
时间:2019-05-14 10:22:59下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1-5 1.你想参加什么俱乐部? What club do you want to join? 2.我想参加讲故事和游泳俱乐部。

I want to join the story telling and the swimming club.3.校文艺演出招募学生。

Students wanted for the school show.4.你会弹吉他或下棋吗?

Can you play the guitar or play chess? 5.我们老人之家现需要帮助。

We need help at the old people's home.6.你擅长与儿童打交道吗? Are you good with children? 7.你可以与说英语的学生交朋友。

You can make friends with English-speaking students.8.我们需要你为学生们提供体育方面的帮助。We need you to help with sports for the students.******************************************************************* 1.你周末有时间吗?

Do you have time on weekends?=Are you free on weekends? 2.你可以作为音乐家参加我们学校音乐节。

You can be/join in our school music festival as a musician.3.你通常几点洗淋浴?

What time do you usually take a shower? 4.他在广播台工作。

He works at a radio station.5.他总是6:30穿衣服。He always gets up at 6:30.6.我上学日没有太多时间吃早饭。

I don't have much time for breakfast on school days.7.晚上我要么散步要么玩电脑游戏。

In the evening, I either take a walk or play computer games.8.她知道这对她不好,但是尝起来不错。

She knows it's not good for her, but it tastes good.****************************************************************** 1.你乘地铁上学得多长时间?

How long does it take you to get to school by bus? =How long do you spend getting to school by bus? 2.我骑自行车上班花大概半个小时。

It takes me about half an hour to get to work by bike.=I spend about half an hour getting to work by bike.3.从你家到学校多远?

How far is it from your home to school? =Howfar do you live from school?


My home is three kilometers from school.=It's three kilometers from my home to school.I live three kilometers from school.5.我步行上学。

I walk to school.= I go to school on foot.****************************************************************** 1.你觉得这段旅行怎么样? What do you think of the trip? = How was the trip?=What was the trip like? = How was the trip going? =How was it going with the trip? 2.没有桥。

There is no bridge.=There aren't any bridges.=There isn't a bridge.3.对小船来说水流太湍急.The river runs too quickly for boats.4.这些学生乘坐索道过河上学。

These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.5.他是个12岁的男孩。

He is an eleven-year-old boy.=He is eleven years old.6.每个上学日过河很难。

It's difficult to cross the river every school day.=It's difficult to go across the river every school day.****************************************************************** 1.对我来说他像个父亲。He is like a father to me.2.村民中的很多人从未离开过村庄。Many of the villagers never leave the village.3.拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。It is their dream to have a bridge.4.这些学生乘坐索道过河上学。

These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.5.他是个12岁的男孩。

He is an eleven-year-old boy.=He is eleven years old.6.乘索道过河不容易,但是这个男孩不害怕。It's not easy to cross the river, but the boy isn't afraid.****************************************************************** 1.上课不准迟到。

Don't be late for class.=Don't arrive late for class.=You must be on time for class.=You have to be on time for class.2.我们能带音乐播放器到学校吗? Can we bring music players to school? 3.我们总是得穿校服。

We always have to wear school uniforms/ wear a school uniform.4.他上学得穿校服吗?

Does he have to wear a uniform? 5.他总是6:30穿衣服。He always gets up at 6:30.6.父母制定规则来帮助我们。Parents make rules to help us.7.不要把脏碗碟丢在厨房。

Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.8.有好多你可以做的事情。

There are a lot of things you can do.9.去年我们必须遵守规则,不能违反规则。

Last year we had to follow the rules and can't break the rules.10.上周末我也不能放松因为我得学习弹钢琴。

I couldn't relax last weekends either because I had to learn to play the piano.11.不要把脏碗碟丢在厨房。

Don't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.12.有好多你可以做的事情。

There are a lot of things you can do.****************************************************************** 1.狮子来自哪里?

