
时间:2019-05-14 01:27:53下载本文作者:会员上传



The Big Move ——— 大迁移









Unit1 How can we become good learners? P2 2d----安妮,我有点紧张,我必须读完一本书,以便下周一作报告。----听起来不太糟糕。



----尽量通过阅读上下文来猜测单词的意思,可能你知道的比你预象的要多。----那听起来很难!----哦,耐心点,这得花时间。你可以每天通过阅读你喜欢的东西得到提高。你读得越多,你(阅读的速度)就越快。P3 3a How I Learned to Learn English我是如何学会学习英语的



现在我真的喜欢我的英语课。我想学习生词和更多的语法,那样我对英语电影就能有更好的理解了。P6 2b How can you become a successful learner?怎么成为一个成功的学习者呢? 每个人天生就拥有学习的能力。但是你能否学习的好取决于你的学习习惯。研究显示成功的学习者有一些共同的好习惯。

1.培养他们对所学东西的兴趣 研究显示,如果你对某事物感兴趣,你的大脑会更活跃而且对你来说长时间地关注那个事物也容易些。善于学习的人经常把他们需要学的事物与一些有趣的事物联系起来。比如,如果他们需要学习英语而且他们喜欢音乐或者体育,他们就可以听英文歌曲或者看英文版的体育节目。这样他们就不会感到乏味了。







学习是一段毕生的旅程,因为每天都会带来新的事物。你所学会的一切都会成为你的一部分并改变着你,所以要聪明地学习、好好学习。P8 Self Check 1 每次考试的时候你紧张吗?如果你发展了聪明的学习技能的话你就没必要紧张。记住在课堂上做笔记,课后和朋友们一起或者自己复习。然后通过做练习操练你学到的东西。尽量一点一点的学习和记住信息而不是等到最后一刻才马上去学习所有的东西。如果你为考试准备好了就没有担心的事了!



1.作文根据下面内容,以My Vacation to Beijing 为题,写一篇约50词的短文。

Place:Beijing Time: Sunday With whom: my parents Weather: warm sunny Things I do: visit the Palace Museum(故宫),the Great Wall(长城),Tianan’men Square, Beijing Hutong,....Feelings: happy, exciting, tired,....Wednesday, August 20thToday the weather was hot and sunny.I went to Beijing with my parents.Idid a lots of things there.We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We also went to Tianan’men Square.There were many people there.Then we went to Beijing Hutong.It was beautiful.We took some photos.I liked this place because it was interesting.For dinner we had Beijing duck.It was delicious.In the evening, I felt really tired but very happy..2.本文为写自己日常生活中的好习惯与坏习惯。

I have lots of good habits.I exercise every day.I always read books.I eat fruit every day.I drink milk twice a week.I never stay up late.But I have some bad habits, too.I always watch TV for two hours a day.I use the Internet twice a week.I hardly ever help with housework.I never go to the dentist.3.你和你朋友在外貌和性格方面有什么异同呢?请以“My best friend and I”为题,运用比较级写一篇英语文章.Should friends be the same or different? For me ,It’s not necessary to be the same.My name is David.My best friend Jeff is quiet different from me.He is shorter and quieter than me.We both like sports ,but he plays baseball better than me ,so he always wins.Jeff works harder and always get good grades.We can talk and share everything.I

think my best friend helps to bring out the best in me.We’ll be good friends forever.4.你叫张鹏,林涛来信向你询问怎样才能学好英语。请根据下面的要点给他回封 信。无论遇到什么困难,都不要放弃。每天都花时间学习英语。多记忆单词并且尽量使用它们。尽可能多地阅读英文书报等。听或唱英语歌能使你对英语更感兴趣。

Dear Lin Tao,I am glad to receive your last letter(或hear from you).You want to know how to learn English well.Here is my advice: You mustn’t give up(或drop)whatever you meet any difficulties that you meet.Every day you should spend some time in learning English.Remember as many English words as possible and try your best to use them.Read English books , magazines or newspapers as often as you can.It is useful and important for you to improve your English.I think listening or singing English songs can make you more interested in English learning.Hope you make great progress in your English learning.Yours, ZhangPeng 5.请根据下列表格内容写一篇他们各自的爱好情况字数在60词左右

Today ,I asked my family about movies.Some of their answers are very interesting.Here are their likes and dislikes.My sister likes cartoons very much, but she can’t stand action movies.My mother can’t stand action movies either.She likes comedies.My father dislikes sitcoms ,but he likes action movies.My brother likes action movies ,too.He can’t stand cartoons.6.新学期要到了,写一篇关于学期的计划,讲述一下自己打算在新的学期要做些什么?提示:可以写自己在学习,健身,娱乐,培养业余爱好等方面的计划或打算.New Year’s Resolutions

