
时间:2019-05-14 00:47:45下载本文作者:会员上传


平面设计 graphic design 企业识别系统 corporate identity system 企业视觉形象计划 corporate visual identity program 标识 logo 标识图案 logo pattern 标准字体 logotype 商标 trademark 标准色彩 house color 独特风格 house style 提案及制定该机构视觉形象计划的*作标准手册 corporate design manual 视觉辨认力测试 legibility test 色彩样本条 colour swatch 提案 proposal 纸类 stationery 营业报告书 annual report 理念识别 Mind Identity 行为识别 Behaviour Identity 视觉识别 Visual Identity 商标、标志 trademark and signs 标志 logo(sign)包装设计 packaging design 书籍装祯 book binding 商业美术 commercial arts 商业摄影 commercial photography 字体设计 literature design 橱窗设计 window display 容器造型 container modelling 插图 illustrations 广告 advertisement 美术字 artistic calligraphy 广告画、宣传画 poster 手提袋 hand bag 购物袋 shopping bag 美国广告协会AAAA the American Association of Advertising Agencies(在广告公司和广告客户之间起联系作用的)广告负责人 account executive 即兴广告 adlib 广告 advertising 广告代理人、广告公司 advertising agency 广告代理人 advertising agent 广告经纪人 advertising broker 广告记录表 advertising calendar 广告周期 advertising cycle 广告经理 advertising manager 广告调研 advertising research 广告中间商 agent middlemen 销售分析 anatomy of a sale(电视、广播广告的)最后定稿 answer print 美术指导 art director 广告中的非文字部分 art of Art work 字母的上半(或下半)出头部分 ascender 广告初稿的编排草稿 asymmetrical layout 广告妙语 attention getter 广告对象 audience 广告的有声部分 audio 广告正文 body copy 商品的品牌名称 brand name 广播广告 broadcast advertising 小册子 brochure 产业出版物 business publication 购买动机 buying motive 月历设计 calendar 商品说明书 catalogue 分类广告 classified advertising 商业广告 commercial advertising 商业广告艺术家 commercial artist 消费者广告 consumer advertising 消费者 consumers 合作广告 cooperative advertising 广告撰稿负责人 copy chief 广告(文案)撰稿员 copywriter 广告语句(文案)创作 copy writting 公司广告部 corporate advertising department(广告)创意大纲 creative platform 工业广告 industrial advertising 广告插页 insert 封面内页 inside front cover 封底内页 inside back cover 封底 back cover 国际广告 international advertising 广告布局(版式)layout 广告时间 time spot 广告预算 task budgeting(一种成本极底的)广告传单 throwaways(印有广告商品或广告信息的)小商品 specialities 广告口号、标语 slogan 车站广告牌 station poster 色彩 黑 black 白 white 黄 yellow 洋红(品红)magenta 青 cyan 绿 green 灰 gray 紫 purple 红 red 深红 crimson 朱红 vermilion 粉红 pink 猩红、鲜明 scarlet 玫瑰红 rose madder 胭脂 rouge 赭石 umber 橙黄 orange 古铜色、赤褐色 bronze 藤黄 rattan yellow / light bright yellow 柠檬黄 lemon yellow 土黄 yellow ochre 赭黄 sienna 翠绿 emerald 棕、褐 brown 淡绿 light green 深绿 dark green / intense green 石绿 mineral green 蓝 blue 天蓝 azure 淡蓝 light blue 深蓝 dark blue 靛青 indigo 花青 flower blue 钴蓝 cobalt blue 群青 ultramarine blue 紫罗兰 violet 金色 golden 银色 silver 象牙色、乳白色 ivory 铅色、铅灰色 leaden 乳金 milk gold 铅白 lead white 色样 colour sample

你应该知道的广告英文知识1.What is advertising?什么是广告? Build animpression on the consumer’s mind in order to have consumers by certain product。

在消费者脑海中建立一个印象,使得消费者购买某项产品。The impression is called brand。这个印象就是品牌。

So advertising is to build up the brand。所以广告就是建立品牌。

2.How do we come out a piece of advertising 我们如何创作广告 Client briefing 客户简报

Research Recommendation 市场调研建议 SWOT Analysis 优劣势分析 Advertising Strategy 广告策略 Presentation 提案

Creative Development 创意发想 Creative Presentation 创意提案 Media Planning 媒介计划

Media Plan Presentation 媒介计划提案 Creative Production 创意制作 Media Placement 媒介投放 Advertising Tracking 广告跟踪

3.The terminology of advertising 广告业的术语 Advertising agency 广告代理商 Client客户 Marketing行销 Market行销者 Marketing Mix行销组合 Product产品

Pricing订价 Promotion促销

Place(Distribution)渠道 Marketing Objective行销目标 Marketing Strategy行销策略 Marketing Programs行销活动 Marketing Plan行销计划 Marketing Manager市场部经理 Marketing Executive市场执行 Product Manager产品经理 Brand Manager品牌经理 Brand Steward品牌管家 Full Service Agency全面(整体)服务代理商 Account Service客户服务 Account Executive业务执行 Account Manager业务经理

Account Director业务总监 Group Account Director 客户群总监 Client Service Director客户服务总监(协理)

Briefing简报 Blue Print蓝图

Advertising Strategy广告策略 Target Audience目标对象 Competitor竞争者 Consumer Promise消费者承诺 Tone & Manner 语气与态度 Brand Personality品牌个性 Positioning定位 Segmentation区隔

