
时间:2019-05-14 17:57:45下载本文作者:会员上传



第1-5单元书面表达汇总 第一单元书面表达



★Jack is my friend.He likes playing computer games very much.He often sits in the same way for too long without moving.Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back.He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.I think he should take breaks away from the computer.He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time.He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.第二单元书面表达

★根据汉语提示及要求,以Lily’s Dream为题写一篇短文.提示: 1.lily是一个中学生,她想成为一名职业演员.2.她同时也是一名志愿者,经常参加一些志愿者服务活动,业余时间她还上表演课.3.现在她遇到了一些麻烦,无钱上表演课.她想出了许多办法,如: 打电话给家长、主动辅导孩子的美术、张贴启事寻找工作挣钱等。4.问题解决了,她可以继续上课了,她的梦想回实现的。




lily’s Dream

★Lily is a high school student.She wants to be a professional actress.As a volunteer , she often volunteers her time to help other people.at the same time she takes acting lessons.Now she has run out of money for acting lessons.She needs to come up with ideas for making money.She called up parents to offer children art lessons.She even put up signs for asking for jobs.Now she’ll be able to continue her lessons, and she can become a professional actress one day.第三单元书面表达

★目前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。写作要求:⑴包含提示所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,不必逐字逐句翻译,可以适当发挥拓展;⑵词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

----My Spare Time ★I am a middle school student.Though I ’m busy with my lessons,my spare time is still colorful.After school I usually play sports.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books give us much knowledge.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.Sometimes I watch TV or surf the internet.On weekends, I often help my parents with the housework..I sweep the floor,wash the clothes and learn to cook.I enjoy myself in my spare time.第四单元书面表达

★请你给杂志社写一封信,来表述你对家长们把孩子送到各种各样的课外辅导班这件事的看法。要求:1.80 词左右。2.可运用下列句式。

My opinion about sending kids to all kinds of after-school classes ★Dear

Sir or Madam, I don’t agree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes.Because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children.It’s not good for a child’s development.In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too.I think it’s better that parents shouldn’t compare their children with other children.It’s crazy and not fair.Perhaps parents should let their kids be kids.Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children


★根据表格信息,描述昨天晚上停电时汤姆的一家人正在做的事情。要求80词左右。★When the light went out yesterday evening, Tom’s brother was playing computer games Tom’s father was washing the car.He had to stop washing the car and began to listen to the radio.Tom’s mother was making dinner while Tom’s sister Lily was playing the piano.Tom was doing his homework when the light went out yesterday evening.第六单元书面表达

★为了进一步增强中学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力,某校开展了以安全为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿。注意:1)内容必须包括所给的要点,可适当发挥; 2)语句通顺,意思连贯,表达清楚,书写规范;3)80词左右, 已给出,不计入总词数;4)参考词汇:be careful, on line, in danger, call...for, go bad How to keep safe? ★As teenagers, we should always keep ourselves safe..But how can we keep safe? Here are some of my ideas.First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line.Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe.Also,we should eat healthily and safely.Eating bad food will not good to our health.Last, when we come to school or go home, we must obey the traffic rules.Summer is coming, and we must remember it's dangerous to swim in the river.In one word, safety must be the first thing!Thank you!



提示词: fur 皮毛 reserve 保护区 hunt 猎杀 What can we do to protect The Pandas? ★The Pandas live only in China.However they are endangered animals.One of reasons is people are cutting down many trees to build their houses.And the bamboo is becoming less and less.another reason is people have hunted a lot of pandas for their fur.I think we should do something to protect The Pandas.for example.we should we should set up Nature Reserve.We should not buy fur clothes If we can do these ,I think The pandas will be more and more.第八单元书面表达


1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市;2.北京有许多名胜古迹;(.There are many places of interest in„„);3.紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一;4.故宫非常漂亮和著名;5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方;6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。

