
时间:2019-05-14 14:00:19下载本文作者:会员上传




(二)When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it isadvisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetchedand unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in yearsto come they may be regarded as normal.With regard to Futurist poetry,however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be―evenadmitting that the theory on which it is based may be right―it canhardly be classed as Literature.This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, pastconditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in aworld of noise and violence and speed.Consequently, our feelings, thoughts andemotions have undergone a corresponding change.This speeding up of life, saysthe Futurist, requires a new form of expression.We must speed up ourliterature too, if we want to interpret modern stress.We must pour out a largestream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, orfinite verbs.Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitatethem;we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the samepage, and shorten or lengthen words at will.Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused.But it is alittle upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describesa fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which theyboth fall into the river—and then to find that the line consists of the noise of theirfalling and the weights of the officers: “ Pluff!Pluff!Ahundred and eighty-five kilograms.”

This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futuristpoetry, can hardly be classed as Literature.All the same, no thinking man canrefuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotionallife calls for a change of expression.The whole question is really this: havewe essentially changed?

19.This passage is mainly____.[A]a survey of new approaches to art

[B]a review of Futurist poetry

[C]about merits of the Futurist movement

[D]about laws and requirements of literature

20.When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to_____.[A]determine its purposes

[B]ignore its flaws

[C]follow the new fashions

[D]accept the principles

21.Futurists claim that we must____.[A]increase the production of literature

[B]use poetry to relieve modern stress

[C]develop new modes of expression

[D]avoid using adjectives and verbs

22.The author believes that Futurist poetry is____.[A]based on reasonable principles

[B]new and acceptable to ordinary people

[C]indicative of basic change in human nature

[D]more of a transient phenomenon than literature

Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whoseproductivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe.But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditionalwork-moral values.Ten years ago young people were hard-working and saw theirjobs as their primary reason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled itseconomic needs, and young people don t know where they should go next.The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women intothe male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers whoare already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbingJapan s rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.In a recent survey, itwas found that


only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied withschool life, compared with 67.2 percent of students in the United States.Inaddition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobsthan did their counterparts in the 10 other countries surveyed.While often praised by foreigners for its emphasis on the basics,Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning overcreativity and self-expression.“Those things that do not show up in the test scores—personality,ability, courage or humanity―are completely ignored,” says Toshiki Kaifu,chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party s education committee.“Frustrationagainst this kind of thing leads kids to drop out and run wild.” Last yearJapan experienced 2,125 incidents of school violence, including 929 assaults onteachers.Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return tothe prewar emphasis on moral education.Last year Mitsuo Setoyama, who was theneducation minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reformsintroduced by the American occupation authorities after World WarⅡ hadweakened the “Japanese morality of respect for parents.”

But that may have more to do with Japanese life-styles.“ In Japan,” sayseducator Yoko Muro, “it s never a question of whether you enjoy your job and your life,but only how much you can endure.” With economic growth has come centralization;fully 76 percent ofJapan s 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extendedfamily have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two generation households.Urban Japanese have long endured lengthy commutes and crowded living conditions, but as the old group and family values weaken,the discomfort is beginning to tell.In the past decade, the Japanese divorcerate, while still well below that of the United States, has increased by morethan 50 percent, and suicides have increased by nearly one-quarter.23.In the Westerners’ eyes, the postwar Japan was_____.[A]under aimless development

[B]a positive example

[C]a rival to the West

[D]on the decline

24.According to the author, what may chiefly be responsible for themoral decline of Japanese society?

[A]Women s participation in social activities is limited.[B]More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.[C]Excessive emphasis has been placed on the basics.[D]The life-style has been influenced by Western values.25.Which of the following is true according to the author?

[A]Japanese education is praised for helping the young climb thesocial ladder

[B]Japanese education is characterized by mechanical learning aswell as creativity.[C]More stress should be placed on the cultivation of creativity.[D]Dropping out leads to frustration against test taking.26.The change in Japanese life-style is revealed in the factthat____.[A]the young are less tolerant of discomforts in life.[B]the divorce rate in Japan exceeds that in the U.S.[C]the Japanese endure more than ever before

