
时间:2019-05-14 10:38:48下载本文作者:会员上传



在做阅读题时,在不会做的情况下,建议尝试以下提供的技巧,即使自己做出的阅读题,也可以借鉴这些技巧进行参考。但有一点需要强调,技巧尽管经常有效,但最好不要机械的照搬,自己会做的尽量自己做。只有在不会做或拿不准的情况下充分利用这些技巧。为了使考生充分领悟,我结合历年的真题给演示。可以拿出真题进行核对。之后再运用这些技巧把最近几次考试 拿出来做。







一、先通读文章 达到两个目的:




1.主旨大意题 所占的比例偏多,阅读 15道题,每篇文章至少有一个主旨大意题,分布有特点,要么第一题要么第五题,所占比例差不多为三分之一。本次考试预计会占到40%的比例。





例如: 2012年11月真题 第5题 关于主旨大意 最适合的标题是什么 可以从文章的前俩句话中得出。

2.细节题 要确定题目中的关键词 然后快速寻找文章中答案的位置。一定要注意题的题号和文章内容出现的先后顺序是一致的。

例如 2012.11 第三题 细节题

3.正误判断题(是特殊的细节题)千万不要搞错是true还是not true 正误判断题所包含的面比较广,分布比较大,涉及的自然段比较多。




第二种是指代(it that 指代什么内容)





二、阅读文章题材没有那么深刻,和日常生活社会相关,尤其是热点问题,具有很强的生活气息和时代感,要注意利用你的背景知识。例如,2010.05 第一题 利用常识很容易做出来。







比如第6题,All the following cases are on-the-job smoking except that------.A.an employer smokes while working in the office B.a taxi driver smokes while driving the car C.a worker smokes while working in the workshop D.a worker smokes while reading in the train 就是说在工作时吸烟,所以的情况除了哪个是在工作时吸烟,那很简单是D。其他的A一个老板在办公室吸烟,那肯定A是在工作时吸烟。B一个出租车司机在开车的时候吸烟,C一个工人在车间里吸烟,那都是在工作时吸烟。所以说,这个连文章都不用读。

同样的,7、8、9、10都是一样的,9更可笑,Passive smoking means-----A.never-smokers take up the habit of smoking unwillingly B.never-smokers have to put up with the active smokers C.never-smokers take in smoke released by a lit cigarette D.never-smokers share an enclosed area with smokers 被动吸烟意味着,那肯定选D。

第10 题,in the second part of the passage, the author suggests banning(禁止)on-the-job smoking so as to------A.cut down costs of medical care and insurance B.create a healthy and safe working environment C.prevent eye-irritation from becoming a big health problem D.improve the smoking employees’ work efficiency 工作时禁止吸烟它的目的是什么,那很简单,就是B创造一个健康安全的工作环境。就是说一定要充分利用常识。文章读不读谁都知道吸烟怎么样怎么样。这个呢,把问题分析好了后不用看文章都能做出题。

另外,我再讲个例子。09年4月份第5题,它问的是什么呢,最后一段的主旨大意是什么,The main idea of the last paragraph is that a teenager should----A.differ from others in as many way as possible B.become popular with others C.find his real self D.rebel against his parent and the popularity wave 说青少年应该怎么样,D说青少年应该rebel against his parent and the popularity wave应该反叛他们的父母,这甚至是违反伦理的,哪有作者教孩子应该和人父母作对的,是不是?通常说和父母沟通但不能和父母作对,这个是违反伦理的。教人向善不可能是这个。再看A.differ from others in as many way as possible就是说要尽可能与众不同,怎么能说尽可能让青少年和别人不一样呢,是不是?事实上这些是违反人的基本常识和规律的。

再看第14个,第14个According to Eijkman, polished rice----A.was cheaper than unpolished rice B.was less nourishing(有营养的)than unpolished rice C.was more nourishing than unpolished rice D.cured “beri-beri”

他如果懂得polished rice(粳米)他就不可能选A,谁都知道粳米比粗米要贵。类似于这样的东西一定要充分利用自己的常识。这是做题要注意的一点。要充分利用自己的百科和背景知识。



09年4月的题看下,1、2、6、8、9、14都是最长的选项是正确的。总共15个题占了6个。在选的时候长的这个要先考虑。08年的这个最长的选项是答案所占的比例非常高,占了近50%.另外,表示极端的,基本上像含有only, no, every这些选项要慎选。再打个比方看着第3题,Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.There is no popularity that really counts.B.Many parents think that their children are challenging their authority.C.It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.D.Most teenagers are actually doing the same.一看就是A不对,为什么呢,因为它有no太绝对了。

再看第5个,A.differfrom others in as many way as possible这个也是太极端,一看就是不对的。

再看第8个,According to Paragraph 2, without computer------A.human activities could not continue B.there could not be weather forecasting systems C.many activities would have to change their present form D.banks would not be able to go on with check clearing 看A.human activities could not continue人类行为不能进行。第二项,there could not be weather forecasting systems将会没有天气预报系统,这也是人的背景知识,表示极端的,为什么呢,没有计算机人就不活动了?没有计算机以前人不照样活动吗?同样,人没有计算机前就没有天气预报吗?D.banks would not be able to go on with check clearing说银行,银行早就有了,计算机才有多长时间的事?这个很容易把它排除了。

再看第9According to the passage, what results from the information of computers? A.After re-training, all employees in the firm get new jobs.B.A considerable proportion of people are employed in key posts.C.The firm keeps all of its original staff members.D.The decrease in staff members may be balanced by the increase of firm activitie

