电气工程学院 2011级2班 2011302540056 黄涛
先对静电场内的节点赋予迭代初值,其上标(0)表示初始近似值。然后再按 下面的公式:
实验程序: a=zeros(135,135);for i=1:135 a(i,i)=1;end;for i=1:7 a(15*i+1,15*i+2)=-0.25;a(15*i+1,15*i+16)=-0.25;a(15*i+1,15*i-14)=-0.25;end for i=1:7 a(15*i+15,15*i+14)=-0.25;a(15*i+15,15*i+30)=-0.25;a(15*i+15,15*i)=-0.25;end a(1,2)=-0.25;a(1,16)=-0.25;a(121,122)=-0.25;a(121,106)=-0.25;a(135,134)=-0.25;a(135,120)=-0.25;a(15,14)=-0.25;a(15,30)=-0.25;for i=2:14 a(i,i-1)=-0.25;a(i,i+1)=-0.25;a(i,i+15)=-0.25;end for i=122:134 a(i,i-1)=-0.25;a(i,i+1)=-0.25;a(i,i-15)=-0.25;end for i=1:7 for j=2:14;a(15*i+j,15*i+j-1)=-0.25;a(15*i+j,15*i+j+1)=-0.25;a(15*i+j,15*i+j+15)=-0.25;a(15*i+j,15*i+j-15)=-0.25;end end b=a^(-1);c=zeros(135,1);for i=121:135 c(i,1)=25;end d=b*c;s=zeros(11,17);for i=2:16 s(11,j)=100*sin(pi.*i);end for i=1:9 for j=1:15 s(i+1,j+1)=d(15*(i-1)+j,1);end end subplot(1,2,1),mesh(s)axis([0,17,0,11,0,100])subplot(1,2,2),contour(s,32)实验结果如下:
0 70.7107 100.0000 70.7107 0 0 33.1810 46.9251 33.1811 0 0 15.0887 21.3387 15.0887 0 0 5.8352 8.2523 5.8352 0 0 0 0 0 0 第二十次迭代值:
0 70.7107 100.0000 70.7107 0 0 33.1812 46.9253 33.1812 0 0 15.0888 21.3388 15.0888 0 0 5.8353 8.2523 5.8353 0 0 0 0 0 0 当第十七次迭代以后,9个内节点的电位就不再发生变化了
0 70.7107 100.0000 70.7107 0 0 33.1812 46.9253 33.1812 0 0 15.0888 21.3388 15.0888 0 0 5.8353 8.2524 5.8353 0 0 0 0 0 0 由(1)与(2)的仿真结果最终可知:
在求解区域范围、步长、边界条件不变的情况下,迭代的次数越多,计 算的结果的精确度约高。反之,迭代的次数越少,计算结果的精确度就越低。在求解区域范围,步长、边界条件不变的情况下,静电场域内节点的电位值与初次对节点赋予的初值没有关系。
0 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0 0 48.2854 66.3866 74.0119 77.3076 78.3009 77.4690 74.2874 66.6887 48.4991 0 0 27.0168 43.6521 52.8451 57.4418 58.9298 57.7234 53.3258 44.1789 27.3891 0 0 16.5163 28.9413 36.9756 41.4270 42.9609 41.7787 37.5756 29.5985 16.9803 0 0 10.5512 19.2828 25.4843 29.1706 30.5094 29.5435 26.1204 19.9791 11.0423 0 0 6.8488 12.8113 17.2975 20.0959 21.1586 20.4495 17.9004 13.4708 7.3135 0 0 4.4311 8.4049 11.5060 13.5063 14.2947 13.8111 12.0256 8.9729 4.8310 0 0 2.7968 5.3519 7.3931 8.7404 9.2875 8.9779 7.7977 5.7939 3.1078 0 0 1.6445 3.1640 4.3957 5.2207 5.5627 5.3809 4.6685 3.4620 1.8541 0 0 0.7662 1.4782 2.0595 2.4518 2.6160 2.5312 2.1947 1.6258 0.8700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 第五十次迭代值:
0 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0 0 48.8655 67.4302 75.3721 78.8226 79.8105 78.8295 75.3837 67.4429 48.8744 0 0 28.0421 45.4992 55.2553 60.1293 61.6104 60.1416 55.2763 45.5222 28.0583 0 0 17.8198 31.2938 40.0502 44.8604 46.3903 44.8765 40.0777 31.3239 17.8409 0 0 11.9629 21.8358 28.8270 32.9095 34.2501 32.9276 28.8578 21.8695 11.9865 0 0 8.2172 15.2911 20.5504 23.7407 24.8108 23.7588 20.5812 15.3247 8.2408 0 0 5.6353 10.5912 14.3788 16.7301 17.5298 16.7465 14.4066 10.6216 5.6566 0 0 3.7505 7.0859 9.6746 11.3039 11.8628 11.3171 9.6971 7.1104 3.7677 0 0 2.2945 4.3470 5.9536 6.9725 7.3239 6.9816 5.9691 4.3640 2.3065 0 0 1.0894 2.0667 2.8347 3.3238 3.4929 3.3283 2.8425 2.0752 1.0954 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 第五十一次迭代值:
