
时间:2019-05-14 10:58:54下载本文作者:会员上传


7. People who live in the areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence should build houses that are resistant to ground movement.8. A farmer noticed large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water, which, he said, indicated the possible occurrence of an earthquake.Part.XI, p.162 1. 在日本和中国,人们长期以来一直相信地震是可以预测的。2.

2. 中国人的传统做法是观察动植物以获取地震的警示信号。

3. 他们还注意到,蛇会爬出地洞,狗会狂吠不已,甚至那些平常很安静的狗也会叫个不停。

4. 所以,建造具有抗震能力的楼房成为关注的重点。

5. 高架桥的水泥柱先前只是在内部埋设钢条,如今外面也包上了钢板。

6. 同时,贮备一些可以净化水和消灭病菌的东西也很重要,这样就可以放心饮用其他来源 的水了。

7. 大家应该商定一个地震区外的会合点——可能是在几英里外的某个市镇。

8. 教育人们如何在地震中幸存下来,应该是所有政府规划和地震研究项目的重点所在。

Section B.Changes in the Balance of Nature Reading Skills 1.In Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.You can get the answer by reading the first sentence of these paragraphs very quickly.2.About 5 billion years ago.(Para.3)You can have the answer by just skimming for the words “the Earth” and “formed”.3.About 3 million years ago.(Para.4)You can get the answer by just skimming for the words “the first human beings”.4.Section 2.You get the answer only by noticing the spacing and reading the headline of the section.5.Section 3.You have the answer only by noticing the spacing and reading the headline of the section.XVI.Choose the best answer to each of the following questions

1.in agreement with 2.cooled 3.out of proportion to 4.hard 5.can’t be regenerated 6.speed up 7.in peace with 8.aware of Part

XVII, p.174 1.rotates 2.flourishing 3.exceeded 4.abuse 5.accelerate 6.retain 7.ignorant 8.opposed Part

XVIII, p.175 1.Now that I am retired, I find I am spending more and more time on voluntary charity work, which I am veryhappy to take part in.2.His interests are in harmony with mine.3.In other words, 95 percent of the students have passed the entrance examination and been admitted to universities.4.We go abroad for a week or ten days every year, but I think we have a very simple life compared with many.5.Since coal is formed from plants, which are chemically very complicated, its own chemical make-up is very complex.6.During his stay in the countryside, he took to smoking.7.The father was ignorant of the boy’s secrets.8.The earthquake that took place last week brought about ten thousand deaths and destruction of half of the buildings in the area.Unit 7 III 1.modernize 2.interpret 3.distributing 4.punctually 5.conservation 6.maximum 7.exported 8.conquer 9.classification 10.recreation IV 1.by name 2.in high gear 3.turned out 4.At times 5.as to 6.stem from 7.put in 8.on the subject of 9.in the interest of 10.work on V D G N B I M E J L A

VI life 2.economy 3.conversation 4.politics 5.country 6.garden 7.industry 8.literature 9.interview 10.meetings VII 1.seaward: going toward the sea 2.backward: directed toward the back, the beginning, or the past;returning;behind indevelopment 3.earthward: toward the earth 4.outward: toward the outside;away;on the outside, appearing to be truebut perhaps not really true 5.southward: going toward the south 6.northward: going toward the north 7.homeward: going toward home 8.inward: moving toward the inside;on the inside;of the mind or spirit

VIII 1.interchangeable 2.intermingle 3.interconnected 4.interdependent 5.interplay 6.intermarriage 7.interpersonal 8.interactive IX 1.As to what actually happened to the headquarters 2.As to where I should go to further my study 3.as to how different they are and why we want to keep them both 4.as to whether or nor I should remain at the college working as a teaching assistant 5.as to whether the old hard ware is to be replaced by new hardware X 1.There is nouse trying to help those who do not help themselves 2.it is no good trying to solve the issue between the nations by means ofwar 3.There is no sense refusing to acceptit 4.There is no point in having a load of money 5.there is no harm in spending some time thinking about what sort of career you might wish topursue XI 1.An interesting question therefore remains as to how far Microsoft can go with Gates as its CEO.2.There’s/It’sno use complaining since nothing ever changes as the result of a complaint.What’s important is to take measures to prevent similar events from happiness.3.Learn to accept the fact that some people you thought were friends turn out to be enemies.4.As you would expect from the book’s title, there are many references to what kind of man Gates is.5.The prosperity of the company stems from hardworking and thrifty of the entire staff.6.He said nothing at all on the subject of the play which was put on for the first time Saturday night.XII 1.至于那天晚上他是怎么死的,事实上我无法解释,而且也许不会有任何可能的解释了。

2.做了一件事然后说自己本来不想那样做是没有用的;如果你不想做,你就不会做了。3.微软公司正在研究降低其产品成本的方法,以便发展中国家的人也能买得起。4.苹果公司也愿意将其部分软件与微软公司的产品捆绑在一起,以促进其销售。5. 与评价父亲不同,人们评价母亲依据的是其为母之道的成功或失败。对于母亲来说,一 切都取决于孩子最终成为什么样的人。

