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听力考查:(30分)Ⅰ.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C Ⅱ.6.A

7.B 8.A

9.C 10.A Ⅲ.11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B

Ⅳ.16.small 17.short

18.has 19.white

第二部分 选择填空(25分)
















35、A(B)完形填空:从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)36.C 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.A

41.C 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.C

第三部分 阅读理解(50分)

(A)篇 根据短文内容,判断文章后面的句子是否正确,对的写(A),错的写(B)。(10分)(A)46.B 47.A 48.B 49.A 50.A

(B)(C)(D)三篇 根据短文内容,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)

(B)51.B 52.A 53.B 54.C 55.B

(C)56.A 57.C 58.C 59.B 60.B

(D)61.B 62.C 63.C 64.A 65.C(E)篇任务型阅读:根据图表内容,填写下列空格。(10分,只须写对5个空格即得10分)66、white 67、face 68、51053867 69、874599 70、round 71、brown 第四部分 语言知识运用(30分)词汇运用

(A)遣词造句:根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(10分)72、He has a round face.73、This is my dress.74、Please give this photo to Jane.75、I often have milk for breakfast./ She often has milk for breakfast.76、It’s a quarter past two.(B)情景交际。根据对话情景,在空白处填入合适的句子。(10分)77.May I help you? / Can I help you ? 78.Is that all? 79.How many apples do you need? 80.How much are they? 81.You are welcome./ That’s OK./ Not at all.(C)短文填词:根据汉语,首字母,音标和语境的提示,在每一个空格内填入一个单词。(10分)

82、but 83、him 84、nose 85、color 86、pair 87、boy 88、students 89、next 90、speak 91、good

15.A 20.pants 第五部分 书面表达


My name is Zhang Hua.I’m a Chinese boy.I’m thirteen years old.I’m a student of NO.6 Junior High School.I’m in Class Four ,Grade Seven.I have a happy family.My father is a doctor.My mother is a nurse.They work in the same hospital.We have a pet dog.I like it very much.I can sing English songs.My favorite color is blue and green.I like jiaozi and vegetables.My telephone number is(010)6188---7691.评分原则:


各档次的给分范围和要求: 第五档:(14-15分)能扣紧主题,语言基本无误;行文连贯;表达清楚。第四档:(11-13分)能扣紧主题,语言有少量错误;行文基本连贯;表达基本清楚。第三档:(8-10分)语言有一些错误或较多错误;但仍能达意;行文不够连贯。第二档:(4-7分)离题,语言错误多或很多,影响意思表达或只有个别的句子可懂。第一档:(0-3分)词不达意,不能写出一个完整的句子;或只能写出与所要求内容有关的一些单词;






21.– You see, it’s my dream to buy ____ iphone 4.– Oh, you can ask your parents to buy ___ for you.A.a;itB.an;itC.a;oneD.an;one

22.– Shall we go shopping now?--Sorry, it’s not the right _____.I’m too busy.A.wayB.weatherC.placeD.moment

23.– We Chinese like drinking wine made _______ rice? –Really? It’s quite different from us.A.ofB.fromC.inD.for

24.–Please ________ the lights when you leave the classroom.– OK, I _______.A.turn on;willB.turn off;willC.turn on;doD.turn off;am

25.– Sorry, the price of the trousers is too _____.– OK.Would you like to have a look at a cheaper ____?


26.– I don’t know ________ for the party.– You look so good now.I think the pink T-shirt ______ the grey jeans very well.A.what to wear;matchesB.how to wear it;matches

C.what to wear;matchD.when to go;match

27.– I am going to Shanghai on holiday this weekend.– Good luck _____ your trip.A.onB.toC.withD.in

28.– I’m getting fatter and fatter.– I think you need to _____ and take more _____.A.have healthy diet;exercisesB.on diet;exercising

C.have a healthy diet;exerciseD.having a healthy diet;exercises

29.– Mum, I’m hungry.Can I eat something?--Hungry?!You have eaten _____ and ______.A.three bowls of noodle;two hamburger

B.three bowls of noodles;two hamburgers

C.three bowl of noodles;two pieces of hamburger

D.three noodles;two pieces of hamburger

30.– Tom, go and _____ for the shoes.– Why me? They are your shoes!


