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A, building a harmonious, harmonious relationship between teachers and students

俗话说:“亲其师而信其道。”科任老师对学生学习英语的兴趣的培养有很大的关系。中学生“亲师性”较强,但他们的逆反心理也强。如果他们佩服、喜欢科任老师,他们便对这位老师的课感兴趣并分外重视,肯下大气力,花大功夫学这门课,反之,如果他们讨厌某位老师,由于逆反心理,他们也就不愿意学这位老师授的课。因此,教师要对学生充满爱,多表扬,少批评,并深入学生,和学生打成一片,了解学生的兴趣、爱好以及心理情绪的变化,做学生的知心朋友,建立起相互信任、相互理解、共同进步的良好学习环境。在课堂上,教师应该做到热爱、尊重、关心每一个学生,使每一个学生都能获得在课堂上展示风采的机会。在这过程中,尤其要善待后进生,要特别注意给们们创设成功的机会,把合适差生回答的问题留给他们解决。这样,他们就觉得教师喜欢他们,增强了差生的自信心,学英语的兴趣就会越来越浓,教师就收到了良好的教学效果,达到了教学的目的。无论是在教学还是在与学生相处的过程中,教师应该树立师生平等观念,《走进新课程》中指出:“民主平等是现代师生伦理关系的核心要求。” As the saying goes: “close its division and believes the way.” Classroom teacher for the cultivation of the students' interest in learning English very much.Middle school students “division” is stronger, but also their rebellious attitude is strong.If they admire, like classroom teacher, they are interested in this teacher's class and especially pay attention to, under the big strength, take great effort to learn this course, on the other hand, if they hate a teacher, because of the rebellious attitude, they would not be willing to learn the teacher teach classes.Therefore, the teacher to the students is full of love, praise more, criticize less, and students, and become a student, understand the students' interest, hobby and the change of the psychological mood, the student is a bosom friend, to build mutual trust, mutual understanding, mutual progress of good learning environment.In class, the teacher should do love, respect, care for every student, make every student can get the chance to show your elegant demeanour in the classroom.In the process, especially to treat the underachiever, pay special attention to the creating successful opportunity, leave them solve the difference right answer.In this way, they think the teacher likes them, enhances the difference of self-confidence, will be more and more interest in learning English, teachers received good teaching effect, achieve the goal of teaching.Both in teaching and in the process of getting along with students, teachers should establish the concept of equality between teachers and students, “into the new course” points out: “democratic equality is the core of modern ethical relationship between teachers and students.”


Second, scattered difficulties, lower grade, reduce barriers to students to learn English.由于使用英语的民族与我们汉民族有着不同的文化背景,因此英语与汉语有着很大的区别;英、汉文字在音、形上迥然不同;在词义、词性上也不能完全对等;英语的词序、语序与汉语也有所不同;英语动词时态、语态是汉语中所没有的,这就给中国学生学英语带来了一定的困难。要让学生排除母语的干扰,学会地道的英语不是一件容易的事。我一方面让学生多读、多听、多模仿来培养英语语感,另一方面让他们把握住英语与汉语的区别。然后再让学生反复操练,加深理解,掌握英语的习惯表达法,在备课时我反复琢磨学生学习中可能遇到的困难,教学中做到有的放矢。英语动词的时态是学生最感困难的,我就用学生熟悉的行为动词造一些简单易懂的句子,先让学生听懂、会讲,然后在不同的情景中使用不同的时态的句子,让学生理解时态的意义,最后再归纳所学过的时态在结构上的区别与联系。这一做法归纳起来就是:听说领先,读写跟上;精讲多练,及时归纳;融汇贯通,举一反三。这个做法收到了较好的教学效果。此外,记忆单词是学生最头痛的事,这中间有学生怕吃苦的因素,也有学习方法问题。因此,研究教学方法,教会学生求知的本领,既能使学生学好,又不使学生感到太累。在单词的教学上,我从三个方面来指导学生的学法:

Due to the use of English nationality and han nationality we have a different cultural background, so there is a big difference between English and Chinese;English and Chinese writing on the sound, shape is very different;On the meaning, part of speech does not completely equal;English and Chinese word order and word order is different;English verb tense, voice is not available in Chinese, this will give Chinese students has brought certain difficulties in learning English.Want to let students to exclude the interference of mother tongue, learn authentic English is not an easy thing.On the one hand I let the students read more, listen more and more to imitate to develop English language sense, on the other hand to let them grasp the difference between the English and Chinese.And then let the students as many times as possible, deepen understanding, to master English in the habit of expression, I keep thinking about when preparing may encounter difficulties in students' learning, teaching achieve the target.English verb tense is the most difficult students, I am familiar with the student action verbs made some simple sentences, let students understand, speak, and then used in different scenarios of different tense sentences, let the students understand the meaning of the tenses, and then summarized learned tenses in the structure of the differences and relations.Leading this practice is classified into: hear, read and write to keep up with;Earnestly practice more, timely summing up;Will converge to the lines.This practice has received the good teaching effect.In addition, the memory word is the student, the most headache thing among the factors of students' fear hardship, also have the problem of learning methods.Therefore, research on teaching methods, teach students the ability of knowledge, can not only make students learn, and not to make the students feel tired.On the word teaching, I to guide the student's research method from three aspects:

(1)构词法让学生了解英语单词也是有一定结构的,不是字母的堆砌。我与学生一起把学过的单词按不同的构词法归类,加深记忆,减少拼写错误。(1)the word formation for students to understand English words is also have a certain structure, is not a pile of letters.I with students to learn the words according to the different methods are classified and deepen our memory, reduce the spelling mistakes.(2)同音词、同义词、近义词、反义词的归类。(2)homophones, synonyms and near synonyms and antonyms.(3)按照句子→词组→单词而不是单词→词组→句子的顺序。如:Every coin has its two sides.我首先让学生把这句子念得滚瓜烂熟,学生也记住了Everybody has his or her advantages and disadvantages这一句子,不用孤立地记一个一个单词,这样学生容易记,不枯躁,用得上,他们的学习兴趣也就油然而生。(3)according to the sentences and the phrases and words rather than the order of the words, phrases and sentences.Such as: Every coin has its two sides.I let students read the sentence first place, students also remember Everybody has his or its ehrs advantages and disadvantages of this sentence, don't have to remember one word in isolation, so students are easy to remember, do not become manic, used, their learning interest is also arises spontaneously.三、采用形式多样的新课导入 Three, adopt various forms of new import

Well begun is half done。使用单一教学法的课堂是乏味的课堂,即使是一个好方法,也会失去它的魅力。要想把英语课上得有特色,一个吸引学生的与众不同的好开头是十分重要的。成功的导入能先声夺人,引人入胜,培养学生的兴趣,激发学生强烈的好奇心和求知欲。例如,在教学Abraham Lincoln时,先告诉学生“A famous American once said in his speech “American must strengthen government of the people,by the people and for the people.”然后在黑板上写下所引的话,接着,问学生“Do you know who said it?”一些预习过课文的学生马上说:“Lincoln”。趁此,在黑板上写下课题“Abraham Lincoln”。接着用英语讲述林肯生平中的一些故事,自然而然地引入课文,使学生对课文发生了浓厚的兴趣。

Well begun is half done.Using a single class is boring classroom teaching method, even if is a good method, but also will lose its charm.If you want to have the English class characteristics, a good beginning to attract students' different is very important.A successful import can synthetic-aperture, fascinating, cultivate the students' interest, arouse the students' curiosity and strong thirst for knowledge.Abraham Lincoln, for example, in teaching, to tell the students “A famous American once said in his researched” American must strengthen government of the people, by the people and for the people.“and then it is written on the blackboard, then ask students” Do you know who said it? “Some students previewed the text immediately said:” Lincoln “.Take this, ”Abraham Lincoln“ on the blackboard to write down subject.Some of Lincoln's life story in English, then naturally into the text, make the student to the text the keen interest.1.利用图片 充分利用每篇课文的插图和与课文有关的具体实物等,开展听说活动,从而引出课文的主题。

1.The use of images Make full use of each text illustration and associated with the text of the specific physical objects, such as heard activities, thus lead to the theme of the text.2.问题导入 教师可根据文章的内容,提出有关切合学生实际又能体现课文内容的问题,使学生在体验自己的生活中进入新课学习。