注意:(1)词数80左右;(2)请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑;(3)参考词汇:紫禁城 The Forbidden City,故宫 The Summer Palace,天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square ★Beijing is a city with a long history.There are many places of interest in it.Now let me tell you some of them.The Forbidden City is one of the most popular places for visitors.It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it.The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too.The Great Wall is also a wonderful place to go.And Tian’anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk.Tf you visit Beijing, you will enjoy yourself.第九单元书面表达


1.词数80左右;2.文中不能出现作者本人的真实信息3.你可运用的句型:Have you ever tried/seen/been„? If you„, you will/can„ You should„ One great thing about „is„

I have been to Hainan Island ★I have ever been to Hainan Island.I went there last summer.Have you ever been to Hainan Island? It is the second largest island in China.It’s a beautiful place.If you go there, you should walk along the beaches.The weather in Hainan is very hot, so people like doing many water sports, such as scuba diving(潜水), fishing, swimming, surfing and boating.One great thing about Hainan is that you can try many kinds of sweet fruit in Hainan.If you go to Hainan, I’m sure you will enjoy yourself

第10 单元书面表达.★请根据下面提示,用英语写一篇短文。


要求:1.可自由发挥,词数70左右。2.短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示词:change, new buildings, be proud of, should, obey, rules, be friendly to, do sports ★ these years,our hometown and schools have changed a lot.Our lives are getting better and better.There are more and more new buildings in our hometown.We are proud of our country.What should we do to make our country richer and stronger。As students, I think we should obey the school rules and study hard.And we should be friendly to each other.We must do sports to keep healthy, such as playing basketball, playing football, running and so on.



1.作文根据下面内容,以My Vacation to Beijing 为题,写一篇约50词的短文。

Place:Beijing Time: Sunday With whom: my parents Weather: warm sunny Things I do: visit the Palace Museum(故宫),the Great Wall(长城),Tianan’men Square, Beijing Hutong,....Feelings: happy, exciting, tired,....Wednesday, August 20thToday the weather was hot and sunny.I went to Beijing with my parents.Idid a lots of things there.We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We also went to Tianan’men Square.There were many people there.Then we went to Beijing Hutong.It was beautiful.We took some photos.I liked this place because it was interesting.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening, I felt really tired but very happy..2.本文为写自己日常生活中的好习惯与坏习惯。

I have lots of good habits.I exercise every day.I always read books.I eat fruit every day.I drink milk twice a week.I never stay up late.But I have some bad habits, too.I always watch TV for two hours a day.I use the Internet twice a week.I hardly ever help with housework.I never go to the dentist.3.你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以“My best friend and I”为题,运用比较级写一篇英语文章.Should friends be the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same.My name is David.My best friend Jeff is quiet different from me.He is shorter and quieter than me.We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins.Jeff works harder and always get good grades.We can talk and share everything.I

think my best friend helps to bring out the best in me.We’ll be good friends forever.4.你叫张鹏,林涛来信向你询问怎样才能学好英语。请根据下面的要点给他回封 信。无论遇到什么困难,都不要放弃。每天都花时间学习英语。多记忆单词并且尽量使用它们。尽可能多地阅读英文书报等。听或唱英语歌能使你对英语更感兴趣。

Dear Lin Tao,I am glad to receive your last letter(或hear from you).You want to know how to learn English well.Here is my advice: You mustn’t give up(或drop)whatever you meet any difficulties that you meet.Every day you should spend some time in learning English.Remember as many English words as possible and try your best to use them.Read English books , magazines or newspapers as often as you can.It is useful and important for you to improve your English.I think listening or singing English songs can make you more interested in English learning.Hope you make great progress in your English learning.Yours, ZhangPeng 5.请根据下列表格内容写一篇他们各自的爱好情况字数在60词左右

Today ,I asked my family about movies.Some of their answers are very interesting.Here are their likes and dislikes.My sister likes cartoons very much, but she can’t stand action movies.My mother can’t stand action movies either.She likes comedies.My father dislikes sitcoms ,but he likes action movies.My brother likes action movies ,too.He can’t stand cartoons.6.新学期要到了,写一篇关于学期的计划,讲述一下自己打算在新的学期要做些什么?提示:可以写自己在学习,健身,娱乐,培养业余爱好等方面的计划或打算.New Year’s Resolutions

