第一篇:公开课 (TED)教育31部 三
公开课(TED)教育31部 三
公开课(TED)教育获奖青少年,科技在行动 人气:4194法律如何扼杀创造力 人气:4458每个人都能掌握的记忆技巧 人气:170274破解印度河文字的罗塞塔石碑 人气:1986单词的诞生
人气:25176马丁-塞利格曼谈积极心理学 人气:57327
最新课程获奖青少年,科技在行动 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 2011年,三个女孩包揽了第一届谷歌全球科学展的头奖。在TEDx女性大会上,劳伦·霍奇, 斯里·波色和内奥米·沙阿展示了她们无与伦比的项目--以及她们如何对科学产生了热情。
法律如何扼杀创造力 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 拉里?莱西格,一位深受网民们推崇的律师,引用约翰?菲利普?苏萨,版权法和“美国作曲家,作者与出版商协会(ASCAP)联合体”等例子来支持他复苏创造性文化的立论。
每个人都能掌握的记忆技巧 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 有人能在很短时间内背下上千个数字,或是记下一叠或更多牌的顺序。科技栏作家Joshua Foer给您详细讲解这种记忆方法 —— 他称其为“记忆宫殿” —— 并向您证明他的重点是:...破解印度河文字的罗塞塔石碑 播放 讲师: 类型:TED Rajesh Rao着迷于“所有填字游戏的鼻祖”,破解具有4000年历史的印度河文字。在TED2011年大会上,他讲述了他怎样运用现代计算机技术来解读印度河流域的语言文字,帮助解开印度古文明之谜的关键。
单词的诞生 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 麻省理工大学的研究员戴·罗伊希望了解他的初生儿子是怎样学习语言的,因此他在家里四处装置了摄像机捕捉儿子成长的几乎每一刻,然后将9万小时的家庭录像进行分析,观察 “gaaaa” 渐渐转变成 “水”的过程。...马丁-塞利格曼谈积极心理学 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 马丁-塞利格曼来和大家谈一谈心理学。心理学既是一门学科,也可以体现为病人、医师之间一对一的交流平台。而在关于疾病的研究以外,现代心理学还可以在哪些方面帮助我们呢?我们在出生前学到了什么 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 小测验:我们什么时候开始学习?在出生之前。科普作家安妮·摩尔菲·保罗谈到有研究显示我们在子宫中就开始了学习-包括母语的语调还有出生后喜欢的食物。
云端的学校 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 在TED2013的舞台上,Sugata...为什么X代表未知数 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 为什么“X”是未知数的符号?在这个短而有趣的演讲里,Terry Moore带给我们一个吃惊的答案。
特斯拉的电之乐章 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 结合投影仪与立体书本,马可-谭培绘声绘色地给我们讲述尼古拉-特斯拉从伟大的交流电之父到最终身无分文的故事。
我们从在线教育学到了什么 播放 讲师: 类型:TED Daphne Koller正在“引诱”顶尖大学去把他们有意思的课程做成免费的网络教育----不光是一项服务,而且是一项研究人们如何学习的课题....关于自我教学的新实验 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 教育学家Sugata...最新课程假如我有一个女儿 播放 讲师: 类型:TED “如果我有一个女儿,而不是妈妈,她会叫我B点(Point...孤儿院的悲剧 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 孤儿院花销巨大并对孩子们的身体和精神都产生了不可恢复的伤害——为什么他们还还要这样的无处不在?Georgette Mulheir...视频重塑教育 播放 讲师: 类型:TED Salman...监狱哲学 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 达蒙-霍洛维茨在普林斯顿大学的项目是给圣昆汀州立监狱的囚犯讲授大学哲学课。在这个精炼的演讲里,他讲述了一个动人的关于是非价值观的故事。
宏观历史 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 在震撼的背景插图下,大卫?克里斯汀讲述了宇宙的完整历史,从大爆炸到互联网,非常精彩的18分钟。这是“宏观的历史”:一个启发性的,广角的关注复杂性,生命和人类,不同于我们以往的浅薄的有关宇宙时间的认识。
先别急吃棉花糖 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 本篇是乔辛-迪-波沙达在TED 大学会议的一个短篇讲演,他与大家分享了一个关于推迟享受的有意义的试验,以及这个试验如何预示参与者以后的成就。他放映了小孩们各自尽最大努力不吃棉花糖的绝佳录像。
新课程法律如何扼杀创造力 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 拉里-莱西格,一位深受网民们推崇的律师,引用约翰?菲利普?苏萨,版权法和“美国作曲家,作者与出版商协会(ASCAP)联合体”等例子来支持他复苏创造性文化的立论。
爱琳-麦奇重新定义字典 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 被受爱戴的纸质字典是不是注定要绝迹了?在这个充满感染力和活力的演讲里,首席字典编纂家,爱琳-麦奇从多方面看印刷字典的转型。
