
时间:2019-05-14 18:11:44下载本文作者:会员上传




不定期推送大学英语学习,英语口笔译学习,英文阅读等干货资料,旨在帮助大专院校学生和英语爱好者提高英语学习兴趣,丰富英语语言文化知识。这是一个很有意思的TED动画小短片,帮助我们探索爱情的秘密。真正适合我们的爱人,是那些真正能够相守、真实相爱、毫无私心支持彼此成为更好的人。这个小视频也很适合学习地道英语口语表达和练习听力,一起看看吧!相守 真实相爱支持彼此成为更好的人

Ah, romantic love-beautiful and intoxicating,heartbreaking and soul-crushing,often all at the same time.Why do we choose to put ourselves through its emotional wringer?Does love make our lives meaningful,or is it an escape from our loneliness and suffering?Is love a disguise for our sexual desire,or a trick of biology to make us procreate?Is it all we need?Do we need it at all?If romantic love has a purpose,neither science nor psychology has discovered it yet.But over the course of history,some of our most respected philosophers have put forward some intriguing theories.Love makes us whole, again.The ancient Greek philosopher Platoexplored the idea that we love in order to become complete.In his 'Symposium', he wrote about a dinner party,at which Aristophanes, a comic playwright,regales the guests with the following story:humans were once creatures with four arms, four legs, and two faces.One day, they angered the gods,and Zeus sliced them all in two.Since then, every person has been missing half of him or herself.Love is the longing to find a soulmate who'll make us feel whole again,or, at least, that's what Plato believed a drunken comedian would say at a party.Love tricks us into having babies.Much, much later, German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauermaintained that love based in sexual desirewas a voluptuous illusion.He suggested that we love because our desires lead us to believethat another person will make us happy, but we are sorely mistaken.Nature is tricking us into procreating,and the loving fusion we seek is consummated in our children.When our sexual desires are satisfied,we are thrown back into our tormented existences,and we succeed only in maintaining the speciesand perpetuating the cycle of human drudgery.Sounds like somebody needs a hug.Love is escape from our loneliness.According to the Nobel Prize-winning British philosopher Bertrand Russell,we love in order to quench our physical and psychological desires.Humans are designed to procreate,but without the ecstasy of passionate love,sex is unsatisfying.Our fear of the cold, cruel world tempts us to build hard shellsto protect and isolate ourselves.Love's delight, intimacy, and warmth helps us overcome our fear of the world,escape our lonely shells,and engage more abundantly in life.Love enriches our whole being, making it the best thing in life.Love is a misleading affliction.Siddhārtha Gautama,who became known as the Buddha, or the Enlightened One,probably would have had some interesting arguments with Russell.Buddha proposed that we love because we are trying to satisfy our base desires.Yet, our passionate cravings are defects,and attachments, even romantic love, are a great source of suffering.Luckily, Buddha discovered the eight-fold path,a sort of program for extinguishing the fires of desireso that we can reach Nirvana,an enlightened state of peace, clarity, wisdom, and compassion.The novelist Cao Xueqin illustrated this Buddhist sentimentthat romantic love is folly in one of China's greatest classical novels,'Dream of the Red Chamber.'In a subplot, Jia Rui falls in love with Xi-fengwho tricks and humiliates him.Conflicting emotions of love and hate tear him apart,so a taoist gives him a magic mirror that can cure himas long as he doesn't look at the front of it.But of course, he looks at the front of it.He sees Xi-feng.His soul enters the mirrorand he is dragged away in iron chains to die.Not all Buddhists think this way about romantic and erotic love,but the moral of this storyis that such attachments spell tragedy,and should, along with magic mirrors, be avoided.Love lets us reach beyond ourselves.Let's end on a slightly more positive note.The French philosopher Simone de Beauvoirproposed that love is the desire to integrate with anotherand that it infuses our lives with meaning.However, she was less concerned with why we loveand more interested in how we can love better.She saw that the problem with traditional romantic loveis it can be so captivating,that we are tempted to make it our only reason for being.Yet, dependence on another to justify our existenceeasily leads to boredom and power games.To avoid this trap, Beauvoir advised loving authentically,which is more like a great friendship.Lovers support each other in discovering themselves,reaching beyond themselves,and enriching their lives and the world together.Though we might never know why we fall in love,we can be certain that it will be an emotional rollercoaster ride.It's scary and exhilarating.It makes us sufferand makes us soar.Maybe we lose ourselves.Maybe we find ourselves.It might be heartbreaking,or it might just be the best thing in life.Will you dare to find out?


