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Lesson 7 Areyou a teacher?(text part)


新概念英语是世界闻名的英语教程。本版是该书出版30年来经作者亲自修订的唯一新版。这套经典教材通过完整的英语学习体系,帮助学生掌握英语的4项基本技能--听、说、读、写,使学生能在学习中最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。此第一册《First Things First英语初阶》的学习对象为英语初学者,共有144课。学习者学完后可以达到初级以下和初级的英语水平。



Teaching aims(教学目标)

1.Knowledge aims(知识目标)

a)To help students understand and use the following words and expressions and make simple sentences: name ,what ,nationality ,job ,keyboard ,operator ,engineer ,what’s ,I’m

b)Translate the sentences to understand the sentences patterns: I am a …./My name is …/Are you a…./What is your job?

2.Ability aims(能力目标)

a)Be able to talk about someone’s name,job ,nationality in their daily life using English.b)Develop students’ innovative sense,spirit and ability.3.Emotion aims(情感态度)

a)To improve the ability of cooperative learning.b)Be polite when they are asking question.Important points(重点)

1.Improve students’ reading ability and grasp the new words and new sentences patterns 2.Help students to understand the text.Difficult points(难点)

1.How to use article a and an.2.Ask some one’s name,job ,nationality in English.教学用时

One period 教学方法

1.Task-based approach 采用任务型的教学途径,结合学生的生活经验和兴趣设计相关的任务链,让学生在以个人或小组合作的形式完成任务的过程中学习到相应的语言知识并获得语言能力。

2.Communicative approach


3.Multimedia teaching 充分利用现有的教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生的学习渠道,体改教学效果,本课堂将现代化信息技术与英语课程结合起来,服务于课堂教学。


Step1 Greetings&Lead-in After greeting I will ask for some questions and we will have words dictation which we learnt last period class.And I will start my class.Before starting my class, I will ask some questions to lead in them class.设计意图:通过提问,又一次复习上节课学过的内容,也引出课文话题,激活学生的学习兴趣。

1.你叫什么名字? 2.Are you a French student or Japanese student? 3.Is it an English car or an American car? Step2 Reading In this part,teacher ask students to read the dialogue by yourself.ROBERT: I am a new student.My name’s Robert.SOPHIE: Nice to meet you.My name’sSophie.ROBERT: Are you French? SOPHIE: Yes,I am.SOPHIE: Are you French too? ROBERT: No,I am not.SOPHIE: What nationality are you? ROBERT: I’ am Italian.ROBERT: Are you a teacher? SOPHIE: No, I’m not.ROBERT: What is your job? SOPHIE: I’m key board operator.SOPHIE: What’s your job? ROBERT: I’m an engineer.Step 3 Interpreting After reading teacher and students translate above the dialogue into Chinese all together ,meanwhile the teacher should have to explain the text to the students one sentences and one sentences.Step 4 consolidation 设计意图:在学生对课文进行了充分的理解和欣赏的基础上,让学生再次回归课文,以课文为依托,让学生进行语言输出。这样既是对课文的在理解,也是对语言学习的检测。

T: Now try to read the text again and meanwhile translate it by yourself.T: Ok, let’s read text again, please read after me.After this,teacher let students make some conversations with their partner in English or let them to read the text by role playing.Step5 Home work 设计意图:作业是对课上所学内容的延伸。因此,我设计了两份作业,不但为学生创造了巩固课文,运用语言机会,更重要是发挥自己的想象力对所学的内容进行拓展,进而引导学生对相关知识进行进一步探究,促使学生对已有的知识进行加工整合。

1.Read the text after class and recite the dialogue.2.Make some conversations about job, name,nationality.