Where are lions from?= Where do lions come from? 2.他能直立行走,并能睡一整天。

He can walk on two legs and sleep all day.3.我们必须拯救树木,不要买象牙制品。

We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.4.大象是泰国的象征之一。

The elephant is one of Thailand's symbols.5.大象能走很久并且从不迷路。

Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.6.他们也能记住有水和食物的地方。

They can also remember places with food and water.7.人们砍到了那么多的树以至于大象逐渐丢失了家园。

People cut down so many trees that elephants are losing their home.8.人们也杀死大象获取象牙,所以大象处于极大危险中了。

People also kill elephants for their ivory, so elephants are now in great danger.Unit 6 1.你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?-好的

Do you want to join me for dinner? =Would you like to join me for dinner?--I’d love to.2.到时见。/一会见。

See you then./ See you later.3.他正在纽约住在一个美国家庭里。

He is now living with an American family in New York.4.今天是龙舟节,他爸妈在包粽子看龙舟竞赛。

Today is the Dragon boat festival.His parents are making zongzi and watching the boat races.5.这是节前的一个晚上。It's the night before the festival.6.妈妈在给她年幼的孩子们读故事。

The mother is reading a story to her young children.7.他正在和深圳的表弟通话。

He is talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.8.他很想家,希望能吃到妈妈包的美味的粽子。

He misses his family very much and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi.9.他很喜欢他的寄宿家庭,但是仍然没有一个地方可以像家一样。

He likes his host family a lot, but there is still no place like home.10.在美国没有龙舟节,所以这对于他的寄宿家庭来说就 跟任何一个其他晚上一样。

There isn't a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it's like any other night for his host family.Unit 7 1.天气怎么样?

How is the weather?= What's the weather like? 2.昨天很热并且有雨。

It(=The weather)was hot and rainy yesterday.3.暑假过得怎么样?

How is it going with your summer vacation? =How is your summer vacation going? 4.你好,我是Tony。(电话用语)

Hello, Tony speaking.= It's Tony(speaking/here)=This is Tony(speaking/here)5.听起来是个好主意。

(That)Sounds like a good idea.6.听起来你正玩得开心啊。

Sounds like you are having a good time.7.我在拜访加拿大的阿姨,玩得很开心。

I am having a good time visiting my aunt in Canada.8.我正坐在水池边喝着橙汁。

I am sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.9.我正跟农民学习很多关于更做的事情。

I am learning a lot from farmers about farming.10.作为一名学生,我们应该努力学习。

As a student, we should study hard/ work hard.11.我父母和我正在山中度假。

My parents and I are on a vacation in the nountains.12.这里的天气凉爽阴天,正适合散步。

The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking.13.我能给他捎个口信吗?

Can I take a message for him? 14.你能告诉他给我回电话吗?

Could you just tell him to call me back?


Could you ask him to call me back?--No problem.16.请问Laura在吗?

May I speak to Laura? =Is Laura there?


In the park, some boys are playing in the snow, some girls are skating on the river and a man is taking a photo of a snowman.Unit 8 1.这附近有家邮局吗?

Is there a post office near here/around here/ in the neighborhood? 2.在第二个路口向右拐,饭店就在你左边,在付费电话对面。

Turn right at the second crossing and the restaurant is on your left,across from the pay phone.3.我享受周末在公园里消磨时光做锻炼。

I enjoy spending time exercising in the park on weekends.4.他经常在公园锻炼身体因为他享受干净的空气和阳光。生命中最美好的事物都是免费的。

He often exercises at the park because he enjoys the clean air and sunshine.The best things in life are free.5.我们有时候观察邻居家的猫爬树。

We sometimes watch the neighbors' cats climbing the trees 6.当我享受读书的时候,时光飞逝。

When I enjoy reading books, time goes quickly.7.他刚刚搬到了一个安静的小区,因为他去年住的小区相当吵闹。

He just moved to a quiet neighborhood because he lived in a quite noisy neighborhood last year.Unit 9 1.他长什么样? 他这人什么样?

What does he look like?--What is he like? 2.她留着金色的长长的美丽的卷发。

She has beautiful long curly blonde hair.3.他中等身高中等身材。

He is of medium height and of medium build.4.我不认识那个戴眼镜的人。

I don't know that person with glasses.5.他是高还是矮?--他很高。Is he tall or short?--He is very tall.6.你最喜欢的男演员/女演员/歌手/艺术家/运动员长什么样?

