广州版三年级英语下册 Book2 Unit7 词组练习

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第一篇:广州版三年级英语下册 Book2 Unit7 词组练习

Book 2 Unit 7 词组练习


A.appleB.nearC.sevenD.orangeE.under F.twoG.fiveH.besideI.eightJ.three

K.bananaL.fourM.pearN.sixO.in front of


1.fruits(水果):_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

2.numbers.(数字):_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

3.Perp.(方位介词):_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


1.一颗葡萄____ g_________/两颗葡萄t_____ g________

2.一根香蕉____ b__________/三根香蕉t_______ b___________

3.一个苹果a____ a_________/五个苹果f_______ a__________

4.一个橙a____ o__________/六个橙s______ o__________

5.一只眼睛a____ e________/八只眼睛e_______ e_______

6.一只耳朵a____ e________/十只耳朵t_____ e________

7.一些苹果s_______ a_________

8.一些香蕉s_______ b___________

9.我想要____ w________......10.我想要一些苹果。____ w________ s_______ a__________.11.我想要一些香蕉。____ w________ s_______ b_____________.12.我可以要...吗?M_____ ___ h_______......?

13.我可以要一些梨吗?M______ ____ h_______ s_______ p_________?

14.我可以要一些葡萄吗?M______ ____ h_______ s_______ g_________?

15.我们有....吗?D____ w____ h______......?

16.我们有香蕉吗? D____ w____ h_______ b___________?

17.我们有苹果吗? D____ w____ h_______ a_________?

18.你喜欢什么?W_______ d____ y______ l________?


Mudule4-Unit 7


1)one pen—three2)one orange—two

3)one pear—five4)one boy—seven

5)one cat—six6)one desk—two

7)one book—some8)one ball—some

9)one bus—four10)one robot—two



1)I haveEnglish books in my rooms.2)I don’t have brothers,I have a sister.3)This orange isme.Your orange is on the table.4)We have some bananasoranges at home.5)We don’t have purple crayons.Let’s colour the grapes green,.6)you have green pears?

7)Is this a pictureyour pet(宠物)dog?

8)What colour do you?


Unit 1

colourful flowers 五颜六色的花

the birds in the trees树上的鸟

The best time for swimming 游泳最好的时间

make a snowman 堆雪人

fly a kite 放风筝

go skiing 去滑雪

plant flowers 种花

play outdoors 在户外玩耍 go camping 去露营

Unit 2

the summer holidays 暑假

the winter holidays 寒假

visit me for the summer holidays 放暑假来看我 I don’t understand.我不明白。

the middle of winter 隆冬

have a summer holiday 放暑假

I see.我明白了

go swimming 去游泳

too cold to swim 太冷了游不了泳

every day 每天

Unit 3

What’s the date today? 今天几号?

the first of June.六月一号 see a film 看场电影

don’t forget 别忘了

go to his home for a party去他家参加派对

anything else important 其它重要的事情

something else important 其它重要的事情

have an English test 进行英语考试

visit the museum 参观博物馆

have a sports meeting 开运动会

the school open day 学校开放日

Unit 4

next week 下个星期

travel to Hainan 到海南旅游

early in the morning 一大早

go for a picnic 去野餐

go mountain climbing 去爬山

all day 一整天

go shopping 去购物

play on the beach 在海滩上玩 can’t wait to...迫不及待...camp under the stars 在星空下露营 fly back home 飞回家

at noon 中午

the next day 第二天

be sure 确信

have a good time 玩得开心

Unit 5

go on a picnic 去野餐

sounds great 听起来很棒

no problem.没问题

next time 下次

have a party 开派对

see a film 看场电影

football match 足球比赛

watch a football match 看足球赛

go shopping 去购物

Unit 6

come together 聚在一起

have fun 玩得开心

a surprise party 惊喜派对

meeting room 会议室

see you at the party 派对上见

Unit 7

go travelling 去旅游

go by train 乘火车去

Window of the World 世界之窗

Happy Valley 欢乐谷

come back home 回家

Unit 8

Ben’s first trip to Beijing Ben的第一次北京之旅

come by plane 乘飞机来

go there on foot 步行去那儿

have dinner together 一起吃晚饭 the Great Wall 长城

drive to the Great Wall 开车去长城 take some photos 拍照片

the Summer Palace 颐和园

talk a walk 散步

around the lake 围绕着湖边

Chinese clothes 唐装

fly back home 飞回家

Unit 9

come on 无实意,表示催促、提醒、鼓励、不耐烦等

be careful 小心

get hurt 受伤

You’re right.你是对的。

cut yourself割到你自己

Watch out!小心!

