
时间:2019-05-14 19:50:25下载本文作者:会员上传







M: What are you going to do this weekend, Jane? W: Well, I’m not sure.M: What about a picnic on East Hill? W: Sounds good....Uh, do you want me to drive this time? M: No, I’ll drive.I won’t drive too fast!I promise.W: OK.So I’ll buy some sandwiches and fruits and potato salad.M: Ah, potato salad is my favorite!Anything else? W: Uh, could you bring your beach chairs? M: All right.And...I’ll bring my beach umbrella.W: Great.And if you like, I’ll call you in the morning.试音到此结束。


第一题、请听录音中八组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片或能回答所给问题的最佳答案。每组对话读两遍。No.1.W: Can you play the guitar?

M: Sorry, I can’t.But I can play the drums.No.2.M: Your English is so good.W: Thanks a lot.I keep reading English books every day.No.3.W: My favorite animal is koalas.What about you?

M: I like bears best.No.4.M: Alice, who is the girl in a red skirt?

W: She is Rose, my new classmate.No.5.W: Dad, I have finished my homework.May I watch Animal World on TV? M: Wait a minute, please.The news will be over soon.No.6.M: Hello, Lucy.Do you live in the city or in the town?

W: Neither.I live in the mountains.The air there is so fresh.No.7.W: Morning, Tom.How are you feeling today?

M: Very bad.I failed the Reading exam.W: Sorry to hear that.Why don’t you talk with your teacher?

M: I want to, but I don’t know how to talk with her.No.8.W: Hello.This is Alice.M: Hello, Alice.This is Jim.Can you help me? W: Sure.What’s the matter?

M: My wife is at home.I’ve called her several times, but nobody answered.Could you please go to the next door and have a look? W: Don’t worry.I’ll go right now.第二题、请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。

听第一段较长的对话,完成第9至第11三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅 读这3个小题。

W: Good morning.Can I help you? M: Yes, please.Do you have a 4-day tour to Harbin? 英语试题答案 第1页(共4页)W: Sorry, but there’s a 5-day trip, from July 3rd to 7th.M: How shall we travel? W: You’ll take a train to and from Harbin, and you’ll travel by sightseeing bus around the city.M: How much does it cost? W: 1,000 yuan.It includes travel, 3-star hotel, breakfast and supper.But it doesn’t include lunch.M: Well, that sounds interesting.Could I book a tour for two? W: Certainly.听第二段较长的对话,完成第12至第15四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这4个小题。

W: How can I help? M: I feel ill.I’ve got a stomachache and my head hurts.W: How long have you been like this? M: For about 3 days.W: I see.Have you caught a cold? M: I don’t think so.W: Let me take your temperature…Hmm, there is no fever.What kind of food do you

eat? M: Usually fast food.W: Do you have breakfast? M: No, not usually.W: Ahh, that’s the problem!Fast food and no breakfast.That’s why you’ve got a

stomachache.M: What about the headache? W: Do you often spend too much time in front of the computer? M: Yes.I need to do much work on computer.W: Oh.That’s the main reason why you’ve got a headache.M: So what should I do? W: Well, don’t worry.It’s not serious.Take some medicine and you’ll be all right.By the way, I’d like to give you some advice.You should try to have a good eating habit.Stop eating fast food and have breakfast every day.And you’d better get some exercise, such as walking and swimming.M: Thank you very much.请同学们翻到第8页,找到第Ⅱ卷第三大题,继续做听力填词题。


Boys and girls,Attention, please!Do you love singing? Are you good at it? If your answers are yes, here comes a chance---a singing competition for you.The competition will be on the evening of July 12th.It will start at 6:30 and end at 8:30.And it will be held in the hall of our school.During the competition, each singer will sing two different songs.All the singers must wear white shirts and dark blue trousers---no other colors.It’s important to remember.If you’d like to join in the competition, you need go to Room 202 and complete a form.Call us here at 892650 for more information.Thank you!听力测试到此结束,请将答案涂写到答题卡的相应位置,然后继续做其他题目。

英语试题答案 第2页(共4页)






1.There are lots of cows on my uncle’s farm.2.I don’t like milk or cola, I only like tea.3.It’s very cold and windy outside.Winter is coming.4.Just now I bought some fruits in the shop.5.Tom took part in the sports because he was good at the high jump.B.听对话


听第一段对话,回答第6小题。M:Rose, is the backpack yours? W:No, it isn’t.Mine is green.I think it must be Cindy’s.Her backpack is blue with a picture of Snoopy.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

M:Good morning, Susan.You look unhappy.What’s the matter with you? W:Good morning, Mike.I am going to my cousin’s party, but I think my clothes are too old.M:Oh, I think it’s not so serious.You can buy some new clothes.W:Thank you, it’s a good idea.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

M:Oh, you’ve come back, Laura.How was your travel? W:It was awful.The plane was late and the weather was too bad.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

W:Can we go to the zoo by taxi, Dad? M:I am afraid not.Although it can save time, it costs more than by bus.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

W:It’s time for lunch, Mike.Let’s go to the canteen.M:Sorry, Tina.I have to wait for Peter.He is still doing his math homework.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。W:Hello, 2726994.M:Hello.Can I speak to Jo, please? W:This is Jo speaking.M:Oh, hi, Jo.This is Pat.I am just ringing to make sure if Sunday is still OK for a walk in the country.W:Yeah, that’s fine.M:Great!See you at 10∶00 on Sunday.OK? W:Shall we make it half an hour earlier? M:No problem.See you!听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。M:Hello, Sally!How is it going? W:Great.What’s up, Scott? M:I want to ask you how children travel in your country.W:In Germany, children are not allowed to go out for a trip alone.They often stay at home for vacation.M:Oh, I see.In America, children can go different places themselves.They learn skills by living outside.They can make new friends.W:That sounds great.C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Here is the six o’clock news.

Last night there was a fire at a shopping center in Shenzhen.The building was burnt down.The fire started at about eleven o’clock and the firefighters were fighting against the fire for four hours.Three other buildings were badly damaged, too.Mr.Chang, the boss of the shopping center, said that all the goods in the shopping mall were burnt, and the net bar and the gym were completely gone.Luckily, no one was hurt.They lost at least 500 million yuan.

