by all means
means是“方法、手段”,by all means是“必定、一定、无论如何”的意思,有ofcourse“当然”之意,通常是加强语气之用。比如人家邀请你去吃饭,你就可以说I'll come by all means。“我一定会来的。”要注意的是,by any means同样也是“一定、无论如何”之意,但是通常用在否定句之中。还有一个词组by no means,这个的意思就是“绝不”
in my way of thinking
依字面上之意,是“以我思考的方式”,所以in my way of thinking就是“以我看来,就我而言”的意思。同样的意思,你也可以说as far as I'm concerned,或者简单一点的in my opinion。这都是一种谦虚表达意见的方式,在发言之前先声明这纯属个人的想法。
What's this all about?
这句话的意思是“这是怎么回事?”相当于What's up with that?,这句也完全等于What happened?或是What's going on?,当你搞不清楚状况时,这几句话都可以为你除疑解惑。不过用What's this all about?来寻求解答时,是比较想知道事情的来龙去脉,而不仅只是想知道发生什么事而已。
a sight for sore eyes
这是美语中一个口语化的说法,“看到你真是消除眼睛疲劳”意思就是“人见人爱的悦目之物”,白话一点就是“见到你真好”,有点像是见到救星的那种感觉,或者是看到好久不见的朋友,也可以用上这一句话。比如说你刚吃完一顿大餐,酒足饭饱之余才发现没带钱,正当不知所措准备进厨房洗碗时,看到了好友就在别桌用餐,总算露出一线生机,你就可以跟你的朋友说:You are a sight for soar eyes。
get a word in
word 当作“话”来用,按字面上来解释get a word in就是“插话”的意思,比较特殊的是,这里是指“(在别人不停地谈话时),找到插话的机会”,而且一般大部分是用否定方式not get a word in edgewise(edgeways)表示,如Jean didn't let meget a word in edgewise。“珍不让我有插话的机会。”因此,每当有人高谈阔论,滔滔不绝,说得让你连插句话的机会都没有时,你就可以利用此一佳句跟人抱怨。
You're going to love it here.要表达喜欢一个地方,你可以说I like / love this place.,或是说成更道地的I like /love it here.。这里的it是指“气氛”atmosphere而言,若是你要跟别人挂保证,担保他一定会喜欢上某个地方,你就可以对他说You're going to(You'll)like/ love it here。
You're out of your mind.mind是指“心智状态,神智”,be out of.。是指“没有了„?,用完了„„”,be out of one's mind的意思就是“(某人)丧失神智”,也就是“(某人)发疯”的意思。当你觉得有人做了非一般正常人会做的事,你就可以对他说You're out of your mind.。当然这可以指暂时丧失神智,也可能是真的发了疯。
1.I don’t see that happening.我觉得没可能。
2.We’re awful grateful for what you did.我们很感激你做的一切。3.To live, I had to make myself more than what I was.为了生存,我不断突破自己。4.Has he said anything about what happened?他提过发生过的事情么? 5.He’s barely said anything.他只字不提。
6.I’d like you to prepare yourself.我希望你做好心理准备。7.I’m not the same person I used to be.我不是以前的我了。8.Replacement接班人
9.Tendered his resignation递交了辞呈
10.We need your passport to get you to buy insurance我们需要你的护照来帮你买保险 11.Hotel vision酒店愿景书
12.It was a bad idea on his(her)part, and I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.这件事情的却不是一个好主意,抱歉我刚刚的请求让你不舒服了。13.You have failed this city.你辜负了这座城市。
14.I just do what I have to do, what has to be done.我只是做我必须做的事情。15.No matter what it takes不管我付出怎样的代价
17.ordinary person = an average Joe = just another face in the crowd普通人 18.stand out from the crowd不同寻常
19.You will find the good.你会找到乐趣
20.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩
21.All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子
22.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马
23.A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半
24.Every advantage has its disadvantage 有利必有弊
25.A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里
26.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母
27.Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母
28.It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老
29.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量
30.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人 31.Definitely 显然的32.Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken.因此,我建议采取一些措施。33.Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.因此,为了解决这个问题,应采取的一些措施。
