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We have new friends

08英本7班 谢芷静 04b10740841 Class Type:New Teaching Context:PEP Grade:Five

1、Preparation 1)Analysis of the context It’s the final class of the unit,designed to consolidate what they learned before.That’s why I lay much emphasis on practicing sentence patterns.The content is about other people’s appearances and characteristics.2)Anlysis of the students The five-grade pupil have approached to English and accumulated certain amount of knowledge towards it.2、Teaching objectives 1)Knowledge to enable students’s abilities to speak,read and listen to the words and phrases: “clever,quiet,pretty,Carl,Cathy,Carla” “…hiar,…eyes,a…nose,a…mouth” “She’s cute./He’s clever./….”

to let them be able to listen to,speak,read and write the following words and senteces: “her,his,eyes,nose,mmouth”

“What’s her name?Her name is Zhou Pei.What’s his name?His name is Peter”.2)Emotion to further stimulate students’s passion towards English learning and encourage them to take part in the course activities energetically,creating situations and speaking to their partners actively with the words and patterns they learned.3)Learning strategy to strengthen their focus on the class and improve their capability of observing people’s appearances and characteristics.4)Culture

to get to know the expression of foreign descriptions of people appearances and characteristics.3、Teaching Strategy On the premise of task-based approach,I combine various teaching methods together,such as Happy Teaching ,Situation Teaching and TPR.I take advantage of multimedia like PPT to help me illustrate the language point and get myself understood.In addition to that,the adopt of multimedia can also make the class more vividly so that students won’t be bored but excited during the learning process.4、Teaching Procedure 1)Warm up a、Sing the song Head and shoulders knees and toes together.the teacher leads students to touch correct body parts with the music to review the expression of that part to prepare students for the next study of human charcteristics.b、Play a touching game.Choose one student from each group,ask them to stand in a line in front of the class.First,the teacher gives the order,”touch your…”,the students do as the teacher says.Who is wrong will be out.Then the order students can give the order too.The pupil who stands through the game could win his group and himself a ★ as the price.Because of the competion,the whole class’s attention could be drawed to the game.During the game,I’ll write the key words on the blackboard and practice them vocally in the game.They are”eyes,nose,mouth.2)Presentation a、Do the dialogue with the students.T: What’s your name? S: My name is…

T: What’s his/her name

S2: His/Her name is…(Board writing: ”What’s her name? Her name is…What’s his name?His name is…”)

b、The students practice in groups of four.c、The students act out the dialogues in groups.The teacher gives them proper assessment,and give the best three groups ★.Then teaches the new words(clever,quiet,pretty)in chant:Clever,clever,he is clever.Quiet,quiet,she is quiet.Pretty,pretty,she is pretty.Through T-S and S-S practices,the new words and patterns could be reinforced with the fomer learned words and sentences.The form of Chant can help students remember the words.d、Ask a student to come to the front.T:What’s her/his name? Ss:Her/His name is…

T:Look,she/he has…hair…eyes,a…nose,and a…mouth.She/He is…

e、Play a guessing game.Use the computer to show the features of the famous athletes of the 29th Olympic Games,and ask the students to guess what’s her/his name? By relating the newly learned knowledge to the Olympic winners,the teacher could rouse students study interests and patriotism at the same time.3)Practice a、Books open.The students listen to the tape and repeat.b、Describe yourself: My name is…I have… hair…eyes, a…nose, and a…mouth.I ’m clever….I can…I’m interested in…

Picturing themselves help them to apply the knowledge into reality.4)Play a guessing game.a、Describe your friend and let your classmates find hin or her.E g: I have a good friend.She is quiet.She has short hair.She has a moon face.Her eyes are big and her mouth is small.She’s very tall.What’s her name? Her name is…

b、Describe a famous people or a cartoon character(an actor, an actress, a singer, an athlete etc.)and let your classmates to guess what her or his name is.c、Let’s chant.Look at the screen and chant with the tape to consolidate the pronunciation/k/.5)Assessment a、The teacher makes a short summary to go over the class and make comments on students performance.b、Praise the winner groups and encourage the other groups to motivate the students to join in the activities and increase their interests in English.

