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1.Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience? A reference answer: I graduated from Jimei Navigation College in 1992.I studied there for three years.I have worked as a seamen on eight ships for nearly ten years.I have the experience of Chief Officer for two ships.I have worked both Chinese and foreign shipowners in the past ten years.2.Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer? Under the leadership of the Master, the Chief Officer shall carry out the daily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling.The specific duties include:(1)watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours;(2)safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment;(3)daily safety and sanitary inspection;(4)store and spare parts inventory management;(5)maintenance on deck;(6)stowage plan making;(7)supervision of the loading and unloading process;(8)cargo caring on board;(9)some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel.3.Can you talk about the previous vessels(last vessel)you worked on board? It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.It was an old ship about 14 years old.But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work ob board.4.What types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel? I have worked on bulk carriers and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.这是一个很重要的问题,因为大副的一个很重要职务便是货物管理。大副应该对不同货物的 装卸、配载、保管、单据、保险等相关问题有所了解。5.Where was your last vessel's trading(plying, sailing)area? It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.She has ever been to New Orleans, Long Beach, New York, Rotterdam, Hamburg and so on.6.Did you have the experience of working with foreign crews? What were their nationalities? The last two vessels I worked on had crew from several countries.The masters were from Indian, the Chief Engineers were from Hong Kong and Philippine and other seamen were from China, Indian Burma and Vietnam.中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 2 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

7.Can you tell me how to make a stowage plan? Based on the capacity of the hold, the stowage factors, types of cargo, loading and discharging ports rotation, I shall calculate the volume of the cargo that is to be loaded into different holds.Then I shall calculate the draft of the vessel and trimming, shear force, bending moment to meet the requirements of the ship.At last, stowage plan is made based on these factors.8.What does a stowage factor of mean? A stowage factor of any cargo is the figure that expresses the number of cubic units of measure needed to accommodate one unit of weight-how many cubic meters is needed to stow one metric ton of certain goods.Stowage factors should include allowance for dunnage, irregular size of certain goods, pallets and something else.Even the most carefully determined stowage factor is not absolute and it should be used only as a guide while planning cargo disposition.9.If there happens stevedore damage to cargo, equipment or ship' s structure in the loading or discharging ports, what should you do? If damage happens, I must record it first and then report it in an appropriate written form to the master and other parties concerned.The report must be signed by the liable parties admitting they have(or have not)responsibility for the damage.The damage report shall be carefully worded and shall be supported with photos and other evidence, if any.The damage report should also include the following contents: ship’s name, voyage number, date, geographical location, name of the person who took the photos and his signature, location where the photo was taken, and what is intended to show.10.What precautions do you have to take before cargo operation is carried out? I shall check the pre-cargo operation check lists to make sure that no item is missing.The following procedures are to be adopted:(1)the Chief Officer shall make a cargo operation plan, in which the following factors shall be considered: the cargo must be stowed in such way that the stability, trim, shearing forces and bending moments are within the limits as laid down by the stability manual;excessive weight on tank tops, tween decks and hatch covers must be avoided;and cargo must be stowed and secured in such way as to avoid damage-which can result in possible loss of life or property.(2)Pre-operation conference with all ship's personnel to be involved in the cargo operation should be held to discuss such matters as cargo disposition, numbers of gangs and working hours, usual and special safety requirements, ballasting and de-ballasting information, special requirements regarding cargo operation, damage prevention and control, personnel organization, cargo watch etc.The Chief Officer must ensure that all relevant personnel have fully understood the intended cargo and all usual and special safety and operational requirements.11.What will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading? I shall report to the master first and foremost.The master should decide whether to replace the damaged cargo.For the full-set machines and high-valued products I must ask for the replacement in the loading port if damages are found.If the damaged cargoes cannot be replaced, the Chief Mate shall make remarks on the Mate’s Receipt.中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 3 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

If disputes happen on the quantity and quality of the cargoes, I shall, at the discretion of the master, ask the cargo surveyor to do the survey.If necessary, under the endorsement of the ship owner, I shall write a Letter of Protest(based on the format provided by the company)to prove the innocence of the seamen on board.During the voyage, if a very small amount of cargo is damaged, with the permission of the master, I shall throw it away into the sea to avoid any disputes with any third party.12.What are the differences between the Bill of Lading and the Mate's Receipt? A Tally Sheet is the basis of the Mate’s Receipt.The Mate’s Receipt is the basis of the B/L.The condition of the cargo is clearly shown on the Mate’s Receipt.It is very important to make sure that the cargo condition on the bill of lading is the same as that on the Mate’s Receipt.The Mate’s Receipt is the legal evidence of the cargo received and the B/L is the legal evidence of the cargo ownership.If the consigner wants the master to issue a clean B/L on the basis of unclean Mate’s Receipt, the master firstly must ask for permission from the company.K the company agrees, the consigner must issue reliable Letter of Indemnity or Letter of Guarantee.13.If the draft survey proves a shortage of cargo after loading is completed, what will you do apart from reporting to the Master? Will you make any remarks on the Mate's Receipt? In this case, I shall report the problem to the master first.With the permission of the master, I shall ask the third party surveyor to do the survey.K the survey shows there is shortage or damage of the cargo, I shall write remarks on the Mate’s Receipt showing the loss or damage or shortage.The third party is to be invited to make the objective report on the real quantity of the volume of the cargo.K the cargo is proved to be in shortage, I shall write remarks on the Mate’s Receipt.14.What do you know about the ISM code and SMS? How many chapters are there in the ISM Code(as amended)? What are these chapters? The ISM code is the International Safety Management Code.The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property.The 16 chapters of ISM Code are: general, safety and environment protection policy, company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master's responsibilities and authority, resources and personnel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness, reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences , maintenance of the ship and equipment, documentation, company verification, review and evaluation, certification and verifications and control, certification and periodical verification, verification, interim certification, and forms of certificates.The last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code.SMS means safety management system, and this system is mad based on the 16 elements of ISM Code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS74.The shipowner or manager cannot get Document of Compliance(DOC)and SMC without audited Safety Management Certificate(SMC)by Class designated by the flag registry country administration.Every 中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 4 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

company should develop, implement and maintain a safety management system(SMS).15.What do Observation, Non-conformity and Major non-conformity mean respectively? Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence.Non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfillment of a specified requirement.Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code.(摘自新ISM Code原文)以上内容不一定要非常准确详细地背诵,但至少要知道大致的内容,尤其要知道,ISM规则

