第一篇:2008胡锦涛在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上的演讲 中英对照
携手共同努力 推动经济发展
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
Honourable chairperson, ladies, gentlemen, and friends, 今天,很高兴同各位工商领导人再次相会,就应对国际金融危机和中国发展问题同大家交换看法。
Today, I am very happy to meet with leaders of the business circles here again to exchange views with all of you on how to deal with the international financial crisis and on China's development issues.2008年对于中国是极不平凡的一年。中国人民成功抗击了严重低温雨雪冰冻灾害、四川汶川特大地震灾害,成功举办了北京奥运会、残奥会。借此机会,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向为我们抗击特大自然灾害和举办北京奥运会、残奥会提供支持和帮助的各国各地区工商界朋友们,表示诚挚的谢意!
The year 2008 has been an extraordinary year for China.The Chinese people successfully resisted and fought back a snow disaster in extreme cold and the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan and successfully hosted the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympics.I would like to take this opportunity to express sincere thanks on behalf of the Chinese government and people to friends in the business circles in various countries and regions for their support and assistance given to us in combating the catastrophic natural disasters and hosting the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics!女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies, gentlemen, and friends!当前,国际金融危机仍在蔓延,已从局部发展到全球,从发达国家传导到新兴市场国家,从金融领域扩散到实体经济领域,给世界各国经济发展和人民生活带来了严重影响,形势十分严峻。有效应对国际金融危机,维护国际金融稳定,促进世界经济发展,事关全球发展前景,事关各国切身利益。日前,二十国集团领导人金融市场和世界经济峰会在华盛顿举行,会议就国际社会合作应对国际金融危机、促进世界经济发展、改革国际金融体系达成广泛共识。在这个关键时刻,世界各国应该增强信心、加强协调、密切合作,迅速采取有效措施,包括采取一切必要的财政和货币手段,遏制金融危机扩散和蔓延,尽快稳定国际金融市场,尽量减轻这场金融危机对实体经济的损害,促进世界经济增长,维护世界各国人民共同利益。Currently, the international financial crisis is spreading from local areas to the whole world, from developed countries to emerging markets and countries, from the financial field to the field of the real economy, and it has had a severe impact on the economic development and the people's livelihood in various countries around the world.The situation is very grim.Effectively dealing with the international financial crisis, safeguarding international financial stability, and promoting world economic development bears on the prospects for global development and touches on the immediate interests of various countries.Recently, the G-20 Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy took place in Washington DC, and the meeting reached a broad consensus on how the international community should deal with the international financial crisis, promote world economic development, and reform the international financial system.At the crucial moment, various countries in the world should enhance confidence, step up coordination and close cooperation, and quickly adopt effective measures, including all necessary financial and monetary means, to contain the expansion and spread of the financial crisis, stabilize international financial markets as soon as possible, alleviate the damage from the financial crisis on the real economy as much as possible, promote world economic growth, and safeguard the common interests of people in various countries around the world.中国欢迎有关国家为应对这场金融危机采取的积极措施,希望能够尽快取得成效。中国在力所能及的范围内为应对国际金融危机作出了重大努力,采取了一系列举措,包括确保国内银行体系稳定、向金融市场和金融机构提供必要的流动性支持、密切同其他国家宏观经济政策的协调和配合,等等。中国将本着负责任的态度,继续同国际社会一道,加强合作,努力维护国际金融市场稳定。
China welcomes positive measures taken by relevant countries to deal with this financial crisis and hopes to see results soon.China has made major efforts within its ability to deal with the international financial crisis and adopted a series of measures including measures to ensure stability in the banking system in China, provide necessary liquidity support to financial markets and financial institutes, and coordinate and cooperate closely with macroeconomic policies employed by other countries.China will take a responsible attitude and continue to work with the international community to step up cooperation and strive to safeguard stability in international financial markets.国际社会应该认真总结这场金融危机的教训,在所有利益攸关方充分协商的基础上,把握建立公平、公正、包容、有序的国际金融新秩序的方向,坚持全面性、均衡性、渐进性、实效性的原则,对国际金融体系进行必要的改革,创造有利于全球经济健康发展的制度环境。要加强国际金融监管合作,增强预警和监管能力;增强国际金融机构防范金融风险的全球责任,提高发展中国家在国际金融机构中的代表性和发言权;鼓励区域金融合作,增强区域流动性互助能力;稳步推进国际货币体系多元化,增强现有国际货币体系的有效性;各类金融机构和中介机构应该加强风险管理、提高透明度。
The international community should conscientiously sum up the lessons of the financial crisis.It should conduct necessary reform on the international financial system and create a system environment conducive to healthy global economic development on the basis of full consultation among all parties concerned, by grasping the direction for building a new international financial order which is fair, just, inclusive, and orderly, and by upholding the principle of being comprehensive, balanced, and progressive and striving for substantial results.It should step up cooperation on international financial oversight and enhance early warning and supervisory ability;it should enhance the global responsibility of international financial institutes for guarding against financial risks and raise the representativeness and the right to be heard of developing countries in international financial institutes;it should encourage regional financial cooperation and enhance regional ability to give mutual liquidity aid;it should steadily push for diversification of the international monetary system and improve the effectiveness of the existing international monetary system;and, all types of financial institutes and intermediate institutes should step up risk management and raise transparency.中国将继续推动建设可持续发展的世界经济体系、包容有序的国际金融体系、公正合理的国际贸易体系、公平有效的全球发展体系,坚持在实现本国发展的同时兼顾合作伙伴特别是发展中国家正当关切,支持国际社会帮助发展中国家增强自主发展能力、改善民生,支持推进贸易和投资自由化便利化,支持各国共同维护世界经济安全,促进各国共同发展繁荣。China will continue to promote the construction of a world economic system that promotes sustainable development, an international financial system which is inclusive and orderly, an international trade system that is unbiased and reasonable, and a fair and effective global development system.China will continue to take into account the proper concerns of partners and especially developing countries in cooperation as China brings about its development, support the international community in helping developing countries enhance their own development ability and improve their livelihood, support pushing for liberalization and convenience in trade and investment, support various countries in jointly safeguard the security of the world economy, and promote common development and prosperity of various countries.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies, gentlemen, and friends!当前,人们十分关注中国发展前景,工商界朋友们特别关心新形势下中国经济社会走向。在这里,我愿就中国未来发展向大家作一个扼要介绍。
