
时间:2019-05-14 18:40:46下载本文作者:会员上传





hang on to紧握住,坚持下去 have to do with与…有关 hold on to紧紧抓住,坚持 keep up with向...看齐,跟上… let alone不干涉;更不用说 let go放开,松手 look down on看不起,轻视 be made up of由…构成,由…组成 never mind不要紧,没关系 put up with容忍,忍受 run out of用完,用尽,耗尽 lend itself to适用于,对…有用 let loose放开,放松,释放 live up to做到,不负 look up to尊敬,敬仰 make up for补偿,弥补 put in for申请

refer to...as把…称作,把...当做 serve right活该,给应得的待遇 set in来临,流行

stand up for为...辩护;维护 come to stay木已成舟 take…as把…作为

think better of改变主意,重新考虑 throw down推倒




set out to打算,着手

stand up to面对,坚决抵抗;经得起 stay by守在一边

think of…as把…看做是,以为…是 throw about乱丢(东西),乱花(钱)throw(a)light on照亮,阐明







above all首先,毕竟 at a11完全,根本 all over遍及,到处 not at all一点也不

leave alone听其自然,更不用说 one after another一个接一个

anything but除…以外任何事(物),根本不 as for至于,就…方面说 after all终于,毕竟;虽然这样 all but几乎,差一点 in all总共,总计 aU out全力以赴,竭尽全力 alongwith与…一起 one another互相 as...as像…一样 as if好像,仿佛 as though好像,仿佛 as well也,又

not as/so...as不如…那样 back of在…后部,在...背部 had better最好还是,应该 but for除...以外,倘没有,除非

either...or或…或,不是…就是;无论...还是 even if/though即使,虽然 as to至于,关于




as well as(除...之外)也,既...又 back and forth往返,来来往往地 because of由于,因为 both…and既…又…,两个都 each other互相 or else否则,要不然 even then即使那样 except for除…之外 by far...得多,最 so far迄今为止 if only要是…就 in itself本身

at least至少,最低程度 a little一点;一些,少许 quite a little相当多,不少 as/so far as远至,到...程度 far from远非,远离 first of aⅡ首先,第一 by itself独自,单独 at last最终,终于

no less than决不少于,不亚(次)于 little by little逐渐地 as/so long as只要,如果 no longer不再,已不 many a许多的 more or less或多或少

no more than不过,仅仅;和...一样 make the most of充分利用

every now and then有时,时时,偶尔




now and then时而,不时 off and on断断续续,不时地 a great/good many of许多,大量 nlore and mole越来越 no more不再

at(the)most最多,至少,不超过 neither…nor既不…也不 just now刚才,一会儿以前 now that既然,由于







and so on等等

all at once突然;同时,一起 once(and)for all一劳永逸,限此一次 by oneself独自地,单独地 other than不同于 all right好,行

ever since从那时起,自那时以来 ever so非常,极其

so…as to结果是;如此...以至于 at once立刻,马上 once more再一次,又一次 every other每隔一个地

over and over(again)一再,再三 all round周围,处?/P> and so on/forth等等 or so大约,左右 sofar迄今为止

so that以便,为的是;结果是 such as像....that is(=i.e.)就是说,即 up to起来,从事于,忙于;直至

what if如果……将会怎样,即使…又如何 whether…or是…还是,不管…还是 and yet可是,然而 abide by坚持;遵守




adapt to(使)适应,适合;改编 so…that如此...以至于 such…that那样的…以致 as though好像

what about(对于)…怎么样 go wrong发生故障,出毛病 as yet到目前(那时)为止 accustom to使习惯 adhere to粘附,胶着;坚持 cling to粘住;依附;坚持 compensate for补偿,赔偿 conceive of设想,构思;以为 consult with商量,商议

apologize(一ise)to sb.for sth.道歉,认错





2014年更新(理工类)Call: phone Space: room At once: immediately Identify: name/recognize Occur: happen Complete: finish Eventually: finally Conversation: talk Attend: go to Make up one’s mind: decide Account: consideration Put up with: tolerate/bear/endure/stand Give up: abandon/drop/quit Seldom: rarely Take out: extract/obtain Spur: encourage Coverage: reportage Dimly: faintly Mildly: gently Inevitable: certain Isolated: solitary Call off: cancel Now and then: occasionally Find fault with: criticize Grasp: take hold of/understand/follow Lately: recently Manual: physical Harness: utilize Resident: occupant Steadily: continuously Remedy: cure/improve Draft: formulate Practically: almost/virtually Occasionally: sometimes Try: test Readily: willingly Shine: polish Decent: honest/good Deadly: fatal Insist on: demand Damaging: harmful Speed: velocity

