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携手促进孔子学院可持续发展 ——在第五届孔子学院大会上的主旨演讲

中华人民共和国国务委员 刘延东

孔子学院总部理事会主席 2010年12月10日

Working Together Towards the Sustainable Development of Confucius Institutes--Key-note Speech at the 5th Confucius Institute Conference

Liu Yandong State Councilor of the People's Republic of China Chair, Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters

December 10, 2010 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and friends, 大家晚上好!Good evening!在这华灯璀璨的美好夜晚,全球孔子学院大家庭欢聚一堂,共庆第五届孔子学院大会的开幕,我和大家一样感到由衷的高兴。在此,我代表中国政府和中国人民,向来自世界各地的朋友们表示热烈欢迎和诚挚问候!

I take great pleasure to be here with you in this family reunion of the world Confucius Institutes to celebrate the opening of the 5th Confucius Institute conference in this dazzling evening.On behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and sincere greetings to all of you, friends from all over the world.过去的一年,在各国政府和人民的热情关心和大力支持下,中外双方齐心协力,开拓创新,全球孔子学院取得可喜成绩:一是稳步发展,势头良好。今年新增孔子学 院40所、中小学孔子课堂97个。目前已在96个国家和地区建立了322所孔子学院和369个孔子课堂。注册学员比去年增加了56%,达到 36万人。网络孔子学院开通9个语种,注册用户达10万人。这些努力为所在国民众学习汉语拓宽了渠道。二是教师素质不断提升。专兼职教师净增1000人,达到4000人,其中中外双方各占一半。有3000人参加了总部实施的培训计划,总部还为各国孔子学院提供2000个奖学金名额,培养本土教师,促进了中 外院长和教师业务素质的提升。三是教材创编实现新进展。编写出版了45个语种的9套汉语教材和工具书,向各国孔子学院赠送图书40多万册,目前104所孔 子学院编写出版了77种本土汉语教材,缓解了教材匮乏问题。2500名外国中小学教师来华接受教材培训,推动了所在地区的汉语教学。四是品牌活动形成新声 势。今年,300名校长、2000多名院长和教师应邀参观上海世博会,亲身感受了世界多元文化的交相辉映。部分亚洲国家孔子学院所在大学校长参观了广州亚 运会。中国与俄罗斯、中国与西班牙合作举办“汉语年”,两国孔子学院发挥了主力军作用,开展活动600多场,30多万人参加。在50多个国家300多所孔 子学院开展文艺巡演、教材巡展和文化巡讲活动,拓展了孔子学院的文化交流功能,提升了在当地社会的影响力。五是交流合作取得新成果。各孔子学院之间的交流 精彩纷呈。在所在国政府和社区的大力支持下,新家坡南洋理工大学、新西兰奥克兰大学、智力圣托马斯大学、英国伦敦南岸大学、喀麦隆雅温得第二大学、俄罗斯 新西伯利亚国立技术大学等,成功举办亚洲、大洋洲、西语地区、欧洲、非洲、东欧中亚地区等6个地区性孔子学院会议。美国大学理事会和亚洲协会成功举办了全 美汉语大会。这些活动促进了各国孔子学院、汉语教学机构之间的信息沟通和经验交流,起到了相互借鉴、共同提高的效果。

In this past year, with the unprecedented enthusiasm and unwavering support from the governments and people of all the relevant countries, and with the concerted, innovative, and pioneering efforts by both the Chinese and international colleagues, Confucius Institutes around the globe have made remarkable achievements.First and foremost, we have witnessed the momentum of stable growth.This year, about 40 Confucius Institutes and 97 Confucius Classrooms have been newly established.So far a total of 322 Confucius Institutes and 369 Confucius Classrooms have been put in place in 96 countries and regions.The total number of registered students has increased by 56% over the previous year, amounting up to 360,000 in total.The Confucius Institute Online has opened channels in 9 languages, with 100,000 registered users.Such efforts have greatly facilitated people from the host countries to learn Chinese.Secondly, we have ensured higher quality of teachers.The total number of teachers, part-time and full-time alike, has reached 4,000, with a net increase of 1,000 this year.Among them, half are from China, and half from the local countries.About 3,000 people have participated in the training programs organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters.Moreover, the Headquarters has provided 2,000 scholarships for Confucius Institutes to train local teachers.All these endeavors have enhanced the performance of directors and teachers.Thirdly, we have made new progress in the development of teaching materials.About 9 collections of Chinese language teaching materials and reference books in 45 languages have been published and more than 400,000 books have been donated to Confucius Institutes.Currently, about 104 Confucius Institutes have developed and published 77 local Chinese language teaching materials, thus greatly alleviating the pressure of textbook shortage.We have provided training on the use of teaching materials in China to 2,500 primary and secondary school teachers from abroad, boosting Chinese language instruction in the host countries.Fourthly, there emerges a new surge of brand name events.This year, about 300 university presidents and 2000 Confucius Institute directors and teachers have been invited to visit the Shanghai World Expo to get a first-hand feel about the harmonious coexistence of the multiculturalism in the world.Some presidents from Asia also visited the Guangzhou Asian Games.During the “Chinese Language Year” in Russia and Spain, Confucius Institutes in these two countries played a major role by staging more than 600 events, attracting more than 300,000 participants.Performance, textbook exhibition and cultural lecture tours have been taken place in more than 300 Confucius Institutes in over 50 countries, further tapping into the cultural functioning of Confucius Institutes, and enhancing their influences in the local communities.Last but not least, our efforts have resulted in more exchanges and cooperation.Robust exchange programs have been carried out amongst Confucius Institutes.Supported by the government and communities of the host countries, for instance, Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, Auckland University of New Zealand, University of Saint Thomas in Chile, London Southbank University in United Kingdom, University of Yaounde II in Cameroon and Novosibirsk State University of Technology in Russia have successfully held 6 regional Confucius Institute joint conferences for Asia, Oceania, Ibero-American countries, Europe, Africa, East-Europe and Central Asia, respectively.The College Board and Asia Society of US successfully convened the National Chinese Language Conference.All these events mentioned above have promoted the information-sharing and exchange of experience among Confucius Institutes and other Chinese language teaching institutions, enabling them to learn from each other with mutual improvement.这些成绩的取得,归功于在座各位代表的积极推动,归功于中外合作院校的共同努力,归功于各国政府和人民的大力支持。在此,谨向大家并通过你们向所有为孔子学院发展做出贡献的各国朋友,表示衷心的感谢!

