To be a positive pessimist.—— Feedback When we were young, we often dare to do whatever we can regardless of anything because we are innocent.As we became more mature after growth, we started being afraid of making mistakes.It’s common that we choose to be the best or nothing.Just like the lecturer Han Xue mentioned, we trapped ourselves in an overprotective world.Everything we are going to do or each situation we may face is unpredictable, but it shouldn’t be the reason for our escaping all hard periods.What if people always get rid of troubles? It seems like a signal meaning a loss of imagination and creativity.So, there must be some solutions that are needed.Han Xue shared her strategies about being a positive pessimist.She suggested that we receive lower expectations to ourselves and prepare to lose.Meanwhile, it doesn’t mean that you can always give in.Spare no efforts and go for it!There won’t be so much pity even if a failure happens.You might have a confusion about the “positive” and “pessimist”, how could a couple of opposite attitudes interweave together? However, we can find such paradoxes surrounding us.Generally speaking, we are expected to show our confidence while taking huge challenges, and conquer them with will power.Particularly, you needn’t be ashamed of losing only if you put your heart into it.A positive pessimist may not have something outstanding, but he(or she)must be better which is unstoppable.
韩雪ted演讲全程英文_演讲主题----积极的悲观主义者 大家下午好:
我还要给大家看另外一个东西不要笑 这些话描述了一个完整的故事
如果你们真的想知道里面讲的内容 你们待会可以看下我的微博 这一幅画是我去年画的 我还有另外一幅作品比这个要好很多 但这一幅是我20年前画的 你们一定想问 怎么越画越差了? 我猜你们的结论一定是 我越来越缺乏想象力了 那这是为什么呢 我想这是因为我长大了 长大了以后 我们开始变得害怕犯错了
我们要么不做,要做就做好的 所以总是尝试着不去犯错误 我们似乎将自己困在了一个保护过度的世界中 于是乎我们渐渐失去了想象力与创造力
怎么办呢 对于我来说答案就是要做一个积极的悲观主义者 让我来解释一下 做一个悲观主义者意味着你放低对自己的要求 接受可能会失败的事实 那么积极有意味着什么 其实很简单 就是你拼尽全力 要去赢得游戏 把这两个观念放在一起似乎有一些矛盾 我也同意 但是我的认为这就是世界本来的样子 就是这样 我们总能在生活中找到完全对立的事物
但是他们很好地共存在一起 那么如何做一个积极地悲观主义者呢 我来分享一些我的经历吧 或许我还没有老到可以大谈自己的经历 但是这些故事对于我个人而言非常宝贵
第一个故事发生在2012年 我第一次成为了一名电视制片人 但是正如你们所知道的我是一名演员和歌手
制片人的角色我还是很不熟悉 所以请记住 我首先得是一个悲观主义者 我要去设想最坏的结果 最坏或许就是没有人愿意花钱去买它了吧 而我所有的花费和时间都付诸东流
这项投资金额大概相当于我这几年演艺生涯赚到的钱的总和 电视市场是怎样的呢
在国内只有20%的电视剧能成功卖出去并在电视台播放剩下的80%呢? 过去制作团队只剩下了一堆录像带
现在情况更糟 我们只能剩下(硬盘里的)一堆数据 所以我不断问自己 “你到底能不能接受这个最坏的结果” 我的答案是肯定的,至少我能试一下所以我们开始了拍摄 接下来 还记得吗我要做的就是要保持积极心态
因为我是一个数字产品迷所以我还决定要在自己的电视中采用高科技 我专注在实现4k分辨率 我来解释一下这是一个什么概念 通常我们在电影院屏幕上看到的电影分辨率是2k 而4k是2k的四倍分辨率 当然这也意味着文件每帧都有50mb大小 如果你还有点迷糊的话 没关系 你只需要记住这是在中国电视界的 一个巨大的挑战 在我们之前只有很少一部分人尝试过4k分辨率 他们做到了4k输入但并不是输出 因为它实在是太难了 张艺谋导游在他的电影《归来》中第一次使用了4k 当我们结束了拍摄的工作并开始制作后期 噩梦才真的降临在我们头上
我仍然记得我们打算为北京电视节做一段5分钟的试片 但是辛苦工作了一整天后
我们只输出了50秒钟 而且这个时候电脑瘫痪了 我快要急疯了 我能够做点什么吗?一部30集的电视剧 我只输出了50秒钟的视频 于是我去问我们的顾问 我们的技术顾问来自美国最大的数字影像公司red 他们告诉我们在美国他们使用的是hp基础站 但是在中国我们并没有hp基础站
它实在是太贵了我们根本买不起 所以我们决定自己组装自己的设备 我们尝试了数十种组合的输出模式 经过了六个月之后我们成功了 我的《淑女之家》成为了首部 真正4k输出的电视剧 而且我成功地把它卖给了电视台并获得了不错的收视率 这次的经历让我学会了不要去害怕接受巨大的挑战 你可以做好失败的心理准备但是靠毅力去征服它
下一个故事就发生在去年 我接受了贝尔的邀请 有人知道他吗? 你们可能会想我简直疯了 是的就是这个号称站在食物链顶端的男人 他几乎什么都吃 我也是 你们或许觉得我疯了,是的在那儿之前 我几乎没做过体育锻炼 我的体能也不太好 我害怕很多事情 我恐高 而且害怕昆虫 我甚至连过山车都不敢做 但是我几乎马上就接受了他的邀请 因为我知道如果我放弃这次机会 我这一辈子都不会再得到它了 所以我决定去冒一次险 在20天里面 我抓过老鼠 吃过昆虫
但是(还好)我没有喝过尿液 在前半段的旅程中我几乎每天都在哭泣 印象最深刻的是倒数第二天 我记得那一天我们要通过悬挂在悬崖两边 的绳子穿越一个峡谷 就是这张图片 但是你们看不到宽度,很宽的 标准的姿势是将整个身体都悬挂在绳索上面
用一只脚的脚踝缠绕住绳子 然后用力将自己从一边拉到另一边去 轮到我的时候 贝尔对我说 你确定你要尝试吗
如果你想要退出这一项也是可以的因为我知道你无法保持身体的平衡 你不能使用你的左胳膊
在那项任务的两天前我不幸地将自己的左手弄伤了 而且伤到了神经系统 我的手指会不受控制地颤抖
我几乎无法使用我的左手 作为一名悲观者,我不得不设想最坏的情况 这可是一个真人秀节目
真人秀可能会是非常危险的 如果做不到百分百的完美
你可能会在网上受到网友的批评 我可能会再次跌倒然后伤到我右手 我问自己真的要尝试吗 我想至少我死不了 那就不管那么多了 接受挑战
比我想象中的要难很多了 你们可以从照片中看到我的姿势 我的团队成员跟我说 “你真是太丑了” 她说你看上去像一只死掉的毛毛虫 我身体的一半在这一边,另外一半在另一边
这还不算最糟糕的 最糟糕的是我的手臂支撑不起我的上半身和脑袋 我抬不起头去看终点在哪里 我该怎么办? 我知道我必须怀有积极的心态 我还知道
积极并不是说简简单单地说出一些话 你必须积极地作出点什么 那个时候我只能看到前面3米处的一块石头 我决定设定一个小小的目标 专注子啊那块石头上 当我心里面只想着那块石头的时候 神奇的事情发生了 我忘记了悬崖的高度 也忘记了要去保持平衡
我甚至忘记了终点 我只记得自己要专注 然后不断拉自己 然后我开始朝前寻找一个又一个的目标 然后任何小的物体都成为我前面闪闪发光的图像 多次以后 我意识到我离终点已经很近了
然后我终于成功抵达 从那以后我知道了失败并不可怕 你只需要设立小小的目标然后全身心投入