fall down 摔倒

help someone do something 帮组某人做某事 dry the floor 把地板弄干

climb a tree 爬树

get sick 生病

feed the animals 给动物喂食

Unit 10

cross the street 横过街道

traffic lights 交通灯

safety crossing 安全通道

cross the road 横穿马路

climb trees 爬树

run on the stairs 在楼梯上奔跑

take money or candy from strangers 接受陌生人的钱或糖果 strangers in the street 街上的陌生人

in trouble 处于麻烦当中

leave the school 离开学校

during school hours 在上学时间内

Unit 11

Oh dear!天啊!

be lost 迷路

over there 那边

Excuse me.礼貌用语,用于引起对方注意。Of course.当然

Let me see.让我想想。

go straight ahead 向前直走

turn right 向右转

at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口

on the left/right 在左/右边

The third building on your right 右手边的第三栋建筑

Next to...紧挨着...Thank you so much!非常感谢你!

on the right/left of...在...的右边/左边

Unit 12

in front of...在...前面

look at...看着...in ten minutes 十分钟之内

get there 到达那里

Don’t worry.别担心。别着急。

short cut 近路

get to...到达

turn left 向左转

turn left out of their house 出家门向左转

take the first right 在第一路口向右转

take him a different way 带他走一条不同的路

the main street 主街

turn left into the park 左转进公园

walk through the park 穿过公园

the front gate 前门

walk out of the front gate 从前门走出来

look at his watch 看手表

can’t believe it 难以置信

on time 准时

You’re really great.你真了不起。你真棒。



猎德小学 罗觅贤

Unit 1 1.假日照片:holiday photos 2.看:look at / have a look 3.玩球的游戏:play ball games 4.„„岁:„year(s)old

5.老实告诉你:to tell you the truth 6.做家务:do housework 7.吃早餐:have breakfast 8.吃午餐:have lunch 9.吃晚餐:have dinner 10.唱歌:sing a song 11.看电视:watch TV

Unit 2 12.生日快乐:Happy birthday!13.一个新的电脑游戏:a new computer game 14.仅仅是开玩笑:only joking 15.戴着一顶生日帽:wear a birthday hat 16.送给她一份生日礼物:give her a birthday present 17.送给她一张生日卡:give her a birthday card 18.吹灭生日蜡烛:blow out the birthday candles 19.切生日蛋糕:cut the birthday cake 20.吃生日蛋糕:eat the birthday cake 21.玩聚会游戏:play party games

Unit 4 22.听收音机:listen to the radio 23.听音乐:listen to music / play music 24.弹吉他:play the guitar 25.画画:paint a picture 26.看故事书:read a story book 27.使用电脑工作:work on the computer 28.用电脑玩游戏:play games on the computer 29.煮晚饭:cook the dinner 30.玩电脑游戏:play computer games 31.踢足球:play football

Unit 5 32.玩得开心:have fun 33.在那边的那个地方:out there 34.在海里钓鱼:fish in the sea 35.玩音乐器材:play a musical instrument 36.做船的模型:make a model ship 37.下棋:play chess 38.在湖里游泳:swim in the lake

Unit 7 39.校运会:school sports day 40.打篮球:play basketball 41.打乒乓球:play table tennis 42.打羽毛球:play badminton

43.踢足球:play football 44.跳远:do the long jump 45.跳高:do the high jump 46.接过接力棒:get the baton 47.追上,赶上:catch up 48.努力,加油!Go for it!49.挥舞着午餐的盒子:wave a lunch box 50.横穿跑道:run across the field 51.摔倒,跌到:fall over

Unit 8 52.运动明星:sports stars 53.擅长于:be good at 54.第三十六届世界乒乓球锦标赛:the 36th World Table Tennis Championships 55.第四十三届锦标赛:the 43rd World Championships 56.金牌:gold medals 57.世界纪录创造者:a setter of a world record 58.举重:weight-lifting 59.奥林匹克竞赛:Olympic Games 60.中国女运动员:Chinese women athletes

