
时间:2019-05-14 17:24:50下载本文作者:会员上传




Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press


Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press...........................................................................1 《人民日报》记者...................................................................................................................4 王毅........................................................................................................................................4 路透社记者...............................................................................................................................5 王毅........................................................................................................................................5 中央电视台记者.......................................................................................................................6 王毅........................................................................................................................................7 彭博社记者...............................................................................................................................7 王毅........................................................................................................................................7 《中国日报》记者...................................................................................................................9 王毅........................................................................................................................................9 俄罗斯国际通讯社记者...........................................................................................................9 王毅........................................................................................................................................9 《环球时报》者.....................................................................................................................10 王毅......................................................................................................................................10 哈萨克通讯社记者.................................................................................................................11 王毅......................................................................................................................................11 北京电视台记者.....................................................................................................................12 王毅......................................................................................................................................12 澎湃新闻记者.........................................................................................................................13 王毅......................................................................................................................................13 新加坡《海峡时报》记者.....................................................................................................14 王毅......................................................................................................................................14 中国国际电视台记者.............................................................................................................15 王毅......................................................................................................................................15 共同社记者.............................................................................................................................16 王毅......................................................................................................................................17 凤凰卫视记者.........................................................................................................................17 王毅......................................................................................................................................17 印度报业托拉斯记者.............................................................................................................18 王毅......................................................................................................................................18 中国国际广播电台记者.........................................................................................................19 2 王毅......................................................................................................................................19 法国法兰西广播公司记者.....................................................................................................19 王毅......................................................................................................................................19 中新社记者.............................................................................................................................20 王毅......................................................................................................................................20 俄通-塔斯社记者...................................................................................................................22 王毅......................................................................................................................................22 中评社记者.............................................................................................................................23 王毅......................................................................................................................................23 埃菲社记者.............................................................................................................................24 王毅......................................................................................................................................24 新华社记者.............................................................................................................................24 王毅......................................................................................................................................25


On 8 March 2018, the First Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress held a press conference.Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions on China’s foreign policy and external relations.王毅:各位记者朋友,大家上午好!首先,我要向在场的女记者们并向所有女同胞们致以节日的祝福。同时,我也要借此机会向所有关心和支持中国外交的中外记者朋友们表示感谢,中国外交取得的成绩里有你们付出的一份辛劳和贡献。大家辛苦了!现在,我愿意回答大家的提问。

Wang Yi: Dear members of the press, good morning.At the outset, I wish to extend festive greetings to all women, particularly the female journalists in this room.I also wish to thank the press, Chinese and foreign, for having shown understanding and support for China’s foreign policy and external relations.Everything we have accomplished, you have played a part.Thank you!Now I am ready to take your questions.《人民日报》记者:党的十八大以来,外交工作取得了前所未有的重大成就,赢得了全国人民普遍赞誉。2018年是十九大之后的开局之年,你能否透露今年的中国外交将有哪些亮点?

People’s Daily: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has made unprecedented progress in its foreign relations, which is widely praised across the country.Following the 19th Party Congress, what will be the highlights of China’s diplomatic agenda this year?


Wang Yi: Under the outstanding leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core since the 18th Party Congress, we have traveled on a road of major-country diplomacy that reflects China’s distinct vision, style and values.Producing historic accomplishments, our diplomatic efforts have been instrumental to upholding national sovereignty and interests, and to facilitating domestic reform and development.Last October, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in his report to the 19th Party Congress that China will work with other countries to foster a new type of international relations and to build a global community with a shared future.This is the aim of China’s major-country diplomacy in the new era.2018年是贯彻落实十九大精神的开局之年。中国外交将在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指引下,拿出新作为,展现新气象。今年的中国外交亮点主要体现在四大主场活动上。

The year 2018 kicks off efforts to implement the decisions of the 19th Party Congress.Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we in the diplomatic service will take new steps and make new strides.The main highlights of China’s diplomatic calendar will include the following four events we are going to host: 一是4月在海南举行博鳌亚洲论坛年会,主旋律是改革开放。今年恰逢中国改革开放40周年,本届年会将总结改革开放成功经验,展示新时代深化改革、扩大开放的新前景。

First, the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, which will take place in Hainan this April and focus on reform and opening-up.In this 40th anniversary year of reform and opening-up, we will review China’s successful experience and sketch new possibilities for reform and opening-up in the new era.二是6月在青岛举行上海合作组织峰会,主旋律是弘扬―上海精神‖。扩员后的上合组织将重温互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展的―上海精神‖,开启上合组织发展壮大的新征程。

Second, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, which will take place in Qingdao this June and focus on revitalizing the Shanghai Spirit.The expanded SCO will rededicate itself to the Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust and benefit, equal-footed consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development.The summit will set the SCO on a new journey of consolidation and growth.三是9月在北京举行中非合作论坛峰会,主旋律是―一带一路‖。非洲各国的兄弟姐妹将会以峰会为契机,全方位参与―一带一路‖建设,为中非全面战略伙伴关系注入新动力。

Third, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, which will take place in Beijing this September and focus on the Belt and Road Initiative.A great opportunity for our African brothers and sisters to participate fully in the BRI, the Summit will give new impetus to the China-Africa comprehensive strategic partnership.四是11月在上海首次举行中国国际进口博览会,主旋律是市场开放。中国将向世界张开双臂,展现市场潜力,欢迎各国参与和分享中国发展的新机遇。

Fourth, the first China International Import Expo, which will take place in Shanghai this November and focus on further market opening.China will embrace the world with open arms and enormous market potential.All will be welcome to access and benefit from the new opportunities of China’s development.2018年中国外交的大幕已经拉开,新时代的中国外交将为中国自身发展营造更好外部环境,为人类进步事业提供更多正能量。

China’s diplomatic agenda for 2018 are unfolding even as we speak.In the new era, we will work even harder to see that China will enjoy a better environment for development and make greater contributions to human progress.路透社记者:中国可以发挥什么作用鼓励朝美进行直接谈判?中方是否认为美方应该撤离驻韩的美军?

Reuters: What role does China have to facilitate direct talks between North Korea and the United States? Does China believe that the US needs to withdraw its military forces in South Korea?

王毅:半岛问题是当前国际社会最关注的一个话题。朝韩双方抓住冬奥会契机,展开一系列密集互动,南北关系迅速解冻,为冰封已久的半岛局势注入了久违的暖流。发生这样的变化有人似乎感到困惑,其实是情理之中。冬奥会期间,朝鲜没有进行新的 5 核导试验,美韩也暂停了针对朝方的军演。事实证明,中方提出的―双暂停‖倡议是一剂对症下药的良方,为南北改善关系营造了最基本的条件。

Wang Yi: This is the hottest topic right now.Seizing the opportunity of the PyeongChang Olympics, the DPRK and the ROK have had a succession of interactions and achieved a rapid thaw in their relations, reversing the long-standing chill on the Korean Peninsula.The recent developments may seem baffling to some people, but are actually within the bounds of reason.During the Winter Games, the DPRK did not conduct any nuclear test and the US and the ROK suspended their joint exercises targeting the DPRK.This proves that China’s ―suspension for suspension‖ proposal was the right prescription for the problem and created basic conditions for the improvement of inter-Korean relations.现在,半岛问题的解决终于朝着正确方向迈出了重要一步。我们对朝韩双方为此作出的努力予以充分肯定和支持。接下来的关键,是各方积极呼应,形成合力,共同把半岛局势重新纳入和平稳定的轨道,把半岛核问题重新纳入对话解决的轨道。为此,我们呼吁各方尤其是美朝双方尽快进行接触和对话。各方沿着―双轨并进‖的思路,既坚持半岛无核化目标,又积极构建半岛和平机制。在推进无核化的进程中同步对等解决各方包括朝方的合理安全关切。这既是中方的一贯立场,也是联合国安理会决议中确定的目标。

The Korean Peninsula issue has finally taken an important step in the right direction.China fully commends and supports the efforts made by the two Koreas.To return the Peninsula to peace and stability and the nuclear issue to the track of dialogue, these initial steps must be followed up by corresponding and concerted efforts by the parties.To this end, we call on the parties, particularly the US and the DPRK, to engage in dialogue sooner rather than later.We encourage all to follow the dual-track approach of remaining committed to the goal of denuclearization and working actively to establish a peace mechanism on the Peninsula.The parties’ legitimate security concerns, including those of the DPRK, can be addressed in exchange for and in tandem with progress towards denuclearization.This is China’s long-standing position and also the vision set forth in the relevant Security Council resolutions.冰冻三尺非一日之寒。尽管隧道的尽头已经显露曙光,但前行的道路不可能一帆风顺。历史经验告诉我们,每当半岛局势出现缓和时,各种干扰就会如影随形,接踵而来。现在又到了检验各方是不是真心希望解决半岛核问题的关键时刻。和平必须争取,机遇需要把握。各方应以半岛和平大局为重,以本地区人民安危为重,拿出政治勇气,作出政治决断,尽快开展一切必要和有益的双多边接触,全力推动重启和平解决半岛核问题的对话谈判。中方将为此继续作出不懈努力。

Of course, it takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice.Despite light at the end of the tunnel, the journey ahead won’t be smooth.History has reminded us time and again that whenever tensions subsided on the Peninsula, the situation would be clouded by various interferences.Now is a crucial moment for testing the sincerity of the parties.Every effort must be made for peace, and the opportunity must be seized.It falls to all parties to bear in mind the imperative of peace and the well-being of people in the region.All must demonstrate political courage and make a political decision to expeditiously carry out all necessary and useful engagements, both bilateral and plurilateral, and to do their best to restart dialogue and negotiation for the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue.China will continue to make unremitting efforts for this outcome.中央电视台记者:党的十八大以来,总书记亲力亲为开展元首外交,推动我国国际地位和影响得到历史性提升。你怎么看待中国元首外交的重要作用和影响?

China Central Television: In the last five years, President Xi has been fully engaged in China’s foreign policy.His personal diplomacy has enhanced China’s standing and international influence like never before.How do you see the role and impact of the diplomacy conducted by President Xi as head of state?


Wang Yi: Head-of-state diplomacy as the highest form of state-to-state interaction plays a pivotal role and has irreplaceable strategic value.Since 2012, President Xi Jinping has been the chief architect of China’s distinctive major-country diplomacy.He was personally involved in the planning and conduct of head-of-state diplomacy, which by all accounts has been brilliant.To date, President Xi has visited 57 countries in different parts of the world and received more than 110 foreign heads of state.These important visits and meetings go a long way towards deepening the world’s understanding of China, enhancing China’s profile and influence, and facilitating the solution of many global problems.President Xi’s leadership and charisma has earned him – and his country – many good friends among foreign leaders who represent a diverse range of cultures and social systems.2018年,除了主持四大主场活动之外,习主席还将赴南非、巴布亚新几内亚和阿根廷出席金砖国家领导人峰会、亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议以及二十国集团领导人会晤。我们相信,习主席亲力亲为的元首外交将会进一步展现为人民谋福、为国家负责、为世界担当的博大情怀,书写新时代中国特色大国外交的崭新篇章。

In the year ahead, President Xi will host the four diplomatic events I mentioned earlier, and he will also attend the BRICS Summit in South Africa, the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Papua New Guinea and the G20 Summit in Argentina.We believe that President Xi’s personal diplomacy will make a positive and responsible contribution to the well-being of his people, the interests of China and the welfare of the world.It will write a whole new chapter of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.彭博社记者:关于美中贸易战,美方表示愿意采取一切工具防止中国破坏国际竞争。请问中国是否愿意采取一切工具反击?

Bloomberg: The US says it will use all available tools to prevent China from undermining international competition.Will China respond in kind?


Wang Yi: Let me first reiterate China’s policy towards the United States.China and the US are agreed that we share broad interests and important responsibilities for global peace, stability and prosperity.Our two countries are to carry out broad-based cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit, manage our differences on the basis of mutual respect, deepen mutual understanding and friendship between our people, and work together to address major regional and global challenges.We ought to work for the sustained, healthy and steady growth of our relations.中美之间主要是合作。两国人民之间有着非常广泛和密切的交往。美国盖洛普民调最新数字表明,美国民众对中国的好感度超过了50%,这是近30年来最高的。我希望大家更要看到这些积极因素。作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美合作将造福两国,惠及世界。如果说中美之间有竞争的话,也应该是良性和积极竞争,这在国际交往中也是正常的。换句话说,中美可以有竞争,不必做对手,更需当伙伴。Cooperation is the main thrust of China-US relations.Our people enjoy close and extensive exchanges.According to the latest Gallup poll, more than 50 percent of Americans have a favorable view of China, the highest rate in nearly three decades.I hope people will pay more attention to such positive things.As the largest developing country and developed country, China and America working together will benefit not just our own countries, but also the whole world.If there is any competition between us, which is natural, it has to be healthy and positive.We may have competition, but we don’t have to be rivals.Instead, we should strive to be partners.中国将坚持走自己选择的发展道路,中国的发展振兴不可阻挡,这已是国际社会的普遍认知。美国一些人认为中国因此要取代美国在国际上的作用,这是根本性的战略误判。我们走的是中国特色社会主义道路,核心要义是坚持和平发展,成功之处在于合作共赢,这与传统大国曾经走过的路完全不同,正在得到越来越多国家的认同和欢迎。中国越发展,越能为世界做贡献。中国实现自身现代化的路还很长,不会也不必去取代美国的作用。双方应在遵守中美三个联合公报和双方各项共识的基础上相互尊重,优势互补,合作共赢。中美关系数十年来历经风雨,但对话与合作始终是主线,因为这是唯一明智也是现实的选择。

China is determined to stay on the path it has chosen, and China’s development and revitalization is unstoppable.This is the consensus of the international community.Some Americans allege that China will replace America’s role in the world.This strategic conclusion is fundamentally wrong.China is on the path of socialism with distinctive Chinese characteristics.Its success is underpinned by its commitment to peaceful development and win-win cooperation.China’s path is completely different from that of traditional powers and, as such, is commended and welcomed by a growing number of countries.The truth is, the more China develops, the more contribution it can make to the world.China is on a long march to modernization.It has no need or intention to displace America.China and America must respect each other, combine our strengths and pursue win-win cooperation on the basis of the three joint communiqués and our common understandings.China-US relations have gone through a lot in the past few decades, but dialogue and cooperation has always carried the day.It is the wise thing to do;there can be no alternative.至于中美之间的贸易摩擦。历史的经验教训证明,打贸易战从来都不是解决问题的正确途径。尤其在全球化的今天,选择贸易战更是抓错了药方,结果只会损人害己,中方必将作出正当和必要的反应。作为两个利益高度融合的大国,作为世界第一和第二大经济体,中美既要对两国人民负责,也要为世界各国负责。双方还是应当心平气和地坐下来,通过平等和建设性对话,共同找出一个互利双赢的办法。

As for our trade frictions, history teaches that trade war is never the right solution.In a globalized world, it is particularly unhelpful, as it will harm the initiator as well as the target country.In the event of a trade war, China will make a justified and necessary response.The bottom line is, as the world’s largest economies, China’s and America’s interests are deeply entwined.We must bear in mind not just the interests of our own people, but also the well-being of the world.When all is said and done, we hope China and America will have a calm and constructive dialogue as equals, and find a win-win solution.《中国日报》记者:外界议论说中国已经改变了不干涉内政原则,将更多干预他国和地区事务,这是否正成为中国外交新趋势?

