1.发展他们的技能 | develop their skills |
2.思考和学习的能力 | thinking and learning skills |
3.读写能力 | reading and writing skills |
4.外语技能 | foreign language skills |
5.创造力 | creative skills |
6.艺术才能 | artistic skills |
7.解决问题的能力 | problem-solving skills |
8.计算机技能 | computer skills |
9.社交技能 | social skills |
10.沟通技能 | communication skills |
11.团队合作技能 | teamwork skills |
12.形成良好的学习习惯 | develop good learning habits |
13.学习更有效率 | learn more efficiently |
14.形成良好的饮食习惯 | develop good eating habits |
15.形成好的消费习惯 | develop good spending habits |
16.形成好的开车习惯 | develop good driving habits |
17.扩展他们关于……的知识 | broaden their knowledge about |
18.取得好成绩 | get good grades/achieve good grades |
19.提高他们的学术技能 | improve their academic skills |
20.增长他们关于...的知识 | increase their knowledge about... |
21.提高分析能力 | improve analytical skills |
22.发展独立思考的能力 | develop independent thinking skills |
23.(儿童、学生、游客等)加深对于……的理解 | gain a better understanding of.../improve their understanding about… |
24.促进他们大脑发育 | boost their brain development |
25.激发他们的想象力 | encourage their imagination |
26.让他们变得更聪明 | make them more intelligent |
27.变得更有创造力 | become more creative |
28.有创意地思考 | think creatively |
29.用有创意的方式表达他们的情感 | express their feelings creatively |
30.(旅行、学外语)拓宽他们的眼界 | expand their horizons |
31.扩展他们的知识与技能 | broaden their knowledge and skills |
32.扩展他们的兴趣爱好 | broaden their interests |
33.参加课余活动 | take part in extra-curricular activities |
34.提高他们的社交能力 | improve their social skills |
35.发展他们的团队合作的能力 | develop their teamwork skills |
36.变得更加自信 | become more confident |
37.(教师、学校)鼓励团队合作和分享 | encourage teamwork and sharing |
38.树立自信心 | build self-confidence |
39.建立理解和信任 | build understanding and trust |
40.增进亲情 | build family bonds |
41.与同学(同事/队友)紧密合作 | work closely with |
42.参加小组讨论 | take part in group discussions |
43.提高他们的团队合作能力 | improve their teamwork skills |
44.有效的团队合作 | effective teamwork |
45.与同学合作 | cooperate with their classmates |
46.(活动、经历等)增强他们的独立性 | increase their independence |
47.让他们变得更加独立 | make them more independent |
48.提高他们的生活技能 | improve their life skills |
49.培养他们管理时间的能力 | develop their time-management skills |
50.培养他们管理财务的能力 | develop their money-management skills |
51.帮助他们为成年之后的人生做好准备 | prepare them for adult life |
52.(学生或员工)管理好自己的时间 | manage their time well |
53.(消费者)管好自己的钱 | manage their money well |
54.管理好自己的开支预算 | manage their budget well |
55.(员工)实现工作与生活之间的平衡 | achieve a work-life balance |
56.(家长们)实现工作与家庭之间的平衡 | achieve a work-family balance |
57.获得实践经验 | gain practical experience |
58.缺乏实践经验 | lack practical experience |
59.为就业做好准备 | prepare for employment |
60.有更多的就业机会 | have more job opportunities |
61.职业培训 | vocational training |
62.进入就业市场 | enter the job market |
63.公平竞争 | compete fairly |
64.知识经济 | the knowledge-based economy |
65.就业指导 | career guidance |
66.提高他们的就业能力 | improve their employability |
67.取得事业上的成功 | achieve career success |
68.帮助他们适应就业市场的需求 | prepare them for the job market |
69.帮助他们满足未来对劳动力的需求 | prepare them for the future workforce |
70.帮助他们适应以知识为主导的经济形势 | prepare them for the knowledge-based economy |
71.充分发挥他们的潜力 | achieve their potential |
72.实现他们的目标 | achieve their goals |
73.为他们的成年之后的人生做准备 | prepare them for adult life |
74.为将来的人生做准备 | prepare them for later life |