
时间:2019-05-14 19:25:05下载本文作者:会员上传


专四常见短语1 catch one’s breath 喘气,松口气;屏息

catch one’s eye 引人注目

catch sight of 看到,发现

come into effect 生效;实施

come into operation 施行,实行,生效

come to one’s senses 醒悟;苏醒

come true 实现

could not help 禁不住,忍不住

cut short 中断,打断

do one’s best 尽力,努力

enjoy oneself 过得快活

fall in love with 爱 上

find fault(with)找岔

gain an advantage over 胜过,优于

get hold of 得到,获得

get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,get the best of 战胜

get the better of 战胜,占上风

get together 会面,装配

give rise to 引起,导致

give way 让路,让步

go ahead 开始,进行

go into effect 施行,实行,生效

go into operation 生效,实施

go wrong 出错,出故障

had better 应该

had rather 宁愿

had rather…than 宁愿…而不愿…

have an advantage over 胜过,优于

have in mind 想到;记得;打算

have nothing to do with 和…毫无关系

have(something/much/little)to do with 和…(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系

help oneself 自用,自取

keep an eye on 留意,照看

keep in mind 记住

keep one’s head 保持镇静

keep one’s word 守信用

keep pace(with)(与……)齐步前进

lead the way 引路,带路

learn by heart 记住,背诵

leave alone 不打扰,不干预

let alone 更别提,不打扰

let go(of)放,松手

lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心

lose one’s head 慌乱,仓皇失措

lose one’s temper 发脾气,发努

lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见

make a /the difference 有影响,起作用

make friends 交朋友

make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

make one’s way 去,前往

make sense 讲得通,言之有理

专四常见短语2 make sure 查明;务必

make the best of 充分利用

make the most of 充分利用

make up one’s mind 下决心,打定主意

make use of 使用,利用

make way 让路,让出地方

may as well 还不如,不妨

never mind 不要紧;不用担心

pay attention to 注意

piece together 拼合 play a part(in)起作用,参于

put into effect 实施;使生效

put into operation 实施;使生效

put into practice 实施;实行

put to use


see to it that 注意,务必,保证

see that 注意,务必,保证

set fire to 使燃烧,点燃

take……for 把……认为是

take a chance 冒险,投机

take(a)delight in 以……为乐

take advantage of 利用,趁……之机

take care 当心,注意

take care of 照顾,照料

take charge 管理,接管

take effect 生效,起作用

take into account 考虑

take for granted 认为……理所当然

take one’s time 不着急,不着慌

take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功

take part(in)参加,参于

take place 发生,进行,举行

take the place of 代替,取代

take turns 依次,轮流

throw light on 阐明,使了解

think better of 经考虑改变对…的看法

try one’s best 尽力,努力


absent from 不在,缺席

abundant in 富于

alien to 与……相反

angry with sb at/about sth 生气,愤怒

anxious about/for 忧虑,担心

appropriate for/to 适当,合适

applicable to 适用于

apt at 聪明,善于

apt to 易于

ashamed of 羞愧,害臊

approximate to近拟,接近

aware of 意识到

available to sb for sth 可用,可供

bare of 几乎没有,缺乏

bound for 开往……

capable of 能够

careful of/about/with;小心,注意

certain of /about 确信,肯定

about/in doing characteristic of 特有,独特

clear of 没有,不接触

clever at 善于

close to 接近,亲近

comparable to/with 可比较

conscious of 察觉到,意识到

consequent on 随之而来

considerate towards 体谅,体贴

contemporary with 与……同时代

content with 满足于

contrary to 违反

counter to 与……相反

crazy about 热衷,着迷

critical of 挑剔,批评

curious about 好奇,想知道

distinct from 种类(风格)不同

doubtful of /about 怀疑

east of 在……东面

equal to 相等,胜任

equivalent to 等于,相当于

essential to/for 必不可少

expert at/in/on 善于

faithful to 忠实于

familiar to sb 为……所熟悉

familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓

fatal to 致命的 favourable to 支持,赞成 favourable for 有帮助的 fearful of 惧怕

fit for 适于

foreign to 非……所原有

fond of 喜欢

free of /from 未受……;免费

free with 康慨,大方

guilty of 有……罪的 hungry for 渴望

ignorant of 不知道

impatient at sth.不耐烦

impatient of 无法容忍

with sb independent of 不受……支配

impatient for 急切,渴望


indifferent to 无兴趣,不关心

indignant with sb.愤慨

inferior to 级别低于,不如

sb/about sth innocent of 无…罪,无辜

intent on 专心于

invisible to 不可见的 jealous of 嫉妒

keep on 爱好,很喜欢

liable for 对……有责任

liable to 易 于

access to ……的入口,通路

acquaintance with 相识,了解

action on sth 对……的作用

addition to sth 增加

admission to /into 进入,入(场,学,会)

admission of sth 承认

advance in 改进,进步

advantage over 优于……的有利条件

affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

answer to ……的答案

loyal to 忠于

mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒

mad with 因……发狂

next to 下一个,其次

necessary to /for 必要的 opposite to 在对面

open to 不限制,开放的 particular about 挑剔,讲究

parallel to 与……平等,类似

peculiar to 独特的,独有的 patient with 有耐心

prior to 在……之前

popular with 受……喜爱,爱戴

representative of 代表……的 relative to 与……有关

rich in 富于

responsible for 负责,是……原因

sensitive to 对……敏感

sensible of 觉查到

sick of 厌恶,厌倦

short of 缺少

skilled at /in 善于

similar to 相似

sufficient for 足够的 subject to 受制于,易于

superior to 优于,级别高于

suitable for/to 适合于

suspicious of 怀疑

sure of /about 对……有信心,确信

typical of 是典型的,特有的 tired of 对……不在感兴趣

votal to 对……关系重大

uncertain of /about 不确知

mad about/on 狂热迷恋

void of 没有,缺乏


absence from 缺席,不在 absence of 缺乏

anxiety for sth 渴望

apology to sb for sth 道歉 appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁 appeal for 魅力,吸引力 appetite for 对……的欲望 application 把……应用于…… approach to 类似,办法,通道

of sth/to sth argument 赞成/反对…的理由arrangement for 对……的安排

for /against attack on 对……的进攻,评击 attempt at 尝试,企图 attention to 对……的注意 attraction for 对……的吸引力 balance between ……之间的平衡 barrier to ……的障碍 belief in 对……的信仰,相信 candidate for 候选人,人选 check on 检查,阻止 claim for sth 要求

collision with sb/sth 碰撞,冲突 comment on /about 对……的评论 between A and B

complaint of /about 报怨,控告 compromise between/on 折中,妥协 concentration on sth 专心,集中精力 concentration of sth 集中,聚集 concern about/for/over 担心 confidence in 对……的信任,相信 connection between;关系,连接 consent to sth 同意

with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接触,联系 contest for sth 争夺,竞争

contradiction between 矛盾,不一致

contrast to/with sth 对比,对照

contribution to 贡献,捐献,促成

between A and B conversation with sb 对话

conversion 转变,转换 about sth

of sth into sth credit for sth 荣誉,赞扬

damage to sth 损坏

danger to sb/sth 危险

decision on/against 做/不做……的决定

candidate for 候选人,人选

check on 检查,阻止

claim for sth 要求

collision with sb/sth 碰撞,冲突

comment on /about 对……的评论

between A and B

complaint of /about 报怨,控告

compromise between/on 折中,妥协

concentration on sth 专心,集中精力

decrease in sth ……的减少

defence against 防御,保卫

delegate to 参加……的代表

demand for 对……的需求

departure from 离开

desire for sth 渴望

difference 不同,差异

difference 分歧


between…over… dispute about争论,辩论

admission of sth 承认

advance in 改进,进步

advantage over 优于……的有利条件

affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

answer to ……的答案

anxiety for sth 渴望

apology to sb for sth 道歉

appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁

appeal for 魅力,吸引力

appetite for 对……的欲望

application 把……应用于……

approach to 类似,办法,通道 of sth/to sth

argument 赞成/反对……的理由

arrangement for 对……的安排

for /against attack on 对……的进攻,评击

attempt at 尝试,企图

attention to 对……的注意

attraction for 对……的吸引力

balance between ……之间的平衡

barrier to ……的障碍

belief in 对……的信仰,相信

concentration of sth 集中,聚集 concern about/for/over 担心 confidence in 对……的信任,相信 connection between;关系,连接 consent to sth 同意

with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接触,联系 contest for sth 争夺,竞争

contradiction between 矛盾,不一致 contrast to/with sth 对比,对照 contribution to 贡献,捐献,促成

between A and B conversation with sb 对话 conversion 转变,转换 about sth of sth into sth credit for sth 荣誉,赞扬 damage to sth 损坏 danger to sb/sth 危险

decision on/against 做/不做…的决定 decrease in sth ……的减少 defence against 防御,保卫 delegate to 参加……的代表 demand for 对……的需求 departure from 离开 desire for sth 渴望 difference 不同,差异 difference 分歧 between……in……

between……over…… dispute about 争论,辩论distinction between 区别 doubt about/as to 怀疑 effect on 对……的作用 emphasis on 对……的强调,注重 encounter with 遭遇,遇到

enthusiasm about/for 热情

entrance to ……的入口,入场

envy of sb 嫉妒

exception to ……的例外 of /at sth

exposure to sth 暴露

fancy for sth 喜爱

faith in 对……的信任,信仰

glance at 扫视

preference to sth 优先

proposal for sth 准备

prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重

preparation for 建议

in favour of ……


protection for sb 保护

gratitude to sb 感激

guess at sth 猜测

for sth hatred for/of 仇恨

hazard to 危险

hunger for 渴望

impact on/ upon 对……的撞击,巨大影响

improvement on/in 对……的改进,提高

increase in sth 增加,增长

independence from 独立,自主

influence on 对……的影响

inquiry about 对……的查询

inquiry into 对……的调查

interaction with sth 相互作用

inteference in/with 干涉,阻碍

between /among sth

introduction to 引言,介绍,入门

memorial to sth 引进(物)

invitation to 邀请

investment in sth 投资

loyalty to sb/sth 忠诚

memorial to sb/sth 纪念碑

obstacle to sth 纪念碑

objection to sth 反对

opponent of sth ……的障碍

opponent at /in sth 对手

patience with 反对者

passion for 对……的强烈爱好,热爱

precaution against 耐心

pity for sb/sth 可怜,怜悯

preference for sth 预防,防备

preface to ……的前言

preparation for 偏爱

protest against sth 抗议

against sth provision for/against 准备 pull at/on sth 拉,拖 ratio of sth to sth 比率 reaction to 对……的反应 reason for 原因,理由 reference to 提及,参考 regard for 对……的注意,尊重 remedy for 补救,解决 reply to sb/sth 对……的回答 reputation for 名声,名气 request for sth 要求

research on/into 对……的研究,调查 resistance to 对……的抵抗,阻力 response to 对……的回答,反应 responsibility for 责任,负责 restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束 search for 对……的搜寻 service to 服务,贡献

similarity between ……的相似之处 skill at 技巧,熟练

solution to ……的解决办法 sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛 stress on 对……的强调 supplement to sth 补充,增刊 sympathy for 对……的同情 sympathy with 对……的赞同 taste for 对……的爱好,喜爱 taste in 对……的审美能力 tendency to sth 趋向,趋势 trust in 对……的信赖,信任

wish for 欲望,愿望


a series of 一系列,一连串

above all 首先,尤其是

after all 毕竟,究竟

ahead of 在……之前

ahead of time 提前

all at once 突然,同时

all but 几乎;除了……都

at first 最初,起先

at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

at hand 在手边,在附近

at heart 内心里,本质上

at home 在家,在国内

at intervals 不时,每隔……

at large 大多数,未被捕获的 at least 至少

at last 终于

all of a sudden 突然

all over 遍及

all over again 再一次,重新

all the time 一直,始终

all the same 仍然,照样的 as regards 关于,至于

anything but 根本不

as a matter of fact 实际上

apart from 除……外(有/无)

as a rule 通常,照例

as a result(of)因此,由于

as far as ……be concerned 就……而言

as far as 远至,到……程度

as for 至于,关于

as follows 如下

as if 好像,仿怫

as good as 和……几乎一样

as usual 像平常一样,照例

as to 至于,关于

all right 令人满意的;可以

as well 同样,也,还

as well as 除……外(也),即……又

aside from 除……外(还有)

at a loss 茫然,不知所措

at a time 一次,每次

at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

at all costs 不惜一切代价

at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

at all times 随时,总是

at any rate 无论如何,至少

at best 充其量,至多

at length 最终,终于 at most 至多,不超过 at no time 从不,决不 by accident 偶然

at one time 曾经,一度;同时 at present 目前,现在 at sb’s disposal 任……处理 at the cost of 以……为代价 at the mercy of 任凭……摆布 at the moment 此刻,目前 at this rate 照此速度 at times 有时,间或

back and forth 来回地,反复地 back of 在……后面 before long 不久以后 beside point 离题的,不相干的 beyond question 毫无疑问 by air 通过航空途径 by all means 尽一切办法,务必by and by 不久,迟早 by chance 偶然,碰巧 by far 最,……得多 by hand 用手,用体力 by iteslf 自动地,独自地 by means of 用,依靠 by mistake 错误地,无意地 by no means 决不,并没有 by oneself 单独地,独自地 by reson of 由于 by the way 顺便说说 by virtue of 借助,由于

by way of 经由,通过……方法

due to 由于,因为

each other 互相

even if/though 即使,虽然

ever so 非常,极其

every now and then 时而,偶尔

every other 每隔一个的 except for 除了……外

in detail 详细地

in difficulty 处境困难

in effect 实际上,事实上

in general 一般来说,大体上

in favour of 支持,赞成 in front of 面对,在……前

in half 成两半

in hand 在进行中,待办理

face to face 面对面地

far from 远非,远离

for ever 永远

for good 永久地

for the better 好转

for the moment 暂时,目前

for the present 暂时,目前

for the sake of 为了,为了……的利益

for the time being 暂时,眼下

from time to time 有时,不时

hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联

head on 迎面地,正面的 heart and soul 全心全意地

how about ……怎么样

in a hurry 匆忙,急于

in case of 假如,防备

in a moment 立刻,一会儿

in a sense 从某种意义上说

in a way 在某种程度上

in a word 简言之,总之

in accordance with 与……一致,按照

in addition 另外,加之

in addition to 除……之外(还)

in advance 预先,事先

in all 总共,合计

in any case 无论如何

in any event 无论如何

in brief 简单地说

in charge of 负责,总管

in common 共用的,共有的 in consequence(of)因此;由于

in debt 欠债,欠情


in honour of 为庆祝,为纪念 in itself 本质上,就其本身而言in line with 与……一致 in memory of 纪念 in no case 决不 in no time 立即,马上 in no way 决不 in order 按顺序,按次序 in other words 换句话说 in part 部分地 in particular 特别,尤其 in person 亲自,本人 in place 在合适的位置 in place of 代替,取代,交换 in practice 在实践中,实际上 in proportion to 与……成比例in public 公开地,当众 in quantity 大量 in question 正在谈论的 in regard to 关于,至于 in relation to 关于,涉及 in return 作为报答/回报/交换 in return for 作为对……报答 in short 简言之,总之 in sight 被见到;在望 in spite of 尽管 in step 齐步,合拍

in step with 与……一致/协调 in tears 流着泪,在哭着

in the course of 在……期间/过程中

in the distance 在远处

in the end 最后,终于

in the event of 如果……发生,万一

in the face of 即使;在……面前

in the first place 首先

in the future 在未来

in the least 丝毫,一点

in(the)light of 鉴于,由于

on duty 上班,值班

on earth 究竟,到底

on fire 起火着火

on foot 步行,on guard 站岗,值班

on hand 在场,在手边

on occasion(s)有时,间或

on one’s own 独立,独自

on purpose 故意地

in the way 挡道

in the world 究竟,到底

in time 及时

in touch 联系,接触

in turn 依次,轮流;转而

in vain 徒劳,白费力

instead of 代替,而不是

just now 眼下;刚才

little by little 逐渐地

lots of 许多

many a 许多

more or less 或多或少,有点

next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

no doubt 无疑地

no less than 不少于……;不亚于……

no longer 不再

no more 不再

no more than 至多,同……一样不

none other than 不是别的,正是

on one’s guard 警惕,提防

nothing but 只有,只不过

now and then 时而,偶尔

off and on 断断续续,间歇地

off duty 下班

on a large/small scale 大/小规模地

on account of 由于


on behalf of 代表

on board 在船(车/飞机)上

on business 因公

on condition that 如果

on sale 出售,廉价出售 on schedule 按时间表,准时 on second thoughts 经重新考虑 on the contrary 正相反

on the grounds of 根据,以……为由on(the)one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面 on the point of 即将……的时刻 on the road 在旅途中 on the side 作为兼职/副 业 on the spot 在场;马上 on the whole 总的来说,大体上 on time 准时 once again 再一次

once(and)for all 一劳永逸地 once in a while 偶尔 once more 再一次 once upon a time 从前 one another 相互 or else 否则,要不然 or so 大约,左右 other than 非;除了 out of 从……中;由于;缺乏 out of breath 喘不过气来 out of control 失去控制 out of date 过时的 out of doors 在户外 out of order 出故障的 out of place 不适当的 out of practice 久不练习,荒疏 out of sight 看不见,在视野外

out of the question 毫无可能的 out of touch 不联系,不接触

over and over(again)一再地,再三地

prior to 在……之前

quite a few 相当多,不少

rather than 不是……(而是)

regardless of 不顾,不惜

right away 立即,马上

side by side 肩并肩,一起

so far 迄今为止

sooner or later 迟早,早晚

step by step 逐步地

such as 例如,诸如

thanks to 由于,多亏

that is(to say)就是说,即

to the point 切中要害,切题

under control 处于控制之下

under the circumstances 这种情况下

up to date 在进行中

up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于

what if 切合目前情况的 what about 怎么样

with respect to 如果……将怎么样

with regard to 关于,至于

without question 关于,至于,with the exception of 除……之外

without question 毫无疑问

word for word 逐字的


大家论坛club.topsage.com 专四高频词汇

1.alter v.改变,改动,变更

2.burst vi/n.突然发生/爆裂

3.dispose vi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

4.blast n.爆炸;气流 vi.炸,炸掉

5.consume v.消耗,耗尽

6.split v.劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的7.spit v.吐(唾液等);唾弃

8.spill v.溢出,溅出,倒出

9.slip v.滑动,滑落;忽略

10.slide v.滑动,滑落 n.滑动;滑面;幻灯片

11.bacteria n.细菌

12.breed n.种,品种 v.繁殖,产仔

13.budget n.预算 v.编预算,作安排

14.candidate n.候选人

15.campus n.校园

16.liberal a.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v.转变,变革;变换

18.transmit v.传播,播送;传递

19.transplant v.移植

20.transport vt.运输,运送 n.运输,运输工具

21.shift v.转移;转动;转变

22.vary v.变化,改变;使多样化

23.vanish vi.消灭,不见

24.swallow v.吞下,咽下 n.燕子

25.suspicion n.怀疑,疑心

26.suspicious a.怀疑的,可疑的27.mild a.温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

28.tender a.温柔的;脆弱的

29.nuisance n.损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)

30.insignificant a.无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

31.accelerate vt.加速,促进

32.absolute a.绝对的,无条件的;完全的

33.boundary n.分界线,边界

34.brake n.刹车,制动器 v.刹住(车)

35.catalog n.目录(册)v.编目

36.vague a.模糊的,不明确的37.vain n.徒劳,白费

38.extinct a.绝灭的,熄灭的

39.extraordinary a.不平常的,特别的,非凡的

40.extreme a.极度的,极端的 n.极端,过分

41.agent n.代理人,代理商;动因,原因

42.alcohol n.含酒精的饮料,酒精

43.appeal n./vi.呼吁,恳求

44.appreciate vt.重视,赏识,欣赏

45.approve v.赞成,同意,批准

46.stimulate vt.刺激,激励

47.acquire vt.取得,获得;学到

48.accomplish vt.完成,到达;实行

49.network n.网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

50.tide n.潮汐;潮流

51.tidy a.整洁的,整齐的

52.trace vt.追踪,找到 n.痕迹,踪迹

53.torture n./vt.拷打,折磨

54.wander vi.漫游,闲逛

55.wax n.蜡

56.weave v.织,编

57.preserve v.保护,保存,保持,维持

61.abuse v.滥用,虐待;谩骂

62.academic a.学术的;高等院校的;研究院的

64.battery n.电池(组)

65.barrier n.障碍;棚栏

66.cargo n.(船、飞机等装载的)货物

67.career n.生涯,职业

68.vessel n.船舶;容器,器皿;血管

69.vertical a.垂直的

70.oblige v.迫使,责成;使感激

71.obscure a.阴暗,模糊

72.extent n.程度,范围,大小,限度

73.exterior n.外部,外表 a.外部的,外表的

大家论坛club.topsage.com 74.external a.外部的,外表的,外面的

75.petrol n.汽油

76.petroleum n.石油

77.delay vt./n.推迟,延误,耽搁

78.decay vi.腐烂,腐朽

79.decent a.像样的,体面的80.route n.路;路线;航线

81.ruin v.毁坏,破坏 n.毁灭,[pl.]废墟

82.sake n.缘故,理由

83.satellite n.卫星

84.scale n.大小,规模;等级;刻 85.temple n.庙宇

86.tedious a.乏味道,单调的,87.tend vi.易于,趋向

88.tendency n.趋向,趋势

89.ultimate a.极端的,最大的,最终的 n.极端

90.undergo v.经历,遭受

91.abundant a.丰富的,充裕的,大量的

92.adopt v.收养;采用;采纳

93.adapt vi.适应,适合;改编,改写 vt.使适应

94.bachelor n.学士,学士学位;单身汉

95.casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的

96.trap n.陷阱,圈套 v.设陷阱捕捉

97.vacant a.空的,未占用的98.vacuum n.真空,真空吸尘器

99.oral a.口头的,口述的,口的100.optics n.(单、复数同形)光学


be about to do 刚要,即将

be friends with 与……友好

bear in mind 记住

bring into effect 实行;使生效

bring into operation 实施;使生效

can not help 禁不住,忍不住

carry into effect 施行;使生效

cast light on/upon 阐明,使了解

catch fire 着火,烧着

catch one's breath 喘气,松口气;屏息

catch one's eye 引人注目

catch sight of 看到,发现

come into effect 生效;实施

come into operation 施行,实行,生效

come to one's senses 醒悟;苏醒

come true 实现

could not help 禁不住,忍不住

cut short 中断,打断

do one's best 尽力,努力

enjoy oneself 过得快活

fall in love with 爱上

find fault(with)找岔

gain an advantage over 胜过,优于

get hold of 得到,获得

get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,get the best of 战胜

get the better of 战胜,占上风

get together 会面,装配

give rise to 引起,导致

give way 让路,让步

go ahead 开始,进行

go into effect 施行,实行,生效

go into operation 生效,实施

go wrong 出错,出故障

had better 应该

had rather 宁愿

had rather……than 宁愿……而不愿……

have an advantage over 胜过,优于

have in mind 想到;记得;打算

have nothing to do with 和……毫无关系

have(something/much/little)to do with 和……(有些/有很大/没有什么)关系

help oneself 自用,自取

keep an eye on 留意,照看

keep in mind 记住

keep one's head 保持镇静


keep one's word 守信用

keep pace(with)(与……)齐步前进

lead the way 引路,带路

learn by heart 记住,背诵

leave alone 不打扰,不干预

let alone 更别提,不打扰

let go(of)放,松手

lose heart 失去勇气,丧失信心

lose one's head 慌乱,仓皇失措

lose one's temper 发脾气,发努

lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见

make a /the difference 有影响,起作用

make friends 交朋友

make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

make one's way 去,前往

make sense 讲得通,言之有理

make sure 查明;务必

make the best of 充分利用

make the most of 充分利用

make up one's mind 下决心,打定主意

make use of 使用,利用

make way 让路,让出地方

may as well 还不如,不妨

never mind 不要紧;不用担心

pay attention to 注意

piece together 拼合

play a part(in)起作用,参于

put into effect 实施;使生效

put into operation 实施;使生效

put into practice 实施;实行

put to use 使用

see to it that 注意,务必,保证

see that 注意,务必,保证

set fire to 使燃烧,点燃

take……for 把……认为是

take a chance 冒险,投机

take(a)delight in 以……为乐

take advantage of 利用,趁……之机

take care 当心,注意

take care of 照顾,照料

take charge 管理,接管

take effect 生效,起作用

take into account 考虑

take for granted 认为……理所当然

take one's time 不着急,不着慌

take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功

take part(in)参加,参于

take place 发生,进行,举行

take the place of 代替,取代

take turns 依次,轮流

tahorw light on 阐明,使了解

think better of 经考虑改变对……的看法

try one's best 尽力,努力


absent from 不在,缺席

abundant in 富于

alien to 与……相反

angry with sb at/about sth 生气,愤怒

anxious about/for 忧虑,担心

appropriate for/to 适当,合适

applicable to 适用于

apt at 聪明,善于

apt to 易于

ashamed of 羞愧,害臊

approximate to近拟,接近

aware of 意识到

abailable to sb for sth 可用,可供

bare of 几乎没有,缺乏

bound for 开往……

capable of 能够

careful of/about/with;小心,注意

certain of /about 确信,肯定

about/in doing characteristic of 特有,独特

clear of 没有,不接触

clever at 善于

close to 接近,亲近

comparable to/with 可比较

conscious of 察觉到,意识到

consequent on 随之而来

considerate towards 体谅,体贴


contemporary with 与……同时代

content with 满足于

contrary to 违反

counter to 与……相反

crazy about 热衷,着迷

critical of 挑剔,批评

curious about 好奇,想知道

distinct from 种类(风格)不同

doubtful of /about 怀疑

east of 在……东面

equal to 相等,胜任

equivalent to 等于,相当于

essential to/for 必不可少

expert at/in/on 善于

faithful to 忠实于

familiar to sb 为……所熟悉

familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓

fatal to 致命的

favourable to 支持,赞成 favourable for 有帮助的 fearful of 惧怕

fit for 适于

foreign to 非……所原有

fond of 喜欢

free of /from 未受……;免费

free with 康慨,大方

guilty of 有……罪的 hungry for 渴望

ignorant of 不知道

impatient at sth.不耐烦

impatient of 无法容忍

with sb independent of 不受……支配

impatient for 急切,渴望

indifferent to 无兴趣,不关心

indignant with sb.愤慨

inferior to 级别低于,不如

ab/about sth innocent of 无……罪,无辜

intent on 专心于

invisible to 不可见的 jealous of 嫉妒

keep on 爱好,很喜欢

liable for 对……有责任

liable to 易 于

loyal to 忠于

mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒

mad with 因……发狂

next to 下一个,其次

necessary to /for 必要的 opposite to 在对面

open to 不限制,开放的 particular about 挑剔,讲究

parallel to 与……平等,类似

peculiar to 独特的,独有的 patient with 有耐心

prior to 在……之前

popular with 受……喜爱,爱戴

representative of 代表……的 relative to 与……有关

rich in 富于

responsible for 负责,是……原因

sensitive to 对……敏感

sensible of 觉查到

sick of 厌恶,厌倦

short of 缺少

skilled at /in 善于

similar to 相似

sufficient for 足够的 subject to 受制于,易于

superior to 优于,级别高于

suitable for/to 适合于

suspicious of 怀疑

sure of /about 对……有信心,确信

typical of 是典型的,特有的 tired of 对……不在感兴趣

votal to 对……关系重大

uncertain of /about 不确知

mad about/on 狂热迷恋

void of 没有,缺乏 3.名词同介词的搭配

absence from 缺席,不在 absence of 缺乏

access to ……的入口,通路

acquaintance with 相识,了解

action on sth 对……的作用

addition to sth 增加


admission to /into 进入,入(场,学,会)

admission of sth 承认

advance in 改进,进步

advantage over 优于……的有利条件

affection for/towards 爱,喜欢

answer to ……的答案

anxiety for sth 渴望

apology to sb for sth 道歉

appeal to sb for sth 恳求,呼吁

appeal for 魅力,吸引力

appetite for 对……的欲望

application 把……应用于……

approach to 类似,办法,通道 of sth/to sth

argument 赞成/反对……的理由

arrangement for 对……的安排

for /against attack on 对……的进攻,评击

attempt at 尝试,企图

attention to 对……的注意

attraction for 对……的吸引力

balance between ……之间的平衡

barrier to ……的障碍

belief in 对……的信仰,相信

candidate for 候选人,人选

check on 检查,阻止

claim for sth 要求

collision with sb/sth 碰撞,冲突

comment on /about 对……的评论

between A and B

complaint of /about 报怨,控告

compromise between/on 折中,妥协

concentration on sth 专心,集中精力

concentration of sth 集中,聚集

concern about/for/over 担心

confidence in 对……的信任,相信

connection between;关系,连接

consent to sth 同意

with/to sth contact with sb/sth 接触,联系

contest for sth 争夺,竞争

contradiction between 矛盾,不一致

contrast to/with sth 对比,对照

contribution to 贡献,捐献,促成 between A and B conversation with sb 对话

conversion 转变,转换 about sth

of sth into sth credit for sth 荣誉,赞扬

damage to sth 损坏

danger to sb/sth 危险

decision on/against 做/不做……的决定

decrease in sth ……的减少

defence against 防御,保卫

delegate to 参加……的代表

demand for 对……的需求

departure from 离开

desire for sth 渴望

difference 不同,差异

difference 分歧


between……over…… dispute about 争论,辩论

distinction between 区别

doubt about/as to 怀疑

effect on 对……的作用

emphasis on 对……的强调,注重

encounter with 遭遇,遇到

enthusiasm about/for 热情

entrance to ……的入口,入场

envy of sb 嫉妒

exception to ……的例外 of /at sth

exposure to sth 暴露

fancy for sth 喜爱

faith in 对……的信任,信仰

glance at 扫视

gratitude to sb 感激

guess at sth 猜测

for sth hatred for/of 仇恨

hazard to 危险

hunger for 渴望

impact on/ upon 对……的撞击,巨

大家论坛club.topsage.com 大影响

improvement on/in 对……的改进,提高

increase in sth 增加,增长

independence from 独立,自主

influence on 对……的影响

inquiry about 对……的查询

inquiry into 对……的调查

interaction with sth 相互作用

inteference in/with 干涉,阻碍

between /among sth

introduction to 引言,介绍,入门

memorial to sth 引进(物)

invitation to 邀请

investment in sth 投资

loyalty to sb/sth 忠诚

memorial to sb/sth 纪念碑

obstacle to sth 纪念碑

objection to sth 反对

opponent of sth ……的障碍

opponent at /in sth 对手

patience with 反对者

passion for 对……的强烈爱好,热爱

precaution against 耐心

pity for sb/sth 可怜,怜悯

preference for sth 预防,防备

preface to ……的前言

preparation for 偏爱

preference to sth 优先

proposal for sth 准备

prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重

preparation for 建议

in favour of ……

protection for sb 保护

protest against sth 抗议

against sth provision for/against 准备

pull at/on sth 拉,拖

ratio of sth to sth 比率

reaction to 对……的反应

reason for 原因,理由

reference to 提及,参考

regard for 对……的注意,尊重

remedy for 补救,解决

reply to sb/sth 对……的回答

reputation for 名声,名气

request for sth 要求

research on/into 对……的研究,调查

resistance to 对……的抵抗,阻力

response to 对……的回答,反应

responsibility for 责任,负责

restrainst on sb/sth 限制,约束

search for 对……的搜寻

service to 服务,贡献

similarity between ……的相似之处

skill at 技巧,熟练

solution to ……的解决办法

sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛

stress on 对……的强调

supplement to sth 补充,增刊

sympathy for 对……的同情

sympathy with 对……的赞同

taste for 对……的爱好,喜爱

taste in 对……的审美能力

tendency to sth 趋向,趋势

trust in 对……的信赖,信任

wish for 欲望,愿望 4.常用其它短语

a series of 一系列,一连串

above all 首先,尤其是

after all 毕竟,究竟

ahead of 在……之前

ahead of time 提前

all at once 突然,同时

all but 几乎;除了……都

all of a sudden 突然

all over 遍及

all over again 再一次,重新

all the time 一直,始终

all the same 仍然,照样的 as regards 关于,至于

anything but 根本不

as a matter of fact 实际上

apart from 除……外(有/无)


