第一篇:2 谢霆锋在香港科技大学亚洲领袖讲座上的演讲中英对照翻译
欢迎来到亚洲领袖系列讲座的现场,我是Karen,来自行政管理部,我是今晚的主持人。有些人可能会想知道为什么举办这个讲座,事实上是在一次我和你们的案例研究老师的谈话中(被提出的)。我们非常想寻找到一位年轻但十分成功的亚洲领袖,一位让我们这些即将毕业的同学感到息息相关的人。主办方说:“Karen,你有听说过PO朝霆的创办者,谢霆锋吗?”于是我说:“那就太完美啦!”然后在PO的强烈支持下,就这样,我们在这里,举行亚洲领袖系列演讲的第一节课,谢谢你们的到来!因为这个讲座是特别为你们举办的,所以会由学生来主持。讲座的流程是这样的:前20分钟,谢先生会跟大家分享他管理公司的经验,然后是三个同学和谢先生的采访交流,大约45分钟,然后是15分钟的问答时间。下面让我们请出三位同学—约翰尼、曼迪和纳赛尔到台上。在我们正式开始之前,我要说明一下现场秩序:首先,请把手机调成静音;第二,不要用电脑或手机录像;第三,我知道每个人都很兴奋,但是讲座期间请保持就坐;最后,如果你(有杂事)要离开会场,请使用教室后门。我就说到这里。下面我要邀请商业案例研究中心的主任Roger King,他本人也是一位十分成功的商业领袖,来宣布活动开始。
Karen(MC): Welcome to the Asian leadership series.My name is Karen from the department of management, and I‟m your MC for this evening.Some of you may wonder how this talk came about, actually it is through a conversation between the case manager and myself, about how much we want to find a young, successful Asian business leader, and someone who all our undergraduate students can relate to.And the he said „well, Karen have you heard about the founder of the post production office limited, Nicholas Tse?‟ And I said „Perfect!‟
So, with the tremendous support of the post production office limited, we give you our delivering of the first Asian leadership series.So thank you very much for coming.So, since this talk is especially for you students, the whole event is going to be hosted by students.So the format is this: The first 20 minutes or so Mr.Nicholas Tse is going to share some of his experience and insights with us, and that will be followed by an about 45 minute chatting session between the 3 student interviewers and Mr.Nicholas Tse, and then we‟ll be round up by a 15 minute Q&A session.So may I now invite the 3 student interviewers, Jocelyn, Mandy and Nathan to the floor please.So before we officially kick off the event, just a friendly reminder of some simple house rules.First can you please switch your mobile phones to silent mode, and secondly, no laptop, computer, no live recording, and third, I understand everyone is very excited but please remain seated during the event.And, last but not least, if you want to leave the lecture theatre during the event, can you please use the doors at the back.So, without further ado, can I please invite Professor Roger King, director of the Centre for the Business Case Studies and he himself a highly successful business leader to kick off the event.谢谢!谢霆锋先生的到来,对HKUST来说是十分荣幸。首先,我想要感谢我们的校长Tony的到来,还有院长Brandon Chan,以及众多的贵宾,但最重要的是,是你们这些同学的到来。我想这应该是我们举办过的最隆重的活动之一,我想让你知道,Nicholas从我们这次活动报名开始时,仅仅几个小时内,名额就满了。事实上,这个礼堂仅仅能容纳400人,在一天的时间里,有1700个人要参加,而且他们很显然不是来看TONY的,也不是我。不管怎样,我想讲讲我们的案例研究中心,你们可能知道也可能不知道,HKUST商学院有一个案例研究中心,只最近成立的。我想告诉你们为什么我们要成立它,事实上是出于我们院长的鼓励,基本上你们都了解案例研究的概念,对于那些不了解这些或者没机会了解的,案例研究就是通过写案例,把真实的商业情况带入课堂,我们也会根据理论基础让同学们去分析这些商业状况。我是想借此说明,很多学校比如哈佛,常青藤,达特茅斯都在写案例,为什么我们不呢?我的同事,彭教授,在我告诉Leonard:“我们要这样做”之前,他让我做一个基本方案,所以我说:“好吧,在我们开始做之前,做个调查,来知道我们能在学校做些什么,谁会用到这些案例。”然后我们在所有MBA课程的老师中开始了调查,我们发现,首先,在院长的鼓励下,有2/3,超过66%的人对这个调查做出了回应。我们发现,学生们真的很喜欢有案例分析的课堂。这是第一。在有案例分析的课堂上,学生们往往能拿到更好的成绩,这对老师来说也是非常有益的。第二,他们也会喜欢上这样授课的老师。第三是,为什么我们总是在研究西方的商业案例?为什么我们没有亚洲案例呢?因此,我们现在的中心就放在亚洲的案例上。事实上,我和我的同事达成了共识:亚洲人为了亚洲人研究亚洲案例,不是说,哈佛来的我们就不给研究。但我希望,在未来的几年中,他们会需要我们的案例。为什么呢?因为哈佛教授们的思想真的都非常的西化,他们不能了解我们这里商业运作,于是我们的主要目标就是这样。很幸运很多人都在支持这项计划。事实上,10年来这个中心,我们并没有吸引很多人来书写案例、教授案例,但我们正在朝着那个方向努力,这就是活动的目的,而且我们大多数的案例研究,都可以很荣幸的请到其中的真正参与者,但是在课堂上有时候更重要的是,我想起了一个我的案例,他来到了我们的课堂,这个人真的参与在案例中,他对我说:“ROGER,你知道吗?这项事业太棒了!”我从同学那里得到了很多很好的建议,事实上这是我得到的最便宜的咨询方式,所以这项计划真的很需要同学们的参与,这是去分析真实生活状况的好机会。我再次确定了你们不是为了来听我讲话的。很荣幸。这里就不用介绍谢霆锋先生啦,但真的很高兴今天他以企业家的身份来到这里,他几年前开创了公司,他当年—猜猜多少岁?—22岁!好像还是昨天,对吧。他现在有着非常成功的企业,有在香港的工作室,在上海也有分公司。我就先说到这,我要邀请霆锋上台。他们显然不是为了我鼓掌吧?
Professor King: Thank you all.It‟s really a great, great honor and privilege for HKUST to have Mr.Nicholas Tse here.First of all I would like to also thank our president Tony, to be here, and our dean Brandon Chan, and of course many other honored guests, but, most importantly, you students.I think this is probably one of the biggest events we‟ve ever had.Just to let you know Nicholas the registry opened and within hours, it was totally full.In fact, this room only holds 400 people.Within a day and a half, we had 1700 people sign up, and they clearly didn‟t come to see Tony.Nor me.But anyway, I was asked to say a few words about our case center, and many of you may or may not be aware of it, we have a case center here in HKUST‟s business coup, which is relatively new.And let me just tell you why we started this thing.It was actually the encouragement of our Dean and basically most of you probably aware of the notion of the case study itself.For those of you who may not understand, case study actually brings in real-life business situations into the classroom by writing cases on that company usually, and but we also back it up with theory, and allow students to actually analyse the situation itself.So by having said that, there are a lot of other schools particularly Harvard, Ivy league and many many other schools do write cases.So why should we be writing cases? Well one of my colleagues Professor pang here and what we did was before I said to Leonard “Yes we will do this” because he asked me to do it on a proposal base I might say.So I said “Well, before we actually do this let‟s take a survey and understand what are we currently do in our school and who uses the case method.” And so we did was we actually took a survey for all the faculty members that are teaching the MBA program itself.OK~ and what we discovered was first of all at the encouragement of the Dean we actually had 2/3 of the faculty responded to the survey over 66% and what was discovered was that students actually like class that have cases in it.NO.1, they gained higher scores for class that had that, so for those of you who are teaching this is great news.The second thing is that(they)actually like the professor that‟s teaching it.And the third thing was how come we always study western company cases, why don‟t we have more Asian cases? And therefore our main main focus is now on Asian.In fact, my colleagues and I(某人名)as well, have now coined the concept—— Asian cases by Asians for Asians.Now it‟s not to say that someone from Harvard they ask for a case we don‟t give it to them.But I would hope that in a few years, they would actually come to us and ask for cases.Why? Because a Harvard professor their thinking-class is very very western.They don‟t really understand how businesses are conducted in this part.And hence that‟s our primary goal here.And we are also very very lucky that many of our faculties now have been supporting the concept itself and in fact even though 10-year system in the school doesn‟t necessarily recognize those centres involved in writing cases or even teaching cases, but we are moving along that long.So this is the purpose of that and in fact many our cases we are able to invite honoured guest to come but more importantly in the classroom sometimes.And I recall one of my cases the individual that came to the class, this is the person that actually in the case itself, he said to me “Roger, you know what? This is great~!I‟m getting so many good suggestions from students.In fact, it‟s the cheapest consulting service I‟ve ever had” so you know the whole idea is you need to participate for you students in this room.And it‟s a great great opportunity to analyses real-life situations.So I‟m sure again that you‟re not here because you want to listen to me.So it gives me great pleasure, and Nicholas really needs no introduction, but here today he‟s coming as a entrepreneur, a business he‟s founded, several years back, when he was only , guess how old? 22!That was only yesterday right? And he has a very very successful business.He has an office here in Hong Kong of course, as well as in Shanghai I understand.So, without further ado, I would like to invite Nicholas to come up.大家好,谢谢你们热情的欢迎。女士们先生们,谢谢你们让我站在大学讲堂里,你们真是太热情啦。我被邀请用英语演讲,因此我会用英语,但有些人会觉得用中文或者粤语跟顺耳。我真心希望在活动结束后,你我都能从中得到些东西,留下些深刻的回忆,好吗?哇,我现在真的很紧张,可能是因为我第一次以CEO身份出现在公众场合,有这么多人在场,有趣的是,事实上我一直都在做着类似的工作,我在世界各地发表演讲,演出,交流,观众从30人到13万人,但从没这么紧张过,紧张得发抖,可能是因为这次我所面对的是研究学院的(学生教授们),我感到有点(力所不及)······我真的觉得我在和别的世界的人在讲话,我被丢下了。首先我要告诉你们的是,我在十年级的时候就辍学了,但我真的很渴望能像你们一样完成学业,你们中的大多数才只是走到学业的一半,但是坚持走下去,然后拿到那张该死的学位证!如果我可以用我自己已有的这些财富、所谓的荣誉、名声,去买回15年(完成学业),但是要让我保留现在所有的知识,并回到15年前,我愿意和你们交换位置,我真的愿意交换。我差不多十年级的时候退学了,从那之后,只要我踏入所谓的商业世界,每天我都因为没有完成学业,而憎恨自己,感到遗憾,也许我会成为艺术家,农业家,建筑学家,制陶家······谁知道呢?我不知道。或者是MBA,但我放弃了。过去的每一天,我都在后悔,你们可能现在还感觉不到,但是当你和别人交流想法时,那(学位证)真的很重要,当你想说服别人接受你的新想法时,那张纸(学位证)就意味着很多东西,人们会以此评判你,他们会质疑你,这样的现实让我感到很艰难,这样的现实让我感到很难过。所以我来到这里,希望能说服你们,完成学业,尝试各种方法坚持自己的学业,拿到那张学位证,好吗?不要走我走过的错路。你们可能不知道我过去的九年在经营后期制作公司,这个工作和我唱歌、演戏那些演艺圈工作截然不同,是谢霆锋的商业部分。额···我们的总部在香港,我们有上海分公司,运行得也很好,我们计划在···在5月底,在北京开设一间分公司,我可以这样说吗?这件事很紧促,都很···所以我要和同事商量下看能不能在5月底实现。当我提到后期制作,很多人都觉得是新鲜的行业,那什么是后期制作呢?后期制作,在我看来就是—音频制作、线上编辑、离线编辑、文字排版、动画、电脑制图······所有这些,就是你在电视上、广告上、影院里甚至是网上看到的一切,你们看到的每个视觉效果,其实都是通过后期制作来达到播出时的效果的,我很高兴的说,它的市场需求量很大,否则我也不会坐在这儿了。为了进一步解释我们所做的有关视觉的工作,我回展示一下公司的宣传片,这是我们在香港和内地做的一些品牌,你们可能看过或许没有。谢谢,这是一些我们现在在做的东西,但是你们刚才看到的都是后期制作的成品,我更愿意展示的是,制作之前和之后的差别,这是我们的谋生之道,我要给你们看的是叫做Canon G12的范本,是在两年前,一个很有名的制作团队拍摄的广告,我们来看一下。现在你们看到仅仅是绿幕前···一个拿着相机的模特,设就是全部,对不起,就是一个普通的拍摄手法,这显然还没到有趣的部分,这就是我们接下这个工作时得到的全部资源,我们去和导演、制片人交换意见,嗨我们为什么不加点有趣的东西进去,来提高观赏水准,多彩的图形之类的···我们能看下一段吗?通过加入音效和视觉效果,你可以看到一层一层的铺设,一步一步的渲染,这就是我们提高视觉效果的步骤,在超过1160层的铺设进去后,然后得到了成品,就是这样,我们再来看一下最终的效果。