Such afore-mentioned achievements would have been impossible without the steady endeavor of all the representatives present, the concerted efforts of all the Chinese and host universities, and the support from the governments and the people in all the host countries.Here I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you, your colleagues and friends whose efforts are indispensable to the great accomplishments in the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes around the globe.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, and friends, 孔子学院走过了5年不平凡的历程,取得了令人瞩目的显着成就,已站在一个新的起点上。面向未来,实现孔子学院可持续发展,需要我们把握机遇,认真思考,积极谋划。

The Confucius Institute has gone through an extraordinary journey in the past five years, having attained remarkable achievements.Now we are at a brand new starting point.Looking into the future, we need to seize the opportunities, think carefully and make strategic planning for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.首先,世界多样文明的交流对话与人类社会和谐共生的理想,为孔子学院发展赋予了新使命。当今世界正处在大发展、大变革、大调整时期,世界多极化、经济全球 化深入发展,和平、发展、合作的时代潮流更加强劲。同时,国际金融危机影响深远,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性 挑战日益突出。作为“地球村”的一员,每个国家对这些问题既不能置之度外,也难以独自解决。应对共同挑战,呼唤各国同舟共济、密切合作,构建和谐世界,需 要不同文明交流对话、理解包容。语言文化的相互学习与交流,是促进各国人民沟通理解,构建持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界的重要途径。孔子学院以国际汉语教 育为已任,致力于满足世界各国人民学习汉语的需求,致力于促进中外语言文化交流,优势独特,使命光荣。

First of all, the exchanges and dialogues between civilizations and their harmonious coexistence have inspired us to undertake a new mission for Confucius Institutes down the road.Today's world is in an era of great development, profound changes and radical transformations, with in-depth development of the world multi-polarization, economic globalization and stronger trends of peace, development and cooperation.Meanwhile, we also feel the profound impact from the international financial crisis and, more prominently, from the global challenges such as the climate change, food security, energy and resource security, public health threats, and major natural disasters.As a member of the “global village”, no country can stand immune or deal with the challenges alone.To tackle such common challenges, all countries need to stay together and work closely for a harmonious world and push for dialogues, exchanges and tolerance between and among civilizations.Mutual learning and exchanges of languages and cultures are important ways to enhance the communication and understanding among nations in order to build a harmonious world featuring sustained peace and common prosperity.Confucius Institutes are committed to the global Chinese language education, to meeting the demands of people around the world to learn Chinese, and to the exchange of languages across cultures between China and other countries.Needless to day, Confucius Institutes have a unique and glorious role to play.其次,开放发展的中国不断深化与各国的互利合作,为孔子学院发展提供了新机遇。当前,中国正经历着一场历史上规模最大、范围最广的工业化、城镇化进程,现 代化建设不断迈出新步伐。但我们清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,实现现代化建设的目标还需要长期艰苦努力。中国政府正在制定未来五年国 民经济和社会发展规划,这一规划以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,通过加快科技创新,保障改善民生,促进社会公平正义,让人民共享发展成 果,努力推动经济社会又好又快发展。中国人民深知,当代中国的前途命运同世界的发展紧密相连。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展也离不开中国。中国将始终 坚持走和平发展道路,奉行互利共盈的开放战略,不仅积极推动与各国的政治互信、经贸合作,而且在深化人文交流方面不断做出新的探索。孔子学院作为人文交流 的重要平台,将伴随中外合作不断深化的步伐,奠定未来发展更加坚实的基础。

Secondly, the continued, intensified, and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries has provided new opportunities for Confucius Institutes.At present, China is undergoing an unprecedented process of urbanization and industrialization in terms of scale and range, with new strides constantly made in the modernization drive.But we are keenly aware that China still remains the largest developing country in the world and there is an arduous task ahead before the goals of modernization are reached.The Chinese government is now drafting the national economic and social development plan for the next five years.China will adhere to the theme of sustainable development by accelerating scientific and technological innovation, ensuring and improving people's living standards, promoting social fairness and justice, enabling its people to enjoy the benefit of economic growth and ensuring the quality and rapid development of the economic society.The Chinese people know that the destiny of modern China is interdependent on the development of the world.China's development cannot be isolated from the world's development and vice versa.China will stick to the path of peaceful development and adopt the opening-door strategy for mutual-benefit in a win-win situation.Apart from its endeavor to promote political mutual-trust, economic and trade cooperation between countries, the Chinese government has renewed its efforts to strengthen people-to-people communication.As an important platform for such communication to occur, Confucius Institutes will lay a solid foundation for more intensified collaborations and cooperation between China and other countries.第三,中国扩大教育开放与国际交流,为孔子学院发展增添了新动力。在现代化进程中,中国始终把教育摆在优先发展的战略位置。今年7月,中国召开了新世纪第 一次全国教育大会,颁布了面向未来10年的教育改革和发展规划纲要,纲要强调要扩大教育对外开放,鼓励各级各类学校开展国际交流与合作,加强国际理解教 育,增进师生对不同国家、不同文化的认知,提高教育国际化水平。中国政府鼓励公民学习其他国家的语言,现在中国大多数大中小学校都开设了外语课,涉及56 个语种,其中学习英语的就有两亿人。中国将扩大派出留学生规模,到2012年当年公派留学生达2.5万人,比今年翻一番。还将增加政府奖学金数量,扩大来 华留学生规模,支持外国知名学校和教育机构来华合作办学,鼓励更多的外国专家学者和学术团队来华从事教学、科研和管理工作。孔子学院是教育对外开放与国际 交流的重要窗口。教育规划纲要明确提出,要支持国际汉语教育,提高孔子学院的办学质量和水平。中国将一如既往的大力支持孔子学院和国际汉语教育事业发展。使其在中外教育交流与合作中稳步推进,蓬勃发展。

Thirdly, the expanded educational endeavors and international exchanges between China and other countries will further strengthen the development of Confucius Institutes.In its drive for modernization, the Chinese government always prioritizes education in its agenda.This July, China held the inaugural Conference on National Education in the new century and issued the educational reform and development plan outline for the next ten years.The Outline highlights in particular that educational opening-up should be expanded and schools at all levels are encouraged to conduct international exchanges and cooperation and improve Education for International Understanding(EIU), so as to increase faculty's and students' understanding of other countries and their cultures, and make China's education more internationalized.The Chinese government encourages citizens to learn languages of other countries and now the vast majority of Chinese schools, from primary schools to universities, have opened courses of up to 56 languages, among which 200 million people are learning English.China will send more students to study abroad.By the end of 2012, about 25,000 students will be sponsored by the government to study abroad, doubling the number of this year.The Chinese government will also increase the number of government-granted scholarships and accommodate more international students to study in China.China will support world-renowned foreign universities and educational institutions to carry out cooperation programs in China and encourage more foreign experts, scholars and academic teams to teach and work in China.The Confucius Institute is an important window for educational opening-up and international exchange.The educational plan outline clearly states that support will be given to international Chinese language education and improving the operation and performance of Confucius Institutes.As always China will support the development of Confucius Institutes and international Chinese language education and ensure their growth and prosperity amongst educational exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries.总之,作为最大的发展中国家和新兴经济体,中国愿意并且正在以开放包容的胸怀、科学发展的思维、积极务实的态度,努力与世界各国加强沟通与交流、增进理解 与友谊。我们希望发挥孔子学院在人文交流中的独特作用,通过汉语教学,加大多元文化的交流与融合,促进各种文明之间的相互理解和包容,造福各国人民,并为 世界和平与人类进步做出贡献。

