The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone.Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you.About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture.I did not expect.Many people say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive.But since I made a promise that I came.Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be to answer every qestions.今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。
I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year.No one knows this plan.Even my company do not know.You asked me why I came here.To intend to do to prepare for the acquisition of Yahoo ? No, we are too sensitive.I came here because I'm tired.Over the past 16 years was too tired.In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job.At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive.Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba.我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有VIE的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是VIE,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的首席执行官。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家揣测的这么复杂。
We are also fortunate to have a Taobao , Alipay , Ali clouds and other companies under the Group.Therefore , the establishment of Ali Baba 12 years later , I decided to rest for some time.In particular, this year's challenge is too difficult , and this is what I did not expect to.Chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year.Alibaba in China this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of chief executive officer , as well as the VIE issue , although I still do not know now what is the VIE , as well as the company's Taobao split into four decisions.So busy after all these things I'm tired.I told myself , why not spend a year rest.In particular, next year is my personal year, which would surely be more difficult this year.I want to spend a little more time to properly prepare to meet next year more difficult and more difficult challenge.I need a good rest in order for the 3-4 years after the challenge to prepare.This year if things went wrong, we can criticize Taobao , Alibaba CEO or Ali cloud.But after three years , if things went wrong, and that is my fault.So I'm going to spend some time in the United States ponder and relax.Two days ago, I started practicing again from golf to relax.Therefore, the purpose of coming to the U.S.is really not so complicated is that we speculate.我们是一间非常幸运的公司。我没有任何的背景,没有富裕的父亲,也没有很有权势的叔伯们,根本不用想能够有成功的机会。我记得1999年来到硅谷寻找资金,跟很多风投、资本家接洽,也去了Menlo Park一带开会。但是没有人有兴趣投资阿里巴巴,我被一一回拒。回到了中国,一点资本都没拿到。但是,我充满了信心。我看到了美国梦。我看到硅谷的快速成长,我看到许多公司的停车场不管是白天或黑夜,周一到周日,都是停满了车。我相信那种快速的成长也会发生在中国。接着我创立阿里巴巴,12年过去了,到今天取得了很多的成绩。但在那之前,没有人相信B2B能够在中国发展。当时B2B美国有名的公司包括Ariba.com, Broadvision 和Commerce One,这些公司主要的客户都是大公司的买家们。没有人觉得中国近期内会有大公司的出现,而大公司也不会有电子商务的需求,因为所有大公司都是归于政府,他们只需要配合政府的政策就可以。但我的信念是,我们必须要专注在小型公司,因为未来是私营企业的天下,所以我们必须把重点放在小型企业。We are a very lucky company.I have no background, no wealthy father , nor very powerful uncles , do not want to have the chance of success.I remember in 1999 came to Silicon Valley looking for funding , with many venture capitalists approached , also went to the Menlo Park area meetings.But no one interested in investing in Alibaba, I was eleven nixed.Returned to China , did not get a little capital.However, I am full of confidence.I saw the American dream.I have seen the rapid growth of Silicon Valley , I have seen many company parking lot whether it is day or night , Monday to Sunday , all full of parked cars.I believe that rapid growth will occur in China.Then I founded Alibaba, 12 years have passed , and today made a lot of achievements.But before that , no one believes B2B able development in China.At that time the famous B2B companies including American Ariba.com, Broadvision and Commerce One, the company's main clients are large companies buyers.China in the near future there will be no one think that the emergence of large companies , while large companies will not have the demand for e-commerce , because all the big companies are attributed to the government , they only need to meet the government 's policy can be.But my belief is that we must focus on small companies , because the future is the private sector of the world, so we have to focus on small businesses.还有,美国大公司的B2B是非常专注于买家,美国的买家们需要许多建议来帮忙节省成本开销和时间。但是我相信中小企业们不需要这方面的帮忙,他们比我们还厉害,懂得还多。我们应该专注于帮他们赚钱,把产品外销出去。当时我们也遇到很多挑战,但是12年过去了,今天全球有58万的小型企业都使用阿里巴巴来做生意。我们的生意模式跟腾讯或百度相比可能并不是十分吸引人,我们也并不靠网络游戏赚钱。但是我们晚上可以睡得安稳,因为我们知道我们赚的钱并不是从网络游戏上来的。我们的收入是靠帮助小企业们成长来的,这点我感到十分的骄傲。直到今天我都没有为阿里巴巴赚了多少钱而骄傲过,我为我们影响和帮助了其他人,尤其是小企业主而骄傲!
Also, large U.S.companies are very focused on B2B buyers, U.S.buyers who need a lot of suggestions to help save costs and time overhead.But I believe that SMBs need help in this regard , they are worse than we are , know more than.We should focus on to help them make money , the products exported out.At that time we also encountered many challenges, but 12 years later, today's world there are 580,000 small businesses use Alibaba to do business.Our business model compared with Tencent or Baidu may not be very attractive , we do not rely on online games to make money.But we can sleep peacefully at night , because we know that we earn from online games are not up to.Our revenues have grown by helping small businesses come , which I am very proud of.Until today I have not as much money Alibaba proud , I had to influence and help us to other people, especially small business owners and proud!
Before the Internet , no one can help more than 50 million SMEs.But today, we are trying to do so.People will tell me , Ma , Alibaba if you can do a good job , that is equivalent to several tons of sheep you will transported to the top of the Himalayas.I said , yes, we will ship them down.And we did.The second company is Taobao.Everyone told me that , my God , you are in competition with eBay ah!I said , “Why not ? ” China needs an e-commerce site.Creating a network of Chinese market will take time and effort.So , at that time I was told to do this in China the game.I said, if you do not always try , how do you know the game ? So we tried it.I said that if eBay is the sea of sharks, then we are in the Yangtze alligator.Let's not fight the sea , we are in the Yangtze River and thought.A beginning is difficult, but a lot of fun.And we finally survived.EBay beginning C2C market in China accounted for 90%.But today , we have the Chinese C2C market share of 90%.We are very fortunate , really just lucky.After a lot of things we can discuss.今天,大家总是在写关于阿里巴巴的成功故事。但是我并不真的认为我们有多么聪明。我们犯了很多错误。当时我们还是很愚蠢的。所以我在想,如果哪天我要写关于阿里巴巴的书,我会写《阿里巴巴的一千零一个错误》。这才是大家应该记住的事情,应该学习的事情。如果你想知道其他人是怎么成功的,这是非常难的。成功有很多幸运的因素。但是如果你想学习别人是怎么失败的,你就会受益很多。我总喜欢看那些探讨人如何失败的书。因为,当你仔细去分析的时候,任何失败的公司,他们失败的原因总是不经相同。而这才是最重要的。所以淘宝成功了,接下来我们做了支付宝,因为大家都说中国没有信用体系,银行很糟糕,物流很糟糕,你为什么还要做电子商务?今天,我不是来这里跟大家说我的生意经的,我没有准备PPT,因为我没有股票要卖给大家。但是我想正因为中国的落后的物流、信用体系和银行,我们才需要有创业精神。这就是我们需要创建自己的蓝图。所以我相信这个事情是你先做了,然后慢慢地就成了中国的标准。我记得6年前当我来美国的时候,我说我相信5年以后,中国的网民人口会超过美国。人们说,不会的。然后我说,你们的人口才3亿。中国有13亿人口不是吗?如果让你们有4 亿人口,没有人口死亡,人们还要不停地生孩子,你们需要50年的时间。我们只需要5年时间,所以这只是一个时间的问题,不是吗?我们走着瞧。今天,中国网络用户的人口超过了美国。然后人们说为什么你们的购买力这么低?我们五年后在再说。今天,人均消费大概只有200人民币每月。5年以后,这些人会消费2000元。而且我们很有耐心。我们还很年轻。我是老了,但是我们员工的平均年龄才26岁。他们还很年轻,所以让我们期待未来。
Today, we are always writing about Alibaba's success story.But I do not really think how smart we are.We made a lot of mistakes.We were still very stupid.So I was wondering if someday I want to write a book about Ali Baba , I will write “Ali Baba's one thousand and one mistake.” This is something we should keep in mind , you should learn to do.If you want to know how other people are successful , it is very difficult.Fortunately, there are many factors that success.But if you want to learn how others fail , you will benefit a lot.I always like to explore how people fail to see those books.Because, when you look to the time of analysis , any failure of the company, their failure is not always by the same.And this is the most important.So Taobao successful, then we do Alipay, because everyone says China is no credit system , banks are bad , logistics is very bad, why did you do e-commerce ? Today, I did not come here to tell you is that my business sense , and I did not prepare PPT, because I do not have stock to sell you.But I think because of the backwardness of China 's logistics , credit and banking system , we need to have an entrepreneurial spirit.That's why we need to create your own blueprints.So I believe this thing is that you do first , and then slowly became China 's standards.I remember six years ago when I came to America when I say that I believe that five years later, the population of Internet users in China will surpass the U.S..People say that they will not.Then I said, the population was 300 million.China has 1.3 billion people, is not it ? If so you have 400 million people , there is no population died , people have to keep a child , you need 50 years.We only need five years, so this is just a matter of time , is not it ? We'll see.Today, the population of Internet users in China than the United States.Then why do people say the purchasing power is so low ? We say after five years.Today , per capita consumption is only about 200 yuan per month.Five years later , these people will be spending 2,000 yuan.And we are very patient.We are still young.I'm old , but the average age of our employees was 26 years old.They are young, so let's look to the future.当时做支付宝的时候,大家说这是一个很傻的担保服务。张三要从李四那里买点东西,但是张三不肯把钱汇给李四,李四也不肯把货给张三。所以我们就开了一个账户,跟张三说,把钱先汇给我,如果你对货物满意,那么我付钱,如果你不满意,你退货,我退钱给李四。人们说你的这个模式怎么这么傻啊?但是我们不关心这个模式是不是傻,我们关心的是客户是不是需要这样的服务。我们是不是满足了客户的需求。如果这东西很傻的话,今天中国就有超过6亿的注册用户在用这个傻东西。所以傻的东西,如果你每天都改善它一点,那么它就会变得非常聪明。所以今天支付宝很好,我们还在成长。支付宝跟Paypal很像,但是我从交易量来说,我们比Paypal更大。
Alipay was doing , when we say that this is a silly guarantee services.Where to buy something from a John Doe Joe Smith , but Zhang refused to send money to John Doe, John Doe refused the goods to Joe Smith.So we opened an account with Joe Smith said that the money be remitted to me, if you are satisfied with the goods , then I pay, if you are not satisfied , you return, my money back to John Doe.People say you how silly this model ah ? But we do not care about this model is not stupid, we are concerned that the customer is not the need for such services.We are not satisfy the customer's needs.If this thing is silly , then, today there are more than 600 million Chinese a registered user to use this silly thing.So silly things, if you do every day to improve it a little , then it will become very smart.So today, Alipay is very good, we are still growing.Paypal with Paypal like, but I'm from the trading volume , we are more than Paypal.最后,也是最重要的,是我们的阿里云计算,这个公司跟其他那些谈论云计算的公司不同。那些公司是想把他们的软件和硬件卖给你。但是我们没什么可以卖的。我们通过云技术对自己的数据进行计算。来自中小企业的数据,来自淘宝消费者的数据,以及来自支付宝的数据。我们相信未来。未来的世界将是信息处理的世界。我们将如何很好地与他人分享数据。这将是未来商业的核心。这个公司目前还不是很好,但是盈利能力很强。
Finally, and most importantly, our Alibaba Cloud Computing , the company with other companies who talk about the different cloud computing.Those companies are trying their software and hardware to sell you.But we have nothing to sell.We cloud technology to their own data to calculate.From the SME data from Taobao consumer data, and data from Alipay.We believe in the future.World of the future will be information processing in the world.How well we will share data with others.This will be the core of future commercial.The company currently is not very good , but very profitable.整个公司都很健康。一开始人家说这个公司不可能成的,但是我们活下来了。我们很有耐心。我们总在问自己一个问题“为什么我们还要这么辛勤地工作?有一天,我问我的同事,他告诉我,“Jack,我从来不知道我这辈子还能做这么多事情。第二,我从来不知道我现在做的事情对社会这么有意义。第三,我从来不知道生活是这么艰辛的。”我们没日没夜地工作,甚至是现在也是这样。我变得更瘦了,而且长相更奇怪了。我知道生活不是容易的事。我们很骄傲,我们在改变中国,而不是你挣了很多钱。
The entire company is very healthy.People say that a company can not begin to , but we survived.We are very patient.We always ask ourselves the question, “ why do we have to work so hard ? One day , I asked my colleague , he told me ,” Jack, I never knew my life can do so many things.Second, I never know what I am doing so meaningful to society.Third, I never knew life was so hard.“We worked day and night , and even now but I am becoming more thin, and looks even more strange , I know life is not easy and we are proud that we change China , rather than you earn a lot of money.10年前,当我走在街上,有人跑过来感谢我,因为阿里巴巴帮他们得到了国外的订单、国外的生意。今天,当我走在街上,有人过来感谢我,说他和妻子在淘宝上开了个小店,以此为生,并且收入不错。这对我来说,意义重大。我们将诚信变得有价值(你的诚信是可以变成钱的)。许多年前,如果你有很好的信誉记录、交易记录,你可能还并不富有。今天,如果你在淘宝上有很好的信誉记录、交易记录,你将会非常富有,因为人们都愿意跟信誉好的店家做生意。我们教育消费者要聪明。有人来跟我说:马云,我在淘宝上买了个东西,非常非常便宜,你说这是假货么?是的,我们淘宝上有假货,假货在现实生活中无处不在。但是我们用了非常多的努力,大量的人力物力来对付这个问题,在淘宝,有50%的工作人员每天的工作是筛查侵权、伪冒商品。但是如果有一瓶红酒,在线下的商场里买要300美金,而在淘宝上只要9美金,为什么会这样?因为渠道、广告费用。为什么消费者要为这么多其他费用买单?我们帮消费者省了,所以我们跟消费者说,如果你在淘宝上买一件15块钱的T恤,而它在商场里要卖150块钱,那不是因为淘宝卖的太便宜了,那是因为商场里卖的太贵了。我们应该帮助消费者变的更聪明。years ago , when I walk down the street , someone ran over to thank me, because Ali Baba to help them get foreign orders , foreign business.Today, when I walk down the street , someone came to thank me and said he and his wife opened a Taobao shop, a living and decent income.This, to me , is significant.We will be honest become valuable(your integrity can be turned into money).Many years ago, if you have a good credit history , transaction records, you probably are not rich.Today, if you are on Taobao have a good credit history , transaction records, you will be very rich, because people are willing to do business with reputable stores.We educate consumers to be smart.Someone said to me: Ma , I bought on Taobao is something very, very cheap, you say this is fake it ? Yes, we Taobao fake, fake in real life everywhere.But we spent a lot of effort , a lot of manpower and resources to tackle this problem , in Taobao , 50% of the daily work of staff screening infringement, counterfeit merchandise.But if there is a bottle of red wine, the mall to buy online to 300 dollars, and on Taobao just nine dollars, why is it so ? Because channels , advertising costs.Why do so many consumers want to pay for other expenses ? We help consumers save , so we told consumers that if you buy on Taobao 15 dollars a T-shirt , and it sold for 150 dollars at the mall , it is not because Taobao sell too cheap, that is because the mall to sell expensive.We should help consumers become smarter