6. 人们会发现这个网站很有价值,因为我们投入了大量时间准备网站的信息。

XIII 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 A 11 D 12 B 13 D 14 C 15 A 16 C 17 D 18 C 19 A 20 D

unit8 Unit 8Section A Vocabulary III.1.mount 2.resembles 3.implication 4.prohibits 5.deliberate 6.debate 7.classified 8.guidelines 9.split 10.generated Exercises on Web course only: 11.categories 12.breed 13.commission 14.draft 15.confusion

IV.1.within reach 2.fall into 3.in terms of 4.get around 5.regardless of 6.referred to 7.What if 8.in the first place 9.concerned about 10.identical to Exercises on Web course only: 11.in the wake of 12.comparable to 13.puzzling over

V.1.K 2.E 3.M 4.O 5.F 6.H 7.N 8.A 9.I 10.B Collocation VI.1.duties 2.emotions 3.interests 4.experience 5.responsibility 6.love 7.characteristics 8.memories 9.information10.belief Word Building VII.1.transposition 2.transatlantic 3.transmigrants 4.transformed 5.transnational 6.transoceanic 7.transshipped 8.transported VIII.1.nonexistent 2.non-stop 3.non-art 4.non-college 5.non-productive 6.non-profit 7.non-fiction 8.non-violent Sentence Structure

IX.1.What if I say no 2.What if they don’t know 3.What if we can’t finish it on time 4.What if this happens to us someday 5.What if he has lied to us X.1.The Bosnian peace talks are continuing in Geneva today with the new proposals atthe top of the agenda.2.All of Southern Africa is suffering from a severe drought with Mozambique and Zimbabwe among the worse-hit countries.3.The Europe Summit in Paris is drawing to an end with the US in danger of being completely isolated.4.With the King in prison, the chief commander came to power and ruled the country.5.With stability itself under threat, the reforms deserve all the support they can get.Translation XI.1.It sounds like a good idea, but what if it’s a trick?

2.Cities and towns in this area suffered a lot from the earthquake with Jiujiang and Ruichang among the worst-hit.3.He complained that they should not have got involved in it in the first place.4.For Mary’s sake, I can lend you my car to get around your transport problem.5.In theory it’s feasible to clone a child to harvest organs, but in practice it would be psychologically harmful to the child.6.He published an article under the name of Braver which stresses the idea that the process of cloning animals would work forhumans as well.XII.1.你说你不会把时间浪费在约会上,但如果遇到吸引你的男子,你会怎么办呢? 2.为了帮助艾滋病患者,需要有新的措施,地方社团、非政府机构、政府和国际组织之间 要建立密切的合作关系。




Cloze XIII.1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 15.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.B

Section B Reading Skills I.1.The title is actually a question.Byusing a question as a title, the writer tries to attract the readers’ attention.Obviously, it’s about the possibility or legality of human cloning.The writer will give us a thorough analysis as to who might take advantage of human cloning.2.The language is formal and serious.Besides, it is emotional.The evidence for this is the repeated employment of rhetorical questions.3.Altogether, there are seven questions, including the one in the title.Of the seven, four are rhetorical questions.They appear respectively at the end of Paragraph 2, Paragraph 3, Paragraph 4, and at the beginning of Paragraph 6.4.Rhetorical questions are mainly intended to stir up the readers’ emotions, to put them off guard, making them ready to accept the writer’s opinion.Rhetorically, this is called emotional appeal.By using rhetorical questions four times, the writer of this text is appealing tothe readers to accept the idea “Don’t just say no to human cloning”.With all the above in view, we can see that the text is persuasive.Comprehension of the Text

II.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T Vocabulary III.1.resigned 2.consent 3.governing 4.refusal 5.disposed 6.artificial 7.desirable 8.reproduce 9.violated 10.radical Exercises on Web course only: 11.probable 12.reflection 13.resume 14.panic 15.opposition IV.1.She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.2.It makes sense to buy the most up-to-date version.3.If the day turns out to be wet, we may have to change our plans.4.Uponreflection, she decided to accept his offer.5.For the sake of a successful exhibition we should try our best to collect more famous paintings.6.We reserved two tickets in the name of Brown.7.We had to resign ourselves to taking a loss on the sale.8.Economic and social inequalities can never be viewed as positive and constructive forces.9.If he did move to Beijing, he’d stand a chance of getting a job.10.These policemen are frightened at the prospect that they face a population which has the most advanced automatic arms at its disposal.Unit 9 Section A Vocabulary III.1.invitation 2.enforced 3.cited 4.awkward 5.inherited 6.dispute 7.exposure 8.valid 9.verified 10.justification Exercises on Web course only: 11.editing 12.division 13.bind 14.payments 15.headline IV.1.She has certainly gained in confidence over the last couple of years.2.The actor made the headlines for having an affair.3.Greg’s parents are worried about his exposure to the kind of people they don’t approve of while he’s at college.4.The opposition parties are calling for the minister’s resignation over the scandal.5.The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.6.She’ll end up penniless if she keeps spending as much as that.7.She lays bare her three unhappymarriages in her autobiography.8.Hopingthat he might be able to shed light on the problem, I asked Paul to look at the engine.9.The outside influences have no bearing on what you can do for your basketball team.10.Thank you;I’ll store that piece of ness away for