What does your favorite actor/actress/singer/artist/athlete look like? 7.警察将罪犯的照片登报或上电视来寻找他们。

The police put the picture of criminals in newspapers or on TV to find them.8.许多人不总以同样的方式看待事物所以他们可能不同地描述同一个人。

Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.9.我看到蛇吓了一跳。首先,蛇很吓人。最后,蛇并不怕人。

I got a terrible surprise when I saw the snake.First of all, snakes are scary.In the end, snakes are

not scared of people.10.一些人见证了犯罪然后向罪犯肖像师描述罪犯的长相。

Some people see crimes and then describe what the criminal looks like to the police artist.Unit 10 1.你生日想吃什么?--我想要两中碗牛肉西红柿面。

What would you like(to eat)on your birthday?--I 'd like two medium bowls of beef and tomato noodles.=I 'd like two medium bowls of noodles with beef and tomatoes.2.您需要点餐吗?

May I have/take your order?


Are there any vegetables in the mutton soup?--No.there aren't any.= No, there are no vegetables.4.你想要多大碗的面?

What size would you like? =What size bowl of noodles would you like? 5.如果他一口气吹灭所有蜡烛,愿望就会实现。

If he blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.6.长寿面是长寿的象征。

Long noodles are a symbol of long life.7.生日食物能给过生日的人带来好运。

Birthday food can bring good food to the birthday person.8.我们饭店有三种特色菜。We have three kinds of specials.9.你是想吃四块钱的大碗的还是两块钱的小碗的?

Would you like a large bowl for four yuan or a small bowl for just two yuan? 10.你可以点一些美味的博饼和粥。

You can order some delicious pancakes and porridge.11.中碗的粥是5块钱一碗。

A medium bowl of porridge is five yuan.• We have a medium bowl of porridge for five yuan.11.如果他努力学习,他的梦想就会实现。

If he works hard, his dream will come true.13.使她的生日愿望实现不难。

It's not difficult to make her birthday wish come true.14.所有这些生日食物可能都不相同,但是理念是一样的。

All of these birthday foods may be different,but the ideas are the same.15.有糖的小孩是幸运的。

The child with a candy is lucky.16.鸡蛋是好运的象征。

Eggs are a symbol of good luck.17.书的数量等于学生的数量。

The number of books is the number of students.18.现在学生越来越流行戴眼镜了。

It's getting popular for students to wear glasses.19.你想要哪种水果?

What kind of fruit would you like?


You can order some mutton and carrot dumplings in the House of dumplings.• =You can order some dumplings with mutton and carrots in the Dumpling House.21.我想要一小碗西红柿鸡蛋汤。

I'd like a small bowl of tomato and egg soup.=I'd like a small bow of soup with tomatoes and eggs.22.蜡烛的数量就是过生日的人的年龄。

The number of candles is the birthday person's age.23.过生日的人必须许愿然后吹灭蜡烛。

The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles.Unit 11-12 1.我妈妈在学校当老师。

My mom works as a teacher at school.2.别对我嚷嚷了好吗?

Could you please stop shouting at me? 3.我年轻的时候能骑车环游整个城市。

I could ride the bike around the city when I was young.4.数千年前的人们就知道如何生火取暖。

Thousands of years ago,people knew how to make a fire to keep people warm.5.春节前大批人乘坐长途车回老家。

Quite a lot of people took a long bus ride to get home before the Spring Festival.6.他要当第一名不容易。

It's not esay for him to be the first.7.我对历史感兴趣是因为历史很有趣。

I am interested in history because history is interesting.8.他刚刚喂了相当多的奶牛。

He fed quite a lot of cows just now.9.我们学习了如何打电话到消防站求救,以及当遇到火时该做什么。

We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.10.我从去博物馆的参观中学习到了相当多的有用的经验 教训。

I learned quite a lot of useful lessons from the visit to the museum.11.我们搭起了帐篷,生起了火以取暖和做饭。

We put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.12.我们坐在月光下给彼此讲故事。

We sat under the moon and told each other stories.13.第二天早晨我姐姐吓了一跳。

The next morning, my sister got a terrible surprise.14.当我们望向帐篷外时,我们看到一条大蛇在火旁睡觉。

When we looked out of our tents, we saw a big snake sleeping near the fire.15.我那么害怕吓得动不了了。I was so scared that I couldn't move.16.我们朝父母大喊让他们知道有危险了。

We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger.17.这吵醒了蛇,它就爬到湖边的树林里去了。

This woke up the snake, and it moved into the forest near the lake.18.我爸爸之后告诉我蛇没有耳朵但是能感觉到事物在动。

