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生产勘探:工程布置原则、手段、工程间距、主要工 作量、质量及探矿效果(探矿成本、获矿比指标、探矿坑道利用率);开采范围储量增减变化情况。
































































C.1 第一章 概况

C.1.1 矿山交通位置、自然地理概况、所处区域构造位置简述。

C.1.2 矿山地质勘查简述:历次地质勘查、生产勘探工作的时间、勘查单位、主要工作量、资源/储量估算方法、获得的资源/储量类别和数量、勘查报告评审认定情况。

C.1.3 矿山开采简述:矿山设计时间、设计单位、生产规模、服务年限、生产管理、总采出矿量。

C.1.4 闭坑(停办)原因。C.2 第二章 矿山地质简述

C.2.1 简述矿体地质特征:矿体分布、空间位置、规模、形态、产状等。

C.2.2 简述矿石质量特征:矿石结构构造、矿物成分、化学成分、有用、有益、有害组分含量、矿石类型、品位。划分氧化带、原生带的,应分带叙述。对于以物理机械性能为主要评价指标的,应论述这方面内容。

C.2.3 简述矿床开采技术条件:评述矿床主要充水因素、矿坑排水的主要来源、历年排水变化情况、主要灾害性水害发生原因及其对矿床开采的影响;采区岩体的物理力学性质及其稳定性、主要工程地质问题产生的部位、原因及其对矿床开采的影响;地震、地温、放射性及其他有毒有害物质的情况及其对矿床开采的影响。C.2.4 简述矿石选冶技术条件。

C.2.5 矿山地质测量工作及其质量评述:生产勘探的方法、网度、生产探矿工程和采矿工程的地质编录、取样、测量、资源/储量估算等工作及其质量。

C.2.6 矿山生产过程中累计探明新增(或减少)资源/储量及其品位情况 C.3 第三章 矿山开采和资源利用

C.3.1 设计利用的资源储量、开采方式、开拓系统、采矿方法、选矿流程、历年采掘工作量、历年采出矿量、采矿回收率、选矿回收率等的述评。

C.3.2 损失矿量(包括正常和非正常损失)、损失率、贫化率,批准非正常损失矿量的机构、批准理由等情况的述评。

C.3.3 工业指标实际运用情况及合理性评述。

C.3.4 资源/储量注销概况。剩余资源/储量及剩余原因的述评。C.3.5 对共生、伴生矿产的综合开采、利用情况及矿石加工工艺的评述。

C.3.6 通过矿山生产地质工作对地质情况的新认识、新发现,影响矿山开采的主要地质问题。

C.4 第四章 探采对比

C.4.1 探采对比:矿体形态变化、厚度变化、顶板及底板位移、品位变化、资源/储量对比(对比条件、绝对误差和相对误差)、构造变化的对比以及开采技术条件变化的对比。C.4.2 对勘查方法、手段、勘查工程间距、勘探类型及其确定的合理性的评述。C.4.3 对资源/储量估算方法的评述。C.5 第五章 环境影响评估

C.5.1 地下水疏干范围、水位及其恢复程度等情况的评述。

C.5.2 采区地质环境变化,包括:采空区矿层顶板冒裂带高度、地面开裂、沉降、山体滑坡、坍塌等变形破坏范围及程度、露天采场及其边坡崩落范围等情况的评述。C.5.3 水体污染及其自净情况的评述。C.5.4 废弃物堆放情况与处理。C.6 第六章 结 语

C.6.1 简要评述矿山生产的经济、社会、资源效益。

C.6.2 矿山闭坑资源/储量的核销结论及能否作为闭坑的依据。

C.6.3 剩余资源/储量的处理建议、废矿坑利用建议、环境及地质灾害治理建议。C.7 附图


C.7.2矿区地质图(含地层柱状图、剖面图及矿体分布); C.7.3矿山总平面布置图; C.7.4中段平面图;

C.7.5资源/储量估算图(平面、剖面、投影图); C.7.6探采矿体对比图;

C.7.7矿山闭坑范围及其周边环境地质图; C.7.8其他图件 C.8 附表


C.8.2历年采出矿量、损失(包括正常和非正常损失)矿量、采矿回收率、损失率、贫化率统计表; C.8.3探采矿体形态误差对比表;

