Where did you go on vacation单词教案

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第一篇:Where did you go on vacation单词教案

二上Unit 1单词教案

Words and expressions Teaching Contents Words and expressions in unit1 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objects: master the new words and expressions 2.Ability Objects: be able to make sentences with key words and expressions Teaching Key Points

Key words: decide,try,wonder,arrive,went,bought,ate,saw,felt,had,was,were Teaching Difficulties Paragliding,difference,umbrella.Go-went,buy-bought,feel-felt,is/am-was,are-were,have-had Teaching Aids

Blackboard and chalks Teaching Procedure 1.Greeting 2.Lead in

According to the title of unit 1, guess what will be learned in this unit.Then tell students we learn some new words related to the unit.3.Teaching to read these new words.Explain them one by one and take notes.不定代词: 不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。

Introduce some common indefinite pronouns to students and explain their usage.anyone,everyone,someone,something,nothing,some,any,every,no,all,none,each,other,another,much,many,few,little,one,both,neither,either


作主语:Everyone is in classroom.作表语:Please give me another book.作宾语:I know nothing about the person.作定语:there are some flowers in the yard.The difference of few-a few,little-a little

修饰可数名词: few, a few

修饰不可数名词:little,a little

表肯定:a few, a little

表否定:few, little

反身代词:表反射或强调reflexive pronouns Myself,yourself,himself,herself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves,itself,oneself 用法:口 诀:反身代词表自身,句中可作三成分;动介后面用作宾,表示动作回自身;句中强调同位语,主语宾语后变跟;系动be后作表语,这个用法要牢记。

作宾语: I teach myself English.作表语: I am not myself today.做同位语:The thing itself is not important.Teach how to read and let students repeat these words at least twice.1

二上Unit 1单词教案

4.Let students make sentences with these indefinite pronouns and reflexive pronoun so that they can have a better understanding of them.5.Read each word at least twice and add some other points about them: Hen-cock: 公鸡;chicken: 鸡肉(uc), 小鸡(c)Seem-It seems that.../ seem to sth.E.g.It seems that today is a good day.He seems to go to the park with his friends.Bored-boring

E.g.Listening to the story makes me bored.The story is really boring.Diary-keep a diary

E.g.I have fromed the habit to keep a diary since I was a child.Enjoyable-enjoy v.+ doing

E.g.This trip was really enjoyable.Activity-active adj.E.g.There are a lot of activities in our school each year.Decide-decision n./ decide to do sth.E.g.She had to make a decision at that situation.My mother decided to buy a tie for my father as a gift.Try-try to do: 试图做.../ try doing: 尝试做...E.g.The student tried to get the other side of the mountain.The little bird tries flying form the nest.Bicycle-bike

E.g.I usually ride a bike to go to school.Building

E.g.There are lots of buildings in our city.Of course 作插入语

E.g.Of course, I know she’s right.Feel like-+ doing sth.E.g.We felg like their kindness when we were in that village.Trader-trade v.E.g.A trader means a businessman.Difference-different

E.g.I want to know the difference between these two words.Wonder: v.想知道


E.g.I wonder whether or not the boy got home safely.Top-on the top of: 在...顶部

E.g.He saw the beauty of the city on the top of the mountain.Wait-wait for sb.(to do sth.)

E.g.The students are waiting for their parents to pick up them.Umbrella(pay attention to the speeling of the word)

E.g.Cindy;ikes colorful umbrellas.Wet-dry

E.g.The wall gets wet because of the heavy rain.二上Unit 1单词教案

Because of + n.Because + clause

E.g.Because of sadness, she can’t say any words.She can’t say any words because she was sad.Below-above

E.g.There is a ruler below this paper.Enough: 修饰名词前置;修饰形容词、不定代词后置

E.g.I have not enough money to buy this pen.There must be something interesting in that park.Hungry-huger

E.g.The little boy is hungery because he has no money to buy food.Buring the war years, many people had to suffer from the hunger.As

E.g.The old man cried as a child.Hill

E.g.There are many beautiful hills in our village.Dislike-like: 反义前缀:dis-


E.g.People dislike the one who tell other’s private freely.6.Teach the words of names and places at least twice.7.Pair work

Read the words each other, and try to recite them.Then them will be ask some questions about the meaning and usage of the words.8.Pay more attention to the key words: indefinite pronouns,reflexive pronouns, Decide,try,wonder,dislike and bored by playing a game: write these words in the blackboard and read together, then make a mark of one of the words, tell students not to read the word aloud.Repeat twice or third.Then let students guess what meaning of these key words.9.Read all the words together.10.Summary: review what we learned today.(1)indefinite pronouns(2)reflexive pronouns(3)some key words: decide, try, wonder, ect.10.Homework: rewrite the key words and make sentences, then recite them.