其中A After re-training, all employees in the firm get new jobs.和C The firm keeps all of its original staff members.这种表述极端的一般都排除掉。

再看15题,The chemical substance missing from polished rice-----A.was vitamin B B.did not affect the chickens C.was named the Eijkman vitamin D.has never been accurately identified D.has never been accurately identified这个选项一看就是错的。

另外,如果有两个选项意义恰好相反,一般答案就在这里。14题,According to Eijkman, polished rice----A.was cheaper than unpolished rice B.was less nourishing(有营养的)than unpolished rice C.was more nourishing than unpolished rice D.cured “beri-beri”


08年11月也有类似这样的,看第6题,All the following cases are on-the-job smoking except that------.A.an employer smokes while working in the office B.a taxi driver smokes while driving the car C.a worker smokes while working in the workshop D.a worker smokes while reading in the train C和D 两个选项,一个 smokes while working,一个smokes while reading。像这个一般答案就在这里。我的意思就是一定要分析选项,分析题干。

我再选一个例子,09年4月第1题,第一题是主旨大意题,全文的主旨大意题,1.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell------A.readers how to be popular with people around B.teenagers how to learn to make a decision for themselves C.parents how to control and guide their children D.people how to understand and respect each other 问作者的写作目的是为了告诉谁怎么样,这个题目你看文章是给谁写的,看第1段,At your age, you ought to be growing away from your parents.”you”.”your”是谁啊,就是青少年。所以说告诉谁,看A、B、C、D四个选项,从A readers, B.teenagers, C parents, D people这四个词判断出答案为B。因为它不是告诉读者的,也不是告诉父母的,也不是告诉人们的,是告诉青少年的。

再看第2题,According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but in fact most of them------A.have much difficulty understanding each other B.lack confidence C.dare not cope with any problems alone D.are very much afraid of getting lost 这个题前后的题干According to the author, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but in fact most of them------已经包含了答案。为什么说已经包含了答案呢,前半部分many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own,后面部分有了but in fact most of them,表转折,一转折,选项肯定和它相反的,哪一个和它相反呢,就是C,别的都不行。A,大家相互理解有困难。C,没有信心。D,害怕走路走丢了。从题干不用读文章就知道是C。

然后再看到第3个,Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.There is no popularity that really counts.B.Many parents think that their children are challenging their authority.C.It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.D.Most teenagers are actually doing the same.我们刚才说了,一看到绝对的词A.no popularity是错误的,就是它。

看第5个,The main idea of the last paragraph is that a teenager should----A.differ from others in as many way as possible B.become popular with others C.find his real self D.rebel against his parent and the popularity wave A不对,D也肯定不对,就是在B和C两个选项中。


接着看第6题,The unfriendly feeling towards computers is developed from----A.the possible widespread unemployment caused by their introduction B.their use as part of automated production systems C.the least possible number of operators D.the production system in steelworkers 对电脑不友好的感觉来自于什么,这是题干。选项第1,最长的这个说因为有了计算机有可能导致大规模的失业,因为什么呢,计算机来了,它们可以干好多事情,这个从常识上来说这是个好事情,因为它们能干好多事情,人们能省力了,那干嘛要对它有不好的感情呢。C,the least possible number of operators,减少操作员,省人了为什么不好呢?B,their use as part of automated production systems,它们作为自动化生产系统的一部分。然后D又说在生产系统里的钢铁工人。为什么人们对它们不友好呢?因为它们把人的工作代替了,导致人失业。所以选A。

再看第8,According to Paragraph 2, without computer------A. human activities could not continue B.there could not be weather forecasting systems C.many activities would have to change their present form D.banks would not be able to go on with check clearing 刚才我已经说了,A、B、D不合情理。说没有计算机人就不活动,没有计算机就没有天气预报,没有计算机银行就不工作了?那都不合理吧?所以说答案只能是C。

再看下面一题,第9题,According to the passage, what results from the information of computers? A.After re-training, all employees in the firm get new jobs.B.A considerable proportion of people are employed in key posts.C.The firm keeps all of its original staff members.D.The decrease in staff members may be balanced by the increase of firm activities A和C 它怎么可能经过培训之后所有人都找到新的工作呢?“所有的”这样的词一般是不对。只有B和D有可能,但是呢,D又比B要长一点,根据经验我们会选D。

再看下面一篇,讲食物的,一看这篇文章,讲维他命。第11题A good mixed diet--------A.normally contains enough vitamins B.still needs special provision of vitamins C.is suitable for losing weight D.is composed of fruits and vegetables 很快可把C和D排除掉,就剩下A和B.再看12 The disease “beri-beri”-------A.kills large numbers of Eastern peoples B.is a vitamin deficiency(缺乏)disease C.is caused by diseased rice D.can be caught from diseased chickens 又是维他命的,B,其他连考都不考虑。它讲维他命的事吗,因为文章一开始就说”The vitamins necessary for a healthy body “.下面一个13题说,The chickens Eijkman noticed in the hospital yard------A.couldn’t digest the polished rice B.proved “beri-beri” is caused by germs C.were later cooked for the patients’ food D.were suffering from “beri-beri”

这些一个说它不能消化又说是因为病菌引起的,肯定不对,但这篇文章都是在讲维他命的。C项文章没提到,所以只能选D。第14题,According to Eijkman, polished rice----A.was cheaper than unpolished rice B.was less nourishing(有营养的)than unpolished rice C.was more nourishing than unpolished rice D.cured “beri-beri”


