曾荫权-世界贸易组织第6次部长级会议 演讲稿

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第一篇:曾荫权-世界贸易组织第6次部长级会议 演讲稿

Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, at the Inaugural Session of the Sixth

Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization(WTO)at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre this afternoon(December 13):

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ministers, Director General Mr Lamy, Chair of the General Council Your Excellency Ambassador Mohamed, Honorable Delegates and Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,First of all, I wish to extend a warm Hong Kong welcome to all of you.Hong Kong, China is deeply honored to be the host of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization.This week, under this very roof, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance the existing international trading environment;to generate wealth on a broader and deeper scale globally;and, most important of all, to help alleviate the pain of poverty for millions of people living in the poorer parts of our world.I am pleased that Hong Kong, China is today at the centre of this admirable enterprise.I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of the WTO.It is the only international organization that deals with the rules of trade between economies.It is the rules-based forum at which 149 Member Economies negotiate agreements and resolve disputes over trade issues.The WTO is also a powerful force in countering the currents of protectionism and discrimination which are responsible to a large extent for the economic hardship suffered by less wealthy and less well-endowed economies.And, ultimately, the WTO is a key component in the global effort to attain the United Nations' Millennium Goal of Development in tackling the scourge of poverty and hunger.Nor can I over-emphasize the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong.As a small, externally-oriented economy with no natural resources other than a magnificent deep water port, Hong Kong has relied on free trade and an entrepreneurial and hardworking population to transform this once sleepy fishing village into an international and regional business hub.So I urge you to take some time during the next few days, and after the conference if you can, to look around our great city.You will see why President Bill Clinton once described Hong Kong as Exhibit A in the case for global interdependence and its benefits.As a free trader, our support for the multilateral trading system is unconditional.And it goes back a long way.We became a separate Contracting Party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1986.We were a founding Member of the WTO in 1995.Our Membership did not change after reunification in 1997.Indeed, Hong Kong's continued participation in the WTO, and in international trade agreements under the name of “Hong Kong, China”, is enshrined in the Basic Law, the constitution of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.We treasure the certainty, protection and benefits that the WTO brings to our economy and community.We offered to host this Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference because we recognized that it would become a key staging post to the successful conclusion of the multilateral trade negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.We want to play our part in the collective effort to realize the ambitions of the Round.We regard the WTO members' acceptance of our offer as recognition of our contribution to the multilateral trading system, and an acknowledgement of our competence as a world city in handling whatever challenges that may arise from the Ministerial Conference.We in Hong Kong are determined to make this important event a success.Secretary John Tsang is committed to creating an environment of comfort for all delegates to conduct negotiations freely, frankly and constructively

in the coming days.He has travelled the globe taking part in many of the key meetings which have paved the way for the negotiations that will take place over the next few days.Thousands of men and women in our communityhave been working tirelessly since the WTO accepted our offer to host this Conference two years ago.We have a common

objective: we want to stage a Conference that is well organized, transparent, inclusive, and above all, efficient.The fruits of this community-wide endeavor are now before you.Ladies and gentlemen, we are at an historic juncture.Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO members.While I acknowledge that in some parts of the world this goal is seen as a threat rather than an opportunity, the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda must press ahead.We must vigorously defend the integrity and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system.This Conference is a golden opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective resolve to improve the lives of peoples throughout the world through progressive trade liberalization.That is what we committed ourselves to do when the Round was launched four years ago in Doha.This week, all eyes are on Hong Kong.As host and Chair of the Conference, we will do our utmost to bring about a successful outcome.But we cannot do it ourselves.We are relying on your support and commitment to accomplish this mission.I am sure it will be forthcoming.Thank you.Ends/Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Issued at HKT 15:36






















