color 低年级

时间:2019-05-14 17:46:53下载本文作者:会员上传
简介:写写帮文库小编为你整理了多篇相关的《color 低年级》,但愿对你工作学习有帮助,当然你在写写帮文库还可以找到更多《color 低年级》。

第一篇:color 低年级

My favorite color is blue.Hello, everyone!My name is Murray.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is blue.I like blue very much.The sky is blue.Blue is a color to look nice.Blue is the color of sea.On sunny days.I like swimming.When I swim in the sea , I will have a good time.Blue is my favorite color.Do you like blue?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is blue.Hello, everyone!My name is Hugh.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is blue.I like blue very much.The sky is blue.Blue is a color to look nice.Blue is the color of sea.On sunny days.I like swimming.When I swim in the sea , I will have a good time.Blue is my favorite color.Do you like blue?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is blue.Hello, everyone!My name is Gary.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is blue.I like blue very much.The sky is blue.Blue is a color to look nice.Blue is the color of sea.On sunny days.I like swimming.When I swim in the sea , I will have a good time.Blue is my favorite color.Do you like blue?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is green.Hello, everyone!My name is Hugh.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is green.I like green very much.It’s quiet.It is a symbol of hope.The tree is green, the forest is green.Green is good for our eyes.I like green very much.Green is my favorite color.Do you like green?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is green.Hello, everyone!My name is Rick.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is green.I like green very much.It’s quiet.It is a symbol of hope.The tree is green, the forest is green.Green is good for our eyes.I like green very much.Green is my favorite color.Do you like green?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is white

Hello, everyone!My name is Ron.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is white.Of all the colors, I like white best.White is the color of snow and cloud.Snow in winter is clean, pure and holy.I think white is a beautiful color.Do you agree? White is my favorite color.Do you like white?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is white

Hello, everyone!My name is Sean.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is white.Of all the colors, I like white best.White is the color of snow and cloud.Snow in winter is clean, pure and holy.When it is melted, it moistens everything and the whole earth.White is my favorite color.Do you like white?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is black

Hello, everyone!My name is Harry.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is black.Of all the colors, I like black best.Because I like sample color.And black is sample color.I think black is a symbol of different.May be many people doesn’t like black, but I like black very much.Black is my favorite color.Do you like black?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is black

Hello, everyone!My name is Jackson.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is black.Of all the colors, I like black best.Because I like sample color.And black is sample color.I think black is a symbol of different.May be many people doesn’t like black, but I like black very much.Black is my favorite color.Do you like black?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is green.Hello, everyone!My name is Winsom.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is green.I like green very much.It’s quiet.It is a symbol of hope.The tree is green, the forest is green.Green is good for our eyes.I like green very much.Green is my favorite color.Do you like green?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is white

Hello, everyone!My name is Mark.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is white.Of all the colors, I like white best.White is the color of snow and cloud.Snow in winter is clean, pure and holy.I think white is very beautiful color.I like white very much.White is my favorite color.Do you like white?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is pink

Hello, everyone!My name is Jolin.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is pink.I like pink very much.It can make me feel warm and tender.I also like to wear clothes in pink.I think it's the most beautiful color of all.Pink is my favorite color.Do you like pink?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.My favorite color is pink

Hello, everyone!My name is Joy.I am very happy to stand here.Today my topic is my favorite color.My favorite color is pink.I like pink very much.It can make me feel warm and tender.I also like to wear clothes in pink.I think it's the most beautiful color of all.Pink is my favorite color.Do you like pink?

That’s all.Thank you for your listening.

第二篇:color 教案


教学内容:单词:red、blue、yellow、orange、green、purple 句型:what color do you like? I like …

教学目标:1 激发学生对英语的兴趣 2能够根据闪卡或PPT展示说出相应的颜色单词 3能够和同伴进行对话:what color do you like? I like..(颜色)4熟悉歌曲<< color song>> 教学对象:6-7岁一年级小朋友

