
时间:2019-05-14 04:04:21下载本文作者:会员上传






目 标 序号 指标 2020年

2030年 备注

水生态 1 2 3 4 5 6 水环境 7 8 9 水资源 10




绿地率 地下水位

城市热岛效应 水环境质量


合流管网年溢流次数 污水再生利用率 ≥70%

≥70% ≥20%

≥80% ≥40% ≥50% 41% 45% 地下水水位下降趋势得到明显遏制,平均降幅低于历史同期

热岛强度得到缓解。优于IV类达到Ⅲ标准 类标准 ≥50% ≥60% ≤12次 ≥20%

≥30% 《国务院办公厅关于推进海绵城市建






参考《海口市城市绿地系统规划》 《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》要求 参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指







目 标 水资源 序号 指标 雨水资源利用率 12 供水管网漏损率

2020年 ≥0.5%

2030年 备注

≥1.5% 《国家节水型城市考核标准》要求重视雨


≤8% 《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》、《国家


100% 参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。

≤10% 水安全 13 集中式饮用水源地水质达标率

100% 14 15 龙头水质达标≥99% 100% 率

排水设计标准 管线设计重现期3-5年



参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。参照《海绵城市绩效考核与评价指标》。16 内涝防治标准 内涝防治设计重现期50

年 规划建设管控制度 蓝线、绿线划定与保护 技术规范与标准建设 投融资机制建设 绩效考核与奖励机制 产业化

出台 出台 出台 出台 出台 出台 制度建设 17 18 19 20 21 22



海口市规划局 2017年9月20日


国家森林城市评价指标 1 范围



下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。GB/T 18337.3 生态公益林建设

技术规程 3 术语和定义

下列术语和定义适用于本文件。3.1 国家森林城市

nationalforestcity 在市域范围内形成以森林和树木为主体,城乡一体、稳定健康的城市森林生态系统,服务于城市居民身心健康,且各项建设指标达到规定标准并经国家林业局批准授牌的城市。3.2 城市森林

urbanforest 在市域范围内以改善城市生态环境,满足经济社会发展需求,促进人与自然和谐为目的,以森林和树木为主体及其周围环境所构成的生态系统。3.3 市域

cityfield 城市行政管辖的全部地域。3.4 城区

urbanarea 城市的建成区。3.5 郊区

suburbanarea 城市建成区以外行政区域。根据它的位置以及同建成区的联系,分为近郊和远郊两部分。3.6 乡土树种

nativetreespecies 本地区有天然分布的树种。某些引种期长、并在本地区极端气候环境条件下生长良好,已表现没有生态扩侵性,符合引种成功标准的归化树种,也可以列入乡土树种。3.7 城市森林网络

networkofurbanforestlandscape 市域范围内的城区和郊区各类森林斑块,与道路、水系、农田等区域营建的森林生态廊道连接,形成LY/T 2004——2012片、带、网结合的城市生态网络系统。3.8 生态文化

ecologicalculture 反映人与自然和谐发展的生态价值观的一切文化形式。生态文化建设对于普及生态知识、树立生态道德、弘扬生态文明发挥着重要作用。4 总则

4.1 形成森林网络空间格局

在市域范围内,通过林水相依、林山相依、林城相依、林路相依、林村相依、林居相依等模式,建立城市森林网络空间格局。4.2 采取近自然建设模式

按照森林生态系统演替规律和近自然林业经营理论,因地制宜,确定营林模式、树种配置、管护措施等,使造林树种本地化,林分结构层次化,林种搭配合理化,促进生态系统稳定性。4.3 坚持城乡统筹发展