New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year.First, I want to improve my Chinese, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next, I want to be more healthy, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on.At the same time, I’m going to eat less junk food.Finally, I want to join the dancing club, so I’m going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.7.以My life in ten years 为题写篇短文,要求描写生动,语言流畅。60词左右.In ten years, I think I'll be a reporter.As a reporter, I think I'll meet lots of interesting people.And I will also travel all over the world.I'll live in Beijing because I went to there last year and fell in love with it.And I will keep a pet pig, because I like it very much.I will live in apartment with my parents.This is my life in ten years, I think I will be very happy in the future.8.假如你的好友邀请你去参加生日聚会,但因为你下周的日程已经排满,不能前往。请根据提示给她回信婉言谢绝,并表达你的谢意。

Hi Ann,Thank you for your invition.I am sorry I can't come to your birthday party this week.I am really busy.On Monday, I am going to the movies with my friends.On Tuesday, I am going to visit my aunt.On Wednesday, I have to help my mother.On Thursday, I am going to my sister's birthday party.On Friday, I am going to Ning Bo on vacation with my parents.Please call me after the vacation.Yours , Candy 9.你以后可能会有很多钱,想一想,如果你有了钱,你会用它做什么?以If I have a lot of money为题写一篇60词左右的短文.If we I have a lot of money I'll travel round the world and I'll stay at the best hotels.If I have a lot of money , I will buy a big house with a beautiful garden for my parents , I want them to live a happy life.Also, I will buy a sports car for my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.If I have a lot of money , I will give some money to charities and help the poor students.So they can go to school and get a good education again.I am sure, one day, my dream will come true.



Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?知识点拨


1.on page 25 在第2 5 页 2.the back of the book 书的背面 3.h u rry up 赶快;匆忙 4.in tw o weeks 在两周之内 5.go out to sea 出海

6.an island fu ll of treasures 一个满是宝藏的岛屿 7.w rite about 写作关于„„的内容 8.finish doing sth.做完某事

9.w ait for another ship 等待另一艘船到来 10.learn to do sth.学会做某事

11.grow fru its and vegetables 种水果和蔬菜 12.a few weeks ago 几个星期前

13.the m arks of another m an’ s feet 另一个人的脚印

14.not long after that 不久之后 15.run towards sp.跑向某地

16.use...to do sth.用„„来做某事 17.signs le ft behind by someone 某人留下的标记

18.read the newspaper 看报 19.science fiction 科幻小说

20.can’ t w ait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事 21.a good way to wake up 醒来的一个好办法 22.number of people 人数

23.used to do sth.(过去)常常做某事 24.study abroad 在国外学习25.make sb.do sth.使某人做某事 26.come to realize 开始意识到 27.ever since then 自从那时起 28.the southern states of America 美国的南部地区 29.belong to 属于

30.be kind to each other 善待彼此 31.tru s t one another 互相信任 32.the beauty of nature 大自然的美 33.have been to sp.去过某地

34.do some research on sth.对„„做研究 35.hope to do sth.希望做某事 36.see sb.do sth.看到某人做某事

37.the firs t line in the song歌曲的第一行 38.enjoy success in享受„„的成功 39.at the end of the day傍晚的时候

二、重点句型 1.Have you.•.yet?

— Have you read l ittle Women yet? 你读过《小妇人》吗?

— Yes,I have./N o , I haven’ t.是的,我读过。/ 不,我没有。2.Has...yet? — Has T in a read Treasure Island yet? 蒂娜读过《金银岛》这本书吗?