0 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0 0 48.8681 67.4348 75.3782 78.8295 79.8173 78.8357 75.3887 67.4463 48.8762 0 0 28.0468 45.5077 55.2663 60.1416 61.6227 60.1528 55.2854 45.5285 28.0614 0 0 17.8259 31.3049 40.0647 44.8765 46.4065 44.8912 40.0896 31.3321 17.8450 0 0 11.9697 21.8482 28.8432 32.9276 34.2681 32.9440 28.8710 21.8786 11.9911 0 0 8.2240 15.3035 20.5665 23.7588 24.8289 23.7751 20.5944 15.3339 8.2454 0 0 5.6414 10.6024 14.3934 16.7465 17.5462 16.7612 14.4186 10.6299 5.6608 0 0 3.7555 7.0949 9.6864 11.3171 11.8760 11.3290 9.7068 7.1171 3.7711 0 0 2.2980 4.3533 5.9617 6.9816 7.3330 6.9899 5.9758 4.3686 2.3088 0 0 1.0912 2.0698 2.8388 3.3283 3.4974 3.3325 2.8459 2.0775 1.0966 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 由以上仿真结果可知场域内的近似的电位值。
有一极长的方形金属槽,边宽1m,除顶盖电位为100sinπx V外,其他三面的电位均为零,试用差分法求槽内电位的分布。
先对静电场内的节点赋予迭代初值,其上标(0)表示初始近似值。然后再按 下面的公式:
三.编程序 bc=50;%网格数
u=zeros(bc+1,bc+1);%步长为1/bc %********附初值********* w=0;
for j=1:bc+1;
u(1,j)=100*sin((j-1)*pi/bc);w=w+u(1,j);end for i=2:bc
for j=2:bc u(i,j)=w./bc;
end end
%*************************************************** h=input('please input h(1 for i=2:bc; for j=2:bc;a=u(i,j);b=u(i,j+1);c=u(i+1,j);d=u(i-1,j);e=u(i,j-1);f=(b+c+d+e)/4;u(i,j)=a+h.*(f-a); end end end %***************绘图******************** x=0:1/bc*1:1;y=0:1/bc*1:1;[x,y]=meshgrid(x,y);mesh(x,y,u)四.结果 五.实验体会 这学期上了这门课,刚开始上课,老师说教我们手算,不用计算机,终于体会到了学了计算方法的好处。熊爷爷教了线性方程组的解法,非线性方程组的解法,雅克比迭代法,解微分方程组,解积分方程组的欧拉法以及均匀媒质中的有限差分法。认真听完了课,让我认识到学计算方法的用处,又再次了解掌握了计算法的原理和运用。在自己写实验报告的时候,又再次去了解了差分法计算电磁场,并成功的编写程序将其计算出来。总的来说,不仅锻炼脑,还锻炼了手! 仿真软件实验 实验名称:基于电渗流的微通道门进样的数值模拟 实验日期:2013.9.4一、实验目的1、对建模及仿真技术初步了解 2、学习并掌握Comsol Multiphysics的使用方法 3、了解电渗进样原理并进行数值模拟 4、运用Comsol Multiphysics建立多场耦合模型,加深对多耦合场的认识 二、实验设备 实验室计算机,Comsol Multiphysics 3.5a软件。 三、实验步骤 1、建立多物理场操作平台 打开软件,模型导航窗口,“新增”菜单栏,点击“多物理场”,依次新增:“微机电系统模块/微流/斯 托 克 斯 流(mmglf)” “ACDC模块/静态,电/传导介质DC(emdc)” “微 机 电 系 统 模 块/微流/电动流(chekf)” 2、建立求解域 工作界面绘制矩形,参数设置:宽度6e-5,高度3e-6,中心(0,0)。复制该矩形,旋转90°。两矩形取联集,消除内部边界。5和9两端点取圆角,半径1e-6。求解域建立完毕。 3、网格划分 菜单栏,网格,自由网格参数,通常网格尺寸,最大单元尺寸:4e-7。 4、设置求解域参数 求解域模式中,斯托克斯流和传导介质物理场下参数无需改动,电动流物理场下,D各向同性,扩散系数1e-8,迁移率2e-11,x速度u,y速度v,势 能V。 5、设置边界条件 mmglf—入口1和7边界“进口/层流流进/0.00005” 出口5和12边界“出口/压力,粘滞应力/0”; emdc—入口1和7边界“电位能/10V” 出口5和12边界“接地” 其余边界“电绝缘”; chekf—入口1“浓度/1”,7“浓度/0” 出口5和12“通量/向内通量-nmflux_c_chekf” 其余边界“绝缘/对称”。 6、样品预置 (1)求解器参数默认为稳态求解器,不用修改。 (2)求解器管理器设置求解模式:初始值/初始值表达式,点变量值不可解和线 性化/从初始值使用设定。 (3)首先求解流体,对斯托克斯流求解,观察求解结果,用速度场表示。 (4)再求解电场,改变求解模式,点变量值不可解和线性化/当前解,对传导介 质DC求解,观察求解结果,用电位能表示。 (5)再求解电动流,不改变求解模式,观察求解结果,用电动流浓度表示。 7、样品上样 (1)改变emdc进口,边界7电位能由10改为3。对传导介质DC求解,结果用 电位能表示。 (2)改变chekf进口,7边界改为“通量/向内通量-nmflux_c_chekf” ;求解域 中x速度和y速度改为0去除载流作用;求解器设置改为瞬态求解器,时间改为“0:0.00001:0.00001”。求解模式全部使用当前解,对电动流求解,结果用浓度表示。 再求两次解,完成上样。 8、分离样品 (1)改变chefk进口,7边界“浓度/0”,1边界“浓度/-nmflux_c_chekf”。 (2)改变cmdc进口,7边界“电位能/10”,1边界“电位能/3”。 (3)重新求解电场。求解模式为初始值表达式和当前解,对传到介质DC求解,结果用电位能表示。 (4)样品分离求解。求解模式全部为当前解,对电动流求解,结果用浓度表示。 四、实验结果 五、讨论 在本次试验中,每一步操作都必须严格正确,而且参数的把握也一定要 到位,只有对每一步的设置做到精确无误,才能保证最后的实验结果。