China Daily: We hear a view that China has abandoned its long-standing policy of non-interference in favor of a more interventionist approach.Are we seeing a new trend in China’s foreign policy?


Wang Yi: As a permanent member of the UN Security Council,China takes seriously its responsibility for maintaining international peace.Even in the 1950s, we made an important contribution to the peaceful settlement of the Indochina issue.Today, China is in a much better position to help resolve various regional and international issues.We are ready to play our part;indeed, the world expects no less from us.中国参与解决热点问题,有着鲜明的中国特色,始终坚持有所为也有所不为。归纳起来有三条,即和平性、正当性和建设性。和平性就是坚持政治解决方向,主张通过对话谈判解决任何矛盾分歧,坚决反对使用武力;正当性就是坚持不干涉内政原则,尊重当事国的主权和意愿,坚决反对强加于人;建设性就是坚持客观公正立场,根据事情本身的是非曲直开展斡旋调停,坚决反对谋取私利。这三个特色,来源于中国优秀的文化传统,植根于中国外交的成功实践,符合联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,也为解决各种冲突和挑战提供了正确导向和积极借鉴。

In helping to settle various flashpoints, we follow a distinctly Chinese approach.There are things we will do and there are things we won’t do.Put simply, our approach is at once peaceful, justifiable and constructive.First, we prefer a political settlement of disputes through dialogue and negotiation, and firmly reject the use of force.Second, we respect other countries’ sovereignty and wish, and never meddle in their internal affairs.Indeed, we firmly reject imposing one’s own view on others.Third, we do our best to be fair and objective and proceed from the merits of the matter.We firmly reject pursuing private ends.Our approach is rooted in traditional Chinese culture and our successful diplomatic practice.In keeping with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, it shows the right way and provides a good example for resolving conflicts and challenges in the world.俄罗斯国际通讯社记者:俄罗斯将于3月18日举行总统选举,你对选举结果有何预期?如何看待中俄关系前景?

RIA Novosti: Russia’s presidential election is scheduled for 18 March.What do you think the result is going to be? How does China view the prospects of China-Russia relations?

王毅:俄罗斯总统选举是俄罗斯国家和人民的大事。我们看到,在普京总统领导下,近年来俄罗斯的国家发展取得了重要成就,普京总统始终得到俄罗斯人民的坚定支持。我们相信,俄罗斯人民一定会再次作出正确的选择,俄罗斯民族也一定会在国家振兴 9 道路上继续阔步前行。俄罗斯民族是一个有韧性、有坚持、能抗压的民族。我们祝福俄罗斯,祝福俄罗斯人民。

Wang Yi: The presidential election is of vital importance to Russia and its people.We note that President Putin has overseen important strides in Russia’s development and he has strong support from his people.We trust the Russian people will again make the right choice and advance steadily towards national revitalization.The Russian people are resilient, principled and resistant to pressure.Our best wishes for Russia and the Russian people!


We have great confidence in the future of China-Russia relations.Our confidence comes from the strong friendship and trust between our presidents, which is fundamental to the further growth of our relationship.It also comes from the deepening of our cooperation in so many fields, our firm support for each other’s core interests, our close coordination on international affairs and the growing exchanges between our two societies.In short, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is as unshakable as a mountain.I ask you to convey this to our friends in Russia: the sky is the limit for Sino-Russian cooperation, and we must continue to make the relationship even better than it already is.《环球时报》记者:近年来,中国各领域影响不断上升,十九大后国人对未来更加充满期待,但国际上也有人炒作新一轮―中国威胁论‖。你如何回应上述说法?

Global Times: China’s influence has been on the rise across the board.The 19th Party Congress gives Chinese people greater expectations about their future.However, some in the world are again trying to paint China as a threat.How would you counter this claim?


Wang Yi: For decades, the West has made all kinds of assessments and predictions about China.To some Westerners, China is either ―collapsing‖ or ―threatening‖.As China continues to grow, the first theory has collapsed and become an international laughing stock.Meanwhile, proponents of the second theory have conjured up new versions, which find dwindling support because facts speak louder than words.事实是什么?那就是:中国是全球经济增长的主要贡献者,年均贡献率达到30%以上,超过美国、日本以及欧元区国家的总和;中国是全球减贫事业的主要贡献者,贡献率超过70%,创造了人类历史上的奇迹;中国是维护世界和平的主要贡献者,成为安理会五常中派出联合国维和人员最多的国家,维和经费出资居世界第二位;此外,在过去5年中,中国还通过提出共建―一带一路‖等重大倡议,成为参与全球治理、维护贸易自由化和开放型世界经济的主要贡献者。

What are the facts? For years, China has been the leading engine of global growth.At more than 30 percent, China’s annual contribution is bigger than that of America, Japan and the Eurozone combined.China accounts for more than 70 percent of poverty reduction worldwide, a miracle in human history.As the largest source of peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the Security Council and the second largest contributor to the UN peacekeeping budget, China is bearing a weighty responsibility for maintaining world peace.Not to mention that in the last five years, with its Belt and Road Initiative and other major proposals, China has come to the fore in championing global governance, free trade and an open global economy.对于这些事实,只要不怀有偏见,不奉行双重标准,从中看到的决不是什么威胁,而是满满的机遇。所谓―中国威胁论‖可以休矣。

From these solid facts, those who do not have bias or practice double standards will see in China not a threat, but plenty of opportunities.It’s time the ―China threat theory‖ was laid to rest.哈萨克通讯社记者:5年来,―一带一路‖倡议取得了很大进展。但有个别西方人也对倡议透明度及是否符合国际规则有疑虑。请问中方如何回应?

Kazinform: Since its launch five years ago, the Belt and Road Initiative has made a lot of progress.However, some Westerners seem to harbor doubts about its transparency and conformity with international rules.What is China’s response?


Wang Yi: The Belt and Road is a transparent initiative launched by China.It follows the ―golden rule‖ of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.Belt and Road cooperation aims to be equal-footed, inclusive and beneficial to all.The planning and implementation of BRI projects have been discussed by the participants in the open.No country is dominating the process;all parties have an equal say.There is no back-room deal;everything is transparent.There is no ―winner takes all‖;every project delivers win-win results.去年5月,140多个国家的代表出席―一带一路‖国际合作高峰论坛,这是国际社会对―一带一路‖投出的―信任票‖和―支持票‖。迄今已有80多个国家和国际组织与中方签署了共建―一带一路‖合作协议,一大批合作项目正在全面推进,为当地经济社会发展发挥了雪中送炭作用。比如,中国在巴基斯坦开工建设的十余座电站,将彻底解决巴国内缺电限电的历史困境,仅其中一座电站就满足了上千万民众的日常需求。中国企业收购陷入困境的塞尔维亚钢厂,不到一年就扭亏为盈,不仅保住了5000多人的就业,还使整个城市浴火重生。中国企业接手希腊最大港口的经营,货物吞吐量迅速回升,重新跻身欧洲大港行列。中国和法国联手在英国建设核电站,成为―一带一路‖高新技术项目合作的典范。

Last May, the representatives of more than 140 countries participated in the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.The turnout is a clear vote of confidence from the international community.To date, more than 80 countries and international organizations have signed BRI agreements with China.A large number of BRI projects are well underway and adding needed momentum to the economic and social development of our partner countries.For example, China is building over a dozen power stations for Pakistan, the largest of which is supplying electricity to tens of millions of Pakistanis.When all of them are completed, power cuts and shortages will be a thing of the past in Pakistan.In Serbia, a Chinese enterprise bought a troubled steel mill and turned it around in less than a year, both saving more than 5,000 local jobs and helping to re-energize the city in which the steel mill is located.In Greece, a Chinese group took over the operation of its largest seaport, ramped up the container volume and put it back in the same league as Europe’s largest ports.China is also partnering with France to build a nuclear power plant in the UK, a stellar example of high-tech cooperation under the BRI.―一带一路‖是全球公共产品,当然遵守国际规则;―一带一路‖是国际合作平台,自然按照市场规律行事。去年高峰论坛发表的联合公报已对此作出公开承诺,并且强调要统筹好经济、社会、金融和环境之间的关系,增强合作项目的可持续性。我们真诚欢迎各方为―一带一路‖建言献策,共同把―一带一路‖建设好,推进好。不仅加强各国基础设施的―硬联通‖,也要开展政策、规则和标准的―软联通‖;不仅接地气,还要高标准;不仅效益好,而且高质量;不仅惠及中国,更要造福世界。

As a global public good, the BRI of course abides by international rules.As a platform for international cooperation, it naturally follows market principles.The joint communiqué of last year’s forum committed to this and emphasized the importance of economic, social, fiscal and environmental sustainability of projects.We sincerely ask for ideas from all parties, so that we will together make a success of the Belt and Road Initiative.Our goal is not only to strengthen the physical connectivity of infrastructure, but also to improve the institutional connectivity of policies, rules and standards.BRI projects must be high-standard as well as results-oriented, high-quality as well as economically viable, beneficial to the world as well as to China.北京电视台记者:李克强总理在政府工作报告中指出,今年是贯彻十九大精神开局之年,是改革开放40周年,是决胜全面建成小康社会、实施―十三五‖规划承上启下的关键一年。请问外交部在服务国家发展方面会有哪些举措?

Beijing TV: Premier Li Keqiang emphasized in his government work report that 2018 will kick off efforts to put the decisions of the 19th Party Congress into action.It is the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up, and a crucial year for securing a decisive victory in establishing a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan.What will the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do in 2018 to facilitate China’s development goals?


Wang Yi: China still being a developing country, facilitating domestic development is part and parcel of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.Keeping in mind our new mission and what is expected of us, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will implement the decisions of the central leadership and be more active in facilitating domestic development.我们将适应新形势,按照高质量发展的需要,为―走出去‖、―引进来‖,扩大对外合作创造更有利条件,为国内发展营造更良好国际环境。

We will adapt to the new landscape of high-quality development to create a more favorable environment for external cooperation, including ―bringing in‖ and ―going global‖, and for domestic development.12


We will tackle the new challenges presented by the evolution of the principal contradiction facing Chinese society.To tell China’s stories in a more compelling way, we will both upgrade the presentation of Chinese provinces and launch a new series on the major initiatives of reform and opening-up.For example, later this year we will host an event to present the Xiongan New Area to the world.In addition, the MFA has been and will continue to be fully engaged in poverty alleviation and do its bit for winning the nationwide battle against poverty.我们还将落实新要求,发挥好外交部和驻外机构遍布全球的优势,为―一带一路‖建设铺路架桥,维护好我国海外利益。

We will meet the new requirements and leverage our diplomatic and consular assets across the globe to facilitate the Belt and Road Initiative and protect China’s overseas interests.总之,推进新时代中国特色大国外交,我们既要当对外工作的―排头兵‖,也要做服务发展的―实干家‖。

All in all, in advancing major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we aim to be not just the pacesetter of China’s international engagement, but also a solid contributor to domestic development.澎湃新闻记者:今年是中国—东盟建立战略伙伴关系15周年,中方对发展中国—东盟关系有什么设想?

The Paper: This year marks the 15th anniversary of the strategic partnership between China and ASEAN.How will China take forward the relationship?

王毅:今年是中国—东盟建立战略伙伴关系15周年,具有继往开来的重要意义。Wang Yi: As we celebrate the 15th anniversary, 2018 is of particular importance for the future of China-ASEAN strategic partnership.15年来,中国—东盟合作从小到大,硕果累累。中国连续9年保持东盟第一大贸易伙伴地位。去年双方贸易额突破5000亿美元,人员往来突破4000万人次,为中国和东盟各国近20亿民众带来了实实在在利益。中国—东盟合作已经成为亚太区域合作中最为成功和最具活力的典范。

The last 15 years have seen China-ASEAN cooperation go from strength to strength and bear rich fruits.For nine years running, China has been ASEAN’s largest trading partner.Last year, our trade exceeded 500 billion dollars and two-way visits totaled 40 million, all of which brought real benefits to our combined population of nearly 2 billion.Indeed, China-ASEAN cooperation is the most successful and dynamic in the Asian-Pacific region.13 2018年,我们将继续把东盟放在对外合作议程的首页,打造更高水平的战略伙伴关系,构建更紧密的命运共同体。我们将推进三项重点任务:一是规划新蓝图。制定《中国—东盟战略伙伴关系2030年愿景》,实现―一带一路‖倡议和东盟发展规划更好的对接。二是培育新亮点。在政治安全、经贸、社会人文三大支柱下开辟更多合作领域,增加更多合作项目,取得更多合作成果。三是打造新高地。进一步培育澜湄流域经济发展带,构建同东盟东部增长区的合作框架,支持东盟共同体建设,推动区域全面经济伙伴关系协定早日达成。

In the year ahead, we will continue to give the highest priority to cooperation with ASEAN, upgrade our strategic partnership and build a more close-knit community of shared destiny.We have three priorities.First, we will work out a new blueprint of cooperation.The proposed China-ASEAN Strategic Partnership Vision 2030 will lead to better coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and ASEAN’s development plans.Second, we will foster new highlights of cooperation.Cooperation will be broadened in the political and security, economic and trade, and social and people-to-people areas, with more projects and outcomes in the pipeline.Third, we will forge new platforms of cooperation.Efforts will be made to build a Lancang-Mekong economic development belt, establish a cooperation framework with the East ASEAN Growth Area, support ASEAN community-building, and conclude the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership as soon as possible.新加坡《海峡时报》记者:南海形势平静,但也有人担心中国在南海岛礁建设导致军事化。中国和东盟国家今年年内达成―南海行为准则‖的可能性大吗?