领袖型人才的培养 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 帕特里克-阿瓦用实践表明文理学院的博雅教育对于培养真正的领袖人才是至关重要的。用动画描绘细胞 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 医学绘画家戴维-布林斯基通过3分钟的惊人动画展现了细胞里熙熙攘攘的生命运动。
丹尼尔-丹尼特回应华里克 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 哲学家丹尼尔?丹尼特建议宗教--所有宗教--都能作为一门学科在学校里教授,这样我们就能把宗教的本质理解为一种自然现象。然后他针对《标杆人生》中提到的,如果人类想保存伦理就要否认进化论,进行驳斥。
学校扼杀创造力 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 关于建立培养创造力(而不是扼杀创造力)的教育体系,Ken Robinson发表了一番幽默生动的演讲.和女儿的“谈话” 播放 讲师: 类型:TED 八岁的女儿开始学习青蛙的繁殖,并提出一些非常棘手的问题时,喜剧演员朱莉娅斯威尼使尽解术仍不得不撒了个小谎。
So just by show of hands , how many of you all have a robot at home ?
Not very many of you
Okay.And actually of those hands , if you don’t include Roomba how many of you have a robot at home?
So a couple?
That okay.that’s the problem that we’re trying to solve at Romotive—that I and the other 20 nerds at Romotive are obsessed with solving.So we really want to build a robot that anyone can use , whether you’re eight or 80.And as it turns out , that’s a really hard problem.Because you have to build a small , portable robot that’s not only really affordable ,but it has to be something that people actually to take home and have around their kids.This tobot cant’t be creepy or uncanny.He should be friendly and cute.So meet Romo.Romo’s a robot that uses a device you already know and love your iPone as his brain.And leveraging the power of the iPome’s processor.We can creat a robot that is wi-fi enabled and computer vision-capable for 150 bucks ,which is about one percent of what these kinds of robots have cost in the past.When Romo wakes up , he’s in creatunre mode.So he’s actually using the video camera on the device to follow my face.If I duck down , he’ll follow me.He’s wary , so he’ll keep his eyes on me.If I come over here , he’ll turn to follow me.If I come over here ,--(Laughs)
第三篇:公开课 识字三
情景创设:同学们,今天孟老师要在这里公开的讲课,很多老师要来听孟老师的课,你们紧张么? 不要害怕,如果你们积极地配合老师,跟着老师的步伐走,把咱们一二班的最好一面展示给全校老师看好不好?如果你本节课表现积极,回到班里孟老师要给你加红旗,发礼物的哟!好了 在上课前老师送给你们一些儿歌,大家一起拍手读一下吧!生读。这些明快的儿歌又叫对子歌。课前的小知识就补充到这里。
好,现在我们开始上课吧!一 创设情境,导入新课
霜:一粒粒晶莹的水珠挂在绿叶上,闪闪发亮,多美啊!和风:和风也就是春天暖和的风,轻柔的风 细雨:细小的雨,淅沥沥的飘在天空中 朝霞:早晨太阳刚出来是照在云彩上的色彩。夕阳:旁晚太阳落山时的样子。
蝴蝶 蜜蜂:你看他们忙碌的样子真可爱。
李树,杨树:李树结出了紫色的果子,杨树变得更加茁壮 蓝天碧野:蓝蓝的天 绿绿的草地 万紫千红: 许多紫色红色的花朵
(过渡句)大自然真是奇妙无穷令人前往啊!大自然是我们美丽的家,在这个家园里有美丽的自然景色、各种花草树木和可爱的小动物们,我们都非常喜爱她。一位作家把这些美丽的景色写成了对子歌,板书:对子歌 就在识字3 里 二 初读课文 识记生字
1.(出示幻灯片 识字三课文)你们想读吗?好!我们做好读书的准备,身子坐端正,拿起你的铅笔,做到笔随眼动。读之前老师有个问题请教同学们:读的时候遇到困难怎么办?就像大家所说的遇到不认识的字动手画一画,或请拼音宝宝帮帮忙,也可以问你的小伙伴或老师,把它多读几遍明白了么? 那你们就快快开始吧!