Unit6a 4月7日,星期六


















她说,‘我倒什么你管得着吗,你算什么东西? 你不过是个垃圾工罢了。’






我说,‘那些垃圾工和我们一样干净。’ ‘你好像很同情他们似的,’她说。‘是的,我是很同情他们。’ 可我从没有告诉她这是为什么。”






他也许应该进一步要求人们既尊重经济学家又尊重垃圾工;不然的话,他们都会在身后留下垃圾。Unit6b 星期天凌晨三点整,他终于把自己累死了。









在他身后有妻子海伦,她48岁,心地善良,但却没有特别的职业技能,结婚生子之前曾做过办公室工作。据她女儿说,多年前孩子们还小时,她就放弃了与他的工作竞争。公司的一位朋友说:“我知道你将多么思念他。” 而她回答道:“我早已这样了。”
















他问大家:“谁工作最卖力?” Unit7a 和大多数城里人一样,我非常小心谨慎。






“你的钱在哪儿? 你的钱在哪儿?”他吼道。


























他们没有杀我,但他们为什么这么做呢? 是仁慈? 是因为时间太紧而顾不上? 还是因为饥饿?




“但是,” 临走时一个警察对我说,“他们拿走了你的炸鸡,这实在太不像话了。”






而目前,我们所能做的就是看看罪犯的照片,并参与到构筑抑制犯罪的大坝中去。Unit7b 我有一支黑色手枪,手柄是棕色的。








我曾想象自己遭遇歹徒的袭击,并不是真的遇到这种事: 一个男子正在街上走。









为什么是个穿着破旧T恤, 双眼发亮的黑人男子呢? 为什么不是个白人?
















“对不起,”我微笑着说。我意识到担惊受怕的并不只是我一个人。Unit8a 奇思妙想是如何形成的,现在还没有令人满意的解释。










他进入了似睡非睡的朦胧状态,骤然间感觉到自己仿佛掉进了滔滔洪水之中, 不断地下沉,很快,洪水的冲击声和咆哮声以音乐的形式呈现在他的脑海里。










然而,在创造性思维过程中,正是潜意识使得相对无序的成分变成新的有序形式。Unit8b 客人已经到了, 但我又一次忘了把葡萄酒放进冰箱里。“别担心,” 一位朋友说,“我马上就能替你把酒冰好。”




其中一个说,“要是我们大家都能这么聪明, 该多好啊!”

十年来的研究使我确信, 我们都能变得那样聪明。

普通人与爱迪生、毕加索或者莎士比亚之间的差别不在于是否有创造力, 而在于是否有通过激发创造性灵感并将这种灵感付诸实践来利用创造力的能力。




好的想法就像兔子,会飞快地溜走,有时我们只能看到它的耳朵或者尾巴。所以, 要抓住它必须有所准备。


1821年,路德维希·凡·贝多芬在给朋友的一封信中谈到他在马车上打盹时想到了一首美妙的曲子,“可我一醒来, 那首曲子便无影无踪了,我怎么也记不起来。”


有好主意的时候,把它写下来——必要时就写在手臂上。并非所有的想法都有价值, 但先捉住它, 以后再作评价。



















要变得更有创造力意味着你得留心你那些无穷无尽的想法, 学会捕捉你脑子里的新东西,并将之付诸行动。Unit9a 一个大学教授的学生可能多达百人或百人以上,也可能少至三人。不管有多少学生,这当中总有一个学生与众不同,甚至是出类拔萃。不管教授的问题有多艰深,这种学生似乎都知道该如何作答。而且不管要求什么时候交功课,他都能按时交,而且不犯一点错误。


当然了,能成为这样的人会是一件非常美妙的事情,但是因为不是你本人表现得那么优秀,你拿不出高分,也不能游刃有余地完成作业,于是怨气越积越多。你也许会自问:“为什么我就不能像那家伙一样呢?为什么我就成不了出类拔萃的人呢?” 那我现在就告诉你,你能成为那样的人。



















要向他人学习,采用他们的方法来改善自己的学习状况,这样你肯定会提高自己的学业成绩。过一段时间后,你会发现,你自己就是一个“与众不同”的人。然后你也会注意到其他学生正妒忌你或者想方设法去发现你的秘诀。Unit9b 这个问题无处不在。从走廊到校园的每个角落到处都能听到这个问题。每个人都在问这个问题。它是新的流行词汇,新的搭讪语,比“你是什么星座的?”用得还多。不过我却难以作答。我讨厌这个问题。





商业? 我不干。我是个艺术家。宁死也不学商业。










我把专业目录拿出来,又开始一页页地翻看起可选的专业来,这都翻得有上百万次了。计算机? 学计算机的人已经数不胜数了。汉语?