第三点,也是非常重要的一点,我们看见在中国有很多的工厂,尤其是在广东,他们其实是公司,并不仅仅是加工厂。他们仅仅是做代工,这些代工的产品之后就在淘宝上卖。他们不知道谁是他们的销售渠道,也不了解最终购买他们产品的客户。这种代工厂,在遇到有问题发生的时候(比如金融危机),会马上陷入困难。所以我们应该告诉这些生产者,你必须直接跟你的客户沟通,你应该自己去做销售,自己提供服务,这才是真正的做生意。否则,你就只是个工厂。我们正在改变这些工厂,扭转这种局面,我感到非常自豪。这与财富无关,因为如果你有一百万,你是个富有的人,但如果你有一千万,那你可能就有麻烦了。你会担心通货膨胀,于是你开始投资,接着你就可能遇到困难。如果你有10亿,那这就不是你个人的财富了,就是社会的财富了。你的股东、投资者,认为你应该比政府更能有效地使用这些钱。于是他们给你信任,那你要如何运用好这笔钱,对得起他们的信任呢?我觉得这是我们所面临的挑战。阿里巴巴的产品,其实并不是服务,是人,是我们的员工。Thirdly, and very importantly, we see a lot of factories in China , especially in Guangdong, they are in fact the company , and not just plants.They just do OEM , after these OEM products sold on Taobao.They do not know who their sales channels, do not understand the final purchase their products to customers.The foundries , in the face of problems arise when(eg financial crisis), it will immediately fall into difficulties.So we should tell these producers, you have to communicate directly with your customers , you should do their own marketing, their own service, this is the real business.Otherwise , you're just a factory.We are changing these factories to reverse this situation, I feel very proud.This has nothing to do with wealth , because if you had a million , you're a rich man , but if you have ten million , you might have trouble.You worry about inflation , so you start investing , then you are likely to encounter difficulties.If you have one billion , that this is not your personal wealth , is the wealth of the society.Your shareholders , investors, think you should be more effective than the use of government money.So they give you confidence , then how do you make good use of the money, worthy of their trust it ? I think this is the challenge we face.Alibaba 's products , in fact, not services, is the people, is our people.我们员工的平均年龄是26岁。我们正面临着许许多多的挑战,这些是我曾经所没有意识到的。曾有一位政府高层来公司访问,他说马云,如果你们淘宝有3亿用户,那就已经比我管理的国家还要大了。我说是的,这个管理的难度非常大。不管我们制定出什么新的政策,都会让我们遇到各种压力。但用户有抱怨的时候,就好像是对制定政策的政府不满似的。就是这些平均年龄26岁的员工,在制定着淘宝的“游戏规则”,我们从未有过这样的经历。如果我们改变一下,比如说做搜索引擎,传统的搜索引擎,会让卖的好、最便宜的排在前面,但我想,我们会让最有信用和信誉的排在最前面。之后,会有很多的人会去验证。有200个人来到我们公司,跟我说,我们会为改变游戏规则而付出代价。我的回答是,如果这个改变是正确的,我们就要做下去。眼前的这个世界,也是我们改造出来的。我们不需要不能服务于人的项目。我们需要社会学家,经济学家,让这些人来制定我们的政策规则。所以我们还面临着许许多多的考验。但我们仍觉得骄傲,因为我相信在21世纪,如果你想做一家成功的公司,你需要学会的是如何解决社会上存在的某个问题,而不仅仅是学会如何抓住几个机会。抓住机会是非常容易的,我不是吹牛,我觉得今天,在阿里巴巴成立12年后,我觉得赚钱非常容易,但是要稳定的赚钱,并且对社会负起责任、推动社会的发展,非常难。这也是我们正在努力为之的,我相信中国因为有了互联网,在未来的3年内会有很大的发展。今年,人们说很多中国的股票因为VIE掉了很多。我相信,如果你看看其他地区的经济,比如美国目前正面临巨大考验;比如欧洲可能已经无所适从;那中国会怎么样?所有发生在美国和欧洲的情况,三四年后也会发生在中国。三四年后,中国的经济将面临巨大的挑战。如果你预感到了将会有糟糕的事情发生,那就从现在开始为之做准备,而不是到时候抱怨和哀嚎。作为互联网公司,我们必须承担起我们的责任。我不是政治家,我只为自己说话,为我的客户—5000万中小企业者和800万淘宝卖家说话。他们在3年后要如何生存下去?这也是我此次来到美国想要去学习的目的。跟奥巴马学习,他将如何增加就业,他会怎么做,从错误中整理经验,然后在3年后,用我们的方法,帮助我们自己。这就是为什么我会来这里。我想你们一定也有很多的问题,我准备好了回答你们的所有问题。
The average age of our employees is 26 years old.We are facing many challenges , which I was not aware of that.There have been a high-level government visits to the Company , he said Ma, Taobao if you have 300 million users , it would have been even better than I manage a big country.I said yes , the management very difficult.No matter what we have to work out a new policy will make us encounter all kinds of pressure.However, users have complained about the time, it seems to be dissatisfied with the formulation of government policies like.Is the average age of 26 employees in the development of Taobao ”game rules“ , we have never had such an experience.If we change it, for example, do the search engines, traditional search engines , will sell well , the cheapest standing in the front , but I think we'll make the most of credit and credibility in the front row.After , there will be a lot of people would go to verification.There are 200 people came to our company, told me that we will change the rules of the game and pay the price.My answer is that if this change is correct, we will do so.In front of the world , but also our transformation out.We do not serve the people of the project.We need sociologists , economists, let these people to develop our policy rules.So we still face many challenges.But we still feel proud because I believe that in the 21st century , if you want a successful company , you need to learn is how to solve a problem exists in society , not just learn how to seize several opportunities.It is very easy to seize the opportunity , I'm not bragging, I think today, 12 years after establishment of Alibaba , I think it is very easy to make money , but to stabilize the money, and social responsibility to promote social development, is very difficult to.This is why we are trying to whom , I believe China because of the Internet, in the next three years there will be a great development.This year , people say a lot of China 's stock dropped a lot because the VIE.I believe that if you look at other areas of the economy , such as the United States is currently facing a huge challenge;such as Europe may already know what to do;that China will happen ? All occurred in the United States and Europe, the situation can also occur after 2034 in China.After three or four years , China 's economy will face a huge challenge.If you have a premonition that bad things will happen from now on whom it is to prepare , instead of complaining and whining that time.As an Internet company, we must assume our responsibilities.I am not a politician , I only speak for myself , for my clients and the 50 million SMEs 8000000 Taobao sellers speak.In the three years after they how to survive ? This is what I want to go to America to learn the purpose.Like Obama learn how he will increase employment , how would he do , organize experience from our mistakes , and then three years later , with our approach to help ourselves.That's why I come here.I think you must have a lot of questions , I am ready to answer all your questions 问:今天早上陈一舟说,任何关于VIE的问题,都可以去问马云。中国政府已经通过了国家安全审查制度,你怎么看这一制度的影响?你觉得这个制度会严重影响中国公司获得境外融资么?
Q: This morning, Chen Zhou said that any questions regarding the VIE , you can ask Ma.The Chinese government has adopted a national security review system , how do you see the impact of this system ? Do you think this system will seriously affect Chinese companies to obtain foreign financing it ?
答:有很多人在讨论VIE。我很迷惑。我花了很多时间学习什么是VIE,也没搞明白这到底是个什么东西。首先,VIE是个伟大的创新。我相信在10年前,这是个伟大的创新。它帮助中国的互联网及其他高科技行业的发展。阿里巴巴也由此获益不少。我不认为政府会禁止VIE,也不明白为什么人们会如此担心。但是,在某些敏感的领域或者行业,比如说金融行业,政府会比较小心这种模式,对此我非常理解和赞同。不管在哪个国家,如果外资控股的公司想要获得银行牌照,都会被反对,在中国也如此。关于VIE模式,我没听说哪个政府说要取缔它,所以为什么要担心呢?前几天我读了一篇关于“Shao Kong Chuen”的文章,他们的变化非常棒,我开始了解VIE真的是合法的、透明的。这就是互联网的力量。在10年之后,如果在某些敏感的行业,VIE让你觉得不舒服,请你加入我们,一起讨论。有人说你们的支付宝有问题,我坦诚的讲,因为这个,我们把VIE放到桌面上来讲。当人民银行问支付宝是否有国外投资者,我必须说真话。这个你同意吧?因为我们发展的越来越大,所以需要做的工作非常多。就好像今天,如果我说我想买Paypal,你觉得美国政府会毫无反应么?他们一定会有所举动!就算是收购雅虎,他们也会!所以,我们必须公平的去说这个问题。这不是个什么大的问题。这就是一种姿态。摆在桌子上来说、来讨论它,我不认为政府会禁止它。
Q: This morning, Chen Zhou said that any questions regarding the VIE , you can ask Ma.The Chinese government has adopted a national security review system , how do you see the impact of this system ? Do you think this system will seriously affect Chinese companies to obtain foreign financing it ? A: There are a lot of people in the discussion VIE.I am confused.I spent a lot of time to learn what is the VIE, have not understood this in the end is what it is.First , VIE is a great innovation.I believe that 10 years ago , this is a great innovation.It helps China 's Internet and other high-tech industries.Alibaba has thus benefited a lot.I do not think the government would ban VIE, do not understand why people would be so worried.However, in some sensitive areas or industries, such as the financial sector, the government would be more careful this pattern , which I fully understand and agree.No matter in which country, if foreign-controlled companies want to get a banking license , will be opposed , in China also do so.About the VIE model, I have not heard what the Government said that it should be abolished , so why worry about it ? A few days ago I read an article about ”Shao Kong Chuen" the article, they change is great, I really began to understand VIE is legitimate and transparent.This is the power of the Internet.After 10 years , if in certain sensitive sectors , VIE makes you feel uncomfortable, please join us to discuss.Some people say that you have a problem Alipay , I frankly speaking, because of this , we put on the table in terms of VIE.When the People's Bank asked whether foreign investors Paypal , I must tell the truth.Do you agree with this , right ? Because we are developing more and more, so it is necessary to do the job very much.Just like today , if I say I want to buy Paypal, do you think the U.S.government will not respond to it ? They will have move!Even the acquisition of Yahoo , they will!Therefore, we must be fair to say that 's the problem.This is not a big problem.This is a gesture.Put it on the table to discuss it , I do not think the government would ban it.问:如果让你回头重来,你还会这么做么? Q: If you could go back again , will you do it ?
答:我们经历了很困难的一段时间。今天,当所有的事情都很顺利,我反而觉得不太对劲。在美国,你们称之为偏执狂,我的确是的。在中国雅虎上,我们的确犯了很多的错误。但如果回到过去,我们还会买下中国雅虎么?是的,我们还会买!但我们还会以这种方式么?不,我们不会了。我们会用更聪明的方法。我没有任何的并购经验,尤其是并购互联网公司。所以如果你问我,对雅虎是否感兴趣,是的,我当然感兴趣。我们可能是极少数几家真正懂得雅虎美国的公司之一。人们说,中国雅虎那么糟糕,你怎么还好意思说你很懂美国雅虎?我要说我们四年前解决了很多的问题,如果不那么做,我们今天可能就死了。所以我们愿意跟大家分享,我们是如何节约了开支,如何解雇一些人,那时候我们必须早一点解雇一部分人,留下一部分人。我觉得现在的互联网公司都应该好好想想,能从雅虎的事情中学到什么。如果我们不从别人的错误中学习,我们迟早有一天也会受到同样的挑战。A: We went through a very difficult period of time.Today, when everything is going well , I would think not quite right.In the United States , you call it paranoia , I did so.Yahoo in China , we did make a lot of mistakes.However, if the return to the past , we will buy Yahoo China What ? Yes, we will buy!But what we will in this way ? No, we will not.We will use a more clever way.I do not have any experience in mergers and acquisitions , mergers and acquisitions , especially Internet companies.So if you ask me, if interested in Yahoo , yes, I certainly interesting.We may be very few truly understand Yahoo USA companies.People say that China Yahoo so bad , how can you have the nerve to say that you really understand the U.S.Yahoo ? Four years ago, I would say we have to solve a lot of problems , if you do not do that today, we may be dead.So we are willing to share with you how we saved money , how to dismiss some people, then we must be a little earlier dismissal of some of the people , leaving some people.I think that the Internet companies should think about it, learn something from what Yahoo.If we do not learn from the mistakes of others , sooner or later we will be subject to the same challenges.问:你是如何管理淘宝的?关于和京东的竞争,你会在物流方面做更多的事么?或者改变你的模式?在支付宝的事上,你希望跟孙正义和杨致远有怎样的交流?
Q: How did you manage Taobao ? And Jingdong on competition , you will do more in the logistics do you want ? Or change your patterns ? Alipay things , you want to have what with Jerry Yang and Masayoshi Son exchanges ?
今天支付宝发展很快,但是我们却还没有挣很多钱。所以,这是一个挑战,年轻人,让我们来创造一个更好的模式。我跟杨致远,孙正义之间的沟通是非常健康的。但是不幸的是,外面的传言是我在没过通知董事会之前把公司给拿走了。让我来告诉你们真相。他们是知道的,而且我们一起讨论过。时至今日,问题解决了。但是这是一个挑战,我遇到过很多艰难的日子。这就是我需要面对的众多难关之一。其他人总觉得是容易的,他们说你要这么做那么做。但是如果支付宝死 了,淘宝的800万家卖家会遇到麻烦,我不能让这发生,如果我不遵循中国的法律,我就会天天被叫去北京喝茶。每个人都想请我喝茶,告诉我如果你越做越大,你就会有麻烦了。所以我们要透明。今天,到了21世纪,任何事情都应该是透明的。不然你干嘛要这么努力工作?这就是需要面对的现实。
Today, Alipay has developed rapidly, but we still do not earn a lot of money.So, this is a challenge , young people , let us create a better model.I told Jerry Yang , the Son of communication between very healthy.But unfortunately , outside of rumors that I have not seen the notice board before the company gave away.Let me tell you the truth.They know, and we talked together.Today, the problem has been solved.But this is a challenge, and I met a lot of tough days.This is what I need to face one of the many difficulties.Other people always think it is easy, they say you have to do to do that.However, if the dead Alipay , Taobao's 8,000,000 seller will encounter trouble, I can not let this happen , and if I do not follow the laws of China , I would drink tea every day, called to Beijing.Everyone wants to ask me and tell me if you are bigger, you will have trouble.So we should be transparent.Today, in the 21st century , everything should be transparent.Otherwise, why do you want to work so hard ? This is the need to face the reality.问:如何看到淘宝的国际合作?他们还没有开放API。
Q: How can I see Taobao international cooperation ? They are not yet open API.答:我们愿意向非中国公司开放API。当然这个关系到支付,非常困难。我看到很多海外华人问我他们怎么样可以在国外上淘宝买东西。我们正在尽自 己最大的努力。如果能解决支付的问题,事情的发展速度就会加快。淘宝就没必要一直呆在中国。我认为淘宝不属于中国,它属于整个世界,属于一代人。让我们一 起确保我们可以帮助到更多的人。A: We are willing to open to non-Chinese company API.Of course, this relates to the payment , very difficult.I see a lot of overseas Chinese asked me how they like abroad can buy things on Taobao.We are doing our own best efforts.If we can solve the problem of payment , things will accelerate the pace of development.Taobao has been no need to stay in China.I think Taobao does not belong to China , it belongs to the whole world belongs to a generation.Let us ensure that we can help more people.问:外国企业要进入中国非常困难。你对帮助外国公司有什么计划吗?
