
时间:2019-05-14 17:03:10下载本文作者:会员上传



Your excellencies, Beloved ladies, gentlemen and friends: 阁下,亲爱的女士们,先生们,朋友们:

Good morning!

I am honored to preside over today's meeting Today, our protagonist is His lecture topic today is Let's welcome him to begin his report

Compliments问候 致意;: Your speech is indeed very useful你的演讲确实是非常有用的, interesting and challegable.提问环节:

Ladies and gentleman, our distinguished speakers have finished their presentations, we now enter into the question and answer session.During this session, Prof.HYQ.Prof.LB.and I will be very happy to answer your questions.总结:

Ok, Well,I’m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.Thank you for your questions.I hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us.主持会议发言:

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning!






of Psychology [saɪˈkɑlədʒi].I’m Caowx from TMMU.I’m very honored to be the chairman for this morning’s session.The ICP 2016 welcomes all psychological researcher from throughout


在…期间; 遍及…地域; 遍及…场所the world and from all areas of psychology and related disciplines学科.Oue aim is for all interested psychological researcher to meet here and address the real problem in the world, so that psychology can make an increasingly important contribution to society.Let’s welcome the first speaker.Mr.Liu to give his presentation.Thank you, Mr.Liu.I think your speech is very useful, interesting and meaningful.Now we are going to the Q&A session.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate [ˈhezɪteɪt] 犹豫,踌躇; 不愿; 支吾; 停顿to communicate with Mr.Liu.


如何用英文主持远程会议?How to Host a Teleconference in English?

来源:s&C皇家英语日期: 2011-02-19








Teleconference Hosting Scheme


Good morning/afternoon, everyone.If we are all here, let’s get started / start the meeting / start.Welcoming and Introducing欢迎和介绍出席人员

Please join me in welcoming(name of participant)

We’re pleased to welcome(name of participant)

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to(name of participant)

It’s a pleasure to welcome(name of participant)

I’d like to introduce(name of participant)

Stating the Principal Objectives阐明会议主要议题

We’re here today to...I’d like to make sure that we...Our main aim today is to...I’ve called this meeting in order to...Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent对缺席者表示遗憾

I’m afraid..,(name of participant)can’t be with us today.She is in...Unfortunately,(name of participant)...will not be with us to day because he...I have received apologies for absence from(name of participant), who is in(place).Reading the Minutes(notes)of the Last Meeting宣读上次会议记要

To begin with I’d like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.First, let’s go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on(date)Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on(date)

Dealing with Recent Developments询问近期动态

Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?

Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?

John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package?

Has everyone received a copy of the report on current marketing trends?Moving Forward转向下一个议题

So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let’s move on to today’s agenda.Shall we get down to business?

Is there any other business?

If there are no further developments, I’d like to move on to today’s topic.Introducing the Agenda介绍议程

Have you all received a copy of the agenda?

There are X items on the agenda.First,...second,...third,...lastly,...Shall we take the points in this order?

If you don’t mind, I’d like to go in order today.skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.Allocating Roles(secretary, participants)分配秘书和出席者的会议角色(name of participant)has agreed to take the minutes.(name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes?

(name of participant)has kindly agreed to give us a report on...(name of participant)will lead point 1,(name of participant)point 2, and(name of participant)point 3.(name of participant), would you mind taking notes today?

Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting(contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.)就会议程序(发言,时间,决策)达成一致

We will first hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of...I suggest we go round the table first.Let’s make sure we finish by...I’d suggest we...There will be five minutes for each item.We’ll have to keep each item to 15 minutes.Otherwise we’ll never get through.Introducing the First Item on the Agenda介绍第一项议题

So, let’s start with...I’d suggest we start with...Why don’t we start with...So, the first item on the agenda is

Pete, would you like to kick off?

Shall we start with...(name of participant), would you like to introduce this item?

Closing an Item结束一个议题

I think that takes care of the first item.Shall we leave that item?

Why don’t we move on to...If nobody has anything else to add, lets...Next Item开始下一个议题

Let’s move onto the next item

Now that we’ve discussed X, let’s now...The next item on today’s agenda is...Now we come to the question of.Giving Control to the Next Participant请下一位出席者发言

I’d like to hand over to(name of participant), who is going to lead the next point.Next,(name of participant)is going to take us through...Now, I’d like to introduce(name of participant)who is going to...Summarising总结

Before we close today’s meeting, let me just summarise the main points.Let me quickly go over today’s main points.To sum up,...,.OK, why don’t we quickly summarise what we’ve done today.In brief,...Shall I go over the main points?

