
时间:2019-05-14 22:07:43下载本文作者:会员上传




(四)Electric power


Slow burners.天燃气发电业逐渐升温。

Cheap gas will boost makers of giant turbines.廉价天然气将促进大型涡轮机生产厂家的发展。

THE boom in shale-gas production in America,using fracking technology, is becoming a bust forsome big drilling firms.On August 3rd BHP Billitonannounced a near-$3 billion write-down on some of its American gasfields because soaringproduction has made prices crash.Three days later Chesapeake Energy revealed a slump inquarterly profits because of the glut.However, if gas is cheap and abundant, more of it willbe used to generate electricity.This should help the handful of global firms that make themassive turbines used in gas-fired power stations.由于 水力压裂 技术的使用,美国的页岩气开采迅速发展,但这却使一些大型钻井公司破产。8月3日,必和必拓公司宣布美国部分气田预估值将减少近30亿美元,这是由于页岩气开采量的猛增导致了天然气价格的暴跌。三天后,切萨皮克能源公司透露,由于页岩气供大于求,最新一季度利润大幅下跌。但是,如果天然气供应充足,价格低廉,那将有更多的天然气用于发电。那么为数不多的几家生产大型燃气发电涡轮机的国际公司将由此获益。

Even before their fuel became so plentiful, gas-fired stations had hefty advantages.Theyare quick and cheap to build-perhaps a third of the cost of coal-fired stations, and less than aquarter of the cost of nuclear ones.Gas-fired stations emit much less carbon dioxide, per unitof electricity, than coal, which also gives off all sorts of other nasties when burned, fromsulphur dioxide to mercury.即使在这之前,天然气供应不是很充足的情况下,燃气发电厂也有巨大优势:修建速度快,且造价便宜——成本大概是燃煤电厂的三分之一,不足核电站的四分之一。生产同一单位的电,燃气发电厂排放的二氧化碳比燃煤发电厂排放的少。除此之外,煤在燃烧时也会产生各种有害气体,包括二氧化硫和汞。

Strict new air-pollution laws, approved in America last year, will accelerate the retirementof old coal-fired stations.Analysts at Sanford C.Bernstein, a bank, reckon that 66 gigawattsof coal-fired generation-around 6.5% of America s capacity-will shut by 2015.Gas willreplace much of the coal.Other countries with huge shale-gas reserves, such as China andAustralia, have barely begun to exploit them.When they do, some of the new supplies willbe used to generate 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

electricity.去年,美国通过了严格的新空气污染法规,这将加速淘汰老式燃煤电厂。美国Sanford C.Bernstein银行的分析人员估计,发电能力为66千兆瓦的燃煤电厂将在2015年前关闭。天然气将取代大部分燃煤,成为新的燃料。其他页岩气储量丰富的国家,比如中国和澳大利亚,还几乎没有进行开采。等这些国家开始开采时,新供应页岩气中的一部分将用于发电。

So the world s four main makers of gas turbines-GE of America, Siemens of Germany,Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of Japan and Alstom of France-are looking forward to a surge innew orders.There are early signs of this in America.If recent trends continue, Bernstein sanalysts reckon that about 74 new gas-turbine projects will get started in America, up from64 last year.But this is still below the level in the boom before the financial crisis and nothingcompared with the mad dash for gas seen in 1999-2001.因此,全球主要的四家燃气涡轮制造商——美国通用、德国西门子、日本三菱重工以及法国阿尔斯通——都在盼着新订单的激增。这已在美国初见端倪。伯恩斯坦研究公司的分析者认为,如果当前趋势得以保持,那么美国将有74项新涡轮机项目开工,较去年的64项有所上升,但仍低于金融危机前的增长水平,更不可与1999-2001年的疯狂攀升同日而语。

One reason why the growth in gas-fired stations will be more gradual this time is thatAmerican regulators are ordering power utilities to make more use of wind, solar and otherrenewable sources of energy.Another is that utilities in many states have plenty of sparecapacity.Widespread brownouts across the country in 1998 made power companiesscramble to build new gas-fired stations, only for these to come on line in time for the 2001recession.这次新建燃气发电厂的数量将有所放缓,原因之一在于,美国电力监管机构下令让电力公司使用更多的风能、太阳能以及其他可再生能源。多个州的电力公司拥有大量剩余产能也是其中一个原因。1998年的全国大面积 灯火管制 使得很多电力公司争先恐后修建新的燃气发电厂,但等这些发电厂竣工投产时,却正好赶上2001年的经济衰退。

But that is just America: although historically it has represented 15-50% of world demand forutility-sized gas turbines, the growth of emerging economies means that it is now just 8%,reckons Bernstein.Power-hungry China generates only 4% of its electricity from gas but thatshare is growing fast.Both GE and Siemens have joint ventures in China.Iraq, Turkey andSaudi Arabia are likely to build many new gas-fired stations;as is Japan, after the Fukushimanuclear accident last year.伯恩斯坦研究公司表示,但那只是美国的情况:尽管美国以往对燃气发电机的需求量占到了全世界的15%-20%,但由于新兴经济体的崛起,现在仅占8%。用电紧张的中国发电总量仅有4%来自燃气发电,但这一比重正在快速增加。通用和西门子都在中国建有合资公司。伊拉克、土耳其和沙特阿拉伯也有可能会修建更多的燃气发电厂。去年福岛核电站事故之后,日本也有可能开始新修燃气发电厂。可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

So the global market for utility-sized gas turbines, now worth up to $15 billion a year byBernstein s estimates, is set for years of growth.Emerging-market makers, in places such asRussia, are keen to muscle in.But it will take time, and huge sums of money, to catch upwith the big four rich-country firms: Siemens and GE each spent around $500m developingtheir newest turbines.Even for challengers with deep-pocketed governments to supportthem, that is quite some barrier to entry.伯恩斯坦研究公司估计,全球燃气发电机市场现在每年高达150亿美元,在未来数年内,还将继续增加。俄罗斯等地的新兴市场生产商也渴望强行挤入该市场。但要想迎头赶上在富有国家的四大巨头,还需要很长的时间和大量的投资:西门子和通用公司各自投入约5亿美元开发最新涡轮机。即便有了财力雄厚政府的支持,潜在进入者想要进入市场,壁垒还指不胜屈。


Psst.Want a space telescope?


