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Jing C*** Professor Stephanie Denny English 1102 26 September 2015

Isolation and Reunion The novel “Cathedral” was written by American Minimalistwriter and poet Raymond Carver in 1982.After a thorough analysis of “Cathedral”, one can understand the fictional construction of its charactersandcomprehend the purpose of the theme presentedin this novel.Throughout the conflict between the narrator “I”, his wife and the blind man, Carver shows the significance of “Cathedral”, which symbolizes love, hope and redemption.In the opening of the story, Carver highlights the main characters common bond of solitude.Although they share that similarity, they are all very different.Initially, Narrator “I” hadan active relationship with his wife, but as time passed he became more and more isolated, apatheticand lonesome.Carver usesunreliable first person characterthe “I” totalkabout his wife’s past in regards toher mental activity.Itmeans they had always maintained a great line of communication with each other;his wifealways opened up to him about herself.Carver never explains how the couple began to separate and become indifferent with one another.It may have been the stress of his job, or the dullness of his life altogether, butthe “I” began to isolate himself from his wife and everyone else.He was did not have a social life or friends for that matter;something that was discovered during a conversation between he and his wife.Instead, the“I” would comfort himself by indulging in alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana and TV shows.The culture of television is also an important part of Carver’s works “Simmons argues that television's presence in Carver's stories signals two things:

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a moral vacuity and historical superficiality in the lives of characters attributable in part to television's evisceration of historical “depth” in their lives”(Mullen 52).It was during this time thata poor blind man chosethe “perfect” time to visit an old friend, the “I’s” wife.During the blind man’s visit, the narrator andhost“I” become defensive and display resentment against the friendship between his wife and the blind man because the blind touched his wife 10 years ago, “She told me he touched his fingers to every part of her face, her nose---even her neck!She never forgot it”(104).Although the blind man has never occupy her, the “I” still feels very mind of this old friend of her because “the sense of touch is more intrinsic than vision”(Armour 145), furthermore, they kept touch in the past ten years.So when the blind man arrives at his house, all readers can smells narrator’s antipathy, “This blind man, feature this, he was wearing a full beard!A beard on a blind man!Too much, I say”(106).Start from here, the conflict is set at the beginning of the story.The second character in this story is the narrator’s wife.She considered suicide in her first marriage and now she’s suffering another lonely marriage due to lack communications with her husband.Carver showcases her current badmarriage through contrast it with her friendship with blind man.“Over the years, she put all kinds of stuff on tapes and sent the tapes off lickety-split…She and I began going out, and of course she told her blind man about it.She told him everything”(105).Carver doesn’t give any clear and direct reasoningto explain why this couple’s relationship is crumbling, buthe writes, “Once she asked me if I’d like to hear the latest tape from the blind man…I said okay… We were interrupted, a knock at the door, and we didn’t ever get back to the tape.I’d heard all I wanted to”(105).From here, readers should know the answer, the “I” doesn’t care about her and her tapes and he doesn’t care for the blind man as well.Therefore, the blind’s visit sharpens the conflictsof the story.Chuai 3

The third character, as well as the key character of “Cathedral” is the blind man.He isalso isolated, but dissimilar from the narrator who is self-isolating and his wife who is isolated by her husband.The Blind man is isolated by the social discrimination and biases.“He was no one I knew…My idea of blind man came from the movies.In the movies, the blind moved slowly and never laughed…A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to”(104);“…Beulah and the blind man had themselves a church wedding…just the two of them, plus the minister and the minister’s wife”(106).Unfortunately, this blind man visits this inhospitable host, and without a doubt, the narrator is very impolite to him.In response to the “I’s” hostility, theblindman demonstrates his tolerance as well as intelligence.When the “I” sneers at him with the sites of the Hudson River sight viewing boat, he changes the topic tactfully to his “distinguishedbeard(107)”.When the “I” talks about the changing the TV channel, the blind replies, “Whatever you want to watch is okay…Learning never ends… I got ears”(110).The blind man also doesn’t refusemarijuana when offered a smoke from the “I”.He simply replies, “There’s a first time for everything”(109).Thus it can be understood that all responses from the blind man are very friendly and open-minded.No matter how cruel his life, and no matter how poorly people have treated him, the blind man always remains positive and optimistic.Carver gives blind man a character that is completely accepting of reality, which is the opposite ofthe “I”.The conflict is sharpened by the contrast between the two different characters---the insightful blind man and isolated normal vision the “I”.Finally, when the story reachesthe climax, Carver shows the readers his finalredemption---Cathedral.What is the cathedral symbolize in this story?First it represents the life, “If somebody says cathedral to you, do you have any notion what they’re talking about”, “I know they took hundreds of workers fifty to hundred years to build…they never lived to see the completion of

