
时间:2019-05-14 21:22:46下载本文作者:会员上传


考点十八 广告信息类



For families on vacation, a playground provides a welcome break.It can also provide a glimpse into the local culture, from the setup of the park to the ways families interact.W1Here are the designs that live up toP1 that challenge.◎Fruit and Scent Playground, Stockholm

Is there a picky eater on a steady diet of chicken fingers and cheese? Perhaps a trip to Sweden's Fruit and Scent Playground will change his or her culinary(烹饪的)tune.This playground features a banana slide, an orange seesaw, pear huts, a watermelon jungle gym and a pair of cherry swings, all designed by public artist Johan Ferner Strom.Now, who can say you can't play with your food? ◎Nishi Rokugo Park, Tokyo

Located between central Tokyo and the city of Kawasaki, Nishi Rokugo combines recycled rubber tires(橡胶轮胎)withP2 traditional playground equipment.S In totalP3,more than 3,000 tires of different sizes are used to create tunnels,bridges,tall sculpturesW2 for climbing and, of course, tire swings.There's little shade, so you can visit here in the early morning or late afternoon for the most comfortable weather, and be sure to wear your play clothes.◎Children's Bicentennial Park, Santiago, Chile

Children's Bicentennial playground in Metropolitan Park was built to celebrateW3200 years of Chilean independence and improve the lives of Santiago citizens.Dozens of slides are built into the slope, creating a design completely complementary(互为补充的)of the surrounding landscape.Fountains offer some relief from the sun, and ample seating gives parents a place to relax.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了三个供家庭旅游的场所。1.What is mainly talked about in the text? A.Programs designed for culture exchange.B.Theme parks attracting most tourists.C.Creative sites for families to hang out.D.Top museums around the world.答案 C 主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“For families on vacation, a playground provides a welcome break.”及下文对三个场所的介绍可知,文章主要介绍了三个供家庭度 1 假的场所。故选C。

2.What can be learned about Fruit and Scent Playground? A.It is located in Tokyo, Japan.B.Several artists joined the design process.C.It is aimed at balancing people's diet.D.Its facilities are modeled after fruits.答案 D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“This playground features a banana slide, an orange seesaw, pear huts, a watermelon jungle gym and a pair of cherry swings, all designed by public artist Johan Ferner Strom.”可知,这个游乐场有香蕉滑梯、橙子跷跷板、梨屋、西瓜攀登架、樱桃秋千,所有这些都是大众艺术家Johan Ferner Strom所设计的。故选D。

3.When visiting Nishi Rokugo Park, you'd better________.A.wear thick protective clothes B.avoid moments when it's hot C.take umbrellas and raincoats D.watch out for the equipment 答案 B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“There's little shade, so you can visit here in the early morning or late afternoon for the most comfortable weather”可知,阴凉处很少,因此你可以在清晨或傍晚天气最舒适的时候参观这里。故选B。

4.Why does the author recommend Children's Bicentennial Park? A.It has special fountains.B.It was built to improve people's lives.C.It amuses kids and helps parents get relaxed.D.It provides slides for both children and adults.答案 C 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Dozens of slides are built into the slope”以及“and ample seating gives parents a place to relax”可推知,作者推荐该公园是因为孩子们在这里有许多玩的东西并且家长们也能在此得到放松。故选C。


1.interact v.互动;互相影响 2.sculpture n.雕刻;塑像 3.celebrate v.庆祝 P重点短语

1.live up to 符合;不辜负

2.combine...with...把„„和„„结合在一起 3.in total 总共 S句式仿写

原文:Located between central Tokyo and the city of Kawasaki, Nishi Rokugo combines recycled rubber tires with traditional playground equipment.(过去分词作 状语)译文:座落于东京市中心和川崎市之间的Nishi Rokugo公园将再生橡胶轮胎和传统的操场设备结合在一起。

仿写:Faced_with_so_much_trouble,_we failed to complete the task on time.面对这么多麻烦,我们未能按时完成任务。



The Iron Peacock

By Mary Stetson Clarke Paperback ————$10.75 $9.32 Joanna Sprague's life is upended(使颠倒)when her father died on the voyage that was to take them to a new life in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.Poor and alone, 16­year­old Joanna must summon(鼓起)uncommon courage to survive as a servant in a strange new world.The Broken Blade

By William Durbin Paperback ————$6.99 $6.18 In 1800,13­year­old Pierre La Page never imagined he'd be leaving Montreal to paddle 2,400 miles.It was something older men, like his father, did.But when Pierre's father has an accident, Pierre quits school to become a voyager for the North West Company, so his family can survive the winter.It's hard for Pierre as the youngest in the team.Pierre is miserable.Still he has no choice but to endureW1 the trip to Grand Portage and back.Stowaway

By Karen Hesse Paperback ————$7.99 $6.18 It is known that in the summer of 1768, Captain James Cook sailed from England, beginning a three­year voyage around the world on a secret mission to discover an unknown continent at the bottom ofP1 the globe.What is less known is that a boy named

Nicholas Young was a stowaway(偷乘船者)on that ship.S Karen Hesse recreates Cook's voyage through the eyes of this remarkableW2 boy, creating a fictional journal filled

withP2 fierceW3 hurricanes, warring natives, and disease, as Nicholas discovers new lands, incredible creatures, and lifelong friends.I Am David

By Anne Holm Paperback ————$6.99 $6.29 David's entire twelve­year life has been spent in a prison camp in Eastern Europe.He knows nothing of the outside world.But when he is given the chance to escape, he seizes it.With his enemies hot on his heels, David struggles to cope withP3 the difficulty in this strange new world, where his only resources are a compass, a few crusts of bread, his two aching feet, and some advice to seek refuge in Denmark.Is that enough to survive? 篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,共介绍了四本书。

5.Who wrote the story about a young girl who has to survive in a strange new world? A.Anne Holm.C.Karen Hesse.B.William Durbin.D.Mary Stetson Clarke.答案 D 细节理解题。根据第一本书The Iron Peacock中的“16­year­old Joanna...strange new world”可知,本书讲述的是一个女孩在一个陌生的新世界艰难生存的故事,其作者是Mary Stetson Clarke。

6.Which of the following characters has to endure a lot to help support the family? A.Joanna Sprague.C.Nicholas Young.B.Pierre La Page.D.David.答案 B 细节理解题。第二本书The Broken Blade的主人公Pierre La Page在父亲出事故后,辍学成为一个远航探险者,承担起养家的责任。

7.What kind of readers will most probably like reading Stowaway? A.Those who want to be sailors.B.Those who like traveling.C.Those who study science in college.D.Those who are eager for freedom.答案 A 推理判断题。Stowaway讲述了一个名叫Nicholas Young 的男孩偷乘Cook船长的航海船去发现新大陆的故事,属于航海题材的故事,该书对于想成为水手的人无疑是最具吸引力的。

8.How much can you save at least if you buy all of the four books mentioned above? A.$3.15.C.$5.25.B.$4.75.D.$6.05.答案 B 细节理解题。用四本书的原价总数减去折后价的总数后得出,可以省下$4.75。


1.endure v.忍耐;容忍

2.remarkable adj.卓越的;显著的 3.fierce adj.猛烈的 P重点短语

1.at the bottom of 在„„底部 2.(be)filled with 充满 3.cope with 处理;对付 S句式仿写

原文:What is less known is that a boy named Nicholas Young was a stowaway on that ship.(主语从句、表语从句)译文:不太为人所知的是,一个名叫Nicholas Young的男孩在那艘船上是一位偷渡者。仿写:What is more important is that you should hold the spirit to go through difficulties.更重要的是,你应当拥有战胜困难的精神。



Lose yourself in the sights and sounds of vibrant Madrid

●Take a three­night break to Madrid with Crystal Travel, with four­star hotel.●Prices range from £175 to £195 per person depending onP1 when you travel(£269 as usual).

●Stay in the Hotel Santo Domingo in the heart of the city.●Return flights are included in the cost of the voucher(代币券). Fine Print

●ValidW1 9th January 2014—25th March 2014(no discounts during 16th—18th January, 1st—2nd, 12th—16th February, 1st—2nd March).

●£175 per person for arrivals between 9th January and 31st January;£185 per person between 1st February and 28th February;£195 per person between 1st March and 25th March.●Once you have purchased the voucher, book by calling 0800 368 0300.Book early to avoid disappointment.You cannot cancel your dealW2 once you book one.●Price per person based on two people sharing.●Flight departureW3 points, dates and hours are subject to availability and cannot always be guaranteed.●One voucher can only be used for one stay;you cannot use more vouchers to extend stay.Not available with any other offer or discount.Unused parts of the deal are not exchanged for cash or any other service.What You Get

Madrid's mix of culture, wisdom and fun makes it one of Europe's most exciting capital cities.S By day, visit the Golden Triangle of Art to appreciate art by Picasso and Van Gogh, and see the Royal Palace.At night, go to clubs which offer history and culture.When it comes to the food, no words can describe it.In the hotel, you can have free Wi­Fi, air conditioning, LCD televisions and bathrooms.As well asP2 being based in the best shopping area in Madrid, the hotel is also close to the biggest museum.Besides, you can expect exciting range of city breaks at competitive prices as well as great travel advice and additional service from Crystal Travel.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,详细介绍了去马德里旅游的相关信息,涉及价格、住宿、服务等。

9.What do we know about the Hotel Santo Domingo? A.It is a five­star hotel.B.It is located in the west of Madrid.C.It is located in the shopping area.D.It is far from the biggest museum.答案 C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“As well as being based in the best shopping area in Madrid, the hotel is also close to the biggest museum.”可知,这个旅馆位于马德里最好的购物区。故选C。

10.What can we learn about the voucher according to the passage? A.You can use one voucher for only one stay.B.You can use voucher for other offers or discounts.C.You can purchase the voucher by calling 0800 368 0300.D.You can exchange your unused parts of the deal for cash.答案 A 细节理解题。根据Fine Print部分中第三点和最后一点可知,打这个电话是预约时间,不是购买代币券;一次住宿只能使用一张代币券;任何其他的优惠或者折扣都不能使用;没用完的部分也不能兑换成现金。故选A。

11.The underlined sentence suggests that ________.A.plane tickets are not included in the voucher B.not all customers are guaranteed to get plane tickets C.customers are not advised to go to Madrid by plane D.customers may board planes at uncertain dates and places 答案 D 句意理解题。飞机起飞的地点、日期和时间视情况而定,不能始终被保证。故选D。

12.What is the purpose of this passage? A.To tell visitors how to purchase the voucher.B.To provide information about the trip to Madrid.C.To offer help for visitors to Madrid.D.To introduce some things about Madrid.答案 B 推理判断题。本文主要向我们介绍了去马德里旅游的相关信息,包括价格、住宿等。故选B。W重点单词

1.valid adj.有效的 2.deal n.交易 3.departure n.离开 P重点短语

1.depend on 依靠;取决于 2.as well as 也;和 S句式仿写

原文:Madrid's mix of culture, wisdom and fun makes it one of Europe's most exciting capital cities.(“make+宾语+宾补”结构)译文:马德里的混合文化,智慧和乐趣使它成为了欧洲最令人兴奋的首都城市之一。仿写:The news that our team had won made_us_very_happy.我们队赢了的消息使我们大家非常高兴。



The McGill online classified ads are a free service provided by the Media Relations Office(MRO).

Bright 3-4 bed apartments in excellent Plateau location!

Bright 3-4 bed furnished apartments in the heart of Plateau near McGill campus(12 minutes walk)are availableW2 from September 1st.Rents are starting from $1,600 to $2,050.These are in a great location:few steps from McGill, downtown and close to all amenities(生活设施).Washers and dryers are in the rooms.For more information, please text/call 514-998-5819.$450 furnished room available now!