我在样品上样时一直未能获得良好的上样结果,发现对瞬态求解器的时间比例进行修改,可以获得良好上样结果,同时,在样品分离改变chefk左进口浓度时发现修改数值导致结果错误,遂未修改浓度,得到了正确结果。因此,一定要在实验时对参数正确设置。 通过对仿真实验课程的学习,及本次试验,我体会到仿真技术对于实验的帮助非常巨大,使得实验室进行的许多实验可以通过计算机模拟直接完成,节省了资源消耗,并极大地提高了实验效率。本课程的学习也让我了解到了仿真及建模技术的要领。我也基本掌握了Comsol Multiphysics 这款软件,我相信在今后我会将我对本课程的学习运用到实际中。 外贸仿真实验报告 姓名:漆凯 学号: 班级:国贸 1140410242 11402班 2014-2015第一学期 第一部分 第一次操作 就这样的开始了仿真实验课,有点措手不及,这次是写一封建交函,无奈之下百度了一篇交了上去,肯定是按时提交的了。与标准答案一对,发现还是有点跑题了,最终还是默默地把范文看了几遍,然后闪人。第二次操作 这次是报价核算,一看到那长串的公式我就有头晕了,不过在我的坚持下,还是慢慢悠悠的做出来了,中间还请教老师了,后来咋对答案的过程中,发现公式自己用错了,导致后面全错,不得不又重来算一遍的。第三次操作 这次是完成一篇发盘函,心里就有点忐忑了,虽然上学期学过外贸函电了,但学的知识已经还给老师了,看来这次又得百度了。第四次操作 这次是做还价核算表,跟上次的价格核算表有点不同的是自己没有心思做了,注意完全不在这个上面,也还是随便写了一次,然后就提交了。第五次操作 这次是写一篇还盘,这次上课的时候看其他的视频去了,可能是看得太嗨了,结果发现自己的作业还没有提交了,老师已经把端口关闭了,唉,发现自己太悲剧了,只得接着看着自己的视频,听着音乐。第六次操作 这次完成的是成交核算的。这次我下定决心好好做,不懂的时候请问老师,或者百度一下,在我的坚持下,终于完成了这次的成交核算,满怀欣喜打开答案的,结果发现无一错误的,当时真的很开心的,因为这次是我第一次做全对的,对我来说也是一次鼓舞的,怎能不高兴了。第七次操作 关于成交签约函,根据老师的指示,先对对方的订单表示感谢,然后说明随寄售货确认书,并催促迅速会签合同,写的结构内容比较明确清晰。然后就是制作售货确认书,对应相关内容填写,填写时遇到的问题就是要注意装船日期的表达,弄清“before”“after”“end”表达的意思,这就要联系国际结算学习到的内容,巩固这方面的知识。第八次操作 对于信用证的理解,可以结合国际单据与结算去理解信用证相关的 第九次操作 要求根据审证的一般原则和方法对收到的信用证进行认真细致的审核,列明信用证存在的问题并陈述要求改证的理由 审核信用证的要点:检查信用证的付款保证是否有效;检查信用证的付款时间是否与有关合同规定相一致;检查信用证受益人和开证人的名称和地址是否完整和准确;检查装期的有关规定是否符合要求。逾信用证规定装期的运输单据将构成不符点,银行有权不付款;检查能否在信用证规定的交单期交单。如来证中规定向银行交单的日期不得迟于提单日期后若干天,如果过了限期或单据不齐有错漏,银行有权不付款;检查信用证内容是否完整;检查信用证的通知方式是否安全、可靠;检查信用证的金额、币制是否符合合同规定;检查信用证的数量是否与合同规定相一致;检查价格条款是否符合合同规定;检查货物是否允许分批出运及是否允许转运;检查有关的费用条款;对某一问题有疑问,可以向通知行或付款行查询,得到他们的帮助。 因此,在审核信用证时,应严格按照相关条款进行审核,确保信用证准确无误。第十次操作 根据操作九的参考答案,找出信用证的错误,修改信用证的错误相应容易一点了,修改过程中,修改的语句还不够圆润,有待提高。第十一次操作 履约明细集中显示了或、证、运的详细信息,形成了出口商日后凭以履行合同的依据。第十二次操作 这一操作中,订舱文件主要包括:出口货物订舱委托书、商业发票、装箱单。这一过程需要仔细阅读信用证,并弄懂内容,找到相关内容填制单据。面对那冗杂的信用证,需要耐着性子一字一句阅读下去,稍微粗心一点就会把内容填错。查找相关资料比较繁杂,除了细心,还需要尽量地记住信息,准确地定位,花的时间也比较长。与参考答案对比以后,发现只顾着填写数据,遗漏了一些英文总结性的信息。第十三次操作 出口商填制“出境货物报检单”,随附商业发票、装箱单,向出入境检验检疫机构办理货物出境报检手续。第十四次操作 要求以CIF条件成交的出口货物订妥舱位、向海关申报出口的同时,应向保险公司办理投保手续,根据投保单的基本规定认真填写出口货物投保单。第十五次操作 出口商最迟于货物装运前五天向出入境检验检疫局申请办理普惠制原产地证明,然后须根据要求真实完整准确地填制“普惠制原产地证明书申请书”一份、“普惠制原产地证明”一套,并随附商业发票一份,至出入境检验检疫局申请出证。第十六次操作 这次操作有两份单据在操作十中已经做过,填制起来也比较简单。根据商业发票和装箱单,我很快的完成了出口货物报关单的填制,注意到了之前的问题,填写一些总结性的描述,如“total value”之类的,还有公司的签署。第十七次操作 第二步是向进口商发出货物装运通知。首先对对方表示感谢,然后告知进口商货物已经安全装船,以及船号和起运时间,根据老师的建议,把所需要告知的内容逐条列出,这样既不会遗漏也比较明晰。第十八次操作 这个操作感觉很难,很多信息在信用证上找不到,而是一系列的单据信息连接起来的,信息量比较多,耐性与专注力不够,与参考答案对比发现自己还漏了很多票据上出现的错误,原因是自己对所学的知识还不能灵活运用,操作中也不够仔细,专业知识不够,需要多花点时间来做针对性的练习。第十九次操作 制作出口单据应注意:单证一致,议付单据必须严格按照有关信用证条款的要求填制;单单一致,各类议付单据之间必须保持一致,单据的填制还必须符合国家政府部门的规定;及时制单,单据的填制必须及时,以防信用证规定的交付期。第二十次操作 把所有有关的单据交上去 第二部分:课程建议 在老师的指导下,经过半学期的操作学习,我基本掌握了国际贸易的流程。在实际操作过程中,我对国际贸易的一些基本的知识有了更深刻的了解,通过操作,也让我看到了自己的不足。另外,我个人认为,国际结算、进出口贸易实务和外贸仿真实验这些课程联系紧密,应该安排在一起,这样不仅能提高教学效率,而且也能够加强学生的外贸学习能力,提高相关业务水平。当然最重要的还是要靠自己。 