我倒是一直想去中国,但似乎我到中国也用不着学汉语专业,甚至也不需要流利地说汉语。机械? 不。广告? 还是不行。真是没指望了。



实际上,跟其他大学生也常常可能遇到的情形一样,我睡过头了,早上10点才醒过来, 错过了第一堂课──英语文学概况。我还有三个小时来决定将来致力于哪个工作,或者做随便什么事情。我总还可以学商业。







只要你的大学生活是丰富多彩的,你学什么专业真的无关紧要。你要参加自己感兴趣的活动,乐于了解这个世界。你有充足的时间来决定将来做什么工作。Unit10a 我祖父母认为,一个人要么诚实,要么不诚实,两者之间没有折中可言。

在他们起居室的墙上挂着一句朴实无华的格言:“生活如新雪覆盖的大地,走过之处必定留下足迹。” 他们没有必要去用语言作出解释, 因为他们用自己的生活方式印证了这一真理。








“我全拿出来了,” 外科医生肯定地对她说。“现在开始缝合刀口。”














正如罗伯特·舒勒所说,“艰苦的时光终将过去,坚强的人必将苦尽甘来。” 换言之,要正视现实,要以成熟的心态去迎接生活的挑战。


为人正直意味着去做你应该做的事,因为那是对的,而不是因为合乎潮流或迎合了政治上的需要。在生活中如果能坚持原则,抵制住放松道德标准的种种诱惑,那你就会永远立于不败之地。这样,你在跨入21世纪的时候,就不必为自己过去的所做所为而抱憾。这就是我祖父祖母教给我的做人的道理。Unit10b 对一代又一代的学生来说,写学期论文即使不是最可怕的作业,也至少一直是让他们头疼和沮丧的主要原因。





你想“写”一篇关于“哈姆雷特所面临的不可调和的道德困境”的论文吗? 只要交上29.75美元,文章就归你了。



“论文精粹”是另一个学生援助网站,它提供“优质” 而“价廉”的学期论文。“让您称心、保您成功”,这是该网站向潜在客户夸下的海口。
















3-6 Part VI.Writing(10分)

Direction: Write a composition on the topic “How to prepare ourselves well for a big earthquake?”.You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below referring to the useful words and expressions.1.为了预防地震,我们应该掌握哪些知识。(备用的东西,躲藏的地方,怎样与外界联系„„)

2.地震发生后我们应该怎么做。(如果在户外,„„;如果在家里,„„;如果在开车,„„)Useful words and expressions:

a survival kit, first aid kit, be clear about the safe as well as danger spots in your home, get your family reunited, overpasses and power lines, aftershocks, secondary disasters, landslide


Part VI.Writing(10分)

Direction: Write a composition on the topic “Bill Gates”.You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below referring to the useful words and expressions.1.简述盖茨(chairman, CEO, businessman, Microsoft)

2.盖茨成功的原因。(traits, Brilliance, competitiveness, workaholic)

3.他与众不同的风格:把握时间的技能,“多任务操作”能力。(skill, multitasks)

4.结束语。(modernize, change, impact, dominate, computing revolution)


Part VI.Writing(10分)

Direction: Write a composition on the topic “Premarital Agreements”.You should write no less than 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below referring to the useful words and expressions.1.婚前协议的内容一般是什么?签婚前协议的主要原因是什么?(确定自己婚后的权力,如谁做家务活;以防离婚时产生经济纠纷,„„)



Useful words:

Financial, divorce, assets, inherit, remarry


1.听力20’ 课外, 没有听写,每题1’



4.词汇选择5’(15选10),选自课文, 每题0.5’

5.翻译 10’(汉译英2句,选自课后翻译题; 英译汉3句,课文中句子,都是翻译半句)




Unit 1答案

Translation VIII.1.Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.2.She is excited by the idea of online learning while be considers it meaningless and useless.3.Communicating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.4.Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.5.He wants her to give up working and stay home to look after the children.She feels, however, that this is too much for her.6.Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.Unit 2答案


VIII.1.As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into he room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?”

2.the owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to.3.Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection.4.As usual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start bugging him.5.At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students.6.It makes my blood boil to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg for money along the streets.Unit 3答案

Translation VIII.1.I have decided to accept the new post, even though the job is not very well paid.2.The job has been taken to be very simple until(it is)actually started.3.Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to cold weather in winter.4.He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.5.This is an important meeting.Please see to it that you are not late for it.6.He is experienced businessman who has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.Unit 4答案


VII.1.she was so absorbed in reading the book that she was not conscious of someone coming in.2.He was late for almost an hour for the first meeting, leaving a bad impression on everyone.3.Consciously or unconsciously, we make up our minds about people through their eyes, faces, bodies, and attitudes.4.Professor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.5.Many how-to books advise you that if you want to make a good impression, the trick is to be consistently you, at your best.6.The media sometimes sends mixed messages, but most people believe what they see over what they hear