教学准备:各颜色闪卡 ppt制作 塑料瓶4个 颜料红黄蓝绿 各颜色桃心卡片

教学过程:一: warm up 1 问好介绍自己2 手指活动(<> <><>)二:prensentation: 涂彩虹

1T:OK now,everybody,pay attention,cherry wanna show you some interesting pictures.学生观看PPT(雨后晴天出现彩虹rainbow)T:小朋友们想不想和我们的彩虹宝宝做朋友呢?2展示一副画好未上色的彩虹T: what’ this? It’s just like a rainbow but it does not have any colors on it?so do you wanna put some nice color on it? 3出示一个魔法瓶T:this is a magic bottle,他有自己魔力,小朋友摇摇它它就会发生变化。4分别让小朋友摇出红 黄 蓝 绿(也可老师摇T:the water is turn to…)每摇出一个颜色 就让学生上台给rainbow上色并出示闪卡教读(T: please color the rainbow with…)5 将红色瓶和黄色瓶混合看发生什么变化,结果呈现橙色再让小朋友给彩虹上色,紫色同上T: our rainbow is fished ,it is really beautiful.三:practice: 单词中融入句型(学生对话

1玩闪卡看生的单词掌握程度2 句型T:just now everyboby did a very good job,and now cherry wanna ask you a question:what color do you like?;老师先示范 I like…然后走的学生面前问what color do you like?学生回答后给其一张相应颜色的桃心卡片鼓励。再让学生work in pairs用句型和同伴交流自己喜欢的颜色3(学生涂彩虹)发给学生一张画有彩虹未涂色的白纸,让生根据听到的颜色或老师说出的句子或指令给彩虹涂上色(如:I like blue、please color the rainbow with red等)


T:ok everybody did pretty well.and do you still remerber our magic bottle?now let us play a game


五:review:1 通过PPT让学生说出相应的颜色单词 教学生歌曲及律动:《color song》

六: over: T:ok now everybody stand up ,show me your hands ,see you later 将单词融入歌曲

(goodbye red goodbye orange goodbye yellow,byebye blue….)(新年好的调子)




2.教学难点:red、green的发音与句型―What color is it?‖―Is it red?‖―Maybe it's red.‖等句的理解与回答。


三年级的学生活泼、好动,注意力容易分散,但他们具有极强的求知欲,模仿与记忆力很强,而且极具学习的潜力。我们学校从一年级就开设了英语课程,所以学生已经积累了一些语言并具有一定的基础和学习能力。本课时的部分单词在以前一年级时已经接触过,所以在此基础上教师适当增加了一些难度,结合以前所学句子:It's.../ Do you like...?等句。教师将教学的重点放在了单词的认读与语言运用能力的培养上,目的旨在以滚雪球的方式以旧带新,让不同层次的学生都有不同层次的提高,同时让学生在大量输入的基础上达到大量的输出,为运用语言进行交际打下扎实的基础。









Let's do.Open your pencil-case.Show me your sharpener....边听磁带边做动作。(学生动作整齐,精神饱满)(教师出示文具单词)T: Where is your pen /...? Ss: Here it is.(学生边说边出示文具,有些学生看到单词反应快些,有些则慢些。)通过唱一唱、做一做来热身,使学生放松心情,制造浓厚的学习氛围。让学生在最快的时间内进入最佳的英语学习状态。


a.呈现新句(What color is it?)T: Where is your crayon?

T: What color is it?(教师指向个别学生的蜡笔)T: It's red.(教师自问自答)T: What color is it? T: What color are the apples?(教师指向黑板——树上挂着很多背面朝上并被白纸遮盖的苹果)教师设置悬念。


T: What color is it?(教师摘下苹果,被白纸遮盖的单词部位朝学生)(教师慢慢撕开白纸,并以直拼形式呈现单词red,再翻到涂有颜色的一面)教师用升降调带读 red。教师纠正个别学生的发音。

T: What color is it?(教师把苹果的单词面贴在黑板上)(教师请学生来摘下另一个苹果)

T: Is it red? T: What color is it? Let's have a look.(由学生揭开白纸)blue.T: It's blue.Do you like blue?(与个别学生进行问答)

T: What about this one? Maybe it's red./ Maybe it's yellow....Can you?(让学生根据提示进行猜测)(揭开白纸,呈现yellow)教师带读yellow。

T: We still have two apples.What color is it?(学生摘下一个)T: Maybe it's....(揭晓答案,green)教师带读green,注意学生的发音。

c.(课件打出彩色风景图)T: The grass is green./ green.T: What else is green?(教师及时纠正学生的发音,描述完绿色让学生对其他颜色进行描述。)T: What is yellow in the picture?(点击课件出现白雪公主)

T: Yes.Snow White is wearing yellow today.(点击课件风景图——七个小矮人围着白雪公主在唱―Who is wearing yellow today?‖)