Operating 1 Thus began the simulation class, unprepared, this is the establishment of diplomatic relations write a letter, desperation Baidu the one to pay up, is certainly a timely submission.With the standard answer one pair found was a little beside the point, eventually silently watched the essay several times, then flash people.Operating 2 This is the offer accounting, one can see that the long string of formulas I had dizziness, but at my insistence, or slowly leisurely made out, in the middle also ask the teacher, and later a quick answer to the process, we found the formula they used the wrong lead behind all wrong and had to count again the heavy Operating 3 This is the completion of an Offer letter, I found myself a little disturbed, though Foreign Correspondence learned last semester, but the knowledge learned has returned to the teacher, it seems this is again Baidu up.Operating 4 This is done counteroffer accounting table, with the last price calculation table a little different is that he did not mind doing, attention is not one of the above, it is still just written once and then submitted Operating 5 This is to write a counteroffer, the class time to see other videos go, probably too Hey look, and found himself a job has not been submitted, the teacher has the port closed, alas, found himself too tragedy, and had then looked at his videos, listening to music Operating 6 The completion of the transaction accounting.This time I was determined to do well, but not when I ask the teacher, or Baidu, at my insistence, finally completed the transaction accounting, full of joy open answers and found no one wrong, was really very happy, because this is my first time doing all right, and for me is once inspired, how upset.Operating 7 About traded contract letter, according to the teacher's instructions, first thanked the other side of the order, then send sales confirmation with instructions, and urged swift will sign a contract, written in clear and precise comparison of the structure of the content.Then is making sales confirmation, correspondence related content to fill in, fill out the problem encountered is to pay attention to the expression of shipment date, find out “before” “after” “end” meaning of the expression, it is necessary to contact the International Settlement learning content to consolidate this knowledge Operating 8 For understanding the credit can be combined with the international documents and letters of credit related to the settlement to understand Operating 9 Requirements according to the general principles and methods of credit card receipt trial conducted careful review, setting out the credit problems and the reasons stated requirements change cards Review credit points: check credit payment guarantee is valid;check credit payment period is consistent with the relevant provisions of the contract;the name and address of the beneficiary and the issuer credit checks are complete and accurate;check loaded period meets the requirements of the relevant provisions.Over loading of transport documents stipulated in the Credit will constitute a discrepancy, the bank is not entitled to payment;check whether the provisions of the letter