unit5 完整教案(5篇模版)

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第一篇:unit5 完整教案

Teaching plan Grade 9 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Grammar Getting to know passive voice

湘潭市益智中学 朱姣

Teaching aims: After this period, the students will know: 1.the structure of passive voice in present tense.2.the differences between active voice and passive voice.3.how to use passive voice.4.more about Chinese tea culture, and pass on the tradition.Difficult points: How to use passive voice correctly.Important points: 1.Summing up the structure of passive voice by observing the sentences.2.2.Rewriting sentences with passive voice.3.Use passive voice freely and easily.Teaching procedures: Step 1: What does it look like?(创设情境, 进入话题)

1.At the beginning of the class, show students a video about tea, then ask a question.T: What are the facts about tea?

Ss: Tea is produced in many different areas.Tea plants are grown on the mountains.They are picked by hand.The tea is packed and sent to many places.(学生通过听,看,说的形式将与茶相关的一般现在时的被动语态的句子亲自呈现出来,引入到一般现在时的被动语态这个任务上。)2.Ask students to read and observe the sentences, and then find the things in common.Lead

students to summarize the structure of the passive voice.Structure of passive voice in present tense: is/ are+动词的过去分词

(学生通过自己观察总结得出一般现在时的被动语态的结构,能让学生更加牢固地记住这一结构。)3.Practice: do some exercises including the ones in 4a.These exercises can strengthen their understanding of the passive voice.(在讲解练习的过程中,让学生参与进来。便于更好的发现学生的难点,实现重难点突破。同时,讲解练习中所涉及到的新单词。)Step 2: What are the differences?(借助图片,引出例句)

1.Show students two pictures and the following information: Group 1: Farmers grow tea plants on the sides of mountains.Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.Group 2: Workers pack and send the tea to many places.The tea is packed and sent to many places by workers.2.Ask students to find the differences and choose which are passive voice sentences and which are active voice sentences.3.Summarize the rules on how to change the active voice to passive voice.(运用与茶相关的图片,使茶这一主线自始至终贯穿整个教学过程,通过比较归纳,了解主动语态和被动语态在形式上,意义上及用法上的区别。)4.Practice: do some exercises in 4b, rewriting the sentences using the passive voice.(这一任务是对前面一个任务的拓展,不仅仅是填空,还需要写出被动语态的句子,难度上有所提升,并将by +执行者运用到句子中。)Step 3: How to use it?(完成任务,落实新知)

(完成e-mail,介绍中国的传统茶文化。在此过程中指导学生灵活运用主动语态和被动语态。)1.According to the information above, ask students to write an e-mail to their friends to introduce Chinese tea culture.2.Talk about the customs in tea drinking: to show respect;to apologize;to express thanks to parents on the wedding day;to pass on the tradition;


1.Review the grammar focus and try to have a dictation about them.2.Preview 1a-2a on page 37-38.


Unit 5 What do you want to watch?

Section B(2a-2e)教案



Ⅰ.Teaching aims Knowledge objects: To grasp the following words and phrases: culture famous symbol cartoon appear come out successful might main one of the main reasons be ready to do sth try his best Difficult sentences: In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s? Skill objects: to develop reading strategies(skimming and scanning)Moral objects: develop students’ intercultural awareness and learn to try his best just like Mickey Mouse Ⅱ.Key points: reading the passage and finish all exercise Ⅲ.Difficult points: use reading strategies properly and students can express their own ideas about cartoons Ⅳ.Teaching methods: Task-based method , group work and communicative approach Ⅴ.Teaching process Step1.Lead-in: Show three cartoons pictures Monkey King and machine cat and Mickey Mouse to let students know cartoons and symbols I’m Monkey King.I’m from China, too.I’m a character(人物)in Journey to the west.I have a magic stick.It can make 72 changes.I fight bad people.I’m smart and brave.Now let’s know a very famous symbol in American culture—Mickey Mouse.Step2.Pre-reading 1.Let’s look at the picture and read the passage quickly and answer question.Which of the following statements is the main idea of this passage? 1)Mickey Mouse, a famous symbol in American culture 2)Some cartoons with Mickey Mouse 3)Disney theme parks around the world 4)What people think of cartoons 2.Let students read the passage quickly and complete the time line on the P38 of the text book Step3.Post-reading First read the questions in the chart.Make sure all the students know the meanings of the questions.Then read the passage again and find the answers to the questions.Students work in group and read the passage carefully and try to find the answers to the questions.Check the answers with the class.Let’s know some key sentences and understand the passage well.a.The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney..b.One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger.c.People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win… d.Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s? 5.Discuss more questions about Mickey Mouse, work in group.a.Why is Mickey “a little man”? b.Did Mickey became famous at last? c.How did he become famous? Work on 2d 1.First, ask the students to read the questions.2.Then, read the passage again.This time students should discuss the questions with partner.3.Let some students talk about their answers.Step4: After-reading 1.Let’s know more about “ little man”.Walt Disney: I’m the father of Mickey Mouse.I was talented in drawing.I was very poor when I was creating Mickey.I also tried my best to make my dream come true and finally became rich and successful Step 5: Language points Famous


