
时间:2019-05-14 06:01:15下载本文作者:会员上传


三、把改革开放扎实推向纵深 改革开放是推动发展的制胜法宝。必须以经济体制改革为重点全面深化改革,统筹兼顾,真抓实干,在牵动全局的改革上取得新突破,增强发展新动能。


III.Deepening Reform and Opening Up

Reform and opening up is crucial for driving development.We must focus on economic structural reform as we comprehensively deepen reform, taking all things into consideration in planning, working solidly to deliver concrete results, making new breakthroughs in areas that can boost development as a whole, and strengthening new momentum to drive development.We will do more to streamline administration and delegate more powers to lower-level governments and to society in general while improving regulation.This year, we will delegate the power or cancel the requirement for government review for more items, cancel all non-administrative review, and establish a system for exercising well-regulated management over the

government review process.We will deepen reform of the business system;further simplify the process for capital registration;take gradual steps to integrate the business license, the organization code certificate, and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate;and overhaul and regulate intermediary services.We will draw up a negative list for market access, ensure that provincial-level governments make their lists of powers and responsibilities open to the public, and make sure that anything the law does not authorize is not done, while all duties and functions assigned by law are performed.Local governments must completely let go of powers that should be delegated to the market or society, and properly exercise the power of review over all items that have been delegated to them by higher-level governments.We will exercise stronger oversight both during and after the handling of matters, and improve the network of services for both enterprises and the general public.We will work to improve the credit rating system, put in place a national unified system of codes for rating credit, and establish a platform for sharing and exchanging information on credit.多管齐下改革投融资体制。大幅缩减政府核准投资项目范围,下放核准权限。大幅减少投资项目前置审批,实行项目核准网上并联办理。大幅放宽民间投资市场准入,鼓励社会资本发起设立股权投资基金。政府采取投资补助、资本金注入、设立基金等办法,引导社会资本投入重点项目。以用好铁路发展基金为抓手,深化铁路投融资改革。在基础设施、公用事业等领域,积极推广政府和社会资本合作模式。


We will, in accordance with the law, protect the information security of enterprises and individuals.It goes without saying that powers should not be held without good reason.Governments at all levels need to adopt effective ways to streamline administration, delegate powers, and transform their functions, creating an enabling environment for enterprises, making it easier to start up in business, and creating the right environment for fair competition.Procedures and processes must be simplified and time frames must be clarified for all items requiring administrative review, and cuts to government power will be made to boost market vitality.We will take multiple measures to reform the investment and financing systems.We will substantially reduce the number of investment projects that require government review, delegate more powers of review to lower-level governments, significantly streamline the need for preliminary review for investment projects, and conduct project reviews online.We will greatly relax market access for private investment and encourage the use of private capital to set up equity funds.The government will guide nongovernmental investments toward key projects by subsidizing investments, injecting capital, and establishing funds.We will deepen reform of railway investment and financing by making good use of railway development funds.We will actively promote models of cooperation between government and nongovernmental capital in developing infrastructure and public utilities.We will take timely action to accelerate price reform.This reform is aimed at ensuring the market plays the decisive role in allocating resources and significantly reducing the number of categories and items of goods and services for which prices are set by the government.In 一批基本公共服务收费定价权。扩大输配电价改革试点,推进农业水价改革,健全节能环保价格政策。完善资源性产品价格,全面实行居民阶梯价格制度。同时必须加强价格监管,规范市场秩序,确保低收入群众基本生活。


principle, we will lift pricing controls over all goods and services that can viably compete in markets.The government will stop setting prices for most

pharmaceuticals and delegate to lower-level governments the power to set prices for certain basic public services.We will expand the trials of pricing reforms for electricity transmission and distribution, carry out pricing reforms for water used in agriculture, and improve pricing policies to make them more conducive to energy conservation and environmental protection.We will improve the pricing of resource products and fully implement a system of tiered pricing for electricity, water, and natural gas used for household purposes.At the same time, we must strengthen oversight over pricing, improve market order, and ensure the basic living standards of people on low incomes.We will ensure that progress is made in the reform of the fiscal and tax systems.We will put in place a comprehensive, well-regulated, open, and transparent budgeting system.With the exception of cases where classified information is involved, all central and local government departments must release their budgets and final accounts for public oversight.We will increase the percentage of funds transferred from the budgets for state capital operations to general public budgets.We will introduce medium-term fiscal planning.We will design effective measures to make good use of government funds at hand.We will devote serious energy to completing work to replace business tax with VAT across the board, adjust and improve policies on consumption tax, and extend price-based resource taxes to cover more types of resources.We will submit a proposal to the NPC Standing Committee on revising the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection.围绕服务实体经济推进金融改革。推动具备条件的民间资本依法发起设立中小型银行等金融机构,成熟一家,批准一家,不设限额。深化农村信用社改革,稳定其县域法人地位。发挥好开发性金融、政策性金融在增加公共产品供给中的作用。推出存款保险制度。推进利率市场化改革,健全中央银行利率调控框架。保持人民币汇率处于合理均衡水平,增强人民币汇率双向浮动弹性。稳步实现人民币资本项目可兑换,扩大人民币国际使用,加快建设人民币跨境支付系统,完善人民币全球清算服务体系,开展个人投资者境外投资试点,适时启动“深港通”试点。加强多层次资本市场体系建设,实施股票发行注册制改革,发展服务中小企业的区域性股权市场,开展股权众筹融资试点,推进信贷资产证券化,扩大企业债券发行规模,发展金融衍生品市场。推出巨灾保险、个人税收递延型商业养老保险。创新金融监管,防范和化解金融风险。大力发展普惠金融,让所有市场主体都能分享金融服务的雨露甘霖。

We will reform the transfer payments system, clearly define the respective powers and spending responsibilities of the central and local governments, and make appropriate adjustments to the division of revenue between them.We will move ahead with financial reform to better serve the real economy.We will encourage qualified private investors to establish, in accordance with the law, small and medium-sized banks and other financial institutions;there will be no quota imposed on them, and approval will be granted as long as all required conditions are met.We will deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives, and keep their status as legal persons in their counties stable.We will ensure development-oriented and policy-backed financial institutions function effectively in increasing the supply of public goods.A deposit insurance system will be established.We will further liberalize interest rates and improve the central bank' s framework for their regulation.We will work to keep the RMB exchange rate at an appropriate and balanced level and allow it to float more freely.We will make steady progress in realizing the convertibility of the RMB capital accounts, expand the use of the RMB internationally, accelerate the establishment of a cross-border payment system for the RMB, improve the worldwide clearing system for the RMB, pilot private overseas investment, and launch the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect on a trial basis at an appropriate time.We will strengthen the multilevel capital market and implement the reform to introduce a system of registration for issuing stocks.We will develop regional equity markets to serve small and medium-sized enterprises, carry out trials of equity crowdfunding, encourage the securitization of credit assets, prompt an expansion of the issuance of corporate bonds, and develop the financial derivatives 深化国企国资改革。准确界定不同国有企业功能,分类推进改革。加快国有资本投资公司、运营公司试点,打造市场化运作平台,提高国有资本运营效率。有序实施国有企业混合所有制改革,鼓励和规范投资项目引入非国有资本参股。加快电力、油气等体制改革。多渠道解决企业办社会负担和历史遗留问题,保障职工合法权益。完善现代企业制度,改革和健全企业经营者激励约束机制。要加强国有资产监管,防止国有资产流失,切实提高国有企业的经营效益。

非公有制经济是我国经济的重要组成部分。必须毫不动摇鼓励、market.We will launch insurance to cover major disasters and commercial pension schemes that allow for deferred payment of individual income tax.We will explore new approaches to financial regulation to prevent and diffuse financial risks.We will channel great energy into developing inclusive finance and ensuring equitable access to financial services for all market entities.We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises(SOEs)and state capital.We will push forward with targeted reform of SOEs on the basis of having clearly defined their functions.We will move more swiftly in carrying out trials on establishing state capital investment companies and operating companies, create a market-based platform for state capital operations, and improve their performance.We will take systematic steps to implement the reform of introducing mixed ownership to SOEs, and both encourage and regulate equity investment made by non-state capital in SOE investment projects.We will accelerate structural reform of the electricity, oil, and natural gas industries.We will work, through multiple channels, to relieve SOEs of their obligation to operate social programs and help them solve longstanding problems, while at the same time ensuring that the legitimate rights and interests of workers are protected.We will ensure that SOEs improve their modern corporate structure, and incentive and restraint mechanisms for their executives are reformed and strengthened.We will strengthen regulation of state-owned assets and guard against their loss, and ensure that SOEs improve their performance.The non-public sector is an important component of China' s economy.We will remain firmly committed to 支持、引导非公有制经济发展,注重发挥企业家才能,全面落实促进民营经济发展的政策措施,增强各类所有制经济活力,让各类企业法人财产权依法得到保护。


encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of this sector, work to enable entrepreneurs to give full expression to their talent, put into effect all policies and measures encouraging the development of the private sector, strengthen the vitality of enterprises under all types of ownership, and protect the property rights of all types of enterprise-legal persons in accordance with the law.We will continue to push ahead with reforms in science, technology, education, culture, medical and health care, pensions, public institutions, and the housing provident fund.Development needs to be driven by reform, and the people are expecting the real benefits reform delivers.We must work hard to make sure that reform boosts

development and benefits our people.Opening up is itself a reform.We must carry out a new round of high-quality opening up, move more swiftly in building a new open economy, and maintain momentum in development and in international competition by pressing

ahead with opening up.We will transform and upgrade China' s foreign trade.We will improve the mechanism for sharing the cost of export tax rebates between the central and local governments, with the central government paying all the increase for the benefit of local governments and exporting enterprises beginning in 2015.We will overhaul and regulate charges for imports and exports, and establish and release a complete list of such charges.We will implement policies and measures to enable China' s foreign trade to develop new competitive edges, facilitate the transformation of processing trade, develop market purchase trade and a comprehensive service platform for foreign trade, expand comprehensive trials in cross-border e-commerce, turn more cities into trendsetters in undertaking services outsourced by other countries, and increase the share of service trade in China' s foreign trade.We will adopt a more active import policy to increase



the import of advanced technology, key equipment, and important parts and components.We will take a more active, more effective approach to making use of foreign capital.We will revise the Catalogue for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment.We will focus on making the service and manufacturing sectors even more open by halving the number of industries in which foreign investment is restricted.We will introduce, across the board, the management system under which foreign investment projects generally need only to be placed on record, with government review required in only a limited number of cases.We will delegate to lower-level governments the power of review for a large number of projects that are encouraged by the state;and work actively to explore the management model of

pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list.We will work to improve the foreign investment regulatory system, revise laws concerning foreign investment, and create a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable business environment.We will speed up the implementation of the “go global” strategy.We will encourage Chinese companies to participate in overseas infrastructure development projects and engage in cooperation with their foreign counterparts in building up production capacity.We will work to increase the international market share of Chinese railway, electric power, communications, engineering machinery,automobile, aircraft, electronics, and other equipment, and encourage the metallurgical, building materials, and other industries to invest overseas.Outbound investment will be mainly managed on a record-keeping basis.We will scale up export credit insurance to provide export financing insurance for all insurable complete sets of large 展壮大。构建全方位对外开放新格局。推进丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路合作建设。加快互联互通、大通关和国际物流大通道建设。构建中巴、孟中印缅等经济走廊。扩大内陆和沿边开放,促进经济技术开发区创新发展,提高边境经济合作区、跨境经济合作区发展水平。积极推动上海和广东、天津、福建自贸试验区建设,在全国推广成熟经验,形成各具特色的改革开放高地。


equipment.We will broaden the channels for using foreign exchange reserves, provide better financial services, information services, legal services, and consulate protection to Chinese firms investing abroad, guard against risk, and strengthen our capacity to protect the rights and interests of Chinese enterprises overseas.We are confident that these steps will enable Chinese companies to go global and go steadily, emerging stronger in international competition.We will foster a new environment in all-round opening up.We will work with the relevant countries in developing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.We will move faster to strengthen infrastructure connectivity with China' s neighbors, simplify customs clearance procedures, and build international logistics gateways.We will work to build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the

Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor.We will make China' s interior and border areas more open to the outside world, promote the innovation-driven

development of economic and technological development zones, and upgrade both border and cross-border economic cooperation areas.We will work actively to develop pilot free trade zones in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, and Fujian, and extend good practices developed in these zones to the rest of the country so that such zones become leading reform and opening up areas, each with its own distinctive features.We will promote multilateral, bilateral, and regional opening up and cooperation.We will uphold multilateral trade systems, work to promote expansion of the Information Technology Agreement, and take an active part in international talks in areas such as 澳自贸协定,加快中日韩自贸区谈判,推动与海合会、以色列等自贸区谈判,力争完成中国-东盟自贸区升级谈判和区域全面经济伙伴关系协定谈判,建设亚太自贸区。推进中美、中欧投资协定谈判。中国是负责任、敢担当的国家,我们愿做互利共赢发展理念的践行者、全球经济体系的建设者、经济全球化的推动者。

environmental products and government procurement.We will move faster to implement the strategy of developing free trade zones, ensuring that agreements on free trade zones with the Republic of Korea and Australia are signed as soon as possible;stepping up negotiations on the China-Japan-RoK Free Trade Zone;working for progress in talks on free trade zones with the Gulf Cooperation Council and Israel;endeavoring to complete the talks on upgrading the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone and on establishing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership;and working to build the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone.We will continue negotiations on investment agreements with the United States and the European Union.As a responsible and enterprising nation, China champions the vision of promoting mutually beneficial development, boosting the global economy, and encouraging economic globalization.



On the morning of 13 March 2014, the Second Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress held a press conference at the Great Hall of the People.Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council met with Chinese and foreign press at the invitation of Fu Ying, spokesperson of the NPC Session.[国务院总理 李克强]媒体的朋友们,感谢你们对中国两会给予的关注和作出的报道,大家辛苦了。下面就请提问。

Premier Li Keqiang said: Friends from the press, I want to thank you for your interest in and coverage of the NPC and CPPCC Sessions.My appreciation goes to all of you for your hard work.Now I would be happy to take your questions.[美国有线电视新闻网记者]李总理,我的问题是和失联的马航飞机有关。首先借此机会对于机上的乘客、机组人员以及他们的家属表示同情。大家都在急切地等待飞机的有关消息。请问您的是,中国政府在民用、军事以及卫星获取图象等方面采取了什么措施来全力参与失联飞机的搜救行动?我还想问,这起事件会否对中国的对外开放政策和海内外的旅游业产生影响?中国将采取什么措施确保国内以及海外中国公民的安全?比如中国政府是否会考虑进一步加强业已十分严格的安保措施?