At the moment, people pay great attention to the prospects for China's development, and friends in business circles are particularly concerned about China's economic and social trends under the new situations.Here, I would like to make a brief introduction on China's future development.今年是中国改革开放30周年。30年的改革开放,给中国经济社会发展带来了前所未有的巨大成就,极大地提高了中国的经济实力、综合国力、人民生活水平。同时,我们也清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,实现现代化还有很长的路要走。在前进道路上,中国将坚持贯彻落实以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的科学发展观,毫不动摇地坚持改革方向,继续完善社会主义市场经济体制,着力构建充满活力、富有效率、更加开放、有利于科学发展的体制机制。中国将坚持走中国特色新型工业化道路,着力转变经济发展方式,促进经济增长由主要依靠投资、出口拉动向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变,由主要依靠增加物质资源消耗向主要依靠科技进步、劳动者素质提高、管理创新转变,努力建立现代产业体系。中国将坚持统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展,推动形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局,推动区域协调发展。中国将坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,提倡绿色生产方式和生活方式,提高资源利用效率,控制污染物排放总量,努力形成集约发展、清洁发展的国民经济体系,实现自然生态系统和社会经济系统良性循环。中国将加快推动以改善民生为重点的社会建设,着力解决好教育、就业、收入分配、社会保障、扶贫开发、医疗卫生、安全生产等方面涉及群众切身利益的问题,使全体人民共享改革发展成果。中国将坚持对外开放的基本国策,提高开放型经济水平,扩大开放领域,以更加积极的姿态参与国际经济合作。
This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up.Reform and opening up over the past 30 years has brought China enormous unprecedented achievements in economic and social development and significantly raised China's economic strength, comprehensive national power, and the people's standard of living.Meanwhile, we also clearly understand that China is still the largest developing country in the world, and there is still a long way to go before China realizes modernization.On the road ahead, China will uphold and carry forward the scientific development concept that is people-centred and promotes all-round, coordinated, and sustainable development, unswervingly pursue reform, continue to improve the socialist market economic system, and apply efforts to build systems and mechanisms that are dynamic, efficient, more open, and conducive to scientific development.China will continue to follow a new path of industrialization with Chinese characteristics and expend efforts to change the modes of economic growth.China will promote the shift in economic growth from mainly relying on investment and exports to relying on consumption, investment, and exports and from mainly relying on higher consumption of resources to mainly relying on scientific and technological progress, improvement in the quality of the workforce, and management innovation, and will strive to build a modern industrial system.China will adhere to making overall plans for urban and rural development, regional development, and economic and social development, promote the forming of an integrated new setup for economic and social development in cities and villages, and advance coordinated regional development.China will uphold the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, advocate green production means and life styles, and raise the efficiency of resource utilization.China will control the emissions of pollutants, strive to form a national economic system of intensive and clean development, and bring about a benign cycle in the natural ecological system and social and economic systems.China will expedite advancing social construction focusing on improving the people's livelihood, expend efforts to resolve issues that touch on the immediate interests of the masses in areas such as education, employment, income distribution, social security, poverty relief, medical and health care, and production safety, and have all people share the results of reform and opening up.China will uphold the basic national policy of reform and opening up, raise the level of opening the economy, broaden the field of opening up, and take part in international economic cooperation with a more positive altitude.今年以来,中国积极应对国际经济环境的复杂变化和重大自然灾害的严峻挑战,及时加强宏观调控,经济保持较快增长,金融业稳健运行,经济发展的基本态势没有改变。今年1至9月,中国国内生产总值增长9.9%,投资、消费、出口三大需求增长都超过20%。但是,自9月以来,随着金融危机扩散和蔓延,中国经济发展遇到的困难日益显现,主要反映在出口增速开始下滑,工业生产和企业效益受到不同程度影响。针对这一情况,为了推动经济发展,中国政府及时加强宏观调控,决定实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,采取了降低银行存款准备金率、下调存贷款利率、减轻企业税负等措施。最近,中国政府又出台了更加有力的扩大国内需求措施,决定今年中央财政增加投资1000亿元人民币,用于加快民生工程、基础设施、生态环境建设和灾后重建,预计可带动社会总投资规模 4000亿元人民币。从今年第四季度到2010年底,中国用于这些领域的投资将增加4万亿元人民币。这些措施的实施,必将有力推动中国经济发展。中国经济平稳较快发展本身就是对维护国际金融稳定、促进世界经济发展的重要贡献。
