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2013新人教版初一七年级下册英语全套练习册答案 Unit 1 Section A I.1.dance 2.sing 3.swim 4.paint 5.pay chess 6.play the guitar 7.play the piano 8.English club 9.swimming club 10.want to join a club 11.be good at Ⅱ.1.Can 2.want 3.join;swimming 4.do 5.or 6.in Ⅲ.1-5 CBAAC 6-9 BCBB Section B I.1.speak 2.violin 3.club 4.tell 5.does Ⅱ.1.tell stories 2.play chess 3.play the drums 4.play the violin 5.play the piano 6.play basketball 7.sing and dance 8.English-speaking students 9.make friends 10.can do kung fu 11.call sb at 12.musicians wanted 13.come and show us 14.help with sports 15.music festival Ⅲ.1-5 BBCBB

6-8 ACC Self Check 1 I.1.singing 2.piano 3.chess 4.painting 5.musician Ⅱ.1.do 2.to 3.want 4.club 5.play 6.can’t

Ⅲ.1.with my 2.Is;with;is 3.Can I help you? 4.can’t do 5.What can;do 6.What;does;want IV.sing;Can;do;play;the violin Self Check 2 I.1-5 CAABC II.1.students 2.swimming 3.Chinese 4.musicians 5.stories III.1-5 ACABB 6-10 CBACA IV.1-5 CDBEA V.1-5 BACCA 6-8 ABC VI.1-5 BBCCB VII.One possible version:

There are six musicians in our school band.They are very talented.My favorite musician is Li Hua.She is the best.She can sing and dance well.She can play the piano, too.Wang Hai can play the trumpet.Li Jun can play the violin.Cai Ming can sing and play the violin.Chen Hui and Chen Yang can play the drums.Unit 2 Section A I.1.go to school 2.get up 3.eat/ have breakfast 4.take a shower 5.get dressed 6.go to work 7.brush teeth 8.radio station 9.be late for work 10.at eleven 0’clock II.1-5 CACCA 6-10 CCCCB III.1.What time does;go 2.What do;to do 3.doesn’t do

4.Does;start;does 5.don’t think Section B I.1.do homework 2.go home 3.at about six thirty 4.go to bed 5.be good for 6.either...or 7.get home 8.a quarter to seven 9.after school 10.take a walk 11.play sports 12.eat vegetables II.1-5 BACBC 6-8 ACB III.1-5 ABCCA 6-7 BC

Self Check 1 I.1.usually 2.shower 3.evening 4.about/ around 5.healthy 6.gets 7.job 8.Saturday II.1-5 BBCAC 6-9 BABC III.1-5 DACBE IV.1.their 2.me 3.funny 4.brushes 5.Does;work 6.takes 7.to know 8.doesn’t do Self Check 2 I.1-5 CABBC II.1.does;do 2.to sleep 3.does;work 4.puts 5.speak 6.do;have 7.Tell 8.gets 9.Look III.1-5 BABCB 6-10 CBABC IV.1.time 2.at 3.early 4.have 5.and 6.about 7.do 8.by 9.on 10.take V.1.comes 2.school 3.days 4.students 5.teaches 6.playing 7.like 8.Chinese 9.talks 10.Sunday VI.1-5 TTFFF VII.One possible version:

Hi!I’m Jack.I usually get up at 6:50 in the morning.Then I eat breakfast at around 7:20.At around 7:45, I go to school.I have lunch at 12:00 in the school.After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.Then I go home at 5:30.I have dinner at 6:20.After dinner I do my homework and watch TV for a while.I go to bed at 10:00.Unit 3 Section A I.1.ride a bike 2.forty-six minutes 3.take the subway 4.take the bus 5.walk to school 6.get to school 7.drive a car 8.how far 9.it takes...to do sth.10.how long II.1.ride 2.walks 3.takes 4.train 5.minutes III.1-5 ACBCB 6-10 ACBCA IV.1-5 CAEBD

Section B I.1.kilometers 2.village 3.early 4.bridge 5.cross II.1-5 BABCC 6-10 BBACB