NIC: Hello.Thank you for the warm welcome.And…Ladies and gentlemen welcome and thank you for having me on campus.This is truly overwhelming.Really.I‟m instructed to deliver a speech in English.So therefore I will be speaking in English.But if any of you prefer to speak in Cantonese or mandarin, please feel free to do so.I do hope that at the end of the session, both parties you and I will gain something out of it and leave behind somewhat, to take it as memory, all right? Wow, this is really intense right now, for me, really, maybe because this is my first time to show up as an entrepreneur, in front of the crowd.What is very odd is that I‟ve been doing this most of my life.I have been giving speeches and performances, and talks around the world.The crowds ranging from 30 people to 130,000 people, but never have been so uptight and nerve-racking.Maybe it‟s because I am simply put in front of a crowd of academics.And I feel that I‟m not actually out of my…I do feel I‟m talking to another caliber;I‟m left out.So the first point is really to tell you I dropped out of school in grade 10.And I urge you really to go through your education.Most of you I think have gone half way.Really.Might as well go all the way and grab that piece of paper!If I had the chance to take all the wealth and so called fame and glory that I have right now, and buy back 15 years of life, but keep the knowledge that I have now and relive the physique I had 15 years ago and trade places with you right now.I would make that trade in a heartbeat, really.I dropped out school when I was…maybe in grade 10, and ever since I set put into the so called business world.There has not been a day that has gone by without me hating myself regretting that I did not fully commit to my education.Maybe fine arts, agriculture, architecture, ceramics…who knows, I don‟t know.MBA.But, I dropped.And every day that has gone by, I do regret.Some of you may not feel it right now.But that diploma when you are trying to close a deal with someone, it means just that much more.When you are trying to convince someone to an idea, concept, something new, that piece of paper will just mean that much more and people will judge you, and they‟ll doubt you that much less.That is reality, and it has been hard for me but…so I think I‟m here to hopefully convince you to go through, go to the education, go all the way, grab that piece of paper before you leave.OK? Do not walk the path I‟ve ever gone through.So for the people who did not know, I have been running a so called post production business for the past 9 years.And that‟s what I do apart from the acting or the singing part, the entertainment part.There‟s also the business part of Nicholas Tse.We are based on Hong Kong right now.We have a sub branch in Shanghai, it‟s going very well.We are going to open in Beijing in the end…hopefully the end of May.Can I say that, please? Because we are in a rush and everything is really….so I‟m looking at my colleague whether we can pull it off at the end of May.When I say post production it‟s actually to a lot of people a very foreign term.So what is post production? Post-production is… I mean but by audio dubbing, online editing, offline editing, compositing, animation, computer graphics…all that good stuff.Actually, everything you see right now on television, advertising, was, or in the cinema, or even in the internet.Every visual image you see right now is actually…it has…it should have undergone the process of post-production in order to achieve a certain standard of broadcast quality.And just by saying that I‟m very very happy to say that it has already obvious very high demand, or else I will not be here today.And so…for a more visual explanation of what I do, I would like to show the company reel and…These are some of the brands that we do represent in Hong Kong or in the mainland China right now.Some of you may recognize or may not recognize it.OK? Thank you.That‟s some of these brands that we represent at the moment, but…what you have just seen is the pretty side of the production.I would actually like to show you some of the before and after as to actually how we make a living.So what I‟m about to show you, is a…something called the Canon G12 model.It is an advertisement shot 2 years ago by a very famous crew.But, why don‟t I show you.Here you see in front of the green screen, just a…it‟s merely a model holding a camera.And all it is…it‟s just actually a track back show of this model…it‟s quite not up to the entertaining part…This is the source that we got when we first accepted this project.We have taken the initiative to talk to the producer and director and say…hey, why don‟t we do something more interesting and something that is to the next level…graphic wise and so…can we show the next layer? So with audio and visual enhancement…each layer by layer you can see that inch by inch…this is what we do to enhance the visual effect…for the outcome…After 1160 and some more layers and modelling put onto this image, you got the finished product…that‟s it.All right, that‟s one more full version or finished version.你们了解到了吧,这就是我们的工作。你们可能不知道,这就是后期制作。到现在为止,有什么问题吗?不如我来问问题吧!这里的人,谁想要成功?如果想,请举手,我很确信这样做(举手),是什么事情阻止你举手呢?不管怎样。第二个问题,更重要的问题:谁在撒谎?我很确信,如果你出去随便问一个人,谁想成功?99%的人都会回答:我想成功。我想要成为最好的篮球运动员,我要成为最好的冰球选手,最好的艺术家,工程师之类的···他们会这么。但大多数人只是想成功而已,但你对自己真的坦诚吗?你知道你热爱的东西是什么吗?强项和弱点在哪里?自己适合什么样的职位?怎样得到别人赏识?怎样推销自己?我成立这家公司,因为···在22、23岁时,我在拍一部电影,我看到导演走去CG,图像处理技术人员,问道:我们可以做到···我想要做···(的效果)我们可以添加特效吗?
There you have it.And that‟s what we do for a living.For people do not know, post production… that‟s we do, and…so any question so far? Why don‟t I ask you a question.Who in here wants to be successful? Raise your hand if you wanna succeed.Coz I sure as hell do.What‟s preventing you from raising your hand? Anyway, second question, and the more important: who‟s lying? Because I‟m pretty sure you out there and you ask people, “who wants to be successful?” 99% of people would tell you, I want to succeed.I want to be the best basketball player;I want to be the best hockey player;I want to be the best artist, engineer, whatever…They will talk.But most of you want to succeed.But are you truly being honest to yourself? Whereas you found your passion, you know your strength and weaknesses, where to place yourself in the market, how you want people to see you and how to project yourself in a market.I founded this company because, at the age of 22 and 3, between that time, I was on set, on a movie set.And, I saw the director go up to the CG, computer graphics guy in the department and ask them… could we… actually, I wanna do this… take the computer graphic image and do this… and, he hesitated, froze, and I thought, wow…
So, that stalled for an hour or so, but, ticking, tick tick tick, all that is money.And he called back to his headquarters, and asked for the allowance to say: They want to do this and that, so can we please…
After days of freezing, multimillion dollars was lost during that process.And at the time I was releasing a lot of music videos, I was doing a lot of concerts, and advertisement and movies, I wanted to enhance the visual effects myself, and I thought wow, this should be our realm.That‟s our profession, why are we doing so poor in it? So then, if some of you may have read through my interviews, that I did sell my property, for a certain amount of money to invest in this business.I started off with 4-6 people, and I bought 1 or 2 second hand machines to start it off.And, luckily, I am here today.But, what message I wanna get through is, it seems like Nicholas Tse gambled everything away for the future.I didn‟t.It is a gamble, but, before I bought those second hand machines, I actually calculated and talked to a few producers and we signed contracts for 3 movies, 2 advertisements, and 3 music videos so that we‟d cover my one and a half years overhead, ahead of time.So if I was to fail, I somewhat had a safety net, that I won‟t just kill myself because I sold my house, sold everything, what I have left.So I did have a bit of a safety net.I don‟t want to give the wrong message out to the public that „he just sold everything, so we can do that too.‟ Please do not.Alright, so, when I was saying, be honest to yourself if you want to be successful, because, some of us say we want to be successful but, we don‟t wanna succeed more than we wanna sleep.We don‟t wanna succeed more than we look cool,and go to the ….tonight
, we don‟t want to succeed more than hanging out with friends,going to a cinema,you must be honest to yourself and find your automatic passion, so therefore, are you willing to sacrifice all these temptations to prevent you from practicing your art? I don‟t believe the saying of practice makes perfect, to me, there is no perfection, there should always be room for improvement, practice to me, practice makes permanence, you will only have a much higher probability not to mess thing up, but there is no perfection.That‟s to me.Any questions so far?
These 3 guys are actually really intimating right now, because it feels like that at any moment they‟re gonna chuck some intellectual question like ninja‟s darts.GIRL: this is the question from us.BOY: you basically answered about half of question already, so NIC: because the angle you sitting, the angle you sitting, 谢谢你简单明了的解说,再次欢迎你来到亚洲领袖系列讲座,在我们的谈话开始前,我可以叫你NIC或者是NICHOLAS吗(都可以),NIC,我们知道你创办了一家非常成功的公司,也看过了你们的Canon的作品,我想知道,你创办公司之初,面临的最大挑战是什么?
Q: So, really thanks for your brief introduction, and a warm welcome to today‟s Asian leadership series again, so just before our conversation begin, would you prefer us to call you NIC or just Nicholas(yes…)so, ah, NIC, as we know that you have established a very successful company and we know, we have saw a sample work from Canon, we want to know what is the greatest challenge when you starting up your company? NIC: The greatest challenge really is to earn trust of clients at the age of 23,because it is a human natural instinct not to believe in someone 10 or 20 years, younger than you, and to establish that trust is a reputation, but that together, it takes time.And we started offer really miniture size work, and earned the trust of some directors and said, you know, are you guys ready go to the next level? I personally say yes, but then what I‟ve learnt is that saying yes doesn‟t mean anything, because no one wants to fall, and it is a cruel world out there.People will start blaming stuff, and say well, nic, he screwed it up, it‟s not me.So, what I‟ve done, what I change to these years, I don‟t say yes any more, I go back and ask my team do you think do this ,and if so, why don‟t we do a 30 seconds demo to shut their mouth , So the hardest part, the hardest challenge is to, I think for any business is to earn the trust.actually, mentioning that, I myself, I ,ever since I was little, I love Hong Kong action movies, I still do, I really do, it‟s all my passion ,being honest to myself, I love action movies, and I am willing to put my life on the line, literally, if it takes, and to protect HK action.So 10 years ago ,I made myself a promise, that if I‟m gonna be in this business, I wanna, I wanna be an action star, at least participate in one of Jack Cheng‟s cool movies, or the Jet Li movies or the Donnie Yen movies.I will show you this, actually, it is more a present to my son, it is a 2 minutes video for his first birthday, some of my favourite stunts, please do not try this at home, because what you‟re about to see for the next 2 minutes, I have been training for12 years, and a lot of luck is involved, that‟s why I‟m saying practice only makes permanence, because the more I do this in this chance, I will die.Jumping from 41st floor is not that wise, but I did that 19 times.Yea, and that was only one or 2 feet away from breaking my neck That‟s the Convention Centre.It‟s funny they say you can put these paddings on, but wherever you hit, it never hits the pad, it hits you.NIC: Now I tell you my son will not understand this message for another 20 years.Thank god I‟m still here one piece, but that‟s how far I‟m willing to go for what I love.Of course, I‟m not asking you to go jump off buildings.这段录像我看过超过十遍(BOSS:真的吗?)是呀!但每次看还是觉得好酷,非常的动人心弦,你已经找到了你所热爱的,但对于我们学生来说,我们该怎样寻找真正热爱的行业?