第二篇:全英文教案 Unit2

Teaching Plan(45mins)Unit2 English around the world Part 1 :Analysis of teaching material

The theme of this class is “English language and its development, different kinds of English”.Researching the topic of the development of the history of English language, which can make students strengthen the understanding of the English language, especially for the understanding of the trend of English development.After finished this class, the students can comprehend the variety levels and plurality of English language, which can help students develop the consciousness of intercultural.Part 2: Teaching Aims

1.Knowledge Objects

①Talk about English and its development, different kinds of English.②Talk about the difficulties in language communication.③Learn to make dialogue by using request & command.④Learn to transfer from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.⑤Learn to organize ideas and give opinions by the way of brainstorming.2.Ability Objects

(1)Important word and phrase Subway, elevator, petrol, gas, official, voyage, conquer, native, come up, apartment, actually, base, at present, gradually, vocabulary, make use of, latter, identity, fluently, frequently, usage, command(2)Grammar and sentence

①English is a language spoken all around the world.②There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.③The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.④In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.3.Moral Objects

Let the students obtain the knowledge about the development of English language by reading, expand international horizons, aggrandize the culture consciousness, arouse their enthusiasm for English learning.Part 3: Teaching Key Points and Teaching Difficulties

1.To be able to get the main idea from the text.2.To be able to solve the problem by analyzing.3.To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.Part 4: Teaching method

1.Scenario communication method 2.Task based Language Teaching method 3.The heuristic teaching method

Create the scenarios, lead in the topic, group discussions and exchange, inspire the learning initiative of student with the heuristic teaching method Part 5:

Teaching Procedures Step1: Warming up

Let the students look at the following picture, then ask them some questions like these: Which words in the picture are British English or American English? Which country do you think has the most English learners? Step2:Lead in

I play a short video about people from England making voyages to conquer other parts of the world, then ask the students: Why is English the most widely used in so many countries? Why has English changed over time? Step3:Fast reading

1.Let the students read the text as quickly as they can, then decide whether the statements are true or false:

(1)There is no difference between American English and British English.(2)Written English is the same in both American English and British English.(3)Sometimes people from the two countries have difficulty in understanding each other.(4)The English language in the world always stay the same as the language used in Britain.2.Show the students some important words and expressions.(1)include包括,包含

(2)play an important role / part in 扮演重要角色(3)even if / though 即使,即便(4)a large number of 许多,大量的(5)communicate with 和...交流(6)be based on 建立在......的基础上(7)make use of 利用,使用 Step 4: Careful reading 1.Let the students read the passage carefully and then make a time line of the development of English.2.Let the students read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words from the text.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as ___ as a ___ English speaker.One reason is that English has a large ___.It also has different usage in different English speaking countries.If you use “flat”instead of “___”, people in America will know you have learned British English.If you use the word “___”instead of “lift”in Britain, people will know you have studied American English.3.Let the students listen to the text carefully and repeat the sentences.Step 5 :Group work

Ask and answer the questions like these: When did five to seven million people speak English? Why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries? Which country may have the largest number of English learners? Step 6 :Practice

Retell the history of English and tell the differences of ancient English and modern English, British English and American English.Step 7:Summary

Answer questions: Tell us what did you learn from this lesson? Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English? Then give “The road to modern English”.Step 8:Homework

1.Go over the text and try to learn all the useful words and expressions in this part by heart.2.Write a passage about your English learning.Part 6: After-class reflection

The essential aim of English teaching is to promote the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the ability of comprehension, and to strengthen their consciousness of cross cultural communication.The four skills link closely, and they do not exist in isolation, this lesson will integrate these four links to the whole teaching process, which make students basically achieved the knowledge of this lesson and enable students to systematically understand the knowledge they have learned.At the same time, we can achieve the teaching aim of this class.


一.Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge aim To enable the students to master the key words, phrases and language points, such as....(从文中找两个单词、一个短语和一个语言点就可以了)2.Ability aim To improve the students reading abilities, such as skimming and scanning.3.Emotional aim 根据文章大体内容编一个情感目标。二.Teaching important and difficult points: 1.Teaching important points To master the key words, phrases and language points, such as....(从文中找两个单词、一个短语和一个语言点就可以了)2.Teaching difficult points: To improve the students reading abilities, such as skimming and scanning.三.Teaching method: Task-based language teaching method(意思是任务型教学法)Cooperative language learning approach(意思是合作语言学习教学法)四.Teaching aids: 1.A projector 2.Multimedia 3.A tape recorder 五.Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in The teacher will show the students some pictures about the topic of this class to arouse the students’ interest of this lesson.Step 2.Pre-reading The teacher will give the students two questions and ask them to discuss.After the discusion, the teacher will ask the students to show their own opinions.Step 3.While-reading

Activity 1: The students will be asked to read the text quickly and answer the questions the teacher shows on the screen.This activity can help to improve the students’ skimming ability.Activity 2: The students will be asked to read the text carefully again and underline what they don’t understand.Then discuss in groups.If they still have any difficulty, the teacher will help to explain.Step 4.Post-reading In this part, the teacher will give the studetns another two questions to discuss.They can use what they have learned in this class.Step 5.Consolidation After the students have learned the text, the teacher will ask them to do some relative exercise to consolidate the knowledge they have learned in this class.Step 6.Summary To ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this class.It can help the students to have a clear understanding of what they’ve learned.Step 7.Homework The students will be asked to write a short composition about the topic of this class.They can use the the key word, phrases and language points in this class.It can help the students to consolidate what they have learned.六.Blackboard design(罗列几个单词、短语、知识点)