是变化的、开放的国际公约,其内容经过修改和增加。此外,随着ISM规则的改变,各船东和管 理公司对SMS也要进行相应的修改和补充。16.Have you experienced any on-board internal audit before? The onboard internal audit is carried out at the discretion of the Designated Person of the owner.When the auditors come on board, the seamen should give full support to them.If observation or non-conformity items are found in the audit, these items should be treated with due diligence and rectified on time.As the Chief Officer, I should be very familiar with the operation and calibration of the gas detector and the loading computer.17.What is Garbage Management Plan? The MARPOL 73/78 requires that a Garbage Management Plan should be developed in accordance with the IMO guidelines on board almost all ships.The Plan includes the procedures for garbage collection, separation, processing and disposal, as well as the management and requirements of garbage processing equipment, implementation of the Plan and crew responsibilities.All processing work should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book.18.How do you carry out the deck machinery maintenance? On board the last vessel, I often ordered my Bosun to organize the deck crew to maintain such equipment as windlass, steering engine, derrick, crane, wires, meters and winch.Chipping and greasing are also among their daily routines as per the PMS(Planned Maintenance System).All maintenance plans for the machines in the deck department shall be made by the Chief Officer.19.As the Chief Officer, what precautions do you have to take to prepare for the PSC inspection? The Chief Officer should arrange for the checks of the following items: LSA and FFE equipment, garbage disposal records, gangway safety, ballasting system, sanitary condition, especially in the accommodation area, the galley, provisions stores, cargo operation safety and documents.Besides, the Chief Officer should follow the Master's instructions in organizing the emergency drills.20.What precautions do you have to take before entering an enclosed space? I shall nominate the standby personnel and prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxygen, air and poisonous gases testing equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist.I shall then get the Master's signature on the checklist.中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 5 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

21.What checks do you have make before any hot work is permitted? I must make sure of the following: There is no gas leakage on cargo deck or pump room area;The nearby places shall be free of inflammable materials or gases and portable extinguishers are available;The area where the hot work is done is not piled with solvents of any kind, including diesel oil, kerosene, paint, cleaners and thinners;Gas testing is also important to make sure no flammable or toxic gas is present at the work site and that the oxygen content is 21% by volume;Ventilation condition should also be checked before any hot work is done;The Master's approval must be obtained under all circumstances.While in port, you must also get the port authority approval.22.On board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct a fire-fighting drill? I carried out a fire fighting drill at least once every month.23.What are the Chief Officer's responsibilities with regards to cargo operation? The Chief Officer is in charge of safe handling of all cargo operation.He must submit all cargo plans to the master for approval and discuss any critical stage of cargo operation with the Master.He is responsible for making cargo records, time sheets, port logs and other paperwork related to cargo operation.He must also prepare cargo operation order and get all duty officers to read and understand it.24.What are the Chief Officer's responsibilities with regard to deck maintenance? The Chief Officer should prepare the deck maintenance schedule-both the long-term and short-term onesa promise to carry and deliver the cargo.It constitutes the apparent order, condition, and quantity or weight of goods at the time of shipment.It is also a document of tide(property)of the cargo.A clean B/L is one on which there is not any remark of cargo loss, shortage or damage.An unclean B/L is also called claused B/L, which carries some remarks of cargo damage, quantity shortage and so on.41.What is back dated or anti-dated B/L? What is advanced B/L? A back dated B/L is a B/L whose issuing date is earlier than the virtual loading completion date.An advanced B/L means a B/L that is signed and issued by the carrier before the completion of loading.Both backdated and advanced B/Ls will bring some dangers and liabilities to the shipowner and charterer.42.What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port? Before departure from any port, stowaway search has to be carried out.The following spaces shall be searched thoroughly: void space, chain lockers, funnel, and other places where the stowaways can hide themselves.If stowaways are discovered before the ship sails, arrangement has to be made for his immediate disembarkation.Records have to be made in the Ship's Logs and the company should be notified.Necessary steps should be taken to prevent any further reoccurrence.43.Who should not be allowed to have the shore leave at the same time? In view of the jobs on board, the following positions and ranks can not be allowed to have shore leave at the same time: the Master and the Chief Officer;the Chief Engineer and First Engineer;the Chief Engineer and Electrician;the Bosun and Pumpman(in tankers);the Chief Cook and Second Cook(or mess boy);The Chief Officer and Pumpman(in tankers).Any crew who wants to have shore leave must check with the department head for permission and return to the vessel on time.44.What is me maximum blood alcohol concentration(BAC)rate on board? According to the STCW95, the BAC shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR(Code of Federal Regulations)requires the BAC to be no more than 0.04%.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 9 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

45.What hand of garbage cannot be thrown into incinerator? The following garbage can not be thrown into the incinerator: • Any containers that once contained gases under pressure, or aerosol cans;• The materials that may produce harmful gases or ashes;• The materials that may produce high temperature and prolonged incineration of such materials that may cause damage to the incinerator.46.What should a Muster List include? What kind of Muster Lists did you have on the last vessel? A Muster List should include the following points:(1)Details of emergency alarm signal;How ship-abandon order According to the STCW95, the BAG shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR(Code of Federal Regulations)requires the BAG to be no more than 0.04%.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.(2)will be given;(3)Substitutes for the key personnel who may become disabled;(4)The boat to which each person belongs and duties to be performed in an abandon ship situation;(5)The specific group to which a person belongs and general duties during various emergencies;(6)Any additional or specific duties;(7)Specific assembly point of each group.The Muster Lists must be ready before a ship sails.We had the following Muster lists on board the last vessel: General emergency, fire fighting, fire in the engine, emergency steering, abandon-ship, man overboard, oil pollution prevention station.47.What is heavy weather condition? Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing? I think heavy weather means weather conditions of wind force of 8 or above on the Beaufort scale and wave height of greater than 5 meters.During heavy weather conditions, the following preparations should be made:(1)If possible, select a route that can avoid the heavy weather area;(2)Inform the crew of the predicted heavy weather and issue a warning.Make sure that the warning is known to all crew on board;(3)Check the hull strength based on stowage calculations, cargo loading and stability documents.Ballast the ship to increase the draught and take action to prevent propeller racing, reduce oscillations and slamming of the ship if the ship is in ballasting condition;(4)Make sure the following holes are closed: hatches, cargo hold, bosun's store, manhole;accesses to accommodation spaces and steering gear room;tank air pipes, sounding caps;all water-tight doors and water-tight openings on the ship;(5)Ensure that measures are taken to prevent movement of cargo and other objects on various parts of the ship;(6)Ensure that cargo gears such as derricks, cranes and life boat are securely lashed;(7)Ensure that the conditions of the stowage of anchors and anchor chains are checked;(8)Keep critical checklists on the bridge for reference.中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 10 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

48.Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing? If navigating in heavy weather, the following should be paid attention to: Adopt measures to prevent slamming and pounding of the ship, considering the frequency of encounters with swells and change speed or course if necessary? a)The watch keeping officer shall change over to parallel operation of the steering gear, if possible;b)If possible, change the auto pilot to “rough sea mode” or change over to manual mode;c)Master shall frequently check the weather and sea conditions, observe future changes and judge if there is a problem with the present course and speed;d)Report the weather to the nearest port authority or the ships in the vicinity on the bad weather and ask them to be careful and warn them;e)The master shall check the abnormalities whenever possible to make the ship in good condition.49.If the stevedores damage the crane, derrick or any other equipment on board, what should you do? Firstly, I shall ask the duty officer have a careful supervision when the stevedores are loading and unloading cargo and ask the duty officers to report to me any incident or any damage the workers have done to the vessel equipment.If equipment damages occur, usually, I will see how serious the damage is.If the damage is serious, I shall report to the master immediately.If the damage is not very serious, I shall ask the stevedore company to make repair.At least, I shall ask the stevedores to acknowledge their liabilities.But anyway, I shall not allow the stevedore workers to leave the vessel until the damage is settled properly.50.Before and during dry-docking for the vessel, what should a Chief Officer do? The Chief Officer shall prepare a detailed repair list for the approval of the master and the company;adjust the proper trim as per the dock's requirements and make out a safety procedure before drydocking.The Chief Officer should also make an assignment plan for the deck officers and crew during drydocking.When the repair work is being done, the Chief Officer should have a good supervision on the jobs and ensure safety of the workers and the seamen.51.How do you balance the interests between the ship owner and the charterer? Sometimes, the crew are heavily pressured in the circumstances: the charterer just pushes the master to catch time, but there will be no time for the maintenance and repairs for the vessel.But I know that the charterer is very important to the ship owner, so good relation with the charterer is very important to both the master and the ship owner.船东希望大副既能和租家建立良好的关系,又能维护船东的利益。因为大副挣的是船东的工 资,但船东挣的是客户(租家)的钱。52.What do you know about BC Code? The BC code refers to the IMO Bulk Cargo Code.In this code, bulk cargo operation procedures are stated.This is a very important manual and the Chief Officer must study it with care and follow the instructions in the Code at work, especially when he makes the stowage plan.53.How should you deal with the garbage on board the ship? 中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 11 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