The fire chief, Mr.Li, said that they would be looking at the building carefully to see why the fire started.We’ll go on with later news this time tomorrow. This is from news reporter, Xiao Chuan.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Hello, everyone.Welcome here, I am Mary.And it’s my job to make sure you enjoy yourselves while you are here.Now this afternoon, we will go together on the walking tour of the city.And then on Wednesday afternoon, we are off to the sports center where you can play volleyball or football, or go swimming to keep yourselves fit.And on Thursday afternoon, we have film club.This week’s film is Happy Holiday.On Saturday, we are going on a day trip to Oxford, leaving here at 8:30 in the morning.Please don’t be late, or we will go without you.And finally on Sunday, we are off to London, leaving at the same time.If there are any other things you would like to do while you are here, just ask me.And I will see if I can help you.(二)



1.My pen is broken.I want to buy one tomorrow.2.Jim likes playing football instead of basketball.3.Mrs White will arrive here on October 2.4.The MP3 will cost you 163 yuan.5.Her pen pal comes from Sydney.B.听对话



M:Excuse me.What can I do for you ? W:Could you help me find the latest novel Harry Potter ? 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:Could you please tell me where the best restaurant is ? M:Green House is a good choice.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。M:How much is the jacket ? W:It was 120 dollars last week.But you can pay only half for it now.M:Why? W:Because the season has changed.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

B:Hi , Mary.You look happy.What’s the good news ? G:I passed the English exam this time.B:Congratulations!Work harder and your English will be much better.G:Thanks a lot.You’re the best student in our class.Can you help me with my English ? B:No problem.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

M:What time is OK for me to come to the party ? W:We will wait for you at 8 o’clock tonight.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。M:Hello? This is Tom.W:Hello, Tom.May I speak to Amy, please? M:Who’s calling, please? W:This is Jane.M:Hello, Jane.Amy isn’t at home.She went to the supermarket just now.Can I take a message? W:Yes.Please ask her to call me.My number is 86663798.M:OK.I’ll ask her to call you back.Goodbye.W:Thank you.Goodbye.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。M:Are you free this afternoon? W:Yes.Why? M:Shall we go to the cinema together? I haven’t seen a film for a long time.W:That’s a good idea.I’m very tired these days.Do you know what’s on at the cinema? M: Brokeback Mountain.It’s the latest popular film.I want to see it very much.W:Is it the famous film directed by Ang Lee.M:Yes.He won an Oscar for Best Director for this film.W:Oh, he is my favourite director.M:Me too.He is very great because he is the first director in Asia to win this award.C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Jack is a middle school student.He lives on the twelfth floor in a tall building on Beijing Road.Aunt Mary also lives in the building.She lives two floors below Jack.She is old and she lives alone.She has a very lovely cat named Kitty.Jack often goes to Mary’s flat to do something for her.He loves the cat very much.And the cat loves him, too.

Last Thursday evening, Jack finished his homework and went to bed.Suddenly he heard someone knocking at the door.He opened the door.He was surprised to find a cat at the door.It was the cat Kitty.Jack thought there was something wrong with Mary.He telephoned her, but no one answered it.Jack ran out with the cat and rushed down the stairs to Mary’s flat.Just before he got to the door, he found a man with a bag running out of Mary’s house.Jim shouted, “Catch the robber!Catch the robber!” Some neighbours woke up and came out.Someone called “110 ”, and the police caught the robber at last.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。This is Radio On Line.Here are some good suggestions for free time activities.First of all, you can choose to join a club.We have a music club, a sports club and an art club.It’s good for you to improve your skills and make new friends.Then we also offer a volunteer program for you.You may find that teens can work for the old people, too.You can keep doing some housework or do some shopping for those old people who live alone.Finally we have a very special program called “Meeting a New Family”.That means two families exchange their children for some weeks.You may experience quite a new and different kind of life.Isn’t that exciting? Come and join us right now.(三)



1.Mike likes playing the piano.2.My sister is a teacher at a middle school.3.His mother often goes to work at 7:30 every day.4.Our head teacher is going to Beijing tomorrow.5.Her sister works as a nurse in a hospital.B.听对话



W:Do you usually go to school by bus? M:No, I don’t.I go to school by bike.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

M:Excuse me, Where’s the nearest bank, please? W:Go along this street and turn left.You’ll see the bank next to the post office.M:Thank you.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

W:Excuse me, May I use your pen, Bob? M:Sorry, I only have a pencil.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:What’s the weather like today? W:It’s fine.But the TV says it’s going to be windy and rainy tomorrow.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。W:What time is it now? M:It’s nine fifteen.And when will the meeting begin? W:At nine thirty.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。

W:Excuse me, sir.I can’t find my mother now.M:Don’t cry, little girl.We can’t find her if you cry.What’s she wearing? W:She is wearing a skirt.M:What colour is it? W:Er„ blue.M:Is she wearing a hat? W:Yes, a white hat.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

W:Jack, what sort of books do you like? M:Story books.They are very interesting.What about you, Mary? W:I like science books.I can learn a lot from them.M:You want to be a scientist, right? W:Yes, what do you want to be in the future? M:A famous writer.C.听短文


Hello, ladies and gentlemen.I’d like to tell you something about London before we arrive.

London is the capital of England.It is one of the biggest cities in the world.The people here are very friendly and helpful, especially the policemen.They are always glad to tell you about their city.London is a busy place, too.People work in offices, banks or companies.They are in a hurry all the time.London is also a beautiful city.It has lots of parks and gardens.When you are in London, you should visit London Museum.It can tell you a lot of interesting things about London.You may also visit many other places of interest, such as Big Ben, the River Thames and so on.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。I’m Mary.Today is Mother’s Day.Early in the morning I went to the supermarket to buy some fish, meat, eggs and vegetables.After breakfast, I helped my mother to do some housework.I did all the washing and cleaning.At noon, I cooked a big dinner for my family and gave a small present to my mother.It was a beautiful handbag.My mother was pleased with it.We watched TV in the evening and told some funny stories.What a happy day!