Unit 10 61.一部校园戏剧:a school play 62.校服:school uniform 63.一个好主意:a good idea 64.去商店:go to the shop 65.欢迎„„:welcome to„ 66.观看戏剧:watch a play 67.欣赏音乐会:enjoy a concert 68.看电影:see a film 69.听录音带:listen to the tape 70.表演一部戏剧:act out a play

Unit11 71.打开:turn on 72.音乐节目:music programmes 73.电视话剧:TV plays 74.运动节目:sport programmes 75.米老鼠和唐老鸭:Micky Mouse And Donald Duck 76.看新闻:watch the news 77.听新闻:listen to news

Unit 13 78.一片土司:a piece of toast 79.一碗米饭:a bowl of rice 80.一瓶牛奶:a bottle of milk 81.一杯茶:a cup of tea 82.一碟面条:a plate of noodles 83.一杯水:a glass of water 84.一瓶橙汁:a bottle of orange juice 85.一杯咖啡:a cup of coffee 86.一袋鸡蛋:a bag of eggs 87.一盒署条:a box of chips 88.一箱苹果:a box of apples

Unit 14 89.没问题:no problem 90.炒饭:fried rice 91.烤牛肉:roast beef 92.煎蛋:fried eggs 93.炒面:fried noodles 94.白菜汤:Chinese Cabbage soup

Unit 16 95.一千克„::a kilo of 96.半千克:half a kilo 97.写一份购物清单:make a shopping list



How old are you? I am„(years old).How old is„? He /She is „(years old).2.描写外貌的:

He / She looks young/ beautiful/ handsome/slim„


Happy birthday!Thank you!/ Thanks!


How many +名词的复数 are there? There is one./ There are two / three„


somebody(某人)be good at(doing)something(某事)例子:I’m good at playing table tennis.You’re good at maths.Tom is good at swimming.6.激励、表扬的: That’s great!

Our Chinese team is great.Well done!Our team is the winner.7.表达“某人喜欢什么”的句子结构: somebody like sth / doing something e.g: I like playing chess.You like apples.They like swimming.He / She likes watching the news on TV.He / She likes animal toys.8.表达自己的想法: I am sure„ I think„

9.询问别人的想法: What’s your idea? What / How about you? What’s wrong? Do you„?

10.询问别人是否喜欢吃某些食物的句子 Do you like„?

婉转的询问:Would you like / have some„? 回答方式:

应允:Yes, please./ OK./ Yes, I do./ Thank you./ Thanks.拒绝:No, thanks / thank you./ Sorry, I don’t like„

11.询问别人想吃什么或者想喝什么: What do you like to eat / drink? What do you want for startwes? 回答: I like„

No, thank you / thanks.Nothing for me, thanks..12.询问价钱的句子: How much is the„? It’s „yuan / dollar(s)/ pound(s)/ cent(s).How much are the„? They’re„yuan / dollar(s)/ pound(s)/ cent(s).How much does the„cost? It cost„yuan / dollar(s)/ pound(s)/ cent(s).How much do „cost? They cost„yuan / dollar(s)/ pound(s)/ cent(s).13.顾客表达满意的句子:

They look good./ It looks fresh, They’re really fresh./ It’s really fresh.不满意的:

They’re / It’s too small / big.They look / It looks bad / not so good.14.售货员的销售用语::

Can I help you? / What can I do for you? Do you want some „? / Do you want anything else? Anything else? Here’s your change.Who’s next, please?

15.顾客的购物用语: I want „ I’d like„

They look / It looks„

How much is it / are they / is the„ / are the„? How much do / does„cost? Here’s the money.No, that’s it.16.付款和找回零钱的表达: A: Here’s the money.B: Here’s your change.三至六年级各单元附加词汇及短语

三年级上附加词: Olympics, neck, knee, tongue, notebook, glue, sellotape, scissors, marker, South Africa, light blue, dark green, underground, trolley bus, train, oval, hexagon, diamond(奥林匹克运动.脖子.膝.舌头.笔记本.胶水.透明胶带.剪刀.标记.南非.浅蓝.深绿.地铁.有轨电车.火车.椭圆.六角形.钻石)