MARPOL 73/78 provides for detailed regulations on garbage disposal.Usually, any shipping company should have its own Garbage Management Plan in its SMS manuals.Usually, the Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer is the designated person in charge of carrying out the garbage disposal , but all crew on board should follow the garbage management plan.Garbage is disposed in four steps, i.e.collection, separation, processing and disposal.The Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer should make clear records in the Garbage Record Book.The Master has to make sure the Garbage Record Book is available for checks at any time.The garbage can roughly be divided into two types: the biodegradable and persistent garbage.The former refer to those that can be rotten by themselves, such as food paper, and wood;the latter refers to those that can not rotten themselves, such as plastic, mental etc.The persistent garbage can never be thrown into the sea.54.When should a turnover/handover of watch be deferred or postponed? Usually, under the following situations, the turnover can be deferred or even postponed:(1)If the officer on watch has reason to believe that the relieving officer is obviously not able to carry out his duties effectively;(2)when bridge maneuver is taking place, turnover of watch must be deferred until the action is completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place.55.Under what situations should you as the officer on watch reduce the ship's speed? Can you give some examples? The OOW should not hesitate to use engine to reduce the speed for safety.Some examples are:(1)when the ship meets restricted visibility;(2)when the ship is in heavy traffic area;(3)when the ship is in a close quarter situation.56.What actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected? The following actions should be taken.(1)Call or notify the master;(2)Stand by engine and sail at safe speed;(3)Switch on the navigational lights;(4)Switch on and sound fog signals;(5)Switch on ARPA and Radar;(6)Shift to manual steering for maneuver;(7)Post additional lockout.57.What precautions should be taken 12 hours before arrival at or departure from any port? Tests on the following should be made before entering or getting underway:(1)Primary and secondary steering gear.(2)Internal control communications and control alarm.(3)Standby and emergency generator.(4)Storage batteries for emergency lighting.(5)Main propulsion ahead and astern.58.What should you do in case of steering failure? When steering failure occurs, I shall immediately inform the engine room to change to the emergency steering gear.hi the meantime I shall report to the master.K no further incidents occur, I will get the signals hoisted for a vessel not under command.59.Do you know something about the internal and the external audit? Internal audit is a systematic check of the management and operation situation of the vessel.The internal audit, as I remember, is carried out at least once a year.The external audit is carried out the Classification of the vessel.The surveyor of the Class usually comes on board the check.中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 12 页 “中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

60.What is safety speed during sailing? What factors should you consider in deciding the speed of a vessel during sailing in the sea? The safe speed is the speed at which the vessel can take proper and effective actions to be stopped in a safe distance.The following factors should be taken into account to achieve safe speed: visibility, number of ships in the area, the ship s maneuverability, wind force, sea tide and current, background lights, draught and available depth of water, proximity of navigational hazards, standard and operation of technical equipment on board, ice condition and so on.61.When navigating in a crossing situation, as a duty officer, what anti-collision measures should be taken? When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition, what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-collision rule should be observed? When two power-driven ships are crossing, the ship which has the other ship on her own starboard side shall keep out of way.To do this, this ship can either alter course to starboard side or slow down her speed in order to avoid collision.When two power-driven ships are meeting head-on situation or near head-on situation, each ship shall alter course to starboard so that they can pass on the port side of each other at a safe distance.When a ship sails at a higher speed overtakes another ship, the ship shall sails at higher speed or shall alter its course to avoid collision.A power-driven ship shall keep out of the way of a sailing ship.This can be done by either altering its course or speed up to avoid collision.





1. 船舶保安等级由谁颁布? 2. 船上有哪些保安设备?

3. SSP由谁保管?如何保管?其他船员是否可以看? 4. 作为一个船舶保安员(SSO)应具备哪些保安方面的知识? 5. 一般船上有哪些登船口?如何管制?

6. 在不同保安等级情况下,梯口是如何管制的?(尤其是官方或港口当局人员,装卸工人及船公司人员等)

7. 何谓限制区域?船上的限制区域是如何管制的? 8. 在港期间如何收受物料?

9. 在何种情况下要签署和提交保安声明(DOS)? 10. 11. 培训/演习在时间上有哪些要求和规定?



1. ISM的英文全称及主要目标?

2. 对船上相应证书的了解(DOC,SMC)。3. 何谓DP?

4. 船上SPECIAL OPERATION一般指哪些操作? 5. 何谓HOT WORK?其操作程序怎样? 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司


7. 对测氧仪/气体探测器使用方法及需送岸检测(CALIBRATION)周期的了解程度。8. 在船上接受了何种培训或船上是如何进行相关培训的? 9. 在船上船长是如何发布简短命令的? 10.

三,SOLAS(1974年): 在船上发现了不符合项或缺失是如何处理的?

1. 演习时间要求:至少每月参加一次弃船演习和消防演习;当换员人数和合并未参加上月演习的人员超过1/4时,应在开航后24小时之内演习一次,如新接船,那么应在开航前举行这些演习;救生艇(包括救助艇)每三个月至少一次降落下水,并在水上进行操纵。

2. 放艇要求:有2名船员能在不到5分钟内完成登乘和降落准备工作;所有救生艇/筏应能在发出弃船信号后10分钟内,载足全部人员及属具后降落水面。3. 对舵装置的要求: 能在船舶最深航海吃水和以最大营运前进航速前进时将舵自一舷35度转至另一舷35度,以及于相同条件下在不超过28秒内将舵自一舷35度转至另一舷30度。每三个月至少进行一次应急操舵演习。

4. 辅助操舵装置应: 在不超过60秒内将舵自一舷15度转至另一舷15度。5. 救生圈:船长150 – 200米,配备至少12只。

6. DAMAGE CONTROL PLAN(1992年2月1日): 置于驾驶室固定显示或可随时使用。

7. 消防员装备: 安全灯其照明时间至少为3小时,空气呼吸器可供使用时间至少30分钟。南京金希普船舶管理有限公司

8. 引航梯两根安全绳直径不小于28MM,应牢固地系在船上,并有带有自亮灯的救生圈。

9. L≥150M散货船均应配备装载仪(LOADING MASTER)。


1. 有关值班人员休息时间的规定:




4)尽管有第1和第2段的规定,10小时的最短时间可以降到不少于连续的6小时,条件是这种降低不得超过2天,并且7天时间内提供的休息时间不少于70小时 5)主管机关应要求将值班安排表张贴在显而易见处。2.关于酗酒的指导


2)禁止值班人员在值班前4小时内喝酒。3。值班驾驶员适任的最低标准 1)解释和运用从海图上获得的信息; 2)在沿海水域中定位;

3)运用从潮汐表与其他航海出版物中获得的基本信息; 4)核对和操作驾驶台设备; 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司

5)核对磁罗经和陀螺罗经; 6)评估获得的气象信息; 7)运用天体定位;

8)通过天文和地方方法测定罗经差; 9)进行长达24小时的航行计算; 10)11)12)13)14)15)操作并应用从电子导航系统中获得的信息;

操作雷达和ARPA,并将雷达信息运用于航行和避碰; 操作推进和操舵系统以控制船首向和航速; 执行航行值班正常工作和程序; 进行救助落水人员所需的操纵;

一旦出现紧急情况(如失火、碰撞、搁浅)时应采取的行动和在紧急情况出现之后立即采取的行动; 16)设备和装置(如舵机、动力装置、导航系统)的主要部件一旦出现故障时应采取的行动; 17)18)


1.附则I – 特殊区域:地中海区域、波罗的海区域、黑海区域、红海区域、海湾区域、亚丁弯区域和南极区域。2.(油类记录本)在船保存至少3年。

3. 垃圾处理的特殊区域:地中海区域、波罗的海区域、黑海区域、红海区域、海湾区在正常和紧急情况下进行无线电通信以及视觉和声响信号通信;及 监测和操作安全报警系统,包括船内通信。南京金希普船舶管理有限公司



2)在泛加勒比海区域,经粉碎处理的食品垃圾≥3海里(≤25mm)可处理入海。4. 400总吨及以上的船舶和核定载运15名或以上人员的船舶,均应备有1份[垃圾管理计划]和[垃圾记录薄]。


2)每次排放或焚烧记录应包括日期、时间、船位、垃圾种类和垃圾估算量; 3)在船至少保留2年;

4)船上的垃圾数量应以立方米估算,如有可能应按类别分别估算。5. 船上有哪些MATERIALS是不能处理入海的? 6. 塑料垃圾能否在船上焚烧? 7. 厨房内粉碎机在港内能否使用? 8. OIL SLUDGE船上是如何处理的? 9. 在港内能否排放洗舱水? 10. 食品垃圾袋是如何处置的?

11. 船上有哪些防污材料?平时是如何养护的?

六,载重线公约(1966): 载重线季节区域有哪些?


1. P AND I CLUB 全称是什么?


3. 船靠泊时撞码头,船体和码头都有损坏,应如何向保险公司索赔?


1. 期租与航租有何区别?船东和租家各应负担哪些费用? 2. 什么叫交船和还船?属于期租还是程租? 3. FIOST的含义是什么?

4. a.由于船方原因如克令吊故障,造成装卸货延缓,会造成OFF-HIRE吗?




1. 雾航规则的理解和执行

2. 在狭水道和分隔带中船舶操纵避让有何特点? 3. 抛锚作业(八字锚、深水抛锚法)4. 对DCPA的理解(放洋/沿岸)

5. 进入大风浪区域前/中/后应注意什么问题或做哪些准备工作? 6. 何谓平行标线法(PARALLEL INDEXING)? 7. 救助落水人员的操船方法(简述)? 8. 碰撞/搁浅后应采取的初步措施有哪些? 9. 航行中双锚是如何固定的? 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司


1. 计算货载应注意什么或应考虑哪些因素?(装卸港水尺限制和比重、所经洋区的载重线区域的限制、船舶常数、存油水、中拱/中垂、途中加油水等)2. 在计算货载时,如碰到条款中规定MIN/MAX时应注意什么问题? 3. LOADING/UNLOADING SEQUENCE为何?其中有哪些基本要素? 4. 船上LOADING MASTER需要哪个机构认可(APPROVAL)? 5. 装粮的三个稳性规范要求(IMO)?

6. 怎样预防WET DAMAGE?HEAT DAMAGE? 7. 怎样预防货损货差?发生货损货差怎么办?

8. 如何避免超载?SHORE SCALE和DRAFT SURVEY数字有差异时,应如何处理? 9. 在装卸货过程中,如岸方坚持雨中作业,大副应如何处理? 10. 到港后如无ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING,是否允许卸货?如收货人给船上提供

保函是否让卸?如何处理此类问题? 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 在装卸货过程中,如岸方提出同一舱使用两克令吊作业,大副应如何处理? 舱盖水密试验有哪几种?HOSE TEST和CHALK TEST如何操作? HATCH COAMING围槽有汗水排水孔,其有什么特殊装置? 发生工残(STEVEDORE DAMAGE)怎么办? 装粮、水泥、盐、钢材各应注意哪些要点? BC CODE和BLU CODE有何区别?

如何进行大件货绑扎或衬垫?在船上参阅哪本书? LAST TRIMMING一般余留多少吨货? 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司

19. 20. 签署MATE’S RECEIPT应注意哪些问题?



1. 过运河前的准备工作有哪些? 2. 有何RESTRICTION?

3. 从SSW到TFW船舶水尺有何变化?

十二,GMDSS 1. 船上有哪些GMDSS设备?

2. 在何种设备上有DSC?如何测试DSC? 3. 你在船上负责哪些设备的测试工作? 4. GMDSS应记录哪些内容?

5. AIS是什么设备?英文全称以及如何使用?













二十四,英文 1.问题 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司

1. Can you tell me about your educational background and your experience as a Captain? 2. Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer? 3. Can you describe the access control while vessel in port during ship security level 1? 4. Can you describe the preparation procedures before entering the US ports? 5. What’s meaning of P&I Club? What’s coverage provided by P&I club? 6. How often at least should the Emergency Steering Drill be carried out? 7. On board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct a fire-fighting drill and abandon ship drill? 8. Can you describe the Garbage Disposal Procedures on board your last ship? 9. Can you tell me how to make a stowage plan? 10. How do you keep proper ventilation during the voyage from warn to cold area or vice-versa when laden with rice in bags? 11. Before vessel arrives at the discharging port, you found some quantity of the surface cargo was wet damaged, how would you handle it? 12. What will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading? 13. 14. 15. If there is stevedore damage happened, what should you do? Do you allow cargo discharge without being shown the B/L? What is the maximum blood alcohol concentration(BAC)rate for crew on board? 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司

16. Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing? 17. As the Chief Officer, what precautions do you have to take to prepare for the PSC inspection? 18. 19. 20. What precautions do you have to take before entering an enclosed space? What checks do you have make before any hot work is permitted? What is the method usually we take for ballast water change? Can you describe the respectively specialty for Empty/Refill and Overflow? 21. Before and during dry-docking for the vessel, what should a Chief Officer do? 22. What actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected? 1.缩写


2.单字名称 南京金希普船舶管理有限公司



中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 1 页


大副是甲板上仅次于船长的“第二把手”。大副的好坏直接关系到船舶、货物和人身安全。经验表明,船东在面试大副时也是相当严格和认真的。主要集中在货物的配载、装卸货、货物的 保管、货物单据、管理能力、协调能力等方面。而对于特种船来说,对有关货物装卸货的有关规 定等也要熟知。此外,有关ISM/SMS及其他公约、PSC检查以及船东内外审时的提问也是一个 非常重要的部分。

下面整理了一部分面试试题,供参考。我们建议,大副不但要准备下面的一些问题,也应该 看看有关船长及二副和三副的有关问题,这样才能 达到融会贯通的目的。

1.Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience? A reference answer:

I graduated from Jimei Navigation College in 1992.I studied there for three years.I have worked as a seamen on eight ships for nearly ten years.I have the experience of Chief Officer for two ships.I have worked both Chinese and foreign shipowners in the past ten years.2.Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer?