In general, as the largest developing country and an emerging economy, China is ready to and has remained open-minded, guided by the concept of scientific development, being pragmatic and proactive, to strengthen communication and exchanges with other countries and enhance understanding and friendship among one another.We hope to give full play to the unique role of Confucius Institutes in people-to-people communication.Through the exchange and integration among different cultures, civilizations in the world can understand and tolerate each other to the benefit of the people of the world at large, as well as world peace and human development.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, and friends, 孔子学院诞生以来,在各国人民的热情呵护和多元文化的雨露滋润下茁壮成长,为各国人民在家门口学习汉语、了解中华文化提供了便捷途径。面对新的形势和机遇,我们仍应坚持中外双方共建、共有、共管、共享的原则,携手合作,顺势而为,努力促进孔子学院的可持续发展。

With the support from people of all the relevant countries and the benefits from multiculturlism, Confucius Institutes have grown strongly since their inception, providing convenience for people around the world to learn Chinese and understand the Chinese culture in their home countries.Facing the new situation and opportunities, we still need to adhere to the principle that Confucius Institutes are jointly built, owned, managed and shared by both the Chinese and host institutions.We need to join hands, seize the momentum, and make concerted efforts to strengthen the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.第一,创新形势,融入本土,使孔子学院成为增进中外交流与友谊的重要桥梁纽带。语言文化交流具有基础性、广泛性和持久性。面对不同国情、不同文化背景和不 同国家民众学习汉语的需求,希望各国孔子学院因地制宜,扎根本土,办出特色,尊重和体现文化多样性,贴近和满足学习者实际需求,更好的适应当地社会生活,产生更大影响。要面向各个阶层的不同人群,坚持大众化、普及型,真正深入民间、深入社区,与当地民众建立良好关系。要吸引各国精英人才,支持学术交流活 动,开展国际理解和跨文化交流研究。要继续办好网络孔子学院,更大范围的为全球汉语教学服务。

First, Confucius Institutes should strive for innovation, integrate themselves into the local communities, and serve as the bridge and bond for the enhanced international exchanges and friendship among different peoples.The exchange of languages and cultures, by essence, is fundamental, extensive, and durable.In line with different national situations, diversified cultural backgrounds and multifaceted demands of Chinese language learning in different countries, Confucius Institutes are expected to adapt to the local situations, mingle with the local particularities, and strive for their own unique styles.They need to respect and embody cultural diversities, approach learners and better cater to their actual needs.Confucius Institutes need to better adapt themselves to the local social life and exert more influence.Confucius Institutes should be oriented to all the population groups of different social status, remain close to the general public, reach out to the local communities and establish good connections with the local people.Confucius Institutes should attract elite talents of all countries in conducting research on international understanding and cross-cultural exchanges.We need to continue our efforts to run Confucius Institute Online and service Chinese language instruction to a greater extent.第二,注重质量,夯实基础,着力提升孔子学院的办学水平。以教师、教材和教法为重点的基础能力建设,是孔子学院提高质量、办出特色的支撑。“三教”建设要遵循语言教育与推广规律,紧跟当今国际语言教育发展潮流,适应不同人群学习汉语的不同要求。教师的本土化是师资建设的重要方向。我们希望通 过扩大“孔子学院奖学金”名额,多种形式培训本土教师,同时加大派出教师和志愿者的力度,尽快造就一支兼通两种语言、兼融中外文化的高素质院长和教师队 伍。教材开发是国际汉语教育的重要依托。总部将组织中外优势力量,采取有力措施,争取用几年时间,实现开设汉语课的国家都有适用汉语教材。同时鼓励各国孔 子学院和教育机构编写本土教材。科学的教学方法是提高质量的重要基础。要总结推广各国孔子学院的成功经验,结合实际创新方法,激发学生持续学习的兴趣,让 汉语教学更加生动活泼、深入人心。

Second, Confucius Institutes should focus on quality control, do the basics right and improve their performance.The capacity building focusing on teachers, teaching materials and teaching methodology is the pillar for better operation and functioning of Confucius Institutes.The work to tackle issues related to teachers, teaching materials and teaching methodology should follow the principles of language instruction, keep in line with the current trend in today's international language education and cater to various demands of different group of learners.The localization of teachers is the direction to build a sustainable teaching force.We hope to expand the range of “Confucius Institute Scholarship” to train local teachers on the one hand, and send more teachers and volunteers from China on the other, so that we can create a pipeline for qualified directors and teachers who are both bilingual and bicultural in the shortest time span as possible.The textbook development provides major support for international Chinese language education.The Confucius Institute Headquarters will mobilize resources from home and abroad and take forceful measures to ensure that all countries that offer Chinese language courses are equipped with suitable Chinese textbooks.As such, Confucius Institutes and educational institutions in all countries are encouraged to compile their local teaching materials.The scientific teaching methodology serves as the basis for quality improvement.We need to identify and accumulate the best practices among Confucius Institutes and create innovative teaching methods to stimulate students' interest and make Chinese language instruction more attractive and appealing.第三,拓展功能,完善服务,不断丰富孔子学院的办学内涵。语言是文化的载体。孔子学院独具人文内涵,在语言教学和文化交流等方面发挥着积极作用。几年来,孔子学院从启蒙和普及出发,为各国民众学习汉语提供便利,把汉语带到了世界各地。今后,要在搞好语言教学的同时,加强文化交流与互动,提供经贸、科技合作 的信息咨询等服务,丰富和拓展发展空间。我们将支持各国孔子学院开展丰富多彩的文化活动,继续办好文艺巡演、教材巡展、文化巡讲等品牌活动,推动中医、武 术、气功、书法、戏曲、中国画、中国歌舞、烹饪等走进社区,增进普通民众对中国的兴趣和对真实中国的了解。充分利用经贸交流、国际会议、企业合作、组织旅 游等多种渠道和载体,促进国际汉语教育,让孔子学院越办越精彩,道路越走越宽广。