第二篇:B1-U2 单词教案

《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1 Unit 2 Friendship Text A All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter Words & Phrases

1.(L1)be lost in /lose oneself in: be absorbed in, be fully occupied with沉入,专心于

---He was lost in playing computer games so he was unaware of my entering the room.---I had lost myself in thought.---He was lost to the world in this task.他忙于这项工作而对周围的一切都很漠然。2.(L3)available: adj.1).able to be got, obtained, used, etc.---We have already used up all the available space.---对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。

I’m sorry, those overcoats are not available in your color and size.2).Able to be visited or seen;not too busy---律师现在没空。

The lawyer is not available now.3.(L5)or something: used when you are not very sure about what you have just said


---Here’s some money.Get yourself a sandwich or something.---The air fare was a hundred and ninety-nine pounds or something.---Her name is Julia or Juliet or something.Similar phrase: or something like that 4.(L6)go ahead: continue, begin(sometimes followed by with + n.)开始,继续---The board of directors will vote today on whether to go ahead with the plan.---Henry will be late but we will go ahead with the meeting anyway.---Go ahead with your plan.I fully support you.---May I use your pen? Yes, go ahead.*5.(L8)know / learn / get by heart: = keep / bear in mind : memorize, remember exactly

熟记,记住,能背出,---Actors in a play have to know their parts by heart.---I will learn your advice by heart.= I will bear your advice in mind.6.(L10)estimate:

1)vt.form a judgment about(a quality or value)

---Bill’s personal riches were estimated at $368million.---I estimate that the total cost for the treatment of the disease will go from $5,000 to 1

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1 $8,000.---I estimate her age at 35.我估计她有35岁。

2).n.approximate calculation or judgment made about a quantity or value.---According to some estimates the number of farms has increased by 50%.---My estimate of her character was wrong.Cf: estimate, evaluate & value这组词都有“估计”或“估价”的意思

estimate 指先于实际的测量、计算或测试而作的某种估计或估价,可以是经过仔细考虑的,也可以是随意的。

---He estimated he would do the hundred miles by noon.他估计到中午时能走完这一百英里路。

---I asked three building firms to estimate for the repairs to the house.我请三个建筑公司估计修建房子的费用。

evaluate 很少表示用金钱来估计某物的市场价值,而是对其相对或内在价值的评定。

---The research project has only been under way for three months, so it’s too early to evaluate its success.这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的效果作出评价为时尚太早。value 只估计某物的价值、价格。---He valued the house for me at $3,500 他为我估计了这栋房子,价值3,500美元。

7.(L13)might / may(just)as well: 不妨,倒不如,(满)可以,(后接动词原形)If you say that you might/may(just)as well to something, you mean that you will do it although you do not have a strong desire to do it and may even feel slightly reluctant about it.---Anyway, you’re here;you might as well stay.---I might as well give the sweet course a miss.---You may(just)as well tell her the worst.---Now that we’ve finished the work, we may as well go home.8.(L14)used to: 表示“过去经常(做某事)”,而现在不再这样做了。to为动词不定式的小品词,后接动词原形。

---He used to go to work by bus.Now he drives to work.CF: be / get used to : 表示“习惯于……”,to为介词,其后接名词或动名词。

---They are used to going to bed early and getting up early.---You will get used to the new school life soon.9.(L15)not much of a : not a good 不算好的,不太好的

---It is not much of a day.天气不是很好。

---He is not much of a father, but he is an outstanding professor.2

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1---Some people may thing that doing housework for others is not much a career.---I’m not much of a cook./ swimmer / singer.---He is not much of a scholar / football player.---Is he much of a doctor? 他是个高明的医生吗? 10.(L16)keep up: continue without stopping 保持,维持

---They risk losing their homes because they can no longer keep up the repayments.---I was so hungry all the time that I could not keep the diet up for longer than a month.---He kept up a correspondence with one of his old classmate.---Splendid!Keep up the good work!Collocation:

Keep to

坚持;信守 Keep up with


Keep on

继续进行;反复做 Keep off


Keep out of

躲开;(使)置身于…之外 11.(L16)correspondence: n.1).The act of writing, receiving or sending letters(often followed by with + n.)---His interest in writing came from a long correspondence with a close college friend.---敌人空袭后通信中断了。

