小学全英文 教案

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第一篇:小学全英文 教案

Unit 6

Let's eat Teaching Objectives 1.Objectives for Affect Let the students know that they should save food and share food with friends.2.Objectives for Language Knowledge Learn the new sentences “I like …” and “Have some…”.Learn the new words “tea, cake, coke, chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries…”.3.Objectives for Language Skills Be able to pronounce the words and sentences correctly.Be able to know how to share food with friends.Key Points 1.The sentences: “I like …” and “Have some…”

2.Some words: chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries… Difficult Points The pronunciation of the words “chicken, bread and French fries”.Teaching Aids CAI ppt, pictures Teaching Approaches Game teaching Teaching Steps 1.Warming-up Sing the song“Let’s have a picnic” together.T:Hello, boys and girls!How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you.And you? T: Very well, thank you.Let’s sing a song, OK? Ss: OK!2.Leading-in Daily talk.T: Do you like cake? S1: Yes, I do.T: Do you like milk? S2: Yes, I do.T: OK.Today, I will show something delicious for you.Do you want to have a look? 3.Presentation

(1)Let students watch the CAI ppt.(2)The teacher show some pictures of food.Students learn the words “tea, cake, coke, chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries”.T:Do you know what it is ? S1:Bread.T:What are these? S2:Hamburger.T: Hamburgers.Ss: Hamburgers.…

(3)The teacher play the recording to students.(4)The teacher teach students know how to use the sentence “I like …”.4.Practice(1)Let students introduce the food they like in groups by using the sentence “I like …”.(2)Let’s act Let students act about the story in the text book, then ask several students to show in front of the class.(3)Let’s play

Let students play the passing game by using the words about food.5.Conlidation Review the sentences and words in the text book.Let students reads the text book.Extension Read and color: Give pictures to the students, then let them color it and read the words of the food.Board-writing Unit 6

Let’s eat

I like chicken(hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries).Homework 1.Do some exercises in the text book.


Teaching Plan


school: Grade: Class: Teacher:content of courses

Topic11.My Pet Turtle

Teaching aims

Listen to say familiar three sentence patterns and their

answer form——What is your favorite …?My favorite … is…

Teaching difficult points

first-person converting and reconverting

teaching media

1.Teacher preparation teaching material matching tapes

2.Prepare relevant part of the courseware

3.Teachers learned patterns card ready

Teaching steps

1.Warming-up/Revision.(1)Daily conversation display.(2)play“Let us sing together” songs the recording, the teachers

and students singing and do the action


(1)The tortoise knowledge introduction

T:Look and think.(2)Teachers fast.Pictures of animals show series:

daddy turtle,mommy turtle, brother turtle, baby turtle.Accordingto see pictures about students cultivate animal words observationand memory.(3)Listen to recording ,then practice in pairs.The next lead

“What is your favorite pet?”,First , take out to the whole , then askseveral students answer shows the correct answer form.“ My favorite pet is…”


(1)Let’s do a game!

I will ask two students to do it.one say “what’s your favorite pet?”,the other do a reply and express it with your body languag-e.(2)Exchange.4.Now read the text quickly and find out other sentence pa-erns :when and where did you get it?how often do you feed it?why do you like it?Is it a turtle?And so forth.5.Assignment

You should know “what is hisher favorite ….?”and their answer form.Next class teacher will check it ,oh


Teaching Plan

Topic.My Pet Turtle Teaching aims Listen to say familiar three sentence patterns and their answer form——What is your favorite …?My favorite … is…

Teaching difficult points

first-person converting and reconverting teaching media 1.Teacher preparation teaching material matching tapes 2.Prepare relevant part of the courseware

3.Teachers learned patterns card ready Teaching steps 1.Warming-up/Revision.(1)Daily conversation display.(2)play“Let us sing together” songs the recording, the teachers and students singing and do the action 2.Presentation

(1)The tortoise knowledge introduction T:Look and think.(2)Teachers fast.Pictures of animals show series: daddy turtle,mommy turtle, brother turtle, baby turtle.According

to see pictures about students cultivate animal words observation and memory.(3)Listen to recording ,then practice in pairs.The next lead “What is your favorite pet?”,First , take out to the whole , then ask several students answer shows the correct answer form.“ My favorite pet is…” 3.Practice(1)Let’s do a game!