CNN: Premier Li, my question pertains to the missing airplane of Malaysia Airlines.First of all, our sympathy goes to the families of the passengers and crew members of MH370.It’s day 6 now and there is confusion and frustration.What’s your reaction to the current situation? What is China doing to harness all your resources, civilian, military, satellite imaging to assist in the search and rescue? And down the road, how will this incident impact China’s attitude and policies on opening-up including inbound and outbound tourism? What measures will you take to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in and outside China? Will you tighten up the already tight security? Thank you.[李克强]马航失联飞机上有239名乘客,其中154名是中国同胞,他们的亲人心急如焚,他们的生命安危牵挂了中国政府和亿万中国人的心,现在我们也在盼来有消息,哪怕是一丁点好消息。中国政府已经启动了全面应急和搜救机制,现在到达相关海域的有8艘中国舰船,还有一艘正在驶向相关海域,而且我们还动用了十颗卫星进行信息技术支持,只要有任何疑点都不能放过。

Li Keqiang: There are 239 people on board the missing plane of Malaysia Airlines, including the 154 Chinese passengers.Those people’s families and friends are burning with anxiety.The Chinese government and Chinese people are deeply concerned about their safety.We are all eagerly awaiting news about the plane, even the slightest piece of good news.The Chinese government has activated a comprehensive contingency response and search operation.Currently there are eight Chinese vessels in the related waters and one Chinese vessel is on its way.Ten satellites are being used to provide information and technical support.We will not give up on any suspected clue.昨天我还和在前方的中国一艘搜救船船长通话,请他尽力再尽力。我们对卫星图象上发现的一些疑点,也在尽力地进行辨认。这是一场国际大搜救,有诸多的国家参与了搜救,我们也要求有关方面加强协调,并且一定要查明原因,找到马航的失联航班,妥善处理相关各方面的事宜。只要有一丝希望,我们绝不放弃搜救!至于问到中国的开放政策会不会变?不会,会继续开放,会有更多的中国公民走出国门,这会增加政府的责任。政府要尽职履责,尽自己最大的可能,通过加强国际合作来确保在海外我国公民的生命安全。对于中国的航班安全工作,我们一直不敢放松,人命关天啊!谢谢。

I had a telephone conversation yesterday with a captain of one of the Chinese vessels in the search operation, and asked him to do his utmost.We are looking very closely at all suspected clues shown on the satellite images.This is a large international search operation involving many countries.The Chinese government has asked relevant parties to enhance coordination, investigate the cause, locate the missing plane and properly handle all related matters.As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will not stop searching for the plane.With respect to China’s opening-up policy, there will be no change with the policy and China will continue to open itself to the outside world.In this course, a growing number of Chinese people will make overseas trips.That will place greater responsibility on the Chinese government.The Chinese government will fully perform its duties and enhance cooperation with other countries and regions to ensure safety of overseas Chinese nationals.As for flight safety, we have never let up our effort in ensuring flight safety as there is nothing more important than human life.[《金融时报》记者]国际市场高度关注中国金融和债务问题,认为这是全球经济最大的风险之一。请问中国政府将如何应对这些问题,是否愿意看到出现金融产品违约的情况? Financial Times: The international community is following very closely China’s financial and debt risks, regarding this as one of the highest risks for the global economy.What will the Chinese government do to tackle such risks? Is the government willing to see default of financial products? [李克强]你的中文说得很流利,也很标准,我听懂了。但是因为这是中外记者招待会,还得请翻译做一次翻译。关于对中国经济有风险,甚至还有些不看好的报道,最近我也看到了,类似的报道可以说似曾相识,去年就有对中国经济下行的担心,但是我们就是在这样的背景下,顶住压力完成了全年经济主要预期目标。对金融和债务风险我们一直高度关注,去年在经济下行压力加大的情况下,我们果断决定全面审计政府性债务问题,这本身表明要勇于面对。审计的结果如实对外公布,表明债务风险是总体可控的,而且政府的债务率还在国际公认的警戒线以下。很多债务还是投资性的,但我们不能忽视其中存在的风险,正在加强规范性措施。下一步,包括采取逐步纳入预算管理,开正门、堵偏门,规范融资平台等措施。

Li Keqiang: I’ve got your question very clear as you speak very good Chinese, but this is a press conference for both Chinese and foreign journalists, so we still need the translation.There is such a view that the Chinese economy is confronted with risks, and I have read such reports which are not optimistic about the Chinese economy.They bear resemblance to the past bearish talk about the Chinese economy.For example, there was this concern last year about China’s economic downturn.Yet in spite of the pressure, we achieved our goal set for economic growth.We pay very high attention to the financial and debt risks.Faced with increased downward pressure on the economy last year, we conducted a comprehensive audit on government debt.That shows that the Chinese government has faced up to this challenge.We have released to the public the audit result as it is.And it shows that the risks are on the whole under control.Moreover, our debt to GDP ratio is below the internationally recognized warning line, and most of the debt takes the form of investment.But the government will not overlook potential risks.We are going to intensify regulatory steps, put those debts under budgetary management over time and enhance the oversight of financing vehicles.In a word, we are going to keep the front gate open and block side doors.对于“影子银行”等金融风险,我们也正在加强监管,已经排出时间表,推进实施巴赛尔协议III规定的监管措施。我两会期间参加一个代表团的审议,有来自银行界的代表问我,是不是资本充足率的要求偏高了一些?我们还是发展中国家,但是我们只能这样做,我们不能把今天的垫脚石变成明天的绊脚石。至于你问我是不是愿意看到一些金融产品违约的情况,我怎么能够愿意看到呢?但是确实个别情况难以避免,我们必须加强监测,及时处置,确保不发生区域性、系统性金融风险。谢谢。

As for financial risks such as shadow banking, we have tightened regulatory measures, set a timetable and started to apply the Basel III requirements.When I participated in the panel discussion during the two Sessions, a deputy from the banking sector said to me: Isn’t the capital adequacy ratio in China a bit too high? After all, we are still a developing country.But this is a must for us, as we don’t want to let today’s stepping stone become tomorrow’s stumbling block.As for default of financial products, how could I want to see such thing happen? Yet I’m afraid certain individual cases of such defaults are hardly avoidable.What we should do is to step up monitoring, promptly handle relevant situation and ensure that there will be no regional and systemic financial risks.[人民日报、人民网记者]总理,您好。现在社会上有不少人担心中国的反腐败会不会是一阵风?去年我们也查出了不少贪官,这是否说明中国在制度方面还存在着某些缺陷?此外,政府下一步在反腐败上还会有什么新的行动?谢谢。

People’s Daily: There is a widely shared concern in the society as to whether this recent anti-corruption campaign will be a short-lived one.Last year, many corrupt officials were dealt with, but does this show there exist some institutional flaws in China? What new steps will the government take to combat corruption? [李克强]中国党和政府反对腐败的意志和决心是一贯的。十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚持有贪必反、有腐必惩,取得新成效,我们会坚持不懈地做下去。对于腐败分子和腐败行为,我们实行的是“零容忍”。中国是法治国家,不论是谁,不论职位高低,法律面前人人平等,只要是触犯了党纪国法,就要依法依纪严肃查处、惩治。Li Keqiang: The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have a firm will and resolve to fight corruption.This is our consistent position.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has been steadfast in combating corruption and holding corrupt officials accountable.New progress has been made in this regard and we will carry forward this campaign with perseverance.For corrupt behaviors and corrupt officials, we will show zero tolerance.China is a country under the rule of law.No matter who he is and how senior his position is, if he violates Party discipline and law of the country, he will be seriously dealt with and punished to the full extent of the law, because everybody is equal before the law.腐败是人民政府的天敌,我们要用法治的思维,用制度来管权、管钱。今年要继续推进简政放权,而且要加快推进“权力清单”公布,界定权力的边界,防止滥用权力。对于社会公众高度关注的一些领域,比如像土地出让金收入、矿产权的转让等,我们要全面审计,要通过一系列的制度性措施,让权力寻租行为、让腐败现象无藏身之地。谢谢。

Corruption is the natural enemy of a people’s government.We must apply the rule of law in both thinking and action in fighting corruption.And we must put the exercise of power and use of public money under institutional check.This year, we will continue to streamline administration and delegate government power.We are going to release to the public a list of powers as quickly as possible and set down a clear boundary for the exercise of power to prevent power abuse.We will also carry out comprehensive audits in those areas which are of high concern to the public, including the revenue on the transfer of land use rights and transfer of mining rights.We will take institutional steps to ensure that rent-seeking behaviors and corruption have nowhere to hide.[新加坡《联合早报》记者]去年中国领导人频繁访问周边国家,提出了新的周边外交理念与合作倡议,但本区域仍然存在一些分歧和矛盾。请问您怎么看待中国与周边关系的前景?谢谢。

Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: Last year, Chinese leaders visited many neighboring countries and put forward new vision on China’s neighborhood diplomacy and cooperation initiatives.But still there exist some disputes and differences in China’s neighborhood.I would like to ask how do you see China’s future relations with its neighbors? [李克强]你的中文就更标准了,但是还是需要再翻译一次。中国是个发展中国家,实现现代化是13亿人民的共同意志,这需要有和平稳定的周边和国际环境。我记得去年记者会快结束的时候,我说过,中国走和平发展道路的决心是坚定不移的,维护国家主权和领土完整的意志也是不可动摇的。两者归结起来还是要维护稳定,为发展创造良好环境。早在60年前,中国和一些周边国家,就共同倡议和平共处五项原则,四邻周边有时候难免有磕磕碰碰的情况,但是只要我们相互尊重、管控分歧、互利互惠,碰出的应该是和谐的声音,而不是刺耳的噪音。

Li Keqiang: You speak mandarin even better.But still we need the translation.I hope to have your understanding.China is still a developing country.To achieve modernization of the country represents the common aspiration of the 1.3 billion Chinese people.This requires a peaceful and stable neighboring and international environment.I recall that approaching the end of last year’s press conference, I once said that China has an abiding commitment to pursuing peaceful development.We also have an unshakable will in safeguarding China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.These two points are both for the sake of upholding stability and creating a favorable environment for China’s development.As early as 60 years ago, China and some of its neighbors had jointly initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.When neighbors interact with each other, it’s only natural that sometimes they will run into problems of one kind or another.But as long as they respect each other, properly manage differences and pursue mutual benefit, there will be harmonious sounds instead of jarring noises.你的问题让我回想起去年访问东盟国家,比如到越南,我和越南领导人达成海上共同开发、陆上合作、金融合作三头并进的原则共识以后,也想听听民间的反应。我就晚上趁工作之余,到了一家小店,那个女店主当时就认出我了,她说欢迎中国客人来,我想这也是给她带来生意啊。我就问她你怎么看邻国的关系?她说还是和平友好吧。和平友好、和平共处,我想这是四邻百姓的愿望,我们需要一起努力,来扩大利益的交汇点,缩小矛盾点,这样就可以和睦相处,也是造福民众。谢谢。

Your question reminds me of my visit to some ASEAN countries last year.During my visit in Vietnam, I reached principled consensus with the Vietnamese leaders about China-Vietnam cooperation in maritime joint development, on the land and in the financial sector.I was curious about how the ordinary people would think about this.So later in the evening, I took some time out of the schedule and visited a small local shop.The shopowner instantly recognized me and she said that she would like to have more Chinese customers.They would bring more businesses to her shop.I asked her how she thought about China’s relationship with its neighbors.She said there should be peace and friendship.Peace, friendship and peaceful co-existence, I believe, represent the common aspirations of all people in China and its neighbors.As long as we all work together to expand common interests and narrow differences, we can live with each other in harmony, bringing greater benefits to our people.[英国路透社记者]想请教总理,有一个经济问题。中国经济去年增长7.7%。请问总理,您上任一年最大的挑战、最大的困难是什么?再有就是您觉得亟待解决的问题还有哪些?谢谢。

Reuters: China’s economy grew at 7.7% last year.In the past year since you became Chinese premier, what do you think is the biggest challenge and difficulty and what are the pressing issues that need to be resolved? [李克强]我确实很佩服你们这些驻华记者,能这么流利地说中文。要说去年最大的挑战,那还是经济下行压力加大的挑战。一度中国的中央财政收入出现负增长,金融领域还有所谓“钱荒”,银行间隔夜拆借利率超过了13%,而且用电量、货运量的增幅也大幅回落。国际上也出现了一些舆论,说中国经济可能要硬着陆,还给出了指标,说增长可能只有3%到4%。而对我们来说,财政和货币政策运用空间又很有限,宏观调控确实面临多难选择。怎么办?遇万难还须放胆。当然破困局要用智慧,我们保持定力,创新宏观调控的思路和方式,明确了经济运行的合理区间,就是增长和就业不能越出下限,通胀不能突破上限,而且着力促改革、调结构,让市场发力。正是在以习近平同志为核心的党中央领导下,经过全国人民的共同奋斗,我们顶住压力,实现了经济社会发展的主要预期目标。Li Keqiang: I truly admire all these resident journalists of foreign media in China for speaking Chinese so well.The biggest challenge last year was the increased downward pressure on our economy.Central government revenue registered negative growth at one point.There was the so-called “money squeeze” in the financial sector last June.Inter-bank lending rate exceeded 13%.And there was a slump in the growth of electricity consumption and cargo transport volume.There was this view in the international community that the Chinese economy would suffer a hard landing and China’s growth would drop to 3-4%.Moreover, we had only very limited room for manoeuvre in carrying out fiscal and monetary policies, and we were faced with multiple tough choices in exercising macro-control.Under such conditions, what should we do? When confronted with mounting challenges, one needs to show guts.To tackle a difficult situation, one needs to have wisdom.We held our ground.We pursued creative thinking and ways in exercising macro-control and set a proper range for China’s economic operation.That is to say, we worked to ensure that GDP growth and employment would not slide below the lower limit and inflation would not exceed the upper limit.We focused our efforts on boosting reform and making structural adjustment to ensure that the market will play a strong role.Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary and thanks to the concerted efforts of the entire Chinese people, we faced the pressure down and met our targets.现在我们看得更多的是困难和问题。今年挑战依然严峻,而且可能会更加复杂。我们既要稳增长、保就业,又要防通胀、控风险,还要提质增效,治理污染,多重目标的实现需要找一个合理的平衡点,这可以说是高难度的动作。但凡事不患难,但患无备。所谓磨好了斧子才能劈开柴。我想只要我们正视困难、直面挑战、趋利避害,就是遇事克难的成功之道。我们有去年应对经济下行的经历,中国经济又有着巨大的潜能和韧性,我们有能力也有条件使今年经济运行保持在合理区间。谢谢。