The correspondence dropped after the enemy’s air raid.2).The letters that sb.receives or sends(used as an uncountable noun)

---Mary really never mentions her step-mother in her correspondence.---The library bought all the correspondence between Queen Victoria and her daughters.Collocation:

carry on correspondence


break off correspondence


business/commercial correspondence


personal correspondence


in correspondence with


12.(L18)practically: adv.almost, but not completely or exactly


She’s practically always late for work.---He’d known the man for practically ten years.---I know people who find it practically impossible to give up smoking.13.(L20)all the way: 一直,自始至终,完全地,---I ran all the way to the bus station.---He was all the way back to normal.3

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1 14.(L26)kind of / sort of:(infml;“kind of” is esp.AmE, “sort of” esp.BrE)a little bit, in some way or degree(used before v.or after a link verb)有点,有几分

---The boy’s description kind of gives us an idea of what’s happening.---She wasn’t beautiful.But she was kind of cute.---她希望能受到邀请。

She kind of hoped to be invited.---It’s kind of late to begin now.*CF: a kind of / kind of / of a kind a kind of 一种/ 类,修饰名词;kind of 是副词性质短语,修饰动词或形容词;of a kind

(=of the same kind)意为“相同种类的”,---They are two of a kind—both unreliable.他俩是一路货---都靠不住。

15.(L26)lose touch(with sb.): meet and contact sb.less and less often, gradually stop writing, telephoning, or visiting them 失去联系

---I lost touch with my former classmates after graduation.---In my job one tends to lose touch with friends.16.(L29)a couple of:(infml)a few, more than one but not many 几个,两三个,别一对---Do you have a moment? There are a couple of things I’d like to talk to you about.---They promised the students that they would find a substitute teacher in a couple of days.---I met a couple of friends yesterday.---I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don’t make a pair.*CF: couple & pair


pair 修饰物时,表示由两个互补部分组成的单一物件或两个必须一起使用的物体;修饰的时,可指两个密切关联的人,或两个同属某种性质的人。

17.(L33)on one’s mind: in one’s thoughts;of concern to one(If something is on your mind, you are worried or concerned about it and think about it a lot.)记挂在心;为某事操心/焦虑

---Dealings on the stock market have been on his mind all the time.---This travel plan has been on my mind all week.---You are always on my mind.18.(L33-34)keep in touch(with sb.): If you keeping touch with someone, you write, phone, or visit each other regularly.保持联系

---The old man kept in touch with his children while living in a nursing home.---While doing the research work in the Antarctic, the professor kept in touch with his students via email.---I often keep in touch with my former classmates after graduation.4

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1---The old man keeps in touch with his children abroad.Collocation: be in touch(with)

有联系 out of touch

无联系 19.(L37)come up:

1)happen, occur, esp.unexpectedly 发生

---“Sorry, I am late.Something came up at home.”---If a vacancy comes up, you may

have the chance.2)be mentioned or discussed 出现

---The issue of safety came up twice during the meeting.---The term “Project Hope” has come up a lot recently in the newspapers.Collocation: come across


come along


come down


come over

从远处来,过来‘短暂造访 come through


come up with


20.(L39)hand over: 移交,交给


He handed over the family business to his sons.---They handed over the thief to the police.21.(L43)urge: vt.Try very hard to persuade---They urged the local government to approve plans for their reform program.---Sir Fred urged that Britain(should)join the European Monetary System.---When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.Pattern: urge sb.to do sth./urge + that-clause.(in the that-clause, “should” or the base form of a verb is used.)

22.(L45)remind sb.of sth./ doing sth.: 提醒某人某事/做某事---请记得提醒我寄信。

Please remind me of posting the letter.---In case I forget, please remind me about it.23.(L46)postpone: vt.Delay(usu.followed by n./gerund)

---The couple had postponed having children to establish their careers.---我们把比赛从3月5日推迟到3月19日。

We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th.Cf: postpone& delay这组词都有“延缓”或“耽搁“的意思。

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1 postpone 指将某事推迟或耽搁延后进行,也可以用来比喻将某人或某物至于次要地位。