1.Bob’s sister is pretty good at playing the violin.2.Jennifer is going to fly to New York on holiday next Monday.3.Kelly likes eating cheese cakes best in France.4.Jim always watches TV during the summer holiday.5.I think the most helpful invention is the computer.B.听对话



M:Do you like Chinese, Mary? W:No, I don’t.I like English best of all.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

M:Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? W:I’d love to, but I’m going to review my lessons.We’ll have a test tomorrow.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

W:How do you usually go to work? By bus? M:No.I usually go to work by bike and sometimes on foot.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:Mary, did you stay in America after you left school? W:No.I worked in England for 3 years.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

W:Peter, what did you use to do after school? M:I practiced playing the piano after school.But now I enjoy playing football.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。

M:What rules do you have at home, Kathy? W:Well, I’m not allowed to play computer games on school nights.How about you, Mark? M:I can’t, either.But sometimes I can watch TV.W:You are lucky.But I can’t.M:Oh, no.What about going to movies? W:I’m not allowed to watch movies, but I can study with my friends on school nights.M:That sounds nice.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。M:Hi, Anna, is that you? W:Yes.You’re Ben, aren’t you? We haven’t seen each other for about six years.M:No, seven years.You’ve changed a lot!W:Really? How? M:You used to be short.Now you’re really tall.W:Yeah, I’m about five feet now.M:You used to have long hair.Now you have short hair.W:Right.Short hair makes me feel comfortable.M:You used to collect paintings, didn’t you? W:Yes, I did.But now I’m more interested in collecting stamps.M:That sounds fun.You used to be really quiet, didn’t you? W:Right, but I’m much more outgoing.I have a lot of friends now.I like meeting new people.M:Look!My bus is coming!Byebye!W:Bye!C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。In England, afternoon tea, taken between four and five, is the most informal meal of the day.If you are a friend of the family, you may drop in for tea without an invitation or telling that you are coming.Very often it is not served at a table.The members of the family and visitors take tea in the sittingroom.Each person has a cup and saucer, a spoon and a small plate for breadandbutter and cake.By the way, do not help yourself to cake first, but bread and butter first, then cake if there is any.Another piece of advice:Do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate at the same time.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。I’m glad that you’ve chosen chemistry.Before our lesson,I’d like to use a few minutes to talk about the lab rules.You’d better make some notes and write the rules down.Ready? OK, let’s begin.First, you are not allowed to bring any food or drink to the lab.You can’t eat or drink here.It’s dangerous.Second, never run around when you come into the lab.Third, please don’t touch anything in the cupboards or on the shelves, and don’t taste anything in the bottles and boxes there.While doing experiments, you must listen to your teacher and watch carefully.All of the above are very important to you for your safety.Please obey the rules and enjoy the hours in the lab.That’s all.Now,let’s begin our lesson.(五)



1.Mike is going to be a football player when he grows up.2.I learn English by reading aloud every day.3.Tom’s birthday is June 20th.4.Mike is going to Beijing by train.5.Mr.Brown’s telephone number isn’t 6711456.It’s 5711450.B.听对话



M:Today is Friday.Are you going to Beijing tomorrow? W:No, I’m going to leave for Beijing the day after tomorrow.It will last over two hours.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

M:You seem to be worried.What’s the matter with you, Susan? W:Would you look after my child? My cell phone is missing.I must go to the Lost and Found office.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

M:How much is your new watch, Han Mei? W:It’s fifty yuan.I think it’s cheap.M:No, yours is expensive.My friend, John bought one like yours yesterday.It’s fifteen yuan cheaper than yours.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

W:That’s a cute car.How long have you had it? M:Just three weeks.

听第五段对话,回答第10小题。W:What’s wrong with you, my boy? M:I don’t feel well, Doctor.W:How long have you been like this? M:Since two days ago.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。W:Could I speak to George,please? M:Speaking.Who’s that? W:Hi,George.This is Kitty.I’m having a party this Friday evening.Could you come? M:I’d love to.I’ll drive there with Alice.When will it start? W:At half past eight. W:See you then. M:See you.

听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。W:What else did you do today? M:After we had finished swimming, I helped Mrs Black.We cooked some food for a picnic.W:Is Mrs Black a good cook? M:Yes, she’s an excellent cook and she is very friendly.W:Where did you have your picnic? M:Oh, that was fun.We had it in the boat which I borrowed.W:Really? Interesting!M:It was great.The sun was hot and the water was warm.What a day!W:It sounds like a good day.Did everyone else enjoy it, either? M:Oh, yes.We will probably never forget it.C.听短文


There was once a large, fat woman.She had a small, thin husband.He worked in a big office and got his weekly pay every Friday evening.As soon as he got home on Fridays, he had to give his wife all his money, and his wife gave him back only enough to buy his lunch in the office every day.

One day the small man came home very happily.He hurried into the living room.His wife was listening to the radio and eating apples there.

“You’ll never guess what happened to me today, dear,” he said.He waited for a few seconds and then said again, “I won ten thousand dollars buying the lottery tickets!”

“That’s wonderful!” shouted his wife happily.But then she thought for a few seconds and said angrily, “But wait a minute!How could you have enough money to buy the tickets?”


请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Here is the nine o’ clock news.A terrible traffic accident happened on Highway 77 at 2∶00 this afternoon.A school bus was hit by a truck from the back and about fifteen students were badly hurt.The truck driver had both his arms broken.All the injured people were sent to hospital at once.So far no deaths have been reported in the accident.All the students were from No.12 School.

It is said that bad weather caused the accident.The police told drivers to be more careful on the highway because the weather has not been so good recently.Our reporters will keep an eye on this accident.And more details will be reported in two hours’ time.(六)


根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。听每小题之前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后,你有5秒钟的答题时间。1.They’d play basketball rather than play football, though football is more popular there.2.You may think it’s a cute ball but in fact it’s a new type of telephone.3.Susan is quite creative and she can play all kinds of instruments very well including violin now, however, she couldn’t play it years ago.4.Some of my classmates were lucky to work for Guangzhou Asian Games as volunteers.5.Jane says she often dreams to hold a concert in Sydney Opera House.B.听对话



M:What time do you usually go to school? W:At 6∶〖KG-*2〗45.And it’s about twenty minutes’ walk for me to get to school.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:Of all the colors, which color is your favorite? White? M:No, the opposite one.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。M:Would you like some milk? W:No, thanks.But „ I’d like some orange juice.I like it best.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:Hello.John speaking.W:Hello.This is Betty.May I speak to Mary? M:Sorry, she isn’t in now.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