as a rule 通常,照例

as a result(of)因此,由于

as far as ……be concerned 就……

back and forth 来回地,反复地

back of 在……后面

before long 不久以后


as far as 远至,到……程度

as for 至于,关于

as follows 如下

as if 好像,仿怫

as good as 和……几乎一样

as usual 像平常一样,照例

as to 至于,关于

all right 令人满意的;可以

as well 同样,也,还

as well as 除……外(也),即……又

aside from 除……外(还有)

at a loss 茫然,不知所措

at a time 一次,每次

at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

at all costs 不惜一切代价

at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

at all times 随时,总是

at any rate 无论如何,至少

at best 充其量,至多

at first 最初,起先

at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

at hand 在手边,在附近

at heart 内心里,本质上

at home 在家,在国内

at intervals 不时,每隔……

at large 大多数,未被捕获的 at least 至少

at last 终于

at length 最终,终于

at most 至多,不超过

at no time 从不,决不

by accident 偶然

at one time 曾经,一度;同时

at present 目前,现在

at sb's disposal 任……处理

at the cost of 以……为代价

at the mercy of 任凭……摆布

at the moment 此刻,目前

at this rate 照此速度

at times 有时,间或

beside point 离题的,不相干的 beyond question 毫无疑问

by air 通过航空途径

by all means 尽一切办法,务必

by and by 不久,迟早

by chance 偶然,碰巧

by far 最,……得多

by hand 用手,用体力

by iteslf 自动地,独自地

by means of 用,依靠

by mistake 错误地,无意地

by no means 决不,并没有

by oneself 单独地,独自地

by reson of 由于

by the way 顺便说说

by virtue of 借助,由于

by way of 经由,通过……方法

due to 由于,因为

each other 互相

even if/though 即使,虽然

ever so 非常,极其

every now and then 时而,偶尔

every other 每隔一个的 except for 除了……外

face to face 面对面地

far from 远非,远离

for ever 永远

for good 永久地

for the better 好转

for the moment 暂时,目前

for the present 暂时,目前

for the sake of 为了,为了……的利益

for the time being 暂时,眼下

from time to time 有时,不时

hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联

head on 迎面地,正面的 heart and soul 全心全意地

how about ……怎么样

in a hurry 匆忙,急于

in case of 假如,防备


in a moment 立刻,一会儿 in a sense 从某种意义上说 in a way 在某种程度上 in a word 简言之,总之

in accordance with 与……一致,按

in regard to 关于,至于

in relation to 关于,涉及

in return 作为报答/回报/交换

in return for 作为对……报答

in short 简言之,总之 照

in addition 另外,加之

in addition to 除……之外(还)

in advance 预先,事先

in all 总共,合计

in any case 无论如何

in any event 无论如何

in brief 简单地说

in charge of 负责,总管

in common 共用的,共有的 in consequence(of)因此;由于

in debt 欠债,欠情

in detail 详细地

in difficulty 处境困难

in effect 实际上,事实上

in general 一般来说,大体上

in favour of 支持,赞成 in front of 面对,在……前

in half 成两半

in hand 在进行中,待办理

in honour of 为庆祝,为纪念

in itself 本质上,就其本身而言

in line with 与……一致

in memory of 纪念

in no case 决不

in no time 立即,马上

in no way 决不

in order 按顺序,按次序

in other words 换句话说

in part 部分地

in particular 特别,尤其

in person 亲自,本人

in place 在合适的位置

in place of 代替,取代,交换

in practice 在实践中,实际上

in proportion to 与……成比例

in public 公开地,当众

in quantity 大量

in question 正在谈论的

in sight 被见到;在望

in spite of 尽管

in step 齐步,合拍

in step with 与……一致/协调

in tears 流着泪,在哭着

in the course of 在……期间/过程中

in the distance 在远处

in the end 最后,终于

in the event of 如果……发生,万一

in the face of 即使;在……面前

in the first place 首先

in the future 在未来

in the least 丝毫,一点

in(the)light of 鉴于,由于

in the way 挡道

in the world 究竟,到底

in time 及时

in touch 联系,接触

in turn 依次,轮流;转而

in vain 徒劳,白费力

instead of 代替,而不是

just now 眼下;刚才

little by little 逐渐地

lots of 许多

many a 许多

more or less 或多或少,有点

next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

no doubt 无疑地

no less than 不少于……;不亚于……

no longer 不再

no more 不再

no more than 至多,同……一样不

none other than 不是别的,正是

on one's guard 警惕,提防

nothing but 只有,只不过

now and then 时而,偶尔


off and on 断断续续,间歇地

off duty 下班

on a large/small scale 大/小规模地

on account of 由于


on behalf of 代表

on board 在船(车/飞机)上

on business 因公

on condition that 如果

on duty 上班,值班

on earth 究竟,到底

on fire 起火着火

on foot 步行,on guard 站岗,值班

on hand 在场,在手边

on occasion(s)有时,间或

on one's own 独立,独自

on purpose 故意地

on sale 出售,廉价出售

on schedule 按时间表,准时

on second thoughts 经重新考虑

on the contrary 正相反

on the grounds of 根据,以……为由

on(the)one hand 一方面

on the other hand 另一方面

on the point of 即将……的时刻

on the road 在旅途中

on the side 作为兼职/副 业

on the spot 在场;马上

on the whole 总的来说,大体上

on time 准时

once again 再一次

once(and)for all 一劳永逸地

once in a while 偶尔

once more 再一次

once upon a time 从前

one another 相互

or else 否则,要不然

or so 大约,左右

other than 非;除了

out of 从……中;由于;缺乏

out of breath 喘不过气来

out of control 失去控制

out of date 过时的 out of doors 在户外

out of order 出故障的 out of place 不适当的

out of practice 久不练习,荒疏

out of sight 看不见,在视野外

out of the question 毫无可能的 out of touch 不联系,不接触

over and over(again)一再地,再三地

prior to 在……之前

quite a few 相当多,不少

rather than 不是……(而是)

regardless of 不顾,不惜

right away 立即,马上

side by side 肩并肩,一起

so far 迄今为止

sooner or later 迟早,早晚

step by step 逐步地

such as 例如,诸如

thanks to 由于,多亏

that is(to say)就是说,即

to the point 切中要害,切题

under control 处于控制之下

under the circumstances 这种情况下

up to date 在进行中

up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于

what if 切合目前情况的 what about 怎么样

with respect to 如果……将怎么样

with regard to 关于,至于

without question 关于,至于,with the exception of 除……之外

without question 毫无疑问

word for word 逐字的专四高频短语汇总

(二)____例句篇。1.abide by(=be faithful to;obey vt)忠于;遵守。

a)Plese feel assured we will abide by our promise.2.be absent from…缺席

a)He is seldom absent from school.大家论坛club.topsage.com 3.absence of mind(=being absent-minded)心不在焉 a)Absence of mind in chemical experiments may cause a serious accident.4.be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近: be engrossed in;be lost in;be rapt in;be buried in;be concentrated on;be focused on;be centered on a)Newton was so engrossed in his laboratory work that he often forgot to eat.牛顿全神贯注地在实验室工作,常常连吃饭也忘了。

b)engross vt 用大字体书写, 使全神贯注, c)rapt adj全神贯注的

5.(be)abundant in(be rich in;be well supplied with)富于,富有

a)abound in place with sth

b)Streams abound with fish河里鱼很多。

c)Birds are abndant in the tall vegetation by the canal.6.access(to)(不可数名词)能接近,进入,了解

a)There is no access to the street through that door.b)穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。7.of one’s own accord(willingly)自愿地 ,主动地

a)She knew they would leave of their own accord.8.in accord with 与…一致

a)…this military action, taken in accord with United Nations resolutions… 9.out of accord with 同…不一致 10.in accordance(accord)with(=in agreement with)依照,根据

a)Most people believe they conduct their private and public lives in accordance with

11.with one accord(unanimously)一致地

a)With one accord they turned and

walked back over the grass.12.in concord


a)The two tribes lived in concord.两部落和睦相处。

13.on one’s own account 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

14.(=at one’s own risk)自行负责

a)I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.15.(=by oneself)依靠自

a)She had plans to set up in business on her own account.16.on account(credit)赊账;

a)If you buy something on account, you pay nothing or only part of the cost at first, and pay the rest later.17.on account of 因为(because of);a)You use on account of to introduce the reason or explanation for something.18.on no account不论什么原因也不;a)On no account should the mixture come near boiling.19.take sth into account 把……考虑进去

a)The direction of the prevailing winds should be taken into account.20.give sb an account of 说明, 解释(理由)

21.account for(=give an explanation or reason for)解释, 说明

a)The suspect couldn't account for his time that night.b)嫌疑犯不能说明那天晚上他的时间安排

22.accuse sb of…(=charge sb with…;blame sb for…;blame sth on sb;complain about)指控,控告

a)They were accused of unlawful assembly.23.be accustomed to doing sth(=be in the habit of doing sth, be used to sth)习惯于

a)I am not accustomed to being interrupted.大家论坛club.topsage.com 24.be acquainted with 了解;熟悉 a)He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.25.act on 履行;

a)Both the Israelis and the Palestinians failed to act on recent UN resolutions.以巴双方均未能履行联合国近期的决议。

26.act as 担当;

a)Act as an agent to record the accounts.27.act for 代理

a)He acted for Smith while he was ill.28.adapt oneself to (=adjust oneself to)使自己适应于

a)He adapted himself to the cold weather.b)他适应了寒冷的天气。

29.adapt…(for)(=make sth Suitable for a new need)改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)a)A graded reader is a story which has been adapted for people learning to read or learning a foreign language.30.in addition 此外, 又, 加之 a)The Met Office Web site provides regional reports, a shipping forecast and gale warnings.In addition, visitors can download satellite images of the UK.31.in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

a)There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.32.adhere to(=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, cleave to)粘附;坚持, 遵循

a)I will adhere to this opinion until contrary facts appear.b)如果没有相反的事实,我将坚持我的意见。

33.adjust to(=change slightly)调节;适应;a)They are unable to adjust themselves

to their environment”

34.admit of(leave room for;allow for)留有…的余地The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。

35.to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地

a)The roses were displayed to advantage in a blue vase.36.have an advantage over 胜过 a)This custom-built kitchen has many advantages over a standard one.37.take advantage of(=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from)欺骗、利用

a)She took advantage of him even after they were divorced.38.agreed to同意, 允诺

a)She agreed to my idea她同意我的想法。

39.agree on


a)We agree on this count这一点上,我们的意见一致。

40.agree with


a)I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。

41.Agree with sb.同意某人的观点

a)I agree with you about the gun situation.42.in agreement with 同意, 一致

a)Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however.43.ahead of 在…之前, 超过 a)Our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane.b)我们公司制造飞机零部件比别家的业绩好。

44.ahead of time 提前

a)This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.45.in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体

1.2)在谣传中 2.3)到处弥漫

大家论坛club.topsage.com b)Excitement was in the air.到处充满了兴奋之情

46.above all(=especially, most important of all)

尤其是, 最重要的 a)Above all, do not be too proud to ask for advice.47.in all

adv.(=altogether)总共, 总计

a)In all some 15 million people live in the selected areas.48.after all 毕竟,到底;

a)It has turned out to be a nice day after all.b)天气终于转晴了。49.(not)at all 一点也不;a)I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad!b)我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。50.all at once(=suddenly)突然;a)I feel terribly sleepy all at once.b)All at once there was someone knocking on the door 51.once and for all 一劳永逸;

a)The problem can be solved once and for all, if you do that.(如果你那样做,问题就可能一劳永逸地得到解决。)52.above all 最重要的;

a)Above all, I love Tchaikovsky.b)首先,我喜欢柴可夫斯基。53.first of all 首先;

a)The cut in the interest rates has not had very much impact in California for two reasons.First of all, banks are still afraid to loan.54.all in all 大体上说;

a)All in all, her condition is greatly improved.b)一般说来,她的健康状况大大好转。55.all but(=Nearly;almost)几乎

a)all but crying with relief 快乐地差一点大叫起来

56.allow for 考虑到, 估计到

a)We must allow for his inexperience我们必须考虑到他缺乏经验。

57.amount to(=to be equal to)总计、等同于

a)The banks have what amounts to a monopoly.b)...a schoolboy comedy, which

amounted to little more than slapstick.58.answer for(undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for)对…负责、保证(guarantee)

a)I will answer for the truth of what he has said.b)我保证他所说的话是真的。59.answer to(conform to,compliance with)适合,符合

a)He doesn't answer to the description of the missing man.他与所描绘的失踪者的相貌特征不符。

60.be anxious about 为…焦急不安;或anxious for

a)We are all anxious about/for his safety.b)我们都为他的安全而忧虑。

61.apologize to sb for sth 为…向…道歉

a)I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.b)我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。62.appeal for sth呼吁…、请求 a)to appeal for aid求助

63.appeal to sb 对某人有吸引力 a)Does the film appeal to you? 64.apply for申请

a)I want to apply for the job.我想申请这项工作。

65.apply to sth = resort to sth与…有关;适用

a)What I have said does not apply to you.b)我说的话与你无关。

66.approve of doing(=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right)赞成,a)My parents don't approve of me smoking cigarettes.b)我的父母不准许我吸烟。

67.arise from(=result from)由…引起

大家论坛club.topsage.com a)mistakes that arise from a basic misunderstanding.b)出自于基本上是误解的错误

68.arrange for sb to do sth 安排…做… a)It has been arranged for him by his family to marry a girl of his own class.他家已就婚姻问题为他做好安排,要他娶一个门当户对的女孩

69.arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;

a)We arrived at a decision after much thought.b)经过大家反复考虑后做出了决定 c)to arrive at a port 抵达港口 70.arrive in 到达某地(大地方);a)to arrive at a port 抵达港口 71.be ashamed of 以…为羞耻 a)I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed(of myself)now.我昨天表现不好,我现在感到很惭愧。

72.assure sb of sth 向…保证, 使…确信

a)I assure you its quality.保证质量 73.attach(to)缚, 系 ,结

a)We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.我们要把发展经济的工作放在第一位。74.make an attempt at doing sth(to do sth)试图做…

a)If you make an attempt to do something, you try to do it, often without success.75.attend to(=look after)关注;注意: a)We'll attend to that problem later.b)稍后我们将关注那个问题

c)The staff will helpfully attend to your needs.76.attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve)侍候

a)attend on one's master 侍候主人 77.attitude to/ toward …对…的态度/看法

a)People's attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.人们对这些


78.attribute…to…(=to believe sth to be the result of…)把…归因于

a)David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.b)大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。

79.on the average(=on average, on an average)平均

a)On average, American firms remain the most productive in the world.b)American shares rose, on average, by 38%.80.be aware of(=be conscious of , beware)意识到

a)I was not aware of the fire.我没有意识到火。

81.in the back of在...后面

支持, 主使

a)Actor Hugh Grant was caught with his pants down when he was having sex with a prostitute in the back of his car.82.on the back of 在…后部(外面);a)A guy is reading his paper when his wife walks up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head with a frying pan.83.be on one’s back(=be ill in bed)卧床

a)He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head.他仰面躺着,头枕着手。

84.at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb)支持

a)Don’ t talk about other’ s at his back.b)A:Tom should learn to look after himself.c)B:Yeah,he can’t always have us at his back.85.have sb at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台

大家论坛club.topsage.com 86.behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话)a)Don't speak evil of a man behind his back.


87.turn one’s back on sb(=close one’s eye to sb)不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃 a)If the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.88.be based on / upon 基于

a)This news report is based entirely on fact.b)这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。

89.on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上

a)On the basis of the above results, we may establish attractor viewpoint of process of the long-range atmosphere and climate.90.begin with 以…开始

a)Knowledge begin with practice.认识从实践开始。

91.To begin with(=firstly)首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)a)To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.首先,我们必须全面地考虑全体员工的素质。92.on behalf of以…名义 a)Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues.93.believe in(=have faith or trust in;count on)相信,依赖,信仰 a)I don't believe in the story.b)我不相信这件事。;我不相信这个故事。

94.benefit(from)受益,得到好处 a)We benefit from daily exercises.b)我们得益于每天做操。

95.for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)a)in the interests of 符合…的利益 b)It is not his fault.He did it for your


c)All the donations are for the benefit of the disabled children.所有的捐款都是为了帮助残疾儿童。96.for the better 好转

a)Her condition took a turn for the better.b)她的情况有所改善

97.get the better of(=defeat sb)打败, 智胜

a)The devil begins to get the better of him by furnishing him with reasons for self-approval.98.by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 a)Iococca is Italian by birth although he was born in the United States.b)雅可虽然生在美国,但父母是意大利人。

99.give birth to 出生

a)A hobby that gave birth to a successful business.100.blame sb for sth 因…责备某人 a)blame sth on sb 把…推在某人身上 b)Don't blame it on him, but on me.c)别怪他,该怪我。

d)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.e)他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。101.be in blossom开花(强调状态)a)come into blossom开花(强调动作)b)A friendship in full blossom 浓郁的友谊

c)Approximately four thousand red and white plum trees come into blossom at the foot of Mt.Makuyama.102.on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机

a)We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船。

b)Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.大家论坛club.topsage.com c)飞机上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。

103.boast of(or about)吹嘘 brag about a)Nobody should boast of his learning.b)谁也不应当夸耀自己的学识。104.out of breath 喘不过气来

a)If you are puffing, you are breathing loudly and quickly with your mouth open because you are out of breath after a lot of physical effort.105.in brief(=for short, In summary)简言之

a)In brief he says 'No' 他简短地说了一个'不'字。

106.in bulk 成批地,不散装的

a)If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.107.take the floor 起立发言

a)It is with great emotion, that I take the floor here today.108.on business 出差办事(对应for pleasure)a)I'm here on business.109.be busy with sth于某事。a)be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 b)He busied himself with answering letters.c)他忙于回信。

110.last but one 倒数第二

a)Jack was the last but one to arrive.杰克是倒数第二个到达的。

111.but for(=without)要不是(表示假设)a)But for my brother's help, I would not have finished.b)要不是我兄弟的帮助,我是无法完成的。

112.buy sth for…money 用多少钱买 a)She bought her friend a present for 50 RMB.b)她花了50元买了一件礼物给她的朋友。

113.be capable of 能够, 有能力

a)Are you capable of climbing that tree? b)你能爬上那棵树吗?

114.in any case(at any rate, at any price, at any cost, anyhow)无论如何

a)It's too late, in any case.无论如何太晚了。

115.in case(=for fear that)万一;a)took along an umbrella, just in case.b)随身带一把伞,以防万一

116.in case of(=in the event of, if)如果发生…万一

a)This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty.b)这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。117.in the case of 在...的情况 a)What to do in the case of an eye injury?

118.in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

a)In no case do we recommend that anyone go below 100 Nutripoints daily because you really cannot expect to get adequate nutrients at this level.119.be cautious of 谨防

a)He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.120.center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on)把某人的注意力集中在…上

a)Industrial development is being

centered its attention on the west of the country.b)这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。121.be certain of(=be sure of)有把握, 一定

a)We are certain of victory.我们一定会获得胜利。

122.for certain(=for sure)肯定地,有把握地

a)Some soils are actually too alkaline for certain plant life.123.by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然

a)They met by chance on a plane.大家论坛club.topsage.com b)他们在飞机上不期而遇

124.for a change换换环境(花样等)a)ate early for a change.变化一下提早吃饭

125.in charge of(=responsible for)负责(某事)a)Who's in Charge of this Network? 126.take charge of(be responsible for)负责管理(照顾)a)She is the youngest manager who takes charge of the overseas business in the company.她是这个公司里负责海外业务最年轻的经理。

127.charge…for 因…索取(费用),charge sb with sth 控告某人犯有… a)Charges ten dollars for a haircut.128.round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping)昼夜不停地

a)This is a terrific mission and we are very busy doing science round the clock.129.comment on sth评论

a)Everyone commented on her new hat.b)大家都在评论她的新帽子。c)He commented on the bad road.d)他评论这条糟糕的路。130.commit oneself to致力于

a)I commit myself to strive for grades of “C” or better in all my high school classes and to benefit fully from the classes offered during the summer program.131.commit sb to prison把某人送进监狱;a)A robbery was committed to prison last night.b)昨晚发生了一个强盗被送入了监狱。

132.to commit oneself to a promise 受诺言的约束

133.in common(和…)有共同之处,共用

a)We have many things in common.134.common touch n.平易近人的


a)An effective administrator and also an effective leader, with a common touch b)有效的行政人员,也是有效的领导者,通常有平易近人的品质

135.be common to sb 是与某人所共有的

136.keep company with(=be friendly and go out together)和…要好

a)If you keep company with a person or with a particular kind of person, you spend a lot of time with them.137.compare A with B 把…与…比较 a)compare one thing with another b)将一物与另一物比较

138.compare A to B 把…比作… a)Man's life is often compared to a candle.b)人生常被喻为蜡烛。

139.by comparison(with)比较起来 a)He puffed the new system by showing how badly his existing system performed by comparison.b)Agricultural productivity remained low by comparison with advanced countries like the United States.140.in comparison with(=in contrast to)和…比起来

a)They were living rather well, in

comparison with people elsewhere in the world.141.compensate for(=give sth to make up for)补偿, 赔偿,弥补

a)Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.b)一个人失去了键康是不可弥补的。142.compensate sb for sth 赔偿,弥补 a)Management compensated us for the time we worked.资方补偿我们工作时间的报酬

143.complain to sb about/of sth 向某人抱怨…

a)Jean is always complaining about something.大家论坛club.topsage.com b)琼总是满腹牢骚。

144.comply with(=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc)遵守, 依从

a)You must comply with the library rules.b)遵守图书馆的规则。

145.In compliance with 顺从, 遵守, 依从

a)Compliance with the law is expected in the state.b)该州要求人人守法。

146.conceive of(think of, imagine, consider)设想

a)Half a century ago it’s difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon半个世纪前去月球旅行是难以想象的。147.be concerned with(=about)关心 关注

a)We're rather concerned about father's health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。148.concern oneself about 关心(concern及物)a)We're rather concerned about father's health.b)我们相当担心父亲的健康。149.concern oneself with 关注

a)to concern oneself with public work 关心公众事务

150.in conclusion(=as the last thing)adv最后, 总之;at the conclusion of 当…结束时;

a)In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.






Every day millions of job-hunters in the world write letters of applications, wishing that they would be given a chance of interview.2.用问题


Now in our society what do you have to do if you want to find a job? What lies between you and an ideal job?(That is interview.)或者

Do you know any university graduate who does not want to succeed in the society? What does it take for a university graduate to succeed in the modern society? 3.用引语

我们可以引用名人名言或者某一领域里的专家的话。这种引言既可以是与我们的中心思想相一致的,也可以是有争议的,这样都可以达到吸引读者的目的。比如:“Success comes not only from perspiration and inspiration, but also from satisfactory performance in interviews,” commented Dr.Kenly in his book.或者According to traditional Chinese thoughts, a talent must be excellent at ability and morality.

4.直奔主题式或开门见山式(Direct opening)引言段可以直接表明文章的主题。以2005年题目为例,“Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees.As a result,there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure.What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view.”比如我们可以这样开始: Nowadays interview is becoming more and more important in recruitment或者 In the modern society,almost all university students look forward to success in employment.



With the development of market economy in China,more and more companies have come into being.When they need to take up more people,employers usually select through interviews.Similarly,when people need to find a job,they also need to perform well in interviews.Therefore,interview is becoming increasingly important in the modern society. 而对于2002年的题目,“All of us would agree that in order to be successful in the present-day society,we university students have to possess certain personal qualities that can enable us to realize our aims.What do you think is the most important personal quality of a university student?” 我们可以说:One feature of the modern society is the more respect given to individual values.When fighting for personal values and success,students need to catch good opportunities,but they also need to possess some essential personal qualities.



Many of us may agree that China is a society relying heavily on guanxi, or relationship.We may all have the experience of having to resort to certain relationship in order to get something done, to find a good job, for example.But, with the development of market economy, recruitment is conducted more and more on the basis of interview rather than on various personal connections.而2002年的题目,可以是这样:

As the modern society puts more emphasis on personal difference and personal values,it provides more opportunities for students to seek success.However,the fact is that not everyone can succeed.Success calls for certain opportunities,but more importantly,it calls for many personal qualities.




Nowadays interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees.As a result,there have been many arguments for or against it as a selection procedure.Some people regard it as a good way to select employees within a short time while others think it is not proper to decide oil a person just by interview.But, all of them have some truth.




搭配 的:鲜艳的服装































好闻的气味 厚厚的衣裳



暖暖的叮咛 超常的记忆力



细微的东西 巨大的变化







拱形的大桥洞 精美的图案



宝贵的肥料 名扬中外的画



茂密的森林 宁静的山村






















































肯定地说 笑嘻嘻地说



不停地转着 不停地叫着



仔细地打量 傲慢地问



绝望地喊 飞快地跑







匆匆地来 匆匆地走







甜甜地微笑 认真地思考







异口同声地回答 痛痛快快地喝








































引人注目 白发苍苍




生机勃勃 随风飘动




惹人喜爱 翻来覆去




作战勇敢 大惊失色




五彩缤纷 鲜花朵朵













































胖乎乎 笑嘻嘻

静悄悄 白花花

























































不言不语 红扑扑









黑糊糊 红彤彤




兴冲冲 3



1、傣族 昌盛 昂首 昂贵 摔跤 丰富多彩 绚丽多彩


3、爬山 陡峭 铁链 发颤 仰头 攀登 鲫鱼 照相 笑呵呵 汲取

4、满载而归 缕缕炊烟 惹人注意

5、勇敢 低头 白桦树 婉转地歌唱 惹人喜爱

6、基本 阳光明媚 按照 停当 侧面 一辆电车 鞠躬 吩咐

7、孤零零 大坑 卧室 流域 第四纪冰川 世纪

10、憧憬 歇息

11、五彩缤纷 钥匙 趁机 衔泥 衣裳

13、梦想 怒放 暮色 强烈 干燥 淡雅 吻合 内容

15、固定 俄国 沙皇 千里迢迢

17、日夜兼程 沙丘 丝毫 佩服 风餐露宿

18、凶猛 缓慢 下沉 丈量 逐渐 祖宗

19、县城 经济(jì)石匠 砌墙 雕刻 抵挡 智慧 人才济济(jǐ)

22、富饶 岛屿 山崖 海参 划船 挑拣 产卵 栖息 鸟粪

23、融化 上涨 倒映 葱葱茏茏 严严实实 浸泡 一缕阳光 利剑 宿舍 刮风

舔食 又肥又厚

24、琳琅满目 应有尽有 物美价廉 佳肴 一应俱全 大饱口福 旅游胜地

举世闻名 夜幕降临 五颜六色 奔流不息 高楼大厦 光彩夺目 五洲四海


25、坚持 矛盾 一般 左抵右挡 蜗牛 士兵 庞然大物 后退

26、挖坑 木匣 房屋 管理

27、陶罐 懦弱 争辩 住嘴 和睦相处 争吵 感受 羞耻 流逝 宫殿

掘开 捧起 奚落 轻蔑

28、痛痛快快 倒映 匀称 精美别致 不禁 抱怨 没精打采 犹豫 撒开 灰心丧气


29、麻痹 症状 残疾 投向 镇定 落(lào)汗 调任

30、系鞋带 铅锤 他俩 堵塞(sè)

31、圣诞节 分享 买卖 沉默不语 糖果 逛街 援助 善良 如愿以偿

32、彬彬有礼 羡慕 恋恋不舍 小学语文三年级上册近义词和反义词汇总

1课:近义词:穿戴—打扮 好奇—惊奇 飘扬—飘动

绚丽多彩—五彩缤纷 安静—平静 招引—吸引

反义词:洁白—乌黑 粗壮—纤弱 安静—喧闹 古老—年轻 2课:近义词:快乐—高兴 喜爱—喜欢 假装—伪装 观察—观测

使劲—用劲 合拢—合并

反义词:喜欢—讨厌 合拢—张开

3课:近义词:汲取—吸取 鼓舞—鼓励 纪念—怀念 终于—终究 4课:近义词:仔细—认真 勤劳—辛劳 甜蜜—甜美 飘扬—飘荡

有趣—风趣 发颤——发抖


5课:近义词:肯定—一定 本来—原来 可惜—惋惜 诚实—老实

反义词:诚实—虚假 严寒—酷暑 肯定—否定 6课:近义词:突然—忽然 吩咐—命令 立刻—马上

反义词:仔细—马虎 经常—偶尔

7课:近义词:常常—经常 恐怕—估计 著名—有名


8课:近义词:解释—说明 漂亮—美丽 特别—特殊

反义词:失信—守信 特别—普通(一般)

10课:近义词:希望—盼望 精心—细心 依然—仍然 寻找—寻觅

垂头丧气—无精打采 渐渐—逐渐

反义词:快乐—痛苦 精心—粗心 垂头丧气—兴高采烈 希望—失望 11课:近义词:留意—留心 凉爽—凉快 五彩缤纷—五光十色

反义词:紧—松 火热—寒冷

12课:近义词:道别—告别 叮咛—嘱咐 掠过—拂过 辽阔—广阔

绽开—裂开 继续—持续 凉爽—凉快 香甜—甘甜


反义词:温暖—凉爽 辛勤—懒惰 辽阔—狭窄 匆匆—慢慢 13课:近义词:适宜—适合 大致—大概 舒展—伸展 苏醒—醒来


反义词:艳丽—素雅 醒—睡 密切—疏远 干燥—潮湿

14课:近义词:推测—推断 超常—特殊 确确实实—的的确确

包括—包含 证实—证明

反义词:减少—增加 超常—一般 陌生—熟悉

15课:近义词:看守—看护 随意—随便 清闲—空闲 拜访—访问 调节—调整

反义词:细微—明显 简单—复杂 浪费—节约 伟大—渺小

16课:近义词:跛—瘸 忿忿—生气 究竟—到底 详细—详尽 光滑—粗糙

反义词:容易—简单 细小—细微 深—浅 详细—简略


17课:近义词:拜访—拜见 迎候—等候 大概—大约 敬重—尊敬

请教—讨教 佩服—敬佩

反义词:渊博—贫乏 长进—退步 闻名—无名

18课:近义词:混沌—模糊 辽阔—广阔 茂盛—旺盛 滋润—润泽

缓缓—慢慢 华丽—华美 庞大—巨大 浑浊—混沌

反义词:重—轻 清—浊 辽阔—狭小 茂盛—枯萎 滋润—干燥

上升—下降 黑暗—光明 巨大—窄小 会合—解散 19课:近义词:才干—才能 美观—美丽 节省—节约 宝贵—珍贵

精美—精致 坚固—牢固

反义词:减轻—加重 容易—困难 坚固—松散 精美—粗糙 20课:近义词:完整—完全 名扬中外—名满天下

反义词:热闹—冷清 清清楚楚—模模糊糊 22课:近义词:瑰丽—美丽 庞大—巨大 栖息—休息

反义词:富饶—贫穷 茂密—稀疏 庞大—微小

23课:近义词:诱人—迷人 欣赏—观赏 抽出—长出 融化—溶化


反义词:嫩—老 浓—淡 肥—瘦

24课:近义词:闪耀—闪烁 乐意—愿意 应有尽有—一应俱全


反义词:漫长—短暂 清澈—浑浊 热情—冷淡

25课:近义词:固然—确实 长处—优点 善于—擅长 优势—优点 慌张—紧张

危急—紧急 安全—平安 依然—依旧 成功—胜利

反义词:防守—进攻 紧张—放松 长处—短处 集合—分散 胜利—失败

26课:近义词:果然—果真 躲避—躲闪 当初—以前 故乡—家乡

仍然—依旧 难过—伤心 也许—或许


27课:近义词:谦虚—虚心 轻蔑—轻视 愤怒—怒火 理会—理睬

覆盖—遮盖 懦弱—软弱

反义词:谦虚—骄傲 懦弱—坚强 堕落—赞扬 28课:近义词:欣赏—观赏 别致—特别 抱怨—埋怨 匀称—均匀

傲慢—虚心 愚蠢—聪明 荒凉—热闹 误解—理解

反义词:犹豫—果断 抱怨—谅解 坚强—脆弱 凶猛—温顺 29课:近义词:骤然—突然 热烈—激烈 镇定—镇静 注视—凝视

持久—持续 忧郁—忧愁

反义词:忧郁—活泼 持久—短暂 镇定—慌张 30课:近义词:回答—答复 不假思索——毫不犹豫


31课:近义词:诚挚—诚恳 宽裕—富裕 盼望—期望

反义词:给予—索取 仁爱—残酷

32课:近义词:羡慕—爱慕 喜欢—喜欢 感谢—感激 调皮—顽皮

恋恋不舍—依依不舍 鼓励—激励 普通—一般

危险—凶险 获得—获取 宽裕—富裕 仁爱—仁慈

反义词:调皮—乖巧 喜欢—讨厌 好汉—懦汉 热闹—平静 清闲—繁忙



Abandon oneself to沉湎于,纵情于

Abate the smoke nuisance 消除烟害

Abet sb in doing 帮助。。,怂恿。。abide by 坚持(意见等);遵守,信守(协议、宪法、法律、决定、诺言等);坚守;固执;依从,服从;忠于;容忍;承受。。的后果。Abide it dear 花很大的代价 abjure the down 发誓离开家乡永不再回