of credit to pay a single phase AC single in.As to prove to the bank to pay a single prescribed date shall not be later than several days after the bill of lading date, if after missing a deadline or documents have mistakes, banks have the right to non-payment;check the contents of the letter of credit is complete;notification method to check whether the credit safe and reliable;check the credit amount, currency compliance with the contract;check the credit amount is consistent with the provisions of the contract;check compliance with the terms of the contract price;whether to allow partial shipment inspection of goods and whether to allow transit;check costs related terms;there is doubt about an issue, you can notify the bank or paying bank to inquire, to get their help.Thus, in assessing the credit, should be strictly in accordance with the relevant provisions be reviewed to ensure that credit is accurate.Operating 10 Depending on the operating nine reference to the answer, find the error of letters of credit, letters of credit of error corresponding to modify a little easier, the process of amending, modifying statement mellow enough, to be improved.Operating 11 Implementation details centralized display the details or, permits, transportation, formed with exporters in the future to fulfill the contract basis.Operating 12 This operation, booking documents including: export cargo booking attorney, commercial invoices, packing lists.This process needs to read the letter of credit, and to understand the content and find related content fill in the documents.Faced with that jumbled letters of credit, you need to have patience to read a single word of it, it will put a little bit careless contents incorrectly.Find relevant information more complicated, in addition to careful, you also need to remember information as accurately positioning, the time spent is relatively long.After comparison with reference to the answer, seeking only to fill in the data found, missing some English summary information.Operating13 Exporters fill “exit inspection of goods alone,” accompanying commercial invoices, packing slips, inspection and quarantine agencies to handle outbound cargo inspection procedures.Operating14 Requirements signed on CIF basis exports of goods booked accommodation, while exports to the customs declaration, the insurance company for insurance procedures should, fill the export of goods in accordance with the basic provisions of the insured insured single ticket Operating15 Exporters CIQ application no later than five days prior to shipment for the GSP certificate of origin, and shall be completely and accurately fill in the “GSP certificate of origin application,” according to the requirements of a true “GSP certificate of origin ”set, and comes with a commercial invoice, to the CIQ application and certification.Operating16 There are two documents this operation has been done in the operating ten, fill them is relatively