C.8.4探采矿体顶板、底板位移误差对比表; C.8.5探采矿体厚度误差对比表; C.8.6探采矿体品位误差对比表;

C.8.7矿体地质勘查资源/储量与采准(或备采)矿量对比及其误差表; C.8.8历年矿山排水量基本情况表;

C.8.9矿山主要水害、工程及环境地质危害的基本情况统计表 C.9 附件






来源: 成都市国土资源局
























【颁布日期】 19950311 【实施日期】 19950311

第一条 矿山闭坑地质报告是矿山闭坑的主要依据之一。为合理开发利用和有效保护矿产资源,矿山闭坑前,必须编写矿山闭坑地质报告,报送矿产储量委员会审批。

第二条 本办法所称矿山闭坑地质报告包括矿井、中段、采区及最终闭坑地质报告。第三条 全国矿产储量委员会负责审批以下矿山闭坑地质报告:(一)原由全国矿产储量委员会审批勘查储量的矿区中,重要的矿山闭坑地质报告;(二)油、气田废弃报告。


第四条 矿山闭坑地质报告的主要内容应包括:矿山概况,矿山地质,设计、开采及资源利用,探采对比,水文地质、工程地质和环境地质,闭坑原因,矿产储量的结算及剩余储量处理等。


第五条 按照全国矿产储量委员会有关储量报告审批的计划管理办法,矿山主管部门每年十一月底前向省(区、市)矿产储量委员会报送下矿山闭坑地质报告的送审计划,全国矿产储量委员会汇总平衡后于次年三月底前下达审批计划。如因情况变化,要求改变送审计划的,须在计划送审时间的前二个月向省(区、市)矿产储量委员会申请变更计划,以便另行安排。

第六条 矿山闭坑地质报告应经矿山主管部门审核同意,并提出审核意见。报告送审单位应将主管部门审核意见及矿山闭坑地质报告(一式三份)一并报送矿产储量委员会。

送审的矿山闭坑地质报告必须是正式报告,应资料齐全、质量符合要求。第七条 对列入审批计划的矿山闭坑地质报告,矿产储量委员会必要时可组织有关人员到矿山了解矿山闭坑所具备的条件、矿产的采出和储量消耗情况。

第八条 矿产储量委员会审查矿山闭坑地质报告应确定主审人,并聘请评论员视需要召开审查会议,审查后由矿产储量委员会办事机构提出审查意见书。报告送审单位依据审查意见书进行修改,交储委复核合格后,由矿产储量委员会办事机构起草批准决议书。批准决议书经矿产储量委员会主任或副主任签发后生效。

第九条 矿产储量委员会在收到矿山闭坑地质报告之日起六个月内作出是否批准的决定。对批准的,下达批准决议书;对不予批准的,书面通知报告送审单位。

第十条 对质量优良的闭坑地质报告,给予表彰或奖励。对有弄虚作假,篡改数据者,一经查实,除对报告提交单位通报批评外,建议主管部门给予当事人行政处分。

第十一条 矿山闭坑地质报告参考提纲由全国矿产储量委员会办公室另行拟定。第十二条 本办法由全国矿产储量委员会办公室负责解释。第十三条 本办法自发布之日起施行。




A guide to writing the geological exploration reports


FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION AND MINE-CLOSING SCOPE This document describes the requirements necessary for the acceptance of geological reports of mineral exploration and mine-closing.It includes descriptions of the purpose and content of reports and detail rules and requirements for writing reports.STANDARDIZED CITATIONS  GB/T 12719-1991 SPECIFICATIONS FOR HYDROGEOLOGICAL AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION  GB/T 13908-2002 GENERAL RULES OF SPECIFICATION FOR GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE OF MINERAL  GB/T 17766-1999 CLASSIFICATION FOR MINERAL RESOURCE/RESERVE

 DZ/T 0078-1993 STIPULATION FOR ORIGINAL GEOLOGICAL LOGGING OF SOLID-MINERAL EXPLORATION  DZ/T 0079-1993 STIPULATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT AND COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH OF GEOLOGICAL DATA IN MINERAL EXPLORATION THE PROPERTIES AND PURPOSE OF GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION REPORTS OF MINERAL EXPLORATION AND MINE-CLOSING 3.1 The geological exploration report describes the spatial distribution, quality and quantity of the mineral resource/reserve;Discusses it's the quality control and degree of confidence;and estimates its economic significance using text and graphical data.The geological exploration report can be used as the foundation for mine construction plans or further exploration.It can also be used as the foundation for examining and commenting on the mineral resource and reserves.3.3 The report mentioned above is also regarded as essential data for the government to manage the mineral resource as well as for research and teaching.THE BASIC RULES FOR THE PREPARATION OF GEOLOGICAL REPORTS OF MINERAL EXPLORATION