We have a beautiful, COMPLETELY furnished room with a laundry and utilities for you, which is located in 5806 Avenue Beurling and available immediately.It takes 2 minutes by bus to reach the Jolicoeur metro station, and 15 minutes to get to downtown

W1or the universities.S It is ideal for students with EVERYTHING included.The rent is only $450 a month(if you stay more than 6 months)or $550 per month.Please call Lisa at 514-945-9081.Rooms right next to campus!

I am starting a master's degree in the fall.I leased a 2­bedroom apartment on Lorne and Prince Arthur.The rent is $625 a month, plus electricity which provides heating.The electricity bill is estimated at $50-60 a month each.The apartment has a washer and dryer in the unit.The landlord prefers quiet tenants, so I am looking for someone who would prefer a quieter place to live!Please contact me for house photos, or a visit.The lease starts in July.The start date is flexible, however I need someone who is willing to signP1 the lease through July 2016.For more information, please contact Juliette Bronchtein at 514-889-6944.8 Studio apartment near McGill($640, all utilities included)The apartment is perfect for McGill(or even Concordia)students and it takes a 3­minute walk from campus.It's an ideal location with Provigo Supermarket(5 minutes), the Metro(5 minutes)and grocery stores nearby.It is very close toP2 the McGill University(Milton Gate)and Sherbrooke is across the street.The Metro, bus station and Pixi are all very close.It's a quiet building with most students.There is a laundry and garbage room in the location.The rent includes heating and water.Electricity excluded only.—From Robert 篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,为我们介绍了几则房屋租赁的广告。13.What does the underlined word “leased” in the passage mean? A.own C.rent

B.enjoy D.decorate 答案 C 词义猜测题。由第三则广告中的“I am starting a master's degree in the fall”及“The rent is $625 a month”可知,他是一位学生,自己租了房子,现在想寻求合租者。由此可推知,画线词与rent词义相近。

14.To be economical, it's best for you to contact ________.A.514-945-9081 C.514-889-6944

B.514-998-5819 D.Robert 答案 A 细节理解题。由四则广告提供的信息可知,第二则广告中的“only $450 a month(if you stay more than 6 months)or $550 per month”说明$450是最经济的价格。故选A。

15.What can be learned about the Studio apartment? A.It takes you 10 minutes to reach the Metro.B.There is a large hospital nearby.C.It's convenient for you to do some shopping.D.The rent includes the heating, water and electricity.答案 C 细节理解题。由最后一则广告信息中的“with Provigo Supermarket(5 minutes), the Metro(5 minutes)and grocery stores nearby”可知,此公寓所处位置方便购物。故选C。

16.According to the passage, who are the 4 ads mainly intended for? A.College teachers.C.Travelers.B.Office workers.D.College students.答案 D 推理判断题。结合四则广告信息中的“McGill campus”“few steps from McGill”“ideal for students”“next to campus”“perfect for McGill(or even Concordia)students”可知,这四则广告主要针对大学生。故选D。


1.furnished adj.配有家具的 2.available adj.可获得的;可到达的 P重点短语

1.be willing to do 乐意做某事 2.be close to 接近,靠近S句式仿写

原文:It takes 2 minutes by bus to reach the Jolicoeur metro station, and 15 minutes to get to downtown or the universities.(“It takes/took sb.+一段时间+to do”句式)译文:坐公共汽车只需2分钟即可到达Jolicoeur metro车站,15分钟即可到达市中心商业城或大学。

仿写:It took_us_about_two_and_a_half_hours_to_fly to Hong Kong Disneyland.飞往香港迪斯尼乐园大约花了我们两个半小时。





Opera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street.The season runs June through August, with additionalW1 performances in March and September.The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts

membership discounts.Phone:241­2742.http://www.xiexiebang.comm.uc.edu/events/calendar.Riverbend Music Theater:6295 Kellogg Ave.Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover(price difference).Big name shows all summer long!Phone:232­6220.http://www.xiexiebang.com.篇章导读:本文为应用文,属于广告类,主要介绍了几个不同的音乐表演活动的特点和时间。

1.Which number should you call if you want to see an opera? A.241­2742.C.381­3300.B.723­1182.D.232­6220.答案 A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的Opera和电话号码可知,答案为A。2.When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra? A.February.C.August.through June”可知,五月符合题意。

3.Where can students go for free performances with their I.D.cards? A.Music Hall.B.Memorial Hall.C.Patricia Cobbett Theater.D.Riverbend Music Theater.答案 C 细节理解题。根据第四段首句和“Students with I.D.cards can attend the events for free.”可知,选C。

4.How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places? A.It has seats in the open air.B.It gives shows all year round.C.It offers membership discounts.D.It presents famous musical works.答案 A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover”可知,这个户外剧场有座位。


1.additional adj.额外的,附加的 2.attend v.出席,参加 P重点短语

1.a variety of 各种各样的 2.for free 免费 S句式仿写

原文:The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June.(非限制性定语从句)译文:在榆树街1406号的纪念堂会有管弦乐队的表演,从三月到六月有好几场演出。

B.May.D.November.答案 B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“which offers several concerts from March 仿写:He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which_greatly_upsets_me.他似乎没明白我的意思,这使我心烦。




What's On? Electric_Underground 7:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m.Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who's playing in your area? We're bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best localW1 bands.Are you interested inP becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk

at 7:30 p.m.S by Jules Skye, a successful record producer.He's going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.Gee_Whizz 8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz performW2.He's the funniest stand­up comedian on the comedy scene.This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh!Our bar is open from 7:00 p.m.for drinks and snacks(快餐).

Simon's_Workshop 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy.The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh.Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years' experience of teaching comedy.His workshops are exciting and fun.An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.Charlotte_Stone 8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music;this is a great evening out.Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best­selling CD, with James Pickering on the piano.The menu is Italian, with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta(面食).Book early to get a table.Our bar is open all day, and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了四个地方的演出的具体时间以及内容等。5.Who can help you if you want to have your music produced? A.Jules Skye.C.Charlotte Stone.B.Gee Whizz.D.James Pickering.12 答案 A 细节理解题。根据文章Electric Underground部分的最后一句“He's going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.”可知,Jules Skye可以帮你找到合适的音乐制作人。故选A。

6.At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh? A.The Cyclops Theatre.C.Victoria Stage.B.Kaleidoscope.D.Pizza World.答案 B 细节理解题。根据文章Gee Whizz部分的第四句可知,Gee Whizz真的知道怎么让你发笑;再联系from the youngest to the oldest可判断为不同年龄的人。故选B。

7.What do we know about Simon's Workshop? A.It requires membership status.B.It lasts three hours each time.C.It is run by a comedy club.D.It is held every Wednesday.答案 D 细节理解题。根据文章Simon's Workshop部分的Wednesdays at Victoria Stage可判断,Simon's Workshop的演出为每周三。故选D。

8.When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs? A.5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.B.7:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m.C.8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.D.8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.答案 C 细节理解题。根据文章Charlotte Stone部分的8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.以及“Charlotte Stone will perform songs”可判断,8:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.是她的演出时间。故选C。


1.local adj.当地的,本地的;本国的 2.perform v.表演,演出 P重点短语

be interested in 对„„感兴趣 S句式仿写

原文:If so, come early to the talk at 7:30 p.m....(省略)译文:如果是这样的话,那么晚上7点半早些到访谈现场来吧!„„ 仿写:I will talk with you face to face if_necessary.如果有必要的话,我会和你当面交谈。



[2016·安徽江淮十校联考]The following four destinationsW1 shall never be missed.●Blue Lagoon(泻湖):

Blue Lagoon geothermal(地热的)spa is one of the most visited attractions in Iceland.The warm waters are rich inP1 minerals and bathing in the Blue Lagoon is reputed to help some people suffering fromP2 skin diseases.The water temperature in the bathing and swimming area of the Lagoon averages 37℃-39℃(99F-102F).The Blue Lagoon also operates a research and development facility to help find cures for skin diseases using the mineral­rich water.●Budapest:

Budapest holds the title “City of Spas” since the year 1934, as it has more hot and medicinal water springs than any other capital city in the world.S There are 118 springs in Budapest, providing over 70 million liters of hot water a day.The temperature of the waters is between 22℃ and 40℃.●El Tatio:

El Tatio is a geyser(间歇泉)field located within the Andes Mountains of northern Chile at 4,320 meters above sea level.With over 80 active geysers, the site is the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest in the world.It is a major tourist attraction in Chile and is among the highest­elevation(海拔)geyser fields in the world.It is also possible to bathe in the hot geyser water in a small pool.The temperature of the waters goes between 70℃ and 85℃.●Hokkaido:

Visitors to the Japanese island of Hokkaido have plenty of options.These rangeW2 from top resorts with thermal baths like the Spa Resort Hawaiians to small traditional inns that have their own small hot pools with water temperature comfortable to skin.Some bathing spots are outdoors and are not associated with any spa or inn.The classic forest and mountain landscapes of this nature­rich island make it a great choice for those seeking a scenic setting for their baths.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四个不容错过的温泉胜地。9.What is the common feature of the four places mentioned above? A.They are all located in the southern part of the globe.B.The climate of all these places is mild most time of the year.C.They provide water cures for people with hot springs.D.They are all open­aired and close to rivers or valleys.答案 C 推理判断题。根据文章对四个地方的描述可知,它们的共同特点是都有可以养生的温泉。故选C。

10.Which site of the spring has the greatest gap of water temperature? A.Blue Lagoon.C.El Tatio.相差18度。故选B。

B.Budapest.D.Hokkaido.答案 B 细节理解题。根据文章对每个温泉的介绍可知,Budapest的温泉的温差最大,11.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A.The word “spa” in the passage refers to a kind of treatment with water.B.El Tatio ranks third in the coverage of springs with highest altitude in the world.C.Visitors to the Japanese island of Hokkaido come merely to enjoy hot baths.D.Budapest gets its nickname of “City of Spas” because it has more springs than any other place.答案 A 推理判断题。从文中可以看出,spa就是“水疗”的意思。故选A。El Tatio的间歇泉的覆盖范围是全球第三,但其海拔是最高的之一,而不是最高,故B项不正确;到日本Hokkaido可以观看自然风景,泡温泉并不一定是唯一目的,故C项不正确;Budapest得到“City of Spas”这个昵称的原因是它比世界其他首都拥有的温泉数量更多,故D项不正确。


1.destination n.目的地 2.range v.变化;延伸 n.范围 P重点短语

1.be rich in 富含„„ 2.suffer from 遭受;忍受 S句式仿写

原文:Budapest holds the title “City of Spas” since the year 1934, as it has more hot and medicinal water springs than any other capital city in the world.(比较句式)译文:Budapest自从1934年就被称作“水疗之城”,是因它比世界上其他的首都城市拥有更多的温泉。

仿写:Beijing is more_crowded_than_any_other_city in China.北京比中国的其他任何城市都拥挤。



[2017·盐城月考] •Hit the Books hires tutors for undergrad and CEGEP courses

Tutors in the following fields:Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Economics, Finance, Accounting, and MORE!Description: the candidateW1 will be assigned to tutorW2 different undergraduate and CEGEP students.Required Qualifications: graduate degree(holders or candidates)and high­end bachelor degree holders in related fields, fluencyW3 in English.Job Status: part­time(hourly contract). Please send your CV to info @ hitthebooks.ca.Contact Hit the Books at 514-667-4535.•Student Caller Position

Oxford University Student Union Office employs 75 students who are responsible for reaching alumni(校友)and parents of current students and convincing them to make donations to the university.We are looking for confident, enthusiastic students

with excellent verbal communication



are comfortable asking for donations over the phone.SStudents are required to workP a minimum of two 4­hour shifts per week, with flexibility to change their schedules.Available shifts include: Sun.11 a.m.-3 p.m., 3:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.;Mon.-Thurs.5:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.There are no required shifts during final exams.Submit your CV and cover letter to apply.Contact Oxford University Student Union Office at 514-398-8431.•Participants needed for psychology experiments—$10 compensation