HONG KONG, CHINA December 2005

First of all, I wish to extend a warm Hong Kong welcome to all of you.Hong Kong, China is deeply honored to be the host of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization.This week, under this very roof, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance the existing international trading environment;to generate wealth on a broader and deeper scale globally;and, most important of all, to help alleviate the pain of poverty for millions of people living in the poorer parts of this world.I am pleased that Hong Kong, China is today at the centre of this admirable enterprise.I cannot emphasize strongly enough the importance of the WTO.It is the only international organization that deals with the rules of trade between economies.It is the rules-based forum at which 149 Member Economies negotiate agreements and resolve disputes over trade issues.The WTO is also a powerful force in countering the currents of protectionism and discrimination which are responsible to a large extent for the economic hardship suffered by less wealthy and less well-endowed economies.And, ultimately, the WTO is a key component in the global effort to attain the United Nations' Millennium Goal of Development in tackling the scourge of poverty and hunger.Nor can I over-emphasize the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong.As a small, externally-oriented economy with no natural resources other than a magnificent deep water port, Hong Kong has relied on free trade and an entrepreneurial and hardworking population to transform this once sleepy fishing village into an international and regional business hub.So I urge you to take some time during the next few days, and after the conference if you can, to look around our great city.You will see why President Bill Clinton once described Hong Kong as Exhibit A in the case for global interdependence and its benefits.As a free trader, our support for the multilateral trading system is unconditional.And it goes back a long way.We became a separate Contracting Party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1986.We were a founding Member of the WTO in 1995.Our Membership did not change after reunification in 1997.Indeed, Hong Kong's continued participation in the WTO, and in international trade agreements under the name “Hong Kong, China”, is enshrined in the Basic Law, the constitution of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.We treasure the certainty, protection and benefits that the WTO brings to our economy and community.We offered to host this Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference because we recognized that it would become a key staging post to the successful conclusion of the multilateral trade negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.We want to play our part in the collective effort to realize the ambitions of the Round.We regard the WTO Members' acceptance of our offer as recognition of our contribution to the multilateral trading system, and an acknowledgement of our competence as a world city in handling whatever challenges that may arise from the Ministerial Conference.We in Hong Kong are determined to make this important event a success.Secretary John Tsang is committed to creating an environment of comfort for all delegates to conduct negotiations freely, frankly and constructively in the coming days.He has traveled the globe taking part in many of the key meetings which have paved the way for the negotiations that will take place over the next few days.Thousands of men and women in our communityhave been working tirelessly since the WTO accepted our offer to host this Conference two years ago.We have a common objective: we want to stage a Conference that is well organized, transparent, inclusive, and above all, efficient.The fruits of this community-wide endeavor are now before you.Ladies and gentlemen, we are at an historic juncture.Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO Members.While I acknowledge that in some parts of the world this goal is seen as a threat rather than an opportunity, the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda must press ahead.We must vigorously defend the integrity and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system.This Conference is a golden opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective resolve to improve the lives of peoples throughout the world through progressive trade liberalization.That is what we committed ourselves to do when the Round was launched four years ago in Doha.This week, all eyes are on Hong Kong.As host and Chair of the Conference, we will do our utmost to bring about a successful outcome.But we cannot do it ourselves.We are relying on your support and commitment to accomplish this mission.I am sure it will be forthcoming.参考译文:





































Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition “The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate” by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR, Mr Donald Tsang at the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)February 5, 2010

Professor and Mrs Kao,Vincent(Dr Vincent Cheng, Council Chairman of CUHK(郑海泉博士,中大校董会主席)),Professor Wah(Professor Benjamin Wah, Acting Vice-Chancellor of CUHK)(华云生教授,中大署理校长),Sir James(Professor Sir James A Mirrlees, Distinguished Professor-at-Large of CUHK and Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences), 莫理斯,中大博文讲座教授,诺贝尔经济学奖得主,Professor Yang(Professor Yang Chen Ning, Distinguished Professor-at-Large of CUHK and Nobel Laureate in Physics),(杨振宁,中大博文讲座教授,诺贝尔物理学奖得主)

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,It is a great pleasure to join you all this morning.It is also a great honour to have Professor and Mrs Kao with us today.A warm welcome back to Hong Kong to both of you.First and foremost, let me extend my congratulations to Professor Kao on receiving the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics.It is worthy recognition of your outstanding work/ and immense contribution to scientific research in optical fibre.I also commend the Chinese University of Hong Kong on its initiative in celebrating Professor Kao's success and achievements/ through a series of events.They are a fitting tribute to Professor Kao.Professor Kao is returning to Hong Kong for the first time as a Nobel Laureate.I am delighted that so many of his friends and colleagues are here to welcome him “home” and enjoy this remarkable occasion.Your presence here is a testament to the success of Professor Kao's career and to the respect he commands/ among his peers and indeed the people of Hong Kong.The title of this exhibition: “The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate” is appropriate and inspiring.I first came to know Professor Kao/ when he joined Chinese University as the Vice-Chancellor in 1987.He won the respect of colleagues and students alike by keeping the channels of communication open, promoting academic freedom and building the institution's strengths as a research-oriented university.The University made great strides during Professor Kao's nine-year tenure /thanks to his unswerving commitment to education.Today, Professor Kao's reputation extends way beyond that of professor or even vice-chancellor.He has been internationally renowned as the “Father of Fibre Optics” and is now a Nobel Laureate.His work has fundamentally transformed lives and the way we learn, play, communicate and conduct business.Equally important, Professor Kao's achievements and commitment have inspired young scientists to dedicate themselves to pushing the boundaries of scientific research.His Nobel Prize also raises public awareness of the importance of innovation, scientific research and the development of technology.I am pleased that Hong Kong has been able to keep up with/ the advancements in information and communications technology/ and I encourage young people to consider Professor Kao as a role model in continuing the technological advances and maintain our city's position as an innovation and technology hub.//To remind our coming generations/ of the personal achievements of Professor Kao in science/ and his contribution to Hong Kong, the SAR Government has decided to name in his honour /a modern architectural element of the Hong Kong Science Park/ as “Charles K Kao Auditorium”.We are very pleased that Professor and Mrs Kao have agreed to attend the naming ceremony in early March.Once again, congratulations to Professor Kao on your Nobel Prize in Physics and a heartfelt thank you to the Chinese University of Hong Kong for organizing this exhibition.I wish Professor and Mrs Kao a most enjoyable stay in Hong Kong and the exhibition a very big success.Thank you very much.