Unit 5答案


VIII.1.I hope that the effort that we’ve made will be of some use to the battle against AIDS.2.Despite all the efforts form the local organizations in the battle against AIDS, the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing.3.Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.4.It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.5.You’d better learn something about the course before signing up for it.6.The policy is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of local economy.Unit 6答案

VIII.1.The police got to the station five minutes after the explosion, and so did the reporters.2.Even if you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.3.The news reporters were given nothing but bare facts by the officials in charge of the investigation.4.The room was well decorated, but the color of the curtain did not go well with the overall style.5.Whenever we go back to the place where my husband was born, we always make the rounds of his relatives.6.Contrary to his hope, his girlfriend’s parents are not as approachable as his parents

Unit 7答案

Translation IX.1.The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged so that they could recognize her easily.2.When I go to work, I prefer to take a bus rather than drive and that morning was no exception.3.When he saw his granddaughter coming into the house(Seeing his granddaughter coming into the house), the old man got to his feet and moved several steps unexpectedly as if he could walk by himself.4.At that time we focused our attention on that painting without noticing anything unusual around us, and we can’t offer any additional details.5.The couple pulled their car into the parking lot and then headed for the cinema.6.It’s a question we have to face no matter how unpleasant it is.作文

Unit 1答案

XII.I am proud to say that I succeeded in learning a foreign language.It was a real challenge and, needless to say, it took a lot of practice.I carried a small dictionary with me everywhere I went as well as a notebook in which I listed new words I came across.I also managed my time carefully so that I met the standards of the course and finished assignments on time.After years of persistence, I reaped the benefits of all my hard work.Unit 2答案

XII.The first thing you should do t make tea is to boil water.While waiting for it to boil, you can get your teapot out and put the right amount of tea leaves into it.When the water has come to boil, pour it into the teapot.Then wait for a few minutes to let the leaves steep.Next? Enjoy the tea.Unit 3答案

All of my classmates believe that Sandy has a good taste for music.The music she listens to always has a clear, strong rhythm and the music has a message for us to think about.Also, the words in the music are just like poems, so beautiful and easy for us to remember.Unit 4答案

Body language is important in many cases: trying to win an election, addressing a family party, talking business at a conference, or giving a seminar at school.Reading Skills I.1.Besides speech, people use other forms to communicate.2.We communicate a great deal with our body movements.3.The clothes you wear also communicate many things.4.Small ornaments you wear communicate many things, too.5.A wealth of information from body language makes snap judgments seem sound.Comprehension of the Text

Unit 5答案

XII.Build more tall apartment buildings.The increase in population in cities is creating a housing problem.To solve the problem, one-family houses and older ones are being pulled down to make room for tall apartment buildings.When building space on the ground is used up, we can make use of the space in the air.This will help solve the housing problem in cities.Unit 6答案

XII.People come to Beijing for different purposes.Thousands upon thousands of foreign students are studying different subjects at universities in Beijing.Every year a large number of foreign businessmen from all pats of the world visit Beijing, for various kinds of business talks or international conferences.In addition travelers both at home and abroad come to Beijing for visiting places of historic interest during their holidays or visiting their friends and relatives in Beijing.Unit 7答案

XII.Analysis: The set of actions leading to the main idea: got up to his feet, found the keys, entered his house and called 911 the operator took a des cription and sent a police car had a drink, the policemen came and took a report Main idea: He reported the robbery to the police.Structured Writing XIII.I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and started the moves to thrust myself into the air.Then I dove into the pool.I enjoyed the quietness underwater, and then swam to the side of the pool.I was wondering about my score when suddenly, my coach leaped into the air.The crowd cheered, and I knew I’d won the gold medal


