2008年欧盟主席巴罗佐中国国家行政学院的演讲 时间:2008-11-28 14:02来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1012次
EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso’s Speech
At China National School of Administration
Beijing, 23 October 2008
Ladies and gentlemen,女士们、先生们,I am delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurtures your nation’s leaders of tomorrow.I am particularly pleased since the European Commission has had the opportunity to support this school.我很高兴能再次来到北京参加第七届亚欧首脑会议,并且得到在贵院这一培养中国未来领导人的重要学府做演讲的机会。尤其令我欣喜的是,欧盟委员会曾经为贵院提供过支持。
But let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games.These Games brought today’s China into homes around the world.It is a vivid picture of a dynamic society undergoing tremendous change.It is a picture that those who were able to attend the Games will carry with them forever.I am convinced that the Games brought the world and China closer together.This is something we should build on for the future.但是,请允许我首先就奥运会的成功举办向在座的各位表示祝贺。这一盛会让世界各地的许多家庭看到了今天的中国。北京奥运会生动地向世人展示了生机勃勃的中国正在发生的巨变。这一画面将被亲历过北京奥运会的人们所永远铭记。我相信北京奥运会让世界和中国更加紧密地联系在一起。这种联系也正是我们着眼于未来而所要加强的。
As you all know, we live in dynamic, and sometimes even dramatic, times.I will try to outline some of the main challenges ahead of us-and how they can be met through increased cooperation, as China and the EU have a very important word to say in the way we can, collectively, find global solutions for global problems.众所周知,我们生活在一个活跃甚至富有戏剧性的时代。中国和欧盟将在如何在全球范围内找到共同解决全球问题方面发挥重要作用,我下面将介绍一下我们目前所面临的一些主要挑战以及如何通过加强合作来应对这些挑战。
In the last month we have witnessed a financial crisis on a scale not seen for many decades.We have seen stock-markets plummet and banks taken over by national governments.Hard-earned savings have disappeared;well-known institutions have ceased to exist overnight.上个月我们见证了一场数十年未遇的金融危机。我们看到股票市场下跌,银行被政府接管,辛苦积攒的储蓄荡然无存,一些知名的机构一夜之间不复存在。
The financial crisis has shown how interdependent we have become.What began as a seemingly isolated issue with sub-prime loans in the United States a year ago gradually spread, showing once again that in the world economy of today, markets and investments know no boundaries.这场金融危机显示了我们之间如此之深的相互依存程度。一年前发生在美国的次级贷款这一看似孤立的事件已逐渐蔓延开来。这再次说明市场和投资在今天的世界经济中已超越国界。
The handling of the crisis has demonstrated that we need more and better long term coordination to ensure transparency and confidence in the market.In order to cushion the impact of the financial crisis on the real economy, we also need to sustain domestic demand and to further promote international trade.Here China’s contribution to world economic activity is crucial.应对这场危机的实践表明,我们需要进行更多、更有效的长远协作以保证市场的透明和信心。为了减少这场金融危机对实体经济的冲击,我们需要维持国内的需求并且进一步推动世界贸易。在这方面,中国对世界经济活动的贡献是关键性的。
We believe that this crisis was not only about the problems of some financial institutions.The crisis also shows the risks of some macroeconomic imbalances and point to problems with the fundamentals of the global economy.我们相信,这场危机并非仅仅由金融机构的问题引发。这场危机也表明了宏观经济不平衡所造成的风险,并且揭示了一些与全球经济基本面相关的问题。
On the European side we have taken a number of decisive steps to overcome the financial crisis.The European Union, through the coordinated action of its institutions, Governments and Central Banks, has reacted promptly and firmly, devoting very large amounts of money to restore the confidence of the public, protect deposits and reestablish the flows of interbank loans.The European Union has also taken a leading role on the world stage, partly by calling for stronger international cooperation, but also by setting an example and showing to the world what concrete actions can be taken.在欧洲方面,我们已采取了一些关键性的措施来克服这场金融危机。通过机构、政府和中央银行间的协调行动,欧盟已经迅速而坚决地做出了反应,注入了数量巨大的资金以期恢复公众的信心、保护储户存款、确保银行间信贷资金的流动性。欧盟已经在国际上率先行动,一方面呼吁加强国际合作,一方面通过自身行动向世界表明如何采取具体措施应对这场危机。