Now what is on top of our mind is the existing difficulties and problems.We will confront serious challenges this year, and some may be even more complex.We need to keep steady growth, ensure employment, avert inflation and defuse risks.We also need to raise the quality and efficiency of China’s economic development and tackle pollution.So we need to strike a proper balance amidst all these goals and objectives.This is not going to be easy.But the thing we have to fear is not the difficulty itself, but lack of preparedness, just as only a sharpened axe can cut through firewood.We will face up to the difficulties and challenges and make the most of the favorable conditions while averting unfavorable ones.This holds the secret to our success.Moreover, we gained good experience from handling the economic downturn last year, and the Chinese economy has tremendous potential and resilience.So I believe we have the ability and conditions to keep the economic operation within a proper range this year.[中央电视台、中国网络电视台记者]总理您好。我注意到您在之前回答记者提问的时候说到今年要继续推进简政放权,所以我想就这个话题请您展开来给我们具体谈一谈。因为我们看到这个话题也是您在去年的记者会和今年的报告当中特别强调的一点,关于这一点在采访的时候我听到大家对这项改革有很多的好评,但是说实话我们也听到了不少的抱怨,比如说现在在有的部门依然还存在着办事难的现象,有的部门可能是把次要的权放出去了,但是重要的权还留着。所以我特别想请问总理,关于简政放权的措施您认为怎么样才能真正地落到实处,要减到什么样的程度这项改革任务才算是基本完成了?谢谢。CCTV: In last year’s press conference and this year’s government work report, you laid special stress on streamlining administration and delegating powers.In our reporting activities we have heard much praise from the society about this reform initiative.Yet at the same time we have also heard complaints among the people that it is still difficult to get things done in some governmental departments.And some governmental departments may have released some less important powers, but still hold on to those more important ones.How to ensure that this reform initiative will be fully implemented? And to what extent can we say this reform task has been completed? [李克强]去年,中央政府把简政放权作为改革的先手棋,我们确实下了不少的力气,到现在一年的时间,仅中央政府下放取消的审批事项就有416项。更重要的是它释放了一个强烈的信号,给企业松绑、让市场发力。结果企业找政府的少了,地方跑北京的少了,有个统计数字也可以表明这激发了市场的活力。去年新注册企业增加了27.6%,其中私营企业新增30%,这是十多年来最高的。这也表明简政放权是激发市场活力、调动社会创造力的利器,是减少权力寻租、铲除腐败的釜底抽薪之策。十八届三中全会提出,要让市场在资源配置中发挥决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用,我想简政放权是重要的突破口、切入点。

Li Keqiang: Last year, the Chinese government took streamlining administration and delegating power as the top priority on its reform agenda.With tremendous efforts, the central government has abolished or delegated to lower-level governments 416 items subject to State Council review and approval.This has sent out a very strong signal that we will loosen the straitjacket over enterprises and let the market play a strong role.As a result, fewer enterprises find it necessary to turn to the government and fewer local governments find it necessary to turn to the central government.This reform initiative has tremendously boosted market dynamism as shown in the following statistics: The number of newly registered businesses last year increased by 27.6%, among which the number of newly registered private businesses increased by 30%, the highest in over ten years.This shows that streamlining administration and delegating power is a powerful tool in energizing the market and stimulating social creativity.It is also the fundamental solution for cutting rent-seeking behavior and uprooting corruption.It was decided at the Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee that the market will play a decisive role in allocating resources and the government should better play its role.Streamlining administration and delegating powers is an important starting point in this direction.当然,放并不是说政府就不管了,我们讲的是放管结合。要让政府有更多的精力来完善和创新宏观调控,尤其是加强事中事后的监管。对一些搞坑蒙拐骗、假冒伪劣、侵犯知识产权、蓄意污染环境,违背市场公平竞争原则的行为,那就要严加监管、严厉惩处。放管结合都要体现公平原则。当然,我们在推进简政放权当中,也确实遇到了像避重就轻、中间梗阻、最后一公里不通畅等问题。开了弓哪还有回头箭?我们只能是一抓到底、一往无前。我们还要继续去啃“硬骨头”,至于说到什么程度满意,那就是正确地处理好政府和市场的关系,市场经济也是法治经济,我们要努力做到让市场主体“法无禁止即可为”,让政府部门“法无授权不可为”,调动千千万万人的积极性,为中国经济的发展不断地注入新动力。谢谢。

Delegation of power does not mean that the government will stay out of everything.What we need is both power delegation and tightened oversight.This way, the government can have extra energy to focus on pursuing creative and better macro-control.In particular, supervision over these delegated matters should be tightened when these matters are being handled and after they have been handled.Such behaviors as cheating and swindling of marketplace, making and selling of fake or substandard goods, violation of intellectual property rights, polluting activities and those activities that obstruct fair market competition will be put under rigorous oversight and severely punished.The principle of equity should be reflected in both power delegation and tightened oversight.I am aware that in the course of power delegation there have been such problems as a perfunctory attitude, midway obstruction or power delegation getting stuck in the last mile.But how can an arrow shot be turned back? We are determined to see this reform through.We are prepared to take on tough challenges in pursuing this reform initiative.As to what extent will we feel satisfied, we will keep up this reform until there is a proper relationship between the government and the market.The market economy is one based on the rule of law.We need to ensure that market entities can do anything which is not prohibited by the law, and government departments cannot do anything unless it is mandated by the law, so as to mobilize the initiative of all sides and add new impetus to the growth of the Chinese economy.[美国消费者新闻与商业频道记者]许多投资者认为,今年中国经济的增长会继续放缓,会低于确定的7.5%增长目标。在不采取更多刺激政策的前提下,您所能接受的最低增速是多少?

CNBC: Many investors believe that China’s growth rate this year could be slower and lower than the official rate of 7.5%.What is the slowest rate of growth you would find acceptable without stimulating the economy? [李克强]我刚才讲了,一些关于中国经济偏悲观的报道我看到了,而且也注意了。我们在去年并没有采取短期刺激政策的情况下能够实现经济预期目标,为什么今年不可以呢?当然,我不否认今年可能会有更复杂的因素,我们之所以把经济增长率定在7.5%左右,考虑的还是保就业、惠民生,增加城乡居民收入。我们更注重的是数字背后的民生、增长背后的就业。这使我想到上个月23号,G20,也就是20国集团的财长和央行行长会议发布了一个公报,提出要在原有政策可达到的水平上,把GDP在5年内再提高2个百分点,以增加就业。在我的印象当中,G20这么说可能还是第一次,这表明主要经济体更加看重增长和就业的关系。

Li Keqiang: As I said before, I am aware of those pessimistic reports about the Chinese economy.Last year, without taking additional short-term stimulus measures, we succeeded in meeting the economic target.Why can’t we do it this year? There is no denying that we may encounter a more complex situation this year.We have set this year’s GDP growth target at around 7.5%.What we have on our mind is to ensure employment, improve people’s lives and increase urban and rural incomes.What we care more about is the livelihood of our people behind a GDP figure and employment behind GDP growth.On 23 February, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Governors Meeting issued a communiqué.It said that the G20 will work to raise its collective GDP by 2% within five years based on the current trajectory in order to add jobs.As far as I recall, this is the first time the G20 set such a target.That shows all major economies value the role of growth in generating jobs.没有就业就没有收入,也难以增加社会财富。我在基层曾经访问过一些“零就业”家庭,一个家庭没有一个人就业,真是毫无生气,没有希望。现在我们全国每年要新增城镇劳动力就业1000万人以上,还要给六七百万新增的农村劳动力进城务工留有一定的空间,所以要有合理的GDP增速。当然,我们既然说GDP增长的预期目标是7.5%左右。左右嘛,就是有弹性的,高一点,低一点,我们是有容忍度的。至于你说可以接受的下限是什么,那就是这个GDP必须保证比较充分的就业,使居民收入有增长。我们不片面追求GDP,但是我们还是需要贴近老百姓的GDP,提高质量效益、节能环保的GDP。谢谢。Without a job, there is no source of income and it will be difficult to increase social wealth.I once visited some zero-employment families.When none of the family members has a job, the entire family is listless and hopeless.Each year we need to add over 10 million urban jobs and leave room for about six to seven million rural migrant workers to come to get employed in cities.Therefore we need appropriate GDP growth.We set the GDP growth target for this year at about 7.5%.This “about” means that there is a level of flexibility here.You asked me what is the lowest GDP growth that we can live with.This GDP growth needs to ensure fairly full employment and realize reasonable increase of people’s income.We are not preoccupied with GDP growth.The GDP growth we want is one that brings real benefits to our people, helps raise the quality and efficiency of economic development and contributes to energy conservation and environmental protection.[香港商报记者]请问总理,很多香港的民众都认为,面对周边国家和地区的快速发展,有很多人都认为香港竞争优势遭到了很大的弱化,请问总理怎么看香港的发展前景?谢谢。Hong Kong Commercial Daily: As neighboring countries and regions grow fast, many people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong’s competitive edge is declining.How do you see the future prospects of Hong Kong’s development?

[李克强]这几年,世界经济可以说是跌宕起伏,在这种严峻复杂的环境下,香港能够站住脚跟,保持繁荣,本身就表明香港经济有竞争力。香港在祖国内地改革开放和现代化建设中,作出了重要贡献,我们现在全面深化改革,促进经济升级,也给香港发展带来更大的空间。中央对港澳的政策是一贯的、明确的,中央政府也会继续支持香港,保持并且提升国际金融贸易航运中心的地位。内地在进一步扩大开放服务业,香港在这方面是有专业优势的,近水楼台可以先得月,我相信香港同胞历来是有着敢拼能赢的精神,会在未来全球竞争中保持竞争优势,保持繁荣。谢谢。Li Keqiang: There has been much volatility in the global economy in recent years.Under such grave and complex conditions, Hong Kong has stood firm and maintained prosperity.I believe this shows Hong Kong has kept its competitive edge.Hong Kong has made important contributions to the reform, opening up and modernization drive on the mainland.The comprehensive deepening of reform and economic upgrading of China will also open up broad space for Hong Kong’s development.The central government’s policy towards Hong Kong and Macao is consistent and clear-cut.The central government will continue to support Hong Kong in maintaining and elevating its status as an international financial, trading and shipping center.The mainland is opening up its service sector, and Hong Kong has a leading edge in this field.“A pavilion close to the pond will get the moonlight first.” With Hong Kong people’s enterprising spirit, I have confidence that Hong Kong will keep its competitive edge and maintain prosperity amidst future global competition.[美联社记者]我想请问李总理,您如何评价中美关系的现状,如果要进一步提升双边关系水平的话,两国面临的障碍有哪些?中方希望美方做出哪些改变?谢谢。

Associated Press: Mr.Premier, how do you comment on the current state of China-US relationship? In order to further raise the level of China-US ties, what do you think are the obstacles in the way and what change does China wish to see on the part of the United States? [李克强]中美关系实质上是世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家之间的关系。去年习近平主席和奥巴马总统在加州庄园会晤达成构建新型大国关系的重要共识,那就是互不冲突、互利共赢。当然,中美因为历史文化背景不同,发展阶段不同,对一些问题存在分歧,这是客观的,在合作当中有摩擦也是事实,但这是合作中的“烦恼”。我们只要相互尊重,尊重对方的核心利益和重大关切,管控好分歧,平等磋商,尤其是注意扩大中美的共同利益,就可以提升中美关系的水平。中美的共同利益可以说是远远大于分歧,去年我们双边贸易额达到5200多亿美元,粗略算的话,每一个工作小时,中美之间可能有1亿美元的生意已经做成了。何况我们现在还正在进行中美投资协定的谈判,中美合作的潜力巨大,要在增强互补性上多做文章。所谓智者求同,愚者求异,变是向有利于中美双方、有利于两国关系稳定的方向去走,还是要择宽处行,谋长久之利。谢谢。

Li Keqiang: The China-US relationship, in essence, is a relationship between the largest developing country and largest developed country in the world.Last year, President Xi Jinping and President Obama had a meeting in California and reached the important consensus of building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States.This relationship has the defining feature of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.China and the United States are different in history, culture and stage of development.So it’s only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation.But these are pains amidst growing cooperation.As long as the two sides respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations, in particular, continue to expand their converging interests, they can further raise the level of this relationship.China and the United States are different in history, culture and stage of development.So it’s only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation.But these are pains amidst growing cooperation.As long as the two sides respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations, in particular, continue to expand their converging interests, they can further raise the level of this relationship.[中国日报记者]总理您好。您在报告里讲改革要有壮士断腕的决心、背水一战的气概,还要抓住牵一发动全身的举措,那么今年您觉得最应该从哪些领域突破?谢谢总理。China Daily: In your government work report, you said that the government will pursue reform with utmost determination and focus on those reform steps that will have an overall impact.I would like to ask: what is the top priority on the government reform agenda this year? [李克强]党的十八届三中全会提出要全面深化改革,也就是要把改革贯穿到经济社会发展的各个领域、各个环节。我回想了一下,去年以来国务院开了40次常务会议,其中有30次是研究改革相关的议题,即使是其他议题我们也是在用改革的精神研究和推进的。其基本取向那就是让市场发力、激活社会的创造力,政府尽应尽的责任,让人民受惠。这也使我回想起30多年前,我在农村作村干部,那时候起早贪黑,恨不得把每个劳动力当天干什么都给定下来,结果呢?到头来就是吃不饱肚子。后来搞承包制,放开搞活,农民自己决定干什么、怎么种,几年时间温饱问题就解决了。当然,我们现在推进全面深化改革,实现目标要有个过程,但古人说“吾道一以贯之”,只要我们锲而不舍,假以时日,必有成效。

Li Keqiang: It was decided at the third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee that we will pursue a comprehensive deepening of reform in China.This means that reform will be carried out in all areas of China’s economic and social development.Since last year, the State Council has altogether convened 40 executive meetings.Thirty of them are directly related to reform topics.And the rest of the topics are also studied and pursued with the spirit of reform.The ultimate goal of reform is to energize the market and stimulate creativity of the society.The government needs to perform its duties well to bring benefits to the people.Your question reminds me of those days I spent in a rural village as a cadre more than 30 years ago.During that time, I worked very hard around the clock.I was anxious to plan out the share of work for each and every villager for the day.But still, with all the hard work, we still didn’t have enough to eat.But later, land was contracted to local villagers, past restrictions were lifted, and peasants were able to decide for themselves what they wanted to grow on the contracted land and what they wanted to do.In just a few years’ time, food and clothing was no longer a problem.To comprehensively deepen reform in China will take time.But our ancestors believe that one needs to be persistent in one’s pursuit of the objective.With persistent efforts over time, I believe we will be able to achieve our goal.我们要全面深化改革,但是也要抓牵牛鼻子的改革,在重点领域要有所突破。今年我们还要继续推进简政放权,让市场发力,有效规范地发挥作用;还要把财税金融改革作为重头戏,包括给小微企业减免税费方面有新的举措,给市场助力;以结构改革推进结构调整,深化国企改革,发展混合所有制经济,放宽市场准入,尤其是在服务业领域,像医疗、养老、金融等,让市场增强竞争力。诸多的改革我在政府工作报告当中都说了,这里就不再赘述了,关键还在于推进落实。当然,改革会触动利益、会动“奶酪”,你放权,有些人的权就少了。放宽市场准入,增强市场竞争力,现有的一些企业就会感到压力。但是为了释放改革红利,尤其是让广大人民受惠,我们义无反顾。谢谢。