新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册课后练习答案 unit 1 Section A: Vocabulary III.1.charge 2.convention 3.efficient 4.obtain 5.competent 6.asessing 7.fulfill 8.conducting 9.consequently 10.significance IV.1.behind 2.at 3.in 4.out 5.to 6.to 7.in 8.with 9.but 10.for V.1.L 2.C 3.D 4.N 5.O 6.A 7.E 8.G 9.I 10.K Word Building VI.1.commitment 2.attraction 3.appointment 4.impression 5.civilization 6.composition 7.confusion 8.congratulation 9.consideration 10.explanation 11.acquisition 12.depression VII.1.advisable 2.disirable 3.favorable 4.considerable 5.remarkable 6.preferable 7.drinkable 8.acceptable Sentence Structure VIII.1.much less can he write English articles 2.much less can he manage a big company 3.much less could he carry it upstairs 4.much less have I spoken to him 5.much less to read a lot outside of it IX.1.Having meals at home can cost as little as two or three dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive.2.We thought she was rather proud,whereas in fact she was just very shy.3.We have never done anything for them, whereas they have done so much for us.4.Natalie prefers to stay for another week, whereas her husband prefers to leave immediately.5.Some praise him highly,whereas others put him down severely.Translation X.1.She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner.2.He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth.3.How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4.The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy.5.Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.6.We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on.XI.1.我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了.2.男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元.3.自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响.4.期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书.5.有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国.其部分原因来自于全球化带来的影响,部分原因是由于产地的变化.6.最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%.Cloze XII.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A Section B Comprehension of the Text II.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B Vocabulary III.1.utilize 2.reject 3.considerable 4.temporary 5.acceptable 6.recognition 7.alleviate 8.appreciate 9.furthermore 10.interact IV.1.interact with 2.gone through 3.deal with 4.recovered with 5.adjusting to 6.familiar to 7.In spite of 8.were tired of 9.prevented from 10.came to unit2 Section A Vocabulary III.1.promosing 2.amusing 3.lowered 4.persisted 5.rank 6.swear 7.unfair 8.presence 9.frowning 10.approximately IV.1.on 2.upon 3.on 4.in 5.by 6.to 7.in 8.of 9.on 10.out V.1.O 2.K 3.D 4.H 5.J 6.E 7.M 8.G 9.B 10.A Word Building VI.1.observeskier: one who skis 3.visitlearner:one who learns something 5.reportdrinker:one who often drinks alcohol,esp.too much VII.1.tropical 2.musical 3.occasional 4.environmental 5.global 6.dangerous 7.natural 8.central Sentence structure VIII.1.They didn't lose heart despite of lots of frustration.2.Despite the heavy rain,the boys played football in the yard all afternoon.3.I will try my best despite the slim chances of success.4.Despite a thorough search for the escaped prisoner in the mountain,no sign of him was found.5.Despite their increased income,their life became poorer because of the rising prices.IX.1.nor do I think it necessary to do so 2.nor would they go to my sister's 3.nor do we have her telephone number 4.nor would I like to go to work immediately 5.nor would I Translation X.1.Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she is never babied by her parents.2.Mike didn't come to the party last night, nor did he call me to give an explanation.3.The person sitting next to him did publish some novels, but he is by no means a great writer.4.He has no interest in football and is indifferent to who wins to loses.5.The manager needs an assistant that he can count on to take care of problems in his absence.6.This is the first time that he has made a speech in the presence of so large an audience.XI.1.尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施.2.我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性.3.你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的? 4.别人对他怎么看,他全不在意.5.我能否指出你犯了个小错误.6.他母亲让他开车慢一点儿,但是他从不把她的话放在心上.Cloze XII.1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.D Section B Reading skills I.1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B Comprehension of the Text II.1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B Vocabulary III.1.sake 2.sacrificed 3.crack 4.pursuing 5.explosive 6.overcome 7.indicated 8.opponents 9.stripped 10.denied IV.1.Natasha made herself stand out in the group interview by acting as the leader in her group.2.To be successful,you need a careful plan,good luck,help at the right time,and above all,hard work.3.They are not doing this to gain recognition or money;they are doing this for the sake of society.4.It was actually what he said rather than what he did that made me sad.5.Once my mother sets her mind on something,it will be very hard to stop her.6.Years of research had set the stage for their success in their field.7.Local people are used to the phenomenon,so they are not surprised at all.8.Today at this meeting we are going to focus on the question of air pollution.9.He never expected that his best friend would charge him with cheating in the exam.10.His parents were so strict with him in his studies that he had little time to participate in any activities outside of class.unit3 Section A Vocabulary III.1.mutual 2.illusion 3.canceled 4.overlooked 5.proceeded 6.resolve 7.prejudice 8.compromise 9.confirm 10.subsequently IV.1.having nothing to do with 2.taking care of 3.met with 4.on the surface 5.work out 6.incompatible with 7.ups and downs 8.learned of 9.indication of 10.all along V.1.M 2.L 3.F 4.D 5.H 6.O 7.A 8.C 9.I 10.K Word Building VI.1.shopping 2.feeling 3.storage 4.cooking 5.ending 6.beginning 7.gathering 8.removal 9.arrival 10.passage 11.writing 12.marriage VII.1.relationship 2.citizenship 3.leadership 4.membership 5.boyhood 6.livelihood 7.brotherhood 8.authorship 9.adulthood 10.neighborhood 11.wisdom 12.ownership Sentence structure VIII.1.It is never too bad for us to do something about the situation.2.One is never too old to learn.3.It is never too late for you to put a stop to this madness.4.It is never too late for you to mend your ways.5.His income was never too small to support his family.IX.1.My best friend,Anna,was here last night.2.The company manager,Mr.Madison,gathered his staff and announced the decision.3.You should have seen an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor.4.He sent for the accountant,the most experienced person in accounting.5.“Leave it to me,” said David,the man on night duty.Translation X.1.You are never too experienced to learn new techniques.2.There remains one problem,namely,who should be sent to head the research there.3.Their relationship did meet with some difficulty at the beginning because of cultural differences.4.Though he has had ups and downs,I believed all along that he would succeed someday.5.I have some reservations about the truth of your claim.6.She isn't particularly tall,but her slim figure gives an illusion of height.XI.1.应尽早告知年轻人:必须认真对待法律.2.他现在面临一个重要决定,这个决定可能会影响他的整个前程.3.即使在情况最糟糕的时候,你也必须保持镇静和信心.4.人际关系的成功与否与双方相处是否融洽以及交流是否顺畅有很大关系.5.他受到袭击,身受重伤,随后不治而亡.6.他的举止至少在表面上像个正常人。Cloze XII.1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D Section B Reading skills I.1.F 2.F 3.O 4.F 5.O 6.O 7.O 8.F 9.O 10.F Comprehension of the Text II.1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D Vocabulary III.1.arrange 2.criticism 3.innocent 4.criticizing 5.miserable 6.modest 7.compelled 8.somehow 9.anticipate 10.birlliant IV.1.on 2.from...to 3.off 4.with 5.away 6.about 7.over 8.On 9.Concerning 10.to