Lesson 143 A walk through the woods In this text, we will go to see what is happening in woods.Step 1 Lead in Let ’s listen to the tape and pick out the new word in the text.Step 2 New words and phrases learning In this section, we will learn the text sentence by sentence, word by word.① I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods.be surrounded by surround, be around v.eg: A crowd surrounded him.n.eg: I live in a place which is surrounded by tall buildings.I live in a village which is surrounded by hills.woods, 树林 forest, 森林 ② It is a famous beauty spot.beauty spot, 风景点

tourist attraction, 游览胜地

eg, I have been old that Qingdao is a good tourist attraction.③ On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods.through, prep介词,这是试题中肯定会出现的考点,作为介词其释义很多 1,表示位置,在…之中,在…各处 The earth moves through space.2,表示时间,在…期间 Tom bore up bravely through his father `s illness 3,表示方向,从…的一端到另一端 He went through the forest next day.4,表示状态,经历,度过 He had decided to prolong his visit through the weekend.5,表示方式,凭借,用 I learnt of the position through a newspaper advertisement.6,表示原因,因为,由于 It was through him that I missed my train.7,表示让步,尽管,顶着 The politician struggled to speak through the shouts of the crowd.Through,adv.副词 Can I get through by this road?

adj.形容词 through traffic ④ Visitors have been asked o keep the woods clean and tidy Have been asked 现在完成时的被动语态 ⑤ Litter baskets have been placed under the trees, but people still throw their rubbish everywhere.have been placed现在完成时的被动语态

被动语态的基本构成是be+过去分词,体现在现在完成时中,根据人称的不同be变化成has/have been+过去分词 再看一下文章的最后一句:

Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted.will be prosecuted 一般将来时的被动语态 在一般将来时中,be要变化成will be+过去分词 Eg.The rooms haven ’t been cleaned yet.They will be clean soon.I have never been asked to do things I don ’t like.You will be asked to show your passport at the customs office ⑥ Last Wednesday, I went for a walk in the woods.go for a walk=take a walk eg.I ’ll go out and take a walk in the park

=I ’ll go out for a walk in the park.⑦ What I saw made me very sad.make sb.+ adj


make him happy

make her satisfied ⑧ I counted seven old cars and three old refrigerators.refrigerator=fridge ⑨ The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins.litter

n.本文中的意思是,废弃物、垃圾 eg, The street was full of litter.n.杂乱,凌乱

eg, Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask me in.v.使杂乱,乱丢杂物 eg, Don ’t litter!be covered with eg, The furniture is covered with dust.The road is covered with snow.rusty adj.生锈的

eg, The knife got rusty.引申义,荒疏的My English is getting rusty.⑩ Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said, ‘ Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted!’

said 需要表示写着时,英语里不用write eg, The book doesn’t say where he was born.The clock says three o’clock.prosecute



对某人提起控诉 eg,He was prosecuted for theft.Step 3 Free Talking Topic: What should we do with the rubbish in our daily life? What should we do, if we go to climb mountain and there is no rubbish basket.What will happen if we throw the rubbish everywhere in the woods? Step 4 Homework 观察身边的包装,看看有什么包装上标示着类似Don’t litter!这样的提示语,并记住这些商品的英文怎么说,我们下节课一起来学习一下。


Lesson 55---The Sawyer family 索耶一家人

in the morning/in the evening/at night 早晨/傍晚/晚上 go to work/go to school 去上班/去上学

take them to school 带他们上学 take sb to a place 带某人去某地 every day 每天 stay at home 呆在家里 do one's homework 做家庭作业 do the housework 做家务 eat one's lunch 吃午饭 at noon/at midday 正午

do sth together 一起做某事(go shopping together 一起去购物)drink tea 喝茶

come home from school/come home from work 放学回家/下班回家

arrive home late 到家很晚(不及物动词,不能直接加名次作宾语,通常要加一个介词。)arrive at a village/arrive in Shanghai go to bed 上床睡觉 read one's newspaper 读报纸

watch television 看电视(动词,作名词时是手表的意思)

描述经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态时,用一般现在时。和一般现在时连用的时间状语有: every day/at night/in the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening 经常连用的副词: usually/often/sometimes What do/does---usually do? 某人通常做什么? breakfast/lunch/supper 早饭/中饭/晚饭 The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.姓氏后加s,前加定冠词the,表示某某一家人(the Smiths/the Johnsons)。