4.1 The mineral exploration is divided into four stages as follows: pre-exploration, reconnaissance exploration, detailed prospecting and Advanced exploration.A corresponding geological exploration report must be completed at the end of each stage.Exploration investors evaluate these reports at each sage and decide whether Page 1 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] or not to continue the program.However if a report is not produced at the end of each stage, a detailed report based on overall exploration data must be compiled at the end of the exploration project.For the non-working(Renunciative)exploration block within the exploration lease, the report must be based on previously obtained exploration data.A Geological exploration report based on the obtained data must be compiled even if geological exploration was stopped due to cancellation.4.2 The geological exploration report must objectively, factually and accurately reflect all of the data and results of the exploration activities.4.3 The geological exploration must be combined with feasibility evaluation, and the geological exploration report must include geological exploration and feasibility evaluation.Feasibility study can be divided into three stages as follows: elementary study, pre-feasibility study and feasibility study.Elementary study is directly compiled into report by the exploration team.As far as the pre-feasibility study and feasibility study were concerned, the geological exploration report must quote the key conclusions from the pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports.4.4 It is required that the geological exploration report be pertinent, practical and scientific.Accurate original data and reasonable conclusions are essential to a good geological exploration report.The geological exploration report with charts and tables must be digitized.Computer technology must be used in the evaluation of resource/reserve.It is recommended that computer technology be used to prepare the geological exploration report.4.5 Each stage of the geological exploration program must be conducted according to the requirements of government regulations/specifications.Exploration data must be obtained for each stage.The outline of geological reports attached to this document is suitable only for the detailed exploration stage.For other stages of the exploration project, the exploration report can be adjusted as required but all of obtained data must be reported.REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMPILATION OF GEOLOGICAL MINERAL EXPLORATION REPORTS

5.1 The quality of the work and data must be checked and accepted by the exploration investor or by senior company management before the end of geological fieldwork.Any significant problems discovered must be resolved before the completion of geological exploration reports.The preparation of the geological exploration reports cannot commence before the fieldwork is checked and accepted.5.2 Before the completion of the geological exploration reports, the chief editor must prepare an abstract based on appendix A of this document.The chief editor must consider the mineral property, exploration work facts and the requirement from the exploration investors.Any change of the finalized and accepted abstract must get the permission of the exploration investor first.Page 2 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] 5.3 The chief editor oversees the preparation of the geological exploration report;make the working plan;as well as checking and resolving possible problems to make sure the report can be finished on time.A regular quality-control program must be instituted.5.4 The geological exploration report must contain text, attached tables and appendices.According to the requirements for the business confidentiality or the requirements of data management of government, the mining leassee can divide the reports into different volumes.5.5 The title of the geological exploration report is standardized as follows: ××Province(City or Municipality)××County(City, Banner, Orefield or Coalfield)××Ore district(Ore block, borefield)××(Mineral type)Deposit××(exploration stage)Report.The accompanying map, map format, map scale etc.will be adopted according to related standard.5.6 Original data obtained during exploration must be pigeonholed according to related technical standards.According to the governmental specification for reserve examination and estimation of mineral resource, the geological exploration report will be submitted for formal examination and comment after preliminary examination.The chief editor must revise the geological reports based on the suggestion arising from the examination and comment report.The copies of approved report must be submitted to the appropriate department in accordance with related specification for geological data management.5.7 The examination and comment report must be attached to the geological exploration reports.Page 3 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version]

Appendix A(Standard appendices)The outline of geological exploration reports for mineral exploration