Since this year, China has actively coped with complicated changes in the international economic environment and the severe challenges of major natural disasters and strengthened macroscopic regulation and control in a timely manner.China's economy has maintained relatively rapid growth, the financial sector has operated steadily, and the fundamentals of the Chinese economy have not changed.Between January and September of this year, China's gross domestic product grew 9.9 per cent and the three major demands of investment, consumption, and export all grew by more than 20 per cent.However, since September, with the expansion and spreading of the financial crisis, difficulties confronting China's economic development have become more and more evident, and they are mainly manifested in the fact that the growth rate of China's exports has begun to decline and industrial production and corporate profits have been adversely affected to varying degrees.In view of this situation, in order to boost economic development, the Chinese government has strengthened macroeconomic regulation and control in a timely manner, decided to follow a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately relaxed monetary policy, and adopted measures to lower the required bank reserve ratio, cut the deposit and lending rates, and eased corporate tax burdens.Recently, the Chinese government has introduced even more effective measures to expand domestic demand and decided to invest an additional 100 billion yuan this year to expedite projects related to the people's livelihood, infrastructure, eco-environmental construction, and post-disaster reconstruction.This is expected to generate a total of 400 billion yuan of investment nationwide.Between the fourth quarter of this year and the end of 2010, investment in these projects alone will reach nearly 4 trillion yuan.Implementation of these measures will certainly give a strong impetus to China's economic development.The steady and relatively rapid development in China's economy itself is an important contribution to safeguarding international financial stability and promoting world economic development.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies, gentlemen, and friends!作为全球最具活力和潜力的地区之一,亚太地区已成为世界经济发展的重要推动力量,在世界经济格局中作用和影响日益扩大。与此同时,世界经济形势严峻,能源安全和粮食安全问题突出,贸易保护主义抬头,生态环境恶化等问题都威胁着亚太地区经济健康稳定发展。亚太经合组织成员多样性明显,相互依存度高、互补性强,为我们深化区域合作、共同应对挑战提供了有利条件。亚太经合组织成员长期致力于实现茂物目标和推动经济技术合作,积累了丰富的合作经验,为我们加强政策协调、开展务实合作奠定了良好基础。我们应该携手努力,共同推动亚太地区经济继续向前发展。
As one of the regions in the world with the most vitality and potential, the Asian-Pacific region has become an important force for driving world economic development and is having a bigger role and influence in the world economic setup.At the same time, issues like the grim world economic situation, prominent problems in energy security and food security, the gaining ground of trade protectionism, and the deterioration of the ecological environment threaten the healthy and stable economic development of the Asian-Pacific region.There is distinctive diversity among APEC members and there is high dependency and strong complementary among APEC members, and this has provided favourable conditions for us to intensify regional cooperation and jointly deal with challenges.APEC members have long devoted themselves to bringing about the Bogor Goal and promoting economic and technical cooperation, accumulated rich experiences in cooperation, and laid down a good foundation for us to strengthen policy coordination and forge pragmatic cooperation.We should work together hand in hand and jointly push the economy of the Asian-Pacific region to move forward.工商界是世界经济领域的主力军,是国际经贸关系健康稳定发展的重要推动力量。在应对国际金融危机、促进世界经济健康稳定发展方面,工商界可以发挥重要作用。世界经济发展的实践告诉我们,维护国际金融市场稳定,促进世界经济健康稳定发展,发挥好各类企业特别是跨国企业的作用十分重要。企业是要追求经济效益的,这是企业生存和发展的必然要求。同时,企业是在社会中存在和经营的,也必须考虑自身行为的社会效益和社会影响,特别是要考虑自身行为对经济安全运行和民众生活的影响。大家共同营造和维护一个良好发展环境,最终对每个企业都有利。在经济全球化深入发展的条件下,企业应该树立全球责任观念,自觉将社会责任纳入经营战略,遵守所在国法律和国际通行的商业习惯,完善经营模式,追求经济效益和社会效益的统一。企业在通过市场运作追求经济效益的同时,应该采取负责任的态度,注意互利互补,充分顾及整个经济平稳运行,认真应对各种风险和隐患。各国政府要加强引导和监督,通过制定和完善法律,为企业自主履行社会责任创造良好环境。The business circles are the main force of the world in the economic field and are an important force to advance healthy and stable development of international economic and trade relations.In dealing with the international financial crisis and promoting healthy and stable development of the world economy, business circles can play an important role.Practice in world economic development tells us that it is extremely important to give good play to the role of various types of enterprises and specially transnational enterprises in safeguarding stability in international financial markets and promoting healthy and stable development of the world economy.Enterprises are to pursue economic results, and this is the inevitable requirement of the existence and development of enterprises.But at the same time, to exist and operate in society, enterprises must also consider the social results and social impact of their behaviour and must especially consider the impact of their behaviour on economic security and operations and the people's lives.If everyone jointly creates and safeguards a good development environment, it will be beneficial to every enterprise in the end.Under the conditions of in-depth development of economic globalization, enterprises should establish the concept of global responsibility, include social responsibility in their management strategy on their own, abide by the laws in the country where the enterprises operate and international common business practices, improve their management models, and pursue unity of economic results and social results.As enterprises seek economic results through market operations, they should take a responsible attitude, pay attention to mutual benefits and mutual complementation, give full consideration to overall stable economic operations, and conscientiously deal with various risks and hidden worries.Various governments should step up guidance and supervision and create a good environment for enterprises to fulfil their social responsibility through drawing up and improving laws.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies, gentlemen, and friends!让我们携起手来,共同为促进亚太地区持续发展和推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的亚太大家庭而不懈努力。
Let us join hands and jointly make unremitting efforts to promote sustainable development of the Asian-Pacific region and push to build a big Asian-Pacific family of lasting peace and common prosperity.谢谢各位。Thank you.