下面15题,The chemical substance missing from polished rice-----A.was vitamin B B.did not affect the chickens C.was named the Eijkman vitamin D.has never been accurately identified 还是讲维他命的。根据我们常识说,得脚气就是因为维他命B。这个还用阅读文章吗?所以说做阅读题要研究题干,充分利用你的背景知识。


第二点,研读题目。仔细地研读题目再确定题干内容和重点。你看08年11月第1题,Who first thought of using bullocks to provide energy? A.Indian energy officials B.Scientists in India.C.Officials in the United Nations.D.Researchers in European 它问谁先想到用它来提供能量,这个很容易知道是B嘛。下面一个2 Which kind of job that the bullocks do is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.pulling vehicles B.plowing fields C.pumping water out of wells D.carrying food baskets 实际上bullocks是一种动物,它提供能量,它提供这个能量干什么呀,看这4个选项,A拉运输工具,B耕地,C从井里取水,D背着食物筐。哪一个?哪一个需要能源?这个vehicles就是汽车呀,驱动汽车需不需要能源?耕地需不需要?从井里取水需不需要?都需要。就背食物它不需要。

第三题,Why are bullocks used to provide energy in India? A.because bullocks have long been used by Indian people.B.Because bullocks walk slowly and are easy to control.C.Because there are few non-working bullocks in India.D.Because there is not enough oil in India.为什么在那里(印度)用bullocks提供能源?A因为这个小牛长期以来就被印度人使用,这个选项可以排除因为第一句话就说印度科学家发明了一个东西,发明的就不是原来的,对不对?B更不行,它说小牛走得慢控制也容易,那老牛不是走得更慢?C说在印度没有多少不工作的牛,这个完全不搭边。只有D,因为印度没有足够的石油,所以在没有足够石油的情况下只好用小牛。

第4题,In the sentence”This simple technology is centuries old” in paragraph one, “This simple technology” refers to----A.using bullocks to produce energy B.using pumps to draw water out C.having bullocks walk around to make the pump move D.connecting gears of different sizes to produce electricity 这个简单的技术有几个世纪长了,这个“simple technology”指的什么呢?就是C,牛围着跑就是让它发电。

第5题,Which of the following is true about the device mentioned in the passage? A.It has a large gear and a smaller gear.B.It’s easy to use, but difficult to move.C.It’s quite cheap.D.It’s still being tested.这个device就是那个发明,这个一看就是D。

第6题,All the following cases are on-the-job smoking except that------.A.an employer smokes while working in the office B.a taxi driver smokes while driving the car C.a worker smokes while working in the workshop D.a worker smokes while reading in the train 这个讲过的,C和D哪一个不是on-the-job smoking,A,雇主在办公室吸烟,B,出租车司机开车时吸烟,C,工人在车间吸烟。这几个都是工作时吸烟。

第7题,According to the passage, on-the-job smoking affects an empoyee’s performance in the office that-----A.he can’t concentrate on what he is doing while smoking B.he often goes away from his desk to smoke in the break-room C.he often asks for sick leave as a result of too much smoking D.he takes a rest from time to time because of eye irritation B项,他跑出去到休息室去吸烟这不就耽误了工作么。

第8题,Many managers do not seem to be in favor of on-the-job smoking mainly because it-------A.reduces productivity of the company to a certain degree B.does harm to the health of never-smokers of the company C.affects the relationship between smokers and non-smokers D.makes the break-rooms more crowded and more polluted 很多经理不赞成在工作时吸烟原因是A降低了公司的生产效率,其他的像B给不吸烟的人造成损害,C影响吸烟者和不吸烟者之间的关系,D让休息室更加拥挤,都不正确。从实际上看,老板就是关心员工是不是在干活。

第9题,Passive smoking means-----A.never-smokers take up the habit of smoking unwillingly B.never-smokers have to put up with the active smokers C.never-smokers take in smoke released by a lit cigarette D.never-smokers share an enclosed area with smokers 被动吸烟,这个答案为D,前面说过。

第10 题,in the second part of the passage, the author suggests banning(禁止)on-the-job smoking so as to------A.cut down costs of medical care and insurance B.create a healthy and safe working environment C.prevent eye-irritation from becoming a big health problem D.improve the smoking employees’ work efficiency 工作时禁止吸烟它的目的是什么,那很简单,就是B创造一个健康安全的工作环境。

