
时间:2019-05-14 19:31:06下载本文作者:会员上传


“Change the world with new words.”————Feedback From the speaker, although English is a kind of wonderful language in the world, there are still many holes in it.To improve this, the speaker once created a dictionary as a supplementary to these holes.Accordingly, it received a great deal of positive reactions.Whereas, not merely language, other parts of the world also need one quality.That is innovation.We all need the passion for innovation.Innovation, namely creativity, is necessary whatever you do.We cannot ignore its significance unless human civilization fades away.Innovation process our society and keep humanity more lively than before.Just like the speaker’s dictionary, these new items are expected to be put into daily life so that people gradually receive and accept it.Most of us are searching for the meaning of life with creativity, which can lead our society to a apparent change.Finally, end up with a saying: “Creating a life that reflects your values and satisfies your soul is a rare achievement.To invent your own life’s meaning is not easy, but it’s still allowed, and I think you’ll be happier for the trouble.”


“Presence of mind”——Feedback Key words: stress pre-mortem ahead of time According to the lecture, our brain under stress releases cortisol, and one of the things that happens at the moment is a whole bunch on systems shut down.Few of us can remain rational and logical thinking while facing stressful things, so it is of great significance to think them over before their appearances.We need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kind of situations.And the conception which the speaker put forward is pre-mortem.The idea of the pre-mortem is to think ahead of time to the questions that you might be able to ask that will push the conversation forward.You look ahead, try to figure out all the things that could go wrong and then try to figure out what you can do to prevent those things from happening or to minimize the damage.Prevent bad things from happening.Or at least if bad things happen, we will minimize the likelihood of it being a catastrophe.Under stress we are not thinking clearly.We need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kind of situations.So think about how you are going to work through this ahead of time, so you don’t have to manufacture the chain of reasoning on the spot.You might change your mind on impulse, but at least you are practiced with this kind of thinking.


Time changes the world

Hello everyone, My topic is time changes the world.As we all known, the world is not waiting for us, she has her own tool watching us and make us cry, smile and grown up.What is that, it’s time.Time is a legend, and changes the world everyday.Most of the children start to walk at the first twelve and fifteen months of lives, on average they will start attending school at age six or seven.It is typical that they will spend their next sixteen years in education, in love in all the feeling that the surrounding give, and then graduate,go to work spending lots of time earn little money at the beginning but with the time going by, the salary will increase while the working hours coming down.What all these happen are because of time, the magic time.If time is still, the whole world will be still, no sadness, panic, happiness and so on.Please allow me to present a fairly assumption about the eight minutes memory just before death.Eight minutes will change the world.This idea seems like humoristic or even ridiculous.However, it base on a scientific proof that there will be an eight minute memory stored in your part of brain ready to be extracted before the rotting flesh.The eight minutes is the last moment before the death, therefore if this kind of fragment of memory retrieved and then embedded in to another person’s brain, the truths of numbers of issues can be uncovered.Eight minutes can do lots of things.Let me give you an example, it is a story in a film called “ source code” and the story line is that the counter terrorist unit use this eight minute memory make another soldier who died in The Iraq War enter a blast scene in the New York city to looking for the murder.The story I told you just know sounds like a little bit fantastic, so now, let me give you some simple proofs that the time can change a world.For one thing, three years ago, you fell in a madly love with a man, he accept you at that time but when he saw the lady who is his true love, you broke up feel hurt while you don't want to get some rebound date with other guys in club or somewhere, then therefore, time is the best antidote.With the time going on, you will come back to the original happy one.For another thing, a little boy and a little live in neighbourhood from their childhood, grown up together, attend primary secondary and high school together and then luckily both of them are accepted by the same university, with time going on, as we all known, the happy ending like a fairy tale style called love will come in time.On the other hand, if they enter different university in different city, the long distances make them cannot meet each other for a long time.The ending will be sorrowful both of them have a separate world with others in their rest of lives.Therefore, time changes the world, with time going on, all the things in the world will be changed consciously or unconsciously, just like before you came into this room, you feel happy, with time going on, until most of you feel boring.That's all, thank you.


Photos that changed the world Good moring,everyone.My name is Xiehonglan,I come from Fuzhou, the capital city of Fujian province.It faces the island of Taiwan,off the China coast.This area nurtures many eminent scholars and politicians of the Chinese contemporary history,such as Yanfu,BinXing and Lin Zexu.I love my city.I graduated from Nankai University.Today my topic is Photos that changed the world To start with, I want to ask a question.Do you believe images can change the world? However, the truth is that we know that the images themselves don’t change the world, but we are also aware that, since the beginning of photography, images have provoked reactions in people, and those reactions have caused change to happen.So let’s begin with a group of images, they are so well-known, you might even recognize them in a different form.But I think we are looking for something more.We are looking for images that shine an uncompromising light on crucial issues, images that transcend borders, that transcend religions, images that provoke us to step up and do something.In other words, to act.Well, this image, you have all seen.It changed our view of the physical world.We have never seen our planet from this perspective before.Many people credit a lot of the birth of the environmental movement to our seeing the planet like this for the first time, its smallness, its fragility.40 years later, this groupare aware of the destructive power that our species can wield over our environment.These images taken by Brent Stirton in the Congo, these gorillas were murdered, some would even say crucified, and unsurprisingly, they sparked international outrage.Now, images have power to shed light of understanding on suspicion, ignorance, and in particularthe issue of HIV/AIDS.In the 1980s, people avoided talking about the disease.A simple act, in 1987, of the most famous woman in the world, the Princess of Wales, touching an HIV/AIDS infected baby, did a great deal, especially in Europe, to stop that.She, better than most, knew the power of an image.So when we are confronted by a powerful image, we all have a choice.We can look away, or we can address the image.Thankfully, when these photos appeared in the Guardian in 1998, they put a lot of focus and attention, and in the end, a lot of money, towards the Sudan famine relief efforts.Did the images change the world? No, but they had a major impact.Ansel Adams said, “you don’t take a photograph, you make it.” In my view, it’s not the photographer who makes the photo, it’s you.We bring to each image, our own values, our own belief systems, and as a result of that, the image resonates with us.


Education changes our fortune —— Feedback Educational equality is a permanent topic among the society.The poor should get the same access to an entire education as others possess.However, there are still too many women lost their opportunities to know their culture and this world because of extreme poverty.The speaker once helped a number of women with their languages by attending certain courses.These courses were often held in the local suburbs.Furthermore, the inequality between men and women is the fundamental restriction to their unfair education.Many women were eager to control over their simple daily routines and small details that we take for granted.Since those women received the education they deserve, they all realized that the only way to control their life was through education.There are so many facts that show us that it is impossible to overcome barriers to education.Education is the best means to own a better future.Eventually, I’d like to end up with what the speaker said :“Question your convictions.Be who you want to be,not who they want you to be.Don’t accept their enslavement, for your mother birthed you free.”



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