The Straits Times: The South China Sea is calm now, but there are still concerns over reports of China’s continuing militarization of its islands in the South China Sea.Are the talks with ASEAN countries for a code of conduct likely to be completed this year?


Wang Yi: When it comes to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, China’s resolve is as strong as its commitment is deep.China’s approach to the South China Sea issue is a responsible one that takes into account the interests of the Chinese people, the facts of history, the imperative of regional peace and the international rule of law.This position is firm and consistent.当前南海面临的首先是机遇。南海形势明显趋稳向好。中国和东盟国家达成高度一致,愿意通过制定―南海行为准则‖,共同维护目前得来不易的安定局面。几天前,中国与东盟国家就准则的案文进行了首次磋商,取得积极进展,并且商定年内至少再举行3 14 次磋商。中国和东盟国家有意愿,也有能力以自主方式制定出符合地区实际、各方共同遵守的地区规则。

With situation in the South China Sea turning for the better, China and ASEAN countries face a golden opportunity.We all agree to develop a code of conduct in the South China Sea to preserve its hard-won tranquility.Last week, our officials held an inaugural round of consultation on the COC text and made encouraging progress.At least three more rounds have been envisaged for the remainder of this year.China and ASEAN countries are willing and able to draft regional rules on our own, rules which will meet our region’s imperatives and be adhered to by all.当前南海面临的主要挑战是,一些外部势力反而对南海风平浪静心有不甘,总想挑动是非,唯恐天下不乱,说到军事化,动辄把全副武装的舰船飞机派到南海炫耀武力,这才是影响南海和平稳定的最大干扰因素。

There are also challenges in the South China Sea.Some outside forces are not happy with the prevailing calm and try to stir up trouble and muddle the waters.Their frequent show of force with fully-armed aircraft and naval vessels is the most destabilizing factor for peace and stability in our region.青山遮不住,毕竟东流去。新的一年里,我们将同东盟国家一起,抓住机遇,拓展合作,排除干扰,化解挑战,珍惜双方努力取得的成果,加快准则的磋商进程,积极探索构建南海沿岸国合作机制,共同把南海建设成和平之海、合作之海。

It is useful to heed the wisdom of a Chinese verse, ―Green hills cannot stop the river flowing;to the vast ocean it keeps advancing.‖ In the year ahead, China will work with ASEAN countries to seize the opportunity, broaden cooperation, prevent interference and overcome challenges.Cherishing what we have worked so hard to achieve, China and ASEAN countries will speed up the COC consultation, actively explore a mechanism of cooperation among the coastal states, and promote peace and cooperation in the South China Sea.中国国际电视台记者:今年中国将在时隔12年后再次主办中非合作论坛峰会,你对峰会成果有何预期?新时代的中国如何继续坚持对非真实亲诚理念?

China Global Television Network: In 2018, for the very first time in 12 years, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will once again be hosted by China.What outcome do you expect from that summit? I am also wondering how China stays true to its policy on honesty and amicability towards Africa in the new era?


Wang Yi: General Secretary Xi Jinping once made a powerful statement: ―China and Africa are friends tested by adversity.Such friends must never be forgotten.‖ So be assured: no matter how the world may change or what others may say, the profound friendship between China and Africa will remain unbreakable, and China’s promise of sincerity, real results, friendship and good faith will remain true.作为非洲国家的好兄弟,好伙伴,我们始终把非洲国家的需要和利益放在心上,想非洲之所想,急非洲之所急。非洲当前面临维护和平安全、促进振兴发展两大任务,中国将根据非洲国家实际需要,加大对非洲热点问题的斡旋,加强同非洲各国在反恐、打击海盗、防灾减灾等非传统安全领域合作,不断提高非洲国家维护自身和平与安全的能力。

As Africa’s brother and partner, China will always attach particular importance to the needs and interests of African countries.Africa’s concerns are China’s concerns, and its priorities are China’s priorities.Africa faces the twin challenges of maintaining peace and security and of promoting development and revitalization.In response to its needs, China will step up mediation in regional flashpoints.China will also enhance cooperation with African countries on unconventional security threats such as terrorism, piracy and natural disaster, and help them build capacity for ensuring their own peace and security.在构建人类命运共同体的新征程上,非洲是不可或缺的重要伙伴。我们欢迎非洲兄弟姐妹继续搭乘中国发展的快车。今年9月中非合作论坛峰会将在中国举行,各国领导人将在时隔12年后再次齐聚北京,共商新时代的中非合作大计。峰会主题将聚焦中非共建―一带一路‖,共筑中非命运共同体。我们将推动―一带一路‖与联合国2030可持续发展议程相对接,与非盟《2063年议程》相对接,与非洲各国发展战略相对接,让中非合作插上―一带一路‖的强劲翅膀,飞得更高,飞得更远。

In our new endeavor to build a global community with a shared future, Africa is an indispensable partner.China welcomes our African brothers and sisters to continue their ride on China’s fast train of development.The FOCAC summit scheduled for September will bring together Chinese and African leaders again, 12 years after their last gathering in Beijing.They will discuss China-Africa cooperation in the new era and focus on jointly advancing the Belt and Road Initiative and turning China and Africa into a community with a shared future.By aligning the Belt and Road Initiative with the UN’s 2030 Agenda, the AU’s Agenda 2063 and the development strategies of individual African countries, we will give wings to China-Africa cooperation to help it soar to greater heights.共同社记者:今年是《中日和平友好条约》缔结40周年,中日领导人是否实现互访?中方希望今后的中日关系如何发展?

Kyodo News: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.Will we see an exchange of visits between Chinese and Japanese leaders? How do you see the future of China-Japan relations?


Wang Yi: In the recent period, Japan has adopted a clearer and more positive policy towards China, resulting in a precious improvement of relations.China welcomes this.If Japan does not prevaricate, flip-flop or backpedal, and instead comes to terms with China’s development and welcomes it, China will be willing to act in the same spirit and work with Japan to put our relationship back on the track of healthy and steady growth.今年是中日和平友好条约缔结40周年。40年前的条约,以法律形式确认了正确对待历史、坚持一个中国等中日关系正常化时规定的各项政治原则,明确了两国和平共处、世代友好的大方向。不忘初心,方得始终。40年后,站在承前启后的历史关口,希望日方能够政治上讲信用,行动上守规矩,切实维护好两国关系的政治基础,并且把―互为合作伙伴、互不构成威胁‖的政治共识真正落到实处。我相信,只要中日关系持续改善,两国高层往来自然水到渠成,和平友好也将重新成为两国关系的主旋律。Forty years ago, China and Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship.It codified the political principles agreed in negotiating the normalization of Sino-Japanese relations, including handling history correctly and following the one-China policy.The treaty also enshrined our joint desire to live in peace and friendship forever.As a saying goes, never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission.Forty years on, at another crucial juncture of history, we hope Japan will have political credibility and act accordingly to cement the political foundation of our relations and give effect to the political understanding that ―China and Japan see each other as partners, not threats‖.I am hopeful that with the steady improvement of our relations, high-level visits will naturally come about, and peace and friendship will again be the dominant theme of China-Japan relations.凤凰卫视记者:中国如何看待美、日、印、澳四国加强合作的―印太‖战略?是否认为这是针对中国的―围堵‖?

Phoenix TV: What is China’s view on the ―Indo-Pacific strategy‖ pursued by the US, Japan, India and Australia? Do you see it as an attempt to ―contain‖ China?

王毅:这个世界上,各种话题层出不穷,花样翻新。就像太平洋和印度洋上的浪花,一时引人耳目,转瞬归于平寂。有些学者和媒体渲染所谓―印太战略‖是为了围堵中国,17 但四国官方立即表示无意针对任何国家。我希望他们说的是实话,也希望他们能言行一致。在当今时代,再挑起冷战已不合时宜,再搞小圈子对抗更没有市场。

Wang Yi: It seems there is never a shortage of headline-grabbing ideas.They are like the sea foam in the Pacific or Indian Ocean: they may get some attention, but soon will dissipate.Contrary to the claim made by some academics and media outlets that the ―Indo-Pacific strategy‖ aims to contain China, the four countries’ official position is that it targets no one.I hope they mean what they say and their action will match their rhetoric.Nowadays, stoking a new Cold War is out of sync with the times and inciting block confrontation will find no market.印度报业托拉斯记者:去年中印关系非常困难,中方希如何塑造今年的中印关系? Press Trust of India: Last year has been a very difficult one in India-China relations.How do you see India-China relations shaping up this year?


Wang Yi: Despite some tests and difficulties, the China-India relationship continues to grow.In the process, China has both upheld its legitimate rights and interests and taken care to preserve the relationship.Chinese and Indian leaders have developed a strategic vision for the future of our relations: the Chinese ―dragon‖ and the Indian ―elephant‖ must not fight each other, but dance with each other.In that case, one plus one will equal not only two, but also eleven.面对当前国际局势的百年变局,越来越多的有识之士认识到,两个超过10亿人口规模的发展中大国相继走向现代化,最重要的是相互理解,相互支持,最应避免的是相互猜忌,相互消耗。从这个意义上讲,中印之间迫切需要解决的问题就是互信。建立起政治互信,喜马拉雅山也阻挡不了相互加强友好交往。缺乏互信,一马平川也难使双方走到一起。我要告诉印度朋友的是,中印之间共识远多于分歧,利益远大于摩擦。中方愿意同印度继承弘扬友好传统,同印度人民交朋友、做伙伴。希望双方打开心结,相向而行。用信任代替猜忌,以对话管控分歧,靠合作开创未来。

The international situation is experiencing its biggest change in a century.More and more far-sighted people have come to realize that as the largest two developing countries become modernized – each with a population of more than one billion – China and India must do everything to empathize with and support each other and to avoid mutual suspicion and attrition.In this sense, mutual trust is the most precious commodity in China-India relations.With political trust, not even the Himalayas can stop us from strengthening friendly 18 exchanges;without it, not even level land can bring us together.Let me put this to our Indian friends: our shared understandings far outstrip our differences and our common interests far outweigh our frictions.China is willing and ready to inherit and take forward our traditional friendship and be a friend and partner of the Indian people.I hope the two sides will be free from mental inhibitions and meet each other halfway.Let us replace suspicion with trust, manage differences through dialogue, and build a future through cooperation.中国国际广播电台记者:―全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定‖11国商定于今天签署该协定,最早于2019年生效。你对此怎么看?

China Radio International: The 11 countries that make up the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership are expected to sign it today, and the CPTPP may take effect next year at the earliest.What is your thought on this?


Wang Yi: China is not a party to the CPTPP.However, China has been a strong advocate of trade liberalization and a key player of Asia-Pacific cooperation and economic integration.In 2014, China persuaded APEC economies to kick off in Beijing the process of establishing a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific.China has also been working actively for the conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, a free trade pact that will cover more populations and involve more diverse economies than any similar initiative.China is positive about any open, transparent and inclusive arrangement that reinforces regional economic integration and a WTO-centered global free trade system, be it RCEP or CPTPP.We hope to see better communication, coordination and interaction between the various free trade initiatives in our region, so that they may complement one another, help resist trade protectionism and contribute to a more open global economy.法国法兰西广播公司记者:你认为法国能引领中国-欧盟关系方向吗?

Radio France: Do you think France could give a new direction to China-EU relations? 王毅:2018年是中欧建立全面战略伙伴关系15周年。年初,法国马克龙总统率先对中国进行国事访问,中法关系展现生机勃发的―龙马精神‖。英国梅首相接踵而来,中英关系打造―黄金时代‖的增强版。我们期待今年的中欧关系能够高开高走,迈上新台 19 阶,也乐见法国能为此发挥更积极作用。全球治理合作已成为中欧新的合作增长点,维护全球自由贸易体系是中欧的共同责任,商签中欧投资保护协定有必要提速前进。Wang Yi: This year will mark the 15th anniversary of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership.The year started with President Macron paying a state visit to China and Sino-French relations in excellent shape.Then the visit of Prime Minister May kicked off efforts by China and the UK to upgrade their ―Golden Era‖ of relations.We hope at the end of the year, China-EU relations will be as strong as we have started it.We hope France will make a substantial contribution to the furtherance of China-EU cooperation.Global governance has emerged as a new dimension of such cooperation, China and the EU have a joint responsibility to safeguard the global free trade system, and negotiation needs to be speeded up to conclude a China-EU investment agreement.中欧之间也存在一些分歧,但双方都意识到,我们应多一些换位思考,多一些开放包容,多一些相互理解。就中方而言,我们始终重视欧洲,支持欧洲一体化,看好欧洲发展前景,愿意同欧洲合作,为当今充满不确定性的世界注入更多稳定性和正能量。There are also some disagreements between China and the EU.But both sides have realized the need to put oneself in the other’s shoes and to be more open, tolerant and understanding of each other.China has always appreciated the importance of Europe.We support European integration and have confidence in Europe’s future.Given all the uncertainty around us, China is ready to partner with Europe to provide more stability and make the world a better place.中新社记者:这几年国内民众对领保工作给予许多赞许,同时期待也更多,但也有舆论认为民众应该对领保工作要有理性认识。你对此怎么看?

China News Service: Chinese people are speaking favorably of the consular assistance and protection they are getting, but they also expect more to be done.At the same time, there are appeals for a more rational understanding of consular service.What is your view?