2.Problem to import the teacher according to the content of the article, put forward relevant to students' practical and can reflect the text content, causes the student to enter the new learning in the experience of your life.3.学生演讲 教师可要求学生在预习新课的基础上写一篇与自己生活相关的演讲稿,使学生自觉地把演讲内容和课文内容有机地结合起来,充分调动学生自觉钻研教材的积极性。

3.The students speech teachers can ask students on the basis of the preview new lesson to write a speech related to their life, make the student on own initiative the speech content and text content organically, fully arouse the enthusiasm of students to study self-consciously textbooks.4.展开想象 教师给出课文标题,让学生们展开想象,然后可将自己的想象与课文内容相比较。这样既可提高口语表达能力,又可提高学生的想象力。4.Imagination teachers give the text title, let the students imagination, and your imagination can be compared with the text.This can improve the oral English ability, but also improve the students' imagination.5.介绍背景 如果课文是某个故事的简写或片断,那么介绍这个故事的文化背景,主要内容,或者作者生平就能使学生产生兴趣。

5.Introduce the background If the text is a story of abbreviations or fragments, then introduce the cultural background of the story, the main content, or can make students interested in the author's life.6.开展游戏 游戏是英语教学行之有效的方法之一。不管什么年龄的学生,做游戏总能吸引他们的注意。在游戏中学习和掌握知识,不失为一个好方法。6.To carry out the game The game is one of effective methods of teaching English.No matter what age students, play games can attract their attention.Learn and master knowledge in the game, is a good method.四、运用直观、情景、交际的“三和一”手段进行教学,激发兴趣 Four, using the intuitive, scene, ”three and a means of communication in teaching, inspire interest


“The art of teaching is not impart ability and is to inspire, awaken and inspire!” From the beginning, I was careful to protect each student interest in germination, trying to capture all the opportunity can stimulate the student interest in three English classes a week, the main way to make the students learn English, I try to use English organization teaching, let students feel English class is really different from other classes, is filled with “da”, so that they in a good language environment, after a period of time in a planned way, step by step, adhere to the organization in English teaching repeatedly, accumulate over a long period, students are exposed, reaction ability enhancement, nature inspired their interest in learning.在课堂教学中我还注意创设情景,将学生置身于情景之中,在自觉和不自觉状态中去听、去看、去说、去感受,达到掌握和运用语言的目的,我把每课的Speaking创设情景,让学生即兴表演,如在学习第一册第十课句型Please give me„„(an orange,apple„„)Here you are.

Thank you.后,我就请学生们自己准备了orange,apple,banana,sweet 等实物,让学生进行分组表演进行比赛,对于表演优胜小组,以打红星给予鼓励,这样孩子门兴趣盎然,跃跃欲试,从而创造了良好的语言环境。

Set I also pay attention to the situation in the classroom teaching, the students in the scene, in the state, consciously and unconsciously to listen, to see, to say, to feel, to achieve the objective of the master and use the language, I put each lesson set Speaking situation, lets the student improvisational performance, such as the first book in the learning lesson ten sentences do difference me...(an orange, apple...)Here you are.Thank you.After I asked the students to prepare the orange, apple, banana, sweet, such as physical, lets the student to group performance, for performing the winning team, red star give encouragement, in order to hit this child interest, itch to try, to create a good language environment.在教学中,我还采用了简笔画情景教学法,就是用简笔画为课文情节提供情景,要求学生围绕情景开展交际活动,如在教第一册第十六课句型时,我先在黑板上画了一幅简笔画,然后要求学生各自用自己的语言来说明简笔画的情景,经同学们的积极思维,呈现了以下几组对话。

In the teaching, I also used the brief strokes situational teaching method, is to use brief strokes for the text plot, asked the students around the scene to carry out communication activities, such as teaching book one lesson 16 sentences, I painted a picture on the blackboard first brief strokes, and then asked the students use their own language to illustrate the situation of brief strokes, the students' positive thinking, and presented the following conversations.1、What’s


2、Is this a pen? 1, What 's this? 2, Is this a pen?

3、Is it your pen?