Together with President Sarkozy of France, the current President of the European Council, I went last weekend to Camp David.There, we have agreed with the President of the United States on the need to call an international summit to solve the crisis in today’s global economy.I believe it is very important that China and others give a significant contribution in the process to be launched in Washington on 15 November.As we stated in the joint statement we – President Bush, President Sarkozy and I – issued at Camp David, this summit must review progress being made to address the current crisis and seek agreement on principles of reform needed to avoid a repetition and assure global prosperity in the future.上周末,我与欧洲理事会现任主席、法国总统萨科奇一道去了戴维营。我们在那里同美国总统达成了一致,认为有必要召开一次国际峰会来解决今天全球经济所面临的危机。我相信,中国和其他国家能够为即将于11月 15日在华盛顿启动的挽救经济的进程做出重要贡献。正如布什总统、萨科奇总统和我在戴维营发表的共同声明中所讲的那样,这一峰会必须总结应对目前这场危机所取得的进步,并在改革原则上取得一致,以避免重蹈覆辙并确保全球的未来繁荣。
I repeat.The role of China in these circumstances is crucial.Premier Wen Jiabao recently declared at World Forum in Tianjin that the main responsibility of China is to maintain for itself steady and stable economic growth.I very much agree.我重申一下自己的观点。中国在当前局势下所发挥的作用是关键性的。温家宝总理最近在天津召开的世界论坛上宣布,中国主要的责任是保持自身经济扎实、稳定的增长。我非常认同他的观点。
In 1997/1998, during the Asian financial crisis, we worked together to overcome it.Now, once again, we need a concerted effort from governments and central banks worldwide.It is good that China has taken the initiative in proposing that this matter be discussed at our ASEM summit tomorrow.1997年和1998年,我们曾经共同努力战胜了亚洲金融危机。现在,我们再次需要全球政府和中央银行共同做出努力。令人高兴的是,中国主动提议在明天举行的亚欧首脑会议上讨论应对金融危机这一议题。
This greater interdependence is not limited to the financial sector.The new challenges of today are global in nature and therefore, they demand a global response.This applies to issues such as climate change, energy security, terrorism prevention, trafficking and organized crime.我们之间日益加深的相互依存并不局限于金融领域。今天我们面临的许多新挑战都是全球性的,因此需要全球做出共同应对。这其中包括了气候变化、能源安全、制止恐怖主义、贩卖毒品和有组织犯罪等。
We can no longer meet these challenges by closing the door and simply looking after our own house.Instead, we must reach out and seek cooperation, wherever cooperation is more effective.我们已经不能以关起门来独善其身的方式应对这些挑战。相反,我们必须伸出双手寻求合作,因为合作能够更有效地解决这些问题。
The world is currently witnessing the broadest and deepest wave of globalization ever producing great opportunities but also some risks.Globalisation has helped hundreds of millions from poverty and provided businesses with the possibility to invest and expand abroad.But those same businesses know that they can no longer live on past achievements.Workers around the world fear for their jobs.Globalisation increases competition and exposes weaknesses and poor commercial decisions.世界正经历着一波最为广泛和深刻的全球化浪潮,这为我们提供了巨大的机会,但同时也带来了一些风险。全球化已经帮助数以亿计的人们摆脱了贫困,并且给企业提供了进行海外投资和扩张的机会。但那些企业也意识到不能够满足于已取得的成就。世界各地的工人们在为自己的工作担心。全球化使竞争加剧,并且使企业弱点和糟糕的商业决策得以暴露。
When we speak of globalization, it is important to understand that openness and interdependence are the rules of the game.That is why we are so strongly in favour of a truly multilateral approach.提到全球化,我们必须清楚公开和相互依存是其游戏的规则。这也是我们强烈支持多边方式的原因所在。
These challenges cannot be solved by protectionism, isolation and economic nationalism.We must continue to strive for open and inclusive societies and for open and modern economies.这些挑战不能依靠保护主义、孤立主义和经济民族主义加以解决。我们必须继续争取社会的公开和包容,使经济更加公开和现代化。
Ladies and Gentlemen,女士们、先生们,The EU is a successful example of regional cooperation.From a region plagued by war, the EU has now grown to 27 Member States, bringing together in peace 500 million people throughout Europe.欧盟是地区合作的成功范例。欧洲曾经是一个饱经战乱创伤的地区,但欧盟目前已经扩展为27个成员国,将全欧洲5亿人口和平地凝聚在一起。
Let me give you a few examples of how the EU has developed over the last two decades.我给你们举几个例子,说明一下欧盟在过去20年里取得的发展:
The EU is a single and dynamic market of half a billion people, using the euro – one of the world’s two most important currencies.--欧盟现在是一个有活力的单一市场,有5亿人口,所使用的欧元是世界上最为重要的两种货币之一。
The EU is a credible partner willing to share the burden of leadership, while welcoming new partners to the table.--欧盟是一个可信赖的伙伴,愿意承担领导责任,同时欢迎新伙伴的加入。
The EU is a growing peace and security actor, with nearly 100,000 peacekeepers, police and combat troops deployed.We have sent troops, police, magistrates and other staff to more than 15 trouble spots, including in the Balkans, Moldova, Afghanistan, the Palestinian territories, Central Africa, Aceh and Georgia.--欧盟在维护和平与安全方面正发挥日益重要的角色,已经部署的维和人员、警察和作战部队接近100,000人。欧盟已经向包括巴尔干半岛、摩尔多瓦、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦地区、中非、亚齐和格鲁吉亚在内的超过15个冲突地区派出了军队、警察、安全官员和其他人员。