[D]the Japanese appreciate their present life

Being a man has always been dangerous.There are about 105 malesborn for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age ofmaturity, and among 70-year-olds there are twice as many women as men.But thegreat universal of male mortality is being changed.Now, boy babies survivealmost as well as girls do.This means that, for the first time, there will bean excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate.More important, another chance for natural selection has been removed.Fiftyyears ago, the chance of a baby surviving http://www.xiexiebang.com

depended onits weight.A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death.Todayit makes almost no difference.Since much of the variation is due to genes, onemore agent of evolution has gone.There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, buthave fewer children.Few people are as fertile as in the past.Except in somereligious communities, very few women have 15 children.Nowadays the number ofbirths, like the age of death, has become average.Most of us have roughly thesame number of offspring.Again, differences between people and the opportunityfor natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.India shows whatis happening.The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities andpoverty for the remaining tribal peoples.The grand mediocrity of today―everyonebeing the same in survival and number of offspring means that natural selectionhas lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribes.For us, this means that evolution is over;the biological Utopia hasarrived.Strangely, it has involved little physical change.No other speciesfills so many places in nature.But in the past 100,000 years—even thepast 100 years—our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not.We did notevolve, because machines and society did it for us.Darwin had a phrase todescribe those ignorant of evolution: “they look at anorganic being as average looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond hiscomprehension.” No doubt we will remember a 20th century way of life beyondcomprehension for its ugliness.But however amazed our descendants may be athow far from Utopia we were, they will look just like us.15.What used to be the danger in being a man according to the firstparagraph?

[A]A lack of mates.[B]A fierce competition.[C]A lower survival rate.[D]A defective gene.16.What does the example of India illustrate?

[A]Wealthy people tend to have fewer children than poor people.[B]Natural selection hardly works among the rich and the poor.[C]The middle class population is 80% smaller than that of thetribes.[D]India is one of the countries with a very high birth rate.17.The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolvingbecause____.[A]life has been improved by technological advance

[B]the number of female babies has been declining

[C]our species has reached the highest stage of evolution

[D]the difference between wealth and poverty is disappearing

18.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

[A]Sex Ration Changes in Human Evolution

[B]Ways of Continuing Man s Evolution

[C]The Evolutionary Future of Nature

[D]Human Evolution Going Nowhere




(九)In spite of “endless talkof difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people.There is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and thecasualness and absence of difference” characteristic ofpopular culture.People are absorbed into “a culture ofconsumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arraysof goods in an elegant atmosphere.Instead of intimate shops catering to aknowledgeable elite。” these were stores “anyone could enter, regardless of class or background.This turnedshopping into a public and democratic act。” The mass media,advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization。

Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which maynot be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous.Writing for the NationalImmigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’simmigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation.In1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population;in 1900, 13.6 percent.In the10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000 residents;inthe 10years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000.Now, consider three indices ofassimilation-language, home ownership and intermarriage。

The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority ofimmigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spokeEnglish ‘well’ or ‘very well’ after ten years of residence。” The children ofimmigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English.“By the thirdgeneration, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families。” Hence thedescription of America as a “graveyard” for languages.By 1996 foreign–born immigrants whohad arrived before 1970 had a home ownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher thanthe 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans。

Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates ofintermarriage than do U.S.–born whites and blacks。” By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married tonon-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian–American women aremarried to non-Asians。

Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the worldare fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “someAmericans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehowimmune to the nation’s assimilative power。”

Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America?Indeed.It is big enough to have a bit of everything.But particularly whenviewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indiceshardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment。

21.The word “homogenizing” most probably means

[A] identifying.[B] associating.[C] assimilating.[D] monopolizing。

22.According to the author, the department stores of the 19thcentury

[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture。

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers。

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite。

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption。

23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S。

[A] are resistant to homogenization。

[B] exert a great influence on American culture。

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture。

[D] constitute the majority of the population。

24.Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned inParagraph 5?

[A] To prove their popularity around the world。

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants。

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants。

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture。

25.In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

American society is

[A] rewarding.[B] successful.[C].fruitless.[D].harmful。


21.The word “homogenizing” most probably means


[A] identifying.识别确认

[B] associating.联系,联合 [C] assimilating.吸收,同化

[D] monopolizing.独占,垄断

【答案】 C

【考点】 词义题。

【分析】 本题的答案直接可以定位到第一句话。文章说“尽管人们不停地谈论差异”,用到了表示转折的“in spite of”,后面显然就是与前面的意思相反了。差异的反面自然是相同。如果考生没有把握,只要继续读两句,就会发现作者描述的都是一个同化了的社会的特征。而“homogenize”这个单词,如果从词根来分析,也不难判断。“homo”表示相同的,比如同性恋就是“homosexual”,而“homogenize”的原意就是“使均匀,均质化”,所以只有[C]“assimilate”这个单词合适。“assimilate”的本意是“吸收,消化”,后引申为“使相同、使相象”,以及“把同化到盛行的文化中”。[A]“identify”一般表示对身份的“识别,确认”,不合题意。[B]“associate”表示“联系,联合”,不合题意。[D]“monopolize”,这个单词由“mono+pole”构成,用在本处意思不符合。