Q: I‟ve actually seen this video about ten times.(really?)yeah!It still gives my goose bumps every time I watch it.It‟s very emotionally touching, but shifting the focus on these students, and you have definitely found your passion, but how would advise us for finding our dreams and our passions? NIC: like I said, I think be honest to yourself.So, I don‟t think anyone can answer that question for you, it‟s what you feel every day, you have to live with it, you have to smell it, you have to feel it, you have to touch it, it‟s everything around you, something that never bores you, I guess, if you are hesitating for something, give it a second thought, but I‟m here mainly to trial and error, and I guess that‟s part of life,you only start losing things when you start growing, but that‟s contradictive, philosophical part of life ,so like when we 12 ,we are so eager to be 18 and say that I am old enough to stay up, I am old enough to go clubbing, I am old enough to click the porn button, but ,but when you do get older, like I am now, we lose the standard, we stared losing a lot of reflexes, speed, power, all of that, then, we start treasuring stuff, but ,what you love the most, ask yourself, I don‟t think anyone can really tell you that question ,or the answer.Q: well, but like sometimes if we find our own dream, we may not follow, like we cannot listen to our hearts ,because our social norms, or expectations from our parents, so what if I, can you give us students on really pursuing on your dream and stick to your mind.NIC: I don‟t think anyone, unless your dream is something that is so destructive that you‟re hurting someone else, I don‟t think anybody would stop u from pursuing your dreams, right? if it‟s something constructive, or something we don‟t normal, I would say, it should be OK, you are not trying to kill someone, and ,and make a statement ,that‟s what I did in my stunts, you know ,I didn‟t just go about talking to the director saying, I wanna do action movies, someone jump off.I trained, and I start going little stunts, I started to train weapons, my fitness, the whole thing, it has to start from scratch, so you want to prove someone wrong, prove them wrong.Q: regarding this as Asian leadership series for you, we invite you to talk about your passion, your leadership experience, then what do you think is the one key leadership quality that you think is the most important to you to success? 我认为最重要的领袖品质是,有自知之明,把对的人放在对的位置上。在我创办了这家公司后,很多人说,他们问我,很直接的:“关于后期制作你又懂些什么?”说实话,如果你让我坐在一个几百万元的设备面前,让我做事···我能做得想我的员工一样吗?我不行,我不会,会搞砸。但是···我不知道你们喜不喜欢足球,不过···举个例,就说说昨晚切尔西和曼彻斯特的比赛,对吧?还是有很多人看了吧~曼彻斯特的主席,弗格森先生,他不会跑到球场上去踢角球、进任意球或者救球,他只是把对的人放在对的位置上,如果鲁尼进了一个球,仅仅是鲁尼的光荣吗?难道不也是因为弗格森把他放在了对的位置上,才使他有了机会进球吗?所以我认为把对的人放在对的位置上,做对的工作,去鼓舞员工,去奉献其中,去激励员工,把这些结合在一起城诚实的对待自己,工作还有员工,把这些结合在一起,就很好了。
NIC: one of the most important leadership qualities, I think, is to know yourself, and to place the correct people in the correct position, you know, really, after I‟ve started this company, a lot of people say, they ask me, right to the point, what the hell do you know about post production? And, to be honest, if you ask me to sit in front of a multimillion dollar machine, and ask me to … will I do as my staff, I will not.I will fail.I will crash.But, I don‟t know how many of you follow football, but for example, let‟s say, last night Chelsea and Manchester United play a game, see we‟ve got people‟s reactions now.The manager of Manchester United, MR.Ferguson, he is not going on the field doing corner kicks and free kicks and the taking ball, he is placing the correct people in the correct position, if Rooney scored a goal, is it purely Rooney‟s glory that he scored the goal, or was it also because MR Ferguson placed him in the correct position, so he had the chance to be assisted then to score? So I think to place correct people in correct position to do their work, do the jobs, and to inspire, to dedicate, to motivate, all that together seam through your staff.Being honest to yourself, your work and your staff.All the things together, I think is good.Q: Speaking of your human resources, cooperation, we have about 350 students sitting here today, and they might just happens to be interested to applying for your company.(feel free, please, please, please)Just maybe!Just maybe!So, For qualities of your employees, what‟s your specific qualities of your employees you‟ll be looking for?
NIC: Creative thinking.Because in a business like ours, it‟s imperative, that every job is unique, we cannot duplicate jobs.Actually I‟m not quite happy with my business model because of that, because it makes very tough.We‟re not in a job, where robots and machines, can just keep printing and make money of that product.Each job is unique.So when I look for people, in our staffs, I look for creative thinking, motivation, energy that they want to bring into the image, and of course, technique, and maybe some inward sense or talents.Q: You have many staffs in your company, so how do you encourage creative thinking in your company? NIC: We have over 130 staff now, and after opening Beijing we might raise the number a lot.I actually, I participate in their daily routine of their lives.It might surprise you, but actually sometimes I cook for them.I make them desserts.Some of you may have read on newspapers we just had just went on a pretty fancy vacation.Do you have the video here? OK I gained weight.Q: That‟s a very amazing trip.As we can see from the video, we know that you actually have a very good relationship with your employees, your workers, I‟m wondering what is your company‟s philosophy regarding work.Do you often go to overseas trip with your employees?
NIC: Yes, I do.Yes, I do.I try to participate as much as I can.And…trips like this is very good to come by these days, and I‟m not just throwing a multi-million dollar trip for them and say hey, you know, take this, go and enjoy yourself.You got to be part of it.You got to be live through their eyes, see what they are going through, solve the problem before it actually hits the rock.Before the collision starts, solve the problem and you will earn the utmost respect.The difference I think between a world class company and mediocre company…if you are feared, your staff will only work as hard as to do not get fired, but if you are respected, not only will you have staff, you have a team.Not only you have the team, you have an army.And they will go that extra mile, they will push that extra mile for you, for the company.And that is the difference between a world class company and…just…that‟s not bad.你之前提到了,信任对你的公司来说十分重要,你是怎样和你在香港,上海,北京的雇员们建立信任关系的?我们会轮流交换(工作地点),把我们的高级的技术人员、工程师们,派遣到内地去培养年轻的人才,我们这行要富有创造力,要人性化,我们需要大量的新人,对我来说的下一个挑战就在于发掘像你们这样的年轻人,有潜力提高制图效果的人,能积极地说:“我有能力提高行业水平的人。”的人。我认为整个商界···整个世界都在等待着你们这些年轻人。2011年,也就是去年,史蒂文斯皮尔伯格,他正准备在上海投入15亿美元,在梦工厂发展后期制作,对我来说,的确很恐怖,是个很大的挑战,但是我很高兴了解到,有一个这么大的需求量,因此要有足够的供应量。
Q: You‟ve mentioned earlier that trust is important in your company, so how do you build trust with your employees among Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong.NIC: We have a…we actually take turns.We send some of our senior partners and our senior engineers up to mainland China, and we trained new people.Our business is actually very creative and human based business, whereas we need a lot of people.That‟s whereas the next challenge for me lies, is to find people like you, who are young, who have potential to enhance better graphics.And have that motivation to say “I can take this up to the next level.” I think the whole business is…I think the whole world is asking for people like you right now.Steven Spielberg in 2011, last year, and now he‟s decided he is gonna dump in 1.5 billion dollars into Shanghai, doing post production in dream works.To me, yes, that is scary, that is a big pressure, but I‟m happy that…just to know that there‟s such a high demand, so therefore…supply is also needed, so…
Q: Could you explain to us your vision statement of your company? NIC: We or I, myself, I hope to…I really hope to give something back to the society in terms of visualize since I‟ve been in this entertainment business for over 14 years now.I want to give something back to what is being broadcasted and to…this is my time to but re-educate the next generation, my kids, to know what is a better quality, look at Korea, look at Japan.We are always following the footsteps of their images.I think it‟s time for us, and that‟s why we are here today for Asian leadership, to tell the western people that “hey, I can tell you right now, that if you want Nicholas Tse to do Titanic 3D, I can do it, just give me that time and give me that preparation.Post production alone cannot make a piece of blank paper into magic…We need the whole process of preproduction along with us to merge together, then we can…I‟m pretty sure that we can achieve 3D Titanic.Don‟t think that we can‟t do it.We can.But ultimately…I‟m looking for education.If there‟s a kid like me, a random kid like me in Hong Kong, that wants to learn about animation or that likes to play video games.I‟m sure a lot of you do.You have different angles and visions of things that people don‟t have.So times that by the number of the population in the whole mainland China.Only if 1 percent of mainland China people wanted to learn animation or post production, that would mean 130 million students.How can we not do 3D Titanic, I‟ll do 8D Titanic.Q: We‟ve already talked about your vision, and we‟ve also talked about how you build trust with your employees, how do you ensure that you share the vision from different offices in Shanghai, in Hong Kong, or in Beijing? NIC: Each year I gave annual speech to them, and so far I‟m very very thankful to say that we have reached each year‟s goal.We have moved from…Our office was in a basement, a building in Causeway Bay, last year before April 2nd.And after April 2nd we moved to a quite luxurious building right now in Cubus No.1, 5 storey building.But…what is means, each year we‟re meeting our goals, and then two years ago, I announced that we are the first company to cross border with mainland China to have a sub branch in Shanghai and in Hong Kong.And we have achieved that goal.And within a year, I‟m very proud to announce that we are going to open in Beijing, which is no other company, post company has done in the history of Hong Kong.So for the staff, I always tell them I‟m not asking you to work for me, I‟m asking you to work for yourself.And it is important to make them feel like that they are at home;they want to go to work, and they see their future.Not am I only getting the salary paid,Wow…This guy is actually… he‟s making every promise come true.And for them, that is so important because they are not… everything is coming true, and they see further.And I think that is very important for everyone.在一间需要创意的工作室,我想,会不可避免地出现意见分歧,当你面对这种情况,怎么处理这种不同的意见?
我们三个的最后一个问题,你在今天的这个交流中,最想要传达给我们的信息是什么? 你们都很棒,不知道你们觉得怎么样。谢谢你们的欢迎,但是在这个所谓的谢霆锋的讲座中,我不是想让你们知道我是个怎样的人,是怎样工作的,不是让你们模仿复制,去寻找自我,或是从这个人身上找到对自己、对自己的生活有用的信息,找到之间的平衡点,找寻自我,我希望你们能得到些许在你们的生活有用的东西,创造你们自己的梦想,我的梦想是让我相信的,变得可信,我会一直坚持下去。
Q: Working in creative media industry, I suppose there could be some divergent opinions amongst your work.When you actually face such type of situation, how would you settle those disagreements? NIC: Uh, well, you know, Post production is really a passive, sadly to say very passive business.We…for the past maybe few hundred years, I think post production is to do what we are ordered to do, by the producers or the directors of people who shoot these commercials.But we have managed somewhat to turn it around, to take the initiative… to actually go to the meeting with the directors, and say, is this what you are trying to achieve or what are you trying to achieve, why don‟t we go this way? So now we are participating more into the pre-production to ensure that we‟ll get good quality out of the post production.That is mainly what we do.Q: Has there ever been a time when other companies try to steal employees from you? Since I guess, there could be some intense competition to get the right talents.NIC: Yes, there has been and I think it was about five or six years ago.One of our competitors was willing to pay five times the payroll for 20 of my staff to walk away from my company.I‟ll tell you the truth, I mean, 5 times the payroll…I myself will think twice.But out of twenty people, only one left.I don‟t blame anybody for leaving;they must have their own reasons.But I am very proud to say that we kept 19 of them.And I did ask why.I said so, really, you know, why are you staying.What is it that makes you stay in my company? I am not paying you any more than other people? And they replied simply that, “We are happy when we‟re here, we feel like home.We know how to bring a smile to our work”.That actually shocked me quite a bit on how the new generation values their life today.Not only do they wish for a high salary, but they need to be respected, loved, cared for and feel this is our home.There was once when we were moving to our new company.I called on a vacation.I said, “Guys, stop today, we are not gonna work”.They said, “what are we gonna do? I said,” we are gonna go look for our new office together”.And they were actually quite shocked.And the whole army of us just, you know, we were strolling through all these buildings.And they asked why are we looking at this? Because you are the ones who are gonna be sitting here 8 hours per day, not me, I want you to feel like you are at home.I want you to wake up and feel motivated to say, I want go back.And fix that, I think I can do better.These little things accumulate to a better crew.Q: That‟s really inspiring.So it is inevitable that there are ups and downs in our life.So how do you stay positive? NIC: Uh, stay positive.I consider myself very lucky.And we all should.All this you have right now is really a privilege.I remind myself that every day, the fact that I am just alive, you know those crazy stunts…I am thankful.I just keep reminding myself that every day, as simple as that.Q: As a final question to wrap up from us three.What is the most important message you want us to take from this Asian Leadership Series? NIC: You know all this is great.I don‟t know how you feel.Thank you for all this warm welcome.But all this 谢霆锋 Nicholas Tse stuff, right? I am not asking any of you to totally embrace this guy‟s personality or the way he works, or the way he does his job, not to replicate or duplicate, but to find yourself or pick up from this guy, what is useful to you and your lifestyle, make compatible and find yourself.So from me, I hope that you can find a little bit of use, to put into your lifestyle and create your own dreams, because my dream is to make the make believe believable, and I will keep on doing that for a long long time.Q: Although I said that was a final question.I do have another one.Uhh, you‟ve actually mentioned a lot of qualities, you talk about being charismatic, how you lead your team, how you make them like you.Well, you don‟t make them like you, they just like you.You talk about bringing them to different places.So what are some really important leadership qualities that a leader must have? NIC: Well, another one I would say is to…Set as an example, you can talk all you want, I can talk about stunts as I want, and when you are really put under the spotlight, and you don‟t know your stuff.I don‟t care how much you talk, you can talk forever, but can you make that jump? If you have been training for it, you can.But that for me is an ultimate test.Whereas in business I may lose money, I may lose a job or two.But there, if I was not really honest to myself, I would lose a leg, I would lose an arm, I would lose my life.So it‟s knowing your staff, like I said again, practice makes only permanence.谢谢你与我们的谈话,谢谢你鼓励我们追逐梦想。一直都是我们几个在问问题,我相信在座的听众会有更多的问题,我们把问题留给观众。提醒一下,今天的主题是企业家精神,领导能力,这点很重要,注意今天主要聚焦在企业家精神,领导能力,管理方式,偏离主题的问题不予回答。我们只有20分钟的问答时间,请简明扼要,如果太长,不好意思,我会打断,把机会给别人。所以请对其他的听众保持尊重。还有···问完问题后,请把话筒交给工作人员,也让别人也有机会,谢谢,情开始提问。
他们真的相信你在那配了8年音? 你觉得我是在看玩笑吗?但的确是这样。别的问题?