A.1 Introduction

A.1.1 Exploration Objective and Task A brief presentation of exploration objectives and detailed requirements from exploration investor and the pit planning organization.A.1.2 Location and Access State the block No;exploration area as well as longitude and latitude of corner points;the position and straight distance to the county-level-city;mine boundary and mining area;current existing or planned railways and roads which pass through or adjacent to the mining area;distance to the nearest station, dock and airport.A.1.3 Physical Geography and Economy of the Exploration Area Characterize he topography and summarize significant geomorphic features, absolute altitude and relative altitude;lowest base level of erosion, waterflow in high-water period and low-water season, as well as highest flood level etc.Based on the representative meteorological data, to state the climatic features, air temperature changes, rainfall, storm intensity, evaporation capacity, relative humidity, wind direction, thunder situation, rainy season, freeze-up and frozen soil layer depth in mining area.Additionally, the geological hazards such as intensity of earthquakes, earth slide and debris flow must be briefly described.Briefly describe the local economy including fuel, electricity power, water supply source, construction material, industry, agriculture, animal husbandry and population etc.Furthermore, water supply source, transmission-line system of electric power, power supply capacity as well as the distance between the mining area and the water supply source and electric power system.A.1.4 Comment on Previous Work Briefly describe the discovery of the deposit;the geological, geophysical and geochemical work since discovery.Briefly describe previous work including the amount of work and major result obtained;and then make comment on the quality of previous results, exploration and research.The production scale, general situation of production, total mined ore quantity and won resource/reserve.A.1.5 Current Work State the beginning and the end, brief work history, quantity of work completed(shown as insert tables), funds invested/capital, major geological results, deposit type, general geological features, total resource/reserve, earliest producing area of the property and

Page 4 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] development prospects.Resource/reserve table with the average grade must be inserted in this part of the geological exploration report.A.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY Based on the regional geological investigation data on 1:50000 scale, briefly state the regional structural setting;features and the distribution of major strata, magmatic rocks that are related to deposit genesis;as well as the features and the distribution of main structures related to the deposit.A.3 GEOLOGY OF ORE DISTRICT Detailed description of the strata, structure, magma, metamorphism and alteration of wall rock that influenced the metallogenesis;as well as a description of the ore-hosting layer and the character of the mineralization.A.4 GEOLOGY OF OREBODY/ORE BED A.4.1 Feature of Orebody/Ore Bed General analysis of the features of ore body/bed such as total number of orebodies, total thickness of each orebody, ore-bearing rate, spatial distribution, distribution pattern and correlation.Separately describe the features of major industrial ore body/ bed e.g.ore-hosting rock, dimensional location, configuration(shape), occurrence, length, width, thickness, variability along trend and dip as well as the fault influence after metallogenesis.When a large number of small orebodies are to be described;they may be documented by inserting a table.A.4.2 Ore Property Divide the orebody into zones(oxidized zone, mixed zone and primary zone)according to the ore property, and then separately describe the texture, structure, mineral composition, percentage of economic mineral, as well as the grain size, configuration, distribution modality, crystallizing age, crystallization sequence and coexisting relationship.For the ore, the chemical composition, the content of valuable components, usable components

and harmful components etc.A.4.3 Ore Type and Grade Expatiate the distribution of oxidized, mixed and primary zone.State the ore types, industrial grade and related method/principle for divisiory.For the ore with obvious metallurgical features differing, detailed description must be made for their proportion and spatial distribution.A.4.4 Wall Rock of Ore Body/Bed Page 5 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] State the variety of wall rock in the hanging wall and footwall of major ore bodies/beds, mineral composition;approximate content of usable components, valuable components and harmful components;alteration and the contact relationship with ore body/bed.A.4.5 Metallogeny and Clue for Prospecting Briefly describe metallogeny, ore controlling factors, ore enrichment features and clues for prospecting.A.4.6 Evaluation for Associated Minerals Evaluate the coexisting minerals and associated minerals that were explored synchronously.Describe the exploration level, scale, distribution and ore property.A.5 TECHNICAL FEATURES OF ORE PROCESSING A.5.1 Sample type, Sampling Method and Its Representativeness Describe the sampling purpose, sampling requirement(including the requirement of variety and quantity from investor or pit planning department), sample variety, sampling method, and quantity of sampling sites.Additionally, describe the representativeness in terms of ore type, spatial distribution of samples and sample grade.A.5.2 Experiment Variety, Method and Result Describe the various technical ore-processing experiments for diversified types of ore;processing method and mineral dressing method as well as the processing circuit of experiments.Any results related to the experiments must be described.A.5.3 Evaluation of the Industrial-Utilization-Capability of Ore Based on the results from technical ore-processing experiments, work out an evaluation for the metallurgical capability and industrial-utilization-capability of the ore;describe the possibility of recycling usable components and the treatment of harmful components;and then put forward a reasonable method to comprehensively utilize coexisting and associated components.A.6 MINING TECHNICAL CONDITION A.6.1 Hydrogeology A.6.1.1 Simply describe the location of hydrogeological units within the mining area;topography, geomorphy and hydrometeorology;supply, runoff and draining condition of underground water;the lowest base level of erosion of deposit;and the lowest level of draining of shaft.A.6.1.2 Discuss the lithology, thickness, distribution and karst fissure of aquiclude or aquifer in the mining influenced area.Describe the water yield property, transmissivity, water head height, water quality, specific water yield, water