如果是在门牌号码的前面,要用at,(live at 87 King Street)。

但如果是在街道名的前面,要用介词in(live in King Street)。

城市名前面也用in(live in Beijing.)。




补充材料第一册 Unit One

英文中有26个字母 A [] N [] B [] O [] C [] P [] D [] Q [] E [] R [] F [] S [] G [] T [] H [] U [] I [] V [] J [] W [] K [] X [] L [] Y [] M [] Z [] [] 五个元音字母

now you see I can say my ABC

ABCD EFG HIJK LMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ, XYZ now you see, I can say my ABC

英文中有48个音标 分为元音和辅音



->双元音、单元音 元音:->单元音->前元音




前元音有4个:[][][][] [] [] bee 蜜蜂 big 大的 tea 茶 city 城市 pea 扁豆 with 和 key 钥匙 family 家,家庭 see 看见 happy 快乐的,愉快的,高兴的 three 三 little 小的 [][] 清辅音 [][] 浊辅音


thank you 感谢你

family 侧重家庭的成员

There are four people in my family.在我家里有四口人。home 抽象的家的概念

home road 《我的父亲母亲》

house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构

[] [] bed 床 bad 坏的 beg 乞求 bag 包 red 红色的 dad 爸爸 men 男人(复数)man 男人,人类 never 从来不 back 后部,背部 very 非常 cat 猫 man can conquer nature 人定胜天 I often see that man in the street.我经常在街上看到那个男的。he has a very happy family.他有一个非常幸福的家庭。

A man is sitting on the desk.一个男的正坐在桌子上。

You see the green leaves on the tree.你在树上可以看见绿叶。

Tim ran back to get the black hat and the red bag.蒂姆跑回去拿到了黑色的帽子和红色的包。

Nothing to fear but fear itself.除了恐惧本身之外没有什么可恐惧的。

a bad apple 一个坏苹果->坏蛋,惹麻烦,不诚实的人 Big Apple 大苹果->纽约的别称 a fat cat 肥猫->暴发户(贬义)a hot potato 棘手的问题

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。

Hi!/Hello!/Hullo!/How do you do?


How are you?/How are you doing?/How are you all keeping? 最近你们好吗?

Fine/well.Thank you.And you?/What about you?/How about you? Not too bad!/Pretty good!/Couldn't be better!/Just so-so./I'm just my oldself!还不坏!/非常好!/好的不能再好了!/凑合吧!/我还是老样子!

Nice/Glad/Pleased to see/meet you!meet 强调第一次见面

see 强调第二次见面,老朋友见面。

Nice to see you, too./Same here.见到你也很高兴!我也很高兴!

It's my pleasure/honor to see you!见到你很荣幸。pleasure 幸福,快乐 honor 荣耀,荣誉

Haven't seen you for ages/for a long time./Long time no see.很久都没有见你了。


Lesson 21

which book? 哪一本书?


1.复习there be句型。2.学生能掌握本课生词。



二、教学重点 教学目标1.2.3.4




1、让学生口述there be句型的使用及应用。

如 There are there boys in the classroom.之类的。


give v.给人和事物都可以做give的主语。Give sb.Sth.Give sth.to sb.Give me a pen please.Give a pen to me please.请给我一支钢笔。large与big large主要指体积、面积、形状、数量方面的大,是small的反义词。big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重。big在修饰人时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。small与little

small 指物理量值的小或少,是large的反义词,不带什么感情 色彩。Little也表示小或少,但有小而可爱的感情 色彩,是big的反义词。him pron.他(宾格)us pron.我们(宾格)


3、学习语法知识点 1.人称代词



I you he she

it we you they 宾格:

me you him her it us you them 2.Which引导的特殊疑问句

用which + 名词可以询问物体(单数或复数)或物质,which总是说明一种限定的、特指的选择。如:

Which books do you want? 你想要哪些书?

Which car do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种汽车?


Give me a(cup)please.Which one?

This(dirty)one? No, not this(dirty)one.That(clean)one.5、学习课文(重点句子)

Give me a book please, Jane.请拿本书给我,简。

这是一个祈使句,祈使句表示请求或命令,省略了主语you。表示客气的请求时,通常加please。Which one? 哪一本?

是Which book do you want? 的省略形式;

one是不定代词,代替a book,以免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语,如:the red one。




五、家庭作业 1.填21课练习册 2.21课课文背会 3.强调群里面的朗诵作业



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