In the course of comprehensively deepening reform, we certainly need to stay focused on key reform initiatives, and seek breakthroughs in key areas.This year, we will continue to streamline administration and delegate power to let the market fully play its role in an effective and well-regulated manner.We will take fiscal, tax and financial reforms as priorities.For example, new steps will be taken to ease the tax burden on micro and small businesses to boost market vitality.We will pursue structural reform to boost structural adjustment.In this area, we will deepen reform of state-owned enterprises, vigorously develop a mixed-ownership economy and ease market access, especially in the service sector, such as health care, old-age support and financial services to boost market competition.I have set out in detail the reform initiatives we are going to take this year in my government work report.I will not elaborate on it here.The crucial thing is to ensure that all reform measures will be fully implemented.In the course of reform, the vested interests will be shaken up and some people’s cheese will be moved, so to speak.For example, in the course of power delegation, some government departments will find fewer powers in their hands.In boosting market competition and easing market access, some existing companies will feel greater pressure.But in order to further release the dividends of reform and bring greater benefits to our people, we will carry through the reform without hesitation.[台湾东森电视台记者]总理,您好。我们都知道两岸现在迎来了一个好的机遇,在今年过完年之后,两岸主管事务部门负责人见了面,而且习主席也与中国国民党荣誉主席连战见面,并且发表了重要谈话。我的问题是,两岸现在的交流以及互动非常密切,大家也非常希望两岸关系有新的突破。请问您对新的一年两岸关系发展有什么样的期待?谢谢。ETTV of Taiwan: We now see a great opportunity for further growth of cross-Straits relations.Shortly after the Chinese New Year, the competent departments of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits held a meeting.General Secretary Xi Jinping met with KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan, and made important remarks on cross-Straits relations.There has been very close exchange and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.People on both sides hope to see new breakthrough in cross-Straits ties.What is your expectation for cross-Straits ties this year? [李克强]两岸是手足同胞,一家人,此话可以说常讲常新。你刚才列举了两岸关系进展的一些事实,我也想讲一件很有趣的事。去年两岸的媒体共同把“进”字作为两岸汉字。这个字可以说反映了两岸关系和平发展的趋势,也反映了两岸民众的期待,我也期待着在新的一年两岸关系有新的进展,再进一步。我认为两岸关系中重要的内容是人员往来和经贸合作。去年两岸人员往来已经突破800万人次,创历史新高,希望继续保持这样一个好势头。两岸还在就ECFA后续协议进行商谈,希望早出成果,造福两岸的民众和有关企业。借此机会也请你转达我对台湾同胞新的一年的祝福。谢谢。

Li Keqiang: People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are compatriots and members of one family.This is always true and highly relevant.Just now, you mentioned a few important events in the recent development of cross-Straits ties.Let me also share one interesting anecdote.Last year, media of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits jointly selected the Chinese character “进”, or “progress” in English, as “Chinese Character of the Year”.I believe this shows the trend of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and represents the common wish of people on both sides.I hope to see even greater and new progress in cross-Straits ties this year.I believe people-to-people exchange and business cooperation are important components of cross-Straits relations.Last year, over 8 million visits were exchanged between people of the two sides, reaching a new high.We hope such good momentum will be kept.Moreover, the two sides are also in consultation of a follow-up to the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA).We hope to see early results out of the consultations so that greater benefits can be delivered to people and businesses of both sides.Please also convey my New Year greetings to our Taiwan compatriots.[新华社和新华网记者]总理你好,房地产问题一直是社会持续关注的问题,今年两会上也有代表委员提了很多的建议和意见。那么请问总理,政府在这方面有没有什么新的思路和新的举措?谢谢。

Xinhua News Agency: The housing issue has always been a hot topic among the Chinese society.During this year’s two sessions, many deputies and members put forward their suggestions and views on this topic.I would like to ask what will be the new ideas and measures of the government on this issue? [李克强]房地产问题是个大问题,它直接关系到居民住房问题。让人民群众住有所居,这应该是政府奋斗的目标。我们需要根据不同人群的需求,不同城市的情况,分类施策、分城施策。政府还是要用更多的精力、更大的力度来解决好群众的基本住房需求问题。现在我们国家城镇集中连片的棚户区还居住着上亿人,可以说不具备基本的生存条件。几百个人一个旱厕,特别是北方,到了冬天居民入睡要带着棉帽、穿着棉衣,这可以说是政府心头之痛。所以今年我们要继续加大棚户区改造的力度,至少要再改造470万套以上。当然,我们也要推进公租房等保障房建设,并且实行公平分配,让新就业的年轻人和长期进城务工的人员缓解住房困难。在这方面,我认为干一寸胜过说一尺。对于合理的自住需求,也要有相应的政策支持,包括增加普通商品房供应。对房地产市场则是要因城因地分类进行调控,抑制投机投资性需求,重在建立长效机制,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。谢谢。Li Keqiang: The real estate issue is a big issue, as it directly concerns home of the people.The goal of the government is to ensure adequate housing for the people.We need to take differential measures in response to diverse needs and in light of different situations in different cities.I believe the government needs to focus on and do more to meet the people’s basic housing needs.Now, up to 100 million people still live in those contiguous poor urban rundown areas, and these people lack their basic living conditions.For example, several hundred people have to share one toilet, and in places in Northern China, people have to wear cotton-padded coats and hats when they go to sleep on a winter night.This is deeply distressing for the government.We will rebuild more rundown areas this year, and the goal is to rebuild at least over 4.7 million rundown houses.At the same time, we will also build more government-subsidized housing, such as public rental housing to ease the housing difficulty of those young people who have just entered workforce and rural migrant workers, and ensure that these housing units will be distributed equitably.In this regard, even a small action is a lot more important than a thousand words.There will be policy support for reasonable housing needs for self-living.The government will increase the supply of ordinary commercial housing.We will take a differential approach in regulating the housing market for different places.We will curb the housing needs for speculation and investment purposes, and establish a long-term mechanism to promote steady and sound growth of the housing market.[中央人民广播之声和央广网记者]总理,您好。我的问题是关于雾霾天气。现在我们看到老百姓对雾霾的抱怨越来越多。我们也注意到,您在政府工作报告中对此用了“宣战”这个词,这在以往是没有的。请问总理,“宣战”到底意味着什么?

China National Radio: There has been growing public complaint about smog.In your government work report, you said the government will declare war against pollution.I wish to ask you what do you mean by that? [李克强]我说要向雾霾等污染宣战,这是因为这是社会关注的焦点问题。许多人早晨一起来,就打开手机查看PM2.5的数值,这已经成为重大的民生问题。我们说要向雾霾等污染宣战,可不是说向老天爷宣战,而是要向我们自身粗放的生产和生活方式来宣战。我们去年出台了国务院治理大气污染的十条措施,在161个城市进行PM2.5数值的监测,这在发展中国家是最多的。这不仅是要让人民群众提高自身防护的意识,更是给政府增加责任。今年我们主动加压,加大降耗力度,也就是确定能源消耗强度要下降3.9%,而去年实际完成是下降3.7%,这意味着要减少2.2亿吨煤炭消耗。

Li Keqiang: I said the government will declare war against smog and pollution as a whole, because this has become a serious issue on the top of the minds of our people.For many people, the first thing they do after getting up in the morning is to check the PM2.5 figure for the day.This has become a major issue that concerns our people’s lives.To declare war against smog and other pollution doesn’t mean that we are declaring war against Nature.Rather, what we mean is that we are going to declare war against our own inefficient and unsustainable model of growth and way of life.Last year, the State Council issued a ten-point plan of action on the prevention and control of air pollution.We now conduct PM2.5 monitoring in 161 cities across the country, which is the most extensive scope among all developing countries.This is not just a reminder for our people to take precautionary measures, but also placing additional responsibility on the shoulder of the government.This year we will take further measures.For example, we have set the target of cutting energy intensity by 3.9% on top of the 3.7% reduction we achieved last year.This is equivalent to cutting coal burning by 220 million tons.对包括雾霾在内的污染宣战,就要铁腕治污加铁规治污,对那些违法偷排、伤天害人的行为,政府绝不手软,要坚决予以惩处。对那些熟视无睹、监管不到位的监管者要严肃追查责任。当然,雾霾的形成有复杂的原因,治理也是一个长期的过程。但是我们不能等风盼雨,还是要主动出击,希望全社会,政府、企业、社会成员,大家一起努力,持续不懈地奋斗,来打这场攻坚战。谢谢。

In fighting pollution, we need both tough measures and tough regulations.The government will severely punish those illegal emitting activities which harm both nature and human health.And those overseeing agencies which turn a blind eye to polluting activities and fail to perform their overseeing duties will be held accountable.There are complex causes for smog and to tackle this problem will take a long time.But we cannot sit here and wait for wind or rain to drive smog away.We have to take action ourselves.I hope that the government, the businesses and each and every individual of the society will act together and make persistent efforts to win this tough battle against smog.It’s almost time for lunch, but the moderator hopes that I take two more questions.Would you like that? Fine, I’m happy to oblige.快到吃饭时间了,但是主持人希望再问两个问题,大家愿意吗?那好吧,我服从公众。It’s almost time for lunch, but the moderator hopes that I take two more questions.Would you like that? Fine, I’m happy to oblige.[荷兰国际新闻电视台记者]去年您访问了多个欧洲国家,您亲自介入了解决中欧之间关于光伏产品的贸易纠纷,同时访问期间,您还亲自推介中国的核电以及高铁装备。请问您希望如何解决中国企业进入欧洲市场方面存在的一些障碍?同时中国政府将采取什么措施来解决欧洲方面对欧洲公司进入中国市场的关切?

RTL 4: Premier Li, you went to Europe last year to solve the solar panel dispute and also to promote Chinese nuclear power equipments and Chinese high-speed rail.I’d like to know your thoughts on what kind of obstacles you think should be removed for Chinese companies who want to do business in Europe.And in return, how will you address the European concerns about market access to China? [李克强]推介中国的产品,维护中国企业在海外的正当权益,这是作为中国总理份内的事。我去年访问中东欧的时候,曾经跟他们的领导人说,如果你要建高铁、核电,在同等质量下,用中国的装备可能是建设最快、成本最低的,我有这个底气。中国的经济要升级,出口产品也要升级,我们不能总是卖鞋袜、衣帽、玩具,当然这也需要,但中国装备走出去可以在世界市场上接受竞争的检验,提质升级。而且这样做也有利于各方,因为我们装备的很多零件是全球采购的,一些技术也是购买来的,中欧和相关方面,就装备走出去进行合作可以实现互利共赢。

Li Keqiang: To promote Chinese products and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies overseas is part of my job as Chinese Premier.During my visit to central and eastern Europe last year, I once said to leaders of these countries that of all the high-speed railways and nuclear power plants of the same quality, the Chinese companies can deliver in the fastest way and at the lowest cost.I have such confidence.In upgrading the Chinese economy, we also need to upgrade Chinese exports.We cannot just export toys, apparel or shoes, although they are also necessary.We also need to export Chinese equipment to help Chinese equipment raise its competitiveness as they are tested on the international market.This is also a win-win situation, as among exports of Chinese equipment, many components and parts are sourced globally and some technologies are introduced from overseas.So this brings benefits to all.不过我还想通过各位向中国企业转达一句话:你们可是要尽力啊,我们对中国装备质量等做了承诺,可不要让这个承诺落空啊。请中外记者给予监督。至于你说到去年的光伏案,中欧作为最大的贸易伙伴,规模很大,摩擦难免发生,但是只要我们相互尊重,妥善地协商,是可以解决问题的。像最后光伏案的解决,可以说是成功的案例。我可不希望因为个案,而且比例很小,来丢掉“中欧是最大贸易伙伴”的帽子。说到中欧关系,我还要说,中欧都主张世界多极化,也主张投资便利化。中欧企业相互进入、相互投资,这是大趋势。我们现在正在进行中欧投资协定谈判,相信在中欧投资协定谈判的进程当中,只要我们对等、公平、便利地推进,为企业创造条件,中欧的相互投资额会不断地攀升,经济的融合度也会不断地加深。谢谢。

Here through you, I wish to convey a message to the Chinese companies.That is: you need to do your best.We have given our word for the quality of Chinese equipment.I hope you will not prove us wrong, and the Chinese and foreign journalists can supervise.You mentioned the trade dispute over photovoltaic products last year.China and the EU are each other’s largest trading partners.It is only natural that there will be some trade frictions between them given the large size of their trade.But as long as the two sides respect each other and engage in proper consultations, problems can be solved.And settlement of last year’s photovoltaic products case is a success story.I don’t want to see that one loses the status of “biggest trading partner” because of those individual cases which account for only a very small percentage of the two-way trade.Talking about China-EU relations, I want to say that both China and the EU are strong advocates of a multi-polar world and investment facilitation.I believe it is an irresistible trend for Chinese and European companies to enter into each other’s markets and make mutual investment.The two sides are now negotiating an investment treaty.I believe that as long as the two sides conduct the negotiation in a fair, reciprocal and facilitating way and create conditions for companies of both sides, there will be even greater mutual investment and deeper economic integration between China and Europe.[中国国际广播之声和国际在线网记者]总理,您好。最近网上民调显示,社会保障是网民关注的热点之一。去年您就提出要打造民生保障的安全网。请问总理,在这方面有哪些进展和新的打算?谢谢。

China Radio International: A recent opinion poll shows that social security is one of the hot topics among Chinese netizens.Last year, you said that China will build a social safety net to improve people’s livelihood.How has this been progressing and is there any new plan in this regard? [李克强]社会关注的热点问题,尤其是民生问题,应该是政府工作的重点。今年要着重继续做三件事,就是保基本、兜底线、促公平。第一是保基本。也就是说要在义务教育、基本医疗、基本养老、住房等诸多方面来构建一个完整的社会保障安全网。我们现在基本医保已经总体覆盖全民了,基本养老的参与人数也超过8亿人。但是群众还有反映,比如接续难、转移难这些问题,我们要继续巩固和扩大这些基本的社会保障。今年适当时候要提高基本养老金的标准,而且要解决或者说逐步解决碎片化的问题,整合城乡医保,推进养老保险并轨,构建统筹城乡的社会保障网。

