擦边球 “edge ball, touch ball”
擦网球 net ball
财产税 property tax;estate(or capital)duty
采购团 purchasing mission
采光 lighting
裁减冗员 cut down on overstaffing;lay off redundant staff
采景 choose a location(for movie, TV drama, etc.)
裁军 disarmament
彩扩 color film processing
菜篮子工程 vegetable basket program;non-staple food project
财力明显增强 financial strength grew noticeably
菜鸟,新手 green hand
采暖 heating
彩票 lottery ticket
采取措施后 ex post
采取措施前 ex ante
采取高姿态 show high-profile;exercise forbearance;be tolerant
才疏学浅 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge
财务报表 financial statement
财务代理人 fiscal agent
财务公开 keep the public informed of the financial affairs
财务焦虑 financial worries(The guide is meant to help people identify any serious health concerns related to financial worries and develop coping skills.该指南旨在帮助问题人群发现由财务焦虑引起的严重健康问题,并提供应对技能。)
裁员 job cut(The latest job cut, which aims to further reduce the company's costs by enhancing efficiency and help maintain its competitive edges amid the global economic slowdown, will be completed by the end of March, said Lenovo.联想集团25日宣布,将在其位于中国的全球职能部门中削减450个岗位。联想称,此次裁员目的是在全球经济放缓的环境下,进一步提升整体运作效率,并保持公司竞争力。裁员将于3月底完成。)
财政包干 fiscal responsibility system
财政赤字 financial deficit财政纪律 financial and economic discipline
财政年度 fiscal year
财政收入 fiscal revenue
财政税收 revenue tax;fiscal levy;fiscal taxation;financial taxation
财政、信贷双紧方针 policy of tightening control over expenditure and credit
才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
财产性收入 property income
踩高跷 Stilt walk
(手机)彩铃 polyphonic ringtone
采煤沉陷区 sinkholes in coal mining areas
彩排 dress rehearsal
彩票;刮刮卡 scratchcard
彩屏 color screen
财团 consortium(Manchester City are likely to cancel the contracts of their trio of Thai players following a takeover by a United Arab Emirates consortium, the club's representative said Thursday.曼城俱乐部驻泰国代表16日说,随着俱乐部被阿联酋财团收购,此前俱乐部和3名泰国球员签订的合同可能被废除。)
财务丑闻 accounting scandal
彩信 multimedia message
财政性科技投入 government investment in science and technology
财政支持 financial support
参拜靖国神社 visit to the Yasukuni war shrine
惨淡经营 work hard and carefully to keep one's business going
参股 equity participation.(Insiders say Huiyuan will give up overall sales but get funding through feasible ways such as equity participation.行业人士估计汇源不会再次选择整体出售,参股等方式更加可行。)
参股公司 joint-stock company
参股者 equity participant
残疾人特奥会 The Special Olympic Games for the disabled
餐巾纸 napkin掺水文凭 diploma obtained by using unfair or unlawful means
餐饮业 catering industry
参与国际分工 participate in the international division of labor
desire to participate;sense of participation
参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs
参政党 parties participating in the management of state affairs;parties participating in the government decision-making process
餐桌转盘 Lazy Susan
残奥会 Paralympic Games
仓储式超市 stockroom-style supermarket
藏书票 book labels identifying a collector(or collection)
舱外航天服 extra vehicular activity suits(Chinese only spent 4 years in developing its own EVA(extra vehicular activity)suits.Putting on the suit will take about 14 hours.我国用4年时间研制出了自己的舱外航天服。航天服的拆包、组装、测试、穿着,整个过程要持续14个小时。)
参照国际通行做法 follow standard international practices
操办 make arrangements
草根工业 grass root industry(refers to village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wold grass)
草药 herbal medicine
操纵比赛 game-rigging(The Ministry of Public Security set up a special task force to investigate alleged game-rigging in September 2006, when rumors of under-table deals and fixing 2 页 共 2 页
ran rife.2006年9月,有关幕后交易和非法操纵的流言四起,为此公安部设立了一支特别工作组,负责调查此事。)
操纵股票市场 manipulate the stock market
操作系统 operating system
侧记 sidelights
层层转包和违法分包 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
茶道 sado
差额拨款 balance allocation
差额投票 differentail voting
差额选举 competitive election查封 close down
插杠子 poke one's nose into someone's businesses
茶话会 tea forum;tea party
插件 plug-in unit
茶艺 tea ceremony
插嘴 interrupt;chip in
拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
差旅费 expenses for business trips
拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition
拆迁费用 removal expense
拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition
拆台 let someone down;cut the ground from under someone's feet
