Stop the false agitprop of kung fu
When we talk about China,many foreigners will can’t help recalling two words——kung fu.To our surprise, they also put the Chinese Kung Fu as their dreams.First, I will introduce the Chinese kung fu.Chinese Martial Arts known as Chinese Kung fu by most foreigners and it is a traditional Chinese physical activity with thousands of years of history.It is a very important and unique form of Chinese culture.And also It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art.Today it is very common and widespread in the world.For example, you can see many Kung fu movies, martial arts novels, and some relevant songs like “Chinese Kung fu”.When it comes to Chinese kung fu,you can never forger a person whose name is Bruce Lee(李小龙).It is him that introduces Chinese Kung fu to the whole world.He has a lot of exciting movies about Kung fu.May be you not have a good knowledge of Chinese kung fu , but you must hear about so many Movie stars Like Jet li(李连杰)、Jackit chen(成龙)Donnie yen(甄子丹)and so on.Importantly, from these movies, Chinese kung fu stars as heroes in people’s mind.Nowadays, Chinese kung fu is well known to all of the world and it has great affect.Films such as “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”, “kung fu hustle” “hero” and “house of flying draggers” have excited Hollywood.At the other hand, we can also see some kung fu movies directed by foreign directors at times, more and more foreigners are interested in Chinese kung fu.According to these phenomena, may be it shows Kung fu movies of China are famous worldwide.These movies captured audience's attention by a series of smart movements and incredible stunts.But the foreigners believe the existence of kung fu, and Chinese are welcome to admit this concept.I think this behavior is really wrong.First, kung fu is an art of fighting.It cannot beyond the limit of human body.Just like boxing and judo, strength is the key in a fight.Mike Tyson could knockout Stephen Hawking no matter what kinds of kung fu he learned.A person without external force never should fly on the sky because of gravity.So the scenes, for example, Zhang Ziyi can walk on the top of trees in 《Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon》or Jet Li can struggle with armies in 《Hero》, they are fictitious.Secondly, the force of kung fu is exaggerated.Qigong is a kind of Chinese kung fu, many people think it is very mysterious.But in fact, people who learned free combat can raise more battle effectiveness than he learned qigong.As the result of false agitprop, there are growing training classes for foreigners.A multitude of outlanders think they can learn the miraculous Chinese kung fu form these classes.What they will feel when they found kung fu is a lie?
The last but not the least, our Chinese are proud of national cultural, but if the pride is based on lie, the emotion will change to be pretension and crankiness.That is a major defect to our country.The imagination of Chinese films is amazing.It is a part of Chinese culture.So we can keep enjoyment to the attitude of kung fu, and honest to tell foreigners:“It is just a movie”.
Traditional martial arts are part of china's outstanding culture and it contains the spirit of the chinesenation-specific values, way of thinking, imagination, which embodies the Chinese nation's vitality andcreativity, and intelligence are the crystallization of the Chinese people, but also a treasure for allmankind civilization.The origin of Chinese Martial arts 中国武术的起源
Wushu in China goes back to ancient times, originating from productive laboring of the ancient ancestry.In the primitive society, people had to survive by gathering in groups.They lived on hunting with rocks and sticks.Hitting with their hands, kicking with their feet and cutting, chopping or stabbing with simple weapons, they performed all kinds of movements, which displayed certain skills of defense or attacking.These performances made up the substantial background of Wushu.In the clan [klæn] society, there often occurred battles between the tribes.Armed forces became the means of plundering.Bows, arrows, casting stones and other rocky items appeared as weapons, being improved gradually according to the needs of fight.When having a rest, especially when celebrating their triumphs, people danced to the imitations of defending and attacking movements, stabbing, blowing and kicking.After prolonged accumulation, the experiences began to be raised to the level of consciousness, hence Wushu came into being.Type of gongfu中国武术的分类
Chinese martial arts consist of a number of fighting styles that were developed over the centuries.Those fighting styles can be classified according to common themes that are identified as “families”(家), “sects”(派)or “schools”(门).Styles of Chinese martial arts also can be categorized as the Northern style and the Southern style according to the geographical regions divided by the Huanghe River.Chinese love for martial arts中国人的武侠情缘
Chinese love for martial arts can be reflected in many martial arts novels and all kinds of film and television works.The works of Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng is representative of martial arts novels.Recent years, a lot of martial arts writers appear on the mainland.For example, Feng Ge, the writer ofKun Lun(昆仑)and Cang yue, the writer ofTingXueLou Series, who are the representativeof New martial arts writers.It is said that “Outstanding martial arts novelist to write the world faces;and astute readers read out the vicissitudes of life and attitudes of human.” We may not be the astute readers, but we can at least enjoy martial in our own way.Superb and legendary martial arts, peculiar experience of a survivor, a love story full of pathos attract many readers.Martial arts film and television works are emerging.中国武术精神 The spirit of the Chinese martial arts
1个人的武德修养 Individual cultivation of martial arts ethics.The practicers should respect teachers, filial piety, and righteousness and should not belligerent.Collective morality.集体的道德观念。
The practicers should help the poor and the weak, solve villainous crimes and righteous.3爱国主义的精神。The spirit of patriotism
All the practicers must loyalty to the nation.The goal they practice martial arts is to protect the country and the people.武术对世界的影响
Chinese Gongfu is a very important and unique form of Chinese culture.It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art.Today it is very common and widespread.Chinese Gongfu possesses an important and extensive cross-cultural跨文化的 significance.The popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including Taijiquan, Qigong, etc.is not limited to China but has become a worldwide phenomenon.We can also enjoy some Kongfu movies directed by foreign directors at times!