Cannibalization品牌替换 Contact Report会议记录 Status Report工作进度报告 Memo备忘录 Cost Estimate,Production Estimate,Quotation估价

Job Order工作卡 Presentation提案 Revision修正 Production制作

Moni-bring监看 Post-buy-analysis购买后分析 Media Executive媒介执行 Media Planner媒介计划人员 Media Buyer媒介购买人员 Media Plan媒介计划 Media Objective媒介计划 Media Strategy媒介策略 Media Placement(Exection)媒介投放

Reach触机 Frequency频率 Cue List,Transmission Schedule 投放时间表

Copy Writing文案撰写 Tag Line口号 Layout构图 Negative负片 Art Design艺术设计 Storyboard脚本 Campaign广告运动 意

Tear Sheet样张 Creative创意人员,作品 Art Director艺术指导 Concept概念 Concept Development Idea Generation发想

Rough Cut初剪带 B Copy Station Copy播出带

Umatie Betacam(一种录像带的格式)

One Inch Tape一寸带 Soundtrack音轨 Finished Artwork完稿 Color Proof打样 Ustration插画 Typesetting打字(照排)Market Research市场调查 行为调查

Central Location Test定点调查 Research Report测试报告 Research Proposal市调计划 Brand Awareness品牌知名度 Local Currency本地货币 Pitch比稿 Hand-outs,Hard Copy 硬拷贝(纸上的文件)

Headline标题 Body Copy文案 Positive正片 Typeface字体

Art Direcion艺术指导(工作)Rough草稿

Campaignable Idea可延展的广告创Telecast Copy样带 Copy Writer文案撰写 Visualizer视觉成型

Idea点子 A Copy,Duble-head看片带 Master Copy原片 Censorship送检带

Color Seperation分色 Photograghy摄影 Air Brush喷修 Film菲林、网阳片

Consumer A & U Study消费者态度,Focus Group Discussion座谈会 Top Line Report摘要报告 Field Work调查

Aided Awareness提示后品牌知名度 Hard Currency强势货币 Partenership伙伴关系 Proposal企划案

Radio broadcasting advertising ——广播广告 Television advertising ——电视广告 Yellow page advertising ——黄页广告

OD广告(Out Door)——户外广告 DM(Direct Mail)——直邮广告

MD(Managing Director的缩写)——广告公司内的最高统帅,中文惯例译为总经理 CD(reative Director的缩写)——创作总监。CD的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导

ACD(ssociated Creative Director)——副创作总监 Account Director——客户服务总监(客户部经理)Media Director——媒介总监(媒介部经理)

AD(Art Director)——美术指导(在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督)Account Group——业务小组。广告公司内负责某特定客户之工作小组。以AE为中心,成员包括行销企划、创意、媒体等工作人员,替客户执行广告企划设定、广告表现制作、媒体安排等业务。

AE(Account Executive)——客户代表,或客户执行。代表广告公司接受广告主各种业务,并负责整体执行的人。

Appeal Point——诉求点。广告讯息中,最能打动消费者心理,并引起行动的重点。

Brain Storming——动脑会议。可自由发想,不受限制的讨论会议。

Brand Image——品牌形象。消费者对商品品牌之印象。

CF(Commercial Film)——广告影片。Commercial script 是电视广告脚本。

Competitive Presentation——比稿。有的广告主不会将广告计划立即委托一家广告公司,而是让多家广告公司彼此竞争,再从中选择最优秀、最满意的广告公司。


CI(Corporate Identity)——企业识别。以统一性的标志表示企业的理念、文化以及经营的任务。CI 与CIS之区分,在美国原来只购CI,日本加上“S”也就是把CI加以组织化,包括EI,VI,BI,SI,成为系统。

Creative Boutique——创意工作室。“Boutique”为法语中商店的意思,指专门零售店,特别是指贩卖流行物品、装饰品的商店。以这种语意为背景,由少数人组成、专门制作广告的公司,便称为小型制作专业广告公司。

Direct Response Advertising——直效广告。需要从潜在客户处得到简单回应的广告。例如邮购、直接信函、电讯行销,及有线电视购物频道。直效广告必须是双向沟通的。


Layout——构图。版面设计之技巧。对美术设计而言,版面编排是一种基本技术。OS(Omt Sound)——广告影片中的旁白。

POP(Point of Perchase advertising)——购买时点的广告,大部分消费者买东西时在商店因此也称店头广告。


Public Service Advertising——公益广告。企业及各社会团体诉求公共服务内容的广告。公益广告的范围相当广泛,举凡社会、福祉、教育、甚至谋求国际间相互了解的活动都囊括在内。