对市域范围内的城乡生态建设统筹考虑,实现规划、投资、建设、管理的一体化。4.4 体现鲜明地方特色

从当地的经济社会发展水平、自然条件和历史文化传承出发,实现自然与人文相结合,历史文化与城市现代化建设相交融。4.5 推广节约建设措施


4.6 实现建设成果惠民

坚持以人为本,在森林城市的规划、建设和管理过程中,充分考虑市民的需求,最大限度地为市民提 供便利。5 指标体系

5.1 城市森林网络

5.1.1 市域森林覆盖率


年降水量400 mm~800 mm地区的城市市域森林覆盖率达到30%以上,且分布均匀,其中三分之二以上的区、县森林覆盖率应达到30%以上。

年降水量800 mm以上地区的城市市域森林覆盖率达到35%以上,且分布均匀,其中三分之二以上的区、县森林覆盖率应达到35%以上。

自然湿地面积占市域面积5%以上的城市,在计算其市域森林覆盖率时,扣除超过5%的自然湿地面积计算森林覆盖率。5.1.2 新造林面积

自创建以来,平均每年完成新造林面积占市域面积的0.5%以上。5.1.3 城区绿化覆盖率

城区绿化覆盖率达到40%以上。绿化覆盖率计算方法见附录A。5.1.4 城区人均公园绿地面积

城区人均公园绿地面积达到ll㎡以上。人均公园绿地面积计算方法见附录A。5.1.5 城区乔木种植比例

城区绿地建设应该注重提高乔木种植比例,其栽植面积应占到绿地面积的60%以上。5.1。6 城区街道绿化

城区街道的树冠覆盖率达到25%以上。树冠覆盖率计算方法见附录A。5.1.7 城区地面停车场绿化

自创建以来,城区新建地面停车场的乔木树冠覆盖率达30%以上。5.1.8 城市重要水源地绿化

城市重要水源地森林植被保护完好,功能完善,森林覆盖率达到70%以上,水质净化和水源涵养作用得到有效发挥。5.1.9 休闲游憩绿地建设

城区建有多处以各类公园为主的休闲绿地,分布均匀,使市民出门500 m有休闲绿地,基本满足本市居民日常游憩需求;郊区建有森林公园、湿地公园和其他面积20 h㎡以上的郊野公园等大型生态旅游休闲场所5处以上。5.1.10 村屯绿化

村旁飞路旁、水旁、宅旁基本绿化,集中居住型村庄林木绿化率达30%,分散居住型村庄达15%以上。林木绿化率计算方法见附录A。5.1.11 森林生态廊道建设 主要森林、湿地等生态区域之间建有贯通性的森林生态廊道,宽度能够满足本地区关键物种迁徙需要。

5.1.12 水岸绿化

江、河、湖、海飞库等水体沿岸注重自然生态保护,水岸林木绿化率达80%以上。在不影响行洪安全的前提下,采用近自然的水岸绿化模式,形成城市特有的水源保护林和风景带。5.1.13 道路绿化 公路、铁路等道路绿化注重与周边自然飞人文景观的结合与协调,因地制宜开展乔木、灌木、花草等多种形式的绿化,林木绿化率达80%以上,形成绿色景观通道。LY/T 2004——2012 5.1.14 农田林网建设

城市郊区农田林网建设按照国家林业局GB/T18337.3要求达标。5.1.15 防护隔离林带建设 城市周边、城市组团之间、城市功能分区和过渡区建有生态防护隔离带,减缓城市热岛效应、净化生态功效显著。5.2 城市森林健康 5.2.1 乡土树种使用

植物以乡土树种为主,乡土树种数量占城市绿化树种使用数量的80%以上。5.2.2 树种丰富度

城市森林树种丰富多样,城区某一个树种的栽植数量不超过树木总数量的20%。5.2.3 郊区森林自然度


5.2.4 造林苗木使用

城市森林营造应以苗圃培育的苗木为主,因地制宜地使用大、中、小苗和优质苗木。禁止从农村和山上移植古树、大树进城。5.2.5 森林保护


5.2.6 生物多样性保护 注重保护和选用留鸟、引鸟树种植物以及其他有利于增加生物多样性的乡土植物,保护各种野生动植物,构建生态廊道,营造良好的野生动物生活、栖息自然生境。5.2.7 林地土壤保育

积极改善与保护城市森林土壤和湿地环境,尽量利用木质材料等有机覆盖物保育土壤,减少城市水土流失和粉尘侵害。5.2.8 森林抚育与林木管理

采取近自然的抚育管理方式,不搞过度的整齐划一和对植物进行过度修剪。5.3 城市林业经济 5.3.1 生态旅游 加强森林公园、湿地公园和自然保护区的基础设施建设,注重郊区乡村绿化、美化建设与健身、休

闲、采摘、观光等多种形式的生态旅游相结合,积极发展森林人家,建立特色乡村生态休闲村镇。5.3.2 林产基地

建设特色经济林、林下种养殖、用材林等林业产业基地,农民涉林收入逐年增加。5.3.3 林木苗圃

全市绿化苗木生产基本满足本市绿化需要,苗木自给率达80%以上,并建有优良乡土绿化树种培育基地。5.4 城市生态文化 5.4.1 科普场所

在森林公园、湿地公园、植物园、动物园、自然保护区的开放区等公众游憩地,设有专门的科普小标识、科普宣传栏、科普馆等生态知识教育设施和场所。5。4.2 义务植树

认真组织全民义务植树,广泛开展城市绿地认建、认养、认管等多种形式的社会参与绿化活动,建立义务植树登记卡和跟踪制度,全民义务植树尽责率达80%以上。5.4.3 科普活动

每年举办市级生态科普活动5次以上。5.4.4 古树名木

古树名木管理规范,档案齐全,保护措施到位,古树名木保护率达100%。5.4.5 市树市花

经依法民主议定,确定市树、市花,并在城乡绿化中广泛应用。5.4.6 公众态度

公众对森林城市建设的支持率和满意度应达到90%以上。5.5 城市森林管理 5.5.1 组织领导 党委政府高度重视、按照国家林业局正式批复同意开展创建活动2年以上,创建工作指导思想明确,组织机构健全,政策措施有力,成效明显。5.5.2 保障制度

国家和地方有关林业、绿化的方针、政策、法律、法规得到有效贯彻执行,相关法规和管理制度建设配套高效。5.5.3 科学规划

编制《森林城市建设总体规划》,并通过政府审议、颁布实施2年以上,能按期完成任务,并有相应的检查考核制度。LY/T 2004——2012 5.5.4 投入机制

把城市森林作为城市基础设施建设的重要内容纳入各级政府公共财政预算,建立政府引导,社会公益力量参与的投入机制。自创建以来,城市森林建设资金逐年增加。5.5.5 科技支撑