In the future, We hope more people could interest in our Chinese culture and have a depth knowledge of Chinese Kongfu.
Introduction to Kung Fu and Shaolin
Name: Sun Lizhang 孙立章ID:201030076
Recently, more and more foreigners come to China to learn Chinese Kung Fu.They believe that Kung Fu is one of the most mysterious Chinese cultures.Many Chinese action stars, like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and some movies, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Kung Fu Panda have influenced the world greatly and they have played a significant role in the promotion of Chinese martial arts.Here I will give a brief introduction to the origin of Kung Fu and tell you something about Shaolin.In the center of the vast Chinese nation lies the Mountain of Songshan, one of the country’s holiest spots and home to the Shaolin Monastery, the birthplace of Kung Fu.In AD 527, the religious teacher, Da Mo, traveled from India to Shaolin to spread the word of Buddha.He spent nine years living alone and meditating in a cave above the Shaolin temple.To keep his muscles healthy, he developed a series of movements and breathing exercises based on the movements of animals.These were to become the basis of Kung Fu.When Da Mo returned to the Shaolin temple, he began to teach the monks these techniques, and his tool of meditation evolved into a tool of combat.Kung Fu was born.As Shaolin’s reputation grew, more and more young people attempted to join the order.They had their heads shaved as an external sign of inward purity, and they swore an oath of obedience to their masters.Their training was relentless.Their fists would become as hard as iron and their bodies almost impervious to pain.Today, Kung Fu has given rise to more than 1,000 styles of martial arts.The Shaolin style is still probably the most famous of all.And I do believe the spirits of Shaolin will be carried forward along with the increasing international exchanges.
黄羊川中心小学 薛国庆
四、说教法 教师运用自主、合作、探究等方式方法教学,使学生达到体验中感悟情感、态度、价值观;活动中归纳知识;参与中培养能力;合作中学会学习。
【教 材】
人民教育出版社小学(音乐)第六单元唱歌《中国功夫》 【年 级】四年级下册 【课 时】一课时
2、重点处理歌曲的第三部分。【教学准备】钢琴、多媒体课件。【教学方法】教唱法和视唱法相结合 【教学过程】
3、播放第二遍:要求师生起立一起随媒体画面欣赏并演唱《中国功夫》 【设计意图】给师生创设教学情境,有身临其境的感觉,增强歌曲的感染力和号召力。
老师:大家讨论相互交流一下,我们把这段念白适当加上衬词好不好? 师生展示汇报结果(荧屏展示): 棍扫一大片(嘿),枪挑一条线(线)身轻好似云中燕,豪气冲云天(天)外练筋骨皮,内练一口气(气)
刚柔并济不低头,我们心中有天地!(地)清风剑在手(嘿),双刀就着走(Ha)行家的功夫一出手,就知有没有。(有)手是两扇门(门),脚下是一条龙(龙)四方水土养育了我们中华武术魂!(魂)学习方法过程:分三个环节学习① 师生共同念白。
② 师生接龙念白(教师读课本中原有念白部分,学生齐读加衬词部分)。③ 全班随电子琴节奏,女生念书中念白部分,男生念加衬词部分。④ 老师指导学生配合相关武术动作,念白(出拳蹲步、跺脚、仰头等武术动作配合)。
5、学习歌曲第一段、第二段 学习方法过程:
师生总结:第一段、第四段旋律相同。第一段速度稍慢,矫健地。第四段速度 唱稍慢,饱满地并且第四段最后一句八度结束。