— Yes, she has.She thinks i t ’ s fantastic.是的,她读过。她觉得它很棒。3.W ould you lik e...? W ould you like something to drink? 你要来点喝的吗? 4.I heard...I heard you lost your key.我听说你丢钥匙了。

5....came to realize how m uch...She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.她开始意识到,事实上她是多么想念他们所有的人。



()1.— Bill hasn’t finished reading Treasure Island yet.What about you? — I’ve read it twice.A.just then B.just now C.yet D.already()2.Mr.Wang isn’t here.I think he _______ Guiyang.A.has gone to B.has been to C.goes D.went()3.Nobody told us _________.A.what to do it B.how to do C.where to do D.when to do it()4.—Have you ever been to Shanghai? —Yes, I ______ there last year.A.went B.have been C.have gone D.has been()5.—Where is your father? —He _____ Australia and he _______ Sydney for two weeks.A.has been to;has been in B.has gone to;has been in C.has been in;has been to D.has gone to;has been to()6.He took up my cell phone and made a long distance call as if the phone _____him A.belonged to B.was belonging to C.was belonged to D.had been belonged to()7.— Could you please water the flowers in the garden? — Oh, I A.have no time B.haven’t watered them C.have watered them D.can do it tomorrow(books students.A.borrows;from B.lends;to C.returns;to D.sells;to()9.I my lost wallet everywhere but I couldn’t it.A.looked for;find B.looked for , finding C.have found;look D.have found;looking()10.Amy ________ the windows already, so the room looks much brighter.A.cleans B.cleaned C.is cleaning D.has cleaned 二.阅读理解

A One day, a fisherman caught a golden fish.“People let me go,” the golden fish said.“I will give you whatever you want.”

“Thank you, but I don’t want anything,” the fisherman said.He put the golden fish back into the sea.But the fisherman’s wife was angry.“You should ask for a bigger wooden basin!” she shouted.The fisherman went to the seaside and told the golden fish.“Don’t worry, she has a new basin now,” the golden fish said.The fisherman went home.But the wife was even angrier.“I want a large house!” The fisherman went to tell the golden fish again.But the old woman was never satisfied.“I want to be the queen of the sea!And I want the golden fish to serve me!”

The fisherman went to tell the golden fish.The golden fish swam away without saying anything.The fisherman walked back.His wife was in her cold clothes.Her old and broken wooden basin was next to her.根据短文内容,判断下列各句正误。正确的在题号前括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”。11.The fisherman caught the golden fish three times.12.The fisherman freed the golden fish after he caught it.13.The fisherman’s wife was really happy every time when her husband came back.14.The fisherman’s wife got a new basin, a large house and became the queen of the sea at last.15.The golden fish didn’t say a word but to swim away in the bed.文章大意:本文是一个寓言故事,讲了一个贪得无厌,最终以无所获得故事。11.F【解析】整体理解题 从文中可知渔夫并没有捉住金鱼三次。12.T 【解析】细节理解题。从第二段的““Thank you, but I don’t want anything,” the fisherman said.He put the golden fish back into the sea.”可知渔夫抓住金鱼之后,就把它放了。

13.F 【解析】推理判断题。渔夫的妻子每次都不满意。

14.F 【解析】整体理解题 渔夫的妻子得到了一个澡盆和新房子,但没有成为皇后。

15.T 【解析】细节理解题 从最后一段的“The golden fish swam away without saying anything.”可知答案。


请你根据下表中所提供的信息以“Learn to express thanks”为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿。背 景 1.认为上中学时吃好穿好是应该的; 2.走向社会后没有感恩意识。

学会感恩 1.感谢社会提供良好的教育机会; 2.感谢父母供养自己上学; 3.感谢老师传授知识;


参考词汇:enter society 进入社会,sense of thanks 感恩意识,behavior 行为 5.词数:80词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, boys and girls!The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”.In the future, we should never forget our society, parents, teachers and friends.At present, we should study harder to make our world more beautiful.Thank you for your listening



一 1.—Will people live to be 300 years old? —_________.A.No, they aren'tB.No, they won'tC.No, they don'tD.No, they can't