22.According to the author, the department stores of the19th-century


[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture.在传播流行文化方面发挥了作用。

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers.成为了和普通消费者关系亲密的商店。

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite.满足了知识精英的需要。

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption.其出现归功于消费文化。

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 题干关键词“departmentstores”出现在第一段第三句,该句子的意思是“人们沉迷于一种始于19世纪的商场的消费文化”。随后进一步解释说“商场和那些精品店不一样,是人人都可以去的,购物变成了一种民主和公众的活动”。也就是说,商场对于流行文化的传播起到了推动的作用,故[A]为本题的正确答案。[B]的错误在于它故意将那些迎合精英人士的精品店与其顾客的那种亲密的关系用在商场与普通消费者的关系上。[C]的错误在于商场满足的是普通大众的需要,而不是那些知识精英的需要。至于[D],它故意颠倒了因果关系,商场的出现推动了流行文化的发展,而并不是流行文化导致了商场的出现。而且作者在这一段结束的时候,还提到,其它的一些推动流行文化发展的因素还有大众传媒、广告以及运动业。

23.The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S。


[A] are resistant to homogenization.对于同化是抵制的。

[B] exert a great influence on American culture.对美国文化施加了很大的影响。

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture.对大众文化几乎没有威胁。

[D] constitute the majority of the population.占人口大多数。

【答案】 C

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 题干中出现了“immigrant”这个关键单词,就是告诉考生,本题解题的关键是和移民相关的内容。只有阅读完相关的内容,才有可能正确答对本题。“immigrant”可以定位到第二段。文章说“移民正在快速适应这个大众文化”。第二句就引用记者的话说“如今的移民既未达到前所未有的水平,而且也不抵制同化”。这样一来,就可以排除[A]。后面提到美国移民的人口比率只有百分之几,显然不可能是人口的大多数,因此[D]“移民占人口大多数”可以被我们排除。不但人数不占优势,所占比率还在缩小,因此,可以说[C]“对大众文化几乎没有威胁”是合适的。至于[B]项,文中没有提及。但是考虑到人数这么少,对美国施加巨大的影响一说就不太现实了。

24.Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned inParagraph 5?


[A] To prove their popularity around the world.为了证明他们在全球都很受欢迎。

[B] To reveal the public’s fear ofimmigrants.为了表明公众对移民的恐惧。

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants.为了举出成功移民的范例。

[D] To show the powerful influence of


American culture.为了展示美国文化的强大影响。

【答案】 D

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 通常在议论文或者说明文中出现事例,引用他人的话等等都是为了说明某一点或者证明某一点。通过引用来判断作者的目的和意图也是英语考试中最常见的命题方法。通过关键词汇“阿诺德·施瓦辛格和葛斯·布鲁克斯”定位到第五段。在第二段的时候,作者提到了“同化”的三个标志,即,“语言”,“房产所有权”和“异族通婚”,第三段讲“语言”和“房产拥有权”,第四段讲“异族通婚”,都是为了说明美国社会的“同化”能力很强大。第五段提及两个名人的目的就是说连国外的偏僻的地方的小孩儿都是美国超级巨星的崇拜者,居然美国还有人担心那些生活在美国的移民对同化免疫。也就是说,作者还是要证明美国文化的强大影响力,故[D]为本题的正确答案。[A]只是描述了一个表面的事实,而不是作者的意图目的。[B]的错误出在它曲解了作者引用罗德里格兹的话的意图,作者以上所提及的,都是为了证明美国文化的强大。因为作者紧接着说美国实在太大了,什么问题都能沾上点边儿,存在意见分歧的问题,以及一些人很愤怒,都是事实存在,但是都是不必担心的。言下之意就是,怎么还会有美国人担心那些生活在美国的移民对同化免疫?根本不用担心,因为相比美国**的历史,这一切几乎不会有什么影响的。[C]“为了举出成功移民的范例”与作者的写作意图则相差很远。

25.In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is


[A] rewarding.值得的,有回报的 [B] successful.成功的 [C] fruitless.没有成果的 [D] harmful.有害的 【答案】 B

【考点】 推理题。

【分析】 该类型题往往需要通过关键词来寻找答案。本题问的是作者对移民融入美国社会这样一件事的看法,关键词是“移民融入美国社会”,考查的是考生能否从大量的细节中判断出作者的观点是什么。本文作者通篇讲述美国的文化是多么强大,同化的能力是多么强大,但是作者没有说同化给美国人带来了什么好处,只是说移民对美国不构成威胁。因此排除[A]。然后比较[B]和[C]。选项[B]认为美国的移民同化很成功,[C]认为美国的移民同化没有成果,但是通读全文来看,从开始的移民不抵制同化,到适应大众文化,到住房比率比美国本土人士高,到与异族通婚等等此类的信息告诉我们,美国的移民同化是成功的,不是没有成果的。故排除[C],[B]为本题的正确答案。[D]项错误,因为作者在第二段说这种文化虽然不怎么高尚,但是却是无害的。