做题的步骤,题应该准备怎么做,拿到卷子以后,首先通读文章,一定要弄清楚内容要点,以及内容要点之间的逻辑关系,举个例子,2010年的第一篇文章,主要讲考古和历史的差别,考古和历史有什么区别?考古靠实物历史靠文献。考古靠一些硬的东西,比如骨头。血,肉,内脏都被细菌作用都腐烂了。紧接着讲了一个重要发现,英国有一个地方叫Lindow,发现保留完整罗马时期的尸体,肉被藏都被保留着,为什么会保留呢?因为那里是沼泽地,有水,细菌就不容易存活,尸体就保留下来了,所以说考生拿到题以后一定要把这节要点的逻辑关系搞清楚,理解之后在做题的时候就有几个基本判断,第一知道答案在哪,第二作者的基本观点就明白了,他对事情的态度就清楚了。举个例子,2010.5,第一题,流行音乐受到严重批判,为什么呢?是应为很多年轻人喜欢流行音乐,流行音乐对年轻人的影响很大,而很多歌星吸毒,就会对年轻人有很大影响,他们会成为年轻人的榜样,使吸毒在年轻人当中蔓延。一定要做到这一点,对作者的基本态度有一个准确的理解。第二,阅读题目,首先判断这个题目的类型,是主旨大意题,细节题,词汇题,推论题还是判断性,根据不同的题目类型,来确定做题的策略。比如说细节题,关键就只准确的定位,找到关键词,然后确定答案在哪里。举个例子2010.11,迪欧一题问考古这个词来自那一种语言?定位的时候注意因为这个题是第一题又是细节题,那么一般这个题的的答案往往是和文章的内容的顺序是有关系的,就是说第一题的答案一般在文章的开始,这样会节省一些时间。他问archeology这个词来自那种语言?文章的第一句话就说来自希腊语。通过这个题我们可以的出几点第一定位是根据题目次序和标号的大小基板上是按照1 2 3 4 5,基本上是按照文章的顺序。另外三级考试难度不大,我们三级考试很少转弯,直接能在文章中找到答案,第一题文章中就明确说了Greek.第三题which of the following helped to preserve “Lindow Man”?下面那个帮助保存了古代尸体?确定关键词preserve,找到preserve 在文章的第四段why is the man so well preserved?一看到知道后面可能要出答案,定位过去,发现明确的答案It was because he was in a very watery environment.言外之意是水,水多的环境缺氧,细菌也缺氧就不能腐蚀尸体。also,意味着还有一个答案,还有一项有利于尸体保存,the water in the bog was very acidic.,这个地方的酸有利于尸体保存,水和酸这是两个要点。因此答案就是D.在看第九题在第三段那些因素那个有助于病人恢复更快?这个题有一点好处他说在第三段,那就把注意力集中到第三段,在这里讲了一些开窗后能看到绿色有助于他们大脑的改善,很自然确定答案就是A ,三级考试不会转弯,直接就能找到答案。在说主旨大意题,我们三级考试每一篇文章都有这一个主旨大意题,做题时,的别关注文章的开始和结尾尤其是开始,以十一月份的考试为例15题,15题是典型的主旨大意题。文章合适的标题是什么?首先关注文章的开始,文章第一句话说母乳喂一个月活更长的时间养能降低妇女患糖尿病的风险。正好和B是吻合的。


2010.11.第六题文章的主旨大意时什么?第一段讲城市的好处第二段就转折了,and yet就是转折,说城市生活也不容易。接着说科学家在研究城市生活是如何影响人的大脑的,结果很让人沮丧,城市性生活影响人的大脑,那答案就是B。阅读开始部分时注意有没有像but ,yet ,however ,这样的词,如果有,这样的词后面可能就是主旨大意的大概。另一点,一定要看看结尾是不是与开头讲的内容是否一致。11月份第五题,文章最好的标题是什么?在第一段中讲考古与历史的区别,是人感觉答案是B.看结尾发现还是在讲人的事,那么就要调整答案。往前面一度实际上开始时讲考古与历史的区别,实际上为后面做铺垫主要是讲一个考古的重要发现,那么答案就是C。这是我说的主旨大意题。词汇题的关键是,找到词的位置仔细的研读词的上下文或者是前后,三级考试不转弯,很快就能找到答案。11月份第七题metropolis是什么意思,很简单先找到这个词,前面在讲城市后面without metropolis,我们就没有莎士比亚的伟大艺术,很简单metropolis就是city答案就是C.十一月份第二题these在第一段中指的是什么?前面说考古学家发现很久以前人类留下的东西,就是物体,就是objects.下面一种 类型是证物判断题,主要是考正反,下面哪一个是对的?把他当做细节题处理,每一个选项都有可能是一个细节题,从选项中却像关键词,找到关键词在文章中对应的地方来看他表达的意思对不对。确定关键词的时候注意用常识做初步的筛选看哪个可能是正确的,当然不对也没关系。证物判断题把每一个选项当做细节题来对待,然后从文章中找依据,定位,然后看他与文章中的内容是否相符。举个例子,11月份第四题根据这一段下面那些陈述是对的。A说lindow man是以谁最先发现他命名的,也就是命名的问题。第三段说1984年两个热播在一个工作的地方有一个惊人的发现,这个地方就是lindow,那么就知道不是一人命名的二十地方命名的。B l历史学家一般使用纸的证据,文献;历史学家是用硬的证据,那么这个就是答案。不放心的话,在看一下C,D.C和A定位在一个句子里Lindow Mose 在英国的背部而不是男部。D说那个人没有做过手工活与文章内容相反。B是正确的。11月份第十一题 哪一个是对的?根据选项看到A2200妇女参与研究,那么就定位数字,数字第一段后半段的后半部分或结尾部分,有一个细微差别,年龄在40-78.,那么不都是old women,所以错了。B调查男人和女人患糖尿病的情况,但是调查只关于女人,因为是母乳喂养,所以错了。C.超过5分之一的女性从未结婚是错的,还是和数字有关,2033个妇女中405个没有孩子,但不代表没结婚;703个从未母乳喂养,但不代表没生过孩子。因此是错的。只有D是唯一的可能,他的依据是第一段中第三行他的研究使得糖尿病和母乳喂养之间的关系更容易让人相信。判断正误题如果放在后面那他按可能很分散,但如果是文章的第一题,一般这四个选项在文章的第一段中。举例子,第十题哪一个是正确的,作为细节题做,很容易就找到。