Boy: Thank you very much for sharing with us today.Karen(MC): Thank you for really encourage our students to pursue our own dreams, our passions, and although we‟ve asked quite a few questions, I‟m sure the audience here have many more questions to ask you.So we will now give the question to the floor.(Just as a reminder, today‟s section is focused on entrepreneurship, leadership.This is important, keep in mind that today‟s section is focus on entrepreneurship, leadership and management, so questions fall out of these categories will not entertained.Originally, we had about 20 minutes for Q/A sections, so keep you questions brief and to the point.If they drag on for too long, I‟m sorry but I‟m gonna cut you short and I‟m gonna get the questions from some other students, so please be respectful to the audience.Just another thing, when we hand you the microphone after asking a question please pass it back to the staff members so other people can get a chance.Thank you for your attention and we will now start taking questions.)Q1: Hi, Hi Nicholas very nice to see you here.Actually we all know you as a very successful actor and singer, am I right, instead of being an entrepreneur.So I just want to ask how did your great fame affect your occupation, your business? Is there any negative effect? Because there must be some negative effects.NIC: That is an awesome question.I was gonna say about the category that the questions are gonna come by.I was gonna say if anyone was gonna asking for an autograph, I would sign you the autograph if you can ask me a question that was a starter because after all we‟re all in the study of MBA, so why not study in negotiating.But I like that question.Yes, I did not launch to the public that I had this company until April 2nd last year.So I have been actually going undercover for 7 years, and it has been really hard, that‟s actually what I forgot to mention.It is another challenge for me to be such low-key.And to still participate in the company and why I kept it a secret was because I just thought if I really wanted to prove myself as an entrepreneur, first I do not want to use my fame, so-called fame to assist it.And also I do think that would actually harm it in a way because the press just gonna eat me up.He‟s another so-called actor who is trying to do a business, but how successful am I really? I myself I want the real answer, and therefore I kept it a secret.And I hoped my clients are coming in because that they know they can rely on PO and rely on me as the CEO but not as… “Oh, I‟m gonna give him a better credit because he just participated in my action movie” No I did not want that.It has been painful sitting in the office seeing all these people, all the directors come by and say “Oh you~ Hey~ You‟re here for?” “I‟m here for dubbing…” “Eh~ Oh~ You‟re here again~” “I‟m still here for dubbing…” I have been going there for 8 years, and then thank whoever‟s up there that‟s looking after me.Then last year I can present to the public that this is my company.(MC: and they completely bought that you were dubbing for 8 years? Nic: You think I‟m mad? LOL)Ya~ It‟s true.(Any other questions?)嗨,NICHOLAS,我是约翰。我们都知道你22时,在演艺圈正如日中天,我想知道,是什么促使你开创后期制作公司,你已经拥有了极大的名声和财富,你一定为此牺牲了很多,你的动力是什么?谢谢!
这要归功于我的员工,很多时候我都是在路上,不在香港,在大陆,在各地,我们相互信任,建立了和谐的关系,我们有共同的理想,这要归功于我的员工,我不在的时候,他们来帮我做决定,我们通过网络来交流,我们各尽其能。后面的穿衬衣的男生 Q2: Hi, Nicholas~ My name is Johnny and I know that you were doing really great at the age of 22 in the entertainment industry.I wanna know what motivated you to establish the post production at the age of 22, cause you were enjoying a lot of famous and money.So you should have sacrificed quite a lot, so what motivated you to establish the company? Thank you~ NIC: Like I mentioned before that little crisis I saw on set with the movie things with the hesitation, with the post production, I was quite upset and ultimately I do want to give something back to the society and, say you know, I hope in the near future.Well a lot of times when I was trying to sell a concept or an idea for my own music video back to the time, I was always banned.I was always given the answer saying “You can‟t do that.—-why? ——that‟s too expensive and we don‟t have the technology, we got to go the Hollywood for that.” I said “Really? Korea just did one quite similar.I don‟t think they went to Hollywood for it” I was you know I was pissed off that we are relying so much on the western technology.We have, to be honest, even today we have exact same machinery that they do.It‟s just the culture that is different.What‟s the difference between Brazilian soccer and China soccer? We got the same balls, right? But it‟s the culture that they live it, they breath it, you know each kid is… all they have is a soccer ball and they play it every day, like our badminton.It‟s the same, I mean, it‟s different in culture but I wanted to make a difference, I wanted to make a statement.Q3: Was there ever a time you wanted to… like you felt yourself drifting away from the business, like when your company was doing well and as a start-up I guess it‟s very tough looking for projects and clients.And how do you take time off your acting work to, you know;spend time to your company? And was there ever a time you felt like giving up or just very tired of this whole thing? NIC: No, I have not.And I do feel tired sometimes as do my stuff, but as much as we love our jobs… No we have never thought that you know… there‟s not a second that has slipped by my mind that I would give up this business, because I believe simply I believe and I see it‟s a very logical business.China last year became the third most movie-productive country in the world, first being India, second being the States, third is China.We made 716 movies last year, that‟s almost 2 movies per day, how much post production is needed.That much of hours of movies are made each day.It‟s a very logical business if so much pre-production is made then there must be space for post-production and I don‟t doubt at all.I see a great future in this business.Q4: Hi, Nicholas~ You have mention about the challenges your company had before, how about the great success of your company? NIC: It‟s doing OK~(LOL)I really don‟t dare to say it‟s anything right now, it‟s nothing compare to lot of my idols like DreamWorks or Pixar, but we‟re getting there and I do believe that no one‟s gonna start it off might that it might as well be me.So we‟re trying we‟re trying~
Q5: Hi, Nicholas~ You have been successful in different areas like you‟re a very good actor and tripler, so how do you manage your time so well? Like you must be very busy.NIC: I must give this credit to my staff.A lot of time I‟m on the way and not in Hong Kong, or I‟m not in mainland China, all over the places.And we have established a trust, a kind of a harmony that we are in sync, we know what we want to achieve.So this I give all the credit to my staff when I‟m not here.They would make the harsh decisions and we‟re, through the internet, we will communicate.And we are just obeying our rules.嗨,Nlicholas!我也叫Nicholas。我希望自己将来也能像你一样成功,我们都知道你的那些荣誉成就,但是你作为领导者有犯过错误码?你是怎样改正错误的?谢谢!
嗨嗨,听得到吗?嗨,Nicholas,关于公司,和你自己,你有哪些短期或长期计划吗?你说过很喜欢动作片,现在也是吗?你想以后要拍自己的电影吗? 不好意思,这个问题偏离了主题。——没关系啦——可以的吗?
Q6:(XD)Hi, Nicholas~ I‟m called Nicholas as well and I hope I will be as successful as you one day.So we all know about you glory and success.And I would like… I‟m curious about what mistakes you have done before for you as a leader.And what have you done to rectify your mistake as a leader? Thank you~ NIC: I……(I like that question.It‟s hard… LOL).I have a tendency of rush.As to all kids should, actually, maybe when they‟re 22 or 23 right? We kind of rush into things, and when I first started this business, I did not go all the way to know it each and every part or department of how they run the business or I had the picture of it.But then it came to the part where, I had to buy really expensive machinery.When I was buying the second-hand piece of a colour corrector, actually I brought a broken piece of machine, and that cost us quite, pay a heavy price.The maintenance for that machine cost us a lot and luckily we were able to survive out of the crisis, but yes I did make these mistake and I failed a lot of clients and a lot of staff to trust me or not, whether or not to trust me anymore.Of course I was cheated also, but you know, you can never really blame anybody but yourself as a leader.Yes I did fail in buying a wrong piece of equipment.Yes, I did.Q7: Hi, Nicho~ Actually I‟m from Shanghai and I‟m wondering where is your office.LOL~ Actually I was wondering Is there any difference between starting a new business in Hongkong and especially like in mainland China.NIC: I don‟t think we should draw a line between any country, especially that we‟re as one now.If you hold on to the same principles, may it be Hong Kong, or mainland China, or the states, or Africa, I think it should be the same.And my office is in the 红坊工业区,所以….(Q: is it very luxurious? Nic: It‟s OK;we might expand in the summer)
Q8: Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Hi, Nicholas.Do you have any short term or long term plan on your company or on your personal life? I remember that you are like action movies, are you still going for that? Do you have any plan in the future to have you own film shot?(MC: sorry this is irrelevant to entrepreneurship, so… N: That‟s all right~ MC: Is it OK?)
NIC: Actually you know it‟s kind of related, and although it‟s kind of a… it‟s not a business secret, but a lot of people think why did you all a sudden open a post-production company when you‟re an actor.Does it sound that ridiculous? Am I jumping from acting to cooking? I am not.Actually if you think about it deeply it‟s quite linked together if I have enough bargaining power and trust between the directors and the producers, to say look my company can handle this now.What about I participate in your next movie, and I do the post.Now, isn‟t that a win-win situation? So do I have plans? Yes, I do have plans in making new movies and I hope that I can bargain the deal that I can also handle the post production part if… we have all seen that you know the last real big success in Hongkong——《桃姐》.We were really lucky to be able to o the colour correction part, although I wasn‟t in it.But hey we got to the Venice Awards.Q9: You were 30… I‟m sorry;you were 23 when you founded your company.So you were so young, did you ever feel like you missed out on life? And how do you deal with these regrets? 额···我自认活得很充实,那就是我为什么参与这么多(行业),你也可以说我太贪心了,但是我努力抓住每个机会,你们为什么不呢?对吧?很多人问我有没有遗憾,我说过的,如果能买回15年我希望完成我的学业,但我不能。我觉得自己活得很充实,我有两个非常可爱的儿子,而且很健康,我很感恩。我觉得每个人都应该冲破常规的思维模式,我常被问到“怎样坚持梦想?”或者···“这样可行吗?”“我们做错了?”“我们没有分清现实和理想吗?”列奥纳多·达芬奇在1493年,发明的飞行器,也就是我们现在所说的飞机,在过去,人们一定觉得他疯了。“什么?!那东西飞得起来吗?”500年后的今天,(飞机)成了我们常用的交通工具,但那时是1493,不要怀疑自己,你会得到很多负面的影响、评论,我妈妈,我的家人这样告诉我,很严肃的说:“你不可能成功,你做不了生意人。”我听到的很多这样的话,我爸爸,他们都很担心,因为···很少有演艺圈的人能在商业圈做成功的。但这就是我,我叛逆的一面,我就是喜欢证明他们说错了。
我们的最后一个问题留给校长Tony Chan,可以吗?