3、你觉得哪些字难读,想提醒大家注意?谁来当小老师?例如:霜是三拼音,请跟我读(霜、朝、蜂、紫)朝是多音字。Zhao朝霞 chao 朝廷 上朝“霜 蜂”拼读。
5.同学们你能用什么好方法很快记住他们吗?同桌讨论。把你的好方法告诉大家吧!(偏旁识字法:雾—霞—霜都有雨字头,你们能给他们组个词么?雾:(云雾)(雾气)霞(朝霞)(晚霞)霜(冰霜)(白霜)。你真是组词小能手啊!这里的的雨当部首的时候可是有变化的哟!原来的这里的一竖变成了一撇,横折钩变成了横勾而且它整个身体都变得短而窄了可要好好把它给记住哟;蜂—蝶都有虫字旁;蝶字左边是虫右边是世+木(世界上的木头被一个虫子给吃掉了)。山峰的峰换一换就变成了蜜蜂的蜂。李—杨都有木字旁。李是什么结构?上下结构 杨呢?左右结构。那你们还见过其他木字旁的字么?都有哪些咱们熟悉的字呢? 梨 桃 柳 松。多的一半是夕,十加一撇等于千,禾加乃等于秀或者说香,把日换成乃就等于秀。优秀的秀 十月十日等于朝。
咱们今天用到了部首归类,加一加 换一换 编谜语的识字方法,掌握了这个多的识字本领,那我考考大家,看看你们是不是真正学会了。我们就一起走进冒险王国去看看有什么难关在等着你们吧?(出示幻灯片 第一关:归类关)出示:三个杯子分别写有 雨字头 虫字旁 木字旁。有雾 霜 霞 杨 李 蜂 蝶 让学生归类。
过渡语:第一关过得很顺利说明大家部首归类法学的很好。那我奖励你们一些红苹果吧!我们看第二关(出示课件 苹果树)请同学们读出正确的读音。晨雾 朝霞 蝴蝶 秋霜 万紫千红 鸟语花香 山清水秀 和风细雨。过渡语:咱们摘到了又大又红的大苹果后一起去字谜乐园瞧瞧吧!(出示幻灯片第三关 猜字谜)1.十月十日(朝),2.多字少一半(夕)3.王大妈,白大妈同时坐在石头上(碧)三 再读课文 理解对子的特点
3.通过读课文,你们发现对子歌有怎样的特点呢?? 眼睛看大屏幕齐读。(字数相同,每句短语都含有一组意思相反或相近的词或词语)每一句都有,每一句的词是一个对一个,两个对两个,词语的意思相近或相反。、我们在朗读对子时要注意节奏,不要拖长。老师和大家对着读,教师读前半句,学生读后半句。拿起书,做好准备。还想这样读吗?同桌小朋友也来读一读。
四 指导书写
2、书写指导:秀 香 李
B:师范写“李 香 秀”,提醒和 禾字旁很懂得谦让,要不然两撇都那么长,就会打架了,这样一让,这个字就更好看了。要写得紧凑。
C:“秀”重点指导秀(写字要领:上面的禾略扁,写在横中线上,撇捺展开,盖住下面部分,写乃,第一笔的横沿横中线运笔,宽度不要超过上面的禾。最后一笔是捺。)“禾字头”:写得扁一些;撇和捺尽量舒展,要盖住下面部分。香:仿照秀的写法,下面的日不要写得太宽,横折的横写在横中线上,整个字左右对称。下面日的笔顺 竖 横折钩 横 横。李:上下结构 木子头的撇捺也要写舒展开 盖住下面的子,子的笔顺是横勾 竖钩。
【出示幻灯片 作业】1.背一背对子歌给爸爸妈妈听。2.找一找生活中还有哪些词语可以对对子?下一节课比一比,看哪个小组找的多。
对子歌 秀 香 李(指导书写)
绿色未来(A Greener Future?)