The EU is the world’s largest development aid donor, delivering over 60% of international assistance.--欧盟是世界最大的发展援助方,提供了超过60%的国际援助。
During the same period, the world has witnessed China’s spectacular development.Hundreds of millions have been lifted from the infernal cycle of poverty and underdevelopment, and today China can look to her future with confidence and pride.与此同时,世界也见证了中国的巨大发展。数以亿计的人口已经摆脱了贫困和落后的阴霾,今天的中国对未来充满了信心和自豪。
Since its beginnings, the EU has actively supported China’s opening up and reform policy.We have opened European markets and our companies helped your economic revitalization and employment in China, as well as by transferring technology and know-how through our investments.We have an active and vibrant European business community in China.欧盟自成立以来始终积极支持中国的改革和开放政策。我们开放了欧洲市场,我们的公司通过转让技术和投资促进了中国的经济振兴与就业。许多欧盟工商业正活跃在中国并发展良好。
We have developed cooperation in all fields: from scientific research to education, from energy to the environment, from transportation to tourism, and in many other areas.We have supported China’s accession to the WTO and have welcomed China’s increasingly important role in various international organizations.In other words, we have demonstrated through our policies and actions, our interest in and support for your stability, prosperity and success.We will continue to engage in China’s development, just as we wish for China itself to become more and more engaged in global affairs, in a way that reflects China’s growing global position.从科学研究到教育,从能源到环境,从交通到旅游,以及在许多其他领域,我们都进行了合作。我们支持中国加入世界贸易组织并欢迎中国在许多国际组织内发挥重要作用。换句话说,我们已经通过政策和行动表明了对中国稳定、繁荣和成功的兴趣和支持。我们将继续参与中国的发展,同时我们希望中国能够更多地参与全球事务,这样才能反映出中国日益提升的国际地位。
Our bilateral dialogue on human rights serves the same purpose.In this important year when we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is imperative to redouble our efforts in ensuring that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.Human rights are universal;they belong to each and every individual around the world.I hope you – the people of the great nation of China – will join us in celebrating the 60th anniversary and contribute to the spreading and consolidation of human rights.我们在人权问题上的双边对话具有同样目的。今年是联合国《世界人权宣言》发表60周年的重要年份,我们必须加倍努力,以保障全人类与生俱来的自由和人格平等。人权是普遍的,它属于世界上的每一个人。我希望你们,伟大的中国人民,与我们一起庆祝人权宣言发表60周年并且为推广和加强人权做出贡献。
The trend towards a more multi-lateral world is getting clearer.It is positive that other nations are ready and willing to take on global responsibilities.世界多极化的趋势日益清晰。许多其他国家准备并愿意承担全球责任,这将产生积极的影响。
The case for increased cooperation between China and EU is stronger than ever.Together, the EU and China can contribute to solving the problems the world is facing.中国和欧盟日益加深的合作规模是空前的。欧盟和中国能够共同为解决世界面临的问题做出贡献。
Relations between China and the EU are good and dynamic.Together, we have developed a strategic partnership in which we cooperate on numerous issues.We are currently elaborating a partnership and cooperation agreement, to better reflect how our relations have developed and to boost those relations for the future.中国和欧盟之间的关系是良好而有活力的。我们建立了战略伙伴关系,在众多事务上开展了合作。目前,我们正在细化伙伴合作协议,以反映我们业已存在的关系并着眼未来推动这些关系的发展。
People-to-people exchanges have increased.Our bilateral trade has grown.Today China is the most important source of imports for the EU, and the EU is China’s largest trading partner.Our political, economic and people-to-people contacts have increased exponentially over the last decade.中欧间的人员交流也已加强。中欧双边贸易得到了扩大。中国今天已成为欧盟最重要的进口商品来源国,欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴。中欧间的政治、经济和人员交流在过去十年得到了显著加强。
The people of Europe were quick to respond to the devastating earthquake in Sichuan.Many citizens as well as European governments offered help and financial contributions.This Sunday we will hold a conference in Chengdu together with our Chinese partners on how to advance reconstruction and attract investment in that area.欧洲人民对发生在四川的破坏性大地震做出了快速反应。许多欧洲人和政府提供了帮助和资金支援。本周日,我们将与我们的中国合作伙伴在成都共同举办一个旨在推动灾区重建和吸引投资的会议。