NIC: Yea…~ I tried to think that I lived my life fully.That‟s why I‟m going for, call me greedy, but I‟m going for every opportunity and yet why shouldn‟t you? Right? A lot of people ask me that question do I regret anything.Like I said I would take I would fully commit to my education if I have the chance to buy back 15-year‟s life but I don‟t, I think I have lived my life fully.I have two very cute sons and they‟re healthy.I‟m just grateful.I hope everybody should think out of the box sometimes, I‟m getting lots of questions whereas “how to pursue a dream?” or “Is this OK?” “Are we going too far?” “Where do you draw a line between reality and visions” Leonardo Da Vinci In 1493 I think, it was 1493 that‟s a “Judy air screw”—— What we know today as a helicopter.I‟m pretty sure back in the time then people call him crazy “what? That thing flies? ——well whatever…” 500 years after, we are… I mean it‟s a very well-known transportation device.It was 1493.So don‟t doubt yourself, you may get a lot of negative inputs or comments.My mom, my families told me, they were seriously, in words “You won‟t make it, you won‟t be a successful businessman.” I got tons of those.And my dad you know all worried because it‟s just very seldom for one leaving entertainment business actually make it from the scratch in the business world.But that‟s me, that‟s the rebellious side of me.I like proving people wrong.The boy: Sorry we‟ll only have time for about two more questions? The lady in the front row there Q10: So Nicholas, I wonder…you mention that you have a competitor in Shanghai, right? So how are you going to lead your team to defeat your competitor? NIC: Yeah, competitors are everywhere.And I like the thought of friendly competition.Only through that will the clients know who is better, and that makes us to excel, to thrive more for excellence.If anything was monopolized by only one grand name, they won‟t fight.There is no one to be in the race, you can walk that marathon and still win, if you are the only walking or running, right? We just do our job as we should every day.Regardless if there is a competitor, if there is Steven Spielberg„s DreamWorks coming into Shanghai or not.I‟m just doing my job, as should my staff.Boy: Our last question will go to the guy in the black shirt.Q11: Hi, Nicholas, my name is Ken, as you mentioned the skill of post-production in Hong Kong is not that far from the western industry.The only difference is in terms of culture.So I want to ask do you have any plans to bring the Post Production Office to the international market by overcoming this barrier.NIC: Wow, right now, I have to say I don‟t have that ability yet, because I have put my efforts and investments into, first, handling our whole China.But I do believe that… you know… what‟s that movie called? 《金陵十三钗》right? Christian Bill came to us, you know he China-based movie.So you know if you ask me about that, that‟s something really far away, but I hope one day or maybe through IPO will I get the chance to go overseas and reach that goal, but me alone I really can only do that much.Boy: Our last question will go to president Tony Qian.Will you do the honours? Nic很让人惊喜,我可以问个和管理无关的问题吗?很多人其实都很想问吧? 我不建议你这样问,我希望他不会觉得不妥。(BOSS:没关系)
让我们给他热烈的掌声。我要说,这是我第二次见到霆锋,上次我对他做了采访,我们将会在第四堂课上看到,非常的鼓舞人心,虽然是第二次听。非常感谢,为了表示敬意,有请院长上台来送礼物。请留在台上,有请校长Tony Chan,Roger King教授,还有三位同学,和Nicholas一起合照。好多人想拍照吧!Karen、Renee、George一起来吧。非常感谢!谢谢你们的到来!给自己点掌声吧!你们很多人一定很有兴趣加入PO,对吧?高级管理人员留下,你们可以向他寻求就业机会。对,经理Amanda、Diana还有Michael会留下,想要和他们交流,请一会儿过来,还有,恐怕我们的第一节亚洲领袖讲座就到此为止。再见!晚安。对于想要交流的同学,请过来好吗?是免费的,谁想要份工作?
President: Nic is a surprise, now can I ask a question not tied to entrepreneurship? Everybody wants to ask that kind of question.Boy: Sorry, sorry, I won‟t entertain this, but I don‟t know if he is feeling generous?
President: You know some of us who sitting here are a little bit older than most of the people here.And some of us grew up with movies related to your family.So, no, but I wasn‟t gonna ask about that, I was gonna ask that there must be a lot of family pressure, you know, maybe implicit, to live up to the family fame.You know, maybe founding a new company, finding your own place, making your own name.I just wonder how …your view on this, how you live through this? Must be a lot of expectation that a lot of our students also feel.Before you say you have to find your own passion, a lot of our students also feel the pressure from our family.A lot of family expectation.So for you with the particular family you have with the fame, you must feel that ten times more than the typical student, I want to hear what‟s your view on this?
NIC: Uhh, it is a good question, really, but I used to hate that shadow that overpowered Nicholas Tse, because I am the son of whom and whom, but I have learned maybe because I started working at the age of 15 or 16, and now did my parents do anything wrong? I have learned to accept and actually be proud of who they are.I used to really hate that shadow….谢贤嘅仔… Seriously!But as you grow, and you go through crisis and all that crap.You learn, when you get hit, and life will hit you as hard as he wants to.No one will stand by you as close as your family.And it is through these little problems and crisis where I have found a way to relieve that shadow as being whoever‟s son and embrace it and love it and say, yes, I am, so what.We are both doing ok as a human being.And in this business and the entertainment business, I am proud now to hold my father or my mother‟s hands and say we‟ve done our part in this business.So really, I know, cause I have kids also.And sometimes when I think about it, I ask myself, Wow, I‟m under a lot of pressure.I was under the eyes of 6 million people in Hong Kong watching me grow up as the son of Patrick Tse.Now that I think about it, what„s really unfair is for my kids, because now they are under the… you know… the lens of 1.3 billion people in China.My kids are under more pressure than I am.But what I hope they will learn from this is, if they can just simply grow as a human being and not let my shadow overpower them too much.Now that‟s being a man, now that‟s being able to live life as you should.Why let anything stand in your way especially if they‟re are someone who loves you and that‟s unconditional love.They expect nothing in return.I bet anything simply because you are sitting here today;they want the best for you.This is HKUST man.Boy: That officially ends the Q&A Session, Karen, back to you.Karen(MC): Ok, let‟s give them a round of applause.I have to say, Nicholas, this is the second time I meet you.The first time we did a video interview with him.And that will be showing in the fourth-coming classes.And there was truly inspirational, even though I heard it twice.So thank you very much.To show our appreciation, may I invite Dean to the stage for a gift-giving ceremony?
Karen(MC): Please remain on stage.May I now invite President Tony Chan and Professor Roger King, and also the three students interviewers, please join Nicholas for a photo.Karen(MC): I can see there are lots of photos.Professor Roger King: I think Karen, Renee and George should come here.Karen(MC): Ok, Thank you very much.Most of all, thank you all for coming to the event, give yourself a round of applause.Now I am sure many of you are very interested in joining Post Production Limited, right? The senior managers are going to stay behind to answer questions, so you can explore job opportunities with them.Yes.We have Amanda, Diana who is the managing director.Also, Michael is going to join us with the director.So for those who would like to talk to them, please come down later.And in the meantime, I am afraid this is the end of our first Asian Leadership Series.And I hope to see you again.Goodnight.So for those students who would like to talk, can you please come down? It‟s a free format thing.Anyone wants a job?
增强信心 深化合作 实现共赢
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年4月18日
Strengthen and Deepen Cooperation For Win-Win Progress Speech by Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council of The People's Republic of China At the Opening of The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009 April 2009
尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴参加博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会。首先,我谨代表中国政府对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!本届年会把“经济危机与亚洲:挑战和展望”作为主题,对于凝聚共识、增强信心、深化合作、战胜危机,具有十分重要的意义。我衷心祝愿本届年会取得圆满成功!
I am delighted to be here at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the opening of the and a hearty welcome to all the guests present.This conference, with “Asia: Managing Beyond Crisis” as its theme, is a highly important one.It will contribute to our efforts to build consensus, strengthen confidence, deepen and overcome the crisis.I wish the conference a great success.2008年9月以来,世界经济遭受了上世纪大萧条以来最为严峻的挑战。各国纷纷采取措施,应对国际金融危机的严重冲击。中国政府及时果断调整宏观经济政策,实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,迅速出台促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,对缓解经济运行中的突出矛盾、增强信心、稳定预期,发挥了重要作用。这个一揽子计划最直接、最重要的目标,是扭转经济增速下滑趋势、保持经济平稳较快增长,并力求解决制约中国经济发展的结构性问题,加快转变发展方式,全面提升各种生产要素的质量和水平,为中国经济长远发展打下更加牢固的基础。
Since last September, the world economy has run into the most serious challenges ever since the Great Depression of the last century.Countries around the world have taken steps to cope with the severe impact of the global crisis.In the face of the crisis, the Chinese Government
made swift and decisive adjustments to its macroeconomic policies.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and put in place a package plan to ensure steady and relatively fast economic growth.These measures have proved essential for easing major problems in the economy, shoring up and stabilizing expectations.The most immediate and important goal of our package plan is to reverse the economic downturn and maintain steady and relatively fast growth.It is also designed to address structural problems constraining China's economic development, speed up the transformation of growth pattern and raise the quality and performance of factors of production in order to lay a more solid foundation for China's economic growth in the long run.一是全面扩大内需,增强消费需求对经济增长的拉动力,推动中国经济均衡发展。这场百年一遇的国际金融危机对中国的冲击,主要是外部需求的急剧收缩,导致经济减速、企业生产经营困难、失业增加,结构性矛盾进一步凸显。我们把政策的着力点放在全面扩大国内需求上,努力保持投资较快增长和刺激消费,着力调整内需外需结构,加快形成内需为主和积极利用外需共同拉动经济增长的格局,使中国经济向更加均衡的发展方式转变。
First, boost domestic demand in a way and strengthen the role of consumer demand in driving economic growth to promote balanced economic development.The major impact of this once-in-a-century financial crisis on China is the sharp drop in external demand, which in turn has led to economic slowdown, difficulties for businesses and rising unemployment.Structural problems have also become more evident.Our policies are primarily aimed at boosting domestic demand.We have been working hard to maintain relatively fast growth in investment, stimulate consumption, and readjust the structure of domestic and external demand.We will mainly rely on domestic and at the same time make full use of external demand so that together, they will drive our economic growth.This will lead to the transformation towards a more balanced growth pattern of the Chinese economy.二是全面加强基础设施建设,推动中国经济协调发展。城乡、区域发展不平衡,既是中国经济社会发展中的突出矛盾,也是经济增长的巨大潜力所在。我们把应对国际金融危机和解决这些矛盾有机结合起来,在新增投资计划中,重点加强农村建设和中西部基础设施建设。着眼于巩固农业基础地位,加快农田水利重大工程建设,增强农业稳定增产、农民持续增收的能力。加快修建农村道路,改造农村电网,推进农村中小学标准化建设,改善农民生活条件。着眼于促进生产要素跨区域流动,加快重大交通基础设施建设,完善综合运输体系,特别是围绕发挥中西部地区优势,建设煤运通道、西部干线铁路和机场。着眼于扶持落后地区,帮助困难群众,积极支持保障性安居工程建设,重点解决城市低收入家庭、林区、垦区、煤矿等棚户区居民的住房问题,扩大农村危房改造试点范围,实施少数民族地区游牧民定居工程等。这些措施的逐步落实,必将使发展的薄弱环节得到加强,使广大中西部地区和农村发展环境得以改善,对我国经济协调发展产生巨大推动力。
第四篇:中英文 温家宝在2009博鳌亚洲论坛开幕式上的演讲
增强信心 深化合作 实现共赢
——在博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会开幕式上的演讲 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝 2009年4月18日
Strengthen Confidence and Deepen Cooperation For Win-Win Progress Speech by Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council of The People's Republic of China At the Opening Plenary of The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009 18 April 2009
尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们: Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴参加博鳌亚洲论坛2009年年会。首先,我谨代表中国政府对年会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!本届年会把“经济危机与亚洲:挑战和展望”作为主题,对于凝聚共识、增强信心、深化合作、战胜危机,具有十分重要的意义。我衷心祝愿本届年会取得圆满成功!