America s spies make a generous donation to NASA.美国间谍机构对NASA慷慨捐赠。

AMERICA S civilian space programme is built atop its military one.Its rockets trace theirancestry, via ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads into the Soviet Union, tothe German V2s that bombarded London and Antwerp during the second world war.美国的民用空间计划建立在军用基础之上,比如运载火箭,由携带核弹头并瞄准前苏联的弹道导弹发展而来,再往前可以追溯到二战时用于轰炸伦敦和安特卫普的德国V2系列导弹。

And the Space Shuttle, which made its final flight last year, was used to launch satellites forthe air force as well as carrying out its better-publicised scientific missions.再比如去年退役的航天飞机,曾用来为空军发射卫星,当然用作执行科学任务的宣传工作做得也不差。

So when it was reported on June 4th that the National Reconnaissance Office , one ofthe more secretive of America s plethora of spy agencies, had decided to donate twosurplus spy-satellite mirrors to NASA, the country s civilian space agency, the news wasless bizarre than it might at first have seemed.可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


After all, NASA has benefited from spy technology before.毕竟一直以来NASA就从侦察技术获益颇多。

The Hubble space telescope is essentially a redesigned spy satellite that points out intospace instead of down at the Earth.比如哈勃太空望远镜本质上就是侦察卫星的另一个版本,只不过把原本对着地球的镜头转向外太空而已。

The news that America s spies had two spare satellite mirrors lying around has promptedspeculation about their provenance.美国间谍机构有两颗闲置卫星的新闻一经报道,卫星的来源问题就引发了广泛的猜测。

Both NASA and the NRO are tight-lipped about the specifics.但NASA和NRO对细节一直守口如瓶。

but the new mirror assemblies have a shorter focal length than Hubble s, allowing them tostudy patches of sky around 100 times larger.这两颗卫星的焦距比哈勃望远镜更短,所以其拍摄太空的视野也比哈勃大100倍左右。

It looks to me as if these are a couple of Keyhole-11 spares, says Brian Weeden, a spaceanalyst at the Secure World Foundation, a Colorado-based think-tank.在我看来这就像是锁眼-11的备份卫星 安全世界基金会的太空分析师BrianWeeden说。

Dr Weeden is referring to a code name for American optical spy satellites.Weeden博士参照了美国光学侦察卫星的编号。

He says that the NRO would probably have ordered spare mirrors to replace any that mighthave been destroyed by failed launches.表示NRO很可能本来准备把这两颗卫星用于替代万一发射失败而摧毁的卫星。

Although the deal has been in the works for a year, it is not yet clear what NASA plans to dowith its new bits of army-surplus kit.可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

尽管交易已进行一年之久,但还不清楚NASA会如何处置军方剩下的 边角料。

Indeed, an official told a press conference that the agency might not have the cash to makeimmediate use of both mirrors.确实,在新闻发布会上,一位官员说NASA并没有足够的资金把两颗卫星立即投入使用。

But they could nevertheless be a boon to an organisation whose budgets are beingsqueezed by federal tight-fistedness as well as cost overruns on the James Webb spacetelescope, an $8.8 billion successor to Hubble.但是他们说詹姆斯-韦伯太空望远镜的预算能在拮据的联邦政府下艰难地获得通过已经是一件好事,因为这位哈勃望远镜的继任者已远超预算,达到了88亿美元。

One idea is to use one of the mirrors for the WFIRST mission, an infra-red telescope designedto investigate dark energy-the still-mysterious force thought to be behind theaccelerating expansion of the universe.一个办法就是把其中一颗卫星用于广域红外线巡天望近镜项目,红外线望远镜可以用来研究暗能量——这股神秘的力量被认为是宇宙膨胀的幕后推手。

Using a higher-resolution NRO mirror would boost the capabilities of WFIRST, says AlanDressler, a researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science.It could also cut the project scost and shorten its development time.卡内基科学研究所的研究员Alan Dressler说,运用NRO卫星的高分辨率望远镜可以提升WFIRST的能力,也可以降低该项目的花费并缩短研制时间。

Advocates hope an NRO-powered WFIRST mission could launch in the early 2020s.该方法的拥护者希望在NRO的助力下,WFIRST能在21世纪20年代发射。

By then the mirrors would no longer be state-of-the-art, of course.Indeed, they are probablynot even the last word in space-borne optics today.当然,到时候该卫星已不再是最先进的,甚至在现在也不是最新式的星载平台光学设备。

That the NRO felt able to give them away suggests that its spies have even better toys toplay with, of the sort that astronomers would kill to get their hands on.Could this be the startof a beautiful friendship?



可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.comBC producer who worked briefly on Wall Streetbefore taking a job at the Wall Street Journal, has written a homage to hedgies.She was inawe of Wall Street already when she was an intern at Citigroup.She has never shed it.“The Alpha Masters” profiles 11 of theindustry s best-known bosses, and looks at their investment philosophies and their famoustrades.John Paulson made billions predicting the bursting of America s housing bubble;James Chanos, a short-seller, disrobed Enron;and Ray Dalio, the boss of Bridgewater, theworld s largest hedge fund, makes a killing for his investors and keeps calm doingtranscendental meditation.对冲基金的成功真的是因为他们投资的智慧么?还是因为他们处心积虑的市场企划?两本新书在对冲基金经理们的金杯里究竟是半桶水还是半桶空气的问题上产生异见。曾短暂任职于华尔街而后加入华尔街日报的CNBC制片人Maneet Ahuja,向对冲这帮家伙写了篇致敬。在她在花旗实习的时候就十分敬畏华尔街。他至今没有改变这一印象。《阿尔法大师》列举了11位业界最知名的总裁,并分析他们投资哲学和经典案例。约翰?保尔森因预测到美国房地产泡沫而赚了几十亿美元;卖空家James Chanos剥光了安然公司;世界上最大的对冲基金Bridgewater总裁Ray Dalio,为其投资者抓住猎杀机会而通过冥思竟作来保持冷静。

Throughout her book Ms Ahuja seems to be in a trance herself, in thrall to the glamour of hersubjects.She never questions the judgment of her alpha-men and always gives them thelast word.She devotes dozens of pages to Mr Paulson s rise in the hedge-fund industry, butglosses over his poor performance in 2011.His results have led some to speculate that hemay have the unfortunate record of both earning and losing the most money in hedge-fundhistory.She quotes one of his 2011 letters to investors asserting that bank stocks—whosestruggles pulled down his funds performance—would rebound when the economy improves,never criticising what he did or pointing out that investors will have to wait ages to claw backsuch massive losses.Nor does 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

she grasp at bigger themes or the many common factors thathedge-fund managers share.Is it ego, courage, good networks or charisma that hasbrought them more success than their fellow financiers?