In our experiment we are studying the effects of music on cognition and perception.We are looking for participants 18 years or older.The ability to play an instrument is not required, but if you have received musical lessons for 8 years or more(any kind of lessons count, including high school band class)you are not eligible.It will be 1 session of approximately 50 minutes scheduled at your convenience, weekdays,evenings, or weekends and each participant will receive $10.This study is performed under the supervision of Dr Daniel J.Levitin.Contact Music and Cognition Lab at 514-549-7082.篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,为三则招聘广告:第一则是招聘教师;第二则是招收负责打电话的学生;第三则是招聘参加心理实验的人员。

12.What can be learned about tutors for Hit the Books? A.He or she will tutor many fields except Accounting.B.He or she needs to be fluent in English.C.He or she will work full time.D.He or she must be a graduate degree holder.答案 B 细节理解题。由第一则广告中的“graduate degree(holders or candidates)and high­end bachelor degree holders in related fields,fluency in English”可知,B正确。

13.As a student caller, you should meet the following requirements EXCEPT ________.A.convincing parents to contribute to the university B.being confident and enthusiastic C.working every day of the week D.having wonderful communication ability 答案 C 细节理解题。由第二则广告中的“Available shifts include:Sun.11 a.m.-3 p.m., 3:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.;Mon.-Thurs.5:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.”可知,学生不是每天都工作。故选C。

14.If you are interested in psychology experiments,which one should you contact? A.514-667-4535.C.514-398-8431.B.info@ hitthebooks.ca.D.514-549-7082.答案 D 细节理解题。由第三则广告的内容及最后的联系电话可知,选D。15.Participants needed for psychology experiment must ________.A.be eighteen years old B.be able to play an instrument C.work about 50 minutes every time D.have received musical lessons for 8 years or more 答案 C 细节理解题。由第三则广告中的“It will be 1 session of approximately 50 minutes”可知,选C。


1.candidate n.报考者;申请者

2.tutor n.导师;助教 v.任课;任大学导师 3.fluency n.流利;流畅 P重点短语

be required to do sth.被要求做某事 S句式仿写

原文:We are looking for confident, enthusiastic students with excellent verbal communication skills who are comfortable asking for donations over the phone.(定语从句)译文:我们正在寻找自信、热情的学生,有着优秀的口头沟通技巧,他们在打要求捐款的电话时很自然。

仿写:In the street I saw a man who/that_was_from_Africa.在街上我看到一个来自非洲的人。


专题四 完形填空

考点二十三 记叙文

Cloze 1


Richard wasn't able to hear anything.He was a __1__ boy, but he had been born deafW1.He was well known to everyone in the town, and they were all __2__ him.UnfortunatelyW2,though, he __3__ seemed to end up being treated differently from everyone else.Children worried they would __4__ him, and that may be because he wouldn't hear the ball being hit in his __5__.Adults acted like he was unable to __6__ them, as thoughP1 he was a baby.His friend Charlie didn't like this.He decided that things had to be __7__.Charlie's father was the town's mayor, and Charlie __8__ to convince him that this year, in honor ofP2 Richard ,they should offer one day as the __9__ to deaf people.During that whole day everyone would have to wear earplugs(耳塞).People liked the __10__.The day became known as The Day of Silence, and when it arrived, everyone stuck plugs in their __11__,in a spirit of great fun.That morning was filled with__12__ and laughter.But, as the hours passed, people became more and more aware of how__13__ life was when they couldn't hear anything.On that day nobody was thinking of Richard as just a __14__ person.This meant he could be __15__just like any other boy;and people saw a whole new side of__16__.Not only that, but Richard had a bright and sharp mind.On that day, using his usual __17__,Richard was the one who could communicate best with everyone.This meant that people paid more attention to what he was saying, and they were__18__ by his intelligenceW3 and his ability to find solutions to almost any problem.They__19__ that he had always been like that, and that in normal life all Richard needed was a little more time than others to__20__.That was the only difference.篇章导读: 本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了理查德因耳聋而被镇上的人区别对待,他的朋友查利说服父亲在镇上庆祝“沉默日”,让人们意识到理查德与其他正常人一样,不需要被区别对待,他所需要的只是比其他人多一点交流的时间。1.A.healthy C.brave

B.poor D.normal 答案 D 第一段第二句中连词but有转折之意,后半句说理查德先天性耳聋,故前半句语义应转折,用normal“正常的”与后文对应。healthy意为“健康的”;poor意为“贫穷的”;brave意为“勇敢的”。故选D。

2.A.close to C.strict with

B.fond of D.thankful for 答案 B 第一段第三句是由并列连词and连接的并列句,前后句语义应相近,前半句说镇上的人都认识他,为褒义表达,故后半句也应为褒义表达。be close to意为“接近”;be fond of意为“喜欢”;be strict with意为“对„„严格”;be thankful for意为“对„„感激”。故选B。

3.A.seldom C.sometimes

B.never D.always 答案 D 句意:但是,不幸的是,他最后总是被与别人区别对待。seldom意为“很少”;never意为“从不;决不”;sometimes意为“有时”;always意为“总是”。故选D。

4.A.hurt C.punish

B.cheat D.shock 答案 A 根据第一段第五句后半句“...that may be because he wouldn't hear the ball being hit in his __5__.”可知,在跟理查德玩球时,孩子们会担心他可能听不到向他这个方向扔来的球的声音而被球打中受伤。hurt意为“伤害”;cheat意为“欺骗;作弊”;punish意为“惩罚”;shock意为“使震惊”。故选A。

5.A.home C.direction 6.A.protect C.understand

B.classroom D.car B.encourage D.support 答案 C in one's direction意为“朝着某人的方向”。故选C。

答案 C 句意:成年人们假装他不能理解他们,仿佛他是一个婴儿。protect意为“保护”;encourage意为“鼓励”;understand意为“理解”;support意为“支持;供养”。故选C。

7.A.worked C.acted

B.changed D.found 答案 B 句意:他决定改变这种情况。根据下文可知,理查德的朋友查利说服他的父亲在镇上庆祝“沉默日”,让人们意识到理查德与其他正常人一样,不需要区别对待,故这种区别对待的情况应被改变(changed),故选B。

8.A.prepared C.helped

B.managed D.learned 答案 B 根据第三段第二句“The day became known as The Day of Silence, andwhen it arrived,everyone stuck plugs in their __11__,in a spiritof great fun.”可知,人们在“沉默日”用耳塞塞住耳朵,说明查利成功地说服了他的父亲。prepare to do sth.意 为“准备做某事”;manage to do sth.意为“成功做成了某事”;help to do sth.意为“帮助做某事”;learn to do sth.意为“学习做某事”。故选B。

9.A.journey C.week

B.term D.festival 答案 D 根据第三段第二句“The day became known as The Day of Silence...”可知,他们选的这一天被称为“沉默日”,这是个节日(festival)的名称。故选D。

10.A.excuse C.idea

B.course D.game 答案 C 句意:大家喜欢这个主意。excuse意为“借口;理由”;course意为“科目;课程”;idea意为“主意;想法”;game意为“游戏”。故选C。

11.A.clothes C.rooms

B.hands D.ears 答案 D 根据第二段最后一句“During that whole day everyone would have to wear earplugs.”可知,人们在那一天要戴耳塞,再根据常识可知耳塞是塞到耳朵里的。故选D。

12.A.victories C.meals

B.jokes D.lessons 答案 B 句意:那天早上充满了玩笑和笑声。and连接的并列项语义应相近,与laughter语义最接近的是jokes,由上一句中的“in aspirit of great fun”也可推知答案。故选B。

13.A.difficult C.short

B.dangerous D.useless 答案 A 句意:但是,过了几个小时,人们越来越意识到当你什么都听不见时日子是多么艰难。difficult意为“艰难的”;dangerous意为“危险的”;short意为“短的”;useless意为“无用的”。故选A。

14.A.stupid C.rude

B.deaf D.negative 答案 B 下句“This meant he could be __15__ just like any other boy...”对该设空句进行解释,他能像其他男孩一样,也就是说,人们并没有把他当成聋子。think of...as...意为“认为„„是„„”。stupid意为“愚蠢的”;deaf意为“聋的”;rude意为“粗鲁的”;negative意为“负面的;消极的”。故选B。

15.A.treated C.comforted

B.taught D.fed 答案 A 句意:这就意味着他能像其他男孩那样被对待,而且人们能看到他全新的一面。treat意为“对待”;teach意为“教导”;comfort意为“安慰”;feed意为“喂养;供给”。故选A。

16.A.themselves C.him

B.itself D.them 答案 C 人们看到他全新的一面。下句“Not only that, but Richard had abright and sharp mind.”也是在积极地评价理查德,故前一句是指人们看到了他全新的一面。故选C。


B.telephones C.tools 18.A.frightened C.interested

D.words B.surprised D.amused 答案 A 理查德听不见,所以他常用手势(gestures)与他人交流。故选A。

答案 B 句意:„„人们都惊讶于他的聪明和能解决任何问题的能力。frightened意为“害怕的”;surprised意为“惊讶的”;interested意为“感兴趣的”;amused意为“愉快的”。故选B。

19.A.proved C.realized

B.reported D.remembered 答案 C 句意:他们意识到理查德一直是这样聪明,而且在平常生活中他所需要的就是比其他人多一点交流的时间。prove意为“证明”;report意为“报告”;realize意为“意识到”;remember意为“记得”。故选C。

20.A.watch C.walk

B.eat D.communicate 答案 D 理查德先天性耳聋,所以他平时常用手势与人交流,这比较花时间,故他只需要比其他人多一点交流(communicate)的时间。故选D。

W重点单词 1.deaf adj.聋的

2.unfortunately adv.不幸地 3.intelligence n.智力;智商 P重点短语 1.as though 好像

2.in honor of 为了向„„表达敬意

Cloze 2


As I was making my way toP1 the coffee shop, I noticed an older gentleman poorly dressed sitting on a __1__ nearby.I knew from first sight that he was in need of some kind of __2__.He had a little lunch stretched outP2 in front of him and was wholeheartedlyW1 __3__ it.Then I __4__ the line and waited to be served.There was a young man in front of me.He handed the waitress a twenty dollar bill and __5__ an orange juice and a __6__.The waitress looked at the young man a little __7__,not fully understanding the request.That was when the young man __8__ her to give the juice to the older gentleman eating his lunch outside on the bench.The young man also told her that he would be watching every second __9__ she would be completely safe at all times.__10__ there 4 was a wonderful __11__ between the waitress and the older man in need of some attention.I only wish I had a photo of the __12__ on the both of their faces.As I was __13__ this event later onP3,I wondered why the young man didn't just __14__ this act of kindness himself.I suspectW2 that deep out in his heart he was __15__ that this act of kindness might __16__ others to do something for this older man as well.There are __17__ ways of thinking when we come across someone such as this older gentleman.__18__ he's just simply lazy and doesn't work hard enough in his life.Or he should have gone to school and made __19__ use of what he has.But just maybe he needs a helping hand and thank God for this young man who inspired others to __20__ as well.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者目睹了一个感人的故事:在一家咖啡馆外,一个年轻人为一个穿着破旧衣服在室外长凳上吃饭的老人买了一杯橙汁,并请服务员送了过去。作者认为这个年轻人的做法是想鼓励别人也去做这样的善事,让爱心传递。

1.A.chair C.fence the bench”可知,应选择B。

2.A.help C.attraction

B.rescue D.service B.bench D.table 答案 B 根据第三段第一句中的“the older gentleman eating his lunch outside on 答案 A 根据上文中的“I noticed an older gentleman poorly dressed”可知,作者一看到他就觉得他需要某种方式的帮助(help),应选择A。rescue“拯救”;attraction“吸引力”;service“服务”。