大家好,我是Zach。从本周开始,我们将开展“TED演讲主题介绍”系列,陆续为大家介绍TED演讲的各类主题,方便大家更快地找到自己喜欢的TED演讲。众所周知,TED刚刚创办时的焦点是集中在Technology(科技), Entertainment(娱乐)和Design(设计)三方面。但随着TED的成长和知名度的增加,TED演讲所涵盖的行业也越来越广泛。为了确保读者们不会在大量的演讲中迷失了方向,TED网站贴心地将所有的演讲分门别类,归纳到不同的主题中,既方便读者们针对自己感兴趣的内容有选择地观看演讲,也便于大家观看和某一演讲相关的其他内容。
本周为大家介绍的主题是–A Greener Future? 绿色未来
◎ 主题简介
◎ 演讲者推荐
阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore):美国政治人物,曾于1993年至2001年间在比尔·克林顿掌政时担任美国第四十五任副总统。其后升为一名国际上著名的环境学家,由
珍·古道尔(Jane Goodall):英国生物学家、动物行为学家和著名动物保育人士。珍·古道尔长期致力于黑猩猩的野外研究,并取得丰硕成果。她的工作纠正了许多学术界对黑猩猩这一物种长期以来的错误认识,揭示了许多黑猩猩社群中鲜为人知的秘密。除了对黑猩猩的研究,珍·古道尔还热心投身于环境教育和公益事业,由她创建并管理的珍·古道尔研究会(国际珍古道尔协会)是著名民间动物保育机构,在促进黑猩猩保育、推广动物福利、推进环境和人道主义教育等领域进行了很多卓有成效的工作,由珍·古道尔研究会创立的根与芽是目前全球最活跃的面向青年的环境教育计划之一。由于珍·古道尔在黑猩猩研究和环境教育等领域的杰出贡献,她在 1995年获英国女王伊丽莎白二世荣封为皇家女爵士,在2002年获颁联合国和平使者。
◎ 部分已翻译演讲(简体中文)推荐:
3.Willie Smits 修复雨林
透过复杂的生态学,生物学家Willie Smits发掘一个重新植林的快捷方式,在婆罗洲救回了许多栖息于当地的红毛猩猩,进而创造出一个得以修复脆弱生态系统的蓝图。
4.William McDonough 谈「从摇篮到摇篮」理念
致力于环保的建筑师兼设计师 William McDonough 问,如果设计师心系所有子孙、所有物种、直到永远,我们的建筑及产品会是什么样子?
◎ 待校对演讲(简体中文)推荐
1.Carl Honore praises slowness
“Journalist Carl Honore believes the Western world’s emphasis on speed erodes health, productivity and quality of life.But there’s a backlash brewing, as everyday people start putting the brakes on their all-too-modern lives.”