31.– Where is Alex? Mr.Lee ___ him.– Maybe he ___ in the library.You can go to have a look.A.looks at;reads booksB.is looking at;is reading books

C.looks for;is reading booksD.is looking for;is reading books

32.--_____ do you go to the net bar(网吧)?--Never.I don’t think a student should go there.A.How oftenB.How soonC.WhenD.How many times

33.– Angela, we are___________.Would you like some?--__________.I have to leave now.A.doing homework;Yes, go aheadB.playing cards;Yes, please

C.making some dumplings;No, thanksD.flying kites;I’m afraid not.34.--________ do you wear, madam?--Size 8.A.How muchB.What sizeC.How bigD.How much size

35.– Look!Here ____ the bus.Let’s _______.– Oh, no.It’s No.2 Bus.We should take No.11.A.comes;get on itB.comes;get it on C.is coming;get on it D.come;get it on


Man has five senses(感官): sight, hearing, ____36___, taste and touch.They ___37___ information for the brain(大脑).For example, the eyes collect information __38___ pictures and the ears collect information on ___39___.Sight

___40___ of a human's two eyes has an eyelid(眼皮)and an eyebrow(眉毛).They protect the eyes.The eyes can only see with light.Light ___41___ the picture of something into the eyes so the human can see it.Hearing

Sounds travel ____42___ the air like waves(波).They are called sound waves.Human ears ___43____ cups.They catch these waves for the brain and the brain changes them into different sounds.Sound waves are much slower than light.So you always see lightning first and then you ___44___ the thunder.(雷声)


Humans smell with their __45__.Most people can ___46___ about 10,000 kinds of smell.This is amazing!But dogs can smell 1,000 times better than humans.Humans have five million receptor cells(接受细胞).___47___, dogs have two hundred million!


People can taste food because they have taste buds(味蕾)on their tongues.There are about 10,000 taste buds.Old taste buds die and new ones ____48____ every two weeks.But when people get older, this happens less often.Touch

There are receptor cells for the sense of touch all over the body.This is different from ___49____ four senses.Touch receptor cells are in the lowest part of the skin.They help the body to have all kinds of feelings like pain, cold and heat.Some parts of the body(like the fingertips)are more sensitive than other parts of the body(like the back)because they have more ____50___ receptor cells.36.A.listenB.touchC.smellD.see





41.A.carriesB.carryC.to carryD.carrying


43.A.are likeB.likeC.don’t likeD.enjoy





48.A.come acrossB.come inC.come throughD.come out

49.A.othersB.anotherC.the otherD.other




It’s Sunday.It’s fine.Tom does not go to school today.But he is not at home.He’s now sitting on a Chinese bus.He is going to the cinema.All his classmates will go to see a movie this afternoon.His teacher Mr Wang will go there, too.They will meet at 2:00 p.m.at the gate of the cinema.An old man gets on the bus.Tom stands up and says to the old man, ‘Come and sit here, please.’ The old man goes over and sits down.He says, ‘Thank you very much, my boy.You are a good student.’ Tom answers, ‘You’re welcome.’ ‘What school are you in?’ the old man asks Tom.‘I am in No.2 Middle School.’ Tom answers.‘No.2? That’s a good school.My son is a teacher there.He is an English teacher.’ The old man says.‘English teacher? Excuse me, grandpa.What’s your son’s name, please?’ Tom asks.‘Mr Wang,’ says the old man.‘Ah, ah, he is my English teacher.’ Just then, the bus stops near the movie house.Tom says goodbye to the old man and gets off the bus.The old man smiles to Tom.54.Which statement is right according the passage?

A.It’s Saturday today.B.It’s raining today.C.Tom goes to school on Sunday.D.Tom is a student of No.2 Middle School.55.Mr Wang is_____.A.at home todayB.the old man’s son C.the old man’s father D.a Chinese teacher

56.What do you think of Tom?

A.Tom is a good student.B.Tom is a bad student.C.He does wrong things.D.He is a good teacher.57.Which statement is NOT true?

