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Essay专用连接词大全+英文作文连接词大全 论文

1)先后次序关系:at this time;first;second;at last;next;previously;simultaneously同时地;eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;seeing...由于,因为;since then;first of all;afterwards后来;following this;preceding先前的;originally最初的ultimate最终的,极限的,根本的

2)因果关系:because;because of this;being that(口语)既然,因为;another important factor/reason of...; since; as; for; in that...; owing to由于,通常负面; due to由于; for the reason that...; in view of鉴于,考虑到 result from归因于the reason seems to be obvious;there are about...;for this reason;as a result of this; therefore;...and so...; consequently所以,因此;as a result; thus这样,如此,因而; hence因此; so;so that...; in consequence结果,结果; as a consequence; accordingly因此,于是,相应地;inevitably不可避免地;under these conditions thereupon因此于是upon迫近

3)转折关系:but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of不顾 ;despite that; in spite of that; regardless of不顾;yet...;and yet; but unless.Nonetheless尽管如此

4)并列关系: and;also;too;as well as;either...,or...;both...and...5)(补充)递进关系: furthermore此外,而且;moreover而且,此外;further进一步地,此外;In this way ;still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition(to);additionally, much more interesting, more specifically更具体地说, next, besides; as far concerned至于;moreover此外;in other words; along this line of consideration;on(the)one hand...在一方面,on the other hand...; even; as a saying goes...;in order to do it...;meanwhile同时; at the same time; accordingly因此; In the first place...,in the second place...;equally important;of even greater appeal.6)比较关系: similarly;in like manner, in comparison with;when compared with;compared with;when in fact...;like...; likewise同样地,也; similarly important; apart from(doing)...;...rather than...,by doing so ;both…and...;in the same way;not only...but(also).7)对照(不同点):yet;still;for all of that;notwithstanding虽然,尽管;rather当然,的确,宁愿,相当;neither...nor;although;though;but;however;something is just the other way around;yet;conversely相反的; unlike; opposed to;as opposed to this与不同 ; in contrast(to); by way of;on the contrary;different from this; nevertheless然而,不过,虽然如此;contrary to; whereas但是,鉴于; while;but on the other hand 8)举例关系:for example; for instance例如; in this case既然假若这样;namely也就是 instance例子实例 换句话说; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is一个恰当的例子是...;consider...; in particular尤其特别;including...;for one thing...首先,for another...;put it simply;stated roughly粗糙地,概略地;

as an illustration,I will say...; a good example(of...)would be...;to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...;in this situation;as proof;take the case of;take as example(something); as for;as regards; as to; according to;on this occasion.9)强调关系:in fact;especially;particularly特别,尤其;moreover(此外);naturally;whatis more important;in reality事实上;

certainly;of course;indeed;in particular;not to mention...;believe it or not;undeniably(无可置疑);other thing being equal;it is certain/sure that...;to be strict;to be true;by definition;definitely明确地,肯定地;undoubtedly;without a doubt;in truth, in any event(不论怎样);without reservation(毫无保留地);obviously, not only..but(also...), both...and...10)条件关系: if;unless;lest;provided that;if it is the case;in this sense;once...;if possible;if necessary;if so;if not all;if anything.11)归纳总结类: in a word / in sum / in short in brief / in conclusion / in summary therefore因此,所以 / hence因此,今后