III.1.How 2.How far 3.How long 4.Where 5.What Ⅳ.1.ride;station;take 2.most;to get to 3.eleven-year-old;crosses;school 4.How far does;live 5.ride;boring;talk with V.1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CACAC Self Check I.1-5 CBCAA II.1-5 ACBED III.1-5 ABBCA 6-10 AACAC IV.A: 1-5 FTFFT B: 1-5 FTTFT V.One possible version:

Mary’s home is about three kilometers from school.She usually goes to school by bus.It takes about ten minutes.Tom lives about five kilometers away from school.He goes to school in his father’s car.It takes twelve minutes.Simon and Bill are brothers.Their home is eight kilometers from school.They take the subway to school.It takes about twenty minutes.Jesse lives near the school.It’s only two kilometers from her home to school.So she goes to school on foot.It takes twenty-five minutes.Unit 4 Section A I.1.uniform 2.eat 3.can’t 4.hallway 5.keep 6.quiet II.1-5 BACAA III.1.run in the hallway 2.be/ arrive late for school 3.eat in the classroom 4.listen to music 5.wear hats 6.has to;gym class 7.Do;wear school uniforms 8.What else Section B I.1-5 ACBAC 6-8 BAC II.School rules:1,2,6,7,11,14 Library rules:9,12,15 Traffic rules:4,10,13 House rules:3,5,8 Self Check 1 I.1-5 CBAAC II.1.can’t come 2.Don’t do 3.When do;have 4.Does;have to 5.What;think of III.A.(1, 2)B.(2, 3)C.(1, 2)D.(3)E.(3)F.(2)Self Check 2 I.1-5 BCCAA 6-10 CBBAA II.1-5 TFTFT III.One possible version: Dear David, I’d like to tell you the rules in our school.We have too many rules.We can’t run in the hallways.We can’t arrive late for class.We can’t listen to music in the classroom.And we have to wear our school uniforms.We have to clean our classroom and do homework every day.What do you think of our rules? Please write to me soon and tell me your school rules.Yours,Li Ping

Unit 5 Section A I.1.south 2.Pandas 3.zoo 4.map 5.elephant II.1-5 BAABB III.1.Why;very cute 2.does;like;Because;kind of interesting 3.animal;dogs;Why;friendly and smart 4.are;from;are from South Africa IV.1-5 DACBE V.1.They are fromAustralia.2.Yes, they are.3.Where do 4.from;too 5.Are tigers beautiful animals? Section B I.1-5 ACABC 6-10 CACAA II.1.danger 2.quiet 3.lazy 4.to relax 5.scary III.1-5 BABAB Ⅳ.1-5 CEADB V.1.kind of 2.South Africa 3.get lost 4.be in danger 5.cut down 6.be made of Self Check 1 I.1-5 AAACC II.1.Do;eat 2.doesn’t do 3.Can you 4.Why;like 5.Where are;from III.1.It’s next to the zoo entrance.2.It is large.3.There aren’t many interesting animals in the zoo.4.Why are giraffes interesting? 5.How many pandas are there in Panda House? Self Check 2 I.1.leaves 2.friendly 3.beginning 4.animals 5.Chinese II.1-5 CACAB 6-10 CCACB III.1-5 FTTFF IV.One possible version:

I have a small dog.Its name isCoco.It’s brown with two big eyes.It’s very smart and friendly.Its favorite food is bones.It likes to take a walk with me every day.Unit 6 Section A I.1.do homework 2.watch TV 3.make soup 4.talk on the phone 5.go to the movies 6.eat out 7.use the computer 8.wash the dishes 9.read a newspaper 10.are;doing;watching 11.doing;is doing homework 12.doing;is reading 13.to go to the movies;Certainly;boring;When;Let’s go 14.reading 15.going II.1-5 CACBC III.1-5 DBAEC Section B I.1.swimming 2.library 3.misses 4.delicious 5.reading II.1.is shopping 2.are watching 3.photos 4.cleans 5.play III.1-5 BBACB IV.1-5 ACBAB Self Check 1 I.1-5 CCAAC II.1-5 CBCAA 6-10 CBBCA III.One possible version:

It’s five o’clock in the afternoon.Some students are in the classroom.They are doing different things.Two boys are cleaning the windows.Li Fang is reading a book.Wang Lin is doing homework.Lucy and Lily and talking.And Zhu Tao is drawing a picture.Self Check 2 I.1-5 CBBCA II.1.swimming 2.shopping 3.libraries 4.children 5.photos 6.leaves 7.studies 8.plays 9.dirty 10.dangerous III.1-5 AABBC 6-10 ACCBA IV.1.They are at home.2.He is Tom’s classmate and good friend.3.Who is in the kitchen? 4.Where is Mr.Black? 5.What are they doing now?