新华网印度尼西亚巴厘岛10月7日电 国家主席习近平7日在印度尼西亚巴厘岛出席亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会并发表题为《深化改革开放 共创美好亚太》的主旨演讲。演讲全文如下:
深化改革开放 共创美好亚太
谋求持久发展 共筑亚太梦想
Seek Sustained Development and Fulfill the Asia-Pacific Dream
——在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会开幕式上的演讲 – Address to the APEC CEO Summit
H.E.Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China
China National Convention Center, 9 November 2014
尊敬的世界贸易组织总干事阿泽维多先生: 女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Your Excellency President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, Director-General Roberto Azevêdo of the World Trade Organization, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,大家好!欢迎亚太工商界的朋友们!去年我们在巴厘岛相约北京,今天同大家重聚,我感到十分高兴。
Good morning and welcome to you, friends from the Asia-Pacific business community.Last year in Bali, we agreed to meet in Beijing this year.So here we are.I am very glad to meet with you again.按照中国的节气,两天前刚刚立冬。秋冬之交是个多彩的季节。“山明水净夜来霜,数树深红出浅黄。”银杏的黄,枫叶的红,给北京这座古都增添了色彩。经过一年辛勤耕耘,中国和亚太经合组织成员一道,期待在即将举行的第二十二次领导人非正式会议上收获硕果。
According to the traditional Chinese calendar, the winter season started two days ago.The city of Beijing at the turn of autumn and winter can be very colorful, as is described by a Chinese poem, “The water is clear and the mountain is bright, the frost comes in at night;Trees are covered with deep scarlet leaves mixed with yellow that is light.” The yellow ginkgo leaves and the red maple leaves add color to this ancient capital.After a year’s hard work, China and the other APEC members are looking forward to reaping a harvest at the upcoming 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,亚太地区汇集了古老文明和新兴力量,创造了悠久历史和灿烂文化。这里的人民勤劳,这里的山河美丽,这里的发展动力强劲,这里的未来前景光明。
Home to ancient civilizations and emerging forces, the Asia-Pacific is a region with a long history and a splendid culture.It boasts hard-working people, beautiful scenery, strong impetus for development and a bright future.今天的亚太,占世界人口的40%、经济总量的57%、贸易总量的48%,是全球经济发展速度最快、潜力最大、合作最为活跃的地区,是世界经济复苏和发展的重要引擎。
Today’s Asia-Pacific accounts for 40% of the world population, 57% of the world economy and 48% of the world trade.As the fastest growing region with the greatest potential and most vibrant cooperation in the world, our region is a major engine for world economic recovery and growth.今天的亚太,已进入新的发展阶段,资金、技术、信息、人员流动达到高水平,亚太大市场初具轮廓,各种区域合作机制蓬勃发展,新倡议新设想不断涌现。
Today’s Asia-Pacific has entered a new development stage.It has a high level of capital, technology, information and personnel movement.A big Asia-Pacific market is taking shape.Regional cooperation mechanisms are making good progress, while new initiatives and ideas keep cropping up.今天的亚太,在世界格局中的地位不断上升。全球新一轮科技革命、产业革命、能源革命蓄势待发,亚太经济体相互联系日益紧密,区域经济一体化的必要性和迫切性更加凸显。
Today’s Asia-Pacific is enjoying a rising standing in the world.A new round of revolution in science and technology, industries and energy is on the horizon.The increasingly close connection between Asia-Pacific economies has made regional economic integration all the more necessary and urgent.今天的亚太,也面临方方面面的挑战。国际金融危机后续影响尚未完全消除,一些经济体的复苏仍然脆弱,亚太经济提高质量和效益任务艰巨,新旧增长点转换任务艰巨。加快区域经济一体化进程方向和重点不一,各种区域自由贸易安排纷纷涌现,导致一些方面面临选择的困惑。
But today’s Asia-Pacific also faces challenges of all sorts.The impacts of the international financial crisis linger.Recovery in some economies remains fragile.The Asia-Pacific has daunting tasks of raising the quality and efficiency of the economy and replacing old growth areas with new ones.There are different directions and priorities in accelerating the regional economic integration process, and various regional free trade arrangements keep emerging, making it difficult for some to make a choice.亚太的未来,正处在关键的路口。是继续引领世界、创造美好未来,还是放慢脚步、等待被人超越?是深化一体化进程、还是陷入碎片化漩涡?是践行开放包容理念、共同开创亚太世纪,还是身体已进入21世纪而思维模式还停留在过去?