4、What colour is the pen?It’s red.3, Is it your pen? 4, What see colour is the pen? It 's red.5、Is your new pen green?No,it isn’t.


red. 5, Is your new pen green? No, it isn 't.It' s red.通过以上对学生活动为主的情景对话,学生较容易地掌握句型,同时他们的听说能力也在大量的语言实践中得到了提高,又如在教学字母O与Q时,这两个字母形状相似,因此我在教学中除了强调O与Q不同点在于O没有一点,而Q还有一点,我还在黑板上画了一幅简笔画,说明O与Q是两兄妹,O是弟弟,Q是姐姐,因为姐姐是长辫子的。通过这样的教学,激发了学生的学习兴趣,还加深了对这两个字母的记忆。

Through the above activities for students situational dialogue, students master the sentence patterns more easily, at the same time their listening and speaking skills are improved in a large amount of language practice, and as in teaching the letters O and Q, the two letters shape similar, so I emphasized in the teaching, in addition to no difference from O O and Q and Q and one more thing, I also did a brief strokes on the blackboard, O and Q are two brother and sister, O brother, Q is the elder sister, because my sister is long braids.Through such teaching, arouse the students' interest in learning, it has deepened the memory of the two letters.实践证明:运用直观、情景、交际“三合一”的手段进行课堂教学,是激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生运用语言能力的最佳途径。

Practice has proved: using intuitive, scene, the means of communication “triad” of classroom teaching, is to stimulate students interest in learning, the best way to improve students' ability to use the language.五.善于总结,并在授课中加入快乐元素。

5.Good at summarizing and add happy elements in teaching.词组记忆中的乐趣:以往有些学生不愿背词组,认为太花工夫而往往不见实效。我想语言还是要靠一定的积累的。可如何才能变机械的记忆为有趣的背诵呢?如当学生在背catch a cold(患感冒)时,我有意请学生猜一个谜语Heat or cold ,which runs faster?(冷和热,哪个跑的更快?)此时,学生往往听懂了谜面,但总是猜不出谜底,可是这时兴趣却被激发起来了,这时我抛出了catch a cold 这个词组,我想聪明的学生稍加思索就可以结实了。因为我们可以catch a cold ,但我们从不曾catch a heat,所以谜底应该是Heat runs faster.这种方法起到了很好的效果,学生也发出了会心的微笑。我想他们会永远记得这个词组。

The fun: the phrase memory than some students don't want to back words, think too spend time and often see practical results.I think language still depends on certain accumulation.How can be mechanical memory for interesting to recite? Such as when the student back to catch a cold(cold), I deliberately please students to guess a riddle Heat or cold, which runs faster-?(which can move faster, cold and hot? At this point, students tend to follow the riddle, but always could not guess the riddle, but interest was aroused at this time, then I throw the phrase catch a cold, I want to bright students think a little bit can be strong.Because we can catch a cold, but we never catch a heat, so the answer should be heat runs faster-.This method has played a very good effect, students are also sent a knowing smile.I think they will always remember the phrase.词组记忆的举一反三:学生学过be filled with(被„„ 注满),该词组的构成具有一定的代表性,如果引导的好,学生可以按次规律记忆更多的词组。Be + p.p + with 是这一类词组的基本公式,学生利用他们学过的知识,在老师说中文引导的情况下,类推了be crowded with(被„„挤满),be lined with(被„„.排满),be stocked with(被„„堆满),be covered with(被„„盖住)等等一系列的词组,收到了良好的效果。

Phrase memory extrapolate: students learned to be filled with(be...filled with), the composition of the phrase has certain representativeness, if guide of good, students can according to the law of time memory more words.Be + p.p + with is the basic formula for this type of phrase, students use their learned knowledge, in the case of the teacher speak Chinese guide, the analogy Be crowded with(...)with, Be lined with full(....)and Be stocked with(...)with, Be covered with cover(...), and so on a series of phrases, has received the good effect.词组记忆中的同音异义:学生在记住太阳和刮风时,总是在动词的正确时态上犯错,我就用了谐音使之巧妙相连。上课时我出其不意地向学生提出了一个问题“ What is the colour of the sun and what is the colour of the wind? 学生可以根据自己的想象给出任何答案,而课堂气氛也因此活跃起来。我就在这一片讨论声中给出正确答案。我的解释:The sun is rose and the wind is blue.(太阳是玫瑰色的,而风是蓝色的)学生正常的反应当然是问为什么是这个答案。我的解释是在英语中rise(升)这个词的过去式rose 和玫瑰色rose 同音同词的,“刮风”blow 这个词的过去式blew和蓝色blue 是同音不同形。这么一来,学生又是高高兴兴,轻轻松松地学会了一个知识点。