Target Market——目标市场。最主要的消费群。Traffic Control Specialist(一般简称Traffic)——制管人员。广告制作的流程及时间上的控制是非常重要的一件事,制管人员即是负责推进及监督广告作业中各部门是否按照计划进行的专员。设计 Desgin 2 现代设计 Modern Desgign 3 工艺美术设计 Craft Design 4 工业设计 Industrial Design 5 广义工业设计 Genealized Industrial Design 6 狭义工业设计 Narrow Industrial Design 7 产品设计 Product Design 8 传播设计 Communication Design 8 环境设计 Environmental Design 9 商业设计 Comercial Design 10 建筑设计 Architectural 11 一维设计 One-dimension Design 12 二维设计 Tow-dimension Design 13 三维设计 Three-dimension Design 14 四维设计 Four-dimension Design 15 装饰、装潢 Decoration 16 家具设计 Furniture Design 17 玩具设计 Toy Design 18 室内设计 Interior Design 19 服装设计 Costume Design 20 包装设计 ackaging Design 21 展示设计 Display Design 22 城市规划 Urban Desgin 23 生活环境 Living Environment 24 都市景观 Townscape 25 田园都市 Gardon City 26 办公室风致 Office Landscape 27 设计方法论 Design Methodology 28 设计语言 Design Language 29 设计条件 Design Condition 30 结构设计 Structure Design 31 形式设计 Form Design 32 设计过程 Design Process 33 构思设计 Concept Design 34 量产设计,工艺设计 Technological Design 35 改型设计 Model Change 36 设计调查 Design Survey 37 事前调查 Prior Survey 38 动态调查 Dynamic Survey 39 超小型设计 Compact type 40 袖珍型设计 Pocktable Type 41 便携型设计 Protable type 42 收纳型设计 Selfcontainning Design 43 装配式设计 Knock Down Type 44 集约化设计 Stacking Type 45 成套化设计 Set(Design)46 家族化设计 Family(Design)47 系列化设计 Series(Design)48 组合式设计 Unit Design 49 仿生设计 Bionics Design 50 功能 Function 51 独创性 Originality 52 创造力 Creative Power 53 外装 Facing 54 创造性思维 Creating Thinking 55 等价变换思维 Equivalent Transformationn Thought 56 KJ法 Method of K.J 57 戈顿法 Synectice 58 集体创造性思维法 Brain Storming 59 设计决策(Design)Decision Making 60 T-W-M体系 T-W-M system 61 O-R-M体系 O-R-M system 62 印象战略 Image Stralegy 63 AIDMA原则 Law of AIDMA 64 功能分化 Functional Differentiation 65 功能分析 Functional Analysis 66 生命周期 Life Cycle 67 照明设计 Illumination Design 设计色彩方法 色 Color 2 光谱 Spectrum 3 物体色 Object Color 4 固有色 Propor Color 5 色料 Coloring Material 6 色觉三色学说 Three-Component Theary 7 心理纯色 Unique Color 8 拮抗色学说 Opponent Color Theory 9 色觉的阶段模型 Stage Model of the Color Perception 10 色彩混合 Color Mixing 11 基本感觉曲线 Trisimulus Valus Curves 12 牛顿色环 Newton's Color Cycle 13 色矢量 Color Vector 14 三原色 Three Primary Colors 15 色空间 Color Space 16 色三角形 Color Triangle 17 测色 Colourimetry 18 色度 Chromaticity 19 XYZ表色系 XYZ Color System 20 实色与虚色 Real Color and Imaginary Color 21 色等式 Color Equation 22 等色实验 Color Matching Experiment 23 色温 Color Temperature 24 色问轨迹 Color Temperature Locus 25 色彩三属性 Three Attribtes and Color 26 色相 Hue 27 色相环 Color Cycle 28 明度 Valve 29 彩度 Chroma 30 环境色 Environmetal Color 31 有彩色 Chromatic Color 32 无彩色 Achromatic Colors 33 明色 Light Color 34 暗色 Dark Color 35 中明色 Middle Light Color 36 清色 Clear Color 37 浊色 Dull Color 38 补色 Complementary Color 39 类似色 Analogous Color 40 一次色 Primary Color 41 二次色 Secondary Color 42 色立体 Color Solid 43 色票 Color Sample 44 孟塞尔表色系 Munsell's Color System 45 奥斯特瓦德表色系 Ostwald's Color System 46 日本色研色体系 Practical Color Co-ordinate System 47 色彩工程 Color Engineering 48 色彩管理 Color Control 49 色彩再现 Color Reproduction 50 等色操作 Color Matching 51 色彩的可视度 Visibility Color 52 色彩恒常性 Color Constancy 53 色彩的对比 Color Contrast 54 色彩的同化 Color Assimilation 55 色彩的共感性 Color Synesthesia 56 暖色与冷色 Warm Color and Cold Color 57 前进色与后退色 Advancing Color Receding Color 58 膨胀色与收缩色 Expansive Color and Contractile Color 59 重色与轻色 Heavy Color and Light Color 60 色价 Valeur 61 色调 Color Tone 62 暗调 Shade 63 明调 Tint 64 中间调 Halftone 65 表面色 Surface Color 66平面色 Film Color 67 色彩调和 Color Harmony 68 配色 Color Combination 69 孟塞尔色彩调和 Munsell's Color Harmony 70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和 Ostwald's Color Harmony 71 孟.