城市森林建设有长期稳定的科技支撑措施,按照相关的技术标准实施,制定符合地方实际的城市森林营造、管护和更新等技术规范和手册,并有一定的专业科技人才保障。5.5.6 生态服务

财政投资建设的森林公园、湿地公园以及各类城市公园、绿地原则上都应免费向公众开发,最大限度地让公众享受森林城市建设成果。5,5.7 森林资源和生态功能监测 开展城市森林资源和生态功能监测,掌握森林资源的变化动态,核算城市森林的生态功能效益,为建设和发展城市森林提供科学依据。5.5.8 档案管理






































5、科学栽植、管护树木。对大树移植严格管理,做到全 株移植。




















6.城市森林自然度:是对区域内森林资源接近地带性顶级群落(或原生乡土植物群落)的测度,可用公式表示为: N=(MiQi)/ Mi i=i=VV(i=I,Ⅱ……V)











海绵城市(sponge city),指城市在适应环境变化和应对自然灾害等方面具有良好的“弹性”,下雨时吸水、蓄水、渗水、净水,需要时将蓄存的水“释放”并加以利用[1]。思想理念即人与自然和谐相处,排水防涝思路有一个新的格局,保证了城市和城市周围自然的原水文特征稳定,资源的可持续化。














[1]中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部.《海绵城市建设技术指南——低影响开发雨水系统构建(试行)》.2014.10.[2] 俞孔坚,李迪华,袁弘,等.“海绵城市”理论与实践[J].城市规划,2015(6):26-33.[3]仇保兴.海绵城市(LID)的内涵、途径与展望[J].建设科技,2015(1):11-18.

第五篇:海绵城市 中英对照

Name spring of jinan born because of the “spring”, has been included in the list of two Chinese natural and cultural heritages, prepare, “only in China, the world famous”, is in jinan, and the nation's business card.Is the affinity with water city, baotu spring-“, black tiger spring, pearl spring, five dragon pool ”four QuanQun gave the city a sponge.Construction of jinan city, sponge is to build a modern rainwater control system, solve the springs dried up, frequent floods, water shortage, water pollution problems.济南因“泉”而生,济南名泉已入选中国自然与文化双遗产预备名录,“中国惟一,世界著名”,是济南乃至国家的名片。正是这座与水结缘的城市,“趵突泉、黑虎泉、珍珠泉、五龙潭”四大泉群赋予了这座城市海绵一样的特质。济南建设海绵城市,就是要构建现代雨水控制利用系统,解决泉水枯竭、洪涝多发、水源不足、水质污染的突出问题。

Jinan municipal party committee, municipal government in recent years, through continuous improve the urban flood control and drainage disaster reduction ability, improve the urban ecological environment, alleviate the pressure of the city water resources project construction, and actively create to repair the natural ecological system as the key content of water project construction, and the maximum realization of rainwater in urban areas of stockpile, infiltration and purification, promote rainwater resource utilization and ecological environment protection, but also for to strive for the sponge city pilot work has laid a solid foundation for....近年来,济南市委、市政府通过不断提高城市防洪排涝减灾能力、改善城市生态环境、缓解城市水资源压力工程建设,积极打造以修复自然水生态体系为重点内容的工程建设,最大限度实现雨水在城市区域的积存、渗透和净化,促进雨水资源利用和生态环境保护,也为全力争创海绵城市试点工作奠定了坚实的基础„„

Eighteen big about ecological civilization construction in accordance with the party's strategic deployment, and xi jinping, general secretary of “priority to water saving and spatial equilibrium, system management, his hands with” water control idea, constructing ecological city of jinan in shandong province have carried out activities, in the national leader in the water ecological civilization city construction pilot, has achieved initial success.Recently, the ministry of finance, housing and urban-rural development, ministry of water resources deployment sponge urban construction tasks, it is the provincial capital jinan protect and restore “quancheng” characteristic, to speed up the construction of ecological civilization are extremely good opportunity.按照党的十八大关于生态文明建设战略部署以及总书记“节水优先、空间均衡、系统治理、两手发力”的治水思路,山东省济南市相继开展了创建生态城市等活动,在全国率先开展了水生态文明城市建设试点,取得了初步成效。近日,财政部、住房和城乡建设部、水利部联合部署海绵城市建设任务,这是省会济南保护和恢复“泉城”特色、加快生态文明建设的极好机遇。

Sponge is refers to the city to city like a sponge, adapt to environmental changes and respond to natural disasters, etc, with good “flexibility”, the rain water, water storage, water seepage, water purification, the accumulation of water when necessary and take advantage of “free”.Jinan city construction mainly includes urban water system, the sponge, municipal roads, urban garden and Greenland construction and ability construction of the five systems.海绵城市是指城市能够像海绵一样,在适应环境变化和应对自然灾害等方面具有良好的“弹性”,下雨时吸水、蓄水、渗水、净水,需要时将蓄存的水“释放”并加以利用。济南市海绵城市建设主要包括城市水系统、城市园林绿地、市政道路、建筑小区及能力建设五大系统。