New year is coming, I’m going to do a lot of things next year.First, I want to improve my Chinese, so I’m going to practice it very often and have many conversations with my Chinese friends.Next, I want to be more healthy, so I’m going to do sports every day such as swimming, running and so on.At the same time, I’m going to eat less junk food.Finally, I want to join the dancing club, so I’m going to practice dancing twice a week.I hope my resolutions can come true in the coming year.7.以My life in ten years 为题写篇短文,要求描写生动,语言流畅。60词左右.In ten years, I think I'll be a reporter.As a reporter, I think I'll meet lots of interesting people.And I will also travel all over the world.I'll live in Beijing because I went to there last year and fell in love with it.And I will keep a pet pig, because I like it very much.I will live in apartment with my parents.This is my life in ten years, I think I will be very happy in the future.8.假如你的好友邀请你去参加生日聚会,但因为你下周的日程已经排满,不能前往。请根据提示给她回信婉言谢绝,并表达你的谢意。

Hi Ann,Thank you for your invition.I am sorry I can't come to your birthday party this week.I am really busy.On Monday, I am going to the movies with my friends.On Tuesday, I am going to visit my aunt.On Wednesday, I have to help my mother.On Thursday, I am going to my sister's birthday party.On Friday, I am going to Ning Bo on vacation with my parents.Please call me after the vacation.Yours , Candy 9.你以后可能会有很多钱,想一想,如果你有了钱,你会用它做什么?以If I have a lot of money为题写一篇60词左右的短文.If we I have a lot of money I'll travel round the world and I'll stay at the best hotels.If I have a lot of money , I will buy a big house with a beautiful garden for my parents , I want them to live a happy life.Also, I will buy a sports car for my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.If I have a lot of money , I will give some money to charities and help the poor students.So they can go to school and get a good education again.I am sure, one day, my dream will come true.


[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 1 Higher, Faster, Stronger] [0:01.349]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:02.884]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:05.879]Lesson 1: 第一课:

[0:07.300]Higher, Faster, Stronger 更高,更快,更强 [0:10.902]THINK ABOUT IT![0:13.465]Have you ever watched the Olympics on TV? [0:18.274]What's your favourite Olympic sport? [0:21.967]Do you think the Olympics are important? [0:25.802]Why or why not? [0:28.618]When were the first Olympics? 第一届奥运会是在什么时候?

[0:31.122]We call the first Olympic Games the “ancient” Olympics.我们把第一届奥运会称为“古代”奥运会。

[0:35.311]“Ancient” means very, very old.“古代”意味着非常非常久远。

[0:38.381]The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece in 776 BC.古奥运会始于公元前776年的希腊。

[0:45.131]When did the modern Olympics start? 现代奥运会是什么时候开始的?

[0:47.649]We call today's Olympic Games the “modern” Olympics.我们把如今的奥运会称为“现代”奥运会。

[0:51.611]What does “modern” mean? “现代”是什么意思?

[0:53.550]“Modern”, “now” and “today” mean the same thing.“现代”、“如今”、和“当今”是一回事。

[0:57.951]The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece in 1896.现代奥运会始于1896年的希腊雅典。

[1:04.304]Quick Quiz!小测验!

[1:06.016]Did women compete in the ancient Olympics? 在古奥运会中女子参加竞赛吗? [1:09.285]No, women did not compete.不,女子不参加竞赛。

[1:12.468]At the first ancient Olympics, there was only one sport.在首届古奥运会时,只有一项运动。

[1:16.190]What was it? 是什么? [1:17.718]The sprint.短跑。

[1:20.265]How many countries sent athletes to the 2004 Athens Olympics? 2004年的雅典奥运会有多少个国家参加?

[1:25.670]Two hundred and two countries sent athletes to the 2004 Olympics.2004年的奥运会,202个国家派运动员参加。

[1:31.910]How many athletes competed at the 2004 Olympics? 2004年奥运会有多少名运动员参赛?

