希望之星 小高组问题

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第一篇:希望之星 小高组问题



1.Who is your father? 2.What does your mother do? 3.Which animal has a long tail? 4.Which animal do you like? A mouse or a horse? 5.How many legs do you have? 6.What do you like doing? 7.Please touch your nose.8.Which fruit is yellow? 9.What color do you like best? 10.How many feet do you have? 11.Which animal can swim in the river 12.Which is less, five or six? ? 13.What color is your shirt? 14.How do you say 星期一in English? 15.Touch your left eye.16.What is a panda like? 17.Which animal has a short tail? 18.What color is your sweater? 19.What time do you go to bed?

20.where will you go when you are sleeping? 21.How many arms do you have? 22.Where is your face? 23.What can you do with your mouth? 24.What color is your dress? 25.Can you sing a song for me? 26.Which season is warm? 27.What do you like to eat? 28.What sport do you like? 29.What do you do on Sunday? 30.How many people are there in your family? 31.How many eyes does the monkey have? 32.Where can you see fish? 33.Where are your eyes? 34.Where can you see animals? 35.How many ears do you have? 36.Where can you buy hamburgers? 37.What is on your head? 38.Which season is cold? 39.What color are your trousers? 40.Where can you swim? 41.Which animal do you like more? A cat or a dog?

42.Which season do you like? 43.What animals dont have legs? 44.What day after Monday? 45.What fruit is red? 46.What day is tomorrow? 47.Which is your favorite animal? 48.Who are your parents? 49.What lesson do you like? 50.Who was in the hospital? 51.What are you eating? 52.Where can you buy chocolate? 53.How many eyes does your snowman have? 54.How many hands do you have? 55.What do you have for breakfast? 56.What do you like in Winter? 57.Which sport do you like in winter? 58.How many mouths do you have? 59.What do you like? 60.Who is cleverer? 61.What is your father? 62.What can you see in spring?



1.What's your name? 2.How old are you? 3.How are you? 4.Do you like your school? 5.Do you like your teacher? 6.What can you do?

7.Can you jump like a rabbit? Do it, please.8.Can you sing an English song? 9.What animal can fly? 10.What animal can swim? 11.Do you like birthday cake? 12.What colour is the apple? 13.Do you have a big family?

14.How many people are there in your family? 15.Do you have any brothers or sisters? 16.Do you have a dog at home?

17.Do you like your family? 18.Do you like going to the zoo? 19.Do you often visit your grandparents? 20.What color do you like best? 21.What fruit do you like? 22.Do you like peaches? 23.What fruit do you like best?

24.Do you often go shopping with your mum? 25.What fruit do you want ? 26.Can you play football? 27.Do you like playing soccer? 28.Can you play the piano?

29.What time do you get up everyday? 30.Do you go to school by bus?

31.Do you like to have breakfast in the morning? 32.What do you eat for breakfast? 33.Do you drink milk every day? 34.Do you like running? 35.Do you wear a skirt/T-shirt in summer? 36.How much is your skirt/T-shirt? 37.Do you have a bike?

38.Is there a desk in your bedroom? 39.Is the desk in front of your bed? 40.Is there a picture in your bedroom?

41.Is there a computer in your bedroom? Where is it? 42.What can you play? 43.Can you play the guitar? 44.What can your friends do? 45.What color is your schoolbag? 46.What do you have in your schoolbag?

47.Do you have a pencil-case in your bag? 48.Can you tell me your telephone number? 49.Do you go to the park on Saturday? 50.How many colors are there in a rainbow? 51.Do you have a pet? Do you love your pet? 52.Do you like swimming? 53.Can you count from 1 to 20? 54.Do you often go to the farm?

55.What animals can you see on the farm ? 56.What animals can you see in the zoo? 57.What is your favorite animal?

58.How many children are there in your classroom?

59.Is there a TV in your classroom?

60.How many students are there in your classroom?

61.Is your school very big or small? 62.How many teachers in your school? 63.Who is your English teacher? 64.What vegetable do you like best? 65.Do you like pizza? 66.Do you like to eat English food? 67.What do you want to eat at KFC? 68.Do you have any good friends?