Q: foreign enterprises to enter China is very difficult.You have any plans to help foreign companies to do ?
答:在世界任何一个地方做生意都是困难的。我相信中国的企业在美国也遇到过同样的问题。甚至是很多非常成功的中国公司在美国。在美国有什么有名的中国公司吗?(观众:华为,阿里巴巴)阿里巴巴,还没吧?联想?你们认为那是成功吗?我认为在中国我们有成功的外国公司IBM, 微软,Oracle.去世界的任何一个地方都需要花时间。我记得我的朋友Kara Swisher在数字大会上问过我这个问题。没有一个市场是是欢迎赌徒的。你去到一个地方给当地人创造价值,你就有一半的成功机会。所以我相信在今天的世界做生意是非常难的。昨天我跟我的妻子在辩论,美国的商业化程度很高,感觉什么时候都是连锁化的,沃尔玛,连咖啡店都是连锁的。你怎么能在这里做中小企业。我旁边有一个教授,他跟我说,让我们来辩论一下在哪个国家更容易做生意,美国还是中国。现在的中国如果你还说什么关系,那还是算了。在过去的12年 中,我一直在说,如果有人跑过来跟你说他们跟市长的关系很好,我看还是算了。世界上唯一的关系是你的客户。如果你的客户喜欢你,政府就一定会喜欢你。相信我。他们需要税收。他们需要就业。但是如果你只想拿了便宜就跑的话,那你就有麻烦了。过去12年我跟政府的关系是,我们一直在恋爱,但是我们不会跟政府结婚。永远是这样,我爱他们。每次他们来找我,我告诉他们真相。我按照他们说的做。但是如果要跟我做生意的话,抱歉。我的朋友跟政府做生意,但是我没有。只有这样,你才能获得政府的尊重。如果他们对支付宝是认真的,那我们就听他们的。这个是法律,这个不是政府关系。我的建议是看得远永远是有点可怕的。但是你要走过去,跳进去,因为只有当你跳进了水里,你才能学会游泳。中国不是那么糟糕。但是有人问我为什么中国没有苹果。美国的资本主义已经有200多年的历 史,对吗?土壤非常肥沃。但是中国从邓小平改革开放以来只有30年。我们有像阿里巴巴、百度、腾讯、新浪这样的公司,这也不错。让我们再等30年。我们会有伟大的公司,但是他们不属于中国,他们属于互联网时代,属于80后,90后,以及00后。这些人才是真正改变世界,改变未来的力量。Answer: a place to do business anywhere in the world is difficult.I believe that the Chinese enterprises in the United States have encountered the same problem.Even a lot of very successful Chinese companies in the United States.What is known in the U.S.China business ?(Audience: Huawei , Alibaba)Alibaba, yet it ? Lenovo ? Do you think it was a success? I think we have succeeded in China for foreign companies as IBM, Microsoft , Oracle.Anywhere in the world to need to spend time.I remember my friend Kara Swisher in the digital conference asked me this question.No one market is the welcome gamblers.You go to a place for locals to create value , you have half the chance of success.So I believe that in today's world it is very difficult to do business.Yesterday I talked to my wife in the debate , the United States a high degree of commercialization , the feeling when all of the chain , Wal-Mart , even the coffee shop are all linked.How can you do here SME.I'm next to a professor, he told me , let's debate about the country in which it easier to do business , the United States or China.China now if you say anything , or forget it.In the past 12 years, I have been saying that if someone told you that they ran a very good relationship with the mayor , I think, or forget it.The world's only relationship to your customers.If your customers like you , the government will love you.Believe me.They need taxes.They need jobs.But if you just want to run , then took a cheap , then you 're in trouble.Over the past 12 years is the relationship I have with the government , we have been in love, but we will not tell the government to get married.Is always like this , I love them.Every time they come to me , I told them the truth.I follow what they say to do.But if do business with me , then, sorry.My friend to do business with the government , but I did not.The only way you can get the government 's respect.If they are serious about Alipay , then we heard them.This is the law, this is not government relations.My advice is to always be a little far-sighted terrible.But you go in the past , jump into it , because only when you jump into the water, you can learn to swim.China is not so bad.But I was asked why China did not Apple.American capitalism has more than 200 years of history , right ? Soil is very fertile.But China from Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up is only 30 years.We have like Alibaba, Baidu , Tencent , Sina such companies, it is also good.Let us wait another 30 years.We will have great company, but they do not belong to China , they belong to the age of the Internet , are 80, 90, and 00 after.These people are truly change the world, the power to change the future.问:你们全球策略未来的计划是什么?
Q: What 's global strategy plans for the future is what ?
答:曾经当我们有钱了,我们就开始犯错误。我们招了很多MBA,很多跨国公司的副总裁,我们开始考虑全球化。然后我们又说让我们回到根本,回到中国,回到中国的沿海地区。我们告诉自己,要放眼全球,但赢在当地。不论你的愿景有多么美好,你必须要脚踏实地,努力工作每一天。所以,很多年过去了,我们仍然相信要有全球化的视野,但是赢在中国。我们拓展了日本、印度和欧洲市场,我们也没有关掉美国的办公室。我需要学习。我需要向财富500强的CEO请教一个问题,既然他们都看好中国市场,为什么没有放弃一切在中国呆上一年?如果你想了解中国,你需要在中国花点时间。我想在美国生活一段时间,看看我们怎么可以帮助美国的中小企业,到底亚马逊、eBay跟我们有什么不同。我们从来不应该花2年的时间去做一个需要20年才能完成的事业。我们有时间,我们还年轻。我还有时间。我们会一步一步地走,不是看我们能从国外市场获取多少收入而是你能为他人带来多少价值。现在已经有5000万中国以外的中小企业使用我们的服务。免费的永远是最好的。我们会一直朝这个方向努力。谢谢。A: once when we had money, we started to make mistakes.We move a lot of MBA, vice president of many multinational companies , we started to think global.Then we said, let's go back to basics , back to China , back to China 's coastal areas.We tell ourselves , to think globally, but to win in the local.Regardless of how good your vision , you have to be down to earth, hard work every day.So many years have passed, we still believe that to have a global perspective , but to win in China.We expand Japan, India and Europe , we do not turn off the American office.I need to learn.I need to be a Fortune 500 CEO to ask a question , since they are optimistic about the Chinese market , why not give up everything to spend a year in China ? If you want to learn Chinese , you need to spend some time in China.I would like to live in America for some time and see how we can help SMEs in the United States , in the end Amazon, eBay tell us any different.We never should spend two years to do a take 20 years to complete career.We have time, we are still young.I still have time.We will go step by step , not to see how much we get revenue from foreign markets, but you can bring much value to others.China now has 50 million SMEs than to use our services.Free is always the best.We will always work in this direction.Thank you.问:你觉得美国对中国最大的误解是什么?中国对美国最大的误解又是什么?
Q : Do you think the United States is China's biggest misconception what ? China to the United States , what is the biggest misconception ?
没有人完全了解中国。又有人说我对美国里里外外的东西都知道。但是我不知道,奥巴马也不知道。不然他就可以解决美国的问题了,不是吗?乔治布什也不完全知道。要了解一个事情是不容易的,但是你先要了解自己。你需要什么?你想要什么?你愿意放弃什么?如果我能更好地了解自己,我就可以改变自己更好地适 应外面的世界。中美之间始终都有误解,就像全中国其他地方的人跟河南人都有误解一样。我们的工作不是解除误解,而是改变自己来适应他人。所以,我不知道。这是一个很好的问题。我来这里是因为我看到很多美国公司还有美国人对中国指指点点,但是他们却从来没有来过中国。
很多中国人指责美国,但是却从来没来过美国。但是如果我们不学着互相欣赏,不常常互相审视。我花在美国的时间越长,我就越喜欢美国。然后我在中国花的时间越多,我就会说哦,这个沟通方式在政治上太不明智了。因为政治是非常复杂的。我乐意做的事情只有一件。那就是从商。我不喜欢网络游戏,我觉得这个世界上最好的游戏就是创造财富。帮助大洋两岸的中小企业做生意,帮助他们互相了解。我的爷爷通过看报纸了解外面的世界,我的爸爸通过看电视了解外面的世界,我这代人通过看电视了解外面的世界,我的孩子通过互联网了解外面的世界。他们说我想加入其中。我觉得我们的时机已经到了。让我们共同建设互联网。美国发生的任何事情我们都可以第一时间在中国了解到。同样任何在中国的发生事情,我们在美国也可以很快知道。哈哈,别笑。让我们怀着欣赏的心态看待事物。脚踏 实地一步一步地做事很重要,而不是想着一蹴而就。谢谢。
A: Honestly, I do not know how to answer this question.I think it might have a lot of misunderstandings.A few days ago I was writing my micro-blog , I also consider this issue.Everyone thought I understood the world.I know something inside and out China.But I do not know.Deng did not understand , do not understand Mao.Nobody fully understand China.Some people say that I know what the United States inside and out.But I do not know that Obama does not know.Otherwise, he can solve America's problems , is not it ? George Bush is not entirely known.To understand a thing is not easy, but you have to know yourself.What do you need ? What do you want ? What are you willing to give up ? If I can better understand myself, I can change themselves to adapt to the outside world better.Always have some misunderstandings between China , like all other parts of China , Henan people have the misconception people have told the same.Our job is not released misunderstanding , but the change themselves to adapt to others.So, I do not know.This is a good question.I came here because I see a lot of American companies have Americans pointing to China , but they have never been to China.Many Chinese people accused the United States , but never been to the United States.But if we do not learn to appreciate each other , do not always look at each other.I spent the longer the United States , the more I like the United States.Then I spend in China more time , I would say , oh, this communication is too politically unwise.Because politics is very complex.I am willing to do only one.That is from the provider.I do not like online games, I think this is the best game in the world is to create wealth.Help SMEs to do business on both sides of the ocean , to help them understand each other.My grandfather understood through reading the newspaper outside world , my father understood by watching TV outside world, my generation by watching television about the outside world , my children understand the outside world through the Internet.They say I want to join them.I think our time has come.Let us build the Internet.U.S.whatever happens we can be the first time in China learned.Also, any occurrence in China things we can know very quickly in the United States.Haha , do not laugh.Let us cherish appreciate the mentality of looking at things.Down to earth step by step, it is important to do things , instead of thinking overnight.Thank you.但在将来,如果今天的局势不改变,我们永远没有光明的未来。我们必须做一些改变,所以我觉得公平的说,我们感谢昨天,但是我们要追求更好的明 天。每个公司都应该如此。今天,我和杨致远依然是很好的朋友,我们一起聊天,打高尔夫。将来,也会是如此,我们依然热爱雅虎。雅虎是为数不多的唤起我对互 联网认知和信心的公司之一,对此,我终身都会感激。没有互联网,就不会有今天的马云,今天的阿里巴巴和淘宝。
But in the future, if the situation does not change today, we never bright future.We have to make some changes, so I think fair to say that we are grateful yesterday, but we want to pursue a better tomorrow.Every company should be.Today, I and Jerry Yang is still good friends, we chat together, play golf.In the future, they will be so, we still love Yahoo.Yahoo is one of the few to arouse awareness and confidence in the Internet I am one of the companies to which I would be grateful for life.No Internet, there would be today's Ma, Alibaba today and Taobao.
The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone.Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you.About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture.I did not expect.Many people say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive.But since I made a promise that I came.Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be to answer every qestions.今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。
I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year.No one knows this plan.Even my company do not know.You asked me why I came here.To intend to do to prepare for the acquisition of Yahoo ? No, we are too sensitive.I came here because I'm tired.Over the past 16 years was too tired.In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job.At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive.Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba.我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有VIE的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是VIE,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿
We are also fortunate to have a Taobao , Alipay , Ali clouds and other companies under the Group.Therefore , the establishment of Ali Baba 12 years later , I decided to rest for some time.In particular, this year's challenge is too difficult , and this is what I did not expect to.Chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year.Alibaba in China this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of chief executive officer , as well as the VIE issue , although I still do not know now what is the VIE , as well as the company's Taobao split into four decisions.So busy after all these things I'm tired.I told myself , why not spend a year rest.In particular, next year is my personal year, which would surely be more difficult this year.I want to spend a little more time to properly prepare to meet next year more difficult and more difficult challenge.I need a good rest in order for the 3-4 years after the challenge to prepare.This year if things went wrong, we can criticize Taobao , Alibaba CEO or Ali cloud.But after three years , if things went wrong, and that is my
fault.So I'm going to spend some time in the United States ponder and relax.Two days ago, I started practicing again from golf to relax.Therefore, the purpose of coming to the U.S.is really not so complicated is that we speculate.我们是一间非常幸运的公司。我没有任何的背景,没有富裕的父亲,也没有很有权势的叔伯们,根本不用想能够有成功的机会。我记得1999年来到硅谷寻找资金,跟很多风投、资本家接洽,也去了Menlo Park一带开会。但是没有人有兴趣投资阿里巴巴,我被一一回拒。回到了中国,一点资本都没拿到。但是,我充满了信心。我看到了美国梦。我看到硅谷的快速成长,我看到许多公司的停车场不管是白天或黑夜,周一到周日,都是停满了车。我相信那种快速的成长也会发生在中国。接着我创立阿里巴巴,12年过去了,到今天取得了很多的成绩。但在那之前,没有人相信B2B能够在中国发展。当时B2B美国有名的公司包括Ariba.com, Broadvision 和Commerce One,这些公司主要的客户都是大公司的买家们。没有人觉得中国近期内会有大公司的出现,而大公司也不会有电子商务的需求,因为所有大公司都是归于政府,他们只需要配合政府的政策就可以。但我的信念是,我们必须要专注在小型公司,因为未来是私营企业的天下,所以我们必须把重点放在小型企业。
We are a very lucky company.I have no background, no wealthy father , nor very powerful uncles , do not want to have the
chance of success.I remember in 1999 came to Silicon Valley looking for funding , with many venture capitalists approached , also went to the Menlo Park area meetings.But no one interested in investing in Alibaba, I was eleven nixed.Returned to China , did not get a little capital.However, I am full of confidence.I saw the American dream.I have seen the rapid growth of Silicon Valley , I have seen many company parking lot whether it is day or night , Monday to Sunday , all full of parked cars.I believe that rapid growth will occur in China.Then I founded Alibaba, 12 years have passed , and today made a lot of achievements.But before that , no one believes B2B able development in China.At that time the famous B2B companies including American Ariba.com, Broadvision and Commerce One, the company's main clients are large companies buyers.China in the near future there will be no one think that the emergence of large companies , while large companies will not have the demand for e-commerce , because all the big companies are attributed to the government , they only need to meet the government 's policy can be.But my belief is that we must focus on small companies , because the future is the private sector of the world, so we have to focus on small businesses.最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
Also, large U.S.companies are very focused on B2B buyers, U.S.buyers who need a lot of suggestions to help save costs and time overhead.But I believe that SMBs need help in this regard , they are worse than we are , know more than.We should focus on to help them make money , the products exported out.At that time we also encountered many challenges, but 12 years later, today's world there are 580,000 small businesses use Alibaba to do business.Our business model compared with Tencent or Baidu may not be very attractive , we do not rely on online games to make money.But we can sleep peacefully at night , because we know that we earn from online games are not up to.Our revenues have grown by helping small businesses come , which I am very proud
of.Until today I have not as much money Alibaba proud , I had to influence and help us to other people, especially small business owners and proud!