Abound in 有大量的;充满,大量的,多,盛产;富于(注:当本词组的主语是人时,abound in只能表明某人有某种品质。)

Abound in one’s own sense按自己的意志自由行动 abound with充满,大量的;有很多的,有许多的;盛产;多(注:1.abound with有时可与abound in 通用,但其主语必须是事物;2.表示“有过多的(东西)”或“有很多的(令人讨厌或有害的东西)”时,常用abound with,较少用abound in)Abound with one’s own sense按自己的意志自由行动 absent oneself缺席 Absent oneself from不在,离开;缺课,旷课;缺勤,矿工;缺席,未参加 Absolve sb from 使免于;宽恕,赦免;免除,解除

Abstain from戒除;弃权;避开 abstract one’s attention from使。。不注意

Abut against紧靠,靠着;靠,倚 abut on/upon 紧靠,靠近,临接,临近,与。邻接,毗连,接近;靠,倚

Accede to 答应,同意,应允(申请、条件等);就(职),开始任(职),就位;参加,加入(协议,党派等);同。。结盟

Accept a chanllenge 迎战

accept an offer 接受建议

Accept ….as 把。当作,认为。是

accept….to be把。当作,认为。。是

Acclimatize oneself to使自己适应(气候,环境)accommodate oneself to 使自己适应,改自己的习惯以便适应;遵照,顺从


Accord with与。相符合,和。。一致

account for 说明,解释;说明。的原因;是。的原因;说出(钱等的)用途,报账;为。负责;引起;共计达,(数量)占;杀死,打死,射死,消灭;击落;捕获。

Account to对。作出解释;为。负责

accrue from(利益等)产生于,来自 Accrue to sb from sth因。使。得大利

accrue to(好处等)归于

Accrue to sb from sth因。使。得到(好处等)accuse sb of 控告。(犯有谋罪);谴责 Accustom oneself to使自己习惯于

acknowledge the corn接受指责;认错;认输 Ache for 渴望;同情;怜悯

achieve one’s ambition(s)达到抱负

Acquaint oneself with 熟悉,知道

acquaint sb of/with 使。熟悉,把。通知。Acquiesce in 默默地接受或顺从(安排,要求,提议等),默认;勉强同意 Acquit oneself(由于自己的努力或行为)得到某种结果;表现,立身 Acquit oneself of 使自己尽(责任,职责);履行,完成

Acquit sb of宣判。没有犯。罪

act a lie 用行动骗人

act a part装腔骗人;起。作用;参与 Act against违反

act as担任,充当;起。作用;扮演。角色

Act contrary to 违反,违背。行事

act counter to 违反,与。背道而驰

Act for 代理,代办 act on按照。行动,根据。。行事;对。产生影响,影响;对。发生作用,作用于;对。作出决定

act on impulse凭冲动行事,任性去做;不思而行

Act on the defensive采取守势 act on the offensive采取攻势 act one’s age 行为与年龄相称 Act out 表演,演戏式的表现;把。付诸行动,执行,实行;(将压抑的感情)无意识的表现出来;在不知不觉中表露出

act the fool扮丑角,演滑稽角色;做傻事;装傻相;瞎胡闹 Act the giddy goat 做傻事,装傻相,瞎胡闹 act the lord 俨如主人发号施令,摆架子

Act the man勇敢起来 act up 行动倔强,任性;行为不当,发怒;调皮,捣蛋;(机器等)功能失常,运转不正常,出毛病;(病痛等)复发;炫耀,故意惹人注意;适当的对、、、作出反应 Act up to实行;履行;符合;遵照(原则等)办事;做与(自己的声望等)相称的事

Act up to one’s opinion依自己的信念行动;实行其主张 adapt oneself to使自己适应,习惯于 Adapt to使适应,习惯于 add fuel to the fire火上加油 add fuel to the flames火上加油

Add in 加进,插入;包括,包含。。;吸收。为成员

add insult to injury既伤害又侮辱,辱上加辱,凌辱交加;变得更坏,更糟 add luster to 给。。增光 add on 加上,附加

Add one’s signature to 在。上签名,签名于;在。上盖章 add to增加,添加;加到,加入 Add to one’s credit增加。的声誉 add to sb’s account 把。记在。账上

Add together 把。加起来;加起来;合计 add up把。加起来;加起来,合计;总额相符,(与预期的总数)相符;估计,估量;合乎情理,(看来)有理,(似乎)合理;合乎要求;有意义 Add up to 加起来总计,总数为,总计达;等与;有一定的价值;意味着,意思是;显示 Add wings to加快。。的速度

address sb as 称呼。。为

Address oneself to对。说,与。谈,给。写,致力于,专心于;从事于;着手处理

Adhere to粘附,粘着,胶着;附着,依附;坚持,遵守;忠于 adjourn to移动(到另一地方),来到 Adjudge sb(to be)guilty宣判。有罪

adjudge sth to be把。判给

Adjust to使。适应,调整(或调节)到。。以适应 adjust oneself to使自己适应于

Administer to 有助于,对。出力

admire sb for钦佩。的。admit …in让。进入,准许。进入

Admit..into准许。进入 admit of 有。。的可能,有。的余地;容许(本词组人不能作主语)Admit of no delay 不容拖延,刻不容缓 admit the corn 认错,认输,接受指责 Admit to承认,准许参加,准许进入 admit…to be认为。。是,承认。是

admonish sb of 警告。,提醒。adopt measures 采取措施,采取步骤,设法


advance against向。进攻

advance at the double跑步前进 advance on向。进攻 advance to 向。前进

advance upon向。进攻

advert to 谈到,注意到 advertise for a job登广告找工作 advertiser oneself(as)自吹 advise sb against劝。别干;劝。提防 advise sb of sth将。通知。advise with sb on/about 同。商量 affiliate oneself to/with 加入

affix a stamp to an envelope把邮票贴在信封上 affix one’s name to a letter 在信上签名 affix one’s seal to 在。上盖章 afford an/the opportunity给予机会 agitate for鼓动;煽动;鼓吹

agree in对。表示同意,在。意见一致,在。上相同 agree on 对。取得一致意见;同意;决定;商定

agree to同意,答应,承认,接受(条件、计划、建议等)

agree with与。有相同的看法,同意;赞成;与。相符合,与。一致;适合 agree to differ各自保留不同意见(不再说服对方)

aid and abet教唆;伙同作案。同谋

aid sb in 帮助

aim at the moon妄想,想入非非

aim at(对。)瞄准,对。打去;(武器)瞄准;一心想要,意欲,指望;以。目的,目的在于;旨在,立志;打算;针对,以。为目标【可用于被动语态】

aim high向高处瞄准,力争上游

aim for以。。为最终目的【不能用于被动语态】air one’sgrievances使人知道自己的冤情;诉苦 air one’s knowledge 卖弄自己的知识 air one’s opinion/view发表意见(往往是使人烦恼不愿听的)

air one’s trouble诉说。的烦恼

alert sb to提醒。。的注意

alert....to the fact that提醒。注意如下事实

alight from下马,下车,下飞机 alight on /upon偶然发现;偶然碰见,意外遇见;降落在

alight on one’s feet站稳;逃开而未收到伤害 allege….as a reason提出。。作为理由

allow a free hand允许。。自由行动 allow for考虑到,顾及,体谅;容许;连。算在内,估计,斟酌;准备 allow free entrance to允许自由进入allow full play to使充分活动,使充分发挥 allow of 容许;承认;有。。的可能,有。的余地【本词组不以人作主语;常用于否定句】 allow of no不许;没有。。的可能,没有。的余地,非马上。不可 allow….to do 容许。。做 allude to(间接或直接地)说到,提到;涉及到

ally..with/to与。结盟 amend one’s ways改过自新 amount to little没有什么了不起;无多大道理

amount to总计,合计;共计达,共计为;意味着;等与,相当于;近于;发展成,成长为 analyze…into把。分解成 anchor one’s hope in/on 把。希望寄托在。。上

angle for试图(用计谋等)得到,企图(用不正当手段)获得,(使用手段)博取;攫取;追逐 answer back无礼的回答,(对。)回嘴,(与。。)顶嘴;为自己辩护;反驳(。。)

answer for对。负责,为。负责;保证,为。担保;因。而受罚,因。而受责备;起。的作用 answer one’s expectation(s)不负众望,如愿以偿

answer(to)the demand满足要求,满足需要 answer(to)the description与描述相符,与说明相符

answer the purpose解决问题,管用;符合目的 answer(to)the purpose of符合。。目的;适用

answer to适合,符合;对。。负责;(汽车等)对。作出反应

answer to the name of名叫,叫做

answer up 回答敏捷,迅速回答;回答清楚;高声讲 answer up to 对。。作出反应;对。敏捷回答;答应

anticipate sb’s needs把。需要的东西都准备好 apologize for oneself 为自己辩护 apologize to sb for 为。向。道歉

appeal against a decision不服判决而上诉 appeal for要求,恳切请求;乞求

appeal to a higher court 向上级法院上诉

appeal to 向。呼吁,上诉;向。提出恳求;诉诸,求助于;对。有特别的吸引力;引起。。的兴趣(好感,同情)appeal to…for向。要求,向。。恳求

appeal to force诉诸武力 appeal to the chair请主席裁决 appear before the court到庭 appear before the footlights登台献艺 appear on the scene出现(在舞台上),登场,登台

appear to be 看来像是,似乎是 append to 把。。附加于

appertain to 属于

apply all one’s energies to 致力于

apply for 请求得到,要求,恳求;谋求 apply one’s mind to专心致志于,热心于,致力于,集中精力于;钻研

apply sth to把。应用于,把。施加于;把。涂敷于 apply the screw to对。。施加压力;逼使 apply to向。申请(要求,询问)

apply to sb for向。。申请

appoint sb as委任为。。appoint sb to派。担任

appoint sb to be委任。。担任

apprise sb of把。。通知

approach….as a limit以。为极限

approach sb on向。交涉 approach sb with 向。。提出 approach to接近;几乎等于,约等于;近似于

appropriate…for拔。作。用;使。当作 approve of赞同,赞成;承认,接受,认可,同意

argue against反对,为反对。。而辩论

argue against sb about/on与。辩论。

argue for为赞成。而辩论

argue away争论不休;辩解掉 argue down辩得使。哑口无言 argue out 把。辨清楚

argue round通过辩论使。转变态度

argue sn into doing 说服。做。argue sb out of doing 说服。。不做。。argue sb round 使。改变观点

argue with sb about/on与。辩论

arise from(困难,误会等)由。造成,起因于;由。而产生;从。站起来;从。升起来 arouse sb from把。从。中唤醒 arouse sb’s curiosity about sth引起。对。的好奇心 arrange with sb about/for与。商定。arrange for为。做准备;安排;商定

arrest one’s attention引起。注意 arrive at 到达(目的地);得出(结论);获得;达成(协议);达到。。(年岁)arrive at an agreement with与。。达成协议

arrive in 到达

arrive at an understanding with 和。达成协议,取得谅解 arrive on/upon 到场,临场

ascend the stairs 上楼梯 ascend to升至;追溯到 ascribe…to认为。。是。引起的,把。归于;认为。是

ask a boon of sb请求。。ask a favour of 请求。。帮忙;请求。照顾

ask about 询问,探问,查询

ask advice of sb向。征求意见;求教于 ask after问候,询问,探问 ask around 请。来,请。去;到处打听

ask back回请

ask down请下楼

ask for 请求得到;请求见到;访问;请求与。的联系;要求;需要;自己招惹(不愉快的事)ask(for)imformation打听消息;照会

ask for it 自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 ask for leave请假,告假 ask for permission征求同意 ask for quarter请求饶命;请求宽恕 ask for sb’s advice向。征求意见,求教于

ask for trouble自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 ask in请。进入 ask no odds不要求照顾 ask…of sb向。问;向。要求

ask out请。出去作客。邀请外出(吃饭等);退休;退出;辞职 ask over 请。来,请。去 ask round 请。来,请。去 ask sb round邀请。来家 ask..to dinner请。吃饭 ask up 请上楼 aspire after渴望,请求;向往,追求

aspire to 渴望,渴求;向往,追求 assail sb with questions质问。。assail sb with rude words辱骂。。

assent to对(意见,计划等)表示同意,同意

assert one’s rights 坚持自己的权利

assert oneself 坚决要求自己的权利


assimilate to/with使。同化;使相同;把。必做

assist at 参加,出席

assist sb in帮助。。assist sb with 以。帮助,帮助 associate oneself with与。结交;与。联合;赞同,支持;加入,参加 associate with与。常在一起,与。交往;和。联想在一起;与。联系到一起 assist with使。与。联系起来;使。与。交往 assume an attitude装腔作势 assume the defensive取守势,防御,自卫;替自己辩护 assume the offensive采取攻势,攻击 assure …of 向。保证,使。相信

assure oneself of向。。保证;弄清楚,弄明白

astone for弥补(错误,过失等);抵偿(罪行等)attach importance to 重视;着重于;认为。有重要意义

attach oneself to 加入,参加;依附 attach to属于;依附;伴随;归于;附属 attack one’s dinner狼吞虎咽的吃饭

attain one’s purpose达到目的 attain to达到(完美、老年等);得到,获得(知识等)

attend a lecture听演讲,听讲课 attend on/upon照料,照顾;服侍,侍候,看护;陪;(危险等)伴随

attend to致力,专心于;从事;处理,留意,注意到;照料,照顾,服侍,关怀;安排 attest to证实,证明;为。。作证

attract sb’s attention引起。。的注意 attract sb’s attention to引起。。的注意 auction off拍卖掉,竞买 attribute sth to认为。是。的结果;把。归因于;把。归咎于

Avail oneself of 利用,趁。。;承蒙

avail oneself on向。雪耻,向。报仇 Avail sb nothing对。。没用

avenge sb on替。向。报仇 Average out算出。的平均数;达到平均数;最终得到平数

Average out at平均是 average out to平均达 avert one’s eyes from 把目光从。移开 Avoid doing 避开,避免 avow oneself to be自称为,自认为

Awake to开始知道,开始认识,开始明白;醒悟,领会,觉悟,觉醒;意识,洞察,察觉 Awake to be意识到,觉察到

awake to the fact that认识到。的事实,了解。的事实 Award a prize给奖,授奖

Babble about唠叨。。babble away/on牙牙学语似的说话;潺潺做声 babble along潺潺作声 Babble out脱口泄露,失口说出 back against背靠 back away倒车;慢慢的回去;逐渐撤回 Back down退下;让步;撤回自己的意见等

back into 退入;倒车撞入,倒车撞着 Back off倒车;车退开;让步;撤回;食言;为。装背称 back on背朝 back on to背朝,背靠 back out车退出;人倒退出去 back ab in an argument在辩论中支持。。

Back up倒车;退后;帮助,支持,补充;阻挡,拦住;车辆堵塞;叫喊;做。的背称 Bail out在受审前保释;把水往船外舀;跳伞;帮助。渡过难关;摆脱,放弃 Bail up强令。投降;要。说明身份或来意;抢劫,投降

Balance…against/with/by使。和。平衡;使。和。相等 balance the budget使预算平衡 Balance out比得上,敌得过;相等 bale out把水往船外舀;跳伞;帮助。渡过难关;摆脱,放弃 balk at从。退缩;在。前面犹豫 ball the jack快速的行动,孤注一掷

Ball up使形成球状,把。搞糟;扰乱;糊涂起来;惶恐

ballot for投票选举

Band together使联合起来 band with..to do与。合作做。bandy words with sb与。争吵 Bandy about把。。丢来丢去;把。。随便的翻来翻去;轻率地谈论;传播谣言等;随意使用 bang about/around 常到。闲逛 bang oneself against砰然撞上 back around漫不经心的对待 bank away at慌慌张张的做。。bang into与。相撞,撞上;偶然遇见

Bang..into sb把。灌注给。bang off砰砰的走开 bang one’s head agaist brick wall徒劳 Bang out砰砰的走出,砰砰的弹出;砰砰的打出;匆匆做出 bang to门等砰的关上 Bang up砰地放下;砰的撞坏;弄坏 bank on/upon依靠,依赖,指望;发现。是可靠的

Bank out把。堆起来 bank up堆起,堆积,积聚,聚集;使形成堤岸状;封火;把钱存入银行 bar in把。关在里面,把。挡在里面 bar out把。关在外面;拒绝;排斥

Bare one’s head脱帽致敬 bare one’s heart表露内心的感情 bargain away讨价还价;议价售出;以。作交易;牺牲 bargain for谈判购买;议价出售;意料,预料到,考虑到;指望

Bargain in指望;预期;依靠 barge about乱碰乱撞 barge against相撞 barge in闯入;打扰,插嘴

barge into打扰;干扰;闯入;与。相撞;遇到 barge up against遇到障碍 Bark at the moon徒劳的吵闹;空嚷 bark up the wrong tree认错目标;看错了人 Barter away贱卖 barter…for以。换取,以。交换 base..on以。为基础

Bask in sb’s favour享受。。的恩泽 bat around仔细考虑,反复讨论;在。漫游;匆匆地赶来赶去 bat out匆促的写出,坐出 batten on/upon靠吃。长肥;靠。而发财(或财政兴旺)Battle on战斗下去,继续战斗 bawl out喊,大叫;责骂 bay at the moon无益的抱怨

Bear a definiton ratio to与。有一定比例 bear a grudge心怀怨恨 bear a hand in出一把力;参加;干预

bear a hand with帮助,援助 bear a part in在。中有一份;参与

Bear a relation to 与。有关 bear a resemblance to与。有相似处 bear against靠在。上;压在。上 bear analogy to/with与。类似;与。有相似之处 bear arms 从军,服兵役

Bear away拿走,带走;获得奖品等 bear back带回,拿回;将。向后推;向后退开;使人回想起 bear comparison with不亚于,比的上;可与。相比;可与。相匹敌

Bear down压下;使下垂,压弯;克服;击败;加紧努力,更加努力;顺风行驶;顺风驶向

Bear down on/upon 压在。上;对。施加压力;加紧努力已完成。;冲向;逼近;注重;顺风驶向;责骂,责罚 bear evidence of有。的迹象 bear fruit结果是;产生效果;取得成果;奏效 bear grudges怀恨在心 bear in hand 处理;管理;主张;控告,指责;允诺,答应

Bear in mind 记住,不忘,牢记在心

bear in with驶向 bear off获得奖品等;驶离;使离开;逐渐离开 bear on/upon靠在。上,倚着,倚在;压在。上;与。有关;对。产生影响;朝向 bear one’s signature有。的签名 bear out证实,证明;色彩充分显出;表现;举止

Bear signs of tears面带泪痕 bear the bell占首位;获胜 bear the brunt首当其冲

Bear the cost负担费用 bear the name of名叫。。bear up支撑;支持住;顶住;鼓舞。激励;鼓起勇气;打起精神;收缰,勒马 bear up for顺风驶向 bear with容忍,忍受;耐心听;耐心等待;船驶向 bear witness to证明,为。作证明 beat a retreat退却,放弃;撤退 Beat about仔细寻找;搜索;船抢风行驶 beat about the bush拐弯抹角的说;旁敲侧击;东拉西扯 beat away 打跑,掘开 beat back击退,打退;阻回;船驶回 beat(all)hollow打得落花流水 beat down毁坏;征服;消灭;使沮丧;压价,使减价;雨倾盆而下;阳光向下倾泻 Beat down on/upon太阳火辣辣的照晒 beat in打进;打碎;砸碎;推进

Beat it逃走,急奔,赶 beat off击退;驱走,驱赶 beat on/upon太阳火辣辣的照晒;波浪式的扑向 beat one’s brains苦思,绞尽脑汁 beat one’s breast捶胸嚎啕

Beat out敲打着逐出;锤制;敲出;敲掉;扑灭;压倒,胜过;阐明;演奏;使精疲力竭 Beat sb hollow把。彻底打败 beat the air徒劳,白费力气 beat the bushes 到处寻找 Beat the drugs for大事宣传;竭力拥护;鼓吹;主张 beat the record打破记录;创造新纪录 Beat time打拍子 beat up痛打;毒打;惊扰;搅拌,搅打;召集,招募,征募;争取;抬价;使精疲力竭;逆风行驶;逆流行驶

Beat up for招募新兵 beat up on痛打,毒打 beaver away卖力干,死干 become of发生于,结果是 become conscious of意识到;觉得;相信 bed down为。安排住宿;露宿;动物做窝;下陷;落下 bed out移植 beef up 充实(计划,书等);加强;增强

Beg a favour of请求。帮忙 beg leave请求准许 beg off要求不;为。说情;使。获得赦免 beggar(all)description无法用语言形容,难以描写 begin at从。开始

Begin at the wrong end开始就错 begin on/upon着手,开始 begin to see daylight开始明白;接近长期而困难工作的结束 begin with以。开始;以。开头 believe in相信;信任;信仰;确信 behave with great composure举止镇静自若 believe one’s ears相信所听到的话 Bell the cat做极危险的事;为别人冒险 belly out帆鼓起,张满 belong to属于

Belong among在。中间有适当的地位;是。中最优秀的 belong in。应该在。。适宜于 Belong on。应该在。belong under。应该在。;应归于;属于 Belong with与。有同样的地位;与。齐名;与。有关;应归于;应列入 Belt into迅速进入,飞快地跑进;狠揍;痛骂 belt up挂上皮带;住口,安静 Belt out迅速移出;飞快的驶出;高唱;高奏;高声说;棒球重击

Bend an ear留心听 bend before屈从 bend one’s ear以高谈论阔令人厌烦

Bend one’s mind to/on/upon一心想;专心于 bend oneself to热心从事;专心致志于 Bend over俯身,屈向 bend over backward(s)尽最大的力量 bend the knee to屈服于

Bend to屈服;顺从;服从;专心;弯向 bend up 弯曲 benefit by/from得益于,对。有好处 bestow..on/upon sb把荣誉等授予;对。。大加赞扬

Bet one’s bottom dollar on/that对。。完全有把握 bet one’s bottom dollar赌后一块钱,孤注一掷 bet sb on与。打。赌 bet your boots信赖;确信 betake oneself to one’s heels逃走 Better off处境改善了;富了 better oneself赚更多的钱;使自己受教育 beware of小心,注意,当心;谨防,提防;避免 bid defiance to蔑视,对抗 bid fair to很有可能;很有希望

Bid for许愿;依据资历请求担任 bid in在拍卖时出最高价以保留拍卖物;依据资历请求担任 bid off出价后立即得到拍卖物 bid on对。投标 bid up哄抬价格,抬价

Bide one’s time等待良机 bind down捆牢,捆绑;扎紧;限制,束缚

Bind hand and foot全身捆绑;受约束 bind on捆上 bind oneself to答应,保证 Bind out订合同使。当学徒 bind over禁止。做。;勒令 bind sb to使。保证 Bind up束紧,捆扎;包扎;把。合订;把。紧密联系在一起;忙于;专心于

Bitch up破坏,搞糟 bite at向。咬去 bite away咬掉,啃掉 bite back回咬;咬住嘴唇不说话 bite in咬入,腐蚀 bite off咬掉,啃掉;中断节目 bite off more than one can chew做自己里不用胜任的事;贪多 bite on/upon咬住,取得 bite one’s lips咬嘴唇

Bite sb’s head off严厉斥责 bite(on)the bullet勇敢的忍受不愉快的事 bite the dust倒于地上;被杀;阵亡;失败 bite the hand that feeds one忘恩负义 bite the tongue保持沉默;咬着舌头 Blab out不小心的吐露秘密等 black out实行灯火管制;熄灭灯光;使变暗;使失去知觉;使暂时失去知觉,眼前发黑;涂黑;删去;干扰广播;使无效;使人忘记;使人忽视 Blank off封闭 blank out划去,划掉;渐渐消失;变得模糊;冲压出

Blare out/forth大声发出。大声播送 blast away炸去,炸开;猛烈攻击;猛烈抨击 Blast down射死,炸死 blast off发射;炸毁;痛骂;强烈抗议;狠狠的教训

Blaze about/abroad传播,宣传 blaze away不断地燃烧;连续射击;打光子弹等;继续干下去,努力干下去;热烈的讨论;连续提问 blaze out射击;猛烈的烧起来;大声责骂;脾气强烈爆发 blaze up燃烧起来;发怒,发火;突然发作 bleach out用漂白粉变淡;使变淡 Bleed white花光。。的钱;用尽。的力量;使丧失所有;使筋疲力尽

blend in使混合;使和谐 blind sb to使。看不见 blink at眨眼看;惊愕地看;对。熟视无睹 blink away眨着眼挤掉眼泪;故意回避 blink back眨着眼挤掉眼泪

blink the fact闭眼不看事实 block in填塞,填满;包围;使受限制,画出。的草图;设计,计划 block off阻挡,制止 block out阻住;把。切成块;画出。的草图;设计,计划;把。划块标出;涂墨取消 block up阻塞;封闭;堵死;为。造墙;用。垫高

blossom into发展成 blossom out/forth开花;飘散;发展,繁荣;活跃欢快起来

blot one’s copybook做出损害自己名誉的事 blot out涂去,涂改;忘记,忘却;遮住,遮蔽;抵消,消灭,歼灭;抹去 blow a kiss to sb给。一个飞吻 blow about吹散

blow away风等吹走,吹掉;驱散;消除;离开 blow away the cobwebs散步;出外透透空气 blow back煤气等爆炸 blow down风等吹倒;吹毁;炸毁;使炸下;吹落;放出水等 blow great guns风刮得猛 blow hot and cold反复无常;没有定见;摇摆不定 blow in吹进;使向内爆炸,向内坍塌;突然到来;乱花钱等;开炉;油井开始生产 blow into突然进入 blow off风等吹掉;驱散;去除;炸掉;放水;抱怨;请客

blow on风等把。吹上去;吹凉食物 blow one’s cool沉不住气 blow one’s own horn自吹自擂 blow one’s top大发雷霆,发飙 blow out吹出,冲出;被吹熄;轮胎等爆裂;波浪似的翻滚;向外坍塌;烧断;暴风雨等停下来;停炉;油井喷发 blow out sb’s brains用枪等将。脑袋打开花 blow over云等消散,消失;风暴等平息;危机等过去;异议等消失

blow the coals煽动,唆使 blow the cobwebs away出外透透气;使散去霉气 blow town突然离城 blow up a fire冲火使火更旺 blow upon告发,出卖;玷污

bluff into吓唬。去做。;诱骗。去做。blunder against酿跄的离去;慌乱的离去;浪费

blunder into盲目的闯入,走错;撞到。。碰巧达到 blunder out踉跄的走出去;慌乱的走出去;随口说出 blunder on一错再错;偶然找到;偶然碰到 blunder through胡乱应付

blunder upon偶然找到;偶然碰到 blur out涂去,抹掉;使模糊 blurt out脱口说出;直言不讳地说出 blush for/with因。而脸红

bluster out咆哮着说;恐吓的说

bost of/about自吹,自夸,夸耀;拥有 Bob off剪短,切短 bob up突然冒起;突然出现,突然露面;冒出 bobby off走开,溜走 body forth把。形象化,把。具体化;表示出 bog down使陷入泥沼;使陷入困境;使停滞 boil away不断煮沸;煮干;煮掉 boil down to意味着,相当于;表明是;可总结为 boil dry液体挥发,煮干

boil off煮掉 boil over煮沸溢出;发怒;爆发 boil up煮沸;沸腾着升起来;危机等将发生 bolster up用枕支撑;维持,支持;包庇错误等;与。。同谋

bolt down囫囵吞下bone up突击学习,临时抱佛脚 bone up on突击学习,突击钻研

book down 登记 book in替。签到;替。在旅客薄上登记 book out办离开登记手续;登记。的离去 book through订到全部车票 book through to预定。的直达票 book up预定,与。约定 boom out隆隆的发出;钟等敲,报时;大声说;发出呜呜声 Boost up把。托高;提高;增强,加强 Boot out踢出;逐出;解雇,开除

Border on/upon与。邻接;近似;几乎是;简直是 borrow trouble自找苦恼;悲观 Bother about为。而麻烦;为。而操心 bother one’s head about为。。操心,为。烦恼 Bother oneself about为。操心,为。焦虑 bottle up将。装瓶保存;抑制不满等;包围,围困 bottom on/upon以。为基础 bottom out价格等达到最低点 bottom up颠倒,干杯 Bounce back跳回;经济等好转;价格等回升;失败后恢复自信;卷土重来 Bow down压弯,压倒 bow down to顺从,屈服于;崇拜 bow in鞠躬迎进

Bow the knee to=bow the neck to屈服于 bow to鞠躬答谢;顺从,屈服于;败给,败于 Bow up忍无可忍 bowl down彻底击败,击倒 bowl out是失去行动能力;彻底击败 Bowl over击倒,压倒;使不知所措;使目瞪口呆 box sb’s ears打。耳光

Box up装箱;被局限于;禁闭,被关在 brace one’s energies奋勇;振作精神=brace oneself up Brace up加固;使振作起来,鼓起勇气 brag of/about吹嘘 branch away/off岔开,分叉 Branch from从。分出,从。岔开 branch out长出枝条;扩大业务;扩大活动范围

Branch out into开始从事;发展到 brave it out拼命干;硬干下去 break a blockade冲破枷锁 Break a law违法 break a promise违背诺言 break a record打破记录 break a way开路 Break away弄掉;脱开;破成碎片;离开;逃脱;叛离;云等消散,消失;抢跑,抢先开始 Break away from摆脱;从。退出;放弃 break back突然恢复原位或原状

Break bread with与。共餐 break down摧毁,破坏;拆毁;打破;压倒;镇压;克服;失败;垮台;谈判破裂;坍塌;健康或精神垮下来,衰弱;抑制不住感情,哭起来;拆散,拆开;分解;分析;分类;分成,分为;减轻;降低;缓和;冲淡;电路等绝缘击穿;驳斥

Break down prejudices打破偏见 break even不分胜负;不盈不亏;毫无得失 Break for lunch停下来吃午饭 break forth突然出现;突然发出;爆发出;突然喊起来

Break free逃跑,脱离 break in打破门,破门而入;打断谈话,插话,插嘴;开始活动;着手;适应;训练;驯服;开动机器检验 break in on/upon打断,打扰;打破

Break into侵入;侵犯;侵占;闯入,闯进;打断;开始流出;爆发出;突然讲;突然唱

Break loose脱出;松动;逃出;挣脱出来break of使改掉积习break off折断;断开;中断;打断;解除;突然停止;暂停,停下来;断绝关系;戒烟

Break one’s back使负担过重;压得喘不过来气 break one’s heart 很伤心

Break open破开,撬开 break out敲碎取出;爆发,突然出现,突然开始;突然表达;逃出,逃走;冲破约束以炫耀或夸示 break out in 突然被。覆盖;突然表示出

Break out in curses大声咒骂 break out into突然做出;突然说出;突然发作

Break out of prison越狱 break short中断,折断 break the back of完成了。的大部分;完成了。最困难的部分 =break the neck of break the enemy打垮敌人 break the ice打破僵局;打破沉默;使人们融合 break through冲破,突围;战胜,克服;违反,不顾;出现,穿过。而出现;凸出于 break up打碎,拆散;破碎,碎开;结束,终止;分解;掘开;是分散,驱散;使苦恼,使困惑;断绝,断裂;使大笑;体力衰退;天气变坏