1.There is“the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and thecasualness and absence of difference”characteristic ofpopular culture。

【结构分析】本句是一个“there be”结构,主语有“the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse”和“thecasualness and absence of difference”。作者将两个主语用双引号括在一起,后面加上“characteristic of popular culture”做这两个主语的后置定语。

2.People are absorbed into “a culture ofconsumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arraysof goods in an elegant atmosphere”。

【结构分析】本句的主干结构是“People are absorbed into‘a culture ofconsumption’”,后接的“launched”是过去分词做后置定语。在这个后置定语里面,又出现一个“that”引导的定语从句,“that”指代“department stores”。

3.In 1998 immigrants were 9.8 percent of population;in 1900, 13.6percent.In the 10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000residents;in the 10 years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000.【结构分析】很多考生无法理解,问为什么移民比例前面是9.8%和13.6%,后面又说移民是每千个人中有3.1个和9.2个?这里特别强调,后面的这两个数据,即3.1和9.2,指的是1980至1990,以及1880到1890之间达到的每千人平均移民人数,原文作者用的是“arrived”,即,“新来的,新增加的”。也就是说,“在1980至1990年间,每1000个居民中新增加3.1个移民;在1880到1890之间,每1000个居民中新增加9.2个移民”。

4.The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority ofimmigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spokeEnglish‘well’or‘very well’after 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

ten years of residence。”

【结构分析】句子主干是“The 1990 Census revealed that„”,“that”引导一个宾语从句,宾语从句的主语是“a majority of immigrants,from each of thefifteen most common countries of origin”做后置定语修饰该主语。本句难点是“mostcommon countries of origin”,正确的理解是“最常见的15个移民输出国”。这些移民输出国并非也不可能都是讲英语的国家。

5.Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics“have higher rates ofintermarriage than do U.S.–born whites and blacks。”












(四)Of all thecomponents of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control.In dreams, awindow opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak.Acentury ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were thedisguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears;by the late 1970s,neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”—the randombyproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep.Now researcherssuspect that dreams are part of the mind’s emotionalthermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line。” And oneleading authority says that, these intensely powerful mental events can be notonly harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleepand feel better.“It’s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago’s MedicalCenter.“If you don’t like it, change it。”

Evidence from brain imaging supports this view.The brain is asactive during REM sleep—when most vividdreams occur—as it is when fully awake, says Dr.Eric Nofzinger at the Universityof Pittsburgh.But not all parts of the brain are equally involved;the limbicsystem is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex is relatively quiet.“We wake up fromdreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day”,saysStanford sleep researcher Dr.William Dement。

The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients inCartwright’s clinic.Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in thenight, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that theyare working through negative feelings generated during the day.Because ourconscious mind is occupied with daily life we don’t always think aboutthe emotional significance of the day’s events—until, itappears, we begin to dream。

And this process need not be left to the unconscious.Cartwrightbelieves one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams.As soonas you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream.Visualize how youwould like it to end instead;the next time it occurs, try to wake up justenough to control its course.With much practice people can learn to,literally, do it in their sleep。

At the end of the day, there’s probably littlereason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleepingor “we wake up in a panic,” Cartwright says.Terrorism, economic uncertainties and generalfeelings of insecurity have increased people’s anxiety.Thosesuffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist.For therest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings.Sleep—or ratherdream—on it and you’ll feel better in the morning。

31.Researchers have come to believe that dreams

[A] can be modified in their courses。

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes。

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears。

[D] are a random outcome of neural repairs。

32.By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show

[A] its function in our dreams。

[B] the mechanism of REM sleep。

[C] the relation of dreams to emotions。

[D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex。

33.The negative feelings generated during the day tend to

[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind。

[B] develop into happy dreams。

[C] persist till the time we fall asleep。

[D] show up in dreams early at night。

34.Cartwright seems to suggest that

[A] waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams。

[B] visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control。

[C] dreams should be left to their natural progression。

[D] dreams may not entirely belong to the unconscious。

35.What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes havebad 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


[A] Lead your life as usual。

[B] Seek professional help。

[C] Exercise conscious control。

[D] Avoid anxiety in the daytime。


31.Researchers have come to believe that dreams 研究人员已经逐步相信梦

[A] can be modified in their courses.可以在过程中被修改。

[B] are susceptible to emotional changes.容易受到情感变化的影响。

[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears.反应我们内心的欲望与恐惧。

[D] are a random outcome of neural repairs.是神经修复的随机结果。

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 题干关键词“researcher”在第一段第四句出现,而在此之前,作者主要介绍了过去有关梦的定义,包括“Freud”以及“20世纪70年代神经学家”的说法。第四句开始,文章作者提到了当代的研究者的观点“梦可以调节人的情绪,梦不仅可以被驾驭,还可以有意识地对其进行控制,梦可以改变。”通过这样的一个分析比较归纳,考生应该能够比较容易地得出[A]这个正确答案。选项[B]属于干扰项,但是出题人故意偷梁换柱,将梦影响情绪说成情绪影响梦。选项[C]是“Freud”的理论,选项[D]是70年代的理论。