come out



sound and music

in the 1930s

be/get ready to do something

try one’s best to do something

see sb do something Ⅵ.Exercise: Teacher guide students to retell the story by using the following key words and phrases: Famous


come out



sound and music

in the 1930s

be/get ready to do something

try one’s best to do something

see sb do something Ⅶ.Blackboard design

Unit 5 What do you want to watch?

Section B(2a-2e)Key words:Famous

become appear

culture symbol


Key phrases: in the 1930s

be/get ready to do something best to do something

see sb do something

try one’s


Class1 Group3 赵明灯、王露、李杏桦

Background information: Students: 40 students, Grade 7 Time: 45mins

Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge: ① Students can learn 8 new words’ pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and their variant(smart, beautiful, lazy, small, friendly, cute, scary, shy).②

Students can learn 6 sentence patterns(-What animals do you like?-I like„-Why? –Because they’ re„-Where are„from? –They’ re from„).2.Skills: ① Students can use 8 new words learned before to describe some animals’ character.② Students can recognize the 8 new words learned before in the record.③ Students can use the 6 sentence patterns learned before to communicate with other students about animals that they like.3.Strategies: ① Students can remember new words about animals better through look pictures of animals.② Students can learn English pronunciation and intonation by imitate the record.③ Students can make new sentences by apply sentence patterns learned mechanically.4.Emotion: Students can talk about animals they like and arouse awareness of protection for animals.Teaching contents: Text book 2 of grade 7, unit5, section B, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a

Teaching aids: Blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures, record

Teaching procedures: T: Good morning Ss: Good morning…

T: Today we will learn unit5 section B.Open the textbook turn to page 20.First we will review some words we learned last class.(复习2minutes)大家看着PPT中的图片直接用英语说出这些动物。Let us begin.Look at the first picture.What is it?(依次放映PPT的图片)Ss: Tiger.(这次复习中如果有不会读的词就再教读一遍)T: Good next one.What is this? Ss: Lion T:大家明白我的意思了吗 Ss:明白

T:接下来,大家看到图片之后就按照刚才的步骤,说出它的英文。This? Ss: Panda T:Very good.Next one T:Which animal? Ss: Giraffe T:Good next one Ss: Elephant T:The last one Ss: Koala

T:大家读的很好,大家下去要多练习多记忆。上次我们学的都是一些动物的名词,你们知道怎样去描述它们吗? 如果你喜欢它们,该用什么词去描述,不喜欢有该用什么词去描述,接下来我们就学习一些描述动物的形容词(新词学习8minutes)T:Look at the 8 new words under the pictures.T:Look at the PPT and read after me T:Smart Ss: Smart T:聪明的 Ss:聪明的

T:它的名词形式在后面加上-ness,变成smartness Read after me T:Smartness Ss: Smartness T:很多形词的后面加上后缀-ness可以变成名词形式

T:它的副词形式在词末加上-ly 变成smartly.Read after me.smartly Ss: Smartly T:Read the short sentence after me.He is a smart boy.Ss: He is a smart boy.T:Next one.这个单词可以用来形容很多东西,学会了很有用,可以用来夸奖别人 Beautiful T:Read after me.Beautiful Ss: Beautiful T:漂亮的 Ss:漂亮的

T:根据刚才我讲的形容词变副词大家知道beautiful 的副词怎么变吗 Ss:加-ly 吗


beautifully Read aft r me T:Beautifully Ss: Beautifully T:我们学习一下它的名词形式 beauty T:Read after me.Beauty Ss: Beauty T:It is a beautiful flower.Ss: It is a beautiful flower.T:接下来这个词也很有意思,早上不想起床上课的同学,我们就说他是lazy Read after me lazy S:Lazy T:大家知道它的意思吗 Ss:懒惰的