Wang Yi: Consular assistance and protection seems to be a must-have question at my annual press conference.Indeed, it potentially concerns the interests and well-being of every Chinese and their family.Making a good job of it is the unshirkable responsibility of the foreign service.2017年,中国内地居民出境达到1.3亿人次。面对越来越繁重的领保任务,我们坚持以人民为中心,持续打造由法律支撑、机制建设、风险评估、安全预警、预防宣传和应急处置六大支柱构成的海外中国平安体系。去年一年,外交部总共处理了7万多起 20 领事保护与协助案件,包括从火山喷发的印尼巴厘岛协助游客安全回国,从遭遇飓风灾害的多米尼克把侨胞转移到平安地区。12308领保热线接听了17万通来电,比2016年增加了10万通。预防是最好的保护。外交部去年共发布各类海外安全提醒1000多条,把大量风险化解在公民踏出国门之前。

Last year, as many as 130 million mainlanders traveled overseas.Given the growing magnitude of their consular needs, we adopted a people-centered approach and built a system for ensuring their safety which consists of six pillars, namely, legal provisions, institution building, risk assessment, early warning, awareness raising and emergency response.In 2017, the MFA handled more than 70,000 cases of consular assistance and protection, including evacuating Chinese tourists stranded by the erupting volcano on Bali, Indonesia and getting our nationals to safety from hurricane-ravaged Dominica.The 12308 consular hotline handled 170,000 calls, 100,000 more than in 2016.Prevention is the best protection.Last year, the MFA issued more than 1,000 travel advisories, which significantly reduced our citizens’ risk exposure even before they traveled abroad.随着国家的发展和中外交流的增加,我们看到中国公民的素质在不断提高,依法维权的意识不断增强,维护国家形象的自觉也在不断提升,这为外交部做好领保工作提供了更有力的支持和帮助。

As China develops and interacts more with the world, the social etiquette and civility of its citizens are being enhanced.Nowadays they are more inclined to protect China’s reputation as well as their own rights.This new awareness has made our job easier.2018年,领保工作将在打造海外平安体系的道路上继续前行。我在这里宣布三个利民的好消息:

In 2018, we will further improve the system for ensuring the safety of Chinese nationals abroad.Here I have three pieces of good news for you:


First, the MFA is working on draft legislation on consular protection and assistance.Public consultation will begin after the close of the NPC and CPPCC sessions.We welcome your input and suggestions.第二是我们将在已经开通的中国领事服务网、12308微信版、―领事之声‖微博等平台基础上,很快推出12308的手机APP,为大家提供更便捷的贴身服务。

Second, in addition to a dedicated website, the WeChat version of 12308 and the ―China Consular Affairs‖ account on Weibo, we will soon launch the 12308 smartphone app to make consular services more accessible to the people.21

第三是从明天开始中国所有驻外使领馆将统一大幅下调中国公民办理领事认证的费用,降幅达到三分之二,初步估算每年将为中国公民和企业节省上千万元人民币。Third, as from tomorrow, our diplomatic and consular missions around the world will slash consular legalization fees by as much as two-thirds.The fee reduction is expected to save Chinese citizens and businesses more than 10 million yuan every year.俄通-塔斯社记者:中方希望通过今年主办上合组织青岛峰会实现什么目标? TASS: What does China hope to accomplish at the Qingdao Summit it will host?


Wang Yi: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization was born in China, and the Qingdao Summit will be the first one after the SCO admitted new members.We welcome the SCO back to China and expect it to embark on a new journey in Qingdao.China looks forward to working with other members to achieve three goals at the summit:


First, making the SCO more cohesive.The Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit and equal-footed consultation encapsulates the founding principle of our Organization.China will work with other members to uphold this spirit, enhance trust and solidarity, and build a more close-knit SCO community of shared future.二是提升行动力。务实高效、互利共赢的合作是上合组织发展的动力源泉。我们将和各成员一道,制定《上合组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》未来5年实施纲要,签署批准一系列涉及安全、经贸、环保和人文等领域的决议与合作文件,助力成员国参与―一带一路‖建设,实现上合组织的全方位发展。

Second, making the SCO more effective.Our organization is driven by results-oriented, efficient and mutually beneficial cooperation.China will work with other members to promote its all-round development, including developing a five-year outline for the implementation of the Treaty on Long-term Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, concluding or ratifying a number of resolutions or documents concerning our security, economic, environmental and cultural cooperation, and advancing Belt and Road projects in SCO member states.22 三是扩大影响力。维护本地区乃至世界的和平稳定,是上合组织义不容辞的国际责任。我们将和各成员一道,积极回应国际社会期待,就重大国际和地区问题发出更响亮的上合声音,为区域合作和全球经济治理发挥更积极的上合作用。

Third, making the SCO more influential.Our Organization has a bounden duty to maintain peace and stability in our region and beyond.China will work with other members to help it meet international expectations, take a clearer stand on major international and regional issues, and play a more active role in regional cooperation and global economic governance.总之,青岛峰会将成为上合组织发展进程中一座新的里程碑,开启这一新型区域组织的新时代。

To sum up, we will make the Qingdao Summit a new milestone in the development of the SCO and launch this new type of regional organization into a new era.中评社记者:继冈比亚和圣普之后,巴拿马在去年选择同台湾―断交‖,与大陆建交。台湾舆论所担心的―雪崩式断交潮‖会否会出现?

China Review News: Following the example of Gambia as well as São Tomé and Príncipe, Panama decided last year to switch diplomatic relations from Taipei to Beijing.Will Taiwan face ―an avalanche of ruptured diplomatic ties‖, as its media have feared?


Wang Yi: There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inseparable part of China.This has been the consensus of the international community for decades.Adhering to the one-China principle and not having official ties with Taiwan has become a generally observed norm in international relations.It is obviously a correct choice in line with the tide of history to establish diplomatic relations and carry out regular cooperation with the government of the People’s Republic of China, the sole legal representative of the whole of China.Such a choice would best serve the immediate and long-term interests of the countries and peoples in question.Of course it is the trend of the future, and no one can stop it.承认―九二共识‖、认同两岸同属一中是推进两岸关系向前发展的关键所在。解铃还须系铃人。台湾当局应该尽快回到―九二共识‖的正确轨道上来,这样两岸关系才能重新开辟和平发展的光明前景。

The key to unlocking the cross-Straits stalemate lies in recognizing the 1992 Consensus and acknowledging that the two sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same China.23 The party that has locked the door must unlock it.The Taiwan authorities should return to the 1992 Consensus as soon as possible.This correct move will usher in a bright future for the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.埃菲社记者:美方呼吁拉美国家警惕中国在该地区的影响。你怎么看?

Agencia EFE: The United States warned Latin American countries about the growing Chinese influence in the region.What is your response?


Wang Yi: China and Latin American countries are helping and supporting each other as fellow developing countries.Our cooperation does not target or seek to replace anyone, and China is not going to move anyone’s ―cheese‖, so to speak.China’s cooperation with the region has grown rapidly because it suits its needs, improves lives there and boosts its capacity for self-driven growth.During the last five years, President Xi has visited Latin America and the Caribbean three times, taking in ten countries.Our cooperation has deepened, expanded and moved up the value chain.China has become a key trading partner for many in the hemisphere.Chinese businesses and investors have created more than 1.8 million local jobs.The Chinese saying ―nothing, not even mountains or oceans, can separate those with a shared goal‖ aptly describes the state of our relations with Latin America and the Caribbean.The vast Pacific Ocean binds us together, making us partners in cooperation, whatever may stand between us.新华社记者:总书记在十九大报告中指出,全面推进中国特色大国外交,推动建设新型国际关系,推动构建人类命运共同体。你如何展望今后一个时期的中国特色大国外交?

Xinhua News Agency: In his report to the 19th Party Congress, General Secretary Xi called for making all-round efforts in the pursuit of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, and for building a new type of international relations and a global community with a shared future.How do you envisage China’s distinctive major-country diplomacy going forward?


Wang Yi: In his report to the 19th Party Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the Communist Party of China will strive for both the well-being of the Chinese people and human progress.To make new and greater contributions for humanity is our Party’s abiding mission.秉持这样的信念和担当,我们将进一步拓展广阔的格局。中国将在为自身发展营造更好外部环境的同时,放眼全球、胸怀世界,与各国携手构建人类命运共同体,把建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系和持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界作为中国外交的总体方向和目标。

A committed and responsible China will adopt a more visionary foreign policy.While securing an enabling environment for its own development, China will be concerned with the welfare of humanity and partner with other countries to build a global community of shared future.Our vision is to forge a new type of international relations that features mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation and to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity.我们将进一步展现博大的胸怀。无论发展到什么程度,中国都会坚持大小国家一律平等,坚持尊重不同文明体制,坚持正确义利观,反对以大欺小,反对恃强凌弱。为弱小国家主持公道,帮助欠发达国家实现发展。

We will have a broader mind.No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will stand for the equality of all countries, large or small, and will respect different civilizations and systems.China will put the greater good before its self-interest, and oppose the practice of the big and strong bullying the small and weak.China will stand up for small and weak countries, and help less developed countries achieve better growth.我们将进一步发挥积极的作用。中国将顺应国际社会越来越多的期待,秉持共商共建共享的全球治理观,更加积极地参与全球治理体系的改革建设,更加建设性地参与地区和国际热点问题的政治解决,更加有效地与各方携手应对各种全球性挑战。And we will play a more active role.China will strive to meet growing international expectations and approach global governance on the basis of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.China will be more active in helping to reform and improve the global governance system, find more constructive ways to settle regional and international issues by political means, and forge more effective partnerships to address various global challenges.25 大道之行,天下为公。我们将坚定不移维护好国家主权和民族尊严,坚定不移站在国际正义和人类进步一边,坚定不移做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。

An ancient Chinese classic teaches that ―when justice prevails, the world will be one community‖.We are determined to uphold our country’s sovereignty and dignity.We are determined to be on the side of international justice and human progress.We are determined to build world peace, contribute to global prosperity and uphold the international order.记者会历时2小时,近600名中外记者参加。

The press conference lasted two hours and was attended by nearly 600 Chinese and foreign journalists.26


十二届全国人大二次会议外交部部长王毅回答中外记者提问 时间:2014年3月8日10时 地点:梅地亚多功能厅

On 8 March 2014, the Second Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress held a press conference at its Press Center and invited Wang Yi, China's Minister of Foreign Affairs, to answer questions from Chinese and foreign journalists about China's foreign policy and external relations.2014年3月8日,第十二届全国人民代表大会二次会议期间,中国外交部长王毅在新闻发布会就中国外交政策和对外关系答中外记者问。

Wang Yi: Good morning, everyone.It is a great pleasure to meet with journalists from the press.At the outset, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would like to thank you for your interest in and understanding of China's diplomacy.I would also like to thank you for your efforts in reporting on China.[中华人民共和国外交部部长 王毅] 大家上午好。很高兴和各位记者见面。这一年我在国内外见了不少记者,但是今天面对这么多的媒体还是第一次。所以首先我要代表外交部感谢各位对中国外交的关心和理解,感谢各位为报道中国所付出的努力。

Today is the International Women's Day.I would like to take this opportunity to offer my best festive greetings to all the ladies in this room, including those behind the cameras.今天也是三八妇女节,所以我要借此机会向在场以及在镜头背后的所有女士们致以节日的祝贺。

Early this morning, we received a piece of very disturbing news.A Malaysian civil aviation flight bound for China lost contact with ground control.This has gotten us all very worried.We hope every one of the passengers is safe.The Foreign Ministry and relevant diplomatic and consular missions of China have activated the emergency mechanism.We are doing all we can to get more details.Once we have some information, we will get it out for you immediately.Now, I am ready to take your questions.今天早晨,我们得到了一个非常令人忧虑的消息,一架马来西亚的民航班机在飞往中国的途中失去了联系,我们都很揪心,祝愿每一个人都能平安。外交部以及我们有关的驻外使领馆已经启动了应急机制,我们在全力地了解具体情况,一旦有消息我们会及时地向大家发布。现在我愿意回答大家的问题。

People's Daily: The year 2013 was the first year of diplomacy under the new Chinese government.As China's foreign minister, what has struck you the most about China's diplomacy in the past year? Could you also talk about how China will pursue its diplomacy in 2014? [人民日报和人民网记者] 感谢主持人把第一个提问机会给了我。王部长,您好。2013年是中国新一届政府的外交开局之年,作为外长,这一年的外交工作给您留下印象最深刻的是什么?您能否和我们分享一下呢?2014年中国外交该怎样进行?请您给我们讲一讲。谢谢。Wang Yi: “Active” is the most salient feature of China's diplomacy in the past year.[王毅]去年中国外交最鲜明的特点就是主动进取。

The CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping responded to the aspirations of the people and the expectation of the international community, and carried out a series of visible and effective diplomatic activities.以习近平同志为核心的党中央顺应人民群众的愿望和国际社会的期待,开展了一系列有声有色的外交活动。

Let me share some figures with you.President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang visited as many as 22 countries, received 65 foreign heads of state and government, met and talked with over 300 hundred foreign dignitaries and reached around 800 cooperation agreements with other countries.有一组数据和大家分享。习近平主席、李克强总理密集出访了22个国家,接待了65位外国元首和政府首脑访华,同300多位外国政要进行会见交流,与外国达成了约800项合作协议。There are also some facts I'd like to share with you.In the past year, China vigorously defended its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, advanced relations with major countries, unveiled a series of major cooperation initiatives such as the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”.We played a constructive role in the political settlement of hotspot issues such as Syria and Iran.For the first time we deployed formed units of our security force to the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, and for the first time we sent a naval vessel under operational conditions to escort shipments of Syrian chemical weapons.还有一组事实要告诉大家。一年来,我们有力地维护了领土主权和海洋权益,推进了与主要大国的关系,提出了“一带一路”等一系列重大的合作倡议。在叙利亚、伊朗等热点问题的政治解决方面我们发挥了建设性的作用。我们还首次派出了成建制的安全部队赴马里维和,还首次在实战状态下派军舰为叙利亚化学武器运送提供护航。

China's diplomacy in 2013 was broader in horizon and more active in conduct.It was not just a successful year under the new leadership, but also a year of innovation and harvest for China's diplomacy.2013年的中国外交展示出更宽阔视野、更积极作为,不仅是成功的开局之年,也是创新之年、丰收之年。

In 2014 China will continue to pursue an active foreign policy.We will focus our efforts on two main areas.2014年,中国外交将继续积极进取,重点从两个方向作出努力。