I am delighted to be here at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2009.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the opening of the conference and a hearty welcome to all the guests present.This conference, with “Asia: Managing Beyond Crisis” as its theme, is a highly important one.It will contribute to our efforts to build consensus, strengthen confidence, deepen cooperation and overcome the crisis.I wish the conference a great success.2008年9月以来,世界经济遭受了上世纪大萧条以来最为严峻的挑战。各国纷纷采取措施,应对国际金融危机的严重冲击。中国政府及时果断调整宏观经济政策,实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,迅速出台促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划,对缓解经济运行中的突出矛盾、增强信心、稳定预期,发挥了重要作用。这个一揽子计划最直接、最重要的目标,是扭转经济增速下滑趋势、保持经济平稳较快增长,并力求解决制约中国经济发展的结构性问题,加快转变发展方式,全面提升各种生产要素的质量和水平,为中国经济长远发展打下更加牢固的基础。Since last September, the world economy has run into the most serious challenges ever since the Great Depression of the last century.Countries around the world have taken steps to cope with the severe impact of the global financial crisis.In the face of the crisis, the Chinese Government made swift and decisive adjustments to its macroeconomic policies.We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and put in place a package plan to ensure steady and relatively fast economic growth.These measures have proved essential for easing major problems in the economy, shoring up confidence and stabilizing expectations.The most immediate and important goal of our package plan is to reverse the economic downturn and maintain steady and relatively fast growth.It is also designed to address structural problems constraining China's economic development, speed up the transformation of growth pattern and raise the quality and performance of factors of production in order to lay a more solid foundation for China's economic growth in the long run.一是全面扩大内需,增强消费需求对经济增长的拉动力,推动中国经济均衡发展。这场百年一遇的国际金融危机对中国的冲击,主要是外部需求的急剧收缩,导致经济减速、企业生产经营困难、失业增加,结构性矛盾进一步凸显。我们把政策的着力点放在全面扩大国内需求上,努力保持投资较快增长和刺激消费,着力调整内需外需结构,加快形成内需为主和积极利用外需共同拉动经济增长的格局,使中国经济向更加均衡的发展方式转变。
First, boost domestic demand in a comprehensive way and strengthen the role of consumer demand in driving economic growth to promote balanced economic development.The major impact of this once-in-a-century financial crisis on China is the sharp drop in external demand, which in turn has led to economic slowdown, difficulties for businesses and rising unemployment.Structural problems have also become more evident.Our policies are primarily aimed at boosting domestic demand.We have been working hard to maintain relatively fast growth in investment, stimulate consumption, and readjust the structure of domestic and external demand.We will mainly rely on domestic demand and at the same time make full use of external demand so that together, they will drive our economic growth.This will lead to the transformation towards a more balanced growth pattern of the Chinese economy.二是全面加强基础设施建设,推动中国经济协调发展。城乡、区域发展不平衡,既是中国经济社会发展中的突出矛盾,也是经济增长的巨大潜力所在。我们把应对国际金融危机和解决这些矛盾有机结合起来,在新增投资计划中,重点加强农村建设和中西部基础设施建设。着眼于巩固农业基础地位,加快农田水利重大工程建设,增强农业稳定增产、农民持续增收的能力。加快修建农村道路,改造农村电网,推进农村中小学标准化建设,改善农民生活条件。着眼于促进生产要素跨区域流动,加快重大交通基础设施建设,完善综合运输体系,特别是围绕发挥中西部地区优势,建设煤运通道、西部干线铁路和机场。着眼于扶持落后地区,帮助困难群众,积极支持保障性安居工程建设,重点解决城市低收入家庭、林区、垦区、煤矿等棚户区居民的住房问题,扩大农村危房改造试点范围,实施少数民族地区游牧民定居工程等。这些措施的逐步落实,必将使发展的薄弱环节得到加强,使广大中西部地区和农村发展环境得以改善,对我国经济协调发展产生巨大推动力。
Second, improve infrastructure across the country and promote coordinated economic development.Uneven development between urban and rural areas and among regions is an acute problem in China's economic and social development, but it also means tremendous potential for further economic growth.We seek to address this problem in the course of tackling the global financial crisis.In our new investment program, priority will be given to rural development and infrastructure projects in central and western China.We will consolidate the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy and speed up the construction of key projects for farmland improvement and water conservancy in order to create more enabling conditions for steady increase in agricultural production and farmers' income.We will pick up pace in building roads, upgrading power grids, promoting standardization in the construction of primary and secondary schools in rural areas, and improving farmers' living conditions.We will promote cross-region mobility of factors of production, speed up the development of major transportation infrastructure, and improve the integrated transportation system.It is particularly important to build coal transport routes, trunk railway lines and airports in western China so that the advantages of central and western China can be fully brought out.We will support less developed regions and help people in difficulties.We will vigorously support government-subsidized housing projects, with priorities on addressing housing difficulties of low-income urban families and families living in shantytowns in forests, on reclaimed land and around coal mines, expanding the pilot program for renovating dilapidated houses in rural areas and building permanent housing for the nomadic population in ethnic minority areas.The implementation of these measures will, over time, help strengthen weak links in development, improve the development environment for central and western regions and the rural areas, and give a strong boost to coordinated economic development of the country.三是全面提升产业竞争力和自主创新能力,推动中国经济可持续发展。推动产业结构优化升级,是关系经济全局紧迫而重大的战略任务。我们制定实施十大重点产业调整振兴规划,推动企业兼并重组,积极支持企业加快技术改造,淘汰落后产能,发展先进生产力,努力提高产业集中度和资源配置效率。我们加快实施国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要,选择那些带动力强、影响面大、见效快的项目,集中力量攻关,突破一批核心技术和关键共性技术,为经济发展提供科技支撑,推动我国经济尽快走上创新驱动的轨道。我们把投资的重点放在节能环保和生态建设上,加大对重点防护林和天然林资源保护工程、城镇污水、垃圾处理设施、重点节能减排工程建设的投入,推动中国经济的可持续发展。
Third, enhance industries' competitiveness and capacity for independent innovation and promote sustainable economic development.To upgrade industrial structure is a pressing strategic task crucial to the overall economy.We have adopted plans for the restructuring and rejuvenation of ten key industries.They include measures to facilitate merger and reorganization of enterprises, support accelerated technological innovation by businesses, phase out backward production facilities, promote advanced productive forces, raise the level of industrial concentration and improve the efficiency of resources allocation.We are speeding up the implementation of the Outline of the National Program for Medium-and Long-Term Scientific and Technological Development with a special focus on those projects that will give a strong boost to scientific and technological advancement, have a widespread impact and yield quick results.We are endeavoring to make breakthroughs in a number of core technologies and key generic technologies in order to provide scientific and technological support for economic growth and make the Chinese economy an innovation-driven one.Energy conservation, environmental protection and ecological enhancement are the priority areas of our investment.We will increase input in the development of key forest shelterbelts and the protection of natural forests, urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities and major energy-conservation and pollution-reduction projects to promote sustainable development of the economy.四是全面提高人的素质,推动中国经济集约发展。全面提高人的素质是中国经济增长的优势和活力源泉,是长远发展的战略重点。在实施扩大内需的计划中,我们把公共资源配置向教育、医疗卫生和社会保障领域倾斜。制定实施国家中长期教育规划,大幅度增加教育投入,加强基础教育,发展职业教育,提高高等教育,增强全民族的文化素质。我们积极推进医药卫生体制改革,建设基本医疗保障制度,建立国家基本药物制度,健全基层医疗卫生服务体系,推进公立医院改革试点,促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化。我们加快完善社会保障体系,扩大社会保障覆盖范围,提高社会保障水平。我们千方百计扩大就业,特别是大学生和农民工就业。所有这些都有利于扩大国内即期需求,增强消费者信心,同时也有力推动经济增长由主要依靠物质资源消耗的粗放型增长,向主要依靠科技进步、劳动者素质提高、体制创新的集约型增长转变。
Fourth, work for all-round development of the people and promote intensive economic development.Human resources are an advantage and source of vitality in China's economic growth.It is a strategic priority in China's long-term development to achieve the all-round development of the people.In the course of boosting domestic demand, we have prioritized education, health care and social security in allocating public resources.We are in the process of formulating a National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Education.We will substantially increase input in education, strengthen basic education and develop vocational education, improve higher education and raise the cultural and educational level of the whole society.We are pressing ahead with medical and health care reform.We will put in place a basic medical care system and a basic drugs system, improve the community-level medical and health service system, push forward the pilot reforms in public hospitals, and promote equal access for all to basic public health services.We are improving the social safety net at a faster pace by expanding coverage of social security programs and increasing social security benefits.We are doing everything in our power to create jobs, especially for college graduates and rural migrant workers.All the aforementioned measures will help expand immediate domestic demand and bolster consumer confidence.They will also give a big push to the shift from extensive economic growth driven by high consumption of material resources to intensive growth driven by scientific and technological advancement, improved quality of the workforce and institutional innovation.总之,我们制定实施一揽子计划,是标本兼治、远近结合的,既是保增长、保民生、保稳定的应急之举,也是推动中国经济实现科学发展、和谐发展的长远之策。我国正处在工业化和城镇化快速推进阶段,蕴藏着巨大需求和增长潜力,有改革开放30年建立的物质、科技和体制基础,有充裕的资金、丰富的劳动力等要素支撑,有集中力量办大事的制度优势、和谐安定的社会环境。只要我们不懈努力,在战胜危机的同时,一定能够使我国经济发展的体制性、结构性矛盾明显缓解,国民经济的整体素质和竞争力明显提升。中国经济发展的潜力必将进一步释放,在改善本国人民福祉的同时,为世界各国提供更多的贸易投资机会。
In a nutshell, the package plan we have introduced is aimed at addressing both symptoms and root causes and serving both current needs and long-term goals.It is an emergency-response plan to ensure economic growth, improve people's livelihood and maintain social stability.It also represents a long-term policy to promote scientific and harmonious development of the Chinese economy.China is experiencing accelerated industrialization and urbanization, a period with tremendous demand and growth potential.Thanks to 30 years of reform and opening-up, we have laid a sound material, scientific, technological and institutional foundation for development.We have sufficient capital and rich labor resources.We have institutional advantages that enable us to mobilize resources for big undertakings.And we enjoy a harmonious and stable social environment.I am convinced that so long as we persevere in our efforts, we will overcome the crisis and at the same time ease structural and institutional problems in the economic development, and enhance the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the economy.We will further unleash our economic potential to improve the well-being of the Chinese people and create more trade and investment opportunities for other countries.女士们,先生们,朋友们: Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,中国实施的一揽子计划已初见成效,经济运行出现积极变化,形势比预料的好。主要表现:一是投资增速加快,消费较快增长,国内需求持续提高。一季度国内生产总值增长6.1%。全社会固定资产投资增长28.8%,比去年同期和四季度分别提高4.2和6.4个百分点;城镇新开工项目计划总投资增长 87.7%。社会消费品零售总额实际增长15.9%,增幅同比提高3.6个百分点。在“家电下乡”和小排量汽车减税等政策带动下,家电、农机等行业产销大幅增长,汽车销售创历史新高。商品房销售面积增长8.2%,初步扭转一年多来的下降局面。二是工业生产逐步企稳,农业形势总体稳定。3月份,规模以上工业增加值同比增长8.3%,增幅比前两个月提高4.5个百分点;消费品工业呈现回升态势,装备制造业和部分原材料工业出现转机。强农惠农政策加快落实,产生积极效果。粮食播种面积增加,夏粮长势较好;农资供应充足,春耘备耕进展顺利。三是结构调整积极推进,区域发展协调性强,产业升级加快。中西部地区固定资产投资、工业增加值、社会消费品零售总额增长,都明显高于全国平均水平。沿海地区工业总体增速虽然较低,但恢复加快。高新技术产业增势较强,生物生化制品、通信交换设备、医疗设备及器械制造业等增速明显超过工业平均增速。四是城镇就业增加,居民收入提高。一季度城镇新增就业268万人,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均现金收入同比实际分别增长11.2%和8.6%。五是银行体系流动性充裕,金融市场平稳运行,社会信心提振,市场预期改善。
