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NO.1 普林斯顿大学文书题目(PrincetonUniversity)

请简单描述对你意义深远的一个课外活动或工作经历。Pleasebrieflyelaborateon one of your extracurricular activities experiencesthatwasparticularly meaningfulto you.(About 150 words)

or work 你是如何度过最近两个暑假的? Pleasetellus howyou have spent the last two summers(orvacationsbetween school years), including any jobs youhaveheld.(About 150words)


Tellusabout aperson who has influenced you in a significant way.www.xiexiebang.com


你生命中经历的特殊状况。Unusualcircumstancesin your life.国外游历或居住经历。

Travelorlivingexperiences in other countries.你想让你未来大学室友了解你什么? Whatyou would wantyour future college roommate to know about you?



Howyou hope to useyour college education?

NO.3耶鲁大学文书题目(Yale University)

耶鲁哪一点使你决定申请该校? Whatinparticular about Yale has influenced your decision to apply?

想一想你经历的一次失望。你是如何回应的? Thinkabout adisappointment you have experienced.What was your response?

你希望自己哪些方面可以更好或者什么事情可以做得更好? Whatdoyou wish youwere better at being or doing?


NO.4哥伦比亚大学文书题目(Columbia University)


Whatsingle activitylisted in the activity section of your Common Application areyoumost proud ofand why?(150 words or less)

NO.5斯坦福大学文书题目(Stanford University)


Stanfordstudentspossessan intellectual vitality.Reflect on an idea or experience thathasbeenimportant to your intellectual development.(100 to 250 words)


NO.6杜克大学文书题目(Duke University)


DukeUniversityseeksa talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide rangeofhumanexperience;we believe that the diversity of our students makesourcommunitystronger.If you'd like to share a perspective you bringorexperiences you'vehad to help us understand you better-perhaps related toacommunity you belongto, your sexual orientation or gender identity, oryourfamily or culturalbackground-we encourage you to do so.Real people arereadingyour application,and we want to do our best to understand and appreciatethereal peopleapplying to Duke.(250word limit)




第二篇:美国留学 盘点美国名校申请中的那些奇葩文书题目

美国留学 盘点美国名校申请中的那些奇葩文书题目




U Chicago 芝加哥大学

1.Winston Churchill believed “a joke isa very serious thing.” From Off-Off Campus’s improvisations to the ShadyDealer humor magazine to the renowned Latke-Hamantash debate, we take humorvery seriously here at The University of Chicago(and we have since 1959, whenour alums helped found the renowned comedy theater The Second City).Tell usyour favorite joke and try to explain the joke without ruining it.-ChelseaFine, Class of 2016

2.In a famous quote by José Ortega y Gasset,the Spanish philosopher proclaims, “Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia”(1914).José Quintans, master of the Biological Sciences Collegiate Division atthe University of Chicago, sees it another way: “Yo soy yo y mimicrobioma”(2012).You are you and your..?-Maria Viteri, Class of 2016

3.This is what history consists of.It's thesum total of all the things they aren't telling us.--Don DeLillo, Libra.Whatis history, who are “they,” and what aren’t they telling us?-Amy Estersohn,Class of 2010

4.The mantis shrimp can perceive bothpolarized light and multispectral images;they have the most complex eyes inthe animal kingdom.Human eyes have color receptors for three colors(red,green, and blue);the mantis shrimp has receptors for sixteen types of color,enabling them to see a spectrum far beyond the capacity of the human brain.Seriously, how cool is the mantis shrimp: mantisshrimp.uchicago.edu What mightthey be able to see that we cannot? What are we missing?-Tess Moran, Classof

5.How are apples and oranges supposed to becompared? Possible answers involve, but are not limited to, statistics,chemistry, physics, linguistics, and philosophy.-Florence Chan, Class of 2015

6.In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, posea question of your own.If your prompt is original and thoughtful, then youshould have little trouble writing a great essay.Draw on your best qualitiesas a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, orfuture citizen of the University of Chicago;take a little risk, and have fun。



UNC 北卡罗来纳大学

Most of us have one or more personality quirks.Explainone ofyours and what it says about you.What do you hope to find over therainbow?Why do you do what you do?If you could travel anywhere in time orspace, either real orimagined, where would you go and why?Tell us about a timewhen your curiosity led you someplace youweren’t expecting to go.My themesong:Best thing since sliced bread:My most treasured possession:Super power I’dmost like to have:Gadget that needs inventing:Biggest little worry:

相比起UNC的俏皮灵动,波士顿学院的文书题目则显得深沉严肃而又有思考的趣味。第一题引用了BC的毕业典礼演讲,“事实往往缺少灵魂而显得不 够完整,在理解历史时有人拥有了所有的数据却不得要领,就如钢琴初学者奏出了所有音符却听不到音乐”,请告诉我们你自己是否有这样的经历。

Boston College 波士顿学院

From David McCullough's recent commencement address atBC:“Facts alone are never enough.Facts rarely if ever have any soul.In writingor trying to understand history one may have all mannerof 'data,' and miss thepoint.One can have all the facts and missthe truth.It can be like the oldpiano teacher's lament to herstudent, 'I hear all the notes, but I hear nomusic。” Tell us abouta time you had all of the factsbut missed the meaning.In his novel, Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCannwrites:“We seldom know what we're hearing when we hear something for

thefirsttime, but one thing is certain: we hear it as we will neverhear it again.Wereturn to the moment to experience it, I suppose,but we can never really findit, only its memory, the faintestimprint of what it really was, what it meant。” Tell us aboutsomething you heard or experienced for the first timeand how theyears since have affected your perception of tTufts 塔夫斯大学

A)“If you do not tell the truth about yourself youcannottell it about other people,” Virginia Woolf.Respond to Woolf’squote in the medium of yourchoice: prose, video(one minute),blog, digital portfolio, slampoetry...For media other thanwriting, pleaseshare a link(video can be submitted via YouTube but werecommendusing a privacy setting)that is easily accessible。

B)What makes you happy?

C)Sports, science and society are filled with rules,theoriesand laws like the Ninth

Commandment, PV=nRT, Occam’s Razor, and TheLawof Diminishing Returns.Three strikes and you’re out.“I”before “E” exceptafter “C。” Warm air rises.Pick one and explainitssignificance to you.D)Celebrate your nerdy side。

E)The ancient Romans started it when they coined thephrase“Carpe diem.” Jonathan Larson proclaimed “No day buttoday!” andmost recently, Drake explained You Only Live Once(YOLO).Have you ever seized the day? Lived like therewas no tomorrow? Or perhaps you plan to shoutYOLO while jumping into something in thefuture.What does #YOLOmean to you?


维克森林大学虽然排名23,但在中国知名度并不高,也许这五篇,篇篇不寻常的文书题目吓住了不少申请者。第一题就不走寻常路,问什么会使你愤怒,而你又将如何处理你的愤怒情绪。愤怒这种稍显负面的情绪可能是唯独这所大学的题目里主动提及。第二题也是无根无据的要学生列出你自己的Top10名 单,没有任何范围或者情景的提示。第三题又使博主深深得陷入了沉思,Twitter到底下了多少血本在大学申请过程里面植入了这么多软广告!该题要求申请者利用140个字符的空间挑战公众认为社交媒体肤浅不足以表达深层次思想的谬论。


Wake Forest University 维克森林大学

1.What outrages you? What are you doingabout it?Tell us about a time when you stepped up against anoutrage in your community。(150 words maximum)

2.Give us your top ten list.(300 wordsmaximum)

3.Some say social media is superficial, withno roomfor expressing deep or complex ideas.We challenge you todefy these skeptics bydescribing yourself as fully and accuratelyas possible in the 140-characterlimit of a tweet。

4.Research shows that members of GenerationY(16-24year olds)are more tolerant of difference than wereprevious generations atthis age-but also less likely to formclose bonds with those of differentdemographic or socioeconomicbackgrounds.How have you personally disproved thisgeneralization?(300 words maximum)

5.Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “If I knowyoursect, I anticipate your argument.” Describe a time when yourargumentchallenged a basic belief or viewpoint of your “sect.(150words maximum)奇葩指数2.5

弗吉尼亚大学被誉为大众情人校,因为其EA阶段的申请人数量庞大,在中国地区的招生也较为宽松,但UVa的文书看上去也不是那么容易搞定哦。第 一个题目就有点让人云里雾里,2006年一位名为



第三题则更加无厘头,将莎士比亚的名句To be or not to be改为To tweet or not totweet?可中国申请者根本就Tweet不了啊!


UVA 弗吉尼亚大学

In 2006, graduate student Robert Stilling discoveredanunpublished poem by Robert Frost while doing research in U.Va.’sSmallCollections Library.Where will your Stilling moment be

incollege?We are acommunity with quirks, both in language(we’llwelcome you to Grounds, notcampus)and in traditions.Describe oneof your quirks and why it is part of whoyou are.To tweet or not to tweet?