Unit 7 Section A I.1.snowy / snowing 2.playing 3.is 4.are running 5.clean II.1-5 BBAAC III.1-6 FBDEAC IV.1-5 FTFTT Section B I.1-5 BACCA II.A)1.summer 2.cooking 3.aunt 4.hot 5.doctor B)6.windy 7.relaxing 8.are watching 9.playing 10.to call III.1.not bad 2.studying inToronto 3.cold and snowing 4.pretty good 5.sunny and hot Self Check 1 I.1-5 BACBC II.1.What is the weather like now? 2.What are you doing at home? 3.That sounds like fun.4.How is it going with your family? 5.She is calling to say happy birthday.III.1.How’s;weather 2.What’s the weather like 3.What is; wearing 4.What’s the weather like/ How is the weather 5.What an interesting place 6.What bad 7.very snowy

Self Check 2 I.1-5 BCABC II.1.How’s the weather;What’s the weather like;hot and dry 2.How’s it going;Great 3.beautiful;sunny 4.take a message 5.call me back 6.many people;on vacation 7.summer school 8.by the pool 9.a very interesting place 10.It’s winter 11.having a good time 12.in the rainy weather III.1-5 CBABC 6-10 CAACB IV.One possible version:

It is 5:30 on Saturday afternoon.The weather is sunny.Jack and his family are all at home.They are doing different things.Jack is doing homework in his bedroom.His mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen.His father is washing the car in the yard.His grandfather and grandmother are watching TV in the living room.Unit 8 Section A I.1.near here 2.on 3.across from 4.next to 5.in front of 6.between;and 7.behind the library 8.in the neighborhood 9.post office 10.pay phone 11.go straight 12.turn left II.1.between 2.post office 3.library 4.supermarket 5.across III.1-5 BCCBA IV.1.There isn’t 2.Are;any 3.Where is 4.behind 5.near here V.1.there was no petrol left 2.a woman 3.West Street 4.walked 5.the petrol station was closed Section B I.1.go along the street 2.turn right 3.at the first crossing 4.spend time 5.enjoy reading 6.on your right II.A)1.zoo 2.behind 3.across 4.front 5.library B)6.turning 7.easily 8.yours 9.playing 10.neighborhood III.1-5 ACABA IV.1-5EACDB V.1.It’s onGuangming Street.2.Yes, it is.3.Is there a big garden across from your school? 4.How many buildings are there in your school? 5.Where can I find your school? Self Check 1 I.1-5 AAACC II.1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CCABA III.1-5 FTFTF Self Check 2 I.1.Excuse 2.Where 3.Sorry 4.ask 5.know 6.way 7.along/down 8.take 9.turning 10.see/find II.1-5 BCACA 6-10 CCBAC III.1.He’s from Canada.2.He’s looking for his parents.3.He’s going to the People’s Park.4.Jack is.5.He’s going there by taxi.Unit 9 Section A I.1.curly 2.height 3.brown / blonde 4.cinema 5.heavy II.1-5 BBACC III.1.look like 2.short hair 3.long hair 4.curly hair 5.straight hair 6.medium height 7.medium build 8.short straight hair 9.wear glasses 10.go to the movies IV.1-5 BEDCA Section B I.1.build 2.singer 3.Handsome 4.actor 5.round II.1.artist 2.actress 3.him 4.glasses 5.differently III.1.has 2.is 3.is 4.has 5.is 6.has IV.1-5 ACBAB Self Check 1 I.1-5 ACABB II.1.doesn’t do 2.Does;have 3.Who does;look 4.of medium height 5.in III.1-5 BCBCA 6-10 BACBA IV.1.round 2.light brown and short 3.thin 4.long curly 5.big blue Self Check 2 I.1.know 2.look 3.medium 4.bit 5.curly 6.glasses 7.good-looking 8.jokes 9.popular 10.remember II.A)1-5 CBCAB B)1.Susan.2.Because she has an important meeting.3.William.4.Tall.5.Yes, she does.III.One possible version:

My favorite teacher

My favorite teacher is my English teacher.She is Miss Li.She is thin and of medium height.She has long curly black hair.She wears glasses.She’s very good-looking.She likes singing and playing the guitar.She often teaches us to sing English songs.I like her very much.Unit 10 Section A I.1.large 2.drink 3.tomatoes 4.seasons 5.dumplings II.1-5 AABCB III.1.some;a 2.some;a 3.an 4.some 5.an;some IV.1.what kind of 2.beef and tomato noodles 3.a large bowl of noodles 4.What kind of;would;like 5.would he like;small/medium/large V.1.Can 2.help 3.some 4.noodles 5.do 6.have 7.do 8.have 9.large 10.medium 11.small 12.medium Section B I.1.tomatoes 2.to play 3.sunny 4.onion 5.eating II.1-5 CACCA III.1-5 CEBDA Self Check 1 I.1.orange juice 2.green tea 3.around the world 4.make a wish 5.blow out 6.cut up 7.take one’s order 8.a large bowl of 9.and 10.or 11.come;eat 12.small;medium;or large 13.some soup II.1-5 BACCA

Self Check 2 I.1.What kind of books 2.would like 3.large bowl 4.cups of 5.for breakfast II.1-5 ACBCA III.1-5 FFTFT

Unit 11 Section A I.1.farmers 2.walk 3.trip 4.grow 5.Cow II.1-5 BCABB III.1.go for a walk 2.milk a cow 3.ride a horse 4.feed chickens 5.take photos 6.in the countryside IV.1.played 2.visited 3.talked 4.climbed 5.studied 6.worried 7.stopped 8.practiced 9.did 10.was

11.were 12.had 13.ate 14.bought 15.rode 16.took

17.went 18.Fed V.was;was;visited;did;do;went;fed;was;was;was;was;watched;

were Section B I.1.climb the mountains 2.go fishing 3.visit the museum 4.fire station 5.all in all 6.be interested in 7.play chess 8.gift shop II.A)1.delicious 2.walk 3.classmate 4.water 5.expensive B)6.boring 7.took 8.were 9.interested 10.to make III.1-5 CDEAB

Self Check 1 I.1.didn’t make 2.Did;go 3.What did;do 4.Where did;go 5.went shopping II.1.did;go;the countryside 2.How;was great 3.Did;No 4.how to make 5.All in all;exciting III.1-5 ABCAC Self Check 2 I.1-5 CBAAC II.1.Last summer.2.Under a big tree.3.How did you get to the foot of the mountain? 4.How was the food? 5.We weren’t very happy.III.One possible version: Sunday, April 9th The weather was fine.All my classmates went to the park.We climbed the hills, boated on the lake, and flew kites all morning.At noon, we had a picnic near a big tree.In the afternoon, some girls sang and danced, some boys talked in English, and some students played games there.When we went home, it was late.I was tired, but I was really happy.Unit 12 Section A I.1.were;was 2.go;went 3.having 4.called;was;said 5.did;played II.1-5 CCBAA III.1.on Saturday morning 2.last weekend 3.do;homework 4.go boating 5.beautiful beach 6.clean one’s room 7.the library 8.the movies 9.the pool 10.play tennis 11.play badminton 12.play the guitar 13.study for 14.camp by the lake 15.great;OK;wasn’t 16.did;do;stayed;studied for the math test 17.On Saturday evening Section B I.A)1.week 2.visited 3.library 4.test 5.middle B)6.cleaned 7.had 8.wanted 9.was 10.went II.1-5 BAABA III.1.play the guitar 2.go to the library 3.study for the test 4.in the afternoon 5.fly a kite 6.swimming pool 7.clean the room 8.go shopping 9.have dinner with friends 10.put up tents 11.visit grandparents 12.stay up late 13.run off 14.get a surprise 15.up and down 16.wake sb up 17.shout to 18.So;that;move 19.put up tents;keep us warm 20.read a book about history Self Check 1 I.1.was 2.did 3.had 4.went 5.read 6.saw 7.flew 8.made 9.played 10.studied 11.swam 12.put II.1.She was at school two hours ago.2.He wasn’t a great singer in 1999.3.He(often)went to the mountains with his friends last month.4.I wrote a letter to my brother yesterday evening.5.He had a glass of milk this morning.III.1-5 BCACB Self Check 2 Ⅰ.1-5 CCCCB Ⅱ.1-5 CBACB 6-10 CAABB Ⅲ.One possible version:

Tom had a busy day last Sunday.He got up early in the morning.Then he did his homework.In the afternoon, he played soccer with his friends.In the evening, he studied for the English test for two hours.Then he watched TV for half an hour.He went to bed at ten thirty.


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1.In Miss Gao’s class, there are forty-six student.高老师班里有46个学生.Miss Gao’s class是名词所有格,现将有关知识介绍给大家.(1)当名词是人名或表示有生命以及被视为有生命的东西时,可以用下列所有各形式.①名词’s.如:John’s book约翰的书

②名词(复数)’s.例如:worker’s room工人们的房间.但是不带s的复数形式仍须加’s.如:Children’s Day儿童节;Women’s Day妇女节.③以s结尾的专有名词可用’s,也可只有’,例如:Dickens’(s)狄更斯的小说.(2)如果某物为两人共有时,则只需在这两个名词后加’s,例如:Mary and John’s cars.(3)表示国家,城市等地方的名词和表时间,距离,度量及金钱的名词是无生命的,但也可用以上形式表所有格,例如:two week’s holiday一个两周的假期.(4)a picture of my family我们家的一张照片 “of +名词”的结构,常用于表示无生命的所有关系,但也可以表示生命名词的所有关系,尤其是当后者有较长的定语时.(5)名词所有格,有时可以代替前面提到过的东西,相当于一个名词性物主代词,例如: These books are Mary’s(hers).这些书是玛丽的.(6)有时名词的所有格也可表示“家”、”商店”,或其他的处所.如:my aunt’s我姑姑家;the Green’s格林家.2.I think he is cleaning the car.我想他在清洗车.如果我们要表示“我想,他没有在干什么”要用这样的句型: I don’t think…….例如:(1)I don’t think he is right.我想他是错的.(2)I don’t think she is watching TV.我想她没在看电视.单元测试

一、找出下列每组画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项.1.A.near B.wear

C.pear C.meat C.house C.flower C.them C.table C.thank

D.there D.clean D.count D.cow D.then D.grade D.ant 2.A.sweater B.lease 3.A.young B.blouse 4.A.how 5.A.pen 6.A.have 7.A.carry B.row B.men B.same B.has 8.A.orange B.son 9.A.over 10.A.chair

二、选择 B.school




D.brother D.teacher B.go C.home 1.“____?” “Yes, some bread, please.” A.What would you like C.Are there any bread

B.Can I help you D.What do you want

C.I tell D.I to tell 2.Please let ____ you about the news.A.him to tell B.her tell 3.____ there are some trees.A.In front of the house

B.In the front of the house

C.In the house D.In house

4.I have ____ apples, but I haven’t ____ pears.A.some, some B.any, any C.some, any D.any, some A.is A.is B.are C.all D.is all B.are C.is an B.Where’s B.watching

D.are a

C.Whose is D.Who’s C.looking

D.seeing 5.My family ____ watching TV now.6.One of the girls ____ English.7.“____ the blouse?” “It’s on the bed.”

A.What’s A.watch 8.Is the old woman ____ TV?

9.What’s ____ doing?

A.you B.the boys

C.her D.your brother

10.I ____ a cup of tea.A.can B.am C.would like D.could 11.Can he ____ a bike?

A.throw B.ride C.run D.fly

12.These are your socks ____, please.A.put it away B.put away it C.put them away D.put them away A.aren’t A.apples B.isn’t C.is D.are B.bottles

C.egg D.meat 13.There ____ any food on the table.14.There is some ____ in the basket.15.Look, the twins ____.A.come B.comes

C.are come D.are coming

D.footballs 16.Are you playing ____?