A.Tom goes to the movie house on a Chinese car.B.Only Tom and his teacher go to the cinema.C.Tom goes to see a movie.D.The old man’s son is Tom’s English teacher.C

People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much.They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes.One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack.Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby.Jack likes these walks very much.One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to Bob.I stayed there for a long time and Bob and I had much more talk with each other than ever before.Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park but we forgot that.Jack became worried about it.He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me.But I still paid no attention(注意)to him.I went on talking with Bob.At last, Jack could not wait any longer.He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later.He sat down in front of me again.But this time, he held my hat in his mouth.Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and my friend understood too.58.How many people are there in this story?______.A.OneB.TwoC.ThreeD.Four

59.Jack______.A.is a close friend of mine

B.enjoys long walks in the park every Sunday afternoon

C.has many close friendsD.enjoys talks in the room

60.Jack was worried because______.A.he wanted to eat somethingB.it was Sunday afternoon again

C.he was not feeling wellD.he wanted his master Bob to take him for a walk

61.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.When Jack and I were talking, my friend didn't pay any attention to us

B.When I was talking to my friend, Jack didn't pay any attention to us

C.When my friend and I were talking, we didn't pay any attention to Jack

D.When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to them


A very new, young officer(军官)was at a station.He was on his way to visit his mother in another town, and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of this train , so that she could meet him at the station in her car.He looked in all his pockets, but he did not have the coins(硬币)for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, ‘Do you have 便士)?

‘Wait a moment,’ the old soldier answered.He began to put his hand in his pocket, ‘I'll see if I can help you.’

‘Don't you know how to speak to an officer?’ the young man said angrily.‘Now let's start again.Do you have change for ten pence? ’

‘No, sir,’ the old soldier answered politely and quickly.62.The young officer and his mother lived______.A.in the same town B.in different places C.in another townD.in the other town

63.The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her______.A.that he was going to visit herB.where his train would leave for

C.what time his train would arrive at the stationD.that he was then at the station

64.He looked around for help because he______.A.couldn’t find the train stationB.did not know where to make the phone call

C.needed some coins for the phone call D.wanted to meet his friend

65.Which is the right meaning of the underlined word ‘change’


第Ⅱ卷 非选择题(65分)


66.It’s good manners to wait in the line for your _______.(轮次)

67.He seldom __________(play)computer games because his parents don’t want him to do so.68.Brennan is ________(lie)on the grass and looking at the sky.69.The police are trying to find these _________(woman)mobile phones.70.__________(final), we went to see the film Sacrifice but we didn’t like it at all.71.Whose songs are the most ___________(流行)with teenagers?

72.___________(没有)the teachers’ help, we cannot finish the project on time.73.We are looking forward to ___________(邀请)our foreign teachers to our Eve Feast.74.Susan, __________(选择)your favourite among these books.75.Students don’t like school uniforms because they think they don’t look ________(现代的)in them.2010-2011学第一学期期末试卷答案七年级英语








turn, plays, lying, women’s, Finally, popular, Without, inviting, choose, modern 任务型阅读

Time, Where, 29, 80, parents, learning, school, father, children, healthy 首字母填空

idea, There, give, jeans, called, cheap, comfortable, make, waiting, design 翻译题

He always spends a lot of time chatting with friends.Is there a discount on last year’s cards?

Please try on this pair of orange trainers.Let us raise money to help these children.These clothes in the 1990s look nice.


二、单项填空(共15分,每题1分)15.一Is this David‟s bag? —Sorry,this is my bag.__________ is over there. A.Mine B.Hers C.He D.His 16.Look!The children _________ kites.

A.fly B.are flying C.flew D.will fly 17.We have a big library __________ a lot of books in our school.

A.for B.about C.with D.of 18.I am really looking forward to __________ on a trip to Hong Kong.

A.going B.go C.goes D.went 19.—How is the weather in Beijing? —Oh,it‟s _________than that in your hometown.

A.hot B.hotter C.hottest D.the hottest 20.—How was the party last night? —Great!Everyone sang and danced ________. A.loudly B.exciting C.happily D.relaxed 21.Could you help me _________ all these pieces of paper? My hands are too dirty.

A.put on B.pick up C.look around D.go back 22.My grandpa is from the northeast of China,so he likes living in a cooler _________.

A.climate B.future C.coast D.pond 23.She looks much _________ without her glasses!A.well B.good C.best D.better 24.Who _________ more housework in your home yesterday,you or your parents? A.does B.do C.did D.will do 25.—_________ is Beijing? 一It has a history of more than 3000 years.

A.How long B.How far C.How old D.How soon 26.一Do you like Shakespeare? 一Yes.He is one of __________ in the world.

A.famous writer B.the most famous writers C.more famous writers

D.the most famous writer 27.—Have you got any plans for the dinner party? —Yeah.You know,I am interested in ________, So I ___________ by myself.