Thirdly, Confucius Institutes should enhance their capability, improve the service and diversify the operation mode.Language is the carrier of culture.Confucius Institutes are unique because of their humanitarian elements and capability to play an active role in language instruction and cultural exchanges.In the past few years, starting with enlightenment and dissemination, Confucius Institutes have provided convenience for people of different countries and brought the Chinese language to all corners of the world.In the near future, while doing a good job in language instruction, Confucius Institutes should strengthen cultural exchanges and interactions by offering consultations on the cooperation of economy, trade and science and technology, thus creating more room for development.We will support Confucius Institutes in organizing cultural events and continue our efforts on brand name events such as art performances, textbook exhibitions and cultural lectures.We will approach the local communities with Chinese traditional medicine, Kongfu, Qigong, calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese songs and dances as well as Chinese cuisine to increase the general public's interest in China and understanding of what China is today.We will utilize multi-channels and media such as economic and trade exchange, international conferences, inter-business cooperation and tourism to promote international Chinese language education so that Confucius Institutes will reach the next level of excellence in performance, and marching towards a more promising future.第四,积极支持,凝聚合力,为孔子学院可持续发展提供切实保障。经费保障事关孔子学院运行发展。我愿再次重申,总部在孔子学院经费投入方面,将一如既往给 予稳定支持;既要坚持中外双方1:1投入原则,又要适当照顾一些发展中国家的孔子学院。要建立中外合作评估机制,加强经费使用管理,努力提高资金使用效 益。中外院校合作是孔子学院创立发展的重要形式。双方学校在平等合作中相互学习,扩大了知名度,实现了双赢。中方高校要对孔子学院工作予以重点支持,在选 派院长、配备师资、合作机制等方面做好长远安排,努力满足孔子学院发展需求。希望外方高校继续与中方密切配合,共同落实双方合作承诺,在人员配备、办学场 地和资金投入等方面给予更有力的支持。中国派出教师和志愿者带着友谊与理想来到异国他乡工作,希望所在外方学校给予关怀,帮助他们尽快适应工作环境。广泛 的社会参与是孔子学院发展的新动力。孔子学院没有照搬其他国家语言推广机构政府间合作的单一模式,而是既与学校合作,又与政府、企业和社团合作,形式灵活 多样。要进一步拓宽渠道,激发社会力量参与办学的积极性,完善企业投入和社会捐赠的机制,把多方资源统筹到孔子学院可持续发展上来。

Fourth, we need to remain supportive and create synergies in providing assurance for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.As we know, the financial support is crucial to the operation and growth of Confucius Institutes.I would like to reiterate that we will adhere to the principle of 50:50 cost share between China and host institutions, and give preferential treatment to Confucius Institutes in some developing countries if necessary.We need to establish the assessment mechanism featuring international cooperation and better manage the fund to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.The cooperation between Chinese and foreign institutions is an essence in establishing and developing Confucius Institutes.In the equal-footed cooperation, universities from both sides have learnt from each other, increased their brand visibility and reached a win-win situation.Chinese universities should prioritize their support to Confucius Institutes and make long-term arrangements in selecting directors and teachers and in defining the cooperation mechanism.We hope the host universities continue to work closely with their Chinese partners, honor the cooperative commitments and give more support with regard to staffing, venue and facility provision, and fund allocation.Teachers and volunteers from China are dispatched to work on a foreign land with the spirit of friendship and volunteerism.We hope host universities will give them more care, tolerance and assistance so that they can adapt themselves to the new surroundings as quickly as possible.Broad participation from other social sectors can generate new dynamism for the development of Confucius Institutes.The model of Confucius Institutes is nowhere to be found in the existing language organizations of other countries.Instead, apart from working together with schools, Confucius Institutes work closely with governments, business sectors, communities, and organizations.We need to further expand the resources to Confucius Institutes from other social sectors and improve the mechanism of business sponsorship and social donation so as to mobilize resources of all sorts for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, friends, “相知无远近,万里尚为邻。”语言文化的交流是人与人之间心与心的交流。办好孔子学院是一项功在当代、利在千秋的崇高事业。相信通过大家的共同努力,国际汉语教育事业一定会兴旺发达,孔子学院的明天一定会更加美好!

As an old Chinese saying goes: “Bosom friends know no distance, and neighbors remain regardless of thousands of miles”.The exchange of languages and cultures lies in the hearts of human beings.Running Confucius Institutes well is a noble act that will not only benefit today's people, but also generations down the road.The cause of international Chinese language education is bigger than ourselves.I am convinced that, through our concerted efforts, Confucius Institutes will enjoy a brighter and more prosperous future!一年一度的新年即将到来,再过20天我们就要迎来新的一年。借此机会,衷心祝愿在座的各国朋友,并请你们转达给全球96个国家322所孔子学院的院长、老师们、同学们,祝大家新年快乐,身体健康,万事如意!谢谢大家!

The New Year is just around the corner.We are in for the 2011 in just about 20 days.I would like to take this opportunity to give my best wishes to every friend present here, and also through you to all the directors, teachers and students from the 322 Confucius Institutes in 96 countries and regions.I wish you all good health, the best of luck and a very Happy New Year!Thank you all!


平等合作 创新发展 为了孔子学院更加美好的明天

—— 在第四届孔子学院大会开幕式上的主旨演讲






即将过去的2009 年对整个世界来说是不平凡的一年,对孔子学院来说也是不平凡的一年。在各方面共同努力下,孔子学院克服各种困难和不利影响,在继承中不断创新,在开拓中不断发展,保持了良好发展势头,取得了令人振奋的成绩。

—— 孔子学院有序发展。目前,在88 个国家和地区建立了282 所孔子学院和272 个孔子课堂;注册学生23 万多人,同比增加10 万人;开设汉语课程8000多班次,同比增长2000 班次,孔子学院品牌知名度和影响力进一步提升。目前,还有50 个国家的160 多个教育机构提出申办孔子学院。

—— 师资建设取得突破。总部继续加大教师和志愿者派出规模,各国孔子学院加大选聘当地汉语教师的力度,专兼职教师达到3100 人,比2008 净增1000 人;启动本土汉语教师培养工作,设立“孔子学院奖学金”,从50 个国家招收了1021 名学生来华攻读汉语国际教育专业硕士学位,并在相关大学设立800 个汉语教师奖学金名额。

—— 教学资源更加丰富。编译了45个语种的汉语教材,向各国孔子学院赠送图书82 万册,各国孔子学院主动编写适合当地需要的教材500 多种;为230多所孔子学院统一配备“中华文化体验中心”软硬件设施和“长城汉语”等网络课件;网络孔子学院建设取得可喜成绩,50 个中英文频道已启动运营。

—— 多方合作得到加强。举办亚、非、欧、北美、南美和大洋洲及中亚东欧等7个地区性联席会议,促进信息沟通和经验交流;举办“汉语桥”世界大、中学生中文演讲比赛,并组织专家对15 个国家50 多所孔子学院进行了现场评估,提升了合作办学的整体水平。

—— 服务社区蓬勃开展。各国孔子学院深入社区,举办各类文化活动6600多场次,参加人数260 多万;开发和形成了一批有特色的活动和项目,如“汉语角”、汉语速成班、中华文化讲座等;派出40 多支师生小分队,同270 多所孔子学院联合开展中华文化巡讲、巡演、巡展活动,产生良好社会影响。




