8A Unit5 Reading(1)Teaching aims
1.To learn the new words and phrases.2.To improve the Ss’ reading skills.3.To understand the context.4.To know how to protect the wildlife.Teaching importance&difficulty
To understand the new words and the context Teaching methods
Teaching aids
Teaching procedures Step1.Lead-in &Presentation/Warm-up
First let’s enjoy some pictures(red-crowned cranes and milu deer).Today I also bring you a picture from Zhalong.Zhalong is a nature reserve.Present some words in sentences.After presenting the words, make them read together.Step2.Listening&answering
Zhalong is a beautiful and special place.Today we will learn a passage about Zhalong to learn more.Please close your books and listen to the tape ,try to answer this question.Why is Zhalong famous for? Step3.Reading&answering
Find out the key words of the paragraph.Work in groups.Para1.________________ Para2.________________ Para3-4_______________ Para5-6_______________ Step4.Second reading
Do some T or F questions,reading quickly and work in pairs.1.Zhalong is a nature reserve in China.____ 2.Birds can find food easily in Zhalong.____ 3.Some birds go to Zhalong for a short stay.____ 4.The birds in Zhalong live in large cages.____ 5.There are a lot of red-crowned cranes in other
parts of the world.____ 6.Many endangered birds live in Zhalong now.____ 7.Zhalong needs more people to feed birds.____ 8.Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.________
9.10.Step5.Third reading
Read each paragraph and answer some questions.work in groups.Para1.Why is Zhalong a special place? Para2.Do all the birds stay in Zhalong all year round? Para3-4.What is the danger? Para5-6.What are the members of the Birdwatching going to do this year? Why will they do that? Step7.Fourth reading Read the passage and finish the blanks,write the answers on the paper.Zhalong is a ________ reserve in north-east China.It provides food and _____ for_______.Many birds live ________ in it all year round.But now more and more birds are in_____.The Chinese __________ wants to protect these endangered birds.Every year, a lot of______ go to Zhalong to watch birds.This year,_______ of the Birdwatching Club will ______ the birds in Zhalong.People should understand the ______ of wetlands and do something to ____ the birds.We must take _____ to protect wildlife.Step8.Language points
Step8.Activities 1.role play
1、If you are a worker in Zhalong…
2、If you are a farmer in Zhalong…
3、If you are a red-crowned crane
4、If a member of Birdwatching Club Activity2 Discussion How to protect the wildlife?
Step 11 Consolidation
Step 12 Assignments 3
昌图头道中学 朱凤坤