34.That’s something we all need to understand better.这是我们都需要更加深入了解的。35.Knockoff山寨假名牌;lookalike 山寨明星脸;spoof山寨艺术作品 36.In addition此外
37.Down-to-earth.= stand on solid ground脚踏实地
38.Don’t judge a person by his appearance.不要他的外表来判断一个人 39.Emphasis 重点
40.I believe that you measure yourself by the people who measured themselves by you.我觉得你可以从那些以你为镜衡量自身的人身上衡量你自己生命的意思。41.You have everything on him.你什么都比他强。
42.Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.不
43.Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be
44.I just also wish that you could want for me what I want for myself.我仅仅是希望你能想我所想。45.Life is not a matter of counting the days.It's making the days count.生活不是数着日子过去,而是让每个日子都变得有意义。46.A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.只要有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。
1.I don't want to be the third wheel.我不想当电灯泡.一般的自行车都只有二个轮子, 要是有三个轮子呢? 没错, 那第三个轮子就是多余的.所以 Third wheel 就是美语中电灯泡正确的表示方法.还有一个**, 叫 I don't want to be the third arm.这里不是说
“三只手”的意思, 而是和 third wheel 一样, 都是电灯泡的意思.2.He is dating another girl on the side.他同时脚踏两条船.我想把这句说成 I have my feet in two boats 的人也不在少数吧!其实正确的说法应该是像这样, He is dating another girl on the side.或是你可以说 He is dating another girl behind her back.(这个 her 指的是他女朋友的意思)
On the side 这句话你去餐厅用餐时也常用到, 指的是主菜之外的副餐, 比如说 I'd like salad with dressing on the side.就是说我要沙拉和沙拉酱.或是 Would you like a baked potato on the side? 要不要再点一份烤马铃薯啊?
3.I am the one-woman kinda man.我是那种从一而终的男人.在美国从一而终的人好像不多, 他们通常从高中就开始交男女朋友, 一直交到结婚, 中间不知改朝换代过多少次.所以这句话是很难得听到的.其实我比较常听的是 one-man woman, 因为看来不论中外, 女生都比男生坚贞一点.kinda在口语中常用, 它是 kind of 的简写, kinda man 就是说那样的男人。可以省略不说.还有一种用法叫 We are exclusive.这个 exclusive 指的是排他的意思.所以当一对情侣说, We are exclusive时, 就是说我们心里只有对方一人, 我们都不会再去喜欢上别人.4.Those boys like to hit on me all the time.那些男生老爱找我搭讪.Hit somebody 是说你打某人的意思, 但是 hit on somebody 就不一样了, hit on somebody 是当作搭讪来解释.常常电视剧里可以看到, 一个男的跑去跟一个陌生女孩多说了两句话, 那个女生就说: Are you hitting on me? 你现在是在跟我搭讪吗? 实在是很有意思。
5.That's the long distance relationship.我和我的情人分隔两地.一般relationship都是特别指男女朋友之间的关系, 比如你可以跟你的另一半说, I really appreciate our relationship.就是我很感激我们能够在一起.Long distance relationship是一种固定用法, 这样的**我常在广播中听到.他们一般情况下不会说成 We live far away from each other.只会说 We have a long distance relationship.再来你可能可以接著说, It's so hard for me.6.You should have chivalry.你应该有点绅士风度。
我觉得美国的男生都蛮有风度的, 他们会帮女士开门(这点在美国尤其重要, 因为美国的空气太乾燥了, 所以去开门常常会触电 ^__^)会让 Lady first.这种行为中文叫绅士风度, 但在英文中叫骑士精神(chivalry)
7.I saw you smooching that girl just outside my window.我看到你在我的窗外亲那个女孩喔。
Smooch 是一个口语, 它就完全等于大家所熟知的 kiss 这个字.8.I'm all over you.我对你非常地著迷.All over you 就是说对你非常地著迷, 这还有另一种表示方法, 叫 I have a crush on you.这二句都是表达很喜欢某人的意思.All over somebody 还有一个很常用的用法, 我把它翻成“三贴”比如说你去舞厅跳舞, 看到有一对男女跳到三点都贴在一起了, 你就可以跟你的同伴说, Hey, look, the guy is dancing all over the girl.9.I'm over you.我跟你之间完了。
一字之差但是意思完全不同喔.你要是说 I'm over you, 就是说我跟你之间完了, 我不想再和你有任何的瓜葛.这和 I'm all over you 是完全不一样的。
10.Are you trying to seduce me? 你想要勾引我吗?