32.By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show


[A] its function in our dreams.它在我们梦中的功能。

[B] the mechanism of REM sleep.快速眼睛运动睡眠的机制。

[C] the relation of dreams to emotions.梦和情绪的关系。

[D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex..它和前额皮层的区别。

【答案】 C

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 在第二段第三句中可以找到边缘系统及其含义,然后根据上下文谈论的内容,如上文的“情感大脑”和下文的专家的话,从而判断出答案是选项[C]。其他的三项,文中提到“边缘系统属于情感大脑”,但是并没有说它在梦中的功能,所以选项[A]不正确。文中对快速眼睛运动睡眠只不过给了个简单的词汇解释,并没有对其机制进行任何的讲解,故选项[B]扩大了范围。文中提到“前额皮层”,说它是智力和推理中心,但是没有讲解它和边缘系统的关系,所以选项[D]也属于典型的无中生有型干扰项。

33.The negative feelings generated during the day tend to


[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind.在潜意识里面加剧。

[B] develop into happy dreams.演变成快乐的梦。

[C] persist till the time we fall asleep.一直持续到我们睡着。

[D] show up in dreams early at night.在夜间早些时候出现在梦里。

【答案】 D

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 做此题时,要求考生能够根据上下文寻找到正确的事实,“负面情绪”这个词组出处在第三段,在此之前作者有一句非常关键的话“大多数人看上去会在夜间早些时候做噩梦,然后发展成为快乐的梦,表明他们正在力图消除白天产生的负面情绪”。可见选项[A]加剧的说法正好相反,而[C]选项显然显得过早。最大的干扰源于选项[B]和选项[D]之间的联系与区别,很多考生选择了[B],但是仔细阅读上文就会发现,负面的情绪会在恶梦里面出现,也就是在夜间早些时候出现,但是我们不能直接说负面的情绪直接演变成快乐的梦,而只能说,负面情绪通过恶梦向美梦转变的方式获得消除。所以说这道题目的干扰项[B]是出题人利用偷换概念的方式来迷惑考生的。

34.Cartwright seems to suggest that 卡特怀特似乎认为

[A] waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams。


[B] visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control。


[C] dreams should be left to their natural progression。


[D] dreams may not entirely belong to the unconscious。


【答案】 D

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 通过阅读所有卡特怀特的内容,终于发现可以在第四段第二句卡特怀特所相信的这一部分内容中找到答案的线索。这一段的主旨是“这一过程不一定是无意识的”,紧接着,“卡特怀特相信人能够对屡次出现的噩梦进行有意识的控制,比如:确认你梦中令你不安的事情,想象一下你想如何结束它,以及可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


35.What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have haddreams?


[A] Lead your life as usual.向平常一样生活。

[B] Seek professional help.寻求专家帮助。

[C] Exercise conscious control.锻炼有意识控制。

[D] Avoid anxiety in the daytime.避免白天产生焦虑。

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 在第五段中,卡特怀特说:“只要梦不使我们无法睡眠或从梦中惊醒,就没有理由太在意所做的梦。恐怖主义、经济不确定及通常的不安全感都增加了人们的焦虑。那些长期受到噩梦折磨的人应该寻求专家帮助,而对其他人来说,大脑有自动消除不良情绪的方法。安心睡觉甚至做梦,早上醒来时你会感觉好多了。”这段话的意思非常明确,长期受到噩梦折磨的人应该寻求专家帮助;而其他人,也就是那些偶尔做恶梦的人,“安心睡觉甚至做梦”,也就是象平常一样。选项[B]适合长期受到噩梦折磨的人。选项[C]是控制噩梦的方法,不是卡特怀特对有时做噩梦的人的建议。选项[D]文中没有提及。


1.And one leading authority says that these intensely powerfulmental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under consciouscontrol to help us sleep and feel better。

【结构分析】该句子为复合句。宾语从句的主干是“these„ events can be not only harnessed but actually brought„”,其中“notonly„but„”并列连词结构连接两个过去分词,表示“不仅被驾驭„„而且被加以有意识的控制”。不定式在宾语从句中做结果状语。

2.Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night,progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they areworking through negative feelings generated during the day。

【结构分析】本句的主句是“most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night”。后面是两个现在分词短语做状语,分别由“progressing”和“suggesting”引导。