斯本瑟色彩调和 Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony 72 色彩的感情 Feeling of Color 73 色彩的象征性 Color Symbolism 74 色彩的嗜好 Color Preference 75 流行色 Fashion Color 76 色彩的功能性 Color Functionalism 77 色彩规划 Color Planning 78 色彩调节 Color Conditioning 79 色彩调整 Color Coordinetion 80 色彩设计 Color Design 材料与加工成型技术 材料 Material 2 材料规划 Material Planning 3 材料评价 Material Appraisal 4 金属材料 Metal Materials 5 无机材料 Inorganic Materials 6 有机材料 Organic Materials 7 复合材料 Composite Materials 8 天然材料 Natural Materials 9 加工材料 Processing Materials 10 人造材料 Artificial Materials 11 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal 12 有色金属 Nonferrous Metal 13 轻金属材料 Light Metal Materials 14 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials 15 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials 16 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials 17 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials 18 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials 19 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials 20 陶瓷 Ceramics 21 水泥 Cement 22 搪瓷、珐琅 Enamel 23 玻璃 Glass 24 微晶玻璃 Glass Ceramics 25 钢化玻璃 Tuflite Glass 26 感光玻璃 Photosensitive Glass 27 纤维玻璃 Glass Fiber 28 耐热玻璃 Hear Resisting Glass 29 塑料 Plastics 30 通用塑料 Wide Plastics 31 工程塑料 Engineering Plastics 32 热塑性树脂 Thermoplastic Resin 33 热固性树脂 Thermosetting Resin 34 橡胶 Rubber 35 粘接剂 Adhesives 36 涂料 Paints 37 树脂 Resin 38 聚合物 Polymer 39 聚丙烯树脂 Polypropylene 40 聚乙烯树脂 Polyethylene Resin 41 聚苯乙烯树脂 Polystyrene Resin 42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin 43 丙烯酸树脂 Methyl Methacrylate Resin 44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙 Polyamide Resin 45 氟化乙烯树脂 Polyfurol Resin 46 聚缩醛树脂 Polyacetal Resin 47 聚碳酸脂树脂 Polycarbonate Resin 48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂 Polyvinylidene Resin 49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂 Polyvinyl Acetate Resin 50 聚烯亚胺树脂 Polyimide Resin 51 酚醛树脂 Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin 52 尿素树脂 Urea Formaldehyde Resin 53 聚酯树脂 Polyester Resin 54 环痒树脂 Epoxy Resin 55 烯丙基树脂 Allyl Resin 56 硅树脂 Silicone Resin 57 聚氨酯树脂 Polyurethane Resin 58 密胺 Melamine Formaldehyde Resin 59 ABS树脂 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin 60 感光树脂 Photosensition Plastics 61 纤维强化树脂 Fiber Reinforced Plastic 62 印刷油墨 Printing Ink 63 印刷用纸 Printing Paper 64 铜板纸 Art Paper 65 木材 Wood 66 竹材 Bamboo 67 树脂装饰板 Decorative Sheet 68 蜂窝 机制板 Honey Comb Core Panel 69 胶合板 Veneer 70 曲木 Bent Wood 71 浸蜡纸 Waxed Paper 72 青铜 Bronge 73 薄壳结构 Shell Construction 74 技术 Technic 75 工具 Tool 76 金工 Metal Work 77 铸造 Casting 78 切削加工 Cutting 79 压力加工 Plastic Working 80 压力加工 Plastic Working 81 焊接 Welding 82 板金工 Sheetmetal Woek 83 马赛克 Mosaic 84 塑性成型 Plastic Working 85 灌浆成型 Slip Casting 86 挤出成型 Sqeezing 87 注压成型 Injection Molding 88 加压成型 Pressing 89 水压成型 Cold Isostatic Pressing 90 加压烧结法 Hot Pressing 91 HIP成型 Hot Isostatic Pressing 92 压缩成型 Compression Molding Pressing 93 气压成型 Blow Molding 94 压延成型 Calendering 95 转送成型 Transfer Molding 96 雌雄成型 Slash Molding 97 铸塑成型 Casting 98 喷涂成型 Spray Up 99 层积成型 Laminating 100 FW法 Fillament Winding 101 粘接与剥离 Adhesion and Excoriation 102 木材工艺 Woodcraft 103 竹材工艺 Bamboo Work 104 表面技术 Surface Technology 105 镀饰 Plating 106 涂饰 Coating 107 电化铝 Alumite 108 烫金 Hot Stamping 109 预制作 Prefabrication 110 预制住宅 Prefabricated House 111 悬臂梁 Cantilever 112 金属模具 Mold 113 型板造型 Modeling of Teplate 114 染料 Dyestuff 115 颜料 Artist Color 传 播 设 计 传播 Communication 2 大众传播 Mass Communication 3 媒体 Media 4 大众传播媒体 Mass Media 5 视觉传播 Visual Communication 6 听觉传播 Hearing Communication 7 信息 Information 8 符号 Sign 9 视觉符号 Visual Sign 10 图形符号 Graphic