
时间:2019-05-14 17:01:57下载本文作者:会员上传


Good afternoon, everyone!I am very glad to have a speech here.My name is ……, and my major is …….…….is my hometown, a famous city in the Three Kingdoms, and it is rich in rice and fish.I graduated from …….University in ……., and now, I am studying in ……..In my spare time, I like to play computer games, surf on line, or travel with friends and sometimes I like being alone and doing nothing.My topic is GMF and Health, before my topic, I want to ask you some questions: do you know what the GMF is? Do you ever eat in KFC or McDonald's? You may be surprised at what is the relationship between them.It is said that the most foods in KFC and McDonald's are GMF.This chicken with six legs and six wings is made for food in McDonald's.The topic of GMF is becoming more and more popular recently.Scientists embed the special gene into plants to get the genetically-modified crops which usually have higher yield and look more attractive than the common crops by genetic engineering technology.Besides, the GM crops are more resistant to diseases and insects.In the other words, they can reduce the cost to some extent.As a result, the GM crops become popular with famers and businessmen, and then the GMF emerges in the market.Such as beans, corn, rice, chili(辣椒), and so on.What is more, the supporters think that it is hopeful to solve the food crisis, and the GMF is healthier than common food.However, the GM crops are not natural plants, and they are forced to change themselves by human.What is worse, the development of GM technology is immature, and no one knows what the result it will cause.So a great number of people object to the GMF.For example, they think the new strange creatures which made by GM may disturb the food chain, and even will change the world which we are living now and threaten the survival of human beings.For another thing, the GMF may pose health risk to consumers.First of all, it may cause unpredictable mutation(突变)in the GMF, and then produce new and stronger poison.Besides, the special gene with resistant to diseases may make the drug-resistant bacteria and cause new diseases.Thirdly, the allergies may become more frequently.For example, a man who has a shrimp(虾)allergy rather than fish.It may be very unfortunately for him to eat a fish and get allergy because the fish which he eats is modified with a special gene in shrimp.Lastly, the nutritive value of GMF will be reduced because of the remove of some substances which we do not know whether they are necessary to our bodies.In my opinion, the GMF may be an effective way to solve the food crisis in the future, but before extent and commercialize it we should ensure it is safe enough, rather than apply it with so much unpredictable.Just as what Yuan Longping said: “We should hold a scientific and cautious attitude to GMF, and try to bring the advantages of GM technology into full play, reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time.In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the GM technology and enjoy a better-off life, rather than refuse it absolutely.”

That is all my speech, thank you!


China has rejected more than one million metric tons of United States corn since last November.The Chinese Government says it is not accepting shipments that include Agrisure Viptera made by the seed company Syngenta.China says it has not approved importing this genetically-modified kind of corn seed.A GMO food has had gens from other plants or animals added to its natural genetic content.America's National Grain and Feed Association says the rejection is costly.It says the Chinese action is responsible for almost $3 billion in losses to the U.S.agricultural industry.It's perhaps the most controversial pick in the history of a respected award.Three pioneers in the science of genetically modified crops are receiving this year's prestigious World Food Prize, Thursday, Oct.17 in Iowa.According to the prize citation, 17 million farmers worldwide grew these 'GMO' crops in 2012, more than 90 percent of them small-scale farmers in developing countries.It says the technology increased yields, reduced harmful pesticide use, and will be a key tool to feed the 9 billion people expected on Earth by 2050.But critics of the technology question the role of genetically modified organisms in fighting world hunger.When Mary Dell Chilton started her scientific career in the 1970s, she believed that a microscopic bacterium and a stalk of corn were much too different to be able to exchange genetic code.Every plant’s DNA is like hundreds of books’ worth of information: genes for productivity...flavor...heat tolerance...even harmful or toxic traits.Conventional breeding produces offspring with a random assortment of those bookssay, instructions for a protein that kills insect pests but is safe for people.“That means that you don’t have to put insecticides on those corn plants to protect them and enhance the yield that you get.That’s a good thing,“ said Chilton

Nearly all the corn and cotton grown in the U.S.contain this type of gene, reducing insecticide use by at least 50 million kilograms per year.Critics, however, note that another modificationhas increased the use of weed killers.Hans Herren won the prize in 1995 for using natural methods to control a devastating insect pest outbreak in Africa.He says genetically modified organisms are not the best way to fight hunger.“Because I think the cause of the food shortages in some places have nothing to do or can’t be fixed with GMOs,” he said.Herren sees GMOs as just the latest version of the water-, fertilizer-and pesticide-intensive form of agriculture that he says is a dead end.“We need to change the paradigm because we are running out of fertilizer.Fertilizer production produces a lot of CO2.Water is limited, and will be even more limited in the future.So, again, we have to find better solutions,“ he said.And Herren says more research is needed on the health, environmental and social impacts of GMO crops that are rapidly spreading around the world.Opposition to them is also spreading rapidly.In the Philippines, protesters have uprooted test fields of rice modified to produce vitamin A.But, Mary Dell Chilton is confident GMO technology will help feed the world.”We need it.There are too many people in this world and we need to feed them in order to keep them from fighting with each other," she said.