W:I have a bad headache.Maybe I need more sleep.M:In fact you need less sunshine.If you wear a hat, you will feel better.The sun is too bright.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。W:Good morning, John.M:Good morning, Mary.W:Where did you go last week? M:I went to Beijing with my parents.W:Had you ever been to Beijing before? M:No, never.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。W:Good morning,Mr.Gates’s office.M:Good morning,I’d like to speak to Mr.Gates,please.W:I’m sorry,sir.Mr.Gates is busy at the moment.Would you like to leave a message? M:I see.Well,when do you think Mr.Gates will be free? I have to talk to him as soon as possible.W:He’ll be free in less than two hours.Shall I call you back later? M:All right.My telephone number is 3736 9482.W:May I know your name,please? M:My name is Johnson.I’ll be waiting here in my office.W:All right,Mr.Johnson.Goodbye!M:Goodbye!C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。 Li Lei is thirteen now.His home is in a small village, and it’s nearly five kilometers from his school.He has to get up early in the morning and run to school.He is never late for school.His father thinks Li Lei is too tired.He wants to borrow some money to buy a bike for him.But Li Lei doesn’t agree because he knows his mother is always ill, and the family spends much money on medicine.He keeps running every day.He becomes stronger and stronger.He runs fastest in his class.Last week there was a sports meeting in his school.Li Lei ran faster than any other boys and got the first place in the boys’1 500 meters.The whole school knew him.His classmates and teachers were very proud of him.He was happy, too.He ran home fast to tell his parents about the good news.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Most women like shopping, but it is not always easy to go shopping.Mrs.Brown went to town to go shopping in the morning.In the afternoon, after the whole day’s shopping, she felt very tired.So she decided to have a cup of coffee and some cakes in a restaurant before catching the train home.While she was having her coffee, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to buy some books and pens for her daughter.The waiter told her that there was a book shop near the restaurant.She went to the book shop.But she lost her way after she had bought some books and pens.She didn’t know what to do.Then a policeman came up and helped her.She got home late in the evening.(七)


根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。听每小题之前,你有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后,你有5秒钟的答题时间。1.I am working with people.My job is quite interesting but kind of dangerous.Thieves are afraid of me.2.Alice prefers playing basketball to playing football and volleyball.3.I have to see the doctor, I’m afraid I have caught a cold.4.We will buy Lucy an MP3 for her birthday because she likes music.5.It’s very nice and cool today, so Jane is riding a bike to school instead of taking a car.B.听对话



W:I live on the sixth floor in this building.What about you, Peter? M:I live three floors below you.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:Is your father a worker, Bob? M:No, he is a waiter.And my mother is a doctor.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

M:55 yuan? This shirt is too expensive.What about 45 yuan? W:OK, you can take it.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:Shall we go to a Japanese restaurant to try Japanese food? W:Oh no, I don’t like Japanese food.I hear there is a new restaurant with lots of delicious food from Yunnan.Why not go there? M:OK, let’s go.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

M:Today is Wednesday,we will have a picnic the day after tomorrow.Can you come? W:I would like to, but I have to go to work that day.M:Oh!What a pity!听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。

W:Jack, your father’s birthday is coming.M:Really? When is it? W:This Saturday.M:Oh, what shall we do for him? Shall we have a party? W:No, I’d like to go out to have a picnic.M:Good idea.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

W:Hello.Can I speak to Mrs.Menon, please? M:My wife? I’m sorry.She’s not in now.W:Do you know when she will be in? M:I’m not sure.Can I take a message for her? W:Yes, please.M:Wait a moment, please.I’ll get a pencil and some paper „ I’m ready now.W:Please tell her that Mary Smith called about the party on Friday.Please ask her to call me when she comes back.M:Can I have your phone number, please? W:OK.It’s 853-2736.M:That’s fine, thank you.I’ll let her know.Goodbye.C.听短文


Dick is seven years old.He starts school this year.He studies very hard and likes sports very much.He is polite to others.So his teachers and friends all like him.Last Saturday, Dick and his mother stayed at home.His mother was doing some housework and Dick was doing his homework.At ten,Dick’s father came back from the farm with a basket of apples.He had a look at his son and then went to his room to watch TV.The boy saw the apples and wanted to eat one.His mother gave him some and said, “Go and wash them, please.”

Dick washed the apples and took the smallest.His mother saw this and asked,“Why don’t you take a bigger one, Dick? ”“Teachers tell us that we should be polite to others and care about the old, our parents and friends.So I take the smallest and leave the big ones for you and Dad,” answered the boy.“Good boy!Thank you, ”said his mother with a smile.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。A survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having breakfast.That’s because they study too late at night and they can sleep longer without breakfast in the morning.And their parents are too busy to look after them.They just give them some money for breakfast.But some students spend the money playing computer games.As a result, they feel sleepy in class.They take no interest in study, they do worse in the exams.And they take less exercise and are in poor health.To make the things better, they should have breakfast every day because it’s good for their health and it can help them think better.Teenagers’ health should begin with good breakfast.(八)



1.There is a school over there, you should drive your car carefully.2.When it rains, Jim’s father often drives him to school.3.I’m going to France with my family for the coming summer holiday.4.On New Year’s Eve the Chinese family often gets together to spend the whole night.5.Amy and Jim will plant trees with their classmates in the park.B.听对话



M:Excuse me.What time is it by your watch? W:It’s three thirty.But my watch is four minutes fast.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。M:Where do you work? W:I work in a hospital.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

M:How many students are there in your class? W:There are only thirtytwo.And half of them are boys.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:How much are the shoes? I like it very much.W:Eighty dollars.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

M:Hi, Rose!I’ve sent you an email.Have you got it? W:Sorry.I haven’t checked my emails today.There’s something wrong with my computer.It doesn’t work.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。

M:I hope it’ll be fine and there is little wind next Sunday.W:Why, Tom? M:I’m going to fly a kite with Tina.W:Oh, I think it will be fine and windy.I heard it on the radio.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