A.a football B.the football C.football A.she’s B.she is 17.“Is Kate making cakes?” “Yes, ____”.C.it is D.Kate is

18.There is a bird ____ the tree.A.on B.in C.at D.to A.flying A.a B.flys C.flies D.flying 19.They are ____ kites.20.Let me have ____ look.B.he C.an D./


1.What’s the twins doing?

A.B.C.D.A.B.C.C.D.D.2.Look!They is swim in the river.3.My brother isn’t at home.He is at working.A.B.A.B.C.D.A.A.A.B.C.D.4.Not close the window, please.5.The students are listening at their teacher.6.There are some meat on the plate.B.C.D.B.C.D.7.How much bottles of orange are thee on the table?

8.There isn’t some milk in the glass.A.B.C.D.A.A.B.B.C.C.D.D.9.These clothes are yours, put it away, please.10.I want to take the chair in the room.四、答案 1.There is some ____(water)in the glass.2.Are there any ____(woman)n the room? 3.I have two ____(knife)in the pencil-box.4.How many ____(boy)are there in your class? 5.We can see two ____(cup)of tea on the table.6.I ____(ride)my bike now.7.Listen, the girl ____(sing)in the room.8.What are you doing? I ____(clean)the house.9.There ____(be)some water in the glass.10.Don’t ____(close)the window.参考答案:

一、1.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B

二、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.A

三、1.A what’s—what’re 2.C is—are 3.D working—at work 4.A not—on’t 5.D at—to 6.A are—is 7.A much—many 8.B some—any 9.C it—them 10.D in--to

四、1.water 2.women 3.knives 4.boys 5.cups 6.am riding 7.is singings 8.am cleaning 9.is 10.close



① The other boys often t_____

Bill because he is so fat.② The prince was t_________

into a frog in the fairy tale.③ Now I find it hard to c________ my feelings in words.④ This price is Andrew`s m___________, so he refuses to lower it any further.⑤ I don`t understand , so please give me a c______

example.⑥ The government needs a more f________

approach to education.⑦ His statement is c___________

to what he said before.⑧ An a________ method must be found to deal with the situation.⑨ You will cut yourself if you walk in b_____________ feet.⑩ Mr.Brown was announced as the s___________.II.单项填空

①Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have ________ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.A, heavy

B, smooth

C, flexible

D, complex

② As a teacher, he knows exactly how to ________his ideas his students.A, convey

B, display

C, consult D, confront

③--I`m sorry to keep you waiting.I will make short work of this.--_____________.I`m not in a hurry.A, Take it easy

B,Take your time.C, Not at all.D, Take it for granted.④-----Will you lend me some money?

-----Sorry, mine ______________.A, were used up.B.ran out.C, has been run out

D, has given out.⑤ The lorry, ________bricks, has broken down in the middle of the bridge.A, loaded up

B, loaded with

C, full with

D, filled of

⑥ Why not ______that suit to see if it matches with your shirt?

A, try on

B, try out C, trying up D, trying out.



① The other boys often t_____Bill because he is so fat.② The prince was t_________into a frog in the fairy tale.③ Now I find it hard to c________ my feelings in words.④ This price is Andrew`sm___________, so he refuses to lower it any further.⑤ I don`t understand , so please give me a c______example.⑥ The government needs a more f________approach to education.⑦ His statement is c___________to what he said before.⑧ An a________method must be found to deal with the situation.⑨ You will cut yourself if you walk in b_____________feet.⑩ Mr.Brown was announced as the s___________.II.单项填空

①Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have ________ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.A, heavyB, smoothC, flexibleD, complex

② As a teacher, he knows exactly how to ________his ideas his students.A, conveyB, displayC, consultD, confront

③--I`m sorry to keep you waiting.I will make short work of this.--_____________.I`m not in a hurry.A, Take it easyB,Take yourtime.C, Not at all.D, Take it for granted.④-----Will you lend me some money?

-----Sorry, mine ______________.A, were used up.B.ran out.C, has been run outD, has given out.⑤ The lorry, ________bricks, has broken down in the middle of the bridge.A,loadedupB, loaded withC,full withD,filled of

⑥ Why not ______that suit to see if it matches with your shirt?

A, try onB, try outC, trying upD,trying out.



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