Symbol 11 符号论 Semiotic 12 象征 Symbol 13 象征标志 Symbol Mark 14 音响设计 Acoustic Design 15 听觉设计 Auditory Design 16 听觉传播设计 Auditory Communication Design 17 图象设计 Visual Communication Design 18 视觉设计 Visual Design 19 视觉传播设计 Visual Communication Design 20 图形设计 Graphic Design 21 编辑设计 Editorial Design 22 版面设计 Layout 23 字体设计 Lettering 24 CI设计 Corporate Identity Design 25 宣传 Propaganda 26 广告 Advertising 27 广告委托人 Advertiser 28 广告代理业 Advertising Agency 29 广告媒体 Advertising Media 30 广告目的 Avertising Objectives 31 广告伦理 Morality of Advertising 32 广告法规 Law of Advertising 33 广告计划 Advertising Planing 34 广告效果 Advertising Effect 35 广告文案 Advertising Copy 36 广告摄影 Advertising Photography 37 说明广告 Informative Advertising 38 招贴画 海报 Poster 39 招牌 Sign-board 40 小型宣传册 Pamphlet 41 大型宣传册 Portfolio 42 商品目录 Catalogue 43 企业商报 House Organ 44 户外广告 Outdoor Advertising 45 POP广告 Point of Purchase Advertising 46 展示 Display 47 橱窗展示 Window Display 48 展示柜 Cabinet 49 博览会 Exposition 50 万国博览会 World Exposition 51 包装 Packaging 52 工业包装 Industrial Packing 53 标签 Label 54 企业形象 Corporate Image 55 企业色 Company Color 56 动画 Animation 57 插图 Illustration 58 书法 Calligraphy 59 印刷 Initial 60 设计费 design fee 61 标准 standard 62 注册商标 registered trade mark 设计美学与设计实验 美 Beauty 2 现实美 Acture Beauty 3 自然美 Natural Beauty 4 社会美 Social Beauty 5 艺术美 Artisitc Beauty 6 内容与形式 Content and Form 7 形式美 Formal Beauty 8 形式原理 Principles and Form 9 技术美 Beauty of Technology 10 机械美 Beauty of Machine 11 功能美 Functional Beauty 12 材料美 Beauty of Material 13 美学 Aesthetics 14 技术美学 Technology Aesthetics 15 设计美学 Design Aesthetics 16 生产美学 PAroduction Aesthetics 17 商品美学 Commodity Aedthetics 18 艺术 Art 19 造型艺术 Plastic Arts 20 表演艺术 Performance Art 21 语言艺术 Linguistic Art 22 综合艺术 Synthetic Arts 23 实用艺术 Practical Art 24 时间艺术 Time Art 25 空间艺术 Spatial Art 26 时空艺术 Time and Spatial Art 27 一维艺术 One Dimantional 28 二维艺术 two Dimantional 29 三维艺术 Three Dimantional 30 四维艺术 Four Dimantional 31 舞台艺术 Stagecraft 32 影视艺术 Arts of Mmovie and Television 33 环境艺术 Environmental Art 34 美术 Fine Arts 35 戏剧 Drama 36 文学 Literature 37 意匠 Idea 38 图案 Pattern 39 构思 Conception 40 构图 Composition 41 造型 Formation 42 再现 Representation 43 表现 Expression 44 构成 Composition 45平面构成 Tow Dimentional Composition 46 立体构成 Three Dimentional Composition 47 色彩构成 Color Composition 48 空间构成 Composition of Space 49 音响构成 Composition and Sound 50 多样与统一 Unity of Multiplicity 51平衡 Balance 52 对称 Symmetry 53 调和、和声 Harmony 54 对比 Contrast 55 类似 Similarity 56 比例 Proportion 57 黄金分割 Golden Section 58 节奏 Rhythm 59 旋律 Melody 60 调子 Tone 61 变奏 Variation 62 纹样 Pattern 63 形态 Form 64 有机形态 Organic Form 65 抽象形态 Abstract Form 66 简化形态 Simptified Form 67 变形 Deformation 68 图学 Graphics 69 透视画法 Perspective 70 线透视 Linear Perspective 71 视点 Eye on Picture Plane 72 灭点 Vanishing Point 73平行透视 Parallel Persective 74 成角透视 Angular Perspective 75 斜透视 Obligue Perspective 76 单点透视 Single Paint Perspective 77 两点透视 Tow-Point Perspective 78 三点透视 Three-Point Perspective 79 鸟瞰图 Bird's Eye View 80平面视图 Ground Plain 81 轴侧投影 Axonometric Projection 82 设计素描 Design Sketch 83 预想图 Rendering 84 模型 Model 85 粘土模型 Clay Model 86 石膏模型 Plaster Model 87 木制模型 Wooden Model 88 缩尺模型 Scale Model 89 原大模型 Mock Up 90 仿真模型 Finished Model 91 制造原形 Prototype 92 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 93 框架模型 Frame Model 94 实体模型 Solid Model 95 计算机辅助设计 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN 96 计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Manufacture 97 计算机三维动画 Computer Three Dimentional Animation 98 计算机艺术 Computer Arts 99 计算机书法 Computer Calligraphy 100 计算机图象处理 Computer Image Processing 101 计算机音响构成 Computer Sound Compositio