天降甘霖 要留住更要用好 rain To keep more good

有需求 利用雨水解渴泉城

There is demand Use water quench thirst springs 济南城区属于北方坡地与平原构成的复合型城市,典型的季风性气候,年降水量只有600~700毫米,人均水资源只占全国人均水平的1/7,为典型的资源型缺水城市。随着城镇化、工业化进程的不断加快,全市水资源管理面临着严峻的挑战。建设海绵城市,是济南客观现实的迫切需要。Jinan city belongs to north slope with complex composed of plain city, a typical monsoon climate, annual rainfall is only 600 ~ 700 mm, per capita water resources account for only 1/7 of the national average, for the typical water-lack city.Along with the urbanization, industrialization process accelerating, the city's water resources management is facing severe challenges.Construction sponge city, is the urgent needs of the objective reality of jinan.一是随着城市规模的快速扩张和南部泉水渗漏带的不断缩小,保持泉水持续喷涌的压力始终很大,如果措施不力,群泉将再次面临停喷的危险。

One is with the rapid expansion of city scale and the southern spring water leakage with shrinking, sustaining water gushing pressure is always high, if the lack of measures, will once again in danger of stopping spray group of springs.二是南高北低的地理特点和雨季过于集中在七八月份的气候特征相互叠加,再加上地面过度硬化,极易出现城市山洪现象,“7·18”特大洪涝灾害的隐忧始终存在,城市排水防涝总体形势严峻。it is the physical characteristics of the meteorological north low concentration and the rainy season in July and August the climate characteristics of overlapping, coupled with excessive hardening on the ground, urban flash flood phenomenon, appear easily “July 18” catastrophic floods concern always exist, general situation of city drains.三是在经济社会快速发展的背景下,水资源总量不足与雨洪控制利用措施不到位问题并存,双重性制约愈加明显。因此,作为北方典型的缺水型城市和著名泉城,济南建设海绵城市,不仅是合理开发利用水资源、确保城市安全运行的迫切需要,也是保护泉城特色、实现全面协调可持续发展的内在要求。it is under the background of rapid development of economy and society, water resources shortage and problems on the rain flood control measures in place, duality constraints are becoming ever more obvious.Therefore, as a typical of the north water shortage city and famous springs, jinan sponge city construction, not only is the reasonable exploitation and utilization of water resources, to ensure the safe operation of the city is an urgent need to, also protect springs features, as the internal request of a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development.有优势 水环境综合治理初见成效

Has the advantages of water environment comprehensive treatment produced results 建设海绵城市,济南具备良好的基础和条件。

Construction of sponge cities, jinan has good foundation and conditions.从自然地理条件来看,济南城区南高北低、东西“地上海绵体”地质(具备良好的“渗、滞、蓄、净”功能)和“地下天然水库”(具备良好的“存、释、用”功能),如同“地下水银行”具备良好的“蓄水、渗水、净水、释水”条件,具有良好的示范效应。

From the natural geographical conditions, meteorological north of jinan city, the lower the “earth” sponge geological(good “permeability, hysteresis, storage, net”)and “underground reservoir” natural(good deposit, interpretation, and use function), as “water bank” good “water, water seepage, water purification, water release” conditions, has a good demonstration effect.从当前的发展基础来看,济南始终深入贯彻落实最严格的水资源保护与管理制度,坚持开源与节流并重、保特色与保发展并重、治理污染与循环利用并重的原则,按照限制开采地下水、高效利用地表水、鼓励使用再生水的思路,先后投资了1500多亿元,实施了泉水保护、河道整治、雨水利用、污水处理、水土保持、植树造林和公园绿地建设等一系列重大工程。尤其是2012年以来,济南市开展了以创建生态城市、水生态文明市、生态园林城市、森林城市、环保模范城、国家卫生城市为内容的“六城联创”活动,仅有关水资源保护和利用的工程总投资额就达300多亿元。经过这些年来的不懈努力,济南不仅较好地保障了经济社会的快速发展、保持了群泉的持续喷涌,而且水生态环境实现了持续改善,水土流失治理率达到82%,基本消除了劣五类水质,污水处理率达到96%,中水回用率达到20%,“六位一体”水系统治理初见成效,并先后获得“国家节水型城市”、“国家园林城市”等荣誉称号,被水利部列为全国第一个水生态文明建设市,为济南建设海绵城市夯实基础。

