句和韵诗等供他们练习。 2.Listen and choose /s/ or /z/.(Activity 8)


3.Work in pairs.Make a shopping list.ask and answer.(Activity 9)


— 50 —


2016年秋季七年级 英语上册教学计划

郭 妮 2016.9.2


城关中学 郭妮




这学年我担任七年级两个班的英语教学。七(11)班共有学生45人,男生 23人,女生22人。七(12)班有学生40人,男生18个,女生22个,这些学生有一定的英语基础,大部分学生基础较好。但个别学生学习态度不认真,课堂上不遵守纪律,当然也有个别学生不敢开中读,怕读错。












第一周(9月1日-9月2日): Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou.第二周(9月5日-9月9日): Unit 2 Good morning.I’m Chen Zhou.Unit 3 This is my friend.Starter Module2 My English lesson Unit 1 Open your book.Unit 2 What’s your number? Unit 3 I’m twelve.第三周(9月12日-9月14日): Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 1 What’s this in English? Unit 2 Can you help me, please? Unit 3 What colour is it? 第四周(9月18日-9月23日): Starter Module 4 My everyday life Unit 1 What day is it today?.Unit 2 What’s the weather like? Unit 3 What’s your favourite sport? 复习Starter Module1-Module4检测学生掌握情况

第五周(9月26日-9月30日): Module 1 My classmates Unit 1 Nice to meet you Unit 2 I’m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old.Unit 3 Language in use 第六周(10月1日-10月7日):国庆放假 第七周(10月8日-10月14日): Module 2 My family

Unit1 Is this your mum? Unit 2 These are my parents.Unit 3 Language in use 第八周(10月17日-10月21日): Module 3 My school Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class.Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.Unit 3 Language in use 第九周(10月24日-10月28日): Module 4 Healthy food Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples.Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy? Unit 3 Language in use 第十周(10月31日-11月4日): 复习前半学期所学内容,期中考试 第十一周(11月7日-11月11日): Module 5 My school day.Unit 1 I love history.Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock..Unit 3 Language in use 第十二周(11月14日-11月18日): Revision module A 第十三周(11月21日-11月25日): Module 6 A trip to the zoo.Unit 1 Does it eat meat ? Unit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.Unit 3 Language in use 第十四周(11月28日-12月2日): Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer? Unit 2 When do you use a computer? Unit 3 Language in use 第十五周(12月5日-12月9日):

Module 8 Choosing presents.Unit 1 I always like birthday parties Unit 2 Lessons start at nine o’clock.Unit 3 Language in use 第十六周(12月12日-12月16日): Module 9 People and places.Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot.Unit 2 They’re waiting for buses or trains.Unit 3 Language in use 第十七周(12月19日-12月23日): Module 10 Spring Festival Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? Unit 2 My mother’s cleanig our house and sweeping away bad luck.Unit 3 Language in use 第十八周(12月26日-12月30日): Revision module B 第十九周(2017年1月3日-1月6日):总复习第二十周(2017年1月9日-1月13日): 期末考试



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