On New Year's Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted. He shouted our, “The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn.” The hall After that, they had another item.

This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:“The dog stands out among a group of chickens.”

Then we all sang and played games until it was eleven o'clock at night. The old man on night watch came to turn off the lights. We had to tear ourselves away from the party.

From this activity, I discovered that many of our classmates are really talented singers.


Good afternoon, my dear friends.

I am very happy to meet you here.It is my great honor to communicate with you at such a special occation.First of all,please allow me to express my appreciation to you all to listion to me.

I am proud of being a college student.The collegelife is fresh,new teachers, new classmates and new friends. I like the friendship, and their wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground attrattde me very much.My college life is better than I expected, I can do anything I like. In the college we can not only learn the professional knowledge,but also develop our comprehensive abilities.If we can make full use of the period,we can learn many useful things.Besides,we should have the active attitude to our life,do a contributionto the society.Collegelife is the most precious time in our life.Most of us want to become an outstanding man. But there are some students still waste their time. They get together for eating, drinking or playing cards. They're busy in searching for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. They completely forget their task as college students.

Finally, I hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy person to our country, and make great contributions to the society!


hello,everyone. good afternoon. thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about my top concern. i'm no.26, i'll talk about friend.

everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends. my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school. i had to left my friends i had ever known. as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known. nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely. the time when i couldn't sleep, i'll always miss them, then the tears filled my eyes.

later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some friends ,which became my best friends then. they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick. even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other.

in our whole lives,we'll meet too much people but only a few can be our best friends. when staying with them,we can release ourself completely. we can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry together. i should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

but in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that. more and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of friendship. they work hard in order to gain a higher position in the society and to earn more money for their work. they have few time to share with their friends. with the time goes by, they will be far away from each other.

friend is kind of treasure in our lives. it's actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts.

friends,especially best friends. it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination.

thanks for your listening. this is what i concerned.


School begins, I changed from the fourth grade to the fifth grade now. In the eyes of young students, I'm already a big brother, and I'm also a good eample for junior students. I want to give full play to my advantages and leave them a good impression. First of all, I have to change my characters. Although my handwriting is OK, it's a little bit “lopsided”. I must change it when it's not serious.

I also need to learn how to save. Although the covers we use for wrapping books are getting old, they can be recycled. However, there are still some people who have enough old book covers at home and urge their mother to buy a new one. There are also some people in order to save newspapers or already useless posters wrapped in the cover, and then write books. I advocate this practice, which saves parents' or their own money and is durable. There are also stationery, some people clearly have pens at home, but also go outside to buy some back. You know, it's a lot cheaper to use the old one than to buy the new one. Although I am the same, but I will try my best to correct it, because I know that the money of my parents is hard won, and the money is earned by their sweat and labor. Usually we ask our parents for money when we are free, so 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan. As time goes by, don't our parents spend all the money they earn from their hard work? Isn't the money parents have made over the years in vain? We should try to spend less of our parents' money.

From now on, I will do a little bit of things around me, students have difficulties to help him as much as possible, strive to be the three good students of this semester.


One day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of Chile, in one of the most remote regions of the Pacific Ocean, 20 American sailors watched their ship flood with seawater.

They'd been struck by a sperm whale, which had ripped a catastrophic hole in the ship's hull. As their ship began to sink beneath the swells, the men huddled together in three small whaleboats.

These men were 10,000 miles from home, more than 1,000 miles from the nearest scrap of land. In their small boats, they carried only rudimentary navigational equipment and limited supplies of food and water.

These were the men of the whaleship Essex, whose story would later inspire parts of “Moby Dick.”

Even in today's world, their situation would be really dire, but think about how much worse it would have been then.

No one on land had any idea that anything had gone wrong. No search party was coming to look for these men. So most of us have never experienced a situation as frightening as the one in which these sailors found themselves, but we all know what it's like to be afraid.

We know how fear feels, but I'm not sure we spend enough time thinking about what our fears mean.

As we grow up, we're often encouraged to think of fear as a weakness, just another childish thing to discard like baby teeth or roller skates.


It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow。 Lives are no different。


There happiness and sorrow。 There the good and the bad; dark and bright spots duanwenw。 。If we can handle adversity,it only strengthens us。 We cannot control all the events that happen in our lives,but we can decide how we deal with them。


Richard Blechnyden wanted to promote Indian tea in the St。 Lou World Fair in 1904。 It was very hot and no one wanted to sample h tea。 Blechnyden saw that all the other iced drinks were doing flourhing business。 It dawned on him to make h tea into an iced drink,mix in sugar and sell it。 He did and people loved it。 That was the introduction of iced tea to the world。


When things go wrong,as they sometimes will,we can react responsibly or resentfully。


Human beings are not like an acorn which has no choice。 duanwenw。 An acorn cannot decide whether to bee a giant tree or to bee food for squirrels。 Human beings have choices。 If nature gives us a lemon,we have a choice: either cry for grace or make lemonade。


It's just the same with the financial storm。 The cr like a lemon,now we have a choice: either cry for bitterness or weather the storm with confidence and courage。



What's the ideal society? It's a society no one worries about their living, a society no one is refused from education, a society everyone can pursue his/her own happiness! The ideal society is filled with love, joy and kindness. In that society, we can touch the other's hearts, we can share our dreams and most important, we can just be the true men!

Let's break the ethnic divide, bridge the gap between rich and poor, hand in hand, to build a Great wall, protecting us from evil; to construct a steady bridge, connecting reality to the ideal society! Let's pursue for that, that's the only way to the bright future! They are watching us! Thank you!

Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any single disease, says the World Health Organisation.

According to their figures, it is responsible for approximately five million deaths worldwide every year.

Tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of approximately 25 diseases, and even the WHO says that its impact on world health is not fully assessed.

Heart attack and stroke.

UK studies show that smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non'smokers.


John in order to choose the wise after the death of his home, he visited the heaven and hell

He first came to the hell, to see all the people are sitting at the table, the table filled with all kinds of delicious foods. The strange thing is, they are all one in the blues. John emaciation with sallow complexion, a closer look only to find the original table on the left arm people are tied with a fork, right arm tied with a knife, knife the fork and handle up to 4 feet, grasp the knife and fork to eat all the things on the table, so they only watched the food hungry.

John went to heaven, and all the way to find dining equipment with hell. But people here are as like as two peas ruddy, and everywhere is full of laughter. John felt very strange, why they are not afraid of hunger? John quickly found the answer, the original heaven never handle food to feed themselves but, happily to others to eat, so, who can eat delicious food; and hell who only want to feed themselves, so only to starve.