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their work.In that wise, bub, they’re no different from the rest of us, right?”(111).Secondly, the cathedral represents faith, which was once heldby people but is now lost.“In those olden days, when they built cathedrals, men wanted to be close to God…God was an important part of life…I don’t believe in it, in any thing”(111).Lastly, the cathedral also represents the hope and love in blind man’s faith.Church is mentioned twice in this story, once at blind man’s wedding, and again during the TV show.Although the blind man can’t see the building of cathedral, he already knows the meaning of it.The cathedralrepresents the most essential regression of human interaction.The blind man wants to enticethe narrator with it, showing the“I” how amazing the cathedral looks like in his mind: as happiness, love and hope.At the close of the story, “I” finds his perfect cathedral in his mind with his eyes closed.“His concerns are the relationship between sight and insight, the mind’s eye and the theme of blindness, the disjunction between the eye of the artist and the production of the artist’s hand.The works, all of which appear in the text, are of several varieties: depiction of blindness, relation of blindindividuals to their environment, blindness cured, blindness that brings insight, the self-portrait and self-portrait series and its diachronic relationship to landscape portraiture.”(Forman)Carver’s story represents a minimalistic-style novel.Carver hopes this story can help every confused and isolated personfind hope, love and begin to reestablish healthy forms of communication.He realizesmany peopleisolate themselves from crowds, such as the narrator.Carver gives the solution of how to return each isolated individualback to the world: hope,while finding the homeland of the soul, which is the cathedral.Works Cited

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Raymond, Carver.“Cathedral.” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing.Ed.X.J Kennedy and Dana Gioia.8th Compact Ed.New York: Pearson, 2016.415-16.Print.Mullen, Bill.“A Subtle Spectacle: Televisual Culture inthe Short Stories of Raymond Carver.” Critique 39.2(1998): 99.Academic Search Complete.Web.21 Sept.2015.Armour, Leslie.“Paper Machine/On Touching--Jean-Luc Nancy.” Library Journal 130.14(2005): 145-146.Literary Reference Center.Web.21 Sept.2015.Forman, Robert J.“Memoirs ofthe Blind.” Magill’S Literary Annual 1995(1995): 1-3.Literary Reference Center.Web.21 Sept.2015.

第二篇:Cathedral Raymond Carver(《大教堂》雷蒙德.卡佛)

Cathedral Raymond Carver


雷蒙德.卡佛 文章中英文分析


Cathedral Summary “Cathedral” opens with the narrator telling the reader in a conversational tone that a blind friend of his wife's is coming to visit them.The narrator is clearly unhappy about the upcoming visit.He then flashes back to the story of how his wife met the blind man when she worked for him as a reader.At the time, she was engaged to marry an officer in the Air Force.When she tells the blind man goodbye, he asks if he can touch her face.The touch of his fingers on her face is a pivotal moment in her life, something the narrator does not understand.Although his wife has maintained contact with the blind man for ten years, this will be the first time she has seen him since her marriage, subsequent divorce, and remarriage.Robert, the blind man, has just lost his wife and will be traveling to Connecticut to visit with her family.Along the way he will spend the night at the home of the narrator and his wife.His wife tells the narrator that Robert and his wife, Beulah, were inseparable.Themes Alienation and Loneliness Like the characters in many of Carver's works, the main characters experience, or have experienced, alienation and loneliness.The narrator is unhappy in his work, jealous of his wife, and unconnected to other human beings.In addition to not being connected to others himself, he seems to resent his wife's connections to other people as well.When he speaks of the impending visit by the blind man he states, ''I wasn' t enthusiastic about his visit...A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to.’’ Further, once Robert arrives...The narrator is not an articulate man;consequently, the narration is filled with gaps that the reader must fill in.“Cathedral” Plot Summary The story’s narrator informs the readers that a friend of his wife’s, a man who happens to be blind, is on his way to visit.The narrator is not enthusiastic about the visit because blind people make the narrator uncomfortable, mainly because the narrator has no real experience with the blind.In addition to his uneasiness with the blind, the narrator is uncomfortable with his wife’s relationship with the blind man.The wife and Robert, the blind man, have maintained a close relationship via tape recordings mailed back and forth, and the narrator finds this unsettling.Despite the narrator’s feelings about the visit, Robert shows up, and the three of them dine together, and Robert and the narrator get to know each other.Characters Robert: Robert, the blind man, is a long-time friend of the narrator’s wife.Robert has maintained a close relationship with the narrator’s wife since she worked for him years ago.Since then, they have stayed in touch.Robert works hard to get to know that narrator, too, while he is visiting them, pushing the narrator to talk and interact with him, bringing the narrator out of his shell of closed-off ignorance.The narrator’s wife also seems to have some internal struggle, mainly due to what is divulged about her past.She was married before and suffered from loneliness.She has attempted suicide in the past, and now she is in a difficult marriage once again.Surely, had the story been told from her perspective, the depths of her internal struggle would be brought further to light.At the end of “Cathedral,” the narrator has a life-changing moment, or an epiphany, while trying to tell Robert what a cathedral looks like.The narrator, when first trying to explain what the cathedral looks like, struggles for the words.However, upon Robert’s encouragement, loosens up, and draws the cathedral with Robert, guiding his hand with a pencil onto paper.This is a close personal connection and intimate moment of communication for the narrator, and it impacts him greatly.The narrator is able to connect with Robert, and this is the moment where the narrator can put aside his insecurities and actually interact with someone else.It changes the narrator;he says, “It was like nothing else in my life up to now”(Carver 108).Throughout Cathedral, the boundaries the narrator has placed on his interaction and communication with others are eroded by Robert’s patient persistence in getting to know him.As a result, the narrator confronts his own insecurities and misconceptions, not just about Robert and the blind, but also about his own ability to interact with others.