China's package plan is already paying off, and positive changes have taken place in the economy.The situation is better than expected.First, investment growth is gaining speed, consumption is growing fairly fast, and domestic demand has been on the rise.The country's GDP grew by 6.1% in the first quarter of this year.Total fixed assets investment rose by 28.8%, up by 4.2 percentage points and 6.4 percentage points over the first and fourth quarters of last year respectively.Total planned investment in new urban construction projects jumped by 87.7%.Retail sales of consumer goods increased by 15.9% in real terms, registering a year-on-year growth of 3.6 percentage points.Thanks to the “Home Appliance to the Countryside Program” and lower taxes for small-engine cars, production and sales of household appliances and agro-machinery grew by a large margin and auto sales reached a record high.The total floor space of commercial housing sold expanded by 8.2%, a preliminary reversal of the year-long downward trend.Second, industrial output has gradually stabilized, and agricultural production is on the whole stable.In March, the added value of industries above a designated scale increased by 8.3% year-on-year, 4.5 percentage points higher than the previous two months.Consumer goods industry looked up, while equipment manufacturing and some raw material industries turned for the better.We have speeded up the implementation of the policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers with good results.Grain acreage has increased and summer crops are growing well.With ample supply of agricultural means of production, preparations for spring plowing are well underway.Third, economic restructuring has made encouraging progress, regional development has become more coordinated and industrial upgrading is picking up speed.The fixed assets investment, industrial added value and total retail sales of consumer goods in central and western China are growing at a markedly higher pace than the national average.Though the overall growth rate of industries in the coastal areas remains low, these industries are nevertheless recovering at a faster speed.High-tech industries have registered robust growth.Manufacturing industries in biological and biochemical products, communication switch equipment, medical equipment and machinery are growing faster than the overall industrial growth of the country.Fourth, urban employment and people's income have risen.Figures of the first quarter show that 2.68 million jobs were created in urban areas, and per capita urban disposable income and per capita rural cash income grew by 11.2% and 8.6% year-on-year in real terms.Fifth, there is sufficient liquidity in the banking system and financial markets have been performing smoothly.Public confidence has become stronger and market expectations have improved.应该看到,国际金融危机还在扩散蔓延,世界经济衰退的基本态势没有改变,金融体系存在的问题没有解决,实体经济恶化超出预期,全球经济复苏可能经历较长和曲折的过程。受国际金融危机的影响,我国经济社会发展面临的困难很大,主要是:外部需求持续萎缩,出口下降幅度较大;农业稳定生产、农民持续增收难度加大;一些行业产能过剩,工业增长回升乏力,经济效益继续下滑,财政收入减少,就业形势十分严峻。
We should not, however, lose sight of the fact that the international financial crisis is still spreading, the basic trend of world economic recession is not reversed, problems in the financial system remain unresolved and the worsening of the real economy has been more serious than expected.The global economic recovery may be a long and tortuous process.The international financial crisis has presented China with great challenges in economic and social development, including a sharp decline in exports due to continuous contraction of external demand, greater difficulties in stabilizing agricultural production and increasing farmers' income, overcapacity in some industries, slow recovery in industrial growth, continued drop of economic returns, reduction in fiscal revenue and severe pressure of employment.在错综复杂的国内外形势下,我们既要看到经济社会发展的有利条件和积极因素,坚定战胜困难的决心和信心;又要充分估计形势的不确定性、不稳定性,保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识,宁可把形势估计得严峻一些,把困难考虑得充分一些,做好应对更大困难的长期准备。我们要坚定不移地贯彻执行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,毫不放松地全面实施应对危机的一揽子计划,努力把金融危机的影响降到最低限度,促进中国经济平稳较快发展。Confronted with the complicated domestic and international situation, we should recognize the favorable conditions and positive factors in economic and social development, and strengthen our resolve and confidence in overcoming difficulties.On the other hand, we should be fully mindful of the uncertainties and instabilities of the situation, remain level-headed and be more vigilant against possible adversity in the future.It is advisable to have a more sober assessment of the situation and take into consideration all possible difficulties that we may encounter.This way, we can better prepare ourselves for greater and protracted challenges.We will resolutely enforce the proactive fiscal policy and the moderately easy monetary policy, spare no effort to implement our package plan, strive to minimize the impact of the financial crisis and promote steady and relatively fast growth of the Chinese economy.女士们,先生们,朋友们: Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,在经济全球化条件下,世界各国的命运已紧紧联系在一起,没有一个国家可以在国际金融危机中独善其身,没有一个国家能够以一己之力战胜这场危机。亚洲是全球经济最具活力和潜力的地区之一。人口约占全球总人口的60%,经济总量、贸易总额约占全球的1/4和1/3。虽然各国国情不同,但维护国家主权、加快经济发展、弘扬公平正义、增进国民福祉的目标是相同的;应对国际金融危机,打击恐怖主义和跨国犯罪,遏制疫病蔓延、环境恶化等方面面临的挑战是相似的;深化双边多边合作、实现互利共赢的意愿是一致的。目前亚洲地区各种合作机制相继建立并取得积极成效,经济、科技、人文等领域交流与合作不断深化,合作的基础日益牢固。有效应对这场金融危机,亚洲各国不仅要把本国的事情办好,而且要进一步加强合作,携手努力,同舟共济,推动亚洲共赢发展,成为世界经济复苏的重要引擎。Economic globalization has linked us closely together.No country can stay immune from the international financial crisis or overcome its impact on one's own.Asia is one of the most dynamic and promising regions in the world economy.Together, we take up 60% of the world's population, a quarter of the global economy and a third of global trade.Countries in this region have different national conditions, but we share the common goal of safeguarding sovereignty, accelerating economic growth, upholding equity and justice, and improving people's livelihood.We face similar challenges in tackling the international financial crisis, fighting terrorism and transnational crimes and curbing the spread of diseases and environmental degradation.And we have the same commitment to bilateral and multilateral cooperation for mutual benefit and win-win progress.We have put in place a variety of regional cooperation mechanisms, which have carried out effective work.Exchanges and cooperation among us in economy, science and technology, culture and other fields are deepening and the foundation of our cooperation is getting stronger.To counter the financial crisis, Asian countries should not only each run their own affairs well, but also step up cooperation and pull together like passengers in the same boat to promote win-win development and make Asia a key engine in reigniting world economic growth.中国是亚洲合作的积极参与者与建设者,坚定不移地奉行与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针和睦邻、安邻、富邻的周边外交政策。特别是近些年来,我们与亚洲多个国家和地区签署了双多边自贸协定,推进了贸易和投资的发展。我们还与一些国家和地区签署了6份总额为235亿美元双边货币互换协议,6 份总额为6500亿元人民币的双边本币货币互换协议,丰富了区域金融合作的内容和形式,增强了地区资金救助机制的作用。拥有19亿人口、GDP近6万亿美元的中国-东盟自贸区将于2010年全面建成。我很高兴地看到,2003年10月我在第七次东盟与中日韩领导人会议上提出的“推动清迈倡议多边化”的设想,正在成为区域财金合作的重点,已经迈出实质性步伐。
China has taken an active part in building Asian cooperation.We follow a policy of making friends and partners in the surrounding areas and fostering an amicable, stable and prosperous neighborhood.In recent years in particular, we have concluded several bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements with other countries and regions in Asia, which have served to promote trade and investment.We have signed six bilateral currency swap agreements totaling US$23.5 billion and six bilateral currency swap agreements in local currencies worth RMB650 billion.These arrangements have enriched the content and form of regional financial cooperation and strengthened the role of regional liquidity assistance mechanisms.A China-ASEAN free trade area with a combined population of 1.9 billion and an aggregate GDP of nearly US$6 trillion will be fully established by 2010.In October 2003, I made a proposal at the 7th ASEAN plus China, Japan and the ROK Summit to advance the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization.I am very pleased to see that this is now becoming a priority in regional financial cooperation and substantive steps have been taken in this regard.面对国际金融危机肆虐,中国愿意继续同亚洲国家一道,积极应对挑战,全面加强合作,使各领域合作更加充实和富有活力,促进地区和平与繁荣。为此,我提出如下主张: In the face of the spreading financial crisis, China will continue to work with other Asian countries to actively tackle challenges and advance all-round cooperation with a view to enriching and energizing our cooperation and promoting peace and prosperity in the region.To achieve this, I wish to propose the following:
一是密切经贸合作,坚决反对贸易保护主义。更加重视促进自由贸易,扩大区内贸易规模。在海关、检验检疫、物流和商务人员流动等方面采取有效措施,以实际行动降低贸易壁垒,避免设置新的贸易障碍。积极推进自由贸易区建设,充分利用多双边自由贸易安排,发挥各国经济互补优势。中国决定在上海市和广东省4 个城市开展跨境贸易人民币结算试点,这一举措对促进与周边国家和地区的经贸关系必将产生积极作用。
First, engage in closer economic cooperation and trade, and firmly oppose trade protectionism.We should make greater efforts to promote free trade and expand intra-regional trade.We should adopt effective measures concerning customs, quarantine, logistics and interflow of business people, take concrete steps to lower trade barriers and refrain from setting up new obstacles to trade.We should vigorously advance the building of free trade areas, make full use of multilateral and bilateral free trade arrangements and bring into play our economic complementarities.The Chinese Government has decided to introduce a pilot program of using RMB in the settlement of cross-border trade in Shanghai and four cities in Guangdong province.This will boost our economic cooperation and trade with neighboring countries and regions.二是加强财金合作,努力维护区域金融稳定。充分发挥双边货币互换协议作用,研究扩大互换额度和签约国范围。去年10+3国家决定建立800 亿美元外汇储备库,最近又将其规模扩大到1200亿美元,显示了本地区加强金融合作的迫切需要和强烈意愿。希望加快清迈倡议多边化进程,最大限度照顾彼此关切,尽早达成共识,建成区域外汇储备库,增强本地区抵御金融风险能力。推进亚洲债券市场建设,更好地利用区内资金,促进亚洲经济发展。Second, strengthen financial cooperation and maintain regional financial stability.We should take full advantage of the bilateral currency swap agreements and study the possibility of expanding the swap size and number of participating countries.The 10+3 countries decided to set up a US$80 billion foreign exchange reserve pool last year and recently agreed to expand it to US$120 billion.This underlines the urgent need and our strong desire to strengthen regional financial cooperation.We hope the multilateralization process of the Chiang Mai Initiative will speed up.We should accommodate each other's concerns to the greatest extent possible, build consensus and establish a regional reserve pool as early as possible so as to better protect our region from financial risks.We should promote development of the Asian Bond Market and better utilize available regional funds to promote economic growth in Asia.三是深化投资合作,发挥投资在区域经济增长中的拉动作用。加快区域和次区域交通、电力、通讯领域建设步伐,逐步实现基础设施的互联互通和网络化。中国决定设立总规模为100亿美元的“中国-东盟投资合作基金”,支持区域基础设施建设。各国扩大投资都要秉承开放精神,允许其他国家企业公平参与。鼓励各国企业在区域内相互投资,加强劳务合作,避免大规模遣返外国劳工。