to sum up / to conclude the conclusion can be drawn that for this reason / on the whole 12)地点关系:beyond;opposite to;adjacent邻近to;at the same place;there;over;in the middle;around;in front of;in the distance;farther;here and there;above;below;at the right;between;on this side.13)目的关系:with this object无证;for this purpose;in order that;in this way, since;so that;on that account由于。。缘故;in case万一;with a view to考虑到;for the same reason.14)重申关系:in other words;that is to say;as I have said;again;once again.15)结果关系:accordingly;thus;consequently(因此);hence;therefore;thereupon;inevitably;under these conditions;as a result;as a consequence;because;because of;so that;not only...but(also...); to.16)顺序关系:first;second;thirdly;next;then;at the outset(在开始时),following this;at this time;now;at this point;after;afterward后来;after this;subsequently后来;lastly最终;finally;consequently所以,因此;before this;previously;preceding this;simultaneously同时地;concurrently(同时发生的)17)时间关系:at once;immediately;at length终于,最后;in the mean time同时;meanwhile;at the same time;in the end;then;soon;not long after;later;at once;at last;finally;some time ago;at present;all of a sudden突然;from this time on;from time to time;since then;when;whenever;next point;a few minutes later;formerly;as;once;since;occasionally偶然地;in a moment;shortly立刻;whereupon于是,因此;previously Henceforth今后 介词 prep.All of十足 1.在...以前

Only two days remained before the examination.考前只剩下两天了。2.(指顺序、重要性等)在...之前,先于 Your name comes before mine.你的名字在我之前。Pride comes before a fall.骄必败。3.由...考虑中

We will put the matter before the committee.我将把此事提交委员会考虑。4.在...前面;在...面前

She said she had never spoken before an audience.她说她从未在大庭广众讲演过。状语从句引导词 时间状语从句

when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since , till, until 特殊引导词:the minute, the moment, the second, every time, the day,the instant, immediately , directly, no sooner … than, hardly …when, scarcely … when倒装 地点状语从句

常用引导词:where 特殊引导词:Wherever, anywhere, everywhere 原因状语从句

常用引导词:because, since, as, for 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that.目的状语从句

常用引导词:so that, in order that 特殊引导词:lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that 结果状语从句

常用引导词:so … that, such … that, 特殊引导词:such that, to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that, 程度 条件状语从句

常用引导词:if, unless, 特殊引导词:as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, on condition that 让步状语从句

常用引导词:though, although, even if, even though 特殊引导词: as(用在让步状语从句中必须要倒装),while(一般用在句首),no matter …,in spite of the fact that, while, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever 8. 比较状语从句

常用引导词:as(同级比较), than(不同程度的比较)特殊引导词:the more … the more … just as …,so…;A is to B what /as X is to Y;no … more than;not A so much as B 方式状语从句

常用引导词:as, as if, how 特殊引导词:the way From the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed.They were undone,destroyed,after all of man’s weapons and devices had failed,by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom put upon this earth.By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet’s infinite无限的 organisms有机体.And that right is ours against all challenges.For neither do men live nor die in vain.IN VAIN徒劳,白白

第二篇:ESSAY 要点



· 要点明确

· 良好的写作和交流能力

· 人物的真实性

· 个性化的处理

· 注重细节的描写

· 与众不同的特点

· 诚实

· 讲述一个故事






























如果你的背景与常人不同,不要削弱对它的描写。从以往的经验来看,与众不同的经历和背景使申请人具有明显的优势。如,下面这位申请人就充分利用了他的独特背景,在自荐信的开头这样写道:”Because I am one of the world's few Catholic, Egyptian Mississippians who went to an Ivy League School, the particular set of influences affecting my development has been distinctive.“但需要注意的是,不要过分依赖你的特殊背景;你仍然需要把这项背景与你的独特品质,你为什么选择对方学校,以及你能为商学院带来什么联系起来。同样,仅仅一项特殊的背景并不能保证你被录取

诚 实




在自荐信中讲述一个故事无疑能大大增加文章的趣味性和吸引力。最有效的处理方法是在文章的开头先讲述一个故事,随后再切入到旁白的角色来解释这件事并说明你从中学到了什么。这个方法之所以奏效是因为这样你就会以最有趣的情节开头。很多申请人喜欢先写一段介绍性的文字,再引出要讲的故事。千万不要这样做,因为这样写将使效果大打折扣。一位教授说: ”申请人应记住永远不要以大而空的话题开头,去谈什么人类的本性和宇宙的原理。你只需讲一个简单的故事,让读者自己去想这故事表达了一些什么……往往如果第一段没有吸引我的注意力,我就开始跳读剩下的部分?