A.cook;am going to cook B.cooker;cook C.cooking;am going to cook D.cooking;cooked 28.—Dad,did you ride a bike to school when you _________ a boy? —No,my family was poor,so I usually _________ to school on foot.

A.are,go B.were,go C.was,went D.were,went 29.— Why not have a picnic at the weekend? —________________.

A.Best wishes to you B.It doesn‟t matter C.That‟s a good idea D.Thanks for your help

三、完形填空(共8分,每题1分)It was Jemima‟s FIRST day at school.When she arrived,Jemima noticed all the other children were __30__ from her. The teacher was very nice and answered all her questions.But her mum looked __31__.She went out to the playground with Jemima,kissed her and then left.

When Jemima came back to the classroom.her __32__ stopped what they were doing and looked at her.“Why are you on wheels(轮子)?”a boy asked.

That noon,Jemima ate her lunch by herself in the toilet.Everybody thought she was strange.

After she got home,she told her mum she didn‟t want to go to school any more.But there was __33__ she could do.Jemima fell asleep with tears.

The next morning Jemima arrived at the school early.She waited in the toilet again until class started because she didn‟t want to see anyone.

__34__ her way to class,there was no one about.__35__ up ahead she could see someone lying on the ground.When she got closer,she found the boy was in pain(疼痛)and twisted(扭曲)his ankle.

“Go away!”shouted the boy.“You can‟t help me.You can‟t even walk!”Jemima wanted to __36__ the boy,but she knew she had to help.

She moved closer.“Here,get in,”she said.The boy stopped for a short time,and then did it“Why did you help me?”the boy asked.“I was rude(粗鲁的)to you.”

“I know how __37__ feels,”said Jemima.“Not being able to(can not)walk.”

30.A.clear B.special C.like D.different 31.A.friendly B.worried C.strict D.comfortable 32.A.roommates B.teachers C.classmates D.friends 33.A.everything


C.anything D.nothing 34.A.On B.In C.At D.By 35.A.But B.And C.Or D.So 36.A.push B.answer C.leave D.destroy 37.A.you B.we C.it D.he


A We have two weeks‟holiday from about December 20th to January 5th.We have two more weeks at the beginning of April.Our longest holidays(6 weeks)are from the end of July to the beginning of September.

We play basketball and other sports every month of the year.You can do winter sports from late December to the middle of March.You must go to Scotland for winter sports.We go swimming in the river only in July and August.The fiver water is very cold.

We have fruit all the year round in Britain.The best months for apples are September,October,November and December.The best months for pears are October and November.The best months for oranges are December,January and February. The coldest months of the year are December,January and February.My favorite months are July and August.

38.In Britain.people have __________ weeks for holiday in a year.

A.2 B.4 C.6 D.10 39.Which of following months is the writer's favorite? A.February B.November C.September D.July 40.According to the passage,which of the following pictures is NOT true?

B Mrs.Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class.The story said:

Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children‟s Hospital are asking for money for children‟s toys.Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks.Toys can help the children there keep happy and quiet.

After Mrs.Weeks read the story,she said,“This story gave me an idea.”

“You want us to bring some money for the toys.”“We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital,”said the boys and the girls.

“Well,your ideas would be nice,”Mrs.Weeks said,“but mine is different.”

“We could make some toys,”said one of them.

Mrs.Weeks smiled.“Do you think you could make toys?”she asked.

“Yes,yes,”the whole class answered.

“Great!Let‟s begin to make toys tomorrow,”said Mrs.Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon,Mrs.Weeks took the children to the hospital with the toys made by her students.The children in the hospital felt very happy to see the toys.So did the students in the class.

A few days later,Mrs.Weeks read another newspaper story to the class:

Some primary school students brought toys to Children‟s Hospital last week.The toys were made by the students of Grade Three in Park Street School.The doctors said.“We have never had so many wonderful toys.Our children are very happy with them.They say,„THANK YOU,GRADE THREE.‟”

41.In the newspaper.we know that the doctors in Children‟s Hospital wanted _______ for the children in the hospital. A.money B.newspapers C.beds D.ideas 42.Who needed help in the story? A.Mrs.Weeks of Park Street School. B.The students of Grade Three C.Sick children in Children‟s Hospital. D.Parents in Children‟s Hospital 43.Mrs.Weeks‟idea is to _________.