Seduce 就是说你用言语或是行为去勾引某人.这句话在美国派(American Pie)当中有用到过喔!就是其中有一个男生最后找不到伴了, 结果跑去勾引一个老女人.那个老女人就说了, Are you trying to seduce me?
更好玩的是, 那个男生事后还跟同伴吹牛, “Women are like wine.They only get better with age.” 女人吗, 就像老酒一样,只会越陈越香。
추억은 아무런 힘도 없어요如果心脏变的僵硬就好了
심장이 딱딱해 졌으면 좋겠어她現在閃爍著光芒,過一段時間你就會忘記的,像我們現在這樣
지금은 반짝반짝 빛이 나겠지, 하지만 시간이 흐르면 그빛은 사라저버릴거야,지금 우리처럼人们明明知道会死 不也是还活下去吗?
사람들은 죽을걸 알면서도 살잖아爱本来就是幼稚的사랑은 원래 유치한거에요有什么这么难 喜欢就是喜欢 不喜欢就是不喜欢,为什么要那么复杂?
좋으면 좋고 싫으면 싫은 거지, 뭐가 이렇게 어렵고 복잡하냐구你很有魅力.不知道自己多有魅力,这就是你的魅力
당신 매력있어, 자기가 얼마나 매력있는지 모르는게 당신매력이야
당신이 다른 남자(여자)랑 눈 마추는거 싫어...당신이 다른 남자(여자)말에 귀 기울이는것도 싫고...왜 그런지 나도 몰라...그냥 싫어去爱吧 就像不曾受过伤一样
사랑하라,한번도 상처받지 않은것처럼
춤추라,아무도 바라보고있지 않은것처럼
노래하라,아무도 듣고있지않은것처럼
살라,오늘이 마지막 날인 것처럼
미지왕=미친놈 지가 무슨 왕자인줄 알아
16.警示 set the alarm bell ringing/ warn sb of
17.危害 do/cause damage to /endanger wildlife/destroy the balance of ecology
18.结束put an end to sth/ end/ stop/ get rid of sth
19.道德 It’s a traditional virtue/ It’s im(moral)to do sth
20.关爱, 照顾care for/ attend to/take care of
22.彷徨 feel at loss/at sea/ be caught /be stuck/trapped in a dilemma/stand at a crossroads
23.技能 acquire skills/ polish up writing skills/ develop problem-solving skills/develop a high
level of competence in communication skills
24.施压put pressure on.减压reduce /relieve one’s pressure
26.工作、就业 create a new job/ provide job training/ ensure better working conditions
27.回报 bring rewards to sb/ reward /repay sb for sth/ pay sb back/ a rewarding job/ It’s
worthwhile to do
28.习惯 form/develop the habit of /fall into/pick up/slide into the habit of gambling
29.沉溺 be addicted to/be absorbed in / be hooked on/ be buried in /
30.乐观、悲观 be positive/optimistic about;be pessimistic about life/ feel depressed
31.有益于 be beneficial to / to one’s advantage/
32优于 be superior to/ have an edge over
33.权衡 seek a balance A between B, weigh the advantages and disadvantages
34.危险 be at risk/ be endangered/
35.掌握 have a better understanding of / have a thorough understanding of /grasp sth
36.利用 make better/full use of / make the most of /take advantage of
37.思考/考虑 reflect on/ give thought to /rethink sth / think sth over/ take sth into consideration
38.使….产生 bring about/ give rise to/ contribute to/ lead to/result in
39.为了 for the sake of /for the benefit of / in the interest of sb/sth
40.坚持 stick to points/ hold on /fast to the dream/
41.追求 seek after/ long for sth / pursuit dreams
42.牢记 bear/keep sth in mind
43展现,发挥 bring out one’s character/ display one’s potential
44热情/喜爱 be enthusiastic about/ be keen on / have a passion for/be fond of43 执行 carry out / put sth into practice /
44.完成,实现 achieve success/ realize goals/ fulfill dreams
生效(law)come into effect/take effect/
46确保guarantee sb sth/ensure a secure job
47应付,处理 wrestle with/deal with/cope with /see to
attend/ address/solve/handle the problem
48.旨在,意在 be intended to do /be meant to do / be aimed at doing/
49.鉴于 in view of / in the light of / considering that
50.尽管 In spite of.despite the fact that …