Before the Internet , no one can help more than 50 million SMEs.But today, we are trying to do so.People will tell me , Ma , Alibaba if you can do a good job , that is equivalent to several tons of sheep you will transported to the top of the Himalayas.I said , yes, we will ship them down.And we did.The second company is
Taobao.Everyone told me that , my God , you are in competition with eBay ah!I said , “Why not ? ” China needs an e-commerce site.Creating a network of Chinese market will take time and effort.So , at that time I was told to do this in China the game.I said, if you do not always try , how do you know the game ? So we tried it.I said that if eBay is the sea of sharks, then we are in the Yangtze alligator.Let's not fight the sea , we are in the Yangtze River and thought.A beginning is difficult, but a lot of fun.And we finally survived.EBay beginning C2C market in China accounted for 90%.But today , we have the Chinese C2C market share of 90%.We are very fortunate , really just lucky.After a lot of things we can discuss.今天,大家总是在写关于阿里巴巴的成功故事。但是我并不真的认为我们有多么聪明。我们犯了很多错误。当时我们还是很愚蠢的。所以我在想,如果哪天我要写关于阿里巴巴的书,我会写《阿里巴巴的一千零一个错误》。这才是大家应该记住的事情,应该学习的事情。如果你想知道其他人是怎么成功的,这是非常难的。成功有很多幸运的因素。但是如果你想学习别人是怎么失败的,你就会受益很多。我总喜欢看那些探讨人如何失败的书。因为,当你仔细去分析的时候,任何失败的公司,他们失败的原因总是不经相同。而这才是最重要的。所以淘宝成功了,接下来我们做了支付宝,因为大家都说中国没有信
用体系,银行很糟糕,物流很糟糕,你为什么还要做电子商务?今天,我不是来这里跟大家说我的生意经的,我没有准备PPT,因为我没有股票要卖给大家。但是我想正因为中国的落后的物流、信用体系和银行,我们才需要有创业精神。这就是我们需要创建自己的蓝图。所以我相信这个事情是你先做了,然后慢慢地就成了中国的标准。我记得6年前当我来美国的时候,我说我相信5年以后,中国的网民人口会超过美国。人们说,不会的。然后我说,你们的人口才3亿。中国有13亿人口不是吗?如果让你们有4 亿人口,没有人口死亡,人们还要不停地生孩子,你们需要50年的时间。我们只需要5年时间,所以这只是一个时间的问题,不是吗?我们走着瞧。今天,中国网络用户的人口超过了美国。然后人们说为什么你们的购买力这么低?我们五年后在再说。今天,人均消费大概只有200人民币每月。5年以后,这些人会消费2000元。而且我们很有耐心。我们还很年轻。我是老了,但是我们员工的平均年龄才26岁。他们还很年轻,所以让我们期待未来。
Today, we are always writing about Alibaba's success story.But I do not really think how smart we are.We made a lot of mistakes.We were still very stupid.So I was wondering if someday I want to write a book about Ali Baba , I will write “Ali Baba's one thousand and one mistake.” This is something we should keep in mind , you should learn to do.If you want to know how other people are successful , it is very difficult.Fortunately, there are many factors
that success.But if you want to learn how others fail , you will benefit a lot.I always like to explore how people fail to see those books.Because, when you look to the time of analysis , any failure of the company, their failure is not always by the same.And this is the most important.So Taobao successful, then we do Alipay, because everyone says China is no credit system , banks are bad , logistics is very bad, why did you do e-commerce ? Today, I did not come here to tell you is that my business sense , and I did not prepare PPT, because I do not have stock to sell you.But I think because of the backwardness of China 's logistics , credit and banking system , we need to have an entrepreneurial spirit.That's why we need to create your own blueprints.So I believe this thing is that you do first , and then slowly became China 's standards.I remember six years ago when I came to America when I say that I believe that five years later, the population of Internet users in China will surpass the U.S..People say that they will not.Then I said, the population was 300 million.China has 1.3 billion people, is not it ? If so you have 400 million people , there is no population died , people have to keep a child , you need 50 years.We only need five years, so this is just a matter of time , is not it ? We'll see.Today, the population of Internet users in China than the United States.Then why do people say the purchasing power is so low ?
We say after five years.Today , per capita consumption is only about 200 yuan per month.Five years later , these people will be spending 2,000 yuan.And we are very patient.We are still young.I'm old , but the average age of our employees was 26 years old.They are young, so let's look to the future.当时做支付宝的时候,大家说这是一个很傻的担保服务。张三要从李四那里买点东西,但是张三不肯把钱汇给李四,李四也不肯把货给张三。所以我们就开了一个账户,跟张三说,把钱先汇给我,如果你对货物满意,那么我付钱,如果你不满意,你退货,我退钱给李四。人们说你的这个模式怎么这么傻啊?但是我们不关心这个模式是不是傻,我们关心的是客户是不是需要这样的服务。我们是不是满足了客户的需求。如果这东西很傻的话,今天中国就有超过6亿的注册用户在用这个傻东西。所以傻的东西,如果你每天都改善它一点,那么它就会变得非常聪明。所以今天支付宝很好,我们还在成长。支付宝跟Paypal很像,但是我从交易量来说,我们比Paypal更大。
Alipay was doing , when we say that this is a silly guarantee services.Where to buy something from a John Doe Joe Smith , but Zhang refused to send money to John Doe, John Doe refused the goods to Joe Smith.So we opened an account with Joe Smith said that the money be remitted to me, if you are satisfied with the goods , then I pay, if you are not satisfied , you return, my money
back to John Doe.People say you how silly this model ah ? But we do not care about this model is not stupid, we are concerned that the customer is not the need for such services.We are not satisfy the customer's needs.If this thing is silly , then, today there are more than 600 million Chinese a registered user to use this silly thing.So silly things, if you do every day to improve it a little , then it will become very smart.So today, Alipay is very good, we are still growing.Paypal with Paypal like, but I'm from the trading volume , we are more than Paypal.最后,也是最重要的,是我们的阿里云计算,这个公司跟其他那些谈论云计算的公司不同。那些公司是想把他们的软件和硬件卖给你。但是我们没什么可以卖的。我们通过云技术对自己的数据进行计算。来自中小企业的数据,来自淘宝消费者的数据,以及来自支付宝的数据。我们相信未来。未来的世界将是信息处理的世界。我们将如何很好地与他人分享数据。这将是未来商业的核心。这个公司目前还不是很好,但是盈利能力很强。
Finally, and most importantly, our Alibaba Cloud Computing , the company with other companies who talk about the different cloud computing.Those companies are trying their software and hardware to sell you.But we have nothing to sell.We cloud technology to their own data to calculate.From the SME data from Taobao consumer data, and data from Alipay.We believe in the
future.World of the future will be information processing in the world.How well we will share data with others.This will be the core of future commercial.The company currently is not very good , but very profitable.整个公司都很健康。一开始人家说这个公司不可能成的,但是我们活下来了。我们很有耐心。我们总在问自己一个问题“为什么我们还要这么辛勤地工作?有一天,我问我的同事,他告诉我,“Jack,我从来不知道我这辈子还能做这么多事情。第二,我从来不知道我现在做的事情对社会这么有意义。第三,我从来不知道生活是这么艰辛的。”我们没日没夜地工作,甚至是现在也是这样。我变得更瘦了,而且长相更奇怪了。我知道生活不是容易的事。我们很骄傲,我们在改变中国,而不是你挣了很多钱。
The entire company is very healthy.People say that a company can not begin to , but we survived.We are very patient.We always ask ourselves the question, “ why do we have to work so hard ? One day , I asked my colleague , he told me ,” Jack, I never knew my life can do so many things.Second, I never know what I am doing so meaningful to society.Third, I never knew life was so hard.“We worked day and night , and even now but I am becoming more thin, and looks even more strange , I know life is not easy and we are proud that we change China , rather than you
earn a lot of money.10年前,当我走在街上,有人跑过来感谢我,因为阿里巴巴帮他们得到了国外的订单、国外的生意。今天,当我走在街上,有人过来感谢我,说他和妻子在淘宝上开了个小店,以此为生,并且收入不错。这对我来说,意义重大。我们将诚信变得有价值(你的诚信是可以变成钱的)。许多年前,如果你有很好的信誉记录、交易记录,你可能还并不富有。今天,如果你在淘宝上有很好的信誉记录、交易记录,你将会非常富有,因为人们都愿意跟信誉好的店家做生意。我们教育消费者要聪明。有人来跟我说:马云,我在淘宝上买了个东西,非常非常便宜,你说这是假货么?是的,我们淘宝上有假货,假货在现实生活中无处不在。但是我们用了非常多的努力,大量的人力物力来对付这个问题,在淘宝,有50%的工作人员每天的工作是筛查侵权、伪冒商品。但是如果有一瓶红酒,在线下的商场里买要300美金,而在淘宝上只要9美金,为什么会这样?因为渠道、广告费用。为什么消费者要为这么多其他费用买单?我们帮消费者省了,所以我们跟消费者说,如果你在淘宝上买一件15块钱的T恤,而它在商场里要卖150块钱,那不是因为淘宝卖的太便宜了,那是因为商场里卖的太贵了。我们应该帮助消费者变的更聪明。years ago , when I walk down the street , someone ran over to thank me, because Ali Baba to help them get foreign orders , foreign business.Today, when I walk down the street , someone
came to thank me and said he and his wife opened a Taobao shop, a living and decent income.This, to me , is significant.We will be honest become valuable(your integrity can be turned into money).Many years ago, if you have a good credit history , transaction records, you probably are not rich.Today, if you are on Taobao have a good credit history , transaction records, you will be very rich, because people are willing to do business with reputable stores.We educate consumers to be smart.Someone said to me: Ma , I bought on Taobao is something very, very cheap, you say this is fake it ? Yes, we Taobao fake, fake in real life everywhere.But we spent a lot of effort , a lot of manpower and resources to tackle this problem , in Taobao , 50% of the daily work of staff screening infringement, counterfeit merchandise.But if there is a bottle of red wine, the mall to buy online to 300 dollars, and on Taobao just nine dollars, why is it so ? Because channels , advertising costs.Why do so many consumers want to pay for other expenses ? We help consumers save , so we told consumers that if you buy on Taobao 15 dollars a T-shirt , and it sold for 150 dollars at the mall , it is not because Taobao sell too cheap, that is because the mall to sell expensive.We should help consumers become smarter
Thirdly, and very importantly, we see a lot of factories in China , especially in Guangdong, they are in fact the company , and not just plants.They just do OEM , after these OEM products sold on Taobao.They do not know who their sales channels, do not understand the final purchase their products to customers.The foundries , in the face of problems arise when(eg financial crisis), it will immediately fall into difficulties.So we should tell these
producers, you have to communicate directly with your customers , you should do their own marketing, their own service, this is the real business.Otherwise , you're just a factory.We are changing these factories to reverse this situation, I feel very proud.This has nothing to do with wealth , because if you had a million , you're a rich man , but if you have ten million , you might have trouble.You worry about inflation , so you start investing , then you are likely to encounter difficulties.If you have one billion , that this is not your personal wealth , is the wealth of the society.Your shareholders , investors, think you should be more effective than the use of government money.So they give you confidence , then how do you make good use of the money, worthy of their trust it ? I think this is the challenge we face.Alibaba 's products , in fact, not services, is the people, is our people.我们员工的平均年龄是26岁。我们正面临着许许多多的挑战,这些是我曾经所没有意识到的。曾有一位政府高层来公司访问,他说马云,如果你们淘宝有3亿用户,那就已经比我管理的国家还要大了。我说是的,这个管理的难度非常大。不管我们制定出什么新的政策,都会让我们遇到各种压力。但用户有抱怨的时候,就好像是对制定政策的政府不满似的。就是这些平均年龄26岁的员工,在制定着淘宝的“游戏规则”,我们从未有过这样的经历。如果我们改变一下,比如说做搜索引擎,传统的搜索引擎,会让卖的好、最便宜的排在前面,最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
The average age of our employees is 26 years old.We are facing many challenges , which I was not aware of that.There have been a high-level government visits to the Company , he said Ma, Taobao if you have 300 million users , it would have been even better than I manage a big country.I said yes , the management very difficult.No matter what we have to work out a new policy will make us encounter all kinds of pressure.However, users have complained about the time, it seems to be dissatisfied with the formulation of government policies like.Is the average age of 26 employees in the development of Taobao ”game rules“ , we have never had such an experience.If we change it, for example, do the search engines, traditional search engines , will sell well , the cheapest standing in the front , but I think we'll make the most of credit and credibility in the front row.After , there will be a lot of people would go to verification.There are 200 people came to our company, told me that we will change the rules of the game and pay the price.My answer is that if this change is correct, we will do so.In front of the world , but also our transformation out.We do not serve the people of the project.We need sociologists , economists, let these people to develop our policy rules.So we still face many
challenges.But we still feel proud because I believe that in the 21st century , if you want a successful company , you need to learn is how to solve a problem exists in society , not just learn how to seize several opportunities.It is very easy to seize the opportunity , I'm not bragging, I think today, 12 years after establishment of Alibaba , I think it is very easy to make money , but to stabilize the money, and social responsibility to promote social development, is very difficult to.This is why we are trying to whom , I believe China because of the Internet, in the next three years there will be a great development.This year , people say a lot of China 's stock dropped a lot because the VIE.I believe that if you look at other areas of the economy , such as the United States is currently facing a huge challenge;such as Europe may already know what to do;that China will happen ? All occurred in the United States and Europe, the situation can also occur after 2034 in China.After three or four years , China 's economy will face a huge challenge.If you have a premonition that bad things will happen from now on whom it is to prepare , instead of complaining and whining that time.As an Internet company, we must assume our responsibilities.I am not a politician , I only speak for myself , for my clients and the 50 million SMEs 8000000 Taobao sellers speak.In the three years after they how to survive ? This is what I want to go to America to learn the
purpose.Like Obama learn how he will increase employment , how would he do , organize experience from our mistakes , and then three years later , with our approach to help ourselves.That's why I come here.I think you must have a lot of questions , I am ready to answer all your questions
Q: Ma, you have just been mentioned, so I hope you honestly answer that question yourself : Are you ready to buy Yahoo it ?