Basis, from the current development of jinan has in-depth implementation of the most strict water resources protection and management system, adhere to the open source and throttling, characteristics and development of the principle of paying equal attention to, and the relation between pollution and recycling, according to the limiting exploitation of groundwater, the thinking of efficient utilization of surface water, encourage the use of recycled water, successively invested more than 1500 one hundred million yuan, the implementation of the spring protection, river regulation, rainwater utilization, wastewater treatment, water and soil conservation, afforestation and park green space construction and a series of major projects.Especially since 2012, jinan has carried out to create a ecological city, city of water ecological civilization, ecological garden city, forest city, environmental protection model city, national sanitary city “six habitat” activities, the content of only about the protection and utilization of water resources project total investment of more than 300 one hundred million yuan.After these years of unremitting efforts, jinan well not only guarantee the rapid development of economy and society, to keep the group of continuously spewing spring, and the water ecological environment to achieve continuous improvement, soil and water loss rate of 82%, basically eliminated the bad five kinds of water quality, wastewater treatment rate reached 96%, water back powerusageeffectiveness reached 20%, “six” integrated water system governance produced results, and has won the “national water-saving city”, “national garden city” and other honorary title, the first listed by the ministry of water resources water ecological civilization construction, for the construction of jinan city sponge solid foundation.系统施治 城市变身吸水“海绵体”

System treats city turns bibulous “sponge” 辩证分析 明确建设时间表

Dialectical analysis of specific construction schedule近年来,济南已经开展了与海绵城市建设密切相关的一系列治水工作。通过科学系统谋划,遵循治污、治河、治脏、治洪、治水、治景“六位一体”治理思路,从污水治理、河道治理、雨水调蓄、引水补源等水系统治理方面建成了较完善的工程体系。

In recent years, jinan has been carried out with a sponge is closely related to the urban construction of water conservancy work.Through scientific system planning, following pollution, river regulation, incurable dirty, hong hong, water conservancy, and scene “six integration” management idea, from the sewage disposal, such as river management, rain water storage, water filling source water system governance built a perfect engineering system.如今,以建设海绵城市为目标,在系统分析当前济南城市发展和现实需求的基础上,按照建设海绵城市的有关要求,济南市制订了海绵城市建设的实施方案,明确了海绵城市建设的路线图和时间表。按照习总书记提出的“节水优先、空间均衡、系统治理、两手发力”治水思路以及海绵城市“渗、滞、蓄、净、用、排”系统要求,济南将统筹实施城市水系统、园林绿化系统、道路交通系统、建筑小区系统及能力建设系统(包括监测评估)。到2020年,实现雨水年径流总量控制率不小于70%,试点区不低于75%,对应控制设计降雨量为27毫米,年均控制径流总量为951万立方米,初步建成城市海绵体。通过海绵城市建设,一般地区排水管渠系统重现期全部达到3年一遇以上,城市雨水管渠设计标准一般地区采用3年一遇,重点地区采用5~10年一遇,地下通道和下沉式广场采用20~30年一遇。内涝防治标准达到有效抵御50年一遇的暴雨。河道防洪标准达到50年一遇以上,兴济河防洪标准达到100年一遇。

Now, in the construction of the sponge city as the goal, in jinan, systematic analysis of the current urban development and the reality demand, on the basis of in accordance with the related requirements of construction sponge, made sponge implementation plan of the construction of the city of jinan, the roadmap and timetable of sponge city construction.In accordance with the acquisition of general secretary “priority to water saving and spatial equilibrium, system management, his hands with” water control idea and the sponge city “permeability, hysteresis, storage, net, with,” system requirements, jinan will overall implementation of urban water system, landscape system, road traffic system, building community system and capacity building system(including monitoring and evaluation).By 2020, the realization of rainwater runoff volume control is not less than 70%, testing of no less than 75%, the corresponding control design is 27 mm rainfall, annual average control runoff volume is 9.51 million cubic meters, preliminary built city sponge.Drain pipe drainage system by sponge, urban construction general region return period all amounting to more than 3 years in a standard urban storm sewer system, the general area once every three years and key areas use once every 5 ~ 10 years and underground passage and falling square with 20 ~ 30 years.Waterlogging prevention standards to achieve effective against 50 years of storm.River flood control standard amounting to more than 50 years in a xingji river flood control standard of 100 years.其中,按照“具有系统性、创新性、示范性以及可实施、可持续性”的原则,济南市选定大明湖兴隆片区作为试点,总面积39平方公里,济南市计划利用两年的时间,主要实施小区综合提升、公园绿地建设、透水路面改造、河道整治、地表水转换地下水、危旧管网改造等43项整治项目,全面建成后,污水集中处理率、再生水利用率分别达到98%和25%,供水管网漏失率低于10%,雨水径流外排污染物负荷削减率不低于60%,为全面铺开海绵城市建设积累经验。下一步,62平方公里的玉符河济西湿地片区将作为推广区,深入落实海绵城市建设的各项要求,进一步加快海绵城市的推广和建设步伐。

Among them, in accordance with the “systemically, innovation, demonstration and sustainability can be implemented,” the principle of jinan daming lake xinglong area selected as pilot, with a total area of 39 square kilometers, jinan plans to use two years time, the main implementation of community comprehensive promotion, park green space construction, permeable pavement reconstruction transformation of groundwater, surface water, river regulation, dangerous old pipeline network reconstruction 43 renovation project, such as, after the completion of the comprehensive sewage concentrated rate, reclaimed water utilization rate reached 98% and 25% respectively, the water supply pipeline leak rate lower than 10%, the rainwater runoff discharge pollutant load reduction rate of not less than 60%, urban construction experience for the full-scale sponge.The next step, 62 square kilometers of jade FuHe west wetland area will be used as promotion, further implement the requirements of the construction of the city, sponge further speed up the sponge promotion and construction of city.因地制宜 四大系统生态建设