Break with与。绝交,与。断绝关系;破除,抛弃,偏离

Breathe a prayer轻声祷告 breathe a word against对。表不平breathe again/freely松口气,放心,安心;恢复平静 breathe in吸入;全神贯注的听 breathe on/upon损害。的名誉 Breathe one’s last断了气,死breathe out 呼气,呼出;低声说出 Breeze in兴冲冲进来,出乎意料的进来;随随便便的进来;轻易取胜

Breeze through轻快的进行;轻快的通过 breeze up 变强;风开始吹;喧闹声随风升起

Brick in以砖堵塞;用砖围砌 bridge over在。上架桥;跨过;克服 brighten up使更加明亮;明亮起来;使更加欢乐或活跃;欢乐或活跃起来 brim over充满着,洋溢着 brim over with joy喜气洋洋 Brim over with tears泪水盈眶 bring a charge against控告 bring about导致,引起,产生;使帆船等改变方向 bring along把。带来,领。来;教育,帮助。发展 bring an accusation of….against sb控告 bring an action against sb对。。提起诉讼 bring around 说服;使恢复知觉,使苏醒;使转向

Bring away回来 bring back把。带回来;使。回来;恢复;使被想起;吐出 bring disagrace on给。丢脸 bring down使落下,使倒下;射落;使失败,击败;减少,降低;继续下去;使情绪低落,使沮丧,使泄气;招致;犯规使对方跌倒 bring down on使遭遇 bring down the house博得满堂喝彩

Bring down trouble on给。带来麻烦 bring forth生产,产生;引起;引证,提出

Bring forward出示;显示;公开提出,将。提出来讨论;提前;促进 bring home the bacon成功;胜利;供养家庭 bring home to使了解;使认识;弄清楚;证明;使明确 bring in从外提供,带入;生产出,生出。。作为收益;引入,提出;宣布裁决 bring into使开始 bring into action开始;使起作用;使生效;使行动起来;使开始工作 bring into being实现,使产生;使出现;使成立

Bring….into contact with使。与。接触 bring..into correspondence with使,与,一致起来;使。与。相互通信 bring into effect/execution完成;实现;实行,实施 bring into existence实现;使产生;使出现;使成立 bring into focus使,集中在焦点上 bring into line使排齐;使一致;使协力;使同意 bring into operation将。投产;开动;使运转 bring into fully piay发挥;调动;利用;使活动

Bring into practice实现,使产生;使出现;使成立 bring into the word产生;生育;助产,接生 Bring off救出;成功的做某事,使企业获得成功;完成,获得;孵出 bring on使发作,使出现;使发展,使进步;在舞台上介绍;端上饭菜等 bring out带。。出来;取出;使清楚,使明显,显示;使花开;出版;使不再缄默;唤起;拣出 bring over带。来;使转变;说服 bring around带。来;说服;使复苏,使复原;把谈话或讨论的引向自己爱好的题目 bring sb into contempt使。受辱;让。丢脸 Bring sb to account责问。。;清算 bring sb to book责问;申斥;惩罚 bring sth home to sb使。认识到 bring sth to a close结束。。bring through治愈;使病人脱险 bring to使苏醒;使停下;停下来 bring to a close/stop终止;停止;结束;完成 bring..to account要求。说明理由;责问,质问

Bring to an end终止;停止;结束;完成 bring to bay使陷入困境 bring tobear on/upon施加影响;施加压力;把。对准;将。用于;竭尽全力;完成;实现;使成功 bring..to completion把。完成;完成 bring to light发现;发掘;公布;暴露 bring to pass使想起;回忆起 bring together使团结,使联合;使和解 bring under扑来,制服 bring up养育;教育;呕吐;使再注意到;谈到;很快的停止;制止;传讯;把。昭往前线;船停止航行;船到达终点 bring up against使遭遇;对。不利的提出

Bring up the rear走在后头 bring up to date使成为最新 brisk up使有生气;变得有生气 Bristle up竖起,发怒 bristle with显出愤怒等;密布 broach to船转换方向使船侧迎着风浪 Broad above笼罩 broad on沉思;忧思 broad over笼罩;沉思;忧思brood about焦虑的思考;苦思;沉思 brood above覆盖;笼罩 brood on忧思;沉思 brood on one’s misfortunes沉思着自己的不幸 brood over覆盖;笼罩;焦虑的思考;苦思,沉思 brood revenge一心想着复仇 brood upon焦虑的思考;苦思,沉思 browbeat ab into doing 威逼。做。brown off使厌倦 brush against经过时触及,碰着 brush aside将。刷到一旁;不顾,漠视 brush away刷去,拂去;漠视;不理;不顾

Brush by经过时触及;经过时擦着 brush down从。上刷掉尘土 brush off由于刷擦而脱落;不客气的,把。打发走,拒绝,不理睬;对。不在乎,认为。不重要 brush over彻底地刷;轻轻的漆;轻率的对待,不重视 brush past经过时触及;经过时摩擦 brush through擦过,掠过 brush up在。刷漆;刷干净;擦亮;检点自己的行为;重温,复习brush up against轻轻触到,遇到 brush up on重温;复习

Bubble over冒泡漫出;快乐达到顶峰,热情洋溢 bubble up冒泡;像泡一样冒起;buck against朝着跟。。相反的方向行动或移动;强烈反对,拼命反抗 buck at使更有生气;变得更高兴 buck for千方百计的谋求提升或其他利益 buck up加快;使更有生气;变得更高兴;振作精神 buckle down 把。扣住

Buckle down to努力从事;专心从事;认真的干 buckle oneself to努力从事;专心从事;认真的干buckle to努力干;开始认真干;抓紧干,及时完成这项工作 buckle under加。而垮掉 buckle up把。扣紧或扣牢;破毁,坍塌 budge for把。列入预算;为。造预算 bug off匆匆离开 bug out走开,离开

Bug up激动起来。迷惑起来 bugger about无事忙 bugger off离开,走开 bugger up搞糟,破坏 Build castles in the air制造空中楼阁 build in用建筑物来围住或填满;将。建造成;镶嵌

Build..into把。建设成;把。装入 build on以。为基础;依赖,指靠;在原有建筑上加建Build out 建造。作为原有建筑的延伸部分 build over在。上盖满建筑物 build up逐步建立,逐步建设;逐步建造;增强,增加;集中起来;以建筑物挡住或封住。使布满房屋;鼓励,激励;加燃料使烧得更旺;称赞;吹捧 build up to增加 build upon建立在。上;依赖;指望 bulk large显得大;显得重 bulk small显得小,显得轻 bulk up涨起,胀大;体积变大;形成大数目 bully sb into doing威胁。。做 bum about/along游荡 bum around游荡;在。到处游荡 bump against猛撞,撞击 bump into猛撞,撞击;偶然碰见 bump off杀死 bump up使猛增,使猛升 bundle away匆忙赶出;撵出;逐出 bundle off匆匆送走;把。撵走;匆匆离去,不辞而别 bundle out把。撵走 bundle up把。包扎起来;穿的暖和,穿的舒服;收工,取胜 bunp up使塞住;打伤;打破 bunk down找到睡觉的地方 bunk off逃走;逃学 buoy up使浮于水面;使浮在空中;支持,维持;鼓舞,鼓励 burble on唠唠叨叨 burn a candle at both ends起早摸黑的干;很少休息;过分消耗精力 burn away继续燃烧;烧掉,烧毁;消失

Burn daylight 白日点灯;徒劳无益;多此一举 burn down将。烧为平地;由于燃料烧尽而火力减弱 Burn in给人留下生动或深刻的印象;烧进;腐蚀;侵蚀 burn off烧掉;烧去;转晴;太阳驱散云;雾蒸发而散失 burn one’s boats破釜沉舟;断绝退路 burn one’s bridges破釜沉舟 burn one’s fingers干了蠢事后吃苦头 burn out用火把。赶出,烧完,烧尽;烧光;明亮的点着;烧毁;火力变弱,渐渐烧完;使垮掉;怒气,热情等消失。Burn sb’s ears。。大骂。。burn the midnight oil加夜班,工作到深夜,开夜车 burn the candle at both ends浪费财产;过分消耗精力 burn to ashes烧成灰 Burn up火炉等烧起来;烧尽,烧光;使精疲力竭;使发怒;发怒;痛骂;高速经过 burst forth爆发出,冲出;突然出现;突然叫嚷;欢呼,呼喊等突然发出 burst in /upon突然出现在。面前;打断 burst into闯进;突然发作;突然发出;突然。起来;爆发成 burst into a blaze熊熊的燃烧起来 burst on突然出现;猛袭 burst out爆发;迸发;飞出;突然出现;突然发出;大声叫喊 burst through突破;冲出;突然出现 burst up爆发;爆炸;失败;垮台;破产 burst upon突然来到;开始被。。了解burst with充满;几乎装不下 bury one’s face in one’s hands用手掩住脸 bury one’s head in the sand逃避现实 bury oneself in埋头于;隐居于 bust out因考试不及格被学校等开除;因考试不及格把。开除出学校等 bust up破坏;分离,使分离;分居 bustle about忙碌的工作;积极从事于;东奔西跑 bustle around忙碌的工作 bustle in and out进进出出 bustle off to匆匆的把。打发 bustle up赶快butt against遇到 butt in插嘴,打扰;干涉;介入;闯入;用头把。顶入 butt into一头撞入;干涉 butt on/upon一端与。相接 butt out停止交涉;不介入;不管闲事;停止插嘴butter up奉承,谄媚 butter up to讨好 button down确定,证实button one’s lips一言不发;不开口;拒绝泄密 button up扣住;扣紧;完成;不说话。守口如瓶 buy goods on credit赊购货物 buy in大宗买进;买进;拍卖时买回自己原有之物;出钱买得 buy into出一笔钱以获得。的股份;出钱已成为。。的成员 buy for cash现金交易 buy off出钱以摆脱要求或反对等;出钱使免除服役;贿买,收买 buy on credit赊购 buy out买进;买通;付钱免疫;买下。。的股份以取代其地位 buy over收买,行贿 buy time争取时间 buy up全部买下;尽可能多的买进,尽量收购 buzz about匆匆忙忙的跑来跑去 buzz along匆忙而紧张的进行着

Buzz around乱哄哄的跑来跑去 buzz in迅速的进来;通讯等从蜂音器传来 buzz off走开,匆匆离去;搁断电话 cage in把。关入笼中 calculate on/upon指望 call a halt下令停止前进 call a spade a spade据实直言;直言不讳 call about为讨论或调查。而访问 call。。after以。命名;在。后追着叫喊 call at在。作短暂访问;船列车等停靠 call away叫走;请到别处;转移。。的思想等 call back叫。回来;收回控告意见等;取消声明等;再打电话,回电话 call by顺便访问 call down curses upon sb祈天降祸于 call down叫。下来;命令炮队、飞机等向敌人开火;祈求;责骂 call for喊着某人取来,喊着要。。来;去取,来取;去或来接;需要;要求;规定 call forth使出现,使起作用,引起 Call forward邀请或命令。。站到前面来,邀请或命令。站出来 call in 叫。进来,叫。进去;邀请;召来,召去;命令收回,请示交还;要求付清;将。从前岗撤回;到。家或办公室是等访问 call...in evidence叫。来证明 call in question认为有问题;怀疑;争论;非难 call into antion使起作用;使生效;开动 call into being/existence实现;使产生;使出现;使成立 call it a day今天就干到这里算了 Call off喊走;把。叫走;命令。停止;宣告终止;取消交易、婚约、示威等;按次序读出 call on访问,探望;到。征求订货或送货;号召;邀请;要求;请求;祈求。保佑 call one’s attention to叫。注意 call out叫喊;大声地说;召唤。行动,命令。行动,唤起;引出;使起作用 call over看望,探望;点名;逐一读出;叫。来call over the coals谴责;责备;申斥call around来往;探望;作短暂逗留;叫汽车来等 call sb to account责问。清算 call sb’s bluff对。的吓唬提出挑战;要。摊牌 Call to向。喊;(动物)发出特有的叫声 call to account要求说明;要求澄清;责备;送欠 Call to mind使想起;使回忆起 call to order宣布开会;要求遵守秩序call together召集

Call up打电话给;唤醒;召集;动员;征兆。入伍;传讯;使人想起,使人回忆起;提出。供考虑;呼唤;召唤 call upon要求;请求 calm down使平静下来;使镇定下来 camp it up手舞足蹈;动作或讲话夸张 camp out露营;使扎寨;露营;野营 camp up夸大;把。表演的过火cancel out抵消;抵消;销账;删去;消除cancel the appointment取消约会cannot but do不得不。。;不能不。;难免 cannot chose but do只得;不得不 cannot eat one’s cake and have it两者不可兼得 cannot help but do不得不;必须;只好cannot help doing不得不;不禁cannot...too/over决不会太;无论怎样。都不算太;怎么。都不会过分 can’t hold a candle to不能与。。相比;比不上can’t say boo to a goose极为胆小 capitalize on/upon利用;从。中得意 care about 对。感兴趣,注意,关心,为。担忧care for喜欢;对。中意;为。操心;对。。担心;尊重;照顾,照料 care nothing about对。漠不关心;对。毫不介意 care nothing for不关心;不顾;对。不在乎;不怕,不嫌 Care to do喜欢 carry about带来带去 carry about with one随身携带 carry all the world before one获全胜;极为成功;势如破竹 carry along使大受感动,吸引住;鼓舞 carry away带走,拿走,搬走;抢走;冲走,卷走;使死亡;使。深受感动;吸引住;冲昏。头脑;使失去控制;折断 Carry back拿回去;拿回来;运回;使回想,使使人回忆carry coals to Newcastle多此一举;徒劳无益 carry convicition有说服力carry everything before one获全胜;极为成功;势如破竹carry forward推进;发扬 carry into effort/execution完成;实现;实行,实施carry into practice实行;执行;实现;完成 carry it off well佯装无事;若无其事carry off赢得奖章等;获得奖品等;成功的完成;处理;使可被接受;带走;劫持;夺去。。的生命 carry on继续;进行;处理;经营;继续活动,进行下去;行动愚蠢,行动越轨,胡闹;吵闹;发怒;喋喋不休的说;调情 carry on with与。有暧昧关系;暂时的 carry out实行;执行;进行;完成;实现;落实carry over继续下去;贮存;延期;引神 carry sth on one’s back背着 carry sth too far做过头,做得过分 carry the baby负责任;做不愿意做的事 carry the ball在。行动中担任主要角色;担负主要责任 carry the can代人受过 carry the day占优势;得胜;获胜 carry through完成;使安然脱离,使度过难关;坚持下午,进行到底;继续存在;贯彻;维持 carry too far把、、做得过分carry weight with对。有影响 carry with one记得 carve for oneself自由行动;为所欲为 carve Out刻出;开辟出,开拓;开创;创业;发财 Carve out a career for oneself独立谋生,自辟生路 carve out of用。雕刻 carve up把、、切成块,把、、分成段;瓜分;划分 case over在。上另加一层物质 case up将。装在匣里或箱里 cash a cheque兑付一张支票 cash down即期付款,即付现款 cash in兑换现金,脱离牵连;赚钱;捞到好处;死去 Cash it on乘机利用 cash in one’s chips一命呜呼,老命报销cash a blight on/upon破坏;使受挫 Cast a bomb使花许多钱 cast a chill over使。扫兴,使沮丧 cast a damp over向。泼冷水;使扫兴,使沮丧 cast a look/glance at/over/upon看一看;查看一下;浪费cast a mist before sb’s eyes使。看不清使。眼花缭乱 cast a new light on使人对。得到新认识 cast a thing in sb’s teeth责备、、cast about在附近搜寻;计划,考虑,盘算;设法cast about/around for到处找;寻找;试图找到;搜索 cast an eye at/over/upon看一看,查看一下;浪费 cast anchor抛锚cast aside丢在一边;抛弃;去掉;排除;废除,消除cast away抛弃;排斥;丢掉;扔掉;浪费掉;使船失事 cast back回顾,回忆,回想;使回到过去,追溯;复原 cast..behind one’s back忘掉;置。于脑后 cast by排斥;放弃cast doubt on令人对、、怀疑cast down丢下,扔下;投落;使向下,使下降;推翻;毁灭;压抑,使沮丧;使失望 cast forth抛出,喷出cast into the shade使减色;使相形见绌;使逊色cast loose解缆,解开;使脱离;解放;解绳 cast lots抽签 cast off把。。放开;解船揽;出航;丢弃;释放;与。断绝关系;放弃 cast one’s bread upon the water不指望报答的行善 cast in one’s lot with与。共命运,与。。共患难 cast oneself on/upon依赖,依从;委身于,指望 cast out赶出,驱逐;舍去,争吵 cast around for到处找,寻找;试图找到,搜索 cast up使升到面上;把。加起来;吐出,责备;出现;堆起泥 catch a chill受寒;发冷;着凉 catch a cold感冒,伤风 catch at试图抓住;急切的去取,抢取;渴望取得,抓住 catch fire着火 catch hold of抓住;捉住;掌握;捉住catch it受责,受罚 catch on抓住,抓牢;懂得,理解;掌握,明白;流行起来 catch one’s breath屏息,吸一口气 catch one’s ears听得见 catch out发觉;抓住。的错处;使怀孕 catch sb’s attention引起。。。的注意 catch sb’s ear引起。。的注意 catch sb’s eyes被。看见;引起。的注意 catch a sight/glimpse of发现;突然看到 catch the drift明白意思;懂得意思 catch the point of了解。的要点;抓住。的要点 catch up拾起;急促的举起;挽起;把。缠住;把。卷入;把。迷住;受感染;赶上,追上;跟上并理解;采用,借用;打断,向。提供最新消息 catch up on事后。得到。的消息;赶完搁置下来或忘记做的事;使挫折;改变。的观点或生活方式 catch up to/with赶上,追上,追及;逮捕;对。产生预期的坏影响或恶果 cater for为。服务;预期 cater to为。服务 cause a disturbance引起骚乱 cause to have a cramp使抽筋 caution。。Against警告。不要 cave in使坍下,使下沉;认输,屈服,垮掉 cease from doing停止 censure sb bitterly痛责。。Centre about/around.round以,为中心;集中在;集中于 centre attention on把注意力集中在。。上 centre in/on/upon书,辩论等以。为主题或中心内容,围绕 certify to对。给予证明 chafe at the delay因拖延而感到焦虑 chafe under insults受侮辱而恼怒 chalk it up公布,公告 chalk out用粉笔划出;计划;制定出。的要点;打图样;设计 chalk up记录;记分;赢得,获得;把。归因,归咎于;记下。作为赊账 champ at the bit不耐烦,迫切 champ with rage气的忍无可忍 chance on偶然找到,偶然发现;偶然遇到,碰巧碰见 chance one’s arm 冒险一次;抓牢机会 chance to do 偶然,碰巧 chance upon偶然找到,偶然发现,偶然碰到,碰巧遇见 change about变化无常;变节 change colour脸变色 change down将车速调低一点,换抵挡;放慢车速,降速,开慢 change foot/feet/step改变步骤,改变方向 change for转车到。,去change for the better变好 change for the worse变坏 change hands转手,易手change into变成;改成;换成 change off换班,交替 change one’s condition 结婚change one’s mind改变主意;改变计划;变卦 change one’s note/tune改变论调;改变态度change oneself换衣服 change oneself into变成,化为 change over使改变,更换;变换;转换;对调;更迭 change around互换场地;风转换,改变 change from to使从。转换成 change up将车速调高一点,换高速档;加快车速,加快 change with随。而变;随。变化 charge for为。收取费用,收、、费 charge off把。作为消耗‘把、、当做损失注销,把。当做原因 charge oneself with承担;负起。的责任 charge sb with委托。做;控告 charge up把。记在账上;为。充电 charm up哄诱 chart one’s boat to sb将船租给 chart out在海图或地图上标出;探察 chase around after花费时间,精心追求 chase down找出,努力寻找 chase round after花费时间,精心追求 chase up为。目的而寻找 chastise sb with blows痛打 chat away 不停的聊天;闲谈chat up跟。搭讪 chat with sb about sth与。闲谈到。Cheat sb out of money骗取。的钱 check back回顾记录;再联系 check in报到。签到;记录,登记;办妥手续;投宿旅馆,死去 check into报到,登记;调查 check off核对,查讫;检查,检验;清点;对。。不再加以考虑;认为。不是;下班 check on检查,核对,核实,调查 check out付账后离开旅馆;离开;离职;帮助。离开;通过能力测验;检查合格;核对,核实;提款 check out with跟。相符合 check over检查,调查 check through检查,核对,校订check up核对;检验。的精确性,查证;检查,调查;审查 check up with跟。相符合 check with跟。相符合,核对无误;跟。联系;商议 cheer on向。欢呼,为,鼓气;鼓励,声援 cheer up使高兴起来,使。振作精神;鼓舞;使感到安慰 cherish the memory of sb 怀着对。的怀念 chew on仔细考虑,深思,细思 chew out严厉责骂,大骂 chew over仔细考虑,细想;商量,详细讨论 chew the end熟思,深思,细想;反省 chew the fat/rag发牢骚,闲聊;争论 chew up将。。嚼的精光;伤害,毁坏,蚀掉 chew upon仔细考虑 chicken out因害怕而退出计划、任务等;因胆怯而退出;临阵逃脱 Chime in跟着唱起来,跟着奏起来;合拍;协调;随声附和;表示同意,赞成,插话,插嘴 chime in with跟。。相符合;与。一致,与。协调;附和;同意 chime with跟。相符合 chip at从。上削下碎片 chip away一点一点的去掉;裂成碎片;不断地凿 chip away at减损 chip in给予帮助;捐助;凑钱;突然插话;下赌注 chip off从。上切下来;削下来;剥落,破碎 chirk up使高兴起来 chisel in暗中侵入;打扰chock back忍住,抑制感情等 chock down困难的咽下;屈辱的接受;抑制;忍住 chock off掐住脖子以组织;闷死,用强力切断;劝阻;使结束,中止;放弃,责备 chock over one’s food给食物噎住 chock up呕出;阻塞,塞住,堵住;装的太满,塞得太满;闷住;由于强烈的感情等而说不出话来;使大受感动;由于紧张而做不好 chock with anger怒气哽喉 choose..as选。为 choose..before挑。不挑;宁愿。不要 choose between在。之间做出抉择 choose from/among/out of从。中挑选 choose to do愿意,决定 chop about乱砍,不断的改变,随风倒似的改变;突变,变心 chop and change常改变方向,意见,计划等chop around风突然改变方向chop at向。击去;向。砍去;打chop away切掉,砍掉,折掉chop back使劲砍伐;大幅度消减;急忙倒退;急忙路转方向;风突然回到原来的方向 chop down砍倒;折掉chop in插话,插嘴;多嘴chop into在。中间插嘴 chop logic诡辩;吹毛求疵chip off 切开,切断;窃取,砍掉 chop out地层等突然露出来 chop around风等突然改变方向chop up使劲砍去;切细 chuck a friend与朋友断绝往来 chuck away丢掉,扔掉;失去,浪费,乱花掉 chuck out丢掉,扔掉;赶走,撵走 chuck out of把。赶出某地 chuck over驱逐 chuck up放弃;抛弃;呕出 chuck work停止工作 chum together同室居住,住一个寝室 chum up成为朋友,要好 chum up with sb与。成为好朋友 churn out搅拌制成;大量生产出;自然产生 chute the chutes顺坡而下,顺急流而下;坐滑车 claim..from向。要求,向。索求 clam up不开口,不再作声;不提供消息 clammer for war叫嚣战争 clamour sb down喝止。说话 clamp down紧紧关住;强行实施;严办;取缔;抑制,压制 clamp eyes on注视,看 Clap on鼓掌欢迎。表演;使劲戴上;急忙张帆 clap out把。用的破旧不堪,用坏;使精疲力尽 clap to砰的一声关上 clap up匆忙的做成,搞成;继续热烈鼓掌;匆匆把。投入狱中 clash with跟。冲突,跟。争论,跟。不相配,跟。不协调;与同时发生 class as 定等级;归类 class..with把。与。归入一类 classify..as 把。归类为 claw hold of抓紧 claw off 逆风;转向上风;摆脱,责骂 clean away除去污物等 clean down把。洗干净,彻底冲洗;刷下,打扫,喝干 clean house整理房屋’排除不良分子;肃清贪污 clean off把表面上沾附或遮盖的东西清除掉 clean out打扫,扫净;清除;使耗尽全部存货;用光;花光;输光;倾空 clean up把。打扫干净,使整洁;清除;整理,打扫;洗澡,洗脸;洗手;在。进行扫荡;消灭敌军等;从。中清除有害的成分;清除犯罪和不法分子;改革;改正;对。做最后处理,结清;赚钱;获利;痛打,击败 clear away拿走,移开,扫除;餐后收拾;散开,消散;消失 clear expenses挣足够的钱以供支出 clear in办好海关或港口手续得到卸货许可 clear..of不负债的;无可指责的;没有。了的;清除。了的 clear off把。出空;清理;清除;结束;处理;散开;离开;走开;摆脱;逃走 clear out拿走,移开;清除,打扫,把。出空,出清;赶出,赶走;迅速离开;离家出走;取走,的全部钱财;消除误解 clear the air使空气清洁;消除误解 clear the decks准备作战;准备行动 clear the ground砍伐树林;开垦土地 clear up清除垃圾等,把。弄整洁;打扫;把东西收拾好;整理;消除;澄清;解决;说明;变得清晰;天气转晴;脸色露出喜悦的表情;被治好 cleave down劈倒 cleave in two劈成两半 cleave one’s way through排开。前进 cleave to忠于;坚持;固守 clench one’s teeth/jaws决心 click off滴答滴答的敲成或打出;滴答滴答的记录;很有把握的或很精确地报出 climb down爬下来;缩回去;妥协;让步;屈服;认输 clinch on argument结束辩论,使一个论据成为确定无疑 cling on to紧紧抓住;抱住不放 cling to紧附;依附;依附;依恋;粘在,上;粘住;坚持;紧抱着。。不放‘抱紧’墨守 cling to a hope抱希望 clink off急忙走开 clip off剪去,剪掉;进行快跑;迅速的跑过 clip one’s claws斩断。魔爪;扼杀。。的雄心 clock in/on上班打卡 clock off/out下班打卡 clock up赢得,取得 close a deal with与。成交close about包围,围住 close around包围,笼罩 close down使停业;使停产;关门,打样;停止广播;强行制止;控制;消灭 close down on严厉取缔 close in逼近,迫近;包围;白昼变得越来越短;把。遮蔽的无法进出 Close off把。隔离开来;使隔绝 close on抓住;围住;笼罩;接近;逼近;围拢;遮蔽 close one’s eyes on闭眼不愿看;准许不予追究 close out处理掉;盘出;抛售;售完;出售;结清;迅速或突然把。结束;停用业务 close over覆盖;封盖;遮盖,遮蔽;淹没 close around 包围;笼罩 close the door on/upon杜绝。的门路 close the door to/on使。。成为不可能 close up塞满,封闭;堵塞;封住;暂闭上;伤口愈合;使靠紧;暂停营业’闭口不做声;电路接通 close upon抓住;围住;笼罩;接近;逼近;围拢;遮蔽 close with接近,跟。搏斗,与。短兵相接;跟。成交;同意;接受 cloud over开始布满云;脸色阴沉下来;露出焦虑的神色 cloud up变得模糊不清;把。弄得模糊不清 clout sb on the head打。的头 club resources凑齐资金 club together集合在一起;共同行动;进行协作 Clue up为。提供必要的消息或情况 clutch at试图抓住;抓住机会利用 clutch up受惊而紧张起来 clutter up把。。弄得不整齐 coat..with给。涂上;给,镀上;给。包上;给,蒙上 coax a fire to light把火慢慢弄旺 cock a snoot at看不起;不屑一顾 cock up竖起,翘起;把。弄糟糕,毁掉;鼓励,使起劲 coin it in暴富 coin money发大财 coincide with与。。相符;与。。一致 collect on delivery货到收款 collect oneself镇定下来;平心静气 collide with 和。碰撞;与。。抵触 colour a picture给图上色 colour in用颜色填 colour up脸红起来;用色彩改进,使生色;对。。做夸张的渲染 Comb one’s hair the wrong way使人发怒 comb one’s head打人 comb out把。梳通;梳掉,梳去;把、。消除掉;去除;裁减;搜寻;彻底清查;彻底搜查;把。梳出来,拣出 combine...with把。与。结合起来;使。化合 come about发生;产生,实现;改变方向;使船抢风转变方向,转帆 Come across走过来;穿过,超过;出现于。浮现于;碰到,偶然遇见;偶然发现,找到(尤指意外的或偶然的);想起;偿付;打动人的;被理解;受欢迎;提供所要求的东西;起到预期的效果;吐露所知的情况 come across one’s/the mind忽然想起 come across with需要时供给钱、消息等 come after跟着,跟随;继。而来,在。后面;来取;追赶;追踪;寻求;寻找 come again 请再说一遍 come against进攻 come along 沿着。行进;一起向前走;一道来;陪伴;跟随,追随;向。走去;赶紧,赶快;进步,进展,取得成功;健康有增进;来努力干;来试试看;发生;偶尔;出现;来到;同意 come and go忽来忽去;改变 come apart崩裂,破碎 come around绕道;顺便访问;再度来到,又一次降临;轮到;复原;苏醒,复元;恢复过来;又高兴起来;风等改变方向;改变看法;回心转意 come at达到;求得,得到;了解,掌握;攻击,袭击;向。冲去,扑向 come away离开;脱落;折断;出芽,生长 come back回来;被回忆起;被想起;复活;恢复知觉;恢复活力,复元;恢复;重新流行 come back to earth回到现实,不再作幻想 come before到。面前;位于。之前,在。之上;比。重要;被提交。供考虑或决定;被。处理 come between分开;使疏远,离间;干预。之间的事;偶然发现 come by经过;经过。。的旁边,走过,来访;得到。获得;遭到;凑巧碰上;偶然碰到;偶然发现 come clean说出;供出,全盘招供 cone down从。下来;下来;落下,倒下;病倒;跌价;下降;从城市到较小的地方;社会地位下降,失势,投落;出钱,捐钱;被传下来,流传;被拆除 come down in favour of决定援助 come down in the world社会地位下降;落魄 come down on/upon申斥,斥责,责骂;惩罚;表示反对;强烈要求;向。要求付钱;临到,袭击 come down on the side of决定援助 come down to降至,下垂至;可归结为;归结起来是;落到。的下场,败落到 come down to cases开始讨论正题come down to earth实事求是,落实;回到现实,不再作幻想 come down with付出;付款;被传染上 come for取;携;接;逼近come forth出现;涌现;出来,交出 come forward出现,站出来,自告奋勇,走红;提出;前进;准备出售;可使用 come from从。来,来自;生长于;出身于;起源于;从。产生;从。造出 come full circle兜了一圈;回到原位 come home to感动;影响到;被。理解 come in进来;到达;天气开始转为;就职;当选;上台;开始执政;开始被采用;流行起来;上市,当令;可以得到,可以供应;作为收入;派。用处;起作用,跑到终点;是得胜者之一,获得。的名次;有份儿,参与;得到好处 come in for受到;遭受;吸引,继承 come into进入,进入。的状态;获得,占有;继承;被卷入;成为 come into being 出现;开始存在;形成;发生;产生