(七)Do you rememberall those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but thedoubters insisted that we didn’t know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the scienceuncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life andthe government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans bought thatnonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves。

There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one waveafter another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming.Thelatest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the WhiteHouse, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largelyman-made.The clear message is that we should get moving to protest ourselves.The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point inthe preface to the panel’s report: “Science never has all the answers。” But science doesprovide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical thatour nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments thatscience can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions。

Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insistingthat the science about global warming is incomplete, that it’s OK to keeppouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.This is a dangerous game: bythe time 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late.With the risksobvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now。

Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention.But it’s obviousthat a majority of the president’s advisers still don’t take global warming seriously.Instead of a plan of action, theycontinue to press for more research—a classic case of “paralysis byanalysis。”

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must pressforward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research.But research alone isinadequate.If the Administration won’t take thelegislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservationmeasures.A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, whichwould offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start.Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants tomeet our energy needs.If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it iscrucial that those new plants be environmentally sound。

26.An argument made by supporters of smoking was that

[A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation betweensmoking and death。

[B] the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades wasinsignificant。

[C] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life。

[D] antismoking people were usually talking nonsense。

27.According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as

[A] a protector。

[B] a judge。

[C] a critic。

[D] a guide。

28.What does the author mean by “paralysis byanalysis” ?

[A] Endless studies kill action。

[B] Careful investigation reveals truth。

[C] Prudent planning hinders progress。

[D] Extensive research helps decision-making。

29.According to the author, what should the Administration doabout global warming?

[A] Offer aid to build cleaner power plants。

[B] Raise public awareness of conservation。

[C] Press for further scientific research。

[D] Take some legislative measures。

30.The author associates the issue of global warming with that ofsmoking because

[A] they both suffered from the government’s negligence。

[B] a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former。

[C] the outcome of the latter aggravates the former。

[D] both of them have turned from bad to worse。



26.An argument made by supporters of smoking was that


[A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation betweensmoking and death。


[B] the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades wasinsignificant。


[C] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life。


[D] antismoking people were usually talking nonsense。


【答案】 C

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 从第一段可以看出,其实支持吸烟的人的理由不止一个,比如证据不够充分,科学也不能确定,反对吸烟的游说是为了毁掉我们的生活方式等等。[A]选项是出题人故意扩大范围,夸大选项,故意绝对化,原文只是证据不足,而不是没有证据。[B]选项说死亡人数不多,而原文提到的“1,000万”可不是小数字。[D]选项不符合的原因是作者说支持吸烟的人的话是“nonsense”,而不是反对吸烟的人的话。

27.According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as


[A] a protector.保护人。

[B] a judge.评判人、法官。

[C] a critic.批评者。

[D] a guide.向导。

【答案】 D

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 文章第二段第四句中有这样的话“科学从来都不能够提供所有的答案,但是科学却能够为我们提供通向未来的最佳引导”。

28.What does the author mean by “paralysis byanalysis” ?


[A] Endless studies kill action.无穷尽的研究遏制了行动。

[B] Careful investigation reveals truth.详细的研究揭示了真理。

[C] Prudent planning hinders.谨慎的计划阻碍了进展。

[D] Extensive research helps decision-making.广泛的研究帮助决策。

【答案】 A

【考点】 上下文暗示题。

【分析】 文章第四段说“白宫已经开始关注此事,但是总统顾问中的许多人仍然没有认真对待地球变暖问题,他们不但没有制定行动计划,反而继续要求进行更多的研究——这是典型的‘分析性麻痹症’”。也就是总统顾问中的许多人通过分析、研究来拖延行动。所以这里应该选择[A]。

29.According to the author, what should the Administration doabout global warming?


[A] Offer aid to build cleaner power plants.提供帮助,建造更加清洁的电厂。

[B] Raise public awareness of conservation.提高公众的环保意识。

[C] Press for further scientific research.敦促更进一步的科学研究。

[D] Take some legislative measures.采取一些立法的措施。

【答案】 D

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 文章的最后一段里面提到“只有研究是不够的,如果政府不采取法律行动,国会应该开始制定保护措施。”[A]选项很具有干扰性,因为原文中出现了“电厂”的概念,这是出题人根据文章最后两句话“很多人看见国家正在做好准备来修建大量的电厂来满足我们的能源需求。但是如果我们要保护我们的大气,这些电厂必须是环保的。”来编写的干扰项,采取环保措施是“国会”做的。[B]选项说政府应该提高公众的环保意识,这一点文章没有提到。[C]选项是显然不对的,因为上文刚说光有研究是不够的。只有[D]选项采取立法措施是“政府”应该做的。