[1:35.858]More than eleven thousand athletes competed.超过一万一千名运动员参赛。[1:39.410]How many sports did the 2004 Olympics have? 2004年奥运会有多少项运动? [1:42.707]It had twenty-eight different sports.有28种不同的运动。[1:45.848]Amazing Olympic athletes 令人吃惊的奥运健儿

[1:48.409]At the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, 在1968年的墨西哥奥运会中,[1:52.602]American Bob Beamon won the gold medal in the long jump.美国人鲍勃·比蒙获得了跳远金牌。[1:57.400]He jumped an amazing 8.8 metres.他跳出了令人吃惊的8.8米。

[2:01.368]Nobody broke his record for twenty-three years.23年中没人打破他的记录。

[2:05.071]Xu Haifeng won China's first Olympic medal.许海峰为中国获得了第一枚奥运奖牌。

[2:09.177]At the opening event of the 1984 Olympics, he won a gold medal in shooting.1984年奥运会刚开幕,他就在射击中获得一枚金牌。

[2:15.529]At the Olympics, athletes compete for medals.在奥运会上,运动员为奖牌而竞争。[2:19.604]If you are first, you get a gold medal.如果你名列第一,就得金牌; [2:22.976]If you are second, you get a silver medal.如果你名列第二,就得银牌; [2:26.700]If you are third, you get a bronze medal.如果你名列第三,就得铜牌;

[2:30.402]If you are twentieth, do you get a medal? 如果你名列第二十,你会获得奖牌吗? [2:33.475]No!不会![2:35.278]LET'S DO IT![2:36.693]In a small group, talk about the Olympic Games.[2:40.918]When and where did they begin? [2:43.759]Then, play “Charades.” [2:46.744]Take turns acting out a sport.[2:50.445]One group member acts, while the others try to guess the sport by asking “Is it ______?”

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 2 Swimming for Gold] [0:02.457]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:03.946]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:06.231]Lesson 2: 第二课:

[0:07.713]Swimming for Gold 游泳金牌 [0:10.017]THINK ABOUT IT![0:11.562]Have you ever gone swimming? [0:14.308]Where do you like to swim? [0:17.117]List some other sports you are good at.[0:21.518]Barcelona, August 8, 1992 巴塞罗那,1992年8月8日 [0:26.581]China's First Gold in Swimming 中国的第一枚游泳金牌

[0:30.024]Zhuang Yong swam her way to a gold medal today.庄泳今天游出了她的一枚金牌。[0:34.124]It was the first gold medal in an Olympic swimming event for our country.那是我们国家获得的首枚奥运游泳金牌。

[0:39.187]Zhuang Yong won the women's 100-metre freestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds.庄泳以54.64秒的成绩获得女子100米自由泳比赛冠军。

[0:48.075]It was a very close race.这是一场势均力敌的比赛。

[0:50.207]When it was over, no one knew who had won.比赛结束时,没人知道谁会获胜。[0:53.824]It seemed that Zhuang Yong and Jenny Thompson, an American swimmer, had finished at the same time.庄泳和一名美国游泳运动员珍妮·汤普森似乎同时到达终点。[1:00.923]Was it a tie? 这是平局吗?

[1:02.598]When it showed: “First, Zhuang Yong, China.Second, Jenny Thompson, U.S.A.” 当结果显示:“第一名,中国的庄泳。第二名, 美国的珍妮·汤普森”时,[1:09.755]the Chinese spectators at the swimming pool jumped up and down, cheering.游泳池看台上的中国观众跳跃着,欢呼着。

[1:14.532]They were very excited!他们非常兴奋!

[1:17.083]Zhuang Yong surprised everyone.庄泳令每一个人吃惊。

[1:19.861]Before the Olympics, her best time had been slower than Miss Thompson's.在奥运会前,她最快的时候都要比汤普森慢。

[1:24.658]Miss Thompson had set a world record in the 100-metre event, with a time of 54.48 seconds.汤普森曾在100米项目中创造了54.48的世界记录。

[1:32.785]But today Zhuang Yong beat the American swimmer.但是今天庄泳战胜了这位美国游泳运动员。

[1:36.744]She also won two silver medals.她还获得了两枚银牌。

[1:40.265]Zhuang Yong began swimming when she was eight years old.庄泳八岁开始游泳。[1:44.529]She is one of the four Chinese women to win Olympic medals in swimming at the 1992 Olympic Games.她是在1992年奥运会上获得奥运奖牌的四名中国女选手之一。

[1:52.238]The others are Qian Hong, Lin Li and Yang Wenyi.其他三人是钱红、林丽、杨文意。[1:57.954]Spectators watch sports events.观众观看比赛。

[2:01.937]When their favourites win, they cheer!当他们喜欢的运动员获胜时,他们就会欢呼![2:05.917]In a 100-metre race, the swimmers go up the pool once and down the pool once.在一百米比赛中,游泳运动员要在游泳池里游一个来回。