Emory 埃默里大学

Imagine you are a professor, charged with teaching anewcourse.Emory University offers over 1,000 courses in a wide rangeofacademic subjects.You are free to choose whatever subject youwant.What classwould you create? What would you hope studentswould leave your class havinglearned?(Don’t forget to includeyour class title!)(250 word limit)


加州理工学院十分强调自己的荣誉制度,即任何人都不应该不公平地利用他人,看上去很简单的原则,学校需要申请者根据自己的切身经历过的道德两难情景 以回应这个问题。此外,加州理工还为自己学生群体古怪的幽默感和有创造性的恶作剧推崇备至,要求申请者讲讲自己有哪些“不正常的”寻开心的法子。推荐申请 人查查历史上加州理工和麻省理工的互相攻击的恶作剧大战应该会有启发。


T恤就会发现T恤的背面印有“becausenoteverybody can go toCaltech(因为不是所有人都能进Caltech)”的嘲讽话语。

Caltech 加州理工学院

1.Members of the Caltech community live, learn, andworkwithin an Honor System with one simple guideline;”No member shalltakeunfair advantage of any other member of the Caltechcommunity.“ Whileseemingly simple, questions of ethics, honestyand integrity are sometimeschallenging.Share

an ethical dilemmathat has challenged you.How did yourespond? Your response is notlimited to academic situations.(100 words max)

2.Caltech students have long been known for their quirkysenseof humor and creative pranks.Please describe an unusual way inwhich youhave fun.(100 words max)


斯坦福大学的文书题目里,需要你用50个单词描述如果有机会亲身见证一次著名的历史事件你希望是那什么事件。反思自己在智力发展上有什么思想或者经历对自己有什么重要的影响。我想最近在微博上爆火美国男子Jason因成绩太差辍学,后被人打伤头部,醒后变数学天才一定有话要说,Jason头部被 打后看什么都是几何图案,树叶都能看出毕达哥拉斯定理,反射的阳光也能看出圆周率。医生说这种情况叫”后天学者症候群",患者会在被击打脑部后在数学,音 乐和艺术方面展现惊人的才华!


Stanford 斯坦福大学

What historical moment or event do you wish you couldhavewitnessed?(50 word limit。)Stanford studentspossess an intellectual vitality.Reflect onan idea or experience that has beenimportant to your intellectualdevelopment.(250 word limit。)Virtually all of Stanford's undergraduates live on campus.Write anote to your future roommate that reveals something aboutyou or that will helpyour roommate--and us--know you better。(250 wordlimit。)What matters to you, and why?(250 word limit。)



跟着我大声说:This is where I come from!

MIT: 麻省理工学院

Describe the world you come from;for example, yourfamily,clubs, school, community, city, or town.How has that world shapedyourdreams and aspirations?(200-250 words)lTell usabout the most significant challenge you've faced orsomething important thatdidn't go according to plan.How did youmanage the situation?(200-250 words)


Short Answer

Please select three of the following five prompts and provide a response of approximately 150 words to each.Your responses will be read by Notre Dame admissions counselors as we seek to learn more about you.We encourage you to use personal examples, anecdotes, or anything that helps differentiate you from your peers.1.Undergraduates at Notre Dame have the opportunity to engage in original research where they strive to make a professional contribution in their field.A typical summer grant of $5,000 enables students to pursue their passions in a full range of disciplines: from the arts, humanities and architecture to science, engineering and business.If you were given a $5,000 grant to study a topic, what would you choose to research and why?

Doing a research on Iphone4's successful marketing in China must be interesting.The Apple Company has been looking for innovative ways to meet new and existing consumer’s needs.The model before Iphone4 did not sell well in China.However, Iphone4 has achieved a great increase in consumer demand.I can see Iphone4 everywhere in China.It was even sold out immediately after it appeared in the on-line Apple store.There must be some secrets of the new selling model of Iphone4.I would spend the grant to find the answer.2.Notre Dame’s mission statement emphasizes an education should “create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice." Describe an experience that engaged you both intellectually and morally.I had an experience ofbeing a volunteer in a library for two months.I felt proud of myselfdoing the job.I looked for books for readers, and helped the librarians with their work.It was just different to be avolunteer from a reader in the library, for serving the public made me happier and trained me to be more polite.3.Many people form a list of once-in-a-lifetime activities to accomplish.For example, individuals on the admissions staff hope to visit all the national parks, publish a fiction novel or waddle with penguins in Antarctica.What are a few of the items on your list?