Phrase memory of homonymy: when students remember the sun and the wind, always make mistakes in the correct tense of the verbs, I'll use the harmonics of clever.I surprise to students in class raises the question of “What is the see colour of the sun and What is the see colour of the wind? Students can according to your own imagination give any answer, and hence the active classroom atmosphere.I was in a whirl of discussion is given the right answer.I explain: the sun is the rose and the wind is blue.(is the sun rose, and the wind is blue)students of normal reaction is to ask why is the answer, of course.My explanation is that the rise in English(l)the past tense of the word rose and rose rose homophones with word, the word” wind “blow past blew and blue blue is different form homophones.This way, students and happily, easily learned a knowledge.词组记忆中的近义联系:知识是靠平时点滴积累的,学生要善于作一个有心人,把知识点扩充到知识面,这样一来学习的过程就是一个个的平面,而不是一个个互相脱离的台阶了。如谈到tired(疲倦,厌倦)这个单词时,我还要求学生记住相关的一些词组。如 be tired of 厌倦„„ , be tired with/from 因„„.疲倦, be tired out 筋疲力尽等等。其他的近义词组,如be exhausted 筋疲力尽,也可放置其中,还有be tired of 的相关词组,如be bored with ,be sick of ,be fed up with, 因他们共同的解释而成为一个知识团。这样一来,让学生在词组的运用中可以挥洒自如,有一定的余地。

Phrase memory of close contact: knowledge is to rely on small bites at ordinary times, the students must be good at to make a man of heart, its knowledge to knowledge, so that learning process is a flat, rather than one by one from the steps of each other.Such as when it comes to tired, tired, tired of the word, I also asked the students to remember some phrases.If be tired of tired of...Be tired with/from...Tired, be tired out of exhaustion and so on.Other group of synonyms, such as be exhausted exhausted, you may place, also be tired of the related phrases, such as the be bored with, be sick of, be fed up with, because of their common explanation as a group of knowledge.In this way, can let the students in the use of the phrase aplomb, has the certain scope.六、适时给与学生鼓励和赞赏

Six, give students timely encouragement and praise

教师在课堂上对学生的鼓励和赞赏也是影响学生学习兴趣的一个因素。教师通过适当的鼓励和赞赏能使学生积极参与到课堂实践当中,学生觉得教师在关注他,就会自觉的参与,还能直接让学生分享成功的喜悦,增添了学生的成就感,变被动学习为主动学习,随之而来的学习英语的兴趣也会渐渐提高,同时唤起更高水平的需求。如在课堂上,我会用不同的语言对学生表示肯定。如,Good/Excellent/Great/Well done/You are clever./That’s agood idea./ You are a boy full of imagination!/ What a beautiful sentence!/ What an amazing idea!/ I can’t agree with you more./ Your deion is beyond praise.I like it./ You really have a gift for English./ How nice your presentation is!/ I really appreciate your teamwork.Teachers in the classroom for students to encourage and praise is also a factor to influence students' learning interest.Teachers through appropriate encouragement and praise can make students to actively participate in classroom practice, students think teachers are paying attention to him, will consciously to participate in, also can make students to share the joy of success, the direct added student achievement, change passive learning into active learning, followed by learning English interest will also increase gradually, at the same time raise higher levels of demand.As in the classroom, I will use different language to the students.Such as, Good/Excellent/Great/Well done/You are clever./ That's agood idea./ You are a boy full of imagination!/ What a beautiful sentence!/ What an opponents idea!/ I can 't something with you more./ Your deion is beyond praise.I like it./ you really have a gift for English./ How nice Your presentation is!/ I really appreciate your ”.等,从而不断强化学生参与的信心。当学生因为紧张而回答不出来时,我会说Take it easy/Try your best./ You are thebest./Believe yourself 等等,并适时送上一个微笑给与鼓励。

And so on, so as to continuously strengthen the confidence of the students.When students answer not to come out because of the tension, I would say Take it easy/Try your best./ You are thebest./ Believe yourself, etc., and timely encouragement into a smile.七、开展竞赛,激发学习兴趣