First, we will be more active in serving the efforts of comprehensively deepening reform in China.We will strengthen friendly relations with all countries in the world, especially our neighbors, and we will create a more enabling external environment for domestic reform and development.We will vigorously pursue economic diplomacy, deepen win-win cooperation with other countries and create more favorable conditions for the transformation and upgrading of China's economy.And we will do all we can to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese, and provide stronger protection for China's ever-growing legitimate rights and interests.一是要更加积极主动地服务于国内全面深化改革。我们将加强同世界各国,尤其是周边国家的友好关系,为国内改革发展营造更为良好的外部环境。我们将大力开展积极外交,深化与各国互利合作,为国内经济转型升级提供更为良好的条件。我们还将全力推进海外民生工程,为中国不断对外延伸的正当权益提供更坚实的保障。

Second, we will be more active in playing the role of a responsible, big country.In our international engagement, we will uphold principles, promote justice and practice equality.In particular, we will advance and protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and make the international order more just and reasonable.We will take an active part in international and regional affairs, put forward more Chinese proposals and play a bigger role in helping to resolve all kinds of global challenges and regional hotspot issues.第二个方向是更加积极主动地发挥负责任大国作用。我们将在国际交往中主持公道,伸张正义,践行平等,尤其是维护和促进广大发展中国家的正当权益,推动国际秩序向着更加公正、合理的方向发展。我们还将积极地参与国际和地区事务,为解决各种全球性问题和地区热点问题提出更多中国方案,发挥更大中国作用。

Hong Kong Phoenix TV: Over the past year, China has unveiled some new ideas and measures in its diplomacy.It's clear that there is a shift in China's diplomatic style.What is your perspective on this as China's foreign minister? [香港凤凰卫视和凤凰网记者] 王外长您好,过去一年中国外交不断推出新的理念和新的举措,非常明显地感觉到中国外交的风格正在转变,所以作为外长您是怎样解读的?谢谢。

Wang Yi: In recent years, the international community is generally interested in how a growing China will handle its relations with the outside world.The CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping is committed to innovation in both diplomatic theory and practice.On the basis of maintaining policy continuity and stability, the new Chinese leadership has unveiled a series of major diplomatic ideas and steps.[王毅] 这是一个很好的问题。这些年来,国际社会确实普遍在关心发展起来的中国如何处理同外部世界的关系。大家都看到了,以习近平同志为核心的党中央致力于外交理论和实践的创新,在保持我们外交政策连续性、稳定性的基础上,相继提出了一系列重大的、新的理念和举措。

For example, we proposed to build a new model of major country relations.This is to break the historical pattern of conflict and confrontation between major countries and to find a new path in the modern era that seeks win-win cooperation to deliver benefits to all parties.It shows a new approach on the part of China to handle major country relations.It also shows China's sense of responsibility for the international community.比如,构建新型大国关系,就是要打破大国之间往往冲突、对抗这一历史宿命,走出一条合作共赢、惠及各方的当代新路。我想这体现了我们处理大国关系的新思维,也体现了中国对国际社会的责任和担当。

Let me give you another example.We have proposed the guideline for our neighborhood diplomacy featuring amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness.This is to further demonstrate China's sincerity and goodwill toward its neighbors and our readiness to work with them to build a community of common destiny.It is a new advancement of China's policy toward its neighbors and shows that China is more open and accommodative.再比如,提出亲诚惠容的周边外交理念,就是为了进一步展示中国对邻国的诚意和善意,愿意同周边国家一道打造命运共同体。这是中国周边睦邻政策的新发展,也展现了中国开放和包容的胸襟。

A third example is that we have proposed a more balanced approach to upholding principles and pursuing interests.It is to put moral principles first when we deal with fellow developing countries and be more sensitive to their needs.It inherits the fine character of China's external relations and reflects the inherent nature of the socialist system.It has become an important banner of China's diplomacy.再比如,要树立正确的义利观,就是要在同发展中国家打交道的时候,要坚持道义为先,更好地重视和照顾他们的需求。这传承了我们中国对外交往的优秀品格,也是社会主义制度的本质属性,已经成为中国外交的一面重要的旗帜。

These new diplomatic ideas and steps send the following message to the world: China is committed to the path of peaceful development, and we hope other countries will also take the path of peaceful development.The Chinese Dream belongs to the Chinese people, and it is closely connected to the dreams of other nations as our interests are all intertwined.这些新的理念和举措向世界传递的信息是:中国不仅自己坚持走和平发展道路,也希望其他国家共同走和平发展道路。中国梦既是中国人民的,也与世界各国人民的梦想紧密相连,休戚相关。

ITAR-TASS of Russia: Last month, President Xi Jinping traveled specially to Sochi to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games.This is the second time since 2013 that he visited the Russia at the start of the year.How do you assess the current China-Russia relationship, and what will be the priorities for China-Russia relations and cooperation in 2014? [俄罗斯塔斯社记者]习近平主席上个月专程出席了索契冬奥会开幕式,连续第二年把俄罗斯作为首访国,您如何评价当前中俄关系?2014年中俄关系发展和合作的重点是什么?谢谢。

Wang Yi: Speaking of the Sochi Winter Olympics, I'd like to first offer my congratulations to our Russian friends for hosting a memorable and spectacular winter Olympics.提到索契奥运会,我首先要向我们的俄罗斯朋友们表示祝贺,你们举办了一场令人难忘、精彩的冬季奥运会。

The China-Russia relationship is at its best period in history, characterized by a high level of mutual trust, firm support for each other and intensifying cooperation in various fields.Our two presidents have established a deep friendship and they play an important role in guiding China-Russia relations.当前的中俄关系处于历史上最好阶段。双方高度信任,相互坚定支持,各领域合作不断深化,两国元首间建立起的深厚友谊,对中俄关系发挥着重要的引领作用。

As for China-Russia relations in 2014, I believe the most important task is to make sure that our comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination will continue to grow from strength to strength.We will further strengthen mutual political trust and intensify our strategic cooperation.On that basis, we must focus on following priority tasks.Firstly, we must do all we can to upgrade practical cooperation and make new breakthroughs in our cooperation on some big projects in particular.Secondly, we must organize a successful China-Russia year of friendly exchange between the young people to consolidate and deepen the social foundation for China-Russia friendship.Thirdly, we must work together to uphold the victory of the Second World War and post-war international order and make good preparations for 2015, which will mark the 70th anniversary of the victories of the World Anti-Fascist War and the Chinese People's War against Japanese Aggression.说到今年的中俄关系,我认为核心就是要使中俄全面战略伙伴关系继续保持高水平运行,不断增进政治互信,深化战略合作,在这个基础上有几件重要的任务要落实。一是要全力打造务实合作的升级版,尤其要推动大项目合作取得新突破。二是要办好青年友好交流年系列活动,巩固和深化中俄关系的社会基础。三是要共同维护二战胜利成果和战后国际秩序,筹备好2015年庆祝世界反法西斯战争暨中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年的活动。

Xinhua News Agency: This year, China will host two important international conferences, the Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA)and the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.Can you talk about these two important international conferences and share with us your expectations for them? [新华社和新华网记者] 今年中国将主办亚信峰会和APEC领导人非正式会议这两场重要国际会议。您能否介绍一下?您对两场会议有何期待?

Wang Yi: A key feature of China's diplomacy in 2014 is that we will play host to two major international conferences in Shanghai and Beijing respectively.In May, we will hold the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA)Summit in Shanghai.CICA is a very important security cooperation forum in Asia.And then in November, we will hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)Economic Leaders' Meeting in Beijing.It is a primary platform for discussing economic and trade cooperation in the Asia-Pacific.So you can see that the two conferences focus on security and economic issues respectively.And both will be key priorities for China's diplomacy this year.We will make the most of our role as the host country, put forward China's proposals, pool Asia's wisdom and work with the participants to inject new momentum into these two mechanisms.今天有不少女记者提问,我看也是应该的。今年中国外交的一大特点确实是“主场外交”,我们将分别在上海和北京举办两场大型的国际会议。我们在上海举办的是亚信峰会,这是亚洲一个十分重要的安全合作论坛,十月在北京举办的是APEC,这个大家很熟悉,是探讨亚太经贸合作的一个主要的平台,这两大会议一个聚焦安全,一个聚焦经济,都是今年中国外交的重头戏。作为东道主,我们将发挥主场优势,提出中国主张,汇聚亚洲智慧,同大家一道来为这两大机制的发展注入新的动力。

At the CICA Summit, we hope to advocate common security, cooperative security and comprehensive security, bring into being a new Asian security concept and work together to build a new Asia of peace, stability and cooperation.对亚信峰会,我们希望倡导共同安全、合作安全和综合安全,形成新的亚洲安全观,共同建设和平、稳定、合作的新亚洲。

At the APEC meeting, we will focus on the theme of “Shaping the Future Through Asia-Pacific Partnership” and achieve new outcomes in advancing Asia-Pacific economic integration, adopting a blueprint for connectivity and promoting economic innovation and development.In particular, we will strive for a new breakthrough in launching the process of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific.关于APEC会议,我们希望围绕亚太伙伴关系这一主题,在推进亚太经济一体化、制定互联互通蓝图,以及促进经济创新发展这三个方面能够取得新成果,尤其是就启动亚太自贸区进程实现新的突破。

National Broadcasting Company of the United States: China-US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world.How do you assess the development of the relations in the past year? What major challenges do you see this year? And how exactly do you propose to build the new type of great-power relationship? Will there be more transparency and more coordination between China and the United States in the spirit of the new type of great-power relationship and joint responsibility in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region? [美国全国广播公司记者] 王外长,中美关系是世界上最为重要的双边关系。在过去的一年中,您认为中美关系发展得怎么样?您认为今年两国关系的发展会遇到怎样的挑战?两国将如何构建中美新型大国关系?比如说双方将怎么本着构建新型大国关系的精神,以更加透明、更加协作、共同承担责任的方式来维护亚太的和平和稳定?

Wang Yi: The biggest highlight of China-US relations in 2013 was the historic meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Obama at the Sunnylands.The two sides reached important consensus on working together to build a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States.At the heart of this new model of major-country relationship is no conflict or confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.This is the common direction the two sides have set.It is a positive strategic outlook the two countries show to the world and a solemn commitment we've made to the international community.[王毅] 2013年中美关系的最大亮点就是习近平主席和奥巴马总统在安纳伯格庄园实现历史性会晤,双方就新型大国关系达成共识。中美新型大国关系的核心是不冲突对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢,这是双方共同确定的努力方向,是两国向世界发出的一个积极的战略预期,也是两国对国际社会作出的郑重承诺。

The China-US relationship is both very important and very complex.This year marks the 35th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Over these past 35 years, China-US dialogue and cooperation has increasingly deepened.And the needs for cooperation far exceed our differences.Our experience and lessons of the past 35 years come down to one point, that is, we need to respect each other.中美关系极为重要,也极其复杂。今年是中美建交35周年,35年的发展趋势是中美对话与合作越来越深入,合作的需求远远大于分歧。35年的经验教训集中到一点,就是要相互尊重。

If one compares the new model of major-country relations between China and the United States to a building, then mutual respect is the foundation of that building.I believe when the two sides truly respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, social system and development path, and core interests and major concerns, the foundation will be a solid one that can withstand storms and truly grow into an edifice of win-win cooperation.That will not just benefit China and the United States but also the whole world.如果把构建中美新型大国关系比作建造一座大厦,那么相互尊重就是这座大厦的地基。我想只要我们双方真正做到尊重彼此的主权和领土完整,尊重彼此的社会制度和发展道路,尊重彼此的核心利益和重大关切,这个地基就一定能打得牢,就能抵御风吹雨打,真正建成一座合作共赢的宏伟大厦,不仅惠及中美,也会造福世界。

We stand ready to work with the United States to uphold peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and carry out positive interactions in this region.An in our view, the Asia-Pacific should be the testing ground of our commitment to build a new model of major-country relations, rather than a competitive arena.Thank you.我们愿意同美国一起来共同维护亚太地区的和平与稳定,我们应该在这一地区实现良性互动。我们认为,亚太地区应该成为中美构建新型大国关系的实验田,而不是相互争斗的博弈场。谢谢!

Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: The situation in China's neighborhood is closely watched by many people.Some people see many problems.Some believe China is more assertive in handling its disputes with its neighboring countries? What is your response to these views? [新加坡联合早报] 王部长您好,我们都知道,中国的周边形势非常受到关注。有人认为,中国的周边问题很多,还有人认为近来中国在处理与周边邻国争议问题上越来越强硬。请问您怎么看待这样的观点?谢谢。

Wang Yi: This is a quite critical question but one that everyone is interested in.Let me first say that the general situation in China's neighborhood is both positive and stable.[王毅] 你提了一个有点尖锐,但确实是大家关心的问题。我首先要告诉你的是,中国的周边形势总体是好的,也是稳定的。

Last year, China held its first neighborhood diplomacy conference.We made clear that the neighborhood tops China's diplomatic agenda.We unveiled a whole set of diplomatic guidelines to show we are more friendly and accommodative.And we have put forward a series of major cooperation proposals aimed at delivering win-win results.This fully shows that China attaches a great deal of importance to neighboring countries.去年中国首次召开了周边外交工作座谈会,明确周边是中国外交的首要,而且形成了一整套更加友善和包容的睦邻外交理念,提出了一系列旨在互利双赢的重大合作倡议,这充分体现了中国对周边国家的高度重视。

China has been interacting with its neighbors for thousands of years.And all along, we have valued harmonious relations and treated others with sincerity.When others respect us, we respect them even more.Going forward, we will more actively practice the guideline of “amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness”.We will help our neighboring countries and peoples benefit more from China's reform and opening.We will help them better appreciate China's commitment to peaceful development.We are willing to listen to voices from our neighboring countries and respond to their doubts about China's neighborhood policy.中国与邻国打交道已经几千年了,我们历来秉持以和为贵,以诚待人,人敬一尺,我还一丈,今天的周边外交我们将更积极地践行亲诚惠容的理念,让周边国家和人民更多分享中国改革开放的红利,更好地理解中国坚持走和平发展道路的决心。当然,我们也愿意倾听周边国家的声音,回应大家对中国周边政策的一些疑问。