2.Kamal Meattle on how to grow fresh air
Researcher Kamal Meattle shows how an arrangement of three common houseplants, used in specific spots in a home or office building, can result in measurably cleaner indoor air.以上就是这个星期的TED主题介绍。希望大家能从上面的演讲中有所收获。大家也可以点击这里的网址来查看所有该主题下演讲的翻译进度(简体中文和繁体中文)。
如果大家对此专栏有何建议的话,欢迎大家在下面留言,或是电邮至OTP at TEDtoChina dot com
Brian Cox: CERN's supercollider This is the Large Hadron Collider.It's 27 kilometers in circumference.It's the biggest scientific experiment ever attempted.Over 10,000 physicists and engineers from 85 countries around the world have come together over several decades to build this machine.What we do is we accelerate protons--so, hydrogen nuclei--around 99.999999 percent the speed of light.Right? At that speed, they go around that 27 kilometers 11,000 times a second.And we collide them with another beam of protons going in the opposite direction.We collide them inside giant detectors.They're essentially digital cameras.And this is the one that I work on, ATLAS.You get some sense of the size--you can just see these EU standard-size people underneath.(Laughter)You get some sense of the size: 44 meters wide, 22 meters in diameter, 7,000 tons.And we re-create the conditions that were present less than a billionth of a second after the universe began up to 600 million times a second inside that detector--immense numbers.And if you see those metal bits there--those are huge magnets that bend electrically charged particles, so it can measure how fast they're traveling.This is a picture about a year ago.Those magnets are in there.And, again, a EU standard-size, real person, so you get some sense of the scale.And it's in there that those mini-Big Bangs will be created, sometime in the summer this year.And actually, this morning, I got an email saying that we've just finished, today, building the last piece of ATLAS.So as of today, it's finished.I'd like to say that I planned that for TED, but I didn't.So it's been completed as of today.(Applause)Yeah, it's a wonderful achievement.So, you might be asking, “Why? Why create the conditions that were present less than a billionth of a second after the universe began?” Well, particle physicists are nothing if not ambitious.And the aim of particle physics is to understand what everything's made of, and how everything sticks together.And by everything I mean, of course, me and you, the Earth, the Sun, the 100 billion suns in our galaxy and the 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.Absolutely everything.Now you might say, “Well, OK, but why not just look at it? You know? If you want to know what I'm made of, let's look at me.” Well, we found that as you look back in time, the universe gets hotter and hotter, denser and denser, and simpler and simpler.Now, there's no real reason I'm aware of for that, but that seems to be the case.So, way back in the early times of the universe, we believe it was very simple and understandable.All this complexity, all the way to these wonderful things--human brains--are a property of an old and cold and complicated universe.Back at the start, in the first billionth of a second, we believe, or we've observed, it was very simple.It's almost like...imagine a snowflake in your hand, and you look at it, and it's an incredibly complicated, beautiful object.But as you heat it up, it'll melt into a pool of water, and you would be able to see that, actually, it was just made of H20, water.So it's in that same sense that we look back in time to understand what the universe is made of.And, as of today, it's made of these things.Just 12 particles of matter, stuck together by four forces of nature.The quarks, these pink things, are the things that make up protons and neutrons that make up the atomic nuclei in your body.The electron--the thing that goes around the atomic nucleus--held around in orbit, by the way, by the electromagnetic force that's carried by this thing, the photon.The quarks are stuck together by other things called gluons.And these guys, here, they're the weak nuclear force, probably the least familiar.But, without it, the sun wouldn't shine.And when the sun shines, you get copious quantities of these things, called neutrinos, pouring out.Actually, if you just look at your thumbnail--about a square centimeter--there are something like 60 billion neutrinos per second from the sun, passing through every square centimeter of your body.But you don't feel them, because the weak force is correctly named--very short range and very weak, so they just fly through you.And these particles have been discovered over the last century, pretty much.The first one, the electron, was discovered in 1897, and the last one, this thing called the tau neutrino, in the year 2000.Actually just--I was going to say, just up the road in Chicago.I know it's a big country, America, isn't it? Just up the road.Relative to the universe, it's just up the road.