[2:13.597]They go as fast as they can!他们要尽可能快地游![2:17.090]Learning Tips 学习贴士

[2:18.809]Barcelona: a city in the northeast of Spain 巴塞罗那:西班牙东北部的一个城市 [2:25.009]LET'S DO IT![2:26.556]With a partner, summarize the information about Zhuang Yong and the other swimmers.[2:34.359]Of these famous Chinese swimmers, who is your favourite? [2:39.584]Why do you admire him or her? [2:42.750]Describe him or her to your partner.[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 3 Are You an Athlete?] [0:02.045]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:03.456]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:05.596]Lesson 3: 第三课:

[0:07.134]Are You an Athlete? 你是一名运动员吗? [0:09.287]PROJECT [0:10.549]CLASSROOM OLYMPICS![0:13.601]Are you and your classmates good athletes? [0:17.964]At the Olympics, athletes compete in “events”: [0:22.323]swimming, running, soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and many others.[0:31.477]In small groups, design some events.[0:35.279]Think![0:36.176]What do you need to bring to class for the event? [0:39.736]What do you need to make? [0:42.234]Then, make a poster that describes, in English, how to do the event.[0:48.832]On the last day of the project, get your event ready and put up your poster.[0:54.695]Every group in the class will try each event.[0:59.250]Jump over Danny? 跳过丹尼? [1:00.886]Good Luck!祝你好运!

[1:02.947]Who has a good idea for an event? 谁能想出一个好的比赛项目? [1:05.980]What about this? 这个怎么样?

[1:07.378]We ask each group to run across the soccer field.我们让每一组跑过这个足球场。[1:11.064]We show the groups where to start and where to stop.我们告诉各组从哪里开始在哪里停止,[1:14.895]We give them a watch.并给他们一块表。

[1:16.303]After they run, they write down how many seconds they needed.他们跑之后,记下需要多少时间。

[1:20.517]I like that event!我喜欢那个比赛!

[1:22.639]What about this event: “Jump over the Dinosaur”? “跳恐龙”比赛怎么样? [1:26.656]I don't know, Danny.丹尼,我不知道。

[1:28.396]You're the only dinosaur I know, and you're two metres tall!你是我唯一认识的恐龙,而且你有两米高!

[1:32.765]Yes, I know!是的,我知道!

[1:34.359]Good luck, Jenny!祝你好运,詹妮![1:35.332]Good luck, Brian!好运,布赖恩![1:37.144]Thank you, Danny.谢谢, 丹尼。[1:38.252]The same to you.你也一样。

[1:39.971]I think you're too tall, Danny!丹尼,我觉得你太高了!

[1:42.859]You can do the following in your classroom Olympics.在教室奥运会上你们可以做下面的运动

[1:47.270]Jump Rope 跳绳

[1:49.051]Can you skip sixty times without stopping? 你能连续跳60个吗? [1:52.830]Sit-ups and Push-ups 仰卧起坐与俯卧撑

[1:55.046]How many can you do in one minute? 一分钟之内你能做多少个? [1:58.100]sit-ups 仰卧起坐 [1:59.963]push-ups 俯卧撑 [2:02.138]Ball Toss 抛球

[2:04.115]Get a small box.拿一个小盒子,[2:05.844]Tape it to the floor.用胶带把它粘到地板上。[2:07.366]Stand three metres away.站在三米外,[2:09.561]Try to throw ten tennis balls into the box.试着将十个网球扔到盒子里。[2:12.988]How many can you get in? 你能投进几个? [2:15.722]Long Jump 跳远

[2:17.357]How far can you jump? 你能跳多远? [2:19.490]Start by standing still.先静止站立,[2:21.716]Then jump as far as you can.然后尽量往远处跳。[2:24.719]Ball Kick 踢球 [2:26.384]In the school yard or the field, kick a soccer ball as far as you can.在学校的操场上或球场上,尽可能把足球踢得最远。

[2:31.064]Try two more times.多试两次。

[2:32.876]Can you kick the ball farther? 你能将球踢得更远吗? [2:34.869]Learning Tips 学习贴士 [2:36.547]two more times: 再两次: [2:38.345]another two times 另两次

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 4 Good Luck to You] [0:00.369]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:01.604]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:03.311]Lesson 4: 第四课:

[0:04.778]Good Luck to You 祝你好运 [0:09.579]Do your best!做到最好![0:11.553]Don't give up!别放弃!

[0:13.448]Swim as fast as you can!尽力游得最快![0:17.399]Good luck to you!祝你好运![0:19.606]Good luck to you!祝你好运!

[0:22.208]Make your country proud!让你的国家为你自豪![0:26.344]We believe in you!我们相信你![0:29.596]Do your best!做到最好![0:31.563]Dive right in!做好姿势入水!