As for China's territorial and maritime disputes with some countries, China would like to carry out equal-footed consultation and negotiation and properly handle them by peaceful means on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law.There will not be any change to this position.We will never bully smaller countries, yet we will never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries.On issues of territory and sovereignty, China's position is firm and clear.We will not take anything that isn't ours, but we will defend every inch of territory that belongs to us.对于我们同一些国家存在的领土和海洋权益的争议,我们愿意在尊重历史事实和国际法的基础上,坚持通过平等协商谈判,以和平的方式妥善处理,这一点今后也绝不会改变。我们绝不会以大压小,但也绝不接受以小取闹。在涉及领土和主权的问题上,中国的立场坚定而明确:不是我们的,一分不要;该是我们的,寸土必保。谢谢。

China Central Television: The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks.We know that you've been on the phone with the foreign ministers of some countries discussing this issue.Can you talk about China's view on the current situation in Ukraine and how do you think the Ukrainian crisis should be resolved? [中央电视台、中国网络电视台记者] 最近这一段时间,乌克兰一直是国际关注的焦点。我们也注意到,您一直在和一些国家的外长通电话讨论乌克兰问题。中方如何来看待乌克兰局势?您觉得乌克兰危机如何解决?谢谢。

Wang Yi: First, let me tell you that China follows a just and objective position on the issue of Ukraine, and we have stated our position on multiple occasions.[王毅] 我知道今天一定有人要提乌克兰的问题。我首先要告诉大家的是,中国在乌克兰问题上秉持公正和客观的态度,我们已经多次阐明了我们的立场。

It is regretful that the situation in Ukraine has come to what it is today.Yet it is not by accident that the situation has reached this point.There is a complex history behind it as well as conflicting interests.The complex the problem is, the more necessary that it is handled in a prudent way.乌克兰的局势发展到今天事出有因,令人遗憾。同时也折射出这个问题背后的复杂历史经纬和利害冲突。越是复杂的问题,越需要慎重对待。

China urges that keeping in mind the fundamental interests of all ethnic communities in Ukraine and the interests of regional peace and stability, the priority now is to exercise calm and restraint and prevent further escalation of the situation.The parties should carry out dialogue and consultation to put the issue on the track of a political settlement.China is in communication with various parties, and we will play a constructive role in bringing about a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue.Thank you.中方呼吁,从维护乌克兰各族人民的根本利益考虑,从维护地区和平稳定的大局出发,当务之急是保持冷静克制,避免局势进一步紧张升级,要通过对话协商把乌克兰问题纳入到政治解决的轨道当中。中方正在继续与有关各方进行沟通,我们愿意为乌克兰问题的政治解决发挥建设性的作用。谢谢。

Paris Match of France: Mr.Minister, at the end of this month, President Xi Jinping will be in Europe.What kind of message does he want to deliver to the countries he will visit? And also, what will be the intention of President Xi Jinping when he goes to the European institutions in Brussels? [法国巴黎竞赛画报记者] 在本月底,习近平主席将访问欧洲,他将向他要访问的国家带去怎样的信息?他还将访问欧盟机构,在这背后有什么考虑?

Wang Yi: Europe has a priority place in China's diplomatic agenda this year.As you said, President Xi Jinping will visit Europe in late March.This will be yet another major diplomatic action taken by China to advance major-power relations.The visit will open a new chapter in the history of China-Europe relations.[王毅]欧洲在今年中国外交议程中排在优先的位置。正像刚才这位记者所说的,习主席将于3月下旬到欧洲去进行访问。这是中国为推进大国关系所采取的又一次重大的外交行动,必将开辟中欧关系新的历史篇章。

“Cooperation” is the key word in China-Europe relations.China and Europe are two major forces in the world.We are two large civilizations and two big markets.So it's only right and proper that our cooperation is comprehensive and strategic in nature.Particularly when China shifts its development pattern and embarks on comprehensive and in-depth reform, Europe is a strategic partner with whom our cooperation will have great potential.Through the historic visit of President Xi Jinping to Europe, the two sides will work intensively to align our respective development strategies.I believe the two sides will strengthen win-win cooperation in some priority areas, such as scientific and technological innovation, energy and environmental conservation, a new type of urbanization, connectivity and people-to-people and cultural exchanges.We also hope to speed up the negotiation toward a China-EU investment agreement, with a view to future free trade arrangements between China and Europe.And of course, we'd like to increase strategic communication with the Europeans in international affairs and work together to promote democracy in international relations and a more multi-polar world.中欧关系的关键词是“合作”,作为当今世界两大力量、两大文明和两大市场,我们之间的合作理应是全方位和战略性的。尤其是在中国加快转变发展方式,启动全面深化改革的进程当中,欧洲是我们极具潜力和空间的战略合作伙伴。我想习主席的这次历史性访问,将会推动双方首先就各自的发展战略进行深度对接。双方将重点在科技创新、节能环保、新型城镇化、互联互通,还有人文交流等一系列重要领域加强互利合作。我们还希望推动加快中欧投资协定谈判,而且着眼于今后的中欧自贸安排。当然,我们也愿意同欧洲加强在国际事务当中的战略沟通,共同推进国际关系的民主化和多极化进程。

I think all of you will agree with me in saying that China-Europe cooperation will make the world a safer, more balanced and better place.我想这句话大家都会赞成:中欧合作,世界将更安全、更均衡、更美好。谢谢你。

China Radio International: Foreign Minister, you made a whirlwind visit to Afghanistan recently, which generated a lot of interest from the international community.This year, the United States and NATO will wind down their troop presence in Afghanistan.How do you see the situation in Afghanistan playing out? And what role will China play in the reconciliation and reconstruction process of Afghanistan? [中国国际广播之声记者] 王毅外长,您好。前不久,您对阿富汗进行了一次旋风式的访问,媒体也是给予高度关注。今年,美国和北约将会从阿富汗撤军,您是如何看待未来阿富汗局势的走向?另外,中国将会在阿富汗重建和解的过程中发挥怎样的作用?谢谢。

Wang Yi: This year will be a crucial one for Afghanistan.The country will go through political, security and economic transitions all at the same time.Of course, it's mainly up to the Afghan people to realize the triple transitions, but they cannot do without the care and support of the international community.[王毅] 今年是阿富汗的关键一年,阿富汗将经历政治、安全和经济的三重过渡。当然这首先要靠阿富汗人民自己,同时也离不开国际社会的关心和帮助。

China is Afghanistan's biggest neighbor.Afghanistan's peace and stability has a direct bearing on security in China's western region.We hope to see a united, stable, growing and amicable Afghanistan.For this purpose, we'll work with the international community to actively facilitate political reconciliation in Afghanistan, support the peace and reconstruction efforts and encourage Afghanistan to be more involved in regional cooperation.We'll also work with Afghanistan and other neighbors of China to resolutely fight all terrorist forces.中国是阿富汗的最大邻国,阿富汗的和平稳定与中国西部安全息息相关。我们希望看到一个团结、稳定、发展和友善的阿富汗。我们愿意同国际社会一道,积极支持阿富汗政治和解,支持阿富汗的和平重建,支持阿富汗更多参与地区合作。同时我们还愿意同包括阿富汗在内的周边邻国一道,坚决打击一切恐怖主义。

In August this year, China will for the first time host a ministerial conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan.We'll send invitations to the 14 member states and 28 supporting parties of the Istanbul Process.We hope that through this conference, the parties will build more consensus and work together to support Afghanistan's efforts to complete the triple transitions and help the situation in Afghanistan to move toward lasting peace.今年8月,中国将首次举办伊斯坦布尔进程阿富汗问题外长会。我们将向这一机制的14个成员国和28个支持方发出邀请。我希望通过这个会议,能够凝聚更多共识,一起努力支持阿富汗顺利实现三重过渡,从而把阿富汗形势带向持久和平的方向。谢谢。

Asahi Shimbun of Japan: I have a question about the China-Japan relationship.In his Government Work Report, Premier Li Keqiang mentioned the issue of history.He said that we need to uphold the victory of the Second World War and the post-war international order, and no one will be allowed to reverse the course of history.The China-Japan relationship is in a lot of difficulties and the outside world is quite concerned.How do you think the relationship can emerge from its current impasse? And someone has likened the current China-Japan relationship to Germany-Britain relations before the First World War.What is your view? [日本朝日新闻记者] 您好,我想问的是中日关系。李克强总理在这次政府工作报告中也提到了历史问题,他说要维护二战的胜利成果和战后的国际秩序,绝不允许开历史倒车。确实现在中日关系很困难,外界也有一些担心的声音。王外长,您认为如何才能走出中日关系目前的僵局?有人把当前的中日关系比作第一次世界大战之前德国和英国的关系,您对此怎么看?谢谢。

Wang Yi: Premier Li Keqiang spoke the mind of the Chinese people and showed that China shoulders the responsibility to uphold peace.We fully support his statement.[王毅] 李克强总理的讲话代表了中国人民的心声,体现了中国维护和平的责任,我们完全拥护。

China and Japan are next-door neighbors.We have every reason to have an amicable relationship.The current situation is not something we want to see and is not in the interests of the people in either country.中日是近邻,本应和睦相处,目前的局面是我们不愿意看到的,也不符合中日两国人民的利益。

When China and Japan normalized diplomatic relations in 1972, the two sides reached important common understanding and consensus on properly handling history, Taiwan, Diaoyu Islands and other issues.This was the precondition for the normalization of diplomatic relations and the basis for a return to friendly relations between China and Japan.Yet the recent comments and actions of the Japanese leader betrayed the spirit of 1972 and undermined the foundation of China-Japan relations.Of course, the Chinese people cannot and will not accept it.1972年中日两国实现邦交正常化的时候,双方曾就妥善处理历史、台湾以及钓鱼岛等问题达成了重要的谅解和共识,构成了中日复交的前提,也打下了两国重归友好的基础。但是近来日本领导人的一系列言行背叛了中日复交的精神,破坏了中日关系的根基,中国人民当然不会、也不可能答应。

On issues of principle such as history and territory, there is no room for compromise.If some people in Japan insist on overturning the verdict on its past aggression, I don't believe the international community and all peace-loving people in the world will ever tolerate or condone that.在历史和领土这两个原则问题上,没有妥协的余地。如果日本某些人要执意为当年的侵略历史翻案,我相信国际社会以及世界上一切爱好和平的人士也都绝不会容忍和姑息。

As for the parallel some people have drawn between the current China-Japan relations and the Germany-Britain relations before the First World War, I wish to emphasize that 2014 is not 1914, still less 1894.Instead of using pre-WWI Germany as an object lesson, why not use post-WWII Germany as a role model? Only by making a clean break with the past and stop going back on one's words, can the relationship emerge from the current impasse and have a future.Only by truly committing to a peaceful path and stop saying one thing and doing something else, can a country gain the trust of its neighbors and the world.I hope Japan's leaders can understand these basic points and respect human conscience and the bottom line of international justice.至于有人将现在的中日关系与一战前的英德关系相提并论,我想强调的是,2014不是1914,2014更不是1894,与其拿一战前的德国来做文章,不如以二战后的德国来作榜样。只有认真清算过去,不再出尔反尔,才能走出僵局,开辟未来。只有真正坚持和平道路,不再说一套做一套,才能获得邻国和世界的信任。我希望日本的领导人能够懂得这些基本的道理,能够尊重人类良知和国际公理的底线。

China Daily: There have been a lot of interactions between China and Latin American and Caribbean countries in the past year, and we have learned that this year the China-CELAC forum will be formally established.Can you share with us your expectations for the furtherance of China's ties with Latin America and the Caribbean in the year ahead? [中国日报、中国日报网记者] 外长,您好。我们注意到过去一年中国和拉美地区国家互动很频繁,我们也知道今年中国-拉共体论坛将正式成立。外长您能否介绍一下今年中国对于进一步发展中国和拉美地区国家关系有何期待?谢谢。

Wang Yi: The best line to describe China's relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean is the following: “Bosom friends from afar bring a distant land near.” This year, we face a historical opportunity for taking this relationship to the next level.[王毅] 如果用一句话来形容中国同拉美和加勒比国家关系的话,我想最贴切的就是“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”。今年中拉关系又面临“更上一层楼”的历史机遇。

Firstly, President Xi Jinping will attend the BRICS Leaders' Meeting in Brazil and visit some Latin American countries.Secondly, the recent summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States(CELAC)adopted a special statement supporting the establishment of a China-CELAC Forum.In 2014, we will work hard to formally launch this forum and hold its first ministerial conference.This will be an important breakthrough in the relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean.一是习近平将应邀赴巴西出席金砖国家领导人峰会,并将访问一些拉美国家。二是最近拉共体峰会一致通过了建立中国-拉共体论坛这样一个特别的声明。我们将争取年内正式启动这一论坛,并召开首届部长级会议。我想这将是中拉关系史上一次重大的突破。

I am full of expectations about China-Latin America relations this year, as I'm sure many football fans in China are full of expectations about this year's Brazil FIFA World Cup.我对今年的中拉关系充满期待。另外,我想我们中国的球迷们也对今年的巴西世界杯充满期待。谢谢。

Korean Broadcasting System of the Republic of Korea: The current situation on the Korean Peninsula is quite tense.How do you look at the situation? What are the chances of the resumption of the Six-Party Talks? What specific steps will China, the host country, take to help restart the Six-Party Talks? [韩国广播公司记者] 王部长您好,我想问关于朝鲜半岛的局势和六方会谈重启的问题。第一,现在朝鲜半岛的局势很紧张,你们中国如何看待朝鲜半岛的局势?第二,六方会谈重启还有希望吗?中国是六方会谈的主席国,为了重启会谈中国将采取哪些具体的措施?谢谢。Wang Yi: The Korean Peninsula is right on China's doorstep.We have a red line all along: that is, we will never allow war or instability on the Korean Peninsula.This, I believe, is in full keeping with interests of both the south and the north of the Peninsula and the common interests of all countries in the region.As for the best way to handle the current situation on the Korean Peninsula, if I may use some metaphors, I believe we need to do three things: climb a slope, overcome a stumbling block and follow the right way.[王毅] 朝鲜半岛就在中国的家门口。在半岛问题上,我们始终有一条“红线”,就是绝不允许生战生乱。我想这也完全符合半岛南北双方,以及本地区各国的共同利益。如何来处理当前的半岛问题?如果要打一个比喻的话,就是要做好三件事,“爬坡、过坎、走正道”。First, we need to climb the slope of denuclearization.The nuclear issue is the crux of the matter.Only with denuclearization can the Korean Peninsula enjoy genuine and lasting peace.So no matter how long or steep the slope is, we must keep climbing it without any stop.首先要爬无核化这个坡,核问题是目前的症结所在,只有实现了无核化,半岛才有真正和持久的和平。所以不管这个坡多长、多陡,我们都要锲而不舍,坚持到底。

Second, we need to work hard to overcome the stumbling block of mutual mistrust.There is a woeful lack of mutual trust between the parties, especially the DPRK and the United States.This is the stumbling block before us.It has caused sustained tension on the Korean Peninsula and several disruptions to the Six-Party Talks.We hope that the parties will exercise restraint, show goodwill and build mutual trust little by little.二是要迈过缺乏互信这道坎。有关各方,尤其是朝美双方严重缺乏互信,这是挡在我们面前的一道坎。这道坎导致半岛局势持续紧张,六方会谈几度中断。所以我们希望各方能够保持克制,释放善意,一点一滴地来积累互信。

Third, we must follow the right way forward, which is dialogue.Confrontation will only bring tension and war will only cause disaster.Equal-footed dialogue, consultation and negotiation is the only right way forward.The Six-Party Talks is the only dialogue mechanism acceptable to all the parties.As the host country, we hope it can be resumed as soon as possible.Some dialogue is better than none, and better early than late.三是要走对话解决这条正道。对抗只能带来紧张,战争更会造成灾难,所以平等对话、协商谈判才是正道。六方会谈是目前唯一能够被各方所接受的对话机制,作为主席国,我们希望能够尽早复谈,谈比不谈好,早谈比晚谈好。谢谢你。

ETV of South Africa: As you are aware, China has become very active in Africa in recent years, but there are different opinions about this engagement between China and the African continent, especially emanating from the West.What is your opinion? Thank you.[南非电视台记者]近年来,中国在非洲很活跃,但是外界对于中国和非洲之间的交往有一些不一评价,尤其是来自西方,您怎么看?