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点击欺诈 click fraud(Being accused of click fraud-charging them for non-existent clicks, a spokesperson for the social networking company Facebook admits Sunday there is a problem and says a fix is coming.著名社交网站Facebook存在点击欺诈的消息传出后,该公司发言人布兰顿•麦克科米克周日承认Facebook确实存在该问题,公司将尽快修正,并给予受点击欺诈的广告主补偿。)
电老虎 electricity guzzler;big power consumer
点面结合 integrate point and sphere
点名册 roll book
电脑病毒 computer virus
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电脑校对机 electronic-brain collator
电脑空间 cyberspace电脑聊天 cyberchat
电脑盲 computer illiterate
电脑迷 mouse potato
点球 penalty kick
电视电影 made-for-television movie(A total of 28 Primetime Emmy Awards, especially those involving made-for-television movies and miniseries that were previously excluded from the live broadcast, will be presented live by CBS television during the Sept.20 event, according to a report on the Dailynews website.《每日新闻》网站报道称,美国哥伦比亚电视台将于9月20日现场直播黄金时段节目艾美奖颁奖典礼。艾美奖所有28个奖项都将现场直播,其中还包括原本不在此列的电视电影奖和电视系列短剧奖。)
电视发射台 television transmitting station
电视会议 video conference
电视迷 couch potato
电视网 television network
电视真人秀 television reality shows(Television reality shows are losing their audience appeal in China, according to a market research.一项市场调查表明,在中国,电视真人秀逐渐失去了对观众的吸引力。)
电视直销 TV home shopping
电信运营商 telecom operators
电信诈骗 e-crime(A crackdown on “e-crime” has revealed gangs are having the greatest success among older people and women, an official from the Ministry of Public Security said Monday.周一,公安部通报打击电信诈骗犯罪专项行动阶段成果,其中显示受害者多为中老年人和女性。)
电影版权费 movie royalties(A spokesperson for the China Film Copyright Association(CFCA), told China Daily on Tuesday that the association's members will share 90 percent of the royalties collected and the association will keep the remaining 10 percent as management fees.中国著作权协会一位发言人本周二在接受《中国日报》采访时表示,收取的电影版权费中,90%将归该协会的成员所有,剩下的10%将作为管理费使用。)
电影网络院线 Internet-based cinema(Jia Yuemin, vice president of letv.com which initiated
the alliance, said that the Internet-based cinema would ensure netizens authorized copies of films and provide high definition viewing at a reasonable price.联盟发起方、乐视网副总裁贾跃民表示,电影网络院线将确保网友观看到正版电影,提供高清播放,而且价格合理。)
电影展映 film panorama(The French Film Panorama is coming back to China in April with an extended program and the largest ever artist delegation.法国电影展映将于四月份再度在中国举行,此次影展还会有其它形式的表演项目,到访的艺术家代表团也是有史以来规模最大的。)
电源电网 power generating facilities and power grids
电子报刊 electronic press
电子宠物 electronic pet
电子出版 electronic publishing
电子词典 electronic dictionary
电子耳 electronic ears
点子公司 consulting company
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吃饭财政 payroll finance;mouth-feeding budget-----a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government functionaries
吃干醋 be jealous;be green with envy
吃皇粮 receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government
吃劳保 live on labor insurance allowance
吃老本 live on one's own fat;bask in one's past glory;rest on one's laurels, eat on one's own principals, live off one's past gains or achievements
痴迷者 addict
吃偏饭 enjoy special privilege持平hold the line
吃闲饭 stay idle
吃香 be very popular;be most welcome;be in great demand
吃小亏占大便宜 lose a little but gain much;take small losses for the sake of big gains
持续、稳定、协调发展 sustained, stable and coordinated development
吃大锅饭 “egalitarian practice of ”“everybody eating from the same big pot”“ ”
吃豆腐 take advantage of
充电 recharge one's batteries;update one's knowledge;brush up(on)
充电电池 rechargeable batteries
冲动性购买 impulse buying;impulse shopping
充分调动积极性和创造性 give full play to the initiative and creativity
充分利用两个市场,两种资源 fully utilize both domestic and international markets and resources
重复建设 redundant project;duplication of similar projects
重复生产 duplication of production
重复引进 introduction of redundant technical facilities;importation of redundant technical facilities
冲剂 dissolved medicines;instant herbal medicines
冲浪艇 surfboat
宠物医院 pet clinic
宠物专线 pets-only airline(Pet Airways, an American-based airline, plans to begin service on July 14 as the country's first pets-only airline.美国
抽奖 lucky draw
臭老九 stinking ninth category(of class enemies next to landlords, reactionaries and even spies, etc., a term of abuse by ultra-Leftists for teachers and other educated people in the 1966-1976 Cultural Revolution)
抽杀成功 hit through
抽样调查 sample survey
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