I'm interested in many things.Ifthere were some once-in-a-lifetime activities to accomplish, then building a band would be the first choice on my list.I love music and playing the piano.It would be gorgeous to work with several friends sharing the same ambition and dream.The second thing may be travelling abroad.I believe that travelling is a way and part of learning.It would be even moreamazing to have experience living and studying in a different country, even only once, in my lifetime.4.You have 150 words.Take a risk.The willingness to take a risk demonstrates a positive attitude to life.Whatever the result is, the process and mood in taking a risk are more attractive.When I was traveling in Thailand with my parents at the age of five, I decided to take a flight in a special fire balloon linked by a rope to a speedboat.The tour guide said I was the youngest one ever to take that flight.Without any fear or hesitation, I flew into the intoxicating sky.The boat fast moving, the sea breeze swaying, and the golden sunshine setting off the greenish orchid sea constituted a view like paradise.The flying experience was glorious and I was totally immersed in that exciting delight.Growing up, I now understand that only by taking a risk can I see what other people cannot see and enjoy what they cannot enjoy.5.Why are you interested in attending the University of Notre Dame?

The University of Notre Dame first came into my mind when I saw the movie Rudy in my middle school.The fascinating view of the Notre Dame campus and the combatant spirit of the football team were so appealing to me that I decided at once to plan to pursue my academic enthusiasm in this university.The fairy tale about Rudy, the ocean of knowledge and courage it has, the Mendoza College of Business with its traditions and teaching of values and morals, all attract me..I am particularly interested in the business school and I am going to apply to it.As is well known, the lack of moral sense and principles of food producers in China has resulted in food poisoning and the loss of trust from the public.I hope, through my own efforts, I can convert some businessmen’s moral values and thus do something to help the Chinese people.





1.What's so odd about odd numbers? Inspired by Mario Rosasco, Class of2009.奇数有什么奇怪之处?(Mario Rosasco,Class of 2009)

2.In French, there is no difference between “conscience” and “consciousness”.In Japanese, there is a word that specificallyrefers to the splittable wooden chopsticks you get at restaurants.The Germanword “fremdschämen” encapsulates the feeling you get when you’re embarrassed onbehalf of someone else.All of these require explanation in order to properlycommunicate their meaning, and are, to varying degrees, untranslatable.Choosea word, tell us what it means, and then explain why it cannot(or should not)be translated from its original language.Inspired by Emily Driscoll, anincoming student in the Class of 2018 法语中,conscience和consciousness没有区别。日语中,有一个词专门用来形容一次性筷子。德语中,fremdschämen这个词描述了在你为别人行为而感到尴尬时的感受。以上这些词,他们在不同程度上都是不能直接翻译的,为了能够更好的沟通它们的含义,则需要作出必要的解释。选一个词,告诉我们它的意思,以及为什么它无法(或不应该)被翻译成其他语言。(Emily Driscoll,Class of 2018)

3.Little pigs, french hens, a family of bears.Blind mice, musketeers, theFates.Parts of an atom, laws of thought, a guideline for composition.Omnetriumperfectum? Create your own group of threes, and describe why and howthey fit together.Inspired by Zilin Cui, an incoming student in the Classof 2018小猪,法**鸡,一家熊。盲鼠,火枪手,命运女神。原子的组成,思维法则,组合的准则。事有“三”即成。创造你的“三”组合,解释一下它们为什么组合在一起,又是怎样组合在一起(Zilin Cui,Class of 2018)

4.Were pH an expression of personality, what would be your pH and why?(Feel free to respond acidly!Do not be neutral, for that is base!)Inspiredby Joshua Harris, Class of 2016

如果ph值可以表示性格,那你的ph值会是多少,为什么?(完全可以尖锐地回答这个问题,回答不要是中性,因为太low了)(Joshua Harris,Class of 2016)

5.A Neoninstallation by the artist Jeppe Hein in UChicago’sCharles M.Harper Center asks this question for us: “Why are you here and notsomewhere else?”(There are many potential values of “here”, but wealready know you're “here” to apply to the University of Chicago;pick any “here” besides that one).Inspired by Erin Hart, Class of2016.艺术家Jeppe Hein在芝加哥大学的Charles M.Harper中心设计安装了一座霓虹艺术字,上面写着:你为什么在这里而不是在别的地方?(虽然“这里”有很多意味,但我们已经知道你在申请我们大学了,所以不要再把芝加哥大学作为你的“这里”)(Erin Hart,Class of 2016)