T:对!我们不能做一个lazy的人 T:Lazy的副词怎么变 Ss:加-ly T:很好大家记住了刚才的规则,但是lazy有点特殊,它是以字母y 结尾的,我们要变“y为“i”再加-ly,它的名词形式也是要先变“y“为” “i“再加-ness“再加-ness“再加-ness“再加-ness T:Lazy 的名词形式就说laziness T:Read after me

laziness Ss: Laziness T:它的副词是lazily T:Read after me T:Heis too lazy,we don’t like him.Ss: He is too lazy ,we don’t like him.T:下面这个词很简单,small 小的 T:Read it Ss: Small T:Small的名词形式同样是加-ness smallness T: Read after me smallness S:Smallness T:副词直接加y smally T:Read after me

smally Ss: Smally T:我们来造个句子,“我想要一个小的苹果”怎么说 TSs:I want a small apple T:作为学生我们要和别人友好相处,我们就学习一下friendly Ss: Friendly T:Friendly的名词形式去掉ly变成friend T:我们一起造个句子“我们是友好的学生” TSs: We are friendly students T:The next one we will learn “cute T:Read after me

cute Ss: Cute

.” “友好的T:可爱的 Ss:可爱的

T:Cute 的形容词和名词的变形都遵循我们刚刚讲过的方法,cute的副词是什么 Ss:Cutely T:名词呢? Ss:Cuteness T:很好看来大家都学会了形容词变副词的一般方法,加-ness变名词大家都掌握了。

T:Read after me “You are so cute” Ss: You are so cute T:这句话可以用来夸奖别人,多夸夸别人有利于和睦相处。T:Very good continue to learn the news T:Scary Ss: Scary T:可怕的 Ss:可怕的

T:Scarey的名词有点不同之前几个形容词的变法,它的名词是scare,同时也可以做动词 T:Read after me scare Ss: Scare T:I think tiger is scary Ss:I think tiger is scary.T:Okay The last one T: Shy Ss: Shy T:害羞的 Ss:害羞的

T:Shy 的副词有两种形式可以直接加-ly 也可变“y”为“i”再加ly.名词直接加-ness T: She is a shy girl.Ss: She is a shy girl.T:今天的新词学习就到这里,接下来我们巩固一下(学习过程中把新词写在黑板上)

T:我指到哪个单词,你们就读哪个,并说出它的汉语意思,比如,我指着shy,你们就读“shy,害羞的”就ok了.Let us begin.(练习2minutes,可进行多遍练习)

(依次指各个单词)Ss: Smart聪明的shy害羞的small小的 lazy 懒惰的 scary 可怕的friendly 友好的 beautiful 漂亮的cute可爱的 T:大家能不能记住这些单词了

T:课后再进行记忆,接下来我们完成1a的练习,巩固一下今天所学的单词.T:来,我和大家一起完成,March the description words with the animals.You can use some words more than once这些词可以描述哪些动物,把表示动物的字母写在相应的单词后面(完成练习包括简单句应用3minutes)这个题没有正确答案,你认为这种动物可以用哪个词形容就填哪个。我先带着大家做一个,然后大家再完成,smart可以描述哪种动物,例如,你认为elephant is smart你就说elephant is smart 或者其它的 koala /panda is smart。明白我的意思了吗? Ss:明白;不明白(如果不明白的学生较多就再讲一遍)T:Which animal is beautiful Ss: Giraffe is beautiful(不同学生会有不同的答案,但都会开口说)T :Which animal is lazy Ss: koala…is lazy

T:In these pictures which animal is small Ss: Koala is small T:Which one is friendly Ss: Panda is friendly

T:Which animal is cute?可能有些男生认为老虎也是cute, 都可以的有些同学可能比较喜欢老虎狮子这些凶猛的动物

T:Which is scary? I think lion and tiger are scary.Do you agree? The last one----shy, which one is shy ? Ss: Koala…is shy

T:Very good,刚刚练习的是怎样描述一种动物,大家要多联系。(总共从复习单词到新单词学习15minutes完成)今天的新词学习以及练习就到这里。下面让我们来听一段录音,完成1b的练习。刚学过的8个新单词中有几个出现在录音里,听录音的过程中你需要把它们圈出来。(播放录音)Ok,大家告诉我是哪些单词出现在了录音中呢?