Ahuja在她的整本书里都好似被催眠,完全被其采访对象的成功所迷住。她从来没有质疑她书中的阿尔法大师的判断力,视他们的话为至理名言。她为保尔森在对冲基金行业的冉冉升起洋洋洒洒写了十几页,而对他在 2011年的糟糕表现则一笔带过。一些人怀疑保尔森可能会创造一个悲剧性纪录——对冲基金史上既是盈利最高也是亏损最多的经理。她引用了保尔森2011年写给股东信件里的话,他坚称连累该基金业绩的银行股在经济状况恢复时将反弹。而她从来没指责过他的所作所为,也并没有指出投资者需要等到天长地久才能从如此之深的亏损里爬出来。她也并没有抓住整个大环境或其他一些对冲基金经理的共通因素。究竟是自信,勇气,有关系还是魅力使得他们比金融业同行更成功?

“The Hedge Fund Mirage” attacks the Wall Street worshippers blind adulation.Simon Lack,who spent 23 years at JPMorgan, an investment bank, selecting hedge funds to invest in,grew tired of the free hand that investors all too often gave managers.He has written aprovocative book questioning a central tenet of the hedge-fund industry: itsperformance is always worth paying for.The promise of superior performance is wrong,he says.Of course some investors make a killing, but on average hedge funds haveunderperformed even risk-free Treasury bills.This is because the bulk of investors capitalhas flooded in over the past ten years, whereas hedge funds performed best when theindustry was smaller than it is now.What is more, it is hard to know how hedge fundsactually fare, since indices that track industry performance tend to overstate the returns.Funds that do badly or implode are not usually included in the indices at all.《对冲基金的海市蜃楼》对华尔街追随者的盲目崇拜进行了攻击。曾在投资银行摩根大通工作23年的Simon Lack,当时的任务是分配在对冲基金的投资。后来厌倦了投资者常常给予管理者过多的自由。他写了本具有挑衅性的书来质疑对冲基金的核心:它的业绩是物有所值的。他写道,这些对优秀业绩的承诺是错误的。当然一部分投资者是会有所猎获的,但平均来说对冲基金的表现连无风险的美国国债都不如。这是因为大部分投资者的资金都是最近这十年才涌入的,而对冲基金表现最佳的时候是比现在小的时候。更有问题的是不知道对冲基金的表现究竟如何,因为追踪业界表现的的指数通常夸大回报。那些表现很差或破产了的通常都不包括在这些指数里。

Why would any client continue to pay for such mediocre returns? One reason is that hedge-fund managers are incredibly good salesmen.In addition, industry insiders who are all tooaware of hedge funds shortcomings choose not to expose them, Mr Lack argues.Moreover,the common fee structure, in which hedge-fund managers keep 2% of assets as a“management” fee to cover expenses and 20% of profits generated by performance, hasmade many managers rich, but not their clients.Mr Lack calculates that hedge-fundmanagers have kept around 84% of profits generated, with investors only getting 16% since1998.“Where are the customers yachts?” is the title of one chapter.What is worse, thedisastrous dive of equity markets in 2008 may have wiped out all the profits that hedgefunds have ever generated for investors.可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

为什么客户要继续为如此普通的回报付费呢?其中一个原因是对冲基金的经理都是不可思议的优秀销售人员。同时 Lack认为,非常了解对冲基金软肋的业内人士选择不披露它们。再加上通用的费用结构使得许多经理变得富裕,而非他们的客户。这些费用包括对冲基金经理每年保留总资产的2%作为支付开销的 管理费 和盈利业绩的20%。Lack计算自1998年起,对冲基金经理大约保留了84%的总利润,而投资者只拿到了16%。客户的游艇去哪里? 是第一章的标题。更可恶的是2008股票市场灾难性跳水可能已经把对冲基金为投资者赚的所有利润都抹杀掉了。

Mr Lack places a good deal of the blame for this on investors who fail to ask tough enoughquestions and have not grasped that they “want yesterday s returns without yesterday s risk”.They invest money with the biggest, best-known funds “that look nothing like those whoseaggregate performance” they want to emulate.Instead investors should stand up tomanagers, negotiate more favourable terms and put their money into smaller funds, whichtend to perform better.Lack将大部分指责都指向投资者,因为他们没有问足够深入的问题,并且没有意识到他们自己是在祈求 获得以前的回报却不希望承担对应的风险。他们投资给最大,最有名的基金,而这些基金的累积表现跟投资者所希望模仿的表现相差甚远。投资者应该挑战经理们,跟他们协商一些更有利的条款,并将他们的钱放入小型基金里,因为这些小基金往往表现更好。

Mr Lack points out that large institutional investors always like to invest in bigger hedgefunds.That way they need not worry about being the bulk of a small fund s investor-base.But he offers no solution for these large investors, who cannot put big sums into the small,nimble funds that he touts.Nor does he analyse how hedge-fund performance compareswith other asset classes, such as private equity.As a result, the reader is left with a naggingunanswered question: would investors do better to avoid hedge funds altogether and, if so,where should they put their money in future?