这些理念深入每一个中国人的心髓,引领了中华民族与世界其他民族长达数千年的交流合作。新中国成立60 年特别是改革开放30 年来,中国人民秉承中华文化的核心理念,同心同德、开拓创新、自强不息,古老神州发生了翻天覆地的变化。60 年来,实现了经济持续快速增长,经济总量增长77 倍,当前中国人民一天创造的财富量,就超过1952 年一年的总量;形成了全方位、多层次、宽领域对外开放格局,进出口贸易总额增长2265 倍,居世界第三,并在政治、经济、文化和安全等方面同国际社会建立了前所未有的联系;人民生活质量大幅提高,城镇居民收入增长约150 倍,农村居民收入增长约100 倍,人均寿命从1949 年35 岁提高到73 岁,教育、文化、卫生、体育等社会事业发生了根本性变化;中国积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,不断完善人民代表大会制度、多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度和基层群众自治制度,人民享有前所未有的社会参与和言论自由。

2008 年以来,面对国际金融危机的严重冲击,中国作为一个负责任的大国,及时出台一揽子计划,在扩大内需、调整结构、改善民生、节能减排、环境保护等方面加大力度,全年城镇新增就业有望超过1100 万人,年内有望实现经济增长8%的目标。2009 年11 月,为妥善应对气候变化,造福全人类,中国政府向全世界庄严承诺:到2020 年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放,比2005 年下降40% 至45%。实现这些行动目标,保持中国经济长期平稳较快发展,不仅会给中国13 亿人民带来福祉,也将给世界各国发展带来更多机遇、提供更广阔的市场。

同时,我们也清醒地认识到,中国仍然是一个发展中国家。人口多,底子薄,发展不平衡,人均GDP 排在世界100 位之后,有8300 万的残疾人。按照世界银行的标准,我国还有1 亿左右贫困人口。



女士们,先生们,朋友们,自2004 年以来,孔子学院已走过5年的风雨历程。2010 年是新一个5 年的开始,国际汉语教育事业也将迈入新的阶段。办好每一所学院,教好每一个学生是我们的目标,为促进孔子学院可持续发展,我提几点建议,供大家参考。


要适应许多地方在中小学开设汉语教学的需要,积极发展孔子课堂,为中小学生学习汉语提供支持和帮助。中国有句古话,“凡事预则立,不预则废”。总部目前正在抓紧制定国际汉语教育与推广发展规划,将进一步明确发展目标和战略部署,从体制机制、法律政策、经费等方面提供保障和支撑。这项工作需要凝聚中外各方智慧,需要各孔子学院鼎立支持,欢迎大家建言献策。第二,协调发展,注重质量,切实提高国际汉语教育的水平。质量是孔子学院的生命线。教师、教材和教学方法是提高教学质量的三个环节。要加快建设一支高质量的师资队伍。增派教师和加强培训是教师队伍建设的两个支柱。2010 年,总部计划继续扩大“孔子学院奖学金”范围,重点提高教师的汉语教学技能与跨文化交际能力,争取增加专兼职合格教师1000 人。要精心打造各种品牌教材、品牌课件,尽快出齐45 个语种对照的汉语教材,支持各孔子学院切合实地自编教材。要比较分析汉语言文化和所在国文化的异同点,创新汉语教学本土化方法,增强教学的针对性和实效性。





























第四篇:刘延东-2010世界孔子学院大会 主题演讲(中英对照)



中华人民共和国国务委员 刘延东



Working Together Towards the Sustainable Development of Confucius Institutes--Key-note Speech at the 5th Confucius Institute Conference

Liu Yandong State Councilor of the People's Republic of China Chair, Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters

December 10, 2010


Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and friends,大家晚上好!

Good evening!


I take great pleasure to be here with you in this family reunion of the world Confucius Institutes to celebrate the opening of the 5th Confucius Institute conference in this dazzling evening.On behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and sincere greetings to all of you, friends from all over the world.过去的一年,在各国政府和人民的热情关心和大力支持下,中外双方齐心协力,开拓创新,全球孔子学院取得可喜成绩:In this past year, with the unprecedented enthusiasm and unwavering support from the governments and people of all the relevant countries, and with the concerted, innovative, and pioneering efforts by both the Chinese and international colleagues, Confucius Institutes around the globe have made remarkable achievements.一是稳步发展,势头良好。今年新增孔子学院40所、中小学孔子课堂97个。目前已在96个国家和地区建立了322所孔子学院和369个孔子课堂。注册学员比去年增加了56%,达到 36万人。网络孔子学院开通9个语种,注册用户达10万人。这些努力为所在国民众学习汉语拓宽了渠道。First and foremost, we have witnessed the momentum of stable growth.This year, about 40 Confucius Institutes and 97 Confucius Classrooms have been newly established.So far a total of 322 Confucius Institutes and 369 Confucius Classrooms have been put in place in 96 countries and regions.The total number of registered students has increased by 56% over the previous year, amounting up to 360,000 in total.The Confucius Institute Online has opened channels in 9 languages, with 100,000 registered users.Such efforts have greatly facilitated people from the host countries to learn Chinese.二是教师素质不断提升。专兼职教师净增1000人,达到4000人,其中中外双方各占一半。有3000人参加了总部实施的培训计划,总部还为各国孔子学院提供2000个奖学金名额,培养本土教师,| 促进了中外院长和教师业务素质的提升。Secondly, we have ensured higher quality of teachers.The total number of teachers, part-time and full-time alike, has reached 4,000, with a net increase of 1,000 this year.Among them, half are from China, and half from the local countries.About 3,000 people have participated in the training programs organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters.Moreover, the Headquarters has provided 2,000 scholarships for Confucius Institutes to train local teachers.All these endeavors have enhanced the performance of directors and teachers.三是教材创编实现新进展。编写出版了45个语种的9套汉语教材和工具书,向各国孔子学院赠送图书40多万册,目前104所孔子学院编写出版了77种本土汉语教材,缓解了教材匮乏问题。2500名外国中小学教师来华接受教材培训,推动了所在地区的汉语教学。Thirdly, we have made new progress in the development of teaching materials.About 9 collections of Chinese language teaching materials and reference books in 45 languages have been published and more than 400,000 books have been donated to Confucius Institutes.Currently, about 104 Confucius Institutes have developed and published 77 local Chinese language teaching materials, thus greatly alleviating the pressure of textbook shortage.We have provided training on the use of teaching materials in China to 2,500 primary and secondary school teachers from abroad, boosting Chinese language instruction in the host countries.四是品牌活动形成新声势。今年,300名校长、2000多名院长和教师应邀参观上海世博会,亲身感受了世界多元文化的交相辉映。部分亚洲国家孔子学院所在大学校长参观了广州亚运会。中国与俄罗斯、中国与西班牙合作举办“汉语年”,两国孔子学院发挥了主力军作用,开展活动600多场,30多万人参加。在50多个国家300多所孔子学院开展文艺巡演、教材巡展和文化巡讲活动,拓展了孔子学院的文化交流功能,提升了在当地社会的影响力。Fourthly, there emerges a new surge of brand name events.This year, about 300 university presidents and 2000 Confucius Institute directors and teachers have been invited to visit the Shanghai World Expo to get a first-hand feel about the harmonious coexistence of the multiculturalism in the world.Some presidents from Asia also visited the Guangzhou Asian Games.During the “Chinese Language Year” in Russia and Spain, Confucius Institutes in these two countries played a major role by staging more than 600 events, attracting more than 300,000 participants.Performance, textbook exhibition and cultural lecture tours have been taken place in more than 300 Confucius Institutes in over 50 countries, further tapping into the cultural functioning of Confucius Institutes, and enhancing their influences in the local communities.五是交流合作取得新成果。各孔子学院之间的交流精彩纷呈。在所在国政府和社区的大力支持下,新家坡南洋理工大学、新西兰奥克兰大学、智力圣托马斯大学、英国伦敦南岸大学、喀麦隆雅温得第二大学、俄罗斯新西伯利亚国立技术大学等,成功举办亚洲、大洋洲、西语地区、欧洲、非洲、东欧中亚地区等6个地区性孔子学院会议。美国大学理事会和亚洲协会成功举办了全美汉语大会。这些活动促进了各国孔子学院、汉语教学机构之间的信息沟通和经验交流,起到了相互借鉴、共同提高的效果。