W:What’s the matter, Dick? M:Doctor, I had a pain in my throat this morning.W:How are you feeling now? M:I’m feeling even worse.W:Did you eat anything for breakfast? M:No, I didn’t feel like eating anything.W:Well, take this medicine three times a day.Have a good rest and drink more water.M:OK.Thank you.C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。 Tom and Mike were good friends.Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not.But some of their classmates said they were like brothers.One day they went out for a walk together.At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch.The waiter came up to them and asked, “What can I do for you?” “Please bring us two apples first,” said Tom.When the waiter put the two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once.Tom got angry.“You are impolite.Why didn’t you take the smaller one?” Tom said.“But I was right,” said Mike with a smile.“If I let you take first, which one will you choose?” “Of course I’ll take the smaller one,” said Tom.“Yes,” Mike said, “If you take the smaller one, the bigger one will be mine.Don’t you think so?” “Oh „ ” Tom couldn’t answer.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Ladies and Gentlemen, Attention, please!This is the service center of Sanhe supermarket.Now Mrs.Smith is looking for Jill Smith, a girl of 8 years old, who has short, brown hair and is 1.2 meters tall.She is wearing a pink blouse and blue jeans.If anyone sees her, please call our service center and the telephone number is 766-9103.Jill Smith, if you hear our message, please come to Room 405, on the fourth floor as soon as possible.Mom is waiting for you.Thank you!



1.This is the most awful food I have ever eaten.2.Excuse me, can you tell me what time the plane will take off? 3.I hate to live in the city.It is always too noisy.4.Don’t worry.It’ s eight o’clock now.The concert will begin in half an hour.5.Liu Xiang is cool and smart.I think he is the best player.B.听对话



W:How are you feeling today? Are you OK? M:I’m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:Are you ready to order? M:Yes.I’d like a hamburger and an icecream, please.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

M:What are you going to do next month, Miss Lin? W:I’m going to Sydney to see my uncle.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:What are you going to be when you grow up, Han Mei? W:I’m going to be a waitress.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。M:125 yuan in all, madam.W:Oh, sorry.I only took 75 yuan.Um, take the scarf out, please.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。M:It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? W:Yes.Much better than yesterday.And the radio says it’ll be fine tomorrow.Shall we go hiking? M:OK!What shall we take with us? W:Just some food and drinks.Er „ a camera, too.M:All right!听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

W:I haven’t seen you for long, Mr.Wang.Where were you? M:I was in hospital.W:I’m sorry to hear that.What was wrong with you? M:A young man rode a motorbike and hurt my leg on the road.W:Who took you to the hospital? M:The young man.He stopped a taxi and took me there.W:You look much better, don’t you? M:Yes, I can walk now.And I went to school yesterday.W:Please be more careful from now on.M:Thank you.I’ll do that.C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。 One day,a little boy came into a fruit shop.He had five dollars and wanted to buy some apples.He said to the shop assistant, “Give me apples for five dollars, please.” When the shop assistant gave him the apples, the boy counted them and felt very surprised.Then he said, “Last Friday, my mother bought apples here for five dollars, too.Why did you give me fewer apples, just four?” “Don’t ask questions, boy.I have no time for questions.” “Excuse me, sir, ” said the little boy, “but„”“It is all right, my boy,” said the shop assistant.“Don’t you know? The fewer apples you get, the less fruit you will have to carry.” “All right,” said the boy and he gave four dollars to the shop assistant.He was just going to leave the shop when he heard the words,“Come back!You must pay me five dollars.” “That’s OK!” said the boy.“Don’t you know? The fewer dollars you get, the less money you will have to count.”


请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。M:West Park Police Station.Can I help you? W:Oh,yes,please.It’s about my son,Jim.He went to school this morning and he hasn’t come back yet. M:What does he look like? W:He has short brown hair and blue eyes. M:How tall is he? W:About four feet tall. M:And what’s he wearing? W:He is wearing a white Tshirt,black jeans and white shoes. M:Don’t worry,madam.We’ll do our best to find him. W:Thank you very much.



1.Lily always goes to school by subway.2.The film will begin in ten minutes.It’s 8 o’clock now.3.My family bought a computer a week ago.4.Susan didn’t go to school because she was ill in bed.5.Bill, you should take a camera with you for visiting Paris.B.听对话



M:Mom, I didn’t pass the English exam.W:Who else failed the exam? M:Nobody failed except me.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:What about going camping the day after tomorrow? M:Sounds wonderful.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。M:Janet, what’s the date today? W:It’s 8th of June, Dad.M:Oh.I think we should think about what to buy for your mother.Her birthday is in two days.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

W:I can’t find my pet dog.I don’t know where it is.M:So you are sad with it? W:Yes, and I’m upset, too.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

M:It was snowing so heavily last night, but the radio says it’s going to be fine tomorrow.W:Wonderful!I hope so.I don’t like snowy days.We can enjoy the sunshine again.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。M:What can I do for you? W:I am looking for a blue suit.M:Blue? That’s my favorite color, too!What size do you wear? W:I am not sure.Could I try it on please? M:Sure.The fitting room is in that corner.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

W:Excuse me, which is the way to the nearest supermarket? M:Go down the street, then turn left at the second crossing.At the end of the road, you’ll find it.W:How can I go there, by bus or underground? M:You can take the No.7 Bus.W:By the way, where is the bus stop? M:It is on the left of the road, near the flower shop.W:Thank you very much.M:You are welcome.C.听短文

请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。短文听两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。Franco is a doctor in New York City.He has one week off every August for the summer holiday.Last summer he decided to take a trip to San Francisco.He didn’t want to go by air.He really wanted to see the United States, so he took the train.The train left New York City on Monday at 10∶30 p.m.During the long trip, he looked out of the window and watched the country go by.He saw large cities, small towns, and of course the beautiful countryside.For five days, Franco didn’t get off the train.He often took walks through the train and talked with the other people.Finally at 2∶45 p.m on Friday, the train stopped in San Francisco.When he got off the train, he saw a poster on the wall of the station.It said:Wanted!Volunteer doctors in the earthquake areas!Franco went to help the injured people.He had been busy the whole week, but he was happy.D.听填信息

请根据所听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。现在你有25秒钟的时间阅读题目。American school begins in September after a long summer vacation.There are two terms in a school year.The first term is from September to January,and the second is from February to June.Most American children begin to go to school when they are 5 years old.Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take only five or six subjects each term.They usually go to the same classes every day.And they have homework for every class.After class,they do a lot of interesting things.After high school,many students go to college.They usually have to pay a lot of money.So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.