Sophomore, class 2, No.10Echo吴霞蔚

A Student & a Teacher

I have been a student for many years and I am destined to be a teacher in the years to come.This period of time of being a student of how to become a qualified teacher is quite different from the previous years.I was merely a learner.I absorbed knowledge without questioning and tried to be a good student.I tried ways that my teachers recommended and followed my teacher’s ways of conducting my learning.Yet now I have another role to play.I start to think what it is that makes me a good English learner and what it means to be a good teacher, and a good English teacher.First, I am fully convinced that the way you learn will greatly affect the way you teach.I believe I can be a good English teacher provided that I have been a quite efficient English learner and I enjoy the process of learning English very much.I have been doing some tutoring lately.And I heard many students complaining about how boring English learning was.Back in my junior and senior years, I heard similar complains from my classmates, too.And moreover, I felt exactly the same way when I was asked to follow our English teacher’s instructions of memorizing words and sentence patterns.Something was wrong!And I think it’s not only the teachers that are to blame.It’s the rigid educational system!Students mainly learn in order to pass exams rather than enjoying the process.That is exactly why they lose interest.We seem to have forgotten that life, in and of itself, is more about experiencing.The leading character Rancho in the wonderful film 3 Idiots embodied this life philosophy quite excellently.I have a dream.I want to make English learning an enjoyment rather than a daunting tusk.I want my students fully experience this process and enjoy it.I want them to be confident and become efficient English learners.To achieve this, I have been observing what my English teachers have been doing and carefully evaluating the different methods according to my own feeling and my classmates’ feedbacks.I tried out different ways of teaching on my own tutoring and observed the outcome in my students.Once in my tutoring, I had this student who showed no interest in studying at all.His mother tried to persuade me into using a method of instilling, to elaborate which she even used a wood metaphor for her son and me, the water, with the intention of wood absorbing water.How absurd it was!In my opinion, what I was supposed to do is exactly the opposite.We should inspire students to become a sponge and absorb the water zealously and with much higher efficiency.I came to know the Pygmalion Effect *1 and related it to different

phenomena in my own learning experiences.Apart from that, I think of my favorite teacher and find out what make them respectable and popular.I read many books of excellent teachers and see the miracles they made.I love miracles.They are great examples of eminence.From Marva Collins *2 to Carle Witte *3, every prominent educator can teach us many things that have been neglected by the majority of us in daily life.Moreover, I get in touch with some of my excellent teachers and discuss with them about teaching.It’s really fruitful.For example, once I wrote a thank-you letter to my favorite teacher and expressed my gratitude to him.We were both so grateful for the time we spent together.What a precious experience!We talked about excellent books and activities that can be applied to teaching.For example, I suggest he do the merit-finding activity among students.“Believes are often self-fulfilling prophecies.” Harvard professor Tal put it.I got the idea from an excellent novel named

*4 Christmas List.And he did it!What an encouraging gesture!And I believe

both of us benefited a great deal from it.It’s like that I have a purpose now.So I can see more things related to being a good teacher, thus I see more and learn better.By and by, those tiny pieces in different aspects come into one.It is indeed one remarkable advantage of entering a normal university.A teacher is indeed a blessed career.Note:

1.皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect),也有译“毕马龙效应”、“比马龙效应”、“罗森塔尔效应”或“期待效应”,由美国著名心理学家罗森塔尔和雅格布森在小学教学上予以验证提出。暗示在本质上,是人的情感和观念,会不同程度地受到别人下意识的影响。人们会不自觉地接受自己喜欢、钦佩、信任和崇拜的人的影响和暗示。而这种暗示,正是让你梦想成真的基石之一。皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion Effect)指人们基于对某种情境的知觉而形成的期望或预言,会使该情境产生适应这一期望或预言的效应。你期望什么,你就会得到什么,你得到的不是你想要的,而是你期待的。只要充满自信的期待,只要真的相信事情会顺利进行,事情一定会顺利进行,相反的说,如果你相信事情不断地受到阻力,这些阻力就会产生,成功的人都会培养出充满自信的态度,相信好的事情会一定会发生的。这就是心理学上所说的皮格马利翁效应。