Wang Yi: Let me make three points to sum up the China-Africa relationship.[王毅] 我想中非关系可以用三句话来概括。

First, China and Africa are good brothers who share weal and woe.When China was a poor country, we tightened our belt to support the cause of national independence and liberation of our African brothers.It's our African brothers who got the People's Republic of China back into the United Nations.首先,中非是同甘共苦的好兄弟。在中国还没有摆脱贫困的时候,我们就勒紧裤带来支援非洲兄弟的民族独立与解放运动,当然非洲的兄弟们也把新中国抬进了联合国。

Second, China and Africa are good friends who engage in cooperation as equals.In its cooperation with Africa, China has never been condescending, never interfered in the internal affairs of African countries and never given any empty promise.Let me tell you one figure.So far, we have helped African countries build over 1,000 projects and we have never attached any political condition to these projects.This fact alone can show that the groundless accusations against China are pale and hollow.其次,中非是平等合作的好伙伴。中国对非合作从不居高临下,从不干涉内政,也从不开空头支票。我告诉你一个数字,迄今中国为非洲已经援建了1000多个成套项目,没有附加过任何政治条件。我想这一基本事实就可以使任何对中国的不实之词苍白无力。

And third, China and Africa are good partners for common development.When I visited Africa in January this year, many African friends told me in person that an important reason behind Africa's sustained economic growth in recent years is the boost provided by China-Africa cooperation.And this has gotten other countries to increase their attention to Africa.第三,中非还是共同发展的好伙伴。今年1月我访问非洲的时候,很多非洲朋友都当面告诉我,非洲这些年经济持续增长的一个重要原因,就是中国对非合作的拉动,这还带动了其他国家纷纷加大对非洲的投入。

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Premier Zhou Enlai's first visit to Africa.Since then, China-Africa friendship has been handed down from one generation to another.Last year, President Xi Jinping made a successful visit to Africa.Later this year, Premier Li Keqiang will also step on the soil of Africa.This will be the first visit to Africa made by the premier of the new Chinese government.China-Africa cooperation is entering a new phase of development.今年是周恩来总理首访非洲50周年,中非友谊代代相传。习近平主席成功访非。李克强总理今年也将踏上非洲的土地,这将是中国新一届政府总理首次访非。中非合作正在进入一个新的发展时期。谢谢。

China News Service: Foreign Minister Wang, shortly after you took office, you visited the Foreign Ministry's Consular Service and Protection Center.You stressed that Chinese diplomats must listen to the voice of the people at all times and uphold their interests.You also expressed your wish to make it easier for people to travel on a Chinese passport.Going forward, how will the Foreign Ministry protect the lawful rights and interests and safety of Chinese institutions and nationals abroad? [中国新闻社、中国新闻网记者] 王部长您好,您作为外长在上任之初就到外交部领事保护中心考察,强调外交官要随时倾听民众心声,维护民众利益。您还表示要提高中国护照的含金量。请问外交部下一步将如何维护中国公民和法人在海外的合法权益和安全?谢谢。Wang Yi: It is the abiding purpose of China's diplomacy to serve the people.My colleagues and I often receive letters from the public.A lady from Henan Province wrote a letter which has moved me a great deal, and I would like to share this story with you.Her husband was working in a foreign country.He was thrown into prison under false charges.Our embassy in that country argued hard for him, cleared his name and got him released so that he could reunite with his family.His wife wrote to us: “You saved our broken family.You are the people closest to us.” The people see us as closest to them: there is no higher honor for Chinese diplomats.[王毅] 外交为民是中国外交的一贯宗旨。我和我的同事们经常收到民众的来信。一位河南女士的来信让我非常感动。我想跟大家披露一下。她的丈夫远赴海外打工,但却不幸蒙冤入狱。后来经过使馆据理力争,终于无罪释放,回家跟家人团聚了。所以这位妻子在信中写道:“是你们拯救了这个破碎的家,你们是我们最亲的人”。老百姓把我们当作最亲的人,是外交人员的最高荣誉。

Every year close to 100 million Chinese travel abroad, and there are over 20,000 Chinese companies operating overseas.It is our bounden duty to protect their legitimate rights and interests.I don't know whether you've noticed or not: when Chinese nationals go abroad, the first text message they will receive on their mobile phone is from the Foreign Ministry, reminding them of the things to be careful about and informing them of the telephone number of the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in that country.Every year, we handle tens of thousands of consular cases.It could be a small thing like helping our nationals to get their documentation in order or get into contact with their relatives and friends, or it could be a big operation such as rescuing Chinese hostages or carrying out large-scale evacuation of overseas Chinese nationals.Whenever our compatriots abroad need us, no matter how difficult or dangerous it is, Chinese diplomats will appear before them and do all we can to help.现在中国每年出境达到将近1亿人次,中国在海外的企业也已经有2万多家,保护中国在海外公民和机构的正当权益是我们义不容辞的职责。不知大家注意到没有,中国公民到国外打开手机,收到的第一条短信就是外交部的,告诉大家各种注意事项以及使领馆的联系电话。我们每年要处理几万起领事保护案件,小到补办证件、联系亲友,大到解救被绑架的人质,开展大规模的撤侨活动等。我想只要同胞们有需要,不管再困难、再危险,我们的外交官都会出现在大家面前,尽其所能提供帮助。

In the new year, we will continue to do our best to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese, and we will further improve consular protection and service.Let me disclose a piece of news to you.In 2014, the Foreign Ministry will establish a global emergency call center for consular protection and services.It will be a 24-hour telephone hot line.In the future, when our compatriots go abroad, no matter in which part of the world they are, if they run into an emergency, they can get into contact with their motherland right away and hear the voice from their motherland.新的一年,我们将继续全力打造海外民生工程,大力提高领事保护与服务的水平。我想预先告诉大家一个消息:外交部将在年内建成领事保护与服务全球应急呼叫中心,这是一个24小时的电话热线。今后,我们的同胞不管走到世界哪个角落,一旦遇到危难,就能在第一时间与祖国取得联系,听到来自祖国的声音。

Only by sinking its roots in the people and delivering benefits to the people, can China's diplomacy be in an invincible position.We would like to shield wind and rain for every one of our compatriots who travel abroad with their dreams, and become the firm support they can count on.外交只有植根人民、造福人民,才能立于不败之地。我们愿意为每一位怀揣梦想,走出国门的同胞遮风挡雨,成为大家可以依靠的坚强后盾。谢谢。

Kazaag News Agency of Kazakhstan: Last year, when President Xi Jinping visited Kazakhstan, he proposed to build a Silk Road Economic Belt.Later, he proposed to build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.These have been called the new concepts of China's diplomacy.What is the thinking behind these two initiatives? How will China put them into practice? [哈萨克通讯社记者] 王外长,您好。总书记提出了建设丝绸之路经济带,之后又提出了21世纪海上丝绸之路。在国际上被称为中国外交的新观念。中方推出这样的倡议出于什么考虑?将如何推进?谢谢。

Wang Yi: The Silk Road was first traveled by the Chinese people 2,000 years ago, but it belongs to the whole world.At the core of the Silk Road spirit is peace, friendship, openness and inclusiveness, which have become the common assets of human civilization.[王毅] 丝绸之路是中国人2000年前率先走出来的,但这条路是属于全世界的。丝绸之路精神的核心是和平、友好、开放和包容,这已成为人类文明的共同财富。

As you mentioned, President Xi Jinping proposed to build a Silk Road Economic Belt when he was on a visit to Kazakhstan.And later, when he was visiting Indonesia, he proposed to build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.These two initiatives of overland and maritime Silk Roads aim to seize the opportunity of the further opening-up of China, especially opening in the westward direction.We want to update the spirit of the ancient Silk Road and work with relevant countries to add two powerful wings to the rejuvenation of Asia as a whole.正像这位记者所说,丝绸之路经济带是习近平主席在访问哈萨克斯坦的时候提出来的。后来在印度尼西亚,习主席又提出21世纪海上丝绸之路。这“一陆一海”两大倡议是要以中国进一步对外开放,特别是加快向西开放为契机,为自古以来的丝绸之路精神注入新的时代内涵,与各国一道,为亚洲的整体振兴插上两支强劲的翅膀。

These two initiatives will focus on economic cooperation and people-to-people and cultural exchanges and prioritize connectivity and trade and investment facilitation.We will pursue these initiatives through equal-footed consultation and incremental progress, with a clear goal to deliver benefits to all and build a community of shared interests.“一带一路”的主线是经济合作和人文交流,优先是互联互通和贸易投资便利化,方式是平等协商、循序渐进。目的更清楚,就是合作共赢,打造利益共同体。

The door of these two initiatives is wide open, and it will proceed in parallel with the existing cooperation mechanisms and ideas in the region.We welcome countries in the region and other interested countries to take an active part in these two initiatives so that together, we will discuss and build them and benefit from them.“一带一路”的大门是敞开的,与本地区现存的各种机制与设想并行不悖。我们欢迎本地区以及有意愿的国家都积极参与进来,共同探讨,共同建设,共同受益。谢谢。

China National Radio: From what you've said, Foreign Minister Wang, we can all see that China had a full diplomatic agenda in the past year.You've been in the position of Foreign Minister for a year now.Can you talk to us about your personal experience and impression? [中央人民广播之声和央广网记者] 王外长,您刚才回答了方方面面的问题,可以感受到外交工作是十分繁重的。那么您能不能谈一下过去一年,您个人工作的感受?谢谢。

Wang Yi: This is the first time I give such a big conference and I thought that such a question would come up.Let me say in relation to your question that I'm a member of China's diplomatic service.Like my colleagues, I feel a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission to engage in diplomatic work at an important time when our nation is marching toward rejuvenation.[王毅] 作为第一次外长记者会,我知道可能免不了要回答这个问题。我想告诉各位的是,作为中国外交队伍当中的一员,能够在我们民族走向复兴的重要时期从事外交工作,我和我的同事们一样,深感责任重大、使命光荣。

We Chinese diplomats must live by the core values of loyalty, responsibility and devotion.Our task is to face the problems and solve them.Our job is to act responsibly for the nation, win honor for the country and serve the people.我们外交人员要切实履行忠诚、使命、奉献这一核心价值观。我们的工作是要面对问题、解决问题。我们的职责是为民族担当、为国家争光、为人民服务。

To conduct diplomacy well in the new era, first of all, we must have confidence.Confidence comes from the strength and prosperity of our motherland.Today's China is marching ever faster toward what we call the “two centenary goals”.The motherland and the people are our firm backing and peaceful development is our firm commitment.We have every confidence and ability to create an even more favorable external environment for the rejuvenation of our nation.要办好新时期的中国外交,我们首先要有底气。底气来自于祖国的强盛。今天的中国正在加快实现“两个百年”的重要目标。祖国和人民是我们的坚实后盾,和平发展是我们的坚定方针。我们完全有信心、有能力,为民族复兴营造更为良好的外部环境。

We must also have backbone.The backbone comes from our national pride.Gone is the century of humiliation in China's modern history.We feel passionately about our sovereignty and national dignity.We have our own judgment about international affairs.We follow the independent foreign policy of peace.We uphold our national interests as well as international justice.This is the character of Chinese diplomats and why we have so much support in the world.我们还要有骨气。骨气来自于民族的自豪,近代以来的百年屈辱史已经一去不复返了。我们对国家的主权和民族尊严抱有强烈的情感,我们对世界事务有自己的判断。我们坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,维护国家利益,捍卫国际公理,这是中国外交人员的风骨,也是中国外交得道多助的一个基础。

We must also show generosity.Generosity comes from the self-confidence of an old civilization.The Chinese civilization has thrived for 5,000 years without any interruption.An important reason is that we are like the ocean that admits all rivers and streams.Today, as we pursue major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, it is even more important to draw nourishment and strength from China's rich and profound cultural heritage and show to the world that the Chinese people are poised, confident, open and enterprising.我们同时还要大气。大气来自于文明的自信。中华文明五千年生生不息,一个重要原因就是具有海纳百川的胸襟。今天我们推进中国特色大国外交,更要从博大精深的文明积淀中汲取养分和力量,要向世人展示我们中国人的从容、自信、开放和进取。谢谢大家!