Last but not least, our efforts have resulted in more exchanges and cooperation.Robust exchange programs have been carried out amongst Confucius Institutes.Supported by the government and communities of the host countries, for instance, Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, Auckland University of New Zealand, University of Saint Thomas in Chile, London Southbank University in United Kingdom, University of Yaounde II in Cameroon and Novosibirsk State University of Technology in Russia have successfully held 6 regional Confucius Institute joint conferences for Asia, Oceania, Ibero-American countries, Europe, Africa, East-Europe and Central Asia, respectively.The College Board and Asia Society of US successfully convened the National Chinese Language Conference.All these events mentioned above have promoted the information-sharing and exchange of experience among Confucius Institutes and other Chinese language teaching institutions, enabling them to learn from each other with mutual improvement.这些成绩的取得,归功于在座各位代表的积极推动,归功于中外合作院校的共同努力,归功于各国政府和人民的大力支持。在此,谨向大家并通过你们向所有为孔子学院发展做出贡献的各国朋友,表示衷心的感谢!

Such afore-mentioned achievements would have been impossible without the steady endeavor of all the representatives present, the concerted efforts of all the Chinese and host universities, and the support from the governments and the people in all the host countries.Here I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you, your colleagues and friends whose efforts are indispensable to the great accomplishments in the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes around the globe.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, and friends,孔子学院走过了5年不平凡的历程,取得了令人瞩目的显着成就,已站在一个新的起点上。面向未来,实现孔子学院可持续发展,需要我们把握机遇,认真思考,积极谋划。

The Confucius Institute has gone through an extraordinary journey in the past five years, having attained remarkable achievements.Now we are at a brand new starting point.Looking into the future, we need to seize the opportunities, think carefully and make strategic planning for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.首先,世界多样文明的交流对话与人类社会和谐共生的理想,为孔子学院发展赋予了新使命。当今世界正处在大发展、大变革、大调整时期,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,和平、发展、合作的时代潮流更加强劲。

First of all, the exchanges and dialogues between civilizations and their harmonious coexistence have inspired us to undertake a new mission for Confucius Institutes down the road.Today's world is in an era of great development, profound changes and radical transformations, with in-depth development of the world multi-polarization, economic globalization and stronger trends of peace, development and cooperation.同时,国际金融危机影响深远,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性挑战日益突出。

Meanwhile, we also feel the profound impact from the international financial crisis and, more prominently, from the global challenges such as the climate change, food security, energy and resource security, public health threats, and major natural disasters.作为“地球村”的一员,每个国家对这些问题既不能置之度外,也难以独自解决。应对共同挑战,呼唤各国同舟共济、密切合作,构建和谐世界,需要不同文明交流对话、理解包容。As a member of the “global village”, no country can stand immune or deal with the challenges alone.To tackle such common challenges, all countries need to stay together and work closely for a harmonious world and push for dialogues, exchanges and tolerance between and among civilizations.语言文化的相互学习与交流,是促进各国人民沟通理解,构建持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界的重要途径。孔子学院以国际汉语教育为已任,致力于满足世界各国人民学习汉语的需求,致力于促进中外语言文化交流,优势独特,使命光荣。Mutual learning and exchanges of languages and cultures are important ways to enhance the communication and understanding among nations in order to build a harmonious world featuring sustained peace and common prosperity.Confucius Institutes are committed to the global Chinese language education, to meeting the demands of people around the world to learn Chinese, and to the exchange of languages across cultures between China and other countries.Needless to day, Confucius Institutes have a unique and glorious role to play.其次,开放发展的中国不断深化与各国的互利合作,为孔子学院发展提供了新机遇。当前,中国正经历着一场历史上规模最大、范围最广的工业化、城镇化进程,现代化建设不断迈出新步伐。但我们清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,实现现代化建设的目标还需要长期艰苦努力。

Secondly, the continued, intensified, and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries has provided new opportunities for Confucius Institutes.At present, China is undergoing an unprecedented process of urbanization and industrialization in terms of scale and range, with new strides constantly made in the modernization drive.But we are keenly aware that China still remains the largest developing country in the world and there is an arduous task ahead before the goals of modernization are reached.中国政府正在制定未来五年国民经济和社会发展规划,这一规划以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,通过加快科技创新,保障改善民生,促进社会公平正义,让人民共享发展成果,努力推动经济社会又好又快发展。中国人民深知,当代中国的前途命运同世界的发展紧密相连。中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展也离不开中国。中国将始终坚持走和平发展道路,奉行互利共盈的开放战略,不仅积极推动与各国的政治互信、经贸合作,而且在深化人文交流方面不断做出新的探索。The Chinese government is now drafting the national economic and social development plan for the next five years.China will adhere to the theme of sustainable development by accelerating scientific and technological innovation, ensuring and improving people's living standards, promoting social fairness and justice, enabling its people to enjoy the benefit of economic growth and ensuring the quality and rapid development of the economic society.The Chinese people know that the destiny of modern China is interdependent on the development of the world.China's development cannot be isolated from the world's development and vice versa.China will stick to the path of peaceful development and adopt the opening-door strategy for mutual-benefit in a win-win situation.Apart from its endeavor to promote political mutual-trust, economic and trade cooperation between countries, the Chinese government has renewed its efforts to strengthen people-to-people communication.孔子学院作为人文交流的重要平台,将伴随中外合作不断深化的步伐,奠定未来发展更加坚实的基础。

As an important platform for such communication to occur, Confucius Institutes will lay a solid foundation for more intensified collaborations and cooperation between China and other countries.第三,中国扩大教育开放与国际交流,为孔子学院发展增添了新动力。在现代化进程中,中国始终把教育摆在优先发展的战略位置。