三年级下附加词: Malaysia/Malaysian, niece, nephew, rooster, Egypt/Egyptian, PRC=The People’s Republic of China, USA=The United States of America, UK=The United Kingdom, Mexico/Mexican, New Zealand/New Zealander, Spain/Spanish, Italy/Italian, poster, mirror, Korea, shower, sink, cupboard, drawer(马来西亚/马来西亚人.侄女.侄子.公鸡.埃及/埃及人.中华人民共和国.美利坚合众国.英国.墨西哥/墨西哥人.新西兰/新西兰人.西班牙/西班牙人.意大利/意大利人.海报.镜子.韩国.阵雨,淋浴.水池.橱柜.抽屉)

四年级上附加词: Gloves, slipper, boot, cardigan, trainer, scarf, unkind, dishonest, impatient, librarian, sailor, accountant, judge, plumber, vet, lifeguard, mechanic, receptionist, wristwatch, a pocket watch, sundial, play tag and chase(手套.拖鞋.靴子.羊毛衫.运动鞋.围巾.不善良的.不诚实的.不耐心的.图书馆管理员.海员.会计.法官.水管工.兽医.救生员.技工.传达员.手表.怀表.日晷.抓人游戏)

四年级下附加词: Zambian, pass the parcel, musical bumps, musical chairs, toddler, a woman in her thirties, elderly, softball, cricket, mask, firework, three-legged race, wheelbarrow race, egg and spoon race, sack race, a pantomime, a theme park, a board game, a nativity play, fascinating, dull, scary, exciting, jam, ham, cereal, sausage, roll, butter, department store, flea market, pumpkin, flour, cabbage, eggplant, salt, turnip, sugar, broccoli(赞比亚(人)的.击鼓游戏.抢座位游戏.初学走路的孩子.三十岁的妇女.过了中年的, 垒球运动, 板球,面具,焰火,双人三腿赛跑,手推车赛跑,手拿勺装鸡蛋行走比赛,套袋跑,英国童话剧,主题公园,格子棋,一个宗教话剧,迷人的, 无趣的, 引起惊慌的,令人兴奋的, 果酱,火腿, 谷类食品,香肠,卷,黄油,百货公司,跳蚤市场,南瓜,面粉,卷心菜,茄子,食盐,芜箐甘蓝,食糖,椰菜)


Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, April Fool’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Mother’s Day, hockey, baseball, dance ballet, recite a poem, do cartwheels, cactus, flowering cherry, lotus, peony, carnation, jasmine, chrysanthemum, daisy, tram, cable car, double-decker bus, trolley-car, trolley-bus, coach, helicopter, ferry, gorilla, koala, shark, swan, beaver, camel, crocodile, Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, St.James’ Park, on the corner, at the end, over the bridge, through the lights(感恩节,圣诞节,愚人节,复活节,万圣节,母亲节,曲棍球,棒球, 芭蕾舞,朗诵一首诗,翻筋斗,仙人掌,樱花,睡莲,牡丹,康乃馨,茉莉, 菊花,雏菊, 有轨电车,电缆车,双层巴士,有轨小汽车,有轨公共汽车,大型游览车,直升机,渡船,大猩猩,树袋熊,鲨鱼,天鹅,海狸,骆驼,鳄鱼,海德公园,摄影者公园, St.詹姆士的公园,在转角处,在...结尾,在桥上,通过交通信号灯)


Sit straight, put one’s hand straight, multimedia, ill(bad)-worse-worst, little-less-least, far-farther-farthest, kiwi, ostrich, penguin, eat three meals a day, biscuit, three sandwiches, a bowl of congee, a slice of bread, typhoon, hurricane(Sit straight,put one’s hand straight,多媒体,几维,鸵鸟,企鹅,一天吃三顿,小饼干,三块三明治,治疗,一碗粥,一片面包,台风,飓风)

六年级上附加词: Vehicle, go camping, go climbing, go sunbathing, go hiking, go cycling, go skiing, manmade fountain, reach 150 meters high, relaxing, modern, peaceful, have sleep-over parties for one’s birthday, get a prize, Boys’ Day, Girls’ Day, at the swimming pool, hopscotch, Frisbee, skateboard, jigsaw puzzle, scooter, invent, receiver, dial tone, insert, press the refund button, get through, discover America, land on the moon, climb to the top of Mount Qomolangma, on Christmas eve, decorate, turkey, Christmas pudding, champagne(交通工具, 去野营,去爬山,去晒日光浴,去徒步旅行,骑自行车,去划雪,喷泉,到达150米高度,放松,现代的,和平的,在某人的生日会上睡觉,得奖,男孩的节日,女孩节,在游泳池,跳房子游戏,飞盘,划板,拼图游戏,划板车,发明,接受者,拨号音,插入,按重拨键,通过,发现美洲,登陆到月球,登上珠穆朗玛峰,平安夜,装饰,火鸡,圣诞布丁,香槟酒)