第五篇:中英文 香港特区行政长官曾荫权在WTO香港会议上致辞[推荐]

中英文 香港特区行政长官曾荫权在WTO香港会议上致辞.txt第一次笑是因为遇见你,第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你。香港特区行政长官曾荫权在WTO香港会议上致辞

Address by Donald Tsang at WTO WC6, Hongkong



HONG KONG, CHINADecember 200

5First of all, I wish to extend a warm Hong Kong welcome to all of you.Hong Kong, China is deeply honoured to be the host of the Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation.This week, under this very roof, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance the existing international trading environment;to generate wealth on a broader and deeper scale globally;and, most important of all, to help alleviate the pain of poverty for millions of people living in the poorer parts of this world.I am pleased that Hong Kong, China is today at the centre of this admirable enterprise.I cannot emphasise strongly enough the importance of the WTO.It is the only international organization that deals with the rules of trade between economies.It is the rules-based forum at which 149 Member Economies negotiate agreements and resolve disputes over trade issues.The WTO is also a powerful force in countering the currents of protectionism and discrimination which are responsible to a large extent for the economic hardship suffered by less wealthy and less well-endowed economies.And, ultimately, the WTO is a key component in the global effort to attain the United Nations' Millennium Goal of Development in tackling the scourge of poverty and hunger.Nor can I over-emphasise the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong.As a small, externally-oriented economy with no natural resources other than a magnificent deep water port, Hong Kong has relied on free trade and an entrepreneurial and hardworking population to transform this once sleepy fishing village into an international and regional business hub.So I urge you to take some time during the next few days, and after the conference if you can, to look around our great city.You will see why President Bill Clinton once described Hong Kong as Exhibit A in the case for global interdependence and its benefits.As a free trader, our support for the multilateral trading system is unconditional.And it goes back a long way.We became a separate Contracting Party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1986.We were a founding Member of the WTO in 1995.Our Membership did not change after reunification in 1997.Indeed, Hong Kong's continued participation in the WTO, and in international trade agreements under the name “Hong Kong, China”, is enshrined in the Basic Law, the constitution of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.We treasure the certainty, protection and benefits that the WTO brings to our economy and community.We offered to host this Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference because we recognized that it would become a key staging post to the successful conclusion of the multilateral trade negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda.We want to play our part in the collective effort to realize the ambitions of the Round.We regard the WTO Members' acceptance of our offer as a recognition of our contribution to the multilateral trading system, and an acknowledgement of our competence as a world city in handling whatever challenges that may arise from the Ministerial Conference.We in Hong Kong are determined to make this important event a success.Secretary John Tsang is committed to creating an environment of comfort for all delegates to conduct negotiations freely, frankly and constructively in the coming days.He has travelled the globe taking part in many of the key meetings which have paved the way for the negotiations that will take place over the next few days.Thousands of men and women in our communityhave been working tirelessly since the WTO accepted our offer to host this Conference two years ago.We have a common objective: we want to stage a Conference that is well organized, transparent, inclusive, and above all, efficient.The fruits of this community-wide endeavour are now before you.Ladies and gentlemen, we are at an historic juncture.Trade liberalization and economic growth is a permanent goal for all of us as WTO Members.While I acknowledge that in some parts of the world this goal is seen as a threat rather than an opportunity, the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda must press ahead.We must vigorously defend the integrity and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system.This Conference is a golden opportunity for us to demonstrate our collective resolve to improve the lives of peoples throughout the world through progressive trade liberalization.That is what we committed ourselves to do when the Round was launched

four years ago in Doha.This week, all eyes are on Hong Kong.As host and Chair of the Conference, we will do our utmost to bring about a successful outcome.But we cannot do it ourselves.We are relying on your support and commitment to accomplish this mission.I am sure it will be forthcoming.------------------

















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