A.give money to the hospital to help the children B.make toys for the children in the hospital C.talk with the doctors in Children‟s Hospital D.buy some toys for the children in the hospital 44.From the passage we can learn that Mrs.Weeks wanted to teach her students how to _______.

A.read the newspaper B.make toys with paper C.save money for toys D.be helpful to others

C Buckingham Palace is in London,England.Buckingham Palace was built around 1705.It is famous because Queen Elizabeth of England lives there.She became queen in 1952 Buckingham Palace is a big and beautiful building.A flag flies on the top of the palace when the queen is there.Queen Elizabeth and her family live on the second floor of the palace.The queen also has her office at the palace.Queen Elizabeth often asks important people to eat dinner at the palace.She also has three garden parties in the summer.She invites 9,000 people to each party!A lot of people meet the queen. Buckingham Palace is like a small town.It has a police station,a hospital,two post offices,a movie theater,a swimming pool,two sports clubs,a garden and a lake.The palace has about 600 rooms.About 400 people work there.Two people have very unusual jobs.They take care of the clocks.There are 300 clocks in Buckingham Palace!Queen Elizabeth‟s day starts at 7:00 in the morning.Seven people take care of her.One person prepares(准备)her bath,and another person prepares her clothes.Another person takes care of her dogs.The queen loves dogs.Right now,she has eight dogs.Every day,a man brings food for the dogs to Queen Elizabeth‟s room.The queen puts the food in the bowls.

At 8:30 every morning,the queen has breakfast with her husband,Prince Philip.They drink a special coffee with hot milk.During breakfast,a musician plays Scottish music outside.Then Queen Elizabeth works in her office the rest of the morning.After lunch,she visits hospitals,schools,or new buildings.

It is very interesting to eat dinner at Buckingham Palace.You have to follow rules.Queen Elizabeth starts to eat first,and then everybody eats.When the queen finishes eating,everybody finishes eating.You can‟t leave the table during dinner.The queen never answers a telephone call during dinner.

People visit the rooms in Buckingham Palace in August and September.There are wonderful things to see.Don‟t forget that Queen Elizabeth is one of the richest people in the world. 45.How many rooms does Buckingham Palace have? A.900.B.600.C.400.D.300. 46.What does the queen do after lunch? A.She invites people to her garden for party. B.She asks important people to work at the palace. C.She drinks a special coffee with hot milk. D.She visits hospitals,schools or new buildings.

47.According to the text,everyone has to _________ during dinner at Buckingham Palace? A.stay at the table B.1isten to Scottish music C.finish eating later than the queen D.start eating earlier than the queen 48.Which sentence is NOT true? A.We can guess the clocks in Buckingham Palace are very important B.Buckingham Palace is not only an office,but also a home.

C.People can visit Buckingham Palace all the year round. D.Queen Elizabeth can swim or do some other sports.




Mike _______________ drawing. 5.我们正在为班会做准备。

We ________________ the class meeting 6.历时一年多的时间,世界巧克力梦公园建成了。

It _______________ more than one year ______________ the World Chocolate Dream Park. 7.参观北京四合院最受外国朋友欢迎。

________________ with foreign friends _____________ Beijing siheyuan.

三、阅读短文并回答问题(共8分,每题2分)In 1750 a man named Joseph Merlin lived in Belgium(比利时).

In his free time he liked to play the violin.Joseph Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams.People called him a dreamer.

One day Merlin got an invitation to a costume party(化妆舞会).

He was very happy and a little excited.Merlin began to make plans.

He wanted to find a way to make a grand entrance(精彩的入场)at the party.Merlin had an idea.He thought that he would be so different from others if he could roll(滚动)into the party and surprise everyone.

Merlin tried different things to make himself roll into a room.Finally,he decided to put two wheels to each shoe.These were the first roller skates.

He dreamed of arriving at the party and rolling into the room playing the violin.The night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin.Everyone was surprised to see him.There was just one problem.Merlin had no way to*stop his roller skates.He rolled on playing the violin.Then,with all eyes on him.Merlin crashed(轰然撞击)into a big mirror on the wall.The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise.Nobody forgot Merlin‟s entrance for a long time. 8.Did Merlin like playing the piano? 9.How did he feel when he got the invitation? 10.What did he do when arriving at the party? 11.What did people think about his entrance at the party?