Finishing Up结束今日议题

Right, it looks as though we’ve covered the main items.If there are no other comments, I’d like to wrap this meeting up.Let’s bring this to a close for today.Is there any other business?

Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting建议和征询下一次会议时间,日期和地点

Can we set the date for the next meeting, please?

So, the next meeting will be on...(day), the...(date)of...(month)at...Let’s next meet on...(day), the...(date)of...(month)at...What about the following Wednesday? How is that?

Thanking Participants for Attending感谢出席人员

I’d like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.Thank you all for attending.Thanks for your participation.Closing the Meeting宣布散会

The meeting is finished, we’;ll see each other next...The meeting is closed.I declare the meeting closed.附录:用英语表述会议结构

IReviewing Past Business(回顾过去的情况)

Reading the Minutes(notes)of the Last Meeting

Dealing with Recent Developments

IIIDiscussing Items(讨论议题)

Introducing the First Item on the Agenda

Closing an Item

Next Item

Giving Control to the Next Participant

V-Finishing the Meeting(结束会议)


Finishing Up

Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next MeetingThanking Participants for Attending

Closing the Meeting




















(3)生产部:外加剂车间 郑章怀

粉磨车间 费忠员

烘干车间 缪振华


(5)车队: 严海国

(6)码头: 夏文潘






下面有请先进代表发言:先进我们的质量部先进个人:乐勇同志发言 接下来有请 粉磨车间费忠员同志发言 下面有请财务部先进个人 夏莉发言







Opening the Meeting

Good morning/afternoon, everyone.If we are all here, let's

...get started(OR)

start the meeting.(OR)

...start.Welcoming and Introducing Participants

Please join me in welcoming(name of participant)

We're pleased to welcome(name of participant)

It's a pleasure to welcome(name of participant)

I'd like to introduce(name of participant)

I don't think you've met(name of participant)

Stating the Principal Objectives of a Meeting

We're here today to

Our aim is to...I've called this meeting in order to...By the end of this meeting, I'd like to have...Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent

I'm afraid..,(name of participant)can't be with us today.She is in...I have received apologies for the absence of(name of participant), who is in(place).Reading the Minutes(Notes)of the Last Meeting

First let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on(date)

Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on(date)

Dealing with Recent Developments

Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?

Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?

John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package?

Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends?Moving Forward

So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda.Shall we get down to business?

Is there any other business?

If there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.Introducing the Agenda

Have you all received a copy of the agenda?

There are three items on the agenda.First,Shall we take the points in this order?

If you don't mind, I'd like to...go in order(OR)

skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.Allocating Roles(secretary, participants)

(name of participant)has agreed to take the minutes.(name of participant)has kindly agreed to give us a report on this matter.(name of participant)will lead point 1,(name of participant)point 2, and(name of participant)point 3.(name of participant), would you mind taking notes today?

Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting(contributions, timing,decision-making, etc.)

We will hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion round the table.I suggest we go round the table first.The meeting is due to finish at...We'll have to keep each item to ten minutes.Otherwise we'll never get through.We may need to vote on item 5, if we can't get a unanimous decision.Introducing the First Item on the Agenda

So, let's start with

Shall we start with..So, the first item on the agenda is

Pete, would you like to kick off?

Martin, would you like to introduce this item?

Closing an Item

I think that covers the first item.Shall we leave that item?

If nobody has anything else to add,Next Item

Let's move onto the next item

The next item on the agenda is

Now we come to the question of.Giving Control to the Next Participant

I'd like to hand over to Mark, who is going to lead the next point.Right, Dorothy, over to you.Summarizing

Before we close, let me just summarize the main points.To sum up,...In brief,Shall I go over the main points?

Finishing Up

Right, it looks as though we've covered the main items

Is there Any Other Business?

Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next MeetingCan we fix the next meeting, please?

So, the next meeting will be on...(day), the...(date)of...(month)at...What about the following Wednesday?How is that?

So, see you all then.Thanking Participants for Attending

I'd like to thank Marianne and Jeremy for coming over from London.Thank you all for attending.Thanks for your participation.Closing the Meeting

The meeting is closed.I declare the meeting closed.














同志们,刚才**同志传达了******会议精神,***同志对******进行了安排,我完全同意。特别是***长(或书记)的重要讲话,讲得非常好,非常到位,非常深刻,必将对我们******工作的深入开展产生深远而巨大的影响。希望大家(来源:好范文 http://www.xiexiebang.com/)要认真领会,深刻理解。散会以后,要在深入学习***长(或书记)的基础上,把***同志及***同志的讲话精神传达好,贯彻好,落实好。一定要加强学习,真抓实干,推动******工作的顺利开展,努力开创******工作新局面。











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