Thirdly, the expanded educational endeavors and international exchanges between China and other countries will further strengthen the development of Confucius Institutes.In its drive for modernization, the Chinese government always prioritizes education in its agenda.今年7月,中国召开了新世纪第一次全国教育大会,颁布了面向未来10年的教育改革和发展规划纲要,纲要强调要扩大教育对外开放,鼓励各级各类学校开展国际交流与合作,加强国际理解教育,增进师生对不同国家、不同文化的认知,提高教育国际化水平。This July, China held the inaugural Conference on National Education in the new century and issued the educational reform and development plan outline for the next ten years.The Outline highlights in particular that educational opening-up should be expanded and schools at all levels are encouraged to conduct international exchanges and cooperation and improve Education for International Understanding(EIU), so as to increase faculty's and students' understanding of other countries and their cultures, and make China's education more internationalized.中国政府鼓励公民学习其他国家的语言,现在中国大多数大中小学校都开设了外语课,涉及56个语种,其中学习英语的就有两亿人。

The Chinese government encourages citizens to learn languages of other countries and now the vast majority of Chinese schools, from primary schools to universities, have opened courses of up to 56 languages, among which 200 million people are learning English.中国将扩大派出留学生规模,到2012年当年公派留学生达2.5万人,比今年翻一番。还将增加政府奖学金数量,扩大来华留学生规模,支持外国知名学校和教育机构来华合作办学,鼓励更多的外国专家学者和学术团队来华从事教学、科研和管理工作。China will send more students to study abroad.By the end of 2012, about 25,000 students will be sponsored by the government to study abroad, doubling the number of this year.The Chinese government will also increase the number of government-granted scholarships and accommodate more international students to study in China.China will support world-renowned foreign universities and educational institutions to carry out cooperation programs in China and encourage more foreign experts, scholars and academic teams to teach and work in China.孔子学院是教育对外开放与国际交流的重要窗口。教育规划纲要明确提出,要支持国际汉语教育,提高孔子学院的办学质量和水平。中国将一如既往的大力支持孔子学院和国际汉语教育事业发展。使其在中外教育交流与合作中稳步推进,蓬勃发展。The Confucius Institute is an important window for educational opening-up and international exchange.The educational plan outline clearly states that support will be given to international Chinese language education and improving the operation and performance of Confucius Institutes.As always China will support the development of Confucius Institutes and international Chinese language education and ensure their growth and prosperity amongst educational exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries.总之,作为最大的发展中国家和新兴经济体,中国愿意并且正在以开放包容的胸怀、科学发展的思维、积极务实的态度,努力与世界各国加强沟通与交流、增进理解与友谊。我们希望发挥孔子学院在人文交流中的独特作用,通过汉语教学,加大多元文化的交流与融合,促进各种文明之间的相互理解和包容,造福各国人民,并为世界和平与人类进步做出贡献。

In general, as the largest developing country and an emerging economy, China is ready to and has remained open-minded, guided by the concept of scientific development, being pragmatic and proactive, to strengthen communication and exchanges with other countries and enhance understanding and friendship among one another.We hope to give full play to the unique role of Confucius Institutes in people-to-people communication.Through the exchange and integration among different cultures, civilizations in the world can understand and tolerate each other to the benefit of the people of the world at large, as well as world peace and human development.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, and friends,孔子学院诞生以来,在各国人民的热情呵护和多元文化的雨露滋润下茁壮成长,为各国人民在家门口学习汉语、了解中华文化提供了便捷途径。面对新的形势和机遇,我们仍应坚持中外双方共建、共有、共管、共享的原则,携手合作,顺势而为,努力促进孔子学院的可持续发展。

With the support from people of all the relevant countries and the benefits from multiculturlism, Confucius Institutes have grown strongly since their inception, providing convenience for people around the world to learn Chinese and understand the Chinese culture in their home countries.Facing the new situation and opportunities, we still need to adhere to the principle that Confucius Institutes are jointly built, owned, managed and shared by both the Chinese and host institutions.We need to join hands, seize the momentum, and make concerted efforts to strengthen the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.第一,创新形势,融入本土,使孔子学院成为增进中外交流与友谊的重要桥梁纽带。First, Confucius Institutes should strive for innovation, integrate themselves into the local communities, and serve as the bridge and bond for the enhanced international exchanges and friendship among different peoples.语言文化交流具有基础性、广泛性和持久性。The exchange of languages and cultures, by essence, is fundamental, extensive, and durable.面对不同国情、不同文化背景和不同国家民众学习汉语的需求,希望各国孔子学院因地制宜,扎根本土,办出特色,尊重和体现文化多样性,贴近和满足学习者实际需求,更好的适应当地社会生活,产生更大影响。In line with different national situations, diversified cultural backgrounds and multifaceted demands of Chinese language learning in different countries, Confucius Institutes are expected to adapt to the local situations, mingle with the local particularities, and strive for their own unique styles.They need to respect and embody cultural diversities, approach learners and better cater to their actual needs.Confucius Institutes need to better adapt themselves to the local social life and exert more influence.要面向各个阶层的不同人群,坚持大众化、普及型,真正深入民间、深入社区,与当地民众建立良好关系。要吸引各国精英人才,支持学术交流活动,开展国际理解和跨文化交流研究。要继续办好网络孔子学院,更大范围的为全球汉语教学服务。Confucius Institutes should be oriented to all the population groups of different social status, remain close to the general public, reach out to the local communities and establish good connections with the local people.Confucius Institutes should attract elite talents of all countries in conducting research on international understanding and cross-cultural exchanges.We need to continue our efforts to run Confucius Institute Online and service Chinese language instruction to a greater extent.第二,注重质量,夯实基础,着力提升孔子学院的办学水平。Second, Confucius Institutes should focus on quality control, do the basics right and improve their performance.以教师、教材和教法为重点的基础能力建设,是孔子学院提高质量、办出特色的支撑。

The capacity building focusing on teachers, teaching materials and teaching methodology is the pillar for better operation and functioning of Confucius Institutes.“三教”建设要遵循语言教育与推广规律,紧跟当今国际语言教育发展潮流,适应不同人群学习汉语的不同要求。