My dad told me later that snakes don't have ears but can feel things moving.19.他也告诉我不要靠近蛇很重要。

He also told me it was important not to go near a snake.20.他们有个蝴蝶馆,里面有多于200多种蝴蝶。

They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies.21.导游给来访者们讲述了关于蝴蝶的生活习惯。

The guide told the visitors about the living habits of the butterflies.22.我什么好吃的也没买,因为他们太贵了。

I didn't buy anything delicious, because they are too expensive.23.导游教我们如何做模型机器人。

The guide taught us how to make a model robot.24.博物馆里的一切都是关于机器人的。

Everything in the museum was about robots.25.博物馆里有太多的人了所以我听不见导游。

There were too many people in the museum so I couldn't hear the guide.26.我对科学一点都不感兴趣。

I am not interested in science at all.27.这个男孩多有趣啊!

How interesting the boy is!= What an interesting boy he is!28.听到这个令人惊讶的消息他一点都不惊讶。

He was not surprised at all to hear the surprising news.29.我问他农民是否种草莓。

I asked him if farmers grew strawberries.30.他们在九月前后摘苹果。

They pick the apples around September.31.有位农民带我们参观了农场。

There is a farmer showing us around the farm.32.听起来你的学校郊游很棒。

Sounds like you had a great school trip.33.昨天我有好多有趣的事情要做。

I had a lot of interesting things to do.34.这很有趣。

It was so much fun.=It was a lot of fun.


1.Later this month, we’ll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean the hen house before the new chicks arrive.(=这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的雏鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。)

2.I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don’t need as much either.(=我挣的钱远比不上全职工作时的收入,可如今我们需要的钱也没有过去多。)

3.When it comes to insurance, we have a poor man’s major-medical policy.(=至于保险,我们买了一份低收入者的主要医疗项目保险。)

4.Once economic conditions improve, however, demand for farms like ours should be strong again.(=但是一旦经济形势好转,对我们这种农场的需求又会增多。)


(=During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway.)


(=Becoming aware of the effects of those changes may help us improve family life.)


(=And the number of single-parent homes has mushroomed in the last thirty years.)


(=Are these children missing out on an important part of childhood?)

1.Carter’s devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor.(=卡特对其先辈的忠诚不仅仅关乎一己之骄傲,而且关乎家族荣誉。)

2.As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind.(=小船徐徐驶向对岸,帕克眼睁睁地看着追捕者把他被迫留下的两个人团团围住。)

3.I threw myself on the ground, rolled in the sand and danced around, till, in the eyes of several who were present, I passed for a madman.(=我扑倒在地,在沙土里打滚,手舞足蹈,最后,在场的那几个人都认定我是疯子。)


(=A gentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house.)


(=The center is scheduled to open in 2004 in Cincinnati.)


(=While black conductors were often motivated by their own painful experiences, whites were commonly driven by religious convictions.)


(=Many slaves traveled under cover of night, their faces sometimes caked with white powder.)

1.We have become so used to defending ourselves against the new atmosphere of American life, so used to putting up barriers, that we have not had time to think about what it may mean.(=我们已经变得如此习惯于保护自己不受美国生活新氛围的影响,如此习惯于设臵障碍,以致无暇考虑这一切意味着什么。)

2.Our neighborhoods are bathed in high-intensity light;we do not want to afford ourselves even so much a luxury as a shadow.(=我们的居住区处在强光源的照射之下;我们连哪怕像阴影这样小小的享受也不想给自己。)

3.Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open.(=郊区的许多人家在露台上安装了玻璃滑门,内侧有装得很讲究的钢条,这样就没人能把门撬开。)


(=The thought of taking a human life disgusts me, but the idea of being someone’s victim is worse.And how, I began to ask myself, do you talk pacifism to a murderer or a rapist?)


(=But knowledge, I believe, is still our greatest defense.And since I’m in favor of education for sex, AIDS and learning to drive, I couldn’t draw the line at teaching my son about guns.)


(=I wrapped my finger around the trigger and finally squeezed it, simultaneously accepting the intruder’s death at my own hand and the relief of not being a victim.)


(=I never have weighed the consequences of an act as strongly as I have that of buying a gun — but then again, I never have done anything with such deadly consequences.)