推论题,标志就是what can you refer?作者很可能赞成什么作为细节题来做,关节就是定位的为题,只要找到关键词的定位就很容易找到答案。举例子, 十二题,研究发现中,谁更容易得糖尿病?关键词是研究发现findings找到研究发现在文章的第二段,把注意力放在这一段上,来看得糖尿病的妇女,三伙人,从来没有生过孩子的;给孩子母乳喂养;有孩子但没有母乳喂养。三种人中生了孩子且喂养和,没生孩子的差不多,生孩子没有母乳喂养是没生孩子的糖尿病几率的两倍,生孩子没有母乳喂养是给孩子母乳喂养的得糖尿病几率的1.4倍.相比较发现A生孩子但没有母乳喂养的最容易的糖尿病。十三题,研究者可能赞成什么?也与研究和发现有关。很容易发现答案是C 做的时候要注意几点: 第一,要很好的利用百科知识。我们的文章第一传播知识,第二教人向善。与我们的常识像违背肯定是错的。



五月份第五题D。Alone任何事物都是多因素的,不可能那么绝对。第十二题把极端的词排除就得到答案 A nothing世界银行什么也没做 B.only国际基金组织只帮助富人

C.all世界银行控制着世界上所有的银行 第三,注意选项的细节


第十题B城市中一点小的变化不能明显的讲题城市生活带来的负面影响,多加了not 正好与答案相反,依据在文章的最后一段。第十一题.A 多了一个old B.多了一个men C.never


大学英语三级考试应试技巧 一;听力

在三级试题当中,只有12道听力选择题目,但多数同学由于有以下:辨音问题,词汇量问题,理解问题等,影响我们的学生选择正确的答案,为提高我们学生的过级率,试题的各个部分,都得有一套自己的解题思路。做听力时请注意: 开始考试时发下试卷,马上用几分钟的时间仔细看看听力12道选项,根据试题的四个选项判断试题肯能会问什么,再根据所有选项中的重要信息推断每个试题的可能答案 听录音时要紧紧盯住所有选项中的最后的3—4个单词构成的短语,当你听到有这几个单词相同的话,那答案估计就是正确的选项了。3 要坚决按照顺序来做试题,因为出试题的顺序都按照题目的顺序来放录音的 4 边听录音,边找答案,请不要听完原文和试题后,才开始做题。

二:单项选择(Vocabulary and Structure)


三:阅读理解考试技巧: 用心+认真=成功

在时间充裕的情况下,尽量通读全文.时间不够的话就一目十行.1.先看选题,(带着题看文章比较好,目的性更强).2.注意文章中标汉语部分,它们和选题很有关系.3.选题的顺序一般和文章段落先后是一致的, 除总结题外.4.第1段一定要读完, 每段的第一句要读..对数字要敏感.6.运用多种方法,最多的是排除法,有的选择项太绝对话, 比如ALL, NONE等等肯定是错的




三级作文在多数情况下,作文字数要求80-120字左右,只要你围绕文章的中心思想写,不偏离题目,文章读懂和通顺,句子,单词不错误连天的,那这篇文章基本是没有什么问题,要达到这种要求改怎么着手呢? 采用的是TS+2A的方法

首先把文章的要求1,2,3点,看成是三个问题逐一回答,并大概以此分为三段,在绝大多数情况下,每一段都要有个主题句,主题句就来自文章的要求1,2,3点。每一段先写主题句,再写支持句,支持句应从两方面来写,这就是TS+2A的方法。一:怎么样来写:①写自己最擅长的内容(也就是你最熟悉的例子)这样你才有内容写,不会写到一半就没有东西了,所以你才能做到“我的文章,我做主”②用自己最熟悉的词语和最有把握的句型,每个词语,每个句子首先保证不是是错误的。也就是宁可简单,不要复杂,宁写短句,不要长句,宁可天真幼稚,也不要高深到除了自己谁都看不懂。二:从哪些方面来写,可以从下列几个方面写支持句(支持句绝大多数涉及的是原因,事例,问题,方法等)1 effect/impact on 2 habit 3 culture 4 safety 5 crime 6 responsiblities 7 friendship/friends 8 love 9 health 三: 引出支持句的常用词语(1)For example/instance first(ly)First of all to begin with(2)引出第二个支持句时,常用的词语有

Secondly in addition besides what’s more Moreover additionly for another(3)引导第三个支持句可用

Finally lastly last but not least(最后一点同样重要)Worst of all(最糟糕的是)most important of all 引导原因支持句的固定词组 for one thing„ for another(一方面/一来,另一方面/二来)2 on the one hand„ on the other hand 范文1 Welcome to Our Club 1.本社团的主要活动内容 2.参加本社团的好处 3.如何加入本社团