69.What do you usually do with your friends?

70.Who is your best friend?

71.How old is he/she? 72.Are you in the same class?

73.What day is it today?

74.Do you like Monday or Sunday? 75.What do you do on Monday?

76.What do you do on Sunday? 77.How's the weather today?

78.Do you like sunny days or rainy days?

79.What can you do in sunny days?

80.Do you often help your mother? 81.What can you do? 82.Do you like spring? Why? 83.Do you like winter?

84.Can you make a snowman? 85.Do you like English? Why? 86.Do you like doing homework? Why? 87.Do you know Children's Day? 88.What do you do on Children's Day? 89.Do you like English? 90.Do you like cats?


希望之星省预决赛培训讲义 省预决赛比赛说明: 时间:3月5日-6日 省预决赛比赛流程





2.第二环节:我最擅长(I’m best at)......(约120秒)相关说明:


文章朗读环节注意事项 一.常见的拼读规则

1.CVCE words 的发音规则。

Intro:先练习读一些CVC单词: cat mop tub quit dim pin wet met IWB 讲解:silent E 发音规则。CVC单词后面加上e,e不发音,元音 a e I o u 发字母本身的音。

例词:cape /tape/pete/kite/bite/hope/mope/cube/tube/move/fade/fine/hide 2字母组合(长元音)发音规则讲解。1:oo: book look foot tooth hook

2:ee: feet teeth sneeze meet/tree 3:ay: Stay /may /say/day/play 3两个字母发一个音。

Ch/sh/th/wh:Shark/ what/show/father/ where/fish/both 4:ou/ow

oi/oy:cow house boy toy Th 的清音和浊音

I would eat anything healthy for teeth.I’d rather like the weather.Think about the person you are talking with.There this that breathe brother


1.Sam is a little fish.He lives in the sea.He is very lonely.He wants to have a friend.The friend looks like him.Sam sees an ink fish.The ink fish has eight legs.He doesn’t look like Sam.So Sam goes away.Sam meets a shark.He wants to say hello to the shark.The shark opens his big mouth.Sam runs away quickly.Sam is tired and hungry.He wants to have a rest.Then he sees a round fish.She says to him.“Hello!Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers, “Of course!But you are round.I am flat.” The round fish days, “But we are both fishes.”Sam thinks and says, “You are right.Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.互动游戏:

1:Vote with feet 把含有发音的单词贴到教室各角落,老师读音或者读单词,学生找到指定的单词。2:速度与激情

找出文章的句子,反复拼读和练习。采取全班读,小组读,计时读,PK读等形式练习。3: Paddle board 听写一些特殊发音,分小组写到白板上,加深记忆。二.纠音


□元音发音不饱满例: well Kite

□辅音/尾音过重例:not dog


□连读/失去爆破不到位例:Please write it down!/ Red star./ Good job.□有个别/多个单词发音错误例:使用专业纠音软件 Earobics 划分音节 □升调不自然例: Do you know Scott Meg and me ? □降调时尾音过长例:Do you like cats or dogs ? □重音位置不当例: university 重音在哪?







E.g.I’m~an~English boy.It~is ~ an~old book.Let me have~a look~at~it.Put~it~on, please.Not~at~all.Please pick~it~up.B.“r/re+元音“型连读

如果前一个词是以-r 或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这是的r或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。E.g.They’re my father~and mother.I looked for~it here~and there.There ~ is a football under~it.Here ~is a letter for you.P.s 如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。

The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.C.“辅音+半元音”型连读


E.g.Thank~ you.Nice to meet~you.Did~you get there late~ again ?