失落的梦想与世俗化慰藉第一节卡佛短篇小说中的梦想失落者约翰·史密斯(Captain John Smith)在1616年出版的《新英格兰概述》中将美国描写成一块物产富饶的新大陆,那里没有欧洲日大陆的历史重负,也没有其复杂的阶级关系:“人人,或者大部分人,在很短的时间里,都可以成为自己的劳动和土地的主人与所有者。这种对美国天然优越性的看法后来逐渐演变成有关“美国梦”的国家神话:这片“应许之地”充满了各种可能性,每个人只要通过不懈的奋斗和经营,就可能获得自由、平等、独立和富足的幸福生活。








雷蒙德·卡佛(Raymond Carver 1938一1988)是美国当代著名的短篇小说家、诗人。他以简洁平实的叙述语言,客观冷静的叙述方式,被称为“极简主义之父”,曾为美国七八十年代短篇小说的复兴做出了巨大贡献。一直以来,学术界关于雷蒙德·卡佛的研究重点大多放在其写作风格的相关研究上,少有较为系统的小说主题研究和艺术特征研究。本论文以他的短篇小说为研究对象,结合他的传记、采访等相关文献,通过文本细读的方式、运用相关小说理论,将文本研究与理论探索相结合,展示出卡佛短篇小说所具有的独特文学特质及意义。











在《论写作》中卡佛曾说:“作家不需要靠耍花招和卖弄技巧……作家要有面对简单的事物,惊讶的张口结舌的资质。” “极简”的写作风格和不喜欢在写作中“耍花招”的创作想法,不但没有使卡佛的短篇小说黯淡失色,反而使他的作品呈现出丰富的内涵和独特的艺术特质。


Do you know that now in the soccer field, there are three most famous soccer players in fans’ minds: They are Messi, C Ronaldo, and yes, Kaka’.Today I am gonna introduce my favorite soccer player——Kaka.And he is the reason why I like football.Kaka is only a nick name, and his real name is somehow hard to remember: Ricardo Izecson dos santos Leite.Kaka was born in Brasilia on April.22nd 1982.He comes from a middle-class family so he was well-educated, and he often got good grades when he was young.However, because of his football dream, he gave up his study and became a professional soccer player in São Paulo.He first became famous because he scored 2 goals in a very important game in Brazil, and in 2003, he joined one of the greatest football club——AC Milan, and began his legend.He soon caught everyone’s eyes in this fashion city not only for his perfect skills and performances on the soccer field, but also his charming face and good reputation.As a football player, he kicked a great number of fabulous goals and became more and more valuable.As a husband, a father and a son, he was loyal to his family and his God.And that’s why he became a celebrity of one of the most famous luxurious brands Armani.In 2007, he helped AC Milan win the Champions League;his

performance deserved a word to describe: phenomenon.And various awards came towards him.He became FIFA World Player of the year, got the Golden Ball Award and so on.In that year, he got all of the honors a football player could have.He finally became a real superstar.However, in 2009, he was forced to join Real Madrid and was in his poor condition.Because of his injuries, he didn’t do well in the latest 4 seasons.Fans doubted him, the coach only wanted him to be a substitute(which means only stay on the bench).But he never thought of giving up.He never complained, but only practices over and over and over again.His Chinese fans, such as me, also never stopped encouraging him, and finally made him understand our love never disappeared.He said last week,” Chinese fans are my best doctors and assistant coaches;it is they who helped me recover from the depression.”

As a reward, he eventually come off the bench and does well recently.We can see that he is approaching his best condition and trying not to let his fans down.If it was his skills, modest and kind that won our respect, now there is another reason to add: His never giving up, never losing hope.He once said:” I never lose my dream, because only the dream can be achieved.”

Let’s wish Kaka a better future and a big smile every day.On your way to success, we’ll always be your companions.



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