Under the leadership of the Master, the Chief Officer shall carry out the daily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling.The specific duties include:

(1)watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours;

(2)safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment;

(3)daily safety and sanitary inspection;

(4)store and spare parts inventory management;

(5)maintenance on deck;

(6)stowage plan making;

(7)supervision of the loading and unloading process;

(8)cargo caring on board;

(9)some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel.3.Can you talk about the previous vessels(last vessel)you worked on board? It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.It was an old ship about 14 years old.But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work on board.4.What types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?

I have worked on bulk carriers and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.这是一个很重要的问题,因为大副的一个很重要职务便是货物管理。大副应该对不同货物的 装卸、配载、保管、单据、保险等相关问题有所了解。

5.Where was your last vessel's trading(plying, sailing)area?

It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.She has ever been to New Orleans, Long Beach, New York, Rotterdam, Hamburg and so on.6.Did you have the experience of working with foreign crews? What were their nationalities?

The last two vessels I worked on had crew from several countries.The masters were from Indian, the Chief Engineers were from Hong Kong and Philippine and other seamen were from China, Indian Burma and Vietnam.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 2 页

7.Can you tell me how to make a stowage plan?

Based on the capacity of the hold, the stowage factors, types of cargo, loading and discharging ports rotation, I shall calculate the volume of the cargo that is to be loaded into different holds.Then I shall calculate the draft of the vessel and trimming, shear force, bending moment to meet the requirements of the ship.At last, stowage plan is made based on these factors.8.What does a stowage factor of mean?

A stowage factor of any cargo is the figure that expresses the number of cubic units of measure needed to accommodate one unit of weight-how many cubic meters is needed to stow one metric ton of certain goods.Stowage factors should include allowance for dunnage,irregular size of certain goods, pallets and something else.Even the most carefully determined stowage factor is not absolute and it should be used only as a guide while planning cargo disposition.9.If there happens stevedore damage to cargo, equipment or ship' s structure in the loading or discharging ports, what should you do?

If damage happens, I must record it first and then report it in an appropriate written form to the master and other parties concerned.The report must be signed by the liable parties admitting they have(or have not)responsibility for the damage.The damage report shall be carefully worded and shall be supported with photos and other evidence, if any.The damage report should also include the following contents: ship’s name, voyage number, date, geographical location, name of the person who took the photos and his signature, location where the photo was taken, and what is intended to show.10.What precautions do you have to take before cargo operation is carried out? I shall check the pre-cargo operation check lists to make sure that no item is missing.The following procedures are to be adopted:

(1)the Chief Officer shall make a cargo operation plan, in which the following factors shall be considered: the cargo must be stowed in such way that the stability, trim, shearing forces and bending moments are within the limits as laid down by the stability manual; excessive weight on tank tops, tween decks and hatch covers must be avoided; and cargo must be stowed and secured in such way as to avoid damage-which can result in possible loss of life or property.(2)Pre-operation conference with all ship's personnel to be involved in the cargo operation should be held to discuss such matters as cargo disposition, numbers of gangs and working hours, usual and special safety requirements, ballasting and de-ballasting information, special requirements regarding cargo operation, damage prevention and control, personnel organization, cargo watch etc.The Chief Officer must ensure that all relevant personnel have fully understood the intended cargo and all usual and special safety and operational requirements.11.What will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading?

I shall report to the master first and foremost.The master should decide whether to replace the damaged cargo.For the full-set machines and high-valued products I must ask for the replacement in the loading port if damages are found.If the damaged cargoes cannot be replaced, the Chief Mate shall make remarks on the Mate’s Receipt.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 3 页

If disputes happen on the quantity and quality of the cargoes, I shall, at the discretion of the master, ask the cargo surveyor to do the survey.If necessary, under the endorsement of the ship owner, I shall write a Letter of Protest(based on the format provided by the company)to prove the innocence of the seamen on board.During the voyage, if a very small amount of cargo is damaged, with the permission of the master, I shall throw it away into the sea to avoid any disputes with any third party.12.What are the differences between the Bill of Lading and the Mate's Receipt? A Tally Sheet is the basis of the Mate’s Receipt.The Mate’s Receipt is the basis of the B/L.The condition of the cargo is clearly shown on the Mate’s Receipt.It is very important to make sure that the cargo condition on the bill of lading is the same as that on the Mate’s Receipt.The Mate’s Receipt is the legal evidence of the cargo received and the B/L is the legal evidence of the cargo ownership.If the consigner wants the master to issue a clean B/L on the basis of unclean Mate’s Receipt, the master firstly must ask for permission from the company.K the company agrees, the consigner must issue reliable Letter of Indemnity or Letter of Guarantee.13.If the draft survey proves a shortage of cargo after loading is completed, what will you do apart from reporting to the Master? Will you make any remarks on the Mate's Receipt?

In this case, I shall report the problem to the master first.With the permission of the master, I shall ask the third party surveyor to do the survey.K the survey shows there is shortage or damage of the cargo, I shall write remarks on the Mate’s Receipt showing the loss or damage or shortage.The third party is to be invited to make the objective report on the real quantity of the volume of the cargo.K the cargo is proved to be in shortage, I shall write remarks on the Mate’s Receipt.14.What do you know about the ISM code and SMS? How many chapters are there in the ISM Code(as amended)? What are these chapters?

The ISM code is the International Safety Management Code.The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property.The 16 chapters of ISM Code are: general, safety and environment protection policy, company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master's responsibilities and authority, resources and personnel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness, reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences , maintenance of the ship and equipment, documentation, company verification, review and evaluation, certification and verifications and control, certification and periodical verification, verification, interim certification, and forms of certificates.The last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM Code.SMS means safety management system, and this system is mad based on the 16 elements of ISM Code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS74.The shipowner or manager cannot get Document of Compliance(DOC)and SMC without audited Safety Management Certificate(SMC)by Class designated by the flag registry country administration.Every


中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 4 页

company should develop, implement and maintain a safety management system(SMS).15.What do Observation, Non-conformity and Major non-conformity mean respectively?

Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence.Non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfillment of a specified requirement.Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this Code.(摘自新ISM Code原文)

以上内容不一定要非常准确详细地背诵,但至少要知道大致的内容,尤其要知道,ISM规则 是变化的、开放的国际公约,其内容经过修改和增加。此外,随着ISM规则的改变,各船东和管 理公司对SMS也要进行相应的修改和补充。

16.Have you experienced any on-board internal audit before?