3.A.tasting C.enjoying 尝”;pack“打包”;order“订购”。

4.A.jumped C.held line表示“加入行列,排队”。

5.A.prepared C.produced

B.supplied D.requested B.joined D.took B.packing D.ordering 答案 C 此处指老人全神贯注地享受着他的午餐。enjoy“享受”,符合语境。taste“品答案 B 根据下文中的“and waited to be served”可知,作者在排队等候。join the 答案 D 根据下文中的“not fully understanding the request”可知,这个年轻人要了一杯橙汁。request“要求”,符合语境。prepare“准备”;supply“供应”;produce“生产”。

6.A.favour C.tip

B.check D.reply 答案 A 根据第三段的第一句可知,年轻人请服务员帮了一个忙。favour“帮助”,符 合语境。check“核查”;tip“提示;小费”;reply“回答”。

7.A.shocked C.puzzled

B.annoyed D.disturbed 答案 C 根据下文中的“not fully understanding the request”可知,服务员感到迷惑不解,应选择C。puzzled“困惑的”,符合语境。shocked“震惊的”;annoyed“气恼的”;disturbed“扰乱的”。

8.A.commanded C.required

B.begged D.asked 答案 D 此处指年轻人让服务员把橙汁送给老人。ask“要求,请求”,ask sb.to do sth.“请求某人做某事”,符合语境。command“命令”;beg“乞求”;require“需要,依靠”。

9.A.in case C.so that

B.even though D.only if 答案 C 此处表示年轻人会在一旁看着,以确保她是安全的。so that“以便,为了”,符合语境。in case“以防万一”;even though“即使”;only if“只要”。

10.A.Besides C.Otherwise

B.Afterwards D.Anyhow 答案 B 后来女服务员与老人进行了很好的交流。afterwards“后来”,符合语境。besides“除„„之外(还)”;otherwise“否则”;anyhow“无论如何”。

11.A.debate C.bargain bargain“讨价还价”。

12.A.smiles C.tears 13.A.picking out C.thinking about

B.worries D.hopes B.carrying on D.making up B.impression D.exchange 答案 D exchange在此处表示“交流”。debate“辩论”;impression“印象”;答案 A 根据前文中的“wonderful”可知,作者希望能拍下他们脸上的笑容(smiles)。

答案 C 此处指作者后来回想起这件事的时候,就想知道为什么那个年轻人不亲自做这件善事。think about“回想”,符合语境。pick out“挑选”;carry on“继续做”;make up“组成,化妆,捏造,补充”。

14.A.introduce C.ignore

B.perform D.pass 答案 B 作者想知道为什么年轻人不自己做这件善事。perform“做,完成;表演执行”,符合语境。introduce“介绍”;ignore“忽视”;pass“通过”。

15.A.guessing C.judging

B.hoping D.concluding 答案 B 此处指年轻人希望这一善举能鼓励别人也为这位老人做这些事情。hope“希望”,符合语境。guess“猜测”;judge“判断”;conclude“得出结论”。16.A.inspire C.warn 应选择A。

17.A.valuable C.various

B.force D.instruct 答案 A 根据文章最后一句中的“who inspired others to __20__ as well”可知,B.useful D.practical 答案 C 根据下文中作者列举的想法可知,当我们偶遇像这位老人一样的人时,我们会有各种各样的想法。various“各种各样的”,符合语境。valuable“有价值的”;useful“有用的”;practical“真实的”。

18.A.Certainly C.Obviously

B.Possibly D.Absolutely 答案 B 下文是作者的推测,结合“maybe”的提示可知,应选择B项,possibly“可能”。certainly“当然”;obviously“明显地”;absolutely“绝对地”。

19.A.closer C.harder 好地利用”。根据语境可知选D项。

20.A.goodness C.respect

B.confidence D.creativity B.wider D.better 答案 D 或者他本应去上学,并更好地利用他所拥有的东西。make better use of“更答案 A 此处指年轻人鼓励别人也做好事,因此选择A项。goodness“善良”;confidence“自信”;respect“尊敬”;creativity“创造性,创造力”。


1.wholeheartedly adv.全心全意地 2.suspect v.怀疑 n.嫌疑犯 P重点短语

1.make one's way to 前往2.stretch out 伸出 3.later on 后来

Cloze 3


As my train was delayedW1 for two hours, I had plenty ofP1 time to spare.After buying some newspapers to read on the journey, I made my way toP2 the __1__ office to collect my heavy suitcase I had__2__ there three days before.There were only a few people__3__,and I took out my wallet to find the receipt for my case.The receipt didn't seem to be where I had left it.I __4__ the contents, and railway tickets, money, scraps of paper and photos fell out of it;but no matter how __5__ I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found.When my turn came, I __6__ the situation sorrowfully to the assistant.The man looked at me __7__ as if to say that he had __8__ this kind of story many times and asked me to __9__ the case.I told him that it was an old, brown looking __10__ no different from the many cases I could see on the shelves.The assistant then gave me a __11__ and told me to ___12__ of the chief contents of the case.If they were __13__,he said, I could take the case away.I tried to __14__ all the articles I had __15__ packed into the case and wrote them down as they came to me.After I had done this, I went to __16__ among the shelves.There were hundreds of cases there.For one dreadfulW2 moment, it __17__ to me that if someone had __18__ the receipt up he could have easily claimed(认领)the case already.This hadn't happened __19__,for after a time I found the case lying in a corner.After examining the articles inside, the assistant was__20__ and told me I could take the case away.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。讲的是作者在火车站行李寄存处想要取回自己箱子的时候,发现收据不见了,经过一番解释和努力后终于取回了自己的箱子。

1.A.posting C.luggage 是去行李寄存处。

2.A.left C.found

B.forgotten D.bought B.working D.manager's 答案 C luggage office 意为“行李寄存处”,根据后文作者去领取手提箱,可知他答案 A leave意为“留下”;forget意为“忘记”;find意为“发现”;buy意为“购买”。这里表示把行李寄存在,即留在行李寄存处。故选A。

3.A.standing C.talking 已经有人在排队等候了。

4.A.threw C.looked

B.put D.emptied B.crowding D.waiting 答案 D 由第二段开头的“When my turn came”(轮到我的时候)可知,在行李寄存处答案 D 这里表示作者把钱包里的东西全部倒出来,寻找寄存物品的收据。throw意为“扔”;put意为“放”;look意为“看”;empty意为“清空”。故选D。

5.A.often C.hard 力”。

6.A.said C.spoke 7.A.now and then C.here and there

B.searched D.explained B.up and down D.back and forth B.much D.soon 答案 C 这里表示无论作者怎样努力寻找,就是找不到收据。故选C。hard意为“努答案 D 由于收据没有找到,作者只好向管理员解释(explain)情况。

答案 B now and then意为“不时地”;up and down意为“上上下下”;here and there 意为“到处”;back and forth意为“来来回回”。根据本句可知管理员不相信作者,所以是上上下下地打量了他一番。故选B。

8.A.knew C.heard 情况,所以是多次听到过这种故事。故选C。

9.A.describe C.take out

B.draw D.show B.realized D.seen 答案 C 前文中作者向这位管理员解释了情况,可知这里指管理员以前经常遇到类似的答案 A 根据后一句中作者描述他的手提箱的样子,可知管理员就要求作者描述他的手提箱。describe意为“描述”;draw意为“画画”;take out意为“拿出”;show意为“展示;体现”。故选A。

10.A.object C.subject

B.matter D.wallet 答案 A 根据上文可知本句是在描述手提箱。object意为“物体”;matter意为“事情”;subject意为“主语;科目”;wallet意为“钱包”。此处object指代手提箱,故选A。

11.A.paper C.message

B.note D.form 答案 D paper意为“报纸;试卷/论文”(paper意为“纸”时是不可数名词);note意为“便条”;message意为“信息”;form意为“表格”。根据常识可知,管理员是让作者填一张表格。故选D。

12.A.sign names C.write down

B.make a list D.draw a picture 答案 B 因为没有收据,管理员就要求作者把他箱子里的主要物品列一份清单,以便证实该手提箱是作者本人的。sign names意为“签名”;make a list意为“列一份清单”;write down意为“写下”;draw a picture意为“画幅画”。空后有介词of,所以排除C。根据语境可知选B。

13.A.everything C.correct C。

14.A.draw C.read 故选B。

15.A.carelessly C.hurriedly

B.suddenly D.immediately B.remember D.remind B.wrong D.ready 答案 C 只有当清单上东西的名称与手提箱内的物品相吻合时,才能取走手提箱。故选答案 B 要写清单,就必须努力回忆手提箱里所放的物品。remember意为“回忆”。答案 C “I had __15__ packed into the case”是定语从句,修饰articles。根据前文作者需要尽力回忆箱内物品可以推知,作者出发打包时比较匆忙,hurriedly意为“匆 忙地”,与语境相符。

16.A.see C.find 强调看的动作。故选D。

17.A.happened C.appeared B。

18.A.picked C.taken pick up意为“拾起,捡起”。故选A。

19.A.fortunately C.by chance A。

20.A.disappointed C.satisfied

B.surprised D.worried B.unluckily D.presently B.collected D.stolen B.occurred D.seemed B.watch D.look 答案 D see意为“看见”;watch意为“注视”;find意为“发现”;look意为“看”,答案 B It occurred to sb.that...为固定句型,意为“某人突然想到„„”。故选答案 A 这里指作者突然想到,要是收据被别人捡到,他很轻易就可以把手提箱认领走。答案 A 根据下文可知作者找到了箱子,并被允许取走箱子,所以应该是幸运的。故选答案 C 这里指经过核对箱内物品与清单,管理员确信了手提箱是作者的,因此表示很满意,并让作者把手提箱领走了。satisfied意为“满意的”。故选C。


1.delay v.拖延;耽搁

2.dreadful adj.可怕的;糟糕的 P重点短语

1.plenty of 很多;大量的 2.make one's way to 向„„走去

Cloze 4


I was 14 years old.I was angry and rebelliousW1,with __1__ regard for anything my parents had to say, __2__ if it had nothing to do withP1 me.Like so many __3__,I struggled to escapeP2 from anything that didn't __4__ my picture of the world.As a “brilliant without need of guidance” kid, I rejectedW2 any obvious__5__ of love.In fact, I got angry at the__6__ of the word“love”.

One __7__,after an extremely difficult day, I __8__ into my room, shut the door loudly and fell down onto my bedheavily.As I lay down in the privacy of my __9__,10 my hands placed under my pillow.There was an envelope.I pulledit out and on the envelope it said,“To __10__ when you're alone.”

__11__ I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not.So I opened it.It said, “Mike, I know life is __12__ right now, I know you are frustratedW3 and I know we don't do everything right.I also know that I love you__13__ and nothing you do or say will ever change that.I am here for you if you ever need to talk.If you don't, that's also __14__.Just know that no matter where you go or whatever you do in your life, I will always love you and be__15__ thatyou are my son.I'm here for you and I love you—that will never__16__.Love you, Mom.”