2.There will be ______ pollution this year than last year.A.fewerB.muchC.lessD.many

3.I think people here are friendly.Do you agree _________ me? A.withB.toC.onD.from

4.—Where is Miss Wang? —She went to Hainan Island last week and will return _____six days.A.agoB.laterC.behindD.in

5.—________________________?—They will play football.—________________________?—They play football.—________________________?—They played football.—________________________?—They are playing football.6.I think air p____________ is one of the biggest problems in the world.7.I think your dream often ______________(实现).Yesterday his dream ______________(实现).8.There will be more tall b____________ on both sides of road.9.This coat doesn't fit him well, as he has ____a huge body and the coat is _____small.A.so;suchB.so;soC.such;suchD.such;so

10.—How many birds can you see in the trees? —I can see _________ birds in them.A.hundreds ofB.five hundredsC.hundred ofD.five hundreds of

11.There _____ more students in our school next term.A.will haveB.is going to haveC.will be D.is

12.You should eat ______ meat.You should eat _________.A.fewB.littleC.fewerD.less

14.It __________(花费)them a year ________(建设)the building.They _______(花费)a year ________(建设)the building.15.He is ___good teacher.We all like him.A.a suchB.such aC.so aD.so

16.Changjiang is one of ____ in the world.A.long rivers B.longer riversC.the longest riversD.the longest river

17.She likes in the same color ____I do.A.likeB.asC.withD.and

18.After two days , he ________(come)back form Asia.I saw many animals.Linda is the tallest girl in her class.(同义句)

Linda is __________________________ girl in her class.Linda is __________________________ girls in her class.There are about six ________ students in our school.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousands ofD.thousand of

21.The boy runs _______ to take part in the sports meeting.A.fast enoughB.enough fastC.quick enoughD.enough quickly

22.参加___________ the party_________ the Party_________us________ the team________WTO_________the sports meeting

________the club________the singing competition

23.The prize _______ the speech contest is Jim’s.The price ________ the rice is 4yuan a kilo.25.It’s a great___________(成功).He is a great _______(成功)pilot.Wish you _________(成功)He _________(成功)___________拍完 a movie.26.L___________, he passed the exam.I’m _________(幸运)。______________祝你好运


28.200 Yuan ________(be)enough.Ten days ______(be)long.Twelve miles ______(be)far.二1.书籍将会仅仅在电脑,而不在纸上。Books ______only ______on computers, not ______paper.2.今后在这座城市将会有更多的树木,更少的污染。

________ will __________ trees and ______ pollution in the city in future.3.五年前萨莉还在上大学。Sally _______________ college five years ________.4.你认为十年后你的朋友会做什么职业?______ do you think your friend will ___________ten years?


They _____ go camping.They _____ come to our party, I’m _________.6.阅读策略7.努力去做机器人尽量不去做某事

8.穿得随便9 对一个孩子来说醒来很容易


11.There __________(be)a concert next Saturday.12.P____________ the future can be difficult.13 I ___________(预言)the film was true last week.14 My ____________(预言)is wrong.三1.They______________(not have)any classes next week.2.Betty_________________(write)to her parents tomorrow.3.Look at those clouds.It____________(rain).4.He ____________(read)an English book now.5.Look!Many girls________(dance)over there.6.He seemed __________(wear)a suit yesterday.7.He seemed ___________(happy)today.He was angry.8.It’s difficult for me _________(learn)physics well.四 1 如此杰出的一位科学家(2)2.数千名宇航员

3.他能获大奖(2)4 学一门外语较少His father ____________(not be)back home tomorrow.6.Mr Smith ____________(disagree)the what you think.7.Does your mother make her__________(do)housework?