Li Keqiang: Topics of high concern to the people, in particular those related to people’s livelihood, represent priorities on the government work agenda.This year, we have three major tasks.Namely, we need to meet people’s basic living needs.We need to provide a last resort for people to fall back on in case of special difficulty.And we need to promote social fairness.First, we need to ensure people’s basic living needs.We will build a comprehensive social safety net covering, among others, compulsory education, medical care, old-age support and housing.Our basic medical insurance schemes have achieved full coverage.Now basic old-age insurance schemes cover more than 800 million people.We need to make them truly portable and transferable, and further expand their coverage.We will raise the basic pension benefits at an appropriate time this year, and tackle the problem of fragmentation in due course.That is to say, we need to further integrate old-age and medical insurance schemes in urban and rural areas to put in place an integrated social safety net for the entire population.第二是兜底线。因为国力所限,我们基本保障的标准还是低水平的,总会有一部分人因病、因灾等特殊原因陷入生活的窘境,基本保障兜不住,还要进行社会救助。我们绝不能让无家可归、因贫弃医等现象频发。将心比心啊,政府工作人员应该以百姓之心为心。所以前不久我们出台了新的社会救助管理办法,就是要让这些特殊困难群众求助有门。第三是促公平。我们保基本、兜底线,还是要为了解除人民群众就业、创业的后顾之忧,还是要采取措施,尤其在一些领域要有更有效的办法,让就业、求职机会公平,让创业有公平竞争的环境,特别要注重起点公平,也就是教育公平。我们要继续增加农村贫困地区的学生上重点高校的人数,今年要增加10%以上,并且要加大农村贫困地区薄弱学校改造的力度。政府就是应该创造条件,让每个人都通过自己的奋斗有公平发展的机会,我们要把公正贯彻到社会的最底层。谢谢。

Second, we need to provide a last resort for people to fall back on in time of special difficulty.As China is still a developing country, our basic welfare benefits are still quite low.But there are these people in the society who run into special difficulty because of serious illnesses or sudden disasters.In such circumstances, basic welfare benefits are no longer enough.They are in need of social assistance.The government must prevent frequent occurrence of such instances in which people become homeless or have to give up seeking medical treatment because they cannot afford it.Just imagine what if such situation happens to ourselves.All government employees must always put such special needs of the people on top of their mind.Therefore, not long ago, we introduced new methods on providing social aid to ensure that people who run into special difficulty will have somewhere to turn to.Third, we need to promote social fairness.The above-mentioned two major tasks are designed to ensure that our people won’t have any worries in seeking employment and starting one’s own business.The government needs to take more effective steps to ensure equal opportunities in finding jobs and level the playing field for people to start their own businesses.The government needs to pay particular attention to ensuring fairness at the starting point, namely, fairness in education.This year we will raise the proportion of rural students from poor areas enrolled in key colleges and universities by over 10%.We will also further improve those poorly-built and low-performing schools in poor rural areas.In a word, the government needs to create conditions to ensure that each and every individual will have an equal shot at a better life through hard work and that fairness and justice are truly realized even at the most primary level of the society.Thank you.[李克强]主持人说到吃午饭的时间了。中国人说民以食为天。所谓民是众的意思,你们的肚子加起来远远超过我一个人,还是要让大家不能挨饿。谢谢你们参与关注今天的记者会,也谢谢一些记者的提问,谢谢大家。

Li Keqiang: The moderator indicates to me that it’s already lunch time.The Chinese people see food as an overriding priority.With so many people at the press conference, I hate to stand between you and your lunch.Thank you for coming to today’s press conference, and thank you for your questions.Thank you all.记者会结束后,李克强总理站起来将要离开现场时,又回答了两位记者的追问。在回答记者关于中央是否还会有惠港政策的问题时,李克强说,凡是有利于香港繁荣发展的事,我们都会去做,过去是这样,今后还会是这样。

After the press conference, as he stood up to leave, Premier Li Keqiang answered questions from two more journalists.When asked whether the central government will introduce more favorable policies for Hong Kong, Premier Li Keqiang said, we will do anything that contributes to the prosperity of Hong Kong.We did so in the past and will continue to do in the future.


Premier Li Keqiang met reporters from home and abroad at a news conference on Wednesday at the end of the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress.Premier Li answered questions on various topics such as the economy, financial reforms and diplomacy.3月15日本周三,国务院总理李 克 强在全国人大闭幕记者会上会见了中外记者,并就经济、金融改革、以及外交等事项答记者问。


Premier Li Keqiang:Just now, I heard the spokesperson say that today we have many journalists here.I heard that many of you arrived here 2 or 3 hours in advance.I thank you for your attention.Since we have limited time, I invite you to be direct with your questions.【美国有线电视新闻网记者】总理,早上好。特朗普总统一直对华发表一些批评性言论,表示中国偷窃了美国就业岗位,批评中国汇率政策以及中国在维护地区安全上做的不够。我们还了解到,很有可能最早就在下个月,中美两国元首可能会实现会晤。基于此,我们对于美国希望从中国得到什么已经有了一些概念,我想问,中国希望从美国那儿得到什么?中国对于一个健康可持续发展中美关系的底线是什么?您是否有信心实现这样的中美关系的发展?还是觉得前路比较艰难?

【CNN】President Trump has consistently criticized China for stealing U.S.jobs, manipulating currency exchange and not doing enough to maintain regional security.I understand that President Xi and Trump may meet as early as next month.What do you expect to receive from the U.S.?


Premier Li Keqiang:Your question reminded me of my speech last year in New York, when the U.S.presidential campaign was white hot.I was asked how the China-US relations would develop when a new U.S.president takes office.My answer was that whoever becomes the new U.S.President, China-US relations will keep moving forward despite the changing circumstances.特朗普总统当选以后,习近平主席和特朗普总统通了电话,两位元首都表示要共同推进中美关系向前发展。特朗普总统和美国新政府的高官也都明确表示,要坚持一个中国的政策,这是中美关系的政治基础,不是风云变幻能够动摇的,也动摇不得。有了这样一个政治基础,中美合作的前景是广阔的。Soon after Trump became the U.S.president, he and President Xi Jinping talked on the phone.The two leaders re-emphasized the one-China principle.Many senior officials from both countries agreed to enhance China-US relations, too.The one-China principle is the corner stone of the China-US relations.This is the political basis on which China and the U.S.can continue to develop ties.我们之所以对中美关系前行持乐观态度,是因为中美建交几十年了,已经有了广泛的共同利益。当然,我们之间也有分歧,比如你刚才提到的像在就业岗位、汇率等问题上有些看法不一,或者在安全问题上也有不同认识。

These days, the diplomatic departments are working on facilitating a meeting between the leaders of the two countries.Over the many decades since China and the U.S.established diplomatic ties, there have been many disagreements on employment, exchange rate and security issues, among other issues.但是,我们双方都需要保持战略定力,加强沟通,坐下来谈,增进相互了解和理解,现在两国外交部门正就两国元首会晤进行沟通。我想,中美关系不仅会关系两国利益,而且涉及到地区和世界的和平安全稳定,我们要维护它前行。

Facing these differences, we should continue our exchanges and sit down to talk calmly to enhance communication.China-US relations not only affect the interests of the two countries but also regional and global peace and stability;this is why we need to keep our ties moving forward.至于贸易问题,我在两会参加代表团讨论时,有来自外贸企业的人大代表跟我说,虽然中方是贸易顺差,但是企业生产的产品利润90%以上是美国企业拿走了,中国的生产企业拿到的利润最低只有2%—3%。据有关统计,光去年一年,中美的贸易、投资给美国创造的就业岗位过百万个。当然,各方的统计方法可能不一,没关系,我们坐下来谈,总是会有共识,即便一时达不成共识,可以搁置分歧,智者的办法是扩大共同利益,分歧点所占比例就会更小。

In terms of trade issues, although China currently has a surplus, more than 90 percent of Chinese companies’ profits were taken by the United States.We have statistics showing that last year China-US trade and investment created more than one million jobs in the United States.But if we cannot reach an agreement at once, we can continue talking, which is what wise people do.我想起前两天看到国际上有一个权威智库发表文章,他们认为,如果中美发生贸易战的话,首先受损的是外资企业,首当其冲的是美资企业。我们不希望看到打贸易战,贸易战带不来贸易公平,而且双方都受损。现在全世界都比较关心中美关系,中方希望,中美关系不管有什么样的坎坷,还是要向前走、向好处走。中美两国人民都是伟大的人民,我们有智慧来管控分歧,我们有需要也有条件来扩大共同利益。谢谢。Recently I read a report by a reputable foreign think tank.It said that if trade wars broke out between China and the United States, those suffering first would be foreign-funded enterprises in China, particularly those funded by the U.S.Our hope on the Chinese side is that trade relations will move forward in the positive direction.Chinese people and Americans are both great peoples.We have the wisdom to control our differences, and also have the need and conditions to enlarge our common interests.Thank you.【中央人民广播电台记者】总理您好,我们注意到这几年中国经济的增长速度在持续放缓,今年又把经济增长的预期目标下调到6.5%左右,这是否会对世界经济造成不利的影响?另外有人认为中国经济存在很多风险,特别是在金融方面的风险,中国是否能够在世界经济疲软这个大背景下继续扮演世界经济的推动者这样一个角色?谢谢。

【China National Radio】The growth rate of the Chinese economy has slowed in recent years.This year, China has set its GDP growth target at around 6.5 percent.Will this adversely affect the global economy? Moreover, some people think that there are some risks in the Chinese economy, especially in the financial sector.Do you think that the Chinese economy can still remain the global economic engine driving the global economy while global economic growth is sluggish?


Premier Li Keqiang:We set this year’s economic growth at 6.5 percent.I’ve read foreign media that described it as China’s ―moderate downward adjustment.‖ As a matter of fact, I should point out that 6.5 percent is not a low rate and won’t be easy to achieve;I once visited the Shaolin Temple with some foreign friends for a martial arts performance.I saw that the young monks can do a dozen of somersaults at one go very easily, but it would be quite a feat for adult monks to do even several – this is because of their different sizes.If we are able to achieve the 6.5 percent target this year, that will generate more economic output than last year, because this is achieved on the basis of 74 trillion yuan, or about US$11 trillion.This can generate 11 million jobs.It is in accordance with economic rules and this way we can focus more on the quality of China’s growth.I believe China will continue to be a strong driving force for the global economic growth.至于说到风险,今年世界经济政治不确定的因素很多,这是很大的外部风险。对中国来讲,不发展是最大的风险。我们保持中高速的稳定增长,本身就是在为世界稳定做贡献。当然,我们自己也有一些不可忽视的风险,刚刚你讲到像金融领域。对于这些风险点,我们是高度关注的,发现了会及时处置、靶向治疗,不会让它蔓延。当然,我还必须要强调,中国金融体系总体是安全的,不会发生系统性风险。因为我们有很多应对工具,储备政策许多还没有用。我们的财政赤字率没超过3%,商业银行资本充足率在13%,拨备覆盖率176%,这些都超过许多国家,特别是国际所确定的相关标准。所以我们是有能力防范风险的,当然,我们在中高速行进当中也会系紧安全带,不会让风险―急性发作‖,更不会发生区域性或者系统性的风险。谢谢。

As for risks, there are many uncertainties in the global economy and politics, and this can be a huge external risk.For China, lack of development will be the greatest risk.As long as we maintain a medium to high growth rate, we will be making a contribution to the global economy.Of course, we have some risks that we cannot neglect, for instance, financial risks as you mentioned.We are watching these risks closely and we will deal with them in time and with focused measures and won’t let them run rampant.Of course, I’ll point out that China’s financial industry is overall safe and does not have systematic risks.This is because we have a lot of tools at our hands.Our fiscal deficit is less than 3 percent, the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks stands at 13 percent and the provision coverage ratio is 176 percent — all of these are better than many other countries, especially by the standards set by the international community.Therefore, we are able to avoid and prevent risks.We will buckle up during our medium-to high-speed ride, so as not to have a sudden risk, or a regional or systematic risk.Thank you.【彭博社记者】我的中文不够,对不起。随着美国收缩它在全球贸易体系中所发挥的作用,包括退出TPP,似乎中国愿意在全球贸易中发挥领导性作用。您和习近平主席都倡导自由贸易、开放型经济以及全球化。但同时我们看到,中国也在实施不公平贸易,开放自身经济速度还不快方面遭到批评。请问,在未来一年,中国方面会采取什么措施让国际社会确信中国是要致力于推进自由贸易和开放型经济的?

【Bloomberg】My Chinese is not good, sorry.The United States is shrinking its role in the global trade system, such as its withdrawal from the TPP.China seems to be poised to play a leadership role in global trade.You and President Xi Jinping both advocate free trade, an open economy and globalization.At the same time, China received criticism for unfair trade practices and measures for curbing opening speed.In the coming year, what will China do to make others believe that China is committed to free trade and open economy?


Premier Li Keqiang:First, in a process of globalization that is faced with controversy and has suffered setbacks in some respects, China regularly advocates economic globalization and free trade.It shows clearly that China will promote opening-up.Actually, globalization benefits each country, even though some problems arise in the process, such as in the sector of distribution.We need to tackle these problems rather than reject globalization.China is willing to cooperate with other countries to enhance the global governance system.Globalization is inseparable from the development of world peace.The closed door and beggar-thy-neighbor policies cannot resolve problems.中国和世界许多国家一样,是全球化的受益者,这其中也因为中国一直在坚持不断地扩大开放。中国首先要把自己的事情办好,但关起门来也办不好自己的事情。所以我们的开放大门会越开越大。当然,开放是一个渐进的过程。回过头来看,这几十年来,我们的步伐一直是向前进的。


Like many other countries, China is the beneficiary of globalization as China is consistently advancing its opening-up.China’s priority is to realize its own development, but closing doors cannot realize that.We will continue to step up opening-up, which is a gradual process.In retrospect, we have been moving forward with the process over the past decades.Last year, China was still the largest recipient of FDI among all developing countries, with the figure reaching US$126 billion.According to the evaluation on business environment in China made by the World Bank, China jumped 18 places last year compared with 2013.We advanced the construction of Shanghai FTZ, expanded the coverage scale to 11 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and will promote this across the whole country.We will hold the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation this year to put forward more opening-up measures.We proposed to establish a Free Trade Zone or make negotiations on investment trade treaties with many other countries.These are all two-way opening-up measures.We need to know that wider and deeper opening-up will bring about friction, but, it will ease.We are confident about the process.We will build up opening-up and attract more investment to share development opportunities with the whole world.至于维护全球贸易的自由化,这需要世界各国共同努力,因为天下是天下人的天下。我们对已经达成或者希望达成的一些区域贸易安排一直持开放态度,也乐见其成。只要是有利于贸易自由化的,我们都会去参与、去推进,而且中国人明白,要用开放抓住全球化的机遇,不管有什么挑战都不能错过。


As for preserving global trade liberalization, it requires the joint effort of every country because the world belongs to everyone who lives in it.We always assume an open attitude to regional trade arrangements, including those established and those that are under discussion.We would also love to see progress in this regard.We will participate in and promote whatever facilitates trade liberalization.We Chinese understand that we have to seize with an open attitude the opportunities of globalization and not miss them, no matter what challenges we face.With regard to the arrangement on regional free trade, as long as China is involved and has the conditions to participate, we will assume an open attitude to promote it.We won’t meddle in others’ affairs.We won’t go beyond China’s regional scope to do things we shouldn’t.Thank you.【人民日报记者】总理您好。我们注意到这四年来您一直都抓住简政放权这件事情不放松,今年政府工作报告也显示,您所要求的本届政府要精简1/3的行政审批事项的任务已经提前完成了,那么剩下的2/3呢?这项工作要不要继续往下推进,如果要继续的话您准备怎么推进?谢谢。

【People’s Daily】Mr.Premier, for the past four years, we have seen that you have been highly focused on streamlining administration and delegating power.We’ve also seen in this year’s government work report that the goal of the current administration to cut the number of items that require government review by one third has been fulfilled ahead of schedule.So what about the remaining two thirds? Will this reform be pushed forward, and if so, what specific steps will be taken?