T: Is it yellow now?(点击课件,白雪公主的衣服变成了黄粉相间色 T: No.It's yellow and pink.(教师反复两次并强调―and‖)T: What color are the pants?(教师指着各个小矮人的衣物)T: Yes.It's red and pink.(教师用夸张的语调给以肯定)T: This one? T: Is it pink?(指教室里的物品)

T: Is it pink?(教师随手拿起讲台上的一块橡皮)教师把橡皮送给回答准确、声音最响亮的学生。

T: Is it pink?(教师摘下树上最后一个苹果,并揭开白纸呈现单词,purple)T: Do you like purple? T: I like purple, too.Look!It's purple.It's a purple apple.(教师边说边将苹果翻到有颜色的一面。)

T: Oh!I'm sorry.I forgot to paint it.Let's do it now.教师指着每组学生前面的颜料。(教师有顺序地指导学生进行调色)First, Let's mix red and yellow.Second,...Third,...教师请调得好的小组成员上台给苹果上色。

Ss: Here it is.问题突然转换学生有些发愣。

Ss: It's....(教师自问自答后,学生很快理解并能在老师再次提问时做出相应回答)学生开始观察并思考。

Sx: It's red / yellow /....学生跟读(个别学生的发音不太准确)Ss: It's red.(全班齐说)

Ss: Yeah.(猜对的学生表现得非常激动与兴奋。)学生分小组读。


a.Look and read.(树上所有的苹果都已经被摘了下来。全班齐读单词,读完一个,教师把该苹果翻过来,颜色与单词对上号给学生一个完整的认识)

b.Listen and put.(篓里写着颜色单词。个别学生放苹果)T: I like red /....教师将学生放苹果所用的时间写在黑板上。最后一个苹果教师自己来放。

c.Sum up.校对篓里的答案并总结本节课所学。


d.Listen to the Color Song T: I'm tired.Let's listen to a song.(播放彩虹歌时教师按歌词顺序逐一出示彩虹条,在旋律优美的彩虹歌中结束了整堂课。)


学生刚上课时心理处于紧张状态,通过用英语与学生打招呼,和他们一起唱英语歌曲 How are you? 在轻松愉快的歌曲中使学生迅速地进入英语课堂,既活跃气氛,又消除紧张,集中学生的注意力,同时复习巩固了本单元学习的重点句型 How are you? 2.新课的讲解──启发诱导,教学新知。

小学生对色彩有着较强的敏感程度,色彩鲜明的教具有助于激发学生学习英语的兴趣。首先,让学生用 TPR 的形式复习颜色;其次利用蜡笔、颜色卡、颜色转盘等色彩鲜明的教具,使学生眼前一亮,吸引了全体学生的注意力,教授新单词。每学一个颜色单词时,都用TPR动作表示出来,让学生也跟着动一动,说一说,还通过师生问答,适当扩展句型,这样学得活、用得活,学了就会说,学生学起来感到亲切有趣,享受到学习的兴趣。教学中以看、听、说为主,要求学生敢于开口说话,培养英语学习的兴趣及听说能力。






lesson Plan

一、Teaching Material: PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH STUDENTS’BOOK1, Unit Three──Let's paint(PartB: Let's learn, Let's do and Let's check)

二、Teaching aims: Language Skills:

1.Learning something about the words of colour.:white, black, pink, orange, brown 2.Learning something about the Language structures: Stand up!Sit down!Touch the ground.Touch your head.Turn around.What colour is it? It's...I like....Learning Strategies: 1.Work with others to get information.2.Learn through the games.3.Moral education: How beautiful the colourful world is!We must love our life.三、Teaching key poins: 1.enable the students to understand something about colour items.2.enable the students to understand the the instruction of the sentence:Stand up!Sit down!Touch the ground.Touch your head.Turn around.What colour is it ? It's...I like...四、Teaching difficult points: Students will be able to identify the pronunciation of black brown ground and turn around.五、Analysis about the pupils: Students from Grade Three.Before this lesson, they have learned the colour items: blue, green, yellow, red, purple.Today go on to learn the other colour words: white, black, pink, orange, brown.On the other hand, Learning something about the Language structures: Stand up!Sit down!Touch the ground.Touch your head.Turn around.What colour is it ? It's...I like...Maintaining an English –only environment in the classroom is critical when English is being taught as a foreign language.So teachers need to be continuously modeling correct language use, surrounding students with the English experience, and encouraging the students to learn English by doing/singing/acting.六、Teaching method: Situational Language Teaching, Communicative Language Teaching, Task-based, Contrastive Analysis, Heuristic method of teaching.Total Physical Response, Direct method of teaching