Earlier this spring, I headed the biggest Commission delegation ever to travel to a third country, for a meeting with Premier Wen Jiabao to strengthen EU-China cooperation on sustainable development and trade.Indeed, new vistas of cooperation were opened up on that occasion.I am confident that tomorrow’s ASEM Summit and our EU/China Summit on 1 December in Lyon will move our partnership further forward.今年春天早些时候,我率领欧盟委员会历史上最大规模的出访第三国的代表团来到中国,与温家宝总理进行了会谈,讨论如何加强欧盟与中国在可持续发展和商贸方面的合作。事实上,那次会议已经为中欧间合作开启了新的前景。我相信,明天召开的亚欧首脑会议和12月1日在里昂召开的欧中峰会将会进一步推动我们的伙伴关系向前发展。
One issue, however, deserves sustained political attention from leaders on both sides: the trade deficit.We know that this in part reflects the growing competitiveness of Chinese products.But we must also recognise that other factors are involved, which can and must be corrected.We need to work together, in a spirit of reciprocity, to eliminate obstacles preventing the access, in many sectors, of European goods and services to the Chinese market.然而,有一个问题需要我们双方领导人从政治方面加以不断的关注,这就是贸易赤字问题。我们知道贸易赤字部分地反映出中国产品不断增加的竞争力。但是我们也必须认识到这其中还有一些可以而且必须纠正的其他因素。我们需要共同努力,本着互惠的精神,在许多领域为欧洲商品和服务进入中国市场清除障碍。
Our cooperation in the fight against climate change is particularly important.We all now know that climate change is real, that it is caused by human activity, and that its consequences are universal and will be felt first and foremost by the poorest.Yes, it is true that the state of our planet today is a result of industrialization that began generations ago in developed countries.At that time none of us was aware of the consequences.But now we know, and we know that there is no solution without unity.我们在应对气候变化方面的合作尤其重要。我们现在都认识到气候的变化是实实在在的,这一变化由人类活动引发,其影响是全球性的并且将首先波及最贫困的人口。是的,我们星球的现状是发达国家数代人以前开启的工业化进程造成的。当时,没有人意识到这些后果。但是,我们现在认识到了这一点,并且知道只有团结起来才能找到解决问题的办法。
The European Union, responsible for just 14% of greenhouse gas emissions, is taking action to reduce emissions by 20%.But we obviously cannot do it alone.It will serve little purpose if other countries, including China, a huge consumer of fossil fuels, do not join in common action.虽然欧盟温室气体的排放总量大约只占全球总量的14%,并且我们正在采取行动以争取在2020年减少排放总量的20%,但我们不可能独立完成这项事业。如果包括化石能源巨大消费者—中国在内的其他国家不参与共同行动,我们的努力将不会产生结果。
Yes, there is a cost to reducing emissions, but the cost of global warming and not just in the long term is going to be far higher, including for China.是的,我们将为减少温室气体排放付出代价,但我们可能在并不遥远的将来为全球变暖付出远高于此的代价,中国也不能例外。
Furthermore, policies and investments dedicated to energy saving as well as replacing polluting energy sources with new and renewable sources of energy will also foster growth, technological development and employment.It is important that efforts to combat climate change stay on track, despite the financial turmoil.Combating climate change is an objective not only for us but also for the future of mankind.此外,旨在节约能源以及用新的可再生能源替代污染型能源的政策与投资也将促进增长、技术进步和就业。尽管我们遇到了这场金融动荡,我们仍需继续为应对气候变化做出努力,这一点非常重要。应对气候变化不仅是关乎我们自身的目标,而且也将关系到人类的未来。
Let me conclude,让我最后总结一下。
It is for us today to chart the course for the future.Our mutual dependency will continue to grow and the interactions between us will continue to multiply.We on the European side are eager to strengthen our cooperation with China in order to meet challenges of tomorrow.In doing so we must work within a comprehensive, strategic partnership keeping mutual interest and concerns in mind.We must and will continue to view the relationship from a strategic perspective.今天,我们需要为未来发展做出规划。我们的相互依赖将会继续加深,我们间的交流也将继续增加。我们欧洲方面迫切地希望加强与中国的合作以应对明天的挑战。为此,我们必须在全面的战略伙伴关系下展开合作,同时要考虑到相互利益和关注点。我们必须也将继续从战略高度审视中欧之间的合作关系。
My meetings with President Hu and with Premier Wen during this visit, will provide an excellent opportunity to review our relationship and chart the course for the future continued strengthening of EU-China relations.I hope you will all take part in that endeavour.我此次访问与胡主席和温总理的会谈将为总结中欧关系并且规划我们未来继续加强的关系提供良好的机会。我希望你们都能参与到这一事业中。
Thank you.谢谢大家!
在中国欧盟商会晚餐会上的演讲 中国驻欧盟使团团长 宋哲大使
Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Song Zhe at the EUCCC Dinner 尊敬的戴杰会长,女士们,先生们: President Jacques de Boisséson, Ladies and Gentlemen, 大家晚上好!Good evening.很高兴再次参加中国欧盟商会在布鲁塞尔组织的活动,与企业家朋友们见面。此次是戴杰先生首次作为会长,代表中国欧盟商会,向中欧有关机构提交《欧盟企业在华建议书》。我代表中国驻欧盟使团,对戴杰会长和中国欧盟商会表示衷心的感谢,并向长期以来为促进中欧友好做出重要贡献的欧洲企业家们,表示诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿!