Premier Li Keqiang: The core of this reform is to transform government functions and balance the relations between the government and the market.This reform cannot be accomplished overnight.The goal of cutting the number of items that require government review has been met, but in this process we have actually discovered a whole variety of other problems involved.In addition to the requirement of government review and approval, there are also various requirements for administrative permits, certification of qualification and administrative fees for our businesses.So these will be the areas of focus for this government reform.Essentially, this reform will help the government focus on things that it should focus on, because some issues we used to be focused on in the past may tie down our businesses, cut government efficiency and even the government’s public credibility.So this is a self-targeted reform for the government, and we are fully determined to pushing it forward until our job is done no matter what obstacles or even resistance we may encounter.简政放权、放管结合、优化服务是三位一体的,也就是政府要把更多的精力放到事中事后监管和优化对人民群众的服务上,把市场的准入放宽了,那就要为市场主体公平竞争营造环境。对那些假冒伪劣、坑蒙拐骗、侵犯知识产权以及涉及食品、药品、环保等群众密切关注的违法违规问题要坚决查处。我们要通过―互联网+政务服务‖,让群众少跑腿、少烦心、多顺心。要把更多的力量用于扶贫攻坚、棚户区改造、义务教育、基本医疗等诸多民生关注的方面。

Streamlining administration, the integration of control and decontrol and regulation and improvement of government services form an integral whole.The government needs to improve its oversight during and after the process and provide better services for the businesses and people.When market access is widened, the government needs to ensure a fair playing field for all market entities, and violations of laws and regulations will be seriously dealt with, such as making and selling fake foods and goods, cheating the market place and violations of intellectual property rights.All these areas are of high concern to our general public, involving food, drug safety and environment, etc.The government also needs to use the internet and other technologies to ensure that government administrative services will be more easily accessible to our people.The government also needs to focus more on areas like poverty alleviation, rebuilding of shanty towns, providing compulsory education and meeting people’s basic health care needs, all of which concern people’s livelihood.简言之,就是要向依法依规的市场主体发出―前行、前行、再前行‖的信号;向依靠劳动创业创新者亮起―可以、可以、再可以‖的绿灯;对那些违法违规不良行为,就要及时亮出黄牌,甚至出红牌罚他下场。谢谢。

So what the government should do is to send a message of ―Yes‖ to all law-abiding market entities, to flash the green ―go ahead‖ light to all hard-working entrepreneurs and innovators and to seriously deal with all violations of laws and regulation, showing them resolutely a yellow card, and even red card, to send them out of the market.Thank you.【日本经济新闻社记者】谢谢主持人。总理,您好。我是日本经济新闻社的记者。我想问一个关于朝鲜半岛的问题。美国国务卿蒂勒森先生从今天起访问日本,之后他还要访问中国和韩国。外界认为此访的重点之一是讨论朝鲜半岛问题。当前,朝鲜继续试射导弹,推进核武计划,导致东北亚局势非常紧张。在此背景下,中国打算采取什么样的措施和行动来缓解紧张的地区局势?中方将如何同日本等相关国家合作,解决所谓的朝核问题。谢谢。

【Nikkei】U.S.Secretary of State Tillerson is visiting Japan starting from today and will visit China and South Korea later.It’s widely believed that one of his major goals is to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula.The DPRK has conducted several missile tests and continues to push forward its nuclear weapon programs, resulting in tensions in Northeast Asia.What will China do with the other parties concerned to solve the problem?


Premier Li Keqiang: China maintains a clear-cut stance on this issue.To achieve denuclearization of the peninsula and maintain peace and stability there, we need to sit down and talk.China supports all resolutions of the United Nations and firmly upholds the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.Tensions may lead to conflicts and will harm all sides.We hope that through the efforts of all the parties concerned, the tensions can be eased, and negotiations can resume.Anyway, no one wants to see chaos on his doorstep.Thank you.【中央电视台记者】您常说就业是民生之本。有报道说,您每个月在看经济指标的时候,非常关注就业的变化。我们看到在政府工作报告中,您特别提到今年我国的就业压力加大。请问总理,今年会不会出现群体性的失业问题?

【CCTV:】You often say that employment is the foundation of people’s livelihood.And of all the economic indicators, it is the statistics concerning jobs that you care the most about.In the government work report, you pointed out that this year, the government may face a more daunting task of providing employment.My question is, do you expect large scale unemployment in particular sectors this year?


Premier Li Keqiang: If you read the government work report carefully, you will notice that we have adjusted a target upward among all the major economic and social development targets for 2017, namely we will create over 11 million new urban jobs, one million more on top of the target we set for 2016.The fact is, we have projected around 6.5% GDP growth mainly to support job creation.Employment is of paramount importance for such a large country as China with 1.3 billion-plus people.Employment is the foundation of economic development.It creates wealth and is a major source of household income.Over the past four years, we have pursued a proactive employment policy and created over 13 million new urban jobs every year for four years in a roll.This year, we will continue to give high priority to employment.The goal is to achieve fairly sufficient employment and keep unemployment at a low level.这几年我们一直处在新成长劳动力的高峰,今年的就业压力仍然比较大,光高校毕业生就达795万,创历史新高,还有500万左右的中职毕业生,加上去过剩产能需要安置几十万转岗职工等等。我们要营造有利于创业就业的环境,不是靠政府去提供―铁饭碗‖,而是让人民群众用劳动和智慧去创造或者说打造―金饭碗‖。这几年我们就是通过创造岗位,实现了比较充分的就业。这里,我想请外国记者朋友能够多报道中国的就业岗位是靠自己创出来的。

In the past several years, record numbers of job-seekers have entered the labor force, which is a big challenge for us.This year, we are going to have 7.95 million college graduates, the highest number in history.Five million will graduate from vocational schools.And several hundred thousand workers will be laid off in the process of cutting overcapacity.The government’s job is not to hand out the ―iron rice bowl‖ or permanent jobs to the people, but to create enabling conditions for the people to use their own ingenuity and hard work to create or secure ―gold rice bowls‖ so to speak.The employment rate in the past years has been fairly high because we have leveraged the enthusiasm for entrepreneurial and innovation activities.I would encourage the media, in particular, foreign media, to report the fact that Chinese jobs are mainly created by the Chinese themselves.我们完全有能力扩大就业,不会也不允许出现大规模群体性失业,对于一时不能就业、生计没有着落的群众,政府会负起责任,保障他们的基本生活。

The Chinese government has the ability to support more job creation.There will not be, nor will we allow mass unemployment.For those who have difficulty getting jobs or making ends meet, the government will do its part and provide for their basic needs.【新加坡《联合早报》记者】今年是本届政府的收官之年。您认为过去四年多最重要的成就是什么?最难攻克的又是什么?

【Lianhe Zaobao】Mr.Premier, this year is the last year in the term of this government.My question is, what has been the most important achievement of the past four years? And what has been the greatest challenge?


Premier Li Keqiang: It’s a short but big question.The most important achievement of the past four years is that under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and with the joint efforts of our people, we have developed new approaches to macroeconomic management and maintained steady economic performance within the proper parameters and a medium-high growth rate.The variation in annual growth rate, for example, is only about one percentage point.We have achieved such steady growth not by resorting to massive, economy-wide stimulus, but by industrial and consumption upgrading, which has contributed to the improvement of China’s economic structure.We have encouraged the new drivers of economic growth to take the place of traditional ones.Most importantly, we have generated as many as 50 million new urban jobs.这几年,我一直听到中国经济会―硬着陆‖的声音,可以说不绝于耳。去年在世界经济和贸易增长出现7年来增速最低的情况下,中国仍然保持中高速增长。这几年的实践可以证明,中国经济―硬着陆‖论可以休矣。中国经济不会―硬着陆‖,我们会长期保持中高速增长,并迈向中高端水平。

Over the years, some people have predicted, once and again, that the Chinese economy will see a ―hard landing‖.The truth is, we managed a medium-high growth rate last year in spite of the fact that world economic and trade growth hit a seven-year low.I hope this will put an end to any more predictions of a hard landing.The Chinese economy will continue to enjoy medium-high growth and move to a medium-high level.当然,并不是说我们没有问题和挑战,所以要推动改革。说到最难的,还是在深化改革方面。比如说简政放权、放管结合、优化服务的改革,这不仅会触动利益,而且要触动灵魂。要让权力不能任性,就得把那些不应该有的权力砍掉,有些涉及到部门利益,要压缩寻租空间。这不是一个简单的过程,从中央政府一直到地方、到基层,都要这样做,要打通―最后一公里‖。

At the same time, we also face many challenges and difficulties, hence the need for continuous reform.This is the biggest challenge for us.The reform to streamline administration, enhance oversight and provide better services is bound to upset vested interests;it also demands a fundamental change in our mindset.There should be no more arbitrary use of government power, the government must not overreach, and the room for rent-seeking must be squeezed.This is easier said than done.We must make sure that all levels of the government move in lockstep to travel the last mile and get rid of any remaining obstacles.我到有的地方去看,在简政放权中一次封了109个公章,用一个公章代替。中国太大,不知道类似公章过多的情况哪些地方还有。你们可能也都记得,在前几年两会上,曾有人展示了一个项目审批―万里长征图‖,据说现在变成―百里‖了,百里也不短啊,还要继续推进。我前面已经讲了,不管有什么样的阻力,我们都有足够的韧性推动改革。改革就是要解放和发展生产力,调动广大人民的积极性,让群众得到实惠。为政之要就是要舍小利、顾大义、顺民心。During an inspection trip, I was shown that, instead of requiring a stamp of approval from 108 government departments, the streamlined process required only one.With China being so big, there may be similar situations of excessive requirements for government approval elsewhere.You may remember that a few years ago, a delegate at the Two Sessions produced a so-called Long-March matrix, showing all the intricate procedures for administrative approval.Although things have been streamlined significantly and the long march has been substantially reduced, it’s still too much.Let me repeat that no matter what obstacle may lie ahead, we are determined to push the reform through.The goal is to unleash and grow productive forces, bring out the initiative of the people, and deliver greater benefits to the general public.After all, governance is all about letting go of narrow departmental interests for the greater good and always responding to the people’s call.【《深圳特区报》记者】去年10月您到深圳参加―全国双创周‖主会场的活动。据统计,一周之内有50万人参加了这次活动,场面非常火爆。过去一年大众创业、万众创新蓬勃发展,现在共享经济发展也很快,但是也有人有不同的看法。请问总理,您觉得―双创‖的热情会持久吗?

【Shenzhen News】Mr.Premier, last October, you attended the National Week of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Shenzhen.It is estimated that as many as 500,000 people participated in the national week’s activities, making it a very popular event.Over the past year, this initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation has caught on, and the sharing economy has seen rapid expansion.But some people may see these developments in a different way.Mr.Premier, do you think this public enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and innovation will continue?


Premier Li Keqiang: We believe that our initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is a response to the call of this age of economic globalization and Internet Plus.The government’s further reform of streamlining administration and delegating powers is also designed to boost this public enthusiasm for business start-ups and innovation.Over the past three years and more, on an average daily basis, more than 40,000 market entities have got registered, adding up to 10 million every year.When I share this figure with foreign leaders, they were truly amazed as this is equivalent to the total number of SMEs in their countries.Not only SMEs are doing entrepreneurial and innovation activities.Big companies are actively engaged in this too.They have opened up vast online makerspaces to enable a matching between the innovative capabilities of their employees with the demands of customers in the marketplace.This initiative runs through the development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries and involves businesses of all sizes.So I believe it will continue to thrive.―双创‖不仅带动了大量就业,促进创新驱动发展战略深入实施,它也是一场改革,因为它抓住了―人‖这个生产力当中最重要的因素,让人的聪明才智和活力充分展现出来,让大家有改变命运、获得纵向上升的平等机会。它也创新了生产模式,许多新业态,像共享经济、―互联网+‖等等,可以说层出不穷,这些新业态有的是新旧动能转换过程当中产生的,新旧嫁接,有的是―老树开新花‖,总的看它适应了市场的需求,适应了消费者个性化、多样化的要求。

This initiative has generated a great deal of jobs.It is also an important means to implement the strategy of innovation-driven development.This initiative is a process of reform too because it captures the most important element in productive forces, that is, human resources.It helps bring out the wisdom and motivation of each individual and gives them an opportunity for a fair shot at success and upward mobility.It has also boosted the development of many new production and business models, like the ―Internet Plus‖ and sharing economy.Some of the new business models appear in the synergy between old and new growth drivers.Others are the result of traditional drivers of growth being given renewed life with the application of new technologies.This initiative has, in a nutshell, responded well to market demand and individualistic needs of our customers.另外,新业态的成长也倒逼了政府职能转变。确实,这些新业态很多是过去未知的,有争议是正常的,我们还是要以开放的态度、包容的理念审慎监管,促使它们健康发展。

The growing new business models have also created pressure on the government to enhance its capability, because after all, many of the forms of business are new things.When it comes to such new things, it’s only normal for people to have different views.For the government, it needs to exercise careful regulation in an open-minded and accommodating way to promote their healthy development.我一直在想,也一直这么认为,中国有1.7亿受过高等教育和拥有高技能的人才,与近8亿的劳动力结合起来,能创造的财富,激发的能量是难以估算的,也会给市场,包括世界市场带来巨大的机遇。中国人民勤劳智慧,有着追求美好生活的不竭动力,政府就是要创造环境,让人民群众创业创新的热情持久不衰。当然―双创‖和许多新事物一样,发展过程当中一些方面、一些企业会遇到曲折,但是大方向是正确的。

I have all along believed that China’s nearly 800 million labor force, including the 170 million who have received higher education or possess high professional skills, represents a tremendous source of wealth and energy and enormous opportunities for China itself and the international market too.The Chinese people are intelligent and hard-working and they have an inexhaustible drive for pursuing a better life.The government needs to create an enabling environment for our people to stay enthusiastic for entrepreneurship and innovation.Some people and some enterprises may experience difficulties as this initiative unfolds, which is only normal for the development of new things.But we have the confidence to ensure that our initiative continue to move in the right direction.【凤凰卫视记者】今年政府工作报告中,您首次提到了―港独‖问题,指出―港独是没有出路的‖,这是否意味着政策上会有什么变化?比如在落实―一国两制‖这个原则问题上是否会更加强调―一国‖而弱化―两制‖?或者以后中央对香港的支持会减少?