七、Teaching Preparations: activity book, CAI, Tape-recorder, Over projector, Teaching aids, Picture., Word card,colour card, colour revolving plates

八、Teaching Procedures: Step 1──Getting students ready for class【通过师生、生生日常生活用语的问答,自然地营造了英语语言氛围,使学生很快地进入到英语语言学习的情境中来。】

A.Greetings T:Hello!Boys and girls.How are you? S: Fine, thank you.How are you? T: Very well.Thanks.B.Free talk【生生自由组合对话并表演。每堂课课前进行对话表演,提高语言交际能力,让对话变成生活化的交流,消除怕开口的心理压力。(评价)】

A: Hello!B: Hi!A: What's your name? B: My name is....A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: Goodbye!B: Bye!Step 2──Warming up

Let's sing a song──How are you? 【从儿童心理学特征来讲,唱歌能使学生感到松弛、愉快、满足,产生兴奋情绪。因此,课前一首歌是进行组织教学的好方法。在轻松愉快的歌曲中使学生迅速地进入英语课堂,激发学生英语的兴趣。同时复习巩固了本单元学习的重点句型How are you? 真可谓一箭双雕。】

Step 3──Presentation PartI 1.Lead-in【复习环节教师从词汇复习入手,教师可以引导学生通过实物做与 “颜色”有关的游戏,激发学生的兴趣。并适宜地将词汇复习扩展到常用句型的复习中来,将二者有机地结合起来,真正做到了英语语言学习的‘词不离句’的认知规律。学生的积极参与,体现了教师驾驭课堂的能力。】

a.Let the pupils listen and do(T:Show me your crayons.Show me your blue /green /yellow /red /purple crayon)【学生通过实物,回忆已经学过的表示颜色的词,教师通过TPR,课堂气氛活跃】

For example: T: Show me your blue crayon.S: Blue crayon.b..Show the words cards.Let the pupils read the words quickly.Chant: red, red, I like red.c.Point to the colour revolving plates and tell the pupils we have learnt the five colour words,today we are going to learn the other colour words 【新知传授环节,教师给学生一个整体的感知的教学思路,让学生了解学习的全过程及学习的知识,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权,从而充分体现了素质教育的宗旨。】

2.New concept【利用蜡笔、彩图等色彩鲜明的教具,有助于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,创设了真实的情景,直观教法,趣味导入,激趣,让学生理解,产生事半功倍的效果。教学中以看、听、说为主,要求学生敢于开口说话,培养英语学习的兴趣及听说能力。其次,每学一个颜色单词时,都用TPR动作表示出来,让学生也跟着动一动,说一说,还通过师生问答,适当扩展句型,这样学得活、用得活,学了就会说,学生学起来感到亲切有趣,享受到学习的兴趣。其中多媒体展示的部分更具特色,充分地调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力,同时使课堂容量增多,密度加大,节奏加快,有效地提高了课堂时间的使用率。】

1)Using Direct method of teaching(visual aid)to teach the new colour words T:Show me your black crayon(教师举起黑色蜡笔说,学生出示相应物品,根据语境和常识猜测black的意思是黑色,并给老师黑色蜡笔。色彩鲜明的教具有助于激发学生学习英语的兴趣,与板书结合,会产生事半功倍的效果。)

2)Guess the meaning of the word 3)Learn to say: black, black, It's black.It's a black crayon.4)Stick the word card, let the students recognize the word and Learn to say one by one: black, black.5)The teacher show something black and ask the student: T: What colour is it? S: Black.The teacher Heuristics the student to answer: It's black.6)Chant: Black, black.I like black.What colour do you like? I like black, black, black.【简单的模仿、练读,小学生毫无兴趣,我认为编趣味儿歌是教授这册教材单词最好的方法。儿歌语言简洁,朗朗上口,通过读儿歌记忆单词,唤出了学生的童趣。我还让孩子由慢到快用手拍节奏,边拍节奏边读。这时我发现学生的学习热情大不一样,他们顿时精神抖擞,连那些平时上课爱做小动作、爱捣乱的孩子也拍起手来。】