simple.According to the commercial invoice and packing list, I quickly finished the fill export goods declaration, noting that the previous question, fill out some summary description, such as, as well as the signing of the company's “total value” of the class.Operating17 The second step is to issue a notice of shipment to the importer.First thanked each other, and then inform the importer has safe shipment of goods, as well as boat number and departure time, according to the teacher's proposal to require informed of the contents of the itemized, so neither omission is relatively clear.Operating18 This feeling is difficult to operate, can not find a lot of information on credit, but a series of documents linking information, the information is more, patience and dedication is not enough, with reference to the answer contrast found himself also missed a lot of notes on An error occurred, the reason was their knowledge learned can not be applied flexibly operation also not careful, professional knowledge is not enough, need more time to do specific exercises.Operating19 Production of export documents should be noted: consistent documents, negotiable documents must be in strict accordance with the requirements of the relevant credit terms of fill;just the same, we must maintain consistency between the various types of negotiable documents, the documents fill must also comply with national government departments regulations;timely documentation, documents must be promptly filled in to prevent the delivery of the letter of credit requirements.Operating20 All documents relating to pay up Part two: curriculum recommendations Under the guidance of the teacher, after a semester of action learning, I basically mastered the process of international trade.During the actual operation, I have some basic knowledge of international trade and have a deeper understanding, also let me see their shortcomings.In addition, in my view, international settlement, these Import and Export Business and foreign trade simulation experiment course closely, should schedule together, this will not only improve teaching efficiency, but also to enhance students’ learning ability in foreign trade, improving the level of related businesses.Of course, the most important thing is to rely on ourselves. 大型分拣系统 实验内容: 一个大型分拣系统的空间布局如图1所示。分拣系统的参数如下:(1)3种货物A,B,C以正态分布函数normal(10,2)秒到达高层的传送带入口端。(2)3种不同的货物沿一条传送带传送,根据品种的不同由分拣装置将其推入到3个不同的分拣道口,经各自的分拣通道到达操作台。 (3)每个检验包装操作台需操作工1名,货物经检验合格后打包,被取走。(4)每检验1件货物占用时间为uniform(60,20)s。(5)每种货物都可能有不合格产品。检验合格的产品放入箱笼;不合格的通过地面传送带送往检修处进行修复;A的合格率为80%;B的合格率为85%;C的合格率为90%。 (6)如果该系统中合格的货物被操作工放置在箱笼中,每累计20个打包送走。实验步骤: 1、先拖入一个发生器,一个暂存区,一个分拣传送带。分别A连接,属性设置如下所示: 2、在分拣传送到前设置三条普通传送带,调整好布置,分别A连接,拖入三个处理器,分别与三条传送带A连。再拖入一个传送带,让三个处理器与之分别A连,传送带接一个吸收器。各属性图如下: ps:(题目中给出三个处理器有不同属性配置,此处列举出一个) 3、依次拉入三个操作员,三个暂存区,三个合成器,三个暂存区,以及一个属性设置为打包的发生器。按题目要求的逻辑关系分别连接,其中,属性设置如下: 4、做完以上步骤,得到如下模 型 : 5、经运行发现,三个传送带出现拥堵,如下图,为改变这种现状,特对系统进行优化,如下图所示:、由图可见,系统得拥堵现象消失了,模型完成。第三篇:仿真实验报告