A).听句子(本节共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。

1.We can’t go camping because of the heavy rain. 2.Children are playing volleyball on the beach.

3.Kate likes cooking.She is cooking dinner for us now.

4.It’s 2 o’clock now.The plane will take off half an hour later. 5.Jim’s sister prefers rice to noodles. B).听对话(本节共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



M:What did you think of the movie last night? W:It was wonderful.


W:Would you like to play tennis with us? M:I’m afraid I can’t.My father is ill today. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

W:Good morning,this is Alice.Is Betty there,please?

M:Sorry,she has gone to Guangzhou.She will return before Friday. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

W:What would you like,tea or coffee? M:Neither.I’d like a glass of water. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

M:Tomorrow is Children’s Day.Let’s buy a present for our son. W:That’s great.


M:Hi,Lily!What are you reading?

W:Oh,hi,Mark!I’m reading a letter from John.He is my good friend from Canada.He sent me a photo.

M:What does he look like?

W:He is kind of fat and he has curly hair.Have a look,please. M:How cool he is!

W:Yes.And he is really friendly. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 M:What can I do for you,madam? W:I need a room.M:For how many nights? W:Three.How much is it? M:$80 each night.W:Here is the money.M:Thank you.Your room number is 608.We have free breakfast from 6∶00 to 10∶00 in the morning.W: Thanks.I want to get up early.Could you wake me up at 7∶00 in the morning? M: Sure. W:Thank you.C).听短文(本节共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 在每题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。本题听两遍。

Now machines are widely used all over the world.Why are machines so important and necessary for us? Because they can help us do things better and faster.A washing machine helps us to wash clothes quickly.A printing machine helps us to print a lot of books,newspapers,magazines and many other things quickly.Bikes,cars,trains and planes are all machines.They help us to travel faster than on foot.The computer is a wonderful machine.It was invented not long ago.It not only stores information but also stores millions of times as fast as a scientist does.Let’s study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a mordern country.D).听填信息(本节共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请根据所听内容,完成表格。本题听两遍。

There are many rules for students at school and at home.Susan is an eleven-year-old girl.She must wear uniforms and have the same hairstyle at school.And she mustn’t take moblie phones or MP4 to school.At home,she isn’t allowed to watch TV on weekdays.Tom is a twelve-year-old boy.He mustn’t play soccer during the break between two classes,but he likes playing soccer very much.He can’t go to movies or play computer games without his parents’ permission.Jack is a nine-year-old boy.He can’t chew gum at school because gum is difficult to clean up.At home,he has to make his bed and wash his own clothes.He must play the piano for an hour every day.Do you have any rules at school or at home?



A、听句子(本节共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。

1.Mike is swimming,but he likes badminton best.2.Yesterday my mother bought me a shirt for my birthday present.3.I’m sorry,but would you mind my opening the window? 4.You can’t take photos in this museum.5.Jenny’s sweater is on her bed.B、听对话(本节共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。

M:How long are you going to stay in China? W:For about three weeks.Then I will go back to Germany.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

W:Hi,Bob!Do you want to go fishing this afternoon? M:Thanks.But I want to watch a football match on TV.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

W: Tomorrow is Nancy’s birthday.Have you got a present for her? M:Yes,I’ll make a birthday card for her.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

M:When did your father go to Paris? W: He went there two weeks ago and he will come back in a week.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

W:Would you like to be a boss in the future? M:No,I want to be a doctor.听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题。

W:Excuse me,sir.I can’t find my mother now. M:Don’t cry,little girl.What’s she wearing? W:She is wearing a blouse. M:What color is it? W:Er„blue.

M:Was she wearing a hat? W:Yes,a white hat.


M:Mary,how many languages do you speak besides English? W:I speak German.

M:Ah,how well do you speak it?

W:Very well,and I can write it,too. M:Any other languages?

W:I can speak French.But I can’t write it at all. M:Do you want to join our beginner’s Japanese class?

W:Yes,very much. M:Well,it’s not easy to learn Japanese.It’s quite different from English,German or French.W:I know,but I want to do it.

C、听短文(本节共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 在每题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的括号内。本题听两遍。

Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years.It came suddenly and went on for more than three hours.After lunch,I went into my room to have a rest.The air was hot and all was quiet.The strong wind started blowing into my room.Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out of the open window.As I ran out to catch them,heavy rain began to fall.When I came back into the room,it was raining harder.I tried to close the window,then I heard a loud sound from the back of the house.I ran out of my room,only to find that a big tree had fallen down and broken the top of the back room.I called the police at once.With their help I moved some important things to a safe place.

D、听填信息(本节共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 请根据所听内容,完成表格。本题听两遍。

Hundreds of years ago,life was much harder than it is today.People didn’t have modern machines.Life today has brought new problems.One of the biggest is pollution.Water pollution has made rivers and lakes dirty.It kills fish and affects our drinking water.Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry easily.Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution.It affects every living thing in the world.Cars,planes and factories all pollute the air every day.Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city.Many countries are making new laws to stop pollution.I think we should do something to stop pollution in our daily life.We should put rubbish in the dustbin instead of throwing them on the ground.We can go to work or school by bus or with our friends in the same car.Laws are not enough to solve the problems.Every person must help to stop pollution.


2017年高考英语新课标I卷听力录音稿 录音原文 Text 1 W: Have you seen the movie “Hangover”? We went to see it last night.M: How was it? W: Jason thought it was extremely amusing, but I was a bi t disappointed.Text 2 M: Susan, I heard you are going to France.How long will you be staying there? W: A whole year.My aunt lives there.I’m going to do a one-month course at a language school and spend the rest of the time traveling.Text 3 M: Let’s see what drinks you’ve got for the party tonight.W: Everything!Beer, wine, soft drinks like Coke, 7-Up…you name it, I’ve got it!Have you ordered the cake? M: Of course.Text 4 M: I don’ t have a library card.Do I need one?

W: You have to have one only to take books out.You’re okay if you just sit in one of the rooms reading.M: Well then, I’ll just read here.Thank you.Text 5 W : I wish I knew the times of the trains to London.But our phone’s out of order.M: Don’t worry, Grandma.I’ll find out for you on the Internet.W: Thank you!