The onboard internal audit is carried out at the discretion of the Designated Person of the owner.When the auditors come on board, the seamen should give full support to them.If observation or non-conformity items are found in the audit, these items should be treated with due diligence and rectified on time.As the Chief Officer, I should be very familiar with the operation and calibration of the gas detector and the loading computer.17.What is Garbage Management Plan?

The MARPOL 73/78 requires that a Garbage Management Plan should be developed in accordance with the IMO guidelines on board almost all ships.The Plan includes the procedures for garbage collection, separation, processing and disposal, as well as the management and requirements of garbage processing equipment, implementation of the Plan and crew responsibilities.All processing work should be recorded in the Garbage Record Book.18.How do you carry out the deck machinery maintenance?

On board the last vessel, I often ordered my Bosun to organize the deck crew to maintain such equipment as windlass, steering engine, derrick, crane, wires, meters and winch.Chipping and greasing are also among their daily routines as per the PMS(Planned Maintenance System).All maintenance plans for the machines in the deck department shall be made by the Chief Officer.19.As the Chief Officer, what precautions do you have to take to prepare for the PSC inspection?

The Chief Officer should arrange for the checks of the following items: LSA.APPLIANCE equipment, garbage disposal records, gangway safety, ballasting system, sanitary condition, especially in the accommodation area, the galley, provisions stores, cargo operation safety and documents.Besides, the Chief Officer should follow the Master's instructions in organizing the emergency drills.20.What precautions do you have to take before entering an enclosed space? I shall nominate the standby personnel and prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxygen, air and poisonous gases testing equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist.I shall then get the Master's signature on the checklist.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 5 页

21.What checks do you have make before any hot work is permitted? I must make sure of the following:

There is no gas leakage on cargo deck or pump room area;

The nearby places shall be free of inflammable materials or gases and portable extinguishers are available;

The area where the hot work is done is not piled with solvents of any kind, including diesel oil, kerosene, paint, cleaners and thinners;

Gas testing is also important to make sure no flammable or toxic gas is present at the work site and that the oxygen content is 21% by volume;

Ventilation condition should also be checked before any hot work is done;

The Master's approval must be obtained under all circumstances.While in port, you must also get the port authority approval.22.On board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct a fire-fighting drill? I carried out a fire fighting drill at least once every month.23.What are the Chief Officer's responsibilities with regards to cargo operation? The Chief Officer is in charge of safe handling of all cargo operation.He must submit all cargo plans to the master for approval and discuss any critical stage of cargo operation with the Master.He is responsible for making cargo records, time sheets, port logs and other paperwork related to cargo operation.He must also prepare cargo operation order and get all duty officers to read and understand it.24.What are the Chief Officer's responsibilities with regard to deck maintenance? The Chief Officer should prepare the deck maintenance schedule-both the long-term and short-term onesa promise to carry and deliver the cargo.It constitutes the apparent order, condition, and quantity or weight of goods at the time of shipment.It is also a document of tide(property)of the cargo.A clean B/L is one on which there is not any remark of cargo loss, shortage or damage.An unclean B/L is also called claused B/L, which carries some remarks of cargo damage, quantity shortage and so on.41.What is back dated or anti-dated B/L? What is advanced B/L?

A back dated B/L is a B/L whose issuing date is earlier than the virtual loading completion date.An advanced B/L means a B/L that is signed and issued by the carrier before the completion of loading.Both backdated and advanced B/Ls will bring some dangers and liabilities to the shipowner and charterer.42.What anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?

Before departure from any port, stowaway search has to be carried out.The following spaces shall be searched thoroughly: void space, chain lockers, funnel, and other places where the stowaways can hide themselves.If stowaways are discovered before the ship sails, arrangement has to be made for his immediate disembarkation.Records have to be made in the Ship's Logs and the company should be notified.Necessary steps should be taken to prevent any further re occurrence.43.Who should not be allowed to have the shore leave at the same time?

In view of the jobs on board, the following positions and ranks can not be allowed to have shore leave at the same time: the Master and the Chief Officer; the Chief Engineer and First Engineer; the Chief Engineer and Electrician; the Bosun and Pumpman(in tankers); the Chief Cook and Second Cook(or mess boy); The Chief Officer and Pumpman(in tankers).Any crew who wants to have shore leave must check with the department head for permission and return to the vessel on time.44.What is me maximum blood alcohol concentration(BAC)rate on board? According to the STCW95, the BAC shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR(Code of Federal Regulations)requires the BAC to be no more than 0.04%.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 9 页

45.What hand of garbage cannot be thrown into incinerator?

The following garbage can not be thrown into the incinerator: • Any containers that once contained gases under pressure, or aerosol cans;

• The materials that may produce harmful gases or ashes;

• The materials that may produce high temperature and prolonged incineration of such materials that may cause damage to the incinerator.46.What should a Muster List include? What kind of Muster Lists did you have on the last vessel?

A Muster List should include the following points:(1)Details of emergency alarm signal;

How ship-abandon order According to the STCW95, the BAG shall not be more than 0.08% by weight any time when being tested, but the CFR(Code of Federal Regulations)requires the BAG to be no more than 0.04%.Watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage 4 hours before their watch.(2)will be given;

(3)Substitutes for the key personnel who may become disabled;

(4)The boat to which each person belongs and duties to be performed in an abandon ship situation;

(5)The specific group to which a person belongs and general duties during various emergencies;

(6)Any additional or specific duties;

(7)Specific assembly point of each group.The Muster Lists must be ready before a ship sails.We had the following Muster lists on board the last vessel: General emergency, fire fighting, fire in the engine, emergency steering, abandon-ship, man overboard, oil pollution prevention station.47.What is heavy weather condition? Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing?

I think heavy weather means weather conditions of wind force of 8 or above on the Beaufort scale and wave height of greater than 5 meters.During heavy weather conditions, the following preparations should be made:(1)If possible, select a route that can avoid the heavy weather area;

(2)Inform the crew of the predicted heavy weather and issue a warning.Make sure that the warning is known to all crew on board;

(3)Check the hull strength based on stowage calculations, cargo loading and stability documents.Ballast the ship to increase the draught and take action to prevent propeller racing, reduce oscillations and slamming of the ship if the ship is in ballasting condition;

(4)Make sure the following holes are closed: hatches, cargo hold, bosun's store, manhole;

accesses to accommodation spaces and steering gear room; tank air pipes, sounding caps; all water-tight doors and water-tight openings on the ship;

(5)Ensure that measures are taken to prevent movement of cargo and other objects on various parts of the ship;

(6)Ensure that cargo gears such as derricks, cranes and life boat are securely lashed;

(7)Ensure that the conditions of the stowage of anchors and anchor chains are checked;

(8)Keep critical checklists on the bridge for reference.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 10 页

48.Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing?