In his conclusion Mr Lack argues that most hedge-fund books are written by their“proponents”.His ambition was to spark debate and help to change the industry.Whetherhe succeeds or not remains to be seen.Hedge-fund executives have already reacted angrilyto “The Hedge Fund Mirage”, which suggests that looking into the mirror may be painful.Theyrightly worry the days of easy praise are over.在他的总结里他写道,大多数关于对冲基金的书都是由它的 拥护者 写的。他的野心在于将这场辩论点燃,并寄希望于此以改变整个行业。至于他在这一点上是否成功了,还有待考证。对冲基金总裁们已经对《对冲基金的海市蜃楼》一书表示愤怒,这显示了要面对镜子可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com





(九)Trademark bullying


Shut your kale-hole


What s in a name, anyway?


CHICK-FIL-A sells an average of nine sandwiches per second at its roughly 1,600 restaurants.托莱多的约1600家餐厅每秒平均卖出9个三明治。

Bo Muller-Moore paints T-shirts in the garage next to his house in Montpelier, Vermont.家在蒙彼利埃的Bo Muller-Moore在其车库里染印T恤衫。

In 2011 Chick-fil-A s sales were more than $4 billion;Mr Muller-Moore estimatesthat his were $40,000.托莱多2001年的销售额超过40亿美元;而Muller-Moore估计其销售额仅有40000美元。

Nonetheless, the slogan screened on his shirts-Eat More Kale , initially made in 2001 as afavour for a local farmer, whose kale crop had a bumper year-caught the humourless eyes ofChick-fil-A s lawyers.尽管如此,Muller-Moore染印在T恤衫上的短语 Eat More Kale 还是为托莱多无趣的律师们所关注。

They had sent him a cease-and-desist letter in 2006, claiming his slogan was too close totheir client s Eat Mor Chikin.他们向Muller-Moore发出了 勒令停止通知函,声称Muller-Moore的宣传语同托莱多的宣传语 Eat MorChikin 意思太相近。


事实真是如此吗? 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

The letter does not cite a single person whom the slogan has confused.信函并未列举出任何一个为此宣传语—Eat More Kale所误导的人。

Besides, one entity sells food, the other clothing;only the profoundly stoned or derangedwould try to eat a T-shirt or wear a chicken sandwich.此外,他们一个是卖快餐的,另一个是卖衣服的;只有那些酩酊大醉、精神错乱的人才会吃T恤衫或者穿鸡肉三明治。

But Mr Muller-Moore is not the only small entrepreneur to have caught the attention of a bigfirm s trademark hawks.然而,Muller-Moore先生并非唯一一个受到大型企业商标权恐吓的私营业主。

In 2009 the company that makes Monster energy drinks demanded that Vermont s Rock ArtBrewery stop calling its barley wine Vermonster.在2009年,生产怪物能量饮料的公司要求福蒙特州的啤酒厂Rock Art停止使用 Vermonster 作为其高酒精啤酒的名称。

Last year Tootsie Roll Industries, which makes chewy sweets, filed suit against the maker ofa roll-up shoe called Footzyrolls.去年,生产咀嚼软糖的小脚趾圈公司对生产roll-up shoe的厂商Footzyrolls提起诉讼。

And in 2009 The North Face, an outdoor-clothing company, sued a much smaller clothingcompany that had decided to call itself The South Butt.在2009年,户外服装公司The North Face对一个非常小的服装公司提起诉讼,因为其自称The SouthButt。

Chick-fil-A insists it has to protect its trademark.托莱多声称要坚决保护它的商标。

But its idea of self-defence looks to others like bullying.然而,这一行为对于其他人来说更像恐吓、威胁。

The firm is protecting its trademark not from a crafty restaurateur hoping to piggyback onits fame, but from a kale farmer and a Neolithic stencil-artist in Vermont.它所谓的商标侵权者不是借其名声的狡猾的餐馆老板,而是风蒙特州的一个种植羽衣甘可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


Also, Chick-fil-A seems to be claiming ownership of the phrase eat more , which is a bitgreedy.而且,托莱多似乎宣称其是 eat more 词组的所有者。这一行为显得太贪婪了。

Mr Muller-Moore is fighting back.He has taken his campaign to Facebook and Kickstarter,where he and a co-producer are trying to raise funds for a documentary called A DefiantDude.Muller-Moore先生对托莱多的起诉予以回击。他同其合伙人在Facebook和Kickstarter试图为一个名为 野蛮的家伙 的纪录片募集资金。

Rock Art Brewery similarly defended itself, not in a court of law, where deep-pocketedcorporations enjoy an enormous advantage, but in the court of public opinion.Rock Art啤酒厂同样予以反击,不是在 自古衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫进来 的法庭,而是在公众舆论的平台。

It worked.这一方式奏效了。

After boycotts and negative publicity, Monster s makers agreed to drop the matterprovided that Rock Art did not start making energy drinks.在收到抵制和负面的名声影响后,怪物饮料生产商同意撤销诉讼,条件是Rock Art不在生产能量饮料。

Mr Muller-Moore claims to have received thousands of supportive letters.Muller-Moore先生声称收到了无数的声援信。

Hundreds of people have pledged to fund his film.许多人对其给予了资金援助。

Chick-fil-A may end up eating more crow.托莱多最终可能会以失败告终。



Airport security


Checkpoint challenge


A former TSA boss wants to bring down the curtain on security theatre


FLYING isn t fun any more, is a popular refrain among travellers.They recall wistfully agolden age when flying was glamorous, not an ordeal of long lines and intrusive pat-downs.旅客常常抱怨飞行不再有趣。他们怅然回忆起飞行的黄金时期,那时坐飞机光彩照人,而不是长长的队伍和烦扰的搜身带来的痛苦。

In America these are inflicted by the Transportation Security Administration , which wasset up after the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001.It is now one of the country s mosthated institutions.Many passengers scorn its pettifogging rules.Many complain ofineffectual security theatre.In an Economist online debate last month, a crushing 87%of respondents agreed that the changes to airport security since 2001 had done more harmthan good.在美国,这些痛苦都是由美国运输安全管理局造成的,交通安全局是2001年9月11日的恐怖袭击后设立的,该机构现在是美国最讨人厌的机构之一。许多旅客嘲笑那些挑剔的规章制度,许多旅客抱怨安全措施毫无效果。上月在经济学人的网上辩论中,压倒性的87%的应答者同意2001年以来机场安检措施的改变 适得其反。