Seven, in competition and stimulate interest in learning

高中学生具有进取心和荣誉感,尤其在市场经济竞争的熏陶下,学生的竞争意识更加激烈。将竞争机制引入英语课堂教学中来,则是一种行之有效的形式。例如,我们可以将日常口头操练用语变化成竞赛用语;问答可以来一个“抢答”;拼读学词,来一个拼“单词大王”竞赛,以及书写比赛,猜谜语大赛,传悄悄话竞赛等多种多样的形式;再用积分法给予鼓励,这样效果更好。课堂上适当的竞赛,学生乐于参与,乐于争先,乐于学习,这就调动了全体学生的英语学习兴趣。High school students has the enterprising spirit and sense of honor, especially in the competition of the market economy, under the influence of students' sense of competition is more intense.Introducing competition mechanism into in the English classroom teaching, is an effective form.Oral practice everyday, for example, we can change into a race language;Question and answer can come to a “vies to answer first”;Spell words, to spell a “king” word competition, as well as writing contest, guessing riddles, whisper to the competition and so on a variety of forms;Give encouragement with integral method again, such effect is better.Proper competition in class, students are willing to participate in, ready to racing, willing to learn, this is mobilized all the students' interest in learning English.总之,在教学实践中,应切实转变教育观念,重视人的发展性和主体性,采用正确的方法和策略,这样才能从根本上提高学生学习的积极性和主动性,真正促进每个学生健康、主动地发展,从而真正激发学生英语学习的兴趣。

In a word, in the teaching practice, we should change education idea, attaches great importance to the developmental and subjectivity, adopt the correct methods and strategies, so as to fundamentally improve the students' learning enthusiasm and initiative, really promote the development of each student healthy, active, thus really stimulate students' interest in learning English.八、结尾留悬念 Eight, at the end of suspense

电影界的“悬念大师”希区科克,总是在电影结束时留下一个悬念,让人们去细细回味、思考,使得人们对他的每一部影片都印象深刻。我们在英语授课方面也完全可以采用这样一种方式,每堂课结尾时留下一点悬念,让学生在课下去翻阅相关的资料,自己去探索。如在讲 soccer 快结束时,我让学生课下去查阅与 soccer 相关的一些知识,到了下次上课时,学生们搜集了大量的相关资料,从 FIFA 到中国足协,从郝海东、孙继海到 Beckham、Renaldo,还谈到了中国足球的未来。不要以为这些与课堂教学无关,正是因为他们对这些东西感兴趣,所以才能更好地去学习相关的课本知识。

Movie “suspense” area of cork, always leave a suspense at the end of the movie, let the people go to enjoying them, thinking, make people impressed his every film.We also can use in English teaching such a way, leave a little suspense, the end of each class to let the students in class down through related data, to explore yourself.Such as talking about at the end of the soccer, I let the student class down to consult some knowledge related to soccer, into the next class, the students gathered a large number of relevant information, from FIFA to the Chinese football association, from the zone, John to the phenomenon, Renaldo, talked about the future of Chinese football.Don't think that these have nothing to do with classroom teaching, it is because they are interested in these things, so they can better to learn the relevant textbook knowledge.“教学有法,但无定法”,教师作为课堂教学的主导,除了要认真钻研教材,研究教法,尽可能的使用多种教法进行教学,传授知识,还应注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们树立学好英语的信心,要随时随地观察学生,接触学生,了解学生,想方设法地激发学生的学习兴趣,保持巩固学生的学习兴趣,使他们更有效地利用好整节课,从而起到事半功倍的效果。

“Teaching application, but the wuding method”, the teacher as dominant of classroom teaching, in addition to study diligently the teaching material, the teaching methods, as far as possible the use of a variety of teaching methods in teaching, imparting knowledge, should also pay attention to cultivate students' interest in learning English, help them develop the confidence to learn English well, to observe the student anytime and anywhere, contact with students, understand students, to stimulate students' interest in learning, keep to consolidate the students' interest in learning, to make them more effectively and make good use of all the class, thus get twice the result with half the effort effect.



