Welcome to Our Club(注意首写字母该

大写)Welcome to our Losing Weight Club!(介绍社团名称,欢迎诸位加盟,这是根据要求来写的)There are lots of activities in the club.(回答要求1便得到首段的主题句,有很多活动)We do special exercises to lose weight.(支持句1,即主要活动之一,减肥锻炼)We study how to have a balanced diet and how to develop a healthy life-style.(支持句2)We also swim or do yoga regularly.(支持句3)Our club has attracted a great number of young girls.(这句话是为了激发人们加盟的欲望而写的)You can get much benefit from these activities.(本段主题句,有利可图,直接回答要求2)Firstly you will understand that being overweight is not only a problem of outward appearance, it can also increase the risk of some disease.(明白减肥不是外表问题,还肯能致病)Secondly, you are sure to lose the extra fat and become the right weight.(支持句,去掉赘肉,使体重正常)Lastly, exercises can help you always feel energetic.You know life lies in motion.(支持句3,使你精力充沛,生命在于运动嘛)No woman can be too thin.Don’t you want to have a slender figure? Then join us right now by calling 40314145 or SMS me at 306248317.注意,在回答要求3的如何加盟前加了两句话:女人再瘦也不为过,你难道不想拥有苗条的身材吗?这样就完成了整篇作文,不知大家掌握了没有? 1.增补(Addition)

in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.2.比较(Comparison)

in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as


whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while

4.因果(Cause and effect)

because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus


certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant


although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true....7.例证(Exemplification)

for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.8.总结(Conclusion)

to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary


therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise

10.时间和空间(Time and space)

afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of

11.启承转合 1)、启

A proverb says......At present.......As the proverb says....Currently.....Generally speaking,....Now,....In general,.....On the Whole....It is clear that....Recently.....It is often said that....Without doubt,.......2)、承

First(of all),......Moreover,.........Firstly,............No one can deny that....In the first place,.........Obviously.....To begin with,.........Of course,.........Also,.......Similarly,.........At the same time......Therefore, we should realize that.....Certainly......There is no doubt that.......In addition,.....What`s more,..........In fact........It can be easily proved that...Meanwhile......3)、转

But...Still,......But the problem is not so simple...There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to.......However,.......To our surprise,..........Nevertheless,........Unfortunately.......On the other hand,.......Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel that........Others may find this to be true, but I do not.I think.....4)、合

Above all, In brief,........Accordingly,.....In conclusion,........All in all,.......In other words, it is hard to escape the conclusion that........As a consequence,.........In short,.........As I have shown/said/stated/....In sum,........In summary,.......As has been noted,....Obviously,.........By so doing,.....On the whole,.....Consequently,........Presumably,.......Eventually,.........To conclude,......Finally,........To sum up,.....In a word,......To summarize,......三级考试题型:

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension(15%)Part Ⅱ Vocabulary & Structure(20%)Part Ⅲ

Reading Comprehension(40%)Part Ⅳ Translation from English into Chinese(10%)Part Ⅴ Writing(15%)



























修订的《内蒙古自治区教育考试考点考场设置管理办法》(内教招考综〔2013〕 9号)等有关































考试形式:笔试和听力测试120分钟;口语考试15分钟。考试对象: 高职高专学校修完公共英语课程的在校学生。考点设置: 各高职高专学校。










考试合格证书:由国家考委会统一发给 A、B级合格证书或口语合格证书。
























II.语法结构与词汇(Structure and Vocabulary)




III.阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)




IV.英译汉(Translation from English into Chinese)








项名称 听力 A部分(简短对话)I B部分(短文两段)C部分(听写填空)语法结II 构与词汇 III 阅读理解 I英译汉 V V




计分 18题 15分 10题

10分 2 题 2 分 6 题 3 分 20题 20分 20题 40分 4 题 10分 1 题 15分 64题




1分 20分钟

0.5分 1分

15分钟 2分 40分钟 2.5分






MC四选一 MC五选一 一篇作文(100词)



(各模块主要解题技巧,方法讲解)听力: short conversation(80题)4课时Short passage(20题)2课时

(选用综合技能篇上的,包含了听力测试的主要类型)语法: 共九种,每种15个练习题4课时

词汇: 三级词汇测试重点,解题技巧,记忆方法介绍2课时阅读: 主要题型,阅读技巧,解题方法讲解2课时 翻译: 英译汉测试重点及翻译方法介绍2课时 写作: 写作方法,技巧,主要测试类型介绍2课时提供(议论文,说明文例文10篇,应用文5篇)


(共26课时,教师可根据各自情况搭配讲解和安排课时)听力: 选用单项技能Module4共8个section

词汇与结构:选用大学英语考试精讲与应试指导(共8个section 每个20个练习题)

阅读与翻译: 选用2009年大学英语三级培训阅读(2个section)


写作: 议论文,说明文10种类型,应用文5种,可布置为家庭作业,适当解析(除了专题训练的内容外,第二遍做规定的练习题)

模拟训练阶段 全真试题讲解(1套)2课时 全真试题模拟训练(2套)4课时



Part II Vocabulary

21.The couple are unable to have children of their own, so they decided to _____ a daughter.A、adoptB、adjustC、adaptD、appoint

22.I find this book of great _____ in helping me get along well with others.A、wealthB、priceC、usefulnessD、value

23.I’m sure I have seen that man before but I can’t _____ where.A、remindB、retellC、recallD、recognize

24.Convenience foods which are ready for cooking are _____ in grocery stores.A、availableB、capableC、acceptableD、probable

25.They had a heated discussion on the topic but came to no _____.A、endB、ideaC、resultD、conclusion

26.In the past few years the school has _____ a lot of money improving the teaching equipment.A、costB、paidC、spentD、taken

27.The school bus got out of ____ on the way to school this morning, so all the students were late.A、wokB、functionC、powerD、order

28.Road safety should be taught to young children to _____ road accident.A、avoidB、refuseC、denyD、ignore

29.It is difficult to _____ what the long-term effects of the reform will be.A、investigateB、informC、broadcastD、predict