30.The author associates the issue of global warming with that ofsmoking because


[A] they both suffered from the government’s negligence。


[B] a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former。


[C] the outcome of the latter aggravates the former。


[D] both of them have turned from bad to worse。


【答案】 B

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 本题出题思路是考生能否把握住作者将吸烟和全球变暖问题联系在一起的意图。在第一段,作者提到“几十年前吸烟问题被忽视带来严重后果;而现在这样可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com 的忽视又发生在全球变暖问题上,希望政府引以为鉴,吸取教训”。[A]选项不合适的原因是它只指出一个事实,却没有能够指出作者联系二者的意图。[C]选项说吸烟的后果恶化了全球变暖,显然是不对的。[D]选项说二者都已经日益恶化,显然也没有能够反映作者意图。只有[B]选项正确,它明确指出了政府应该从后者的教训中引以为鉴。


1.The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences,enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphereis definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made。

【结构分析】主句部分是“The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences,enlisted by the White House, to tell us”。“panel”后接有两个定语成分:“from”引导的介宾短语以及含“enlisted”的过去分词短语,意思是“白宫召集的、来自国家科学院的专家团”。

2.But science does provide us with the best available guide to thefuture, and it is critical that our nation and the world base importantpolicies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the futureconsequences of present actions。

【结构分析】该句子的主干是由“and”连接的两个并列分句,前一分句的主干是“science does provide us with„guide„”;后一分句的主干是“itis critical that„”,其中“it”为形式主语,真正的主语是“that”引导的主语从句。从句的主干是“our nation and the world base„policies on„judgments”,“judgments”后接有两个定语结构,一是“that”引导的定语从句,一是“concerning”结构。










(二)Americans today don’t place avery high value on intellect.Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, andentrepreneurs, not scholars.Even our schools are where we send our children toget a practical education—not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge.Symptoms ofpervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren’t difficultto find。

“Schools havealways been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual,” sayseducation writer Diane Ravitch.“Schools could be a counterbalance。” Ravitch’s latestbock, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots ofanti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but acounterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits。

But they could and should be.Encouraging kids to reject the lifeof the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and control.Without theability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas ofothers, they cannot fully participate in our democracy.Continuing along thispath, says writer Earl Shorris,“We will become a second-rate country.We will have a less civilsociety。”

“Intellect isresented as a form of power or privilege,”writes historian andprofessor Richard Hofstadter in Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, aPulitzer Prize winning book on the roots of anti-intellectualism in USpolitics, religion, and education.From the beginning of our history, saysHofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anythingthat smells of elitism.Practicality, common sense, and native intelligencehave been considered more noble qualities than anything you could learn from abook。

Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophersthought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints onchildren: “We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing。”Mark Twain’sHuckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism.Its hero avoidsbeing civilized—going to school and learning to read—so he can preservehis innate goodness。

Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from nativeintelligence, a quality we reluctantly admire.Intellect is the critical,creative, and contemplative side of the mind.Intelligence seeks to grasp,manipulate, re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders,theorizes, criticizes and imagines。

School remains a place where intellect is mistrusted.Hofstadtersays our country’s educational system is in the grips of people who “joyfully andmilitantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness toidentify with children who show the least intellectual promise。”

36.What do American parents expect their children to acquire inschool?

[A] The habit of thinking independently。

[B] Profound knowledge of the world。

[C] Practical abilities for future career。

[D] The confidence in intellectual pursuits。

37.We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of

[A] undervaluing intellect。

[B] favoring intellectualism。

[C] supporting school reform。

[D] suppressing native intelligence。

38.The views of Ravish and Emerson on schooling are

[A] identical.[B] similar.[C] complementary.[D] opposite。

39.Emerson, according to the text, is probably

[A] a pioneer of education reform.[B] an opponent of intellectualism。

[C] a scholar in favor of intellect.[D] an advocate of regular schooling。

40.What does the author think of intellect?

[A] It is second to intelligence.[B] It evolves from 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

common sense。

[C] It is to be pursued.[D] It underlies power。


36.What do American parents expect their children to acquire inschool?


[A] The habit of thinking independently.独立思考的习惯。

[B] Profound knowledge of the world.深厚的世界知识。

[C] Practical abilities for future career.从事未来职业的实用技能。

[D] The confidence in intellectual pursuits.追求学识的信心。

【答案】 C

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 父母对孩子的期望这一点可以从第一段中找到“即使是学校也只是我们送孩子去接受实用教育的地方,而不是让他们为了知识而去追求知识的地方。”至此,答案选项[C]一目了然。而选项[B]显然错误。选项[A]这个干扰项是出题人故意拿出一个本身没有问题,但是不适合本处的说法来干扰考生。考生一定要警惕先入为主的思维模式,在做阅读理解的时候,不能按照自己的直觉和知识瞎猜,一定要以原文为根据。选项[D]显然也是不符合家长的期望的。