Section A: Vocabulary III.1.forbid 2.identical 3.objectino 4.warmth 5.volunteers 6.overseas 7.declined 8.resisted 9.fancy 10.decrease/decline IV.1.without fail 2.volunteer for 3.as long as 4.right away 5.more than thankful...for 7.wrote back 8.forbidden from 9.vanished into 10.was free to V.1.O 2.J 3.G 4.H 5.L 6.A 7.E 8.B 9.C 10.N Word Building VI.1.sadness 2.weakness 3.carelessness 4.illness 5.darkness 6.kindness 7.laziness 8.nervousness VII.1.noisy 2.wealthy 3.sunny 4.lucky 5.tasty 6.healthy 7.angry 8.icy Sentence structure VIII.1.It is necessary for the manager to finish the whole task before leaving for a holiday.2.It is a shame to take so much money for doing so little.6.am 3.It is our responsibility to help people around us who are in trouble.4.It is a surprise for us all to realize he has been cheating us.5.It is pleasant fro the mother to see her daughter growing into a young lady.IX.1.as long as she got her father's agreement 2.As long as you set a goal for yourself 3.As long as she covers all the expenses herself 4.as long as she does her job well 5.As long as you never lose heart Translation X.1.It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.2.It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.3.You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.4.Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little interested in it.5.Everyone knows that he is special:He is free to come and go as he pleases.6.Watching the unhappy look on her face,I felt as though she wishes to say something to me.XI.1.现如今,仅仅受过中等教育的人要想找份好工作越来越难了。2.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧.3.如果你对所购物品不满意,我们将很乐意退款.4.我们对这块伟大的美丽的土地心怀感激之情,多年来它迎接了众多的人来这里的海滩游览.5.让老师吃惊的是,没人自愿当班长.6.那条狗忠心耿耿地继续在火车站等待主人,直到两年后死去.Cloze XII.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.C Section B: Reading skills I.1.I am almost dead.2.I am moving across the landscape.3.I have achieved a modest amount of prosperity.4.A friend convinces me to go on a blind date with a lady friend of his.5.Roma gets a faraway look in her eyes.Comprehension of the Text II.1.D 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A Vocabulary III.1.insurance 2.descended 3.precision 4.trace 5.stain 6.specify 7.accustomed 8.embraced 9.knelt 10.prosperity IV.1.The Rockefeller family achieved a hugh amount of prosperity in the oil business.2.What all workers have in common is expecting better working conditions.3.You don't know what his feelings will be,as they change from day to day.4.This is generally a warm place,but we do get freezing weather on occasion.5.Every year at Christmas drunk driving takes its toll on the joyful atmosphere.6.Many people still cling to the hope that one day there will be place between the two countries.7.He was so angry that he lost control.8.The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida.9.How on earth did she manage to pass the test? 10.His career as a teacher came to an end when he broke his leg,but he continued to write textbooks for students.unit 5 Section A: Vocabulary III.1.hardened 2.shelter 3.slim 4.weaken 5.Literally 6.noticeable 7.bunch 8.drag 9.grateful 10.hooked IV.1.leaned on 2.close at hand 3.die of 4.are starved of 5.coupled with 6.is directed...at 7.are...dressed in 8.grateful to 9.struggling to 10.a bunch of V.1.J 2.G 3.K 4.M 5.E 6.0 7.D 8.H 9.A 10.C Word Building VI.1.Under the pleasant situation the property prices are just beginning to harden again.2.In the past few years,these inside conflicts have weakened the government's position.3.Every Sunday the father takes his child to libraries,museums,exhibitions or natural parks,as he believes that this helps to broaden the child's mind.4.The days are lengthening as summer approaches.5.As she was waiting for the result to come out,her excitement heightened.6.The taking on of a new secretary lightened his workload considerably.7.As he listened to his assistant reporting on the progress of the project,the manager's face darkened with anger.8.Before night fell,the setting sun reddened the clouds.VII.1.arrival 2.expectations 3.understandable 4.Visitors 5.freedom 6.profitable 7.lucky 8.gathering Sentence structure VIII.1.John went to the cinema with his brother,which surprised me.2.The boy broke the window,for which he was criticized by the teacher.3.He tore up my photo,by which I was angered very much.4.It was raining hard,for which the team stayed indoors.5.Connie changed her mind for the second time,which came as no surprise to us.IX.1.The teacher spoke so quietly that the students could hardly hear her.2.The lecture was so boring that many listeners fell asleep.3.The student has so many books that he does not know what to do with them.4.The old man was so ill that his neighbors had to send for a doctor.5.Her remarks are so funny that everyone laughs to tears.Translation X.1.He spoke confidently,which impressed me most.2.My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3.I'm very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4.The bad light,coupled with the wet ground,made driving very difficult.5.Being starved of funds,they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6.They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.XI.1.飞机可能会晚点几个小时,要是那样,我们等着就没有什么意义了.2.乔治常常说谎,因此当他说他考试得了高分时没人相信他.3.初了附近位于十字路口的那家小工厂,一切都静悄悄的.4.缺少睡眠的人会感到很难集中心思干活.5.我安排人去机场接克拉克先生,然后带他去宾馆.6.一到达山顶,游客们都高兴地大叫起来.Cloze XII.1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.C Section B: Reading skills I.1.giving them many material possessions 2.change continually and frequently 3.a sudden,uncontrollable feeling of regret 4.makes(the parent-child relationship)go wrong;taking(some of the happiness and mutual respect)away from(parents and their children)5.start a new course of improved behavior Comprehension of the Text II.1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C Vocabulary III.1.assigned 2.compensate 3.prompt 4.manner 5.tendency 6.undermined 7.submit 8.inferred 9.fluctuates 10.responded IV.1.Jean wrote the speaker's address down in her notebook for fear that she might forget it.2.Passengers must show their tickets on demand.3.Officials are bound to investigate any possible corruption.4.I took it for granted that you would come with us,so I bought you a ticket.5.She has been selfish all the time,but she has promised to turn over a new leaf and become more loving toward others.6.People in this region have pined for a peaceful life since the religiou war broke out three decades ago.7.Poor health had made it difficult for Jim to hold down a job for more than a year.8.Betty gets very depressed at times because of the pressure of her work.9.The boys at my school used to make fun of me because I have a flat nose.10.Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle, and I finally gave in.Unit 6 Vocabulary III.1.confessed 2.reserve 3.professional 4.impressive 5.latter 6.convey 7.qualify 8.refined 9.substitute 10.approval IV.1.Correct from: fill out;synonym: fill in 2.Correct from: feel comfortable with;synonym: feel comfortable about 3.Correct from: attach first importance to;translation: 非常重视;把……放在第一位 4.Correct from: turned down;synonym: rejected;refused 5.Correct from: came(up)to;definition: moved toward 6.Correct from: pressing me for;definition: try in a determined way to get something.7.Correct from: free from/of;definition: not influenced by 8.Correct from: stuck with;translation: 不得不接待;被迫接待