Would~you like~a cup~of tea ? D.“元音+元音“型连读:如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。E.g.I ~ am Chinese.He~is very friendly to me.She can’t carry it.The question is too~easy for him to answer.失去爆破

6个爆破音有3对:/p/ /b/;/t//d/;/k/ /g/ 失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在某些情况下,只须做出发音的预备,但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面的音。

A “爆破音+爆破音”6个爆破音任意两个相邻,前一个爆破音失去爆破,即由相关的发音器官做好发这个音的姿势,稍作停顿后即发后面的爆破音。E.g.The girl in the re(d)coat was on a bla(ck)bike jus(t)now.The bi(g)bus from the fa(c)tory is full of people.Wha(t)time does he get up every morning ?

This is an ol(d)pi(c)ture of a bi(g)car.We’re going to work on a farm nex(t)Tuesday.B.“爆破音+摩擦音”,前面是爆破音,其后紧跟着摩擦音,如/f/ /s/ /m/ /t/等,那么前面的爆破音仅有十分轻微的爆破,而后面的摩擦音需要完全爆破。E.g Goo(d)morning, Mr.Bell.I wen(t)there alone a(t)nine las(t)night.Do you know his bi(ke)number ? Sorry, I don’(t)know.Goo(d)Luck!I(t)should.练习:

Good night

good morning sit down

stand up

bad dog

Sit on the chair.In a minute.Best of all.Arrive in the city.An old man and a girl.Ask any person On a foggy day Fall in the river In our classroom Tell us a story



E.g.At school,/ my classmates and I/ are going to play basketball.常见划分意群的规则有:

名词词组,例如 a room/ this book / a pink pig/ the working class/ two children/some milk 介词词组,例如 on the floor/ in the tree 副词词组,例如 day and night/ first of all 副词+介词短语,例如 early in the morning/ far into the night 副词+动词,例如 quite understand / study hard 固定动词词组,例如 to have a rest/ to get ready 五.如何根据不同类型的文章(叙述类,对话类)揣摩文中人物特点并使用合适的语调


平调一般用在陈述句中: This is a girl.The table is blue.There are two apples.升调在一般疑问句中: Do you like cats?

Is lily here?

Does your mother like to read? 降调用在特殊疑问句,选择疑问句的后半句: Do you like candies or cookies? Do you like apples or bananas?

2.英语中常见文章类型 记叙类,说明类,对话类。







Good afternoon, teachers!Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here.Now, let me introduce myself.My name is Zhang Zixi.My English name is Alice.I’m 9.I’m a lovely girl.Look at me.I have short black hair.I have two small eyes and a small mouth.I am so lovely.My favorite fruits are peaches and

watermelons.They are sweet and yummy.They are good for my health.And I have many hobbies.Such as drawing pictures, dancing, watching cartoons.Singing is my favorite hobby.I am good at singing.Do you want to enjoy? On the weekend, I like reading books in my room.I like to read the books about teaching.My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future.Thank you for listening!Please remember me!





宇宙飞船 superhero

超级英雄 outer space

外层空间 alien

外星人 robot

机器人 UFO

飞碟 future

未来 in the future

在未来 different

不同的 online class

网络课程 digital

数字化的 politics

政治 peace


战争 fight

打斗 harmonious

和谐的 world


time travel

time machine








smart phone



new energy

the Earth

the Mars

the Jupiter

the Venus


finger print


solar energy





life expectancy








tall buildings


时间旅行 时光机 纳米技术克隆技术

病毒 可携带的全球的


科技 智能手机代替 基因 新能源 地球 火星 木星 金星 信用卡


灭绝 太阳能


灾难 自动的星系平均寿命


癌症 疾病


药片 发现 预言 高楼




扫描 culture

文化 international

国际的 the Internet

网络 E-book

电子书 the device


artificial intelligence

人工智能 Environment

环境 greenhouse effect

温室效应 polar ice


the Arctic

北极 green house gas

温室气体 ice and snow melting

冰雪融化 water pollution


La Nina phenomenon

拉尼娜现象 species extinction

物种灭绝 glacial ablation


marine ecological environment海洋生态环境toxic waste pollution

有毒废料污染 acid rain harm

酸雨危害 population dramatically increased 人口剧增 land erosion

土地侵蚀 salinization

盐碱化 desertification

沙化 solar radiation

太阳辐射 carbon dioxide



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