Page 6 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] temperature, water supply condition and relation to adjacent aquiclude;structural fracture zone, weathering fracture zone, development degree, distribution and influence of karst;influence on deposit by surface water and goaf water.A.6.1.3 Predict water yield of pit.Determine water-infilling factors and boundary of hydrogeology.Prepare the hydrogeology model.Select reasonable/appropriate calculation procedure and hydrogeological parameters to calculate the normal water yield and the maximal water yield during different processing stages;and make a review of the reliability of calculated water yield.Make a recommended water yield for pit planning.A.6.1.4 Evaluation of water supply source.Pre-evaluate pit water draining and possibility of comprehensive utilization;water quality and specific water yield of underground water, surface water, geothermal water and mineral water.Water supply direction must be mentioned if there is no water supply source within mining area.A.6.2 Engineering Geology A.6.2.1 Discuss the lithological character, texture type, weathering and alteration degree, physical-mechanical properties;lithology, thickness, distribution, physical-mechanical property and water-physical properties.Prepare a statistics for the PQD value(rock quality designation).Evaluate the features of rock mass.Discuss the scale, property, distribution, infillings and degree of cementation for fault/fractured zones that can influence exploitation and working place location.For the underground mines, describe joint scale, joint occurrence, the property of infillings, joint density and defects relationship(bedding, joint fissure, fracture plane etc).Discuss the stability of rock mass.Describe the depth of weathering zone and karst zone, as well as the harmful geological phenomena and engineering issues.A.6.2.2 Combine with the possible development plan, comprehensively evaluate the stability of rock in the roof and bottom of ore bodies and engineering geological conditions.Forecast the possible engineering geological problems and put forward methods for the prevention and remedial action.A.6.3 Environmental Geology A.6.3.1 Clarify the earthquake history, earthquake intensity, topographical & geomorphic conditions and features of neotectonic movement.Evaluate the stability of the mining area.Describe currently existing environmental pollution and geologic hazards such as collapse, landslip and debris flow.A.6.3.2 In terms of the possible affect or influence due to physicogeologic process and mining activities, evaluate the quality of the geological environment of the mining area.A.6.3.3 Prepare a forecast in which an evaluation is made of the possible environmental geological problems that maybe caused by exploitation.Those possible problems include groundwater lowering, mountain/hill chink, landslip, debris flow, land surface lowering/ collapse, pollution of underground water and surface water, radioactive

Page 7 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] pollution and other harmful-material pollution.Put forward opinions on prevention and remedial action.A.6.3.4(This item only for coal mine)A.6.3.5 For deep-lying deposits and geothermal anomaly deposits;it is necessary to describe the geothermal condition of borefield & deposit;depth, temperature, geothermal gradient and transformation of constant temperature zone;distribution and gradation of high temperature zones;geothermal background;and thermal source.A.6.3.6 For deposit with high radioactive background, it is necessary to discuss the radioactive background and change and mark out unwholesome highly radioactive background.A.7 EXPLORATION WORKS AND QUALITY EVALUATION A.7.1 Exploration Methods and Program Planning