Four system ecological construction to adjust measures to local conditions 建设海绵城市,需要科学规划和统筹实施城市水系统、园林绿地系统、道路交通系统、建筑小区系统建设,方能有效缓解城市洪涝灾害、泉水利用不足、雨污水混流三大问题,实现雨水资源化、泉水资源化、污水资源化,提高城市防洪排涝减灾能力,改善城市生态环境,建设生态美丽泉城。

Construction sponge, need scientific planning and overall implementation of urban water system, the botanical garden green space system, the system of road traffic system, building area, can effectively relieve urban floods, water use, rain sewage mixed flow three big problems, realize the rainwater utilization, water reuse, wastewater reuse, improve the urban flood control and drainage disaster reduction ability, improve the urban ecological environment, the construction of ecological beauty in jinan.在城市水系统建设方面,济南市加大河道整治力度,实施兴济河、历阳河、玉绣河、西圩子壕、玉符河、腊山河及历阳湖综合治理工程,建设蓄水坝、谷坊、涵闸、生态缓坡、湿地公园等,增加山谷、小溪、河道的“渗、滞、蓄、净”能力;实施河道清淤工程,增加河道排放能力;加强污水处理设施建设,按照分系统规划建设与上游优先、集中与分散处理并重的原则,建设英雄山边沟、赤霞广场等污水分散处理设施和大金污水处理厂,同步配套建设再生水回用管网,扩大再生水使用范围,改善河道水质,提升河道水体景观。实施地表水转换地下水工程,加快历阳湖、兴济河泉水调水工程建设,实现泉水再观再用;推进卧虎山、锦绣川、兴隆、浆水泉、凤凰湖“五库联通”工程建设,建立城市河道补水长效机制。实施小流域水土保持综合治理及市区南部渗漏带修复保护工程,改造卧虎山水库输水线路,提升蓄水能力。加快改造既有危旧供水管网,降低供水漏失率,提高供水保障能力。

In the aspect of city water system construction, jinan intensify river regulation, implementation of xingji river, through the elements, jade, jade embroidered river, west WeiZi trenches FuHe, la was and through Yang lake comprehensive treatment engineering, construction, check dam and reservoir dam watergate, gentle slope ecology and wetland park, increase, river valleys, stream “permeability, hysteresis, storage, net” ability;Implementation of river channel dredging project, increase the river discharge capacity;To strengthen the construction of sewage treatment facilities, according to the system planning and construction with the upstream priority, the principle of centralized and decentralized processing, construction YingXiongShan ditches, disperse red chardonnay square such as sewage treatment facilities and daikin sewage treatment plant, synchronous reclaimed water recycling network supporting construction, expanding the scope of the reclaimed water use, improve river water quality, improve river water landscape.Implement surface transformation engineering of ground water, speed up through the lake, xingji river water diversion project construction, and achieve springs to view with;Promote WoHuShan, jinxiuchuan, xinglong, water fountain, phoenix lake “five library unicom” engineering construction, establish long-term effective mechanism of urban river filling water.The implementation of small watershed comprehensive harness of soil and water conservation and urban leakage repair protection engineering, southern transformation WoHuShan reservoir water, improve water storage capacity.To speed up the transformation both damaged water supply pipe network, reduce the water leak rate, improve the security of water supply capacity.在园林绿地系统建设方面,济南市实施千佛山、英雄山、泉城公园等公园景区改造提升工程,结合公园绿地建设和改造,适当建设下沉式绿地和植草沟,实施透水生态铺装,在充分利用原有景观水面汇水调蓄功能的基础上,适当设置雨水调蓄设施,提升绿地汇聚雨水、蓄洪排涝、补充地下水等功能。实施佛慧山、卧虎山、金鸡岭、兴隆景区等生态涵养区建设,大力开展植树绿化,丰富山体植被,涵养水源,并依托山体地势合理设置雨水收集、拦蓄及利用设施,增强山体公园雨水渗、蓄、用功能。实施街头绿地、游园和道路等绿地改造提升工程,增加乔灌木栽植量,丰富植物配置,完善景观设置,建设下沉式绿地和植草沟,提升透水铺装比率,合理设置雨水蓄水池等设施,提高绿地渗、蓄水等功能。