Come into collision with和。冲撞;与。冲突 come into confilct with与。冲突 come into contact with和。接触;和。交往 come into effect开始实行;开始生效 come into existence开始存在;形成;产生;建立 come into fashion开始风行,流行起来 come into force开始实行;开始生效 come into line排齐;一致;同意 come into one’s own获得应有的信誉;得到应得的东西;当权 come into operation开始工作;开始运转;实行;开始生效;实施 come into play开始活动;开始起作用

come into power上台;执政;当权;当选 come into question成问题;被讨论 ;成为实际重要性 come into use开始使用;获得应用 come it with/over sb对。不敬 come it a bit too strong做的过分;过于夸大 come near行近;可与。相比,不亚于;几乎 come near doing几乎。;差不多;差一点;险些儿 come near to行近;近似,几乎,差不多 come of是。的后代,出身于;来自;起因于;起源于;是。的结果 come of age成年 come off分离;从。脱落;离开;消失;从。上摔下;掉下;结束;摆脱,脱开;逃脱;发生;举行;进行;获得好结果,成功;表现;得到。结果;证明为,结果是;将。弃而不用;开始不再依赖;转变;被从。中减去;停止说;停止演出 come off it不再假装高尚;不要胡说了 come off with flying colours凯旋;大为成功 come on向前;继续前进;跟着来;跟随;依次出现;按指定时间来;赶快;进展,发展;来到;逐渐开始;发作;发育;被提出;登台;上演;上场;给人以。印象,表现出。姿态;开始击球;偶然碰到;处理;开始 come on in 清进来 come on to开始 come out出来;出现;花开放;芽绽放;消息,真想,秘密等被透露,泄露;出版,发表;说出来;上市;算术题等被解出;意义等变得清楚;总数等达到;照片等被冲洗出;结果;结局;得到。名;染色等褪去;痕迹等消失;延伸;凸出;举行罢工;表明态度;切露头角;切入社交界 come out against宣布反对 come out for宣布赞成 come out in露出症状;被。布满 come out of从。出来;由。产生;由。引起;从。。而来,从。发出;是、、的结果;摆脱 come out right圆满结束 come out with说出;提出;把。投入市场;供应;展出;公布;发表,出版 come over从远处来,走过来;渡海而来;顺便访问;改变立场;改变观点;转变过来;有清晰的收听或收看效果;开始支配,开始左右;掌握住;发生;布满;占。上风,胜过;占据;越过,横过;逐渐变得,成为 come right改正,变好;实现 come around走弯路,绕路;顺便访问;前来;再度来到,再现;轮到;复原;恢复知觉,苏醒,复元;恢复;又高兴起来;解决争辩;改变,回心转意 come round to在拖延或耽搁之后重又着手做某事 come short of 缺少,缺乏;在。。方面有所不足,达不到目的;没有达到,未能满足 come through渡过;安然挨过去,经历;脱险;应要求而做;出力;捐助;显露,显现;消息传出,来,传来;接通;成功;支付;由官方批准下达;开始信仰 come to到达,来到;讲到,谈到;伸展到;及到;达成;结果取得,结果是;归结于;获得,达到;开始被。所认识;被。。所记起,临到。头上,发生于;共计达;意味着;涉及;成为。。这样的问题;恢复知觉;苏醒;复原;讲妥;同意;答应;继承 come to a climax达到顶点;达到高潮 come to a conclusion得出结论;告终 come to a decision作出结论 come to a standstill陷入僵局;停止 come to a sticky end落得个不好的下场;结果不得好死 come to a stop停下来;停止;停顿;结束;告一段落 come to an agreement达成协议

come to an end终止 come to an understanding with与。达成协议;取得谅解 come to bat遇到困难问题;面临严峻考验 come to blows开始交战;打起架来 come to good搞好;结果好;有好结果come to grief遇到意外事件;遭遇不幸而临悲境;受伤;失败 come to life again苏醒;醒过来;有生气;有活力;和真的一样 come to little稍有结果;稍有作为 come to much大有结果;很有作为 come to no good搞不好;结果不好;有不好结果 come to nothing没有结果;终成泡影;完全失败 come to one’s cognizance知晓;注意到;认识到 come to one’s notice 注意到 come to one’s sense苏醒过来;恢复知觉;复原;觉悟过来;变聪明;变机智 come to oneself苏醒;复苏 come to pass实现;发生;产生 come to sb’s assistance来帮助。Come to the scrach准备气泡起跑;准备采取行动 come to stay留下不走;来定居;扎下根来;木已成舟;成为定局;成为永久 come to terms with达面协议;让步,妥协 come to the conclusion that得出的结论是 come to the point说到要点;到紧要关头;抓住关键 come to the same thing 产生同样的结果;具有同样的意义 come to do逐渐;终于;开始 come together聚集;集合;和解 come true成为事实;实现;达到;证实 come under被包括在。之内,属于;输入,归入;受制于;受到。支配;遭受;遭到 come under sb’s notice受。注意;受到。的影响 come unstuck碰到困难;受到挫折come up上楼;上来;升起;行进;走进;赶上,站出来;到场;开往前线;送往前线;露出地面;出芽;被呕吐出来;被选中;社会地位上升;被提出讨论;受到注意;受到考虑;发展;流行起来;发生;发现;发出光来 come up against碰到;遭遇到;被。反对;应付;对付come up for discussion轮到被讨论;轮到被审议come up in the world生活变得优越;爬到社会顶层 come up to来到。、跟前,来到;达到;相等,相当于;等于;符合标准;不辜负 come up with赶上;提供;供给;取出,制成;造出;与、、扯平,胜过;偶然遇到;偶然碰上。攻击;发生于;影响;对、、提出要求;献计;成为。。的负担 come what may/will不管怎样;无论如何 command oneself控制自己 command respect值得尊敬 commend...to把。推荐给;把。委托给comment on对。加以评论 commit a crime犯罪 commit oneself on对。表态commit oneself to委身于;献身于commit oneself to do保证;承若;答应负责;使受约束commit sth to print把。记下来commit...to将。提交;将。委托Close one’s gloomy away解闷,消愁 gloom and doom忧郁,沮丧Cast up the gorge at唾弃,见到。就吐

heave the gorge作呕 Gorge oneself with大吃,吃饱

one’s gorge rises at....见了作呕;极端厌恶 Take sth as/for gospel 把。认为真理

have the grab on占上风;占便宜 Up for grabs 努力者得之 take graft贪污

grease sb’s palm用金钱影响。。;收买

Grease the fat pig 管闲事 grease the wheels行贿使事情好办 stew(fry)in own’s own greaseI自作自受

be all greek to 完全不懂,一窍不通

get into a fuss焦虑不安

Be furious with sb=be furious at sth因。而告终

be in a fume怒气冲冲的 put sb in a fume激怒某人 fume at sb对。生气恼火 foul up把。搞乱,搞糟 to obtain sth by fraud骗的某物 To expose a fraud揭露骗局 bring sb to grief使受伤,使陷悲境 come to brief失败,受伤遭难 Die of grief气死,忧伤而死 smile at grief不过度悲伤 turn grief into strength化悲痛为力量 On the(broad)grin笑嘻嘻,咧着嘴笑 saradomic grin冷笑 grin and bear it逆来顺受 Grind down磨成粉末,压迫,压倒,折磨grind...into one’s mind使深深印在脑海里

Have an axe to grind另有企图,有私心 be in the grip of被。支配 groan inwardly内心痛苦 In the groove得心应手,流行的,赶时髦

be born in the gutter出身贫贱

Gutter out 逐渐变弱最终于熄灭

a man of plenty of guts颇有胆量的人

Hate sb’s guts恨透了某人

have no guts in sth毫无内容

spill one’s gut告密

Tear the guts out of sb耗尽某人精力 a gust of rage勃然大怒 a gust of rain(wind)一阵暴风(大雨)futile talk空谈 a futile effort=in no vain徒劳 to make fuss about tiny things小题大作 Drive sb to frenzy=drive sb crazy使某人发狂 in a frenzy在狂乱中 in the frenzy of the moment在一时狂乱中 be frenzied with joy狂喜 flee from responsibility逃避责任 in a flutter心神不宁的,恐慌的 to maintain/lose equilibrium保持/失去平衡 the equilibrium of supply and demand供求均衡 in essence本质上;基本上 of the essence 极其重要的;必不可少的 eternal truths/verities 永恒的真理

eternal life 永生

eternal rest长眠

exempt from免除;豁免

Hack off砍掉,切下 put sb under hack使某人张口结舌 be at a halt已经停止 call it a halt(命令)停止

bring to a halt使停止;使停顿

hamper progress/traffic阻碍进展/交通 Hamper away at努力做 in harmony with与。协调一致 have a hatred for...憎恨、、、Hatch out 孵化出来。;想出计划;结果变成 hatch up发明,设计,计划 keep a hatch before the door闭嘴,保持沉默 under hatches 受禁苦;在困苦中,受压制 hasten forward匆忙赶路 Hasten one’s steps加快步伐 in hasten急忙的,草率的 haunt one’s memory萦回脑际 At hazard 在危急中 at the hazard of冒。之险;拼命 be one the hazard在危急中;受到威胁 Heal over(up)伤口愈合,痊愈 to have a sigh of relief 松了一口气give heed to注意留心

Heed a warning注意到警告 get the heels of 赶过,超过 turn on one’s heels急忙向后转 Trust one’s heels 逃走 a hell of很,非常 be hell on对。来说,非常痛苦;对。十分严厉 Like hell猛烈的,拼命的,不顾死活的,丝毫也不。。Be in hiding躲藏着。。Go into hiding躲藏起来

Hinge on/upon依。而定,以。为转移

hitch horses together和好,一致行动 Hitch one’s waggon to a star好高骛远;野心勃勃

do homage to对。表示歉意‘服从 Paid homage to崇敬give sb the hoof解雇某人 see sb’s hoof in在。中看出某人的努力

Under the hoof被践踏 howl sth/sb down 大声表示不满以妨碍某人讲话

howl with因疼痛、悲伤、生气而吼叫 hug cherished beriefs坚持所抱的信念 hug oneself on(for)沾沾自喜 hum and haw支支吾吾;结结巴巴;踌躇 justice and humanity仁义 humbug sb out of his money诈骗某人钱财

Hustle sth out of the way排除障碍物 hustle and hustle熙熙攘攘 as jolly as a sand boy极快活的;兴高采烈的 as jolly fine好极了 have a jolly bad time of it糟透了 get one’s jollies作乐 jostle with each other互相倾轧 jostle with sb for sth同某人争抢某物 not a jot about sth对。。什么也没有 Not a jot of一点也不 judge by appearences由外观上判断 be no dudge of不能鉴定 out of kindness处于好意 with knobs on尤其突出;有过之而无不及 broaden one’s knowledge扩充知识Do one’s endeavours尽力;竭力 make every endeavou 尽一切努力 make one’s best endeavours尽最大努力 enroll in加入;入学 identical to/with与。完全一样 be under no illusion about sth对某事不存在幻想 beware of imitation谨防假冒 in imitation of模仿;仿造 jake and gill少年和姑娘 make one’s jake赚大钱 be thrown into jail被投进监狱 break jail越狱 jerk out one’s words 脱口而出 get a jerk on卖力于;赶紧干 in jest开玩笑的,不认真的 jest at sb嘲笑某人Make a jest on sb 愚弄某人 speak in jest戏谑的说 jog one’s memory唤起某人的注意 for a joke当玩笑话 in joke开玩笑的 joking apart言归正传 take a joke经得起开玩笑 be but a joke只不过是开玩笑,完全是句空话 beyond a joke不是开玩笑 make a joke about sb拿某人开玩笑 give sb a rap on the knuckles责骂某人,申斥某人 knuckle under to sb向某人屈服,认输 knuckle down to work开始认真工作,专心工作 have one’s own knack in 对。有独到之处 a knuckle in it有窍门 all in the same key千篇一律 a key to one’s success成功的秘诀 hold the keys of支配;控制 Commit...to doing责成。。Commit to memory牢记;把。记住 commit to oblivion使忘记 Commit to one’s core委托;委任 commit to paper/writing写下来;记录下来;写上;把。记下来 communicate news to sb把消息通知。。Compare..to把。比作;把、、、与。。相比 Compare with跟。相比,可跟。。比较 compel sb to do强迫。。;迫使。。Compensate for补偿;抵偿;酬报 compete against..in在。。方面和。竞争

Compete in a race参加赛跑

compete with sb for与。竞争得到 complain of/about抱怨;诉苦 Comply with 服从,遵照,遵守;答应 comply with a formality履行手续 comport with与。一致;与。相称 compose one’s thoughts打定主意 compose oneself镇静;安心 compound with sb与。。和解;与。达成协议 compromise with sb on在。上与。妥协

compute..at估计。达 Conceal oneself隐藏;潜伏 conceal sth from sb对。。隐藏。Concede a point in在。中承认。Concede to sb对。。让步 conceive of想象;想出,想到;考虑 conceive of...as把。想象为 Concentrate on/upon集中在;专心于;致力 concern oneself about/in/with关心;致力 conclude with 以。。来结束 concur with sb in sth和。对。意见一致 condense..to/into把。冷凝成 Condole with向。表示慰问 conduce to有助于;促成;导致 conduct oneself表现 conduct sb into引导。进入 conduct sb to引导。。到 conduct sb over引导。参观

confer...on/upon sb把。授予。;把。赋予。。Confer with同。商讨 confer with sb on/about sth同。商讨 confess to承认,供认,坦白 confide in相信;信任

confide sth to sb把。委托给。;向。吐露。。;向。交代。Confine in对。有信心,信任,相信;向。吐露秘密或心事 confine oneself to只限于;仅涉及 confine to限制;限于 confine..to/inside/within把。限制在。。Confirm sb in office批准。就职 conform oneself to使自己适应 conform to适合于,符合;遵守;遵照 conform with符合 Confound..with把。和。混淆 confront sb with witnesses 使。和证人对质

confuse..with把。与。混淆;把。和。混为一谈 congratulate sb on/upon sth向。祝贺。Conjure up使鬼出现;魔术般变出;想出 conk off入睡 conk out死;昏迷;失去知觉;因疲乏等迅速入睡;失灵;突然发生故障;停止 connect..across把。跨接在两端 connect oneself with与。相联系 connect..to把。接到。上connect up接通;连接在一起 connect with连接;会晤;与。联系

Connive at默许;纵容 consent to同意;答应 consider..as/to be把。看做;认为是。。Consign..to把。交付给;把。委托于 consist in包含在。中;存在于;表现为

Consist of 由。组成;由。构成 consort with陪伴;与。结交;与。一致;与。协调;符合 Irrespective of不考虑的in an instant立刻,马上 irregular conduct不正当行为

Instant response立即回答 irregular means非法手段

for an instant一瞬间

Irregular teeth不整齐的牙齿 on the instant立即;即使

as is照现在的样子 act on instant凭直觉行动 show one’s ivories 龇牙咧嘴 invert the order颠倒顺序 be instant woth life充满生气 The instrinsic value of sb’s work某作品的真正价值 instrinsic factor内在因素 by instinct凭本能;本能地 intrude upon sb’s time占用某人的时间 intrude one’s views upon others把自己的意愿强加于人 interfere with干扰 have an instinct for生来就有。。的本能;有。的才能。In the interrim同时 at interim暂时的 inject into把。注入;给。增添 to all intents and purposes 几乎在一切方面,实际上 intent to专心的,急切的 inject with用、、、注入 be instrumental in有帮助的;起作用的 assume an air of injured innocence装出无辜受累的样子 be innocent of a crime无罪do the innocent装糊涂 have an insight into sth对。有深入理解 inflict on/upon把。强加给;使承担 inflict harm on陷害 be indicative of标示的;指示的;象征的 make an inference from..根据。下结论 speak from inference推测说 to inhibit impulses抑制冲动 inhibit wrong desires抑制邪念 inherit a fortune继承财产 inherit eternal life获得永生 inherent in内在的;生来就有的 At a low ebb一蹶不振;处于萧条状态 ebb and flow兴衰;起伏 be eclipsed by sb(相形之下)使。黯然失色;使。不如某人 in eclipse月蚀;日蚀 give effect to施行计划’使生效 in effect事实上;积极地 of no effect无效 take effect奏效;发生作用 to the effect that 大意是 embark on/upon着手;放手做 label someone as 指某人为 lace into鞭打叱骂;抨击 lace sb’s coat鞭打某人 Ladle in舀进;混入;渗入

ladle out舀出;端出;提供 A logs B in..A在。方面落后于B Help a lame dog over a stile帮助他人渡过难关

lament for为。悲伤;哀悼;惋惜 lament over为某事而难过 lap up down曝光;喝光;欣然接受 drop the whole thing in sb’s lap把事情全推在某人身边 take a lap at舔一下 next of kin最近的亲属;至亲

count kin with和。论亲戚关系/和。是近亲 cut off from the kin取消与。家庭关系 eyes kindled with excitement 兴奋地两眼闪闪发光 within/outside sb’s jurisdiction 在某人的权限之内(之外)under the jurisdiction of sb在某人管辖权限之下 juggle with 歪曲;篡改;欺骗 division of labor分工 dole out发放;发给

Send sb to his doom将某人处死 the crack of doom世界末日 be doomed to n/do注定 go/fall to /meet one’s doom死亡;灭亡 one’s doom is sealed某人的命运已经注定;注定死亡 drag on/out使拖延 drag sb to拉某人去 be dying to很想;很渴望 dwell in/at居住;停留于 dwell upon/on凝视;详细;论述;仔细打量;盯着看;减慢动作 drown one’s sorrow借酒消愁 drown out淹没;压过(另一声音)lavish praises on sb大肆吹捧某人 lavish lare upon one’s children过分溺爱孩子 lavish Money on sth在某事上乱花钱 put out to lease出租 inherit a legacy继承遗产 Destroy level破坏平衡 do one’s level best尽最大努力 level against对某人提出控诉 level at对准;瞄准 lift the level提高水平on the level公平的 ordinary level普通水平world level世界水平

In all likelihood十分之久;多半 as it must likely极可能 as likely as not很可能;说不定

Likely as not可能;大概;十分之久 likely enough恐怕;也许 linger on a subject踌躇考虑;唠叨不休 the literal truth不折不扣的事实 loom up隐约的出现;突然地出现 loath for him to go不愿意他去 be lost in陷入沉思;全神贯注于 lose in使迷失于;使忙于;逊色 lose out损失;失败

Lose a battle战败 lose a game输一局 lose an opportunity 错过机会 lose ground失去信用;失败 lose heart失去勇气;失去信心 lose one’s breath喘不过气来;喘息 lose in beauty人老色衰

Lose one’s feat解除忧虑 lose one’s English英语都快忘光了

lose one’s head慌乱;仓皇失措 lose one’s labour白费力气 lose one’s life失去生命 lose one’s presence of mind心慌意乱

Lose one’s temper发脾气 lose one’s way迷途 lose sight of忘记;忽略 at a loss 困惑;没办法;亏本的 loss for a loss处于苦恼中 loss of sight 失明 without loss of time即刻;马上 Conspire against密谋反对,密谋推翻 conspire with与。勾结;与。连在一起 consult one’s pillow通夜思考 consult with sb about/on sth与。商量。Contain oneself克制自己;控制;抑制 contend for争夺 contend with处理,应付,容忍 contend with sb for sth为。与。竞争 content oneself with满足于 content with/against与。争论;与。竞争 continue at one’s post留任 contract in订约参加 contract oneself out of 约定使自己不受。的约束 contract out订合同把。包出;退出合同;退出计划 contrast badly with与。很不符;与。相差太远

contrast..with使。与。形成对照;与。对比起来 contribute to帮助;捐助;贡献给;帮助实现;有助于;促成;为报纸等写稿 control the accounts查账 converge on/upon集中于;聚集在。上 converse with sb on/about sth与。谈论。Convert..into把。变成 convict sb of宣判。有。罪 convince onnself of查明 convince sb of使。相信;使确信;使。承认 cook off爆炸 cook one’s goose破坏。的计划;使。彻底失败 Cook the meat烧肉 cook up匆忙烹调;计划;设计;想出;捏造,伪造;编造;虚构 cool down/off变凉;冷却;冷静下来;使安静 cool it平静下来;放松下来;放慢下来 cool one’s heels久等;久候 Cool sb’s down使。。冷静下来 coop up把。关在笼子里;将。限制在狭小的空间里;阻碍,抑制 Cooper up修饰;磨光 cooperate with sb与。合作 cop out服罪,认罪;犯罪而被逮捕,被捕;作案时被当场抓住;死,食言;反悔;放弃事业,丢掉原则;隐退;逃避 cope with妥善处理;对付;应付;克服;对抗 copy after仿照;模仿 copy down记下;抄下 copy from抄写;誊写;复制;临摹 Copy out抄出;用打印机打出copy sb’s good points仿效。的优点

copy sth down把。抄下来 cordon off有栅栏围住;用阻碍物拦住 cork up用软木塞把。塞住 cork up one’s feelings抑制感情 correlate..with/to使。与发生联系 correspond to相当于,跟。相似;与。相称;与。相应;适合 correspond with相当于;和。符合;和。通信;和。调和 cost what it may不惜任何代价;无论如何 cotton on理解;喜欢;有好感 cotton on to了解;明白 cotton together/with与。一致;与。和谐 cotton up巴结别人;与人结交 cough down用咳嗽声来淹没。。的讲话 cough oneself hoarse把嗓子咳哑 cough out咳出 cough up咳出;无意间说出;脱口而出;吐露;勉强说出;出钱;交付;付出 count against不利于 count..as/for认。为;把。当做 count down倒着数 count for有。价值;有。重要性 count for little无足轻重;微不足道 count for much非常重要;关系重大;很有价值 count for nothing 无足轻重;微不足道 count in计入;把。算进去 count off报数;挑出;选出 count on数下去;指望;依靠;期待 count out一个一个的数;不把。算作参加者;不把。考虑在内;宣告失败;点清 count over数,计算 count the cost盘算费用;权衡利害得失 count the money数钱 count up数;算出。的总数,结算;总计;计算 count upon数下去;指望;依靠;期待 couple..to把。结合到

court applause博取喝彩

court defeat招致失败 court disaster招致灾难

cover a mistake掩盖错误 cover against抵偿 cover from掩护;保护;庇护 cover the ground走过。的路程;旅行;处理一个题目;完成一项作业;遮盖住;填满 cover in装好。的顶盖;遮盖住;填满 cover up one’s tracks掩盖踪迹;掩盖证据

cover oneself behind躲在。的后面 Cover over在。上盖上东西,盖住;掩盖;遮没;覆盖 cover over the cracks急急忙忙掩盖错误或困难 cover sb with a rifle把枪口对准。。Cover up把。盖起来;把。裹起来;包住;隐藏;隐匿;掩盖;包庇;掩饰

covet after/for sth垂涎。。Cower with cold冷的打哆嗦 cozen sb into doing诱使。。Cozen sb of sth向。诈骗。Cozy up拉拢;结交;讨好 crack a bottle打开酒瓶喝酒 crack a crib撬门盗窃 crack a joke说笑话 crack a smile笑,微笑 crack down啪的一声落下;采取严厉手段;压制;镇压 crack on增加动力或速度 crack the whip突然采取严厉措施 crack under strain紧张的垮掉 crack up裂成碎片;使撞坏;使坠毁;身体或精神上垮掉;衰退;称颂,赞扬;使感到很好玩;令。捧腹 crack wise说俏皮话 cradle a baby to sleep摇婴儿入睡 cradle an infant in one’s arms怀抱婴儿 cram food into one’s mouth把食物填塞到口中 cram full塞满;填饱 cram oneself塞满肚皮;吃得很饱 cram sth down one’s throat反复对。讲。Cram up匆匆学习;死记硬背以应对考试 cramp one’s style 因受阻碍而无法进展 crank out制成;作成 crap up把。做的很坏;破坏 crash the gate擅自入场 crave after渴望 crawl into sb’s favour拍上。的马屁 crawl to sb巴结上。。Create a sensation引起轰动 credit sb with把。归功于;相信。。有

credit to sb把。归于;相信。有 credit in 悄悄地进入;不被注意的进入;开始发生;滋生

creep into悄悄地进入;不被注意的进入;产生;出现 creep on/upon不被注意的渐渐临近;时间不知不觉过去,悄悄地过去 Crib answers off sb抄。。的答案 criticize sb for not doing sth非难。未做。。Crock up使身体垮掉 crook one’s arm弯起手臂 crop up被提到;意外的出现 cross off/out划掉,叉掉;勾销;删除Cross one’s fingers交叉手指 cross one’s mind想起 cross one’s plam贿赂 cross one’s path碰见;阻拦 cross over从一边到另一边;横贯;穿过;横越;交叉,相交

cross sb in在。中阻碍;与。作对 cross sb’s hand with a piece of money给。钱

cross swords with与。交锋;和。论战 cross the path of碰到;遇到;妨碍cross up欺骗;出卖;彻底破坏;把。搞糊涂 crouch down蹲下 crow about吹嘘;自夸 crow over因。而得意;对。表示得意 crowd in涌进来;使挤入;压下来;纷至沓来 crowd into挤进 crowd on增加 crowd on one’s mind涌上心头;百感交集;突然想起 crowd out挤出;挤掉;排挤 crowd..with用。塞满

crumble away逐渐碎裂;逐渐瓦解 Crumple up把、、挤压的变了形,把、、揉皱‘压碎;倒下;垮掉;战胜,征服;打垮;使无能为力;使崩溃 crush down把。碾碎;强力压制;压倒;打倒;镇压 crush out挤出;压出;榨出;熄灭,扑灭 crush up碾碎;粉碎;揉成一团 cry craven投降;认输;胆怯 cry down贬低;轻视;发出喊叫声使停止发言;喝退 cry for哭喊着喊着要;恳求;请求;迫切需要;急需

cry for the moon想做不能做的事;想要得不到的东西 cry havoc警告灾难或危险的来临 cry off取消前言;撤回;退出;请求免除承担的义务等;取消;毁约 cry one’s eyes/heart out痛哭 cry out呼喊;大喊;大叫,尖叫;大声的说;大声疾呼;迫切需要;抱怨 cry out against对。大声抗议或抱怨,对。强烈抗议或不满 cry out急需;要求

cry over对。感到伤心;为。感到悲痛;恸哭 cry over spilled milk作无益的后悔 cry quits同意停止争辩;承认不分胜负 cry to呼吁;祷告 cry up对。大加赞扬;夸奖;称颂 cuddle up舒服的偎依着睡 cudgel one’s brains绞脑汁,苦思

cue in告诉;通知;指示 culminate in达到顶点;达到高潮;以。而告终 cure of医治疾病;纠正缺陷 cure sb of a bad habit纠正。的不良习惯 Curl up使卷起;使蜷缩;身体垮掉;精神崩溃;损坏;作呕;使恶心 curry favour曲意逢迎;恭维求宠;谄媚求宠 curtain off用帘子遮掉;隔绝

cut a caper手舞足蹈 cut a dash卖弄自己;炫耀 cut a finger手舞足蹈;给人一种印象 cut a grand figure显出威风的样子 cut a boss知难而退;重新做起 Cut a poor figure显出可怜的样子 cut a record打破记录;创造新纪录 cut a ridicule figure显出滑稽的样子 cut a swathe使产生印象;吸引注意;成名

cut across抄近路穿过;对直通过;遮断;打断;跟。相抵触 cut adrift使独立;使断开 cut after击破;追赶 cut along快去 cut and carve急忙逃窜;逃脱 cut and come again请尽量吃;请多吃一点 cut and run急忙逃窜;逃脱 cut at试图判断;试图砍伤‘向。猛击;有可能毁坏;危害;使毁灭 cut away切去;剪去,剪成;砍掉;走开;逃走 Cut back切短,剪短;减少;消减费用等;迅速回来;倒叙;重提前事;中止;截短 cut both ways议论等两边倒;模棱两可 cut capers干蠢事;出洋相 cut...close把。剪短 cut down把。砍倒;杀死,伤害;伤害;毁坏;夺去。的生命;损害。的健康;减少;缩减;改小;减价;删节 cut down to size降低到。的威望;降低。。的重要性 cut..free割断。自由 cut in插入;接入;插嘴;打断;开始工作;接通;开始运转;cut in half把。切成两半

cut in pieces切成许多块;把。切碎 cut into切入;刺入;从。。中占去宝贵时间;打断谈话;插嘴;减轻;减少 cut into halves把。切成两半;把。分成两半 cut it out停止 cut loose割断;断绝;逃脱 cut no ice没有影响;无效;不起作用;没有什么价值 cut off切去;剪掉,剪下;砍掉;中断;使中止通话,打断。通话,删去;隔离;使独立,切断,阻断,隔绝;使停止运转,关掉;使死亡;使突然停止;使突然结束;很快的离开 cut off a corner抄近路;走近路;走捷径 cut on赶路;赶忙;开电灯等 cut one’s claws解除。的危害等 cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth量入为出 cut one’s eyes斜视

cut one’s looses 赶紧脱手以免损失过多 cut one’s teeth on一开头便学习;从小学习;启蒙早;取得经验 cut one’s wisdom teeth到达成人年龄;成年 cut one’s sticks逃走

cut out切去;剪下;裁下;切成;剪成;削成;删去;略去;计划;派定,安排定;停止;中断;取代;使断电突然离开;匆匆离开 cut out for准备;面对;适合于 Cut out to do有做。的天赋;天生适合做。。Cut sb dead/cold见。装作不认识;对。不理不睬 Cut school逃学 cut short截短;缩减;打断;阻止;突然停止 cut that out停止;住嘴 cut the cakle做正事前停止讲话 cut the comb of使屈辱;使屈服;挫锐气lull sb’s fears消除某人的恐惧 Lull a baby to sleep哄小孩睡觉

lull sb’s suspicions消除某人的猜疑 by the lump大批的;成群的;总共 explode with lyric wrath勃然大怒 be at a disadvantage处于不利地位 put sb at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位 ba taken at a disadvantage被人乘机攻击 disclose a secrcet to sb向某人揭露秘密 discriminate against歧视;排斥 discrimiante between区别;辨别 discriminate...from...分清与。的区别 discriminate in favour of特别优待。。Distinguish from区别;辨别;使。。区别于 distinguish oneself表现突出 as by magic像使用了魔法一样 like by magic立刻消失;不可思议的快

magic away 把。像变魔术似的消失 magnify one’s problems夸大自己的问题magnify oneself against抬高自己以反对别人,冷待别人 malice aforethought预谋 bear malice to/towards against sb怀恨某人;对某人怀有恶意 make a mash on使爱上;使看中 make one’s mash使人神魂颠倒 ;使人着迷 maternal instinct母性的本能one’s maternal language母语well/ill meaning善/恶意 mediate in/between调节;斡旋

mediate on/upon深思;沉思;冥想 meek and mild顺服温和;逆来顺受的 meek in manner态度温和 a melancholy mood忧郁的心情 melancholy as a cat非常忧郁 in the midst of 在。之中;正当。。的时候

always militant tcrowd混进人群

with mingled feelings百感交集的do sb a mischief 伤害某人 go/get into mischief胡闹;捣乱

make mischief between在。之间挑拨离间 cause mischief引起灾祸 do mischief造成灾难 play the mischief with弄坏。身体;加害;把。弄得一塌糊涂 up to mischief with要胡闹;在玩鬼把戏 brought mischief on sb使。遭受灾难 have the misfortune to不幸 by misfortune不幸 deviate from脱离;背离 blue devils意气消沉 raise a devil起哄;引起麻烦

Speak of te devil and he will appear说曹操,曹操到 be at one’s devotions正在祈祷 diagnose...as...诊断为。疾病 no dice没用,拒绝;不成功 dice for就。打赌

differentiate between区分;区别 a mistaken idea错误的想法 be mistaken sbout sb误会某人 be mintaken in doing sth弄错某事了 by mistake弄错 make mock of嘲弄;愚弄 mock at嘲笑 make a mock of sb/sth嘲弄某人某事 stick to the four modernizations坚持四个现代化 gain/gather momentum发展加快;势头增大 mop and mow做怪相;扮鬼脸 mop the floor with sb把某人打的一败涂地;痛击;凌辱 Mop something from把。从。中擦去 mop up擦去;抹去 mop with用。擦去 boast the morale of长。的志气;给。打气 in a moral hurry急急忙忙

past all mortal aid无法援助 mount against对。。发动攻势

mount guard over守望;守卫 muster up振起;鼓起 mutter and mumble吞吞吐吐 mutter agains抱怨 mutter to oneself喃喃自语 return to one’s muttons言归正传;回到本题 be mystified by给。弄得莫名其妙 a multitude/multitudes of许多大量 nag at唠唠叨叨;责骂别人;牢骚不断 go nap on对。孤注一掷 get oneself into a nasty mess陷入困境 leave a nasty taste in the mouth留下讨厌的气味(印象)neat and tight干净整齐 neat but not gaudy麻利的;灵活的as neat as a pin干干净净;非常整洁 make a neat job of it做的干净利落 get it in the neck受到严厉责骂;受重罚 neck and neck并驾齐驱;不分上下

neck or nothing孤注一掷的;奋不顾身 risk one’s neck冒生命危险;拼命 up to one’s neck in 深陷于;内疚 won by a neck侥幸取胜 Nimble as a squirrel身手灵活;行动敏捷 nimble fingered手指敏捷的;善偷窃的 nominate sb for推荐;提名;指定

nominate sb as任命某人为 notify someone of通知某人 notify to向。宣告;向。报告

a thing of nought无价值的东西bring to nought使计划落空 came to nought无结果

Set at nought轻视;蔑视;嘲笑 indict sb for nuisance控告某人;非法妨碍 make a nuisance of oneself被人讨厌 numb with cold冻僵 in a nutshell简言之as likely as not多半 as one man致的 as often as not 常常 as regards关于 as soon as not更愿 as concerns关于 as concerning关于 as far as..is concerned关于,至于 as good as像。一样,几乎等于 as such作为。。的身份。。的本身 just as soon宁可 as well也,亦 without so much as连。。都不not such as+动词 不至于 as a mater of fact事实上 as against比。。As many again多一倍 as a rule通常,照例 as big/large as life 与实物一般大小,确确实实 not/never so much as+动词