If navigating in heavy weather, the following should be paid attention to:

Adopt measures to prevent slamming and pounding of the ship, considering the frequency of encounters with swells and change speed or course if necessary?

a)The watch keeping officer shall change over to parallel operation of the steering gear, if possible;

b)If possible, change the auto pilot to “rough sea mode” or change over to manual mode;

c)Master shall frequently check the weather and sea conditions, observe future changes and judge if there is a problem with the present course and speed;

d)Report the weather to the nearest port authority or the ships in the vicinity on the bad weather and ask them to be careful and warn them;

e)The master shall check the abnormalities whenever possible to make the ship in good condition.49.If the stevedores damage the crane, derrick or any other equipment on board, what should you do?

Firstly, I shall ask the duty officer have a careful supervision when the stevedores are loading and unloading cargo and ask the duty officers to report to me any incident or any damage the workers have done to the vessel equipment.If equipment damages occur, usually, I will see how serious the damage is.If the damage is serious, I shall report to the master immediately.If the damage is not very serious, I shall ask the stevedore company to make repair.At least, I shall ask the stevedores to acknowledge their liabilities.But anyway, I shall not allow the stevedore workers to leave the vessel until the damage is settled properly.50.Before and during dry-docking for the vessel, what should a Chief Officer do? The Chief Officer shall prepare a detailed repair list for the approval of the master and the company; adjust the proper trim as per the dock's requirements and make out a safety procedure before drydocking.The Chief Officer should also make an assignment plan for the deck officers and crew during drydocking.When the repair work is being done, the Chief Officer should have a good supervision on the jobs and ensure safety of the workers and the seamen.51.How do you balance the interests between the ship owner and the charterer? Sometimes, the crew are heavily pressured in the circumstances: the charterer just pushes the master to catch time, but there will be no time for the maintenance and repairs for the vessel.But I know that the charterer is very important to the ship owner, so good relation with the charterer is very important to both the master and the ship owner.船东希望大副既能和租家建立良好的关系,又能维护船东的利益。因为大副挣的是船东的工 资,但船东挣的是客户(租家)的钱。

52.What do you know about BC Code?

The BC code refers to the IMO Bulk Cargo Code.In this code, bulk cargo operation procedures are stated.This is a very important manual and the Chief Officer must study it with care and follow the instructions in the Code at work, especially when he makes the stowage plan.53.How should you deal with the garbage on board the ship?


中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 11 页

MARPOL 73/78 provides for detailed regulations on garbage disposal.Usually, any shipping company should have its own Garbage Management Plan in its SMS manuals.Usually, the Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer is the designated person in charge of carrying out the garbage disposal , but all crew on board should follow the garbage management plan.Garbage is disposed in four steps, i.e.collection, separation, processing and disposal.The Chief Engineer or the Chief Officer should make clear records in the Garbage Record Book.The Master has to make sure the Garbage Record Book is available for checks at any time.The garbage can roughly be divided into two types: the biodegradable and persistent garbage.The former refer to those that can be rotten by themselves, such as food paper, and wood; the latter refers to those that can not rotten themselves, such as plastic, mental etc.The persistent garbage can never be thrown into the sea.54.When should a turnover/handover of watch be deferred or postponed?

Usually, under the following situations, the turnover can be deferred or even postponed:(1)If the officer on watch has reason to believe that the relieving officer is obviously not able to carry out his duties effectively;(2)when bridge maneuver is taking place, turnover of watch must be deferred until the action is completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place.55.Under what situations should you as the officer on watch reduce the ship's speed? Can you give some examples?

The OOW should not hesitate to use engine to reduce the speed for safety.Some examples are:(1)when the ship meets restricted visibility;

(2)when the ship is in heavy traffic area;(3)when the ship is in a close quarter situation.56.What actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected?

The following actions should be taken.(1)Call or notify the master;(2)Stand by engine and sail at safe speed;(3)Switch on the navigational lights;(4)Switch on and sound fog signals;(5)Switch on ARPA and Radar;(6)Shift to manual steering for maneuver;(7)Post additional lockout.57.What precautions should be taken 12 hours before arrival at or departure from any port?

Tests on the following should be made before entering or getting underway:

(1)Primary and secondary steering gear.(2)Internal control communications and control alarm.(3)Standby and emergency generator.(4)Storage batteries for emergency lighting.(5)Main propulsion ahead and astern.58.What should you do in case of steering failure?

When steering failure occurs, I shall immediately inform the engine room to change to the emergency steering gear.In the meantime I shall report to the master.K no further incidents occur, I will get the signals hoisted for a vessel not under command.59.Do you know something about the internal and the external audit?

Internal audit is a systematic check of the management and operation situation of the vessel.The internal audit, as I remember, is carried out at least once a year.The external audit is carried out the Classification of the vessel.The surveyor of the Class usually comes on board the check.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。

中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列 大副面试问题及参考答案

第 12 页

60.What is safety speed during sailing? What factors should you consider in deciding the speed of a vessel during sailing in the sea?

The safe speed is the speed at which the vessel can take proper and effective actions to be stopped in a safe distance.The following factors should be taken into account to achieve safe speed: visibility, number of ships in the area, the ship s maneuverability, wind force, sea tide and current, background lights, draught and available depth of water, proximity of navigational hazards, standard and operation of technical equipment on board, ice condition and so on.61.When navigating in a crossing situation, as a duty officer, what anti-collision measures should be taken?

When the vessels are proceed on head-on condition, what anti-collision rule should be observed? When a power-driven ship and sailing meet in the sea, what anti-collision rule should be observed?

When two power-driven ships are crossing, the ship which has the other ship on her own starboard side shall keep out of way.To do this, this ship can either alter course to starboard side or slow down her speed in order to avoid collision.When two power-driven ships are meeting head-on situation or near head-on situation, each ship shall alter course to starboard so that they can pass on the port side of each other at a safe distance.When a ship sails at a higher speed overtakes another ship, the ship shall sails at higher speed or shall alter its course to avoid collision.A power-driven ship shall keep out of the way of a sailing ship.This can be done by either altering its course or speed up to avoid collision.“中国海员之家”网站(http://www.xiexiebang.com)搜集整理出品,更多航海资料请到网站免费下载。





1. 船舶保安等级由谁颁布? 2. 船上有哪些保安设备?

3. SSP由谁保管?如何保管?其它船员是否可以看?

4. 作为一个船舶保安员(SSO)应具备哪些保安方面的知识? 5. 一般船上有哪些登船口?如何管制?

6. 在不同保安等级情况下,梯口是如何管制的?(尤其是官方或港口当局人员,装卸工人及船公司人员等)

7. 何谓限制区域?船上的限制区域是如何管制的? 8. 在港期间如何收受物料?

9. 在何种情况下要签署和提交保安声明(DOS)? 10. 培训/演习在时间上有哪些要求和规定?





4.船上SPECIAL OPERATION一般指哪些操作? 5.何谓HOT WORK?其操作程序怎样?



8.在船上接受了何种培训或船上是如何进行相关培训的? 9.在船上船长是如何发布简短命令的?

10. 在船上发现了不符合项或缺失是如何处理的?