Every night as I went to bed, I would put my hands under my __17__,and I remember the __18__ I felt every timeI got a letter.During my teen years, the letters were the calm assurance that I still could be loved __19__ my anger and rudeness.Just before I fell __20__I became grateful that my mom knew what I, an angry teenager, needed.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,全文讲的是“我”在青少年时期,叛逆且总爱发脾气,“我”的母亲写信放在“我”的枕头下告诉“我”不管怎样,她都爱“我”。母亲对“我”的了解和帮助使“我”非常感激她。

1.A.little C.full 说的任何事,故选A,意为“几乎没有”。

2.A.seldom C.currently

B.sometimes D.particularly B.all D.high 答案 A 由前面的“angry and rebellious”可推断出在叛逆期的作者几乎不考虑父母答案 D 句意:我总爱发脾气而且叛逆,几乎不考虑我父母说的任何事情,尤其是与我无关的事情。seldom意为“很少,不常”;sometimes意为“有时候”;currently意为“当前”;particularly意为“尤其”。故选D。

3.A.families C.people 4.A.hang up C.agree with

B.adults D.teenagers B.lift up D.deal with 答案 D 由后面的主语I可知此处应选teenagers(青少年)。

答案 C 此处讲的是“我”努力挣脱一切与我的世界观不一致的东西。hang up意为“挂断电话;挂起”;lift up意为“升起,抬起”;agree with意为“同意;与„„一致”;deal with意为“处理”。故选C。

5.A.attempt C.request

B.offer D.advice 答案 B 句意:作为一个“不需要帮助的聪明的”小孩,我拒绝任何人以直白的方式给我的爱。offer意为“(主动)提供”,符合语境。故选B。


B.proposal C.mention D.point 答案 C 此处表示事实上作者听到“爱”这个字眼被提到时都会生气。risk意为“冒险”;proposal意为“提议”;mention意为“提及,说起”;point意为“观点”。C符合语境。

7.A.night C.morning

B.day D.afternoon 答案 A 由后文中的“fell down onto my bed,pillow”以及最后一段开头的“Everynight”可知此处指的是一天晚上,故选A。

8.A.slipped C.sank

B.stormed D.slid 答案 B slip意为“滑倒;悄悄地走”;storm作动词讲时,可表示“气冲冲地疾走”;sink意为“下沉”;slid意为“悄悄移动”。根据空格后面的“shut the door loudly and fell down onto my bed heavily”描述的情景可知作者应该是横冲直撞地进入房间。故选B。

9.A.bed C.closet 10.A.answer C.read 11.A.If C.Though 于”,表示原因。故选D。

12.A.serious C.amazing

B.awful D.exciting B.floor D.chair B.seal D.tear B.When D.Since 答案 A 根据上下文可知此处指“我”躺在床上。故选A。

答案 C 句意:我把它抽出来,信封上写着“当你一个人的时候,读这封信”。故选C。

答案 D 句意:既然我是一个人,那我读不读它就没有人知道。since意为“既然,由答案 B serious意为“严肃的”;awful意为“糟糕的”;amazing意为“令人惊奇的”;exciting意为“令人兴奋的”。根据后面“I know you are frustrated and I know we don't do everything right”(我知道你遇到了挫折,我知道我们有些事没做好)可知前面在说“我知道目前的生活是糟糕的”。故选B。

13.A.entirely C.heavily

B.gently D.personally 答案 A 由后面的“nothing you do or say will ever change that”可知母亲全心爱着“我”,“我”所做的和所说的永远不会改变那一点。entirely意为“完全地;彻底地”,符合语境。

14.A.impossible C.right 可知选D。


B.terrible D.okay 答案 D 句意:如果你需要谈话,我在这里。如果你不需要谈话,那也没问题。由句意

B.sorry C.proud D.sure 答案 C 句意:你只要知道,生活中,不管你去哪里,或者不管你做什么事,我会一直爱你并为你是我的儿子而骄傲。nervous意为“紧张的”;sorry意为“对不起”;proud意为“自豪的”;sure意为“肯定的”。由“no matter where you go or whatever you do”可体会到母亲为儿子骄傲的情感。故选C。

16.A.last C.happened

B.change D.start 答案 B 句意:我在这里(陪你)并且我爱你,它从来不会改变。由第13空所在句子中的“nothing you do or say will ever change that”可判断此处选B。

17.A.pillow C.desk envelope.”可知此处应选A。

18.A.relaxation C.relief

B.sadness D.thrill B.book D.door 答案 A 由第二段中的“...my hands placed under my pillow.There was an 答案 C 由下一句中的“the letters were the calm assurance”可知母亲的信是使“我”平静下来的保证,因此每当“我”从枕头下面摸到一封信的时候都能得到心境上的缓解。relaxation意为“放松”;sadness意为“悲伤”;relief意为“宽慰;(疼痛或不快的)缓解”;thrill意为“激动;狂喜”。故选C。

19.A.in spite of C.ahead of

B.instead of D.in need of 答案 A 句意:在我的青少年时期,尽管我愤怒、粗鲁,但我深信那些信仍然是我被爱着的保证。in spite of意为“尽管”,符合语境。

20.A.ill C.silent

B.down D.asleep 答案 D 由前文可知“我”每次在睡前都能从枕头下摸到母亲写给“我”的信,看完信后,“我”都是带着对母亲的感激而入睡,因为母亲知道“我”这样一个易怒的青少年需要的是什么。fall asleep“入睡”。故选D。


1.rebellious adj.反叛的 2.reject v.拒绝;抛弃;排斥

3.frustratedadj.沮丧的;失望的;泄气的 P重点短语

1.have nothing to do with 与„„无关

2.struggle to do sth.努力做某事;挣扎着做某事

Cloze 1



A Heroic Driver Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc.One morning in 2009, Larry was __1__ along 165 north after deliveringW1 to one of his __2__.Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on.__3__ he got closer, he found __4__ vehicle upside down on the road.One more look and he noticed __5__ shooting out from under the __6__ vehicle.Larry pulled overP1,set the brake and __7__ the fire extinguisher(灭火器).Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put outP2.The man who had his bright lights on __8__ and told Larry he had __9__ an emergencyW2 call.They __10__ heard a woman's voice coming from the wrecked(毁坏的)vehicle.__11__ the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay __12__ until the emergency personnel arrived, __13__ she thought the car was going to __14__.Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move __15__ she injured her neck.Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man __16__ and let them go to work.Then, Larry asked the __17__ if he was needed or __18__ to go.They let him and the other man go.One thing is __19__—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!His __20__ most likely saved the woman's life.篇章导读:本文为记叙文。文章介绍的是一位英雄司机拉里的故事:他和另一位素不相识的男士共同救助了一位受困于失事车辆的女士。

1.A.walking C.traveling

B.touring D.rushing 答案 C 根据上句“Larry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.”以及文章标题可知拉里是一名司机,且根据下文“Larry pulled over,set the brake and...”可知他在路上驾驶车辆前行,故C项(行进)正确。walk“行走”;tour“旅游”;rush“匆忙行事”。

2.A.passengers C.employers

B.colleagues D.customers 答案 D 根据delivering(送货)可知他是在给一名顾客(customer)送货。passenger“乘客”;colleague“同事”;employer“雇主”。

3.A.Since C.As

B.Although D.If 答案 C 根据“he found...”可知当他靠近时,发现路上的翻车事故。as在句中引导 14 时间状语从句,符合语境。

4.A.each C.that

B.another D.his 答案 B 根据下段的“The man who had his bright lights on...”可知,事故现场共有三辆车,上文提到的开灯的车辆与翻车的车辆并不是同一辆,拉里发现了另外一辆车,故another(另一)正确。

5.A.flames C.water flames(火焰)符合语境。

6.A.used C.removed

B.disabled D.abandoned B.smoke D.steam 答案 A 根据下句中的fire可知汽车在燃烧,由此可判断汽车下面有火喷出,答案 B 根据上文upside down以及flames可知,这辆车已经破损,故B项正确。used“用过的”;disabled“残疾的”;removed“被移走的”;abandoned“被抛弃的”。

7.A.got hold of C.took charge of

B.prepared D.controlled 答案 A 根据下句可知他把火灭掉了,由此可推断他把车停好后,“抓起灭火器”将火灭掉。get hold of“抓住;握着”;prepare“准备”;take charge of“负责”;control“控制”。

8.A.came down C.came in

B.came through D.came over 答案 D 根据下文“told Larry he had...”可知,在拉里把火灭掉后,那个开车灯的人走了过来(come over)。come down“下来”;come through“康复”;come in“进来”。

9.A.returned C.made

B.received D.confirmed 答案 C 根据上文的叙述以及下文提到应急人员到来,可以推断出他在看到事故后把车灯打开并且拨打了急救电话。return“返回”;receive“收到”;confirm“证实”。

10.A.then C.finally

B.again D.even 答案 A 根据上下文的叙述可知那个人走过来告诉拉里他已经拨打了急救电话后,他们听到了车内有一个妇女的声音传来。then“然后,接着”;again“再次”;finally“最终”;even“甚至”。

11.A.Starting C.Passing

B.Parking D.Approaching 答案 D 根据“they saw that...”可知他们走近(approach)汽车,看到一名妇女正极力从破损的窗户往外爬。start“发动”;park“停车”;pass“经过”。

12.A.quiet C.away

B.still D.calm 答案 B 根据“until the emergency personnel arrived”以及下文“she should not move...”可知,他们告诉这名妇女不要动,等着消防人员的到来。still“静止不动的”。quiet“安静的”;away“离开”;calm“镇静的”。

13.A.for C.and 句之间为转折关系。

14.A.explode C.fall apart

B.slip away D.crash B.so D.but 答案 D 他们告诉她不要动,她认为汽车即将爆炸,所以在努力往外爬,由此可判断两答案 A 根据上文汽车失火和妇女的行为以及下文的“Larry told her that he had already put out the fire”可以推断出妇女认为汽车将要爆炸(explode)。slip away“消失”;fall apart“破碎”;crash“碰撞;坠毁”。

15.A.as if C.in case unless“除非”;after“在„„后”。

16.A.stepped forward C.moved on

B.backed off D.set out B.unless D.after 答案 C 拉里告诉这名妇女不要动,以防(in case)伤到颈部。as if“似乎”;答案 B 根据“let them go to work”可知应急人员一到,他们二人就退后(back off)了,这样好让他们进行营救。step forward“主动站出来”;move on“继续前进”;set out“出发;开始”。

17.A.woman C.man C、D三项均不符合语境。

18.A.forbidden C.asked

B.ready D.free B.police D.driver 答案 B 根据“if he was needed...”可知拉里在问应急人员是否还需要自己帮忙。A、答案 D 此处与“he was needed”相对比,他问应急人员是否需要自己帮忙还是可以自由(free)离开。forbid“禁止”;ready“准备”;ask“要求”。

19.A.for certain C.reported

B.for consideration D.checked 答案 A 根据破折号后面的内容可知有一件事情是肯定的(for certain),即他接近那辆燃烧的汽车,做了超出打报警电话职责之外的事情。

20.A.patience C.efforts

B.skills D.promise 答案 C 根据上文的故事内容可知,拉里的努力挽救了那位妇女的性命,因此efforts(努力)正确。patience“耐心”;skill“技能”;promise“承诺”。


1.deliver v.递送;运送 2.emergency n.突发事件;紧急情况 P重点短语

1.pull over 靠边停车2.put out 扑灭

Cloze 2


[2016·四川高考]Lainey finished third grade.She had good grades and could read __1__grade level, but she did not like to read.On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her __2__.But Lainey took one look at it, __3__ her eyes, and said, “Borrrring!”

Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it.__4__ the youngest children in the class were __5__ by the story.They __6__ with great interest, and then __7__ joined inP1 grand conversationsW1 about Harry's adventuresW2.“How can you say it's __8__ ? Have you read it?” asked Aunt Dede.“No, it's too long and it doesn't have any __9__,” complained Lainey.“Oh, that's where you are __10__; there are lots of pictures.Every page is full of pictures;you just have to read the words to __11__ them.It's like magicW3.”

“Nice try, Aunt Dede,” Lainey replied __12__ from the back seat.Another __13__ was in orderP2.“Well, if you don't want to read it, give it __14__.Maybe your mom would __15__ hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud.By the end of the first chapter, __16__ were coming from the back seat: “Please read a little __17__.”