[0:33.546]Up and down the pool you go!在池中游个来回![0:37.480]You've won the race!你已经赢了比赛![0:39.516]You've won the race!你已经赢了比赛![0:41.597]You have made us proud!你让我们自豪![0:46.218]We believe in you!我们相信你!

[0:49.580]These swimmers are beginning a race.这些游泳运动员开始比赛了。[0:52.324]They are diving into the swimming pool.他们正跳进泳池。[0:55.402]Dive right in!入水![0:57.108]go!游!

[0:58.588]Can you tell who has won the gold medal? 你能说出谁得了金牌吗? [1:01.686]LET'S DO IT![1:03.059]Imagine one of your friends is taking part in a school sports meet, [1:08.695]or your school is playing in an international volleyball game.[1:14.007]You are part of the cheer team.[1:16.768]In a small group, create a cheer or a song that will help your team win!

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 5 Danny's Very Special Guest] [0:00.547]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:01.822]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:03.461]Lesson 5: 第五课:

[0:04.918]Danny's Very Special Guest 丹尼非常特殊的客人 [0:07.650]THINK ABOUT IT![0:09.481]Who is your favourite star? [0:12.329]Why do you like him or her? [0:15.605]Would you like to be famous? [0:18.107]Why or why not? [0:20.365]Who is Danny's special guest? [0:23.071]What does he do? [0:24.624]Date: 日期:

[0:25.297]September 10 9月10日 [0:27.030]Weather: 天气: [0:28.085]Windy.有风

[0:29.495]Dear Diary, 亲爱的日记,[0:30.939]We had such an interesting day at school today!今天我们在学校过得很有趣![0:34.389]I need to write about it.我得把它记下来。

[0:36.361]If I don't, I won't be able to sleep tonight!如果不写下来,今晚我将不能入睡!

[0:40.139]Our gym teacher, Mr.Brown, said that we had a very special guest.我们的体育老师布朗说我们有一位很特殊的客人。

[0:45.362]Jeff Johnson was going to talk to our class.杰夫·约翰逊要给我们班做报告。[0:48.553]Jeff Johnson is a great basketball player.杰夫·约翰逊是一名伟大的篮球运动员。[0:51.787]I told everybody that he played basketball for Canada in the last Olympics.我告诉大家他在上届奥运会上代表加拿大队参赛。

[0:56.725]I love watching the Olympics, and basketball is my favourite sport.我喜欢看奥运会,篮球是我最爱的体育项目。

[1:01.680]I saw every game.我看了每场比赛。

[1:03.539]Canada won the bronze medal in basketball!加拿大队在篮球比赛中获得了铜牌![1:07.136]Jeff Johnson came into our gym.杰夫·约翰逊来到我们体育馆。

[1:09.696]We all sat on the floor while he talked to us.我们都坐在地上听他讲述。[1:12.861]At the end, we asked questions.最后,我们提问。

[1:15.559]I told him that I wanted to be in the Olympics some day.我告诉他有一天我想参加奥运会,[1:18.983]I asked him what I should do.问他我该怎样做。

[1:21.387]He said that I should always try hard, and never give up.他说我要一直努力,永不放弃。

[1:25.486]He said that the first time when he played basketball, his team came in twentieth.他说他第一次参加篮球比赛时,他的队获得了第20名。

[1:30.994]And there were only twenty teams!只有20支球队![1:33.528]What did he do? 他是怎么做的? [1:35.136]Did he stop trying? 停止努力了吗? [1:37.030]No!不!

[1:38.085]The next morning, he went to the gym to practise.第二天早晨,他到体育馆练球。[1:41.475]I want to be just like Jeff Johnson.我想成为杰夫·约翰逊那样的人。[1:44.882]Danny 丹尼

[1:46.167]It's time for bed!该睡觉了!

[1:47.516]I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning!明天早上我要去体育馆练习![1:50.250]LET'S DO IT![1:51.746]Tell a partner about an interesting day you had.[1:56.019]Remember to answer the questions below, then write your story down.[2:01.178]·When was it? [2:03.009]·What did you do? [2:04.841]·Who was with you?