The work to tackle issues related to teachers, teaching materials and teaching methodology should follow the principles of language instruction, keep in line with the current trend in today's international language education and cater to various demands of different group of learners.教师的本土化是师资建设的重要方向。我们希望通过扩大“孔子学院奖学金”名额,多种形式培训本土教师,同时加大派出教师和志愿者的力度,尽快造就一支兼通两种语言、兼融中外文化的高素质院长和教师队伍。教材开发是国际汉语教育的重要依托。总部将组织中外优势力量,采取有力措施,争取用几年时间,实现开设汉语课的国家都有适用汉语教材。同时鼓励各国孔子学院和教育机构编写本土教材。科学的教学方法是提高质量的重要基础。要总结推广各国孔子学院的成功经验,结合实际创新方法,激发学生持续学习的兴趣,让汉语教学更加生动活泼、深入人心。The localization of teachers is the direction to build a sustainable teaching force.We hope to expand the range of “Confucius Institute Scholarship” to train local teachers on the one hand, and send more teachers and volunteers from China on the other, | so that we can create a pipeline for qualified directors and teachers who are both bilingual and bicultural in the shortest time span as possible.The textbook development provides major support for international Chinese language education.The Confucius Institute Headquarters will mobilize resources from home and abroad and take forceful measures to ensure that all countries that offer Chinese language courses are equipped with suitable Chinese textbooks.As such, Confucius Institutes and educational institutions in all countries are encouraged to compile their local teaching materials.The scientific teaching methodology serves as the basis for quality improvement.We need to identify and accumulate the best practices among Confucius Institutes and create innovative teaching methods to stimulate students' interest and make Chinese language instruction more attractive and appealing.第三,拓展功能,完善服务,不断丰富孔子学院的办学内涵。Thirdly, Confucius Institutes should enhance their capability, improve the service and diversify the operation mode.语言是文化的载体。Language is the carrier of culture.孔子学院独具人文内涵,在语言教学和文化交流等方面发挥着积极作用。Confucius Institutes are unique because of their humanitarian elements and capability to play an active role in language instruction and cultural exchanges.几年来,孔子学院从启蒙和普及出发,为各国民众学习汉语提供便利,把汉语带到了世界各地。In the past few years, starting with enlightenment and dissemination, Confucius Institutes have provided convenience for people of different countries and brought the Chinese language to all corners of the world.今后,要在搞好语言教学的同时,加强文化交流与互动,提供经贸、科技合作的信息咨询等服务,丰富和拓展发展空间。In the near future, while doing a good job in language instruction, Confucius Institutes should strengthen cultural exchanges and interactions by offering consultations on the cooperation of economy, trade and science and technology, thus creating more room for development.我们将支持各国孔子学院开展丰富多彩的文化活动,继续办好文艺巡演、教材巡展、文化巡讲等品牌活动,推动中医、武术、气功、书法、戏曲、中国画、中国歌舞、烹饪等走进社区,增进普通民众对中国的兴趣和对真实中国的了解。We will support Confucius Institutes in organizing cultural events and continue our efforts on brand name events such as art performances, textbook exhibitions and cultural lectures.We will approach the local communities with Chinese traditional medicine, Kongfu, Qigong, calligraphy, Chinese painting, Chinese songs and dances as well as Chinese cuisine to increase the general public's interest in China and understanding of what China is today.充分利用经贸交流、国际会议、企业合作、组织旅游等多种渠道和载体,促进国际汉语教育,让孔子学院越办越精彩,道路越走越宽广。We will utilize multi-channels and media such as economic and trade exchange, international conferences, inter-business cooperation and tourism to promote international Chinese language education so that Confucius Institutes will reach the next level of excellence in performance, and marching towards a more promising future.第四,积极支持,凝聚合力,为孔子学院可持续发展提供切实保障。Fourth, we need to remain supportive and create synergies in providing assurance for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.经费保障事关孔子学院运行发展。我愿再次重申,总部在孔子学院经费投入方面,将一如既往给予稳定支持;既要坚持中外双方1:1投入原则,又要适当照顾一些发展中国家的孔子学院。As we know, the financial support is crucial to the operation and growth of Confucius Institutes.I would like to reiterate that we will adhere to the principle of 50:50 cost share between China and host institutions, and give preferential treatment to Confucius Institutes in some developing countries if necessary.要建立中外合作评估机制,加强经费使用管理,努力提高资金使用效益。中外院校合作是孔子学院创立发展的重要形式。双方学校在平等合作中相互学习,扩大了知名度,实现了双赢。We need to establish the assessment mechanism featuring international cooperation and better manage the fund to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.The cooperation between Chinese and foreign institutions is an essence in establishing and developing Confucius Institutes.In the equal-footed cooperation, universities from both sides have learnt from each other, increased their brand visibility and reached a win-win situation.中方高校要对孔子学院工作予以重点支持,在选派院长、配备师资、合作机制等方面做好长远安排,努力满足孔子学院发展需求。Chinese universities should prioritize their support to Confucius Institutes and make long-term arrangements in selecting directors and teachers and in defining the cooperation mechanism.希望外方高校继续与中方密切配合,共同落实双方合作承诺,在人员配备、办学场地和资金投入等方面给予更有力的支持。We hope the host universities continue to work closely with their Chinese partners, honor the cooperative commitments and give more support with regard to staffing, venue and facility provision, and fund allocation.中国派出教师和志愿者带着友谊与理想来到异国他乡工作,希望所在外方学校给予关怀,帮助他们尽快适应工作环境。广泛的社会参与是孔子学院发展的新动力。孔子学院没有照搬其他国家语言推广机构政府间合作的单一模式,而是既与学校合作,又与政府、企业和社团合作,形式灵活多样。要进一步拓宽渠道,激发社会力量参与办学的积极性,完善企业投入和社会捐赠的机制,把多方资源统筹到孔子学院可持续发展上来。Teachers and volunteers from China are dispatched to work on a foreign land with the spirit of friendship and volunteerism.We hope host universities will give them more care, tolerance and assistance so that they can adapt themselves to the new surroundings as quickly as possible.Broad participation from other social sectors can generate new dynamism for the development of Confucius Institutes.The model of Confucius Institutes is nowhere to be found in the existing language organizations of other countries.Instead, apart from working together with schools, Confucius Institutes work closely with governments, business sectors, communities, and organizations.We need to further expand the resources to Confucius Institutes from other social sectors and improve the mechanism of business sponsorship and social donation so as to mobilize resources of all sorts for the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, friends,“相知无远近,万里尚为邻。”语言文化的交流是人与人之间心与心的交流。办好孔子学院是一项功在当代、利在千秋的崇高事业。相信通过大家的共同努力,国际汉语教育事业一定会兴旺发达,孔子学院的明天一定会更加美好!

As an old Chinese saying goes: “Bosom friends know no distance, and neighbors remain regardless of thousands of miles”.The exchange of languages and cultures lies in the hearts of human beings.Running Confucius Institutes well is a noble act that will not only benefit today's people, but also generations down the road.The cause of international Chinese language education is bigger than ourselves.I am convinced that, through our concerted efforts, Confucius Institutes will enjoy a brighter and more prosperous future!


The New Year is just around the corner.We are in for the 2011 in just about 20 days.I would like to take this opportunity to give my best wishes to every friend present here, and also through you to all the directors, teachers and students from the 322 Confucius Institutes in 96 countries and regions.I wish you all good health, the best of luck and a very Happy New Year!Thank you all!



























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