I am very happy to once again meet our friends from the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China(EUCCC).Today is the first time for Mr.Boisséson to submit the Position Paper to relevant authorities both in China and the EU in the capacity as the Chamber President.On behalf of the China Mission, I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to President Boisséson and the Chamber.I would also like to express my sincere greetings and best wishes to European entrepreneurs for your long standing contribution to China-EU friendship.再过十多天,布鲁塞尔将迎来第13次中欧领导人会晤和第6届中欧工商峰会。这是近期双边关系发展的高潮,将延续近年来中欧战略互信增强、互利合作扩大的良好态势,并为今后一个时期中欧全面战略伙伴关系发展指明方向。经贸合作一直是中欧关系的重要组成部分,也是历次领导人会晤讨论的重要议题之一。
The 13th China-EU Summit and the 6th China-EU Business Summit will be held here in Brussels in a few days.As major highlights of our recent bilateral relations, these events will help us boost strategic mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and point out the future direction of our relations.Business cooperation, as an all-time integral part of China-EU ties, has always received constant attention during previous China-EU Summit discussions.近年来,中欧经贸关系取得长足发展,即便是在国际金融危机最严重的去年,中欧贸易和投资仍然保持了基本稳定,没有出现大幅下滑,体现出很强的抗风险能力。今年以来,中欧经贸合作保持强劲发展势头,实现了恢复性增长。据中方统计,今年1-8月,中欧双边贸易总值同比增长36.2%,欧盟对华投资增长18.9%,双双超过危机前水平。欧盟是中国最大贸易伙伴、出口市场和技术引进来源地;中国也是欧盟第二大贸易伙伴,并上升为欧第二大出口市场。
In recent years, we have witnessed huge progress in China-EU business ties.Our trade and investment cooperation has shown strong resilience against the financial crisis even in the most difficult moments of year 2009.There was no major tumbling falls.This year, with the recovery growth in place, our economic and trade cooperation has maintained a strong momentum of growth.Chinese statistics shows that our bilateral trade grew by 36.2% in the first eight months this year, and EU investment in China increased by 21.8%, both exceeding the pre-crisis level.The EU is China’s largest trading partner, export market, and source of technology transfer.China is EU’s second largest trading partner and export market.在全球贸易投资缓慢复苏的背景下,中欧经贸合作之所以能显示出如此强劲回升、高速增长的喜人形势,我认为应归功于以下几点:
The strong and rapid growth in China-EU business cooperation against the slow world recovery is attributable to three factors.一是中欧经济的互补性奠定了坚实基础。欧盟科技发达,资金雄厚,国际营销经验丰富,高科技制造、高档品牌、节能环保等产业具有明显的优势。而中国劳动力资源丰富,生产成本低,日用消费品等劳动密集型工业具有较强竞争力。目前,欧盟经济已进入了主要依靠知识创新拉动的“后工业时代”,而中国还处在工业化、城市化加速发展的进程中,双方这种互补的经济结构为经贸合作提供了广阔空间。
First, economic complementarity constitutes a solid basis for China-EU business ties.Europe enjoys remarkable advantage in science and technology, capital market, international marketing, hi-tech manufacturing, exclusive brands, energy conservation, and environment protection.In China, the abundant labor resource and low production cost make us competitive in consumer goods manufacturing and other labor intensive industries.While the EU is already in the period of post-industrialization, featuring innovation-driven economy, China is still in the process of speedy industrialization and urbanization.Such structural complementarity provides a huge room for the growth of our business cooperation.二是中欧合作的互利性提供了强劲动力。欧盟企业通过资金、技术的投入,推进了中国工业化进程,拉动了经济增长和就业,加快了经济发展方式转变和国际竞争力提升,同时自身也获得了巨大发展。中国出口物美价廉的商品,为欧洲消费者节省了大量开支,帮助欧洲企业降低了生产成本,欧盟市场也成为不少中国企业发展壮大的重要依托。互利互惠的合作激励着双方企业进一步开拓对方市场,成为中欧经贸关系不断向前发展的最主要推动力量。据6月份中国欧盟商会的调查,64%的欧盟在华企业将中国列为未来首选或前三位投资目的地,如巴斯夫计划4年内对华投资20亿欧元。
Second, mutual benefit provides a strong driving force for the China-EU economic and trade cooperation.Capital and technology investment from Europe, while making corporate profits for European companies, has also benefited China’s competitiveness, industrialization, economic and job growth, and the upgrade of economic growth pattern.With the low-price quality goods from China, European households are able to make huge savings on consumer goods, and businesses could cut a bulk of their production cost, creating a favorable market for Chinese business growth.Such mutual benefit, acting like a strong driving force, encourages businesses from the two sides to further expand each other’s market.BASF plans to make 2 billion Euros investment in China over the next four years.In fact, as the survey released by the EUCCC in June suggested, 64% of European companies in China ranked China as their first or among top three destinations for future investment.三是中欧政策的协调性创造了重要条件。全球化加深了世界经济的融合程度,各国经济组成了一个相互之间联系紧密的链条,形成了你中有我、我中有你的格局,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。在维护世界经济稳定方面,各国尤其是主要经济体有着越来越多的共同利益,也需担负着越来越大的共同责任。在过去的两年时间里,中欧双方无论在双边场合,还是在G20等多边场合,都坚持密切协调合作,共同应对危机,确保市场开放,反对保护主义,促进了双方乃至世界经济的复苏与增长,从而为中欧经贸合作营造了稳定的大环境。