The Asia-Pacific stands at a crossroads.Shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future, or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others? Shall we deepen the integration process, or shall we let ourselves slip into a vortex of fragmentation? Shall we embrace openness and inclusiveness to work together for an Asia-Pacific century, or shall we cling to an outdated mindset unfit for the 21st century?
A great era calls for great vision, which in turn requires great wisdom.The development prospect of our region hinges on the decisions and actions we take today.We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people.This dream is about acting in the spirit of the Asia-Pacific community and out of a sense of shared destinies, following the trend of our times, i.e.peace, development and mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly working for the prosperity and progress of our region.It is about staying ahead of global development and making greater contribution to the well-being of mankind.It is about having more economic vibrancy, free trade and investment facilitation, better roads, and closer people-to-people exchanges.And it is about ensuring greater security and prosperity for our people and giving our children a better environment to grow, work and live.我们要为实现这一目标作出更大努力。
To this end, we need to redouble our efforts.——我们要共同建设互信、包容、合作、共赢的亚太伙伴关系。志同道合,是伙伴。求同存异,也是伙伴。朋友多了,路才好走。我们应该通过坦诚深入沟通,增信释疑;应该秉持和而不同理念,尊重彼此对发展道路的选择;应该坚持互利合作,充分发挥各自优势,促进共同发展;应该变赢者通吃为各方共赢,共同做大亚太发展的蛋糕,共同促进亚太大繁荣。
– We need to jointly forge an Asia-Pacific partnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation.Those who share the same ideal and follow the same path can be partners.Those who seek common ground while shelving differences can also be partners.More friends, more opportunities.We should enhance mutual trust and remove doubts through sincere and in-depth communication;we should follow the idea of seeking harmony in diversity and respect each other’s choice of development path;we should stay committed to mutually beneficial cooperation and fully leverage each other’s strengths to promote development for all;and we should replace the “winner-take-all” mentality with an all-win approach and work together for great development and prosperity of our region.——我们要携手打造开放型亚太经济格局。开放带来进步,封闭导致落后。无论过去、现在、将来,开放都是亚太实现可持续增长的重要前提。既要深化对内开放,让劳动、知识、技术、管理、资本的活力竞相迸发,也要扩大对外开放,把成员多样性和差异性转化为发展潜力和动力;既要把区域经济一体化提升到新高度,启动亚太自由贸易区进程,也要坚持开放的区域主义理念,推动建设开放型经济新体制和区域合作构架,让亚太的大门始终向全世界敞开。
– We need to jointly build an open economy in the Asia-Pacific.Openness brings progress while close-door policy leads to backwardness.Opening-up was, has been and will remain an important prerequisite for the Asia-Pacific to grow.It means greater openness within our respective economies to give full scope to labor, know-how, technology, management and capital.It also means opening-up to each other so that the diversity and variety of member economies can be turned into potential and driver for development.While endeavoring to bring regional economic integration to a higher level and initiate the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific(FTAAP), we should also remain committed to open regionalism and work for new and open economic institutions and regional cooperation architecture, so that the door of the Asia-Pacific will always be open to the entire world.——我们要不断发掘经济增长新动力。生活从不眷顾因循守旧、满足现状者,而将更多机遇留给勇于和善于改革创新的人们。在新一轮全球增长面前,惟改革者进,惟创新者强,惟改革创新者胜。我们要拿出敢为天下先的勇气,锐意改革,激励创新,积极探索适合自身发展需要的新道路新模式,不断寻求新增长点和驱动力。
– We need to explore new drivers for economic growth.Life never favors those who always follow the beaten path and content themselves with the status quo.Instead, life saves opportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate.In this new round of global growth, only the reformers and innovators will emerge stronger and win.We need to be courageous and pioneering, vigorously pursue reform and innovation, actively explore a new path and model that meet our own development needs and look for new growth points and impetus.——我们要精心勾画全方位互联互通蓝图。亚太互联互通和基础设施建设不仅是实现区域经济一体化的前提,更事关各方长远发展。我们要共同致力于构建覆盖太平洋两岸的亚太互联互通格局,通过硬件的互联互通,拉近各经济体的距离,为联接亚太、通达世界铺设道路;通过软件的互联互通,加强政策、法律、规制的衔接和融合,携手打造便利、高效的亚太供应链;通过人员往来的互联互通,促进人民友好往来,让信任和友谊生根发芽。
– We need to draw a blueprint for comprehensive connectivity.Connectivity and infrastructure building in the Asia-Pacific is not only a necessity to achieve regional economic integration, but more importantly, it bears on the long-term development of all economies.We should work together to bring about connectivity covering both sides of the Pacific, which includes: hardware connectivity that brings the economies closer and paves the way for an Asia-Pacific connected with each other and the world;software connectivity that enhances alignment and coordination of policies, laws and regulations and creates convenient and efficient supply chains;and human connectivity that promotes people-to-people exchanges and fosters trust and friendship.基于上述,中国将“共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系”确定为今年亚太经合组织会议的主题,并将推动区域经济一体化,促进经济创新发展、改革与增长,加强全方位基础设施与互联互通建设作为重点议题。