(Laughter)So, this thing was discovered in the year 2000, so it's a relatively recent picture.One of the wonderful things, actually, I find, is that we've discovered any of them, when you realize how tiny they are.You know, they're a step in size from the entire observable universe.So, 100 billion galaxies, 13.7 billion light years away--a step in size from that to Monterey, actually, is about the same as from Monterey to these things.Absolutely, exquisitely minute, and yet we've discovered pretty much the full set.So, one of my most illustrious forebears at Manchester University, Ernest Rutherford, discoverer of the atomic nucleus, once said, “All science is either physics or stamp collecting.” Now, I don't think he meant to insult the rest of science, although he was from New Zealand, so it's possible.(Laughter)But what he meant was that what we've done, really, is stamp collect there.OK, we've discovered the particles, but unless you understand the underlying reason for that pattern--you know, why it's built the way it is--really you've done stamp collecting.You haven't done science.Fortunately, we have probably one of the greatest scientific achievements of the twentieth century that underpins that pattern.It's the Newton's laws, if you want, of particle physics.It's called the standard model--beautifully simple mathematical equation.You could stick it on the front of a T-shirt, which is always the sign of elegance.This is it.(Laughter)I've been a little disingenuous, because I've expanded it out in all its gory detail.This equation, though, allows you to calculate everything--other than gravity--that happens in the universe.So, you want to know why the sky is blue, why atomic nuclei stick together--in principle, you've got a big enough computer--why DNA is the shape it is.In principle, you should be able to calculate it from that equation.But there's a problem.Can anyone see what it is? A bottle of champagne for anyone that tells me.I'll make it easier, actually, by blowing one of the lines up.Basically, each of these terms refers to some of the particles.So those Ws there refer to the Ws, and how they stick together.These carriers of the weak force, the Zs, the same.But there's an extra symbol in this equation: H.Right, H.H stands for Higgs particle.Higgs particles have not been discovered.But they're necessary: they're necessary to make that mathematics work.So all the exquisitely detailed calculations we can do with that wonderful equation wouldn't be possible without an extra bit.So it's a prediction: a prediction of a new particle.What does it do? Well, we had a long time to come up with good analogies.And back in the 1980s, when we wanted the money for the LHC from the U.K.government, Margaret Thatcher, at the time, said, “If you guys can explain, in language a politician can understand, what the hell it is that you're doing, you can have the money.I want to know what this Higgs particle does.” And we came up with this analogy, and it seemed to work.Well, what the Higgs does is, it gives mass to the fundamental particles.And the picture is that the whole universe--and that doesn't mean just space, it means me as well, and inside you--the whole universe is full of something called a Higgs field.Higgs particles, if you will.The analogy is that these people in a room are the Higgs particles.Now when a particle moves through the universe, it can interact with these Higgs particles.But imagine someone who's not very popular moves through the room.Then everyone ignores them.They can just pass through the room very quickly, essentially at the speed of light.They're massless.And imagine someone incredibly important and popular and intelligent walks into the room.They're surrounded by people, and their passage through the room is impeded.It's almost like they get heavy.They get massive.And that's exactly the way the Higgs mechanism works.The picture is that the electrons and the quarks in your body and in the universe that we see around us are heavy, in a sense, and massive, because they're surrounded by Higgs particles.They're interacting with the Higgs field.If that picture's true, then we have to discover those Higgs particles at the LHC.If it's not true--because it's quite a convoluted mechanism, although it's the simplest we've been able to think of--then whatever does the job of the Higgs particles we know have to turn up at the LHC.So, that's one of the prime reasons we built this giant machine.I'm glad you recognize Margaret Thatcher.Actually, I thought about making it more culturally relevant, but--(Laughter)anyway.So that's one thing.That's essentially a guarantee of what the LHC will find.There are many other things.You've heard many of the big problems in particle physics.One of them you heard about: dark matter, dark energy.There's another issue, which is that the forces in nature--it's quite beautiful, actually--seem, as you go back in time, they seem to change in strength.Well, they