2.Marva Collins: 在上课第一天,她对学生们说:“我们好好树立自己的信念。”她不厌其烦地传达着这一信息。她坚持对学生说——我相信你,你能成功,自己承担自己的责任,别再埋怨,成功与否全在你。她不厌其烦地传达着这些积极的信息。同时她对学生满怀期待,把目光放在他们的优点和长处上,并加以培养。奇迹就这样发生了。




3.卡尔?威特(Karl Witte)1800年7月1日出生于德国萨勒河畔的哈勒市洛赫小村,是19世纪德国的一个著名的天才。他八九岁时就能自由运用德语、法语、意大利语、拉丁语、英语和希腊语这六国语言;并且通晓动物学、植物学、物理学、化学,尤其擅长数学;9岁考入莱比锡大学;10岁进入哥廷根大学;13岁出版了《三角术》一书;年仅14岁就被授予哲学博士学位(事实上,卡尔目前仍然是《世界吉尼斯记录大全》中“最年轻的博士”记录保持者[1]);16岁获得法学博士学位,并被任命为柏林大学的法学教授;23岁他发表《但丁的误解》一书,成为研究但丁的权威。与那些过早失去后劲的神童们不同,卡尔?威特一生都在德国的著名大学里授学,在有口皆碑的赞扬声中一直讲到1883年3月6日逝世为止。卡尔?威特能取得这番惊人的成就,并不是由于他的天赋有多高超——恰恰相反,他出生后被认为是个有些痴呆的婴儿——而是全赖他的父亲教育有方。卡尔的父亲把小卡尔长到14岁以前的教育写成了一本书,这就是《卡尔?威特的教育》。书中详细记述了这个父亲的核心理念,一个人最终能否有所成就,其禀赋起着一定的影响,但最主要的还是后天的教育。教育得当,普通的孩子也能成长为天才。教育不当,即使再大的天才也会被毁掉。他记载了他的孩子成长的过程,教育心得、方法,提出了早期教育的理念。



Understanding Small Enterprises

I learnt a lot from Lu Qiang’s video.And my understandings are as follow.First ofall, there are some questions that I want to ask.What are the key charateristics of successful entrepreneurs? What does it take to be a successful

entrepreneur and is there a perfect combination of attributes that can be used to precict success? Are there different characteristics for successful entrepreneurs?

A great deal of research has been carried out in this area andwe do know thatthere are some key characteristic of successful entrepreneurs.Genderally speaking, successful entreprises should possess some advantages as follow.As far as I’m concerned, effectively managing the business enterprise involves many aspects.From the day-to-day to the large-scale annual events or maintenance,managerial duties are often never-ending.The solid leadership and understanding of the industry are a great start, but these alone will not create solid management in the business.First of all, lead with knowledge and confidence.To build your leadership skills, find a more experienced manager willing to mentor you.Use networking to connect with managerial staff from other companies that can give you wisdom.In this

ever-changing world, it is crucial that you stay current and informed on any technology, products and practices that relate to your company.Secondly, delegate effectively.No matter how skilled you are, you will not be able to manage everything on your own.However, delegating can create more work for you if you do not do it well.Make a list of things that you know you must do yourself and things that could successfully be accomplished by another.Your time should be spent in the areas in which you excel, but be careful not to over-delegate.If you have given

too many tasks away, you will spend all of your time monitoring their progress, leaving you unable to accomplish your own tasks.In addition, hire the right employees and manage them with care.Interview and