Third, coordinated policy creates favorable environment for China-EU business cooperation.Globalization has lead to a huge and complicated web of economic ties among different countries, where both positive and negative factors could produce systematic impact.Today, major economies have greater common interests and shared responsibilities to maintain world economic stability.Over the last two years, China and Europe have maintained close coordination and cooperation in joint response to the financial crisis both at bilateral level and on such multilateral occasions as the G20.Our maintenance of open market and opposition to protectionism helped promote economic recovery and growth not only in China and Europe, but also in the world at large, creating a stable and enabling environment for our economic and trade cooperation.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 经贸合作离不开宏观经济环境和宏观经济政策的支撑。当前,中国政府正在着手编制“十二五”规划,描绘未来5年的发展蓝图。总的方向是加快转变经济发展方式,调整经济结构,将为包括欧盟企业在内的各国企业创造大量新的商机。我认为,至少有以下四方面的机遇。Macroeconomic environment and policy support are essential for China-EU economic and trade cooperation.Although the Chinese government is still trimming the final text of the 12th Five Year Plan, which will determine China’s development landscape over the next five years, it is safe to conclude that we will accelerate the pace to modify our growth pattern and economic structure.These changes will provide huge business opportunities for European and other foreign enterprises in the following four aspects.一、消费市场扩大带来的机遇。中国是全球消费增长最快的国家之一,1978年以来年均增长14.4%,是世界平均水平的3倍。2009年中国已成为仅次于美国、日本和德国的第四大消费国,并成为世界最大汽车市场。“十二五”期间,中国将着力形成以内需,特别是最终消费拉动经济增长的格局,推动消费市场进一步趋向繁荣,消费结构升级有望带动更大的高档消费热潮。有专家预计,2015年中国最终消费将达到5万亿美元,位居全球第二,奢侈品消费将位居全球第一。希望欧盟企业在满足中国需求的同时实现自身的发展。
First, consumer market.Averaging a 14.4% growth rate since 1978, China is among the world’s fastest growing consumer countries—three times the world’s average speed.Last year, China became the world’s largest auto market and the fourth largest consumer market, only behind the United States, Japan and Germany.Over the next five years, we will work hard to boost domestic demand, and make economic growth more driven by the increase in end consumption.The boom in the consumer market and the upgrade in the consumption structure will stimulate greater high-end consumption.Some experts forecasted that China will have the world’s second biggest end consumption volume of 5 trillion US dollars and become the word’s largest consumer of luxury goods by 2015.We wish that European businesses will find growth out of the huge demand of the Chinese market.二、产业结构调整带来的机遇。“十二五”期间,中国将进一步优化产业结构比例关系,逐步形成以农业为基础,高技术产业为先导,先进制造业和现代服务业为支撑,基础产业、传统产业和服务业全面发展的产业格局。金融、医疗卫生、物流等现代服务业和生物医药、信息产业等先进制造业将是政策支持的优先重点,发展前景非常看好。欧盟在这些产业领域拥有一批世界领先的企业,技术先进,经验丰富。中国政府愿积极帮助中欧企业通过合资、技术合作、服务外包等方式,在上述领域开展合作,促进双方企业共同提升国际竞争力。Second, industrial structural change.We will optimize our industrial mix over the next five years.We will, in a phased manner, put in place an industrial structure featuring comprehensive growth in heavy, traditional, and service sectors.With hi-tech industries as forerunners for growth, such industrial mix will be built on the basis of agriculture and underpinned by advanced manufacturing and modern service industries.Priority areas for policy support will cover modern service industries such as financial, logistics, medical and health services and advanced manufacturing businesses like biomedicine and information industry.It is therefore conceivable that these sectors are most likely to enjoy a stronger prospect for growth.There are a number of world class enterprises in Europe that has both the technology and experience to make full use of such opportunity.With the purpose to boost international competitiveness of Chinese and European companies, the Chinese government is willing to actively support China-EU business cooperation through joint venture, technology cooperation, and service outsourcing.三、绿色经济发展带来的机遇。“十二五”期间,中国将加快形成节约能源资源和保护生态的增长方式和消费模式,大力发展绿色经济。专家估算,今后五年间,中国环保投资额将超过3万亿元,占GDP的1.5%。欧盟在清洁能源和节能环保产业,如洁净煤和碳捕捉及封存、智能电网、建筑能效、新能源汽车等领域拥有较大优势。我们欣喜地看到,今年7月,德国戴姆勒公司已在华设立合资企业,开发新一代电动汽车,这既有利于中国汽车产业的革新,也有利于戴姆勒公司自己的发展。希望更多欧盟企业充分发挥自身优势,积极参与中国绿色经济发展的进程。
Third, green technology.During the 12th Five Year Plan period, we will move faster in developing green economy and putting in place the growth and consumption pattern of energy and resource conservation and environment protection.Experts forecasted that China will invest 1.5% of the GDP, equivalent to more than 3 trillion RMB Yuan in environment protection between 2011 and 2015.The EU has moved ahead of China in clean energy, energy conservation and environment protection.Examples in these areas include clean coal, carbon capture and storage, smart grid, energy efficient architecture, and alternative energy automobiles.We are very happy to see that this July, German company Daimler has established a joint venture in China to develop a new generation of electric vehicles.This initiative will not only help promote innovation in the Chinese auto industry, but will also benefit the growth of Daimler itself.We hope that more European companies will make better use of their advantages and actively participate in the development of green economy in China.四、区域协调发展带来的机遇。“十二五”期间,中国将加大统筹城乡区域协调发展力度,深入实施西部大开发和中部崛起战略,加快中西部地区工业化、城市化进程。为配合这一战略,中国政府正在研究通过企业所得税优惠政策、技术资金配套支持等措施,鼓励外商到中西部投资。近来,已有一些欧盟企业将工厂从沿海迁到了中西部,有效降低了土地、劳动力等综合成本。今后,随着中西部交通基础设施等投资环境进一步改善,相信更多欧盟企业可以在那里找到新的发展空间。