The man given the impossible task of opposing the motion was Kip Hawley, a former TSAboss.Even he readily admitted that airport security needed reforming.And on April 14th,writing in the Wall Street Journal, Mr Hawley offered some sensible proposals on how to doit.提出反对动议这一不可能任务的人是前美国运输安全管理局局长基普?霍利。他也乐意承认机场安检需要改革。4月14日,霍利先生在华尔街日报的一篇文章中就此问题提出了一些有益的提议。

One idea the airlines will not like is to stop them charging for checked bags.Mr Hawley saysthis would speed things up by discouraging flyers from dragging all their stuff throughsecurity.But carriers have come to rely on such fees, which rake in billions.IATA , theirlobby group, argues that, in any case, checkpoint delays were already lengthy in the mid-2000s, before most airlines charged bag fees.可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


Mr Hawley would also allow all liquids on flights, though those choosing to carry them mighthave to join a queue to have them scanned.He would also lift the bans on such things as knives and lighters.Strongercockpit doors have made it much harder to use weapons to bring down a flight.And tests runby the TSA found that officers were so busy hunting for lighters and other fairly trivial banneditems that they overlooked dummy bomb parts placed nearby.霍利先生同样会允许飞行时携带所有液体,但是这些旅客可能需要排队检测。他同样会取消对刀具和打火机等物品的禁令。更厚实的机舱门使得利用武器挟持飞机更为艰难。运输安全管理局的测试发现安检人员忙于寻找打火机以及其他琐碎的违禁品而忽略放置在附近的仿真炸弹部件。

In general, says Mr Hawley, predictable and rigid checks help terrorists: they design plotsaround them.So instead of subjecting everyone to the same checks, security should berandomised.However, he does not back one reform that the airlines are keen on: a trustedtraveller scheme in which flyers who have been vetted are spared most checks.Mr Hawley,who once liked the idea, now worries that terror groups are recruiting clean agents whowould pass such vetting.霍利先生表,总的来说,例行的严格安检有利于恐怖分子,他们围绕这些措施做文章。所以安检措施应该随机化,而不是让每个人接受同样的安检措施。但是他并不支持航空公司很热心的一项改革措施: 旅客白名单 计划,受过审查的旅客会免除大多数安检。霍利曾经喜欢这一想法,现在却担心恐怖组织会招募那些通过审查的 清白 恐怖分子。

IATA thinks that if vetting were thorough, and a few trusted travellers were checked atrandom, this problem could be overcome.The airlines also propose merging check-in,security, passport control and customs inspection into a seamless checkpoint of thefuture.But getting government agencies to agree to such a move will be like asking hyenasto share a steak.国际航空运输协会则认为如果审查够彻底,而且一些受信任的旅客随机安检,这个问题可以克服。航空公司同样提议整合登记签到,安检,护照管理和海关检查成为无缝衔接的未来安检点。但是说服政府部门统同意这一举措将会像要求鬣狗分享牛排一样不可能。

Even if all these reforms were introduced, far more would have to be done to make flying funonce more.Airlines would need to bring back wide seats and generous meals and drinks.Tedious safety drills and strict seat-belt rules would have to go, as would rowdy stag partiesand wailing children.One can but dream.即使实行所有的这些改革措施,使飞行重新变得有趣还需要做很多工作。航空公司需要可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com






Business-process outsourcing


At the front of the back office


How the Philippines beat India in call centres


IT S midnight in Manila, and the capital is justwaking up to the start of another working day.Atthe Worldwide Corporate Centre office block,thousands of young Filipinos are crowding into endless open-plan offices.Once seated, theyquickly start answering the questions and calming the frustrations of vexed Americanconsumers beginning their own day on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.在马尼拉的午夜12点,这座首都城市正慢慢步入第二天工作日。此时世界管理中心的办公大楼里,数千名菲律宾年轻人涌入无数的开放式办公室。一坐下,他们就迅速开始工作,对太平洋彼岸正开始新的一天的愤怒的美国消费者提出的咨询做出回答,并安抚他们的情绪。

These Filipinos are call-centre workers.To outsiders it is hardly a glamorous profession, yetdespite the antisocial hours these men and women have every reason to be as well-motivated and cheerful as they seem.They are well paid and know that they work at theheart of their country s most dynamic industry.这些菲律宾人都是呼叫中心的员工。在外人看来,这不算是一个光鲜的职业,然而,尽管他们工作时间错乱,这些男男女女也有充分的理由可以像他们看上去的那么积极乐观。因为他们有很好的收入,并且知道他们在自己国家最有活力的行业中心工作。

The rise of what is known as business-process outsourcing in the Philippines has beennothing short of phenomenal.The very first calls were taken in 1997;today the sectoremploys 638,000 people and enjoys revenues of $11 billion, about 5% of the country s GDP.Last year the Philippines even overtook India, long the biggest call-centre operator in theworld, in voice-related services.The country now employs about 400,000 people at callcentres, India only 350,000.在菲律宾,业务流程外包的这一行业的崛起已经成为一种现象了。首次出现是在1997年;现在这个行业员工达到638,000人,营业总额达到110亿美元,约占全国GDP的5%。去年,菲律宾人在话务服务上,超越了长期以来全球最大的印度呼叫运营机构。现在,菲律宾可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


The South-East Asian upstart is unlikely ever to surpass the SouthAsian behemoth across the entire range of outsourcing offerings, which alsoinclude all kinds of information-technology services.Yet given the extraordinary growth sofar it is hard to gainsay the Philippines own projection that its BPO industry could addanother 700,000 or so jobs by 2016 and generate revenues of $25 billion.At that point, theindustry would make up nearly a tenth of GDP and be bigger in value than the remittancesfrom the 10m Filipinos working overseas.虽然,东南亚菲律宾的新贵可能永远不能通过提供包括各种信息技术服务在内的全方位外包服务超过南亚的印度巨头。然而,鉴于到目前为止的非凡增长,很难否认菲律宾对业务流程外包行业的规划,预计在2016年再增加700,000个工作岗位,收入达到250亿美元。到那时,整个行业的营业额将占全国GDP的十分之一,产值将超过来自 1千万菲律宾海外工作者的汇款。