screen every candidate, performing background checks and credit checks, especially if they will be handling money.Be purposeful about job descriptions so that the eventual employee will know of your expectations and be clear about what is required of them.Set clear expectations in employee manuals and be prepared to consistently enforce those expectations.Consequences for unethical or inappropriate behavior should be labeled in employee manuals.Motivate and train your employees.As business practices and technology change, it is important educate your employees.Motivate them with bonuses and rewards for specific achievements.Building employee morale will benefit you and the business.Share the company’s success with the employees to give them a sense of ownership and belonging.Besides, highly motivated individuals believe in themselves and their ability to develop the business-and they transmit that enthusiasm to others.They encourage the other employees to be active and enthusiatic in achieving organisational goals and objectives.Thus, the entrepreneurs’ motivated behaviour is a goog pattern for the employees in adapting to the organisational environment.Meet the needs of your customers.Your employees should be well-trained in customer service, but you should lead as their best example.Make it a priority to truly listen to the needs of your customers.Ask appropriate, open-ended questions about the customer’s needs and desires.Successful entrepreneurs have a high level of enger and are hardworking people who are willing to stick with their business.Entrepreneurs generally work long hours and take responsibility for the hundreds of details involoved in mangging their business.They continue to work hard even when things do go wrong.Despite difficult times,successful entrepreneurs continue to takethe stepsneedsed to their bussiness dreams come true.Successful entrepreneurs have managerial and technical knowledge oftheir business.They know how to manage the business and have the balance of skills required for running the business.A sound working knowledge of both general business practices and the processes used to deliver goods and services is a must: the more skill sets that entrepreneurs have, particularly in the early stages of the new business, the better off they are likrly to be.Entrepreneurs are trained and have developed their managerial skills in the areas of marking, accounting, administration and managing people.Today’s entrepreneur has, alongside technical skills, a managerial and a good

educational background.In addition, there are a variety of highly skilled consultants who can help entrepreneurial ventures be successful.Last but not least, market your company effectively.Although the business owner may have a paid marketing staff, you must still be willing to use your own skills and those found in your own department to market your company.All in all, we should take every action after think and think again.Only in these ways can we make the enterprises better and better!




Dear all:

作文的提高无法一蹴而就,有机会我们可以慢慢来,不过在考前突击的情况下,记住下面的词汇并尽量用到作文里,还是可以一定幅度提分的。拿不准怎么用的问同学或问我。Shaped by the past, create the future—Durham University 的校训,送给大家。Let’s work hard to create our future!-----Best regardsCynthia


For examplefor instancetake…such as…and so on


That is to saynamelyin other words


soforthereforeas a resultthusbecausebecause ofthanks to


thenbesideswhat is moremoreoverfurthermorein addition


Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally.To start with, next, in addition, finally.First and foremost(第一的也是最重要的),besides, last but not least(最后,但也依然重要的)


neverthelesshoweveralthoughthoughbuton the contraryafter alloppositely


in shortin a wordin generalgenerally speakingfinally

at lastas far as I knowin briefbriefly speakingin the endas a matter of factin realityin facton the whole

in conclusiontherefore


reallyindeedcertainlysurelyfor sureabove all

对比:in the same wayjust asin common withcompared withon the one hand…on the other handfor one thing… for anothersimilarly


andboth…andas well asas wellneither noreither ornot only but also



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    英语作文的连接词 、常用句型 表示罗列增加 First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally For one thing … for another…, On (the) one hand......




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    高中英语作文连接词 1. in/ by contrast 对比之下 2. unfortunately 不幸地 3. though/ although 尽管 4. even though 即使 5. anyway 无论如何 6. after all 毕竟 7. all......


    想在写作中拿高分,巧妙地使用连接词语也是非常重要的。衔接与过渡性词语的使用是语言连贯性得以实现的最常用手段。在句与句之间,段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的连接 (过......


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    英语作文连接词 1. in/ by contrast 对比之下 2. unfortunately 不幸地 3. though/ although 尽管4. even though 即使5. anyway 无论如何6. after all 毕竟 7. all the sa......


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