1.There are twelve hstudents in this school.in a big house , but I don’t feel l___________.the future life correctly.4.Yang Liwei is a great ain China.5.I want to hear everyone’s p____________ about the future.6.There are lots of robots w________ in shoe f_____________.7.Believe me!I can do it m_______.8.Robots help with the housework and do the most u _________jobs.9.Welcome to Shengda Supermarket!E__________ here is very cheap.10.I still don’t have a car of my o11.There are f________ girls in our class than in yours.七、适当形式填空

1.He didn’t like to do this job at all.He was ______.(bore)

2.__________(predict)the future is interesting.3.It is easy for us ________(learn)English.4.Having a car __________(not be)useful if you can’t drive.5.The children will use computers(study)at home.6.There(be)many people at tomorrow’s party.(good)tomorrow.(be)200 years old.9.The problem is s__________.I can do it easily.10.I didn’t need ________(go)to the bank because my aunt lent me money.11.好像他错了。_____________.似乎我是对的。____________________






1.He is happy that he _____in a tall apartment next year.A.liveB.livesC.will liveD.will living

robots in their home in 100 years ?

A.Will , haveB.Do , haveC.Did , haveD.Have , have

3.-Do you like the city life or the country life?

-It's hard to say.In the city there is _____interesting, but in the country there is _____ pollution.A.less;moreB.more;lessC.more;fewerD.much;much


5.Mr White d_________ with what I said.He thinks I’m wrong.6.If there are _____trees, the air in our city will be _____ cleaner.A.less;moreB.more;moreC.more;muchD.much;more

7.He was the first one __________(arrive)in school yesterday.8.The weather in Brazil is better than ________.A.FranceB.FrenchC.that in FranceD.those in French

A.hundred , do B.hundreds of , to doC.two hundreds , doD.hundreds of , do

10.We have ___ work to do.A.more a lotB.a lot moreC.more muchD.a lot much

A.two hundredsB.two hundredC.two hundreds ofD.two hundred of

12.There will _______robots in the homes.A.haveB.hasC.isD.are

13.---What can I do for you?---I’d like _______.A.some pieces paperB.some paperC.some piece of paperD.some pieces of papers

14.---How soon will you finish your college?---_______.A.After a yearB.In a yearC.Before a yearD.A year ago

15.You can find_____ island on which lives an old man____.A.an alone , aloneB.a lonely, lonelyC.an alone, lonelyD.a lonely, alone

16.The boy was able to _______himself when he was very young.A.wearB.dressC.put onD.be in

17.I hear that ______an English party in our school next week.A.there isB.there areC.there will haveD.there will be

18.The little girl has never heard ______story.It’s _______weather

A.such a fineB.so fineC.such a fineD.so a fine

19.It’s necessary for me _______English.A.learnB.to learnC.learningD.learned

20.---Joan, you are late!---Sorry!I ______ next time.A.don’tB.am notC.haven’tD.won’t

九.填空The head of one of _____________(big)movie ______________(company).2Yao Ming is one of _________________(famous)basketball _____________(play)in the world.3 less和fewer二者都是比较级,表示较少

______trees, ________pollution, _________people, _________milk,___________cars and houses, __________free time, _________moneyFewer people will take the bus.(同义句)

People will _______________________________.fall和feel(意思______,过去式__________.意思______,过去式__________.)

____in love with,_____sick,____hungry,__________ down from the treealone和lonely(意思_______,.意思______,词性__________.)

一个孤单的老人/ 独自居住

You can find a(n)_________island on which lives an old man _________.He feels __________.I don’t like going out _________at night.Can you remember the _________nights at home watching TV?

7.dress, wear, put on(意思,用法区别)

Miss Li________a new skirt today.The child is too young to__________ himself.___________ your coat.It’s cold outside.predict, predicting, prediction

1)_________the future can be difficult.2)I _________that there will be more pollution.3)There are many _________that never came true.十 so 和 such(意思,用法区别)