“Be Crazy about sneakers.”————Feedback Almost every basketball fan is dreaming about getting one pair of sneakers of famous brands, like Air Jordan series.Many of them are constantly dedicated to their collections of various sneakers.But through the speaker’s ideas, a clear marketing network emerged, which was seemingly invisible before.All of us who are fond of collecting limited-edition shoes may not realize that we are part of the market itself, although it isn’t a market at all.This is incredible, but it really exists.Basketball fans are enthusiastic about their beloved stars, and the sneakers endorsed by stars are to support their craze, which means a brilliant commercial opportunity to shoes’ industry.And the brand Nike was one of the biggest owners of profits from its sneakers, it is still earning money from us, and it will be as long as the devotion to basketball stars don’t fade away.In short, the intangible beneficial network is a successful example for sports industry.But what if they improve their commercial system? There will be more profits.Anyway, we can learn a lot from this and utilize what we got.


“Would machines replace humankind in the future?”——Feedback Key words: beauty and efficiency.There’s always all sorts of debates about relationships between machines and human beings.Needless to say, we never lose.Obviously, all of us are supposed to be unique and irreplaceable, which is exactly opposite to machines.Though many advantages of machinery such as the high speed and accuracy are convinced even admired, we are still dominating the world, not robots.Emotion and diversity, these are inherently human characteristics that machines never obtain, at least now and near future.So, in case of displacement by machines, we must acquire and promote a new aesthetic and sentimental education according to the speaker.As the speaker said, “In the face of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we need a new radical humanism.”

On the whole, beauty can save the world when we embrace these principles and design for them.Machines do have the necessity of their existence, but we can not be taken the place.


Can we conquer poverty? —— Feedback In this lecture, the speaker’s statements really shocked me.He believed that the greatest failure of the human race was the fact that we had left more than one billion of our members behind.Extreme poverty were figured out as the most difficult problemneeded to solve.But there isn’t nothing to do for us.Like the speaker claimed that we have several methods to fight against poverty.First of all, there’s a fact we shouldn’t ignore is that most of the world’s poor people are farmers.You can imagine how powerful this is when farmers become more productive, then more than half the world’s poor earn more money and climb out of poverty.We only have two ways we can feed the world’s population.we can either make our present farmland more productive or we can clean out forests and make them new farmlands instead, which would be environmentally disastrous.It’s undeniable that farmers stand at the center of the world because of the significance of agriculture.Next, many farmers who live far away from the modern society can’t get even a little bit of scientific knowledge they needed in their fields.They also lack effective access to basic tools.To overcome such dilemma, actually we have settled these troubles in theory a century ago.We can genetically convert two normal plants into a new productive species through advanced technologies.But the hardest part is delivery of these tools extreme poverty.We need the world’s companies, governments and non-profits set up delivery networks for life-improving goods to eliminate poverty.If we can get our food by take-outs, or receive our deliveries through expressage, then it’s possible for those farmers who live in remote places to get more basic tools and useful knowledge timely.Last but not the least, we need to strength our wills to insist on helping farmers in a long period of time, giving sustainable strategies to make themselves jump out of extreme poverty.Everybody is exceptional people, so it’s unreasonable to left over one billion people behind while developing our society.Until everyone has an opportunity to gain his full human potential, can we become a truly moral and just human race.Let us to deliver an end to extreme poverty in our lifetime.生词 gigantic insurmountable solvable

lean on

disastrous dilemma humble scalable territory pursue constraint exceptional deploy


“Presence of mind”——Feedback Key words: stress pre-mortem ahead of time According to the lecture, our brain under stress releases cortisol, and one of the things that happens at the moment is a whole bunch on systems shut down.Few of us can remain rational and logical thinking while facing stressful things, so it is of great significance to think them over before their appearances.We need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kind of situations.And the conception which the speaker put forward is pre-mortem.The idea of the pre-mortem is to think ahead of time to the questions that you might be able to ask that will push the conversation forward.You look ahead, try to figure out all the things that could go wrong and then try to figure out what you can do to prevent those things from happening or to minimize the damage.Prevent bad things from happening.Or at least if bad things happen, we will minimize the likelihood of it being a catastrophe.Under stress we are not thinking clearly.We need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kind of situations.So think about how you are going to work through this ahead of time, so you don’t have to manufacture the chain of reasoning on the spot.You might change your mind on impulse, but at least you are practiced with this kind of thinking.



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