[教学片断](课前准备:分发给每一组学生[4人一组]一本汉英字典)随着有节奏的音乐和着抑扬顿挫的chant声揭开了本堂课的序幕。Rice, rice, a bowl of rice.Juice, juice, a bottle of juice….学生一个个拍着掌与 video里的声音交相应和着,很快打破了沉闷紧张的气氛。这是课前的热身活动,又为接下来要讨论的食物做铺垫。念完chant后,我微笑地说:“I’m new here..I want to know more about you.What’s your favourite drink?”生1: My favourite drink is coke.我笑着点头说:Coke is very popular now.(生1露出笑容,坐下)老师又继续问:What’s your favourite fruit? 生2:My favourite fruit is apples.我惊喜地说:Apples are nice.I like apples, too.… 老师又微笑地问:Can you ask me questions?由于老师做了很好的引导和铺垫,语言又具极强的亲和力,学生们开始砰然心动,纷纷举手,新问题更是层出不穷,如:What’s your name?/ What’s your favourite food?/ Can you swim?,问出了许多老师想要的答案,拉近了师生的距离。我带着询问地语气又问:”What food do we have?” 在屏幕上打出学生学过的食物、饮料和水果名称。然后,皱着眉头,按着腹部说:” I’m hungry.Look at this guy.Is he hungry? What food does he have?” 于是画面出现了一个可爱滑稽的卡通人物Gus, 接着播放迪斯尼动画英语Gus 到朋友家一口气吃了很多东西的画面,选材贴切,画面生动有趣,既拓展了学生的词汇量,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习了单词soup, spaghetti, corn, sandwich等,又对学生进行思想情感教育:到朋友家乱吃乱喝是不礼貌的行为。老师并不满足于这样的词汇拓展,于是又刨根究底地问:”What other food do you know?”“ You can look it up in the dictionary.”学生4人一组纷纷查字典,踊跃地上黑板写下他们知道的或者是字典中查出的他们喜欢的食品名称,继而,老师又亲切地说:“Who writes the word, please teach the word to the other students” 学生于是逐个站起来教生词,诸如:beef, cheese, pie, onion, uncooked fish 等等。一个个笑容可掬,洋洋得意,也许比较满意自己的“劳动成果”吧。老师又继续指着黑板上的生词,略带神秘地神情问:“Can you guess what kind of food Li Lei would like? What about Jim?”生(思索一会儿): Li Lei likes rice , dumplings.Jim likes beef.师(高兴地大声说):Very good.Li Lei likes Chinese food.Jim likes English food.就此对学生进行文化教育,不同国家的人们吃不同的食物。然后转到课本,老师饶有兴趣地问:“Different people, different food.What about Jimmy and Vicky?”“Jimmy eats too much and doesn’t do sports.So he is very fat.Eating too much is not good.No sport is not good.”… 不知不觉,一堂课就在老师循循善诱、充满亲和力的言语中结束了,老师是从容不迫、游刃有余,学生则是兴趣盎然,听者更是乐而忘返。[教学分析]
2、态度决定一切。老师的态度直接影响学生的学习,学生只有以积极的态度才能促使他们自主的学习。在课伊始到课结束,谢老师一直在用他的身体动作语言与和蔼可亲的态度鼓励着同学们,当学生回答完老师的问题时,谢老师都能及时地用鼓励性的语言来评价学生,这不但能让学生体验成功,并且能够让学生认识自我,从而实现自主学习,自主发展,有助于自信心的建立。如学生回答:My favourite fruit is apples.Mr Xie says with a smile:“Apples are nice.I like them, too”.虽然,这也许只是老师轻描淡写的一句话,但字里行间深含着对学生认可的态度,对于学生无异于吃了蜜糖,从嘴甜到心。特别是让学生把自己写在黑板上的单词教给其他同学,这既可让教的同学体验成就感,更增强了同学们的合作意识,让学的同学充满了新鲜感,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,从而使他们用积极的态度参与课堂活动,使师生之间的双边活动得以有效地进行。面对新课程,我们脚下的路还很长很长……但是有句英语谚语说得好,“Nothing in the world is difficult, if you put your heart into it.”只要在平常的教学中,教师能做一个有心人,努力学习新课程理念,加强对学生的学法指导,我想我们一定能教出数不胜数的不怕“艰难险阻”的学生。
金湾中学 吕桂英
外研版初三下Module 10 My future life Unit 1 I’m going to miss my classmates.通过观看有关毕业生内容的video和聆听很有节奏感的《毕业生之歌》,拉开本节课的序幕。同学们也跟着哼唱了起来,很快打破了沉闷紧张的气氛。这是课前的热身活动,又为接下来要讨论的school leavers’party作了铺垫。之后,Teacher:You’re going to graduate from Jinwan Middle School at the end of June.I’m going to miss you all.Are you going to miss your school and your teachers? Ss:(together and sadly)Yes.然后,教师出示了一幅图片让学生描述:T: What are they doing? S1: They’re holding a school leavers’ party.S2:They’re dancing.S3: They’re singing a song...由于老师做了很好的引导和铺垫,语言又具极强的亲和力,学生们发言的积极性很高。接下来,教师播放录音,学生在明确了任务之后,第一遍认真听录音并提取重要信息。第二遍跟录音机模仿朗读。第三遍教师给学生足够的时间进行小组朗读。第四遍教师让学生进行朗读表演比赛。学生之前做了充分的准备,各小组踊跃举手发言。各展示小组的表现令人高兴。其中多个同学的语音、语调模仿得非常到位。T(Pleased):Very good!Everyone can get two scores.这样使学生体会到了成功的喜悦。接着,同学们在相互讨论中完成了填写表格的任务。并进行了评价和校正,达到了相互帮助的目的;同时,也增强了学困生和性格内向的学生的自信。T: Now let’s learn the key points.教师带领学生以框架的形式 进行重点知识的学习。