Lainey is an example of an __18__ reader.As shown here, Lainey can become __19__ about reading when __20__ with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。读完三年级的莱妮尽管成绩很好但不喜欢阅读。在一次家庭乘车旅行中,她的姑姑拿出一本《哈利·波特》让她读,可由于故事太长而且没有图画,她不愿意读。后来姑姑读了起来,到第一章结束时,它已经吸引了莱妮,从此莱妮对阅读产生了兴趣。

1.A.within C.to 2.A.daughter C.student student“学生”;friend“朋友”。

3.A.opened C.rolled

B.dried D.shaded B.on D.above B.niece D.friend 答案 D 根据“She had good grades”可知莱妮能读超过(above)三年级水平的东西。

答案 B 根据本句中的family和Aunt可知此处应用niece(侄女)。daughter“女儿”; 17 答案 C 根据本句中关键词“Borrrring”可知,拉里并不认可这本书。句意:但是莱妮看了一眼这本书,翻着白眼说„„。roll one's eves“翻白眼”;open one's eyes“睁开眼”;dry“变干”;shade“给„„遮挡”。

4.A.Even C.Just

B.Still D.Yet 答案 A 戴德姑姑是位老师,她把《哈利·波特》读给学生的时候,他们都很喜欢。甚至(Even)班里最小的孩子们都被这个故事吸引了。本段第二句对第一句进行补充说明,故用Even。

5.A.surprised C.puzzled

B.annoyed D.attracted 答案 D 根据下文中“They __6__ with great interest”可知班里最小的孩子们都被这个故事吸引了。attract“吸引”;surprise“使惊讶”;annoy“使恼怒”;puzzle“使困惑”。

6.A.read C.listened

B.told D.wrote 答案 C 根据上文“Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students...”可知他们饶有兴趣地听(listen)。read“读”;tell“告诉”;write“写”。

7.A.suspectedly C.calmly

B.anxiously D.enthusiastically 答案 D 根据前面的“with great interest”可知学生们热情地加入到交谈中。enthusiastically“热情地”;suspectedly“可疑地”;anxiously“焦急地”;calmly“镇静地”。

8.A.amazing C.ridiculous

B.boring D.humorous 答案 B 根据文章第一段中的“But Lainey took one look at it,__3__ her eyes, and said,‘Borrrring!’”可知用boring(令人厌烦的)。amazing“令人惊喜的”;ridiculous“荒谬的”;humorous“幽默的”。

9.A.pictures C.adventures 10.A.crazy C.wrong

B.stories D.conversations B.foolish D.different 答案 A 根据下文中“there are lots of pictures”可知选A。

答案 C 对比“it's too long and it doesn't have any __9__”和“there are lots of pictures”可知此处戴德姑姑指出侄女的错误。wrong“错误的”;crazy“疯狂的”;foolish“愚蠢的”;different“不同的”。

11.A.see C.show show“展示”;recognize“认出”。

B.match D.recognize 答案 A them指代pictures,根据常识可知书中的图画只能看(see)。match“匹配”;12.A.sourly C.eagerly

B.patiently D.shyly 答案 A 根据“Nice try”可知此处表示莱妮没好气地回答。sourly“没好气地”;patiently“耐心地”;eagerly“渴望地”;shyly“害羞地”。

13.A.idea C.belief 14.A.away C.in

B.try D.behavior B.out D.back 答案 B 根据上文中的“Nice try”可知此处戴德姑姑要进行另一种尝试。

答案 D 此处意为“好吧,如果你不想读,就还回来”。give back“归还”;give away“泄露”;give out“分发”;give in“屈服”。

15.A.enjoy C.mind

B.admit D.finish 答案 A 此处是戴德姑姑故意这样说,以激励莱妮阅读,所以此处指或许你妈妈喜欢听这个故事。enjoy“喜欢”;admit“承认”;mind“介意”;finish“完成”。

16.A.decisions C.comments

B.requests D.promises 答案 B 根据下文“Please read a little __17__.”可知此时莱妮提出了要求。request“要求”;decision“决定”;comment“评论”;promise“许诺”。

17.A.more clearly C.louder 18.A.unpleasant C.unwilling

B.longer D.more carefully B.innocent D.independent 答案 C 根据上文“...and she began to read it aloud.”可知莱妮要求读大声一点。

答案 C 根据文章第一段中的“but she did not like to read”可知莱妮不愿意读书。unwilling“不愿意的”;unpleasant“令人不悦的”;innocent“无辜的”;independent“独立的”。

19.A.astonished C.confused

B.worried D.excited 答案 D 对比“but she did not like to read”和“By the end of the first chapter,__16__ were coming from the back seat:‘Please read a little __17__.’”可知现在莱妮对阅读很兴奋。

20.A.presented C.disturbed

B.concerned D.replaced 答案 A 此处指当别人赠送给莱妮令她感兴趣的文学作品时,她会因阅读而变得兴奋。present“把„„交给”;concern“关心”;disturb“打扰”;replace“代替”。


1.conversation n.交谈;会话2.adventure n.冒险;奇遇 3.magic adj.魔术的;神奇的 P重点短语

1.join in 加入2.in order 准备好;井然有序

Cloze 3


[2017·贵阳监测]It was a cold evening and there were few customersW1 left.After a day's hard work, I__1__ got a chance to have a short break.Though feeling tired physicallyW2,I was glad to be thinkingaboutP1 what to do after ___2__ in the restaurant.Just then, a little girl at dinner called me __3__ and asked me to have a __4__ with her.She started chatting to me__5__.She showed me her new shoes, dress, and her most favorites—two big shiny dress rings and__6__ some answers about what I __7__ them.I told her I loved them very much and how __8__ she looked with them.Later during my shift she called me over again and began pulling off one of her__9__.Once she had it off, she then__10__ it into my hand and said, “Here, this is for you.It's my favorite,__11__ I want you to have it.I know you will take very good care of it for me and will__12__ it as much as me.” I just about cried.Is that not one of the__13__ things? Only an hour__14__ she was telling me how much she loved them and had only just received them.But just because I said I__15__ them, she made the decision to share withP2me one of her favorites.In order to live up to her good __16__,I accepted it with pleasure and gave her some thankful words and a__17__ of my treat.It is ___18__ who really do live from their hearts, which is indeed something to be __19__ and treasured.And the world is a better place because of them.Blessed are we all for the daily __20__ of love that our kids give us.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,全文通过叙述作者和一个孩子相遇的故事,启示我们要珍惜孩子给我们的爱。

1.A.eventually C.faithfully

B.absolutely D.immediately 答案 A 根据空前的“After a day's hard work”可知,经过了一天的辛苦工作,“我”终于(eventually)有了一个休息的机会。故选A。

2.A.meal C.work 选C。

3.A.up C.in

B.over D.down B.retirement D.school 答案 C 根据上文的“a day's hard work”可知,“我”正在考虑下班后做什么。故答案 B 根据下文第9空前的“she called me over again”的提示可知,她把“我” 20 叫过去。故选B。

4.A.dinner C.talk(talk)。故选C。

5.A.disappointedly C.hopefully

B.excitedly D.anxiously B.date D.discussion 答案 C 根据下文的“She started chatting to me”可推知,她让“我”和她交谈答案 B 根据下文的“She showed me her new shoes,dress,and her most favorites”可推知,她应该是很兴奋地(excitedly)说。故选B。

6.A.prepared C.paid

B.sought D.thanked 答案 B 根据下文的“I told her I loved them very much”可知,她寻求(sought)“我”对她的这些东西的看法。故选B。

7.A.thought about C.spent on

B.separated from D.exchanged for 答案 A 根据后文中“我”对这些物品的评论,可知是“我”如何看待这些东西。think about“考虑”;separate from“和„„分开”;spend on“花费”;exchange for“交换”。故选A。

8.A.healthy C.beautiful 9.A.shoes C.dishes

B.wise D.wealthy B.dresses D.rings 答案 C 根据语境可知,“我”告诉她,她戴上它们是多么漂亮(beautiful)。故选C。

答案 D 根据第6空前面的“two big shiny dress rings”以及本句中的“pulling off one of her __9__”可知,此处指“摘下其中的一个戒指”。故选D。

10.A.placed C.cast 11.A.though C.for 折关系。故选B。

12.A.love C.abandon(love)它。故选A。

13.A.most fashionable C.most reasonable

B.sweetest D.newest B.recommend D.praise B.fixed D.pushed B.but D.or 答案 A 根据语境可知,她把戒指放(placed)在“我”的手中。故选A。

答案 B 根据“It's my favorite,__11__I want you to have it”可知,前后为转答案 A 根据“It's my favorite”可知,小女孩很爱它,她觉得“我”会像她一样爱答案 B 这难道不是最让人愉悦的(sweetest)事情之一吗?故选B。14.A.later C.shorter 15.A.liked C.saw

B.longer D.earlier B.hated D.booked 答案 D 一小时之前(earlier),她还告诉“我”她是多么爱它们。故选D。

答案 A 根据“I told her I loved them very much”可知,因为“我”说“我”喜欢(liked)它们,她下决心和“我”分享她的最爱。故选A。

16.A.instruction C.appearance

B.intention D.interest 答案 B 为了不辜负她的好意,“我”很高兴地接受了。instruction“指令”; intention“意图,目的”;appearance“外表”;interest“兴趣”。故选B。

17.A.bill C.promise 18.A.women C.adults 19.A.achieved C.avoided 20.A.recorders C.reminders

B.statement D.feeling B.children D.customers B.abolished D.admired B.reforms D.remains 答案 C “我”感谢了她并给了她一个“我”请客的承诺(promise)。故选C。

答案 B 根据下文的“our kids give us”可知,应该填children。故选B。

答案 D 根据语境可知,此处指孩子的这种天性确实是值得敬佩和珍爱的。故选D。

答案 C 我们是幸运的,因为孩子们给予我们的爱每天都在提醒我们。故选C。


1.customer n.顾客

2.physically adv.身体上;物理地 P重点短语

1.think about 考虑2.share with 与„„分享

Cloze 4


[2017·郴州测试]My friend Mary was __1__ breast cancer.Her husband, Jack, called to tell me she was in the __2__.I spent as much time with them as I __3__ in the next couple of weeks.I held her hand and __4__ her favorite poetry until she fell asleepP1.I helped where I could, __5__ my most important contributionW1 was supporting Jack because Mary was his second wife.Jack was losing to this horrible disease.He was brave and __6__,but I could 22 see that he was__7__.Jack was a very quiet man and seldom complainedW2.I gently asked what was wrong.Near __8__,finally he said,“Well, I just feel so bad that I don't have the house __9__ so she could die at home, I didn't expect her to __10__ so quickly.”

“What would she have at home that she doesn't have here?” I asked.He thought for a moment and then said, “Music and her __11__,Butterscotch.”

That day, music was easily provided with my CD player.He asked a nurse about bringing inP2 the cat but was determinedly __12__.I suggested he go higher—to the __13__ if necessary.The next day I walked in to see Mary and Jack with happy__14__.Lying next to Mary was a purring(喵喵叫)ball of fur in the color of butterscotch.Jack had__15__ until he received instructions from the hospital administrator to “be careful”.