30.His _____ novel is more interesting than any other novels he’s ever written.A、firstB、latestC、formerD、later

31.It’s time for us to take measures to stop water _____ as it is getting more and more serious.A、conditionB、pollutionC、standardD、population

32.Jack invited me to his birthday party but I didn’t _____ his invitation.A、acceptB、receiveC、answerD、reply

33.We don’t think anyone can _____ us with being irresponsible for the students.A、chargeB、accuseC、scoldD、blame

34.To my horror, I found my drinking was starting to have a _____ effect on my work.A、harmlessB、negativeC、uniqueD、positive

35.I don’t want to get _____ in the argument about whom to blame.A、interestedB、involvedC、absorbedD、focused

36.Wearing a bright-colored silk dress, she _____ in the crowed.A、stood outB、stood upC、stood forD、stood by

37.– Mr.Smith hasn’t got married, has he? – Yes, he has._____, he has a daughter already.A、As a matter of factB、As a ruleC、InsteadD、However

38._____, the floor is wet.We have just cleaned it.A、Look aroundB、Look backC、Look outD、Look down.39.– Would you do me a favor and take me the box upstairs? – _____.A、My pleasureB、Never mindC、With pleasureD、I’m glad to hear that

40.Henry tried many times to _____ smoking but failed.A、give outB、give inC、give offD、give up

Part III Structure

41.I can’t stand him.He always talks as if he _____ everything.A、knowB、has knownC、knewD、had known

42.I’m sorry, but there are _____ for Sunday’s concert.A、no tickets availableB、not tickets available

C、no available ticketsD、not available tickets

43.All flights _____ because of the terrible weather, the Smiths had to go back to the hotel.A、had been canceledB、being canceledC、having been canceledD、were canceled

44._____ for your laziness, you could have passed the entrance examination.A、If it were notB、Had it not beenC、Weren’t itD、If it had been not

45.Once upon a time, _____ known by the name of Rip Van Winkle.A、a man lived thereB、there lived a manC、lived there a manD、lived a man

46.He said that he would take part in the oral English contest, _____ is most unusual for him.A、thisB、itC、thatD、which

47.– Do you want to see my driver’s license or my passport? – Oh, _____.A、either one will doB、either does wellC、all will doD、each will be fine

48.A language lab with 40 computers _____ to the middle school as a gift.A、was givenB、would have givenC、were givenD、had given

49.He _____ to have the examination yesterday evening, but he went to the concert instead.A、would comeB、must have comeC、need comeD、should have come

50.Linda _____ an essay about customs in China last week and I wonder if she has finished it.A、wroteB、has writtenC、was writingD、had written

51.Is this the washing-machine that you want _____?

A、to have been repairedB、is repairedC、to be repairedD、will be repaired

52.I don’t think you have met him before, _____?

A、don’t IB、haven’t youC、do ID、have you

53.The foreign languages school has a large collection of books, _____ are in English.A、many of themB、many onesC、many of whichD、many books

54.Do you think _____ possible to master a foreign language within two months?


55.It was in this factory _____ “West Lake” sewing machines were made.A、whereB、thatC、in whichD、there

56.– David speaks English very well.– _____.A、So he does, and so do youB、So does he, and so you do

C、So he does, and so you doD、So does he, and so do you

57.The wooden house is still in excellent condition _____ it was built over 100 years a


58.I am strongly against his proposal that the plan _____.A、be cancelledB、will be cancelledC、to be cancelledD、shall be cancelled

59._____ I want to know is how long it will take to finish the building.A、ThatB、WhichC、WhatD、Whether

60.The project _____ by the end of 2004 has benefited 100,000 people in the city.A、completedB、being completed C、having been completedD、to be completed

Part IV Reading Comprehension

Passage One

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:

Why don’t birds get lost on their long migratory(迁徙的)flight? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years.Now they are beginning to fill in the blanks.Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours.But what about birds that fly mainly by night? Tests with artificial(人造的)stars have proved conclusively that certain night-flying birds are able to follow stars in their long-distance flights.One such bird – a warbler – had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky.Yet it showed an inborn ability to use stars for guidance.The bird’s cage was laced under an artificial star-filled sky at migration time.The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins.Any change in the position of the artificial stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.Scientists think that warblers, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance.But stars are apparently their main means of directed flight in the night.What do they do when stars are hidden by clouds? Apparently, they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines and river courses.But when it is too dark to see these, the warblers circle helplessly, unable to find their way.61.Which of the following is NOT true about migratory bird’s flight?

A、Some birds fly mainly by day.B、Some birds fly mainly by night.C、Birds like to fly during daylight hours.D、Birds depend on the sun or stars to guide them.62.What do we know about the experimental warbler?

A、It was set free for the experiment.B、It had never flown freely outdoors.C、It had never been placed under the sun.D、It had lost its way in its daylight flight.63.What do we know about warblers as a whole?

A、They do not have intelligence.B、They tend to take the same route as other birds.C、They do not need to learn to fly in the right way.D、They cannot sense changes in the position of the moon.64.What does the passage say about warblers’ sense of direction?

A、They get lost under star-filled sky.B、They lose their way when it is too dark.C、They are not able to see clearly at night.D、They usually depend on clouds for direction.65.What does “fill in the blanks” in the first paragraph mean?