()1.A.It’s in the table.B.I’m Mary.C.Here you are.()2.A.Thank you.B.My name is Linda.C.Good afternoon.()3.A.I’m fine, thanks.B.Good morning.C.Yes.I do.()4.She’s my mother.B.It’s in the schoolbag.C.It’s a pen.()5.Yes, he is.B.She is my friend.C.They’re apples.三、把下列字母重新排序成正确的单词。

1.y l e l w o___________2.p c u_____________

3.a f t h r e___________4.n e i n___________5.p p e a l___________




()1.---_____---His name is mike.A.How are you?B.What’s his name ?C.How old is he?D.Where is he?

()2.---Good morning, Miss Gao.---___________ Li Ming.A.Nice to meet you B.HelloC.How do you do D.Good morning

()3.—What’s that?— English book.A.It’s aB.It’s anC.This’s an

()4.What’s this _____ English ?


()5.___ a ruler ?Yes, ____.A.Is this ,it isB.Is that ,it’sC.this is ,it’s

()6.______color is your backpack ?It’s yellow.A.WhatB.What’sC.Where’s

()7.Is that your ________ ?

A.a pictureB.pictureC.picturesD.nicepictures

()8._________ your hat?

A.WhereB.Where'reC.Where'sD.Where are()9.----Do you have a ball?----Yes, ____________

A.I amB.it isC.you doD.I do

()10.I _______ ice cream.

A.likeB.is likeC.likeD.are like

()11.---_____ you like salad,Amy?---___________.A.Does;Yes,I doB.Do;No,I don’t

()12.Is this _____ pen ?Yes, It’s_____ pen.A.your, youB.your, myC.his,heD.her, she

()13.Your mother’s father is your ______.A.fatherB.grandfatherC.cousinD.uncle

()14.________ a ruler ?Yes, ____.A.Is this ,it isB.Is that ,it’sC.this is , it’s

()15.—How do you do ?—___________.A.Fine ,thank youB.How are you ?C.How do you do ?


()1.What’s his telephone number?A.How do you do?

()2.What’s this in English?B.It’s on the desk.()3.How do you do?C.W-A-T-C-H.()4.Where’s my baseball?D.No, I don’t

()5.Do you like chicken?E.Good afternoon

()6.Good afternoon, Mary.F.It is 5684878.()7.Do you have a ruler?G.Yes, I do

()8.How do you spell watch?H.It’s an eraser.七、正确书写26个字母的大小写。


.根据首字母补全单词或用所给词的适当形式填空 10% 1.What’s your favorite s_________? Science.2.Look!The boy is p________ the piano.3.The day before Thursday is W__________.4.Rick’s family only _________(have)one shower.5.Please tell ________(I)about yourself.II.英汉互译 10% 1.事实上_____________________ 6.take a taxi____________________ 2.散 步_____________________ 7.across from___________________ 3.去上学_____________________ 8.a boring TV show______________ 4.下象棋_____________________ 9.kind of ____________________ 5.玩得高兴___________________ 10.get home __________________ III.选择填空 20%()1.They like ______ tennis.A.play B.playing C.plays D.to playing()2.The ______ are very old.A.librarys B.libraries C.mall D.malls()3.Here are your socks.Please ______.A.put it on B.put on it C.put on them D.put them on()4.He is the first one ______ his work.A.finish B.finishes C.finishing D.to finish()5.“You play football well.” “______”