As in the call-centre business so far, some of these new jobs will come at the expense ofIndia.Yet India s relationship with the Philippines in back-office work is more complex thanthe numbers suggest.到目前为止,呼叫中心的一些新的就业机会是和印度竞争得来的。而印度和菲律宾在后台业务工作上的关系也不仅仅只是数量上的对比这么简单。

The main reason for the success of the Philippine call centres is that workers speak Englishwith a neutral accent and are familiar with American idioms—which is exactly what theirAmerican customers want.Of these, many have taken to complaining bitterly about Indianaccents.As aresult, the Indian firms themselves have been helping to move jobs to the Philippines bysetting up call centres in Manila and other parts of the country.Infosys and Wipro, as well asscores of other Indian firms, now have substantial operations there.And they aren t drawnto Manila by cheap labour.Wages in the Philippines are slightly higher than in India since theFilipino accent commands a premium.菲律宾呼叫中心成功的主要原因是它的工作人员能说不带地方口音的英文还能使用类似的美国习语——这恰恰是美国客户需要的。对于这些问题,很多人曾痛苦的抱怨印度口音。结果,印度公司因为他们自己的不足使得他们把工作机会给了菲律宾马尼拉以及其他地区设立的呼叫中心。现在印孚瑟斯和威普罗,以及其他同等级的印度公司,也有大量的业务在那。而且他们并不是被马尼拉的廉价劳动力吸引过去的。在菲律宾,因为员工的口音要求,需要支付额外的费用,他们的工资比印度人还要高一些。

It also helps that the country has a big pool of well-educated workers.The million or soFilipinos who graduate every year have few other options to choose from, besidesemigrating.And working in a call centre is considered a middle-class job.它还为一大批受过良好教育的菲律宾工作者提供了就业机会。每年有大约一百万的菲律宾毕业生除了移民没有什么可以选择的工作。而且在呼叫中心提供的是相当于中等阶层的工可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


The big question is whether the Philippine BPO industry, having conquered the call-centremarket, can now move up the value chain.To keep growing rapidly-and profitably-it needs tocapture some of the more sophisticated back-office jobs, such as those processinginsurance claims and conducting due diligence.In these businesses, called knowledge-process outsourcing and legal-process outsourcing, India still rules supreme.菲律宾业务流程外包行业已经征服了呼叫中心市场,现在的大问题是它是否能提升企业价值链。要保持快速并且有利的增长,它需要抓住一些更复杂的后台业务,例如一些保险索赔和尽职调查。这些业务被称为知识流程外包和法律流程外包,在这方面印度仍处于领先地位。

Integreon offers a glimpse of what the future may hold.The firm occupies just a fewdiscreet, very secure offices.It employs 300 people in Manila, 40 of them lawyers who helpmultinational law firms with litigation.Familiarity with America helps.It makes it very easyfor us to do legal research for American firms, says Benjamin Romualdez, the firm s countrymanager.让我们看看Integreon公司将会发生些什么。这个公司仅仅只占用了几个不起眼的安全的办公室。他在马尼拉有300名雇员,其中40人是律师,帮助跨国的律师事务所进行诉讼。精通美国诉讼。它让我们能够轻松的对美国的公司进行法律研究,该公司的区域经理Benjamin Romualdez说。

This sort of operation is new in Manila, but Mr Romualdez expects that he can find the skilledworkers to double his workforce over five years.Western banks have also discovered thePhilippines.JPMorgan Chase now has over 25,000 workers on its own payroll in the country,many of whom do much more than answering phones.The Philippines is set to compete withIndia across the BPO board.这类机构在马尼拉还是新事物,但是Romualdez先生希望他能找到技术熟练的员工在未来的五年加倍努力。西方银行也发现了菲律宾。现在,摩根大通已经有25,000名这个国家的雇员,他们中的许多人不仅仅只是负责接电话的工作。菲律宾将在BPO峰会上与印度竞争。


Betty Ford


Betty Bloomer Ford, an outspoken First Lady, diedon July 8th, aged 93;可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


All her life, Betty Ford loved to dance.At ten shewas gliding round to the waltz and the foxtrot atsocial-dancing classes in Grand Rapids, Michigan.As a young woman, she was taught by MarthaGraham and danced in her troupe at Carnegie Hall.In the White House she tried out disco steps, and shimmied to the Bump at dinner-dances.But if you tried to teach her an arabesque or a jetée,she turned into the worstballet dancer who ever came down the road.She couldn t bear to be constrained like that.She was, as she put it once, a booby who only wanted to soar。


Of course, she could be proper too.In her brief stint as First Lady, from August 1974 toJanuary 1977, she was always immaculately turned out.She wore white gloves whenever she had to do so.But, much as she adored clothes—the room-long rack ather house in Virginia had fallen off the wall, she had so many—all the ladylike publicbehaviour could be a bit of a strain.So too could the split-second scheduling, when she likedto linger in bed in the mornings till 9.30 or so, putting on her makeup in her own good time.It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgowntucked up under her coat.“Hi, Betty!” they would shout back.当然,她也会中规中矩的合乎礼仪。从1974年8月到1977年1月,在任第一夫人期间,她总能做到举止得体。必要的场合,她甚至会带上白色手套。在他们弗吉尼亚州家中,墙上本悬挂着一个与房间一样长的架子上陈列的全是她的衣服,但因为太多,架子都塌了下来。她是如此喜欢衣服,但在各种公共场合装淑女却让她很不自在。她喜欢一直在床上赖到大概九点半,然后悠闲自在地化妆,所以白宫紧凑的公共行程安排也让她郁闷。有好几次,她出现在阳台上向大家问好时,正装下是还未及更换的睡衣。“嗨,贝蒂!”大家总是这样回应她的问候。