7)Find sth black in the classroom and tell me.【我要求学生观察教室和周围的物体,来寻找该颜色,这样一来,学生就把周围的事物和生活中的事物拉进了课堂,变成了生活化的英语】

S1: black bag S2: black pencil-case S3: blackboard S4: black pen S5: black pencil S6:...8)In this ways to teach the other words then Open the books at Page28.【Play 印象,同时学习比较纯正的口音】

9)Read by yourself and try to remember.【加强记忆,同时教师来回巡视,关注差生】 3.Consolidation and extension【每个孩子都喜欢玩,玩是孩子的一种天性。英语游戏就是带着孩子有目的地玩。如:Guess(猜一猜)。诚然,猜的结果并不重要,重要的是‚猜‛的过程,在猜的过程中达到复习,巩固单词、句型的目的。下面针对教学目的而设计的一系列的训练活动,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,可以起到寓教于乐的作用。它不仅能够提高学生的学习动机,还能够使学生在更自然的情景中通过使用英语,体会到英语是一种真实的语言,可以用于交际,培养语言使用能力。】

Activity 1──guessing game 集体形式(评价)(以大组为单位说颜色,说对的加分。教师转动转盘,叫学生猜测转盘停下后,指针会停在什么颜色上。及时评价,激发学生的成就感)

Activity 2──guessing game 分小组形式(评价)


Activity 3──guessing game 个人形式(评价)

(击鼓传花,拿花者上台,手摸转盘颜色并猜是什么颜色,有三次猜的机会。台下的人问:What colour is it? 拿花者猜: It's...)【机械单调的重复会使学生感到厌烦,从而丧失学习主动性。本课的又一次高潮是将游戏与单词、句型操练有机结合融为一体,以猜的形式巩固单词、句型.小学生学得很热情,他们有一种强烈的交流欲望,能学以致用,就能体验到成功的喜悦。】

Activity 4: Put the word under the right colour picture.【把表示颜色的词卡贴到相应的颜色物体上,边贴边说出单词的读音,有意识地培养学生认读单词的能力及说英语的兴趣。巩固所学单词的认知。】

Part II──Let's do 1.Lead-in Let's sing a song──Teddy bear 【利用歌曲帮助学生复习学过的指令,巩固学生所学知识,以旧引新。同时随着一曲欢快的英语歌曲,我们不知不觉地开始了本课的第二部分内容的教学。过渡自然】

2.New concept 1)Listen and do(教师对着个别学生发指令)【通过教师的说和学生的做动作,让学生明白 Turn around/ Touch the ground 的意思,并熟练掌握Turn around/ Touch the ground】

Touch your head.Touch the ground.Turn around.2)CAI【CAI 呈现所要学的内容,让学生整体感受新知,同时吸引了全体学生的注意力。】 3)Can you do? 【CAI 再一次播放,让学生模仿。通过看看、说说、做做等调动学生各种感官活动。】

3.Practice 1)Play a game──Listen and do.(学生按不同颜色分组,每种颜色代表一组。学生听指令做动作。)【通过活动来巩固新知, 活跃气氛,继续保持学习的注意力,在活动中反馈各种色彩,加强听力能力的培养】

Example: Black, Black, Stand up!(黑色组学生起立)

Brown, Brown,Touch the ground!(棕色组学生手碰地面)


2)Make a chant by yourself.(创造性编歌谣,鼓励学生自创个人喜欢的新口令并表演)Example: Black, black.Clap your hands.Black, black.Stamp your foot.Black, black.Snap your fingers.Step 4──Consolidation and extension【帮助学生进一步掌握和巩固本课所学内容】 1.Listening exercises: Let's check: 【听力训练。要求学生先看图说出图意,然后让学生根据听到的句子,圈出相应的图A或图B。校对并评价】

2.Look and colour.(Activity Book P18)【完成‚看一看,图一图‛此项练习,加强对所学的颜色单词词形的辨认。】

第四篇:What color is it(教学设计)

《What color is it ?》教学设计


一、本课目标 1.掌握本课生词。

color ,red ,yellow ,green ,blue ,black ,white,purple ,brown 2.能够熟练运用本课生词及句型编对话。---What’s this / that ?---It’s a /an ….---What color is it ?---It’s + 颜色 2.重难点

会用What is this?和What color is it? 能回答,培养学生的英语思维能力。

教学用具:白板教室 演示课件


Step1:Warming up

1.Greetings(师生问候); 2.say ABC song Step2:Presentation

1. 教师用多媒体播放各种颜色的图片,并引导学生进行问答。

T:What is this?