连。。都不 as many同数的,和。。一样多 in so far as 在。的范围内,就。来说 such as 如,像 as well as和

As yet至今,尚 as much as to say好像是说 as/so long as 只要,在。。的时候 as from自。之日起 as follows 如下 as far as远至(某地)。就。。而言 sb be decisive in某人在某方面英明果断 Sb be decisive to某人对某事有决定性作用 dedicate to把(一生、时间,精力)献给,用于 Be deeply for痛感

in default of因缺少;在缺乏。。时

indefense of保卫;捍卫;为。辩护 Defend..against/from。保护。免遭 defend doing sth为。做辩护 defend sb of。剥夺某人的。/使某人丧失/免去某人职务 derive from得由;由来;衍生 descend from起源于;是。的后裔 Descend on袭击 descend to沦为;把身份降至 be of good descent出身好 make a descent upon侵入;袭击 descent of man人类的由来 be desirous of sth想得到某物 destined for以。。为目的地 Detach from使分开;拆卸 deprive sb of sth从某人那里夺走某物 beyond debate无疑义的;无可争辩的 debate the victory争取胜利 debate upon on a question讨论问题 debate with oneself在心中考虑问题;打不定主意

at a deadlock处于僵局(停顿状态)break a deadlock打破僵局 Come to a deadlock陷入僵局,相持不下 in the daytime在白天 at daybreak在黎明时候 dam back one’s tears忍住眼泪 dam back up压抑,抑制

dam up one’s feelings抑制感情 dally time away蹉跎岁月 look daggers at sb怒目而视 speak daggers to sb恶语伤人

put/shove/stick one’s oar on多管闲事;对人事务擅自提意见;干涉;干预 lie on one’s oar’s吃老本 be chained to the oar被强迫做苦工 bend to the oars用力划桨 pull a lone oar单干take/have/pull the laboring oar担任最繁重的工作 an oath of a llegiance效忠宣誓 an official oath就职宣誓 Grind out an oath切齿诅咒 make an oath立誓;宣誓 oaths and curses诅咒和谩骂 swear an oath发誓 upon one’s oath宣誓说真话 be obedient to服从某人 meet one’s obligations偿还债务 repay an obligation 报恩 under an obligation受。的恩惠;对。有义务 be under an obsession of 在思想感情上被。缠住 an suffer from an obsession of耿耿于怀 as occasion demands逢必要时;及时

for one’s occasion=for one’s sake为某人 for the occasion临时 Give occasion to引起;使发生 have no occasion for没有的根据;没有、、、的理由 imrove the occasion抓紧时机;乘机说教 on upon occasion有时;必要时;偶尔 on several occasions屡次;好几次

on the first occasion一有机会 on the occasion of在。。的时候;在。时 rise to the occasion善处难难局;应付自如 seize occasion to do sth乘机做某事 take occasion to do sth抓住。的好机会;乘机 odda and ends零碎的东西;参与的东西;不要紧的东西 ask/beg no odds不要求照顾;不要求让步 be at odds with和。闹别扭;与、、、不和;与。有矛盾 fight against wrger odds以寡敌众;以弱敌强 take the odds接受有利的条件;得到让步 be in bad/ill odoar名誉很坏

In good odour with得宠 give/cause offence to得罪某人 mean no offence无意冒犯 take offence因。发怒;生气 without offence不使人见怪;没有生气 omission of/for省略某物 from this day onwards从今天起 national oppresion民族压迫 react against oppression反抗压迫 at one’s option任意;随意 have no option but to除。外别无选择,只好 make one’s option选择 orient to/toward以。为方向、目标 from the cradle to the grave从生到死 origination from源自;开始 overflow with充溢;充满 give the overthrow推翻;灭亡 override author’s authority藐视别人职权

override one’s commission滥用职权 a pang conscience一阵良心责备 feel pangs for remorse感到痛悔不已 be seized with a panic恐慌起来 rise in panic匆忙起身 pant along气喘吁吁的走或跑 pant for渴望某事物 pant out 气喘吁吁的说出某事物 fly/fall into a passion大发雷霆

be in a passion忿怒,在发脾气 have a passion对。有强烈的爱好 as likely as a cricket 非常活泼

as merry as a cricket非常快活

as black as a crow极黑;漆黑 as the crow files直线的;最短距离的 crow about吹嘘;夸耀

crow over洋洋得意,向。夸耀胜利 in a crow line直线的;最短距离的 white crow珍奇的东西;罕见的事物 pick up one’s crumbs渐渐恢复健康

To a crumb 精细的;仔细周到的;完全的 to the when it comes crunch=when the crunch comes当关键(困难)时刻到来时 as cool as a cucumber冷静的;不激动的 fall/go to cuff打起架来 give sb a cuff给某人一巴掌 culminate in以。告终 cumulative knowledge累积的知识 give sb into custody把某人交给警察;逮捕某人 have the custody保管;保护 in the custody of在。监护下 Take sb into custody逮捕;拘留某人

take out a patent on sth取得一项。。专利 hold a patent on对。拥有专利权 pave the way for为。。铺平道路;为。做准备 pawn one’s word答应;保证 Pawn shop当铺 pawn sth off as把某物冒充为。。押出去 give/put sth in pawn典当掉;抵押掉 Peak and pine消瘦;憔悴

a flood peak 洪峰

at the peak of在。高峰期 birth peak出生高峰 Off one’s peck失去胃口 peel off剥掉;脱去 at the peep of day黎明时;破晓时 have a peep at偷看一下 peg away at坚持不懈的做 come down a peg丢脸;受委屈;降低身份 no percentage没有好处 play the percentage 一步一步扎扎实实的干 in perspective展望中的;正确的out of perspective不正确的 at one’s peril若有。咎由自取

at the peril of=at the risk of冒。的危险 In the hour of peril在危险的时刻

to perfection完美的;尽善尽美的;完全的come to perfection圆满;成熟

a vague perception模糊的认识 visual perception视觉

corporate responsibility/action共同责任/行动

under correction有待指正;请与匡正 be courtesy of蒙。的好意/准许;蒙。提拔

till the cows come home 长时间;永远 from the cradle to the grave一辈子;一生

in the cradle幼小时;初期

the cradle of civilization文明的发源地 ponder on仔细考虑;深思,默想 file a petition against。申请取消(停止)present a petition to向。提出;请愿书 pinch and save节衣缩食的攒钱

pinch and scrape东拼西凑;俭省 at a pinch在危机时 be pinched for money手头拮据;缺钱

with a pinch of salt有保留的;不全信的 put a pistol to sb’s head用手枪对准某人头部加以威胁

plague one’s life out拼命折磨 be plagued to death被弄得烦死了 a plausible excuse貌似有理的借口 cop a plea避重就轻的主动认罪 make a plea for主张;请求 plead ignorance以不知道情况为借口in pledge for作为抵押 take sth out of pledge赎回某物

under pledge已作出保证 pledge oneself to the covenant保证遵守诺言 pledge one’s word/honour发誓;保证

be/live in pledge在抵押 give sth to pledge抵押;典当

take out of pledge赎回 plunge into the sea跳入海中

plunge myself into a worse fate使自己陷入险境 at a plunge进退两难 take the plunge冒险尝试;蛮干 ply one’s books用功读书 poke about around搜索;询问 poke fun at拿。开玩笑

poke one’s nose into探问;干预 popes of knowledge知识权威 pore on沉思 pore over注释;凝视 at every pore每个毛孔;全身 pose..against..把。同。对立起来

pose for a photograph with摆好姿势,同。合影 strike a pose装腔作势 a bare possibility 万一的事情 ba within the bounds of bossibility是可能的 by any possibility万一;也许;决不会 powder milk奶粉 put more powder into it加油;加一把劲 keep one’s powder dry准备;万一;做好准备 have no precedent to go by无先例可援 set a precedent for为。。开先例 without precedent无先例的;空前的precipitate oneself into使自己一下子陷入危险 precipitate sb/sth into使某人/某物突然陷入某种状态

at the precise moment恰恰在那个时候 predicate sth of sb/sth断言。为某人/某物的属性 be predisposed to本来爱好。易患。病 Have a prejudice against对。有偏见

have a prejudice in favour of袒护;偏爱 in prejudice of有损于;不利于 without prejudice无偏见

at a premium以超过一般的价格;以高价买卖 put/place a high premium on高度评价;高度重视

be preoccupied with thoughts of。一心想着 give a presentation of对。做陈述

preside over掌管;主管 presume on不正当的利用 on/under the pretext of sth以。为借口 a pretext of/for。的借口 on some pretext or other用某种借口 under/on/upon the pretext of以。为借口 complain of/about抱怨、、、complain to向。抱怨 Comply with遵从。服从 be full of conceit十分自负 in one’s own conceit自以为;自认为 put ab out of conceit with sth使某人厌倦某事 be conceited about自负;自夸 be comparable with/to与。相似

commit to把。托付给;把。置于

clutch at企图抓住 a cluster of成群的;成串的 Cling to紧紧抓住/抱住 border clash边界冲突 clamp down on对。进行压制/取缔 cater for sb/sth提供;迎合某人/某事物

cater to sth迎合 for caution’s sake为慎重起见 give sb a caution告诫某人 with caution小心翼翼

be calculate to do sth旨在;打算;适于做 carve one’s name on把名字刻在。Carve out a career谋求发迹

carve out one’s way开辟道路

carve up瓜分;划分

To carve for oneself自由行动 in charge of管理;负责。。的 take charge of负责;接管;负起。的责任;开始负责

chatter about/away on表示长时间的唠叨,喋喋不休 conceive of构想出 make concerted efforts齐心协力 take concerted action采取一致行动 confer on授予;赋予 conform to/with遵守;适应 consolidate at every step步步为营 to consolidate one’s position巩固某人的地位 conspire with sb against sb/sth与某人密谋反对某人/某事物 hold in contempt轻视;认为。不屑一顾 contend with sb/sth与某人/某物作斗争 contend with sb/sth for表示斗斗争的目的 Puff up使骄傲自大;吹嘘吹捧 pry about到处窥探 pry into窥探;打听 pry into other people’s affairs打听某人的事 proximity to与。接近in the proximity of sth与。邻近的地方 in dose proximity to与。极接近provke riot引起骚乱 make provision准备;预备 make ample provision for充裕的供养 run out of provision粮食缺乏 provide for/against为。做准备

provide ab with sth供给;为。装备上 =provide sth for sb为某人提供某物

provide oneself自备;自办 provide with供给;装备;提供 prove up to the hilt充分证明 unable to prove不能证明 under protest不情愿的;抗议着

enter a protest against向。提出抗议 protest friendship发誓说友情不变

protest one’s innocence坚决声明无罪 protest against from防御;保护;包庇 under the protection of在,的保护下;受。的保护 in prospect可以预料到;有希望prevail over胜过;压倒 prevail up on win说服;劝说

prevail upon sb to do sth说服某人去做某事 prevail over the enemy战胜敌人 be previous to在。以前;先于 one’s previous history某人之前的经历 fall prey to成为。的牺牲品;深受。之害 prey in捕食

become the prey of被。捕食;成了。。的牺牲品 Prick down选择 prick near与。不相上下

prick off挑选出;移植 prick on驱使prick up竖起 prick up oneself炫耀;打扮自己 hurt one’s pride伤某人的自尊心 pride oneself on/upon以。自豪;对。感到得意 take pride in对。感到自豪

in all proability十有八九;很有可能 the proablilty is that大概是;很可能是 be less prone to不至于老是 be prone to err易犯过失 make propaganda for为。宣传

be proper to..特有的;为。专有的 right and proper合理合法 as you think proper你认为怎么舒适就。。At a proper time在适当的时候 in the proper sense of the word按照这个词的本来意义

in the proper way用适当方法

in prospect可以预料到;有希望 in pursuit of追捕;寻求;追求

hell-for-leather pursuit全力追击;拼命追赶 in hot pursuit穷追 pursue after追赶 pursue one’s studies从事研究 pursue knowledge求知

purchase and sale买卖 purchase price购买价;实付价 not worth an hour’s purchase性命危在旦夕 purchase freedom with blood用生命换取自由

have one’s fingers on the pulse of sb按某人脉搏;探某人心思 stir sb’s pulses鼓动某人的情绪;使人兴奋 a puff of breeze一阵微风 puff and blow喘气 puff away吹散;吹走

puff out吹灭;鼓起;肿胀;夸大;渲染;喘不过气来 property in copyright版权所有 property owner地主;业主 movable property动产 real property不动产 private property of citizens公民的私人财产 prime cost原价;主要成本;进货价格 in the prime of life在壮年;年富力强 productive asserts生产性资产 productive of生产。的 productive capability生产能力 productive capital生产资本 productive consumption生产消费

productive force生产力 productive land肥沃的土地 increase in industrial productivity工业生产率的增长

labour productivity劳动生产率 proper in business生意兴隆 recruit from征兵;招收;招募;招工recruit oneself休养;静养 a raw recruit新手;初学者;生手 recur to重新提起 redeem from用钱赎回;赎罪 redeem one’s vow还愿 redeem oneself oneself用钱赎回人身 redeem sth from补救。的(缺点)reel off一口气说;重复 Reel in/up卷;绕 without a reel or a stagger脚步稳定的 rfefine on/upon改进;斟酌;精益求精 Refrain from抑制;克制 give refuge to隐匿;包庇 seek refuge in flight逃难 take refuge in避难到;求助于;求安慰于 take on refusal坚持 during the....regine在。。统治时代 in the reign of在。统治时期 rein in严格控制;严加管束 give free rein to对。不加约束;放任;给。充分自由 Drive with a loose rein放松缰绳;放任;纵容 hold a tight rein over紧紧地控制;对。严加约束 Take the reins掌权;支配;有决定权 rejoice in/at以。为乐;为。高兴 have reliance upon信赖...in reliance on信赖。而 have no relish for不喜欢;对。不感兴趣 rely on/upon信赖;指望 bear/keep in remembrance纪念;记在心里 come to remembrance回忆起;想起 escape one’s remembrance记不起了;忘了 in remembrance of为纪念;为会议 remit money to one’s family给某人家里汇款 repay a salutation答礼

repay good with evil恩将仇报 repose on the past留恋过去;缅怀往昔

repose trust in sb/sth信任某人/某事

through good and evil repute不管舆论如何;不论人们说什么 requite like for like用同样手段报答;以恩报恩;以牙还牙 reside in存在;在于 decline all responsibility声明对。。不负任何责任

lack of responsibility无人负责现象 on one’s own responsibility自作主张的 take the responsibility of负起。的责任 make restitution赔偿损失;归还 with restraint用克制态度 retort blow for blow以牙还牙 restrieve freedom恢复自由 in restrospect回想起来;事后看来 revel in陶醉于;沉湎 revenge a worng伸冤雪恨 revenge wrong with wrong报仇;以牙还牙 be revenged upon sb报复。。;对、、进行报复 get revenge报仇 head a revolt带头造反 raise a revolt煽动叛乱 in revolt反抗着 rise in revolt起来反抗;起义 Without rhyme or reason莫名其妙的;毫无道理;杂乱无章 riot in纵情于;放纵于;沉溺于 raise/start a riot闹乱子;挑起暴动 enter into rivalry with和。开始竞争 rot away腐朽;脱落 rot off因腐朽而脱落 rot out腐烂成洞;烂穿 roughly speaking粗略的说来 rusttle up仓促凑齐;迅速弄到 come to a rupture交涉破裂;决裂;闹翻脸 rummage among/in for sth在。。翻找某物 rummage around/about到处翻找 sink into ruin土崩瓦解 lie in ruins成为废墟 bring to ruin使失败;使没落 be the ruin of成为。。毁灭的原因 fall into ruin灭亡;荒芜 in ruin一片废墟 ruin oneself毁掉自己quadrilaterals四边形 parallelogram平行四边形 rectangle长方形 rhomb菱形 square正方形 trapezoid梯形

irreqular quadrilateral不规则四边形 quadruplet四胞胎;四胞胎中的一个孩子 Quake with cold冷的打战;冷的浑身发抖

job qualifications就业资格 without qualification无限制的;无条件的;无保留的 qualify as取得。资格;宣誓作。Qualify oneself for取得。资格;准备好。的条件 qualify to do sth使有资格做某事 a qualitative change质变 a quanlitative change量变 put a quart into a pint pot做不可能做的事 queer the pitch for sb暗中破坏他人计划 be queer in the head头脑失常 feel queer觉得不舒服 quench one’s desire遏制欲望 quench one’s thirst解渴 query with提出质问或询问 stand the racket负责任;经得住考验 racket about around过放荡生活 ;过寻欢作乐社交生化;喧闹 give away the racket没提防把秘密泄露出去 go on a racket纵情欢闹 make a racket惹乱子;大吵大闹 radiant with joy喜形于色 radical improvements彻底的改善 radical change根本的变化 a raft of trouble很多麻烦 at random随便的;任意的 range from...to从。至。Range north and south绵亘南北 range oneself改过自新;得到固定职业 range oneself with与。做伙伴 range over the world到世界各处走走 at close range在近距离 at long range在远距离 be ranged against站在。的反对方向 in range with和。并列;和。同一方向 in the range of在。的范围内 out of one’s range能力达不到的;在知识以外的 whole range of一整套的 short range短程 out of/within range在射程外/内 hold sb to/for ransom绑票 rap out突然严厉的说出 rap and rend 劫掠;掠夺 get a rap on the knuckles受谴责;受申斥 rattle off迅速而轻易的背出或说出 rattle on喋喋不休;唠唠叨叨 rave about one’s misfortunes叹息自己倒霉 rave with fury激怒;大发脾气 as sharp as a razor厉害的;机警的 skin a razor做不可能的事 reap as one has sown自食其果;种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;善因善果 reap experience取得经验 reap grain收割粮食 reap the fruits of one’s actions自作自受 reap where one has not sown不劳而获;侵占别人劳动成果 sow the wind and reap the whirl-wind恶有恶报;干坏事要受到报应 rebel against反叛;叛变 rebound from撞击事物反弹回来 rebound on反遭报应 take sb at the rebound利用某人某反应影响他人 recede from one’s position退职 at recess在休息时间 in the secret recess of one’s heart在内心深处 be in recess休会中;休庭中 in recess休假;休会

take a recess休假 the summer recess暑假 in recession在衰退中reciprocal respect/agreement互相尊敬 reckon on依靠;指望 reckon with估计到;预料到;对付;认真对付 reckon as认为。是。;把。当做 reckon for考虑到;估计到 reckon on信赖;依靠;指望 reckon on one’s friendship想得到某人的友谊 reclaim sb from vice使人改邪归正 past/beyond reclaim不可救药;无法改造 recoil from退却;撤退;畏缩 recoil on oneself自食其果 recollect oneself使自己镇定下来 follow sb’s recommendations听从某人的劝告 recommendation(s)for关于。。推荐 reconcile to使甘心于 reconcile oneself使顺从于 ascertain sb’s sentiments on查明(某人)对于。。的意见 free from sentiments不带感伤情绪;不夹杂个人好恶 in serial order顺次 sever one’s connection with和。断绝关系 sever oneself from退会;脱离;和。。分离 sexual equality男女平等 shabby-genteel 死要面子的 on the shady side of在。的黑暗一面;在下坡路;年龄超过。。Get the shaft受骗 sheer nonsense胡说八道;完全瞎扯 by the sheer force of one’s will全靠意志力 make shipment of one’s life毁灭其生命 suffer/make shipwerck of one’s hopes绝望 have a shrewd tonge

have a slant on喝醉 a slant of wind一阵顺风 slash and burn 裁员;精简人员 smear a word吐掉一个字 smother up蒙蔽过去;含糊了解fall into the snare落入圈套;上当 lay a snare设圈套 snatch at抓取 snatch at the chance of抓住机会 snatch away迅速拿走 snatch a victory out of defeat by snatches断断续续地

sneak away/off溜掉;悄悄离开 sneak up on偷偷接近sneak in 渐显;淡入 sneak out渐隐;淡出 not to be sneezed at不可轻视;值得考虑 sniff out发觉;发现;嗅出。;寻找 sniff at嗅着;轻视 snuff out弄硒;吹熄蜡烛 bent to snuff打的要死;痛打 as snug as a bug in a rug非常的;极安乐的go sightseeing去观光 situated in/at/on位于 set up a situation估计形势 the domestic situation国内形势 skeleton at the feast扫兴的人或事 skeleton drawing 草图 sketch a plan/sheme拟计划 on the skids快要失败;快要被解雇;正在衰落 skip over遗漏;略过 skip calsses逃课 skip from one subject to another一会说东。一会说西

skip lunch没吃午饭 skip out/off悄悄溜掉;仓皇出逃 skip for joy喜欢的跳起来 slack off放松;松劲;怠工敷衍了事 slack up放松;慢下来 spill the mazuma(任意花钱);挥霍浪费

spill the beans泄露秘密 make a spectacle of oneself出洋相;大大出丑 wear/take off spectacles 戴上/取下眼睛 snuggle down。蜷缩在。Sober-blooded严肃的;沉着的 sober-headed沉着的;头脑冷静 sober-minded沉着的;头脑冷静 sober down变冷静;沉着;使安静下来 sober up/off从酒醒中清醒过来;理智(认真,严肃)起来 in one’s sober senses神志清醒的;冷静的;沉着的 in sober fact事实上 solider on坚决干下去;迎着困难干下去 solicit a thog of sb向某人乞求一件东西 soothe one’s headache使头痛减轻 soothe someone安慰某人 soothe someone’s rage平息某人的怒气 make a splash发出泼溅声;引人注意;引起轰动 sponge off依赖他人生活 spiil one’s guts告密 spill over溢出 be sacred from免除;不受 hold sacred尊重;保护 at the sacrifice of以。为牺牲;牺牲。而 fall a sacrifice不怕牺牲;付出。。的代价 make all sacrifice献祭 sell at a sacrifice亏本出售 salute sb向。。致敬 acknowledge a salute答礼 salute with eyes行注目礼 salute with the hand行举手礼 take the salute接受敬礼 come to the salute行敬礼 a sanguine nature乐观开朗的性格 be sanguine of自信;对。抱乐观态度 get savage with向。大发脾气 make a savage attack upon猛烈攻击 wound sb’s sensibilities伤人感情 a sentation of fear恐怖感 seething waters破涛汹涌的海面 give security against保护;使无。之忧 in security for做。的担保 a screw loose毛病;故障 have one’s head screwed on the right way 通达事理 put the screw on sb对某人施加压力 screw around胡混;鬼混 screw down使降低价钱 screw into很会奉承;巴结 screw out勒索;逼出 screw up强迫;弄糟 screw up one’s courage鼓起勇气 put the screw on加以强制;强迫;施加压力

fighten the screws加强控制 do not care a scruple毫不在乎 do not stick at scruples不加思量;不迟疑 have scruples about对。有所顾忌;对。踌躇 be scruplous about对。不马虎;对。很注意 pay scruplous attention to细心检查 make a scrutiny into细查;彻底检查 not bear scrutiny经不起复查 scramble after搜求;拼命找 scramble for office抢官做 scramble up爬上去;巴结 scissor off/out/up剪下;剪断;删除 scheme for power阴谋夺权 scheme to do sth谋划某事 contrive/form/lay a scheme计划;拟方案;策划 in the scheme of things在事物发展过程中 prepare a scheme of。做。的计划 Life span寿命 in specialty特别;专门 make a specialty of以。为专业;专攻某学科 squat on停止拼命反对;责难 squat oneself down蹲下来 stab in the back背后中伤;背叛 stack up总起来;加起来;与。较量;牵强附会 stagger to one’s feet摇摇摆摆的站起来 stake everything on a singe throw孤注一掷 stalk out of大步走出 in some’s stead代某人 in the stead of代替 stand someone in good stead对某人很有用 stem for stem并排;靠拢 stem to stem船头对着船头 from stem to stem从船头到船尾;全船;从头到尾;全部 stern foremost倒退;笨拙的 stink in the nostrils of使。讨厌 a stitch in time及时处理 every stitch全身(装束);全付(行头)strain after尽力追求;拼命得到 strain at a gnat为小事过分操心 strain courtesy太讲礼貌,过分客气 strain every nerve倾全力;全神贯注 strain under pressure在压迫下拼命挣扎 be on the strain紧张,拼命 fall between two stools两头落空,两边都不讨好 be strick with对。严格 take in one’s stride一跨而过;轻而易举的做 at/in a stride一跨;一步 have a fine stride大踏步悠然自得走 stroll away/off/over/through散步;闲逛;游荡 stumble along东倒西歪的走;蹒跚而行 stumble into同。相碰;无意中卷入;偶尔犯(错误,罪等)stumble over给。绊倒;结结巴巴的说 stumble at a straw动辄为小事发怒 be frightened into submission吓倒 make one’s submission向。认罪 with all due submission毕恭毕敬的 be subordinate to被纳入;服从 subordinate to次要的;从属的 subscribe to订阅;订购 subscribe for a book订阅书籍 subtract sth from从。减去;扣除某物 sue for请求;要求 suffice it to say that只要说。就够了 summon up鼓起(勇气)all and sundry全部;所有的人 sundry goods杂货 sup on吃。当晚饭;晚饭吃。Sup out在外面吃晚饭 sup sorrows by the ladleful尝尽悲伤的滋味 superior to比。优越;胜过;强过 be in the superior position处于优越地位;处于优势 be superior to difficulties不屈服于艰难困苦 rise superior to超越。;超然于;不为。。所影响 with a superior air骄傲的 slowly but surely稳扎稳打的;坚定不移的 of a surely的确;必定 stand surely for作。的保证人 susceptible to易受影响的;过敏的 swear by对。发誓;使用并深信 swear in使宣誓就职 swear into使宣誓加入 swear off立誓弃绝;保证不再 swear to 强调的说(某事)not breathe a syllable半个字也不说;保密;守口如瓶 to the last syllable说到最后一个字 tab show傻瓜 keep a tab on看守;检查;监督 tack on附加;增补 be on the tack戒酒 come/get down to tacks直接了当地说;谈实际问题 susceptible of容许的 suspect sb of a crime怀疑某人犯了罪 be suspicious of怀疑 be swamped with忙的应接不暇 swamp with向。提出大量;给予大量 as graceful as a swan姿态优美;举止端庄 turn geese into swan言过其实;夸张;作出过高估计 swear about咒骂某事 swear against发誓控告某人 swear at骂某人 customary tactics惯用的伎俩 tan sb’s hide鞭打(某人)fly off at a tangent(思想)突然转变;突然转变话题 tangle with 与。争吵(打架);与。有纠葛 on tap零售 tap water自来水 turn the tap on/off开/关 tarry a few day in在。处逗留几天 tarry for sb等待某人 tarry on the way在路上耽搁 in rags and tatters破烂;褴褛 tear to tatters扯得稀烂;扯碎;驳得体无完肤 tax with指责,责备 tease sb with jest和某人开玩笑逗弄他

teem with富于;充满 taxing烦人的 free of tax免税的 tax-free免税的 additional tax附加税 business tax营业税 direct tax直接税 income tax所得税 value added tax增值税 real estate tax不动产税;房地产税 an import/export tax进/出口税

a housing and land tax 房地产税 armed to the teeth全副武装 bt the skin of one’s teeth恰够;刚好 be all thumbs笨手笨脚 by rule of thumb单凭经验或估算 thumbs down真差劲 thumbs up太棒了 under sb’s thumb 受制于人 thumb one’s nose at打败敌手 an innumerable throng of people人山人海 throng into a room挤入室内 a low threshold of pain一碰就痛 at the threshold of在。。开始;就要开始的时候 on the threshold of即将开始;就要 on the threshold在门口 as timid as a hare胆子极小的 at full tilt全速的;全力的 give a tilt使倾斜 have a tilt at偏向;向。歪;攻击;驳斥 be on the tiles寻欢作乐;花天酒地 get one’s teeth into使熟悉,熟知 in spite of sb’s teeth不顾亲人的反对 in the teeth of不管;不顾 set one’s teeth咬紧牙关,立下决心 show one’s teeth张牙舞爪;威吓 a tempest in a teapot大惊小怪;小题大做 a tempest of applause暴风雨般的掌声 tempt sb to sin诱人犯罪 tempt the storm冒着暴风雨 tempt into doing=tempt to do sth引诱某人干某事 be terrified at/by/of对。感到恐惧,被。吓一跳 testify to表明;说明 testify against sb做不利于某人的证言 testify to sb’s honesty证明某人诚实

call sb in testimony使某人作证 produce testimony to提出。的证据 thenceforth从那时;其后 be unfit to do sth不适合做某事 be unfit for sb对某人不合适 be unfit for one’s office不称职 tighten up加强 be/sit/stand on thorns如坐针毡;焦虑不安 henceforward从那时;其后 be unaccostomed to不习惯于 unaware of those facts对这些事一无所知 at unwares忽然;突然 tickle to death使笑得要死 toil and moil辛辛苦苦的工作 toil at苦干 toil on艰苦的工作 toil up/through.along辛苦行进 be taken in the toils落网;上圈套;被迷住 by the same token由于同样原因;同样的 in token of作为。的标示/表示/证物/纪念等 tolerant and understanding with each other互相宽容并相互理解 the topic of the day当前最受人注意的问题 put sb to the torture拷问 in total 总计 tramp down踏坏;踩碎 tramp under one’s foot践踏;蹂躏 on the tramp到处流浪 take a long tramp to长途跋涉到 pull/press the trigger 射击;开枪 a trifle有点儿;稍微 trifle with嘲笑;轻视 stand upon trifles拘泥于小节 be unconscious of未发觉。Give one’s undivided attention to sth/sb全神贯注于某事或某人 tug at the/an oar拼命划船;拼命苦干 tumble and toss乱翻乱滚;遍地打滚 tumble over乱扔;打翻;绊倒;反复思考 tumble to领悟;明白 catch sb unawares出其不意的袭击 the uncertain of life人生的无常 unburned one’s mind表白感情;吐露心声 unbosom oneself to sb对。吐露心事 unbosom one’s thoughts to another向别人流露思想 be unequal to the work不能胜任这项工作 be unfaithful to对。不忠实 tribute to sb’s memory悼词

a silent tribute默哀 trespass against违反;冒犯 trespas on侵犯;非法侵入;打扰;妨碍 in transit在运输中;在途中 off one’s trolley疯癫;失去理智;心烦意乱 trot sb round带某人到处走走 trot away from the pole话离题 go for a trot去散步 play truant逃学 trump up a charge against sb冤枉/诬陷某人 hold some trumps胸有成竹;有把握 play a trump 拿出王牌;做出惊人之举 put sb to his trumps使某人打出王牌;逼得人使出最后办法 a tale of tub无稽之谈 tuck away大吃一顿 tuck in大吃;狼吞虎咽 tuck up ?起 tuck into大吃;尽情的吃tumble up使混乱 tumble upon偶遇 all in a tumble混乱到极点 give a tumble给予好评 have a slight tumble轻轻的跌了一跤 talk turkey直率的说;坦率认真的谈话 in a twitter激动中;抖颤着give a wink瞟了一眼 in a wink转瞬间 not get a wink of sleep一点儿也没睡 tip sb the wink丢眼色给某人 wink at对。使眼色;假装没看见 wink away back眨掉(眼泪)be little warth几乎没有价值 be worth doing sth/sth值得。。For all one is worth尽全力;尽量的for what it is worth不论好坏;即使可能不重要或价值不大 not worth a damn毫无意思 not worth one’s salt无能 of no warth没有价值的 worth one’s salt称职;任性 worth one’s weight in gold非常富有worth the whistle值得注意的 wrestle down把。摔倒 wrestle out拼命于;奋力完成 add/give zest to给。增加兴趣 be admitted into/to允许入内 adopt sb as。把某人收养为。Adopt sth to one’s needs适合某人的需要 advance in life日渐衰老;布向老年 advance on朝。前进 in advance预先;预付定金 in advance of..比。前进(进步)make advances垫付 well in advance大大地超前 advertise oneself自我吹嘘 act on advice依劝;听劝