In terms of landscape green space system construction, jinan implementation above, YingXiongShan, springs park scenic park upgrade project, combined with the park green space construction and retrofit, appropriate construction green and plant CaoGou subsided, implementation of water ecological pavement, in make full use of the original landscape water catchment storage function, on the basis of appropriate setting rainwater storage facilities, promote green space gather rain water, flood storage and drainage, replenish groundwater, etc.Implementation of Buddha hui, WoHuShan, Jin Jiling, xinglong mountain scenic area ecology such as its construction, and vigorously promote tree-planting afforestation, rich mountain vegetation, water conservation, and relying on the mountain terrain reasonable setting rainwater collection, held and use of facilities, strengthens the function of mountain park rainwater infiltration, storage and use.Implementation of street green land, garden and the road to upgrade project, increase the amount of succession planting, rich plant configuration, improve the landscape Settings, the construction of green and plant CaoGou subsided, promote the permeable pavement ratio, reasonable setting rainwater tanks and other facilities, increase the green space permeability, water storage, and other functions.在城市道路系统建设方面,济南市将城市道路作为径流及其污染物产生的主要场所之一,从道路规划、设计到施工均要落实低影响开发理念及控制目标。对市区所有在建工程按照海绵城市要求落实规划、设计与施工。二环南路、二环西路南延快速路以及计划实施的舜世路二期南段等市政道路工程,率先实施人行道、附属停车场及广场透水铺装,建设下沉式绿地、生态树池及雨水调蓄池等,树立样板,全面推进,最大限度发挥道路集水功能,蓄积雨水用于道路浇洒及绿化等。

In urban road system, construction of jinan city road as runoff and its one of the main places of pollutants from the road planning, design to construction to implement the low impact development philosophy and control objectives.For all projects under construction in accordance with the requirements for sponge city to carry out the urban planning, design and construction.On south road, west road extending expressway, and implementation plan of shun the southern section of the road phase ii, such as municipal road engineering, takes the lead in implementing the pavement, accessory parking lot and square permeable pavement, construction falling tree green space and ecological pool and rainwater storage pool, sets up the model, comprehensive advancement, the maximum play to the water function, such as labor and the accumulation rainwater for road greening.在建筑小区系统建设方面,新开发片区应将海绵城市建设要求纳入城市规划建设管控环节,在建与既有建筑小区要因地制宜进行适当改造,试点片区内的既有与在建建筑小区要建设下沉式绿地、可渗透路面、绿色屋顶及透水性停车场等,并设置雨水收集调蓄设施,对地面径流有组织地进行汇集与输送,采取截污等预处理措施后引入原有或新建绿地渗透、调蓄,将蓄积雨水用于小区内绿化浇灌等。试点区域内新规划项目应纳入海绵城市建设指标,实施全过程规划控制。群策群力多方保障促推进

In terms of building area system construction, the newly developed area should be sponge city construction requirements incorporate them into city planning and construction control link, under construction and existing buildings district should adjust measures to local conditions appropriate reform, both within the pilot area and construction area under construction to build subsided green space, the permeable pavement, green roof and water permeability of the parking lot, etc., and set up the rainwater collection storage facilities, on the surface runoff systematically carries on the collection and transmission, such as sewage pretreatment measures introduced after the original or the new green penetration, to regulate, the accumulation rainwater for inside the village green water, etc.Should be included in the new plan in the area of the pilot project of sponge, urban construction to implement the whole process of planning and control.Assemblies to ensure and promote promote 海绵城市建设是一项复杂的系统工程,内涵十分丰富,涉及城市建设与发展的方方面面,面临巨大的困难和挑战。为确保海绵城市建设目标的实现,济南市将调动全市上下方方面面的力量和资源,采取综合措施,确保实现海绵城市建设的各项任务落地生根。

Sponge city construction is a complicated system engineering, is very rich in connotation, involved in all aspects of the urban construction and development, face enormous difficulties and challenges.In order to ensure the sponge to achieve the goals of urban construction, every aspect of jinan will mobilize the whole city of power and resources, take comprehensive measures to ensure the sponge seeding city construction of various tasks.目前,由市长挂帅、分管市长为副组长、各相关部门为成员的组织领导机构已成立,办公室设在市市政公用事业局,全面负责海绵城市建设的统筹领导、顶层设计和督导检查。海绵城市建设的任务将分解到各级各部门,并纳入党委、政府政绩考核体系,定期考核,严格奖惩,保证海绵城市建设的任务落实。At present, by the spearhead of the mayor, mayor in charge of the deputy team leader, each related department for members of the organization leading institutions has been established, the office is located in the city public utilities bureau, overall responsibility for the sponge city leadership as a whole, the top design and supervision of the construction of the inspection.Sponge urban construction task decomposition to various departments at all levels, and into the party committee, the government achievements appraisal system, regular check, the strict rewards and punishment, ensure sponge urban construction task.为保障海绵城市建设,济南市将从财政收入中,拿出专项资金,并与财政收入同步增长。同时,加大市场运作力度,采取PPP模式,着力解决资金筹措难题。

To protect urban construction sponge, jinan will be from the fiscal revenue, out of the special funds, and synchronization with the revenue growth.At the same time, increase the intensity of market operation, take the PPP mode, strive to solve the financing problem.值得一提的是,与海绵城市相关的城市排水防涝系统、园林绿地系统、道路交通系统等专项规划已编制或修编完成,为海绵城市建设提供政策支持。

It is worth mentioning that related with sponge cities drains system, garden green space system, road traffic system and other special programs have been compiled or revision completed, provide policy support for the sponge city construction.永续发展 构建特色生态水圈

Sustainable development Build characteristic ecological hydrosphere 诊治内涝 在雨水汛期吸在干旱时期吐