Heaven and hell have only one step away, but because of the warmth and love between people, heaven has become a place for laughter, the hell became a place full of complaints and hunger


Dear classmates:

Everybody is good!

If you lose today, you don't calculate failure, because tomorrow will come again.

If you lose money, you don't calculate failure, because the value of life is not your pocketbook.

If you lost civilization, you are absolutely failed, because you've lost the essence of life.

A social public civilization level, can reflects a social the civilized degree of a nation, if a man does not keep social civilization, small will affect their image, big affect national reputation. During the qing dynasty, minister li hongzhang expeditions in a Russian, publicly, vice attack, vomitted an one mouthful phlegm anywhere by foreign reporters, damning rendering, ridicule, lose all the Chinese face. This is a not observe social civilization history lesson.

We don't have complained of the social civilization level is not high, Don't YuanYi own power too thin, influence on the society is not big. Imagine, bread the yeast in is not so small? Only by this point, however, the yeast, not send up yao. Bread We each students should do this era of yeast, let oneself of enzyme, in this society play its role.

The classmates, let's do it, “the new era, the new national new civilization”, don't let civilization, don't let civilization only on paper, let it appear among active in us, let civilized ubiquitous, let us do civilized master, let “civilized walked with me!”


Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!

I'm very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! To begin with ,I want to ask a question everybody dream a good dream last night? Actually ,today I want to talk about dream with you. Of course, What I want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life.

Everyone has dreams about life, different dreams at different life stage,and we need dreams to support us. Dreams are like the stars we never reach in the sky,but like most mariners,we can chart our course by them. With the dream,we have a direction,with a direction, we were no longer the dream, there is hope,With hope, we have the strength to fight.

I have a dream: To be a doctor.,because doctor may relieve the pain of patients. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, those who help others may be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped in the near future ,I might be a doctor.

But I know,life is tough,and there are always ups and downs, maybe we fail in the way to our aims,and we may feel depressed ,whenever at this time, the dream in our heart can always comfort us, encourage us ,and support us to move ahead.


he man I admire is a white haired grandfather.

Speaking of him, I have no deep impression on him. In my eyes, he is just an old man over 60 years old. He never talks. I don't know his name yet. Every time I go to school and school, he cleans the street near my intersection, whether it's windy or rainy.

It is this ordinary grandfather who tells the etraordinary truth. I still remember that day, the grandfather was still sweeping the street. I was walking on the road after school and saw my grandfather sweeping the street. Suddenly, my grandfather coughed. I hesitated for a moment and decided to help him, but he stood up by himself. I was afraid that my grandfather would fall ill, so I asked, “grandfather, why do you sweep the streets every day? Are you a sanitation worker?” he laughed and walked away. The net day, I asked him the same question. “I'm not a sanitation worker,” he said solemnly. “I sweep the streets because I want to contribute to society. The reason why I don't leave a name is that no one will remember what you did - ecept yourself! ”I was silent, and I was proud to know such an old man. But for the net ten days, I didn't see my grandfather. After that, I knew he was dead.

Now, selfless dedication has become a “rare species.”. We should learn from grandfather's quality - selfless dedication!


Founder of Success Napoleon Hill said: “The self-confidence, manage human use and the only channel universe, Infinite Intelligence is all the 'miracle' of the foundation of all scientific laws can not be the birthplace of the mystery of miracles . ”he also said that such a thought-provoking words:“ If we analyze the personality of those outstanding figures, you will see they have a common characteristic: they start work before, always fully believe in themselves the ability to remove all difficulties and obstacles, until victory! ”

Indeed, in large part to promote confidence in a person's success, many people start from the history we are all evident. Confident people from distress to rescue, you can see the successful people in the dark light, can give people the power struggle. Perhaps you could say: “With confidence, you have half the success.”

Work the same two people, self-confidence of people at work in a more relaxed when the Association of the way through: Dang good job done, we will consider it for our own strength, in the event Shizaiwufa completed The task, then that might be really difficult task in itself. The lack of self-confidence of people will bring success to good luck, the ability to not fail as their own home. However, as this little psychological difference, although the two spent time and energy are similar, but often more self-confident side of the gain is much greater.

How many scientists at home and abroad, especially inventors, which is not tackled on his own confidence in what the project? Will fail again and again again and again aroused their fighting spirit - they think: the more failures, the more successful near distance. But confidence is not an innocent person will be attached to the body, first of all who have genuine talent, then can there be real self-confidence, and use it as an extremely useful power. Empty full of confidence, it would only say it is presumptuous Bale. This so-called “confidence”, not only failed to promote human progress, but unfriendly.

King of the hill Network commentator said: “There is no real thing, only the confidence, the future is only one - dead, and done for.” This sentence sounds excessive, but in fact the only self-confidence if it is indeed a very dangerous.

Similarly, in our study, only self-confidence is not enough, self-confidence and efforts should be organically combined. Some students often see the occasion of the examination, not the least bit nervous, confidently into the examination room. However, after examination, this part of the students in some scores of deadly accuracy, and some fraction is ashamed to see people. This seems unreasonable thing is very simple: this part is both a kind of self-confidence in students, but also hard to study hard; a single self-confidence, but did not pay the effort. These two types of students are full of confidence seems to examination, but usually not the same as the accumulation of knowledge, different consequences.