37.We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of


[A] undervaluing intellect.贬低学识。

[B] favoring intellectualism.赞成学识至上论。

[C] supporting school reform.支持学校改革。

[D] suppressing native intelligence.压制天分。

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 第四段“霍夫斯塔特说:自我们的历史之初,我们对民主化和大众化的渴望就驱使我们排斥任何带有精英优越论味道的东西。实用性、常识以及天分这些素质一直被视作比可以从书本里学得的任何东西都高贵。”在这里,我们可以把精英优越论味道的东西以及书本里面学到的东西等同于学识,而实用性、常识以及天分这些素质要比学识来得“高贵”,也就是说,正确答案是选项[A]。选项[B]是与原文意思相反,选项[C]“支持学校改革”在文中找不到出处,选项[D]与霍夫斯塔特的描述也截然相反。

38.The views of Ravish and Emerson on schooling are

Ravitch and Emerson 对学校的看法是

[A] identical.相同的。

[B] similar.类似的。

[C] complementary.互补的。

[D] opposite.相反的。

【答案】 D

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 我们需要在寻找到“Ravitchand Emerson”二人对学校的看法后再将二人的意见进行一番比较,然后得出二人意见的异同。“Ravitch”的意见我们从第二段中可以找到,“Diane Ravitch说:‘学校始终处于实用重于学识的社会之中。’”“学校本来可以是一种抵消的力量。”“Ravitch”最新著作《落后:失败的学校改革的一个世纪》探索学校里反学识至上论的根源,书中的结论是:“美国学校绝对没有抵制美国人对学识追求的厌恶。”从本段可以看出,“Ravitch”批评学校没有起到抵制美国人对学识追求的厌恶的作用,即认为学校应该追求学识。而“Emerson”的意见可以在第五段中找到,他和其他一些先验主义哲学家认为学校教育和严格的书本学习限制了孩子们的天性。“我们被关在中小学和大学的朗诵室里十年或十五年,最后出来满肚子墨水,却啥都不懂。”本段说明爱默生认为学校压制人的天性,追求学识的学校是不正确的。因此可以判定:二人意见刚好相反。

39.Emerson, according to the text, is probably


[A] a pioneer of education reform.教育改革的先驱。

[B] an opponent of intellectualism.学识主义的反对者。

[C] a scholar in favor of intellect.赞成学识的学者。

[D] an advocate of regular schooling.正规学校教育的倡导者。

【答案】 B

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 从某人的观点推断出某个人的立场是最常见的考题,上题中已经提到过爱默生的观点,即“学校教育和严格的书本学习限制了孩子们的天性”,也就是说,他是反对学识主义的,选择[B]也就否定了[C]。一个反对学识教育的人,不可能是正规学校教育的倡导者,所以选项[D]也是不正确的。而选项[A]教育改革的先驱这一点在文中都找不到依据。

40.What does the author think of intellect?


[A] It is second to intelligence.它没有智力重要。

[B] It evolves from common sense.它从常识



[C] It is to be pursued.它是必须被人们追求的东西。

[D] It underlies power.它是权利的基础。

【答案】 C

【考点】 作者观点题。

【分析】 作者观点题通常只有在通篇读完才能够得出。第一段作者说今天的美国人不很看重“intellect”,第二段引用教育学作家“Diane Ravitch”的观点来说明这一点,第三段作者表明自己的态度:“鼓励孩子们排斥精神生活使得他们极易被利用和控制。如果不能批判地思考、不能捍卫自己的思想、不能理解他人的思想,他们就不能充分地参与我们的民主”。而且引用作家“Earl Shorris”的话来说明如果不这么做,国家将“沦为二流国家”。至此,我们可以看出,作者是支持“intellect”的。作者本人并没有比较“intellect”和“intelligence”谁优谁劣,所以[A]可以被排除。至于常识和权利,文章中虽然提到了,但是并没有对它们进行探讨。


1.Even our schools are where we send our children to get apractical education—not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge。

【结构分析】本句是主系表结构。主语为“our schools”,表语从句为“where we send our children to get a practical education—not topursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge”,在表语从句中,破折号后面的内容是补充说明前面从句中的目的状语的。

2.Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves themvulnerable to exploitation and control。

【结构分析】本句是简单句。主语由动名词短语“encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind”充当,“vulnerableto exploitation and control”是宾语“them”的补语。

3.Hofstadter says our country’s educational systemis in the grips of people who“joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect andtheir eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectualpromise。”

【结构分析】本句主句为“Hofstadter says”。宾语从句是主系表结构,其主语是“our country’s educational system”,在表语中存在一个定语从句修饰“people”。












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