Physician: doctor

Particularly: especially Safe: secure Branch: division Abnormal: unusual Abundant: plentiful

Accelerate: step up/increase Accumulate: collect/build up


assign/distribute/give Childish: immature Barren: bare

Appalling: dreadful/terrible Horrify: terrify Anyhow: anyway Achieve: attain Capability: ability

In conjunction: together Credible: convincing Diligent: hardworking Diverse: varied Faulty: wrong Gorgeous:

magnificent/lovely Persist: continue Regulate: control Scatter: separate

Standpoint: point of view Touching: moving Immense:

enormous/great/large Overtake: pass Advisable: wise Puzzle: mystery: Exhibit: show/display Eternal: everlasting Depict: describe Operative: working Wreck: damage Embody: include

Obscure: prevent/restrain Sensational: exciting Stroll: walk

Annoying: irritating

Deliberately: intentionally Vague: imprecise/unclear Summit: top of the mountain Census: count Duplicate: copy Ban: forbid/prohibit Lawful: legal Mock: laugh at Motive: reason

Notably: particularly Omit: fail

Orthodox: conventional Outrageous: unacceptable Scared: frightened/afraid Hail: acclaim/praise organizer: planner postulate: assume Extinction: die out Abrupt: sudden Mighty: very strong Authentically: genuinely Eligible: entitled/qualified Assert: state firmly/maintain Permit: allow Propose: suggest Regret: sorry

Rely on: depend(ent)on Remove: take off Improve: better Break: beat

Provoke: elicit(招致)/cause Gangster: violent criminal Framework: skeleton/system Hazard: danger/risk/distress Hazardous: dangerous Lure: attraction/temptation Densely: compactly Fascinate: intrigue Fascinating:


Probe: explore/investigate Settle: solve Tremble: shake Shock: surprise Abide by: stick to/adhere to/follow Widen: broaden Shabby: unfair Uneasy: anxious Demolish: pull down/disprove Adverse: unfavorable Concise: short and clear Courteous: respectful Invaluable: extremely useful Insane: crazy/mad Exhaustive: extremely thorough Vigorous: healthy/energetic Ingenious: clever Without bias: fairly Terminate: put an end to


Ridiculous: foolish/absurd/stupid Obvious: evident/clear Reply: answer Confess: admit Deal with: cope with Purchase: buy Convert:change/vary/ fluctuate/modify/shift/turn Conduct: behavior Start: begin Talk over: discuss Cheerful: pleasant But: only Let: rent Cultivate: develop(cultivating: developing)Merge: combine Graceful: pleasing Prior to: before Weary: tired/exhausted Contaminate: pollute Gauge: assess/measure

Deduce: derive/stem Massive: extensive Cater for: meet Certain: sure/bound Set up: establish Firm: company Survive: live/exist Highly: very Severe: hard Merely: just While: although Annually: every year Particulars: details Limited: small Blend: mix

Durable: long-lasting Expire: die/perish Gaze: stare

sensible: reasonable sustain: maintain upgrade: improve sick: ill

look for: try to find put up: raise lots of: many a lot: much/greatly/considerably pleased: happy/glad/cheerful mend: repair

eternal: everlasting eternally: constantly collaborate: cooperate consolidate: strengthen alleviate: relieve defect: fault

insufficient: inadequate in the end: ultimately complicated: complex appraisal: evaluation close: near alike: similar intelligent: clever goal: aim dismiss: fire

excite: arouse/awaken preserve: keep last: past

specialty: field intimate: friendly miraculous: amazing defer: postpone

elevate: promote/foster award: give dull: boring gap: gulf

grateful: thankful graceful: polite presently: shortly subject: topic

typical: characteristic liable: likely heap: pile sketch: outline utterly: totally urge: advise bump: run celebrity: star

discriminate: distinguish dwell: live

harmonious: balanced persevere: persist dramatic: striking/ sensational root: cause