创造一种和谐愉快的英语气氛,能引发学生学习英语的兴趣。上课前让学生听、唱英语歌曲,如优美的《Good morning to you》,欢畅的《Bingo》等,给学生一种轻松愉快之感。娓娓动听的曲子,不仅仅是渲染气氛,更重要的激发学生的情趣,加上富有热情而又关怀备至的Free talk,一下子拉近了师生间的距离。又如:Good morning/afternoon everyone.Nice to see you again.How are you feeling today ? I hope we will have a good time in this class.Now I have a good thing to tell you….谈新闻、谈好人好事、谈值日情况、谈本地或者是大家熟知的名胜古迹等,不由的引发了学生的学习兴趣,把学生引入“学习英语的殿堂”。


创造良好的语言情境,教师在情境中教,学生在情境中学。充分挖掘和利用教材中的“Play games”、“Read and act”、“Ask and answer”和再现教材中在农场劳动、看病、去商店买东西、去图书馆借书等内容,让学生去做、去说、去表演,诱发学生的表现欲,调动学生学习的积极性,从而产生身临其境的感觉,人人进入角色,完成练习与实践的有机结合,无形中诱发了学生的兴趣,加深了对教学内容的理解。如我在讲关于过去时的一篇旅游文章的时候,我先向同学们介绍了上周末我去附近的名胜古迹金山岭长城的所见所闻。让他们猜一猜我在那都做了什么,瞬间就把学生的学习兴趣激发出来,从而圆满的完成了今天的教学。


教学不仅是一种技巧,更是一门艺术。教师必须在教学中尽量让学生感到有趣,感到新奇。这就要求作为教师的我们应该顺应时代的发展,与时俱进,充分运用现代教育技术手段,通过模型、图片、幻灯、录像、投影、多媒体课件等,超越时间和空间的限制,直观地向学生呈现抽象的、不易理解的材料,激发学生的想象,变抽象为具体,使教学活动教得生动、学得活泼、练得扎实。如在教学打电话方面的内容时,首先组织学生观看教学录像带,边看边模仿,总结归纳打电话英汉不同说法,如:Hello/Hi,May I speak to ××? Is that ×× speaking? Who's that? This is××.再利用电话道具当堂对练,反复几次。这样课堂就“活”了,学生从中不仅学到了知识,增强了能力,还获得浓厚的兴趣。






[1]《教育走向生本》 郭思乐







当你对英语充满兴趣的时候,就会精神饱满,态度积极,愿意去完成学习,成绩就会提高,反之就会出现感到乏味,懒惰对待。在教学中,我特别注意学生对兴趣的培养,我从基本的句型开始。例如在教授颜色这方面的知识时,我询问学生:Whatcolor do you like ?了解学生对颜色的喜爱,并且让学生相互询问,增加彼此间的了解,在对话之后,我要求学生针对你的伙伴喜爱的颜色,设计一件漂亮的衣服作为礼物送给对方,这样既练习了口语,又记住了句型,还促进了同学间的了解,增加了感情。



问What’s your name ?待对方回答后,我再叫他们的名字,让他们开始回答,既增强了他们口语表达能力,又感受到老师希望记住每个学生的名字,这样就会更积极的教师合作,从而达到了师生互动。






课外活动作为课堂教学的有效补充,同时也是增强学生学习积极性的有效途径。课外活动的形式是丰富多彩的,学生的参与面也很广。多元化教学模式是新型教学思路的必备内容。英语课就其学科特点来说是它的活。学语言要活学活用。光课上的Teaching games、Free talk 是不够的,我们可以组织一些English Corner、English Party、English Speech 等。学生喜闻乐见,给他时间他就会充分准备。这不就是增加了他学英语的乐趣了吗?另外我们还可以开展英语歌曲演唱比赛活动,并在每次的国庆、元旦晚会上都会精心编排英语节目。通过这一系列活动,培养和激发了学生学习英语的动机,大多数学生都在轻松、愉悦中渐渐接受了英语。

















在教学中,教师必须精心备课,以教材所提供的语言素材为主线,联系学生生活实际,灵活运用所学语言材料,延伸课文教学内容。及时抓住课堂“兴趣点”设立交际情景,让学生积极参与语言实践,把语言的机械操练转向意义操练,从而活跃课堂气氛。如在进行由学生用教师提供的各种职业名称来做“Jim’s father is a teacher.”的机械替换练习后,教师提问:What does your father do?要求学生根据自己父母的真实职业来回答。这样就形成了从机械到交际操练的过渡,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又培养了学生的观察、记忆和语用能力。













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