Describe exploration types, exploration methods, reasons for choosing specific methods, principles of target selection and program planning.(Numerical computation)Calculate the coefficient of variation for orebody thickness, ore grade, and resource/reserve;otherwise, carry out the analysis by geostatistical methods.Describe the level of quality control and rationality of target selection and program planning.A.7.2 Quality Evaluation of Exploration Programs Describe hole structure, core diameter and reasons for choosing specific core diameter;instruments and philosophy of measurement for the hole azimuth and inclination.Carry out the quality evaluation for the drillhole depth validation, core recovery.Evaluate the method and quality of hole seal.Evaluate the precollar stake and the quality of core management.Simply evaluate the quality of hydrographic observations.Male a quality evaluation for the water sealing and pumping experiment to hydrogeological holes.Evaluate the quality of long-term dynamic observation for underground water.Describe the standard and quality of trenches, drill holes and pitting programs;evaluate their geological results.A.7.3 Quality Evaluation of Topographic Survey and Reconnaissance Geology Survey Simply describe the degree and precision of survey programs;two dimensional coordinates system and altitude system;the method and quality of toposheet drafting.Briefly describe the method and quality of reconnaissance geology survey.A.7.4 Geologic Mapping Work and Quality Evaluation Describe the drafting methods and precision of geological map and cross section.A.7.5 Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration Program and Quality Evaluation.Page 8 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] Make a brief description and a quality evaluation of the working methods, work capacity, data treatment methods and geologic interpretation methods of surface geochemical and geophysical exploration.For geological logging;describe working methods, work capacity, geologic interpretation methods, and major results;and then make a quality evaluation.A.7.6 Sampling, Assay and Lithological Determination and Related Quality Evaluation Describe sampling methods, sampling specifications and reasons for choosing specific sampling methods for spectral analysis, bulk analysis, basic analysis and association analysis.Describe the working capacity, sample-representativeness and system of quality control for results of sampling work.Describe the system of quality control for check assays, and make a quality evaluation.Quality evaluation of lithological determination.For samples of heavy-minerals, individual minerals, isotopic dating and stable isotope analysis, evaluate the quality of sample processing, analysis and determination.Describe sampling, testing and quality evaluation of water samples and geotech samples.A.8 RESOURCE/RESERVE ESTIMATION A.8.1.Industrial Index of Resource/Reserve Evaluation List the document and related series number for cited industrial index.A.8.2.Reasons for Choosing Specific Method of Resource/Reserve Estimation Discuss the rational and basis for the chosen estimation method according to the configuration and occurrence of the orebodies.A.8.3.The Reason for Choosing Specific Parameters for Resource/Reserve Describe the determination, calculation and processing method for related parameters e.g.acreage, cubage, average grade, block average grade, deposit average grade and average thickness of orebodies.A.8.4 Principle for the Blockout of Orebody or Ore Bed Describe the principle of ore body expansion In terms of geological features of deposit, ore-controlling factors and mineralization character.A.8.5 Classification of Resource/Reserve Classify the resource/reserve by exploration degree, geological reliability, feasibility study, and describe the detailed classification condition and spatial distribution.A.8.6 Estimation Results of Resource/Reserve Describe the estimation results of different kinds of resource/reserve, total resource/reserve, the ratio of different kinds of resource/reserve to total resource/reserve.The estimation Page 9 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] results of resource/reserve can be demonstrated by chart or table inserts.A.8.7 Reliability of Resource/Reserve Estimation Check the estimation results for several blocks by other specific method, and evaluate the reliability in term of checking results.A.8.8 Results of Estimation Method Used in Estimation of the Coexisting or Associated Minerals A.8.9 Comments(if possible)on Resource/Reserve Estimation

A.9 GENERAL ECONOMICS STUDY OF DEPOSIT EXPLOITATION A.9.1.Discuss resource situation, supply and demand, market price and competition ability.A.9.2 Generally describe resource, ore-processing technical features and technical condition for exploitation.A.9.3 Generally describe water supply, power supply, traffic, material and fuel supply, construction material source and other economic conditions.A.9.4 Simply describe mine scale, mining period and production planning.A.9.5 Simply describe predicted exploitation modality, development modality, mining method, mineral dressing method and circuit.A.9.6 Discuss the choice of evaluation method and economic cutoff.A.9.7 Calculation of economic effect and analysis of economic sensibility A.9.8 Simply describe economic benefit, social benefit and environmental protection.A.9.9 Produce an integrated evaluation of the project, determine whether there is investing opportunity or not, whether need to do further exploration etc.A.10 INCLUSION A.10.1 Recapitulative evaluation of the quality control of exploration program as well as the cohesiveness and quality of geological report data A.10.2 Sum up the metallogenic disciplinarian and put forward a prospective value for the deposit.A.10.3 Evaluate the mining technical condition and geological environmental issues.A.10.4 Point out the commercial efficiency of deposit exploitation.A.10.5 Sum up the major positive experience and negative experience during the geological program.A.10.6 Put forward related suggestions for future geological exploration.Page 10 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version](Comments: attach photography after conclusion;otherwise, the photography can be binding separately.)