第四篇:小学全英文 教案

Unit 6

Let's eat Teaching Objectives 1.Objectives for Affect Let the students know that they should save food and share food with friends.2.Objectives for Language Knowledge Learn the new sentences “I like …” and “Have some…”.Learn the new words “tea, cake, coke, chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries…”.3.Objectives for Language Skills Be able to pronounce the words and sentences correctly.Be able to know how to share food with friends.Key Points 1.The sentences: “I like …” and “Have some…”

2.Some words: chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries… Difficult Points The pronunciation of the words “chicken, bread and French fries”.Teaching Aids CAI ppt, pictures Teaching Approaches Game teaching Teaching Steps 1.Warming-up Sing the song“Let’s have a picnic” together.T:Hello, boys and girls!How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you.And you? T: Very well, thank you.Let’s sing a song, OK? Ss: OK!2.Leading-in Daily talk.T: Do you like cake? S1: Yes, I do.T: Do you like milk? S2: Yes, I do.T: OK.Today, I will show something delicious for you.Do you want to have a look? 3.Presentation

(1)Let students watch the CAI ppt.(2)The teacher show some pictures of food.Students learn the words “tea, cake, coke, chicken, hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries”.T:Do you know what it is ? S1:Bread.T:What are these? S2:Hamburger.T: Hamburgers.Ss: Hamburgers.…

(3)The teacher play the recording to students.(4)The teacher teach students know how to use the sentence “I like …”.4.Practice(1)Let students introduce the food they like in groups by using the sentence “I like …”.(2)Let’s act Let students act about the story in the text book, then ask several students to show in front of the class.(3)Let’s play

Let students play the passing game by using the words about food.5.Conlidation Review the sentences and words in the text book.Let students reads the text book.Extension Read and color: Give pictures to the students, then let them color it and read the words of the food.Board-writing Unit 6

Let’s eat

I like chicken(hot dog, hamburger, bread, French fries).Homework 1.Do some exercises in the text book.

第五篇:This is my sister全英文 教案

外国语12.11 姚玉林 1204021106

Unit3 This is my sister

Period 1(Section A 1a—1c)45 minutes

Teaching objectives 1.knowledge objectives At the end of this class,1)Ss can master the words: sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, grandparent, these those 2)Ss can express their idea with these sentence patterns

------This is my …

------These are my …------This is his / her …------These are his / her …

------Is this your…?------Are these your…?------Is this his / her …?------Are those his / her…? 2.ability objectives: 1)Train Ss’ listening skill.2)Train Ss’ communicative competence.3)to introduce family.3.Moral Objectives

A friend in deed is a friend indeed.Teaching Key Points 1.The names of the various members of a family.2.How to introduce family.Teaching Difficult Point Ss can introduce their family members.Teaching Methods 1.Visual teaching method.2.Pair work.Teaching Aids Photographs of your family members and friends, cards A tape recorder.Teaching procedure Step I Warming up(3 minutes)1.Greetings.2.Revise the sentences “What’s your name? Are you…? Is she…?”

Step II lead in and presentation(15 minutes)1.Ask Ss “Do you know a sitcom called Jia You Er Nv”, then let them tell me the names in the sitcom.Show Ss the pictures of each member in the sitcom to present the new words.T: Do you know a sitcom called Jia You Er Nv? Ss: Yes!T:So please tell me their names in this sitcom, Ss: Liu Xin, Liu Mei, Xia Yu….T: Great!Now I will show you some pictures.Look what’s his name?

Ss: His name is Liu Xin.T: We all know Liu Xing is Xia Yu’s brother.Follow me “brother” Ss: …

(present rest of the words in this way)2.After presenting the new words, lead Ss read the words in an interesting way.3.Role play I will give Ss an example T: Now I am Xiaoyu, look, this is my brother(point Liu Xing)to present the sentence structure: This is my/her/his….These/those are my… 4.Lead Ss to practice the sentence structures.Step III practice(25 minutes)

1.Role play First I will give Ss an example: If I were xiaoyu, I will introduce my family members one by one, then I will ask some Ss to do this activity.2.Show pictures I will show Ss some pictures on the screen, let them say according to the pictures with the sentence patterns : This is my…, These/Those are my… 3.listening listen to 2a: listen and circle the words you hear


To practice Ss memorize the missing words.5.pair work: Introduce family members

Every student has a family photo, work in pairs to introduce their family members to each other and then ask some of them to present in front of the class.Step IV production


Obama and his family come to visit China, and if you are Maria , some Chinese friends want to know about your family members, so please introduce your family members to them.Step V summary and homework(2minutes)1.lead Ss to summary what we have learnt in the class.2.Homework : found a family photo, and introduce your family.



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