On Jerry s inauguration day she kept quiet, because she had taken advice from her LivingBible that morning to “put a muzzle on your mouth”.But she made it clear that she didn tintend to change the candid habits of a lifetime just because she was in the White House.Jerry and she were going to keep their sleeping arrangements , in which they wouldhave sex “as often as possible!” The flag she had made for her limousine featured a pair ofvoluminous calico knickers on a blue satin ground, because her maiden name was Bloomer.On “60 Minutes” in 1975, her bouffant hair perfect and her warm smile ever ready, shedeclared that smoking marijuana was like “having a first beer” and that she wouldn t besurprised if her 18-year-old daughter Susan had an affair.Jerry said: “Honey, you just lostme 20m votes.” Her own ratings soared.在杰拉尔德·福特就职时,她参照《新版圣经》的训诫,整个早晨都“保持缄默”。但可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


She had no preparation for the White House.When Spiro Agnew resigned the vice-presidency in 1973 Jerry became Veep;when Richard Nixon resigned the next year, he wassuddenly president.There was no election.She felt terrified, but ended up enjoying it.Shehad never known what she was in for since she had met Jerry, the big, blond, handsomefootball hero who walked beside her at their wedding in 1948 in awful dusty brown shoes thatdidn t match his suit.He had seemed such a relief after Bill, her first husband, who soldfurniture and was an alcoholic.But Jerry too had a secret vice, and that was politics.她没想过能入住白宫。1973年,斯皮罗·阿格纽辞去副总统职务,杰拉尔德接替他成为美国副总统;第二年,时任美国总统的理查德·尼克松辞职,杰拉尔德升职为美国总统,这个过程,甚至都未曾经历过一场选举。这一切来得太快,让她有点恐慌,但是最终却欣然享受第一夫人的身份。有着一头金发的杰拉尔德是她心中高大帅气的足球英雄,在他们婚礼上,他穿着一双与礼服极不相称、沾满灰尘的棕色鞋子走在她身旁。她从未料到遇见杰拉尔德会有怎样的命运等待着她。她有前夫比尔是嗜酒如命的家具销售代表。遇见杰拉尔德对她而言则是一种解脱。当然,杰拉尔德也有一个不为人知的缺点,那就是太专注于政治。

He was elected to Congress the year they got married, and they stayed in Washington for 28years.For more than half that time he was away from home while she raised Mike, Jack,Steve and Susan, tripping over bags of marbles and toy trucks, burying pet alligators, visitingthe emergency room, measuring out her life in Pablum spoons.She was a den mother forcub scouts and taught Sunday School, but by 1965 she couldn t be Bionic Woman any more.A psychiatrist told her she had to believe she was important again.在他们结婚当年,杰拉尔德入选国会,他们在华盛顿待了28个年头,这期间杰拉尔德有一半时间都不在她身边,她一人将4个孩子——麦克,杰克,斯蒂芬和苏珊拉扯大:会被一大袋的弹子儿和玩具卡车绊倒;埋葬宠物短吻鳄;带着孩子看医生;在乏味的碗筷之间经营着自己的生活。她还是童子军女训导,在主日学校上课。但1956年,她再也无法扮演“无敌女金刚”的角色了,精神医生告诉她必须得开始关注自己了。

She went to him for almost two years, and openly admitted it later.Why not get help if youneeded it? It was the same when breast cancer struck her as First Lady.She spoke “breast”aloud and “cancer” aloud, had a mastectomy and urged others to do the same.Why, she toldthe world, she could even wear her evening clothes.When she became addicted to pills forneck pain and, over martini-filled years, started drinking too much, she publicly booked into aclinic to recover, sharing a room with three other women, and then in 1982 founded the BettyFord Centre for addiction in Rancho Mirage, California.There she would tell patients: “Hi,I m Betty.I m an addict and an alcoholic.” 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com


That secondary feeling


Her impulse to speak out shockingly and usefully extended into politics, too.Though shetried not to get in Jerry s way, she realised that First Ladies had power to make waves.Shethought Roe v Wade, which legalised abortion, a great decision, and said so.She lobbiedhard for a woman on the Supreme Court, though pillow-talk had no effect in that case.Naturally she supported the Equal Rights Amendment, but since Jerry opposed it she waiteduntil 1977 to get out in front of the sisterly protests with her placard.She had spent so muchof her life feeling secondary that she burned to undo the lawsthat hemmed women in.她把直率敢言、语出惊人却字字珠玑的风格也带到了政治上。尽管她试着不给杰拉尔德添麻烦,但是第一夫人还是有足够威力引起**。她认为罗伊案促使堕胎合法化,这是个不错的决定,于是加以肯定;她为一名妇女在最高法庭上努力游说众人,虽然在那个案子中,即使吹枕边风福特也帮不上忙。当然她也支持《平等权利修正案》,但由于杰拉尔德反对这项法案,直到1977年她才得以与姐妹般得抗议者们站在一起,高举标语牌。在她一生的大部分时间中,她总感觉自己作为女性得不到重视,于是尽自己所能解除那些禁锢女性的法律。

She was only an ordinary woman, she liked to say.She d worked in a department store, hadan unlucky marriage, could only make scalloped potato out of a box, never got a collegedegree.But she was caught up in extraordinary times.And when they ended—as sheblissfully contemplated getting both life and husband back, as they packed up to leave theWhite House—she took just a moment to climb on the Cabinet table, so beautifully set, anddance.如她所言,她只是一名普通女性:曾在百货公司工作,经历过一次不幸的婚姻,只会用烤盘做焗薯仔,更没有大学学历,但是她却赶上了特殊时期。当这一切都结束了 ——当她幸福的预计到生活和丈夫都能回到自己身边、打点好行李准备离开白宫时,她用一眨眼的功夫跃上精美的议会餐桌,翩然起舞。