The press conference lasted 95 minutes and it was attended by more than 500 journalists from home and abroad.新闻发布会持续95分钟,500多名中外记者参加。




















外交部部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问(中英对照)2014-3-10 14:25|发布者: sisu04|查看: 529|评论: 0|来自: 外交部 摘要: Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press.新华社记者:今年中国将主办亚信峰会和APEC领导人非正式会议这两场重要国际会议。您能否介绍一下?您对两场会议有何期待?

Xinhua News Agency:This year, China will host two important international conferences, the Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA)and the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.Can you talk about these two important international conferences and share with us your expectations for them?


Wang Yi: A key feature of China’s diplomacy in 2014 is that we will play host to two major international conferences in Shanghai and Beijing respectively.In May, we will hold the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA)Summit in Shanghai.CICA is a very important security cooperation forum in Asia.And then in November, we will hold the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing.It is a primary platform for discussing economic and trade cooperation in the Asia-Pacific.So you can see that the two conferences focus on security and economic issues respectively.And both will be key priorities for China’s diplomacy this year.We will make the most of our role as the host country, put forward China’s proposals, pool Asia’s wisdom and work with the participants to inject new momentum into these two mechanisms.对亚信峰会,我们希望倡导共同安全、合作安全和综合安全,形成新的亚洲安全观,共同建设和平、稳定、合作的新亚洲。

At the CICA Summit, we hope to advocate common security, cooperative security and comprehensive security, bring into being a new Asian security concept and work together to build a new Asia of peace, stability and cooperation.关于APEC会议,我们希望围绕亚太伙伴关系这一主题,在推进亚太经济一体化、制定互联互通蓝图以及促进经济创新发展三个方面取得新成果,尤其是就启动亚太自贸区进程实现新的突破。

At the APEC meeting, we will focus on the theme of “Shaping the Future Through Asia-Pacific Partnership” and achieve new outcomes in advancing Asia-Pacific economic integration, adopting a blueprint for connectivity and promoting economic innovation and development.In particular, we will strive for a new breakthrough in launching the process of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific.美国全国广播公司记者:中美关系是世界上最为重要的双边关系。在过去的一年中,您认为中美关系发展得怎么样?您认为今年两国关系的发展会遇到怎样的挑战?两国将如何构建中美新型大国关系?双方将怎么本着构建新型大国关系的精神,以更加透明、更加协作、共同承担责任的方式维护亚太的和平与稳定? National Broadcasting Company of the United States:China-US relations are the most important bilateral relations in the world.How do you assess the development of the relations in the past year? What major challenges do you see this year? And how exactly do you propose to build the new type of great-power relationship? Will there be more transparency and more coordination between China and the United States in the spirit of the new type of great-power relationship and joint responsibility in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region? 王毅:2013年中美关系的最大亮点就是习近平主席和奥巴马总统在安纳伯格庄园实现历史性会晤,双方就构建新型大国关系达成共识。中美新型大国关系的核心是不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢,这是双方共同确定的努力方向,是两国向世界发出的一个积极的战略预期,也是两国对国际社会作出的郑重承诺。Wang Yi: The biggest highlight of China-US relations in 2013 was the historic meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Obama at the Sunnylands.The two sides reached important consensus on working together to build a new model of major-country relations between China and the United States.At the heart of this new model of major-country relationship is no conflict or confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.This is the common direction the two sides have set.It is a positive strategic outlook the two countries show to the world and a solemn commitment we’ve made to the international community.中美关系极为重要,也极其复杂。今年是中美建交35周年。35年的发展趋势是中美对话与合作越来越深入,合作的需求远远大于分歧。35年的经验教训集中到一点,就是要相互尊重。

The China-US relationship is both very important and very complex.This year marks the 35th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Over these past 35 years, China-US dialogue and cooperation has increasingly deepened.And the needs for cooperation far exceed our differences.Our experience and lessons of the past 35 years come down to one point, that is, we need to respect each other.如果把构建中美新型大国关系比作建造一座大厦,那么相互尊重就是这座大厦的地基。只要中美双方真正做到尊重彼此的主权和领土完整,尊重彼此的社会制度和发展道路,尊重彼此的核心利益和重大关切,这个地基就一定能打得牢,就能抵御风吹雨打,真正建成一座合作共赢的宏伟大厦,不仅惠及中美,也会造福世界。If one compares the new model of major-country relations between China and the United States to a building, then mutual respect is the foundation of that building.I believe when the two sides truly respect each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, social system and development path, and core interests and major concerns, the foundation will be a solid one that can withstand storms and truly grow into an edifice of win-win cooperation.That will not just benefit China and the United States but also the whole world.我们愿意同美国一起共同维护亚太地区的和平与稳定,在这一地区实现良性互动。我们认为,亚太地区应该成为中美构建新型大国关系的实验田,而不是相互争斗的博弈场。

We stand ready to work with the United States to uphold peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and carry out positive interactions in this region.An in our view, the Asia-Pacific should be the testing ground of our commitment to build a new model of major-country relations, rather than a competitive arena.Thank you.新加坡《联合早报》记者:中国的周边形势非常受到关注。有人认为,中国的周边问题很多,还有人认为,近来中国在处理与周边邻国争议问题上越来越强硬。请问您怎么看待这样的观点?

Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: The situation in China’s neighborhood is closely watched by many people.Some people see many problems.Some believe China is more assertive in handling its disputes with its neighboring countries? What is your response to these views?


Wang Yi:This is a quite critical question but one that everyone is interested in.Let me first say that the general situation in China’s neighborhood is both positive and stable.去年中国首次召开了周边外交工作座谈会,明确周边是中国外交的首要,而且形成了一整套更加友善和包容的睦邻外交理念,提出了一系列旨在互利双赢的重大合作倡议,这充分体现了中国对周边国家的高度重视。

Last year, China held its first neighborhood diplomacy conference.We made clear that the neighborhood tops China’s diplomatic agenda.We unveiled a whole set of diplomatic guidelines to show we are more friendly and accommodative.And we have put forward a series of major cooperation proposals aimed at delivering win-win results.This fully shows that China attaches a great deal of importance to neighboring countries.中国与邻国打交道已经几千年了,我们历来秉持以和为贵,以诚待人,人敬一尺,我还一丈。今天的周边外交,我们将更积极地践行亲诚惠容的理念,让周边国家和人民更多分享中国改革开放的红利,更好地理解中国坚持走和平发展道路的决心。当然,我们也愿意倾听周边国家的声音,回应大家对中国周边政策的疑问。China has been interacting with its neighbors for thousands of years.And all along, we have valued harmonious relations and treated others with sincerity.When others respect us, we respect them even more.Going forward, we will more actively practice the guideline of “amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness”.We will help our neighboring countries and peoples benefit more from China’s reform and opening.We will help them better appreciate China’s commitment to peaceful development.We are willing to listen to voices from our neighboring countries and respond to their doubts about China’s neighborhood policy.对于我们同一些国家存在的领土和海洋权益争议,我们愿意在尊重历史事实和国际法的基础上,坚持通过平等协商谈判,以和平的方式妥善处理,这一点今后也不会改变。我们绝不会以大压小,但也绝不接受以小取闹。在涉及领土和主权的问题上,中国的立场坚定而明确:不是我们的,一分不要;该是我们的,寸土必保。As for China’s territorial and maritime disputes with some countries, China would like to carry out equal-footed consultation and negotiation and properly handle them by peaceful means on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law.There will not be any change to this position.We will never bully smaller countries, yet we will never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries.On issues of territory and sovereignty, China’s position is firm and clear.We will not take anything that isn’t ours, but we will defend every inch of territory that belongs to us.中央电视台记者:最近这段时间,乌克兰一直是国际关注的焦点。我们注意到,您一直在和一些国家的外长通电话讨论乌克兰问题。中方如何看待乌克兰局势?您觉得乌克兰危机应该如何解决?

China Central Television: The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks.We know that you’ve been on the phone with the foreign ministers of some countries discussing this issue.Can you talk about China’s view on the current situation in Ukraine and how do you think the Ukrainian crisis should be resolved?


Wang Yi: First, let me tell you that China follows a just and objective position on the issue of Ukraine, and we have stated our position on multiple occasions.乌克兰的局势发展到今天,事出有因,令人遗憾,同时也折射出这个问题背后的复杂历史经纬和利害冲突。越是复杂的问题,越需要慎重对待。

It is regretful that the situation in Ukraine has come to what it is today.Yet it is not by accident that the situation has reached this point.There is a complex history behind it as well as conflicting interests.The complex the problem is, the more necessary that it is handled in a prudent way.中方呼吁,从维护乌克兰各族人民的根本利益考虑,从维护地区和平稳定的大局出发,当务之急是保持冷静克制,避免局势进一步紧张升级,要通过对话协商把乌克兰问题纳入政治解决的轨道。中方正在继续与有关各方进行沟通,我们愿意为乌克兰问题的政治解决发挥建设性作用。

China urges that keeping in mind the fundamental interests of all ethnic communities in Ukraine and the interests of regional peace and stability, the priority now is to exercise calm and restraint and prevent further escalation of the situation.The parties should carry out dialogue and consultation to put the issue on the track of a political settlement.China is in communication with various parties, and we will play a constructive role in bringing about a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue.Thank you.法国《巴黎竞赛画报》记者:本月底,习近平主席将访问欧洲,他将带去怎样的信息?他还将访问欧盟机构,这背后有什么考虑?

Paris Match of France: Mr.Minister, at the end of this month, President Xi Jinping will be in Europe.What kind of message does he want to deliver to the countries he will visit? And also, what will be the intention of President Xi Jinping when he goes to the European institutions in Brussels?


Wang Yi:Europe has a priority place in China’s diplomatic agenda this year.As you said, President Xi Jinping will visit Europe in late March.This will be yet another major diplomatic action taken by China to advance major-power relations.The visit will open a new chapter in the history of China-Europe relations.中欧关系的关键词是“合作”,作为当今世界两大力量、两大文明和两大市场,我们之间的合作理应是全方位和战略性的。尤其是在中国加快转变发展方式,启动全面深化改革的进程当中,欧洲是我们极具潜力和空间的战略合作伙伴。“Cooperation” is the key word in China-Europe relations.China and Europe are two major forces in the world.We are two large civilizations and two big markets.So it’s only right and proper that our cooperation is comprehensive and strategic in nature.Particularly when China shifts its development pattern and embarks on comprehensive and in-depth reform, Europe is a strategic partner with whom our cooperation will have great potential.习主席的这次历史性访问,将会推动双方就各自的发展战略进行深度对接。双方将重点在科技创新、节能环保、新型城镇化、互联互通、人文交流等一系列重要领域加强互利合作。我们还希望推动中欧投资协定谈判,并且着眼于今后的中欧自贸安排。当然,我们也愿意同欧洲加强国际事务中的战略沟通,共同推进国际关系民主化和多极化进程。

Through the historic visit of President Xi Jinping to Europe, the two sides will work intensively to align our respective development strategies.I believe the two sides will strengthen win-win cooperation in some priority areas, such as scientific and technological innovation, energy and environmental conservation, a new type of urbanization, connectivity and people-to-people and cultural exchanges.We also hope to speed up the negotiation toward a China-EU investment agreement, with a view to future free trade arrangements between China and Europe.And of course, we’d like to increase strategic communication with the Europeans in international affairs and work together to promote democracy in international relations and a more multi-polar world.我想这句话大家都会赞成:中欧合作,世界将更安全、更均衡、更美好。I think all of you will agree with me in saying that China-Europe cooperation will make the world a safer, more balanced and better place.



作者: 《光明日报》(2015年03月09日 11版)

新华社北京3月8日电 2015年3月8日,十二届全国人大三次会议在两会新闻中心举行记者会,邀请外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问。





在以习近平同志为核心的党中央领导下,我们成功举办上海亚信峰会和北京APEC两大主场外交,在历史上留下深刻的中国印记。我们积极参与全球热点 问题解决,在国际和地区事务中发挥了中国作用。我们大力拓展对外合作,“一带一路”倡议得到广泛响应。





“两条主线”就是做好和平与发展这两篇大文章。我们将同国际社会一道,办好世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动,以史为鉴,开辟未来,使中国成 为维护和平的强大力量。我们将以纪念联合国成立70周年为契机,积极参与联合国发展峰会和国际气候变化合作,推动制定符合广大发展中国家利益的2015后发展议程和新的应对气候变化安排,发挥中国的建设性作用。













中俄务实合作是因为相互需要,秉持的是互利双赢,而且有着巨大内生动力和提升空间。今年,中俄务实合作有望取得一系列新成果。我们将力争实现双边 贸易1000亿美元目标,签署丝绸之路经济带合作协议并启动对接,全面开工建设东线天然气管道并签署西线天然气项目合作协议,加快联合研制远程宽体客机进程,启动远东地区开发战略合作,推进高铁建设合作等。同时,我们也将继续深化双方在金融、油气、核能等领域的合作。




70年来,国际格局与形势发生了很大变化。国际秩序自然也需要与时俱进。中国主张对国际秩序和体系进行改革,但这种改革不是推倒重来,也非另起炉灶,6 而是创新完善。总的方向是推进国际关系民主化和国际治理法治化,尤其是维护好广大发展中国家的正当权益,从而使这个世界更平等,更和谐,更安全。














王毅:全面解决伊核问题,有助于维护国际核不扩散体系,有助于促进中东地区的和平安宁,有助于提供通过谈判解决重大难题的有益经验,各方应锲而不舍、善始善终。伊核谈判可能产生的影响远远超出谈判本身,出现曲折和困难在 9 所难免,目前,谈判前景虽然扑朔迷离,但已经露出了隧道尽头的亮光。我们认为,谈判已到了临界点,各方尤其是主要谈判方应当尽快做出政治决断。




你刚才又提到了历史问题。这个问题一直困扰着中日关系,我们要问一声,究竟原因何在?我想起一位中国的外交老前辈在这一问题上的主张,他认为,加害者越不忘加害于人的责任,受害者才越有可能平复曾经受到的伤害。其实,这句话既是人与人的交往之道,也是对待历史的正确态度。日本当政者在这个问题 10 上做得如何,首先请扪心自问,世人也自有公论。70年前,日本输掉了战争。70年后,日本不应再输掉良知。是继续背着历史包袱不放,还是与过去一刀两断,最终要由日本自己来选择。































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