[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 6 Diving “Dream Team”] [0:00.855]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:02.115]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:03.970]Lesson 6: 第六课:

[0:05.382]Diving “Dream Team” 跳水“梦之队” [0:07.776]THINK ABOUT IT![0:09.902]What is a “Dream Team”? [0:12.865]Is there a “Dream Team” in basketball? [0:16.970]What about diving? [0:19.917]Who are the best-known members of China's Olympic diving team? [0:24.774]In basketball, the U.S.has the “Dream Team”: 美国有篮球“梦之队”: [0:27.992]the team with the best athletes.队里拥有最优秀的运动员。

[0:30.653]But China has the “Dream Team” in diving.但是中国有跳水“梦之队”。

[0:33.977]China has won many gold medals in diving since 1984.自1984年以来,中国已经获得了很多枚跳水金牌。

[0:38.819]At the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, China's diving team won five of the eight diving events.在2000年悉尼奥运会上,中国跳水队获得了八枚金牌中的五枚。

[0:46.023]Fu Mingxia is one of China's best divers.伏明霞是中国最优秀的跳水运动员之一。[0:49.608]At Atlanta in 1996, 在1996年的亚特兰大奥运会上,[0:52.333]she won gold medals in the women's 10-metre platform and the 3-metre springboard events.她在女子10米跳台和3米跳板项目中获得金牌。

[0:58.593]She was the first woman in 36 years to win both events.她是36年来第一位获得双项冠军的运动员。

[1:03.232]Since 1912, only four women have won both gold medals in diving.自1912年以来,只有四名女运动员曾在跳水中获得双项金牌。

[1:09.407]Fu Mingxia won her first victory in 1991.伏明霞在1991年首次夺冠。

[1:13.617]She was only twelve—the youngest world champion ever.她当时年仅12岁,是最年轻的世界冠军。

[1:17.873]Then, at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, 接着,在1992年的巴塞罗那奥运会上,[1:21.793]she became the youngest Olympic champion at age 13.13岁的她成为最年轻的奥运冠军。[1:25.819]For many years, American divers won the most gold medals at the Olympics.很多年来,美国跳水选手在奥运会上获得了大多数的金牌。[1:30.946]But not anymore!但现在不再是了!

[1:32.540]Today, China's divers have the most victories.如今,中国的跳水选手获得大多数的胜利。

[1:36.011]Now, other countries want to catch up with China.现在,其他国家想追上中国。[1:39.437]They want Chinese diving coaches!他们想请中国的跳水教练!

[1:42.004]These countries include Canada and the U.S.这些国家包括加拿大和美国。[1:45.795]Can you dive? 你会跳水吗?

[1:47.363]Diving is one of the most popular events at the Olympics.跳水是奥运会上最受欢迎的比赛项目之一。

[1:52.437]There are eighty-five kinds of dives off the platform.跳台跳水有85种方式。[1:56.911]Quick Quiz!小测验!

[1:58.556]Diving has not always been an Olympic sport.跳水并不是一直都是奥运会比赛项目的。

[2:01.934]What year did diving begin at the Olympics? 跳水是哪一年在奥运会上开始的? [2:04.892]Diving became an Olympic event in 1904.1904年跳水成为奥运会比赛项目。

[2:08.915]What new type of diving began at the 2000 Olympics? 2000年奥运会上有什么新的跳水项目?

[2:13.010]Synchronized diving.双人跳水。

[2:14.931]In this event, two divers dive together.在这项比赛中,两名选手一起完成跳水动作,[2:18.295]They dive at the same time.他们同时起跳。[2:20.867]LET'S DO IT![2:22.617]Talk about the 2008 Olympics with a partner.[2:27.264]Try using the following phrases or any others you can think of: [2:32.571]dream team, [2:33.957]catch up with, [2:35.554]not...anymore, [2:38.135]good luck, [2:39.522]give up.[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 7 Don't Fall off the Pizzas!] [0:01.505]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:02.911]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:05.106]Lesson 7: 第七课: [0:06.720]Don't Fall off the Pizzas!不要从比萨饼上掉下来![0:09.206]To: 收信人: [0:09.501]Li-Ming@net.cn [0:12.354]From: 发信人: [0:12.779]jenny@compmail.ca [0:15.756]Subject: 主题: [0:16.742]Classroom Olympics 教室奥运会 [0:18.781]Date: 时间: [0:19.649]15/09 9月15日 [0:21.619]4:18 PM 下午4:18 [0:23.665]Hello, Li Ming!你好,李明!

[0:25.307]This week in school, we had a classroom Olympics!这周我们在学校举行了教室奥运会!

[0:29.129]Our class invented five different events.我们班发明了五个不同的比赛项目。

[0:32.675]Then, everyone competed in each event, one by one.然后,大家一个接一个地参加每个项目。

[0:37.741]The events were fun!这些比赛项目很有趣!