A: Good question.Yes.We are very interested.We are very interested in Yahoo because of Yahoo's Alibaba Group is an important asset , and Yahoo 's assets to Alibaba for Internet users and the industry are also very important.So we're interested.All potential investors also communicate with us before.They may also have further communication with us.最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
问:关于想要收购他们,你有没有跟雅虎初步沟通过? Q: want to buy them , you have not communicated with Yahoo initially ?
A: At present , I can only tell you that we are very interested.问:今天早上陈一舟说,任何关于VIE的问题,都可以去问马云。中国政府已经通过了国家安全审查制度,你怎么看这一制度的影响?你觉得这个制度会严重影响中国公司获得境外融资么?
Q: This morning, Chen Zhou said that any questions regarding the VIE , you can ask Ma.The Chinese government has adopted a national security review system , how do you see the impact of this system ? Do you think this system will seriously affect Chinese companies to obtain foreign financing it ?
常理解和赞同。不管在哪个国家,如果外资控股的公司想要获得银行牌照,都会被反对,在中国也如此。关于VIE模式,我没听说哪个政府说要取缔它,所以为什么要担心呢?前几天我读了一篇关于“Shao Kong Chuen”的文章,他们的变化非常棒,我开始了解VIE真的是合法的、透明的。这就是互联网的力量。在10年之后,如果在某些敏感的行业,VIE让你觉得不舒服,请你加入我们,一起讨论。有人说你们的支付宝有问题,我坦诚的讲,因为这个,我们把VIE放到桌面上来讲。当人民银行问支付宝是否有国外投资者,我必须说真话。这个你同意吧?因为我们发展的越来越大,所以需要做的工作非常多。就好像今天,如果我说我想买Paypal,你觉得美国政府会毫无反应么?他们一定会有所举动!就算是收购雅虎,他们也会!所以,我们必须公平的去说这个问题。这不是个什么大的问题。这就是一种姿态。摆在桌子上来说、来讨论它,我不认为政府会禁止它。
Q: This morning, Chen Zhou said that any questions regarding the VIE , you can ask Ma.The Chinese government has adopted a national security review system , how do you see the impact of this system ? Do you think this system will seriously affect Chinese companies to obtain foreign financing it ? A: There are a lot of people in the discussion VIE.I am confused.I spent a lot of time to learn what is the VIE, have not understood this in the end is what it is.First , VIE is a great innovation.I believe that 10 years ago , this is a great innovation.It helps China 's Internet
and other high-tech industries.Alibaba has thus benefited a lot.I do not think the government would ban VIE, do not understand why people would be so worried.However, in some sensitive areas or industries, such as the financial sector, the government would be more careful this pattern , which I fully understand and agree.No matter in which country, if foreign-controlled companies want to get a banking license , will be opposed , in China also do so.About the VIE model, I have not heard what the Government said that it should be abolished , so why worry about it ? A few days ago I read an article about ”Shao Kong Chuen“ the article, they change is great, I really began to understand VIE is legitimate and transparent.This is the power of the Internet.After 10 years , if in certain sensitive sectors , VIE makes you feel uncomfortable, please join us to discuss.Some people say that you have a problem Alipay , I frankly speaking, because of this , we put on the table in terms of VIE.When the People's Bank asked whether foreign investors Paypal , I must tell the truth.Do you agree with this , right ? Because we are developing more and more, so it is necessary to do the job very much.Just like today , if I say I want to buy Paypal, do you think the U.S.government will not respond to it ? They will have move!Even the acquisition of Yahoo , they will!Therefore, we must be fair to say that 's the problem.This is not a big problem.最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
This is a gesture.Put it on the table to discuss it , I do not think the government would ban it.问:如果让你回头重来,你还会这么做么? Q: If you could go back again , will you do it ?
A: We went through a very difficult period of time.Today, when everything is going well , I would think not quite right.In the United States , you call it paranoia , I did so.Yahoo in China , we did make
a lot of mistakes.However, if the return to the past , we will buy Yahoo China What ? Yes, we will buy!But what we will in this way ? No, we will not.We will use a more clever way.I do not have any experience in mergers and acquisitions , mergers and acquisitions , especially Internet companies.So if you ask me, if interested in Yahoo , yes, I certainly interesting.We may be very few truly understand Yahoo USA companies.People say that China Yahoo so bad , how can you have the nerve to say that you really understand the U.S.Yahoo ? Four years ago, I would say we have to solve a lot of problems , if you do not do that today, we may be dead.So we are willing to share with you how we saved money , how to dismiss some people, then we must be a little earlier dismissal of some of the people , leaving some people.I think that the Internet companies should think about it, learn something from what Yahoo.If we do not learn from the mistakes of others , sooner or later we will be subject to the same challenges.问:你是如何管理淘宝的?关于和京东的竞争,你会在物流方面做更多的事么?或者改变你的模式?在支付宝的事上,你希望跟孙正义和杨致远有怎样的交流?
Q: How did you manage Taobao ? And Jingdong on competition , you will do more in the logistics do you want ? Or
change your patterns ? Alipay things , you want to have what with Jerry Yang and Masayoshi Son exchanges ?
A: Taobao grow too fast , and it will be faster.This is a challenge for us because we 've never had such a big company operations.I do not like ”empire“ this argument, I believe that the ”ecosystem." I was a director of The Nature Conservancy.I believe that everyone should have contact with other people to help each other.Taobao development too fast , and I am worried.We can give more opportunities in this industry , so in June of this year ,最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
we put Taobao split into four parts.Become more smaller companies that can give other competitors a chance.If ten years later, we are still very large, I will then split into three parts.I want to ensure that we operate like the big companies , like small companies.To other people , especially young people the opportunity to run their business because it is their 's.Like Taobao Tencent, Google and facebook, it's not a Chinese company, not only belongs to China or the United States , it belongs to the 21st century this era.You need to use different ways to use this company.Frankly , the best way is, I do not know.We assume the wrong done to prepare , we believe that we are in an ecosystem , not in an empire.第二个问题,关于跟京东的竞争。我不认为淘宝的模式有什么问题。我们在不断成长,而且要挣钱非常容易。我不认为我们需要改变模式。我不看好这种低价买来东西然后在网上高价卖出去的模式,这是个很愚蠢的模式。去年中国的快递包裹数是21亿个。淘宝占到了11亿个,今年可能会达到30亿个。我们不想搞自己的物流体系。中国大概需要1000万个快递员人员。我们怎么可能运营一个有1000万员工的公司?目前我们有23000员工,这已经让我很头疼 了。我们要做的,是帮助和支持这些物流公司提供更好的物流服务,让他们给自己的员工提供更好的福利。我们从未想过建立自己的物流公司,以前没有,以后也不会。
The second question , regarding with Jingdong competition.I do not think the pattern Taobao have any questions.We continue to grow, but also to earn money very easily.I do not think we need to change the mode.I am not optimistic about this stuff and then buy low sell high in the online mode , this is a very stupid mode.Last year, China 's express parcel number is 2100000000.Taobao accounted for 1.1 billion , this year may reach 3 billion.We do not want to engage in their own logistics system.China needs about 10 million courier staff.How can we have 10 million employees operate a company ? We currently have 23,000 employees, which has made me quite a headache.We have to do is to help and support these logistics companies to provide better logistics services , so that they provide to their employees better benefits.We never thought to establish their own logistics company , was not and never will.关于支付宝、杨致远和孙正义,我已经回答过很多次了,但是我还可以再说一次。他们都是很好的朋友和伙伴。我理解在一开始人们说,Jack你们可以„„还有关于VIE„„我们争执不休。我们得到了更准确的信息,所以我就告诉他们。
About Alipay, Jerry Yang and Masayoshi Son , I have already answered many times , but I can say it again.They are good friends and partners.I understand that in the beginning people say ,最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
Jack......there you can dispute endlessly about VIE......us.We get more accurate information , so I told them.今天支付宝发展很快,但是我们却还没有挣很多钱。所以,这是一个挑战,年轻人,让我们来创造一个更好的模式。我跟杨致远,孙正义之间的沟通是非常健康的。但是不幸的是,外面的传言是我在没过通知董事会之前把公司给拿走了。让我来告诉你们真相。他们是知道的,而且我们一起讨论过。时至今日,问题解决了。但是这是一个挑战,我遇到过很多艰难的日子。这就是我需要面对的众多难关之一。其他人总觉得是容易的,他们说你要这么做那么做。但是如果支付宝死 了,淘宝的800万家卖家会遇到麻烦,我不能让这发生,如果我不遵循中国的法律,我就会天天被叫去北京喝茶。每个人都想请我喝茶,告诉我如果你越做越大,你就会有麻烦了。所以我们要透明。今天,到了21世纪,任何事情都应该是透明的。不然你干嘛要这么努力工作?这就是需要面对的现实。
Today, Alipay has developed rapidly, but we still do not earn a lot of money.So, this is a challenge , young people , let us create a better model.I told Jerry Yang , the Son of communication between very healthy.But unfortunately , outside of rumors that I have not seen the notice board before the company gave away.Let me tell you the truth.They know, and we talked together.Today, the problem has been solved.But this is a challenge, and I met a lot of tough days.This is what I need to face one of the many
difficulties.Other people always think it is easy, they say you have to do to do that.However, if the dead Alipay , Taobao's 8,000,000 seller will encounter trouble, I can not let this happen , and if I do not follow the laws of China , I would drink tea every day, called to Beijing.Everyone wants to ask me and tell me if you are bigger, you will have trouble.So we should be transparent.Today, in the 21st century , everything should be transparent.Otherwise, why do you want to work so hard ? This is the need to face the reality.问:如何看到淘宝的国际合作?他们还没有开放API。Q: How can I see Taobao international cooperation ? They are not yet open API.答:我们愿意向非中国公司开放API。当然这个关系到支付,非常困难。我看到很多海外华人问我他们怎么样可以在国外上淘宝买东西。我们正在尽自 己最大的努力。如果能解决支付的问题,事情的发展速度就会加快。淘宝就没必要一直呆在中国。我认为淘宝不属于中国,它属于整个世界,属于一代人。让我们一 起确保我们可以帮助到更多的人。
A: We are willing to open to non-Chinese company API.Of course, this relates to the payment , very difficult.I see a lot of overseas Chinese asked me how they like abroad can buy things on Taobao.We are doing our own best efforts.If we can solve the
problem of payment , things will accelerate the pace of development.Taobao has been no need to stay in China.I think Taobao does not belong to China , it belongs to the whole world belongs to a generation.Let us ensure that we can help more people.问:外国企业要进入中国非常困难。你对帮助外国公司有什么计划吗?
Q: foreign enterprises to enter China is very difficult.You have any plans to help foreign companies to do ?
答:在世界任何一个地方做生意都是困难的。我相信中国的企业在美国也遇到过同样的问题。甚至是很多非常成功的中国公司在美国。在美国有什么有名的中国公司吗?(观众:华为,阿里巴巴)阿里巴巴,还没吧?联想?你们认为那是成功吗?我认为在中国我们有成功的外国公司IBM, 微软,Oracle.去世界的任何一个地方都需要花时间。我记得我的朋友Kara Swisher在数字大会上问过我这个问题。没有一个市场是是欢迎赌徒的。你去到一个地方给当地人创造价值,你就有一半的成功机会。所以我相信在今天的世界做生意是非常难的。昨天我跟我的妻子在辩论,美国的商业化程度很高,感觉什么时候都是连锁化的,沃尔玛,连咖啡店都是连锁的。你怎么能在这里做
中小企业。我旁边有一个教授,他跟我说,让我们来辩论一下在哪个国家更容易做生意,美国还是中国。现在的中国如果你还说什么关系,那还是算了。在过去的12年 中,我一直在说,如果有人跑过来跟你说他们跟市长的关系很好,我看还是算了。世界上唯一的关系是你的客户。如果你的客户喜欢你,政府就一定会喜欢你。相信我。他们需要税收。他们需要就业。但是如果你只想拿了便宜就跑的话,那你就有麻烦了。过去12年我跟政府的关系是,我们一直在恋爱,但是我们不会跟政府结婚。永远是这样,我爱他们。每次他们来找我,我告诉他们真相。我按照他们说的做。但是如果要跟我做生意的话,抱歉。我的朋友跟政府做生意,但是我没有。只有这样,你才能获得政府的尊重。如果他们对支付宝是认真的,那我们就听他们的。这个是法律,这个不是政府关系。我的建议是看得远永远是有点可怕的。但是你要走过去,跳进去,因为只有当你跳进了水里,你才能学会游泳。中国不是那么糟糕。但是有人问我为什么中国没有苹果。美国的资本主义已经有200多年的历 史,对吗?土壤非常肥沃。但是中国从邓小平改革开放以来只有30年。我们有像阿里巴巴、百度、腾讯、新浪这样的公司,这也不错。让我们再等30年。我们会有伟大的公司,但是他们不属于中国,他们属于互联网时代,属于80后,90后,以及00后。这些人才是真正改变世界,改变未来的力量。
Answer: a place to do business anywhere in the world is difficult.I believe that the Chinese enterprises in the United States have encountered the same problem.Even a lot of very successful
Chinese companies in the United States.What is known in the U.S.China business ?(Audience: Huawei , Alibaba)Alibaba, yet it ? Lenovo ? Do you think it was a success? I think we have succeeded in China for foreign companies as IBM, Microsoft , Oracle.Anywhere in the world to need to spend time.I remember my friend Kara Swisher in the digital conference asked me this question.No one market is the welcome gamblers.You go to a place for locals to create value , you have half the chance of success.So I believe that in today's world it is very difficult to do business.Yesterday I talked to my wife in the debate , the United States a high degree of commercialization , the feeling when all of the chain , Wal-Mart , even the coffee shop are all linked.How can you do here SME.I'm next to a professor, he told me , let's debate about the country in which it easier to do business , the United States or China.China now if you say anything , or forget it.In the past 12 years, I have been saying that if someone told you that they ran a very good relationship with the mayor , I think, or forget it.The world's only relationship to your customers.If your customers like you , the government will love you.Believe me.They need taxes.They need jobs.But if you just want to run , then took a cheap , then you 're in trouble.Over the past 12 years is the relationship I have with the government , we have been in love, but we will not
tell the government to get married.Is always like this , I love them.Every time they come to me , I told them the truth.I follow what they say to do.But if do business with me , then, sorry.My friend to do business with the government , but I did not.The only way you can get the government 's respect.If they are serious about Alipay , then we heard them.This is the law, this is not government relations.My advice is to always be a little far-sighted terrible.But you go in the past , jump into it , because only when you jump into the water, you can learn to swim.China is not so bad.But I was asked why China did not Apple.American capitalism has more than 200 years of history , right ? Soil is very fertile.But China from Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up is only 30 years.We have like Alibaba, Baidu , Tencent , Sina such companies, it is also good.Let us wait another 30 years.We will have great company, but they do not belong to China , they belong to the age of the Internet , are 80, 90, and 00 after.These people are truly change the world, the power to change the future.问:你们全球策略未来的计划是什么?