Fourth, coordinated regional growth.When we follow through with the new Five Year Plan, we will work for stronger coordination in the growth between urban and rural areas and among different regions.We will continue with the strategy to develop the west, work for the rise of the central part of China, and accelerate the industrialization and urbanization in the central and western part of country.To support this strategy, the Chinese government is now studying the options of using income tax rebates and technology and capital support measures to encourage foreign investment in these regions.Recently, some European enterprises have moved their factories away from the coastal regions to the hinterland, effectively cutting down land, labor and other production costs.I believe that with the further improvement in transportation systems and other infrastructural facilities, more European companies will be able to make profit in these regions.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 坚持对外开放基本国策,坚定不移地发展开放型经济,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,是改革开放30多年来中国经济持续快速发展的一条重要经验。金融危机期间,中国坚持对外开放,扩大市场准入,不断推进贸易自由化和投资便利化工作。2009年,中国吸收外资达到900亿美元,位居世界第二。世界银行调查显示,外资企业在华投资的回报率达22%,远高于世界平均水平。随着中国开放型经济不断发展,越来越多的跨国公司正把中国作为全球发展战略的重点。
Opening up is China’s basic national policy.The firm commitment to an open economy and the pursuit of opening up strategy of mutual benefit and win-win progress are the most important things that we have learned from our sustained and fast economic growth over the last three decades.During the financial crisis, we have maintained opening up, expanded our market access, and continued to promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation.In 2009, with 90 billion US dollar foreign investment in-flow, China was ranked as the second largest recipient for foreign investment.According to the World Bank, foreign investment in China makes a 22% profit, far outstepping the world’s average.With the continued development of China’s open economy, an increasing number of multinationals are taking China as the priority in their global development strategy.同时,我们也注意到,最近一段时间,不少外国投资企业,包括欧盟企业,对中国投资环境表达了多种关注。今年的《欧盟企业在华建议书》综合了1400余家会员公司的意见,针对34项议题,向中国与欧洲的政策制定者提出了380余条建议。对《建议书》中提出的问题,如进一步扩大开放、营造公平竞争环境、立法和执法透明度以及知识产权保护等,我们已经并将继续通过各个途径转告国内相关主管部门,请他们积极研究处理。
Recently, we have noticed that many foreign businesses, including those from Europe, had expressed their concerns over China’s investment environment.After interviewing more than 1,400 member companies, this year’s Position Paper includes some 380 key recommendations to policy makers in China and Europe over 34 items.At this point, we have already forwarded to corresponding departments and agencies in China your suggestions that are related to greater opening up, fair competition, transparency in legislation and law enforcement, and IPR protection.We will continue to talk to them and ask them to actively study and resolve these matters.在此,我想引述温家宝总理今年4月会见欧盟企业家代表时所说的话,“我们在对外开放中,在某些领域和过程中存在一些缺点和不足,但这丝毫不意味着我们改变对外开放政策。恰恰相反,我们将坚定不移地对外开放。”事实上,招商引资、择优选资,促进“引资”与“引智”相结合,是中国对外开放的重要内容。中国过去、现在和将来都把利用好国际国内两个市场、两种资源,把引进外资和对外投资作为对内促进科学发展、和谐发展,对外坚持和平发展、合作发展的长期战略方针。今年4月,中国政府出台《关于进一步做好利用外资工作的若干意见》,明确指出要加大改革创新力度,营造更加开放、更加优化的投资环境。下一步,中国在利用外资方面将着力做好以下工作:
Here I wish to quote a few remarks made by Premier Wen Jiabao this April when he met with European business representatives.He said, “The shortfalls and drawbacks we have in opening up should by no means be interpreted as a change of our opening up policy.On the contrary, we will remain committed to our opening up policy.” In fact, being selective on attracting foreign investment and combing attracting capital and technology investment are integral parts of China’s opening up strategy.In order to attain scientific and harmonious development at home and to promote peaceful and cooperative development abroad, we will, as we have always been, make good use of both domestic and international markets and capital resources.The bottom line is to make effective use of both the foreign investment we receive and the investment we make overseas.The Opinions of the State Council Concerning Further Improving the Work of Utilizing Foreign Investment released in April clearly pointed out that there should be stronger efforts to intensify reform and innovation to create a more open and favorable investment environment.We will focus our efforts in the following four areas to ensure effective delivery of this goal.第一,进一步扩大开放。中国政府将综合考虑稳定利用外资和促进国内发展的需要,扩大对外资开放领域,促进利用外资方式多样化。中国政府鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保等产业,鼓励外资以参股、并购等方式参与中国国内企业改组改造和兼并重组,拓宽外商投资企业境内融资渠道。