T:Perfect!看来大家找得很好。Next, listen again,再听一遍,完成1c的练习。大家需要分别找出Mary和Tony用了哪些词来描述elephants和pandas。填在表格里,为了在听的过程中节省写的时间,大家如果听到在1a中出现过的词,可以先做标记,过后再完整地写下来。(播放录音)Ok,现在大家告诉我,这四个空分别填什么?


T:许多同学都漏了一个单词,Mary还用了一个单词来形容elephants,这个单词是以前学过的。而且还有一部分同学没有清楚的分清哪些单词是Mary用来形容elephants和pandas,哪些是Tony用来形容elephants和pandas的。下面,我带着大家一句一句的来分析。(我用PPT展示录音内容,并进行翻译,到“Oh, they're interesting and they're really smart”这句时进行强调)在这里Mary还用了interesting来形容elephants。大家还记得它的意思吗? Ss:有趣的。

T: Ok, continue.(继续分析录音)现在,大家都清楚了吗?

Ss:(异口同声)清楚了。(我带着同学分析录音用了5minutes)T:Ok,我在放一遍录音。This time,you need to imitate.同样,我放一句停顿一下,你们需要模仿它的发音复述一遍,目的让你们学习英语的语音语调。(播放录音,学生们模仿)Ok,听力练习到此为止。(学生模仿录音用了4minutes)We learned many animals,can you talk about it in English ? Ss: yes.T:Very good.now we are going to study 1d,turn to page 28.talk about the animals you know with your partner.let us read this converation.read after to me.(这里用了1minutes)Ss: Ok

T:What animals do you like? Ss: What animals do you like? T:I like elephants.Ss: I like elephants.T:Why? Ss: Why? T:Because they are cute.What animals do you like? Ss: Because they are cute.What animals do you like? T:I like dogs because they are friendly and smart.ss: I like dogs because they are friendly and smart.T:Everybody do good job.大家还是注意了这里用do,如果是第三人称的话要用does,还有用Why,来提问原因,同学们要用because回答。同学们记住了吗? Ss:记住了。

T:Ok,我们回顾一下grammar focus。(这里用了2minutes)当提问为什么不喜欢老虎怎么说 Ss: Why do not you like tiger? T:怎么回答呢?

Ss: Because they are scary.T:对的,大家也可以询问动物来在哪里where are lions from ?now I will show some picture ,please tell me where are they from? Ss:ok.(look at PPT)

T:Where are pandas from ? Ss: They are from china.T:Good,老师把这些动物在地图上的位置给大家,大家在编对话时可以提问这些动物的家乡.now marking a new converation with your you have 1 minutes.go ahead.(这里用了2minutes)(students make some conversation.)T:Ok,time is up ,any volunteer?(some students raise their hands)T:You two please.S1:What animals do you like? S2:I like lions.S1:Why ? S2:Because they are the king of the forest.S1:Do you know where lions from? S2:They from South Africa.do you like koala? S1:No I do not like.S2:Why do not like it? S1:Because they are lazy.T:Great.sit down.T:Now,let us do a game.每个组两个人你可以选择PPT上三道题中的任意一道做答,ok, first group.which one you chose?(这里用了5minutes)

S:Fist T:Ok,请用英文在十秒钟内说出七种动物的名字,ready go.S:Dog tiger panda koala cat mouse monkey T:Great.second group ,which one you chose ? S:Third T: Ok, let us see what is the question? wow,说出两种你不喜欢的动物及其原因

S:I do not like tiger ,because they are scary.I also do not like koala, because they are lazy.T:Very good.third group, you just have one choice ,ok ,second,你喜欢狗吗?请现场编一段对话。

S:Ok,I like dogs ,they are cute and friendly ,you can require them do something ,they are helpful and interesting.I love them very much.T:Good,do you have one ? S: Yes T:I believe you take care of them well.三组同学都做得很好。对句子的掌握也很好。

T:Look at PPT,这是一张调查表,请询问你的组员他喜欢哪种动物和原因,你可以使用ppt上的这些句型,you have 3 minutes.go ahead.(同学们进行问卷调查)(这里用了5minutes)