9.Correct from: for better or worse;definition: whether the result is good or bad 10.Correct from: took charge of;synonym: took responsibility for V.1.M 2.K 3.L 4.F 5.I 6.C 7.H 8.O 9.E 10.B Word Building VI.illegal impolite irregular impatient incapable irresponsible inconsistent inappropriate incorrect indefinite 1.impatient 2.irresponsible 3.inconsistent 4.illegal 5.inappropriate 6.incapable 7.irregular 8.impolite 9.incorrect 10.indefinite VII.unnoticeable unreasonable ungrateful unlimited uncertain uncover unrecognizable unfashionable undo untidy unfold unload 1.unreasonable 2.unfolded 3.uncertain 4.uncovered 5.ungrateful 6.unloading 7.unlimited 8.undid Sentence structure VIII.1.so is air to man 2.so is the eagle of all birds 3.so is beer to the British 4.so is tea to the Chinese 5.so do the English love their beer IX.1.While waiting at the doctor’s, I read an entire short story.2.After using the brush, put it in its proper place.3.Before being in the army, he was an engineer.4.I deliberately didn’t read the book before going to see the film.5.When buying a new car, it is best to seek expert advice.Translation X.1.(Just)as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2.He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3.To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.4.The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with advance of new technologies.5.Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when(they are)required to answer questions.6.The local government took charge of the security for the sports meeting.XI.1.足球之于意大利人,就像乒乓球之于中国人。





6.信息被定义为通过陈述事实向大脑传达的知识,它可以有多种形式。Cloze XII.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.A Section B Comprehension of the Text II.1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F Vocabulary III.1.tidy 2.prevail 3.emotional 4.imitating 5.discourage 6.bargain 7.wander 8.superficial 9.concealed 10.accompanies IV.1.tuened out 2.is not really up to 3.went to great lengths 4.acting out 5.spoke of 6.Judging by 7.out of character 8.took sides 9.blow his cover 10.more or less



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