[0:39.490]Some of my classmates had very good ideas.我的一些同学有很好的想法。[0:42.729]But my favourite event was Danny's.但我最喜欢的是丹尼的项目。[0:45.446]He called it “Jump over the Dinosaur.” 他管它叫“跳恐龙”。[0:48.700]Danny's event was a race.丹尼的项目是赛跑。

[0:50.895]Each person walked on some paper “pizzas,” climbed through a cardboard “donut,” 每一个人在一些纸做的“比萨饼”上走过,爬过一个纸板“油炸圈,”

[0:56.314]and then jumped over a toy dinosaur.然后跳过一个玩具恐龙。[0:59.476]We used a watch to see who was the fastest.我们用表看谁最快。[1:03.620]What was the result? 结果是怎样的呢? [1:05.324]Danny won the race!丹尼赢了比赛!

[1:06.928]None of us caught up with him.我们当中没有人赶上他。[1:09.176]But I was close: 但我跟他很接近:

[1:10.824]I was two seconds behind Danny.我就差丹尼两秒。

[1:13.566]Few of the other students were so fast.其他没有几个同学跑得这么快。[1:16.803]Brian was sad, because he lost.布赖恩很伤心,因为他输了。[1:19.389]He came in twentieth.他是第20个到的。

[1:21.272]He did his best, but he kept falling off the pizzas!他尽力了,但还是不断地从“比萨饼”上掉下来!

[1:25.585]Jenny 詹妮

[1:26.987]Poor Brian!可怜的布赖恩![1:29.036]To: 收信人:

[1:29.295]jenny@compmail.ca [1:31.934]From: 发信人: [1:32.259]Li-Ming@net.cn [1:35.093]Subject: 主题:

[1:36.190]Re: Classroom Olympics 回复:教室奥运会 [1:38.860]Date: 日期: [1:39.719]16/09 9月16日 [1:41.246]4:10 PM 下午4:10 [1:43.440]Hi, Jenny, 嗨,詹妮:

[1:44.720]Thanks for your e-mail.谢谢你的邮件。

[1:46.576]I laughed when I read about “Jump over the Dinosaur.” 当我看到关于“跳恐龙”的情景时都笑了。[1:49.959]Only Danny would think of an event like that!只有丹尼会想出那样的项目![1:52.784]Please tell me about some of the others.请告诉我其他比赛项目的情况吧。

[1:55.134]Was ping-pong an event in your classroom Olympics? 在你们的教室奥运会上乒乓球是一个比赛项目吗?

[1:58.379]I really like ping-pong.我真的非常喜欢乒乓球。

[2:00.308]Maybe I will play ping-pong in the real Olympics someday.或许有一天我会在真正的奥运会上打乒乓球。

[2:04.194]Danny's victory in his event doesn't surprise me.我对丹尼在他的项目中取得胜利并不感到惊讶。

[2:06.955]He's a good athlete.他是一名优秀的运动员。

[2:08.829]How many other events did he win? 其它项目中他赢了几项? [2:11.453]I hope Brian wasn't too sad.我希望布赖恩别太难过了。

[2:13.857]If he practises walking on pizzas, he'll do better next time!如果他能在“比萨饼”上做行走练习,下次他会做得更好的。[2:18.410]Li Ming 李明

[2:20.368]I don't think “Jump over the Dinosaur” will ever be an Olympic event.我认为“跳恐龙”不会成为奥运项目。

[2:24.144]Do you? 你觉得呢? [2:25.167]LET'S DO IT![2:26.535]Imagine you have a pen pal in Canada.[2:29.938]Send an e-mail to him or her telling about your classroom Olympics or a school sports meet.[ti:UNIT 1 The Olympics Lesson 8 Unit Review] [0:01.827]UNIT 1 第一单元 [0:03.270]The Olympics 奥运会 [0:05.284]Lesson 8: 第八课: [0:06.799]Unit Review 单元复习[0:08.609]I.[0:09.565]Building Your Vocabulary [0:11.844]A.[0:12.698]Fill in each blank with the proper word or phrase from the list.[0:18.077]Use the correct form.[0:20.767]B.[0:21.756]Fill in the blank with the proper word.[0:24.797]The first letter is given.[0:27.228]C.[0:28.158]Complete the passage with proper words or phrases.[0:32.834]II.[0:33.675]Grammar in Use [0:35.478]A.[0:36.304]Fill in the blank with the proper form of the verb in brackets.[0:41.648]B.[0:42.645]Change the following into indirect speech.[0:47.141]III.[0:48.089]Speaking the Language [0:50.164]Complete the following dialogue.[0:53.120]IV.[0:54.172]Putting It All Together [0:56.390]A.A [0:57.193]Reading comprehension [0:59.320]Winter Olympics 冬奥会