【Phoenix TV】This year’s government work report, for the first time, contains a reference to the notion of ―Hong Kong independence‖, pointing out that Hong Kong independence will lead nowhere.I wonder if this indicates a change in the policy of the central government.Does it mean that the central government, in implementing the principle of ―one country, two systems‖, will put more emphasis on the part of ―one country‖ and downplay the part of ―two systems‖? Does it mean that the central government will reduce its support to Hong Kong?



Premier Li Keqiang: The principle of ―one country, two systems‖ needs to be understood and implemented in its entirety.As I have also said in the government work report, this principle needs to be steadfastly applied without being bent or distorted.The central government will continue to enhance its support to Hong Kong’s development and will introduce more measures in the interest of Hong Kong’s development and its cooperation with the mainland.Last year, we launched the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect.This year, we will actively explore greater cooperation over the bond markets.That is what the country needs, and Hong Kong has a platform for it too.We are considering establishing a bond market connect between the mainland and Hong Kong this year, allowing, for the first time, overseas capital to buy mainland’s bonds overseas.Hong Kong stands to be the first to benefit from such arrangement thanks to its unique strengths.We believe this will help maintain Hong Kong’s status as an international financial center, diversify investment channels for Hong Kong residents, and contribute to Hong Kong’s lasting prosperity and stability.【俄通社—塔斯社记者】请问您如何评价中俄关系?两国是否能够在世界经济不稳定、能源价格波动的背景下取得经贸关系发展?

【TASS of Russia】Mr.Premier, how do you evaluate overall China-Russia relations? Do you think that the economic relations between the two countries will enjoy further growth in the face of uncertainties in the international economic landscape and volatility of global energy prices?


Premier Li: China and Russia are each other’s biggest neighbors.We enjoy a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.Sound and steady growth of China-Russia relations is good for the region and good for the world.Last year, presidents of the two countries met several times and reached important agreement on many issues.And the prime ministers’ annual meeting has been held as scheduled every year for many years.I believe all this is evidence of the stability of China-Russia relations.至于说到两国的经贸关系,这些年世界经济复苏低迷,贸易增长乏力,中俄经贸合作由于能源价格下跌等因素也受到一些影响。记得在去年记者会上,我曾经说希望中俄经贸合作当年能够有转折性变化,现在应该说实现了,当然这是我们共同努力的结果。特别是今年前两个月,中俄贸易额有大幅增长,这表明中俄双方经贸合作的潜力很大,互补性很强,双方所设定的经贸合作目标是可以实现的。

Talking about economic relations and trade between our two countries, over the years, we have faced sluggish global economic recovery and anemic growth of global trade.So naturally our economic relations and trade have been affected by the decline in international energy prices and some other factors.I recall that last year, on the same occasion, I expressed the hope for our business relations to turn the corner and achieve strong growth by the end of the year.Thanks to our joint efforts, this has been achieved.In the first two months of this year, there was actually a big surge in China-Russia trade.This shows the tremendous untapped potential of our trade ties and the great complementarity of our economies.I am confident that the goals we set for our two-way trade can be achieved.【财新杂志记者】现在人民币汇率有一定的下跌压力,但是要稳住汇率,要么就是消耗外汇储备,要么就要加强外汇管制。您如何看待汇率下跌、外储下降或者外汇管制的代价?这几害相权您会作何选择?

【Caixin】China’s RMB exchange rate has been under pressure of depreciation.To keep exchange rate stable, one has to either dig into foreign exchange reserves or tighten control on the use of foreign currencies.Among the three scenarios of a weaker currency, drop in foreign exchange reserves and tightened currency control, how would you weigh the costs of each scenario and what choice will you make?


Premier Li Keqiang: First, on the exchange rate.Last year, there has been some volatility on international currency markets.Many currencies especially major global currencies have depreciated against the strengthening US dollar.The depreciation of the Chinese yuan against the dollar is a quite modest one.China has no intention to devalue its currency in order to boost exports, because that is not good for our companies’ transformation and upgrading.China has no intention to fight any trade war either, as that is not good for the stability of global trade and the international monetary system.China will continue to push forward the market-oriented reform of its exchange rate regime, and follow a market-based, managed floating exchange rate regime.As the floating band of the Chinese yuan widens, the RMB exchange rate has remained broadly stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level.That is attributable to the sound economic fundamentals in China.By keeping the RMB exchange rate broadly stable, China will continue to contribute to the stability of global monetary system.至于说到外汇储备,中国是世界上外汇储备最多的国家。合理的外汇储备规模到底需要多少,这有一个实践探索的过程。总之,我们的外汇储备是充裕的,是足以支付进口和满足短期偿债需要的,远远高于国际标准。

China still has the largest foreign exchange reserves among all countries in the world.As to what is the right size for our foreign exchange reserves, I believe that will continue to be up for exploration.All in all, China has ample foreign exchange reserves for meeting relevant needs, like paying for imports or paying off its short-term external debts.And China’s foreign exchange reserves are way above the international standard.说到我们对于用汇进行真实性、合规性审查,实际上这是法律法规早就规定的。我在这里明确,企业正常的用汇、居民到国外求学旅游等的合理用汇是有保证的。人民币在国际货币体系中是有分量的,汇率会保持基本稳定。

As for our recent authenticity and compliance review of the use of foreign currency, that has been a legal provision for a long time, not something new.I want to emphasize that the need of our businesses for normal use of foreign currency and that of individuals to study or travel overseas is assured.The RMB has solid weight in the international monetary system and the RMB exchange rate will remain generally stable.【路透社记者】今年中国政府准备进一步减少无效供给,扩大有效供给。在这一过程中,政府需要确保下岗工人能找到新的工作,并确保他们的生计。如果我是一名矿工或是钢厂工人,我能在本省找到什么样的新工作呢?今年预计哪些部门会出现工作岗位增加?

【Reuters】This year, the Chinese government will further reduce ineffective supply and expand effective supply.While doing that, the government needs to ensure that laid-off workers will be re-employed and their basic living needs will be met.If I were a miner or a worker of a steel plant, what kind of new jobs can I expect to get in my province? In what sectors do you expect an increase in job opportunities?


Premier Li Keqiang: You have given the employment issue a human face.Last year, we took vigorous efforts to cut excessive and outdated capacity in steel and coal sectors as a priority task for supply-side structural reform.A key concern for us in this process is the proper resettlement of laid-off workers.The central government has earmarked 100 billion yuan in a special fund to provide assistance to them and asked local governments to set up matching funds.Last year, proper arrangements were made for 720,000 workers who were laid off as a result of cutting overcapacity.For various reasons, there are still workers yet to find new jobs.In some cases, given the strong attachment between the workers and their employers, some may prefer to stay on a bit longer with their former employers.Still, their essential living needs are provided for.今年去产能还要扩大到煤电领域,加上去年一些还没安置的职工,累计可能会有近百万人需要安置。我们的办法还是创造新的岗位,因为我们在推动发展新动能。刚才我讲了―双创‖带动了大量新的就业,实际上也转移了许多传统动能的就业,新旧动能转换为传统产业带来了新的活力和生机,催生了新的就业岗位。当然我们没有掉以轻心,还会继续运用好专项基金,并要求地方政府做好配套。同时,企业也要尽社会责任。

This year, effort to cut overcapacity will be extended to the coal-fired power generation sector.Factoring in the number carried over from last year, we need to provide assistance to nearly one million people in total.The key is to continue to generate new jobs, including through our efforts to foster new drivers of growth.As I said before, the initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation has both created a lot of new jobs and stimulated job creation in traditional sectors, which has helped to revive these industries.We will not relent our efforts and will continue to put to effective use the central government special fund complemented by funding from local governments.At the same time, businesses also need to fulfill their social responsibilities.如果你是一名煤矿工人,这个矿被淘汰,或者暂时停产了,我看你有很强的、灵活的就业能力,我建议你到新动能企业去,或者到老动能中产生的新职业中去。而且中国很多企业是有企业文化的,他们对老职工有感情,去新岗位就业了,企业仍然还会给一些补贴,扶上马、送一程。总而言之,把职工安置好,是我们推进供给侧结构性改革、推动化解和淘汰过剩产能中最关键的问题。

So if you were a coal miner, your mine is going to be closed or its production suspended, and you are capable of flexible employment, I will advise you to find a job in sectors with new drivers of growth or move to new jobs generated in the upgraded traditional industries.Moreover, Chinese companies, whose corporate culture encourages close employer-employee relationships, will continue to provide subsidies to their loyal employees for some time to give them a leg-up.All in all, easing the transition for laid-off workers will remain our top concern in cutting overcapacity and pursuing the supply-side structural reform.【澎湃新闻记者】今年两会前夕,中国政府网联合27家网络媒体共同发起―我向总理说句话‖建言征集活动,澎湃新闻和今日头条就其中与民生密切相关问题进行了网上投票。到目前,已经有2131万网友投给了―房屋产权70年到期后怎么办?‖,排第一位。请问总理,国家准备怎么解决这一问题?

【ThePaper.cn】In the run-up to this year’s two Sessions, the Chinese government’s portal website, together with 27 online media outlets, conducted an online survey on the theme of ―What I wish to say to the Premier‖ to solicit public comments and suggestions for the government.Viewers were further requested by ThePaper.cn and Toutiao.com to vote on entries on people’s daily lives.The question of ―what will happen to my home when the 70-year term of land use right expires‖, has received the most votes, or 21.31 million in total.My question is, what will the government do to address this public concern?


Premier Li Keqiang: Our ancestors believe that one shall have his peace of mind when he possesses a piece of land.So it’s understandable for internet users and other members of the general public to feel concerned about the expiry of the 70-year term land use right of their residences.The State Council had asked the relevant departments to respond to these concerns.Specifically, the term can be renewed, and no application or pre-set conditions needs to be filed or met.And the expiry will not affect any transactions over the property.Some people may wonder whether there will be legal safeguards for this right.I want to tell you that the State Council has entrusted relevant departments to speed up their study on relevant laws and come up with a proposal.【泰国《经理报》记者】奥巴马总统任职期间提出了―亚太再平衡‖的战略,特朗普政府现在正在制定对亚洲外交政策,泰国和其他东南亚国家都希望本地区保持和平和稳定,不愿意看到中美在这一地区发生冲突,更不愿意在其中―选边站队‖。您怎么看中国在亚太地区发挥的作用?中国对于本地区理想化的秩序和规则是怎样的?中美如何在这个地区继续和平共处?

【Manager Daily of Thailand】The Obama administration adopted a rebalancing policy towards the Asia-Pacific region while the Trump administration is yet to spell out its policy in Asia.Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia hope this region maintains peace and stability.We don’t want to see any conflict between China and the US here, even more reluctant to take sides.How do you view China’s present role in the Asia-Pacific region? What is China’s ideal order and role for the region? How can China and the US live in peace in this region?


Premier Li Keqiang: The Asia-Pacific is the common home for all countries in this region.China does not want to see any party feeling compelled to choose sides under the influence of the Cold-War mentality.We believe regional affairs should be handled on the merits of each case and in a way that is conducive to continued peace and stability.As for ASEAN, we always put ASEAN in a priority position in China’s neighborhood diplomacy, and support ASEAN community building and its centrality in regional cooperation.China hopes to see an Asia-Pacific that enjoys order and stability, that is able to build consensus through consultation and properly manage differences, and has the wisdom to resolve disputes.中国和东盟正在推进《南海行为准则》磋商,已经取得了实质性进展,我们还会继续积极推进。我们希望维护南海的和平稳定,有关争端由当事方直接对话解决,各方共同维护地区的和平稳定与发展。

China and ASEAN have been pushing forward the consultation on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.Substantive progress has been made in this regard and we will keep working on that.It is our hope that peace and stability in the South China Sea could be maintained, specific disputes be resolved through dialogue by the parties directly concerned and all countries in the region work together for peace, stability and development.中美在亚太地区合作多年了,我们有许多合作的交汇点。不少美国跨国公司把亚太地区销售总部放在中国,我们希望中美合作的共同利益不断扩大,使东盟国家能从中得到机遇,而不是感到麻烦。

For years, China and the United States have been cooperating in many areas in the Asia-Pacific region.Many US multinationals place their Asia-Pacific headquarters in China.We hope that the areas of cooperation between the two countries will continue to widen, providing more opportunities for ASEAN countries instead of being a cause of concern for them.【新华社记者】我们在调研采访中了解到,现在一些企业抱怨税费负担过重,辛苦半天也挣不了多少钱。也有消费者抱怨,很多高品质的产品在国内生产不了。请问总理,您对此怎么看?有什么进一步改进的政策措施?

【Xinhua News Agency】We’ve discovered that there is growing complaint on the part of businesses about the heavy burden of taxes and fees.They say that even with hard work, they couldn’t make much money.And we’ve also heard complaints from Chinese consumers that some high-end goods are not yet domestically made.What is your response to their complaints, Mr.Premier? And what steps will the government take to resolve the issue?