潘奔(演讲稿)2012310200212 陈博文(PPT):2012310200205 许航(查阅文献):2012310200218 班级:应化1202班






































Student A:prepare and deliver a short speech announcing the meeting open.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:

My name is xuyin.First of all, please allow me to express the most heartful welcome to all of the conference participants.It is well acknowledged that transgenic technology has been applied in food industry.Actually, genetically modified food, GMF, in short, has been widely sold in certain countries.Regardless ofthe benefits, there exist some problems that cannot be ignored.Recently, the public has aroused concern of the genetically modified food’s safety.Here, we get together to rediscover the pros and cons of GMF and its future prospect.Student B: Introduce four speakers who are going to make presentations in different ways

In this meeting,we have invited four famous scholars in different fields to share their opinions in the genetically modified food.So please let me have a short introduction about them.Firstly welcome the Doctor john,who is a scientist and focusing his research on the food whether is good for people’ health.Then we can applaud for Jim,he has devoted himself for protecting the environment and his achievements are highly esteemed in the world.He will make a short speech to talk about the influence of GMF on the environment.After that,I have the pleasure of

introducing Dr.Cart who is working for the Yale university,Last year I visited his national key laboratory, and was impressed by his excellent work.Now welcome Dr.Cart to share his opinions.Now I believe that we can get much better insight into the effects of GMF,maybe we would know more about the GMF’s influence on the balance of ecology,so I should like to call upon professor Wade, who would like to make a presentation on his recent survey.Student C: Thank the keynote speakers for their presentations

Thank you, Dr Xu and Dr Zhang, for your excellent paper presentations.Now,let us clap our hands for them.It is a great honor for us to have all you to attend this conference.On behalf of the organizing committee, I am delighted to thank all of you to come all the way for this conference.Meanwhile,I hope you will enjoy your stay in here and thank you very much again.Student D: Prepare and deliver a short speech adjourning the meeting Okay,ladies and gentlemen,we will take a break for lunch in the hall.Time will range from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.Enioy yourself and remind to get back before 2 o’clock pm and continue our discussion.




摘 要:转基因技术,就是利用分子生物学技术将决定一种生物性状的基因分离转移到另一种不具备这种性状的生物中去的技术。转基因技术被视为一种全球化的生物技术变革,它在给人类带来巨大经济效益和社会效益的同时,并不可避免地会引发很多全新的问题。关键词:转基因;道德伦理;关系

转基因技术是将人工分离和修饰过的基因导入到生物体基因组中,由于导入基因的表达,引起生物体的性状的可遗传的修饰,这一技术称之为转基因技术(Transgene technology)。人们常说的“遗传工程”、“基因工程”、“遗传转化”均为转基因的同义词。经转基因技术修饰的生物体在媒体上常被称为“遗传修饰过的生物体”(Genetically modified organism,简称GMO)。这项技术可以把任何外源的基因,包括人、植物、动物、微生物甚至人工合成的基因,整合到植物、动物或微生物细胞中,使其具有人们所需要的各种性状,来解决当今世界所面临的食物短缺、能源匮乏、疾病猖獗、环境污染等一系列重大的问题。但是,与以往传统科技不同,基因是控制一切生命运动形式的物质,基因科技直接以生命体以及人类自身为对象。因此,关于转基因技术与道德伦理产生了复杂的关系,围绕这一话题,当代社会展开的激烈争论。




1.生态伦理观冲击。在这一层面,生命伦理与生态伦理交叉起来了。转基因实际上是对天然的基因库的一种人工干预或人为改造。首先,这是对人与自然以及人与其它物种关系辨证一种冲击。在这一过程中人扮演了“上帝”的角色,在某种程度上改变了生物物种变异进化进程中自然选择作用。转而由人按照自己的意愿进行“人造生命”。那么我们不禁要问,人类是否有权来实施这一技术以及所涉及权限范围?这是否符合生态伦理准则?著名的天主教哲学家保罗·拉姆齐(P.Ramsey)说过一句著名的话:“人们在学会做人之前,不应该去充当上帝;而当他们学会做人之后,则不会去充当上帝。”美国新泽西州生殖医学及科学研究中的业务主任贾克尔斯·科恩博士在2001 年5 月初宣称,该中心利用一种基因改造技术成功地使多名不孕妇女怀孕生子,第一批通过转基因技术来到人世间的婴儿已有15 名,这昭示着人从其他生物物种改造转移到改造人类自身。这些无疑都是对于传统生态伦理的一种挑战。

2、转基因技术引发的商业利益争议。转基因研究和发展的最初主要是在发达国家进行的, 转基因专利授予更是导致了发展重心的倾斜。转基因的商业化仅仅给一小部分的国家或组织带来利益转基因商业化中的基因专利对发展中国家、贫困地区的冲击很大, 不能给广大的处于社会底层的人民带来公共利益。由此转基因的市场化和商业化引起严重的利益分配不公。这样的后果是不能得到全世界人类共同的认可, 引发争议是必然的他对转基因否定态度。