A.11 ATTACHED MAPS A.11.1 Transportation system map A.11.2 Exploration chart showing historical investigations, exploration area and exploration stages with start and finish years.A.11.3 Regional geological map A.11.4 Topographical and geological map(including geological cross section, stratigraphic column, and exploration program location map)A.11.5(This item is invalid)A.11.6 Map of the distribution of control points A.11.7 Geophysical, geochemical exploration and related result map A.11.8 Sampling plan A.11.9 Comparison diagram of ore-bearing strata and ore bed A.11.10 Cross section of exploration lines A.11.11 Longitudinal diagram of ore body/bed A.11.12 Isopach map of ore bed A.11.13 Horizontal cross section or level plan of ore body/bed A.11.14 Chart showing structural controls A.11.15 Ground plan or vertical projection plan of resource/reserve estimation A.11.16 Drill hole columns A.11.17 Sketches of trenches, exploring shafts and adits A.11.18 Map of the distribution of old adits and new adits A.11.19 Geomorphology and quaternary geology map A.11.20 Regional hydrogeology map A.11.21 Hydrogeology map of mining area A.11.22 Engineering geology map of mining area A.11.23 Environmental geology map of mining area A.11.24 Hydrogeology and engineering geology map of drill holes and adits A.11.25 Drill hole hydrogeological experiment result chart

Page 11 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] A.11.26 Hydrogeology and engineering geology cross section A.11.27 Correlation chart of underground water, surface water, pit water and quantity of precipitation A.11.28 Flow yield calculation chart of pits A.11.29 Water level/pressure chart A.11.30 Isopach map of orebody-adjacent-aquifuge A.11.31 Geotech drill hole column A.11.32 Thickness contour map of strong weathering zone A.11.33 Evaluation map of stability of rock mass in levels A.11.34 Zoning map of slope stability of open pit A.11.35 Desquamation calculation and desquamation contour map A.11.36 Isothermal map

A.12 INSERT/ATTACHED TABLE A.12.1 Survey result table(including all kinds of survey work)A.12.2 Drilling quality and hole sealing condition table A.12.3 Sampling and assay results(including all types of analysis and assay);Results of lithological studies such as thin section or whole rock analysis;and heavy-minerals analysis results table A.12.4(Only for coal mine)A.12.5 Rock and ore physical features table, mechanics experiment result table A.12.6 Orebody average grade, average thickness table

A.12.7 Ore avoirdupois and temperature measuring/testing result table A.12.8 Resource/reserve estimation table A.12.9 Block resource/reserve table, orebody resource/reserve table, total resource/ reserve table A.12.10 Drill hole aquifer static level table A.12.11 Drillhole pumping experiment result table

A.12.12 Hydrogeological and engineering geological logging table A.12.13 Dynamic observation of surface water, underground water and pit water A.12.14 Weather data table Page 12 A guide to writing the geological exploration reports

[English version] A.12.15 Weathering zone, fractured zone and thickness of aquifer statistical table A.12.16 flow yield calculation table A.12.17 Water quality analysis result table A.12.18 Soil analysis experiment result table A.12.19 Underground gas testing results table A.12.20 Geothermal survey result table A.12.21 Environmental geological data of mining area

A.13 APPENDIX A.13.1 Experiment report of the technical features of ore processing A.13.2 Feasibility or pre-feasibility study report A.13.3 Industrial index recommendation report A.13.4 Documents related to choosing industrial index A.13.5 Photocopy of exploration license and exploitation/mining license A.13.6 Certificate declaring validity of the data used in the reports by exploration and exploitation lessee A.13.7 Comments on the final report by the investor or senior company A.13.8 Copies of exploration contract, feasibility study contract and supervision contract A.13.9 Business registration certificate of exploration supervision and supervisor, project supervision report A.13.10 Comments on resource/reserve examination documents from senior company A.13.11 CD with precollar coordinates, downhole survey data, assay results, all survey data and all assay results for trenches, exploration shaft and adit.Page 13



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