Third, deepen investment cooperation to drive regional economic growth.We should accelerate the development of regional and sub-regional transportation, power and communication infrastructure to gradually achieve interconnectivity and form a network.China has decided to set up a US$10 billion “China-ASEAN Fund on Investment Cooperation” to support infrastructural development in the region.All countries should follow an open approach when expanding investment and allow equal participation of enterprises from other countries.We should encourage mutual investment among businesses within the region, strengthen labor services cooperation and avoid large-scale repatriation of foreign workers.四是推动“绿色”合作,促进亚洲经济可持续发展。积极有效地协调政策和行动,加强亚洲国家在节能环保、开发利用新能源和可再生能源等领域的合作,培育亚洲经济新的增长点。坚持“共同但有区别的责任”和公平原则,在《联合国气候变化框架公约》下,深化对话与交流,积极开展务实合作,为全球应对气候变化做出力所能及的贡献。Fourth, advance “green” cooperation and promote sustainable economic growth in Asia.We should actively and effectively coordinate policies and actions to enhance cooperation in energy conservation, environmental protection and development and utilization of new and renewable energies, and foster new growth areas in the Asian economy.We should adhere to the principles of “common but differentiated responsibilities” and equity, intensify dialogue and exchanges and pursue practical cooperation in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change so as to contribute our share to the global endeavor to fight climate change.五是加强在国际事务中的配合与协调,促进世界和平稳定繁荣。通过APEC、亚欧会议和东亚-拉美合作论坛、亚洲-中东对话等平台,加强与其他地区的合作,提高合作效率和质量。落实二十国集团领导人伦敦金融峰会共识,加强宏观经济政策协调;推进国际金融体系改革,提高新兴市场和发展中国家的代表性和发言权,加强对主要储备货币发行经济体宏观经济政策的监督,推进多元化国际货币体系建设;推动多哈回合谈判取得全面、平衡的结果,特别要加强对发展中国家的贸易支持;认真落实联合国千年发展目标,推进国际减贫进程,避免因金融危机减少对发展中国家的援助。
Fifth, enhance collaboration and coordination in international affairs and promote world peace, stability and prosperity.We in Asia should strengthen cooperation with other regions through such platforms as Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC), Asia-Europe Meeting(ASEM), Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation(FEALAC)and Asia-Middle East Dialogue(AMED), and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of such cooperation.We should implement the consensus reached at the G20 Financial Summit in London and strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination.We should advance reform of the international financial system, increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries, strengthen surveillance of the macroeconomic policies of major reserve currency issuing economies, and develop a more diversified international monetary system.We should work for comprehensive and balanced outcomes in the Doha Round negotiations and give, in particular, more trade support to developing countries.We should work earnestly to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals, push forward the global poverty reduction process, and prevent a cutback in the assistance to developing countries as a result of the financial crisis.这里,我还想强调一点,工商界要在应对国际金融危机、促进亚洲地区发展方面发挥积极作用。企业家要注重社会责任,妥善处理各种风险和隐患,要善于把握世界经济调整时机,不断开拓创新,寻找新的发展机遇。亚洲发展潜力巨大,区内各类企业特别是跨国企业,只要坚守在这块土地上,尽量少关闭工厂、少裁员,加强各国企业在生产经营、技术研发等方面合作,一定能够在应对危机中实现新的跨越。
I wish to stress here that the business community should play an active part in tackling the international financial crisis and promoting Asia's development.Entrepreneurs need to bear in mind their social responsibilities and properly manage risks and potential problems.They should seize the opportunities offered by world economic readjustments, take bold and pioneering steps, and explore new development opportunities.Asia is a region with enormous development potential.As long as enterprises in the region, particularly multinational corporations, remain committed to their business in Asia, minimize factory closures and employee layoffs, and enhance cooperation with their partners in other countries in production, management as well as research and development, they will emerge from the crisis stronger than before.女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,我曾经说过,信心比黄金和货币更重要。今天,我还要讲一句话,希望像一盏永不熄灭的明灯,给各国、各企业和世界人民照亮方向。让我们坚定信心,满怀希望,携手合作,共同开创亚洲更加美好的未来!
As I said before, confidence is more important than gold and currency.Today, I want to add one more thing, that is, hope is an ever-lasting beacon that will light up the way forward for countries, businesses and people around the world.Let us strengthen confidence, join hands and work together with strong hope for an even brighter future for Asia.谢谢大家!Thank you.
Work Together to Open a New Chapter Business Leaders
Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China 2013年5月27日,柏林 Berlin, 27 May 2013 尊敬的勒斯勒尔副总理,尊敬的罗旭德主席和各位贵宾,女士们、先生们,朋友们: Vice Chancellor Philipp Rösler, Chairman Peter Löscher, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,in China-German Cooperation--Speech at Luncheon Hosted by Chinese and German 很高兴在访问德国期间同在座的各位工商界朋友见面。
I am glad to meet you, Chinese and German business leaders, during my visit to Germany.刚才勒斯勒尔副总理发表了热情洋溢的致辞,他提到,今天上午德方正式答复欧盟委员会,反对对中国无线通信设备产品实行“双反”调查。德方本应在三天前正式答复欧委会,但一直延迟到今天上午,原因是德方希望听取中国政府的声音。这一立场是中德共识,我高度赞赏。欧盟发起针对中国光伏产品和无线通信设备产品的反倾销反补贴调查,会对中国产业、企业和就业造成严重影响,也会伤及欧盟消费者、相关企业的切身利益和就业。我们希望与欧盟共同反对贸易保护主义,反对滥用贸易救济措施,通过对话与磋商妥善解决贸易摩擦。当前世界经济复苏缓慢,欧洲克服自身困难仍面临挑战,中国也处于经济结构调整过程中。在这一大背景下,反对贸易保护主义是克服困难、战胜挑战的一剂良药。
Vice Chancellor Rösler has just delivered a warm address.He mentioned the German government’s official reply to the Commission this morning, in which Germany voiced its opposition to the launch of anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations against Chinese wireless telecommunication equipment.Germany could have replied three days ago.Yet it did not do so until this morning in order to hear the position of the Chinese government.This is a common position between our two countries, which I highly appreciate.The AD&CVD investigations launched by the European Union against Chinese photovoltaic products and wireless telecommunication equipment will cause severe adverse impact on Chinese industries, businesses and employment and hurt European consumers, companies and employment.China hopes to work with the EU to fight against trade protectionism, oppose the abuse of trade remedies and address trade frictions through dialogue and consultation.The world economy is slowly recovering.Europe still faces challenges in overcoming its own difficulties, and China is undergoing economic adjustment.Against this backdrop, opposing trade protectionism is crucial to overcoming these difficulties and meeting challenges.勒斯勒尔副总理在致辞中还希望中国企业更多到德国投资。我可以告诉大家,与中德双边贸易额、德国企业对华投资相比,中国企业对德投资相对较少,我们将鼓励更多有实力的中国企业到德国投资。今天上午我会见了在德中国商会负责人,设立这个商会有助于中国企业更多地投资德国。罗旭德主席也希望中国进一步扩大开放。我此行就是为开放而来、为合作而来,特别是为扩大对德对欧的开放与合作而来。
In his address, the Vice Chancellor also hoped to see more Chinese investment in Germany.Indeed, compared with the bilateral trade volume and German investment in China, Chinese investment in Germany is still modest.We encourage more well based Chinese companies to invest in Germany.This morning, I met with the heads of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Germany, whose job is to assist more Chinese companies to make investment in Germany.Chairman Löscher also hopes that China will open wider to the outside.I am paying this visit to promote greater openness and cooperation, in particular, openness towards and cooperation with Germany and Europe.此访期间,我同德国领导人进行了友好、坦诚的会谈,与默克尔总理在一起的时间就有7个小时,就深化中德战略伙伴关系达成新的共识,成果十分丰富。我还与德国企业家进行了对话交流。中德双方不仅将继续落实两国政府磋商机制和总理会晤机制,还将推动中德几十个务实合作机制深入开展工作。刚才,我会见了中德经济顾问委员会的代表。这一委员会由双方具有丰富资源和强大实力的金融、实业企业负责人担任主席和副主席。委员会的成立表明,不仅两国政府高度重视深化双边经贸关系,两国经济界还开辟了新的战场。这是中国同欧盟国家、世界主要经济体建立的首个经济顾问委员会,成为中德经贸合作的“第二轨道”。火车跑得快,离不开两条轨道这个基础。政府、企业全面加强合作,可以使“两条轨道”一起发挥作用,“两个轮子”一起转。总之,中德关系发展具有强大的混合动力,已全面进入快车道和提速期。
During my visit, I have had cordial and friendly meetings with German leaders.I had meeting lasting seven hours with Chancellor Merkel and we reached new agreement on boosting China-Germany strategic partnership.I also had a dialogue with German business leaders.China and Germany will continue governmental consultation and annual meeting between heads of government, and make more progress in several dozen mechanisms on cooperation.I have just met with representatives of the China Advisory Council, whose chairman and vice chairmen are heads of well-established and influential financial and industrial corporations of both countries.The founding of this Council not only shows the importance both governments attach to bilateral business relations, but also opens a new channel for conducting business cooperation.This is the first council of its kind set up between China and Germany, an EU country and a major global economy, and it has become a second track for boosting China-Germany business relations.A train can only run fast on two tracks.When governments and businesses work together, both tracks will be able to play their roles and both wheels will turn.In short, China-Germany relations, driven by a powerful hybrid engine, are speeding up along the fast track.女士们,先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen, 在座的朋友们都十分关心中国经济形势和前景,我愿在这里作简要介绍。Since you are quite interested in the Chinese economy and its growth prospect, I will give you a brief update on them.中国始终坚持走和平发展道路,正朝着建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈努力。到2020年要全面建成小康社会,就必须坚定不移地推进改革开放,推进工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化同步发展。“新四化”也将为德国和欧洲对华合作提供巨大的空间。
China will continue to pursue peaceful development.We are making untiring efforts to build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious, and realize the Chinese dream, which is the great renewal of the Chinese nation.Our goal is to turn China into a country of initial prosperity in all respects by 2020.This requires us to unswervingly advance reform and opening-up, and promote the balanced development of industralization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization.These endeavors will create huge opportunity for Germany and Europe’s cooperation with China.中国经济总量在不断扩大,当前经济增长处在合理的区间,今年一季度国内生产总值增长7.7%,增幅高于年初提出的全年7.5%的预期。同时,城镇新增就业432万人,比去年同期有所增加。实现2020年国内生产总值和居民人均收入比2010年翻一番的目标,中国经济需要保持年均7%左右的增速。这对于中国这样大的经济体来说很不容易,但我们有条件、有能力做到,也必须加倍努力。中国是一个拥有13亿多人口的大国,工业化、城镇化的加快推进蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力。中国人均GDP已达到6000美元,进入了中等收入阶段,消费升级空间广阔。中国的改革能够带来很大红利,必将进一步激发市场活力与经济的内生动力。现在中国经济总量已达到52万亿元人民币,每增长7.5个百分点,相当于增加3.9万亿元人民币的规模,含金量与过去相比是不一样的。我们要保持中国经济持续健康发展,始终在合理的区间运行,这样也给市场以明确、长期的预期。
China’s total economic output is increasing, and it has maintained a proper rate of growth.Its GDP grew by 7.7% during the first quarter, higher than the 7.5% annual target set at the beginning of the year.At the same time, 4.32 million new jobs were created in urban areas, slightly more than the same period last year.To achieve the goal of doubling China’s GDP and per capita income of 2012 by 2020, we need to maintain an annual growth rate of around 7%.This is not easy for such a large economy as China’s.But we have the condition and the ability to meet this goal.We also need to redouble our efforts.China is a big country with 1.3 billion people, and its accelerating industrialization and urbanization drive will unleash huge development potential.With a per capita GDP of 6,000 US dollars, China has reached the level of a middle income country and there is huge space for upgrading consumption.China’s reform will generate huge dividends, which will further boost market vitality and the internal growth momentum of the economy.China’s economy has reached 52 trillion yuan in size.Each 7.5% growth means an increase of 3.9 trillion yuan in GDP, which is much bigger in size than in the past.We need to maintain sustained, stable and sound growth of China’s economy.The market will thus have a clear and long-term expectation of China’s economic trend.