Q: What 's global strategy plans for the future is what ? 答:曾经当我们有钱了,我们就开始犯错误。我们招了很多MBA,很多跨国公司的副总裁,我们开始考虑全球化。然后我们又说让我们
A: once when we had money, we started to make mistakes.We move a lot of MBA, vice president of many multinational companies , we started to think global.Then we said, let's go back to basics , back to China , back to China 's coastal areas.We tell ourselves , to think globally, but to win in the local.Regardless of how good your vision , you have to be down to earth, hard work every day.So many years have passed, we still believe that to have a global perspective , but to win in China.We expand Japan, India
and Europe , we do not turn off the American office.I need to learn.I need to be a Fortune 500 CEO to ask a question , since they are optimistic about the Chinese market , why not give up everything to spend a year in China ? If you want to learn Chinese , you need to spend some time in China.I would like to live in America for some time and see how we can help SMEs in the United States , in the end Amazon, eBay tell us any different.We never should spend two years to do a take 20 years to complete career.We have time, we are still young.I still have time.We will go step by step , not to see how much we get revenue from foreign markets, but you can bring much value to others.China now has 50 million SMEs than to use our services.Free is always the best.We will always work in this direction.Thank you.问:你觉得美国对中国最大的误解是什么?中国对美国最大的误解又是什么?
Q : Do you think the United States is China's biggest misconception what ? China to the United States , what is the biggest misconception ?
没有人完全了解中国。又有人说我对美国里里外外的东西都知道。但是我不知道,奥巴马也不知道。不然他就可以解决美国的问题了,不是吗?乔治布什也不完全知道。要了解一个事情是不容易的,但是你先要了解自己。你需要什么?你想要什么?你愿意放弃什么?如果我能更好地了解自己,我就可以改变自己更好地适 应外面的世界。中美之间始终都有误解,就像全中国其他地方的人跟河南人都有误解一样。我们的工作不是解除误解,而是改变自己来适应他人。所以,我不知道。这是一个很好的问题。我来这里是因为我看到很多美国公司还有美国人对中国指指点点,但是他们却从来没有来过中国。
中国了解到。同样任何在中国的发生事情,我们在美国也可以很快知道。哈哈,别笑。让我们怀着欣赏的心态看待事物。脚踏 实地一步一步地做事很重要,而不是想着一蹴而就。谢谢。
A: Honestly, I do not know how to answer this question.I think it might have a lot of misunderstandings.A few days ago I was writing my micro-blog , I also consider this issue.Everyone thought I understood the world.I know something inside and out China.But I do not know.Deng did not understand , do not understand Mao.Nobody fully understand China.Some people say that I know what the United States inside and out.But I do not know that Obama does not know.Otherwise, he can solve America's problems , is not it ? George Bush is not entirely known.To understand a thing is not easy, but you have to know yourself.What do you need ? What do you want ? What are you willing to give up ? If I can better understand myself, I can change themselves to adapt to the outside world better.Always have some misunderstandings between China , like all other parts of China , Henan people have the misconception people have told the same.Our job is not released misunderstanding , but the change themselves to adapt to others.So, I do not know.This is a good question.I came here because I see a lot of American companies have Americans pointing to China , but they have never been to China.最新整理中英文对照马云斯坦福大学演讲稿
Many Chinese people accused the United States , but never been to the United States.But if we do not learn to appreciate each other , do not always look at each other.I spent the longer the United States , the more I like the United States.Then I spend in China more time , I would say , oh, this communication is too politically unwise.Because politics is very complex.I am willing to do only one.That is from the provider.I do not like online games, I think this is the best game in the world is to create wealth.Help SMEs to do business on both sides of the ocean , to help them understand each other.My grandfather understood through reading the newspaper outside world , my father understood by watching TV outside world, my generation by watching television about the outside world , my children understand the outside world through the Internet.They say I want to join them.I think our time has come.Let us build the Internet.U.S.whatever happens we can be the first time in China learned.Also, any occurrence in China things we can know very quickly in the United States.Haha , do not laugh.Let us cherish appreciate the mentality of looking at things.Down to earth step by step, it is important to do things , instead of thinking overnight.Thank you.问:马云,你曾说过,在你早先来硅谷的时候,拒绝过很多VC的投资。但是在硅谷,有位投资者,在阿里巴巴的成功之路上起到了
非常重要的作用,这 就是杨致远的雅虎,他们在2005年时向阿里巴巴投资了10亿美金。你能说说你跟杨致远的关系么,你们是怎么开始建立这个关系以及目前关系如何。还有那笔 投资对阿里巴巴的成长和成功是如何的不可或缺?
Q: Ma, you said in your earlier to Silicon Valley , I rejected a lot of VC investment.But in Silicon Valley , there was investor in Alibaba 's success on the road to play a very important role, which is Yahoo's Jerry Yang , in 2005 when they Alibaba investment to 10 billion dollars.Can you talk about your relationship with Jerry Yang, what, how did you begin to build this relationship and how the relationship now.Then there is the investment and on the growth and success of Alibaba is how indispensable ?
A: First, Jerry Yang is my very good friend, a friend of my life.The relationship between the two families is also very good.But on that sum investment is entirely commercial activity.Yahoo's Alibaba in 2005 to an investment, is beneficial to both sides.Yahoo's investment in the United States did not, we would not have today's success.Because we not only need money to solve the company's problems, we need to use the money to solve the problem of venture capitalists.Not with Yahoo deal, we can never from cooperation with big companies to learn something.The presence of large companies such as what kind of problems, from how we raise ourselves.但在将来,如果今天的局势不改变,我们永远没有光明的未来。我们必须做一些改变,所以我觉得公平的说,我们感谢昨天,但是我们要追求更好的明 天。每个公司都应该如此。今天,我和杨致远依然是很好的朋友,我们一起聊天,打高尔夫。将来,也会是如此,我们依然热爱雅虎。雅虎是为数不多的唤起我对互 联网认知和信心的公司之一,对此,我终身都会感激。没有互联网,就不会有今天的马云,今天的阿里巴巴和淘宝。
But in the future, if the situation does not change today, we never bright future.We have to make some changes, so I think fair to say that we are grateful yesterday, but we want to pursue a better tomorrow.Every company should be.Today, I and Jerry Yang is
still good friends, we chat together, play golf.In the future, they will be so, we still love Yahoo.Yahoo is one of the few to arouse awareness and confidence in the Internet I am one of the companies to which I would be grateful for life.No Internet, there would be today's Ma, Alibaba today and Taobao.问:你刚刚提到过你对收购雅虎很感兴趣。此行你去拜访过雅虎了吗?你打算如何收购雅虎?
Q: You just mentioned that you are very interested in acquiring Yahoo.This line you go to Yahoo visited yet? How are you going to buy Yahoo?
答:我会非常诚实的回答你的问题。第一个问题,我还没有。我已经在这里待了15天,大部分的时间,我都用来吃饭和睡觉。我还没有没有时间去。我觉得目前来说,对我最重要的事就是睡觉,因为一段漫长的、困难的阶段马上会来。第二个问题,你问我会如何收购。我们对整体收购很感兴趣(Kara Swisher:你指的是你们整个集团来收购还是说收购整个雅虎?)整个雅虎。中国雅虎目前已经是我们的了,已经在我的口袋中。(非常感谢你明确的回答,那大概什么时候会开始呢?)坦诚的说,我不知道。这比我们想象的还要复杂,还有很多人对此很感兴趣,我们已经有过沟通。据我所知,问题的关键不
A: I will be very honest answer to your question.The first question, I have not.I've been here for 15 days, most of the time, I have to eat and sleep.I have not had time to.I think now, for me the most important thing is to sleep, because a long, difficult period will come soon.The second question, you asked me how acquisitions.We are very interested in the overall acquisition(Kara Swisher: You mean you still say that the acquisition of the entire group to acquire all of Yahoo?)Entire Yahoo.China Yahoo already is ours already in my pocket.(Thank you very much clear answer about when it will start it?)Frankly, I do not know.This is more complicated than we thought, there are a lot of people are very interested, we've had to communicate.As far as I know, the problem lies not in money, but the Board's internal political struggle.So, I can only assure you that I find this a very Acquisition
The following is the Ma at Stanford University speech: Ma : Hello everyone.Today I feel very honored to be here to meet you.About a few months ago , Stanford invited me to lecture.I did not expect.Many people say that because of all about Yahoo , Alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive.But since I made a promise that I came.Today, if you have any questions to ask me, I will be qestions.以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文: 马云:大家好。我今天感到非常荣幸能来到这里和大家见面。大 约几个月前,斯坦福邀请我来演讲。我没有意料到。很多人说因为所 有关于雅虎,阿里巴巴,和许多其他的新闻,这个时间点来这里演讲 是非常的敏感。但是既然我做了一个承诺,我还是来了。今天如果你 有任何问题要问我,我都会一一回答。
I came to the United States today is the first 15 days , and I intend to stay here for a year.No one knows this plan.Even my company do not know.You asked me why I came here.To intend to do to prepare for the acquisition of Yahoo ? No, we are too sensitive.I came here because I'm tired.Over the past 16 years was too tired.In 1994 I created my career, discovered the Internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job.At that time I felt like a Mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive.Work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of Ali Baba.今天是我来美国的第 15 天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计 划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为 我累了。过去 16 年来太累了。我在 1994 年开创我的事业,发现了互 联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就 像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生 存着。在政府机关工作了 16 个月之后,1999 年建立了阿里巴巴。
We are also fortunate to have a Taobao , Alipay , Ali clouds and other companies under the Group.Therefore , the establishment of Ali Baba 12 years later , I decided to rest for some time.In particular, this year's challenge is too difficult , and this is what I did not expect to.Chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year.Alibaba in China this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of chief executive officer , as well as the VIE issue , although I still do not know now what is the VIE , as well as the company's Taobao split into four decisions.So busy after all these things I'm tired.I told myself , why not spend a year rest.我们还幸运地拥有着淘bao网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公 司。所以,建立阿里巴巴 12 年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说 每 12 年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第 12 年,也遇上 了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官 辞职,还有 VIE 的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是 VIE,以及 把淘bao分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。
In particular, next year is my personal year, which would surely be more difficult this year.I want to spend a little more time to properly prepare to meet next year more difficult and more difficult challenge.I need a good rest in order for the 3-4 years after the challenge to prepare.This year if things went wrong, we can criticize Taobao , Alibaba CEO or Ali cloud.But after three years , if things went wrong, and that is my fault.So I'm going to spend some time in the United States ponder and relax.Two days ago, I started practicing again from golf to relax.Therefore, the purpose of coming to the U.S.is really not so complicated is that we speculate.尤其明年是我个人的本命 年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明 年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为 3 到 4 年后的挑战做 好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘bao,阿里巴巴或阿里云。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再 次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家 揣测的这么复杂。