As such, China has made “Shaping the Future Through Asia-Pacific Partnership” the theme of this year’s APEC meeting and identified three major topics, namely, advancing regional economic integration;promoting innovative development, economic reform and growth;and strengthening comprehensive development in infrastructure and connectivity.我坚信,亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议在上述问题上达成的广泛共识,将为亚太持久发展注入新的动力。
I am convinced that broad consensus to be reached at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in these areas will give fresh impetus to the sustained development of the Asia-Pacific.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,去年,在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上,我向朋友们介绍了对中国经济发展的信心和继续深化改革的决心。一年过去了,我很高兴,我当时的观点得到了印证。
At last year’s APEC CEO Summit, I expressed our confidence in China’s economic development and our commitment to further reform.Now, one year has passed and I am pleased that what we envisioned has come true.今年前3个季度,中国国内生产总值同比增长7.4%,各项主要经济指标处于合理区间。当前,中国经济保持稳定发展态势,城镇就业持续增加,居民收入、企业效益、财政收入平稳增长。更重要的是,结构调整出现积极变化,服务业增长势头显著,内需不断扩大。
In the first three quarters of this year, China’s GDP grew by 7.4% on a year-on-year basis with all major economic indicators within the reasonable range.China’s economy has been growing steadily, with continuous increase in urban employment and steady rise in household income, business profit and fiscal revenue.More importantly, structural readjustment has seen good progress with the service industry growing with a strong momentum and domestic demand expanding.中国经济呈现出新常态,有几个主要特点。一是从高速增长转为中高速增长。二是经济结构不断优化升级,第三产业、消费需求逐步成为主体,城乡区域差距逐步缩小,居民收入占比上升,发展成果惠及更广大民众。三是从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动。新常态将给中国带来新的发展机遇。
A new normal of China’s economy has emerged with several notable features.First, the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth.Second, the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded.The tertiary industry and consumption demand are becoming the main driver.Urban-rural and regional disparities are narrowing.Household income is going up as a percentage of national income.The benefits of development are reaching more people.Third, the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment.The new normal will bring new development opportunities for China.第一,新常态下,中国经济增速虽然放缓,实际增量依然可观。经过30多年高速增长,中国经济体量已今非昔比。2013年一年中国经济的增量就相当于1994年全年经济总量,可以在全世界排到第十七位。即使是7%左右的增长,无论是速度还是体量,在全球也是名列前茅的。
First, under the new normal conditions, China’s economy has still registered considerable increment albeit the slowdown.After over 30 years of rapid growth, the size of China’s economy is nothing like what it was.The increment in 2013 alone is equivalent to the annual economic aggregate of 1994 and big enough to rank as the 17th in the world.Even a growth rate of around 7% would place the Chinese economy among the top in the world in both speed and increment.第二,新常态下,中国经济增长更趋平稳,增长动力更为多元。有人担心,中国经济增速会不会进一步回落、能不能爬坡过坎。风险确实有,但没那么可怕。中国经济的强韧性是防范风险的最有力支撑。我们创新宏观调控思路和方式,以目前确定的战略和所拥有的政策储备,我们有信心、有能力应对各种可能出现的风险。我们正在协同推进新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化,这有利于化解各种“成长的烦恼”。中国经济更多依赖国内消费需求拉动,避免依赖出口的外部风险。
Second, under the new normal conditions, China’s economic growth has become more stable and been driven by more diverse forces.Some worry whether the Chinese economy will see further decline in growth rate and be unable to overcome difficulties.Indeed there are risks, but not that formidable.Resilience best equips the Chinese economy against risks.We have adopted innovative ideas and approaches in macroeconomic management.And given the strategies and policy options at our disposal, we have the confidence and capability to cope with potential risks.We are also advancing the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization in a coordinated way, which will help relieve “growing pains”.Moreover, the Chinese economy is now driven more by domestic consumer demand, thus steering clear of external risks from overreliance on export.第三,新常态下,中国经济结构优化升级,发展前景更加稳定。今年前3个季度,中国最终消费对经济增长的贡献率为48.5%,超过投资;服务业增加值占比46.7%,继续超过第二产业;高新技术产业和装备制造业增速分别为12.3%和11.1%,明显高于工业平均增速;单位国内生产总值能耗下降4.6%。这些数据显示,中国经济结构正在发生深刻变化,质量更好,结构更优。Third, under the new normal conditions, the Chinese economic structure has been improved and upgraded, heralding a more stable development prospect.In the first three quarters of this year, final consumption overtook investment by contributing 48.5% to economic growth.The value added of the services industry, accounting for 46.7% of GDP, continued to surpass that of the secondary industry.Hi-tech industry and equipment manufacturing industry grew by 12.3% and 11.1% respectively, notably higher than the average industrial growth rate.The per unit GDP energy consumption dropped by 4.6%.These figures show that the Chinese economy is undergoing profound structural changes and improving in quality and structure.第四,新常态下,中国政府大力简政放权,市场活力进一步释放。简言之,就是要放开市场这只“看不见的手”,用好政府这只“看得见的手”。比如,我们改革了企业登记制度,前3个季度全国新登记注册市场主体920万户,新增企业数量较去年增长60%以上。