ask advice of向。征求意见;请教 by/on sb’s advice接受某人意见 take one’s advice接受忠告 affect composure故作镇静 be afraid of害怕;担心 afraid to die怕死 after a fashio勉强;不很好 after a sort稍微 after no good不怀好意;做坏事 after the flesh世俗的;粗鄙的 with zest津津有味的;热情的 yearn to do/for sth表示强烈的愿望 zeal for表示对。的热枕 add fuel to the flame/fire火上浇油 add in算入;包括 add on加到。上;附加;包括 add to增加;添加 add up加起来 add up to总计为;总数达;说明;意味着 addressee受信人;收件人 addresser发信人;发件人;发言人 addressor说话者;发言人 address a meeting在会上发表演说 address list通讯录 address sb as把某人称为。An address of welcome欢迎词

adjust to使适应 admit to ball准予保释 after one’s own heart完全符合某人的心意

after-sales service售后服务 after sb’s fancy合意 after the fashion of模仿 ask after问候 be after sb/sth追赶;寻找某人/某物 be named after以。命名 follow after跟在后面 go after big money追求钱财 in after years以后的岁月 year after year年复一年 in the afternoon of life后半生 again to verify再次确认 as large again to两倍于;比。大一倍 as many/much again as比。多一倍;加倍 utter the truth/ a lie说真话/谎话 be at an utter loss what to do完全不知道怎样好 utter a groan发出呻吟声 give utterance to说出;讲出 of no utility无用的;先益的 usher sth in引进;宣告;宣示 be brought to the upshot得出结论 in the upshot最后终于 have a slight unpleasantness with sb与某人发生了小冲突 in an unlucky hour偏偏碰巧 unlock one’s heart吐露心声 A is unknown to B B不知道A a ponit of vantage居有利的地位;居上风 for the vantage何况;加之 have/take sb at vantage比某人处于有利地位;占某人上风 be in the vein for有。兴致;有。心情 all about关于。的一切;到处;各处 about one’s ears引起麻烦;惹乱子 above all首先。尤其。最重要的是 above abroad公开;正大光明 above ground在世;活着 above oneself自高自大;自负 in the absence of。在缺乏。的情况下 be absent in someplace在某地 in an absent sort of way有些心不在焉的 accept the situation听天由命 accept one’s face偏袒;讲情面 accompany to sb陪某人去。。Accompany sb on用乐器为某人伴奏 in accordance with与。一致;按照;根据 account for报账;说明 of great/no/some account很/不/有些重要 on account of由于;因为 on no account/not on any account决不可以;切莫 ache for。渴望有。Ache to do很想做 with a vengeance极度的 give vent to表达;发泄(情感等)bring sb the verge of使某人涉项于。On the verge of濒于。;接近于 verge on/upon接近;濒于 play it close to the vest极力保守秘密 pull down one’s vest从容不迫;保持安静 in the vicinity of在。附近;与。接近be a victim of患。疾病而死 gain/have win a /the victory over战胜。;击败 victory over oneself克制自己 as sour as vinegar像醋一样酸 be void of common sense缺乏常识 have the ability to do sth有能力做。To the best/utmost one’s ability尽力;竭尽全力 fall aboard与(他船)碰撞 achieve one’s end(s)达到自己的目的 make the acquaintance of sb=make sb’s acquaintance结识某人 a speaking acquaintance泛泛之交 act up to遵照(原则等)办事 bring an action against sb对某人提起诉讼 in action在活动(运转,工作)wade in干涉;精神饱满的开始工作 wade into狼吞虎咽的吃 wade through费劲的前进;辛苦的做完 play the wag逃学;旷课 the wagging of a straw鸡毛蒜皮的小事 wag one’s finger at向。摇指头(表示轻视)give warning警告;告诫;预告 take warning注意;留神 weary out使筋疲力尽;使困乏;(单调的或厌倦的)度过(时间等)wed with a rush ring草草成婚 give a whirl试一试 in a whirl旋转中;混乱中 whirl about旋转;盘旋 whirl away卷走;溜掉 decide between在。中做选择;抉择 decide for决定。Decide on/upon考虑后选定或决定 deck out装饰 deck with以。装饰;以。点缀 declare against声明反对 declare for声明赞成;声明拥护 declare itself明朗 decalre off宣布取消;取消允诺或约定,退出比赛;退出 declare oneself发表意见;表明态度 declare war on/upon/against对。宣战 decline..with thanks婉言谢绝;辞谢 dedicate to献给 defend..against保卫。以抵抗;防御 defend..from保护。使不遭受 defer to听从,遵从 defraud sb of sth向。骗取。。Delight in喜欢deliver into把。送给;把。送进 deliver from=deliver out of救。脱离;拯救 deliver oneself of说出;发表(意见)deliver oneself Up自首;投降 deliver over交付;移交 delude oneself with以。自欺 delve in/into探究;钻研 demand an apology from/of sb要求。。道歉 demand one’s pound of flesh索债 demand sth of sb向。要求。Demean oneself by doing由于做什么而降低身份

demonstrate against示威反对

denounce..as痛斥。。为 deny nothing to对。有求必应;对。。什么也不拒绝 deny oneself克制;放弃;舍弃 deny oneself to拒绝会见;不会见 depart for出发去 depart from离开;(火车等)按规定开出;从。叉开,偏离;违反;放弃;与。不合 depart this life去世 depend from(树枝等)下垂;(吊灯)悬挂 depend on/upon靠,依靠,依赖;依。而定,取决于;信赖,确信 depend upon it无疑的;你可以完全相信 deprive sb of剥夺。;使。丧失 derive from起源于,来自;从。中得到;从。中导出 derive itself from由。而来;源出 derogate from毁损,背离 descant on/upon详谈,评论 descend from从。下去,从。。下来;是。的后裔;起源于;从、、、传下来 descend on/upon降落在;冲向;扑向;突然袭击;突然会聚于;突然出现在。面前;突然访问;突然来临 descend to下到;降下;向下倾倒;向下延伸至;堕落到。地步;在声音上降低到;在境况上坏到 descend to particular/details谈到细节;进入详细讨论阶段 describe...as把。说成是;把。称作 deserve ill of应该受到。。的粗暴对待 deserve well of应该受到。的优待 design..to打算把。作。;为。而设计 designate..as指定。为;把。叫做 designate to/for指定;选择 desist from停止 despair of放弃。的希望;对。绝望;对。丧失信心despoil..of夺取。的。;掠夺。的。Detach...from把。从。上卸下;把、、从。上取下 detail off指派 deter sb from妨碍;制止;阻止 determine on/upon决定;决心 detract from减损(效能)等;损坏;毁坏;损害(名誉等);贬低 develop from从、、发展而来;由。演变而来 develop into发展成为 deviate from偏离;背离;脱离;违背;和。不符合 devolve on/upon被移交给;转由。接替;转由。承担 devote all one’s energies to致力于 devote one’s attention to专心于;非常注意 devote one’s life to专心于;献身于;致力于 devote oneself to专心于;献身于 devote to专心于;献身于;拨。供作。用 dice sb for与。掷骰子决定 dice with death冒大风险 dice with sb for与。掷骰子赌。Dictate to口述让。记下;命令;指挥 diddle away浪费(时间)die a dog’s death潦倒而死 die a glorious death壮烈牺牲;死的光荣 die a martyr以身殉职;为国牺牲 die an awful death死的很惨;惨死 die away变弱;减弱;逐渐消失;逐渐止息;停下来;昏厥 die back枯萎 die by one’s own hand自杀 die down(炉火等)变弱;渐熄;减弱;逐渐消失;逐渐止息;停下来 die for为。而死;因。而死;渴望;切望 die from因。。而死 die game勇敢的战斗到死;奋斗到底 die hand(信仰等)不易根绝 die in harness在职去世;死在任上;殉职 die in one’s bed寿终正寝;善终 die in one’s boots死于工作岗位;因公殉职;阵亡 die in the last ditch奋斗至终而死;战到最后而死 die like a dog可耻的死去;悲惨的死去 die of因。而死;因。而极端痛苦 die off相继死去;成批死去 die on the vine中途夭折;未能实现 die out逐渐消失;逐渐止息;完全停止;不复存在;死绝 die standing up演剧中未获得喝彩 die to self舍己;无我 die to shame恬不知耻die to the world隐居 die with one’s boots on死于工作岗位;因公殉职;阵亡 differ by相差 differ from与。不同;和。有区别;和。。不一致;不同意;和。持不同意见 differ in和。。方面不同;和。方面有差距 differ with..on/about在。方面与。意见不同 differentiate between/from区别;区分 differentiate into分成 dig at钻研;苦于;苦学;讽刺 dig down挖下去;挖倒 dig for挖掘;寻求;搜集 dig in苦读;开始干起来;开始大吃;坚持己见;使自己定居下来;拼命跑 dig into全力以赴的做;致力于;苦心研究;开始吃;大吃;插入;从。中取出很大一部分;动用;耗费;消耗 dig out掘成;发掘出;挖掘到;查出;匆匆离去 dig over重新考虑 dig through挖穿;开凿隧道 dig up挖出;崛起;挖掉;开垦土地;找出;寻出;发现;得到 dilate on/upon评述 dim out使暗淡;使变模糊 din in强记;硬记 din in/into sb’s ears对。絮絮不休的说 dine in在家聚餐 dine off吃 dine on/upon吃 dine out在饭馆吃 dine out on靠着(自己的成就,声望等)被人请吃饭 dip below落到。下;降至。下 dip in把。浸入。中;把。在,中浸一浸;略看一眼;浏览 dip into泡在;把。插入。中;伸进。。去;伸到。下面;随便翻阅;浏览 dip into one’s pocket/purse/savings花钱;出钱 dip into the future预想未来 dip one’s hand into one’s purse浪费 dip one’s pen in gall心怀怨恨的写 dip out=dip up舀;汲取 dip..out of从。中汲取 direct..against把。对准direct..at把。指向;把。对着 direct..on把。朝着 direct,onto把。对到 direct..to/towards使。朝着;把。射向 direct one’s attention to专心于;非常注意 direct one’s erengies to致力于 dirty one’s hands干不正当的事 disagree with和。意见不同;不同意;与。不一致;与。不符 ;对。不适应;使感到不适;对。,产生不良效果 disapprove of不赞成;不同意 disbelieve in不相信;不信仰 disburden one’s mind to向、、吐露心怀 discern..from辨别;识别;鉴别;区别 discharge the cargo卸货 discourage..from doing不鼓励。;阻止。;妨碍。Discriminate against歧视;虐待 discriminate between..and区别。和。Discriminate..from把。和。区别开来 discriminate in favour of优待;偏袒 disengage from使自己脱离 disengage..from把。从。上卸下来;使。解除 dish out拖出;挑出;大量给出;提供;发布;滔滔不绝的讲出;夸夸其谈的讲出;支付;给予处罚等;dish up上菜;提供 dislike each other cordially互相极为厌倦 dispense with使不必要;没有。也行;无需;不用;省掉;省却;抛弃;摒弃;豁免;免除 dispense of自由或随意分配;卖掉;把。赠送掉;摆脱;丢掉;毁掉;处理;办理;解决;对付;吃掉;吃光;喝光;匆匆吃完;拥有;有。供自己支配 dispose sb for/to使。有意于,说服。去 dispossess..from把。从。中逐出 dispossess..of征用。的,剥夺。的,霸占、、的 dispute with sb sbout/on sth同。争论 disqualify..for取消。担任。的资格 dissent from不同意;反对 dissociate oneself from断绝与。的关系;否认与。有关系 dissolve in溶入 dissolve into tears感动的眼泪汪汪 dissolve out 分泌;分出;溶解掉;溶出 dissuade..from劝。不。Distinct from与。不同;和。有别 distinguish between把。与。区别;分清 distinguish by/for以。而著名 distinguish..from辨别;识别;区别 distinguish oneself出名;立功 distract sb from使。从。中分心;使。不能 distribute..among把。分给 distribute over分布;散开;散步 distribute..to向。分发。Disturb the peace扰乱公共秩序 dive down俯冲 dive in头朝下跳入水中;开始吃 dive into头朝下跳入;落入;跌入;把手伸进;躲进;钻研;研究;积极从事 dive into the mystery of探索。的奥秘 dive off跳入水中 diverge from背离;离题;与。分歧 divert oneself转向;消遣;自娱 divest oneself of脱掉;放弃;抛弃;改掉 divest sb of。剥夺 divide..among在。之间分配;把。分配给 divide..from把。同。隔开 divide..into把。分成 divide up分割;瓜分;划分 divorce..from使。与。脱离 do a bunk溜掉 do a deal with与。做买卖;与。定密约 do a favour for sb帮。的忙;给。,做好事 do a job on严重破坏;伤害;变丑 do a lesson预习功课;复习功课 do any good产生效果;产生影响 do as you would be done by你愿别人如何对待你,你就应如何对待别人 do away with结束;废除;去掉;取消;浪费;杀掉;弄死 do bird坐牢 do by对待 do damage to 损害 do down胜过;击败;欺骗;说。的坏话;羞辱 do duty for代替。之用;代。履行职务;当。之用 do for适用于,符合。的需要;代替;可作。之用;照料;为。照料家务;破坏;杀死;毁掉;设法解决。的问题;设法弄到 do good有益;有效;行善;做好事 do harm to损害;对。有害;服从 do honour to向。表示敬意 do ill做错事;做坏事;为害 do in杀死;搞垮;使破产;使极度疲乏;使筋疲力;累得要命;欺骗;把。花光 do..into把。译成 do it yourself自己修理;自己制作 do its work有效;有作用 do justice to sb公平处理;说句公平化 do much极有用 do no good不产生效果;不产生影响 do no harm to无害;对。无害;不产生危害

do on one’s head容易做 do one’s best尽最大努力;尽力而为;竭力,努力 do one’s bit for为。尽一份力量;助一臂之力 do one’s damnedest以全力为之

do one’s duty尽义务;尽本分 do oneself proud取得成就 do one’s heart good使喜欢 do one’s exercise做练习do one’s part尽自己职责;尽自己的一份力量 do one’s hair做头发;梳头 do one’s utmost尽最大努力;尽力而为;竭力;努力 do one’s worst任。为害;任。反对 do oneself justice公正待己;充分发挥自己的能力 do one’s teeth刷牙 do or die尽最大努力 do out打扫;收拾;整理;熄灯;灭火 do out of欺骗 do over重做;翻修;重新装饰;改作;涂改;颠覆;欺骗;占。便宜;痛打;使筋疲力尽;累倒 do proud足以使。骄傲 do sb a disservice损害;帮。倒忙 do sb a favour/kindness帮。的忙;给。做好事 do sb an injustice冤枉。;对、、不公平do sb credit为。带来光荣/信誉 do sb right公平对待。。;正当批评。Do sb in the eye欺骗。Do sb justice公平处理;说句公平话 do sth by不彻底的做。Do the chores做杂物;干杂活 do the deed产生效果 do the dirty on sb对。玩弄卑劣的把戏 do the dishes洗碗;洗餐具 do the room打扫房间 do to处理;对待处理;对待 do to death杀死;处死;搞得过头;令人厌烦 do up修理;修缮;重新油漆;刷新;使整洁;收拾;整理;包扎;给。整形;装饰;把装扮起来;装饰;疲乏;使完蛋;使破产 do well做的得当;处理得好;成绩优良;进展顺利;成功;(病情)良好 do well by sb待。好 do with与。相处;容忍;忍受;用。设法对付过去;处理;使用;利用;满足于;需要;想要;乐于接受;和。有关系 do without没有。也行;无须;戒绝;摒弃;不重要;用不着;不用 do wonders产生奇特效果;做出惊人之举;做出奇迹 do wrong对。处置不当;做错;作恶 dog it偷懒;推卸责任dole out发放(救济品);少量配给;平均配给;定量配给 dull up打扮的漂漂亮亮;穿着漂亮;使更漂亮;使更吸引人 domineer over盛气凌人的对待;对。飞扬跋扈 donate..to把。捐赠给 dope of变愚蠢;不注意 dope out想出;预测;经过研究找到;解出,猜出;预先拟定;预先安排 dose out powders配药 doss down随便在哪儿睡下

dote on/upon溺爱 double as 兼演角色double back把。折起来;对折;折叠;弯曲;弯身;为痛苦而压垮;与别人挤住在一起;与别人分吃一份东西;赶快;快跑;加倍下赌注 double over折起 doubt of怀疑 dovetail over与。完全一致 dovetail with与。相吻合 doze away在瞌睡中度过时间 doze off打瞌睡 doze out在瞌睡中度过 drag down把。拉下;使健康状况下降;使堕落;使衰落;赚钱 drag in拉近;拖进来;插入讨论中 drag off强拉(某人)drag on使拖延;延长;猛吸

drag one’s feet故意拖拉;误事;不合作 drag one’s heels故意延迟行动;有意耽搁 drag out把。拖出来;使。脱离境况;在沉闷中度过;拖延;延长 drag up把。拖起来;令人不快的提出;把(孩子)拉扯大 drain away使溜掉,排去;逐渐消失;逐渐枯竭;减少;衰落 drain dry滴干 drain off流掉;(人才等)外流;(精力等)衰竭 drain the cup of经历。;尝到 draw a bead on以。为攻击的目标;攻击 draw a blank一无所得 draw a cheque开一张支票 draw a comparison between在。之间作比较;指出。之间的相同之处 draw a conclusion between在。之间划分;划清,的界限;指出界限 draw a curtain across a window拉上窗帘draw a curtain over sth结束。。Draw apart(相互间)越离越远 draw aside把。带到一边,把。拉向一边 draw away离开;拉走;把。拉掉;使退回;缩回;超出对方;使自己孤立起来 draw away from超过 draw back拉回;退后;退回;缩回;收回;迟疑;犹豫;不守诺言 draw away from超过 draw back拉回;退后;缩回;收回;迟疑;犹豫;不守诺言 draw blood伤人;使愤怒 draw breath休息;歇口气 draw down扯下;放下;拉下;惹起;招致;花光;耗尽 draw first blood先下手;先得分 draw for为。而抽签 draw forth引出;唤起;博得 draw from引出消息;拔取;取下;推论 draw in收回;拉进;收进;吸引;引诱;诱人;吸引 draw into(汽车等)驶入。作短暂停留;火车进站 draw it fine区别的十分精确 draw it mild不夸张;稳当的说 draw lots抽签决定 draw near临近;靠近draw off拉掉,脱去;放掉(多余的水等);(液体)输出;导出;转移注意力;撤走;撤退;走开;退去;排除 draw on把(手套,靴子等)穿上;招致,惹起;使。继续向前;诱使;凭借,引用;利用;从。支款;动用,临近;接近,赶上 draw one’s socks on穿上袜子 draw one’s time(被迫)辞职 draw one’s wages领工资 draw out拉出,拔出,榨出,提炼出;提取(存款);使。无约无束的讲话,使说出(实情);使出来,引出;分遣,派遣;使(队伍)排成阵势;拉长,延长,使变长;(车船)开出 draw round凑近,围在。的周围 draw sb’s attention to引起。的注意 draw sb to a close结束 draw the line at限制;划定界限;区别;到此为止 draw the long bow吹牛,夸大 draw the sword宣战 draw the teeth使无害 draw to逼近;接近draw to close渐进结束;即将结束;临终;收尾 draw to a head(事件)接近严重关头;(时机)成熟;达到顶点;出旅 draw to an end结束 draw to scale按比例尺描绘 draw together靠拢;驶进;同心协力 draw up拉起;吊起;提起;使靠近;起草;拟定;停止;使挺住;汲取,吸收;使消散;使。成对;排队;整队;使自己挺直;赶上;追及;开始交往 draw up blinds卷起窗帘 draw upon凭,靠,利用 dream about梦见;梦想;空想 dream away在空想中度过(时间);虚度(光阴)dream away one’s time虚度(时光)dream of梦见;梦到;向往;渴望;策划;计划;郑重考虑 dream out空想;梦见 dream through梦到;渴望 dream up凭空想出;构思;创造;设计 dredge up挖出;深入搜集 dress down狠狠地训斥;斥责;指责;打,鞭打;洗刷 dress up给穿上盛装;装饰;打扮;把。装扮起来;伪装;隐藏 drill in教授 drink at a draught一饮而尽 drink away在喝酒中度过。(时间);借喝酒来消愁 drink deep大量吸取;大量喝酒 drink down一口气喝光;喝干 drink like a fish大喝 drink in吸收水等;全神贯注的倾听;陶醉于;欣赏 drink off喝完;喝干 drink to为。干杯 drink up干杯 drive a coach and four horses through彻底挫败(计划,意图等);使(法律等)无效 drive a point home把问题讲清楚;把论点说明白 drive a nail into one’s coffin使人早死 drive at用力打;想说,要说;意指,用意在于;指望;打算 drive away赶走;驱逐;乘车去;开着车走掉 drive away at努力做(工作等)drive back用车等把。送回;乘车等返回;迫使后退;击退 drive down驾车等沿。驶下;用车等把。送下;降低;压低 drive。Home把。敲进去;使。理解;把。弄个明白;驾车回家 drive in驾车驶进;开车送进;把。赶进去;敲进;把。强行灌输进去;诱入 drive into把(钉,桩)打入 drive off驾车等离去;驶去;用车把。送走;击退;赶走;驱散 drive on继续驾车行驶;继续前行;刺激 drive out驾车等外出;开出;把。送出;逐出;排斥;使。忘记或忽略 drive sb into a corner迫使。陷入困境;使。难以逃出 drive sb to the wall逼。。至绝境;使。束手无策 drive sth home把。讲得非常清楚 drive through乘车穿过街道等;开凿 drive..to despair使。绝望 drive to one’s wit’s end使人一筹莫展 drive up驾车等到来;车等沿。驶上;用车等把。送上;抬高;使上涨 drone away/on不断地咕哝;单调乏味的继续 drone on about不断地咕哝 drool over/about爱慕 drop a brick失言;出错 drop a curtsy to sb向。行屈膝礼 drop a hint给人暗示;露口风 drop a line给。写封信 drop across偶然遇见或发现;训斥;惩罚 drop anchor抛锚 drop around顺便看望 drop away一滴一滴的漏掉;落掉;走掉;离开;减少;变得陡峭;睡着 drop back落回,返回;退却;撤退;落后;退回;减少 drop behind落后;落在。后头;落伍 drop by顺便访问 drop dead倒毙;暴卒;走开;别烦 drop down突然下来;突然落下;突然丢下;下降;卧倒;沿河岸顺流而下 drop down on选中;选出 drop from the clouds从天而降;从想不到的地方出现 drop in坍下;投进;投入;便中访问;偶然来访;顺便走访 drop in on顺便访问 drop into落入;掉进;疲倦的往。一倒;偶然或顺便进入;向下往。倾倒;不知不觉的进入;不知不觉养成习惯;得到;打,攻击;训斥,责骂 drop like a hot potato/coal急忙跑掉、、;赶快躲开 drop off从。落下;让。下车;把。放下;走掉;变少;减少;衰落;睡着;死去 drop on落在。上;训斥;痛骂;偶然发现;选中;选出;使吃惊 drop one’s guard丧失警惕 drop out跌落;失落;松落;掉出;不参与;放弃;退出;掉队;不再受到重视;脱落;脱离;落下;抛下 drop over顺便来访 drop through穿过。跌下去;失败;落空;毫无结果;不再被讨论 drop up偶然来访;顺便走访 drown one’s sorrows借酒消愁 drown out因洪水泛滥而迫使。离开家;因水淹而迫使。关闭;发出大声压倒 drowse away昏昏沉沉的消磨时间 drowse off打瞌睡;打盹儿 drum in强调;把。硬装进。的头脑;强迫。注意 drum into反复不断的向。。灌输(思想等)drum out轰走,赶出,开除 drum up招徕,征集,召集,招募;唤起。鼓起,鼓动,开创,发明;争取 dry drown完全弄干 dry..in the air晾干 dry....in the sun晒干 dry off变干;使干;抽去水分使指物暂停生长 dry out变干;使干;干透;戒酒

dry up使干透;干涸;使枯竭;说不出话来;忘记台词;失去创造力 duck out逃避(职责,问题或责任)dust down除去。的全部灰尘;申斥;谴责 duck out of逃避。的责任 dust off除去。的灰尘;整修。备用;杀掉;向。投近身球 dwell in/at居住在 dwell on心老是想着;眼睛停留在;注意;沉思;细想;详细论述;对。拖延 dwell upon注意;详细论述;详细研究;拖长发。的音

dye in grain生染;使染透 ear up结穗 earn a goos living=earn one’s bread谋生 earn sb’s commendation赢得。的称赞 earth up用土覆盖 ease away放松 ease back把。轻轻的拉向身边 ease down慢下来;松弛;使停下来,使松弛;沿着。慢慢或轻轻向下移动 ease in轻轻地或小心的将。放进去,设法将。弄进去;慢慢的训练;使。慢慢适应 ease of解除;减少 ease off缓和;减少活动;减轻负担;遇事从容;放松;使。放松 ease out以比较体面的方法解除。。的职权 ease sb of减轻。的;消除。的;缓和。的 ease sb’s mind使。安心 ease up放松;缓和;使解除痛苦;使放心;使解除负担,轻松起来;慢下来 eat at打扰,使烦恼 eat away侵蚀,腐蚀;继续吃;尽情的吃;蛀坏;蚕食掉

eat crown被迫承认错误 eat dirt忍气吞声;被迫屈服 eat high off the hog富裕;环境优裕 eat in在家吃饭;蛀坏;腐蚀;耗掉

eat into腐蚀;侵蚀;逐渐耗尽 eat off吃掉;腐蚀掉 eat on使烦恼;使不安 eat one’s head off吃的太多 eat one’s heart out深觉忧伤

eat one’s words取消诺言;收回前言;认错道歉 eat out在外面吃饭;上饭馆吃饭;吃光;严厉责骂;侵入;侵蚀 eat out of another’s hand完全听命于 eat sb out of house and home把。吃穷;吃穷。Eat up吃完;尽情地吃;耗尽;毁坏;破坏;使苦恼;使精疲力竭;吞并;兼并;消灭;盲目相信;全盘接受;汲取。的思想;迅速通过距离等;对。使感兴趣;十分欣赏;使沉湎于;(疾病等)搞垮 ebb away逐渐减退;逐渐衰弱下去;渐逝 ebb back回复,复活 edge away悄悄离开,小心的离开;不为察觉的逐渐排除 edge in侧着身入内;悄悄计入;挤进;插入;插进 edge off悄然离开;小心的离开;逐渐排除 edge on怂恿 edge out徐徐走出,小心的走出;将。排挤出;取代;小胜,险胜,悄悄超过 edge sth with给。的边上镶。Edit out删除 educe from由。引出;从。推断出;从。得出 eff off滚蛋;滚开 egg on煽动;引诱;促使;鼓动

egg sb on怂恿;煽动 eke out弥补。的不足,增补;补充;节约使用;挤出;竭力维持,勉强维持;无聊的度过;困难的挨过

elaborate on/upon详细说明/观点等 elbow..away from挤。使之离开 elbow off 推开,推出 elbow one’s way the way through从。中挤过 elbow out推出 elect sb to be选举。当 eliminate..from从。中消除;从、、、中删去 embark in/on/upon登上(船,飞机等);着手;从事 embark on/upon/in an enterprise创办企业 emerge from从。里露出;从。出现 emigrate from..to从。移居到 employ..as用。作;把。用作 employ oneself in/on从事;忙于 empower..to do授予。权利;授予。的资格;使。能。;允许。能 empty itself into注入;流入 empty out倒空;出清;倒出;除去;变空 enable sb to do使。能够。Enclose.herewith随信附上 encounter with与。遭遇;与。冲突 encourage..to do鼓励。Encroach on/upon侵犯别人的财产,权利等;侵蚀;侵占别人的时间 end by以。结束 end in尽头是,以。结尾;末端为;结果是,以。为结局,导致;终于;终归;终成 end in failture结果失败 end in smoke被烧光;终成泡影;终归失败 end off结束 end one’s days死 end the curfew解除宵禁 end up终结,终了;结束;死;被杀光 endear oneself to使自己为。喜爱 endue with授予;赋予 engage for保证;允诺;应承;约定 engage in从事;参加 engage in colloquy with sb与。会谈 engage oneself to答应;保证;约定 engage upon开始 engage..with使。与。啮合;使。与。接合 engrave..on/upon把。刻在。上;把。雕在。上enjoin sb from doing禁止。Enjoin sb to do命令。;嘱咐。Enjoy doing喜欢。。Enjoy oneself过得快活 enlarge on/upon进一步详谈 enlight..on使。明白;帮助。明白 enlist as a voluntery当志愿兵 enlist in the army参军 enlist sb in 在。中谋取。的赞助 enlist the aid of得到。的帮助 enlist under the banner of加入。的队伍enquire after问候 enquire for寻访;要见;索取 enquire into查究;调查 enrich..with以。来丰富;用。来充实 ensue from/on由。产生;随着。发生 ensure sb against/from保护。免受 entail..on/upon使。承担;把。遗留给 enter an appearance出现;到场 enter for报名参加(竞赛,考试等)enter in把。送进;把。送入 enter into进入;进入。的内部;穿透;进入。状态;开始;着手处理;开始考虑;开始研究;成为。的组成部分;影响到;体会;领略;分享;加入,参加;对。承担责任;参与;被接纳入;缔结;同情;涉及;讨论 enter into a contract with sb与。订合同 enter into details详细说明;详细叙述;逐一说明 enter on开始;着手;投身;占有;获得 enter up登陆;记下 enter upon进入;开始;着手处理;开始考虑;获得;占有;开始享用;投身 entice away诱出 entice..into怂恿 entice sb to do诱使。。Entitle..to do授权、、、entreat a favour of sb求。帮忙 entrust sb with sth把。交给。保管 equate..with..把。和。等同起来 equip..for装备。以便;准备。以便 equip。。For装备。以便;准备。以便 equip..with以。装备;给。装上 erase..from从。除去 erect..into把。上升为 escape by a hair’s breadth九死一生;死里逃生 escape from从。逃脱;逸出;流出;露出 escape from between从。中逃脱 escape one’s memory被忘记 escort sb home陪同。回家 eatablish a claim to sth使自己对。的要求得到承认 establish sb as派。为;任命。担任 eatablish one’s identiny证明。的身份 estimate..at估计。为;估计。达estimate for估计。的费用

evacuate。From抽干。中的;排空。中的 even out使。平坦;使。光滑;使稳定;使均衡;变平;变正常 even up使处于平等地位,使平等;使账目平衡;使相等;使平坦;使平均 eventuate in终归;结果 examine into查问;调查 excel in擅长于 exchange blows互毁 exchange..for用。换 exclude..from把。排斥在外;阻止。进入;阻止。到达;拒绝接纳;拒绝考虑 excuse..from使。免除 excuse me对不起;请原谅 excuse oneself替自己辩解;请求缺席;婉言拒绝 exempt from使。免除;免除。。的 exercise dictator over对、、专政 exercise jurisdiction over对。有裁判权;管辖 exert an influence on对。发生影响 exert every effort to do尽一切力量。;尽最大努力。Exert..on/upon对、。施加;使受、、、exert oneself努力;尽力 exit as以。。存在 exist in存在。中 exist on靠。生存;靠。活下去 expand on/upon进一步阐述,详谈 expatiate on/upon详述;阐述;详细说明 explain..as把。解释成 explain away把。解释清楚,用解释将。消除;辩解;为。辩护;对、、作出令人满意的解释 explain oneself 为自己的行为解释;交代清楚 explode a bombshell意外的透露;意外的建议 explore every avenue探索各种途径 expose..to把。暴露于。之下;使。受到作用 expostulate with sb on/about为了。劝诫。Express an aversion表示讨厌 express..as,把。表示为 express from从。挤压出 express oneself表示自己的意见;表示态度 extol sb to skies把。捧上天 extract from从。提取;从。摘录;从。拔出 extrude..from从。里挤出 as old again as年纪比。大一倍