3.生态安全问题影响。问题主要集中在转基因作物转基因产物对人体健康、生态环境和生物多样性的影响。川侯美婉在《基因工程一一美梦还是噩梦》一书中, 阐述了转基因食品对人体健康和动物健康的危害, 以及从农业和生物多样性的危害方面分析了其安全性问题。2001 年9 月,墨西哥政府报告说,Oaxaca 州的玉米受到一种没有被批准在墨西哥种植的转基因Bt 玉米的污染,该研究测定了来自Oaxaca 州22 个村庄的玉米样品,发现其中15 个污染率在3 %-10 %。2002 年4 月23 日,墨西哥政府再次确认了本土玉米品种受转基因污染的事实,国家生态研究所所长ExequielEzcurra 指出,平均有8 %的植物受到污染,而在有些地方,污染甚至超过10 %。很显然,转基因很可能引发生态污染问题。生态伦理学认为,地球上的生命已经存在了30多亿年,简单的生命经过漫长的进化过程,形成了今天地球上由千万种生物所组成的复杂生态系统。运用转基因技术手段改造生物体,就有可能过快打乱自然界经过漫长时间进化所形成的秩序,破坏生态平衡。转基因生物的代谢产物会向外界环境扩散,造成链锁反应,凭目前的生物技术发展水平,还不能准确预测转基因生物体及其代谢产物的表现形态和潜在危害,也难以提出针对性的防范措施。“生态系统像一张网一样,如果每个网结都有几根线与别的网结相联系,它就比简单的、没有交叉的线圈更好地避免瓦解”。但转基因动植物的出现,由于没有天敌的制约,就可能会破坏原有物种之间的竞争协作关系,扰乱原本和谐有序的生态环境,减少本地区物种的多样性, 甚至会使生态系统受到毁灭性打击。这是人们反对转基因技术的一个最重要的理由。



2.维护生态平衡,保护生物多样性原则。生态伦理学认为,自然界是一个包含着诸多对立面的动态平衡系统,有着自身的生物链。“一物降一物”,正是生物链的真实写照。应当尊重自然的完整与稳定,尊重生态系统的多样性统一以及与各部分之间的动态平衡。自然对于人类的生态价值的最重要体现,在于人类赖以栖息的地球是一个凭借生物即生命活动实现能量转移和物质元素循环的地球。地球上的每一自然物在维持自然之和谐中都有自己存在的理由,都同样具有享用自然的权利,因此,人类对自然的享用不得妨碍其它生物对自然的享用,我们要尊重所有生物在自然中的生存权利,我们必须从人类的整体利益出发,无条件地维护物种和生物遗传的多样性。“生态系统越复杂,就越能成功地抵抗压力。生态系统像一张网一样,如果每个网结都有几根线与别的网结相联系,它就比简单的、没有交叉的线圈更好地避免瓦解”。但转基因动植物的出现,由于没有天敌的制约,就可能会破坏原有物种之间的竞争协作关系,扰乱原本和谐有序的生态环境,减少本地区物种的多样性, 甚至会使生态系统受到毁灭性打击。这是人们反对转基因技术的一个最重要的理由。


4.可持续发展原则。生态价值观以生态文明为社会环境伦理基础,主张人与自然和谐共处,认为人类应该同自己的生存环境共同发展和进化,强调人类对后代、社会和自然的道德责任。《中国21 世纪议程》指出,“可持续发展的前提是发展”,“既能满足当代人的需求而又不对满足后代人的需求的能力构成危害”。可持续发展是一个整体,它必须由资源型发展模式逐步转变成为技术型发展模式,即依靠科技进步解决环境问题和实现经济、社会的可持续发展。转基因技术能解决当今世界所面临的食物短缺、能源匮乏、疾病猖獗、环境污染等一系列重大的问题。只要我们合理运用转基因技术,它可以成为未来社会可持续发展的新模式。


转基因技术的道德伦理问题是一个复杂的问题。我们不仅要梳理出转基因伦理问题的内在逻辑关系, 而且还要依赖道德哲学、生命哲学、生物学哲学、生存哲学的研究, 以此去确立转基因伦理问题研究的理论基础, 从而进一步分析和评价转基因中的各种价值判断。只有这样, 才能使伦理问题的研究更有理论意义和实践价值 参考文献:

[1 ] 刘湘溶.生态伦理学[M ].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 1992.[2] 库尔特·拜尔茨.基因伦理学[M].北京:华夏出版社,2001 :179.[3] 黄大昉.关于植物生物技术的发展与思考[ J ].中国 [4]农业科技导报, 2002,(4): 42 [4] 刘湘溶.生态伦理学[M ].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 1992.[5] 李建军,倪景涛.《植物转基因技术创新中的伦理问题》[N].《 宝鸡文理学院学报》(社会科学版),2006 年第5期.[6] 巴伯.科学与社会秩序(顾欣译)[M ].北京:三联书店,1991.



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