Fourth, under the new normal conditions, the Chinese government has vigorously streamlined administration and delegated power, further unleashing market vitality.Simply put, we have lifted restrictions on the “invisible hand” of the market and ensured the proper role of the “visible hand” of the government.For example, we have introduced reform in business registration.In the first three quarters of this year, the number of newly registered market entities reached 9.2 million and the number of new enterprises increased by more than 60% over the same period last year.同时,我们也清醒认识到,新常态也伴随着新矛盾新问题,一些潜在风险渐渐浮出水面。能不能适应新常态,关键在于全面深化改革的力度。
That said, we are also soberly aware that the new normal is accompanied by new challenges and new problems.In fact, some potential risks are already emerging.The intensity of our endeavor to comprehensively deepen reform will determine whether we will successfully adapt ourselves to the new normal.我在去年工商领导人峰会上说过,中国改革已进入攻坚期和深水区,我们要敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩,敢于向积存多年的顽疾开刀。中国共产党十八届三中全会就全面深化改革作出总体部署,涉及15个领域、330多项重大改革举措。目前,这些改革举措正在逐项落实。开弓没有回头箭,我们将坚定不移把改革事业推向深入。
At the CEO Summit last year, I said that China’s reform has entered the deep water zone where tough challenges must be met, and that we need to have the courage to crack the “hard nuts”, ford dangerous rapids and take on deep-seated problems that have been built up over the years.To that end, overall arrangements were made at the Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee, involving 15 areas and over 330 major reform measures.These reform measures are being implemented in an orderly fashion.An arrow shot cannot be turned back.We will advance reform with firm resolve.我们全面深化改革,就要激发市场蕴藏的活力。市场活力来自于人,特别是来自于企业家,来自于企业家精神。激发市场活力,就是要把该放的权放到位,该营造的环境营造好,该制定的规则制定好,让企业家有用武之地。我们强调要更好发挥政府作用,更多从管理者转向服务者,为企业服务,为推动经济社会发展服务。
To comprehensively deepen reform, we need to stimulate market vitality.Market vitality comes from the people, especially from business leaders and their entrepreneurship.To energize the market, we need to effectively delegate power, foster an enabling environment, and work out necessary rules so that the entrepreneurs feel encouraged to leverage their strengths.We need to stress the importance for the government to better fulfill its role, to be more of a service provider than an administrator, and to offer services to businesses and economic and social development.我们全面深化改革,就要为创新拓宽道路。如果说创新是中国发展的新引擎,那么改革就是必不可少的点火器,要采取更加有效的措施把创新引擎全速发动起来。我们致力于发挥创新驱动的原动力作用,更多支持创新型企业、充满活力的中小企业,促进传统产业改造升级,尽快形成新增长点和驱动力。
To comprehensively deepen reform, we need to broaden the path for innovation.If innovation is the new engine for China’s development, reform is the indispensable igniter.We need to take more effective measures to enable the engine of innovation to run with full power.Committed to leveraging the role of innovation as the original driving force, we have given more support to innovation-driven businesses and vibrant small and medium-sized enterprises, and promoted transformation and upgrading of traditional industry, in a bid to shape new growth areas and driving forces.我们全面深化改革,就要推进高水平对外开放。中国致力于构建开放型经济新体制,放宽市场准入,扩大服务业包括资本市场的对外开放,扩大内陆沿边开放;致力于建立发展创新、增长联动、利益融合的开放型亚太经济格局,推动在今年启动亚太自由贸易区进程,制定亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自由贸易区路线图;积极探索准入前国民待遇加负面清单的管理模式,为中国全面深化改革开放探索新途径、积累新经验。
To comprehensively deepen reform, we need to advance opening-up at a higher standard.China is committed to building new systems for an open economy.We will ensure greater market access, increase openness of the services sector including the capital market and open up more hinterland and border areas.China is committed to shaping an open economy in the Asia-Pacific featuring innovative development, interconnected growth and integrated interests.We will launch the FTAAP process this year and formulate the Roadmap for APEC’s Contribution to the Realization of an FTAAP.We will explore the management model of pre-establishment national treatment plus the negative list, which will help China blaze new trails and gain fresh experience in the process of comprehensively deepening reform and opening-up.我们全面深化改革,就要增进人民福祉、促进社会公平正义。一切改革归根结底都是为了人民,是为了让老百姓过上好日子。中国实行更加积极的就业创业政策,推动人民收入持续提高。今年前3个季度,中国城镇新增就业1082万人,居民消费价格指数同比上涨2.1%,城镇和农村居民人均收入分别增长6.9%和9.7%。中国正在建设更加公平可持续的社会保障制度,健全公共服务体系,创新社会治理体制。To comprehensively deepen reform, we need to improve people’s well-being and promote social equity and justice.Ultimately speaking, all reform measures must benefit the people and deliver a better life.China has introduced a more proactive policy to boost employment and entrepreneurship, and pushed for the continued increase in people’s income.In the first three quarters of this year, 10.82 million new urban jobs were created, rise in CPI was kept at 2.1%, and urban and rural per capita income increased by 6.9% and 9.7% respectively.China is building a more equitable and sustainable social security system, improving its public service system and making innovation in the social management system.总之,我们正在推行的全面深化改革,既是对社会生产力的解放,也是对社会活力的解放,必将成为推动中国经济社会发展的强大动力。
In a word, comprehensively deepening reform will not only liberate the productive force but also unleash the vitality of the society.It will serve as a strong driving force for China’s economic and social development.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,中国经济同亚太和世界经济的相互联系、相互依存不断加深。中国将集中精力做好自己的事情,也要努力使自身发展更好惠及亚太和世界。中国将奉行与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针和睦邻、富邻、安邻的周边外交政策,贯彻亲、诚、惠、容的周边外交理念,愿意同所有邻国和睦相处。