1)It is __________ a nice day!2)As a student, she is __________ careful.3)People would not like to do _________jobs.4)They are __________ clever children.5)She is _______a lovely girl that everyone loves her.6)These children are ________ clever.7)He is________ clever a boy.十一、单选或填空_____you ____(be)a doctor when you ___________(grow up)?I __________________(be able to, swim)in two years.He ___________(be able to , swim)at the age of three.=______________________.He _____________________(be able to, swim)now.He will be back _____a few minutes.A withB forC afterD inWhat time _____we meet at the gate tomorrow? A willB shallC doD areHe ______________(spend)a holiday if he __________(finish)the work next week.There _____some rain this afternoon.A will beB will haveC is going to beD are going to have

7There ____a birthday party tomorrow.She _____a party.A is going to be;will haveB will be;is havingC will be;is going to haveD will have;is going to beI kept ___________(write)the article all the time.He had fun ___________(fly)to Italy.9._________因为 the bad weather.__________因为The weather is terrible , I can’t go there.10._________因为 he is ill, he can’t go to school._________因为 his illness

十二、填空-“I need some paper.”-“I ___________(bring)some for you.”There _________(将有)a meeting tomorrow.________ he _________(将有)a sports meeting next year.3 They _________(not leave)until you come back the day after tomorrow._____we_____(go)to the party together this afternoon? I _______________(communicate)with others.5 Listen!He _________________(参加)the party.He ___________(参加)the Party two months ago.6.He is too young ___________(go)to school.=He isn’t old enough ________(go)to school.Hurry up!Or we ______(be)late.I had fun______________________(弹一个乐器)What ____you _______(do)tomorrow afternoon?Jenny ____ _____(do)an experiment the day after tomorrow.If she isn’t free tomorrow, she _______(not take)part in the party.十三 翻译

1. 他太小了而不能自己穿衣服

2. 今天天气太湿了。(2)

3. 他有这么多时间。4。这个音乐家有如此少的信息。














I have a pen pal in Beijing, China.He is Nancy King.He is 15 years old and his birthday is on October 17.He lives in Beijing.He thinks China is a very interesting country.He can speak Chinese and a little English.He studies in No.5 Middle School.He likes playing ping-pong very much.He often plays ping-pong with his classmates.His favorite subjects in school are English and art.Because he thinks they are very relaxing.He has a happy family.And he usually reads with his brother, Sam and a sister, Jenny.They often help the old people, too.This is my pen pal.We are very friendly.Would you like to make a friend with him?


I know you are arriving next Sunday.Let me tell you the way to my house.Take a taxi from the airport.You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.You go through Six Avenue, Seven Avenue, and Eight Avenue.When you see a big supermarket, turn left.Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park.Go down Center Street and my house is on your right.I hope you have a good trip.(三)描写你最喜欢的动物,从以下方面描述:姓名、年龄、国籍(from)、喜好、性格特征等。

My favorite animal are dogs.I have one at home.His name is Tom.He is two years old.He is from China.He is1

white.He is very cute and clever.He often plays with me and brings the shoes to me.He likes to eat meat and run around me.He is lazy, too.He often sleeps and relaxes 10 hours every day.He doesn’t like vegetables, but he likes sweet food.What a lovely dog!I love him very much.Do you like him?


Let me show you some photos.Here is a photo of our village.Isn’t it beautiful? Our village is between two hills and near a river.There’s a small bridge over the river.Here are some photos of my family.In the first photo, my parents are talking a walk in the village.My father is talking to my mother.They like to take a walk after dinner.In the second photo, I’m swimming.That’s my favorite sport in summer.In the last photo, my sister Nancy is writing a story.She’s a reporter and works for a magazine.She says she likes her work because it’s really interesting.I like the village.It has clean water, fresh air and friendly people.Come and visit it for yourself.(六)描写你最喜欢的季节,你为什么喜欢它?在那个季节你经常干什么?(spring、summer、autumn、winter)

My favorite season

Summer is my favorite season.It’s an exciting season, so I like it very much.In summer, sometimes it’s sunny and hot, but sometimes it’s raining.When it’s sunny, I usually go swimming with my friends.I like swimming, and it’s my favorite sport.When it’s raining.I usually stay at home and watch TV.It’s very relaxing.I have a good time in summer.I love summer!)



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