[1:01.363]The Winter Olympics was once called the “White” Olympics.冬奥会一度被称为“白色”奥运会。

[1:06.678]At first time, many colourful stamps were published to mark the event.起初,人们发行许多五颜六色的邮票来纪念这次盛会。

[1:13.096]The first stamp came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd Winter Olympics.第一枚邮票是美国于1932年1月在第三届奥运会上发行的。

[1:23.349]From then on, publishing stamps during the Winter Olympics became a rule.从那以后,冬奥会期间发行邮票成为一种惯例。

[1:29.618]During the 4th Winter Olympic Games, 在第四届冬奥会期间,[1:32.432]a group of stamps were published in Germany in November, 1936.德国在1936年11月发行了一组邮票。

[1:38.849]The five rings of the Olympics were drawn on the front of the sportswear.奥运五环被画在运动服前面。

[1:44.731]It was the first time that the rings appeared on the stamps of the Winter Olympics.这是奥运五环首次在冬奥会的邮票上出现。

[1:51.574]When the Winter Olympics came, 开冬奥会的时候,[1:53.920]the host countries and the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games.主办国和非主办国都会发行邮票来纪念这些比赛。

[2:00.590]China published four stamps in February 1980, 中国在1980年2月发行了四枚邮票,[2:05.723]when Chinese athletes began to take part in the Winter Olympics.那时中国运动员首次参加冬奥会。

[2:10.833]Japan is the only Asian country that has ever held the Winter Olympics.日本是亚洲唯一举办过冬奥会的国家。

[2:16.916]Altogether 14,500 million stamps were sold to raise money for the event.145亿枚邮票被售出为这次盛会筹款。

[2:24.601]Different kinds of sports were drawn on those small stamps.各种不同的运动项目被画在那些小小的邮票上。

[2:29.077]People can enjoy the beauty of the wonderful movements of the athletes.人们可以享受运动员们的精彩瞬间。

[2:34.276]Answer the following questions.[2:37.599]B.B [2:38.499]Talk with your classmates.[2:40.832]In a small group, think of a sport or a game you know well.[2:45.790]Write down the rules and read them to the rest of the class.[2:50.094]Don't say the name of the game.[2:52.581]Try to be clever![2:54.104]The other groups will try to guess what the game is by asking questions.[2:59.105]For example: [3:00.465]In this game, do you ________? [3:02.887]In this game, do you use a ________? [3:06.237]Is it __________? [3:07.500]Do You Know? 你知道吗?

[3:09.111]Wishes and Congratulations 祝福和祝贺 [3:12.068]Have a good time!玩得开心![3:14.384]Good luck!祝你好运![3:16.010]Enjoy yourself!玩得愉快!

[3:17.922]Best wishes to you!给你最好的祝福![3:20.356]Happy birthday!生日快乐![3:22.647]Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐![3:24.737]Congratulations!恭喜![3:26.791]Well done!做得好![3:28.548]Thank you.谢谢你。[3:30.080]You, too.你也是。

[3:31.671]The same to you.你也一样。

[3:33.713]Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 直接引语和间接引语

[3:37.137]I said to him, “I want to be in the Olympics some day.” 我对他说:“我希望有一天能参加奥运会。”

[3:41.903]I told him that I wanted to be in the Olympics some day.我告诉他我希望有一天能参加奥运会。

[3:46.453]He said, “You should always try hard and never give up.” 他说:“你应该一直努力,永不放弃,[3:51.199]He said that I should always try hard and never give up.他说我应该一直努力,永不放弃。

[3:55.188]I asked him, “What should I do?” 我问他:“我该怎么做?” [3:57.765]I asked him what I should do.我问他我该怎么做。


Unit Two

1.have a cold

2.a few

3.at the moment

4.have a stomachache

5.have a sore throat

6.have a fever

7.lie down

8.see a dentist

9.have a headache

10.have a toothache

11.hot tea with honey

12.stressed out

13.go to bed early

14.listen to music

15.go to party

16.on the other hand

17.stay healthy

18.have a sore back

19.traditional Chinese doctors

20.a balance of yin and yang

21.too much

22.a balanced diet

23.go out at night

24.feel well

25.conversation practice

26.host family

27.give sb a fever患感冒 有些 此时现在 肚子疼 嗓子疼 发烧 躺下 看牙医 头疼 牙疼 热茶加蜂蜜 紧张 早睡觉 听音乐 参加音乐会 在另一方面 保持健康 背疼 传统中医 阴阳平衡 太多 饮食平衡 在晚上出去 感觉舒服 对话练习房东 导致某人发烧



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