be oneself again(身体或精神)恢复正常 even and again不时地,时时地(half)as long again as 比。长一半 half as many/much again as是。的一倍半;比。多一半 home agian回家 now and again常常,不时地;有时 once again再次 over and over again一再的,翻来覆去 the same again照样再来一份 time and time again多次;一再的 try again再试一次 well again恢复健康 advance against difficulties迎着困难上 agaisnt all odds不计成败 against a rainy day未雨绸缪的 against nature违反自然的;奇迹般的 against one’s well违心的 against the dock尽快的 against the grain格格不入 in all ages今夕皆然;历代 in one’s age在老年 it is ages since...自从。以来已经很久了 look one’s age容貌与年龄相称 of all ages古往今来的事情;老老少少的人 to all ages直到千秋万代 under age不足年龄 a while ago刚才 long ago很久以前;从前 some time ago不久前 be in agony苦恼不安 in agony of pain在痛苦的挣扎中 agree like cats and dogs水火不相容 agree on对。意见一致agree to同意;允诺 agree to differ各自保留不同意见 agree upon对。意见一致 agree with同意;适合 alive and kicking活生生的;精力充沛的 alive to认识到;感觉到 alive with充满。的 be kept alive使继续,有效;存在或进行 above all首先;首要 all alone独立的 all along自始至终;一直 all and singular全部;一律 all and sundry全部 all appearance显然 all at once突然 all at sea茫然不知;迷惑 all but几乎;差一点 all by oneself独立的 all day(long)整天 against the law违法 against the sun朝着逆时针方向 against the wind逆风 against time争分夺秒的;尽快的 as against与。比较 be against sth违反;无视;不顾 over against在。对面;与。成鲜明的对比 protect against the cold预防感冒 struggle against the fate同命运抗争 bear one’s age well不显老 be of age成年 be of an age达到(做某事)年龄 down the ages自古以老;从古至今 for an age/for ages很长的时间;很久 for one’s age就某人的年龄来说 from age to age世世代代 fron age/with age随着年龄的增长;因年久

ahead of在。之前 get ahead取得进步;获得成功 aid and abet教唆;同谋 call in one’s aid求助 come to one’s aid前往援助 give first aid急救 in aid of帮助 aim at瞄准;针对 aim at the moon妄想;想入非非 aim high胸怀大志;力争上游 cry aim喝彩;助威;予以鼓励 take aim at瞄准 a concerned air关切的神情 air one’s views发表意见 airs and graces装腔作势;摆架子

as free as the air自由自在;行动自由 be alarmed at/by sth担心/害怕某事 all ears洗耳恭听 all in筋疲力尽 all night long整夜 all flesh众生;人类 all for naught徒劳 all in all总的来说;总之把所有都考虑在内 all but尽全力 all over全都结束;完了 all over the place散乱;到处都是 all right好的,健康的 all set准备就绪 all that非常 all there头脑清醒的;机警的 all the same依然;仍然 all the same to不做任何区别 all told一共;总计 all up with完了;全完了 at all完全不;全然不 ready all各就各位 allow for虑及;体谅 allow for the circumstances体谅某人的处境;考虑具体的情况 allow full play to使充分发挥 allow of容许 allow of no encuse不容辩解 allow of sb’s authority承认某人的权威 leave sb/sth alone听其自然;不要去管;让某人独自留在那 let alone至于。更不必说 let well alone适可而止 angle for(以暗示等方法)取得;谋取 another day or two再过一两天 one after another相继的 one way o another无论怎样;反正 such another另一个同样的的人/物 take one thing with another权衡利弊;从各方面考虑 answer emergencies应对紧急情况 answer sheet答题纸 anxiety about sb对某人很担心 anxiety to do sth急于做某事的愿望 any amount of任何数量的 any number of许多 in any case无论如何 anything but根本不;决不 anything like完全像;全然;几乎 for anything i know据我所知 not come to anything无结果;落空 not think anything of不以为然 anywhere near在任何程度上;一点儿也不 or anything其他什么的 or anywhere或者在去其他某地方 fall apart崩溃;土崩瓦解 joking apart不是开玩笑;言归正传 know apart区别;识别 set/put apart使分离 take apart拆卸 as it appears似乎 it appears not....看起来并非如此 it appears to me that..据我看来;我觉得 it begins to appear that....看起来似乎 so it appears似乎是如此 strange as it appear虽似奇怪 an apple of another tree根本是另外一回事 apply a brake刹车 apply oneself to专心从事;埋头于。Apply one’s mind to专心于。。Appoint sb to a post派某人任职 appreciate good taste品尝美味 appreciate sb’s friendship珍视某人的友谊 argue for/against赞成/反对 argue with sb sbout/over sth就某事与某人争论 argue sb out of sth/doing sth说服某人停止做某事 arrive at full age成年 arrive upon the scene到场 as a complete unit就整体而言 as against比。/对。A dispute arises引起争论

an opportunity arise机会到来 a situation arise发生情况 arise from由。引起;从。。中产生 arise in one’s mind浮上脑海

bring sb around使某人恢复知觉 be/come around来访;到来 get around绕过;回避 as a joke开玩笑 as a matter of fact事实上 as a result结果 as a result of作为。。的结果 as a rule通常 as....as ever永远;仍然;空前 as a shot 作为猜测 as a token of作为。。的标志 as a whole总体上 as before如从前一样 as best as one can尽最大努力 as compared with与。。比较 as concerns关于 as is按现状;就用这种方式 as broad as long长宽相等的 as clean as a whistle光滑;洁净 as clean as a bell健全的 as clear as day一清二楚的 as cross as two sticks非常生气的 as dark as night漆黑 as drunk as a lord酩酊大醉 as dry as a chip枯燥的 at a gallop用最快速度;飞快的;奔驰 at a good pace相当快的 at a guess推测 at a gulp一大口 at a heart一口气的 at all根本 at all costs不惜任何代价;无论如何 at all events无论如何 at all hours在任何时候 at all points在各方面 at a loss困惑;亏本的 at a low ebb衰败 at a moment’s notice即刻;立即 at a mouthful一口(就吞下)at a pinch在紧要关头 at a push紧急时 at a respectful distance敬而远之 at your pleasure随你方便;由你决定 attend a lecture听演讲;听讲课 attend by伴着 attend on伺候 attend school上学 be attended by由。。陪同;由。。照料 be well attended出席。。人数很多 attract/draw attention引起注意 be all attention十分注意;全神贯注 bring sth to sb’s attention使某人注意某事 call/draw/invite sb’s attention促使某人注意某事

devote one’s attention to专心于;对。注意 direct one’s attention to密切注视;仔细考虑 give one’s attention to注意;关心 pay attention to注意;重视

as is known to众所周知 as it were或者说;好像是 as long as只要 as of right依照法律 as opposed to与。不同;与。相反 as to至于;关于 as well倒不如;最好还是。。As well..as not反正都行;都一个样 as yet迄今;到目前为止 not such as to不至于 the same as与。相同 ask after问候;探问 lay asleep使入睡 assist sb with sth帮助某人做某事 at a bound一跳;一举 at a dash一鼓作气的 at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 at a discount打折扣 at a distance 在远处 at a draught一下子

at a full jump全速的 at a sale特价 at a sitting一口气的 at a stand停顿;陷入僵局 at a stretch一口气的 at a time每次;在某时 at a touch一碰到 at a venture冒险地;胡乱地;随便地 at a word立即;简而言之 at every step每走一步 at high pressure在高压下 at it争论;冲突 at its height在最高点;处于最盛时期;处于高潮时期 at sb’s heels跟在某人的后面 at standstill停顿状态 at the foot/top of the mountain在山脚/山顶上 at your convenience在你方便时 to stand at attention立正站着

come to one’s autumn过了中年;到了衰老之年 avoid sb’s company避免和某人来往 awake sb’s sympathy唤起某人的同情心 awake from a dream从梦中醒来 awake to the fact that认识到。。的事实 be broad awake完全醒着 wide awake十分清醒;非常警惕 award sb sth给某人某种奖励 award sth to sb给某人某种奖励 the first award一等奖 away back很久以前 away from the point离题;不切题 away with取走;滚蛋;挪开 backing away倒退着向后走 do away with消失;去掉 far and away在远方;无比 fade away消失;消退 give away奉送 pass away逝世 back down/off 放弃;让步退却 backwards and forwards来回地;忽前忽后

know..backwards对。极熟悉 spell backwards倒拼;误解 bad shot猜错;失策 feel bad抱歉 be bad for对。有害 from bad to worse越来越坏 go to the bad堕落;恶化 bang for the buck 货真价实 bang on正中目标;完全正确 bang off立刻;马上 bang up弄坏;弄伤(身体)with a bang 砰地一声;成功地 bank on指望;信赖 cross the bar 死;去世 bare one’s heart 讲心里话;表露真情 lay bare揭露;泄露 basket case走投无路;无依无靠 the left in the basket 被忽略 the pick of the basket精华 public bath公共浴室 shower bath淋浴 sun bath日光浴 a battery of facts一连串的事实 battery cell原电池 dry battery 干电池 be for 到。去;赞成 be green with envy羡慕极了 be short of hands缺乏人手 be it that...即使。。Be of two minds拿不定主意 be on a gravy train走运;有赚钱的机会 be over the hump已渡过难关 be snowed under工作过多;忙不过来;超负荷 be it true or not不管是否如此 Be seated请坐 let him be随他去

off the beam错误 on the beam对;正确 full of beans精力旺盛的 not worth a bean毫无价值 bear and forbear一忍再忍 bear arms携带武器参军 bear away夺得 bear down压倒;击败 bear down on冲向 bear in mind记住 bear in with驶向 bear off赢得;使离开;驶离 bear on/upon与。有关;对。。有影响(不能用于被动语态)bear out证明 bear up支持 to bear a burden负荷;负重背包袱 to bear witness(就某事)作证 beat around the bush说话拐弯抹角 beat back打退;使后退 beat off打退 beat time打拍子 be for the birds乏味的;荒唐可笑的 be down in the mouth垂头丧气 be catty爱搬弄是非的 be beaut非常寻常的人或物 be all 全部 be at从事 turn/come to bay陷入绝境 keep at bay阻止;挡住 at bay走投无路 sham battle模拟战;演习fight a losing battle挑战 do battle with sb about sth为某事与某人争论 battle effectiveness战斗口号 battle cry战斗口号 battle at long range 运站 a battle of words舌战;智斗 bandage sth up用绷带把。。包扎起来 keep the ball rolling不使中断 be on the ball警惕;活跃 ball of fire精力充沛;富有才干的人 ball up使混乱 the balance of nature生态平衡 on balance总的说来 off balance不平衡 keep/lose one’s balance保持/失去平衡 hang in the balance悬而未决 balance of trade进出口贸易差额 baker’s dozen十三个(人)be badly off生活拮据;穷困潦倒

badly off贫乏;缺乏 to the bad亏损 not half bad不坏;尚可 beat up sb痛打某人 beat about到处寻找 beat down打倒....beat the band了不起;又急又猛 off the beat不合拍子

on the beat合拍子 beauty salon shop美容院 not beause..but because...不是因为...而是因为 a bed of down称心如意的境遇;安乐窝 bed fast卧床不起的take to one’s bed卧病在床 wrong side of the bed心情不好 small beer不重要的人或物 beer money小费 before the world公然的 belong long不久 long before很久以前

before one’s time超前;太早而不为人所接受 in the belief相信 to the best of one’s belief据。。看来(确实相信)believe in信仰;相信;信赖 make believe 假装;装作 bell the cat为了他人的利益冒险

below grade不合格的 below one’s breath低声;压低嗓子的 below the mark不合格;低于标准 under one’s belt在胃中;在过去的经历中 bend sth up/down/forwards/back把。。弯上去/下来/向前弯/向后弯 bend over backward竭尽全力地去做 bend to the left/right转向左边/右边 with the best不比任何人差 all the better更妙 better arm右臂 better no like喜出望外 better days兴旺时期 better off更为幸福 better now好点了 between the lights在黄昏 between life and death生死未卜 a big name/in the big time负有盛名 big bug大亨 big time爱吹牛的 big time spender出手很阔的人 big words华丽的词藻 beg one’s bread讨饭 beg sb to do sth请求某人做某事 beg borrow or steal不择手段的占有 beg off借故推辞 beg sb off为某人说情

beg to differ恕不同情 in/on behalf of为了。。的利益 on sb’s behalf以某人的名义;为了某人;代表某人 behind one’s back暗中;秘密的 behind the scenes秘密地;内幕 behind the eightball处于不利地位 behind the times落伍;赶不上时代 behind time迟了 bring into being创立;设立;使产生;使形成 come into being形成;诞生 far from being决没有 for the time being暂时;当前 beyond belief不可信;难以置信 beneath contempt卑鄙至极;不值一提 beneath one’s dignity不合身份;不会做出这样的事 beneath one’s notice不值一理 beside oneself不知所措;精神错乱;神智失常;极度兴奋 beside the mark/point离题;不得要领,与正题无关 best of the joke最妙处 best foot最讨人喜欢/好感 for the best完全处于好意 best bet最安全可靠的办法 do one’s best尽心;努力 get the best of sb击败某人 give sb sth best承认不如某人/某物;认输 make the best of充分利用时间/机会等 one’s Sunday best节日服装 to the best of one’s ability不遗余力 have a big mouth多嘴多舌;嘴巴不严 in a big rage盛怒 too big for one’s boots目中无人 to think big有抱负 to talk big说大话 billions of数十亿 bind hand and foot全身捆绑;受约束 bind oneself to do sth承诺做某事 bind up包扎;装订 bind fast捆牢;绑紧 kill two bird with one stone一箭双雕 by birth天生;血笼 give birth to。。生产;分娩 a bit of right极好;正好;很不好 every bit丝毫不差;完全 bit by bit一点一点地;逐渐地 do one’s bit尽自己本身;尽其职责 bite the bullet 咬紧牙挺住;克服眼前困难 a black sheep害群之马 as black as ink漆黑;阴郁;前途黯淡 black and blue青一块 ;紫一块 blame sb for sth因坏事责怪某人;把责任推给某人 blame sth on/to sb把坏事的责任推给某人 in blame of责备。。。To be blame该受责备;应负责任 draw a blank抽空签;落空;失败 blank out作。作废;取消 blind the fact不顾事实; 装作看不见 blind gut盲肠 go in blind猜测 blow out吹熄;使熄灭 blow up爆炸;炸毁 witout striking a blow不费吹灰之力 blow a tyre使轮胎炸裂 blow up a tyre给轮胎打气 the tyre blew out轮胎自己爆炸 blue chip热门股票;热门的;靠得住 out of the blue出乎意料的;突然 sing the blue垂头丧气 board and board(船与船)并行,并排 board and lodging包伙食的寄宿;膳宿 above board正直;诚实;无私;光明正大 on board在船上;在飞机上;在车上;上船

give someone the boat赶走 take boat乘船;上船 a large body of people一大群人 in one’s book认为;根据某人看法 like a book 透彻地;全面地 make a book on下赌注 throw the book at重罚;严罚 borrow trouble自寻烦恼;杞人忧天 boss sb about/around指挥;操纵 boss it摆主人架子;盛气凌人 both of a hair彼此一样;一路货色 bother about为某事/某人操心;为。。费心 bother oneself/one’s head about为。操心;为。焦虑 hit the bottle酗酒 go it blind胡来;蛮干;乱来 be one’s blood是某人的天赋 flesh and blood亲属;亲骨肉 get blood from/out of a stone想从吝啬的人手上拿到钱 one’s blood is up大发脾气 in old blood冷血地;残忍地;蓄意地 in full bloom鲜花盛开时 take the bloom off sth使某物失去光彩 at a blow一举;一下子 blow hot and horn自夸;自吹自擂 blow one’s top大发雷霆 be at blows在格斗 blow off离开;离去 blow sb’s mind 使惊讶;使困惑 blow in忽然来访 body and soul全心全意 give body to实现;使。。具体化 in a body全体;一道 in body亲自;自行 keep body and soul together维持生命;苟延残喘 as bold as brass厚颜无耻 be/make bold as to(正式幽默)冒昧;胆敢;恕。无礼 make bold with擅长使用 bold as a blind bayard有胆无谋 all skin and bone皮包骨的;极瘦的 bone away at苦学 bone standing 苦读 bone up on刻苦学习钻研 bag of bones骨瘦如柴的人或动物 cut to the bone彻底取消;削减 have a bone to pick with与。争辩 knock the bottom out of除去根基;推翻 the top and the bottom of it真相;整个事情的原委 the bottom of a well 井底 the bottom of the road尽头 the bottom cause根本原因 the bottom of a mountain山脚 bow out退休;辞职 bow before/to 鞠躬;听从 bow the knee before屈服于 face a charge面对控告作出回答(通常指在法庭上)face about向后转,转过身来;回头;使向后转;使转回;使折回 face away朝别的方向 face down以声色慑服;板起面孔使羞愧;吓倒 face it out不让步;坚持到底 face off把。。的表面弄平滑;开始比赛,开球;继续比赛,争球;对抗;对峙,敌对 face on朝着 face out坚持到底,勇敢的顶住,反抗 face sth with用。。盖;用。。贴;用。镶 face the music勇敢的面对困难;临危不惧 face up to勇敢的应付,大胆地面对;正视,承认 fade away(颜色)渐渐褪去;消瘦下去,逐渐衰弱下;逐渐消失;知趣地走开,离开 fade back(橄榄球)传前后退 fade in(画面)渐现;(使)淡入;(使)音量逐渐增大,(使)渐渐开始运转 fade into消失在。。中;隐没在 fade out渐弱;完全消失;渐渐看不见;渐渐听不见;不再存在,绝迹;(画面)渐隐;(使)渐隐;(使)淡出;(使)渐渐停止运转;(汽车刹车)渐渐失去制动能力 fade up使逐渐响起来 fag at苦干,辛勤的工作 fag away辛苦而持续地工作 fag away at苦干,辛劳地做 fag out使累坏,使极度缺乏 fail in在。。方面失败;缺少 fail in one’s duty失职 fail to do没有;未能;不 faint away昏过去 fake up伪造;捏造 fall aboard与(他船)碰撞 fall about大笑,忍不住笑起来,狂笑 fall across横倒在,横掉在;偶然遇到,无意中碰见,不期而遇 fall among偶然陷入。。之中;沦于。。手中;开始与。。为伍 fall apart崩溃,破碎,碎裂 fall asleep睡着,入睡;静止不动;玩忽职守 fall away掉落;离开,疏远,抛弃,背弃;变节,背离,背叛;消瘦,变瘦;消失,消散;衰弱,衰减;减少,堕落。腐化;突然转向,转变方向;变为不认真 fall back返回;撤退;后退;违约;食言 fall back on撤退到;求助于;求。。的支持;回过来再谈,重提 fall back upon依靠;退守;求助于 fall behind落伍;落后于;拖欠 fall by the wayside受挫;失败 fall down掉下;落下;跌倒;倒下;绊倒;跪倒,伏下,拜倒;倒坍;失败,毫无结果;沿着。。顺流而下;就寝;卧病 fall down on失败;没有完成,做的不满意 fall due到期;满期 fall flat跌倒;完全失败;达不到预想效果 fall for迷恋,对。。倾倒,爱上;受。。骗,上。。的当,对。信以为真 fall forward向前扑倒 fall foul of与。。相撞;同。。冲突,同。。抵触;与。发生麻烦,与。。发生纠葛;与。争执不和 fall head first/foremost 突然头朝下地跌倒 fall heir to继承 fall home向内弯曲 fall ill生病,病倒 fall in落入,跌入,掉进去,跌进去;(房屋、墙壁等)坍下,坍陷;(租约、债务等)到期;(使)站队,(使)集合;站在队里;(地面等)下沉,陷落;(眼睛、两颊等)凹陷;(人)同意;一致;(实物)适合,协调;从事,开始;言归于好,和解;终止;遇见 fall in battle阵亡 fall(on)in flakes一片一片地落下;纷纷落下 fall in for受到,招致,得到 fall in line with与。。符合;与。一致;同意 fall in love with 与。相爱,恋爱 fall in upon意外地遇到;访问,顺便访问 fall in with偶然遇到,偶然结识;碰见,不期而遇;返回或重返(连队等);同意。。的意见,与。。。一致;答应,遵照,对。给予支持;符合;与。。调和,与。。协调;适合,和。相称;参加 fall into掉进,落入;陷入;归入;进入;流入;分成;养成;注入;开始;偶然遇到;服从;遵从;适应;聚集;渐渐 fall into a decline体力衰退 fall into a groove养成一种习惯 fall into a habit of沾染。。习惯;养成。习惯 fall into decay腐烂;衰弱 fall into disfavour失宠 fall into disgrace失宠;失去。的欢心 fal into error犯错误;入歧视 fall into habits of沾染。的习惯 fall into the clutches of遭。。毒手;落入。。的掌握 fall off跌落;落下;减少;降低;下降,减退;消减;衰退,减弱,疏远,离开,脱离;逐渐消失,消亡;变瘦;背叛;退步;死;堕落;(动物)失去对。。的食欲;(船)改变航向,偏离航线;转向下风处;(海岸线)延伸开去 fall on落在。。上,掉在。。上;攻击,袭击,向。。冲去;参战,开始;由。。负担;偶然遭到,偶然找到,偶然发现;遭受,遭遇;(亮光,目光等)被引向,朝。。方向;降落在;适逢,正当;借助于,使用,利用;退回到,恢复(原位);发生 fall on deaf ears未受注意 fall on evil days倒霉;陷入穷困 fall on one’s back仰天跌倒 fall on one’s face完全失败 fall on one’s feet幸运,运道好 fall out掉出,跌落;争吵,吵架;不和;发生,意外的发生;结果;证明是;解散;掉队,离队;船舷外倾 fall out of从。。滑落下来,从。跌落下来;放弃,中止,不再接受;不再实行;离队等 fall over跌倒,翻倒;从。。落下,落在。上;滴下;被。。绊倒;落在。之外;睡着;(头发)披在肩上 fall over backwards煞费苦心,极想,迫不及待 fall over one another争夺;竞争 fall over oneself跌跤;渴望 fall short of不足;缺乏;不及;不符合;达不到;未能满足 fall short of sb’s expectations 辜负。期望;不如。。所望 fall sick生病;患病 fall through穿过。。跌下去;完全失败,成为泡影;不能践约,失约;不能实现 fall to降落于,降到,落在,,上,被移交给;进入;开始工作,开始吃;开始攻击;(门等)自行关上;被。。击毙,被。。打下;被。。赢得,被。获得;失陷给 fall to pieces破碎,崩溃,瓦解 fall to the ground坠地;失败;落空 fall under跌在。下,落在。下面;归入。类,列入。项下,列为;隶属于,受到 fall up上。时跌交 fall upon进攻 fall within落在之内;在。。的范围之内,包括在。之内 fancy oneself自以为,自负 farm out出租,包出;分发,散布 fashion..out of用。。做成 fasten a crime upon sb把罪归于 fasten down扣住,钉牢,扎牢;夹紧,卡紧;把。。盖紧;把。。束紧;确定 fasten off打个结扎牢;扣牢;多缝几针缝牢 fasten on系上,扎上,把。装上;紧紧握住,抓牢,坚持不放,捉牢;集中精力于,集中于;把眼睛盯住;缠住 fasten one’s eyes on注视 fasten...to把。固定到。。上 fasten up关牢,关紧;关锁好,扣紧好,拴住,捆牢;钉牢;把。。打成包;把关起来;管住 fasten upon紧紧握住,抓住,坚持不放;捉牢;集中注意于,集中于;把眼睛盯住;缠住 fathom out理解,解释,领会;为,,想出解释 fatten on靠。长肥;靠。。发财致富,靠。而兴隆 fatten out 长肥大,长丰满;增加。。的量,使变长 fatten up/upon养肥,养壮;给人或畜多吃使其增加体重 fawn on/upon狗向。摇尾乞怜;对。献媚奉承;对。。卑躬屈膝;巴结;讨好 fay in外套等合身,合适;恰好吻合fear for为,,担心,为,担忧 feast away持续地欢宴;在欢宴中度过 feast on/upon尽情欣赏,尽情享受 feather away稀疏开来;飘散开来 feather out长出羽毛;稀疏开来;飘散开来;减弱;逐渐消失 feed at the public trough吃公家饭;占据清闲的高薪职位 feed back反馈,使回授;使回复;反应;影响原进程,修改原进程 feed fat on饱看 feed high吃得好 feed in插入;送进 feed into流入,注入 feed on以。。为食物,用。维持生命;用。。喂养;从。。满足;因。而有力量;以。为能源;依赖。。生活;寄托于 feed oneself自己吃 feed out把牲畜养肥到可以上市的程度;供应,提供 feed sb up给吃饱 feed up给额外营养;吃有营养的食物;使及其厌烦 feed well吃得又多又好 feed..with向。。供给;给。。加 feed with the money贿赂 feel a delicacy about/in对。。感到棘手 feel a disinclination for doing不愿意做,,Feel a disinclination to do不愿意做。。Feel a great craving for感到非常渴望得到 feel a strong affinity for/to sb非常喜欢。。。Feel about摸索,暗中摸索 feel affection towards爱。。Feel after摸索;探索,找寻 feel all fingers and thumbs感到笨手笨脚 feel an interest in对。。感兴趣 feel apprehension for sb’s safety为。的安全担忧 feel as if/though觉得,仿佛 feel at用手摸着 feel at home感到很畅快 feel bad about为。。感到惭愧;为。感到难过 feel chained down with a wife,a house,and children感到有家室之累 feel cheap感到惭愧;觉得身体不舒服 feel displeasure at sth对。感到不满 feel down in spirits不愉快;悲伤 feel embarrassed感到为难;局促不安 feel equal to觉得能担任;有能力 feel for摸索;小心寻找,探索;探寻;同情 feel free to do无顾虑地做。。。Feel good感到健康;感到舒适;感到得意洋洋 feel...in one’s bones确信;确有把握 feel inclined to/toward倾向于;想要 feel like a fish out of water觉得如鱼得水;觉得局促不安 feel like oneself心情与平时一样;健康和平常一样 feel like doing想要。似的;想要 feel like thirty cents脸红;害臊 feel no interest in对。不感兴趣 feel of摸摸。。看;摸索检查,摸索检验 feel off colour有病色,身体不好 feel one’s legs有了自信心;会站立;走 feel oneself觉得健康;安康 feel out试探出。的意见,摸清楚;仔细检验。。的正确性;探测。。是否有效或可行 feel strong anxienty for非常用心 feel strongly about对。抱强硬态度 feel the need of/for对。。感到需要 feel up to觉得能够担当,觉得能够胜任;有能力做;觉得身体能够上 feel with同情;对。。有同感 fence about把。。用栅栏围起来 fence....against/from 防护。以免;保卫。以免 fence in把。。用栅栏围起来;围住,关闭住,限制住 fence off把。。用栅栏隔开;避开,排除,挡开 fence out把。。用栅栏隔开,把。隔开在外面,不让。。入内;防止;闪避;挡开,挡住;排除;击退 fence round用围墙围住;避开 fence with用。修筑或修理栅栏;避免正面答复问题等,回避,搪塞 fend away防御 fend for照料自己,供养,为。。提供生计,供给 fend for oneself自己谋生,照料自己 fend from 防御 fend off避开,躲开,挡开,把船推开 ferret for探索 ferret about搜索,四处搜寻 ferret out侦察出,刺探出;查获;搜出,找到 fetch about兜着圈子走,绕道而行;帆船转向新航向 fetch along把。带来;把,拿来;改进,使更好 fetch and carry打杂;听差遣 fetch around使同意,使信服

Fetch away摇落;滑脱,松脱;散离;失散 fetch in去把。拿进来;招徕,吸引,引进;拉进;围绕;包围;包括 fetch back回忆起;记起 fetch down射下,打落;击倒;降低价格等,使价格下跌 fetch headway开始快速前进 fetch out拿出,取出,使显现出;引出

fetch round使同意,使信服 fetch the harbour到港 fetch to使苏醒 fetch up拿来,拿出;带来;引起;呕出,吐出;促使咳出,促使吐出;生产,产生;扶植;养育,抚育,养大;回忆起,回想起;使突然停住;使急速停下;停止;到达;到;结束;终结;弥补;赶上;恢复;苏醒 fetch up with追到,赶上 fiddle about浪费时间;鬼混,闲混 fiddle about with摸弄某物,把。。弄着玩,随便摆弄 fiddle around with摸弄某物,随便摆弄;瞎摸弄,瞎搞 fiddle away浪费时间等 fiddle away one’s time虚度光阴 fiddle with摸弄某物,把。弄着玩,随便摆弄;瞎摸弄,瞎搞 fight after争夺 fight against向。。进行斗争;与。战斗;抵抗 fight back 抵抗;堵击;忍住 fight down制服,克服;抑制,克制;压服;打败 fight fire with fires以火攻火;以其人之道还治其人之身 fight for为。而战 fight hand to hand短兵相接 fight it out打到底,决一雌雄;战斗解决;彻底解决;争个明白 fight off击退,赶走;竭力避免,避开,摆脱;排斥 fight on 继续作战 fight one’s way in life在人生中刻苦奋斗 fight out拼命抵住,竭力克服;通过斗争或搏斗来解决 fight shy of避开;不与。。接触 fight to a finish 打到底;战到底;决一胜负 fight together 打成一团 fight tooth and nail彻底地打 fight up勇敢战斗,奋力战斗 fight up against与。力战苦斗 fight with..against和。。一起对。作战 fight with windmills与想象的对于斗争 figure as 扮演。。的角色 figure in包括进;计算进;作为一个角色出现在。中;在。中其重要作用 figure on指望,预料;计划;考虑到,把。。估计在内 figure on指望,预料;计划;考虑到,把。。估计在内 figure out算出,演算出;想出;解决;合计;理解;断定;推断出;发现 figure out it总共;合计 figure to oneself想象 figure up把。加起来,合计,计算 file an information揭发;起诉 file away排成一列纵队出发;把。归档;不停地锉;锉掉;锉落;锉平。。的尖角;磨掉 file in陆续编入 file off排成纵队前进 file on/upon进入;占据 file one’s teeth 锉牙;咬牙切齿 file out陆续退出 fill a gap填补空白,填补空缺;补缺;弥合缺陷;弥合差距 fill away转帆向风;船向前航行,乘风前进 fill in 填写,填充;填入;填平,填满;填好,填补,补进;使熟悉,向。提供消息;使。。提供进一步的事实;暂时补缺;顶替;淤塞;痛打,狠狠鞭打 fill in /out a form填表 fill one’s place代替 fill out填写,填好;填补,凑足;使更完全,使内容更为充实;使肥大,使丰满;使变圆;长胖;使穿的有样子;使张满,使鼓起,使膨胀;使扩张;张满,鼓起,膨胀;注,斟 fill the bill满足需要;令人满意;正好适合 fill up填写;(使)装满,使充满;填掉;填塞;填补,补足;派人补。的缺;使阻塞,使淤积;使淤塞;膨胀,胀满 fill up time消磨时光 fill up with充以;用。。填满;用。充满 filter into渗入 filter out滤出;走漏 filter through滤过;走漏 find a clue to发现。。线索 find against判决某人有罪,作出不利于。。的裁决 find delight in以。。为乐;喜欢 find expression in表现在。中;以。发泄 find fault in看出。。的缺点;找出。。的毛病 find fault with对。。不满;对。。吹毛求疵;挑剔 find favour in sb’s eye邀宠于 find favour with得宠于;得。。欢心 find for作出有利于。。的裁决 find it in one’s heart to do 有意。。;忍心。。;意欲。。Find no pleasure in从。。中得不到乐趣;不喜欢 find not much pleasure in从。中得到的乐趣不多;不太喜欢 find one’s feet会站立;能力能走;能独立行动;有了自信心 find one’s legs有了自信心;会站立;走 find one’s place翻到要继续读的地方 fine one’s tongue开始说话 find one’s voice开始发音 find one’s way to/into抵达;达到;找出途径;找出道路 find oneself 发现自己在,发觉自己处于;发现自己的能力;自知;觉得;自备衣食 find out探知;查出,查明;找出;发现;想出;揭发出,揭露出,使受惩罚,使得报应 find out about获悉。。的消息或事实 find pleasure in从。。中得不到乐趣 find not much pleasure in从。。中得到的乐趣不多;不太喜欢 find one’s feet会站立;能立能走;能独立行动,有了自信心



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