1. 演习时间要求:至少每月参加一次弃船演习和消防演习;当换员人数和合并未参加上月演习的人员超过1/4时,应在开航后24小时之内演习一次,如新接船,那么应在开航前举行这些演习;救生艇(包括救助艇)每三个月至少一次降落下水,并在水上进行操纵。

2. 放艇要求:有2名船员能在不到5分钟内完成登乘和降落准备工作;所有救生艇/筏应能在发出弃船信号后10分钟内,载足全部人员及属具后降落水面。

3. 对舵装置的要求: 能在船舶最深航海吃水和以最大营运前进航速前进时将舵自一舷35度转至另一舷35度,以及于相同条件下在不超过28秒内将舵自一舷35度转至另一舷30度。每三个月至少进行一次应急操舵演



4. 辅助操舵装置应: 在不超过60秒内将舵自一舷15度转至另一舷15度。5. 救生圈:船长150 – 200米,配备至少12只。6. DAMAGE CONTROL PLAN(1992年2月1日): 置于驾驶室固定显示或可随时使用。

7. 消防员装备: 安全灯其照明时间至少为3小时,空气呼吸器可供使用时间至少30分钟。

8. 引航梯两根安全绳直径不小于28MM,应牢固地系在船上,并有带有自亮灯的救生圈。

9. L≥150M散货船均应配备装载仪(LOADING MASTER)。


1. 有关值班人员休息时间的规定:








1.附则I – 特殊区域:地中海区域、波罗的海区域、黑海区域、红海区域、海湾区域、亚丁弯区域和南极区域。2.(油类记录本)在船保存至少3年。

3. 垃圾处理的特殊区域:地中海区域、波罗的海区域、黑海区域、红海区域、海湾区域、北海区域、南极区域以及泛加勒比海区域。1)除食品垃圾≥12海里可处理如海外,其它垃圾不准处理入海;


4. 400总吨及以上的船舶和核定载运15名或以上人员的船舶,均应备有1份[垃圾管理计划]和[垃圾记录薄]。





4)船上的垃圾数量应以立方米估算,如有可能应按类别分别估算。5. 船上有哪些MATERIALS是不能处理入海的? 6. 塑料垃圾能否在船上焚烧? 7. 厨房内粉碎机在港内能否使用? 8. OIL SLUDGE船上是如何处理的? 9. 在港内能否排放洗舱水? 10. 食品垃圾袋是如何处置的?

11. 船上有哪些防污材料?平时是如何养护的?

六,载重线公约(1966): 载重线季节区域有哪些?


1. P AND I CLUB 全称是什么?

2. P AND I CLUB/HULL AND MACHINERY INSURANCE 各投保什么险? 3. 船靠泊时撞码头,船体和码头都有损坏,应如何向保险公司索赔?


1. 期租与航租有何区别?船东和租家各应负担哪些费用? 2. 什么叫交船和还船?属于期租还是程租? 3. FIOST的含义是什么?

4. a.由于船方原因如克令吊故障,造成装卸货延缓,会造成OFF-HIRE吗?




1. 雾航规则的理解和执行

2. 在狭水道和分隔带中船舶操纵避让有何特点? 3. 抛锚作业(八字锚、深水抛锚法)4. 对DCPA的理解(放洋/沿岸)

5. 进入大风浪区域前/中/后应注意什么问题或做哪些准备工作? 6. 何谓平行标线法(PARALLEL INDEXING)? 7. 救助落水人员的操船方法(简述)? 8. 碰撞/搁浅后应采取的初步措施有哪些? 9. 航行中双锚是如何固定的?



1. 计算货载应注意什么或应考虑哪些因素?(装卸港水尺限制和比重、所经洋区的载重线区域的限制、船舶常数、存油水、中拱/中垂、途中加油水等)

2. 在计算货载时,如碰到条款中规定MIN/MAX时应注意什么问题? 3. LOADING/UNLOADING SEQUENCE为何?其中有哪些基本要素? 4. 船上LOADING MASTER需要哪个机构认可(APPROVAL)? 5. 装粮的三个稳性规范要求(IMO)?

6. 怎样预防粮食的WET DAMAGE?HEAT DAMAGE? 7. 怎样预防货损货差?发生货损货差怎么办?

8. 如何避免超载?SHORE SCALE和DRAFT SURVEY数字有差异时,应如何处理?

9. 在装卸货过程中,如岸方坚持雨中作业,大副应如何处理?

10. 到港后如无ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING,是否允许卸货?如收货人给船上提供保函是否让卸?如何处理此类问题?

11. 在装卸货过程中,如岸方提出同一舱使用两克令吊作业,大副应如何处理?

12. 舱盖水密试验有哪几种?HOSE TEST和CHALK TEST如何操作? 13. HATCH COAMING围槽有汗水排水孔,其有什么特殊装置? 14. 发生工残(STEVEDORE DAMAGE)怎么办? 15. 装粮、水泥、盐、钢材各应注意哪些要点? 16. BC CODE和BLU CODE有何区别?

17. 如何进行大件货绑扎或衬垫?在船上参阅哪本书? 18. LAST TRIMMING一般余留多少吨货?

19. 签署MATE‘S RECEIPT应注意哪些问题?

20. 木材船稳性如何计算?一般计算时甲板木材吸水量为多少?开航时,摇摆周期一般为多少秒?


1. 过运河前的准备工作有哪些? 2. 有何RESTRICTION?

3. 从SSW到TFW船舶水尺有何变化?

十二,GMDSS 1. 船上有哪些GMDSS设备?

2. 在何种设备上有DSC?如何测试DSC? 3. 你在船上负责哪些设备的测试工作? 4. GMDSS应记录哪些内容?

5. AIS是什么设备?英文全称以及如何使用?















二十四,英文 1.问题

1.Can you tell me about your educational background and your experience as a Captain? 2.Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer? 3.Can you describe the access control while vessel in port during ship security level 1? 4.Can you describe the preparation procedures before entering the US ports? 5.What’s meaning of P&I Club? What’s coverage provided by P&I club? 6.How often at least should the Emergency Steering Drill be carried out? 7.On board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct a fire-fighting drill and abandon ship drill? 8.Can you describe the Garbage Disposal Procedures on board your last ship? 9.Can you tell me how to make a stowage plan?


10. How do you keep proper ventilation during the voyage from warn to cold area or vice-versa when laden with rice in bags? 11. Before vessel arrives at the discharging port, you found some quantity of the surface cargo was wet damaged, how would you handle it? 12. What will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading? 13. If there is stevedore damage happened, what should you do? 14. Do you allow cargo discharge without being shown the B/L? 15. What is the maximum blood alcohol concentration(BAC)rate for crew on board? 16. Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing? 17. As the Chief Officer, what precautions do you have to take to prepare for the PSC inspection? 18. What precautions do you have to take before entering an enclosed space? 19. What checks do you have make before any hot work is permitted?


20. What is the method usually we take for ballast water change? Can you describe the respectively specialty for Empty/Refill and Overflow? 21. Before and during dry-docking for the vessel, what should a Chief Officer do? 22. What actions should be taken when restricted visibility is encountered or expected? 1.缩写














(8)船舶的每厘米吃水吨数 TPC曲线的用途主要是计算船舶平均吃水及装载量的变化值。

































(53)当船舶向岸上或其他船舶排放垃圾时,哪些内容应记入垃圾记录簿? ①排放的日期、时间及港口或船舶的名称;②垃圾种类段每种垃圾的排放量;③负责排放的高级船员的签字。

(54)根据规定,已经签证的船舶,出港前出现哪种情况时应重新办理签证? ①船长变动;②船舶用途改变。















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