So, we life, you should do first one full of classics, before a confident person. Because confidence is just a void of power, want to be successful, you have to give confidence to attach to “hard work” on the burning of the mechanical self-confidence, so confidence should force it to play out.


every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. my friends will listen to me when i want to speak, will wipe my eyes when i cry, will take care of me when i am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

as students, we could share more time with our friends. the friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. i often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. especially when i had justin as one of my best friends. justin was my english teacher from the usa. i met him in when i was a student who could only speak very little english. justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the class active and attractive. he taught us english by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing.

i could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on christmas eve. it was so interesting and unforgettable. justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to study english well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others' lives. i know there was friendship and pure love in our hearts. facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care. justin is the best friend i have ever had, and i know i will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory.

friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives. it is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it is also like a cup of tea. when we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.


And I think it's no accident that we think this way. Neuroscientists have actually shown that human beings are hard'wired to be optimists.

So maybe that's why we think of fear, sometimes, as a danger in and of itself. “Don't worry,” we like to say to one another. “Don't panic.” In English, fear is something we conquer. It's something we fight.

It's something we overcome. But what if we looked at fear in a fresh way? What if we thought of fear as an amazing act of the imagination, something that can be as profound and insightful as storytelling itself?

It's easiest to see this link between fear and the imagination in young children, whose fears are often extraordinarily vivid.

When I was a child, I lived in California, which is, you know, mostly a very nice place to live, but for me as a child, California could also be a little scary.

I remember how frightening it was to see the chandelier that hung above our dining table swing back and forth during every minor earthquake, and I sometimes couldn't sleep at night, terrified that the Big One might strike while we were sleeping.

And what we say about kids who have fears like that is that they have a vivid imagination. But at a certain point, most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions behind and grow up.

We learn that there are no monsters hiding under the bed, and not every earthquake brings buildings down. But maybe it's no coincidence that some of our most creative minds fail to leave these kinds of fears behind as adults.


Good morning,dear teacher and my friends.

It’s a very intresting topic today.

I think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. we'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid.

Every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life——exactly speaking, in my past 16 years.

My father always stands in the center of my life, from past till now and possibly in the future.

My family was rather poor when i was in my childhood. we didn't have our own house and had to live in a shabby, small room rented from my father's factory. the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. i didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. this is terrible both for my parents and me.

But father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room.and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer.

When i was little, i did everything with my dad. you could always find me sitting on his knee or walking and doing everything with him. every night he would read me a bed time story and make the voices of each character.

I learnt a lot from my daddy. i learnt to never take things to seriously and to always smile.

Like many other fathers, my dad and i also has generation gap. he is not good at or even can’t work the computer. so when i sitting at the computer desk,he will say something like ‘you should pay more attention to your study’, ‘don’t waste time on the computer games’ , ‘it will be bad for your eyes’ and so on. how can i- a computer fan – reduce time on computer? so i continue studying and playing on it

Years pasted, my father is over 45 now. it is time for me to look after him and i am sure i will do and we will live an even better life. and i will say,i really love you dad,cause you are the hero in my mind.

Thank you so much!



The Comparison Between Watching TV and Reading Books

In our daily life, Watching TV and reading books has become the mainly way for children to get varies messages about the world by themselves.The two ways both can make an influence on the growth of children.In this essay, I’d like to make a comparison of the influence on children between watching TV and reading books.First of all, both of them are valuable to children to open up their eyes to the world.In addition, children can also enjoy themselves from watching interesting program and reading meaningful story books.Finally, children usually talk with friends using the topics that get from watching TV and reading books.With the colorful program, children maybe waste lots of time on it which leads them to a shortage of communicating with family and friends.While reading books may seldom results in the question like that.books need children to think and image what the authors want to tell them by themselves.By comparison, the programs on TV usually have been edited by others so that children need not to think more about them.Base on the comparison, we can see that reading books is more useful for children to develop the abilities of understanding and imagination than watching TV.In addition, watching TV often breaks children’s attention every twenty minutes by the advertizements.By comparison, children can read books in a world of their own as long as they want.urge children to pay more time on reading books than watching TV.




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设计类辞职报告 篇6








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    基本信息栏: 姓名: 出生年 月: 刘 性 别: 女 民 族:汉族 1990.11.17 联系电话 : *** 系 别:环艺系 专业技能: 主修:3D MaxAuto CADPhotoshopIllustrator透视学平面构成 立面......




    设计类辞职报告 设计类辞职报告1 尊敬的老板:非常感激您近五年来的关爱与培养,使我从一个普通的初涉社会的设计师,培养成一个能在多方面小有成绩的管理者。回首过去,从公司组建,......


    承诺书甲方:XXXX有限公司 乙方:(个人/单位)乙方“XX”承诺:投稿参与“XXXXXX”项目的设计作品为本人独立作品,其所有权和相关知识产权归本人所有,其作品为原创,未侵犯他人知识产权;该......


    设计类辞职报告 设计类辞职报告1 尊敬的领导:您好!我是设计部室内设计师余帆,在XX公司已经五年了,然而很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司提出辞职。工作职责:1、审查施工单位施工准备工......


    设计类辞职报告范文1 尊敬的领导:您们好!我很遗憾自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。我来公司也快两年了,也很荣幸自己成为xx电子的一员。在公司工作近两年中,我学到了很多知......