When Butterscotch jumped out of Jack's__16__,he said Mary was as happy as he'd ever seen her.She was __17__.And so was he.After Mary died, the nurse came in to prepare the __18__.She said, “It was a pleasure to come here—for all of us.The __19__ was palpable(可感知的).I wish more of our patients could die in this kind of environment.” I do__20__.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者的朋友玛丽病危,她的丈夫在医院陪伴着她,作者也竭尽所能帮助他们。后来,玛丽的丈夫希望她在医院能有家一样的感觉,于是病房里有了音乐还有玛丽喜爱的猫,这让玛丽圆满地度过了生命中最后的日子。

1.A.resulting in C.beginning with

B.focusing on D.dying of 答案 D 根据第9空后的“so she could die at home”及最后一段的“AfterMary died”可知,玛丽已经到了生命的最后时刻。result in意为“导致”;focus on意为“集中(注意力、精力等)于”;begin with意为“开始”;die of意为“死于”。故选D。

2.A.church C.school 3.A.could C.must

B.hospital D.bed B.would D.need 答案 B 根据下文内容可知,玛丽此时已经在医院(hospital)了。故选B。

答案 A 句意:在接下来的几周,我花尽可能多的时间陪着他们。as...as I can/could是固定搭配,意为“尽可能„„”,此处指过去的事情,应该用could。

4.A.handed C.read

B.wrote D.burned 答案 C 根据空后的“her favorite poetry until she fell asleep”可知,作者给玛丽读(read)她最喜欢的诗歌,直到她睡着。故选C。

5.A.but C.and

B.so D.or 答案 A 句意:我尽可能地帮助他们,但是,我最重要的贡献是安慰杰克,因为玛丽是 他的第二任妻子。根据句意可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故选A。

6.A.selfish C.selfless

B.low D.simple 答案 C 句意:他勇敢而且无私,但是我能看得出,他很苦恼。selfish意为“自私的”;low意为“消沉的”;selfless意为“无私的”;simple意为“简单的”。并列连词and连接两个意义相近的词,只有C项与brave意义相近。故选C。

7.A.recognized C.ignored

B.respected D.troubled 答案 D 句意参见上一题解析。根据下文的“I gently asked what was wrong”可知,作者看出了杰克的苦恼。recognize意为“认出”;respect意为“尊重”;ignore意为“忽视”;trouble意为“使烦恼”。故选D。

8.A.laughter C.disappointment

B.tears D.happiness 答案 B 根据下文中的“feel so bad”可以推断出,杰克感到很愧疚,因此,回答作者时几乎快哭了。laughter意为“笑声”;tear意为“眼泪”;disappointment意为“失望”;happiness意为“快乐”。只有B符合语境。

9.A.ready C.clean

B.empty D.tidy 答案 A 根据本句中的“so she could die at home”可推知,杰克没有准备好(ready)房子。故选A。empty意为“空的”;clean意为“干净的”;tidy意为“整洁的”。

10.A.miss C.reduce

B.increase D.fail 答案 D 根据语境可知,玛丽病情恶化,她的丈夫没想到她会衰弱得这么快。miss意为“错过”;increase意为“增加”;reduce意为“减少”;fail意为“(视力、记忆、健康等)衰退”。故选D。

11.A.cat C.toy A。

12.A.admitted C.refused

B.blamed D.taken B.dog D.neighbor 答案 A 根据第12空前的“bringing in the cat”可知,此处指“猫”(cat)。故选答案 C 根据“but”及下文的“I suggested he go higher—to the __13__ if necessary”可知,此处应是被护士断然拒绝(refused)。故选C。admit意为“允许进入”;blame意为“责备”;take意为“带走,拿走”。

13.A.doctors C.top

B.nurses D.government 答案 C 根据下文的“the hospital administrator”可知,杰克最后找到了医院的管理人员。由此可知,在遭到护士的拒绝后,作者建议他去找医院的上层管理人员。故选C。


B.shouts C.airs 和猫,玛丽和杰克都很开心。故选D。

15.A.ordered C.suggested

D.smiles 答案 D 根据下文的“Mary was as happy as he'd ever seen her”可知,有了音乐

B.insisted D.explained 答案 B 根据语境可知,护士断然拒绝了杰克把猫带进病房的请求,然后作者建议他去找上层管理人员,杰克最终把猫带了进来。由此可知,他一直在坚持(insisted)。故选B。order意为“命令”;suggest意为“建议”;explain意为“解释”。

16.A.shoes C.care

B.bag D.sight 答案 B 根据语境可知,当猫从杰克包里跳出来的时候,玛丽又像从前那么开心了。此处应该是指杰克把猫带来的那一刻,只有“包”能带猫。故选B。

17.A.regretful C.doubtful

B.sad D.complete 答案 D 根据上文中的happy可知,此处应该是快乐开心圆满的情绪。regretful意为“后悔的”;sad意为“伤心的”;doubtful意为“怀疑的”;complete意为“圆满的”。故选D。

18.A.luggage C.medicine 19.A.love C.service

B.body D.music B.scene D.disease 答案 B 在玛丽死后,护士进来整理遗体(body)。故选B。

答案 A 根据上文中的“pleasure”及下文的“I wish more of our patients could die in this kind of environment”可知,此处指的是love,只有爱才能被人感知。故选A。

20.A.already C.too

B.thus D.either 答案 C 此处应是作者同意护士所说的话,也这么认为。do指代 agree。already意为“已经”;thus意为“因此”;too修饰动词,意为“也”;either意为“也(不)”。故选C。


1.contribution n.贡献;捐赠2.complain v.抱怨;申诉 P重点短语

1.fall asleep 入睡

2.bring in 领„„进来;引进;赚(钱)







B.大气主要的直接热源 D.大气的热力运动

2.甲箱温度比乙箱温度高的原因是()A.太阳辐射强弱差异 C.地面辐射强弱差异

B.大气吸热强弱差异 D.大气辐射强弱差异

解析:1.B 2.C 实验的结论是底部放土的玻璃箱比没有放土的气温足足高了3℃,主要原因是土对气温升高起了决定性作用,验证了地面是大气主要的直接热源。



B.垂直方向气流:A处上升,B处下沉 C.B地温度低,气压高 D.水平方向气流:由A流向B 4.若A位于海洋,B位于陆地,则此时()A.为白天,吹海风 C.为夜晚,吹海风

B.为白天,吹陆风 D.为夜晚,吹陆风

解析:3.D 4.A 第3题,图示为近地面等压面分布状况,由冷热不均导致,读图分析,A地气压高,温度低。A错。垂直方向气流,A处下沉,B处上升,B错。B地气压低,温度高,C错。水平方向气流由A流向B,D对。第4题,若A位于海洋,B位于陆地,则海洋是高压,陆地是低压。风从高压吹向低压,所以为白天,吹海风,A对。(2015·黄冈中学模拟)下图为地中海地区冬雨率等值线图(冬雨率为冬季降水量占全年降水量的百分率,单位:%)。读图,回答5~6题。

5.下列关于地中海地区冬雨率等值线的分布规律的叙述,正确的是()A.自北向南冬雨率递减 C.自西北向东南冬雨率递增

B.从内陆向沿海冬雨率递减 D.自沿海向内陆冬雨率递增


B.东南部受西南季风影响时间长,冬雨率高 C.的黎波里的冬雨率远高于雅典


解析:5.C 6.D 第5题,根据图中冬雨率等值线大小及分布状况可知,地中海地区冬雨率等值线的分布规律是自西北向东南冬雨率递增,C正确。第6题,根据图中信息可知,巴塞罗那的冬雨率低于罗马,A错;东南部受西南季风影响时间短,冬季降水集中,冬雨率高,B错;的黎波里的冬雨率与雅典相同,C错;西北部受盛行西风影响时间长,降水比较均匀,冬季降水比例相对较小,所以冬雨率低,D正确。


7.若X地近地面吹西南风,则该天气系统为()A.北半球的气旋 C.北半球的反气旋

B.南半球的气旋 D.南半球的反气旋

8.当该类强大天气系统控制亚洲大陆时()A.全球气压带和风带位置南移 B.北京寒冷干燥

C.北极处于极昼和极夜过渡时期 D.长江三角洲盛行东南风

解析:7.A 8.D 第7题,X地吹西南风,说明地转偏向力右偏;图示500百帕海拔水平气压为高压中心,则对应地面为低压中心。综合判断,图示天气系统为北半球的气旋。第8题,气旋(印度低压)控制亚洲大陆时,为北半球夏季。全球气压带和风带位置北移,北京炎热多雨,北极处于极昼时期。


9.据图判断甲、乙两地的气候类型分别为()A.热带季风气候、地中海气候 B.热带草原气候、温带海洋性气候 C.热带季风气候、温带海洋性气候 D.热带草原气候、地中海气候

解析:选D 该地1月气温高于7月气温,位于南半球;南半球无热带季风气候分布,可排除A、C;甲地全年高温,分明显的干湿两季,为热带草原气候;乙地位于35°S附近,且夏季炎热干燥、冬季温和多雨,为地中海气候。


10.关于图中①②③④四地的叙述,正确的是()A.②地云系较①地窄且薄 C.④地即将出现雨雪天气

B.①地气温比④地高 D.③地气压比①地高

11.关于图中甲、乙两地气压差的最小值,可能是()3 ①0 hPa ②5 hPa ③10 hPa ④15 hPa A.①② C.①③

B.②③ D.②④

解析:10.D 11.A 第10题,由“锋面应出现在低压槽处”可知,①②③④四地位于锋面气旋中,③地气压比①地高;②地受暖锋影响,云系宽厚;④地位于暖锋之后,天气转晴;①地受冷气团控制,气温低。第11题,乙地气压介于1 035~1 040之间,甲的气压则可能为1 020~1 025或1 030~1 035之间的一值,分别与乙值组合可得甲、乙两地气压差介于5~10之间,所以两地气压差最小值为A。

二、综合题(共45分)12.(2015·乐山模拟)阅读下列图文材料,回答有关问题。(25分)因太阳直射点的南北移动,导致在地球上出现了气压带和风带交替控制形成的独特的气候区域,如在下图乙中大约10° N~20° N大陆西部地区以及30°N~40°N大陆西部地区均属这一情况。在30°N~40°N大陆西部地区,夏季受副热带高气压带控制,降水稀少,冬季受西风带控制降水较多。即使在常年受同一大气环流控制地区内的不同地点,大气环流也存在差异。下图甲、乙分别示意气压带和风带的季节移动和欧洲、非洲局部某时刻气压场分布。




(3)北回归线附近及偏南地区(副热带高气压带中心控制区偏南)的大陆西部。说明:夏半年受来自内陆的东北信风控制,降水稀少,冬半年受副热带高气压带控制,降水稀少。或:60°N附近(副极地低气压带偏南)的大陆西部。说明:夏季受西风控制,降水较多,冬季受副极地低气压带控制,降水较多。或:70°N附近(副极地低气压带偏北)的大陆西部。说明: 5 夏季受副极地低气压带控制,降水较多,冬季受极地东风带控制,降水少。








学案三 语言之美——提高作文“颜值”

一、引用诗词名句依然是“增分点” 【边练边悟】


(1)林徽因曾说:“真正的宁静不是避开车马喧嚣,而是在内心修篱种菊,尽管如流往事,每一天都涛声依旧。”真正的宁静是内心的平和,这与“大隐隐于市”是一样的道理。只要内心宁静,便能于车马喧嚣的繁华都市有一个宁静之所。(高考优秀作文《非宁静无以致远》)答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(2)缪尔曾言:走向外界,我发现,其实是走向内心。梭罗扛把斧头,在树林间自给自足地诗意栖居。他修剪门前花树,正如他刈除日常生活中的繁文缛节,如同大自然般自由呼吸与生活。而我们呢,走向支离破碎的外界,确实发现它是我们浮躁内心的外化和映照。当自然之光不再照亮未来,人心将在黑暗中徘徊。(高考优秀作文《蝶失》)答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(1)引用名言+分析论证。首先根据论点的需要,引用恰当的名人名言或古诗文,然后用自己的语言进行分析阐述,搭建起引文与论点之间的桥梁,彰显深度。