六年级下附加词: Hundreds of years ago, carriage, tower, skyscraper, castle, mosque, church, all over the world, appear in the ocean, about 270,000 species of higher plants, without plants, breathe the oxygen every minute, woods, branch, root, trunk, composer, perform, prison, politician, architect, coach, dancer, novel, newspaper, magazine, planet, helicopter, parachute, princess, hot air balloon, motorboat, prince, great leader of Chinese people, great communist(几百年前,马车,塔,摩天楼, 城堡,清真寺,教堂,全世界,在海洋中出现,大约270000种更高级的植物,没有植物,每分钟吸氧,森林,分枝,根,树干,作曲家,执行,监狱,政治家,建筑师,教练,舞蹈家,小说,新闻,杂志,行星,直升机,降落伞,公主,热气球,摩托艇,王子,中国人民的伟大领袖,伟大的共产主义者)


Unit 1 How was your holiday? 1.come back to 回到 2.enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 3.enjoy doing 喜欢干什么 4.have a good time玩得高兴 5.call sb.给…打电话 6.a lot of(lots of)许多 7.a book of一册子

8.how about/what about…怎么样 9.see a movie看电影 10.a little/a few一些

11.be interested in对…感兴趣 12.at that time在那时 13.in the playground在操场上 14.at school上学 15.at home在家 16.at work在上班 17.be ill生病 18.be born出生

19.on the same day在同一天 20.write…for…为…而写作

Unit 2 Let’s talk about the past.1.learn about了解 2.learn to do学会干什么 3.learn…from…从哪学到… 4.learn…by doing通过做什么学到… 5.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于… 6.millions of成百万的 7.no more不再 8.talk about sth.谈论…

9.talk with sb./talk to sb.和某人交谈 10.ask sb.(not)to do让某人(别)做…11.be like/look like像 12.make…out of…用…做… 13.make… from用…做… 14.use sth.to do使用…干… 15.get… from 从哪得到什么 16.keep warm取暖 17.dig holes挖坑



Unit 3 There is a park near my home.1.a map/picture /photo of 一张…的地Unit 4 We are going to visit the Great Wall.1.go on a trip 去旅行 图/照片

2.one of +(最高级)+可复…当中一个 3.next to挨着 4.in front of 在…前面 5.on the right/left of在…左右 6.between…and…在…之间 7.be crowded拥挤 8.at weekend在周末 9.move to +地点搬到 10.be happy/glad to do很高兴做… 11.by the way顺便说 12.go along/down…沿…走 13.turn left/right左拐、右拐 14.take the bus乘车 15.get on/off上下车

2.plan to do计划做… 3.in the east of在…东南西北 4.in the west of 5.in the north of 6.in the south of … 7.be far from 离…远

Unit 5 Save our planet 1.all kinks of 所有种类

2.There be…doing…有…正干什么 3.keep…形容词保持…怎样 4.too much/many太多 5.do bad things to…对…做坏事 6.save/waste water节约/浪费水 7.cut down砍伐 8.hunt animals狩猎 9.clear land清理土地

10.be good/kind/friendly/polite to sb.对…好/和蔼/友好/有礼貌

11.tell sb.(not)to do sth.告诉某人(别)做什么

12.take good care oflook after….well好好照顾 13.turn on /off打开/关上

14.leave lights on保持灯着着 15.try to do尽力做…

16.help sb.(to)do帮助某人做什么

17.help sb.with+方面 在哪方面帮助…

18.help to do…帮助做… 19.fly to…飞向…

Unit 6.How do you learn? 1.come to an end结束 2.teach sb.sth.教某人什么 3.in many ways在许多方面 4.make progress取得进步 5.maketoys…制作… 6.take photos/take a photo照相 7.interview people采访… 8.do experiment做实验 9.observe things观察事物 10.visit famous places参观著名地方 11.be able to do能干… 12.be good at擅长…

13.in pairs/groups在对子/小组

14.solve problems解决问题

15.obey social rules遵守公共规则

16.be pleased with对…满意 17.do maths problems做数学题 18.help each other互相帮助 19.work hard at…在哪方面努力学习3

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