1.Einstein credited his discoveries to imagination and endless questioning more so than orthodox intelligence.(=爱因斯坦把他的发现更多地归功于想象力和不断地提出问题,而不是通常所谓的智慧。)

2.His slow development was combined with a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one German schoolmaster to send him packing.(=他智力发展缓慢,再加上对权威无礼的反叛,致使一位德国校长勒令他退学。)

3.He retained the ability to hold two thoughts in his mind simultaneously, to be puzzled when they conflicted and to delight when he saw an underlying unity.(=他具有脑海里同时容纳两种想法的能力,当它们冲突时,他感到困惑;当他看到基本上统一时感到欣喜。)

4.Einstein soon acquired an image, which grew into a near legend, of being a kindly professor, distracted at times but unfailingly sweet, who rarely combed his hair or wore socks.(=不久爱因斯坦在人们心目中成了这样一种形象,而且几乎变成传奇:一位平易近人的教授,有时心不在焉,但总是和蔼可亲,难得梳头发,不常穿袜子。)

5.联合国宣布2005年为“世界物理学年”,以庆祝爱因斯坦“奇迹年”出现100周年。(=The United Nations has declared 2005 “The World Year of Physics” to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Einstein’s “miracle year.”)


(=Your mere presence here undermines the class’s respect for me.)


(=Science was dinner-table conversation in the Einstein household.)


(=Albert’s interest in science and technology came naturally.)

1.Yet my mind seemed to be in quest of something else — some way that I could personally apply to the close of Thanksgiving.It must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word “Thanksgiving” — at least that suggested a verbal direction, “Giving thanks.”

(=可我脑子里似乎还在搜索着别的什么——某种我能够赋予整个节日以个人意义的方式。大概过了半个小时左右我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把 Thanksgiving 这个词前后颠倒一下——那样一来至少字面意义好懂了:Giving thanks。)

2.Yet my mind continued turning the idea over.After a while, like a dawn’s brightening, a further answer did come — that there were people to thank, people who had done so much for me that I could never possibly repay them.(=可我脑子里仍一直翻腾着这事。过了片刻,如同晨曦初现,一个更清晰的念头终于涌现脑际——要感谢他人,那些赐我以诸多恩惠,我根本无以回报的人们。)

3.At least seven people had been particularly and lastingly helpful to me.I realized, swallowing hard, that about half of them had since died — so they were forever beyond any possible expression of gratitude from me.(=至少有七个人对我有过不同寻常、影响深远的帮助。令人万分难受的是,我意识到,他们中有一半已经谢世了——因此他们永远也无法接受我的谢意了。)

4.A glance at Grandma’s familiar handwriting brought back in a flash memories of standing alongside her white rocking chair, watching her “settin’ down” some letter to relatives.(=一看到外祖母那熟悉的笔迹,我顿时回想起往日站在她的白色摇椅旁看她给亲戚写信的情景。)


(=The people who focused on gratitude were just flat-out happier.They saw their lives in favorable terms.They reported fewer negative physical symptoms such as headaches or colds, and they were active in ways that were good for them.)


(=Take a moment during the day — right before bedtime is usually best — to jot down three things that happened that day for which you are grateful.Anything that made you feel uplifted, that brought a smile to your face or your heart, or will contribute toward your future happiness, works.)


(=Over time, you’ll notice a consistency within the list of items you’re grateful for.Many entries will underscore the importance of people in your life.Others will highlight meaningful experiences.Still other items will be things that began with you, things you created that you can point to with pride and say, I made that happen.)


(=Gratitude, when expressed to others, almost always comes back around.People who feel appreciated are more willing to make an effort for those who make them feel valued.)

1.I want to turn loose my hold on everything, and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor, tired leaves.(=我只想撇开一切,飘然而去,就像那边一片可怜的疲倦的叶子。)

2.The day wore away, and even through the twilight they could see the lone ivy leaf clinging to its stem against the wall.(=白天慢慢过去了,即便在暮色黄昏之中,他们仍能看到那片孤零零的常青藤叶子,贴着砖墙,紧附着梗茎。)

3.When the elderly man regained consciousness now and again, the man repeatedly called for his son.(=老人偶尔苏醒过来时,总是反复呼唤他的儿子。)

4.She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine cut her short.(=她开始说一些深表同情的话,海军士兵却打断了她。)


(=I will do all that science can accomplish.)


(=The cold breath of autumn had blown away its leaves, leaving it almost bare.)