A.Sorry, I don’t.B.Thank you.C.Yes, I do.D.No, I am not.()6.Do you often go to movies ______ your friends? A.and B.with C.to D.about()7.The strict teacher ______ me very tired.A.does B.let C.makes D.puts()8.There are a lot of people and cars on New Street.It’s a ______ street.A.busy B.free C.lazy D.quiet()9.---______ do you like science?---______ it’s interesting.A.Why, So B.What, Because C.Why, Because D.When, Because()10.She often goes swimming ______ Sunday morning.A.at B.in C.on D.for()11.______ London is in ______ United Kingdom.A.The, the B./, / C.the, / D./, the()12.Physics ______ interesting, I think.A.is B.are C.have D.has()13.Thanks for ______ me.A.help B.your help C.helping D.helps()14.Let me ______ a look, OK? A.have B.to have C.having D.has()15.Our class has ______ boys.A.fifty eight B.fifty eighth C.fifty-eight D.fiftieth eight()16.David is a ______ musician.He can play the piano very ______.A.good, good B.well, well C.good, well D.well, good()17.When ______ the girl ______ her homework.A.does, does B.does, do C.do, does D.do, do()18.Alice likes Beijing Opera, ______ her mother doesn’t.A.and B.but C.with D.or()19.______ of my sharpeners is from Australia.A.Some B.Two C.All D.One()20.They’d like ______, ______, and ______.A.mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese B.mushroom, tomato, cheese C.mushrooms, tomato, cheese D.mushroom, tomatoes, cheeses IV.句型转换 17% 1.I have some story books.(改为否定句)I _________ have _________ story books.2.Miss Wang likes playing sports every day.(改为一般疑问句)_________ Miss Wang _________ playing sports every day? 3.She often swims with her friends at the pool.(用now改写)She _________ _________ with her friends at the pool.4.Tom is reading a book now.(画线部分提问)_________ _________ Tom _________ now? 5.She usually does homework at ten o’clock.(画线部分提问)_________ _________ she usually do homework? 6.Our school has twenty classes.(同义句改写)_________ _________ twenty classes _________ our school? 7.like, I, the, going, my, movies, to, with, friends.(连词成句)_________________________________________________ V.两栏配对 8%()1.What’s your favorite city? A.That sounds good.()2.What time do you get up? B.At 6:00.()3.Can I help you? C.They live in China.()4.Who’s David’s Chinese teacher? D.My favorite city is Sydney.()5.Why does she like it? E.That’s all right.()6.Thank you very much.F.I’d like a pizza, please.()7.Where is the post office? G.Mr Zhang()8.Let’s go and see an action movie.H.Because it is fun.I.It’s on Fifth Avenue.VI.看图完成下列对话 10% A: _________ me.B: Yes? A: Where’s the video arcade?

B: Just go _________ and _________ left.It’s down Central Street on the _________.A: Thank you very much.B: You’re _________.VII.阅读理解 10%

A Scott works very long hours.He usually gets up at 17:00.He has a shower and makes his breakfast.What a funny time to make breakfast!After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on his jacket and goes to work.To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Santon Hotel.The bus usually leaves at 19:15.He works all night.People love to listen to him.He goes home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV.He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man.Can you think what his job is? 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)10%()1.Scott usually gets up at 5 p.m.()2.Scott practices his guitar before breakfast.()3.Scott’s bed time is 8:30 p.m.()4.Scott works in the day.()5.Scott is a tired man.He is a happy man, too.B Jim, Kate and Ming Ming are doing the homework together(一起).Jim’s spelling of “Moday” is wrong(错误).Kate tells him about it.Ming Ming wants to borrow(借)an eraser from Jim or Kate.Jim says he has one and gives it to Ming Ming.Ming Ming thanks Jim for his help.Jim says, “You’re welcome”.Now Jim says “Thanks very much” to Kate for her help.Kate says“That’s all right”.The three children are students in a school in Beijing.Jim is from London.Kate is from New York.Ming Ming is a Chinese girl.They are good friends.They often do homework and play games together.They often help each other(互相).根据短文内容选择一个正确答案 10%()6.Jim is ________.A.an English girl B.an American girl C.an English boy D.an American boy()7.Kate helps Jim with ________.A.his spelling B.an eraser C.a ruler D.a pencil()8.Ming Ming borrows ________.A.an eraser from Kate B.an eraser from Jim C.a ruler from Kate D.a ruler from Jim()9.The three students are ________.A.not in the same class B.in U.K.C.in Beijing D.in USA()10.They are ________.A.doing homework B.playing games C.reading D.cleaning the room VIII.写作 5% 介绍你所喜欢的一种动物。包括它的姓名、年龄、国籍、性格和习性等。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1.subject 2.playing 3.Wednesday 4.has 5.me II.10% 1.in fact 6.乘坐出租车 2.take / have a walk 7.在……对过 3.go to school 8.一部无聊的电视剧 4.play chess 9.稍微,有点儿 5.have fun 10.到家 III.20% 1----5 B B D B D 6----10 B C A C C 11---15 D A C A C 16---20 C B B D A

1.don’t , any 2.Does , like 3.is swimming 4.What is , doing 5.When does 6.There are ,in 7.I like going to the movies with my friends.D B F G H E I A

Excuse, straight , turn , right, welcome 1----5 T F F F T 6----10 C A B C A



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