(六)Every time Americans tune into local news broadcasts or read daily papers,they are likely to be shocked at the increasing number of serious crimes committed by youths who are only sixteen years old or even younger.It is sometimes difficult to imagine these youngsters behaving like hardened criminals,but statistics continually prove that their crimes are often just as brutal as those committed by their adult counterparts.Inevitably,people begin questioning how successful the juvenile justice system is in reforming these youths and debating whether violent juveniles should be tried as adults in our legal system.I feel there is no question that juveniles convicted of serious crimes should face the same consequences as adults.While the teenage population in the United States has declined over the past decade,violent crimes committed by juveniles have sharply increased.It is common knowledge that the youth murder-arrest rate has climbed dramatically.Examples of teen crime are vivid and terrifying.Newspapers and television frequently report that youths with no apparent motives have shot and killed other people.The effect on both families and society is large.Despite the increase in serious crimes committed by young offenders,the punishment which juveniles receive has traditionally almost never fit the severity of the crimes.Since the system has historically viewed children as not being fully developed,physically or mentally,it has prevented them from being held accountable for their wrongdoing.Although many of these“children”commit horrible crimes,they have been routinely treated as victims of society.Until very recently,1ighter sentences and court proceedings have been the norm.The message they sent to serious juvenile criminals is that crime “pays” because there are no serious consequences for their actions.When the system lacks an element of fear,there is nothing to prevent youthful offenders from committing future crimes.The current trend of assigning adult sentences to youths who commit serious crimes is absolutely just if the punishment is to fit the crime.Most pro-rehabilitation advocates argue that juvenile criminals are completely different from adult ones and should,therefore,be treated differently in the justice system.However,the cost to society is the same regardless of the age of the criminal.What comfort does it give to the family of a killed or injured victim that the person who killed or hurt their loved one was a minor? Families suffer no less because their relatives are shot by young offenders.Instead of treating the loser who murders innocent people like a victim of society,this person should be treated like any other person who victimizes society and causes pain to individuals and communities.Tougher measures must be taken to combat this growing problem of juvenile crime.In today‘s society,too many juveniles count on light sentences given by the juvenile justice system.Lawyers can help a vicious criminal receive a short sentence,and return to the streets to commit more crimes.When there are no harsh consequences of being caught,committing crimes can be perceived as having positive benefits.As a result,juveniles are continuing to become more violent and 1ess concerned with the value of human life.Rehabilitation,recommended by many as the solution to juvenile crime,should be directed only towards youths who have committed minor offenses.However,the juveniles who commit serious crimes should be tried as adults.A message has to be sent that we will no longer tolerate brutal crimes simply because of the age of the criminal.These youths must be held completely accountable for their crimes,suffering harsh consequences and ultimately realizing that they are no longer protected by the law.1.It can be inferred that juvenile criminals are those____.[A]who are under the age of 16 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

years old

[B]who are not accountable for the crimes they commit

[C]who can not tell major crimes from minor crimes

[D]who are more likely to become victims of the society

2.That violent juvenile crimes are on the rise is manifested by the fact that____.[A]penalty for juvenile criminals is becoming more and more serious

[B]the society can no longer tolerate juvenile crimes

[C]youth murder-arrest rate has dramatically increased

[D]the young population has increased in the last ten years

3.The reason why young people are becoming increasingly violent is that____.[A]the older they become,the stronger they are

[B]they receive lighter punishment than they should

[C]they do not know the value of human life

[D]there is now too much violence in newspaper and on television

4.According to the author,one reason why violent juvenile criminals should suffer the same fate as their adult counterparts is that____.[A]there are as many juvenile crimes as adult crimes

[B]they have done equivalent injuries to the victim or the society

[C]they are clearly aware of what they are doing at the time of offence

[D]no other penalty can prevent them from committing future crimes

5.Pro-rehabilitation advocates insist that____.[A]rehabilitation be directed only towards youths who commit minor crimes

[B]stricter sentences be given only to youths who commit brutal crimes

[C]a different justice system be applied to minors since they are not fully developed

[D]minors be held completely responsible for any kind of crimes they commit


1.[A] 参阅第一段第一句。

2.[C] 参阅第二段第二句。

3.[B] 参阅第三、四、五段,尤其是第五段。

4.[B] 参阅第四段第二、三、四句。

5.[C] 参阅第四段第一句和第三段第一、二句。


In the following article, some sentences have been removed.For Questions 1-5, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blank.There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps.1)Many of the options have already been rehearsed in the press: excluding some treatments from the NHS, charging for certain drugs and services, and developing voluntary or compulsory health insurance schemes.2)we spend about 7 per cent of GDP on health, compared with 9 per cent in the Netherlands and 10 per cent in France and Germany.In terms of health outcomes versus spend, we compare pretty favourably.I don t see private health care providing much of the solution to current problems.3)Neither is close to being implemented, but the future could see a deliberate shift of attention to voluntary health insurance and an emphasis on social insurance.4)Even so, higher taxes 可锐教育官网http://www.xiexiebang.com

will plainly be needed to fund health care.I think we ll eventually see larger NHS charges, more rationing of medical services and restrictions on certain procedures without proven outcomes.Stricter eligibility criteria for certain treatments are another possibility.5)None of them is going to win votes for the political party desperate enough to introduce them— but then nobody is going to vote for ill-health or an early death either.[A]English National Health Service is a universal health-keeping system.But Now, the shortage of money becomes a serious problem.[B]All such options would mean a sharp break with tradition and political fall-out that could be extremely damaging.[C]The options provides solution to the shortage of money problem.[D]I expect individuals to take greater responsibility for their personal health using technology that allows self-diagnosis followed by self-treatment or home care.[E]Looking at how far we ll be able to fund the Health Service in the 2lst century raises any number of thorny issues.[F]More likely is a shift from universal health coverage to top-up schemes which give people basic health entitlements but require them to finance other treatment through private financing, or opt-out schemes which use tax relief to encourage individuals to make private provision.[G]Compared to its European Union counterparts Britain operates a low-cost health system





4.D.“我预计,利用使个人能够自诊,然后自疗的技术或通过家居护理,人们将对自身健康负起更大责任。”下文:即使如此,显然仍要增税为医疗保健提供资金。我们最终会看到国民保健服务收费会更高,更多的医疗服务实行定量配给,对未证明以有效果的某些疗法会加以更多的限制„„。选项关键词语:Even so。






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