二、雕琢细节,于细微处见精神 【边练边悟】



炒米匠望着压力表,轻轻一唤:“要炸喽!”平淡中渗出一丝威猛,把一个三四岁的小女孩吓得哇哇直哭。炒米匠嘴角轻咧,围观的大人倒是笑得前仰后合。只见他娴熟地把炉膛塞入布甲中,手中一根杵棒猛力一拨,“嘭”的一声,白烟缭绕。那孩子破涕为笑。脆脆的香气混合着糖汁软软的清甜让人心旷神怡。(高考优秀作文《薄暮依然炒米香》)答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(1)全方位刻画人物。写记叙文,要时时刻刻提醒自己,在情节发展的过程中,有必要从语言、外貌、神态、行为、心理等各方面去刻画人物,使笔下的人物立体丰满、有血有肉。比如选段就着力描写了炒米匠娴熟的动作、个性化的语言以及神态,让读者仿佛亲眼观看了他爆炒米的过程。(2)细化环境描写,助力作文。环境描写的作用不容小觑,但确是很多考生容易忽略的细节。汪曾祺说:“气氛即人物。”选段调动视觉与听觉,“描写火苗炙燃的嗞嗞声”以及“脆脆的香气”,渲染了爆炒米时的氛围,烘托了人物愉悦的心情,同时也写出了炒米匠给人们带来的欢乐。

三、接地气,摒弃过古人的“复活节” 【边练边悟】



可多数人并未意识到,物质迅速膨胀,世界空前繁荣,这一排光鲜场景背后却是伤痕累累的自然。(高考优秀作文《蝶失》)答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(2)杨绛先生是一位大家闺秀,但她一生都因悲悯之心与平凡的劳苦大众建立友谊。她写《老王》,写一名车夫的不幸,写《林奶奶》,写一名帮佣的坚忍。我相信,每个人都原有杨绛先生一样的善良,只是在一次次沟通不畅的付出爱的行动中,灰了心。(《细心呵护生命》)答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(1)开拓“海外市场”。数据显示,一部分考生已经将引用或举例的范围投向了“海外市场”,这也不失为一种避免“撞车”的好办法。文段引用索尔仁尼琴的名言,虽然他是“大咖”,但是深入了解他的考生并不多。另外,相对小众的不太知名的经典人物也可以大胆地“收为己用”。






(1)从陌生人到一家人的距离,也许只是一瓦一檐,一蔬一汤,愿砺砺尘路,相亲相爱 答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(2)我们不想长大,却一定会长大,而我们不想变老,就可以永远年轻/用一生来探求和世界的关系,不急,它不是拳击手,我们也不是橡皮泥。

答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(3)有一位流浪汉,哥伦布,五百年前年轻气盛的他,相信地球是圆的。为了寻求航海援助,一路从意大利流浪而来。



答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(4)也许,每个人都是孤单的史努比 也许,一上场,队友就变成了对手 可是,胜利,有时候又不是因为战斗 只是因为学会了,勇敢地举起白旗和自己的手

答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________(5)就像所有恶作剧里的主角,结尾都会有一个幸福的亮点/人生里,学会和麻烦过招,它们也许就成了点赞之交。

答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(1)意向叠加营造感情张力。










【文题】 [2016·全国卷Ⅲ]阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。经历几年试验,小羽在传统工艺的基础上推陈出新,研发出一种新式花茶并获得专利。可是批量生产不久,大量假冒伪劣商品就充斥市场。小羽意识到,与其眼看着刚兴起的产业这么快就走向衰败,不如带领大家一起先把市场做规范。于是,她将工艺流程公之于众,还牵头拟定了地方标准,由当地有关部门发布推行。这些努力逐渐见效,新式花茶产业规模越来越大,小羽则集中精力率领团队不断创新,最终成为众望所归的致富带头人。


材料解读 从材料看,促成小羽成功的因素很多,可以就某一方面立意,也可以综合立意。单从某一方面来谈小羽的成功,似乎稍嫌疏漏,但仔细考察,小羽成功的各个因素之间是互相关联的,如果考生兼顾几方面来谈,驾驭不好的话,文章难免流于疏散而不够聚焦。那怎么办呢?笔者的看法是,聚焦主要矛盾,以小羽成功的其中一个主要原因来统率其他因素。譬如,从创新的角度切入,可以统率诚信、规则、合作、共享等因素。小羽本来是靠创新而获得专利的,但是“批量生产不久”,即遇到了新矛盾——“假冒伪劣产品充斥市场”。是选择放弃任由假货泛滥,自己再另辟蹊径,还是不惜成本同制假售假者打一场持久战?从常规思维出发,小羽只能非此即彼。但是如果任选其一,对小羽而言,都是无奈的。怎么办呢?小羽做出了超出常规的举动:将工艺流程公之于众,带领大家将市场做规范。这不就是创新之中又统率了合作、共享与规则吗?“在这些努力逐渐见效后,小羽则集中精力率领团队不断创新,最终成为众望所归的致富带头人。”最后的成功还是回到创新这一主因上了。“创新—诚信—共享—规则—创新”,如此,“抓住牛鼻子”展开论证,就可以圆满完成“小 4 羽成功主要靠的是什么?”这一写作任务了。







立意分析 综合上述分析,从不同的角度,可以确定以下立意方向: 1.唯有创新,才是成功的永久驱动力(创新)2.创新永无止境(创新)3.独享与共享(共享、合作)4.独富乐不如与众富乐(共享、合作、友善、共赢)5.一枝独秀不是春,万紫千红春满园(责任、担当、合作、共享)6.社会责任,家国情怀(责任、担当)综合立意示例:





而要在大享中又能站得比别人高一砖,须必备一些方法,也是现在很多企业所匮乏的方 法。在大大小小的企业和公司中曾流行过这么一句话,“一流创新,二流模仿,三流盲从”,反映的就是要凝聚起一个富有激情和活力的生产团队,在创新中改进工艺流程,培育工匠精神。持之以恒,脱颖而出也是大享胸怀的一种,正如小羽率领团队创新花茶工艺。






出彩理由 立意精准,时代感强。文章从小羽将自己的专利技术公之于众的方向立意,提出“乐于分享”这个关键词,并密切联系当代经济发展的现状,区分“小享”“大享”的境界之高下,立意准确高远,弘扬时代主旋律。




答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(示例)我们不想被束缚,却必定活在束缚之中。而我们拒绝羁绊,就可以永 6 远自由。正如卡夫卡在《误入世界》中说:“因为你必须穿越这片沙漠,不自由,因为无论哪条路,由于奇谜般的特点,必然令你触及这片沙漠的每一寸土地。但你的意志是自由的。”这就是说:想要穿越沙漠时,是自由的,因为可以选择穿越的道路。自由来源于可以选择,可以取舍。


答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(示例)有个不自量力的人,愤世嫉俗的他与族人一起被关在漫无边际的大铁笼里。他本可安然地做一个治病救人的医生,衣食无忧,甚至功成名就,然而他却偏偏想要用手中的笔,发出最振聋发聩的呐喊,叫醒铁笼子里沉睡或者装睡的人。有人因而诅咒他,谩骂他,甚至打击他,迫害他,当然,在幽暗的角落里,也有人暗自佩服他。当最黑暗的时刻过去,微光渐渐透进来的时候,偶有人记起,他是如何奋力呐喊,又如何在漫漫黑夜里,给中国点亮了微弱的火把。


答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(示例)在人生的旅途中,有些事,只能一个人做;有些关,只能一个人过;有些路,只能一个人走。所以每个人,都要学会和自己做朋友。得意的时候,敬自己一杯酒;失意的时候,摸摸自己的头;难过的时候,陪灵魂走一走;挫折的时候,劝自己别放手。唯有陪自己走过的光阴,才会真正变成属于自己的岁月。


答:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 答案精析(示例)苦难总是不期而至,她面目狰狞,却偏偏对你死缠烂打。她讨好你,信誓旦旦说要嫁给你,你被吓得不轻,差点得了心脏病,也唯有振奋精神,和她斗智斗勇。而当有一天,你终于摆脱了她,走向更远更阳光的未来,却在不经意间蓦然回首之时,发现她摘下面具,变成了美丽的女神。有时候,磨砺你是因为很爱你。



一 表示地点时 at, in, on 的区别 My uncle lives _____ 116 Changhe Street.His room is ___

the sixth floor.A.at;on



D.of;to Notes: ★ at 表示在较小的地方(村庄, 小城镇,门牌);

在某物旁(不确定的地方)★ in 表示在较大的地方(国家,城市);在某物范围内.(地点的排列顺序是由小到大.★ on 表示在某物上(表面接触);road 前用on, street前用

in/on;楼层用on;farm前用on, field前用in.二 表示时间时 at, in, on的区别 The train leaves ___ 6:00pm, so I have to be at the station _____

5:40 at the latest.A.at;until



D.before;around 3 The old man died ____ cold ____ a cold night.A.from;at



D.for;during 4 The railway was opened ____ traffic ____ April 4, 1985.A.to;on



D.for;on ★ at表示时间点(在几点,中午;午夜;夜里;某日期或一段时 间的开头或结尾)(at sunrise;at the weekend;at Christmas)★ on 表示在特定的某一天或某天的上午,下午,晚上等 ★ in 表示一段时间.后接月,年,季等表一段时间的名词.三 表持续时间的since, for, in, after的区别 His father will be back from London ____ a few days.A.since



D.after 6

---How long has the bookshop been in business?

---_____ 1987.A.After



D.Since 7 The touch they had both kept in ____ many years broke.A.for



D.with ★ since 接过去的某时间点, 常用于完成时.★ for 接一段具体的时间, 常用于完成时.★ in + 一段时间与非延续性动词连用,表一段时间以后,多

用于将来时;与延续性动词连用,表一段时间内,时态不限.★ after + 一段时间,常用于过去时.四 表方位的介词in, on, to, off的区别 Guangdong lies ___ the south of China and Fujian is

___ the east of it.Hainan is _____ the coast of the




D.in;to;away ★ in 表示在境内.★ on 表示相邻或在边界上, 不在境内.★ to 表示在境外, 不接壤.★ off 表示在海面上靠近海岸的地方.五 表示运动方向或目的的介词

____ the gate and you’ll find the entrance ___ the park ___ the other side.A.Through;to;on B.Along;of;on C.Down;to;at

D.Up;of;by 10 Early ___ the morning of May 1, we started off ___ the mountain




D.on;for ★ across 表示穿过物体表面,或横过.★ through 表示在某一空间通过,或纵向穿过.★ along 表示沿着一条线平行.★ up 表示向上,由南到北,由东到西,由沿海到内陆,由小地方到大地方,由农村到城市.反之则用down.★ to 表示动作的目的地;towards指朝向,无到达的意思;for表示前往的目的,连用的动词有leave, start off, set out, head, sail 等.六 表示除----之外的介词 He usually goes to work on time _____.A.except for raining days

B.besides it rains

C.but that it rains

D.except on rainy days ★ besides 表示包含, 除---之外还有---★ except 表示排除, 除----之外

★ but 表示排除, 多与nobody, none, no one, nothing,anything, everyone, all, who 等连用.★ except for 表示除去整体中的部分, “只是, 只不过”

__________ basketball, I like playing Pingpang.You have no choice _________ work hard.Li Long is a good student ________________ his laziness.七 介词 among 和 between 的区别 He divided the sweets _____ the children who were divided ___

three groups.A.in;in



D.among;into ★ among 表示三个或以上的人或物之间,后接复数名词或

集体名词.★ between 用于两者之间, 或三个以上的两两之间(具体的名词已经列出)He divided the sweets ____________ L Nl, L Cl and Y Mh.八 表示价格,比率,标准,速度的介词

★ at 表示价值,价格, 比率或速度, 表单价.★ for 表示交换, 指总价钱

★ by 表示度量单位或标准.后接表计量单位的名词一般是单数,前面需加定冠词the.数词或复数名词前不加.We are flying _______ a speed of 400kms/hr.I bought these books ______ 5 dollars each.I bought these books _______ 30 dollars.He is paid _______ the week.Eggs are sold ______ the dozen.



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