Make a diagnosis and give treatment waterlogging In the rain season in dry period 随着城市的发展,城市内涝、道路行洪等城市病越发显著,成为大中城市的一大顽疾问题。在济南也不例外,每当雨季遭遇强降雨时,也不乏“雨后看海”的窘境。出现这样的情况与济南的地势条件有关。由于南北地势高差变化极大,局地暴雨突发性强、时间集中等因素影响,济南易产生道路行洪、内涝问题。虽然南部山区大量强渗漏带帮助实现部分雨水就地消纳,但硬化道路却加剧了城市排水难题,让雨水成为内涝包袱。通过建设海绵城市,将城市河流、湖泊和地下水系统的污染防治与生态修复结合起来,让城市变身海绵体,像它一样下大雨时吸水、蓄水、渗水,干旱时就把吸收的水吐出来,防止出现城市内涝。

Along with the development of city, the city disease such as urban waterlogging, road flood discharge all the more remarkable, become a big problem in large and medium-sized cities.In jinan is not exceptional also, whenever there is heavy rain during the rainy season, there are “after the rain to see the sea”.Appear such circumstance is associated with the terrain condition of jinan.Due to the height of terrain changes greatly, local heavy rains sudden strong, the time to focus on factors, such as the problem of flood discharge and waterlogging in jinan are prone to.Although the southern mountains with a lot of strong leakage help realize part of rainwater in situ given, but intensified urban drainage problem, hardening roads make rain waterlogging.By building the sponge city, the city, rivers, lakes, and groundwater system of pollution control and ecological restoration, let the city turns into a sponge, like it when the heavy rain water absorption, water storage, water seepage, drought will vomit to absorb water, prevent urban waterlogging.雨水资源化 小投资实现高收益

Rainwater utilization Small investment to realize high yield 除了缓解城市内涝、减缓道路行洪问题,济南建设海绵城市,更在于解决济南如何保泉、水资源短缺、生态涵养的问题,从而构建生态、可持续的特色水圈,确保泉城之水永续“涌动”,确保城市生命永久延续。

In addition to alleviate the problem of flood discharge in urban waterlogging, slow, construction of jinan city sponge, more is to solve how to protect the spring, the problem of water shortage and ecological cultivation, so as to build the ecological and sustainable features hydrosphere, ensure the springs of water sustainable “surge”, to ensure permanent city life.在济南,城市建设区大部分为老城区,存在问题多、改造难度大。由于海绵城市重视对水体的保护,仅需要结合既有绿地、园林、水体增建调蓄设施,就能大大降低水污染治理费用及内涝造成的巨额损失,实现用相对少的投资达到更高的效益。据了解,济南降雨特点中峰值靠前,结合分布广泛的河道截蓄设施、片区蓄水池等能够有效地延缓峰值时间,降低峰值流速。通过控制雨水总量,还能达到降低径流雨水污染的目的。同时,济南市既有和规划中绿地面积及道路面积较大,绿化和道路浇洒用水需求大,该部分用水可以由集蓄的雨水代替,因此雨水可利用价值高。

In jinan, most of these areas for the old city, there is a problem, the transformation is difficult.Due to the sponge city attaches great importance to the protection of the water, only needs to combine both green space, landscape, water, additional storage facilities, can significantly reduce water pollution governance costs and waterlogging caused huge losses, implemented with relatively little investment to achieve higher efficiency.Learned, jinan rainfall characteristics of peak, combined with the distribution of a wide range of channel cross-section facilities, storage area reservoir can effectively delay the peak time, reduce the peak flow velocity.By controlling the amount of rain, but also can achieve the purpose of reduce the pollution of runoff.Both at the same time, jinan and planning of green land area and road area is larger, greening and road labor demand is big, the part of the water can be replace by accumulation of rainwater, so the rain high use value.以建设海绵城市为契机,济南市将进一步将这一理念贯彻到城市建设中,在用地控制、建设程序、指标体系方面以及规划、设计、建设实施、维护管理环节上,实行全方位、全过程的监管,把海绵城市建设的控制性要求纳入土地“两证一书”、“土地招拍挂”、施工图审查、开工许可、竣工验收等管控环节。尤其是“渗、滞、蓄、净、用、排”多措并举,采取源头治理,将雨水就地留存,减轻城市防洪压力,恢复生态涵养,实现雨水资源化,缓解水资源不足的压力,为济南建设常年喷涌的泉域以及市民饮用优质地下水等惠民工程发挥积极作用。

In urban construction sponge as an opportunity to jinan will further will carry through the idea of urban construction, in the aspect of land use control, construction procedure, index system and implementation planning, design, construction, maintenance and management process, implement omni-directional, the whole process of supervision, the inclusion of the control requirement of sponge urban construction land “two certificate book”, “land bidding auction,” to start construction, construction drawing review, approval, completion inspection and acceptance of control link.Especially “permeability, hysteresis, storage, net, with,” many measures simultaneously, taking source management, will rain on the left, reduce the pressure of city flood control, restore ecological conservation, realize the rainwater utilization, to ease the pressure from shortage of water resources, for the construction of jinan perennial gushing fountain domain and public drinking groundwater quality such as huimin engineering play a positive role.



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