Text 6 W: Excuse me.I wonder if you could tell me how to find a place to have my shoes mended.I’m new in town.M: Ah, there is a good shop not far from here.Go straight ahead and walk about three blocks.I can’t remember the name of the shop, but you’ll find it.It’s near the police station.By the way, you know about the town guide? It’s a thin book and has all kinds of useful information.You’ll find one in any bookstore.W: Thanks a lot!You’ve been so helpful.Let’s see.Did you say there pair shop was three blocks away from here? M: Exactly.W: Thanks again.Text 7 M: I’ve been here many times.There are quite a lot of delicious dishes to choose from.What are you thinking of ordering?

W: Well, I haven’t decided yet.What are you going to order?

M: I think I’ll have the roast chicken.They really make it well here.W: I had roast chicken yesterday when I ate out with Shelly.M: Their beef steak is good, too.You can have it served with beans and mushrooms.W: But I'm not that hungry.Is the fried fish or the seafood salad good? M: Never had them before.Maybe if you get the steak, we could share.W: That sounds like a good idea.Text 8 W: Hello, Mr.White.Do you think it’s possible for us to talk sometime today?

M: I’d love to, Miss Wilson, but I’ve got a pretty tight schedule today.I’ve got to finish reading the yearly financial report by 10.Then I have to drive to the airport to pick up an advertiser at 11.After that, I’ll have a meeting with him over lunch.W: Can I see you after lunch? M: Well, let me see…after lunch, I have to attend a senior staff meeting, which may last about two hours.Can you come at 3? We can talk for an hour before I meet my sales team at 4.W: I’m afraid an hour is too short.What about tomorrow morning? M: 9 to 11, then.I’ll wait for you at the office.W: OK, see you then.Text 9 W: Hey, Bill.I hear they’re going to send you to Germany for the new project.M: Boy, news travels fast around here!I only got the orders a couple of hours ago.Rachel doesn’t even know…

W: Oh, no? So, what are you waiting for? When do you plan to tell her? M: Well, she is at work at the moment.She doesn’t finish until 5.I’ll have to wait until tonight now, I suppose.W: Well, I was posted there before, back in 2008.It’s OK — a bit like England, really.At least the weather is similar, and the people aren’t much different.The only thing I didn’t like is the food, especially the sausages.What do you intend to do about the family? Are you going to take them with you? M: Well, I’d like to, but I don’t know much about the situation at the moment…you know, about schools and all that.But I hope to move the family out there in a couple of months’ time.I don’t think I want to spend a year and a half out there on my own...I mean, without Rachel and the kids.I mean, I don’t see that much of them now as it is.W: Yeah.Well, that’s the way it is normally in our company, I suppose.M: Yeah.Well, we’ll see.Let me pay for the coffee.W: No, no.I’ll pay.Text 10 W: Hello, everyone.Welcome to our program.I’m Jenny Jackson.The weather here in Juárez has become unbearable.With no rains for over a year, the city is suffering from unusually hot weather.Some light showers have been forecast since last month, but all of t hem have been effective in surrounding areas.Summer has not even started yet, but

temperatures have reached 40 degrees centigrade in the past three days.And people have been warned not to go out of their homes — not if you walk on foot, at least — between 11 in the morning and 7 in the evening.Little kids and the elderly are the ones who have suffered the most from this extreme heat wave.They must drink water all the time.To help our audience have a better understanding of this extreme weather, we have invited Prof.Torres from University of Mexico to our studio this evening.参考答案

1-5 CACBA 6-10 CABCB 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCACA

第四篇:听力录音文本 UNIT 6

Unit 6 Section One Tactics for listening Part 1 Phonetics Professor Archer is having lunch with the Director at the Restaurant Avenida.Director: What would you like, Professor? Archer: What do you suggest? Director: Perhaps caldeirada? Archer: What’s that? Director: Fish soup.Archer: That sounds nice.Director: And you must have some feijoada.Archer: What’s that? Director: It’s a local specialitythere’s no chili in feijoada.Do you mind if I smoke? Archer: Not at all.Would you excuse me for a moment?(To waiter)Excuse me, can you tell me where the toilets are? Waiter: Over there sir.Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking A: Eric: Excuse me.What time’s the first train to London!Clerk: Eight thirty.Eric: I see.And are there any other trains? I want to arrive before lunch.Clerk: Well, now...There’s one at nine fourteen, ….nine twenty,...nine forty-two....Eric: Oh, just a minute.You’re saying them very quickly...Er, yes...and after nine forty-two? Clerk: After nine forty-two, there’s...There’s one at ten fifteen...and eleven twenty...Eric: Ten fifteen and eleven twenty? Clerk: Yes, that’s right, Eric: OK.Thanks very much.B: Operator: Hello!Can I help you?

Nancy: Yes.What’s the number of the Leicester Hotel, please? Operator: The Leicester? That’s 837 5234.Nancy: I see.And what about the New Norwich Hotel? Operator: That’s 785 2491.Nancy: Thanks.And the Royal Buckingham? Operator: Just a minute...That’s ,..um...249 6360.Nancy: Uh-huh...and the Gloucester? Operator: The Gloucester...um...564 8844....Nancy: Thanks,...oh...Here’s one more...the, um, the Peterborough Hotel.Operator: Oh, that’s 684 2549.Nancy: Oh...and the last one.The Old Bedford? Operator: The Old Bedford? That’s 327 6975.Nancy: Well, that’s all now.Thanks very much for your help.Bye.Section Two Listening comprehension Part 1 Dialogues

Dialogue 1 What a Super Flat Ann Morris and her friend, Sheila, have been invited to Jack and Rebecca’s for supper.Although they know each other well, it is the first time Ann and Sheila have visited the couple’s flat.Jack: Hi, Ann!Hello.Sheila!Come on in.I say, you’re both looking very smart!Ann: Thanks.It’s nice to be invited out.What a super flat you’ve got, Jack!Sheila: yes, you never told us you lived in such luxury.It’s so cosy!Jack: I’m glad you like it.Sit down and I’ll get you a drink.Ann: Where’s Rebecca? Jack: She won’t be long.She's just popped out for a few things at the last minute...(Later)Sheila: Mm!This spaghetti is really good.l didn’t know you could cook.Jack: I’m afraid it had to be something cheap.You know how it is!Ann: It’s delicious, Is it your own recipe, by any chance'? Jack: No, I just followed what is said in the book.Sheila: Can you give me the name of the book? Rebecca: Sure, Italian Cooking Made EasyPamela Miller.But Mark was afraid to propose to her himself.So he asked his friend John to do it for him.Poor John also wanted o marry Pamela.But he didn’t tell Mark that.Instead, he went to Pamela and asked her to marry Mark Story.Pamela was surprised and disappointed.She listened quietly.Then she said, “Why don’t you speak for yourself, John?”