6.In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose a question of your own.Ifyour prompt is original and thoughtful, then you should have little troublewriting a great essay.Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker,visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of theUniversity of Chicago;take a little risk, and have fun.秉着大胆探索的精神,你可以自己提出一个问题。如果你出的题目很新颖又很有想法,那么写一篇文章不会是难事。请展现你最优秀的一面,不论是作家、思想者、梦想家、愤青、圣人、世界公民,还是芝加哥大学未来一员,来挑战一下自己,感受其中的乐趣。





I wake up every morning to its rich scent.My parents cannot start the day with out it.I often wait in line and pay $3.85 to buy it.The senior lodge at my school is littered with empty Starbucks cups containing only the remnants of skim lattes, , and mocha frapuccinos.Coffee is a staple of American life that many take for granted, but few take the time to think about how they get it.In the rural village of Cadillo in the Dominican Republic, the people’s livelihood depends on coffee.Rows of green coffee plants line steep hills and scatter the countryside.The people there pick and sell the coffee beans but receive little profit for their hard work.During the week I spent in Cadilloplaying , I witnessed the poverty these coffee farmers endure.Their homes are small and dark, furnished with only a few wooden chairs, a table and a few beds.There is no lawyers and electricity in Cadillo and I especially remember the emptiness of the village at night, when I could only vaguely see the faces I illuminated with my flashlight.I can still see the shiny metal bowl in which they used to bathe, and Jose, a neighbor who was missing several teeth because like most people in Cadillo, he lacks a toothbrush and could not afford a.These images still burn in my mind, but it was the people of Cadillo more than anything who opened my eyes to the importance of social justice.Before I met them it was just a concept I heard about a few times a year at church when a missionary would come to speak about the poor people in Africa or South America and explain why it was our duty to help them.These people were far removed.A small fraction of my weekly allowance, once a year, and I could remove them from my mind.After living for a week with a family in Cadillo, however, I understood for the first time that it was real people leading these lives.The family I stayed with there took me in as part of their family and gave me a taste of their life.I remember my Dominican father, Barilla’s face as he played guitar and how he laughed kindly when I struggled to play the chords he had taught me.I could feel the warmth and sincerity of my Dominican mother, Marsela, when she sat and talked with me about my home and family after a long day of work.And I will always remember how much fun I had playing catch or blowing bubbles with their two children, Jendi and Andisco.I will not forget the images I saw or the people I encountered.They made me realize that my work does not end with the school I helped build, the holes I helped dig, or the roads I helped widen.They showed me that there are real, wonderful people being treated unjustly and that I cannot sit back and let that happen.I cannot be silent when I know that people are getting rich off the coffee Barilla receives so little for.It is my responsibility to be active, to teach what I have learned, to fight injustices in my community and the world.I am not sure if I will ever visit Cadillo again but I do know that I can continue what I started there.I can tell people what I saw and spread awareness about injustice in the world.I can volunteer in my own


community to help make changes at home and fundraise to aid third world countries.And tomorrow, after I wake up to the smell of fresh coffee, I can make a difference.啄木鸟教育编译:我每天早晨在它的浓郁的香气中醒来;没有它,我父母就没办法开始新一天的工作生活;我常常排着队,然后付上3.85美元买到它。我学校的高级旅馆里堆满了空的星巴克杯子,杯子里还有拿铁、摩卡的残留物。咖啡是美国人生活的一部分,许多人理所当然的享受着,很少有人花时间想过咖啡是怎么来的。









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    如何准备美国研究生申请文书 入学申请表:入学申请表主要是要求申请人填写个人的基本资料,包括喜欢的课程,工作经历或者是个人突出优势等等。审核者都会仔细审核申请表,所以缴交......


    申请美国大学入学文书范本 I guess it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in mylife, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare gr......




    申请美国大学入学文书范本 I guess it was inevitable that I’d be on hockey skates at some point in my life, but I did not expect that I’d become one of a rare......


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    最权威的国际教育服务平台 美国研究生留学申请:申请文书如何写 2015-03-31 教育优选 美国研究生申请文书一般包括一篇短文(Essay)或个人学业规划(Statement of Purpose)作为......


    Http://tiandaoedu.com 美国高中申请文书的题目撰写要领去美国留学高中应该明白文书准备的重要性,一般写作文书会围绕一定的题目进行,因此了解这些文书题目非常重要,那么美国高......