---The ball game was postponed because of the rain.---It is not right for him to postpone the public interest.他将公众利益置于个人利益之后是不对的。

delay 指由于干扰或意外事故而延误,特别是延误了某事的预期完成或某人某物的按时到达。有时也可能是由于主观的原因故意造成的拖延或耽搁。

---The flood seriously delayed the train service.---Our debtor delayed payment from day to day.24.(L48)reference: n.1).The act of talking about sb./sth., or mentioning them(usu.followed by to)---It was strange that he mad e no reference to any work experience in his resume.2)sth.that shows you where else to look for information, for example the page number of another place in a book---Make a note of the reference number shown on the form.3)the act of looking at sth.for information.---Use the dictionary for easy reference.---Keep their price list for further reference.Collocation:

a reference book


a reference library

(不外借书的)参考书阅览室 for reference

做参考 in/with reference to


25.(L59)reunion: n.a party attended by members of the same family, school, or other group who have not seen each other for a long time---Before she went abroad for further study, the whole family had a big family reunion.---The soccer club holds an annual/a yearly reunion.Collocation:

a class reunion

毕业后的同班同学聚会 a family reunion


26.(L61)go by:(of time)pass(时间)逝去,走过

---Her daughter was becoming more and more beautiful as the years went by.---As each month goes by, the economic situation gets better.---We waited for the parade to go by.27.(L63)hang out:

1)(infml;used mainly in AmE)stay in or near a place, for no particular reason, not doing very much 闲荡,徘徊

---The police know well where they hang out.---I often hung out in coffee bars while I was unemployed.6

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1---We can just hang out and have a good time.---That’s the corner where all the kids hang out.2)hang clothes on a piece of string outside in order to dry them挂出,伸出---I was worried that I had no time to hang out my washing.---What a pain!—It’s raining and I’ve just hung out the washing out.Collocation:

hang about/around 闲逛

hang on


hang over


hang up


28.(L65)every now and then: sometimes, at times 有时,间或---Every now and then I have a desire to quit my tedious job.---I still see Jane for lunch every now and then, but not as often as I used to.---He comes to visit me every now and then.Collocation:

Now and again 不时地

Now or never 勿失良机

NB: 表示偶尔、有时的词和短语:

At times

(Every)now and then(Every)now and again

(Every)once in a while From time to time

Sometimes On occasion

occasionally *Note: every now and then表不定期限的,有时;often,always 的频度更高;regularly比较定期,但every now and then比seldom 的意义肯定。

29.(L75)choke up:

1)become too upset to speak(因激动等)哽咽行说不出话---He choked up and couldn’t finish his speech.2)block 堵塞

---During the rush hour roads are usually choked up with traffic.30.(L77)skip: vt.pass from(one point, etc.)to another, disregarding or failing to act on what comes between.---A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.报纸读者可以选择自己感兴趣的新闻,略过自己认为是枯燥的或无关的消息。31.(L87)in the distance: far away 在远处---There is a house in the distance.---A ship could be seen in the distance.Cf: at a distance : 有相当距离,在稍远处,很不近---The shops are at a distance from where we live.7

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1


keep sb.at a distance


keep one’s distance(from)

保持疏远 32.(L88)right away:(infml)at once 立即/立刻---All right!I’m coming right away.---I wrote him a letter and posted it right away.表示“立即”、“马上”的词和短语:

at once / directly/ immediately / instantly / promptly / right away / straight away

Useful Expressions


be completely lost in 2).引起…的注意

get sb.’s attention


settle into the back seat 4).不着急

in no hurry 5).不大会

not much of a hand at 6).保持通信往来

keep up correspondence 7).从小学一直到高中

all the way through both grade and high school 8).老街坊

an old neighborhood 9).保持联系

keep in touch with 10).老同学聚会

a class reunion 11).时间不饶人

Time goes by.12).在一起闲逛

hang out on the same corner 13).点头称是

nod in agreement 14).在远处

in the distance

Proverbs and Quotations 1)A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.与其囊中有钱,不如朝中有人。2)A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交,才是真朋友。

3)A friend to all is a friend to none.滥交者无友。

4)Between friends all is common.朋友之间不分彼此。

5)False friends are worse than open enemies.8

Unit 2.doc 《大学英语》全新版综合教程Book 1 虚伪的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。

6)Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.选择朋友要慎重,换朋友更要慎重。

Unit 2.doc


The Second Period

Writing practice of words Teaching aims:

1.Be able to English words correctly and normally.2.Be able to evaluate by themselves from the height, width, slope and cells of words.3.Train students’ writing habits and improve the ability of English writing.Teaching key points: English words correct writing and training Teaching difficult points: The height, width, slope and cells of words.Teaching aids:

A ruler and PPT Lesson type:

New teaching.Learning method guidance

Writing and groupwork Teaching Steps: Step1.Greetings and lead in 1.Play the letter song.2.Show some pictures of beautiful English handwriting to lead in.3.Get students to say the reasons that they can’t write well.Step2.Practicing 1.The teacher draws the four line three cells on the blackboard and write each letter correctly and beautifully, and then show them to students on ppt.(1)每个字母都应稍向右倾斜,约为5°,斜度要一致。





(6)小写字母f g j p q y的下端抵第四线。


2.Guide students to write the letters on exercise paper, at the same time emphasize the order, height, width, slope and cells of each letter.Step3.Evaluating 1.Ask the Ss to exchange their exercises to their partners to correct the errors each other.2.Chose one paper from each group optionally, and then show them to the Ss and ask them to make some comments 3.Show some good sample writings on the screen to the students, and ask them evaluate together Step4.Summary Step5.Homework

Write each small and big letter five times correctly on exercise paper.Blackboard Design

After teaching



◎活动内容:彩虹的颜色单词red,yellow,blue ◎活动名称:Color Class ◎活动班级:大班 ◎活动目标: 语言能力目标:




♢听懂red,yellow,blue三个单词,并理解其意思。♢根据单词说出各自的颜色。◎活动准备 ♢教学的PPT ♢三张颜色的卡片

♢课前预热歌Ten little Indians boys.和一首颜色的英文歌Color Song,并编排简单的舞蹈动作。

◎活动过程 Step 1.warm-up Game 1.Ten little Indians boys.T:Goodmorning,boys and girls.How are you today?Well,I am so happy now.Do you know why?Yes,I can dance with everyone.Ok,please show me your hands before dance.Are you ready?Let's go!T&Ks:

One little, two little,three little Indians Four little, five little,six little Indians Seven little, eight little,nine little Indians Ten little Indians boys Ten little, nine little,eight little Indians Seven little, six little,five little Indians Four little, three little,two little Indians One little Indian boy

Step 2.Presentation S:Everyone is very good.Clapping for yourself.(拍手)Then let us playing a game.I have some cards now,and I will choice some students read these cards.Who want to try?Ok, please choice a card and tell me what color is it? S:红色(Or red).(抽两个学生)

T:Yes, you're right!It's red.Please follow me red red red.S: Red red red.T: Next one.What color is it?(以同样的方法教yellow,blue)

Step 3.Practice T:I will take out a card and you tell me what color is it loudly,ok? S:Ok.T:The first one…what color is it? S: Red.(卡片要转几个方向,并多问几遍)T:Great!It's red!

(以同样的方法问学生yellow和blue)T:(先把一张卡片藏起来)Oh no.There's a color missing.Who can try tell me what color is missing? S1: Red.T:Yes.Sit down please.(游戏进行两轮,可以多问几个同学)

Step 4.Production Game 2.Find your color.T:Ok.Now let's playing a game.The name is Find your color.I say a color and everyone find the right color on your body quickly.Are you ready?Let's go.(三种颜色多说几遍,看看学生找对没有)

Step 5.Extension T:Ok,before class ended, let's listening to a song——Color Song.I will teach you another words.Let’s singing.S::(唱)T:Class is over.Goodbye boys and girls.S:Goodbye teacher.




一、词汇Words 1.boat




2.balloon 名词









批注:小朋友,看右边的图片是什么?kite,那么它是什么颜色的?yellow 5.yellow










批注:我们来看一下右边的这个图片是:ladybird。What colour is it? It’s red and black.8.red



批注:通过上文中提问学生What colour is it? It’s red and black.来巩固颜色:red,black。







批注:我们看右边这幅图片,是蜜蜂:bee,通过What colour is it? It’s yellow and black句型来复习yellow 和black。

11.ant 名词









批注:我们的蝴蝶是:butterfly,那么蝴蝶会飞应该是:Butterflies can fly.14.chick














18.dog 名词




批注:让学生先看图片然后造句,This is a cat.20.leaf


叶子 21.branch





















批注:我们看麦兜他身上的颜色是:pink,那么它后面底的颜色是:green,裤子的颜色呢? White。



It’s yellow and white.What colour is it?


1. 瓢虫 2.蚂蚁 3.船

4. 蚂蚁 5. 蜜蜂 6.风筝

7. 黄色 8. 粉色 9. 绿色







三. 按要求写单词:










Keys: 1.butterflies













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