其中,在谈到intend to do sth.时,教师鼓励学生进行新旧知识的归纳。S1: plan to do sth.S2:decide to do sth.S3: want to do sth...同学们一下子总结出十多种表达法。此环节将本课推向了高潮。在同学们彻底学会了本节课的重点后,教师出示下一个任务:You’re going to graduate from here at the end of June, please write a short passage with the key phrases and structures(I’m going to.../ I intend to...)to express yourselves.Please work in groups.在经过了激烈的讨论之后,三个小组展示了自己的作品,又一次将教学推向了高潮。最后,教师利用启发式对学生进行德育渗透。同学们自己悟出:要珍惜友谊;好好规划自己的未来......不知不觉中,一节课就在老师循循善诱、不断表扬、鼓励和评价中结束了。老师从容不迫,学生则是兴趣盎然,听者更是乐而忘返。教学分析
[教学片断] 随着有节奏的音乐和着抑扬顿挫的chant声揭开了本堂课的序幕。Rice, rice, a bowl of rice.Juice, juice, a bottle of juice….学生一个个拍着掌与 video里的声音交相应和着,很快打破了沉闷紧张的气氛。这是课前的热身活动,又为接下来要讨论的食物做铺垫。念完chant后,我微笑地说:“I’m new here..I want to know more about you.What’s your favourite drink?”生1: My favourite drink is coke.我笑着点头说:Coke is very popular now.(生1露出笑容,坐下)老师又继续问:What’s your favourite fruit? 生2:My favourite fruit is apples.我惊喜地说:Apples are nice.I like apples, too.… 老师又微笑地问:Can you ask me questions?由于老师做了很好的引导和铺垫,语言又具极强的亲和力,学生们开始砰然心动,纷纷举手,新问题更是层出不穷,如:What’s your name?/ What’s your favourite food?/ Can you swim?,问出了许多老师想要的答案,拉近了师生的距离。我带着询问地语气又问:”What food do we have?”
在屏幕上打出学生学过的食物、饮料和水果名称。然后,皱着眉头,按着腹部说:” I’m hungry.Look at this guy.Is he hungry? What food does he have?” 于是画面出现了一个可爱滑稽的卡通人物Gus, 接着播放迪斯尼动画英语Gus 到朋友家一口气吃了很多东西的画面,选材贴切,画面生动有趣,既拓展了学生的词汇量,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学习了单词soup, spaghetti, corn, sandwich等,又对学生进行思想情感教育:到朋友家乱吃乱喝是不礼貌的行为。老师并不满足于这样的词汇拓展,于是又刨根究底地问:”What other food do you know?”“ You can look it up in the dictionary.”学生4人一组纷纷查字典,踊跃地上黑板写下他们知道的或者是字典中查出的他们喜欢的食品名称,继而,老师又亲切地说:“Who writes the word, please teach the word to the other students” 学生于是逐个站起来教生词,诸如:beef, cheese, pie, onion, uncooked fish 等等。一个个笑容可掬,洋洋得意,也许比较满意自己的“劳动成果”吧。老师又继续指着黑板上的生词,略带神秘地神情问:“Can you guess what kind of food Li Lei would like? What about Jim?”生(思索一会儿): Li Lei likes rice , dumplings.Jim likes beef.师(高兴地大声说):Very good.Li Lei likes Chinese food.Jim likes English food.就此对学生进行文化教育,不同国家的人们吃不同的食物。然后转到课本,老师饶有兴趣地问:“Different people, different food.What about Jimmy and Vicky?”“Jimmy eats too much and doesn’t do sports.So he is very fat.Eating too much is not good.No sport is not good.”…不知不觉,一堂课就在老师循循善诱、充满亲和力的言语中结束了,老师是从容不迫、游刃有余,学生则是兴趣盎然。
2、态度决定一切。老师的态度直接影响学生的学习,学生只有以积极的态度才能促使他们自主的学习。在课伊始到课结束,我一直在用自己的身体动作语言与和蔼可亲的态度鼓励着同学们,当学生回答完老师的问题时,我都能及时地用鼓励性的语言来评价学生,这不但能让学生体验成功,并且能够让学生认识自我,从而实现自主学习,自主发展,有助于自信心的建立。如学生回答:My favourite fruit is apples.Mr Xie says with a smile:“Apples are nice.I like them, too”.虽然,这也许只是老师轻描淡写的一句话,但字里行间深含着对学生认可的态度,对于学生无异于吃了蜜糖,从嘴甜到心。特别是让学生把自己写在黑板上的单词教给其他同学,这既可让教的同学体验成就感,更增强了同学们的合作意识,让学的同学充满了新鲜感,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,从而使他们用积极的态度参与课堂活动,使师生之间的双边活动得以有效地进行。
面对新课程,我们脚下的路还很长很长……但是有句英语谚语说得好“Nothing in the world is difficult, if you put your heart into it.”只要在平常的教学中,教师能做一个有心人,努力学习新课程理念,加强对学生的学法指导,我想我们一定能教出数不胜数的不怕“艰难险阻”的学生。
矿 中
Lesson 22 the giant 保定市竞秀区十九中学王宏伟
一:教学课型:阅读课 二:教材分析:
九年级学生有了一定的英语基础,能根据语境猜测词义,对阅读英语故事有着浓厚的兴趣,因此,教师要给学生表现的机会,指导他们积极主动地阅读。四:教学目标: 1.知识目标:
(1)重点词汇:once upon a time
run away
no longer
pass by
pass by
knock down at once break out in blossom stretch out ever since then
(2)重点句子: Main sentences: Once upon a time, there was a large, lovely garden They ran away and dared not come back the nexst day , the giant built a high wall around his garden and ut a notice on a board , don’t enter.He thought it must be the king’s musicians passing by.He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches of a tree At once ,the tree broke out in blosssom The little boy stretch out with his arems ,put them around the giant’s neck and kissed her.2.能力目标:培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读兴趣,掌握阅读技能。
Step 1:lead in(图片结合语言引导导入)T:do you like reading fairy tales?why or why not? S1;Yes, I like reading fairy tales because they are creative.S2:Yes, I like reading fairy tales because they are interesting.S3: no I don’t like fairy tales because they are not realistic.T;good answers.Do you know any famous fairy tales?which ones? S4:I know the fairy tale “cinderella” it’s a story about a young girl……..T;Good job!today we are going to learn the fairy tale
Spring came ,but it was still winter in the giant’s garden.The giant came cack and drove the children away.One day, to the giant’s surprise, he saw some children coming back to ghe garden threough a hole in ghe garden wall.The giant took a boy gentlely in his hand and put him up into the treee while the other children were so scared that they ran away.Along with the children came the spring.Step 4:read aloud together in the correct order of the sentences.Step 5: read the text and find out the main phrases and sentences.Main phrases:once upon a time Run away no longer
pass by
knock down
at once break out in blossom
stretch out
ever since then Main sentences: Once upon a time, there was a large, lovely garden They ran away and dared not come back the nexst day , the giant built a high wall around his garden and ut a notice on a board , don’t enter.He thought it must be the king’s musicians passing by.He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches of a tree At once ,the tree broke out in blosssom The little boy stretch out with his arems ,put them around the giant’s neck and kissed her.Step 6: retell the story Step 7:debate A;I think we should give more because paying more is getting more.B: I think we should get more because when you get ,you will be happy, A;When you get , others lose ,they are not happy, they willl stay away form you and you will lose friendship.So giving is losing in some sense.So we should pay more and get more.So let’s give more love to our family ,our friends and the people around you ,if everybody gives a little love to the world , the world will become a beautiful place to live.Music.let the world full of love Step 8:Homework 1 read a story and tell us the main idea in next class.2.learn to sing : let the world full of love.That’s all ,thank you.