T:Time is up.this is your homework.请将刚才的调查表内容写成句子介绍你的同学们.for example :Wang Ming likes cats, because they are cute.Li Hai likes„请同学们明天交给我,do you have some question? S:No T:Ok,bye bye.Ss: See you.Homework:将课堂上使用的那张调查表中内容写成句子介绍你的同学们.For example: Wang Ming likes cats, because they are cute.Li Hai likes„


Unit 5

Teaching Objectives(教学目的)1.To Require students obtain the information related to the text.2.To help students learn the new words and expressions.3.To get the students to communicate in English confidently.4.To teach the reading skill---finding out word meanings through many different ways.Teaching Requirements(教学要求)1.Students are able to get a clear understanding of the text.2.Students are required to master new words and phrases.3.Students should do some extra reading and exercises after class Teaching methodology(教学方法)1.Communicative method(交际法)2.Cognitive method(认知法)3.The Grammar-translation method(语法翻译法)4.The audio-lingual Method(听说法)

Time distributive(时间分配)1.Preparation and analyses of the passage A(1.5-2 hours)2.Analyses of passage A and exercises(2-2.5hours)3.Analyses of the passage B(2.5 hours)4.listening and speaking(2-2.5 hours)

Focuses and difficulties(教学重难点)1.Comprehension of passage A.2.New words and phrases.3.Reading skill---finding out word meaning.Teaching Procedures(教学过程)I.Before Reading

Background Information II.Global Reading III.Detailed Reading

1.illustrate: v.1)add pictures to(something written)This book is a beautifully illustrated history of science.这本书是一本插图精美的科学史。那本杂志有精美的插图。

The magazine is well illustrated.2)show the meaning of(something)by giving related examples The story he told about her illustrates her true generosity very clearly.这个题目很难,请容我举例说明。The subject is difficult.Permit me to illustrate.1 2.genius: n.1)(a person of)very great ability Her latest book is a work of genius.2)a special ability She has a genius for mathematics.genius, gift & talent 这三个词都是名词,都有“天才”,“天赋”,“才华”之意。

genius 语气最强,指智力水平超越大多数优秀人才的一种独特理解力,也指天才人物。例如: The composer Mozart was a genius;he played the piano beautifully at the age of four and conducted an orchestra at twelve.作曲家莫扎特是位天才,他4岁时钢琴就弹得很好,12岁就指挥乐队了。gift 强调天生的特性和技能,但与独创性无关。例如: With his gift of gab, he would be an excellent orator.他具有雄辩口才,会成为一个出色的演说家。

talent 指能从事某种特殊工作或活动的独特的、非凡的才能,这种才能往往先天就有。例如: His talent was largely self-developed.他的才能主要是自己培养的。

3.embarrass: vt.(cause to)feel ashamed, uncomfortable, or anxious I don’t like making speeches in public;it’s so embarrassing.许多人走进一间满是陌生人的房间时总会感到局促不安。It embarrasses many people to walk into a room full of strangers.4.burst: v.1)(cause to)break suddenly, esp.by pressure from within The river burst its banks and flooded the town.河水冲决了堤岸, 淹没了城镇。

2)(cause to)come into the stated condition suddenly, often with force She burst through the door into the room.他从起跑线冲出。

He burst away from the starting line.burst是个常用词,经常与其他词构成短语,下面是几个与burst有关的短语。

burst into 闯入;爆发成;突然„起来 burst out of 冲出„

be bursting with 充满;挤满 burst to do sth.急于„

burst in on(upon)打扰;打断 burst out doing


5.astonishment: n.great surprise or wonder To the astonishment of her colleagues, she resigned.express astonishment

表示惊讶 astonishment at

对„惊讶 in/with astonishment


to one’s astonishment


6.publish: vt.(of a business firm)choose, arrange, have printed, and offer for sale to the public(a book, magazine, newspaper, etc.)The New York Times is an internationally influential daily newspaper published in New York City and distributed worldwide.当她的第一部小说出版时,她只有十九岁。She was only 19 when her first novel was published.7.dumb: adj.1)lacking the power of speech She was struck dumb by what she had seen.2)(infml.)stupid Are they brave or just dumb? 他说“是”是愚蠢的。