affect: influence/impact brief: short consume: eat diverse: varied

prolonging: extending unwilling: reluctant slender: slim witty: smart

at stake: in danger guy: man

ample: enough marvel: miracle perpetual: endless

specifications: instructions concrete: specific end: stop

booming: successful rough: difficult promotion: advancement marked: clear miss: avoid capture: catch restrict: limit compile: write profound: deep funny: humorous resentment: anger turmoil: confusion rush hour: peak

as regards: about bust: break wary: cautious expire: end endorse: approve intact: undamaged magnitude: importance skeptical: doubtful cardinal: fundamental contend: compete

thorough: careful tag: label disappointing: chant: repeat

unsatisfactory update: modernize remark: say profile: description spectacular: magnificent asylum: protection obscure: unclear run into: hit approach: handle alleviate: ease contempt: hate evoke: refresh

layout: arrangement discriminate: distinguish

crisp: fresh steep: high



notion – concept – idea 概念

characteristic – feature 特征

be characteristic of – be typical of 是….所特有的 difficult – hard – tough 困难的 area – field 领域

area – region 区域

final –last 最后的

diploma – certificate 证书

pleasing – satisfactory 令人满意的 wish – hope 希望

massive – extensive – a mass of--plentiful大量的 conference – meeting会议

close – intimate--near亲密的 link – connect 连接

explore – investigate 调查

propose – suggest – advise--recommend 建议

cater for – meet – satisfy 满足

provide – supply – furnish 提供

unite – combine – join 联合,合并

come across – run into – meet 遇到

appealing – attractive--fascinating 吸引人的 appeal to--tempt – attract – fascinate 吸引

instruct – teach 教授(…课程)

private – personal 私人的

vanish – disappear 消失 phase – stage 阶段

pattern – mode 模式,式样

destroy – ruin 毁灭

facilitate(A 级)– help – assist 有助于

manufacture – make – produce – turn out 制造,生产

prior to – before 在…之前

for good – forever 永远

be anxious to do …----be eager to do…---be keen to ….渴望…

write down – put down 写下

try – attempt 努力

annoying – irritating 讨厌的,令人生气的 boring – dull--uninteresting令人厌烦的 seem – appear 看起来

contented – satisfactory – satisfied 满意的 exhibit – show 展示

show – indicate 表明

hate – dislike – be tired of – be sick of 讨厌,不喜欢

terrible--awful 可怕的

precise – accurate – exact 精确的 concise – brief--short 简明的

elementary – basic – primary – fundamental 基本的 purchase – buy 购买

deal with – cope with – handle 应付,处理

forbid--ban 禁止

lawful – legal 合法的

unbelievable – incredible 难以置信的

diligent – hardworking 勤劳的,刻苦的

principal –chief--leading---main 主要的,首要的 employ – hire 雇佣

fire – dismiss – send away解雇

assume – suppose 假定

on the verge of---close to 接近于, 濒临于

gaze at – look at – stare at 凝视,注视

entitled – qualified 有资格的 employment – work – job 工作

encourage – inspire – push 鼓励,激励

no longer – no more 不再

admit – acknowledge 承认

allow – permit 允许

state – declare – announce 宣布,声明

regret – sorry 遗憾的

remove – get off 脱下

start – begin 开始

observe--stick to 遵守

previous – former 以前的 maintain – hold – think 认为

cause – bring about – lead to – result in 导致

error – mistake 错误

component – ingredient – element 成分

solve – settle 解决(问题)involve – include 包括

numerous – a number of – a lot of – abundant(B 级)– plentiful 大量的, 丰富的

stay –remain 保持(用作半系动词)

rest – break 休息

account for – explain 解释

examination – test 测试,考试

examine – check up 检查,核对

gain – put on 增加

put up – lift – raise 举起

put up – build – construct 建造

relieve--lessen 减轻,减少

severe –serious--bad 严重的 severe – strict 严厉的

sharp– acute – severe 剧烈的(疼痛)

severe – hardtough艰苦的 quit – give up – abandon放弃

subject – topic 话题

remarkable – exceptional – extraordinary – great – marvelous – striking – special – unusual显着的 polite – respectful 有礼貌的

politeness – good manners 礼貌

crazy – mad 疯狂的 sensible –wise 明智的

clever – intelligent – wise – bright 聪明的

(be)exhausted –(be)tired –(be)worn out 疲惫 believable – convincing--credible 可信的 original – initial 最初的

original – creative 创造性的

competent – capable – able 有能力的



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