The Chinese economy is increasingly interconnected and interdependent with the Asia-Pacific and world economies.China will stay focused on managing its own affairs well and endeavor to bring more benefits to the Asia-Pacific and the world with its own development.China will continue to build friendship and partnership with its neighbors, implement the policy of harmony, security and common prosperity in its neighborhood and uphold the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in its neighborhood policy.China wants to live in harmony with all its neighbors.据统计,从2005年到2014年上半年,吸收中国投资排名前10位的经济体中有6个是亚太经合组织成员,总额超过2000亿美元。预计未来10年中国对外投资将达1.25万亿美元。今后5年,中国进口商品累计将超过10万亿美元,出境旅游等人数将超过5亿人次。中国发展给亚太和世界带来的机会和利益是巨大的,带来的商机是持久和无限的。
According to statistics, between 2005 and the first half of 2014, six of the top ten destinations of Chinese investment overseas are APEC members, with an aggregate volume of over US$200 billion.It is estimated that China’s outbound investment will total over US$1.25 trillion over the next ten years.Meanwhile, in the next five years, China will import over US$10 trillion of goods, and the number of outbound Chinese tourists will also exceed 500 million.For the Asia-Pacific and the world at large, China’s development will generate huge opportunities and benefits and hold lasting and infinite promise.随着综合国力上升,中国有能力、有意愿向亚太和全球提供更多公共产品,特别是为促进区域合作深入发展提出新倡议新设想。中国愿意同各国一道推进“一带一路”建设,更加深入参与区域合作进程,为亚太互联互通、发展繁荣作出新贡献。
As its overall national strength grows, China will be both capable and willing to provide more public goods for the Asia-Pacific and the world, especially new initiatives and visions for enhancing regional cooperation.China is ready to work with other countries to promote the building of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, get more engaged with regional cooperation, and make new contribution to the connectivity, development and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific.在此,我高兴地向大家宣布,亚洲基础设施投资银行筹建工作已经迈出实质性一步,创始成员国不久前在北京签署了政府间谅解备忘录。中国还将出资400亿美元成立丝路基金,为“一带一路”沿线国家基础设施建设、资源开发、产业合作等有关项目提供投融资支持。我们愿同大家一道努力,推动亚洲基础设施投资银行及早投入运作,成为各方在互联互通、金融等领域开展合作的新平台。
Here, I am pleased to announce that a substantive step forward has been made in the preparatory work for the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB).An inter-governmental MOU was signed by the founding members of the bank not long ago here in Beijing.China will commit US$40 billion to the establishment of a Silk Road Fund to provide investment and financing support for countries along the Belt and Road to undertake relevant projects in infrastructure, resources development and industrial cooperation.We are ready to work with all other parties to push for the early operation of the AIIB, and build the bank into a new platform for cooperation in connectivity, finance and other areas.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,工商界是亚太和世界经济发展的重要推动力量,为促进亚太经济增长、引领世界经济复苏发挥了积极作用,也为中国改革开放和现代化事业作出了重大贡献。中国欢迎亚太工商界人士积极参与中国改革开放和现代化进程,共享中国改革发展带来的成果。
The business community is an important engine of economic development in the Asia-Pacific and the world.It has played a positive role in driving economic growth in the Asia-Pacific and leading the recovery of the world economy, and made significant contribution to China’s reform, opening-up and modernization.We welcome Asia-Pacific business leaders to take an active part in China’s reform, opening-up and modernization process and share in the fruits of China’s reform and development.随着亚太区域经济合作不断走向务实和深化,亚太经合组织的一些合作倡议正在开花结果,为本地区企业和公司带来很多实实在在的好处。希望大家积极利用自身在信息、技术、资金等方面的独特优势,结合工商界实际需求,就推动贸易和投资自由化便利化、深化区域经济一体化、亚太经合组织长远发展等重大问题建言献策。
As Asia-Pacific regional economic cooperation deepens and becomes more substantive, some of APEC’s cooperation initiatives are already yielding positive results.I hope that you will leverage your unique strengths in information, technology and capital and proceed from the actual needs of the business community to actively contribute your views and suggestions on such important issues as trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, deepening regional economic integration and APEC’s long-term development.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,展望未来,世界和亚太的发展繁荣面临前所未有的历史机遇,也面临更为复杂的风险挑战。亚太各方应该顺应时代大潮,携手共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系,共襄区域合作盛举,共创亚太美好未来!
Looking ahead, the Asia-Pacific and the world face both unprecedented historic opportunities and more complicated risks and challenges in pursuing development and prosperity.The various parties of the Asia-Pacific must follow the trend of the times, and work together to shape the future through Asia-Pacific partnership, strive for greater progress in regional cooperation and usher in a brighter future for the Asia-Pacific region.最后,预祝这次会议取得圆满成功!
To conclude, I wish the summit a full success.谢谢大家。
Thank you.
在热烈的掌声中,胡锦涛发表题为《携手并进 共创未来》的主旨演讲。胡锦涛指出,本次峰会以“重新定义未来”为主题,有利于我们深刻认识世界和地区形势新变化新特点,准确把握未来一段时间世界经济和区域合作发展方向,探讨解决工商界关心的问题。
深化改革开放 共创美好亚太 —在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会的演讲