S: It’s a…

T:What color is it ?

S:It’s Yellow.2.教师呈现新单词和句型:What color is it ? 3.让学生颜色与图片连线,然后检查答案。

4.利用气球颜色图片来进行操练“What color is it ?”句型,让学生能熟练地说出颜色的英语.师生示范:

T:What color is it ?

S:Yellow.4.我是朗读小明星,学生认读单词 Step 3 Listen and do 1.听录音并跟读。


3.A:What’s this?

4.B:It’s...5.A:What color is it ?

6.B:Yellow...Step 4 Let’s do exercise 1.看图说单词。2.在唐诗宋词中,有许多词语是用颜色词来表达诗意的,下面的句子均少了颜色词,用英语补全句子。

3.让学生分小组亲自动手用奥运五环图来进行涂颜色,并用英语说出五种颜色,做好小组进行表扬,让他们感受奥运会的精神-----携手并进。Step 5 Summary.学生总结本堂课所学知识。Homework 1.Remember the new words about color 2.Practice the conversations we learnt this period and make your own conversations with your partner,板书设计:

What color is it?

• 1.New words:

color ,red ,yellow ,green ,blue ,black ,white,purple ,brown 2.句型:

What’s this / that ?---It’s a /an ….What color is it ?---It’s + 颜色

第五篇:color words PPT讲稿

Color words 陈亦敏的部分

There‟re different kinds of colors related to people‟s life.In both Chinese and English, the words of different colors are abundant.We should pay attention to not only themselves basic meaning but also their deeper symbolic meaning.Due to the respective cultural background and tradition, people‟s feeling and expressions to the colors are not the same, so the symbolic meaning of colors can produce great difference between Chinese and Western culture.Today we‟ll introduce seven colors to you., they are red, purple, yellow, blue, black, white and green.A.Red In Chinese, red always stands for excitement, succeeding, lucky and flourishing(繁华的).In traditional Chinese wedding, the brides always dressed in red, the bridegroom wears a red flower on his breast.During holidays, people decorated their houses with red lanterns and doublets.红火: prosperous 红尘:the world of mortal 红色政权:the first regime of the Communist Party 红军:the first armed forces 红茶: black tea 红楼梦:A dream of red mansions 红领巾: Red scarf

红光满面: in ruddy health 红利: extra dividend

In America, red often stands for blood, violence, dangerous.Only some certain times means joyous.Red alert 空袭紧急警报 Red blooded 精力充沛的 red revenge 血腥复仇

a red waste of his youth他那因放荡而浪费的青春

see red:发怒

in the red:亏损,负债,赤字

red-letter day:大喜日子, 圣徒之节日


In China, purple always stand for honorable.Feudal emperors and the Taoism always use it as the symbolic color.In Chinese we have 紫禁城,紫气东来,紫书and so on.紫气:auspicious air 紫禁城:the emperors‟ palace/the Forbidden City 紫书:Taoist book 红得发紫:extremely popular

In this part, English share the same meaning with Chinese.For example, The Purple Heart is a U.S.Military decoration given to soldiers wounded in battle.the purple 帝位、王权

be born in the purple生在王侯贵族之家 marry in the purple嫁到显贵人家

to marry into the purple 与皇室或贵族联姻

C.Yellow In Chinese traditional culture, yellow is always be the symbol of emperor.In Chinese we say 黄袍,皇榜(which is in yellow cloth).No one can use yellow except the emperor.In modern, yellow has changed its meaning into negative, most of them are obscene(淫秽的).黄色书刊:filthy novels /obscene novels

黄色电影:pornographic films /blue films /sex films 黄袍 :the emperor„s dress 黄道吉日:auspicious day 下流的言论:the blue talk