今天是我来美国的第 15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去 16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作.。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其它的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定我需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有VIE的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是 VIE,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到 4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的首席执行官。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家揣测的这么复杂。
我们是一间非常幸运的公司。我没有任何的背景,没有富裕的父亲,也没有很有权势的叔伯们,根本不用想能够有成功的机会。我记得 1999年来到硅谷寻找资金,跟很多风投、资本家接洽,也去了Menlo Park一带开会。但是没有人有兴趣投资阿里巴巴,我被一一回拒。回到了中国,一点资本都没拿到。但是,我充满了信心。我看到了美国梦。我看到硅谷的快速成长,我看到许多公司们的停车场不管是白天或黑夜,周一到周日,都是停满了车。我相信那种快速的成长也会发生在中国。接着我创立阿里巴巴,12年过去了,到今天取得了很多的成绩。但在那之前,没有人相信B2B能够在中国发展。当时B2B美国有名的公司包括Ariba.com, Broadvision 和 Commerce One,这些公司主要的客户都是大公司的买家们。没有人觉得中国近期内会有大公司的出现,而大公司也不会有电子商务的需求,因为所有大公司都是归于政府,他们只需要配合政府的政策就可以。但我的信念是,我们必须要专注在小型公司,因为未来是私营企业的天下,所以我们必须把重点放在小型企业。
问:关于想要收购他们,你有没有跟雅虎初步沟通过? 答:目前,我只能跟你说,我们对此很感兴趣。
答:有很多人在讨论VIE。我很迷惑。我花了很多时间学习什么是VIE,也没搞明白这到底是个什么东西。首先,VIE是个伟大的创新。我相信在10年前,这是个伟大的创新。它帮助中国的互联网及其他高科技行业的发展。阿里巴巴也由此获益不少。我不认为政府会禁止VIE,也不明白为什么人们会如此担心。但是,在某些敏感的领域或者行业,比如说金融行业,政府会比较小心这种模式,对此我非常理解和赞同。不管在哪个国家,如果外资控股的公司想要获得银行牌照,都会被反对,在中国也如此。关于VIE模式,我没听说哪个政府说要取缔它,所以为什么要担心呢?前几天我读了一篇关于“Shao Kong Chuen”的文章,他们的变化非常棒,我开始了解VIE真的是合法的、透明的。这就是互联网的力量。在10年之后,如果在某些敏感的行业,VIE让你觉得不舒服,请你加入我们,一起讨论。有人说你们的支付宝有问题,我坦诚的讲,因为这个,我们把VIE放到桌面上来讲。当人民银行问支付宝是否有国外投资者,我必须说真话。这个你同意吧?因为我们发展的越来越大,所以需要做的工作非常多。就好像今天,如果我说我想买Paypal,你觉得美国政府会毫无反应么?他们一定会有所举动!就算是收购雅虎,他们也会!所以,我们必须公平的去说这个问题。这不是个什么大的问题。这就是一种姿态。摆在桌子上来说、来讨论它,我不认为政府会禁止它。
问:你是如何管理淘宝的?关于和京东的竞争,你会在物流方面做更多的事么?或者改变你的模式?在支付宝的事上,你希望跟孙正义和杨致远有怎样的交流? 答:淘宝成长的太快了,而且会越来越快。这对我们来说是个挑战,因为我们从没运营过这么大的公司。我不喜欢“帝国”这个说法,我相信“生态系统”。我是大自然保护协会的董事。我相信每个人都要跟其他人发生联系,彼此互相帮助。淘宝发展的太大太快,为此我很担心。我们可以给这个行业更多的机会,所以在今年6月份,我们把淘宝拆分成4个部分。变成更小一些的公司,可以给其他竞争者以机会。如果十年后,我们还是非常大,我还会再拆成3个部分。我要确保,我们把大公司运作的像小公司一样。给其他的人,尤其是年轻人机会去经营他们的生意,因为这是他们的年代。淘宝就像腾讯、谷歌和facebook,他不是一间中国的公司,不仅仅属于中国或者美国,他属于21世纪的这个时代。你需要用不同的方式去运用这个公司。坦白的说,最好的方法是什么,我也不知道。我们做好了承担错误的准备,我们相信我们是在一个生态系统中,不是在一个帝国中。第二个问题,关于跟京东的竞争。我不认为淘宝的模式有什么问题。我们在不断成长,而且要挣钱非常容易。我不认为我们需要改变模式。我不看好这种低价买来东西然后在网上高价卖出去的模式,这是个很愚蠢的模式。去年中国的快递包裹数是21亿个。淘宝占到了11亿个,今年可能会达到30亿个。我们不想搞自己的物流体系。中国大概需要1000万个快递员人员。我们怎么可能运营一个有1000万员工的公司?目前我们有23000万员工,这已经让我很头疼了。我们要做的,是帮助和支持这些物流公司提供更好的物流服务,让他们给自己的员工提供更好的福利。我们从未想过建立自己的物流公司,以前没有,以后也不会。关于支付宝、杨致远和孙正义,我已经回答过很多次了,但是我还可以再说一次。他们都是很好的朋友和伙伴。我理解在一开始人们说,Jack你们可以„.,甚至现在还有关于VIE„。.我们争执不休。我们得到了更准确的信息,所以我就告诉他们。
今天支付宝发展很快,但是我们却还没有挣很多钱。所以,这是一个挑战,年轻人,让我们来创造一个更好的模式。我跟杨致远,孙正义之间的沟通是非常健康的。但是不幸的是,外面的传言是我在没过通知董事会之前把公司给拿走了。让我来告诉你们真相。他们是知道的,而且我们一起讨论过。时至今日,问题解决了。但是这是一个挑战,我遇到过很多艰难的日子。这就是我需要面对的众多难关之一。其他人总觉得是容易的,他们说你要这么做那么做。但是如果支付宝死了,淘宝的800万家卖家会遇到麻烦,我不能让这发生,如果我不遵循中国的法律,我就会天天被叫去北京喝茶。每个人都想请我喝茶,告诉我如果你越做越大,你就会有麻烦了。所以我们要透明。今天,到了21世纪,任何事情都应该是透明的。不然你干嘛要这么努力工作?这就是需要面对的现实 问:如何看到淘宝的国际合作?他们还没有开放API。
问:外国企业要进入中国非常困难。你对帮助外国公司有什么计划吗? 答:在世界任何一个地方做生意就是困难的。我相信中国的企业在美国也遇到过同样的问题。甚至是很多非常成功的中国公司在美国。在美国有什么有名的中国公司吗?(观众:华为,阿里巴巴)阿里巴巴,还没吧?联想?你们认为那是成功吗?我认为在中国我们有成功的外国公司——IBM, 微软,Oracle.去世界的任何一个地方都需要话花时间。我记得我的朋友Kara Swisher在数字大会上问过我这个问题。没有一个市场是是欢迎赌徒的。你去到一个地方给胆当地人创造价值,你就有一半的成功机会。所以我相信在今天的世界做生意是非常难的。昨天我跟我的妻子还在辩论,美国的商业化程度很高,感觉什么时候都是连锁化的,沃尔玛,连咖啡店都是连锁的。你怎么能在这里做中小企业。我旁边有一个教授,他跟我说,让我们来辩论一下在哪个国家更容易做生意,美国还是中国。现在的中国如果你还说什么关系,那还是算了。在过去的12年中,我一直在说,如果有人跑过来跟你说他们跟市长的关系很好,我看还是算了。世界上唯一的关系是你的客户。如果你的客户喜欢你,政府就一定会喜欢你。相信我。他们需要税收。他们需要就业。但是如果你只想拿了便宜就跑的话,那你就有麻烦了。过去12年我跟政府的关系是,我们一直在恋爱,但是我们不会跟政府结婚。永远是这样,我爱他们。每次他们来找我,我告诉他们真相。我按照他们说的做。但是如果要跟我做生意的话,抱歉。我的朋友跟政府做生意,但是我没有。只有这样,你才能获得政府的尊重。如果他们对支付宝是认真的,那我们就听他们的。这个是法律,这个不是政府关系。我的建议是看得远永远是有点可怕的。但是你要走过去,跳进去,因为只有当你跳进了水里,你才能学会游泳。中国不是那么糟糕。但是有人问我为什么中国没有苹果。美国的资本主义已经有200多年的历史,对吗?土壤非常肥沃。但是中国从邓小平改革开放以来只有30年。我们有像阿里巴巴、百度、腾讯、新浪这样的公司,这也不错。让我们再等30年。我们会有伟大的公司,但是他们不属于中国,他们属于互联网时代,属于80后,90后,以及00后。这些人才是真正改变世界,改变未来的力量。问:你们全球策略未来的计划是什么?
答:曾经当我们有钱了,我们就开始犯错误。我们招了很多MBA,很多跨国公司的副总裁,我们开始考虑全球化。然后我们又说让我们回到根本,回到中国,回到中国的沿海地区。我们告诉自己,要放眼全球,但赢在当地。不论你的愿景有多么美好,你必须要脚踏实地,努力工作每一天。所以,很多年过去了,我们仍然相信要有全球化的视野,但是赢在中国。但是我们拓展了日本、印度和欧洲市场,我们也没有关掉美国的办公室。我需要学习。我需要向财富500强的CEO请教一个问题,既然他们都看好中国市场,为什么没有放弃一切在中国呆上一年?如果你想了解中国,你需要在中国花点时间。我想在美国生活一段时间,看看我们怎么可以帮助美国的中小企业,到底亚马逊、eBay跟我们有什么不同。我们从来不应该花2年的时间去做一个需要20年才能完成的事业。我们有时间,我们还年轻。我还有时间。我们会一步一步地走,不是看我们能从国外市场获取多少收入而是你能为他人带来多少价值。现在已经有5000万中国以外的中小企业使用我们的服务。免费的永远是最好的。我们会一直朝这个方向努力。谢谢。问:你觉得美国对中国最大的误解是什么?中国对美国最大的误解又是什么? 答:老实说,我不知道怎么回答这个问题。我想可能有很多误解。前几天我在写我的微博的时候,也在考虑这个问题。每个人都觉得我了解这个世界。我对中国里里外外的东西都知道。但是我不知道。邓小平不了解,毛泽东也不了解。没有人完全了解中国。又有人说我对美国里里外外的东西都知道。但是我不知道,奥巴马也不知道。不然他就可以解决美国的问题了,不是吗?乔治布什也不完全知道。要了解一个事情是不容易的,但是你了解自己。你需要什么?你想要什么?你愿意放弃什么?如果我能更好地了解自己,我就可以改变自己更好地适应外面的世界。中美之间始终都有误解,就想全中国其他地方的人跟河南人都有误解一样。我们的工作不是解除误解,而是改变自己来适应他人。所以,我不知道。这是一个很好的问题。我来这里是因为我看到很多美国公司还有美国人对中国指指点点,但是他们却从来没有来过中国。
答:我会非常诚实的回答你的问题。第一个问题,我还没有。我已经在这里待了15天,大部分的时间,我都用来吃饭和睡觉。我还没有没有时间去。我觉得目前来说,对我最重要的事就是睡觉,因为一段漫长的、困难的阶段马上会来。第二个问题,你问我会如何收购。我们对整体收购很感兴趣(Kara Swisher:你指的是你们整个集团来收购还是说收购整个雅虎?)整个雅虎。中国雅虎目前已经是我们的了,已经在我的口袋中。(非常感谢你明确的回答,那大概什么时候会开始呢?)坦诚的说,我不知道。这比我们想象的还要复杂,还有很多人对此很感兴趣,我们已经有过沟通。据我所知,问题的关键不在于钱,而是董事会内部的政治斗争。所以,我现在只能肯定的告诉你,我对这个收购非常感兴趣。
It’s my great honor and I was invited about months ago.I did not expect,非常荣幸大约几个月前斯坦福邀请我来演讲。这是我没有意料到的。people
said this is very sensitive time for me to talk,because about yahoo ,about alibaba about this ,that, so I promise promise,I come, 很多人说,这个时间点来这里演讲是非常敏感的,因为雅虎,因为阿里巴巴,因为这个因为那个。但是我还是答应过来了。Today any question you have,I will answer any question you have.今天如果你有任何问题要问我,我都会一一回答。
All right,so I‟ve been here for fifteen day and I planed to spend one year here.我已经在美国呆了15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。Nobody know,my company did not know that,I am gonna spend one year here.没有人知道我会在这里呆上一年,甚至我的公司也不知道。Guess people asked why you are here?Are you here for getting yahoo? “NO”
我猜大家会问我为什么要来这里。要作收购雅虎的准备吗?不。Everybody was very sensitive when I said “,I am gonna spend one year here” ,and the I just come here I am tired ,too tired in the past sixteen year, 当我说我要在这里呆上一年的时候,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。I start my business ,when I started 1994 internet ,I got crazy about the internet,gave up my job in the teaching, 1994年我开创了我的互联网事业,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。I called myself like blind man riding on the back of a blind tiger, jumping around,and still KIKI ,still surviving,我觉得那时自己就像是骑在盲虎背上的的盲人,一路摔摔打打,但依然生存着。and then join the govement organization for sixteen months, not successful ,started alibaba 1999.然后我在政府机关工作了16个月,并不成功,然后1999年建立了阿里巴巴。
and we built up the alibaba,we are luck enough,we have the taobao ,we have the alipay we have ali cloud computing,and the so many things, 我们建立阿里巴巴,非常幸运,我们也有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云计算等很多东西。after 12years,I say:”I need some time to rest” , especially,this year,so difficult for me ,所以12年后的今天,我说我需要休息一段时间。尤其今年对我来说这么困难I did not expect.I prepare 12 years was china call the “本命年”.This is our 12 year for alibaba.我没有意料到我准备了12年,这在中国12年是一个本命年。今年也是阿里巴巴的第12年个年头At the beginning of the year,we have the,you know ,moving for alibaba b2b CEO,because the customer cheating thing,and then we have the alipay about the VIE.I still don‟t know what the VIE is,”right”, and then we have the ,taobao separate into 4 parts, 今年年初的时候,阿里巴巴CEO因为顾客受骗事件而辞职,然后发生了支付宝VIE事件,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是VIE,然后我们把淘宝分成四个部分so many things ,It really make me fell tired,这么多事情真的让我觉得很累and I said:”well, why not give up 1 year ,because next year is my personal “本命年”,which could be much more difficult , 所以我说为什么不休息一年,因为明年是我个人的本命年,可能会比今年更辛苦。so this year is very tough and difficult,I believe,next year,it‟s gonna be tough ,more difficult, more compressed,今年非常艰难,我相信明年肯定会更艰难更复杂 So I got ready for that, and I need think,need rest,so in order to for any another 3,4year hard work为此我准备好了,我认为为了迎接另外3个4年的辛苦工作,我需要好好休息。,because this 3year,it‟s not my job,if something wrong,criticize the president of taobao,CEO of the alibaba and alicloud,it‟s their fault, 因为这三年不是我的工作,如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的CEO,因为这三年里犯错是他们的错。3 year later ,something wrong,my fault.但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。so I come here and I will spend most of time in United States,and then thingking relaxing.2 days ago,I picked up my golf,just relax ,nothing about ,the things people think about.所以我来这里,准备在美国呆一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球。所以,我来美国只是来休息的,不像是大家想的那样。
So we are very luck company,and there is no chance that we survive, I don‟t have any sort of the background ,richfather,strong uncle, and the, 我们是一间非常幸运的公司,本来没有我们生存的机会,我没有任何的背景,没有富裕的父亲,也没有很有权势的叔伯。I remember 1999,I came to Silicon Valley ,loking for venture capital.I talked to lots of venture capital,and I remember a few days ,I drop by Menlo park,I was rejected by so many venture capital, when talked about alibaba startup,they looked at the stranger,”what” ,”what are you talking about? 我记得1999年来到硅谷寻找投资资金,跟很多风险投资家、资本家接洽,我记得好多天我去Menlo Park一带开会。我被很多投资家一一回拒。当我谈到阿里巴巴的时候,他们都用异样的眼光看着我:什么?阿里巴巴?你在讲什么?I went back to china,with nothing,no money, nobody invested me,but I‟m full of confident,I saw America dream.我一无所获地回到中国,没有钱,没有人投资我。但是我充满了信心,我看到了美国梦。At that time ,1999,I walked on the high-expressway,every evening full of cars in the park of company,Sunday full of car,people work day and night,This is something ,I believe it‟s gonna happen in china, 我走在高速公路上,看到每天晚上路上全都是车,公司的停车场不管是白天或黑夜,周一到周日,都停满了车。人们夜以继日的工作。我相信这种情况一定也会发生在中国。without getting any venture capital,but I think ,I went back china with America dream and we started the business there, 虽然没有得到任何投资资金,但我认为我是带着这个美国梦回到中国的,接着我创立阿里巴巴。and after 12 years,you know, a lot of things happen,we built up the B2B,nobody believed the B2B will work ,because the B2B at that time with Ariba ,I don‟t know still there.“ariba.com”,”broadvision”,”commerce one” this is very famous B2B company.People said :”how can you do B2B in china.Because B2B in USA focus on big company ,they focus on buyer, 12年过去了,发生了很多事情,我们建立了B2B,在这之前没有人相信B2B会成功,因为那个时候Ariba.com,Broadvision和commerce one 都是非常著名的B2B公司,人们问,你们在中国怎么搞B2B?因为美国的B2B致力于大公司,致力于买家。and we believe that three is no big company in china,and I don‟t see, in the short term, china will have lots of big company,我们不相信中国会有大公司,而且我也没有看出中国短期内会出现很多大公司because big company is only SOE,SOE ,they do not the ecommerce, they need govement policy.因为只有国企能成为大公司,国企不需要电子商务,他们需要政府的政策,对吧?so we focus on small business,we believe china,the small business ,the private sector are the future.so we focus on that, 所以我们专注于小型公司,我们相信小企业,私营企业才是中国的未来,所以我们把重点放在小型企业。and the B2B in usa ,they focus.They want to help the buyer save the cost ,save the time.we believe:”don‟t don‟t teach the SME,don‟t teach the small business how to save the cost.because know much better than you do.还有,美国的B2B是专注于买家,他们想帮助买家节约成本和时间。但是我认为你不用教中小企业们如何节约成本,因为他们比你懂得多You shound help them how to make money.so we focus on helping small business,we focus on helping them make money ,sell things abroad.Very difficult to do business,at that time, 你应该帮他们赚钱,所以我们专注于中小企业,专注于帮助他们挣钱,把产品销到海外。当时做生意非常难,but after 12 years,we got more than 58 millions small business around the world using our service.但是12年过去了,全球有超过5800万的中小型企业都使用我们的服务。that model is not very successful,compare to “tencent “”baidu”,.我们的生意模式跟腾讯或百度相比可能并不是非常成果we did not make that much money,like online gaming, 我们没有靠网络游戏赚那么钱。but we can sleep well in the evening, because the money we made not online gaming, 但是我们晚上可以睡得安稳,因为我们赚的钱并不是从网络游戏上来的。the money we made is helping small business survive, get business opportunity which I fell very proud of that, 我们的收入是来自帮助小企业们生存,帮助他们得到商业机会,这点我感到十分的骄傲。and today , as always,I never fell proud of how much money we made,I fell proud of how much impact we can help others,especially small business, 直到今天我从来都没有为阿里巴巴赚了多少钱而骄傲过,我为我们影响和帮助其他人多少而骄傲,尤其是小企业主!