It was dumb of him to say “yes”.deaf and dumb

聋哑的 play dumb

装聋作哑 be dumb to do sth.做„是傻的 8.taste: v.1)be aware of the taste of sth.I’ve got a cold, so I can’t taste what I’m eating.你尝得出这饮料有什么怪味道吗? Can you taste anything strange in this drink? 2)have experience or enjoyment All of them tasted the fear of death that day.3)have a particular taste These oranges taste good.这个汤有点咸了。This soup tastes salty.9.dozens of: a group of There are dozens of people waiting in the line.a dozen of

(一)打,十二个 half a dozen

(约)六个 by the dozen

成打的 by the dozens

大量的 10.minus:

adj.(of a number or quantity)less than zero I got A minus for my English homework.今晚气温会降到零下8度。

Temperatures could fall to minus eight tonight.prep.reduced by a stated number That will be $500, minus the deposit of $50 that you have already paid.七减三等于四。

Seven minus three equals four.11.smart: adj.1)good or quick in thinking;intelligent I wish I was smart enough to invent something and maybe get rich.2)bright;new-looking;clean Go and make yourself smart before we call on the Joneses.12.intelligent, clever, smart & bright

这几个词都是形容词,都有“聪明的”,“才思敏捷的”之意。intelligent 是正式用语,指中等以上的智力,有较强的理解能力,有学习能力,强调对新知识、深奥问题的理解力,尤其是解决新问题的能力。clever 与intelligent相比,更强调天生的聪颖,有较高的理解力、思维敏捷、思路灵活,接受新东西快,但不强调理解得深刻全面。这个词也指灵活的双手与矫健的身躯。bright 是普通用语,多指年轻人或小孩,常用于口语,书写语言不易多用。强调理解力强,思维非常活跃,谈话与态度也活泼生动。13.echo:

n.a sound sent back or repeated, e.g.from a wall or inside a cave Thick carpet would reduce the echo in this hallway.v.(cause to)come back as an echo The room echoed with the sound of music.我说什么她都附和。

She echoes everything I say.produce an echo

产生回声 hear an echo

听到回声 listen for an echo


14.live on: have as one’s only food or income They lived on very little when they got married.You cannot live on love only.live是个常用词,经常与其他词构成短语,下面是几个与live有关的短语。

live by

靠„生活手段过活 live in/at

住在„;生活在 live off/on


live out

活过(某一段时间);活到„结束 live up to


live with

与„在一起生活;忍受(不愉快的事情)15.ancient: adj.in or of times long ago old, ancient & antique 这三个词都有“旧的”、“古老的”、“过去的”之意。

old 为普通用语,主要指人或物已存在或使用了相当长的一段时间,即指人或动物的年龄大、年老,也指事物的古老和陈旧。可使用于任何场合,可作定语,也可作表语。例如: Cambridge and Oxford are old universities.剑桥和牛津是历史悠久的大学。ancient 意为“古代的”、“古老的”,特别用于历史范畴,表示在遥远过去时代所存在或发生的人或物。例如:

In ancient times people did not think the brain was the center of mental activity.在古代,人们并不认为大脑是智力活动的中心。

antique 意为“古代的”、“自古即存在的”、“古风的”,通常指自过去的时代一直保存下来的、具有价值的东西。其时间范围既可指遥远的古代,又可指近代或现代以前的一段时间。例如: I have a fine collection of antique furniture.我收集了很多古董家具。

16.at random: aimlessly;without any plan She asked questions at random.恐怖分子向人群胡乱射击.The terrorists fired into the crowd at random.17.enclose: vt.1)put(esp.sth.sent with a letter)inside Please enclose a curriculum vitae with your letter of application.2)surround with a fence or wall so as to shut in or close The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.enclose sth.in/with

把„装在„内 I'll enclose your letter with mine.我在此信中附上50美元支票一张。I enclosed a check for $50 with this letter.en-, em-作为前缀可以加在名词和形容词前,构成动词。意思为“将„放入(上);使„成为”。例如:

encase---cover completely(as)with a case


enclose---put a wall or a fence around


empower---give(someone)the right or power to do sth.授权(给某人)18.favorite:

n.something or someone that is loved above all others These books are my favorites.老师不应该过分宠爱某些学生。

A teacher shouldn’t have favorites in the class.adj.being a favorite What’s your favorite television program? 19.bestseller: n.something(esp.a book)that sells in very large number J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter novels are all bestsellers.His latest book has gone to number two in the bestseller list.20.on tour: a journey during which several places are visited The singer is currently on tour in South American.我们在导游的带领下参观了城堡。