这些发生在我身上的故事塑造了我 成为一个积极的悲观主义者 直到今天 我知道自己钢琴弹得很差 画也画不好
也不是一个太棒的制作人 但是我喜欢成为一个积极的悲观主义者 任何事情都不能阻挡我成为更好的人 谢谢大家
“Presence of mind”——Feedback Key words: stress pre-mortem ahead of time According to the lecture, our brain under stress releases cortisol, and one of the things that happens at the moment is a whole bunch on systems shut down.Few of us can remain rational and logical thinking while facing stressful things, so it is of great significance to think them over before their appearances.We need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kind of situations.And the conception which the speaker put forward is pre-mortem.The idea of the pre-mortem is to think ahead of time to the questions that you might be able to ask that will push the conversation forward.You look ahead, try to figure out all the things that could go wrong and then try to figure out what you can do to prevent those things from happening or to minimize the damage.Prevent bad things from happening.Or at least if bad things happen, we will minimize the likelihood of it being a catastrophe.Under stress we are not thinking clearly.We need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kind of situations.So think about how you are going to work through this ahead of time, so you don’t have to manufacture the chain of reasoning on the spot.You might change your mind on impulse, but at least you are practiced with this kind of thinking.
Education changes our fortune —— Feedback Educational equality is a permanent topic among the society.The poor should get the same access to an entire education as others possess.However, there are still too many women lost their opportunities to know their culture and this world because of extreme poverty.The speaker once helped a number of women with their languages by attending certain courses.These courses were often held in the local suburbs.Furthermore, the inequality between men and women is the fundamental restriction to their unfair education.Many women were eager to control over their simple daily routines and small details that we take for granted.Since those women received the education they deserve, they all realized that the only way to control their life was through education.There are so many facts that show us that it is impossible to overcome barriers to education.Education is the best means to own a better future.Eventually, I’d like to end up with what the speaker said :“Question your convictions.Be who you want to be,not who they want you to be.Don’t accept their enslavement, for your mother birthed you free.”
“Reading the world.”————Feedback Key words: global reading plan abundance As the speaker described her plan of reading the world, she tried to get one book of each country around the world, translated into English.She got through many tough time and finally, she manged to finish her own reading.As for me, I learned just like what the speaker expressed: “In that case, as I found so often during my year of reading the world, my not knowing and being open about my limitations had become a big opportunity.”
While reading a book, it’s a chance not only to learn something new and discover a set of stories, but also expand our horizons.As those who enjoy reading will know, books have an extraordinary power to take you out of yourself and into someone else’s mindset.Therefore, for a quite while, you will look at the world through different views.Maybe there exists some cultural conflicts or values, but it can also be really enlightening.Wrestling with unfamiliar ideas can help clarify your own thinking.And it can also show up blind spots in the way you might have been looking at the world.If we can make our own plan like this, the information in those books can make me more alive to the richness, diversity and complexity of our remarkable planet than ever before.