First, we will further open up our economy.We will strike a balance between stability and effectiveness in using foreign investment.We will open up more sectors for foreign investment to diverse our portfolio.The Chinese government encourages foreign investment in high-end manufacturing businesses, hi-tech industries, modern service industries, new energy, energy conservation, and environment protection.We encourage foreign investment to participate in the reorganization, restructuring, annexation, and reorganization of Chinese companies through share-holding or merger and acquisition.Efforts will also be made to expand financing resources for the foreign invested enterprises(FIEs)in China.第二,营造公平竞争环境。外商投资企业是“中国制造”的组成部分,同中国本土资本投资企业适用同样的原产地规则,享受一视同仁的平等国民待遇。中国政府鼓励自主创新的政策适用于依法在华设立的一切外商投资企业,是广泛开展国际合作条件下的开放式创新。同时中国正在争取尽快加入WTO政府采购协议,并将努力避免强制认证等行政行为对贸易投资造成不合理的技术壁垒。
Second, we will create a fair competition environment.The FIEs represent an important part of the group of “Made in China”.They receive equal national treatment as locally invested enterprises and enjoy the same rule of origin.The government’s policies to encourage innovation extend to all FIEs in China.What we pursue is open environment for innovation which includes extensive international cooperation.China is moving fast in the accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement and is working hard to remove unreasonable technical barriers to trade and investment resulting from mandatory certification and other administrative activities.第三,完善法律和政策体系。中国将进一步增加立法和决策透明度,充分听取包括外资企业在内的各界意见。及时发布发展规划、产业政策、准入标准、行业动态等信息,同时规范执法和行政行为,确保与外资相关的法律与政策得到统一、有效执行,提高投资便利化程度。Third, we will improve our legal and policy system.We will work for greater transparency in legislation and decision making, and fully heed the views from all sectors of society, including that of the FIEs.Development plans, industrial policies, market access standards, and industrial updates will be released in a timely manner.There will also be stronger efforts to regulate law enforcement and administrative conducts so as to facilitate investment and to ensure standardized and effective enforcement of relevant laws and regulations.第四,加强知识产权保护。中国一贯高度重视知识产权保护,把保护知识产权提升为国家战略,坚决打击各种违法侵权行为。今后我们将进一步健全知识产权保护体系,严格执法,保护投资者权益。欢迎欧盟投资者对中国查处侵犯知识产权的行动继续予以配合和监督。Fourth, we will give stronger protection to intellectual property rights.As a part of our national strategy, China always takes the IPR protection seriously and has resolutely fought against illegal infringements.In the future, we will further shore up our IPR protection regime and work for strict law enforcement to protect the rights and interests of investors.We welcome continued coordination and supervision from European investors in our investigation.女士们,先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 当前,随着经济全球化的深入发展,中欧相互依存更加紧密。中国欧盟商会成立10年来,为促进欧盟企业对华投资做了大量工作。希望中国欧盟商会今后继续积极推动中欧企业间合作,引导欧盟企业扩大对华投资。同时,也希望中国欧盟商会推动欧委会和相关成员国解决中方关注的完全市场经济地位、贸易救济措施、商务人员签证难等问题,为双边经贸合作深入发展创造公平、便捷、稳定的环境。
Stronger economic globalization means stronger interdependence between China and Europe.Since its inception ten years ago, the EUCCC has done a great deal to promote European investment in China.I hope that the Chamber will continue to engage in facilitating China-EU business cooperation, and bring more European companies to make investment in China.For China, the MES, trade remedy measures, visa facilitation for Chinese business people have long stayed on our list of concern.Speaking of such, it is also my sincere wish that the Chamber will be a positive force in talking to the EU institutions and relevant member states for the early resolution of those problems in pursuit of a fair, convenient, and stable environment for our business growth.今天在座的各位都是欧盟企业界的领军人物,对中欧经贸合作的发展有着重要影响。我深信,只要大家在新的发展起点上把握机遇,凝聚共识,务实行动,中欧经贸合作一定能够迎来更加美好的明天!
Business leaders like all of you have a strong influence over the future landscape of China-EU business ties.I firmly believe that with our concerted efforts and best wishes, the China-EU economic and trade cooperation will enjoy an even brighter future.祝愿大家在中国的投资活动取得更大成功!
To conclude, I wish all of you greater success in China!谢谢大家!
1、《承前启后 继往开来 继续朝着中华民族伟大复兴目标奋勇前进——在参观“复兴之路”展览时的讲话》(2012年11月29日)
5、《携手合作 共同发展——在金砖国家领导人第五次会晤时的主旨讲话(摘录)》(2013年3月27日)
9、《勇做走在时代前面的奋进者开拓者奉献者——给北京大学学生的回信(摘录)》(2013 年5月5日)
13、《促进共同发展 共创美好未来——在墨西哥参议院的演讲(摘录)》(2013年6月5日)
15、《发展航天事业 建设航天强国 为实现航天梦谱写新的壮丽篇章——在酒泉卫星发射中心观看发射和在接见天宫一号与神舟十号载人飞行任务参研参试单位代表的讲话》(2013年6月11日)