We went on a guided tour around the castle.journey, tour &travel


journey 最普通用词,侧重指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her.起初我担心她受不了长距离的旅行。Life is a journey from birth to death.生命是从生到死的一次旅行。

tour 指最后返回出发地,旅途中有停留游览点,距离可长可短,目的各异的周游或巡行。There came a party of business men on the tour.来了一群实业家观光团。

They are now making a bridal tour.他们正在做新婚旅行。

travel 泛指旅行的行为而不指某次具体的旅行,多指到远方作长期旅行,不强调直接目的地,单、复数均可用。

He made a number of English friends during his travels.The Travel Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read.《马可波罗游记》是我生平读过的最有趣的书之一。

21.qualification: n.ability, experience, or training ability enabling one to do something He's got all the right qualifications but is temperamentally unsuitable.在这里工作你需要的资格之一是要有幽默感。

One of the qualifications you need to work here is a sense of humor excellent qualification


physical qualification

体格要求 professional qualification


educational qualification

学历资格 the necessary qualification

必要的条件 have the qualification for sth.做这项工作需要什么资格?

What sort of qualifications do you need for the job? 22.discipline: vt.train and control the mind and character I'm trying to discipline myself to eat less chocolate.train, educate, teach & discipline 这几个词都是动词,都有“教育”、“培养”之意。





意思是“训练或训导”、“约束或惩罚”等。23.fit sb./sth.in: find a time to see(sb.)or do(sth.)Doctor Jones can fit you in on Thursday afternoon.你在那个箱子里已装不下更多的玩具了。You can't fit any more toys in the box.24.odds: n.the probability that sth.will or will not happen The odds are that he will fail his exam.The skirt and jacket looked a bit odd together.by all odds


at odds over


at odds with

与„意见不一致 against odds


odds and ends


IV Exercises and homework

1)Learn the Section B by yourself 2)Preview Unit 6

第五篇:unit5 教案





Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?

Section B Self Check



1)复习下列单词: educational, news, discussion, stand, happen, action movie, successful…





二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:




三、教学过程 Step1:Teaching aims.1.Review old words: educational, news, discussion, stand, happen, action movie, successful…

2.To learn to talk about all kinds of movies and TV shows.3.To finish self check.Step2.Revision Review the main words and phrases learned this unit.Step3:Teaching procedures.1.Lead-in

Ask some questions about Mulan.Let the Ss think and answer the questions: “Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say anything about it?”

Ss discuss the questions and answer the questions.e.g.S1: Yes, I do.Mulan didn’t have any brothers.She took his father’s place to fight 育英外国语学校集体备课教案




in the army.S2: Mulan dressed up like a boy.Nobody knew she was a girl in the army.2.Let ′s discuss which TV show do you like best ?(1)A:What kind of TV show is it?

B:It’s a soap opera.A:What do you think of it?

B:I don’t like it.(2)A:What kind of TV show is it? B:It’s a sports show.A:What do you think of it? B:I don’t mind it.3.Survey: Do you like watching movies? Do you know the kinds of movies? Which kind do you like best? Why ? 4.Pairwork.5.Group work.A: Do you want to watch a movie? B: Yes, I do.B: What kind of movies do you like? C: I like ……

D: Why do you like watching….? C: Because it is ……Let′ s go 6.Finish self check(1.2).Ss try to fill in the blanks.Work on Self check 1:

1.Fill in the blanks with the superlative forms of the words in the box.2.本题是根据提示词来进行问答。问句和答语中没有对人称的提示,因此应自主确定人称。可以用you来询问,则回答应用I;如果是用第三人称来询问,则回答也相应的用第三人称来答,如果是第三人称单数形式还应注意动词用恰当的第三人称单数形式。


如:1)─What do you think of soap operas? ─I can’t mind them.─What does your father think of soap operas? ─He can’t mind them.…





4.学生做每个试题,并校对答案。Work on Self check 2

1.Tell Ss to read the statements below.Then think about them.Which of the statements they agree.Check(√).Check(×)if they disagree.Give at least one reason.2.Ss work and by themselves.说明原因: Give some examples: e.g.I think we can learn some interesting things.3.学生们完成试题并说明原因。Step4:Exercises.Step5:Homework.教学后记:

下载unit5 完整教案(5篇模版)word格式文档
下载unit5 完整教案(5篇模版).doc


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