(=They looked at each other for a moment without speaking.)

8.当我察觉他已是病入膏肓,分辨不出我是否就是他的儿子时,我猜想他真的需要我。(=When I realized he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I figured he really needed me.)

1.Making a living as a door-to-door salesman demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face.(=干挨家挨户上门推销这一营生得脸皮厚,这是因为干这一行不仅要经受风吹日晒,还要承受一次又一次的闭门羹。)

2.And his enemies — a crippled body that betrays him and a changing world that no longer needs him — are gaining on him.(=他的敌人——辜负他的残疾的身体和一个不再需要他的变化着的世界——正一步一步把他逼向绝境。)

3.Once the walls are up, a place takes on a different feel for him, as if he’s not welcome anymore.(=一旦高墙耸起,这建筑给他的感受就变了,他好像不再受到欢迎。)

4.要是顾客回绝波特,拒绝倾听他的介绍,他就一再上门。就这样他将产品卖了出去。(=If a customer turned him down, Porter kept coming back until they heard him.And he sold.)


(=His mind was trapped in a body that didn’t work.)


(=It took Porter four false starts before he found the courage to ring the first doorbell.)

7.仅在一代人的时间里,从旧的意大利生活方式一跃而成为美国的雅皮士不是件容易事。(=It’s not so smooth jumping from Italian old-world style to U.S.yuppie in a single generation.)

1.It would just be absolutely wrong to take a human being and put them through what may well involve significant suffering for really no good end.(=让人经受极有可能遭到巨大痛苦的事,却又得不到什么好的结果,那是绝对错误的。)

2.I would hope that the legislation that’s in place and the great public disapproval that would

result from any attempt to clone a human would dissuade anyone from going down that path.(=我希望适当的法规以及公众对于试图克隆人的极力反对能够劝阻任何有此企图的人走那条路。)

3.In reality, it is transcendent — when you look through the microscope, you see what you may have looked like a long time ago, at least in part.(=事实上,这一研究成果真是妙不可言——透过显微镜,你至少部分地看到自己很久以前大概是什么模样。)

4.There was so much skepticism about this process because of the scientific fraud from the past that it was critical that there be no doubt that they were clones.(=由于以往的科学造假行为,人们对于我们的研究过程抱有诸多怀疑,所以确保它们确系克隆胚胎是至关重要的。)


(=The reason is that the majority of reproductive clones in other species are actually abnormal, with very high miscarriage rates, very high stillbirth rates, fetal anomalies, death soon after birth, et cetera.)


(=On the other hand, therapeutic cloning does not involve any type of risk to human life and actually provides tremendous potential for the relief of suffering in real human beings who are going through some awful things.)


(=In the process of analysis, the embryos were destroyed by necessity.In other words, to get the genetic material from inside the cells to analyze it, you have to destroy the cell.)


(=We were condemned by the Vatican and mentioned in a negative light in President Bush’s State of the Union address.)



1.would like to do sthwant to do sth


2.spend time / money doing sth


3.have a great time doing sth / have fun doing sth


4.enjoy doing sthenjoy oneself


4.tell / ask sb to do sth


5.forget / remember to do sth


6.hear sb doing / do sth


7.so ……that


8.It is + adj + for sb to do sth


9.be goodatsth / doing sth


10.be good for sth


11.be good with sb


12.be interested doing sth /sth


13.help sb do/to dosth


14.help sb with sth


15.have to do sth




17.It takes sb some time to do sth

____________________________________________________.there be(is / are)+ 某物+某地。




20.It is time to do sth


21.need sb to do sth


22.be friendly to do sth


23.the number of ____________ a number of ______________________





______ ________ _________, we have ______ ______ interesting things to do.2.我喜欢把自己的房间刷成蓝色的。I like to _________ my room ___________.3.圣诞节的时候孩子们常用气球装饰房间。

Children often _____________ rooms _________ balloons at Christmas.4.他通常在星期天去理发。He usually _______ _____ ____________ on Sundays.5.在新年那一天我们穿上新衣服,走亲访友。

_____ New Year’s Day, we ______ ___ new clothes and _______ our ________ and friends.6.你们打算下个周末去观光吗?Are you going to ___________ _______________?

7.今天夜里要下雨。_________ _________ __________ _________tonight.8.火车什么时候到达巴黎?