I will ask two students to do it.one say “what’s your favorite pet?”,the other do a reply and express it with your body languag-e.(2)Exchange.4.Now read the text quickly and find out other sentence pa-erns :when and where did you get it?how often do you feed it?why do you like it?Is it a turtle? And so forth.5.Assignment

You should know “what is hisher favorite ….?”and their answer form.Next class teacher will check it ,oh


I.Teaching Aims And Demands The teaching aim is established建立,确定 according to the New Curriculum of Primary School English.1.Knowledge objects(1)To enable the students to understand and speak five new words and two sentence patterns: wear, shirt, T-shirt, dress, skirt.He’s wearing a… She’s wearing a…(2)To be able to describe someone else more freely.(3)To enlarge the Ss’ vocabulary.2.Ability objects(1)To develop the Ss’ speaking strategy.(2)To develop the Ss’ vocabulary strategy.(word guessing etc.)(3)To encourage the students cooperation amongst处于。中 in their studies.3.Moral objects To arouse唤醒 the students’ interest of learning English and to have them participate actively in language communication.To stimulate刺激 the students’ creativity.II.Teaching Key And Difficult Points The teaching key and difficult points are based on the aims and demands.Teaching Key Points : To grasp领悟 the five new words and two sentence patterns.Teaching Difficulties: 1.Improve Ss’s speaking ability to describe others more freely 2.Develop their lateral侧面的 thinking through games.III.Teaching Aids A Computer IV.Teaching Methods 1.Student-centered teaching 2.Task-based learning任务型教学方法

3.Communication through learning

4.Situational teaching method情境教学法 V.Studying Ways

Activity-based learning(individual 个别的work;pair work;group work;class work)VI.Teaching Procedure Step 1 warm up

to arouse Ss’ interest ,play a “colour song” on the computer, let the students become familiar with the phrase “ Who’s wearing…”

Step 2 Lead-in To introduce the new words and sentences ,I create a situation here, Sam and Amy are Australian children , they decide to buy some summer clothes because it’s getting hotter in their county.What will they buy?

(purpose: To present the new words and increase students geographical knowledge at the same time)Step 3 practice After presentating the new words, the students need some activities to practice them.Students greatly welcome games.They can create a cheerful and light-hearted environment and arouse students’ interest in learning English.Games are considered one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency in language learning.So in this part, I will use a power point I prepared to play some games with the students: 1.Let them try to memorize how many models are wearing a T-shirt/ shirt/ dress/skirt?

2.How many models they can introduce by using the sentence in a limit time: He’s /She’s wearing a … 3.And the third game is to try to answer some questions according to the shadow pictures.阴影图片 Step 4 extension

(to develop their creativity and speaking ability)Organize Ss into groups of four and discuss “ how can you help them to find “the missing person(situation: a little child is lost in a shopping mall and he/she is trying to find his parent)Step 5 Homework Design a T-shirt , or some other clothes that you like.Blackboard Design Topic sentences and key words are written to help Ss know the main content of this class.


Unit 5 Do you like candies? Warming up: 1.Sing a song 《Apple Tree》.2.Look and say.(Review the words about food and drinks).Presentation and practice: 1.Present the new words and sentences: banana, grape Do you like …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T: I like apples.I like oranges.They are fruits.Now, I will give you two riddles.Let’s guess what fruits they are.a.They are yellow.They are sweet.The monkeys like them very much.What are they? b.They are purple.They are nice.We eat them in summer.What are they?(Teach the new words: banana, grape)T: I like grapes.Do you like grapes? 2.Teach the new words: candy, candies.T:(在黑板上画简笔画)Look, what’s this? Ss: It’s a candy.T: Look, what are these? Ss: They’re candies.3.Teach the new words: bread, cookie, cake.T: Look, what’s this? S1: It’s bread.T: What’s this? S2: It’s a cookie.…

4.Present the new word: tea.T: I’m thirsty.I want to drink something.I like water.Do you like water? Do you like tea? 5.Game: a.Bomb.T: Look, it’s a bomb.When there is a bomb near the word, don’t read it.b.Yes or No.T: There are some word cards in my hand.If I say correctly, you should say “ Yes”.If I’m wrong, you should say “No”.6.Chant.a.Read the chant together.b.Make a new chant.Work in pairs.c.Show themselves.7.Practice the sentences:

Does…like…? Yes, she/he does./

No, she/he doesn’t.Teaching Process: 1.Listen and answer the questions: a.Does Wu Chen like candies? b.Does the monkey like bananas? c.Does it like ice-creams? 2.Listen and repeat.3.Try to read together.4.Read in roles.5.Make a new dialogue.Development: Happy Big Wheel.

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