do change in strength.So, the electromagnetic force, the force that holds us together, gets stronger as you go to higher temperatures.The strong force, the strong nuclear force, which sticks nuclei together, gets weaker.And what you see is the standard model--you can calculate how these change--is the forces, the three forces, other than gravity, almost seem to come together at one point.It's almost as if there was one beautiful kind of super-force, back at the beginning of time.But they just miss.Now there's a theory called super-symmetry, which doubles the number of particles in the standard model, which, at first sight, doesn't sound like a simplification.But actually, with this theory, we find that the forces of nature do seem to unify together, back at the Big Bang--absolutely beautiful prophecy.The model wasn't built to do that, but it seems to do it.Also, those super-symmetric particles are very strong candidates for the dark matter.So a very compelling theory that's really mainstream physics.And if I was to put money on it, I would put money on--in a very unscientific way--that that these things would also crop up at the LHC.Many other things that the LHC could discover.But in the last few minutes, I just want to give you a different perspective of what I think--what particle physics really means to me--particle physics and cosmology.And that's that I think it's given us a wonderful narrative--almost a creation story, if you'd like--about the universe, from modern science over the last few decades.And I'd say that it deserves, in the spirit of Wade Davis' talk, to be at least put up there with these wonderful creation stories of the peoples of the high Andes and the frozen north.This is a creation story, I think, equally as wonderful.The story goes like this: we know that the universe began 13.7 billion years ago, in an immensely hot, dense state, much smaller than a single atom.It began to expand about a million, billion, billion, billion billionth of a second--I think I got that right--after the Big Bang.Gravity separated away from the other forces.The universe then underwent an exponential expansion called inflation.In about the first billionth of a second or so, the Higgs field kicked in, and the quarks and the gluons and the electrons that make us up got mass.The universe continued to expand and cool.After about a few minutes, there was hydrogen and helium in the universe.That's all.The universe was about 75 percent hydrogen, 25 percent helium.It still is today.It continued to expand about 300 million years.Then light began to travel through the universe.It was big enough to be transparent to light, and that's what we see in the cosmic microwave background that George Smoot described as looking at the face of God.After about 400 million years, the first stars formed, and that hydrogen, that helium, then began to cook into the heavier elements.So the elements of life--carbon, and oxygen and iron, all the elements that we need to make us up--were cooked in those first generations of stars, which then ran out of fuel, exploded, threw those elements back into the universe.They then re-collapsed into another generation of stars and planets.And on some of those planets, the oxygen, which had been created in that first generation of stars, could fuse with hydrogen to form water, liquid water on the surface.On at least one, and maybe only one of those planets, primitive life evolved, which evolved over millions of years into things that walked upright and left footprints about three and a half million years ago in the mud flats of Tanzania, and eventually left a footprint on another world.And built this civilization, this wonderful picture, that turned the darkness into light, and you can see the civilization from space.As one of my great heroes, Carl Sagan, said, these are the things--and actually, not only these, but I was looking around--these are the things, like Saturn V rockets, and Sputnik, and DNA, and literature and science--these are the things that hydrogen atoms do when given 13.7 billion years.Absolutely remarkable.And, the laws of physics.Right? So, the right laws of physics--they're beautifully balanced.If the weak force had been a little bit different, then carbon and oxygen wouldn't be stable inside the hearts of stars, and there would be none of that in the universe.And I think that's a wonderful and significant story.50 years ago, I couldn't have told that story, because we didn't know it.It makes me really feel that that civilization--which, as I say, if you believe the scientific creation story, has emerged purely as a result of the laws of physics, and a few hydrogen atoms--then I think, to me anyway, it makes me feel incredibly valuable.So that's the LHC.The LHC is certainly, when it turns on in summer, going to write the next chapter of that book.And I'm certainly looking forward with immense excitement to it being turned on.Thanks.(Applause)