A、“to do the exercise”B、“to take the test”

C、“to know the right words”D、“to know the answer”

Passage Two

Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:

How men first learned to invent words is unknown.All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other;and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down.Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their associations – the things they bring up before our minds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience;and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the happy and sad events of our past;the more we read and learn, the larger the number of words that mean something to us becomes.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to out minds and feelings.This attractive use of words is what we call literary style.Above all, the real poet is a master of words.He can express his meaning in words which sing like

music, and, by their position and association, can move men to tears.We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them correctly, or they will make our speech dull and silly.66.Which of the following did men invent first?


67.Why did men invent language?

A、To be different form animals.B、To make their ideas known to others.C、To make nice sounds for others to hear.D、To have something to write down with.68.Which of the following is true of words according to the passage?

A、Their power is beyond imagination.B、They last longer than signs or sounds.C、They remind people of their past experience.D、They enable people to live longer and read more.69.Why does the author mention “poet” in the last paragraph?

A、A poet is full of great thoughts and feelings.B、A poet is an example of good language users.C、A poet tells of the glad and sad events of his past.D、A poet knows more sounds and words than others.70.What is the best title of the passage?

A、Language and Its Use.B、Language and Human Experience.C、Poet: A Master of Words.D、How Language Came into Being.Passage Three

Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:

In the 1800s, trains roared into stations.They were symbols of progress and expansion.They played as much of a role in America’s history as presidents and generals.The first American railroads were built in the late 1820’s.The early railroads provided cheap transportation for shippers and travelers.To encourage the railroads to expand into unsettled land, President Millard Fillmore signed a series of landgrant acts(土地拨赠法案)in the 1850’s.These acts gave the railroad companies ownership of land that ran along the railways.In return for the land, the railroads carried government traffic at reduced rates.The railroad companies sold much of their land to farmers and cattlemen, who then shipped their goods on the trains.The importance of the railroads became clear during the Civil War.During the war, trains carried troops, arms, and supplies.One reason that the North won the war is that it had more use of the railroads.Between 1865 and 1900, railroads grew rapidly.The first transcontinental(跨越全洲的)route was completed in 1869.This track made easier for pioneers to cross the Rocky Mountains and settle the West.And the railroads brought new people to the West even before the trains started running.Thousands of Chinese and Irish laborers helped to lay down the tracks.71.When were the first American railroads built according to the passage?

A、Around 1800.B、Around 1830.C、Around 1860.D、Around 1890.72.Which of the following is NOT a result of the landgrant acts of the 1850’s?

A、The railroads expanded into unsettled lands.B、Farmer and settlers received land for free.C、The government could pay less for its railroad use.D、Farmers and cattlemen bought land form the railroads.73.What was one of the reasons that the South was defeated in the Civil War?

A、The South was short of military supplies.B、Only the North owned railroads and trains.C、The South failed to make good use of railroads.D、The North used railroads to attack the Southern army.74.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A、Railroads grew rapidly between 1865 and 1900.B、Railroad construction created a lot of jobs.C、Trains carried Chinese and Irish laborers to the West.D、The first railroad that reached the West was completed in 1866’s.75.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

A、Railroads grew rapidly between 1865 and 1900.B、Railroads played an important role in American history.C、Trains helped pioneers to cross the Rocky Mountains.D、Trains controlled American economy in the 19th century.Part VI Translation from Chinese into English





85.– 我能不能把你的书带回家,明天还给你?– 行。


21.A 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.D 50.C 51.C

52.D 53.C 54.B 55.B 56.A 57.D 58.A 59.C 60.A 61.C 62.B 63.C 64.B 65.D66.B 67.B 68.C 69.B 70.A71.B 72.B 73.C 74.C 75.B 81.We are going to place large orders with you if you reduce your price by 5%.82.Kids like parents whose words are in accordance with their deeds.83.Through social practice we can learn a lot which can not be got from books.84.It is reported that the U.S.President will visit China next February.85.--Can I take your book home and return it to you tomorrow?--Ok.2006年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试试卷答案 Part I Listening Comprehension

Part II Vocabulary


Part III Structure


Part IV Reading Comprehension

keys: 61.C62.B63.C64.B65.D

keys: 66.B67.B68.C69.B70.A

keys: 71.B72.B73.C74.C75.B

Part V Translation from English into Chinese

76.Still, there is much parents can do to help their kids develop and enjoy a lifelong interest in reading.your answer:


77.Until you discover what your child likes to read, select books that you loved when you were small and new stories that strike your imagination.your answer:


78.To get your child hooked on reading, set aside a regular time each day to enjoy a book together.your answer:


79.If you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself, you’re sending a message that reading isn’t much fun.your answer:


80.When you go out shopping and your child asks for something, buy a book.They’re cheaper than toys and a far better investment in your child’s future.your answer:

key:当你出去购物,你的孩子要求买些东西时,就买本书。书比玩具便宜,也是对你孩子将来更好的投资。Part VI Translation from Chinese into English


your answer:

key:We are going to place large orders with you if you reduce your price by 5%.82.孩子们喜欢言行一致的父母。

your answer:

key:Kids like parents whose words are in accordance with their deeds.83.通过社会实践,我们可以学到许多书本上学不到的东西。

your answer:

key:Through social practice we can learn a lot which can not be got from books.84.据报道美国总统将于明年二月访问中国。

your answer:

key:It is reported that the U.S.President will visit China next February.85.– 我能不能把你的书带回家,明天还给你?– 行。

your answer:

key:--Can I take your book home and return it to you tomorrow?--Ok.



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