Premier Li Keqiang: I devoted a significant portion of my government work report on further cutting taxes and fees, particularly the myriad of excessive administrative fees that are exacting a heavy burden on businesses.These fees are used to cover certain expenses, such as keeping up some payrolls.To cut down fees, the government must tighten its belt.I have made it clear that the central government will take the lead in doing so and cut its general expenditures by no less than 5% this year.And in my discussions with officials from local governments, they all agreed that this is what they also need to do.So we will use this painful adjustment on the part of the government to make things easier for businesses to enhance their competitiveness.Furthermore, we will take steps this year to cut broadband, electricity and logistics costs.Our goal is to bring down taxes and fees by up to one trillion RMB yuan.A most fundamental measure is to reduce government-imposed transaction cost.至于消费者抱怨中国的一些产品质量不优,这说明我们的企业需要让产品进入质量时代,这也是供给侧结构性改革的重要内容。我们实施《中国制造2025》,就是要提升企业产品和装备的质量。国际上有一种舆论,说是不是中国会减少进口,开放有所收缩,这是误解。提高中国产品的质量,促进产业迈向中高端,必然要更大地打开开放的大门,更多地引进国外先进技术和产品。当然我们会严格保护知识产权,让中外企业双赢。对于普通消费者所需要的一些优质产品一时供给不上,我们还可能考虑降低关税、增加进口。总之,要让消费者有更多选择,从中受惠。更重要的是让我们的企业下决心,通过发扬工匠精神,使自己的产品赢得消费者的信赖。

As for the complaints of some Chinese consumers about the quality of domestically made goods, I believe this is an important message to all Chinese businesses to enhance quality control.It is also an important part of the supply-side structural reform.We’ve launched the Made in China 2025 strategy, which aims to raise the quality of Chinese products and equipment.Some people question if that means China will reduce import and retreat in its opening-up.That is a misunderstanding.On the contrary, raising our own products’ quality and upgrading our own industries to a medium-high level would actually require us to open even wider to the outside world and introduce more advanced technologies and products.In this process, we will see to it that intellectual property rights will be well protected for the benefit of their proprietors.As for those high-end products which cannot be manufactured locally for the time being, we may consider lowering tariffs to boost import.In a word, we need to give our consumers more options and more benefits, and most importantly, harden the resolve of Chinese companies to win over consumers with their commitment to high quality and workermanship.【台湾《联合报》记者】去年以来两岸关系越来越复杂严峻,前景令人担忧。面对这样的形势,大陆如何维护两岸关系的和平发展,以及两岸同胞的福祉?

【United Daily News of Taiwan】Over the past year, relations across the Taiwan Straits have become complex and grave with an uncertain future.Under such circumstances, what will the mainland do to uphold peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and safeguard the well-being of people on both sides?


Premier Li Keqiang: People on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are brothers and sisters.Blood is thicker than water.No matter how the situation on Taiwan may evolve, it cannot sever the fraternal bond between the two sides, or change the history or the reality that both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same China.Nor will it weaken our resolve and sincerity for peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations.我们对台方针是一贯的、明确的,就是要坚持体现一个中国原则的―九二共识‖政治基础,坚决反对―台独‖,维护台海和平,维护两岸关系和平发展,增进两岸同胞的福祉。Our policy towards Taiwan has been consistent and clear-cut, that is, we will stick to the political foundation of the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one-China principle, firmly oppose Taiwan independence, uphold peace across the Taiwan Straits and peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and improve the well-being of people on both sides.两岸的和平发展确实给两岸同胞带来了很多新的机遇。据不完全统计,每年大概有500万台湾同胞往返于大陆和岛内。我们会出台更多政策让台湾同胞在大陆就业、创业、工作、生活,享受一家人一样的便利条件。对台商来大陆投资,我们是欢迎的。我记得去年在记者会上曾经有人提出,希望继续保持对台商投资的优惠政策。我重申:我们会继续提供优惠,让台商、台湾同胞和大陆一起共享发展的机遇。终归我们是一家人。

The peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations has brought new opportunities for people on both sides.According to current statistics, people on Taiwan make 5 million visits across the Straits every year.We will introduce more policies to provide more convenience for people in Taiwan to work and live on the mainland as family.We welcome investment from Taiwan businesses.I recall that at last year’s press conference, I was asked whether the mainland will keep preferential policies toward Taiwan businesses.I wish to reiterate here that such policies will be maintained to enable Taiwan businesses and people to share in China’s development opportunities with their compatriots on the mainland.After all, we are one family.【法兰西广播公司记者】欧盟是中国第二大贸易伙伴,但欧盟对华贸易赤字高达1370亿欧元,这是欧方的统计数字。所以欧盟一些企业对此颇有微词。请问中国如何进一步改进对欧企业的市场准入,以及对于外商投资给予更好的对等待遇?

【Radio France】 The European Union is China’s second largest commercial partner with a trade deficit of 137 billion euros in favor of China and a large number of European businesses complain about that.What is China proposing to improve market access condition for European businesses? And what about better reciprocity of foreign investments?


Premier Li Keqiang: You rightly referred to the trade deficit figure as EU statistics.The fact of the matter is, China never goes after trade surpluses.What we want is balanced trade, as unbalanced trade would not be sustainable.Talking about profits, I think European companies have not just earned profits in China, but have also taken the lion’s share of such profits, as they are at the higher end of the industrial chain.If the EU could ease its restrictions on high-tech exports to China, I believe that would make a big difference in our trade balance.中国提出和欧盟推进投资协定谈判,希望能够得到积极的回应。有一个高水平的双边投资协定,那必将会有助于双方扩大相互开放。即便暂时没有这个协定,我们也会不断扩大对欧盟企业的准入,让欧盟企业在华投资和中国企业一样,只要注册了,就一视同仁。中欧之间存在贸易摩擦,我们有经验去妥善解决。我这里特别强调,中国始终愿意看到一个团结繁荣稳定的欧盟和强大的欧元,支持欧洲一体化进程,因为这有利于经济全球化、世界多极化和文明多样化。我对欧盟的前景是乐观的,我们对中欧关系的发展前景也是看好的。

China has proposed to the EU to push forward the BIT negotiations.We hope to receive a positive response.A high-standard BIT will help two-way opening-up between the two sides.And pending that, we will continue to widen market access for European businesses and ensure that European-invested companies registered in China receive the same treatment as domestic Chinese enterprises.With respect to trade frictions between the two sides, we have gained good experience in properly addressing them.Here, I want to emphasize that China has all along supported a united, prosperous and stable European Union, a strong euro, and the European integration process.We believe that is good for economic globalization, for a multipolar world and for diversity of civilizations.We feel optimistic about the future of the EU and the future of China-EU relations.【《新京报》记者】这几年雾霾成了百姓心中的一个痛点,严重地影响了大家的生活,但是每当重大活动来的时候蓝天也就回来了,大家都兴高采烈地拍照、刷朋友圈。请问总理,怎么样才能让持续的蓝天不再是奢侈品呢?

【Beijing News】In recent years, smog has caused great public concern and severely affected people’s lives.Yet we also discover that whenever a major event is held, the smog would disappear and people would take pictures of blue skies and post them online with much excitement.So I want to ask you, Mr.Premier, what can you do to make sure that blue skies are no longer a luxury?


Premier Li Keqiang: I fully understand that the smog is a huge irritant in people’s lives.Like air, blue skies treat everyone equally.We all want to see more blue-sky days.In the course of development, China is confronted with severe environmental challenges, smog in particular.In my government work report, I laid out five key measures for smog control and we will push them through with full determination to fight and win the battle on smog.But to be honest with you, that will take time.我们治理雾霾目前重点对着燃煤、尾气排放、扬尘等,但今年我参加两会讨论的时候,有科学家说,除此之外还有其他很重要的因素,雾霾的形成机理我们还没完全搞透。他说中国北方冬季的雾霾成因在全世界都是特殊的,当然,这个因素我不便在这儿讲,科学家还要做充分的论证。但是,我想明确,国家为此将设立专项基金,不惜重金组织最优秀的相关科学家攻关,抓紧把雾霾形成的未知因素找出来,使治理雾霾更加有效。

The main targets for smog control would be to tackle coal-burning, vehicle emissions and dust.In addition, during this year’s Two Sessions, I was told by a scientist that apart from these obvious causes, we have not yet fully understood how smog is formed, which is as important.He said, the smog in Northern China during winter is unique compared to that in other parts of the world.Of course, this is not the proper venue to expand on this subject, and the scientists will have to conduct further research.But one thing I can tell you is that we will set up a special fund to bring in the best scientists to dig into this matter regardless of cost and uncover the unknown factors to make our campaign against smog more effective.大自然的阴晴风雨不是人类能支配的,但是我们可以支配我们的行为,可以转变我们的发展方式。我和大家的心情一样,雾霾要治理,蓝天在未来不会也不应该成为奢侈品。

We may not be able to control the weather, but we can adjust our behavior and our way of development.I feel the same way as you all do.Smog must be put under control and blue skies should no longer be a luxury, nor will it be.【《中国消费者报》记者】今天是―3·15‖,请总理给消费者说几句话。

China Consumer News: Today is the Consumers’ Rights Day.Can you say a few words to consumers, Mr.Premier?


Premier Li Keqiang: You and I are all consumers, and we all need protection of our rights.To use popular Internet language, we should give ―thumbs-up‖ to quality products and ―blacklist‖ those bad traders.With joint efforts, we will enjoy more quality products and a better life year after year.













李克强: 二是深化改革开放,激发经济社会发展活力。针对束缚发展的体制机制障碍,我们通过全面深化改革,以释放市场活力对冲经济下行压力,啃了不少硬骨头,经济、政治、文化、社会、生态文明等体制改革全面推进。



















李克强: 各位代表!一年来取得的成绩,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央统揽全局、科学决策的结果,是全党全军全国各族人民共同努力、不懈奋斗的结果。我代表国务院,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界人士,表示诚挚感谢!向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,表示诚挚感谢!向关心和支持中国现代化建设事业的各国政府、国际组织和各国朋友,表示诚挚感谢!今天是元宵佳节,在这里向各位代表和委员致以节日问候,并且预祝全国人民幸福安康!我们既要看到成绩,更要看到前进中的困难和挑战。投资增长乏力,新的消费热点不多,国际市场没有大的起色,稳增长难度加大,一些领域仍存在风险隐患。工业产品价格持续下降,生产要素成本上升,小微企业融资难融资贵问题突出,部分企业生产经营困难。经济发展方式比较粗放,创新能力不足,产能过剩问题突出,农业基础薄弱。群众对医疗、养老、住房、交通、教育、收入分配、食品安全、社会治安等还有不少不满意的地方。有些地方环境污染严重,重大安全事故时有发生。政府工作还存在不足,有些政策措施落实不到位。少数政府机关工作人员乱作为,一些腐败问题触目惊心,有的为官不为,在其位不谋其政,该办的事不办。我们要直面问题,安不忘危,治不忘乱,勇于担当,不辱历史使命,不负人民重托。






李克强: 我们要把握好总体要求,着眼于保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平“双目标”,坚持稳政策稳预期和促改革调结构“双结合”,打造大众创业、万众创新和增加公共产品、公共服务“双引擎”,推动发展调速不减势、量增质更优,实现中国经济提质增效升级。



李克强: 做好今年政府工作,要把握好以下三点。






李克强: 另一方面,推动大众创业、万众创新。这既可以扩大就业、增加居民收入,又有利于促进社会纵向流动和公平正义。我国有13亿人口、9亿劳动力资源,人民勤劳而智慧,蕴藏着无穷的创造力,千千万万个市场细胞活跃起来,必将汇聚成发展的巨大动能,一定能够顶住经济下行压力,让中国经济始终充满勃勃生机。政府要勇于自我革命,给市场和社会留足空间,为公平竞争搭好舞台。个人和企业要勇于创业创新,全社会要厚植创业创新文化,让人们在创造财富的过程中,更好地实现精神追求和自身价值。



































李克强: 推动产业结构迈向中高端。制造业是我们的优势产业。要实施“中国制造2025”,坚持创新驱动、智能转型、强化基础、绿色发展,加快从制造大国转向制造强国。采取财政贴息、加速折旧等措施,推动传统产业技术改造。坚持有保有压,化解过剩产能,支持企业兼并重组,在市场竞争中优胜劣汰。促进工业化和信息化深度融合,开发利用网络化、数字化、智能化等技术,着力在一些关键领域抢占先机、取得突破。




























李克强: 各位代表!建设巩固的国防和强大的军队,是维护国家主权、安全和发展利益的根本保障。要紧紧围绕党在新形势下的强军目标,坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则,统筹抓好各方面各领域军事斗争准备,保持边防海防空防稳定。全面加强现代后勤建设,加大国防科研和高新技术武器装备建设力度,发展国防科技工业。深化国防和军队改革,提高国防和军队建设法治化水平。加强现代化武装警察力量建设。增强全民国防意识,推进国防动员和后备力量建设。坚持国防建设和经济建设协调发展,促进军民融合深度发展。各级政府要始终如一地关心和支持国防和军队建设,坚定不移地巩固和促进军政军民团结。各位代表!我们将坚定不移地贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治方针,严格依照宪法和基本法办事。全力支持香港、澳门特别行政区行政长官和政府依法施政,发展经济,改善民生,推进民主,促进和谐。加强内地与港澳各领域交流合作,继续发挥香港、澳门在国家改革开放和现代化建设中的特殊作用。我们坚信,有中央政府一以贯之的大力支持,不断提升港澳自身竞争力,香港、澳门就一定能够保持长期繁荣稳定。



李克强: 各位代表!时代赋予中国发展兴盛的历史机遇。让我们紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,凝神聚力,开拓创新,努力完成今年经济社会发展目标任务,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出新的更大贡献!

第五篇:李克强:去年着力深化改革开放 激发市场活力-李克强-政府工作报告-两会_新浪财经_新浪网中英对照

李克强:去年着力深化改革开放 激发市场活力|李克强|政府工作报告|两会_新浪财经_新浪

(Two meetings accredit is released)Li Kejiang says, one year exert oneself deepened reforming and opening in the past, stimulate the market vigor and inside Li Kejiang of premier of electric the State Council was in Beijing of vivid force Xinhua News Agency 5 days on March 5 when National People's Congress of 12 whole nations makes governmental working report 2 times on the conference, say, come one year, our exert oneself deepens reforming and opening, stimulate the market vigor and inside vivid force.We change from governmental oneself case, accelerate change function, brief politics put authority to open ancestry as current government an important matter.Structural reorganization of the State Council is carried out in order, cancel group by group and transfer to a lower level 416 administration are examined and approve wait for item, edit the investment project catalog of governmental sanction, drive the industrial and commercial system that register to reform.Each district advances governmental function change and structural reorganization actively, reduce administration to examine and approve item considerably.Expand “ battalion changes add ” pilot, cancel and avoid ask for administrative career sex to collect fees 348, reduce company load 15OO many yuan.These loosened to bind for the market, bought power for the enterprise, the whole nation is new register an enterprise to grow 27.6% , folk invests specific gravity to rise to 63%.Unlock control of loan interest rate in the round, undertake in the whole nation share of medium and small businesses transfers a system pilot.Start praedial unified register.We are driven open extend to deepness.Create division of test of Chinese Shanghai free trade, pay of the countryman before exploring admittance imposes the administrative pattern of negative detailed list.Put forward to build belt of economy of the Silk Road, 21 centuries the conception of maritime the Silk Road.Make China-east alliance upgrades from trade division edition.With Switzerland, Icelandic sign free trade agreement.Implement the policy that stable foreign trade grows, improvement custom, examine the superintendency service such as quarantine.Answer smooth hot season successfully “ double instead ” wait for great commerce to chafe.Drive the technical equipment such as report of Gao Tie, nucleus to take door going abroad, invest to increase considerably external, leave the country travel is close 100 million person-time.



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