Section 4 supplementary exercises Part 1 Listening Comprehension

Passage 1 A Coin I was not more than thirteen years old at the time, certainly, but I remember the moment as if it were yesterday.I had just taken my place in class, when I noticed a small shining coin a few feet away from my desk.I am sure it was not the desire for gain which prompted me to stoop and pick it up, for the coin was a farthing and almost completely worthless.But its newness attracted me, and the fact that I could not spend a coin of such small value made me want to keep it forever.As the teacher was talking to us, I pretended to drop a pencil and bent over.From that moment, the coin was mine.The farthing and I remained firm friends for years.Trousers wore out, but the coin survived.It lived to see short trousers become long ones;it accompanied me in my youth and early manhood.It joined the army with me during the war, and later came to the office every day when I became a civilian again.Every night when I emptied my pockets and placed their contents on my bedside table, the coin made its appearance.Sometimes, it would play hide-and-seek with me and make me dig deeply into my pockets.But sure enough, it was always there, trapped inside larger items, like a pen-knife, or sleeping in the folds of my handkerchief.It certainly kept strange company.When I was a boy, it would attach itself to sticky sweets, or get caught in pieces of wire.When I grew up, it took its place proudly beside the silver coins that jingled in my pocket.It had reason to be proud, for I am sure it knew that I would rather have lost every single silver coin I had than part with the precious little farthing.It did not shine any more, but at nighttime it would unfailingly arrive, last but smiling, and look up at me from my bedside table.One night, however, the coin was missing.I searched everywhere, but weeks passed and I did not find it.This time I realized sadly that it had gone for good and could only hope that it had found some nicer pocket to live in.Passage 2 Utah Olympic The Utah Olympic Park is high in the Wasatch Mountains, about forty kilometers east of Salt Lake.It is about 2,200 meters above sea level.The mountains receive an average of seven-and-one-half meters of snow each winter.The Utah Olympic Park extends over 150 hectares of land.The Park has five areas for ski jump competitions.In warm weather, skiers train on special man-made jumps.An Olympic size track has been built for bobsleigh and luge competitions.It is one o

three such tracks in North America.The track is close to the ground and has fifteen turns.Its path is similar in shape to the land.The Utah Olympic Park will hold four major events during the 2002 Winter Games.They are the Nordic skiing, bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton competitions.The skeleton event has not been seen at the Olympics since 1948.Officials expect it to be extremely popular next year.Athletes competing in the skeleton slide down the track on a luge sled.But they lie on their stomachs instead of their backs.The Utah Olympic Park can hold about 20,000 people to watch the ski jumping event.It can hold about 15,000 people to see the other events.The Utah Olympic Park already is used for national and international competitions.It also operates as a training center for the competitors.And, young people who wish to join the United States national teams train there.The Utah Olympic Park is open to the public during the summer and winter months.Everyone is welcome to watch the athletes train and compete against each other.Visitors also can try some of the Olympic sports.This includes going down one of the ski jumps or riding on the bobsleigh or luge track.Part 2 Oral Work Elsa lay in bed, thinking over her first couple of weeks in London.She yawned and stretched.It was Saturday and she didn’t have to go to school.There was a knock at the door and Dorothy came in carrying a cup of tea.“Come on, love, you can’t lie in bed all day.Time and tide wait for no inert,” said Dorothy, flinging open the curtains.“I’m playing in a football match today,” said Elsa.“Oh, I wouldn’t let my girl do anything like that,” said Dorothy.She was nice, but her view was a little old fashioned.“I’ll run the bath for you, love,” said Dorothy on her way out, “Elsa.” Dorothy still hadn’t noticed that Elsa always took a shower.



听力材料 第一节

听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容 的图片,并标在试巻的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小 题。每段对话仅读一遍。(停顿00'02“)现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。(停顿00'05”)1.M: My aunt works in a hospital,W: Oh,what does she do? M: She's a nurse.(停顿00'10“)2.M: What a fine day!Shall we go to fly kites? W: That,s a good idea.(停顿00'10”)3.M: Will children go to school in the future? W: Children won’t go to school.They'll study on computers at home.(停顿00'10“)4.M: Excuse me.Is there a bank near here? W: Yes,it,s next to the library.(停顿00'10”)5.M: Who,s that? W: That's Yao Ming.He's a great Chinese basketball player.(停屯页00'05“)第一节到此结束。第二节

听下面5段小对话。每段对话后有一个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,并 标在试巻的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。(停顿00'02”)现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第6小题的有关内容。(停顿00'05“)6.M: When is the film? W: It,s in the afternoon and in the evening.M: Let,s go in the evening.(停顿00'10”)7.M: Oh,look!I like that blue sweater.How much is it? W: Only seventeen dollars.M: OK.1,11 take it.(停顿00'10“)8.M: I want to join the music club.W: Oh!Can you sing7 M: Yes, I can.(停顿00'10”)9.M: Do you have an English festival at your school, Meimei? W: Yes,we do.We act short English plays and sing English songs.(停顿00'10〃)10.M: How is it going, Lingling? W: Ssh!I'm reading the book 7The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

.It,s an interesting book.(停顿00'05“)第二节到此结束。第三节

听下面一段独白,根据内容,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项完成海报。听独白前 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读有关内容;听完后,将给出10秒钟的作答时间。独白读两遍。(停顿00'20”)Boys and girls!Attention,please!Here's the news.There is a football match on the playground of Jiaxing Stadium at 3 :00 this Saturday afternoon.It is between our school team and the team of Nanhu Junior High School.Nanhu Junior High School team was just behind our team last year.The match will be exciting.Please come and watch it.Thank you!(停顿00'05“)(重复)(停顿00'10”)第三节到此结束。


一、听力 第一节





5.B 第二节6.C




10.B 第三节








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