But in English, yellow has no relationship with sentiment.But it has the meaning of timid(胆小鬼)and turpitude(卑鄙).yellow dog:卑鄙的人

yellow streak:胆怯 Yellow Pages:黄页


When we are thinking about blue, what can you imagine? Ocean, sky, pure, clean and cool in summer.Blue does not have too many extended meaning in Chinese, but it does in English.It not only stands for gloom, but also stands for social status, and it shares the same meaning with yellow in Chinese.蓝图 blueprint/positive print 蓝牙 blue tooth “蓝领”指体力劳动阶层 blue collar 蓝颜知己 male confidant

blue video 黄色录象

blue blood(贵族血统)out of blue 意想不到 once in a blue 千载难逢 drink till all‟s blue 一醉方休 bluestockings 女才子

blue from cold“脸冻得发紫”

black and blue“青一块、紫一块” blue milk “掺水的牛奶” blue jokes “不适宜的玩笑” 郭秀超的部分

I will introduce three kinds of color words;they are about Black, White and Green.First: Black In Chinese funeral, people usually wear a black armband to show their mourns to the death relative.On one hand, black stands for solemn and justice, such as Baozheng.On the other hand, it stands for evil and reactionary ,like黑心肠,黑幕,黑帮,黑手,黑五类,黑夫妻,黑后台and so on.In the west, black is a taboo color, which stands for darkness.It means death and sinister, such as a black letter day, Black Friday.Black symbolizes wicked and guilty, for example, black man(小人),black heart(腹黑).And it means disgrace, such A black sheep.And black means dejected and resent, such as black dog, black future, and black look.E.g.: In Chinese 黑纱

black armband 包拯

Baozheng 黑帮

reactionary gang 黑手

evil backstage manipulator 黑店

gangster inn 背黑锅 be made a scapegoat 黑心

evil mind 黑幕

inside story In English black in the face

脸色铁青 to look black at someone 怒目而视 black sheep

害群之马 black day


black future

暗淡的前途 Black Friday

黑色星期五 black dog

沮丧 Black list

黑名单 Second: White White is a basic taboo color in Chinese traditional culture.It is the expression of exhausted and non-blooded, non-life, and stands for death and ill omen.For example, when one died his family members must dress in white, and hold a funeral and this is called 白事.In Chinese feudal society, the common people were forbidden to dress in any other colors except white, so they were called 白衣 or 布衣.The persons with no position are 白丁.White in the western culture is usually an esteem color.White is considered pure.White is the traditional color for the brides at weddings, and to wear white at funerals would be offensive.As white is the color of the snow, so there is a white Christmas and a white winter.White stands for honest and upright, such as a white spirit, white man, and white hand.Besides, white also has derogatory meanings;show the white feather means act in a cowardly way, the same as white lipped, a face white with fear, as white as a sheet.White flag symbolizes giving up on something.E.g.: In Chinese 白事

funeral 白衣

low official


commoner 白开水

plain boiled water 白字

wrongly written 白搭

no use 白费事

all in vain 白发

grey hair 白手起家 start from scratch

Build up from nothing In English a white lie


the white coffee 牛奶咖啡

white man

善良的人,有教养的人 white-livered


white elephant

昂贵又无用之物 White Christmas白色圣诞节 White day

吉日 White night

失眠 Third: Green Green is signifying everything grows.In the feudal society, the dress of the government official on a lower level was regularized to be green, so it also symbolizes humble.青衫绿袍 is a symbol of low position in the official career.In English there is a term green-eyed or green with envy, both of them mean jealous and envious.However in Chinese眼红describes the same meaning.In Chinese 带绿帽子means to be a cuckold.If we translate it word by word, misunderstanding will arise.Green in the western culture is mainly related to the color of the plants, it is the symbol of vigor and energy, for example, a green old age is associated with an old but vigorous man or woman.And to remain green forever means to keep fresh and vigorous forever, and also in the green;green also means fresh, such as keep a memory green, a green wound, green meat;E.g.: In Chinese 青衫绿袍 low position in the official career 戴绿帽子 to be a cuckold 灯红酒绿 feasting and revelry 开绿灯

give free rein In English in the green wood在青春旺盛的时代 In the green

血气方刚 a green old age

老当益壮 green recollection

记忆犹新 keep the memory green 永远不忘 a green wound

新伤口 Green eye

眼红 Green back

美钞 Guess: Mr.Brown is a very white man.He was looking rather green the other day.He has been feeling blue lately.I hope he‟ll soon be in the pink again.Mr.Brown is a very white(loyal)man.He was looking rather green(fell not good)the other day.He has been feeling blue(gloomy)lately.I hope he‟ll soon be in the pink(health)again.布朗先生是个非常忠实可靠的人。那天他脸上颇有病色。近来他一直感到闷闷不乐。我希望他早日恢复健康。

下载color 低年级word格式文档
下载color 低年级.doc


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