before the history of internet,no company can help over 50 millions SME,today we are trying.andf I fell proud of that this is the first company, 在互联网之前,没有人可以帮助超过5000万的中小企业。但是今天,我们正在努力这么做,而且我为我们是第一家这样的公司而骄傲。and people said :”jack,if you make alibaba successful,that means :”you are pulling a million ton sheep on the top of the Himalayas人们跟我说,马云,如果你能让阿里巴巴成功,那相当于你要将好几吨羊运到喜马拉雅山顶上。and I said :”yes,we will carry that thing down” and we did.我说,是的,我们还会把他们运下来。而且我们做到了。The second company call taobao ,and everybody said :”oh my god ,you are competing with ebay.I said :”why not,”, 第二个公司是淘宝。大家都跟我说,天哪,你是在跟eBay竞争啊!我说,“为什么不?”china need ecommerce site and building up china market take effort ,take time and take great you really want to build up something, 中国需要一个电子商务网站。创建一个中国的网络交易市场需要时间跟精力,需要你确实非常想做某事的决心。so at that time people said :”there is no chance “ well!, if you never try ,how do you know that there is no chance.So we try.所以那个时候人们说在中国做这个没戏。我说,如果你总是不尝试,你怎么知道没戏?所以我们就尝试了。And I said :” if ebay is the sharp in the ocean, we are crocodile in the yangzi river.我说如果eBay是大海里的鲨鱼,那我们就是长江里的扬子鳄。Never fight in the ocean, let‟s fight in the Yangzi river.不在大海里打架,我们在长江里打it was difficult, it was lots of fun,and we survive.一开始很困难,但是很有乐趣。而且我们最后活下来了。they got 90%market share at that time, today for C2C,we own 90%market share.那时eBay占据了中国C2C市场90%的份额。但是到了今天,我们拥有中国C2C市场90%的份额。And luck ,just luck ,there are lots of can be discuss in the future.我们很幸运,只是幸运。很多事情以后我们还可以再讨论。
Today ,people always write about the successful story about alibaba.今天,大家总是在写关于阿里巴巴的成功故事。And I really don‟t think we are so smart.we made so many mistakes.we were so stupid at that time.但是我并不真的认为我们有多么聪明。我们犯了很多错误。当时我们还是很愚蠢的。so I think someday the book I personally really want to write about is alibaba 1001 mistakes.我想如果哪天我真的要关于什么的一本书,我会写《阿里巴巴的一千零一个错误》。That‟s the things people should remember ,should learn.If you want to learn “how the other people succeed ,it‟s very difficult.这才是大家应该记住的事情,应该学习的事情。如果你想知道其他人是怎么成功的,这是非常难的。there are lots of luck things at there.But if you want to learn “ how people fail “,you will benefit a lot, 成功有太多幸运的因素。但是如果你想学习别人是怎么失败的,你就会受益很多。and I always like to read those book talking about “how people fail”, 我总喜欢看那些探讨人如何失败的书。because,if you look into it any company theiy fail,the reason why they fail almost the same因为,当你仔细去分析任何失败的公司的时候,你会发现他们失败的原因总是相同的。而这才是最重要的。,and that really matters, so taobao succeed,and then we have the alipay,because everybody said:”china oh ,no credit system, banking is terrible, logistics is terrible.How can you do ecommerce所以淘宝成功了,接下来我们做支付宝,因为大家都说中国没有信用体系,银行很糟糕,物流很糟糕,你怎么去做电子商务?.I never tell, just like today I come here without PPT without my business,I not come here sell you business ,sell my business.Because I don‟t stock to sell to you guys.今天我来这里我没有准备PPT,没有生意,我不是来跟大家说我的生意经的,因为我没有股票要卖给大家。But I think because china is not good at logistics,not good at credit system,not goog at banking system, that‟s why we need entrepreneurship, that‟s why we go ,we should go, build them up.但是我想正因为中国落后的物流、信用体系和银行体系,所以我们需要有创业精神,我们需要行动起来把他们建好。So I believe ,if there is no, you build it up,later that‟s become the standard of china and I believe china need that.所以我相信如果没有这种东西,而你建立了它,那么之后它就会成为中国的标准,而且我相信中国需要这个I remember ,6 years ago,I came to the states,I told the USA audience.I believe 5 years later, china will have more internet users than USA.people said “No” , 我记得6年前当我来这个国家,告诉美国的观众说,我相信5年以后,中国的网民人口会超过美国。人们说,不会的。I said :”well ,you have 300 millions population,china 1.3 billions ,right!If you guys have 400 millions internet users,without any people die, keep on having baby , it take 50 years , we need 5 years.it‟s just time issue, right!.let‟s wait and see, 然后我说,你们的人口才3亿。中国有13亿人口不是吗?假如你们有4 亿人口,没有人死亡,人们还不停地生孩子,你们需要50年的时间。我们只需要5年时间,所以这只是一个时间的问题,不是吗?我们等着看吧。today we have more users ,today people say :”why your buy capability is low, let‟s see about 5 years later.5 year later,today,people only spend 200 RMB per month,5 years later,this guy will spend 2000.今天,中国网络用户的人口超过了美国。人们说为什么你们的购买力这么低?我们五年后在再看。今天人均消费大概只有每月200人民币。5年以后,这些人每月会消费2000元。and we have patience, we are young,you know,I am old but my people only 26 average age, they are young.let‟s wait for the future.而且我们有耐心。我们还很年轻。我是老了,但是我们员工的平均年龄才26岁。他们还很年轻,让我们期待未来So ,alipay,was just like very ,at that time people said :”it‟s stupid “没听清“ service.当时做支付宝的时候,大家说这是一个很傻的担保服务。John wants to buy things from Stevens, John just not want to “没听清”the money.Stevens don‟t want to send the poducts.So we open account, “没听清“,ifyou happy ,” “没听清“the money ,not happy,return poduct,return money.张三要从李四那里买点东西,但是张三不肯把钱汇给李四,李四也不肯把货给张三。所以我们就开了一个账户,跟张三说,把钱先汇给我们,如果你对货物满意,那么我把钱汇给李四,如果你不满意,你退货,我退钱给你。People said :” how stupid the model is”, well!We don‟t care whether stupid or not stupid.we care whether the customer wanted or not,whether really meet the need of customer, 人们说你的这个模式怎么这么傻啊?我们不关心这个模式是不是傻,我们关心的是客户是不是需要这样的服务。我们是不是满足了客户的需求。, if it‟s stupid, but after 7years ,we have more than 600 millions users, registered users in china using that.So stupid thing , if you improve it every day,it „s gonna be very smart.如果这东西很傻的话,但是7年后中国有超过6亿的注册用户在用它。所以傻的东西,如果你每天都改善它一点,那么它就会变得非常聪明。And we believe that,and today , it „s good ,and it‟s growing, just like paypal,we are bigger than paypal right now , on transaction volume.我们相信这些,所以今天支付宝很好,而且仍在变好变强。支付宝跟Paypal很像,但是从交易量来说,我们比Paypal更大。And the last , most important is alicloud computing,and not like the other company ,they talk about cloud computing,they want to sell you the,hardware, software.最后,也是最重要的,是我们的阿里云计算,跟其他公司不同,他们谈论云计算是想把他们的软件和硬件卖给你。We have nothing to sell you.we just want to compute our own datas.Because the datas we have from the SME,because the datas we have from consumer of taobao,datas from alipay.但是我们没什么可以卖的。我们只想计算我们自己的数据。因为我们有很多来自中小企业的数据,来自淘宝消费者的数据,以及来自支付宝的数据。We believe in the future the world is going to data process in the world.How can we share the datas with others in a great way.Right!That‟s the business about, it‟s not that good yet, but it‟s very profitable, 我们相信在未来,世界将是数据处理的世界。我们将如何很好地与他人分享数据。这就是阿里云计算要做的,目前它还不是很完善,但是非常有利可图。the whole company look healthy ,we are very appreciate, we are the company from “没听清“,there is no chances we can win ,now we survive.整个公司都很健康。我们非常感激,我们是在艰难的情况下成立的公司,最初没有我们生存的机会,但是我们挺过来了I think we always ask our own question:” why we are still working so hard.I talked to my colleague one day ,and he said :” I never know that in my life, I can do that much”, second” I never know that the thing I doing that meaningful to the society, third ,I never know that life is that “没听清”hard。我想我总在问自己一个问题“为什么我们还要这么辛勤地工 作?有一天,我问我的同事,他告诉我,“Jack,我从来不知道我这辈子能做这么多事情。第二,我从来不知道我现在做的事情对社会这么有意义。第三,我从来不知道生活是这么艰辛的。”We worked day and night,even now.I guess so thiner ,so stranger.I understand life is not easy.We fell proud because we are changing china.It „s not how much money you made.我们没日没夜地工作,即使现在也是这样。我变得更瘦了,而且长相更奇怪了。我知道生活不是容易的事。我们很骄傲,因为我们在改变中国,而不是你挣了多少钱。
years ago,when I walked on the street, people thank me because alibaba B2B helped them get orders across ocean.10年前,当我走在街上,有人跑过来感谢我,因为我的阿里巴巴B2B平台帮他们得到了国外的订单。Today ,when I walk on the steet ,the young people said:”thank you very much,my wife and I opened a small shop on taobao,we made the surviving, we had grear incoming.今天,当我走在街上,有个年轻人说,jack,非常感谢你!我和妻子在淘宝上开了个小店,以此为生,并且有不错的收入。I know ,this is meaningful thing.We made the credit means money.Years ago , if you have a great record,or credit trust,you are not rich.这是有意义的事。我们让有信用意味着有钱。许多年前,如果你有很好的信誉记录,但你不会因此而富有。Today if you have a good record on taobao, you get rich, because people do business with those people who have good record.We are teaching consumer to be smart.今天,如果你在淘宝上有很好的信誉记录,你将会非常富有,因为人们总是跟信誉好的店家做生意。我们教育消费者变聪明。People said :‟”jack ,I bought something so cheap from taobao ,is that a fake product.Yes we do.Fake product at everywhere.有人来跟我说:马云,我在淘宝上买了个非常便宜的东西,是假货么?是的,我们淘宝上有假货,假货在现实生活中无处不在。We spent most of effort,in china, 50% people on taobao, they focus on checking the internet property issue, 但是我们下了很大的功夫,在中国,有50%的淘宝人关注着知识产权问题。but there is bottle of wine, the cost is only 9 dollars, the people buy on the street is 300dollars,why is that? the channel, the advertisement, the TV show, why consumer should pay that much.So we cut that, and we made things change, 但是如果有一瓶红酒,在淘宝上只要9美金,在商场里买要300美金,为什么会这样?因为销售渠道、广告费用、电视节目费用。为什么消费者要为付这么多钱?我们减掉了那部分,我们让事情发生变化。so tell the consumer ,say :”this T-shirt , you buy on taobao,maybe 15 dollars, you buy on the shop,150 dollars.Not because taobao sell too cheap,because the shop sell too expensive.we should teach the consumer to be smart.所以我们跟消费者说,一件T恤,如果你在淘宝上买可能是15块钱,你在商场里买要150块钱,不是因为淘宝卖的太便宜了,那是因为商场里卖的太贵了。我们应该教会消费者变的聪明
And the third.very important, we saw so many factory in china ,especially in Canton,they are not company,they are not even a factory,they just OEM, 第三点非常重要,我们看见在中国有很如此多的工厂,尤其是在广东,他们不是公司,甚至连个工厂都they just manufacture,they don‟t know who ar selling for them,they don‟t know who are their customer,so anything come ,they all in trouble.他们仅仅是生产产品,他们不知道谁在卖这些产品,也不知道是谁买了产品。这种代工厂遇到任何事情,就会马上陷入 困难。So we just tell that manufacturing, you have to contact consumer youself, you have to sell youself, serve youself, then this real business,otherwise, you just a workshop.We are changing that, and I feel proud, we are honor, 所以我们就告诉这些生产者,你必须自己跟消费者联系,你必须自己不是,他们仅仅是代工去销售产品,自己提供服务,这才是一个正经的生意。否则,你就只是个工厂。我们正在改变这些事情,我感到非常自豪。it‟s not about money.We believe ,if you have 1 million dollars , you are the richman,when you have 10 million dollars,you are in trouble,you worry about the inflation,you start to invest, you get into trouble, when you have 1 billion, that „s not you money,it‟s the society‟s trust,自豪不是因为钱,因为我们相信如果你有一百万,你是个富有的人,但如果你有一千万,那你就麻烦了。你会担心通货膨胀,汇率变化,你开始投资,然后你就可能遇到困难。如果你有10亿,那这就不是你的钱了,那是社会对你的信任。the
shareholder ,the people believe you can spend this money smart than the government,you can spend the money better than others, so they give you the trust, how can you do this trust? How can you treat ,you know ,creat this trusr well.And I think we facing this challenge你的股东,人们相信你能比政府更好地使用这些钱,你比其他人能更好的利用这些钱。于是他们给你信任,你应该怎样对待这样的信任呢?我觉得我们正面临这样的挑战。.And
the product of alibaba, it‟s not the service,it‟s the people,employee,the colleague,the average age of our company is 26 years old,we are facing so many challenge,I never realize that on of the key government official阿里巴巴的产品,其实并不是服务,是人,是我们的员工,我们的同事。我们员工的平均年龄是26岁。我们正面临着许多的挑战,这些是我没有意识到的。