What time does the train __________ _____________Paris?

9.你打算在哪里待多久?______ ______are you ______ _______ ______ ________?


They need to _______ ______ ______and_______ ______ ______.11.他们打算去观光,因为他们喜欢中国的文化。

They______ ______ _____ ______ ______ because they like Chinese culture.12.我出生在一个小村庄。I ________ ___________in a small village.13.我们正在享受好时光。We’re ________ _______ _________ _________.14.当你还是个小男孩的时候,你骑自行车去上学吗?

____________________________ when you were a boy?


The workers are_________the shop.Because the Christmas is__________.16.明天的天气如何?What ________the weather ________like tomorrow ?

17.大连冬天从不冷,夏天从不热。It’s ______very cold in winter____very hot in summer in Dalian.18.她比我更擅长于打篮球。She is ________than me at_______ basketball.19.公主死后变成了一只鸟。The princess ________ _________ a bird after she died.20.刘翔是中国最著名的明星之一。Liu Xiang is ____ ____ ____ ______ ______ ______ in China.21.学生们正在为考试做准备。Students _____ ______ _______ ____ the exam.22.骑自行车比体操更有趣。Cycling _____ _____ ________ _____ gymnastics.23.和孩子们一起玩是非常有趣的。It is very interesting ____ _____ _____ _______.24.导游昨天带着他们四处参观。The guide ______ ____ ________ _________.25.上学期王老师教我们英语。Last term, Mr.Wang ______ ______ English

26.多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。_______more vegetables______ _______ _____our health.1



30.你多久吃一次白菜? Mr.Wang goes to Beijing_______ _______ ________._______ ______ ______this morning? 29.请互相帮助。Please help __________ _________.___________ _________ do you eat cabbage?

31.中国以长城而闻名于世。China is _________ ____________the GreatWall.32.这个星期天你们打算去打篮球吗?_____ you______ _______ play basketball thisSunday?

33.你的启蒙老师怎么样? _______ ________ your first teacher _________?

34.对于老人来说学习英语更困难。It’s_____ ________ _____oldpeople_____ _____ English.35.你认为昨晚电视上关于詹天佑的那部电影怎么样?

What ______ you _______ ______ the film ______ Zhan Tianyou _____ television last night?

36.明天将会有雨。There will _________ ___________ tomorrow.37.请代我向你的父母问好。Please _________ hello ___________ your parents.38.那个小男孩迷路了,我帮他找到了妈妈。

The little boy _______ _______ and I helped him find his mother.39.你比他大2 岁.You are ______ ______ _______ _______ him.40.他们打算登上长城.They _______ ______ _________ _______ the Great Wall.41.孩子们正在穿衣服.The children ______ _______ ________.42.成千上万的人将会来中国.________ ______ people will ______ ______ China.43.下个星期天气将会变暖和吗? Will the weather _______ __________ next week?

44.他们正在逛商店买礼物。They _______ ________ _______ __________ ______presents.45.长江比黄河宽吗?Is the Changjiang River _______ _______ the Yellow River?

46.今天下午我有许多事情要做。I have a lot of things ________ ________ this afternoon.47.你在等谁? Who are you ________ ________?

48.他正在和谁谈话? Who is he _____ _______ ________?

49.你们将什么时候到达这里?When _______ ________ ___________here?

50.你的兄弟比你大还是比你小?Is your brother _________ _____ _________ you?

51.那些山大约有1200米高.Those mountains are about _______ ________ ___________.52.今晚将有大风和大雨.There will ________ __________and _________ ____________ tonight.53.他们每周上5天学.They go to school ______ ________ ______ _________.54.看,他们正躺在沙滩上,并享受阳光.Look!They _____ _______ on the beach and ______the sun.55.他是香港最受欢迎的歌手之一.He is _________________________________ in Hong Kong.56.他住得离学校最近.He lives ________ _____ the school.57.夏天是一年最热的季节.Summer is _____ ________season _____ _____ ______.58.那个年轻人需要考虑一下这个问题.The young man ________ ____ ______ ____ this question.59.他们正匆忙往车站赶.They _____ ________ ______the station.60.香港是个比上海新的城市.Hong Kong is a ______ ______ _______ Shanghai.61.在将来生活将会更舒适.Life will be more comfortable ______ ______ ________________.2






















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